#all i do is go and cry my eyes ouuut
lowkeylane · 6 years
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jinxfirebolt18902 · 4 years
Ohana Part 1 - (Ben Hardy!Warren Worthington III Serie)
Words: 1.682
Summary: Warren accidentally made a family of his own and he’s determined to do anything in his will to protect them, but maybe that won’t be enough and a little help may be needed.
Part 2
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Warren’s strong arms sneaked around her small waist, his nose lightly burying itself on her neck, her delicious scent invading his senses. A warm feeling run all over his body, fuelling him with peace and happiness and, well... love. If someone had told him 6 years ago that in a few years he’d be standing in a cottage backyard surrounded by a forest in a mountain somewhere in England, holding the love of his life in his arms while watching the result of their love laughing innocently as he bounced in a single swing, he probably would have laughed really hard and turned around to dismiss the matter. His last years had passed quite quickly when he took a moment to look back, from the cage fighting where he’d met her, to them escaping and fooling around, hiding from the evil that chased after them and their mutations, kissing and dancing and laughing like teenagers, till the unexpected offspring growing in her. His eyelids opened interrupting the memories when he felt her head rest against him. The green eyes moving quickly from her face to his son’s.
He re-positioned himself standing straighter but before pulling his face from her neck he stopped by her ear to whisper a sweet emotional “I love you with all my heart”. A wide smile reaching her lips. She turned subtly, to look up and connect their gazes. He was smiling as well. A sudden yelp made their faces instinctively spin towards the now empty swing, their bodies parted in less than a second. An uniformed young man had the four-years-old’s wrist in a strong grip,the latter desperately trying to run towards his parents’ safety. Three pairs of manly hands attacking her grey wings and her arms in order to immobilize her, meanwhile five men did the same to him, tackling him to the ground and stepping on his white feathers to pin him down. Screams, swearings and cryings filled the cold air, the already clouded sky getting darker due not only to the storm clouds forming but for the day reaching its end as well. Just like that, in a matter of seconds the small family’s life torn apart. Warren’s madness against the scene developing before his eyes, his family being captured, a stranger’s filthy hands restraining his helpless child, a group of men hurting his girlfriend, his everything, provoked the adrenaline pump through his every vein and his mutation power up to no use, being outnumbered and electrocuted.
—Get your fucking hands off them right now! You twats!
—Shut your mouth bird boy. —a familiar face adorned with a black moustache knelt in front of him, Warren still forced to lay flat on the wet grass. —How we missed you back there in the cage champ... —the most disgusting laugh Warren’d ever heard left the man’s chest. The mutant could only follow him with his eyes. Edgar, as Warren recalled, strolled across the few feets distancing him from her and stopped to give her struggling body an analytic look, a sound of approval  reaching Warren’s ears. From there, the man known to be in charge shifted to the crying infant as he arched an eyebrow in a thoughtful expression. After a few seconds he went back to Warren’s level. —Well I see you haven’t lost any time... We’ll see what can we do with your little family play back in Berlin, aight?
Warren’s eyes and body contorted with anger, his blood boiling making his veins stand out. His cheeks were pink and his nostrils wide open with his rapid breaths. He couldn’t let this happen. He had promised her that he would protect them, that he’d never let anything happen to them hence why they lived there, hidden, heads low and quiet. They’d been moving quite a lot too, never staying for too long in the same place, never surrounded by neighbours, trying not to be seen either by humans nor mutants. They’d practically disappeared. But their luck had run out. His past was once again taking his efforts and high spirits away from him, ripping his heart and soul open. When he felt he was being pulled up, covered in countless ropes, his gaze flew to her. They were doing the same with her, the picture almost unbearable for him. He’d promised her they’d never touch her again, she’d never have to fight again.
Inside her mind the petrifying memories run wild. The crowds shouting in excitement, the perspiration smell hanging in the heavy air, the bright light blinding her eyes... Her eyelids closed forcefully at the excruciating pain in her wings when they burned them with high voltage, and the sore of her throat after her screams whenever she was hurt. She could feel the anxiety eating her alive, the fear of living that hell once again, anew; after 6 years of peace and healing, after being given birth... her baby. Oh God what were they going to do with her baby boy. SHe wasn’t as strong as before, she was done fighting. Her muscles weren’t the same anymore, She was thin and standard, no training left on her physical appearance... The amount of ropes was extremely unnecessary, she couldn’t have escaped their hold. Her baby boy. She started shouting piercing screams hurting the men’s hearing, few of them even letting go of their strings to cover their ears. Tears constantly run down her cheeks.
—For fuck’s sake! What is it woman?! —Edgar’s scowl faced her closely.
—My child! Give me my boy! Please! Let him come with me please... —choked sobs cutting her pleas. —Give my child! —through her crying her demanding tone could be heard in her voice.
With a roll of his eyes the commandant signaled to one of the cages and they quickly put her in, then thoughtlessly waved his hand to the young uniformed man holding the infant to let him go. The little boy clumsily running to his mom’s arms which immediately embraced the upset toddler. Her head jerked in Warren’s direction when she heard him grunting and still giving battle, refusing to let his and his family’s freedom be taken away.
The place looked the same, dark, wet and creepy. Definitely not a place for children. They'd set them apart. Warren's cage was kept in a room with the best male fighters while hers was placed with the oldest women mutants. As they put her cage in place all eyes big in amazement were on her. She just stared everywhere with fear, covering her body and his son's with her big grey feathery wings. The toddler was buried in her chest with wet red cheeks and dropped eyelids, heavy with tiredness. It had been an exhausting day plus they’d been awake over 32 hours. She heard a few murmurs between the women as they looked at them. "It's her isn't it?", "She's back", "Oh my god has she got a child there?!", "I can't believe it", "Have they captured him as well?". Her eyes kept jumping from face to face, the expression of terror never leaving her features.
—Sweetie... Are you okay? Is there any way I can help you?
Her eyes flew towards the owner of the voice, a red-headed curvy lady probably in her seventies. Her body just tensed up and held her baby tighter. Exhaustion took over forcing her to fall asleep in a second, with her back resting against the cold impenetrable barriers, her wings covering her.
It was a massive migraine what woke her up, stirring from her unconscious state she had to take a few seconds to remember everything that happened and take in her new awful reality. Her gaze looked down at the sleeping body in her arms. Charlie’s face was dirty with dust and dry tears, which only hurt her heart and soul even more, an overwhelming desire to cry filling her. She wanted Warren. She wanted to be in his arms and be told everything would be okay. She needed him. The fact that he was somewhere else only added to her worry and discomfort. She felt weak and dizzy. Helping herself grabbing one of the cage bars to keep her balance she got to a sitting position without waking Charlie. Again pairs of eyes set on her, whispering her name. 
A new thump sound resonated within the dark red room. Warren’s left shoulder was already completely bruised and sore, but he kept using it in failed attempts to break the cage’s lock.
—LET ME OUUUT! —his cry hurting his throat as tears filled his eyes.
The other mutants couldn’t fully understand why he was reacting so crazy about his capture knowing it wasn’t his first time, at all. Warren’s body collapsed to the ground as silent sobs escaped him. His mind couldn’t stop spiraling around her and their son. What they were doing to them, where they were, how they were… Both his mind and his body hurt, like they ever had before.
A green-skinned mutant with scales and spiked head knelt facing Warren and tried to check him up. Clearly he hadn’t known… or better said, fought him inside the cage as most of the others in the room. Warren used to be one of the best, one of the champs (hence why they always were after him whenever he escaped). He could kill, easily. But to that new reptilian mutant, Warren just seemed a broken little boy, at the edge of the hill.
—Are you ok?
—Anole. —called him out one of the others. —Don’t.
A few days later, Warren had almost lose it completely. His brain had gotten him into some kind of a trance to stop the pain. He was like a reverse ghost, his body was present but his soul was nowhere to be seen. If it weren’t for his will to eat and for his blinks, one could think he was dead. Hours never seemed to end, the difference between day and night had been long forgotten. It was always dark. And misery was all he could feel.
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solartranslations · 6 years
4/15: Imperati Falco (TN: Reigning Falcon)
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Intelligence gathers at the harbor to depart…
~*Scene: Harbor*~
Nino: Ojou-san, you’re here
Orso: …You look even more excited than Liberta would be
Felicita: Yeah
Dante: Alright, everyone
❤≪Dante≫ Seems as usual
Place: We’re going out to sea. Give it your all!
Daily: There shouldn’t be any problems with this weather
Arcana: Make sure to be careful
Nino: Dante-san!
Orso: We can set sail at anytime
Dante: Alright, good work
Dante: Listen up, all of you!
Felicita: !
Nino: Sorry, this is just a custom for when Intelligence sets sail
Orso: Sailors are quite rough after all. Just do your best
Dante: It is time for us to set sail!
Dante: You won’t be as languid as a barrel on land, right!?
Intelligence: Okay!!
Dante: Anyone who’s still half asleep from their siesta isn’t needed at Intelligence!
Dante: Any demons of the sea we meet, we’ll fillet for food…. Let’s raise our sails with that courage!!
~*Scene: SS Arcana*~
Dante: Ojou-san, how are you? Not seasick are you?
❤≪Dante≫ Seems excited
Place: We have to be careful of seasickness
Daily: There shouldn’t be any problems with this weather
Arcana: Make sure to be careful
(+20 Amore)
>I’m fine
(No Amore)
Dante: Hahaha! So even you can be uneasy on the waves
Dante: But, those who can’t get accustomed to the sea would succumb to seasickness at even this level
Dante: You’re suited for sailing. I assure you
Felicita: *sigh*
Dante: Haha, what are you uneasy about?
Dante: You’re here to take in the sights, so just start with getting used to the sea
Dante: Oh! That’s quite impressive
Dante: We are just patrolling the coast, but being on the sea is completely different from the land…
Dante: But you’re no different from usual, Ojou-san
Felicita: Yeah
Dante: It’s a waste having you on land as the Executive of the Swords!
Dante: Ah, sorry, don’t take that the wrong way
Dante: Being accustomed to the sea is just one of your talents
Dante: You’re actually quite suited for Intelligence…
❤≪Dante≫ Seems as usual ❤≪Dante≫ Seems excited
Place: That’s promising
Daily: There shouldn’t be any problems with this weather
Arcana: Make sure to be careful
Place: That’s promising
Daily: There shouldn’t be any problems with this weather
Arcana: Make sure to be careful
Orso: Dante-san, over here. The helmsman is a little concerned about the wind direction
Orso: He’s really insistent, so can you take a look at it?
Dante: Okay, understood. Then Orso, you can tell Ojou-san about our view of Regalo from the sea
❤≪Dante≫ Seems as usual
Place: The wind…is concernin
Daily: There shouldn’t be any problems with this weather but…
Arcana: Make sure to be careful
Orso: !! Th, th, that’s…
Orso: I, I, I, I’ll go get Nino!!!!
Dante: Hey! You shouldn’t run around like that while we’re at sea!
Dante: Geez, he’s showing such a bad example…
Nino: Orso’s still at it? I thought he’d gotten used to Ojou-san though
Dante: Haha, well even I get a little nervous being alone with Ojou-san
Felicita: ?
Dante: Well, I’m sorry that Orso wasn’t able to show you around
Dante: I’m going to go talk to the helmsman. Nino, take care of Ojou-san
Nino: Oh, now that’s a serious responsibility. Understood
Dante: Then, see you later. Ojou-san
Nino: Well~ this is great! Ojou-san! Look over there! See the tiny looking walls over there? …That’s our mansion
Nino: And, how do I say this…the place I’m pointing to is…
Nino: Wah!? A seagull!? It’s got some nerve pooping on me!
Nino: Now what!? Whoa, whoa, whoa! How can there be a whale this far inland!?
Nino: Ojou-san, watch ouuut!!!!
Nino: Ojou-san!!
Orso: What is it, what happened!
Nino: Go get Dante! Ojou-san got thrown into the sea!
Nino: It’s my fault for being careless…she was standing too close to the water with me…
Orso: Now’s not the time!
Dante: Ojou-san!
Dante: I’ll go save her! You all get ropes and a blanket ready!
Intelligence: Okay!
Dante: Orso, Nino! You two boil some water!!
Dante: Don’t panic. If we stay calm…we can definitely save her!
~*Scene: Sea*~
Dante: Ojou-san! Just concentrate on floating, don’t thrash around!
❤≪Dante≫ Seems nervous
Person: I will save her!!!
Dante: I’ll swim to you. Once I reach you, they’ll throw a rope to us
Dante: Trust me…there’s no need to panic
❤≪Dante≫ Can't seem to handle it
Person: Trust me!!!
(+10 Amore)
>I trust you, Dante!
(+20 Amore)
>I’m scared…!!
(-10 Amore)
Dante: It’s alright…just stay like that
Dante: Okay! I’m coming right now, Ojou-san!!
Dante: Calm down, Ojou-san!! I’m coming right now…
Dante: Just a little more…good, keep holding out your hand like that…
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Dante: …You did great. It’s alright now
Dante: Ojou-san…Ojou-san!!
While she sank into the sea, the one who reached out for her was…
~*Scene: Felicita's Room*~
Luca: Ojou-sama! Please open your eyes!
Luca: If Ojou-sama never wakes up…
Luca: …Ojou-sama went of her own will. It’s not my place to say anything
Luca: But…I can’t believe this would…!
Dante: I’m so sorry for putting her in danger…
Luca: No…what I said was uncalled for…I’m sorry
Dante: No, I’m sorry. …Of course you would feel anxious
Dante: I…feel the same
Luca: Dante…
Dante: This pendant, Imperati Falco, is handed down between sailors…
Dante: The power within the stone burns red, and is said to stimulate the fire of the holder’s life
Dante: I don’t know if it’s true, but my strength might be proof of it
Luca: I understand. I’ll borrow it until Ojou-sama wakes up
Dante: Yes. Please do. And, I’m sorry for causing trouble
Luca: No…
Dante: Good night, Ojou-san. Please rest well
>Luca, stop Dante!
(+20 Amore)
>Don’t go…
(+10 Amore)
>That voice…Dante…?
(+No Amore)
Luca: Ojou-sama! You’re awake!?
Dante: But you still don’t look well. Sleep
Dante: Luca, keep her company. I’ll go let the rest of Intelligence know
Luca: You don’t need to tell me. I’ll take care of Ojou-sama
Dante: If possible, I hope you don’t come to hate the sea because of this…
Felicita: *smile*
Dante: …I see
(End of Scene)
Dante: Oh! You’re awake
Dante: But you still don’t look well. Sleep
Luca: She still seems drowsy…
Dante: …I guess I should apologize to her tomorrow
Dante: Ojou-san, please sleep a little longer
Luca: I don’t think she’ll be going to Intelligence for a couple days…
Dante: Yeah. She shouldn’t overdo it
(End of Scene)
(Skip this box)
❤≪Luca≫ Seems nervous ❤≪Dante≫ Seems concerned
Arcana: Thank goodness…!
Person: Please rest for now, Ojou-sama
Person: Thank goodness…
Arcana: I’m sure everyone will be relieved
Pain: I’m sorry
❤≪Dante≫ Seems concerned ❤≪Luca≫ Seems as usual
Person: Thank goodness…
Arcana: I’m sure everyone will be relieved
Pain: I’m sorry
Person: Please rest for now, Ojou-sama
Arcana: I’m so relieved…
Dante: Oh! …Thank goodness…
❤≪Dante≫ Seems shocked
Person: Thank goodness…
Arcana: I’m sure everyone will be relived
Pain: I’m sorry
Luca: Ojou-sama! You’re awake!?
❤≪Luca≫ Seems nervous
Arcana: I’m so relieved…
Person: Please rest for now, Ojou-sama
Nino: Did you say she woke up!?
Liberta: See! I told you that she’d be fine…*sob*…
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems to want to cry
Arcana: I’m so glaaad!
Person: Ojou, please don’t come to hate the sea
Orso: You’re the one who doesn’t look alright. …Anyway, I’m glad
Luca: !!!! You guys…!! This is Ojou-sama’s room you know!?
❤≪Luca≫ Seems as usual
Person: Be quiet!!!
Arcana: I’m so relieved…
Luca: Get out right now!
Dante: Sorry…and, I’m glad you’re alright
Dante: …I’m really glad…that you’ve grown up so strong…
~*End of Scene*~
You have one Heart Voice. It can be heard within SPECIAL
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