#all i know is lucifer is trying to hit that 3/3 on the eden starting set
wazzi2ya · 7 months
Adam: Don't you go offering me no fucking fruit! I know what you're plotting, and I'm NOT spending 6 months of the year in Hell!
Lucifer, holding an apple: THAT'S THE WRONG STORY YOU GODDAMN IDIOT!
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lxkeee · 6 months
GENRE: not angst:)
WARNINGS: no angst fr
NOTES: When I hit a writing slump in one of my series, I try to write one shots to inspire myself:3
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We fall in love with three different people in our lifetime.
First love, this love often happens at a young age. You eventually grow apart or call it quits over silly things. When you get older you may look back and think it wasn't love. But the truth is, it was. It was love for what you knew love to be.
Lucifer fell in love with his best friend, Raphael. She was the only one who believed in his silly dreams when he was still in heaven, that's one of the reasons he fell for the seraphim. He didn't tell her, he didn't get the chance to as unfortunately, Raphael told him about her crush on Azrael.
This made him put a distance between them, despite a breaking heart, he played as her wingman and set her and Azrael up.
Lucifer was proud of himself for doing that, he got to see his best friend to be so happy and in love. He can see how good Azrael is treating her and he knows that she'll be in safe hands.
Second love, the hard one. You get hurt in this one. This love teaches us lessons and makes us stronger. This love includes great pain, lies, betrayal, abuse, drama and damage.
But this is the one where we grow. We realize what we love about love and what we don't love about love.
Now we know the difference between good and bad humans. Now we become closed, careful, cautious and considerate.
We know exactly what we want and don't want.
After Azrael and Raphael got married, it wasn't exactly difficult for Lucifer to move on. He saw how happy she is and he decided that he shouldn't dwell on heartbreaking things. He continues to do his wonderful creations for the world. Raphael remained supportive of him, continuing to believe in his dreams despite the elders not believing in him.
Then came Adam and Lilith, he was mesmerized when he saw Lilith when he visited the Garden of Eden.
He fell in love with her and so did she to him, he listened to her how Adam wasn't treating her right. He couldn't believe a woman like her is treated like that.
He talked about her to Raphael and even though the seraphim was happy for him, she warned him not to do anything stupid. He promised that he wouldn't.
The more time he spent with Lilith, they slowly got to know each other.
He and Lilith shared the same beliefs, causing them to give the fruit of forbidden knowledge to Adam's new bride, Eve who gladly accepted.
With that, evil finally found its way to earth. Lucifer and Lilith were both banished into hell for what they had done.
Even though hell was dark, empty, and incredibly hot. He and Lilith managed to make it work. They were madly and deeply in love. Their love bore fruit and that is their beloved daughter, Charlotte Morningstar.
An eternity in hell with his family doesn't seem so bad.
Not all happy things last, slowly his and Lilith's beliefs started to clash once mortal souls slowly came down to hell. Lucifer witnessed the cruelty of mankind, how his actions gave these souls freedom to do incredibly horrifying things.
“This is how they used their free will...?” he asked himself.
He hated it, he lost so much because of the risk he did to give humanity freedom.
Lilith on the other hand, thrived off the evil.
Their differences caused them to split.
He fell into depression, how couldn't he? The woman he loved for so many eons left him? Not only that, his relationship with his daughter is deteriorating. He doesn't even remember when was the last time he held her.
For so many years, he believed that he was unlovable and he was destined to be alone. Why wouldn't he think that when the love of his life, the mother of his daughter left him?
Third love, this one comes blindly. No warning. It creeps on you silently.
You don't go looking for this love.. It comes to you.
You can put up ANY wall you want, it will be broken down. You'll find yourself caring about that person without trying. They look nothing like your usual crush types, but you get lost in their eyes daily. You see beauty in their imperfections. You hide nothing from them. You want marriage and family with them. You thank the universe for them. You truly love them.
It took a while but Lucifer managed to reconnect with his daughter, he promised to be there for her.
He helped her how to get to heaven, he helped her when the extermination happened.
He was proud of himself, promising to help the hotel as he can finally see that his daughter's dreams weren't hopeless. He was filled with hope once more, he wanted to help humanity once more.
It was sudden, no warning. He wasn't even looking for love.
Lucifer found himself staring at the third sinner who joined the hotel, [Y/n]. She joined and he was able to befriend and get to know the sinner.
He showed off his rubber duck collections to her, he thought she would find his hobby silly but turns out she loved it and found it adorable.
It was unexpected.
He suddenly found himself wide awake in his bed at the dead of the night, staring at the ceiling as countless thoughts of [Y/n] filled his mind.
“Uh oh.” he muttered, a realization that he fell for the sinner so suddenly and he fell hard.
He can only think of her bright and sparkly [e/c] eyes, her soft hair, soft skin, her beautiful face, and everything of her.
He groans, “Luciferrrr... you just had to fall for someone so suddenly and that is your friend too.” he groans to himself, mad at himself for falling for someone he thought he could call a friend.
He doesn't want to be friends with her, he wants to be more. He wants to marry her, have a family with her, worship her like the sinner he is.
After coming to the realization, he decided not to confess immediately. Wanting to see how deep his affections for her goes.
And it was deep, it was rock bottom. He was whipped.
He doesn't mind losing himself in the process when he loves her.
He pretended, he hid his feelings. Afraid of losing her.
It took so long, hiding it became unbearable.
He spilled the three words to her, “I like you.” he says so suddenly, he was mesmerized by her that the words came out so suddenly. Catching both him and her off guard.
His eyes widened, slapping a hand over his mouth.
[Y/n] just looked at him with wide eyes, cheeks tinted pink from fluster.
“I-I'm sorry, pretend I didn't say that...” he says, slightly stammering his words. His heart was beating erratically, his hands felt warm against his gloves. His cheeks are warm, warmer than usual. The spots on his cheek have reddened more than usual, almost glowing red.
He covered his face with his hand, embarrassed.
He was expecting that she would be gone once he removed his hands away from his face.
He felt his hand being held by soft ones, removing them from his face.
“Lucifer, look at me.” she says softly to him, he looked at her shyly and with embarrassment. His red eyes finally met [e/c] ones. He admired how beautiful she looked.
Her eyes were looking at him with so much adoration, cheeks flushed, and she was shyly smiling at him.
“Did you mean what you said?” she asked softly, hope evident in her voice.
He gulped nervously but decided to nod at her, a slow shy nod.
He could see how her eyes sparkled, her smile got bigger.
“I'm glad... I like you too, Lucifer.” she admitted softly to him, her voice devoid of any lies and only filled with honesty.
His eyes widened, his cheeks getting warmer.
“Why...? What's something about me to love?” he asked her sadly, avoiding her eyes. He is happy she felt the same but he genuinely can't see himself deserving of love.
“There's nothing about you that I couldn't love, I love everything about you... Lucifer.” she admitted softly, holding his hand with hers.
His breath got caught in his throat, his heart beating erratically against his ribcage.
“I am hard to love.” he says softly, ashamed. He squeezed her hand gently.
“Who said that?” she asked softly.
Her eyes softened, her other hand caressed his cheek adoringly, “Well, you're wrong. I can love you just as easily as breathing.”
Speechless, embarrassed, and flustered. He's not used to such affectionate words said to him.
“I meant it.” she says softly, leaning closer to him, “Can I kiss you...?” she asked and he forgot to breathe.
“Y-yes, please...”
Soft lips pressed against his, his eyes closed instinctively as his hand found its way to her waist, pulling her closer to him.
They'll be fine. He'll be fine. He has her now.
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cakerybakery · 2 months
Childish Behaviour part 2
“I wanna see,” Adam grumbled, elbowing Lucifer in the side.
Lucifer shoved back and whispered, “shh, you get us caught!”
“Don’t be a baby, they can’t hear us!” Adam whispered back.
Lucifer hated it when Adam called him a baby. He was older by like, seven whole days!
He stuck his thumb in his mouth and sucked on it.
“See! Only babies suck their thumbs!”
Lucifer pulled his thumb out and tried not to cry. He didn’t mean to suck his thumb. It just felt being hugged, and safe, and nice. “I’m not a baby! You’re only two days old. You’re the baby! Now shut up before we get caught!”
Sera had already given him an earful for not going to his lesson the day Adam was made. He would have had it a lot worse if she found out he was in Eden.
Even though everyone had been looking for Adam, they were the best at hide and seek and none of the grownups found them at all. They even had to postpone making Lilith because they were so good at not being found.
They hid in caves and up in trees with Lucifer helping to lift Adam up into the tall branches and Adam helping stuff Lucifer’s wings down so they wouldn’t be spotted.
The afternoon slipped by as they ran through the forests and climbed hills, watch the clouds and Lucifer told Adam everything about everything!
About babies, and while he didn’t know where they came from yet, but they were tiny and even younger than them.
About heaven and his dumb lessons that he didn’t want to do and how lucky Adam was he didn’t have to go to lessons and he would get to play all day instead.
They talked about the frogs in the creek as Adam named them, Jamie, Jamie jr, Joesph, and John. They watch a colony of ants carrying food back to their hill. Lucifer even helped hold up Adam so he could peek into a bird’s nest to look at the speckled blue eggs.
Then the thunderstorm came and the lightning was so close that the thunder shook right through him. Lucifer dropped Adam and stuck his thumb in his mouth.
As they huddled under the tree away from the sudden downpour, Adam had put an arm around his shoulders and they cuddled to comfort each other.
Lucifer knew what the rains were, the lightning, the thunder. He knew the lightning in Eden would never hit anyone. He knew all that.
It was still scary and loud and he sucked his thumb as they cuddled and he could hear Adam trying not to cry even though he jumped with every strike.
When the storm passed was when Adam started calling him a baby.
Lucifer didn’t come to visit at all the second day. Adam was mean.
But Lilith was being created today and Lucifer wanted to see. Adam snuck up on him in the bush but now they sat quietly as the angels started.
The song of creation was of her golden hair and eyes of blue, that she would grow to be confident and strong, melodious and clever.
When she was finished being formed Lucifer was enraptured. Her hair was so pretty, it shined like the sun.
He bet she would never call him a baby for sucking his thumb.
Adam grabbed Lucifer’s hand and started to drag him off. “Let’s go. She’s just a dumb girl. Let’s go play.”
Lucifer squeaked and stumbled after Adam. He cast a glance backwards and Lilith looked directly at him as she peered around the legs of the now more attentive angels.
He gave a little wave with his free hand and she smiled. She returned the wave just before Adam took them too deep into the trees for them to see each other anymore.
Adam didn’t let go of his hand all day.
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ms-rampage · 4 years
Eden's Gate: Left Behind Chapter 9 - Man's Best Friend
Warnings: Swearing, few insults towards women, a few Supernatural moments, Demons.
Word count: 2.4k
Summary: Kate and Morgan investigate the bodies of dead and animals. Kate debates on breaking up with John. Haley the German Shepard to the rescue.
Bonus: Kate makes a few hints that exist (only;to me at least) outside the FC5 universe. 
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Getting dragged towards the water by some peggies.
Unable to fight back or resist.
John holding a white book staring down Kate as she gets dragged closer to him. 
“John please!!” she pleds. “Please, I love you, don’t do this”.
He grabs her arms aggressively.
“John please, don’t do this” she cries, tears streaming down her cheeks.
“You will be cleansed. Let the water purify your ugly soul.  Either way God, and myself will leave you behind” he says, and his eyes go black. Like a demon, before she could protest.
He pushes her head under the water. Drowning her.
She tries to fight back but he overpowers her.
He pulls her back up, and all the peggies behind him. 
Their eyes are completely blackened like demons.
“I never loved you. I just used you. You Winchesters mean nothing. All you do is cause trouble. You’re the reason for freeing Lucifer! You should’ve said “Yes” to Lilith instead of killing her, now look at you, trying to play hero?. You are not a hero. You’re just a weak human!”.
Demon John says before pushing her head back underneath the water.
Her screams muffled by the water. Filling her lungs.
Drowning her. Suffocating her. Killing her instantly. 
John pulls her back up, and the demon leaves his body.
Leaving John with a dead Kate in his arms.
“Kate?!” he cries out. He slaps her cheeks to wake her up.
“Kate!!!” he yells, shaking her, tears forming in his eyes.
He bridal carries her out of the water, and performs CPR on her.
He pushes down on her chest, blows into her mouth, again pushes on her chest.
He repeats this a few more times, and realization hits him.
He drowned his girlfriend. The one he loves dearly is dead because of him.
He cries violently into the crook of her neck, holding her closely to him.
Kate wakes that morning to the sound of Morgan singing “Heat of the Moment” by Asia while making breakfast.
She gets out of bed, goes to the bathroom. Looking into the mirror.
“I look like fucking shit” she says to herself.
She looks down at her hands, and sees she still has some blood on her hands. 
She tries to wash off as much as she could, and she did.
Leaving the bathroom, and the smell of bacon fills her nostrils.
Kate stops dead in her tracks, and sees Morgan dancing to the song.
“What are you doing?!?” Kate asks, laughing. 
“Rise and shine Katie!!!” she says, over the music. 
Kate laughs at this sight. This is something that Paige would do.
Morgan and Paige had always got along, they were practically the same person.
So it was kinda like living with Paige, a blonde, shorter version of her with the same temperament as her. 
Kate sits down at the table as Morgan cooks scramble eggs while singing along to the song.
She laughs at her best friend’s stupidity. Morgan puts a plate on bacon, scramble eggs and toast in front of her.
“Is this the Costello special?” she asks, laughing. 
“Sorta. Not enough bacon, lack of hash browns, and waffles” she says, laughing. 
After breakfast they get dressed and leave for the bridge. Taking Haley along with them.
They park the car next to the O’Hara Haunted house, and walk towards the bridge.
“So where were the bodies dumped?” Kate asks.
“Underneath the bridge near the water” Morgan answers. 
“So is there a pathway we can take to get underneath the bridge?!” she asks.
‘Yeah we just need to cross the road, and go underneath it. Towards the water, careful it gets steep as you go down” she says
“Isn’t that a fishing spot?!” she asks, trying not to fall forward.
“Yep, I’m surprised the bodies weren’t called in” she says.
“Well I’m sure everyone in Hope County is used to seeing the dead carcusses of humans and animals” Kate chuckles. 
“Huh, yeah for sure” she chuckles. 
They get to the edge of the water, and find the dead, rotten, decaying bodies of 3 cows.
“Oh god” Kate gags, covering her mouth and nose.
“Yeah this screams demon” Morgan says, covering her nose.
“So now what?!” Kate asks.
“Well, we can kick the bodies into the water, but they look like they’re one with the ground now” Morgan says.
“Yeah, or we can-” Kate gets interrupted by Morgan’s phone vibrating. 
She sighs loudly. 
“What is it?!” Kate asks, concerned. 
She shows her the message on her phone, “Another body was found. But this time, it’s the body of some lady, and it’s in the Whitetail mountains”.
Kate sighs, “Another case?”.
“Yep, lets go!!’ she says. 
They get into the car, and drive off to the Whitetail Mountains.
Kate driving, Morgan in the passenger, and Haley in the backseat with her head out the window.
“So where was this other body found?” Kate asks, keeping her eyes on the road.
Morgan sighs, “Underneath that bridge next to the Silver Lake Parking lot”
“Clagett Bay?” Kate asks.
“Yep” she answers. 
“Alright. What is up with these demons dumping bodies underneath bridges?” Kate asks.
“I don’t know. Probably a crossroads thing” she replies. 
They drive down the road, past the Henbane River Chalets, on their left they’re about to go past the Bridge of Tears. 
“Don’t be surprised if you get a message about a body found underneath the Bridge of Tears” Kate says, sarcastically. 
Morgan scoffs, “Yeah, no shit”. 
They drive further down the road, past Eden’s Gate Outreach Center.
“That place is a fucking joke” Morgan says.
“What is? The outreach center?” Kate asks.
“Yep, pure fucking shit. A massive shithole” she says. 
“What is it anyway?” she asks.
“They “help” you, and you become “reborn”, and all that religious bullshit” she says, flipping off the place as they drive by.
Kate laughs.
They drive onto the bridge leading them into John’s region, near Dutch’s region.
“The Power of YES. Take the leap!!’ Morgan mocks the sign as they drive past it.,
“Take the leap Kate!!. Take the leap!!! Say YES!!!. 
Kate laughs at her obnoxious impression of her boyfriend John Seed. 
“No thank you. I don’t want to take the leap” she laughs. 
As they drive down the road past Rae-Rae’s farm, a billboard sign catches Morgan’s attention.
“John loves you Kate. He’ll take you!!!” she mocks the sign.
“He’s already taken me already” she says, not realizing what she had said.
“Oooh so John has taken you” she says, teasing her friend.
Kate looks at her, and does a double take.
“Oh no, no, no. Not like that” she tries to explain. 
“You know I’m messing with ya” she says, hitting her on the shoulder. 
“Yeah I know” she says. They cross the Silver Lake bridge leading them into the Whitetail Mountains.
“Welcome to the Whitetails” Kate says. “Wait, isn't the Wolf Den not far from where the bridge where the body was dumped?”.
Morgan gives her the googly eyes, “Oohh does someone want to go visit their other boyfriend?!?!” she teases.
Kate scoffs.
“So when you break up with John for being a founding member of the cult. Are ya gon’ date Wheaty?!” she asks. 
 “I don’t know, probably. I don’t know how to tell John that I wanna cut things off with him” she tells her.
“Don’t worry you’ll figure out a way, I’ll help ya. But first we need to solve this case” Morgan tells her. 
They get to the bridge, park the car on the side of the road. Approaching the bridge they each check both sides of it.
“Oh shit. Morgan!!”Kate calls out.
She approaches her, and they see the body of a woman.
Haley barks at them, digging at something near the water.
They check to see what she was barking at, and they find an amulet necklace buried underneath the dirt. 
“What is that?!” Morgan asks.
“It’s a protection amulet. A cousin of mine had one. It’s an Egyptian safety symbol” Kate says. 
“Come on let's get a better look”
They both go down to the water, and examine the body.
A woman who looks around the ages of 25-30 years old, brown hair, green eyes.
Has stab wounds on her abdomen, chest and left shoulder. 
“Looks like she was murder” Morgan says.
As they’re examining the body, a man approaches them from behind.
They don’t see him but Haley senses him, and starts to growl in a defensive manner.
“What is girl?!” Kate asks, not turning back. Morgan looks back and sees the man approaching them. 
“Hey, hey” she whispers to Kate, gently hitting her shoulder. She turns around, and sees the man in a well tailored black suit, and looks completely out of place. 
Haley’s growl turns into a defensive, threatening bark as he gets closer to them.
“I see you’ve found my latest artwork” he says in a friendly tone. 
Then his eyes turn completely black.
“Demon” Kate mutters to her, and pulls their guns out. 
Aim at the demon.
He chuckles at them, “Now, now ladies, I’m sure we can all be civil, and make a deal”
“Yeah, not a chance” Morgan says. 
“What the fuck do you want?!?” Kate asks aggressively. 
“I want you Kate” he says, taking a few steps closer to them
“What is up with every guy wanting you?!?” Morgan asks, turning to Kate.
“Sorry, I don't date demons” she says sarcastically. 
He chuckles, “Yes, yes. I know. I also happen to know you’re with that Seed fella. Good looking, tattoos, bad temper, lawyer”. He sighs.
“You have a very interesting taste in men, young Winchester” he adds. “Does your mommy know you’re in love with a psychopath?!”  he asks in a childish voice. 
“Fuck you” Kate says, and shoots him in the chest. 
The shot only annoys him, and does very little to no damage on him.
“Okay, how about we start from the beginning. My name is Saleos, and I’m a demon”
Kate shoots him again, and this time it does damage to him. Making him go down.
“Come on let’s go!!!” Kate yells, they run to the car, and speed off home.
“Shit!!. Fucking shit!!!” Morgan yells, looking back.
“Once we get home, we’re warding off the house. Who knows how many demons there are in Hope County” Kate says. 
Once they get home, they put up demon warding sigils, hex bags and all other stuff they can think of to keep demons away, and keep them off of demon radar. 
After what felt like several hours, and it's almost close to dinner time.
“Dude, I’m fucking hungry, and I’m too lazy to cook” Morgan says, 
“You wanna order out?” Kate asks.
“Yeah sure, what does the Spread Eagle have?” she asks.
“Chicken wings, cajun fries. You want some Rocky mountain oysters?” Kate says, laughing. 
“Not in the mood for bull testicles in my mouth” she jokes
 “Burgers, I haven’t really been there so I really don’t know the menu, or know if they deliver”
“Cheese burger, cajun fries and chicken wings” Morgan says, she hands Kate her debit card, “I’ll buy dinner”. 
Kate phone orders their food, and for some reason goes to pick up the food instead of having it delivered. Even worse she’s walking to go pick it up because she’s “tired of driving”.
She arrives at Spread Eagle Bar, and leaves Haley outside. 
She grabs a hex bag to keep her ass off of demon radar, taking Haley with her as back up because she helped out with the demon from a few hours earlier. 
“Stay” she tells her in a command voice.
She walks in, and approaches the counter with Mary May behind it. 
"Hey Mary, I'm here to pick up my order" she tells her. 
In the corner of her eye Kate sees an older man who is probably a truck driver sitting at the end of the bar, eyeballing her, which makes her a bit uncomfortable. 
She turns around, and fixes her order together. While she’s doing that Kate looks around the bar, it isn't too busy just the usuals, music playing some old country rock music. 
She looks away, looking at the flyers on the wall next to her. 
"Hey girl" he calls her in a slurred voice. 
"Hey look at me when I'm talking to you". 
Before she could even turn her head to face him. He yells at her again in a slurred voice. 
"Who the fuck do you think you are?!?!" he yells, almost throwing his glass at her. 
She looks around in a "I hope you're not talking to me" kind of way. "Can you let me turn around first you jackass!!" she yells at him, trying to make herself sound threatening. 
"Hey Darryl, leave her alone before I kick you out" Mary tells him but ignores her. 
He gets up from his seat stumbling, almost tripping over his own feet. "Fuck you, you stupid whore" he yells at Kate.
She looks at him with a death stare and yells. "Excuse me? Who the fuck do you think you are??!" 
"Darryl sit down, and leave her alone!!!" Mary yells at him. 
Mary hands her take out order "Here you go hon. I'm so sorry about him".
Ignoring her once again, slowly approaches Kate with a violent rage in his eyes. A few of the locals in the bar try holding him back but he pushes them away causing glasses to fall and break. 
She quickly leaves the bar. She’s had enough trouble for today especially with that damn demon, and she doesn’t feel like having anymore with some drunk asshole. 
“Come on Hale” she tells her, motioning her to walk forward. 
The drunk asshole grabs her by her hair ripping out some of it while yelling out. "You stupid whore, you little-" Haley cuts him off by lunging at him. Locking her jaw on his arm. Trying to take him down. His arm bleeding out.
Before she could punch him in the face, knocking his lights out. 
He screams, and kicks her off of him. Kate is in full on John Wick mode for that asshole hitting her dog.
John let's go of him, throws him to the ground "You better stay the fuck away from her" he says to him, almost in a whisper.
John comes out of nowhere. Grabs him by his shirt, pushing him against a wall. "What the fuck do you think you're doing Darryl?!?. Huh? You're gonna beat up a woman?!?". Too drunk to even say anything clever he mutters, "Fuck you Seed" 
He turns to her, his blue eyes piercing into her soul. "Are you okay?" he asks, placing his hand on her cheek and the other on her hip. 
She nods her head. "Yeah I'm fine, thanks" she says, voice trembling a little, he places a kiss on her lips. 
Mary May sees this, and a confused look appears on her face. "Why is John Seed coming to Kate's aid, and why is he kissing her?!?!" she thinks to herself. 
He pulls away from her lips. "I'll take you home" he tells her, putting his arm around her lower back. 
Escorting her to his car. Pulling up in front of her house. He walks her to her front door, Morgan who is inside sees this, and is beyond confused 
She’s about to open the door, he cups her face and says to her. “I’m gonna come by tonight and pick you up. We’re gonna spend time together. Okay?”
Morgan hears this, and is concerned. “Okay, that sounds good” she says, with a slight smile. 
“What was that?!?” she asks, concerned.
“Good” he says, with a smile, and he kisses her again. Kate goes inside, and is greeted by Morgan.
“To be honest, I don’t know anymore. I’ll explain it over dinner” she says. 
“Okay so what are we gonna do about that demon?!” she asks.
Kate sighs, “I don’t know but in the wise words of that same cousin I mentioned from earlier “When in doubt. Eat”. 
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petitprincess1 · 5 years
Good Evening Ch11 (Fearful)
AO3 Link Summary: A week has went by and Alastor had been disappearing more and more. Charlie and Vaggie discuss their worries with one another. Words: 1,445 Warning: Implied cannibalism So sorry for the wait, I just had a lot going on last week, but I’m fine. Hope you all enjoy! I’m also working on another story based on yet another chat post. Be on the lookout for that ;3 ~~~ A week has passed since the unknowing death that Alastor caused, excluding the one dealing with the man that had a family, named Benji- with a name like that, Al did him a favor. Apparently, his wife had given a missing person’s report, which Alastor broadcasted, and had offered a reward. Well, unless she knew anyone that can clean out a furnace, Benji probably wasn’t going to be found anytime soon. The thought of the wife being in constant in distress made Al’s smile much more relaxed.
Charlie had gotten an earful from Lilith about her leaving the house, despite she knew that she wanted to talk to her. The girl had to make up a reason for being out so late. So, she admitted to being in the forest late at night and with Angel and Vaggie, but made up that they had to console Angel from an…incident with Valentino before the mob boss died. Charlie, of course, left out the detail of Alastor meeting him there…and him helping them hide Val’s body…and many, many other things. It seemed to have satisfied Lilith. In fact, she was so satisfied that she told servants to follow Charlie around the house, Charlie had to tell her where she was going whenever she left, and that her father had to visit the hotel every once in a while without warning. gReAt!
Plus, whenever Charlie was alone at home or at the hotel, Alastor would gravitate toward her. Sometimes it would be welcomed because she needed some advice for dealing with certain clients or even just needed her father to be distracted. Although, he would also get too close, like with wanting to mess with her hair or squishing her cheeks or just generally touching her. It never got too intimate, even though he had gently rubbed her lips with his thumb, but it still was a bit much for Charlie. She assumed that he did that because he was missing Angelo, so she didn’t have the heart to tell him to tell him to go away. …Vaggie definitely did.
“Would you fuck off, Al!? Go do something important that doesn’t involve groping!” The silver haired girl yelled at Al, glaring at him and putting Charlie behind her. Alastor stared down at the girl with a slightly tense smile and held his hands behind his back. Charlie had worried that he was going to snap or harm Vaggie, but he just chuckled at the girl. The creole booped the dark-skinned girl’s nose and grinned, “Goodness, Vagatha, no need to be so antagonistic! I was just merely showing my affection towards the little belle, but I can see when I am not wanted. I shall go help Niffty in the kitchen.”
Vaggie muttered loud enough for Alastor to hear, “There better not be any eyeballs this time, bastardo tonto…” The man stopped for a second and then started to walk into the kitchen.
Charlie moved out from behind Vaggie and rubbed her arm as she stared at the kitchen doors. She was about to speak, but Vaggie ended up dragging her out to the garden and sighed, “I know what you’re going to say. You’re going to try to defend him, but Alastor is the last person that you should even bother making excuses for. He bothers you and-”
“I know all that, Vaggie, but I also don’t think it’s a good idea to bother him much either. He’s…been disappearing a lot more lately. I’m just worried about doing anything to make him upset,” Charlie admitted, while she hugged herself as she sat on one of the benches. Vaggie watched her expression shift into sadness and fear in a few seconds, causing the latina to feel apologetic for treating her like that. She plopped next to the pale-skinned girl, lightly stroked her golden hair, and sighed, “I’m really sorry, cariña. I don’t mean to pressure you into doing anything. I really just want to make sure that you’re safe. I don’t know what I would do if you…”
Vaggie trailed off as Charlie turned to hug her and the latina held onto her tightly, nuzzling her face against her love’s shoulder. She really didn’t want to manipulate the situation or make it seem like she was trying to be rude or anything, but…it made her heart stop at seeing Al near Charlie so often. It almost made her want to kick the man out, fire him, or even turn him into the police. Granted, Vaggie knew that wouldn’t do shit, but it definitely would be temporary satisfaction.
Charlie pulled away and stroked Vaggie’s silver hair, hoping to calm her down. She reassured, “Don’t worry, I won’t let anything bad happen to me, us, and anyone else in this hotel. I promi-”
She got cut off by a random gust of wind that caused the girl’s to shield themselves and caused the plants to get blown harshly, whipping the trees’ branches all over the place. The two looked around to find where the source was and their jaws dropped at seeing a helicopter hovering over the garden. 
A ladder dropped from the helicopter all the way down to the ground in front of the two. Not too surprisingly, Lucifer peeked out from the helicopter and called out, using a megaphone, “Oh, hi, Charlie and Vagatha!”
Vaggie mumbled her actual name under her breath, while Charlie questioned, “Dad! What are you doing!?”
Lucifer grinned as he joked, “I’m being a helicopter parent!”
The two girls just blinked up at him, while the man stared back at them. He tried again, still smiling widely at his joke, “I’m being a helicopter parent! …Do you get it? I’m-”
Vaggie huffed, “Yeah, we got it!”
Lucifer slid down the helicopter ladder and then gave it a tug when he landed on the ground. The ladder went back up as the helicopter began to fly away. Luci turned to the two girls and saw that their hair were an absolute mess. He chuckled as he winced, “Oof. You two are in a desperate need of a brush.”
Charlie groaned in annoyance as she used her hands to push down her hair, “Dad! I know that you’re supposed to be checking in, but you don’t have to be obnoxious about it.”
“Yes, I do. It’s the law that dads have to make their children regret their existence in order to reach fulfillment. Can’t break the law, sweetie. Now, what are you two gals up to?” Lucifer asked, raising an eyebrow. His daughter sighed, rolling her eyes, and replied, “Well, we were talking.”
The mayor then sat in-between the two and chuckled, “Oh, good! I would like to join. Love a good gossip.”
“Dad!” The two then immediately started arguing with each other, making Vaggie sigh as she got up to let them have at it. She could already practically hear Lucifer blaming her for Charlie’s attitude and she didn’t want to hear that…again. 
The silver-haired girl walked into the hotel and then immediately got grabbed. She quickly elbowed the person in the gut and yelled, “Al, you fucking- ….Husk, what are you- Ah!”
Vaggie yelped at Husk tossing a phone at her. She stared at the device and saw a wallpaper on the phone of Angelo and his pet pig, causing her to get instantly suspicious. She asked, “Why do you have this phone? Charlie was the last person to have that.”
Husk groaned at the hit she gave him and huffed, “I clearly used magic to make it appear in my hands- how do you think it got in my hands, dumbass!? I caught Alastor with it last week! Don’t know why anyone would allow Charlie to have it, since Al is always stuck with her.”
She raised an eyebrow and questioned further, “So…why give it to me?”
He answered, looking away from her, “As long as it ain’t with Alastor, I’m fine. I’m also sick of the constant buzzing from messages some bitch named Cherri and someone Angelo named weirdly keeps sending. I’m getting back to wo-”
“Wait!” Vaggie explained as she clutched the phone in her hand and let out a heavy sigh, “Tell me what all you know about Al. I know that keeping him in the hotel will make things worse and I wanna get back at him. At the very least, get him to leave Eden. Please, Husk.”
The greying man looked at the wooden floor and glanced back up at her pleading eyes. He grumbled, “Fine, I’ll tell ya. I better get some booze for this shit.”
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finnskeeper · 5 years
Reverse Omens AU - The Players
Okay, so I’ve got some of the bare bones details down. These might change, they might not, but I do like them so I wanted to share. I’m still trying to get a feel for their characterizations, but that might come when I actually start writing.
@hideinmyshadow, @khiroptera
Azero, A Fruit Bat Demon
Owns the Tree of Knowledge, a cavernous, two story bookshop in Soho. Prices here are unreal. You can get a whole library worth of books for pennies if you hit the right day. It’s like he’s giving it away! (Curiously, the shop never seems to need restocking.)
There’s a huge tree in the middle of the shop that no one knows is real. The branches are part of the architecture, the topmost of which appear to be grown directly into the ceiling. If you time it right, you’ll walk in and find a rather large flying fox roosting from one of the branches. It does not appear bothered by you.
Eats fruits almost exclusively, but won’t say no to delicious veggies, nuts, grains, etc. Not terribly fond of meat. Figs are the best. Bananas, not so much.
In the Fall, his wings were transformed from angel wings to bat wings. In his human form, fully stretched, they reach a wingspan of approximately 15 feet (4.6 m). 
Wears a fedora most of the time to shade his gold-brown eyes which, like most bats, are sensitive to bright lights. (Also because he thinks it looks cool and he knows it makes some people mad.) He sees best in the in between hours, dawn and dusk, but can see fairly well at night time.
Had a torrid whirlwind romance with 19th century French zoologist, Claude Jourdan, who went on to name an entire genus of megabats after his demon lover (Acerodon).  
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Anton Crowley (Antius), An Authority
Helped shaped the cosmos and spent the time before Earth’s creation monitoring their movements.
During The Rebellion, he was assigned to Michael’s division and issued armor, a helmet, and a wicked spear. He still has all 3, though he hates wearing them.
By a stroke of dumb luck, he actually landed the decisive blow that sent Lucifer careening down into the Pit. Most Christian iconography wrongly credits Michael with this feat. Crowley is still pissed about it.
After The Rebellion, he was reassigned to casting any wayward evil spirits back into Hell. He hates this job. He answers directly to Michael.
After the Guardian of the Eastern Gate failed to protect Adam and Eve from demonic influence (*cough*Azero*cough*), Antius is dispatched to oust the demon from Eden. He decides not to smite him, let’s him go instead. This would turn out to be quite a pivotal moment for him.
Changed his name to Anton sometime during the height of Roman Empire because he liked it. (Really, everyone kept getting it wrong anyway.) He added the surname Crowley sometime in the 11th century AD. 
Owns a PYO (Pick Your Own) Farm just on the northern edge of London. People often remark that he has the best fruits for each season no matter the weather conditions. How does he do it? Also teaches astronomy part-time at the University of Cambridge. Mostly because they let him use their telescopes to check in on his babies swirling around in space.
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skellyleigh-blog · 7 years
An Analysis of BTS Wings Short Films
I know some of these theories have probably been found but I like to discover things myself as it helps me understand better. If you disagree or you have answers to some of the questions I ask, please let me know in the comments. If you would like to skip the massive hunk of text, please scroll down to Conclusion at the bottom. I also suggest reading this text whilst watching the short films at the same time but you don’t have to. Without further ado, here’s everything I noticed in the short films of the wings series and how it might relate to the Love Yourself highlight reels.
Namjoon’s Narrative
: The realms of day and night, two different worlds coming from two opposite poles, mingle during this time.
Notes: Begin tune seems to be prevalent in different short films. JK has a big role in this.
1.       Burning piano
2.       JK in hospital bed/hospital bed
3.       Wings on his shirt
4.       He looks like he is having a nightmare/dream? Could relate to the idea all the boys are in a dream.
5.       The sound of a car crashing and water. A very prevalent theme, especially considering Jin’s teaser poster which mentions a ‘summer sea’.
6.       Bird made out of water.
7.       Shattering glass (relates to shattered glass and burning piano in yoongi’s short film).
8.       He wakes up from a dream. (I have a theory that all the boys are fallen angels - apart from Jin who is God, and Tae who is Lucifer - but they have forgotten). Maybe JK has ‘woken up and remembered’.
9.       Begin starts, JK still on bed then standing looking at drawing of a man whose eye looks bloody. Did someone get shot in the eye or hurt there or does it represent JK’s car accident?)
10.   Transports to home, drawings everywhere (memories?) and there’s a canvas with another drawing that is very dark.
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11. red and yellow and blue coming from the head of the drawing  – suicide/mental health?
12.   Starts raining and we can hear water like someone is under water. This relates to the summer sea and JK’s car accident perhaps?
13.   Drawing sets alight but JK sees the piano burning in his eye.
14.   Blood splatters across the painting and the painting drips like it’s wet which makes JK very uncomfortable, shaking his head (ptsd from almost drowning or car crash or from jin drowning?)(sounds of crows – death?) (remember in butterfly that Namjoon hit a toy car into the water).
15.   Red sky with a black bird (death). Red skies can sometimes symbolise the coming of war.
16.   Picture of a big black bird (death again or angel? JK also has shadow wings after, meaning he has died or remembered he was an angel that fell?)
Rapmon’s narrative: My parents house made up one realm. This realm was familiar to me in almost every way, mother and father, love and strictness, model behaviour, and school.
1.       Trees, but turns out to be a painting
2.       The wings logo changes after every short film, what does it mean?
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3.       Jimin made to look at above picture, reminds you of the ink paintings psychologists/therapists/doctors use for mental illness?
4.       A robot hand holding it, represents psychologists being robotic and medicalised, following a textbook?
5.       A camera – perhaps feeling like being filmed and recorded – lack of privacy? Or always on camera?
6.       Everything is white like a mental asylum.
7.       Or perhaps the card is to tell Jimin what to say on camera? Everything is a lie? (unlikely but I liked this analysis).
8.       Jimin smiles at the camera but then cuts to him looking like he is suffering?
9.       There is a hospital bed - there are 2 but one is empty (someone is missing or dead?).
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11.   Pills in a martini glass (a cocktail of pills – something used to describe when someone attempts or commits suicide by using pills).
12.   Jimin stretching his hand out to the other bed – missing someone (J-Hope?).
13.   Road sign that says something. Not sure what. Let me know if you know!
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14.   Jimin is hitting a pillow towards nothing and smiling at the feathers (denial that someone is gone e.g J-hope) (Also he smiles at feathers = angels?).
15.   1:17  – sounds like a gunshot? And Jimin falls back like it is (could refer to the picture of the person with a bloody eye?).
16.   Drenched in water (but the water is coming off (denial?))
17.   Burning piano again.
18.   Walls caving in? Could represent mental state?
19.   Apple drops in water. Apple represents the forbidden apple in Christian mythology.
20.   Dancing in front of bathtub (which is in also in I need u)  water spills back into the bath.
21.   Everything being reversed
22.   Jimin falls in bath and wakes up in hospital bed - Drowning in your mental illness?
23.   Curtains are lifting up in the ‘hospital’/’mental asylum’.
24.   This shape below is shown at the end as a colour purple yellow moon kind of shape behind Jimin.
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25.   Jimin eats an apple and almost looks like a demon convulsing around. He is an angel but has eaten the forbidden apple and is now losing his innocence and becoming a fallen angel.
26.   What does this say? (If anyone knows what they say in every film, please let me know.)
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27.   Jimin eats an apple then smiles. (Denial/acceptance? The smile seems to sinister for acceptance.)
28.   So everything seems reversed in the video, and it’s called Lie so what if we are meant to watch it backwards?
So I used a video editor and reversed the video. It was quite interesting.
1.       Jimin staring at painting and turns camera away from the painting.
2.       His smile turns to a frown.
3.       After eating the apple becomes demonic (eve and the betrayal and fall from eden. Maybe the tree painting is Eden?)
4.       Shows him standing in front of trees but then he falls/sits on a hospital bed and the curtains go down. The beginning of Mental Illness?
5.       And he lowers his hand from reaching up like he just fell.
6.       When he lays onto the bed he comes up out of the bathtub (entering his life of sin which we see in run and I need u?) (also entering depression maybe).
7.       The water falls out of the bath tub and the apple comes out of the water.
8.       The water is falling on him instead of defying the laws of gravity and leaving him. 
9.       In reversal it looks like he is punching somone instead of being shot by the gunshot sound.
10.   Feathers float upwards.
11.   The pills fall into the glass and make a sound like they are falling into the glass, why would they sound like that if they were meant to be pulled out of the glass?
12.   Jimin reaches towards the bed but then turns away (accepting the person is gone?)
13.   Jimin smiling sincerely. (Acceptance?)
14.   The camera turns away from him and looks to the picture of trees (Eden?)
15.   Lie backwards is no in scottish gaelic, probably no connection but still interesting.
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The normal version of Lie could represent denial and ignorance (of someone being gone/dead/mental illness) which is why it is called Lie, but reversed, it shows suffering but then acceptance and moving on to become happy again (because he smiles).
Rap Mon Narrative: It was the first fissure in the columns that had upheld my childhood, which every individual must destroy before he can become himself. Such fissure and rents grow together again, heel and are forgotten but in the most secret recesses they continue to live and bleed. (devil/killing father? Must destroy the columns before you can become yourself sounds like Lucifer symbolism).
1.       V trying to scratch off word on the garage door > Abraxas is known as The Almighty God/The Almighty One/The Supreme One (Also symbolised in Jin’s short film). If Jin represents Abraxas, why would Taehyung scratch his name? This points to the idea that V is Lucifer and is angry at Abraxas/Jin.
This is the Abraxas symbol which is very similar to the Abraxas symbol used within these short films.
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Abraxas has seven letters, and each letter represents one of the seven Classical Planets: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn. (Pssst: there are seven members of BTS. Coincidence? I think not). 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classical_planet:  All of these planets are symbolised as Greek Gods/Goddesses in Greek Mythology. Perhaps we are looking incorrectly from a Christian perspective and should instead be looking from a Greek Mythological perspective.
2.       The word planet comes from the Greek word πλανήτης, planētēs "wanderer" (short for asteres planetai "wandering stars"), expressing the fact that these objects move across the celestial sphere relative to the fixed stars.[1]
Does this sound familiar? I think that the BTS are ‘fallen angels’ who are wandering stars who have fell from their home.
3.       Are the boys representative of the Moon, Mercury, Venus, The Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn?
4.       So if the boys represent the 7 classic planets/letters in Abraxas then that means that Abraxas makes up a whole, but he is scratching it off because he doesn’t want to be together as a whole but his own individual? (He is breaking the boys apart).
5.       V gets caught but is smiling, he likes being rebellious because it’s in his nature - Lucifer.
6.       Sitting at a table (questioning table) perhaps questioning about his father’s death. Does this mean he kills Abraxas?
7.       Says something in korean not sure what. Let me know if you know!
8.       He is running and looking distressed (running from killing his father? (killing Abraxas?) is upset about it.
9.       Gets punched in the face by an unknown source. (Could relate to Jimin looking like he is punching someone?) Could also be his thoughts and guiltiness beating him up?
10.   Mother/child picture in his eye
11.   Getting beaten up (remember Jin punching him in Japanese mv).
12.   Locked up phonebox, he is on his own and can’t talk to anyone?
13.   Mother is beaten up and father drinking. V looks shaken and hugs his mother.
14.   A fluffy white dog comes up to him, innocence? Chance for redemption? Or the innocence that could have been his? Or the white dog is his innocence but it goes away when he kills his father.
15.   Then bars come over him and lock him up.
16.   Flashback of the Danger MV when V cuts his hair. He is no longer blind/no longer in the dark?
17.   Drops a gun I think?
18.   Glass shattering (after killing his father?) Everything is broken.
19.   Off runs the dog/his innocence is gone.
20.   Korean again which I don’t understand.
21.   Remember the name of the song Stigma. Mental health has a stigma surrounding it.
Rapmon narrative
: There are numerous ways that god can make us lonely and lead us back to ourselves. This was the way he dealt with me at that time.
1.       Throws a brick through shop window.
2.       Wants to play the piano so much he would break in (perhaps it reminds him of JK? The reason I say this is because in the highlight reel, JK and Yoongi play piano together.)
3.       The store is his memories (or grief?) and he wants to go in to remember Jungkook but why? Did JK die or perhaps JK lost his memories in the car accident).
4.       It’s hard for him to play perhaps because it brings memories that are good but painful.
5.       Perhaps him playing BEGIN is him calling out for JK and he gets a response by JK whistling? JK may be getting his memories back?
6.       Yoongi is on a road, and JK got hit by a car. (DID JK DIE WTF).
7.       A car rushes by but doesn’t hit Yoongi, is he imaging JK’s accident?
8.       Korean writing
9.       Blood splatter on the floor and sad music. Yoongi looks defeated and starts running.
10.   The bathtub overfilling again (does this mean like mental illness spilling over?)
11.   The car has crashed into the store (it has crashed into Yoongi’s memories of JK – all the memories are gone? Jk’s memories are gone? Or JK died) I feel JK forgets his memories in the highlight reel and remembers Yoongi when he sees the lighter with Y.K. on it.
12.   The piano sets on fire when we hear the car crash – JK is the source of the burning piano, so does this all revolve around him?
13.   But even though JK’s memories/JK is gone Yoongi still hears the whistling – JK is still there somewhere.
14.   What does the changing circles mean? I stg.
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RM Narrative: The other realm (earth/humanity) however overlapping half our house (heaven/angels?) was completely different. A loud mixture of horrendous, intriguing, frightful, mysterious things including slaughterhouses and prisons. drunkards and screeching, fishwives, calving cows, horses sinking to their death, tales of robberies, murders and suicides (come on people it even talks about suicides here. Someone is going to commit suicide in the love yourself era I’m calling it.)
1.       Iron crate thing (20215) Is this important?
2.       RM sitting on the floor in a room (looking depressed) and opens a letter, it’s the black bird with wings that JK put into an envelope in his film. (Did Jungkook mail it to him? How did RM get it? Was it sort of his suicide note? Did JK commit suicide?)
3.       Rapmon looks upset after looking.
4.       Red sky and black bird again
5.       RM tattooing himself with the black bird. (something people do when someone dies? Maybe JK died and that was the last thing he drew so RM tattooed it on himself?)
6.       He burns the drawing? So no one else has to see it? Or maybe it represents moving on.
7.       (in terms of angel death theory maybe he is forgetting about the past of being an angel but tattooed it on himself to remember to not forget. Did JK send it to remind him?) (Perhaps when they die, they become angels again? That may be why some of them might commit suicide? Because they remembered they were fallen angels and they want to commit suicide to go back?)
8.       Rm passes out? Colours go up his arm (just like on the painting in JKs film).
9.       Shattering glass. (Could represent either the remembering of being an angel or the breaking of mental health?)
10.   Korean writing on the mirror.
11.   Mirrors everywhere reflect the title of the film ‘reflection’ heh.
12.   More shattering glass and black water like V fell into?
13.   Phone calling, the locked phone box. V is calling out for help but rm can’t help him as he can’t get into the phonebox (when a person who has mental illness calls out for help but you can’t help them because they lock you out?) (or he is the devil calling for help but RM can’t help him as v has sinned too much and RM is also a fallen angel).
14.   Could also represent when you want to talk to someone when you are mentally ill but can’t, you feel alone. (It also says ‘I wish I could help myself, I wish I could help myself).
15.   Crying RapMon :C
RM Narrative: With a face that resembled her sons, timeless, ageless and full of inner strength. The beautiful woman smiled with dignity. Her gaze was fulfillment, her greeting a homecoming. Silently I stretched my hands out to her.
1.       Jhope wearing pyjamas in a white room (hospital/mental health facility) something to do with pills, did he take them?
2.       Looks like he is in a prison, someone opens the window slot and writes something down about him Munchausen syndrome (other words: illogical/retarded = is this a stab at the stigma of mental health)? (someone said it can be caused by childhood trauma and we know his mum abandoned him).
(Munchausen's syndrome is a psychological disorder where someone pretends to be ill or deliberately produces symptoms of illness in themselves.Their main intention is to assume the "sick role" to have people care for them and be the centre of attention. - Wants attention because of abandonment from his mother.)
3.       Hundreds of pills pour out into the room > representing how if you are mentally ill doctors just give you a ton of pills.
4.       The martini again > cocktail of pills.
5.       Jhope sees the garage door V was scratching.
6.       Does J-hope see a smeraldo flower?
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7.       The paint on the walls yellow and red and orange we know are colours that represent mental health. Could they also represent JK’s blood from the accident?
8.       Eyes all over the wall at 1:18. Eyes have been used in all the videos and we have seen different things in them like the burning piano and garage door so far. Could also represent anxiety and that everyone is watching?
9.       Wings on Jhope. Points the the angel theory/also dying.
10.   Feathers (Jimin threw a pillow and feathers were around him too but J-hope seems angry about them whereas Jimin seemed happy. Also Jimin and J-Hope are always together for some reason.)
11.   The paint on wall becomes red like blood.
12.   Trying to pull off the walls (trying to escape his mind?).
13.   Passes out.
14.   Wakes up and sees the trees Jimin saw in a the frame. (Perhaps he tried to kill himself to become an angel again, but he was put in a mental health facility because he failed and he wants to get back to ‘Eden’ with ‘Eden’ being the picture of the trees?).
15.   He then comes out and was in a iron crate thing and it turns out ‘Eden’ was just the picture. Same room as Jimin.
16.   Snicker bar like in the carousel clip where he was abandoned like others have pointed out.
17.   Mother and child picture as well, which V also saw.
18.   He has shown acceptance by smiling and walking off? Jimin smiled in the same room.
Rapmon Narrative: The bird fights its way out of the egg, the egg is the world. Who would be born must first destroy the world. The bird flies to God, that God’s name is Abraxas (That’s why V was scratching Abraxas off the garage door, because Jin is Abraxas and V is Lucifer and the Lucifer fell from heaven because he rebelled against god (killed his father).
1.       Jin/Abraxas in a very lonely but luxurious place looking sad.(Heaven?)
2.       The table too big for one person (in BST the other ‘angels’ sat there). He is sad they left heaven?
3.       Lilies on the table, they look the same as the ones in the highlight reel.
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4.       Wearing an earpiece which has radio static but why?
5.       The apple (symbolises Eden, Eve and the apple). He smells it and is tempted to eat it but throws it away. The temptation is not much for him because he is Abraxas.
6.       Takes a picture of the lilies.
7.       Looking around he looks unhappy, is it because he is alone?
8.       Mirror with Korean writing on it, WHAT DOES IT SAY????
9.       Apple rolling along the floor as he walks. 
10.   A big house for one person, but Jin is walking around it in a melancholic way, perhaps missing all the other ‘angels’ who were there but who have now fallen and left. Is it heaven?
11.   Could also signify mental illness (all alone). 
12.   Jin sits on the bed (looks like a hospital bed).
13.   He looks at something behind him but the doors close (doors close to heaven?)
14.   Scratches on the door that say lie sideways.
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15.   The scratches on door could be from people trying to help Jin but he wont let anyone in (he might commit suicide?). 16.   The scratches could also be from the angels trying to get back into heaven. 17.   The lighter again. 18.   6 lily petals and he burns them whilst sad music plays. He is sad because they fell from heaven and he burns them because they’re dead to him or gone. 19.   Could also mean that something happened to make him wash his hands of them. Or perhaps their friendship ended and the bonds have disappeared.
20.   Every thing is wavy.
21.   A bird flies past the window.
22.   Jin opens up the curtains to find a mirror/water. (he is looking at his reflection? (RM reference) and decides to go get his angels back or go get help for his mental illness).
23.   Abraxas symbol on the wallpaper.
24.   Picture of the bird at the end of the wall that JK sent to RM who tattooed it on himself.
25.   Jin walking past the fallen angels rooms?
26.   Jin decides to walk to the bright light and leave heaven to go join his angels ‘maybe I can never fly’ but he is ‘wide awake’. Heaven is left behind abandoned.
27.   The photos are: The Korean writing on the mirror – Namjoon, the mother and child - Jhope, the apple – Tae, The piano – Suga, The black bird thing – Jungkook, Lie scratching – Jimin.
28. After Jin leaves heaven I feel like all the other MV’s such as Run and I Need U happen after he leaves but I might be wrong.
In relation to the new highlight reels that have come out I strongly believe that this is going to link to either mental health or the god/devil/fallen angel theory. 
However, I believe it might be both as there are too many references to both topics, for it to be coincidental. Perhaps Bighit and BTS are telling a story about Mental Health/Illness by showing a perfect, luxurious utopia of ‘Heaven’ where all of BTS were. Yet, the ‘angels’ couldn’t exist in heaven because they are not ‘pure’, they are ‘tainted’ by human attributes such as depression/anxiety/Munchausen Syndrome. But in the end, Jin decides to join them and leave behind ‘heaven/utopia’ and thus casts away the stigma of mental health. This is also represented in Spring Day, where they all walk away from the hotel Omelas (a perfect utopia based on the suffering of one child) with the theme You Never Walk Alone. The message is that no one is a perfect angel but we still all deserve to love ourselves, even if we fall into mental illness.
Remember guys, always Love Yourself.
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cedarrockcinema · 5 years
Download Song. FREE use commercial or personal. ( http://jamen.do/t/1637870 ) SPACE OPERA. PSYCHEDELIC PHANTASM SPACE ROCK Jakobs Diary, “Trance Of The Monarch Butterfly,” by Lenny Wiles LionstarSong is “CRUCIFIXION DEATH MARCH OF THE SUPERNATURAL GEAR, JESUS” by Lionstar. Movie clips by Ferox Aeternum, archive.org/details/videoefsdplaybackLionstar Operatic Graphic Novel COMIX…. Conspiracy Phantasm Space Opera Series. http://www.supernaturalgears.org LIONSTAR JOURNAL: 2019/GOOD FRIDAY_987Yut5It’s Good Friday the day the Supernatural Spiritual Gear Jesus was tortured and killed by those who hated this bleeding heart celestial spiritual being sent to planet earth try and help the humans from eventual Nuclear Suicidal Genocide of the humans and to expose and try and stop the spread of the Luciferian Virus. To put the Virus in the Lake of fire Quarantine which was ravaging the planet 2000 years ago and heal the human population. The Virus always seems to escape Quarantine somehow with the help of the Demonic Fire Angel Lucifer. Lucifer and the virus spread will promote genocide in a battle known as Armegeddon. ( The Apocalyptic is gonna roll…. Listen.... ( https://youtu.be/nKrCLk8fn4k )Jesus was someone who tried to bring peace and love to the human race and warned of the virus and Alien Evil Angel Lucifer. When Jesus arrived on Planet Earth he gave food to the starving humans who were poor and healed the sick. Still the human species mostly the violent human males of the species hated all this Bleeding Heart stuff and so flogged Jesus to a bloody pulp, made him carry this huge cross, a cross of death in a blood moon death march while the mind controlled tranced humans under a permafrost mind melt along the death march trail continued to shout names at him and strike Jesus with whips equipped with sharp shred attachments. Along the way he walked with a spiked crown the humans stuck on his head blood running down his face. When he made it to the death march hill they lay him on a cross and drove nails into his feet and hands with a hammer and stood him up erect creating the most agonizing extreme pain of horror imaginable. Humans under a Luciferian Virus infection. ( Hear song we’re all going to Heaven…. (  http://jamen.do/t/1561023 )For hours in agonizing suffering eventually a Male Human Roman soldier went up and stuck a spear up and into the gut of Jesus with rivers of water and blood gushing out. A human male in the crowd was heard yelling, “Send that Bleeding Heart back to where he came!” Of course that did happen when his body was killed and his soul left the corpse. He went back to where he came. But soon reemerged later on Easter then disappeared until recently. He was seen and is now at the old Guison Church in Brogue Pa. He’s here on his final mission for the humans to try and help them. There is a Paranormal Storm heading in the direction of Earth. The Blood Moons call it the perfect paranormal storm. The Perfect Paranormal Storm hurls through space towards Earth and hits. The human suicide genocide will start to occur when the supernatural storm waves roll over Earth in what is known as  Armageddon. The New World Order and the Antichrist will emerge using the microwave unit in Alaska. An electronic Siren Singer for a mind control invasion.( http://jamen.do/t/1517213  )The prophesied location of a gathering of armies for one last human war among themselves a battle ending time and the alien human race and existence as we know it. When the Trumpet Templar horns are blown the  lead horn by the most famous known supernatural minstrel gear trumpet player of all the universe and spiritual world. The horn of the Supernatural Minstrel Gear Gabriel.  The Music Of The Spheres the planets in the solar system will perform as backing musicians as the sound gears of the planets will turn beginning to play the final Opus the final opera act of life on Earth as the humans know it. Lionstar, Jakob and Amitiel along with the Supernatural Minstrel Gears stationed in Hex County of the Mysterious Fog unit of the ancient  Blood Moon Minstrel Guild will be there to greet the return of the celestial spiritual mysterious being Jesus and to perform with Gabriel to blow the horns of warning and truth against the Haarp machine in Alaska from merging with the storm. This time the Gears are with a much different mission than to only observe as before 2000 years ago. This time to be involved in a divine intervention. Not unlike a battle of the bands between two music groups. A cosmic opera will occur called the "Trance Of The Monarch Butterfly," named after the the NWO and the Reptilian 9th Sector  Dracs experiments in mind control and human eugenics. A mind control project known as Project Monarch developed by Josef Mengele the Nazi Angel of Death who is still alive taking youth drugs working at the Aberdeen Proving grounds military base in Maryland and at Area 51.  The Alien Space Rock 'Oumuamua which Just Keeps Getting Weirder is  part of the paranormal storm surge that is now moving through the solar system. It's the first sign a surge of the approaching storm surge to come. http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/crux/2018/11/08/oumuamua-alien-asteroid-comet/#.XLiij-jYrnE   The supernatural storm clouds are forming in a Black Hole in a galaxy called M87 that just opened up in the universe with a bright Angelic Halo surrounding it with light that is brighter than all the billions of other stars in the galaxy combined. It is believed the Black Hole is a pathway to the 13th Dimension of nothing but now seems to contain something very strange and mysterious which is what is to be believed is a paranormal storm forming. A Perfect Paranormal Storm.   ( https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-47873592 ) The storm is believed to be forming inside that ectoplasmic black hole tunnel soon to rush out like a Supernatural Tsunami like a tidal wave sweeping across the universe gathering speed and strange psychic, physical, paranormal and unknown strange elements in the universe. A Perfect Storm hitting ground zero first in the Hexbelt region right in the center of Hex York County forming the New Eden beginning across the river in Eden Pennsylvania. In the region drawn out by the Anuannaki surveyors Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon along the Mason Dixon line….. All counties touching the Mason Dixon Line will succeed from the American Union and form a new nation called The Angel Nation Of Heavencan. The Blood Moon Clan is sending Annauanki Susquehannock human Indian Nephilim Hybrid Younora to float down the 13th dimensional new black hole found tunnel in an ectoplasmic dimensional dream route. Younora the Supernatural Gear is being guided down the black hole tunnel by the Reptilian 6 sector Drac Blackie Drac. Guiding her down the tunnel to retrieve info on the storm clouds gathering there. A place that was thought to be nothing. An existence of nothing.  ( http://jamen.do/t/1637871 )Received a call from Jesus last night about this mission. I was a little scared. He told me to stay focused and calm. This is what he told me about my mission…..Heaven is a place…. Listen ( http://jamen.do/t/1561026 ) Earlier log entry 2000 years ago..... JAKOBS DIARY ENTRY: 876yU7/before the crucifiction. I was summoned by the Intelligent Star to watch and observe the crucifiction of jesus but to not interfere. I was cloaked invisible to the roman soldiers except one. The Luciferian Norris. ( https://www.facebook.com/SupernaturalGospelGears/photos/a.2681954438497702/2691742437518902/?type=3&theater ) He was there to intimidate me and to test me. I had never met the supernatural gear jesus but knew he was about to make the ultimate sacrifice to expose demonic  elements that move in secrecy between the raindrops in celestial societies. The code of Blood Moon guild. A sacrifice that would move with truth down through generations for thousands of years. Every year around Easter I think of Jesus and what he went through. Jakob Lemy Zook Amish Exorcism Guitarist. Lionstar, the Cedar Valley Minstrel Of Heavencan.  Song downloads. Enter the ancient Blood Moon Song Vault..... ( http://jamen.do/t/1637870 ) to get theGood Friday song. Blood Moon Crucifixion Death March Of Jesus. Epilogue: Picked up this C9 Guitar organ device. Makes your guitar sound just like an organ. Couldn't believe it. Really blew my mind. Wrote, recorded this instrumental song today for the Supernatural Gears Comix series playing guitar sounding like an organ. Lionstar.Blood Moon Song Vault...... ( http://jamen.do/a/503956 )Lionstar Graphic Novel Space Rock COMIXFREE song downloads. FREE use commercial or personal. Attribution Required. Please reference Lenny Wiles Lionstar, supernaturalgears.org
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