#all hail pukicho
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lncrblog · 1 year ago
Does this mean pukicho is the Ruler of tumblr?
Puki will you leave tumblr because everyone’s acting like it’s dead now :(
oh yeah its SO dead.
1000 notes this post. Now
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bringbackmaes14 · 5 months ago
It's so funny to get evil booped as a blog with a very small following. Like obviously I am evil booping all of my mutuals and they are evil booping me back. And I get that there are probably big name blogs out there like willgrahamscock or pukicho or teaboot getting randomly evil booped by blogs they don't know. But I'm just a little guy and I keep seeing all these people in my notes who I don't recognize that are evil booping me and I'm like "who are you random stranger sending bad omens upon my house" because a few of them aren't sending any normal boops, just evil ones. And I'm left to wonder if it's some form of subversive anon hate or anon love letter or a secret third thing (evil booping for the sake of evil booping) but no matter what answer I come up with I am left with unending glee because that is the joy of the (boop) purge.
All hail the evil boop!
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theevilrogue · 5 years ago
I was tagged by @i-just-don-t-know, thanks so much!! I love these games.
RULES: Put your entire music library into shuffle and show us the first ten songs that come on. Then tag ten of your fellas to do the same. Let's go now!
1. Unsteady - X Ambassadors
2. Freeze Your Brain - Heathers
3. I Miss You - Blink-182
4. Levitate - 21 Pilots
5. Spirited Away Away Away Away Away Away - PKCH (or @pukicho here)
6. When The Levee Breaks - Led Zeppelin
7. Radioactive - Imagine Dragons
8. Thriller - Scott Bradley’s Postmodern Jukebox
9. The Chess Game - Falsettos
10. Stratosphere - Tangerine Dream
Well, that was interesting. Now you all get to see my weird jumbled music taste. Some of those are relics from years ago, and I kind of forgot I had them saved.
Now for tagging (obviously feel free to do it even if I don’t tag you!): @rileys-queer-adventures @jodetesuciaperra @queeramaura @barrebard @write-the-stars @obliviouspython @falseidolsarecool @all-hail-mono-onion @zoethrowingnightshade @punkwithlonghair
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jeremy-xliv · 2 years ago
None shall be as great as him and any who claim to be shall be found guilty of blasphemy and executed!
We were one of 5 human species put on Earth by aliens 15,000 years ago. Being the weakest physical species, we were expected to be extinct, outcompeted by the others. However, when the aliens check in, we’ve wiped out the others.
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weaponizedcorvid · 2 years ago
All hail Pukicho, the one true powerhouse of this site
it is fucking terrifying seeing a post you made like 0.2 seconds ago, and just refreshing it again and again and seeing it go up like 10 likes every second. less than a second even
I command you all, make this go up
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unsuspectingmaam · 5 years ago
Yo what the fuck. What kind of program did you use
I shall now make an OC 
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imperiot · 3 years ago
all hail all-knowing-pukicho
Puki, please explain. Everything.
So it all started with a bang, okay? Or if you're religious perhaps you believe in an entity that started the big bang, or maybe you're stupid and think a big finger came down and zapped the Earth into existence like, 2000 years ago. But let's not get into how the entity itself came into existence, cause they won't tell you how. It's weird because you'll be like "the big bang started the universe" and then they'll be like "well, then who MADE the big bang?" but then they never ask themselves who made God? If it all stops at God then why can't it also stop at the big bang? Anyways the general consensus is that a big-ass explosion expelled so much energy that it created everything you see today, it started off with lotsa particles and light and super simple elements and whatever but then as the intense heat and pressure of the big bang continued (I mean like 0.00000001 seconds into the explosion) through sheer force and energy tons of other elements and particles and whatever the fuck catalyzed into existence. Hey I'm no scientist so you gotta take my general concepts and do the more research yourself. So anyways it all expanded infinitely outwards from all sides, the universe was super heated and incredibly turbulent and mass nebulae and star clusters were forming up to be the very first galaxies. Well lets just fast forward some more cause a lotta random shit happened until 14 billion years ago, our very own galaxy formed, called the milky way galaxy. So anyways galaxies are massive star clusters revolving around a supermassive black hole. I know it's scary to be revolving around a black hole but hey don't worry about it, it's not gonna matter. One of those stars btw is our star, the fucking SUN! If you ever go outside maybe you'll see it up in the sky. now despite our galaxy being 14 billion years old, our sun is only around 4.6 billion. We revolve around the sun, on a planet called Earth, which formed a little bit after all the intense matter and swirling mayhem of the sun settled down. U see, our solar system used to just be a very condensed pile of gasses and matter floating around until it all kinda got sucked into the middle and little celestial objects called planets formed around our star (the Sun, remember?). Earth is one of those early objects but don't get too excited yet, okay? Cause it's still a while til life starts being a thing. Remember when I said that the early universe was pretty hot? Yeah well it was pretty hot here too for a while, even though our planet was slowly being formed by sucking in other celestial objects, it was still way too fucking warm for anything to exist, it's just facts. But after our solar system cooled off a bit and things started making bit more sense, asteroids (big rock in space) carrying ice would land on earth and the ice would almost instantly evaporate into our hot-ass atmosphere (the sky and air we breathe today). Now idk if it was due to the icy-ass asteroids or the cooling-down solar system, but slowly our planet started to cool off. All that icy-asteroid water that had evaporated in the air started to condense into things that we typically call clouds. It started to rain, and it rained a fuck ton, until after many years we got big-ass pools of water on our planet called an Ocean. And this is where shit gets wild. The ocean is cool cause it's a really dense and unique place to form really simple lifeforms! Through intense volcanic heat catalyzed in the water, single-celled organisms started plopping into existence. These were really simple, super stupid life forms that didn't have much going on, really, but they still managed to have functions like "eat proteins" and whatever, and that was still enough to churn the tides of evolution. So all these stupid bacteria and organisms started getting more advanced as they reproduced and evolved blah blah blah, until we got fish, and sponges, and the sea pickle and shit. Other bacteria and organisms decided to become plants and algae and whatever. So now it's a party here on Earth.
So they started getting real creative, some fish grew legs after a long while and decided to plop up on to land, which at the time, land was just a shitty collection of rocks, but as plants and algae and our good friend, the mushroom started figuring out how to grow themselves on land, things started looking pretty cool. Oh also I just gotta say none of what I'm saying here about who got onto land first is in order, cause hell if I know, I'm not a scientist, I'm a tumblr user. Anyways believe it or not, fish are dinosaurs, and those fish grew legs and started looking weird as fuck. There was a whole-ass period of time of just dinosaurs, and this period of time was split into different 3 eras. So it's crazy but u know in movies, you'll see a T-rex hang out with a Pterodactyl? Well, in real life those mother fuckers were like 80 million years apart from each other. So that was a whole thing for a while until a couple of extinction events happened, like a big rock smashing into the Earthed wiped them out, but not all of them ;). Some of the sneakier creatures survived the intense explosion and continued to evolve. We got an ice age, and some other shit happened. All of our continents moved and erosion did it's thing, all the while new species were forming. Suddenly there was this one classification of animal called the Mammal, and these guys are us, sorta. After lots more evolution and time, monkeys, the good, trustworthy monkey, came into existence. There were lots of different kinds of monkeys but we evolved from one of these dudes into neanderthals, which is like an early human. Anyways we didn't do too much as the neanderthal, we weren't super smart but we were figuring things out, like how to use tools and draw cool-ass elephants on cave walls, but we were still evolving. After a while, a new kinda neanderthal came into existence, and over time, neanderthals were no longer cool, and the newer, cooler monkey, aka HUMAN, started being the new trendy thing. The neanderthal slowly died off, idk why, we probably murdered them in cold blood. Anyways, early civilization and humanity brought with it new discoveries and inventions and culture! Culture is important for tons of reasons but it definitely grew fast once we figured out how all this shit worked. And over time we learned super crucial things, like what a wheel is, and how to write words and shit (like what you're reading now). Eventually, everything started making more sense and we used what our ancestors taught us to do more the next time around. We lived, and died, and lived, and died until we figured out a bunch of shit and claimed all these territories around the planet. Some of the land humans claimed were more bountiful than others, so they had an advantage when it came to taking over other people's land and doing war and inventing shit. So lots of pillaging and land-claiming and war happened, then we settled down a bit, we got super smart cause we lived and died so many times and learned a bunch of cool shit, so we started the industrial revolution and made cool-ass machines. We learned how to automate shit like chopping wood and constructing boxes via assembly lines, then, as a result of being able to produce things wayy faster than we could before, we started selling larger quantities, so goodbye local shops. Anyways, selling things at mass-quantities means you make lots of money, big businesses came into existence and lots of different things were made as we continued to advance our tech and have dumb-ass wars (we're still living and dying btw) - Countries were made, people died, and then lived! Very important things were made, like the car, and the concept of gravity, and math...
Until BOOM. Here we are today, repeating that silly little cycle, more technically advanced and business-y than ever before! We're still learning, still living and dying, until something else happens, whenever that may be. Hope that helps!
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dark-peasent · 4 years ago
Fuck that grandma, all hail pukicho!
When people ask me what my most prized possession is I usually say something boring like “this necklace that was my grandmother’s” but in reality it is my pink tax evasion hoodie that I ordered right before the redesign so it has the lil pika on it and it makes me feel powerful
I can’t believe you’re making me say this but…
Me > Ur grandma
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kittys-3am-word-barf · 4 years ago
Headcanon! Pukicho’s the son of tumblr! ALL HAIL THE TUMBLR CHILD!!!!!!!
wait i thought you were like the son of the tumblr owner??? are you not????
Huh ? ? ? ?
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helshades · 5 years ago
@pukicho, the ultimate Progressist, all hail!
Who wrote Harry Potter?
Someone who doesn’t exist anymore. Their personality, their connection to our world disappeared the day they gained one billion dollars, all that’s left is a little demon that gets angry at those who’re different than them.
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boiled-avocados · 4 years ago
All fucking hail the mother fucking pukicho bitch
awww don’t act all grouchy just because you’re mad and angry
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a-smr-things · 4 years ago
All hail pukicho.
If I ruled the world, you would know
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its-chrimass · 4 years ago
All hail the mighty Pukicho, Eater of Galaxies
I force you to be thankful to ME and only me this MEgiving
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a-queer-kitkat · 5 years ago
king pissboi king pissboi all hail pukicho the king pissboi
bro how are you so fucking hot like damn
All I do is talk about piss
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