#all might x derecho
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whirlybirbs · 7 months ago
oh my god i am dying at the All Might Agency dynamics. i love that they all have a running bet that their bosses are essentially sleeping together.
what about derecho being in an absolute terrible mood? and the only one who can cheer her up is toshinori???? (i have my period right now and this is me)
Everyone knows it's coming when you start to feel a little bit more like a live wire than usual. Those anger management classes did wonders during the beginning stages of your Villain Rehabilitation Course. You know how to breathe through your bigger feelings now, you know when you're dysregulated and need to take a walk.
But, boy.
Every couple of months, there's about a three and a half day stretch of where it's just best to avoid Derecho in the halls of the All Might Agency.
It's like you hit the short end of your leash — like being domesticated no longer sits right in your bones. So suddenly, the heroics are nothing more than a show and you can't stand the way people clamor to touch you, photograph you, and consume you... Like you're some sort of commercialized product being sold at the hands of the Hero Commission.
Toshinori Yagi gets it.
Your knee is bouncing up and down and up and down and up and down and—
An angry spark ignites your eyes. Toshinori's body shifts as he moves to lean against the weight rack you're seated under. He crosses his arms. You feel your lip curl. He shouldn't be here. You said you wanted to be left alone.
"Hey," he says again, this time a little softer, "Look at me."
He's probably going to give you lecture on lifting without a spotter again. He's probably going to tell you that working on your PR bench press alone and angry isn't advised, and that you need someone to make sure you're safe and how much caffeine did you have today and isn't your shoulder injury not fully healed yet—
But, no. Instead, he moves to stand behind you.
Your eyes meet his in the gym's mirror.
"You've got at least two more sets in you," he says smoothly with a growing smirk, "C'mon, I wanna see what you got."
And suddenly you're not so angry.
Because, even on the worst days, he's there to push you back up on your feet with a smile and a laugh.
— a reference to this fic here ;
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vlovann · 2 months ago
I’ve heard that some non-binary and transgender friends are having issues with their passports being denied.
I want to remind you that there are a lot of other countries that are accepting with real protections of the LGBT+ community and I’m sure, like my girlfriend and I, you’re looking at them specifically for getting out.
I had a realization that if more states start denying gender corrections on passports, I understand that it will be painful and I’m sorry the world is coming to it, but it might be safer to retract the request, let it revert to your incorrect identity, using your real identity socially when safe, and use that to get the hell out of America. Then, once you’re safe and a citizen, you should be able to get your gender changed in your new home.
I am unsure if the current state of America justifies applying for asylum to other countries, yet, or if it has to get even worse, but I already think it should be.
I’ve done my best to gather information from the top safest countries for LGBT+ people (in no particular order) below:
Norway (16+, guardian permission, citizen or registered resident): https://www.skatteetaten.no/en/forms/changing-gender/
Iceland (under 15 needs guardian permission and/or expert statement and case consideration, unsure about citizenship, but most likely similar to others): https://www.government.is/topics/human-rights-and-equality/equality/lgbti-affairs/
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In Iceland, no one can come for your rights. It just ends there, period. No explanation needed.
Sweden (18+, guardian permission, registered in Sweden, gender dysphoria assessment, “transsexualism” diagnosis and gender assessment team contact for at least two years according to, unsure of citizenship, most likely similar to others): https://www.rfsl.se/en/organisation/vard-for-transpersoner/transvaard/
Denmark (I can only find an LGBT Denmark article about how families with a non-binary minor are encouraged to apply to state their gender identity, I’m assuming citizenship or residency is required. My iPhone is saying a lot of these websites are trying to steal my information and the ‘visit site anyway’ button doesn’t do anything 🙄): https://lgbt.dk/en/denmark-opens-up-to-legal-gender-change-for-minors/
Netherlands (16+, citizen or resident for 1 year, expert statement, meaning a declaration to an expert that you are not your assigned gender and understand the risks): https://www.denhaag.nl/en/certificates-and-official-documents/change-your-registered-gender-you-were-born-abroad/
Germany (14+, guardian permission, easier for citizens, but options seem to be available if you aren’t registered yet if I understood correctly): https://dublin.diplo.de/ie-en/self-determination-2689792
Spain (all ages, but under 16 needs guardian permission, semi-related as of last year allowing illegal immigrants to earn residency and work permits according to PBS.org, citizenship needed as far as I can tell): https://administracion.gob.es/pag_Home/en/Tu-espacio-europeo/derechos-obligaciones/ciudadanos/familia/genero.html#-92e7156cb2a7
Malta (16+, citizens, people protected under their Refugee act, anyone entitled to an ID card, assuming similar residency of other countries; if you already have an official X from your previous country, they will honor it): https://humanrights.gov.mt/legal-gender-recognition-and-bodily-integrity/b
Portugal (+ name change, legal age or 16-17 through guardian or legal representative, need citizen card): https://www2.gov.pt/en/servicos/pedir-o-registo-de-mudanca-de-sexo-e-de-nome-proprio
Canada (all ages, presumably filled by parents under 16, citizen and immigrant resources readily available): https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/canadian-passports/change-sex.html
Most countries will require citizenship or residency. Some don’t explicitly say.
Feel free to comment or reblog with any corrections or additional countries or inside citizen information! Please help with more resources if you can. I can’t find or access some government websites because Apple is stupid.
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coyotecreek · 2 months ago
Final pairing for February litters is Oleander x Tungsten. I'm not happy about it either, but all should be set. Hopefully. I hate bringing all this up constantly, but it's all that's really going on right now. Nightshade, Mercury and Derecho ALL washed out this past week, and I'm not sure I want to give any of them another chance.
Not looking good for my American chinchillas. I can't even get the pairings I want, and my does have been so ridiculously difficult to breed. And if I do away with Mercury and Derecho, that just leaves Oleander. Who is very closely related to everyone except Polaris (and he's still related to her through Lupine). I might be screwed unless someone miraculously has purebred Amchins in my area again this year. My line has gone SO sideways.
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bigbadripley · 2 years ago
Chapter 13 - Duele
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Marc Spector&Co. x Ex!F!OC, F!OC x Modern!Miguel O'Hara
Summery: Everything changed after Marc and Simone moved to New York. Being in a relationship with the Fist of Khonshu proved to be difficult enough without the added obstacles of normal relationships being forced into the mix. With seemingly irreconcilable differences overhead, fate’s plans continue to drive the pair back into each other’s lives, testing their patience, self-control, and new relationships. Is it truly written in the stars, or is it old habits taking over?
18+!! | Third-person omniscient | Dark elements | AU/AT |   Warnings: Language, OC with religious trauma, childhood trauma, sexual trauma. Effects of trauma in adulthood. THIS IS A SEXUALLY GRAPHIC CHAPTER. Protected P in V (be smart), breeding kink if you squint, pet names, mention of past assault, mention of violence, lil bit of hurt/comfort
Words: 4K-ish
A/N: I update warnings with each chapter. Only proceed if you can handle the themes included in the warnings.
Minors DNI, DL;DR, if I miss a warning, please let me know.
Chapter List
"¿Dime quien te da el derecho? De robarme hasta el sueño Te quiero, pero me da miedo Darte hasta mis pensamientos" -"Duele" by Girl Ultra
Marc's words stuck to Simone's brain like chewing gum until they made it to Miguel's place. She didn't want to admit that he was right, but he was, and she felt terrible about it. 
He just admitted to being Spider-Man, so why can't I admit to all my shit now? She thought. No more secrets. 
Her train of thought got lost as Miguel clearly wanted to pick back up where they left off hours ago, sprinkling wet kisses along her jaw and neck and kneading her buttocks through her sweats. Simone ached, craving to leave this night behind and fuck this beautiful man again and again until she couldn't think about it anymore.
You gotta tell him, Simone. She thought as she heard his zipper come undone. She knew what needed to happen, and it couldn't wait, or it would just be harder to say. 
"Can we talk, Miggy?" She asked in a gasp as he lifted the back of her shirt, and cool air left goosebumps up and down her spine. 
"Can it wait?" He rasped before running his tongue over the salt of her collarbone. Simone whispered no into another airy breath, which Miguel met with a slight chuckle that made her knees buckle under her. "Then can we discuss it while I'm inside you?"
It was tempting to let it go, let him use her in unspeakable ways, allow him to take her right there in the middle of his mostly empty apartment, and finally clear herself and him of some very overdue tension, but the puddle she was melting into felt sludgy as Marc's voice played in her brain.
So we aren't all that different.
It buzzed in her ears as if she had heard it all over again.
"It'll be the biggest mood killer ever." She answered, trying her best to sound serious. Miguel paused momentarily before backing up, realizing they didn't talk much before when they had much less to discuss. After the night they had, she likely wanted to regroup.
"Is this about la bomba?" He asked, referring to the decoy as the bomb. Simone stepped back and sat in his red lawn chair while Miggy sat on the couch directly across from her and removed his glasses. His genuine, honest self looked back at her.
"No, it's something else." She started as she rolled her head on her shoulders, releasing the pressure of the topic and events that led up to this moment. A few small cracks filled the air before she spoke again. "I might have redacted some information the night we discussed my childhood. It's a lot of tough stuff to talk about, but if I don't tell you now, I may never get the chance." 
"Okay, go for it. Nothing can be wilder than Spider-Man." He said, thinking the bomb he dropped earlier had to be the highest tier of weird but wondering if this had anything to do with her ex coming around unexpectedly. 
Simone filled her lungs with enough air until she ran out of space before she replied under a heavy exhale. "Don't be so sure." She started, noticing that she was subconsciously picking her cuticles, and shook her hands out to stop. "Do you want me to start with the least crazy shit or go straight to the craziest shit?"
"I suppose least," Miggy answered with a slight shrug of his shoulders. Simone paused as she searched for which of the points could be considered the least crazy and gulped before she began.
"The main reason for Marc and I breaking up was because, at the time, I was pregnant, and he... didn't wanna talk about it." She told in a nonchalant tone, not wanting sympathy for something out of her control and avoiding explaining how Marc didn't want to talk about the baby. 
That'll be easier to explain as its own point. Simone thought. Don't wanna infodump.
Simone watched as Miguel's eyes widened at this reveal and quickly finished her thought. "Given that I'm not pregnant anymore and don't have a child in tow, I'm sure you can guess how that went down." 
Miguel's eyes softened as he put two and two together. "Shit, I'm sorry, Simone." He empathized. All she managed to do was shake her head in response, clearing her throat as it started to burn at the memory of feeling the movement in her abdomen, then suddenly feeling nothing but pain.
Though Miggy had no clue what that must have been like, he hated Marc even more now that he watched the woman he grew to care about so much take another deep, shaky breath to calm her nerves. 
Does she want kids? We haven't even begun to talk that over. He thought before Simone spoke again, causing him to lose his train of thought.
"Now, it's not necessarily that he didn't want to talk about it, but he disassociated and left his alters to take over while he panicked." She did her best to explain to the geneticist before her. "He has D.I.D. and two other parts of his system... who I was also involved with." 
As she finished, she realized the weird part of that explanation wasn't the condition itself and studied Miguel's face to gauge how he would respond. Though his silence as he gathered his thoughts wasn't the most troubling part, it was the fact that his eyebrows looked like they were about to go through his roof as he no doubt realized what her last sentence meant.
"You had... three boyfriends? At once?" He questioned, to which Simone quickly responded.
"Yes and no. It's a lot to explain." 
 All at once, it seemed that Miguel's thought was replaced by something else he needed to bring up more urgently. "Wait, that's why you called him Jake on the fire escape?"
Shit, I did, didn't I? Didn't think about that when it was happening.
"Jake was taking over at the time." She explained. "I could just tell by his walk."
Another long silence blanketed the room, causing Simone's anxiety over the next topic to rise. She considered putting this whole thing to bed and just glazing over it, but she knew she couldn't do that. It had to be now.
Before she spun together the courage to start, Miguel spoke up. "Does it get crazier than that?" He questioned. 
Honey, you have no idea.
"Remember when I told you about my tío?" She asked in response, knowing it was indeed about to get worse as she wiped her clammy hands down her sweatpants. Miguel nodded,
"The perv? Of course." 
Clearly, he didn't know where Simone was going with this. He knew about the assault, the house dress code, his rules... all of it made Miguel want to hurl. Though he assumed it would be more of the man's heinous actions that she would bring up, Simone knew he wasn't prepared for what she was about to say. She figured it would be best to say it quickly, like ripping off a band-aid, before she lost her nerve.
"I killed him when I was seventeen." She spoke flatly into the air, avoiding Miguel's gaze and directing her own at her newly gnarled cuticles. Old habits die hard.
From under her thick eyelashes, Simone could see Miguel's jaw grow lax before his head fell back, "Fuck." He said under his breath. The news surprised him more than all the other confessions of the night. Over the last months of knowing this woman, she seemed far too good to be true, and though he hated to admit it, he was wondering when the other shoe would drop. Everyone has something. 
This is it. I fucked it up. Simone thought to herself as the quiet grew thick and her stomach filled with stones. She could hear her own heartbeat in her ears as she waited.
"Why are you telling me all this now?" Miguel's calm tone sliced through the dense tension.
"Because we just had a very eventful night, and shit like that happens around me all the time, as you'll come to find out... if you choose to stick around." She described, sounding doubtful in the second half. The ball was in Miguel's court for that, but to Simone's surprise, a slight snicker escaped his throat.
"Shit like you getting thrown into a closet and having your identity stolen? Having to deal with your headcase ex-boyfriend because of it and Daredevil, who... I still don't know how you know that guy." 
"Chaos tends to follow me around." She started, attempting to sound lighthearted. "And as far as I can tell anyone, I know Double D from work." 
More awkward silence followed as she felt her chest begin to tighten. Even if Miggy was mad, she would prefer he express it over having to sit and wait for him to say something, anything. She decided to be the one to speak up first. "You okay?" She asked timidly.
Are you fucking high? Of course, he's not okay!
Miguel was quiet for another short beat before he hunched forward, resting his elbows on his thighs, really needing to look at Simone for the rest of this conversation. "It's just a lot of information to take in. I mean, you murdered your uncle?"
That's precisely what I did.
"He assaulted me, Miguel." She prefaced. "My mom didn't want me home, the last friends I had on the planet couldn't help... I just didn't think I had a choice. I would either go to prison or home, which seemed better than that hellscape." She rationalized, though she felt she didn't need to. What she wouldn't do was apologize for the actions of the scared teenager she once was.
Simone didn't expect to see Miguel nod, making her more nervous about the following sentence. 
"I know. I'm just struggling with the thought that you did that. I guess I understand, though." He said. Simone could have sighed with relief as the hefty weight was removed from her chest at his understanding, and figured it was time for a lighter note.
"Have I completely killed the mood?" She asked with a tick of her eyebrow, not expecting to be able to pick back up right away but not being totally opposed. 
Miguel welcomed the pace change and smirked, "Oh, not at all. In fact-" He began as he stood from the couch and sauntered the short distance between him and the lawn chair Simone sat in and bent down, bracing a hand on each of the plastic arms and bringing his eyes parallel to hers. "Seeing you get worked up before you swung on that L.M.D. earlier was fucking sexy."
"Is that right?" Simone questioned, biting her bottom lip. Without breaking eye contact, she spread her legs as far as she could manage in the chair, causing Miguel to be the one to break the staring contest first. 
"How about we play a little game." He said, tone making this sound more like a demand than a request. Simone felt her throat grow dry and could only manage a nod to accept. "Say it, cariño." 
"Okay." She spoke through the hoarseness, feeling her panties grow damp. She watched as he backed up from her and retook his seat on the couch, leaning back without prying his eyes away. 
"Stand up for me," Miguel told her, and Simone did as he said without a second thought. He gave her a once-over, not knowing much about the Wu-Tang logo dawned on her oversized t-shirt, but deciding he wanted to see her gray sweatpants come off first. "Take those off." He ordered, gesturing to the trousers. 
Simone was intrigued by the direction this game of Simon Says was taking, so she slowly slipped the pants down her thighs before they dropped to her ankles. Once they were kicked away, all that remained on her lower half were the pale pink underwear she put on simply for comfort, not style. 
Knowing they weren't the sexiest selection of undies, she tucked her thumbs into the waistband to take them off, as well. The short hairs on her pelvis were exposed for a split second before Miguel put his hand in the air. "Not quite yet." He stopped her. 
The elastic snapped back to her skin as she removed her thumbs, thinking back to how eagerly they were removed before. As she awaited her next task, she smoothed her hands over her bare thighs, attempting to iron out the goosebumps that scattered across her skin from the air's chill and red steel stare from the man before her.
Without another word, Miguel sat up on the cushion, bringing himself closer to the edge as he separated his left thigh from his right. Simone looked on with curiosity as he waved his hand at her in a come hither motion, then patted his thigh with the same hand. A wordless command that spoke volumes of what he had in mind.
Simone took a couple steps forward before turning to sit but was stopped in her tracks again by Miguel's big hands on her hips. "Not like that." He said, correcting her by maneuvering her back to face him. He brought her forward, placing his knee between her legs, and guided her body down.
His jeans grew tighter around his crotch as he felt the heat of her cunt through the denim. As much as he wanted to feel her wrapped around him, he needed this just as badly. It was something he had fantasized about when alone, and seeing as he couldn't fuck her to completion earlier, then with all the chaos that followed, he needed to watch her use him. 
Simone looked at him with her big doe eyes needily as her swollen nub rested on his muscular thigh. She knew she had to wait for the word before acting, so she waited patiently while the pads of his fingers explored her skin.
More tendrils rose as his palms went up her shirt, admiring every valley, bump, curve, crevasse, and scar that resided on the otherwise soft skin. From there, he pulled her forward, folding his mouth into hers. His tastebuds tickled the roof of her mouth as he felt around the area he had become intimately familiar with. 
"Go ahead," He whispered to her plainly. Simone didn't waste a second before rocking her hips, introducing much-needed pressure and friction to her achy clit. Soft, sheepish moans fell between them as Miguel's hands kneaded her breasts, and lips grazed her jaw.
Every bit of stress from the day disappeared as she rutted. At that moment, her focus was solely on the man she saw through fluttering eyelids and the encouraging words he whispered to her. 
"That's it, mi conejito. Don't stop." The new pet name buzzed in her mind, essentially calling her his bunny. She never thought she'd like being called that until right then. 
Her skin felt hot as her hips rolled faster, her panties entirely slick now as she braced her arms on Miguel's shoulders, riding like her life depended on it. She needed this so bad if anything else stopped her from climaxing tonight, she would surely scream. 
"Go on. I wanna see you come."
Miguel's member was painful as he watched her come undone, finally seeing her without a thought in her mind for the first time all night. He felt her wetness seeping through the fabric of his pants as she writhed and shivered, gutturally groaning through the intense orgasm. 
"Was that what you wanted?" He asked, smoothing his hands around her back, rubbing circles as she came back down with heavy breaths. A slight grin appeared over her slack lips, but no words came out as she reached between their bodies and unbuttoned his pants. 
His body twitched as he felt Simone's hand reach into his boxers and wrap gently around his cock to release it from the binds of the fabric. She gave it one solid pump between her fingers, admiring him as his head rolled on his shoulders in ecstasy of finally feeling something.
He's just too goddamn pretty. Simone thought to herself as she raised from her spot on his thigh to remove the half-wedgied panties and gave them a small toss. They landed on his chest, nearly on his chin, and he picked them up to examine as she retrieved a rubber from her overnight bag.
Running his thumb over the slickness that gathered on the cotton, his cock twitched again. He wanted to feel her fully, relish in her wetness, and leave his mark inside her, but she would never go for it. Simone was far too careful to let him in bare. 
Miguel had asked once before in a moment of weakness, desperately wanting to recreate his fantasy of filling her up, exploding deep inside her, but she declined. At least, now he knew why she refused. Though, he would like to say he would pull out if it meant finally slipping in her tight, soaked core-
I couldn't control myself. 
When Simone finally had the condom secured over his cock, she straddled his lap and lined herself up for entry, feeling a bit giddy to ride him. As she slid down his length, she tried to stay as quiet as possible, listening to the breathy fuck that expelled from Miguel's lips, feeling her stretch and hug him. 
He had waited hours to have her wrapped around him again and felt so desperate to come that he thought he would right then and there as she squeezed and relaxed her muscles, adjusting beautifully as always. 
Simone braced her hands on his shoulders as she started rocking her hips, dipping her head back as she groaned with pleasure again. Miguel held her hips tightly, digging his fingertips into the soft meat between her tummy and thighs. 
"You feel so good, cariño." He whispered weakly. She loved to hear it. Though Miggy might not know it, her goal wasn't to finish a second time but to milk his dick like it never had been before. She would make him crumble at her fingertips if it was the last thing she did.
"Yeah? You like my pussy, Miguel?" She spoke, attempting to keep a solid but sultry tone as the tip of his cock pushed against her favorite spot upon raising her hips. Her saying his name made him feel the wind leave his lungs, and he couldn't respond clearly but gave his best yes through a croak. 
Simone knew he was putty in her hands. "You like the way I squeeze your cock?" She spoke again. This time, he could only manage a frantic nod as she rose to his tip and slammed herself back down to his base. Her pace had quickened, and he was far too mesmerized to focus on lasting much longer. 
It was clear he was close. If the motion alone wasn't enough, the thought of his cock crying inside of her and the way he was acting was pushing her closer to her own high. Miguel's throat bobbed as he swallowed just enough saliva to form a sentence. 
"Fuck, I'm gonna come soon if you keep doing that." He warned, referring to her tightening and releasing of his length. Her core coiled further at his words and the quiet squeak of the sofa under her knees.
God, I'm counting on it. She thought as she fucked herself faster on his cock, grinding it in and out. 
Miguel's half-closed eyes focused heavily on her bouncing tits, hard nipples showing even though the black shirt and unconcealed by the logo of the... band? He still wasn't sure and didn't have the brainpower to think about it right then. His eyes flicked up to Simone's as another series of sinful moans slipped through her teeth. Her juices coated his balls, giving him an idea of what her hole must feel like right then.
That thought alone about did him in. 
"Oh, god, Simone." He said helplessly and involuntarily. She had never seen him like this, but fuck was it doing it for her. Her thighs burned from the constant movement, but she ignored it, pumping him in and out with no rhyme or reason to the motions anymore. The peak was right there, burning brightly and finally.
"Come with me, Miguel. Come with me!" She commanded, and like a spell, it happened. He gripped her ass and forced her hips roughly flush with his, feeling her cunt convulse around him as he shot his warmth into the condom, convinced it was enough to cause it to burst.
She cried out loudly at the pressure releasing in her gut and rutted herself as best she could, riding out her orgasm as Miguel writhed under her, chest rising and falling rapidly and breathing loudly. 
She collapsed forward and hugged herself to his body as they came down, relaxing to the feeling of his palm rubbing circles around her back under her shirt.
"So, what's a Wu-Tang?" Miguel finally asked through shallow breaths. Simone chuckled slightly, unsure if the question was meant to be serious. Hearing the sound made Miguel realize that this was one of those things where he didn't know about some significant part of pop culture, and he decided not to ask again.
She gathered herself on wobbly legs to step into the bathroom, still amused by the question and figuring he just had an insightful moment about where the group got their name. After all, there was no way anyone in their thirties hadn't heard of Wu-Tang Clan.
Miguel stood from the couch to dispose of the used rubber in his kitchen bin as Simone used his bathroom, feeling satisfied with how that went down, even if he did feel a bit powerless and at her mercy. It was unfamiliar. 
"Good evening, Miguel. Have you been working out? Your heart rate is registerin-" Lyla popped in from his watch, seemingly loudly, and he pressed his palm over the hologram. 
"Not now!" He bit, trying not to raise his voice above a whisper and hoping Simone didn't hear that through the thin walls. She seemingly had not, as he listened to the toilet flush and the bathroom door swing open behind him.
"My body's exhausted." She said before making a B-line to her backpack. She shuffled through the few belongings she packed, looking for her phone charger, and quickly realized she had forgotten it at her place. "Fuck."
"Missing something?" Miguel asked. 
"My charger. I can't let my phone die, have to be up for work in the morning." She explained. Miggy took a look at his phone and shrugged,
"Just use mine. I have a spare." 
Simone sighed with relief, thinking about how he had an extra charger but only three-ish pieces of furniture in his apartment. 
"Really? No offense, but it doesn't seem like you have a spare... anything."
As Miguel looked around his sparsely decorated home, he couldn't help but laugh at the comment and shake his head,
"You're right. When I moved in, I didn't expect to stay very long." He admitted. 
Clearly, that changed. I wonder why. Simone thought to herself, not wanting to pry further. She looked through the door in front of her at the full-sized bed and realized she was in a pickle:
Take the pills and risk the dreams, or get no sleep. Simone weighed both options, realizing how heavy her shoulders felt on her body. She desperately wanted to get some shut-eye before her appointments tomorrow, but her brain wouldn't let her sleep if she tried. She owed it to her patients to be fully charged, which meant taking the sleeping assisters. 
What's the worst that could happen?
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hausofmamadas · 2 years ago
I have no idea why tf, or for what tf, or who tf I even wrote this for besides it came to me and I don’t know what else to do with it but share bc like I think it’s kinda funny and like gifs. So, yeah, here’s a thing sksksksks a drabble? as the real fanfic writers say??
| Only good for a good time |
Character/Pairing: Isabella Bautista (heavily implied Isabella Bautista x Enedina Arellano Félix)
Word count: smol ~850
✷ TWs: the general stupidity of men none ✷
Because a pretty face, dirt poor from Culiacan, can only possibly be good for one thing, right? If Isabella Bautista had like a lifestyle guru blog or a Wordpress diary or was like some kind of YouTube vlogger and/or Instagram influencer or god forbid, had a Tumblr, I feel like this would be an entry?? Regardless of the exact avenue, she is out here, screaming into the void of the internet about how her almost bestie and the rest of the world did her so beyond dirty and questioning what it means to be so damn sexy all the time. (You think I'm joking ... I promise you, this might actually be that shallow.)
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It was almost like every breakup I’d ever had. A pat on the ass, a “thanks for your time” and “be on your way.” Actually it was worse, because none of the dirtbags I ever dated had left a check to add insult to injury. Another thing this one had that those breakups didn’t? The worst part? The absolute and complete cherry on top of this shit sundae?
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I didn’t. fucking. see it. coming.
In hindsight, I probably should have. I’d never worked with another woman before, so I kinda just chalked it up to that. Less dicks and egos to dance around and deal with. But if I think about it now, there were always three operating in the background, after hours, and things were going too well, working too smoothly, had too few headaches, too few fires to put out. That should’ve tipped me off. Because life is never so kind. I mean, they say you can’t have it all, right? I never used to believe that but I’m beginning to. Because a pretty face, dirt poor from Culiacan, can only possibly be good for one thing, right?
And yeah, I do like to have a good time, if your idea of a good time is watching endless reruns of El Derecho de Nacer with a seventy pound German shepherd, drooling, half-asleep in your lap. I guess I don't mind dancing either, but that always depends on the company you're with. (If you're ever in Colombia, I've got a number for este chulito viejito who ruined dancing for me because it's just not the same without him ...
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... he made that much of an impression.) But people are always projecting things onto me based on my looks. Which isn’t actually my problem … but is still somehow my problem.
So, it’s a question I ask myself often. Is it worth it to be beautiful? And now, don’t even start because I already know what you’re thinking like qué debo ser tan loca, sí? Oh poor linda, bonita, chulita, fresita. How life must be so terrible and hard for you. Cry me a river, pendeja. Ya cállate alashingada pues and smile.
And look, I get it. It sounds nuts to be asking that question porque por supuesto que sí, que ser linda, lo vale la pena.
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And you’re right. The answer to that question is "yes" ... in some ways. I mean, sure, it may have gotten me out of a ticket, paying a fine or two. And well, yeah, actually come to think of it, I’ve never paid for a drink in my life.
It’s also part of, but definitely not all (not even close) of what got me out of Sinaloa and onto bigger things. Tijuana, Colombia, beyond.
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Because people are nicer to you if you’re pretty. They tend to give you things when you ask (for the right ones) nicely.
But (and there’s always one of those) when I replay every single leer, every joke some sleazeball cracked about how “Colombians love a girl with a fat ass,” every pair of hungry, beady eyes behind sunglasses slid down the bridges of their noses. When I replay all of that? Yeah. I wish wasn’t. Or at least, not in the way I am.
See, because as much as I admire and respect her, the most annoying thing about Di— scratch that. One of the most annoying things about Dina is that she’s beautiful too. Noticeably so. I mean hey, I certainly noticed. Hell, I wouldn’t have passed up the opportunity had we not been in business together. He probably thinks he taught me so much, but Miguel was right about one thing: business in lust or love is a Bad Idea. (Well that, aaaand had she not been so busy making eyes at that Snack of a sicario working for them, whose name I can never remember.)
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(And really …. I can't blame her.)
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(… Or him, for that matter.)
So yeah, she’s beautiful. And yet, still, somehow people always seem to take her seriously. And okay yes, she’s someone who does naturally command respect, sure. But hey! Newsflash! We’re not that fucking different!
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How do you think we worked together so well in the first place?
I guess, maybe it’s that she’s beautiful in a way that’s honest and doesn’t make too much noise. Frankly, for the longest time, I always thought it was because of how she dressed, like in those unflattering, oversized tiger sweaters. And good god, that 80-year-old librarian’s polka-dotted suit jacket, the one that made her look like a kooky preschool teacher …
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If preschool teachers came customized with a mouth that savage. (I don’t think they do.)
But that theory went right out the window. Because when I did that, no matter how hard I tried to make myself look hard, they still all saw the same thing. One Thing. (Except the One Person I might’ve actually wanted to see the One Thing. Then again, what’s that saying? Don’t shit where you eat? As I said, bad for business. Although, now that I think about it, maybe I should’ve thrown caution to the wind since the whole thing went to shit anyway. Oh well. Así es la vida.)
Oh, I’m not even gonna bother spelling it out for you. Don’t ask questions you already know the answer to. And you do already know what it is. Because it’s the One Thing you see too, isn’t it? I mean, isn’t it what you all came for in the first place?
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proxyoddo · 3 years ago
The Right Approach
One-shot: Tech x gn!reader
Words: 2K
Summary: Tech hasn't slept for a few days, and you're worried about him. No one has been able to convince him to a bunk, but Hunter thinks you might be able to get through to the goggled trooper.
AN: This week has been kicking my ass, and I've not had much time to focus on Derecho. Part 4 is almost done and will come soon, but I felt bad because I haven't posted in a while. So, have this kinda cute fluff with Tech that I wrote trying to get my mind into writing.
(I am also shite at titling things 😅 )
Warnings: None, only fluff and snuggles.
It had been four days, and Tech had not slept. With the repairs needed for the console in the cockpit, he had been working endlessly to be sure that the Havoc Marauder would be at 100% working capacity before they next took off from Kamino. The rest of the Batch did what they could to help, but much of it was intricate - more than one hand would not help.
Currently you were standing outside the ship, staring up the steps ready to stomp inside and give Tech a piece of your mind. How did he think he would get you all off the ground if he ran headlong into it himself?
You heard a clunk and a curse from inside, coming from Tech. You frowned, and were about to take the first step into the Marauder when a hand firmly grasped your shoulder.
“Y/N,” came Hunter's voice, and you sighed heavily before turning your head to face him. “You know he won’t stop. Especially if you’re just going to just tell him outright ‘get your ass to bed’.”
“Well what the kriff are we supposed to do then?” you asked with a slight hiss, frustration getting the best of you.
Hunter fixed you with a sympathetic gaze, and shrugged sadly. “Eventually he’ll just pass out in there-”
“And break something while he’s at it? Hurt himself?”
“There was a 'but' in that sentence, Y/N,” Hunter said, smiling a little and giving you a push towards the steps. “You might be able to get through to him.”
You looked at him incredulously, causing him to actually chuckle.
“Tech likes having you around. He’d probably listen to you if you approach it the right way. And based on how much you also seem to care about him, I figure you’re stubborn enough to get him to a bunk,” he said, as if he were just talking about the clouds passing through the sky. You could feel heat rising up your cheeks. “And yes, before you ask, I’ve known for a bit. Heightened senses, remember?”
You cursed internally. When you had joined the squad as their combat medic, you had taken an immediate liking to Tech. And with time, it just grew. Certainly he could talk for hours, and sometimes it was difficult to keep up with his excited chatter, but he was an amazing man. Strong, insatiably curious - and even with his oftentimes hard, matter-of-fact tone - incredibly caring. You had flirted with him from time to time, sometimes not even recognizing it yourself until afterwards. But the trooper seemed to be none the wiser to your actions. Never stopped your heart from racing whenever your hands accidentally touched though, or if he gave you one of those rare Tech smiles. That must be how Hunter knew; he could literally hear the thunder of your heart when the two of you were together.
“You really think I can get through to him?” you asked quietly.
“Worth a try,” Hunter said. “Besides, the rest of the squad are also getting antsy. If I have to listen to Crosshair go on about knocking Tech out with Gonky anymore, I might have to hide the droid.”
“He wouldn’t.”
“Crosshair likes to sleep in his bunk,” Hunter replied. “At this point he’d go to whatever lengths, I would imagine.”
You laughed, and nodded to the sergeant. He waved you on before turning away, likely to head back to the others. Turning and looking into the ship, you steeled yourself before going up the steps and stopping outside the cockpit.
“Tech?” you called.
“Yes, Y/N?” came his voice, seemingly bright as if he was actually still getting a regular amount of sleep.
“How… How’s it going in there?”
Another loud clunking sound and dropping equipment had you stepping inside, looking to find Tech on the ground under the console. The plastoid that normally covered his chest and back was gone, propped up against the wall next to the console.
“It’s going fine!” Tech growled, tossing something out of the compartment he was in giving you just enough time to skirt out of the way before it clanged against the wall opposite of him.
“Hmm, sounds it…” you muttered, before squatting down. He continued on whatever he was working with while you thought for a moment. “Hey Tech-”
“Y/N, please, I am attempting to get the comm frequencies on this damnedable thing working in proper order,” he said, and you could see him turn to look at you for a moment with a reflection of his goggles. “While the Marauder still has functional comm capabilities, the extensive damage from our last encounter with the Separatists has weakened the signal strength, which poses a threat to us while in the field which as you can understand-”
“I have a question,” you interrupted. He stuttered to a halt, and there was silence for a few moments before his hands appeared at the lip of the console and he pulled himself out. The words “sleep deprivation” practically screamed at you from the features of his face.
“Yes?” He seemed intent to answer whatever it was that you were going to ask, even if he had been frustrated a moment ago. Maybe Hunter had been right, and you could get through to him.
You swallowed a little, his tired face filling you with resolve. “What happens to someone when they do not sleep for 4 or more days?”
Tech frowned a little, before going into his answer. “Typically after 3 days of no rest, a person’s urge to sleep will get worse and they will begin to experience microsleeps. Perception is also significantly impaired, and reaching 4 days without adequate rest will continue to distort it. In some, the urge to sleep will become unbearable. It can result in sleep deprivation psychosis.”
You nodded along throughout his entire explanation without saying anything. When he finished, the two of you stared at one another for a few moments of silence.
“Oh,” Tech said with quiet understanding.
“C’mon,” you said warmly, standing up and holding a hand out to him.
Tech shook his head, and you briefly considered going to find Gonky. “I understand your concern, and though it is appreciated, I just need to complete one last thing with the comms before I believe they will be properly functional,” he said. Tech began looking around before his eyes fell on his datapad behind you on one of the seats, and pointed to it. “Could you pass that to me?”
You took the datapad in your hand, but didn’t hand it to Tech. He looked at you with confusion as you began to step away.
“If you want the datapad, Tech,” you began, stepping out of the cockpit, “you’re going to need to come and get it.”
You smiled a little when you heard him getting up from the cockpit floor behind you. “Please, Y/N, I need to calibrate it.” You ignored him, continuing to the bunks before crawling up into the one you usually slept in. You sat back on the bunk, back leaning against the wall, holding the datapad up next to your head.
Tech entered the room, looking even more tired as he stared up at you. “I’m unsure what you are attempting to accomplish here other than getting on my nerves.” You just smiled in response, waving the datapad at him. With a big sigh from him, you watched as Tech pulled himself slowly up to the bunk, and then knelt in front of you between your feet.
“Give it,” he said, losing any formality. You shook your head, waving the datapad again.
In any other circumstance, Tech literally crawling into your lap with a determined expression like he currently had, would have left you breathless. But your intent to get him exactly where he was now, reaching for the datapad and face so very close to your own, helped you keep focus. When Tech’s fingers firmly grasped around the datapad, you let go and leaned forward. Your arms wrapped around his torso and your legs around his, pulling him directly into your embrace, his chin hitting your shoulder.
“Y/N?” Tech tentatively asked, a bit breathless against you.
“You need to sleep, Tech,” you whispered against his ear, arms squeezing just a little tighter as he tried to move. You felt his sharp intake of breath and he completely stilled in your arms, tensely holding himself up. “Relax.”
“I… I need to-” he began, but his sentence was broken by a soft groan as one of your hands began to run up and down his back. A soothing motion, fingertips ghosting over his side as your palm ran along his spine. Your other arm moved under his, your hand reaching up to the back of his neck and gently running through the short hair found at the base of his skull.
You leaned your head gently to the side, pressing against his. “Please, Tech,” you pleaded, and you felt him begin to relax in your arms.
“Cyar’ika...” he sighed, and his voice was thick with sleep. His resolve gone due to your ministrations, he finally let his whole body slump against you, and he turned his face into your neck. You could feel his warm breath and cool goggles against your skin and you couldn’t help the small shiver that spread through your body.
“That’s it, Tech,” you cooed, loosening the grip of your legs so he could settle more between them. In doing so he slid down your chest a little, making you glad that at some point he had decided to discard his chest plate. You heard the datapad hit the bunk’s thin mattress as Tech's arms wrapped around you, pressing his face more firmly into your chest with a deep breath.
You felt a gentle warmth spread through you as you both embraced one another. You couldn’t help but smile down at Tech, and you gently reached up to carefully slide the goggles from his face before setting them down on the bunk near the datapad. It was mere moments before you could tell Tech was asleep against you. Moving carefully, you pressed your lips against the top of his head and leaned back again.
“Comms will still be there when you get up,” you said to his sleeping form, before closing your eyes and feeling a bit drowsy yourself.
It was a while later that you woke to the sound of someone entering the Marauder. You had no idea how long you had been asleep, and you opened your eyes slowly, looking about the compartment to find Crosshair standing there. His arms were crossed over his chest, and he was looking at you with a smirk. He just nodded when he saw your attention was on him, and climbed into the bunk below the one you currently occupied with Tech.
Speaking of, the usually goggled clone was still sleeping soundly against you. You smiled before gently running your fingers through his hair, feeling him sigh and snuggle more into your body.
“Hey Cross?” you called out, careful not to be too loud.
A grunt of acknowledgement was the sniper’s response.
“...what does ‘cyar’ika’ mean?” you asked after a moment’s pause. Tech had said it earlier, but you didn’t know what it was.
You were met with silence, and you were beginning to wonder if Crosshair was actually going to answer you. You resigned yourself to mystery when he finally spoke:
“It’s Mando’an. It means ‘darling,’ ‘beloved,’ or ‘sweetheart’.”
You froze. Tech had called you that? A blush creeped up your skin, and you knew if Crosshair had been looking at you he’d see just how red you were in the semi-darkness of the Marauder.
“Th-thanks,” you said back, before looking down at Tech. You didn’t think you had ever seen the trooper look as relaxed as peaceful as you did right now, and you couldn’t help but smile. Leaning down just a little, you hugged him a little tighter.
“Cyar’ika,” you soothed, and smiled more as Tech’s arms squeezed you tighter as well in response.
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el-cadejos · 2 years ago
CharaDev para Radamanthys
1) Describe your character’s relationship with their mother or their father, or both. Was it good? Bad? Were they spoiled rotten, ignored? Do they still get along now, or no?
La relación entre él y su padre Arthur nunca fue particularmente cercana, y el puente entre ellos siempre fue Aranja, su madre.
Aranja le mimaba y consentía, siempre dispuesta a explicar lo que ni él ni Arthur sabían comunicar.  Sin embargo, cuando ésta regresa a las Islas Faroes y ellos se quedan en Londres, todo se deteriora a dos individuos viviendo en la misma casa.
2) What are your characters most prominent physical features?
El iris amarillo y la mirada penetrante, aún de niño. Su contextura de adulto es gruesa, atlética e intimidante.
3) Name one scar your character has, and tell us where it came from. If they don’t have any, is there a reason?
Entre las más notables son en el brazo derecho 3 marcas horizontales y en la pantorrilla izquierda una “X”, producto de entrenamiento con Minos y Aiacos, respectivamente.
4) How vain is your character? Do they find themselves attractive?
Radamanthys sabe que su ceja le resta puntos ante ciertos estereotipos de belleza, pero personalmente no le molesta. Le gusta estar presentable.
6) Describe your character’s happiest memory.
7) Is there one event or happening your character would like to erase from their past? Why?
No del que esté consciente, aunque a veces no sabe si averiguar cómo murió su madre fue acierto o error.
9) Who does your character trust?
Pandora, Valentine, y en objetividad, Aiacos y Minos. Reconoce la lealtad de su División y no habría dudas durante la batalla.
10) Can you define a turning point in your character’s life? Multiples are acceptable.
El regreso de su madre a Islas Faroes dejó un hueco emocional que Arthur no supo rellenar (y Radamanthys tampoco supo hacerlo por su padre).
Convertise en Espectro le dio un propósito y un sentido de pertenencia, cuando anteriormente viajaba mucho al sentirse desapegado de todo.
11) Is there an animal you equate with your character?
Gulo Gulo.
12) How is your character with technology? Super savvy, or way behind the times? Letters or email?
Aprecia la comodidad que brinda, pero depende poco de ella. Radamanthys tiene una excelente memoria y se sabe los números de teléfono y direcciones de correo electrónico al dedillo.
13)  What does your character’s bed look like when he/she wakes up? Are the covers off on one side of the bed, are they all curled around a pillow, sprawled everywhere? In what position might they sleep?
Algo desarreglada sin llegar al desastre, le gustan las cobijas gruesas. Duerme boca arriba y de lado ocasionalmente.
14) How does your character react to temperature changes such as extreme heat and cold?
Ni fu ni fa.
15)  Is your character an early morning bird or a night owl?
Intermedio, aunque más nocturno una vez se vuelve Espectro.
16) Are there any blood relatives that your character is particularly close with, besides the immediate ones? Cousins, Uncles, Grandfathers, Aunts, et cetera. Are there any others that your character practically considers a blood relative?
Es hijo único de dos hijos únicos, así que no hay familia extendida. Durante su juventud y temprana adolescencia tuvo compinches, pero sus nombres y rostros se perdieron en el olvido.
17) What’s your character’s desk/workspace look like? Are they neat or messy?
Relativamente ordenado, pero siempre lleno de papeles y otros pendientes. La gaveta superior tiene snacks para Goebbels, el corgi-zombie que adoptó por sugerencia/falta-de-oposición a Pandora.
18) Is your character a good cook? What’s their favorite recipe, whether they’re good or not? (Microwave mac-and-cheese applies.)
Radamanthys puede cocinar recetas sencillas, pero nada de repostería.
19) What’s your character’s preferred means of travel?
20) Does your character have any irrational fears?
21) What would your character’s cutie mark be?
22) If your character could time travel, where would they go?
Ñoño histórico querría ver en vivo y en directo la Batalla de Hastings, 14/oct/1066.
23) Is your character superstitious?
Sí, aunque con moderación.
24) What might your character’s ideal romantic partner be?
Una mujer que pueda interpretar sus emociones a pesar de que él no pueda comunicarlas apropiadamente es lo que más necesita. Ah, y que no tenga pecas.
25) Describe your character’s hands. Are they small, long, calloused, smooth, stubby?
Sus dedos son gruesos, grandes y sus manos tienen una textura simular al cuero.
27) Pick two songs that describe your character at two different points of their life, and explain why you chose them.
Cowboys from Hell - Pantera (sobre ser Espectro)
Poison - Alice Cooper (sobre su relación con Pandora)
29) How does your character smell? Do they wear perfume or cologne?
Radamanthys nunca ha sentido una conexión particular con el mundo vivo, sino con lo muerto (eventualmente entenderá el por qué). Pandora y Goebbels obedecen el mismo principio, siendo una la comandante infernal y el otro un zombie. La única excepción a esta regla es Gawain (lo que le genera muchos conflictos internos; Radella es un caso aparte).
Antes de aceptar a la Estrella Maligna, buscaba maximizar las emociones que sentía en cada aspecto posible, pero una vez concretado el pacto, se redujo su campo emocional.
La razón por la cual Rada es una ballerina en el genderbend AU es porque es una profesión que requiere disciplina, y esa es una de las características más importantes de su personalidad.
Su establecimiento “defectuoso” de lazos de confianza le permite ser más objetivo a la hora de juzgar almas. Sin embargo, un caso bien presentado puede lograr que tome decisiones que normalmente no consideraría.
Los Drakes son casi siempre percibidos como dragones jóvenes (”inmaduros”), y el verbo “Fallen” (caído) es una intrascendente sutileza que me permito para darle un apellido al personaje (Fallendrake).
Radamanthys nació en Faroe Islands, Dinamarca y vivió ahí hasta los 9 años. Luego se mudaron a Londres, donde la relación entre sus padres comenzó a deteriorar.
Formó parte de los aircadets entre los 14 y 17 años.
Aunque la Estrella Maligna estuvo pastoreando a Radamanthys durante varios años, no se fusiona con su alma hasta los 19.
Basado únicamente en lo que vemos en el animé y el manga, para mí lo que existe es un interés no correspondido de Radamanthys por Pandora. Canónicamente hablando, ella tiene 16 y el 23; aún si fuera correspondido, él debe ser adulto y aceptar que 7 años es demasiado, y peor aún con alguien pasando por la adolescencia. El Scumbag me arregla la vida, porque yo prefiero pensar que Panda tiene 19, Prada AU.
Domina los siguientes idiomas: Inglés, Danés, Alemán, Gàidhlig, Lallans
Goebbels no es su primera mascota, pero ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que tuvo un perro ovejero bajo su cuidado.
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queenofnightdreamland · 4 years ago
Hermosa flor (Aizawa x reader)
Hola, este es el primer escrito que me animo a publicar en tumblr. Va a tener varias partes (no se cuántas, pero son mínimo 3). Espero les guste.
Pareja: Aizawa Shota (Ereaserhead) x fem!reader
Fandom: Boku no Hero/My Heroe Academia
Soulmate AU/Almas gemelas UA
Advertencias/Warnings: sangre, mención de muertes, lenguaje fuerte, peleas, ¿tristeza? ¿traición?, smut (no por el momento)
Intro: Cada persona que tiene un alma gemela nace con una frase en su antebrazo, las primeras palabras que esa persona va a dirigirles al conocerse. (T/N) es una heroína que ya daba por perdida su oportunidad de conocer a esa persona especial, pero todo cambia un día.
I / II / III / IV / V
Desde pequeña, siempre había soñado con encontrar a esa persona que le diría las palabras que tenía escritas en su piel, su misma alma, para ser exactos. Sus amigos y compañeros comenzaron a encontrarlos con el paso de los años y antes de llegar a los 18 años, la mayoría había conocido a esa persona.
Su alma gemela.
Cuando pasó a estudiar a la academia de héroes más prestigiosa de América Latina, llegó con ansias por encontrar a su alma gemela, pero los años pasaron y nada.
Ahora, tenía 26 años. Poco a poco había dejado enterrada en lo más profundo de sí, la esperanza de encontrarla.
Su trabajo demandaba muchos riesgos y realmente esperaba que no estuviese rondando el mundo con cada herida grave que se había llevado. Aunque; algunas veces, ella misma debía correr al hospital por ciertos golpes o dolores muy graves. Eso la dejaba saber algo; su alma gemela estaba por allí.
Hace poco, Nezu, el director de U.A., le ofreció un puesto como profesora. Realmente, no pudo negarse, siempre había sido un sueño enseñar a las generaciones futuras de héroes.
La conversación que tuvo personalmente al llegar a Japón le dejó en claro muchas cosas. Nezu quería aprovechar de la doble identidad con la que le habían graduado. No estaba muy cómoda con eso, pero la habían utilizado como espía en las redes de villanos más que como heroína.
-Los villanos han estado causando revuelo últimamente y siendo sincero, me preocupa mucho la seguridad de mis alumnos – comenta y ella asiente
-Lo entiendo, yo también estaría preocupada por ellos.
-Quisiera que provocaras un severo alboroto pronto. No quisiera que lastimaras a alguien, pero esa es una posibilidad – admite y ella asiente
-Sabes que nunca ha sido mi intención, ni siquiera hace varios años con Tyrant… Nunca había peleado contra un héroe con claras intenciones de matar; sólo me defendí lo mejor posible.
-Lo sé… ¡Oh! Alguien más estará involucrado, creo que ya has trabajado con él en el pasado – señala Nezu y ella arquea una ceja.
Un golpe en la puerta la alertó, luego del permiso de Nezu por esta entró un hombre enorme, musculoso y dos mechones rubios sobresalían de su cabeza.
-All Might – exclama sorprendida y él sonríe divertido
-Un gusto volver a verte, pequeña (T/A)
-Te vez bien, me alegro – señala divertida y él se sentó en una silla al lado de la mujer, para luego, dejar su verdadera forma a la vista.
-Igualmente… ¿Qué planeas hacer?
-Pensaré en darme una vuelta por los límites que defiendes, podría ser un banco o una joyería, algo clásico.
-La marca de Tormenta – comenta divertido
-Necesito hacerme notar. Aunque necesito que ningún otro héroe esté rondando por allí, sería extremadamente peligroso.
-Nos encaremos de eso, no te preocupes – señala Nezu.
Todo estaba saliendo de acuerdo con el plan. La cara de terror de los ciudadanos le hacía sentir una horrenda culpabilidad. All Might entró con un gran alboroto y ella rio a todo pulmón, helándoles la sangre a varias personas presentes.
-Pero ¿quién es al que veo? ¿El grandioso All Might?
-Libera al rehén, podemos arreglar esto nosotros dos, no hay porqué atemorizar tanto a los civiles – ella volvió a reír y presionó con fuerza la pistola contra la sien de su rehén
-Eso es tan aburrido – exclama en un tono musical y alargando la o final –. Tendrás que ofrecerme algo mejor, All Might.
¡” Yeah”! – exclamó alguien a sus espaldas y eso provocó que soltara al rehén y la pistola de golpe para cubrir sus oídos, podría jurar que sus tímpanos iban a explotar.
¡Mierda! – exclama ella y parpadea con rapidez quitándose del golpe que el héroe de cabello rubio recién llegado le proporcionó, se dirigió al agujero de la pared y saltó no sin antes dejar en claro que eso no se quedaría así.
¡Yo voy por ella, PresentMic! – exclama All Might y se adelanta – ¡Gracias!
(T/N) se dejó caer contra el suelo de un callejón cercano y se quitó el pasamontaña mientras respiraba de forma acelerada. Eso es tuvo demasiado cerca.
-¿Estás bien? – escucha la voz de All Might y ella niega aturdida
-Lo estaré… creo que me reventó un tímpano, me duele… - responde y toca su oído derecho para observar la sangre
-Te llevaré a la clínica de U.A., Recovery Girl te ayudará – admite y ella asiente agradecida
-Deja que me cambie, será demasiado evidente.
La visita a la Recovery Girl fue sencilla, luego de eso, All Might la llevó a su primera reunión de personal. De los únicos que conocían su verdadero propósito eran Nezu, All Might y Recovery Girl.
La presentaron y pronto le sostuvo la mirada a PresentMic, quien no dejaba de observarla curioso.
-¿Sucede algo? – pregunta curiosa
-Siento que te he visto en algún lugar – señala y (T/N) deja escapar una risita divertida
-No lo creo… pero eso podría sonar como un intento de coquetear
PresentMic comenzó a reír y Midnight también le siguió en risa – Tiene razón, sonó como un intento estúpido de coquetear.
-Por favor…
-Bien, ¿alguien quiere decir algo? – Pregunta Nezu – Opiniones, sugerencias.
-Yo quiero decir algo… Está bien que sea un héroe clandestino en Latinoamérica, pero necesito saber que tiene el nivel necesario para entrenar a los chicos y guiarlos – interrumpe Snipe
(T/N) bajó la mirada y asintió – Entiendo su preocupación, supongo que podría escuchar una propuesta para demostrar mi valía.
-¿Qué tal una pelea? – propone Cementos
-Yo lo veo viable, me gusta la idea – señala All Might y ella asiente
-Entonces una pelea será – señala Nezu
Todos se prepararon, Snipe pidió ser quien enfrentara a (T/N), además de Ectoplasma y Ereaserhead. (T/N) sabía sobre la mayoría de ellos, pero Ereaserhead era un caso curioso, nunca había escuchado o leído sobre él en algún momento de su vida.
La batalla comenzó, se sorprendió cuando no pudo utilizar su quirk y esquivó a duras penas un disparo de Snipe. Se cubrió detrás de una columna y probó utilizar su quirk, funcionó. Sintió la presencia de Snipe y lo atrapó con varias plantas impidiéndole que se moviera.
(T/N) saltó fuera de la columna y fue recibida por ectoplasma o uno de sus clones, volvió a utilizar su quirk y fue detenida otra vez. Buscó con la mirada al otro héroe y lo observó sentado en lo alto de un pilar mirándola fijamente… ¿Conque era borrar? Un excelente quirk para un héroe, sus ojos comenzaron a escocer y siguió luchando contra ectoplasma hasta que sintió su quirk ser liberado, en un golpe combinado atrapó al otro profesor y lo lanzó hacia Sniper.
-¡Acabala, Ereaser! – escucha los gritos de PresentMic y ella no pudo evitar reír.
-Tsk… no seas tan ruidoso – escucha y lo observa dirigirle un golpe directo con el arma de captura.
Lo esquivó y se refugió con dificultad, levantó varias raíces del suelo y lo escuchó maldecir, pero por más quirk que tuviese no podía hacer nada contra lo que ya ella había creado. Preparó varias bellotas en un ataque de pánico y comenzó a lanzarlas hacia él mientras corría para poner distancia, debía de haber una distancia límite para ese poder.
Él la sorprendió dando un salto y cayendo a sus espaldas, comenzaron a enfrentarse a golpes. Ambos evadían con facilidad los movimientos del otro. Él le sujetó el brazo y le hizo una llave provocando que quedara pegada a su cuerpo. (T/N) le lanzó un cabezazo y lo escuchó lanzar una maldición, sintió como su propia nariz recibía un fuerte golpe. Cuando la soltó cayó de rodillas y sujetó su nariz mientras se quejaba. Se volteó y observó a Ereaserhead sujetar su nariz al mismo tiempo, se miraron a los ojos y ella lo miró con casi espanto.
-¿Acaso te golpeaste a ti misma?, vaya héroe estás hecha
Ella abrió mucho sus ojos y preguntó con voz quebrada – ¿Qué acabas de decir? – pregunta y su corazón comenzó a latir con fuerza como si quiera salir de su caja torácica.
Aizawa abrió sus ojos y le mantuvo la mirada; ambos ojos estaban rojos, les picaban un poco y la nariz sangrante de ambos… El dolor compartido y esas palabras que se intercambiaron…
No, no podía ser cierto.
Debía de estar soñando. No podía ser posible.
(T/N) se volteó, soltó su nariz y con su mano manchada de sangre levantó la manga de su traje de héroe para confirmar lo que su corazón acelerado y la calma que le estaba provocando ver a ese hombre, le decían. Las palabras que habían salido de la boca de Aizawa estaban marcadas allí, en su misma piel.
-¡Hey! ¿Todo bien? – pregunta Present-Mic una vez bajó a revisar lo que había sucedido. Se inclinó a revisar lo que la nueva veía con tanta atención en su brazo – Ereaser, eso fue lo que le dijiste hace poco. Un momento… ¡Oh, mierda!
Eso mismo, ¡Oh, mierda!
-Creo, creo que he perdido – admite Ereaserhead, Midnight se acerca a ayudar a levantarlos.
-Vamos donde Recovery-Girl, necesitan curarse esas narices – murmura intentando procesar lo que habían presenciado, era claro como el agua, que ellos dos eran almas gemelas.
Una vez fueron atendidos, Recovery los dejó a solas mientras arreglaban lo que tuviesen que arreglar.
-Perdona, jamás pensé que fueses… - comienza ella y él niega
-Supongo que ambos lo pagamos…
-Uhm… ¿quisieras ir por un café luego del trabajo? – pregunta ella y él no puedo evitar sonreír
-Sí, claro – responde y se pone de pie para dirigirse a la puerta de la enfermería –. Peleas bien.
(T/N) se sonrojó y bajó la mirada.
Nunca había pensado y mucho menos esperado, encontrar a su alma gemela en esa situación. (T/N) cubrió su rostro con sus manos y se dejó caer contra la camilla mientras dejaba escapar un sonidito de emoción.
-¡Pero si esto se ha convertido en una floristería! – escucha a alguien, que le había costado su tímpano antes, exclamar. Apartó las manos de su rostro para observar por la ventana todas las flores que había hecho florecer antes de tiempo.
Su rostro se coloreó de un tono rojizo y escuchó a alguien reír.
-Vaya, es un poder impresionante el que tienes – señala la anciana
-G-gracias… No es la gran cosa
-Jaja… yo pienso que sí, justo lo que ese testarudo de Ereaser necesitaba en su vida, un poco de color y calidez.
(T/N) se sonrojó de nuevo ante las palabras de la señora y le entregó un vasito con té mientras conversaban sobre ciertas cosas del lugar.
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catricx · 4 years ago
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Boku No Hero Academia Un Nuevo Inició - Bnha x tu- (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/258437219-boku-no-hero-academia-un-nuevo-inici%C3%B3-bnha-x-tu?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=Catricx01&wp_originator=HmLbeRlIKNvgjU4G5C1HZwoQsnEPXkhXzpBf2Gsjb%2BxN2hDff%2BDwK5tqzPrsav06dLoromzbNOraDF8ox1U8dMaFDnxEzoHBuEeOvOkN0CjdQiURbsU28YmQBbDSBPgk -!!SOY UN MALDITO MONSTRUO¡¡¡- grito ella temblando Tu nombre es Katherine Yagi... claro hija de el gran All Might sip esa. Tu quirk es: Regeneración Molecular (osea te curas automáticamente cuando te hieren, Pero lo malo es cuando son heridas muy graves puedes morir o quedar en coma, cuando son algo graves estas te desmallas puesto que tu cuerpo ya no puede mas y caes pero las heridas se curan mas rápido), Teletranspotacion solo en un radio de 25 kilómetros, control de espacio y tiempo, (bueno esos son los principales) Copiar cualquier quirk (sip puedes copiar cualquier quirk puedes combinarlos etc... Puede que sea raro pero de tu madre habías sacado unas grandes y fuertes alas con las cuales puedes volar y las plumas las puedes usar como proyectiles, que estas desaparecen cuando tu quieres y pues como de niña tuviste un gran problema tienes tres personalidades aparte de la tuya) tienes una exe cuando te conviertes en ella usas un bozal ya que tus dientes se convierten en picudos y pueden arrancar clavículas tu cabello blanco se convierte en negro y la raya negra en blanco tus ojos son completamente rojos y por fuera de estos negro tus alas cambian a un clor negro. Tu eres: cabello color blanco con toques plateados y una gran línea negra, tienes heterocromía de color ojo izquierdo verde y el derecho morado. Crees que tu gran deseo de ser héroe y matar a All For One podrá resistir a la gran tentación de el amor, amistad, cariño, etc... Esta es una historia de poliamor buscad si no entienden. Advertencias: ~Esta serie contiene Lemon. ~Palabras muy fuertes. ~Si tienes una gran imaginación te recomiendo que vallas dejando tu niñez. ~Momentos muy expresivos en donde contiene sangre, golpes, violencia etc.. NO RECOMENDADO PARA SENSIBLES
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rafivadafreddy · 5 years ago
The Favor pt 2
Rafael Barba x Amelia Herrera Fic An AU to my story “I Wonder” that can be found HERE
Summery: Something Happens to Amelia and Rafael comes out to Chicago to be with her and tell her how he feels. Will things work out for these two?
Word Count: 2,184 Warnings: Pretty sure there is no warning here. Amelia gets hurt though. But there’s a happy ending! ENJOY
Part One 
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Part Two
That was two weeks ago. She left and haven’t spoken to Rafael since. She ignored his messages and his calls. She ignored him. Emma was in no mood to talk to the man who hurt her. Did he think that just because she wasn’t some fancy lawyer or that she didn’t go to some Ivy-League school like him that she wasn’t busy or didn’t have a life? Did he even know WHAT she went through just to get a week off work to be with him? To help him forget about the wedding. A wedding that he spent ignoring her after the ceremony. Not like she used the full week. Only five days. By the sixth, she was back to work. Working her 12 to 14-hour shifts and resting the ten hours recommended before throwing herself back into work.
It wasn’t until Emma and her coworker were kidnapped one morning while walking to work. The two held at gun point and their hands tied behind their back, the two were taken to a house and thankfully, Emma was able to get her phone from her pants pocket. Able to dial her friend’s brother who worked as a cop. Emma wasn’t sure if he picked up or if it went to voicemail. Either way, they’ll find out about the kidnapping.
When being pushed into the house, the men telling Erik, her coworker to shut up as he tried to reason with the three men. Emma wanted to cry she didn’t try to stop the tears either. She let them fall as she and Erik were handcuffed together and forced to sit in a chair. The men going on and on how it was her fault that his son was dead.
Emma, the whole time was confused. Her fault? How? Who was his son?
“I… I’m sorry.” She cried and squeezed her eyes shut when one held the gun to her forehead.
It felt like forever, Emma was smacked, punched and chocked. By the time the police finally came to rescue them. Emma was barely conscious while Erik had a nasty bullet wound in his leg.
At the hospital, Emma laid there crying and covering herself with the blanket. Answering the police’s questions. Confirming everything they heard from the call. It seemed as Jay had answered the call and quickly jumped into action to help rescue her.
When Emma was finally left alone to recover. Stitches to her forehead where they had hit her with the butt of the gun. Emma ignored all the looks she got from her coworkers.
“Early yesterday morning Amelia Herrera and Erik Bryant were both kidnapped while on their way to work. Rescued by the Intelligence Unit, it appears to seem that while tied up in the back of the trunk. The resident doctor, Amelia Herrera was able to grab her phone and call Detective Jay Halstead. Who rushed to work and his boss, Sargent Hank Voight quickly got his team together and managed to rescue the two doctors…….”
Rafael was looking at his screen with wide eyes. He quickly shot up from his couch and grabbed his phone. Calling his office, telling them he was taking a few more days. Explaining the situation. Rafael grabbed a bag and threw clothes inside it before racing out of his apartment and headed to the airport. Mumbling under his breath about the fact that the taxi was going too slow. By the time he got to the airport, he asked for the first flight out to Chicago.
‘Of course… the ONE time I need to get somewhere I have to wait..’ Rafael thought as he made it to his gate. Having to wait an hour before he was able to board the plane. By the time the plane landed in Chicago two and a half hours later, Rafael got a cab to the hospital. Not caring that he was in dark  jeans, and a black shirt with a heavy jacket over it. Not wearing a hat or a scarf or gloves. The cold Chicago weather was really hitting him. Causing his face to become slightly pink thanks to the harsh winds.
By the time he finally arrived at the hospital, Rafael jumped out after shoving his money at the driver. Grabbing his bag, he quickly walked into the hospital and went up to the reception desk. “Hello, I’m here to see a Amelia Herrera.” He told the women sitting behind the desk, who just gave him a certain look.
“And you are?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.
It was then that Rafael realized, this is where Emma worked, these people would be protective of one of their own. “I’m Rafael Barba… I saw what happened to her on the news... I just flew in from New York.” He frowned, thinking that they wouldn’t let him go through.
After the women typed a few things into the computer, she sighed. “Well, looks like you’re on the list of Emergency Contacts. You only weren’t notified because we got a hold of her mother first.” She informed him and handed over a clipboard. “Sign in, then you can take the elevator to the third floor. Room 307” she nodded, and Rafael quickly wrote down his name and grabbed the name tag before rushing off towards the elevator.
The minute he was the third floor, Rafael found her room number and knocked on the door before stepping inside.
“Emma?” he called out her name and glanced at the girl in the bed. It sure looked like Emma. Not that she turned to acknowledge him or anything. Stepping inside the room and closing the door, Rafael put his bag down and moved over to the bed. Watching the form under the blanket curled up in a ball.
“Mi corazón?” he tried again and softly touched her back. When he still didn’t get a reply, Rafael decided to leave it and pulled up a chair next to her bed and sat down. Seeing that Emma’s eyes were closed. Rafael closed his own and was soon snoozing in the chair. Waiting for Emma to wake up.
Waking up with a gasp, Emma sat up quickly and looked around. Her breathing was heavy, and she took in her surroundings. “The hospital… I’m okay, I’m at the hospital,” she whispered to herself and Emma finally calmed down. Seeing a figure in the chair next to her bed, her mouth dropped.
“Rafael?” she called out to him, her voice coming out a bit horsy thanks to being chocked by those Basterds.
Watching the sleeping man wake up startled, Emma raised an eyebrow at him and leaned back. “Oh, your awake! Good…” he sighed and sat up right. Causing Emma to frown slightly.
“What are you doing here Rafael?” She asked softly this time and rubbed at her eyes.
Watching as he raised both eyebrows up, Rafael sighed. “I heard about what happened to you on the news.” He shook his head. “You’ve been ignoring me, which I don’t blame you. I treated you horribly at the wedding. Then when I heard your name on the news, hearing about what happened…” he trailed off and looked down at his hands. “I… I just knew Emma. I knew I had to come here. To see you, to make sure you were okay.”
Sighing, Emma looked up at the hospital ceiling. She didn’t know what to tell him, she had been terrified and kept thinking that the last thing she had done was shut him out because of that stupid wedding.
“I thought I was gonna die, Rafi…” Emma managed to say before her bottom lip started to tremble and she let out a small sob.
Within seconds Rafael had his arms around her, holding her close. Being careful with her head and neck. “Lo siento mucho mi amor…” she heard him whisper. “I’m so sorry.”
Shaking her head, Emma cried. “Bu… but you didn’t d…do anything!” she wept, burying her head onto his chest. “I’m the one… the one who ignored you. I knew the wedding would be tough for you!”
“Amor! Para. Tenías todo el derecho de estar enojado conmigo!” He said seriously and Emma frowned and continued to stay close to Rafael. “The truth is… I didn’t care about the wedding. When you left the table. I watched you… saw how all these guys kept coming up to you.” Sighing, she felt him run a hand through his short, but messy hair. “I was jealous… I know this might ruin our friendship, but damnit Amelia. I’ve been in love with you since your 16th birthday. I just never said anything cause I was leaving for college.”
Lifting her head up, Amelia looked at Rafael shocked. “You never told me… cause you left for college?” she repeated and shook her head. “What about after college? What about every time I visited you? Or you came to see me?” she nudged his shoulder not so softly. “I thought you’ve been hung up on Yelina all these years!”
The two looked at each other, not saying anything. Rafael moved first. Softly placing his hand on her cheek and leaned forward. Emma found herself doing the same, feeling her heart beat faster in her chest with each passing second.  Soon their lips brushed against the other, it was like everything around her was gone. Nothing else mattered in that moment.
She could taste the coffee on his lips, making her grin into the kiss. Her coffee addict. His hands moved to the back of her neck, though he was careful with the bruising she had there. Emma’s own hands went to grip onto Rafael’s polo shirt. It didn’t last long, probably a minute or two, but to Emma it felt like hours. When they pulled away, Rafael leaned his forehead against hers. The two of them had their eyes closed still.
“What… what does this mean?” Emma asked, almost too afraid to.
“I want to be with you, Amelia. Whatever it takes… even if it means moving out to Chicago.” He finally opened his eyes to look down at her. Finding that she still had her eyes closed.
When Emma opened her eyes, dark brown was met with his beautiful green ones. “I don’t want you to move… let me finish my residency here then I can come back home.” She smiled slightly. “I was always planning on returning to New York… I can never stay away from you Rafi.” She leaned her head on her shoulder.
“Good… cause I can never stay away from you either mi amor.” He whispered, kissing the top of her head and laid there in the hospital bed. Holding Emma as the two of them fall asleep. Both with a smile on their face. Thinking about what the future will hold for them.
One thing Emma was certain. She was not about to let her chance in being with him pass, No matter the distance. Amelia only had less than a year to finish her residency, then she would be transferring to New York.
One year and 10 months later.
“Rafael!” A voice called out from the other room, causing the man to rush over, almost tripping on the way.
“What? What happened?” he asked scared and looked around. Trying to see if something was wrong.
Amelia stood there with narrowed eyes. “You expect me to move in with you… yet you’re throwing my things away?” she lifted her hand and showed him her Jane Austin book that she had found in the kitchen trash.
Biting down on his lip, Emma watched her boyfriend rub the back of his neck. “I have no clue how that ended up in the trash can mi corazón…” he gave her a sheepish smile.
“Yeah, it must have flown over here by itself. Right?” she shook her head and took her book over to his bookcase. Finding a place for it, Emma gasped. Hand going to her stomach. Rafael was by her side in seconds. Instead of saying anything. She grabbed his hands and placed them on her stomach.
Watching his reaction, Amelia grinned when Rafael grinned. Lighting up like a Christmas tree.
“She moved…” he whispered and knelt before Emma, the girl watching as he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her 6-month bump. “Hola cariño, este es tu papi… te amo mucho mi princesa.” He spoke to the bump and Emma just laughed. Running her hand through his hair softly.
“Come on amor… let’s go before your mami comes over here to yell at us for missing lunch… again!” she stepped away and went to grab her coat. Smiling at her boyfriend.
Lucia had a field day when she found out Amelia was pregnant, and they weren’t married. Gladly the women got over it when reminded she would be a grandmother. His abuelita had also been excited and Emma couldn’t have been happier. She finally had a family, she couldn’t ask for more.
Walking out of their apartment hand and hand. Emma and Rafael were happy and that was all that mattered.
Tagging- @the-baby-bookworm​​ If you’d like to be tagged, feel free to message me. Don’t forget to reblog and heart this! <3
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whirlybirbs · 7 months ago
ok but does toshinori have any derecho merch 👀👀👀 I wonder how she'd feel if she found out
of course he does, because the truth of the matter is that toshinori yagi is an extremely sentimental man. after all, he's watched you become one of the top ten heroes in all of japan — he's seen you grow into the absolute force you are today. he's so proud of the hero you've become.
from the villain who almost got the upper hand on him on main street seven years ago to his go-to-girl.
everyone knows all might and derecho are a bit of a package deal — and the rumors on the forums paint it a little deeper than just coworkers. it's that way, sadly, for most co-ed hero team-ups.
so, yes, he has a large scale poster in his office of the first formal press tour the two of you did side-by-side. it's the ones the forum like to chatter about the most. you're both posed together, his arm around your shoulders and a smile on both your faces — a rare, perfect little thing making you look less like the ex-yakuza enforcer you are — but you're looking up at him. his eyes are on the camera, but yours are entirely on him.
it's adorable, really.
so, yea, duh, it's framed in his office of his agency. he even had you sign it for posterities sake.
you hate it. not really.
... and sure. there are other pieces of merch.
the sort he keeps to himself.
toshinori can only imagine what the sort of chaos would burn the forums down if they found out that he owned that limited run heroine calendar from last year, though — the one with the infamous derecho bikini spread.
he made some exorbitant donation to the charity of choice to even be put into the raffle. he put it under dave's name, too. secrets, secrets. tsk, tsk. he even keeps it under his bed like the old playboy magazines he used to own in college. old habits die hard.
he dies harder, too, every time he sneaks a glimpse of you in that all might themed bikini.
— a reference to this fic here ;
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ao3feed-erasermight · 5 years ago
by Somewhere95
Sipnosis: Comenzó como una amistad,como algo que todo el mundo tiene. Luego ,un secreto fue guardado entre cuatro paredes,luego años de agonía y decepción. Pero pronto,todo cambiará. Denki Kaminari,Eijiro Kirishima,lo averiguamos?
"Falsos amores hay muchos,pero tú mi vida,eres lo más real que tengo".
Titulo : Fresa dorada •Autor: Some + Colaboración especial: Some x #KiriKamiWeek2019 +Estado: Terminado. •Género: AU ,Romance,drama, Angst/Comfort. •Clasificación: PG-12: No recomendado para menores de 13 años •Adaptación: Basado en el manga/anime de Kohei Horikoshi-Boku no Hero.Todos los derechos de los personajes y/o trama puestos en esta historia le pertenecen a su creador, editorial e estudio de animación. •Advertencias: Puede contener violencia, lenguaje levemente grosero y temas de adultos sugeridos.
✴️ Agradecimiento especial a la página en Facebook: KiriKami Week por permitirme ser parte de esta hermosa semana,no olvides que puedes buscarlo a través de Facebook, Twitter , Tumblr e Instagram con el hashtag: #KiriKamiWeek2019 #KiriKamiWeek
Words: 11223, Chapters: 7/7, Language: Español
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Underage
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki, Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Yoarashi Inasa, Todoroki Shouto, Sero Hanta, Uraraka Ochako, Iida Tenya, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Ashido Mina, Mineta Minoru, Yaoyorozu Momo
Relationships: Kaminari Denki/Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto/Yoarashi Inasa, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Iida Tenya/Uraraka Ochako, Dabi/Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Chisaki Kai | Overhaul/Kurono Hari | Chronostasis
Additional Tags: Yaoi, KiriKami Week, KatsuDeku Week, Boys In Love, Drama, Romance, Mpreg, Villains, Alternate Universe - No Quirks (My Hero Academia), Villain Kaminari Denki
0 notes
ao3feed-aizawashouta · 5 years ago
by Somewhere95
Sipnosis: Comenzó como una amistad,como algo que todo el mundo tiene. Luego ,un secreto fue guardado entre cuatro paredes,luego años de agonía y decepción. Pero pronto,todo cambiará. Denki Kaminari,Eijiro Kirishima,lo averiguamos?
"Falsos amores hay muchos,pero tú mi vida,eres lo más real que tengo".
Titulo : Fresa dorada •Autor: Some + Colaboración especial: Some x #KiriKamiWeek2019 +Estado: Terminado. •Género: AU ,Romance,drama, Angst/Comfort. •Clasificación: PG-12: No recomendado para menores de 13 años •Adaptación: Basado en el manga/anime de Kohei Horikoshi-Boku no Hero.Todos los derechos de los personajes y/o trama puestos en esta historia le pertenecen a su creador, editorial e estudio de animación. •Advertencias: Puede contener violencia, lenguaje levemente grosero y temas de adultos sugeridos.
✴️ Agradecimiento especial a la página en Facebook: KiriKami Week por permitirme ser parte de esta hermosa semana,no olvides que puedes buscarlo a través de Facebook, Twitter , Tumblr e Instagram con el hashtag: #KiriKamiWeek2019 #KiriKamiWeek
Words: 10625, Chapters: 6/6, Language: Español
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Underage
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki, Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Yoarashi Inasa, Todoroki Shouto, Sero Hanta, Uraraka Ochako, Iida Tenya, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Ashido Mina, Mineta Minoru, Yaoyorozu Momo
Relationships: Kaminari Denki/Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto/Yoarashi Inasa, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Iida Tenya/Uraraka Ochako, Dabi/Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Chisaki Kai | Overhaul/Kurono Hari | Chronostasis
Additional Tags: Yaoi, KiriKami Week, KatsuDeku Week, Boys In Love, Drama, Romance, Mpreg, Villains, Alternate Universe - No Quirks (My Hero Academia), Villain Kaminari Denki
0 notes
ao3feed-bakudeku · 5 years ago
by Somewhere95
Sipnosis: Comenzó como una amistad,como algo que todo el mundo tiene. Luego ,un secreto fue guardado entre cuatro paredes,luego años de agonía y decepción. Pero pronto,todo cambiará. Denki Kaminari,Eijiro Kirishima,lo averiguamos?
"Falsos amores hay muchos,pero tú mi vida,eres lo más real que tengo".
Titulo : Fresa dorada •Autor: Some + Colaboración especial: Some x #KiriKamiWeek2019 +Estado: Terminado. •Género: AU ,Romance,drama, Angst/Comfort. •Clasificación: PG-12: No recomendado para menores de 13 años •Adaptación: Basado en el manga/anime de Kohei Horikoshi-Boku no Hero.Todos los derechos de los personajes y/o trama puestos en esta historia le pertenecen a su creador, editorial e estudio de animación. •Advertencias: Puede contener violencia, lenguaje levemente grosero y temas de adultos sugeridos.
✴️ Agradecimiento especial a la página en Facebook: KiriKami Week por permitirme ser parte de esta hermosa semana,no olvides que puedes buscarlo a través de Facebook, Twitter , Tumblr e Instagram con el hashtag: #KiriKamiWeek2019 #KiriKamiWeek
Words: 858, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Español
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Underage
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki, Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Yoarashi Inasa, Todoroki Shouto, Sero Hanta, Uraraka Ochako, Iida Tenya, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Ashido Mina, Mineta Minoru, Yaoyorozu Momo
Relationships: Kaminari Denki/Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto/Yoarashi Inasa, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Iida Tenya/Uraraka Ochako, Dabi/Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Chisaki Kai | Overhaul/Kurono Hari | Chronostasis
Additional Tags: Yaoi, KiriKami Week, KatsuDeku Week, Boys In Love, Drama, Romance, Mpreg, Villains, Alternate Universe - No Quirks (My Hero Academia), Villain Kaminari Denki
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whirlybirbs · 7 months ago
About "Bruised Ego"
If I may ask how long has Toshinori been attracted to Derecho? Has it been one of those "for a villain, i'd tap that." Or more of a developed after the rehab? Has there been moments of where they go out to eat and Derecho or All Might get hit on leading to the other person to get a little jealous.
But honestly amazing writing as always, I've been following since the ben solo days and still go back to read them every now and then!!
it's complicated.
truthfully, pre-villain rehab derecho is dangerous.
you're some old money, long standing yakuza's prized guard dog, constantly amped up on quirk enhancers — a drug i personally consider the biggest, baddest stimulant crossed with an immediate performance enhancer. it's essentially like feeding you a live wire.
all might's agency has a task force dedicated to arresting derecho — or, well you. before you had a hero name. before you were anything short of a frenzied, violent enforcer on a short leash. back when you were a grinning mugshot and an extensive rap sheet.
you were different, then.
toshinori knows it's the drugs — he knows that's how you came close to nearly killing him that one night. it's how he learned not to go toe-to-toe with you in the rain. water is a conductor and all that.
you are beautiful — and you were back then, too. scarier. tougher. less of a light in your eyes and more of a blood thirst that earned you title of most wanted. it's almost like a knife's edge. get too close and you'll get cut.
toshinori likes strong women. strong men, too.
but back then, he hated you.
there was a sliver of him that knew you were a victim of your circumstances — but all the playful rivalry went out the window that night in april when your fists cracked across his face in the pouring rain and you swore you'd kill him and everyone he ever loved.
it's the night you almost flatlined back in that disgusting, cold yakuza safe-house. it's a wake-up call. you flew too close to the sun. one breath away from an overdose you wouldn't come back from.
he arrests you the next time you go head to head, after a botched robbery downtown. you... you just can't keep doing it anymore.
it's that image that winds up on the front page of every newspaper in japan — the one with your chest slammed down against the hood of a detectives car, your legs spread, and all might gripping the cuffs behind your back to tightly you had bruises for weeks.
they muzzle you.
it's... poetic, really.
truth be told, prison is the best thing that ever happens to you.
the villain rehab program is second.
it takes toshinori a long time to agree — with a lot of bargaining and parol restrictions placed on your head. but the hero commission are different sort of vile ilk. the kind you don't argue with.
it takes toshinori a long time to even loosen up around you, too. truth be told, he regrets to admit he was convinced you would end up back behind bars — this time in tartarus.
you're irritable, short-tempered, violent, and often times cruel.
but you're smart. and, despite your circumstances, you do have a good heart. slowly, toshinori can see the fear melt away and you're less like a cornered dog snapping its jaw.
you take praise well. you enjoy routine. you begin to attend those meetings gran torino recommended — after all, it's not just villains who struggle with quirk enhancer addiction. there are plenty of heroes who have wandered down that path, seeking greatness at the cost of their sobriety.
it's slow. a new sort of dangerous. over time, you become enmeshed in his life in a different way than years ago. now, it's through text typos and late night patrols. it's you letting toshinori hitch a ride on the back of your yamaha ninja. it's comfortable silence in the agency's infirmary after a long mission.
and when you smile. well, shit.
yea, he's always liked strong women.
and you're dangerous.
— a reference to this fic here ;
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whirlybirbs · 7 months ago
Given that Izuku is not only a huge All might fanboy but also directly in his life, he’s seen Derecho become the hero she is now and also seen how her relationship with All might has changed. What are his thoughts? Does he also ship them? Does he have some sort of negative feeling towards her after how close she got to ending all might??
Izuku Midorya was one of those hero twitter stan users who would comment under All Might x Derecho content going: "cute but remember when she tried to k*ll him". Keyword: was.
Midorya agreed widely with the stance that the glimpses the public gets of some sort of relationship over the years is for marketing. Not the use of past tense.
(He asked All Might one or two times about his history with you in babbled sentences over historical recounts, but each time the man swept it away and under some far-off rug as a guise of "focusing on the basics".)
And then he meets you for the first time.
You're standing there before dawn, smiling up at Toshinori Yagi — All Might — on Takoba beach before class. Midorya knows enough that this is a private moment, and he can't help but stopping in his tracks. You're both by the sea wall, leaned against one another, watching the sunrise. Two of the greatest pro-heroes of all time. All Might's hand is on your back, and you're saying something that's making him rumble out a half-cough, half-laugh into his shirt collar.
You made All Might laugh.
You... you made him smile.
And you're beautiful.
All Might's eyes catch Izuku's over his shoulder.
Midorya swallows thickly when his mentor gives him a soft wave, come on over, earning your attention as you follow the gesture over his shoulder.
"Uh, hello," he starts, his hands wringing the straps of his bag, "I'm—"
"Izuku," your voice is softer in real-life than it is on all those hero reels; you're pretty. Softer than you were in your prime, but still possessing an edge that electrifies the air. Midorya's cheeks are hot, "I've heard... Big fan."
The praise makes his whole body go rigid.
You lean back against the sea wall, and Izuku's mouth parts in quiet shock. All Might has talked about him? T-To his partner? Partner? Lover? Wife...? Are they married? His eyes narrow in on both of yours hands, darting back and forth. No ring. No ring? Maybe just... good friends? No, no way. Friends definitely don't stare at one another in the sunrise.
...Do they?
Friends definitely don't look at you the All Might is, all soft appreciation and love.
Or... do they?!
"Th-Thank you! That's incredibly kind," Midorya stutters out, his expression a little wild. Almost like a cornered deer. It's cute.
"Derecho is going to be helping us with instruction today," All Might says slowly, his hands moving to the lower of your back. The gesture could be considered professional. Izuku feels like his brain is going to short-circuit, "She's very important to me. I'm sure you're familiar with her quirk?"
"Y-Yes! Electrification and general control of elemental lightning—"
"Someone's done his research," you croon with a smile, "You're really smart, kid."
Oh, god, and she's, like, super duper nice—
"And her weakness?" Toshinori presses for good measure, just proving how much Midorya knows.
"Electrolytes! Your body needs more than the average person in order for the conductivity of your quirk to be maximized. Also, prolonged use of your quirk can impact your cardiac conduction," he chatters; your smile is growing.
You nudge Toshi with your elbow. You approve. Not that you needed any proof aside from Toshinori's gut instinct that Izuku Midorya was the right pick for his legacy.
"And blondes," you toss in as a joke, "Those count as a weakness, I'd say—"
Another laugh from All Might. This time it results in a little bit of blood. You're offering up a tissue — one from the pocket pack kept in the pocket of your over-sized sweatshirt. He thanks you. You gently touch his arm.
Izuku Midorya has so fucking clue what's happening right now.
He spends that next night on a deep dive, hours long rabbit hole of 'All Might and Derecho dating?' searches and interview supercuts from their primes. There are no answers — none except a few tweets with unreliable narrations of their interactions and body language.
He actually finds himself saying 'please kiss' out loud on more than on occasion.
What the fuck.
...He's never shipped anything harder in his life.
— a reference to this fic here ;
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