#all kratos’ lines are my therapy
blinddreams24 · 1 year
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I just finished God of War: Ragnarok
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charnelhouse · 2 years
so the new god of war games are def more character focused and have reworked Kratos into your exact type of man. they reference the old games, too. in which Kratos is very different.
as concise a synopsis as I can muster of the three OG games and one of the extras (cause it feels the most important to the overall narrative)
they were hack n slash and the story line itself wasn't necessarily bad so much as it was flat. the target audience was teenage boys in the mid 2000s-early 2010s so actually good storytelling was not a focus. But there were the seeds of some actually good ideas and concepts, and a few are definitely picked up for GOW(2018) and Ragnarok. which i recommend playing or at least watching, very good those two.
im back on my GoW bullshit and this time people don't immediately think i need therapy... or if they do they think it's for a different reason
after having dedicated himself to the Greek god of war Ares, Kratos attacks a village with a temple to Athena, and in his bloodlust kills his own wife and daughter, not knowing they were even there until it was too late.
Turns out Ares planned that, Ares wants to take over Olympus but since gods cannot directly fight eachother they need proxies, and Ares believed that Kratos killing his own family and thus having no more mortal ties would make him a great warrior
this obviously didn't work, and so Kratos denounces his oath to Ares and vows to kill him. An oracle at the temple in the city curses him so the ashes of his dead wife and daughter are fused to his skin. earning him the moniker "Ghost of Sparta"
Plagued by nightmares and desperate for vengeance Kratos pledges himself to the other Olympians.
when the first game opens, ten years have passed and Kratos is growing tired of serving the Gods. He summons Athena to speak with her and she tells him that with one final task-- killing Ares-- he will be "forgiven." <wording is important here
anyway, Kratos goes out to find some way to kill a god, discovers the existence of Pandora's Box, an artifact that contains the power to kill a god and he goes out looking for it.
after finding the box, being murdered, then literally climbing out of hell, he confronts Ares and succeeds in killing him.
Athena then appears and tells Kratos that he is forgiven, but when he demands to have his memory wiped so he can forget what he has done as well, she tells him the Gods promised him no such thing.
anyways, Kratos decides to end it, walks off a cliff into the Aegean Sea, but is saved by Athena who tells him the Gods are in his debt and there is an empty throne on Olympus waiting for him.
here ends God of War (2005)
there was a game set between 1 and 2 called Ghost of Sparta and you learn that Kratos had a brother named Deimos with a very distinctive birthmark. Zeus learns of a prophecy that claims he and Olympus would fall to a "Marked Warrior" in a bid to prevent this, Zeus sends out Ares and Athena to find anyone who may match that description and lock them away. Deimos with his odd and prominent birthmark did, and when Kratos is a boy, his village is attacked and in the fighting Athena and Ares take Deimos away. For reasons I don't know (never played Ghosts of Sparta) Kratos goes out to look for information about his past. He finds his mother (in Atlantis btw, it feels so very odd but I only played the mainline games) is forced to fight her when she turns into a monster for trying to tell him the identity of his father. before she dies she tells him that Deimos is still alive, and that Kratos must go looking for him. Kratos finds Deimos being held prisoner by Thanatos (the god of Death) and even though he frees Deimos, Deimos blames Kratos for not coming to rescue him sooner. Thanatos finally tries to kill Deimos after all the years, Kratos saves him, Deimos forgives him and is almost immediately murdered by Thanatos. Kratos kills Thanatos (the explanation of how one can kill death and others still die with no death are never made) After all of that, Kratos buries Deimos. Athena appears and promises Kratos full godhood for never telling him his brother was still alive. he ignores her and walks off
GoW2 Kratos is still haunted by his passed and shunned by the other gods. He is summoned by the still existing Spartan army to help finish a battle in Rhodes. Once there, a giant eagle, which he thinks is Athena saps a good chunk of his power before using it to animate the Colossus of Rhodes. He fights the giant statue, cuts off at least one hand, and proceeds to climb up the internal scaffolding before being thrown out. Zeus suddenly speaks to him and tells him that to defeat the Colossus Kratos must put the remainder of his godly power into The Blade of Olympus
and in a twist everyone who knows enough about Greek myth to know that Athena's bird is an OWL not an eagle, it turns out Zeus was the one who sapped Kratos is power, claiming he needed to intervene because Athena refused.
He then kills Kratos
while being dragged to the underworld he is found by Gaia who explains that she raised Zeus, and that while she taught him to hate his father, he turned that hate of his father into a hatred of all titans which started the great war. She tells Kratos to find the Sisters of Fate so that he can alter the timeline and prevent his own death.
game stuff occurs, and eventually Kratos does find the Sisters of Fate, kills two of them after they tell him they will not change time for him, and they even go so far as to try and change the outcome of his battle with Ares from the end of GoW1 but no dice. the third dies after being lured into her own traps. Kratos finds the Loom of Fate, and goes back in time to right before Zeus killed him. Athena tried to stop him from killing Zeus telling Kratos that the death of Zeus means the fall of Olympus but Kratos doesn't care. She jumps in front of the sword saving Zeus and letting him escape.
Before Athena dies, she tells Kratos that Zeus is his father, and that Zeus was terrified that Kratos would usurp him.
a lot of greek myth and stories revolve around a father's fear of being killed by their son... something something, fear of being forgotten/deemed obsolete, something something, men have always valued their titles and egos over damn near everything else
still with his time travel macguffin, Kratos travels to the very end of the war between titans and gods, makes a deal with Gaia, and brings them back to the present.
GoW3 opens with Gaia climbing up to Olympus with Kratos being a backseat driver. Poseidon attacks, but is killed (after Kratos gouges out his eyes, something you experience from Poseidon's POV) and when his body falls into the ocean, we see that Greece floods. showing that the death of a god (with no replacement? maybe, its never really talked about.) means their domain/dominion goes into chaos.
Anyway, after Zeus takes at pot shot at Gaia, both she and Kratos cling to the side of the mountain, where Gaia tells Kratos that he was just a pawn before he falls straight into the river styx.
There he sees Athena, who claims after dying a selfless death, she ascended to a higher plane of existence and that she now sees more truths then she did before, and that she now understands that Zeus must die. Kratos has to get out of Hades to extinguish the Flame of Olympus and kill Zeus.
Some underworld wandering, and Kratos eventually finds the spirit of Pandora, who he initially mistake for his dead daughter. after that encounter he finds Hephaestus, regains the Blade of Olympus, and kills Hades. with Hades dead all the spirits of the underworld are now free, and while there is a moment where Kratos actually considers looking for the souls of his wife and daughter. Athena reminds him of his revenge to get him back on track and leaving the underworld.
He climbs back up the mountain and cuts off Gaia's arm for the earlier betrayal, she falls to her apparent death. more climbing, he kills Helios, plunging Greece into eternal darkness. then Hermes releasing a plague. Somewhere in there he learns that the only way to put out the flame is with Pandora literally going into it.
He makes it to an arena, is confronted by a very angry and obviously drunk Hera, has to fight Hercules (his half brother) and subsequently beats his face in with a surprising amount of detail for a late ps2 era game.
Kratos then encounters Aphrodite who couldn't give any less of a shit about what is happening and there is a sex minigame because like all three of these games had sex minigames.
Kratos heads back to Hephaestus who asks if his wife "has conquered another God of War." which was both sad but also a little savage ngl
Kratos tells Hephaestus his plan, and Hephaestus tells Kratos that he will help, but he needs a special stone to make the Spartan a new weapon.
Kratos goes to Tartarus finds Cronos, and proceeds to climb the giant dermatologist's nightmare for the stone, killing him in the process.
He returns to Hephaestus, gives him the stone, and Hephaestus tries to kill Kratos, to protect Pandora. Hephaestus' daughter. He still tells Kratos where she is, and that she has been imprisoned in the Labyrinth after Kratos opened her box in GoW1.
Kratos has to travel through Hera's garden to make it to the Labyrinth, but after Hera insults Pandora (who at this point Kratos has latched on to) he breaks her neck.
Deadalus is strung up in the middle of the Labyrinth, and after hearing of Icarus' death dies himself as Kratos moves the Labyrinth chambers into place. (you ever seen the movie Cube? some people refer to it as like a proto saw, but that's what the labyrinth looks like in this game. or all the glass chambers from that scene in Cabin in the Woods)
Kratos gets Pandora out, and as they make their way toward the Flame he tries to stop her and she gives a very sudden and shoehorned speech about hope before Zeus shows up. Throws Pandora across the room and eventually into the Flame.
They fight, Gaia rises in the background, theres a bit of a punch out that leads to Kratos and Zeus fighting in her chest before Kratos impales Zeus into Gaia's heart killing her and forcing Zeus into an incorporeal form.
There's a dream sequence with his dead wife and daughter where Kratos learns to forgive himself, before shocking back awake and, I shit you not, uses the power of Hope to force Zeus back into his own body before punching him to death. (a sequence of hitting the "O" button repeatedly and indefinitely, you have to actually stop punching Zeus for the game to keep going. the screen could just be nothing but blood covering the camera but still you can just keep punching.)
Kratos looks out to a destroyed Greece and Athena reappears, asking for whatever it was that was in the box, when Kratos tells her it was empty she thinks he's lying, and explains that she put hope in the box along with all the other evils. she eventually realizes that Kratos absorbed that hope when he opened the box in GoW1 but his grief and thirst for vengeance buried it.
Athena demands that he return the power to her so she can rule over what's left of Greece and rebuild, but Kratos refuses, and stabs himself with the Blade of Olympus so the Hope can instead be distributed to mankind.
there is a post credits scene with a trail of blood leading out over the edge and into the ocean, we fade to black.
Oh damn! I know a lot about Greek mythology (I feel like most people had a phase haha)
This is so angsty
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wordsofapanda · 2 years
Warning long vent
Earlier this month I vented that I hope my ex thinks of me when he plays god of war. It wasn’t because I wanted him to suffer but more due to wanting him to be stuck with this game and his feelings towards me. I recently watched a clip involving Kratos wife and it kind of made me realize something. Of course he’s thinking of me while he plays this game. One of the few times we talked since our breakup, he told me that he’s been thinking a lot about kids. I thought it was random but now that I watch gameplay, I realized that he was playing this game and thinking of me. In that conversation, he admitted that he realized how much he wants a kid. I told him he could have one with his new wife and he said she doesn’t want kids but she also could never be ready to be a good mom. He told me that he fucked up. That he realized he wanted me to be his partner and carer of his child. I explained it was impossible and my biological clock is running out so I might be on my way out fertility wise since the women in my family are notorious for having pregnancy issues and uterine problems. He just replied that he was sad at how things turned out. I joked with him that maybe I could donate an egg to his cause but he said that it wouldn’t be the same. That it’s not that he wants my kid but he wants me to be the mother and take care of them because he trusts me and I’m a good person. It was weird. I’m in this weird position where I am fighting an internal battle of being a good enough parent due to my mother completely mistreating me as a child. Everyone around me who learns that I’m scared of being a horrible mother and repeating the generational trauma cycle have assured me that I wont be like my mom, callous and uninterested. This topic has weighed in my mind heavily for a lot of reasons. Because my high school sweetheart has a kid, and it means he’s a package deal. Because I have to make sure that my next partner is marriage worthy so I can try for a kid. And because I have to heal to even consider the former options. Not only that, I’ve been super transparent to all of the guys crushing on me. I’ve told them it’s a fear of mine and I want something long lasting. They have all handle the information so smoothly and have been supportive. And it’s super weird to me because I thought after my decade long relationship that I would never have to think about it again and my time was just “done”. I was super ready to give up on this idea of a nuclear family. And I partly still feel like that. In a super confusing way, it brings me comfort that my ex is grieving the loss of what could be. Because I’m not the only one grieving. I am grateful for everyone who has looked me in the eye and said something along the lines of “you will be a great mother”. These past few weeks I’ve been told this by ex’s, current love interests and family members. Their validation helps and I feel like I’m doing enough work in therapy where I can finaaallllyyy accept this as a true statement. I feel like I’ve worked so hard to be a more patient and caring person and although I have a long way to go, I’m getting there.
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sorryforbeingcrazy · 3 years
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I think that the line “You seem like a calm and reasonable man. Are you a calm and reasonable man?” , Thor is talking to Atreus and not Kratos.
That’s what I think.
68 notes • Posted 2021-09-10 19:55:11 GMT
I just had to draw them.
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If you want to check the rest of my art stuff my instagram is: @artsince1996
74 notes • Posted 2021-08-25 21:13:25 GMT
I reaally have a problem with well written villains with smooth voices…
And yes, I’m looking at you Maul, Loki and Silco.
82 notes • Posted 2021-11-25 22:50:33 GMT
I just finished watching Season 3 of Sex Education and I loved it.
But I’m so disappointed…I came to Tumblr expecting good vibes on the Sex Education tag and what do i find?
Fucking hate everywhere… like….guys….what the fuck?
This series is a fucking treat. Some of the best content we have nowadays and you are just talking shit and going on about ship wars…
I’m disappointed…
95 notes • Posted 2021-09-17 21:29:52 GMT
Buffy and Spike deserved more...talking.
I´ve been marinating this in my brain for a couple of days, so here I go.
I really liked the relationship between Buffy and Spike. And I´m not only focusing on the “romance” part, but in general. I loved their transition from enemies to allies to....friends? I just enjoyed how when it came to serious threats, they always looked  and relied on one another for help.
That´s why one of the things that disappointed me the most about the last season was the fact that they never really talked about how wrong they did to each other on season 6.
Season 6 is a very very dark season, for all of the characters: Willow´s addiction to magic and the effects it has on Tara, Xander´s fears that end up leaving Anya on the altar, Giles feeling that he is useless...But who really takes the trophy home in this one, is Buffy. I don´t even know how to start.
From the moment she is brought back to life, she suffers. We were expecting her comeback to be a happy moment, filled with tears of joy, laughter and hugs. Instead, she wakes up in her grave, has to dig herself out and then she walks around a Sunnydale on fire and full of demons. Can you imagine the shock? Only the crawling up from the grave should be enough to send someone to therapy for the rest of their lives. The mere thought of waking up in a coffin, six-feet undergroundnd makes me anxious...But let´s keep going.
She is back. She is traumatized and shocked beyond belief and at home with Dawn (after reliving everything that happened before she died). She is quiet, trying to process everything while Dawn is constantly talking to her about how things are and asking if she is ok. Her hands still wrecked from the diggin. And suddenly, she is face to face with Spike. (This is a sidenote related to the actors. I cannot give enough credit to James Marsters portrayal of Spike in general. But in this scene...man, 12/10, flawless). He looks at her in disbelief. And despite the fact that he was happier than ever that she was alive again, he does not try to touch her or approach her, and the moment he sees her hands he acknowledges what she has been through. So he just tell her that they are going to take care of her, and sends Dawn away to fetch stuff to clean her wounds. And they are alone in the living room. He does not overwhelm her with questions or hugs or anything. He just stares at her, giving her time to put her thoughts in order.
It may look like a trivial scene but I´m not kidding when I tell you that, for me, this is the most important scene of the whole season. And it is because it defines how the dynamic between Buffy and Spike, and Buffy and her friends is going to be.
When Spike is holding her wounded hands, letting her ask questions, just staring at each other, there´s silence. Peace. Calm. It´s the first moment since she is back that she is at ease. But the moment her friends burst through the door, is chaos. Noise, questions, worry, light, people...And this is why this scene is so important. During the rest of the season, the reason why Buffy goes away looking for Spike is because she wants that peace and quiet. She wants the calmness she gets around him, when she does not have to worry about being fine and happy in front of her friends. She can take her mask off when she is in front of Spike. That´s why she tells him that she was in a good place. That´s why he turns into her confident.
And for sometime, it works. Whenever she feels like she can´t take it anymore she goes to spend sometime with Spike. The problem is that her life gets harder and harder: financial problems, Giles leaves, Willow´s addiction, her relationship with Dawn. Her struggle becomes unbearable to the point were Spike is the only safe constant in her life. The only person she can rely on. And of course, mixing this with Spike´s feelings and their “tension”, their relationship turns physical. Very physical. And here is when Buffy starts using, quite wrongly, Spike.
The first time could be a slip, but not the rest. She may not have been aware at the beginning, but deep inside she knew what she was doing. She knew that Spike had strong feelings for her. She knew that he would never deny her and even if he did (that he actually does a couple of times) he wouldn´t last long. So she takes advantage of him and his feelings.
Someone, blind as a fucking bat, could say “Spike wasn´t minding it. He was enjoying the sex with Buffy. It´s what he wanted.” Fuck, no. He spents the whole season wanting to talk to her about their relationship. To discuss what is going on between them. If you are in it just for the sex, you don´t care to ask questions. You just don´t care. You just take what you came for and then you leave. The way Buffy does. And this bothers him. It bothers him that the moment they are finished she runs away. It hurts him. More than once he calls her out by the fact that whenever they are not “in bed”, she is constantly yelling at him and insulting him and his feelings, and yet, she always comes back to him.
Now, for those who think that Spike was fine with this I want you to imagine for a second, that you are in his shoes. As a human being, and not caring about genders. Imagine you loved someone, beyond reason (i´m not even going to throw in the fact that he saw her die even though i could). And because you care about this person, you spent time with them because they are in a bad place mentally. And that person enjoys your company. And starts spending more time with you. And one day, you kiss. Once. Twice. Then, you sleep together. Once. Twice. And god knows how many more times. You could think “If they like to spend time with me, tell me things they do not to their friends, kiss me and even sleep with me, they must feel something, right?” It´s a fair assumption. But instead, this person is constantly telling you how disgusted they feel with themselves for being with you physically, to the point were they keep what you have in absolute secret from their friends, and they run from you everytime you sleep together.
Fucking. Imagine.
Evil or not. Souless or not. That fucks you up my friends.
What leads us to the horrifying events of Seeing Red. You won´t see me coming any close to justify what Spike tries to do to Buffy. There´s no excuse in the world that clears you from that one. But I do see where it comes from. And it´s not just because Spike is evil. That´s a lame excuse of an argument. That scene, is the representation of Spike hitting rock bottom. He wants what he had with Buffy back. Even if it was only physical, it was at least something. And so, he is desperate...and well....we all know what happens. I swear to you, that scene creeped me out so fucking much.
That´s why it angers me how they did not approach these subjects on season 7. They both did terrible things to each other. They should have talked about it in depth. And even though I´m quite satisfied how they ended up acknowledging each other in ways any of the other characters do, I cannot hide my displeasure about that missing conversation. They needed more closure for what happened on season 6.
Good lord. This really turned out long.
Anyway, thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
160 notes • Posted 2021-08-26 10:52:41 GMT
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