#all im saying is leon has never felt the touch of a woman in his life
cringeassgayman · 1 year
clawing at my skin tearing my hair out and foaming at the mouth because theres so much smut involving leon kennedy and a woman in this world but theres literally none involving Men 😭😭 all these girlies out here writing the most out of character smut for him but wheres the smut where he gets railed like a little bitch by a MAN 😞
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When Vicky Needed Honey
(An OC Kiss Week collaboration between @super-unpredictable98 and @misskittysmagicportal. No warnings, just mother/daughter love. Moonwalkers/The Umbrella Academy AU)
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I woke up with that weird feeling again. I looked over at Klaus, still pretty much asleep, and grunted. On my way to the bathroom I prayed and prayed, but no luck. My period was nowhere to be found. A couple of days, I can understand, an entire week is a bit more worrying.
The last few days I've been feeling kinda sick, but it could be stress. I've been feeling kinda tired, understandable after two apocalypses. I've been feeling a little dizzy, which could easily be from the time travel... But my period wouldn't come, so that was starting to freak me out.
"Hey, Vanya... Would you buy a pregnancy test for me?" I rehearsed in front of the mirror. "No, no, I should ask Allison. She has a daughter, she'd understand, right?"
I nearly jumped when Klaus shifted in his sleep, I hoped with all my might he didn't hear what I just said. I sat on the edge of the tub and let my head roll back. How the fuck did we let that happen? We always wear a condom!
Well, technically a condom has 98% of effectiveness, according to the box, which I was reading as I thought about it. That means... 2 out of 100 women will get pregnant. With the amount of sex we have, it wouldn't be surprising that I could become part of this 2%. Damn it, Klaus! Why do you have to be so charming? Blame it on three decades of suppressed desire I guess.
I had to talk to someone, someone who wouldn't judge me, someone I could trust. There was only one person I could think of, so I went back into the room and as silently as possible, I slid the black briefcase from under our bed. The date was already set, so all I had to do was open it.
I felt that familiar pull of time travel, that endless rope that dragged me across the universe, which seemed to take forever, even though it was less than a second. As soon as I landed, I regretted it, my stomach did not like the disturbance and I felt like I was about to throw up.
"Vicky? Are you ok?" I felt a gentle hand on my back and took a few deep breaths before being able to turn back.
"Honey! Thank fucking God you're here! I need to talk to you."
"Is it Klaus? It's Klaus. Oh my god, tell me he's alright"
"Alright, I think we should sit down for this one..."
Honey nodded with a smile and took my hand as we made our way to the couch. I chewed on my bottom lip for a little while, thinking of the best way to say it, but I didn't wanna admit it:
"So, I'm gonna say it and I need you to listen because it's very complex," I started. "I think I'm pregnant, and I feel horrible because I don't want to be. Not that I don't want any kids, I do, in the future. The problem is that we just came out of the second apocalypse, everything is a mess, my family is all over the place. I love Klaus more than anything, so I don't wanna throw this onto him, you know? He's been through so much already!"
"And I'm terrified of not being a good mother, the only mother I ever had was a robot. I love her to bits, but what if all I can give my child is robot-love? I don't even know what it feels like, my birth mom clearly didn't love me, she chose to give me away for money, I understand she wasn't expecting to get pregnant out of the blue, but... I don't understand why she couldn't love me. I feel so selfish and so stupid for letting this happen, and I keep thinking about my biological mom, I'm freaking out here," I started sobbing. "You're the only person I can talk to."
Honey began to live for the sound of her “kids” popping by the apartment. She brought the books home with her more often in case Klaus would come by to learn more about himself. Or Luther who really just wanted the tiny woman to hold him the way a robot never could. And Diego who well, was always hitting on her. Allison and Vicky and Vanya helped her feel not so alone.
Yeah, they were her children. They were mostly older than Honey. The discarded. The outcast. Who suffered abuse. They were the bought and sold to a billionaire. They were a magical pregnancy and 43 terrified women, one she would become 15 years from now. Thank God she already knew what one of those felt like.
Honey was checking on Sugar and Sunny as they napped. The large crow with his beak buried in his ebony feathers kept one large yellow eye on them from above. Sunny was enamored with the corvid. Klaus, despite being 35 years older than himself, was deeply jealous.
It was from their room, after hearing a familiar VOIP sound in the living room, that Honey just felt in her body something was wrong. There was an anxiety emanating from Vicky whose back was to her.
“Vicky? Are you ok?” Honey gently touched the woman. She wanted to hug her, but opted for minor affection.
Vicky's expression in response worried Honey. “Is it Klaus? It's Klaus. Oh my god, tell me he's alright.” Her lip started to tremble. For a clone of Leon, Klaus was infused with his mother.
Half an hour later, Honey could only stare slack-jawed over Vicky's guts being spilled all over the couch. So to speak.
Honey took Vicky’s hand and did what her mom would do. What she and Julia found themselves doing with their children. Whether they were full grown men or toddlers. Honey kissed Vicky's hand several times and held it over her heart.
“First of all, I can't speak for your birth mother or the others. I know Klaus told me it was a spontaneous pregnancy. Like BAM! We're suddenly giving birth. For me, even being 45,” Honey shivered dramatically, “I would rather kill Reginald and take you all. But whatever the other women did. That's on them.
“But! If anyone knows about an unexpected pregnancy, it's me. She's asleep in the other room with her brother. I think I realized I was knocked up, I just ignored it until Leon mentioned something about my body being new. We NEVER used protection. Pills in the sixties were for married women only. The fact that we had sex for over a year before anything happened is a freaking miracle.
I took two tests in the flat. Then at the clinic. Just a few weeks before, abortion became legal AND funded by the NHS. I told no one, went and made that woman tell me every single step of the process. I asked how easy the adoption process in the UK is. I wasn't keeping it no matter what.”
Now Honey took both of Vicky’s hands, “You have so many readily available options.” She kissed them both again, “But please just let Klaus know. It's YOUR choice. YOURS. Ultimately, I changed my mind. I had her on my own. Pregnancy, birth, her first six months. I wasn't even on the same continent as Leon. But if my baby would have half his looks, and his way of loving, and even an OUNCE of his heart, Leon deserved to be a dad. I WANTED to have his baby. I don't regret my decision. I don't want to regret yours either. We all love you.”
Honey kissed Vicky's forehead, “I mean I'm your mom now.”
I would've started crying if I wasn't already, it felt so good to finally have someone to hold my hand. I can only imagine dad's reaction if I told him I was pregnant with Klaus' baby... It was awesome to not be judged for once.
"I wanna tell him, I'm just scared... If I really am pregnant, I wanna keep it, but what if he doesn't like it? What if he doesn't wanna be a dad?"
My desperate rambling was interrupted by a blue surge of energy right in the middle of the room, that could only mean one thing... Klaus and Five fell from it with a loud thud.
I had to cover my mouth not to scream, my heart nearly jumped out of my chest, but Honey seemed pleased with the new visitors.
"Jesus Vicky... I woke up and you were gone, I was worried!" Klaus squeezed me in a tight hug.
"I told you she was fine, Victoria can handle herself," Five rolled his eyes. "It's not like she can get hurt."
"Sorry, I didn't mean to disappear."
Klaus moved to give Honey a hug as well, she kissed his forehead and urged him to sit down between us.
"I know this face, Scnucki..." Klaus placed his hand on my cheek. "What's wrong?"
I looked over at Honey and she gave me a reassuring nod. With a sigh, I took Klaus' hand, tracing the 'hello' with the tip of my finger.
"Klausie," I tried to muster the courage to say it. "I know the timing might not be the best, things are a little crazy right now, but I think I might be..."
"Might be...?" He stared at me nervously.
Klaus' mouth dropped and he widened his eyes. Shit! Shit! He hates it, he wasn't happy. He was gonna leave me right there and then.
"But we always..."
"I know, but apparently condoms are only 98% effective."
"You two really abuse your luck," Five mused.
"Timing isn't great, but if you want to keep it, I'm with you. It's our baby," a smile tugged at Klaus' lips. "And I love you, so..."
"Actually," I got up as fast as I could. "I love you too, but I'm not pregnant. If you guys will excuse me, I gotta go to the toilet, like right now!"
Honey watched as Vicky ran off to the bathroom. She was left with a bewildered Klaus, slack jawed over everything that quickly took place. She could only snort as Leon popped up from the same corner Vicky had just flown around. Mouth agape identical to his clone.
“Alright love,” Leon kissed her on the cheek. “Never told me the kids were coming ‘round for a visit.” He eyed up Five, still uncertain of him.
Klaus dramatically planted a fist on his hip, “Im thirty-six.”
“Too right. What's going on? Is Vicky ok she looked barmy.”
“Well we were almost grandparents.”
“GRANDPARENTS?! I'm thirty! Bloody hell I can't keep track of the ten we have now. Can't handle a baby, mate. Not coming from you. No offense.”
“All of it taken,” Klaus quipped.
“Well we don't need to worry about it. Pretty sure Vicky just overwhelmingly got her period. Better luck next time!”
Every single person in the room nearly knocked Honey flat with a loud in unison “NEXT TIME?”
She wouldn't make that mistake again.
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yandere--stuck · 5 years
Yandere!Kiyotaka x Mondo
"If my thinking so far is right, Mondo must have replaced his broken handbook with Leon's." Makoto explained. "In which case, we can just check each of out handbooks right now. Once we do that, we'll--"
"We don't gotta do that." Mondo interrupted. His gruff voice sounded tired, almost resigned.
Kiyotaka visibly tensed, sweating, his red eyes wide and blown out as they remained locked onto Mondo, watching his every move. The young man's nails dug in the wood of his stand.
"Wh- what?" Kiyotaka breathed, as though his voice was failing him.
"Yeah, yeah," The biker hung his head, nodding. "I did it… I killed Chihiro."
Gasps filled the stands that encircled the center of the room, followed by an uncomfortable, tense silence.
"B- bro?" Kiyotaka gulped. For a split second, his lips quirked into a nervous, unsure smile. "What are you talking about…?"
Mondo looked away, not able to meet his friend's fiery eyes. "I got no choice, man… After hearing all that, I… I give up. Go ahead, Monokuma, get it over with. Ask for the goddamn verdict."
"Roger that!" The bear saluted.
"No!" Taka yelled, visibly lurching forward, leaning forward against his stand. "W- wait! H- hold on!"
"No waiting, no holding on!" Monokuma interjected. "Time for the moment we've all been waiting for! Grab your lever and give it a yank!"
Kiyotaka suddenly locked eyes with Makoto, eyes filled to the brim with pain and desperation. "Makoto! Tell them! You're lying! Mondo is innocent, tell them!"
Makoto shrunk back slightly, surprised at his friend's sudden outburst. "I… I wish I could, b-"
"Taka, bro, stop. There's no point." Mondo resigned. "I'm guilty."
"NO YOU'RE NOT!" Taka screamed, physically shaking his stand, almost damaging it. "You could never! Not you! You're not guilty! You couldn't hurt a fly!!"
"I mean… If you think about it," Aoi said softly. "Mondo is the leader of the, y'know, deadliest biker gang in the country… Or something like that? We should have seen it coming, really…"
"Shut up…" Taka growled. "You don't know what you're talking about…"
Mondo's brow furrowed, a pain striking straight through his chest as he watched his friend lose him to his grief and betrayal. "Bro, please… I- I'm sorry, okay? I'm so sorry." 
Taka whirled to face Mondo, tears beginning to brim at his eyes. "Wh- Why are you apologizing?! You've never done anything wrong!" All of The Ultimate Moral Compass' strength seemed to leave him suddenly, and he hunkered down to almost lay against the rail of his stand. "Not you, not you, never you, never, never…"
Monokuma giggled, watching from his chair. "As much as this makes for some good entertainment, we're running a little late, folks! It's voting time!"
"N-no!" Kiyotaka seized up, eyes swirling with pain and alarm.
Mondo hung his head, too pained to even look at his best bro, and selected himself.
One by one, the entire class made their votes. A drumroll rang out from a speaker somewhere, and Monokuma stood at attention.
"Uh-oh... This time it looks like...you got it right again! Yes, it is so. The blackened that killed Chihiro Fujisaki was Mondo Owaaadaaaa!" The bear announced. His expression then turned stern as he turned to face Kiyotaka. "In case you're wondering, the vote was NOT unanimous. Kiyotaka chose the wrooong answer! You're treading very close to the danger zone, Mr. Ishimaru! You need to be more careful!"
"W- why…?" Kiyotaka breathed, his breathing shallow. "Why why why why why why why WHY?!?!"
The entire class, save for Byakuya, awkwardly looked away from The Moral Compass as he broke down. It was far too painful to watch…
"Why…" Kiyotaka's crimson eyes ran over Mondo. "Why would they think you're guilty."
Mondo winced. "I… I'm sorry, Taka."
"Why are you apologizing?! Don't apologize! You didn't do anything wrong!"
Mondo simply turned away, head down as he was led by Monokuma to his fate. Kiyotaka attempted to run after him, but the door was already locked by the time he had reached it.  The others watched as Kiyotaka almost ferally clawed at the door, willing to open and let him reunite with his… His Mondo…
Kiyotaka had resigned himself to clutching at the gates that separated him and his class from the punishment area. He kept his eyes open wide the entire time, locked onto Mondo's circling bike. He didn't even blink when electricity shot through the ring of death, though he could feel his heart drop into his stomach. His eyes seemed to change hue from the multi-colored light emitting from the deadly trap. His cheeks stung from the tears he hadn't realized he'd started crying.
And then it was done. And Mondo was…
He… He was…
It took a few minutes, maybe many, Taka didn't know,  for the man to slowly, numbly separate from the gate.
Numb. He couldn't feel… Anything.
A hand found it's way onto Taka's shoulder, causing the uniformed man to seize up, whirling around to face who had touched him-
Something… Something inside Kiyotaka felt… Weak. Weak and ready to burst, like an old dam, at the sight of Makoto. Because of Makoto.
Because of Makoto… Mondo…
"I'm really sorry, Taka," The brunet said. "I… I wouldn't have guessed it was Mondo, either, but-"
If Makoto hadn't lied, Mondo would still be here. Mondo would never kill anyone. 
This was all Makoto's fault.
And something inside Taka snapped.
With a snarl, Kiyotaka lunged forward, wrapping his hands around the other man's neck. His weight caused him to slam the other to floor. Kiyotaka squeezed, finding respite in the way Makoto gurgled out pained cries, the fear in his eyes. 
Makoto looked up into Kiyotaka's fiery, blood red eyes, like the gates of hell itself.
Everyone was still for a moment, eyes wide Their Ultimate Moral Compass assaulted their friend.
"My, my," Byakuya chuckled. "This is unprecedented!"
"You motherfucker, you bastard! You killed him, you killed Mondo!" Kiyotaka growled, voice laced with fury. "And I'm gonna kill you!"
Suddenly, the uniformed man was lifted into the arms of Sakura, restraining him. Even still, Kiyotaka raged, flailing and snarling and scratching at air as he struggled in the woman's grip.
"The dude's completely lost it…" Yasuhiro said.
"I'll take him to his dorm." Sakura stated. "He just needs time to calm down, I'm sure."
Kiyotaka screams of rage could still be heard, even as he and Sakura disappeared from the room. 
Kyoko rushed over to Makoto, helping him to his feet. The man rubbed at his sore throat, still feeling the phantom touch of Taka's hands wrapped around it.
Monokuma reappeared suddenly at Makoto's side. "Ha! Didn't know the kid had it in 'im! He voted for YOU, y'know! Oh, and if Makoto winds up next on the chopping block, at least you'll have a good idea who did it!... Either that, or whoever did it will be framing Kiyotaka hardcore!"
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freddiesaysalright · 5 years
Soft in Love Part 3
A Gwilym Lee x Student!Reader Fic
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Summary: Y/N is an acting student in her last semester of college. When a professor unexpectedly can’t make it for the senior capstone class, a very famous (and handsome) substitute is called in. When they connect, they face a few challenges.
Word Count: 3k
Tag List: @psychosupernatural​ @someone-get-a-medic​, @bensrhapsody​, @deakyclicks​, @crazylittlethingcalledobsession​, @minigranger​, @crazyweirdocalledfriday​, @benders-diamond-earring​, @im-an-adult-ish​, @anincurablefangirl​, @kiainspace​, @lookuptotheskiesandsee​, @god-save-the-deaks​, @assembledherethevolunteers​ @misslolasworld​ If you’d like to be added, let me know!
A/N: So, some more pining and drama. Y’know, the usual.
Warning(s): Some guys being sketchy with women’s drinks.
Part 1  Part 2
Part 3 here we go!!!
Thankfully, the weekend passed without incident, though you found yourself thinking of Gwilym more often than you liked. Every time you read your library book, you thought of that moment among the shelves. Any time you ran lines, or sang from the show, you thought about the way he played the piano, and how you laughed together afterward. His smile, his eyes….
“Get a grip,” you scolded yourself.
And yet, you found yourself eager for the end of the weekend and anticipation for Tuesday morning.
You arrived early again, feeling oddly hopeful. Maybe you could rehearse “The Boy Next Door” again. You loved that song already, but singing it with Gwilym was something else. When you entered the auditorium, you were disappointed to find that instead of your handsome professor, Daniel, your ex, sat in your usual seat.
“Sup?” he said with a cocky nod. “Expecting someone else?”
“No,” you replied coolly, turning away to go and sit elsewhere.
You found another seat and pulled your book out, eyes going over the words, but not really absorbing it. You could feel Daniel gazing at you with such an infuriating smirk on his face. After about two minutes, you slammed your book shut and looked sharply at him.
“What?” you demanded.
“Nothing,” he replied with a shrug. “You look nice.”
“Shut up,” you returned. “Just tell me what you want and stop staring at me.”
“There’s a party Friday night,” he said. “At a friend of mine’s place. You should come. Bring Sloan too.”
“Why would I want to go to your dumb friend’s party?” you shot back. “If you need a date so bad, why don’t you just ask Allison?”
Allison was the name of the girl he had cheated on you with. Daniel frowned at the mention of her and it was your turn to smirk.
“What else are you going to do?” he challenged. “Sit at home at masturbate thinking about Gwilym?”
Your face heated up at the idea as well as the fury you now felt toward Daniel. 
“You’re an asshole,” you spat.
“Why, ‘cause I’m right?” he returned.
“No, because you’re clearly just butthurt that I don’t care about you anymore,” you said. “So you’re saying things just to try and make me feel like shit.”
It also struck a nerve. Not because he was right, but if even Daniel thought your behavior toward was exceptional in any way, then it was a problem. You were going to need to back off of him. Plus, you were beyond tired of hearing about it. One week of this man teaching classes, and rumors were already starting.
“Just come to the party,Y/N,” he sighed. “There’ll at least be free booze.”
You considered it. You really despised parties because of the crowds and the noise. But Sloan loved parties, and she might feel robbed if you didn’t at least tell her about it.
“I’ll see what Sloan wants to do,” you conceded.
He pumped his fist in the air. “Hell yeah!”
Your other classmates began trailing into the auditorium, followed shortly by Gwilym. You beamed at him as he passed you, which he returned. You remembered Daniel’s words and immediately adjusted your expression to something more neutral. Gwilym didn’t notice, since he began taking roll. Today was focused almost entirely on music, so you didn’t get to talk to Sloan about the party right away.
All through rehearsal, you avoided Gwilym like the plague. He approached you once with an expectant (and dashing) smile on his face, and you quickly ran off to grab some water. When he gave you direction on your song with Sloan, you nodded curtly and said nothing. You tried to always thank your directors for feedback, but you were so afraid of appearing too eager to please him now.
Edith on the other hand, had no such qualms. With you avoiding him, she moved to fill the space, brazenly flirting. She batted her eyes. She found any excuse to touch him. And once, while she was whispering something in his ear, she shot you a dirty look. You couldn’t be bothered about what she may have said. It was likely it wasn’t even about you, she just wanted to get in your head. Well, you weren’t going to let her. Besides, Gwilym was not yours to be jealous or possessive over.
When class drew to an end, Edith squeezed Gwilym’s bicep.
“Thanks for a great class today,” she said with a wide smile.
“I’m just doing my job,” he returned politely.
“Well, you’re very good at it,” she insisted.
You resisted a brutal urge to roll your eyes. You looked at Sloan to get the image of Edith’s desperate eyes out of your head.
“Hey, you wanna go to a party on Friday?” you asked.
She raised an eyebrow at you.
“Who are you and what have you done with the real Y/N?” she returned.
“Dan invited us,” you said. “He said his friend is having one. He mentioned bringing you specifically, so…”
“I’m always down for a party,” she said. “Are you actually going to come?”
You glanced back toward where Edith was now twirling her hair around her finger as she spoke to Gwilym. You couldn’t see his face, but you imagined he had his usual polite smile. An idea formed.
“Yeah, I’m gonna come,” you said.
“Alright then,” she agreed, a surprised smile claiming her lips. “I’m looking forward to it.”
“Me too!” you agreed.
You left class without saying anything to Gwilym or Edith, just giggling excitedly as you exited the auditorium.
Gwilym’s eyes were trained on your back until you disappeared and the door closed behind you. He’d caught a whiff of you scent as you rushed by with Sloan. He wondered what made you both so silly. He heard Edith talking, but didn’t register the words she was saying. His mind was completely distracted by your behavior towards him.
You were normally quite friendly, but today, you seemed off. When he saw you were behaving as usual with your friends, he got nervous. What had he done to offend you? He hadn’t even seen you since last week’s class, except for once on Friday afternoon when he passed you on the way to his car. Even then, he had just smiled and waved. What had changed between now and then?
“Gwilym?” Edith said, a little louder. 
He shook his head to clear it.
“Oh, sorry,” he said. “What is it?”
“I said, I was wondering if you’d like to get coffee sometime?” she replied.
He felt the color drain from his face.
“Oh…” he said. “Oh, I - well, I’m flattered, Edith, but the university has strict rules about professors fraternizing with students.”
“I mean, it’s not like I’m some eighteen year old,” she argued. “I’m a grown...experienced woman.”
He cleared his throat uncomfortably. 
“You’re putting me in a very awkward position,” he said.
“What position is that?” she asked, stepping closer.
“The position of rejecting you,” he replied as gently as he could.
“Because of the rule?”
“Even in spite of it.”
The air thickened. Her face fell as she looked at him and then down at the floor.
“Oh,” she said. “Oh, I see.”
“I’m sorry,” he told her. “I’m just not interested. You’re a lovely person, I’m sure, but -”
“Save it,” she said, holding up a hand to stop him. “I don’t need to hear a lame ass excuse.”
She snatched up her bag, turned on her heel, and swept out of the room. Gwilym took a deep breath as the door closed behind her, leaving him mercifully alone. Again, his thoughts went to you. He wondered what he might have said if it had been you standing there instead of Edith. Yet, from the way you were acting before, he assumed he would never have to answer that question.
On Thursday, class went similarly. Only, you noticed you weren’t the only one giving Gwilym a bit of a cold shoulder. Edith was making quite a show of ignoring him. When he was directing others, she would cross her arms over her chest and huff, turning her head sharply away from him. It all seemed to go unnoticed by Gwilym.
“What’s up with her?” you wondered.
“I heard she asked him out and he turned her down,” Andrew said.
Your heart gave a jolt of excitement.
“Really? Where’d you hear that?”
“Mary,” he said. “You know how they’re kind of friends. Apparently, he spouted some excuse about school rules before flat out telling her he wasn’t interested.”
“Damn, that’s cold,” Sloan chimed in.
“I didn’t know the school had rules about that,” you said.
“They’re super strict,” Andrew said. “I looked it up after I heard this story and it could result in the professor’s termination and the student’s expulsion.”
You blinked, surprised.
“That seems awfully drastic,” you said. Then you smiled. “Especially for something that’s evidently such a popular porn trope.”
Andrew rolled his eyes.
“That’s just it, though,” he said. “It’s a fantasy.”
“Relax, I’m only kidding,” you replied. “No, it’s probably for the best. I mean, the lines are blurred because of the power dynamics and all that. It’s not an ideal situation for anyone.”
Sloan said something else that you didn’t quite hear. The triumph you felt at Gwilym’s rejection of Edith had ebbed away entirely. Now, you only thought about that rule. You looked at Gwilym as he spoke to Mary and Leon, who played your mother and father in the show, and felt an ache in your heart.
The following day, you went to Sloan’s to get ready for the party together. Andrew wasn’t going, since he had work on the weekends. Sloan did your makeup for you and everything, and you had a feeling the time with her was going to be the most fun you had that night.
You took a Lyft to the party, after Daniel texted you the address. When you arrived, it was in full swing. Music made the walls seem to shake as bass thumped along with whatever song was playing. The low lighting made you squint as you headed for the kitchen, needing a drink. Alcohol was probably the only thing that would get you through the nonsense. But you had to do this.
Sloan chugged a beer and then scanned the crowd. You watched her, her eyes like a panther on the prowl. She spotted a man she deemed attractive, and she pounced. You admired Sloan’s boldness. If she wanted something, she went for it. And if she got rejected, it rolled right off her back. You sometimes envied her confidence.
You looked around at the sea of people and tried not to get overwhelmed. You were hoping to start up a flirtation with someone so that people could see you were just friendly and totally not into your hot professor. When no one really struck your fancy, you sighed and retreated to the corner.
That was where Daniel found you.
“Hey, Y/N!” he shouted over the music. “Glad you made it!”
“Me too!” you returned.
It was a lie, but you didn’t care about lying to him.
“Wanna dance?” he offered.
“Nope,” you answered.
“Come on, one song!”
“No thanks!”
“How about you join me outside?”
That sounded better. Getting out of the sweaty bodies everywhere and the pounding music would be a relief. So you nodded, following him out to the back porch. With the door shut, the sounds of the party were instantly dulled. To your irritation, you were out here alone.
Daniel pulled out a cigarette. He offered the pack out to you, but you shook your head. He shrugged, stuck the cigarette in his mouth, and lit it. He took a long drag and then blew the smoke away from you.
“I’ve been doing some thinking,” he said.
“Oh, how rare for you,” you returned.
“Come on,” he groaned. “I’m trying to tell you something.”
“I don’t really care to hear anything you have to say.”
“I’m really sorry about Allison, okay?” he went on. “I want to give us another chance.”
“Well, I don’t,” you said firmly. “If this was your reason for inviting me, I’ll just go home.”
“Don’t be like that,” he pleaded.
“Don’t tell me what to do,” you snipped. “You’re acting like we were in love or something. We dated for four months, you cheated on me, I ended it. Don’t pretend I broke your heart.”
“What if you did?” he asked
“I know that I didn’t.”
He chuckled, smoke billowing out between his lips.
“You’re such a bitch,” he laughed.
You sneered at him. “I bet you say that to all the girls.”
“Is this because you want to fuck Gwilym?”
“You know, as much as you talk about him, I’m beginning to think you want to fuck him,” you spat.
“I might, if he wanted me too,” he shrugged. “I’m nice.”
“Piss off.” 
You went swiftly back inside. Daniel just wanted a bed warmer tonight, you were sure. He didn’t want to get back together. But it upset you enough that you were going to find Sloan and tell her you were leaving. You stepped through the door and looked around. 
She wasn’t in the kitchen, so you assumed she was still dancing. Pushing through the crowd, you headed that way. When you got there, you carefully searched for her face. You didn’t see her anywhere. Worry started to grip you. Where was she?
You pulled your phone out of your pocket, only to discover it was dead. You cursed yourself for forgetting to charge it while you got ready. You now needed your friend to use her Lyft app as well. But still, you couldn’t find her. And you couldn’t text or call her.
“Sloan!” you called out, heart beginning to race.
You heard no response.
Again, nothing.
Full on panic set in, and you began aggressively pushing people out of your way to look around. Sloan was nowhere to be found. Taking a deep breath, you hurtled up the stairs and began checking the bedrooms, still calling out for her.
“Sloan!” you cried, bursting through the last door in the hall.
There she was. She was lying on a bed, unconscious. Her clothes were on, and there was no one else in the room. You flew to her side and started patting her cheeks to try and rouse her.
“Sloan, come on,” you urged. “Hey, Sloan, can you hear me?”
She groaned and rolled her head from the left to the right. But she was still not awake. The door opened again and your eyes snapped to the intruder.
“Hey!” he cried. “What are you doing in here?”
“What are you doing in here?” you demanded. “Why didn’t you tell someone she was passed out?”
“She’s fine,” he argued. “We were just about to have some fun.”
Your eyes went wide, horrified.
“She can’t have any fun, she’s barely conscious!” you spat.
You started to pull her off the bed, putting her arm around your shoulders. Her limp body was heavy, nearly making your knees buckle, but you weren’t going to leave her here with this dirtbag. Not if it was the last thing you did.
“Get out of my way,” you said firmly, hoping your voice did not betray your fear. The guy was pretty big - you assumed he was an athlete - and you weren’t sure you could overtake him if the situation called for it.
“You can join the fun too, y’know,” he said.
“I’d literally rather die,” you retorted. “Now get out of my way. Don’t make me call my boyfriend up here.”
He rolled his eyes and thankfully stepped aside. 
Getting down the hall was no problem, but the stairs proved to be difficult. You were out of breath by the time you were halfway down. You were also pretty disgusted that no one seemed to notice you struggling. And if they did, they weren’t offering any help.
“Y/N…” Sloan mumbled, before her head lolled against your shoulder again
Slowly, staggeringly, you made it to the front door. You grabbed your purses and slung them precariously across your body. By some miracle, you were able to open the door. The sound of pouring rain made your heart sink. Great.
Despite the downpour, you stepped onto the porch. Holding Sloan tight against you with one hand, you fished around in her purse with the other. You found her phone quickly. With a victorious swish, you pulled it out and tried to unlock it. To your dismay, hers was dead too.
“Fuck!” you cried, stamping your foot.
You turned around and looked inside, hoping to see Daniel. Maybe you could pop back inside and ask to use his phone. It would hurt your pride, but some things had to be sacrificed in this sort of scenario. You couldn’t see him. Frustrated, your mind raced for something to do, some way to get home without a phone or a car. Then, your body froze as you saw the guy from upstairs and two other guys just his size coming toward the door. They looked dangerous.
Terrified, you maneuvered out into the rain as fast as you could go. Hair and makeup be damned, those guys had something sinister in mind and you were not going to allow them to do it, even if you collapsed from exhaustion.
The water dripping over your face proved a bigger challenge than you anticipated. Your vision was completely blurred as the droplets clung to your brows and lashes. The darkness didn’t help. You shivered, despite the warm air. Your body was so weak just from getting her out of the house. How were you going to make it all the way back to her apartment? 
Suddenly, two lights were heading down the street. Headlights.
You glanced back and saw the three guys emerge from the house. Then, you took a chance and launched yourself out onto the road, waving your free hand wildly.
“STOP!” you shouted. “Stop! Please stop!”
The car screeched to a halt. The driver pulled around you slowly before stopping and rolling the window down, revealing himself. You sucked in a sharp breath.
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justjen523 · 7 years
Make Me Forget
Ichthys x MC
(Rating E 18+)
I felt like the wind had been knocked out of me. The pain felt like a thousand needles in my heart as I raced down the hallway tears spilling from my eyes. I really loved him and thought he felt the same way. How many times had he told me so with such love in his eyes? Had all of it been a lie? Was he playing me all along? We had been together for nearly six months and hearing his words replaying over and over in my mind felt like a cruel joke.
'I must admit Teo, I never expected you to settle for a goldfish. She must be pretty great in the sack.'
'Pfft are you kidding me? She still hasn't let me go past second base.'
'Oh-ho? And you still waste your time with her?'
'Geeze Leon, you just don't get it do you? It's all about the game.'
'Pffft, sounds like a lot of work for a whole lot of nothing. Why bother when you are constantly knee deep in noble goddesses every time you set foot in the Heavens?'
'It's too easy with them. They only want one thing. Goldie actually cares about me and even told me she loves me.'
'Dont tell me you said it back to her.'
'Of course I did. She ate up every single line like candy. It was too easy.'
'But you don't actually love her do you?'
'Ahaha that's a good one. Me love just one woman? Are you outta your mind?'
'Then tell me what good will come of all this? You're just gonna break her heart and make her cry. These weak goldfish put too much stock in their ideas of romance and fantasies.'
'Yeah maybe but I bet she's super cute when she cries. I'll just string her along like I do with all my women and she can be my very own special Goldie toy.'
I couldn't bear to stick around any longer after hearing that. The shock at how coldly and cruelly he said those words made me instantly nauseaus so I took off running. He had no idea I even heard what the two of them were saying as I stood outside the door ready to knock. I had popped over to surprise him with his favorite, homemade milk cookies, but after hearing all that I threw them in anger as I made my hasty escape.
The tears were overflowing as I tried desperately to reach the front door but it was no use, I was practically hyperventilating from sobbing uncontrollably. I needed to gain composure first so I made my way down the Punishments hallway desperately trying to put as much distance as possible between myself and any Wishes gods.
Thankfully since it was already evening no one would be using the reflecting pool so I made my way there as quickly as possible.
Rounding the corner I quickly flung open the door hoping none of the Punishments gods would see me. As soon as I made it inside I quickly shut the door behind me and rested a minute trying to catch my breath. As soon as I did the overwhelming pain once again consumed me and I fell to my knees clutching my hands to my chest sobbing uncontrollably.
Completely lost in my grief I failed to notice that this entire time I had not been alone.
"Woah what's up? You okay?" Upon hearing his voice I nearly jumped out of my skin before spinning around and scrambling to my feet.
"I-Ichthys! W-What are you doing here?" As soon as he saw my face his eyes went wide.
"Working late but nevermind that, what happened?" Ichthys' uncharacteristically serious expression only served to once again remind me of what a fool I'd been. Goldfish had no business in the realm of the gods, a fact I learned the hard way.
"I-Im so sorry to interrupt, please forget you even saw me. I'm gonna go-" As I hastily tried to make my exit a cool hand grabbed my sweaty palm pulling me back before turning me around to face him.
"Unh Unh. You can't possibly believe I'd let you go after seeing you like this. What happened?" The genuine concern in his eyes did nothing to stem the river of tears flowing down my puffy red cheeks.
"I...*hic*" Unable to get anything intelligeble out I once again break down and this time willingly accept his gesture of kindness allowing him to embrace me. Though he is obviously worried he doesn't press me any further and just holds me gently stroking my hair as I cry.
After the initial overload I slowly started to calm down. For whatever reason being held this way by the god of Pisces is oddly peaceful and comforting. Not the words that usually come to mind when describing Ichthys. However, tonight he is everything I need at the moment and I am grateful for it. Feeling nearly exhausted after balling my eyes out, trying to process and mend a broken heart, my eyes feel extremely heavy. Ichthys smells so good and though his hands are cool to the touch his body is warm making me nod off still nestled comfortably in his kind embrace.
As my eyes slowly open I am greeted by a pair of soft grey troubled one's. His cool hand rests upon my forehead, his eyebrows upturned in distress.
"Where... I"
"Shhhhh. Don't speak, just rest. You're safe. You collapsed so I brought you back to my room. I was just about to go get Teo-"
"NO! God please no! D-Don't..I.... never wanna see his cruel face again!" Instantly in tears again Ichthys' eyes go wide upon hearing my words before his expression turns pained and then dark. Without having to even say a word I can see his thought process as he finally pieces it all together.
"What happened?" The way he's looking at me right now with such compassion is more than I can bear. I don't even realize what I'm doing until it's too late.
My lips eagerly claim his as I grab the sides of his face pulling him on top of me. Too shocked and stunned in disbelief he doesn't immediately pull away as it hasn't fully registered what I am doing to him yet. It isn't till he starts to kiss me back that he stops himself and pulls away.
"Woah wait a sec! I...can't! I mean, you're Teo's girl and-"
"No, I'm not. Not anymore."
"Okaaay buuuut, you guys obviously just broke up or whatever and this is... probably a really bad idea." Unable to handle any more rejection I suddenly feel very determined to get whatever I want at this moment and right now that happens to be Ichthys.
"It hurts Ichthys. It hurts so bad I can't stand it. Please, I beg you, make me forget. Even if it's just for tonight." I feel guilty watching how conflicted he looks as he is debating what to do next, but I'm surprised when he wipes the tears from the corner of my eyes away.
"A-Are you sure this is what you want? I mean if you're looking for a one night stand the other guys are probably way better than-" I cut him off by kissing him deeply once again only this time he stops hesitating and fully gives in.
His kiss tastes sweet and is intoxicating. Seeing this more mature side of Ichthys is turning me on immensely and I wrap my legs around his waist pressing our bodies together tightly hoping to feel his arousal. He doesn't disappoint. Though obviously excited I can tell he's still worried and starts holding back.
"Ikky it's okay. I want this. I want you. You're being an amazing and great friend by being here for me when I need you most. So please, don't hesitate. Stop worrying." He stops a moment to look at me as if he's pondering something.
"Touch me. I want to feel your hands all over my body. Make love to me Ichthys, I want to feel you inside of me." I mean every word. I never got this far with Teorus because I wanted it to be special and at the "right time." That's no longer the case. I just want to be swept up in a real man's passion. One who has a good heart and actually gives a fuck about me like Ichthys. He's far more worthy than someone like Teo could ever be.
We stare into each other's eyes a moment before he claims my mouth hungrily letting his carnal desires take over. His hands roam all over teasing and caressing my skin making me so wet it's nearly uncomfortable. When his hand finally snakes it's way down my pants and between my legs I quiver at how good it feels.
"Mm...yeah... more Ikky. More.. please." In one swift motion he rips all of the clothing from my body. Staring down at me with lustful eyes I spread my legs wide for him which is his undoing. There's no turning back anymore. He snaps his fingers and his perfect nakedness hovers over me leaving me desperate for more. He's beautiful. Perfect and carved like a marble statue. My hand travels south massaging myself to ease some of the tension building inside of me.
There's no need for foreplay tonight. His hardness slides into me with ease making me hungry for more. We start off slowly, moving together as his hips rock against mine. The weight of our bodies coupled with the way we move causes his bed to creak and groan below us.
"Mmm..yeah. Oh god yes Ikky, you feel SO good." Wrapping my legs around him I grind my hips against his trying to increase our momentum and friction further still. Sensing my desperation he begins thrusting harder, deeper and faster. Burying his face in my neck as we deliciously grind our bodies together it doesn't take long before we are both about to climax.
"I want to see your face as you cum, I bet you are even more beautiful" I whisper in his ear. He kisses me deeply now fucking me hard as the sounds of our bodies coming together over and over echo off the walls.
"Mm...yeah...right there, don't stop! I'm so close!" I can hear him practically growl in response with such a deep low voice as his cock throbs inside of me. When I dig my nails into his back I push him over the edge causing his orgasm to spill out deep inside of me. With his sexy bedroom voice in my ear just hearing the sounds escaping him as he fills me with his cum is more than enough to cause mine to rush forth. Screaming his name and clutching onto him for dear life I ride it out blissfully lost in nothing other than how good I feel at this moment.
Ichthys collapses on top of me as he catches his breath and I contentedly stroke my fingers through his hair. Lost in the afterglow, our bodies lovingly entwined we have no idea that on the other side of the partially ajar door, a dumbfounded and speechless Teorus stares on in bewilderment.
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pinpep · 7 years
An unexpected talk
"Hey guys. It's been awhile. Times are tough. It seems like the world and my life are on the brink, and ive never been so torn. I wonder if it was as easy as you two made it seem. I almost gave up. Sometimes I still want to. I'm trying. I miss you. I'll be brave."
The trees around her felt as empty as ever. The graves, as graves always were, remained silent, but the air a short distance behind her was another matter entirely.
“Oh, wee lamb. Th'easier it looks, th'arder it was. Forged in fire, hey?”
The voice surprised her, knowing she was supposed to be secluded out here, but the young gnome calmed herself, certainly a well-meaning passerby judging by how the tone had no malice whatsoever.  She turned her head around to greet the stranger.
Seated on the grass next to a large oak stump, a woman bearing the not-quite-sharp, not-quite-round features of a middle-aged mother sips carefully from a steaming teacup. Her hair is dark and held up off her neck by a kerchief across her forehead, and her clothing is simple, but fine. The light-colored dress seemed a bit dirty, but it was hard to be sure since she, cup and all, was a softly-shimmering translucent green. “Don’t mind me, luv.”
Calmly adjusting to the fact that a spirit had decided to reveal itself, the gnome can’t help but smile at the ‘luv’, it gave away where the woman was from, anyway, and it did make her think of Leon, almost an uncanny feeling, really. “Oh, it’s no trouble, i’m not far away enough from town to expect privacy.” Adjusting her seating, she turning to face the woman.  "I enjoy coming out here to talk to my parents, pretty place. You on a walk?“
When she chuckled, the slight reverb was much easier to pick up, but it didn’t make her sound particularly alien, rather giving her voice a more songlike quality as she set her cup down. "I do like t'wander in my free time these days. It is a lovely little spot you’ve found for yourself. My apologies for intruding on you, by th’ by. Couldn’t quite 'elp myself. It sounded so …mm, familiar.” Pin gave her a smile. Spirits, though she had rarely encountered them, were rarely malevolent, and in truth she found this one to be pleasant enough that she didn’t want to cause her any discomfort.  "Familiar? I suppose everyone has their troubles.“
"Very much so. First thin’ y'learn that’s worth learnin’ once married, luv; nobody’s marriage is without stumbles. Th’ longer they go, th’ more there are, o’ course, but that’s just probability, innit?”
“Personally, I talked t'my pillows about it.”
She chuckled, “I like to air this stuff out there, or at my training dummy if i’m mad enough.” a brief pause, followed by a deep breath, “There have been ups and downs, but this was the first time I thought I was making it worse. Still feel it.” “Well, in a way, you’re right, luv.” She set her cup down, drawing a second one out of nothing and pouring from a homey little teapot that hadn’t been on the stump before. It certainly smelled nice, lots of bergamot, a little orange. “We’re all responsible for our own lives, aren’t we? So if it’s not goin’ th'way we want it, that’s always a little bit on us. Not quite s'much as we’d gen'rally like, I think, but still.”
It was not a great feeling, to hear those words, but she had a kind way of saying it that put that initial panic to bed, and… well, she was right. “True…. true.  Guess I just let it get to me, though, tried to get away from it, saying it was for the greater good. Guess i’m still a bit of a greenhorn with this love thing.”
“Tch, you are ev'ry ounce his li'l girl, aren’t you? Ideas an’ words bigger'n than you a dozen times over for ev'ry li'l success an’ hiccup.” She gave a silvery laugh as she pressed the teacup into Pin’s hands, feeling solid and smelling heavenly.
“You’ll only ever be a greenhorn, luv. Life never runs short o’ surprises, least of all in love. Dwellin’ in th’ valleys makes climbin’ t'th’ peaks take all that much longer, though.”
The words took a little while to sink in, all of them, and the young gnome held the ghostly teacup in her hands, looking into the woman’s eyes for awhile, her brain catching up with the implications. She took a deep breath… “You… you knew dad?” her voice cracked a bit.
My but meeting that gaze was a familiar sensation, green shimmer or not. Pin looked into eyes like those almost every night. Come to think of it, her smile turned up just a little higher on the same side as Leon’s, too. “I’d be surprised if 'alf o’ creation didn’t know that man by now, luv. 'E’s got personality enough t'man a warship on 'is own.”
Almost by instinct, Pin lifted the cup to her lips, taking a sip of the ethereal, but… very real liquid, best tea she’d ever had, really. It was the only thing keeping her from tearing up. Dad… he was… around. She knew it, of course, proof of spirits and all that, just… to -know-. And as the gnome met her gaze once again… she knew. “You…. you’re Bettany, aren’t you?”
Almost bashfully, she nodded her head and picked up her cup in a half-toast. “Sorry for th’ theatrics, luv. I 'ave t’ find my fun where I can.”
Trying to regain a bit of sanity via levity, Pin gave her a bit of a wry smile, “Well, I suppose i’ve no room to judge on theatricality. I came back from the dead in golden armor.” giving herself a few halfhearted chuckles, she met Bettany’s eyes again. “I…don’t know why or how but… I… really wanted to meet you. Leon really thought the world of you.”
Another loud, full-bodied laugh for the armor comment really hammered home the truth of her identity. “And oh 'ow your poppa glowed fit t’ match when y'did, too! If not fer all th’ bloody nebulous rules of it, 'e’d 'ave already come t'you, luv, and don’t think for a moment that 'e wouldn’t.” Her smile faded just a touch at the edges at the mention of her son, sad but resigned. “'E still does, luv. An’ just like yours, I’ll come to 'im when I can. An’ when it won’t crush 'im further.”
There were the tears. She managed to ward of the outpouring of emotion with a few deep breaths, but it was good to hear… that he saw, that he knew. “I… i’ll do my best to help get him there. I’ve been scared… but he seems to be doing better.”
“It’s very 'ard not to once there’s so much less t'fret over. From what we could see, your time on that side o’ thin’s wasn’t quite th'same.” She waved one hand in an absent sort of swat, and she sipped from her tea again. “'They’ve never been anythin’ less'n’ ecstatic t'see you go, luv. ”
“I do wish 'e 'adn’t gotten t'talkin’ with Graeme fer a while, though.” A long-suffering, but not quite actually upset, sigh. “Thank th’ gods they can’t get themselves killed again, that’s all I’ll say.”
The thought of that scenario made the gnome smile, “I actually was referring to your son, Ma'am, but it is good to know all the same.”
“You’ll pardon me sayin’ so I 'ope, but I’d assumed y'would without needin’ said. I’ll admit I never knew what 'e needed was you, but it’s clear as day now.”
Her cheeks darken a bit as she takes the compliment, she briefly looks down before meeting her gaze again. “Thanks. You raised a wonderful man, Bettany. Heck, two of them, though the other one does have a smart mouth sometimes.”
“Terry never did quite like 'ow much like 'is poppa 'e wound up, but if 'e did, 'e wouldn’t be much like 'is poppa at all. Leon… I’m glad 'e came away from th’ man 'e was becomin’ just after.”
Pin takes another sip of her tea, only to find it just about finished. “Me too. He got me to believe in myself again. Got me to love myself as well as him.” “Always th’ nurturin’ type, that boy.” She set her teacup on the stump where, after a moment, it faded off into nothing. “I think y’ deserve each other, an’ yes, that can be interpreted any number o’ ways, not all of 'em kind. I’ll leave it up t'you t'decide which one I mean just now, hm?”
She nods slowly, “Something to think about, at least. I… anything you want me to say?”
For the first time, Bettany stopped smiling, looking thoughtfully off into the trees around them. “… a great many. But they’d all be selfish. It wouldn’t 'elp Leon any t'hear from me th’ way 'e is now.” It wasn’t something that made her happy to say, but she’d resolved to accept it.
“I’ll ask y’t'keep this chat between us for now, on that note, please.”
“Yes’m.” Pin couldn’t help but go with Leon’s choice of words there.
A knowing smirk followed that familiar utterance. “At least not till I’ve gotten t'ave words with th'other girl.”
At that, Pin smiled, “i’m glad you are, Kae’s a bit lost, and you’re pretty good at this.”
She lifted her chin in mock imperiousness and sniffed once. “I raised one boy through puberty and another almost as far, all th’ while keepin’ their great dafty of a father out o'trouble. I should very well hope so.”
“You certainly lived up to the talk, ma'am.”
With a soft chuckle, Bettany gave pin’s nose a short tap. If she blinks, she’ll simply be gone by the time Pin opens her eyes again. If not, she’ll see the form of Leon’s mother softly pop into a million little green sparkles and whisk off with the breeze.
A faintly amused voice lingers just a few moments longer. “Don’t be a kiss-ass, darlin’.”
Pin can’t help but laugh, cogs, she could tell why Leon was a momma’s boy.
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