#all body checkup price
Best B2b Health Checkup Package with Swasthalaya
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As businesses face increasingly fierce competition and the demand for productivity continuously rises, it's important to prioritize employees' health and well-being. By providing health checkup packages as a part of the company's wellness program, employers can ensure the health and happiness of their employees, and ultimately improve their productivity. Swasthalaya, a leading healthcare provider, offers the ideal solution for companies looking to promote employee health with their B2B health checkup package.
Section 1 - Swasthalaya's B2B Health Checkup Package
Swasthalaya's B2B health checkup package is customized to cater to the specific health needs of your employees. This health package can include a wide range of tests, including blood tests, eye tests, hearing tests, and more. Swasthalaya's package is flexible and customizable, depending on the specific requirements and budget of the organization. 
Section 2 - Benefits of the B2B Health Checkup Package with Swasthalaya
The B2B health checkup package with Swasthalaya offers various benefits to employers and employees alike. Here are some of the benefits of choosing Swasthalaya's package:
Healthy Employees: The B2B health checkup package helps identify health concerns early, which can significantly improve employees' health and well-being, reducing the risk of illnesses and diseases.
Boost Employee Retention: By providing these health packages, employers can create a positive work environment, which translates to a happier and more loyal workforce.
Enhanced Productivity: When employees feel valued, both in terms of their overall well-being and professional worth, they are more motivated and productive.
Cost-Effective: Swasthalaya's B2B health checkup package is affordable and can be customized to fit the budget of organizations of all sizes.
Section 3 - How to Get Swasthalaya's B2B Health Checkup Package
Getting Swasthalaya's B2B health checkup package is easy and hassle-free. You can simply get in touch with the Swasthalaya team by visiting their website or calling them directly. The team will help you customize the health package to meet your specific needs and budget. 
Promoting employee wellness must be taken seriously by companies that want a better and more productive workforce. Swasthalaya's B2B health checkup package offers a high degree of customization, affordability, and convenience, thus positioning it as the perfect solution for ensuring employee health and well-being. By investing in your employees, you can be sure that it will yield long-lasting positive results. Get in touch with the Swasthalaya team today and provide your employees with the greatest gift of all - good health!
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diejager · 1 year
begging for more monster 141🙏🙏🙏
hear me out- reader is a host to venom but has it hidden and they find out maybe…?
(i got hyper fixated on blue’s au and SCOURING the internet💀)
What if… Hunter was Venom?
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Pairing: Monster Task Force 141 + König & Horangi x venom reader
Cw: blood and gore, canon typical violence, head eating, gaslighting by Hunter, injury, fighting, tell me if I missed any. Wc: 3.4k
Only Human masterlist
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Sometimes, they’d find you mumbling to yourself, voice so low that, unless they were a hybrid or had impeccable hearing, they wouldn’t be able to hear it. It was a ne’er silent whisper of harsh words or soft coos towards a being they couldn’t see. Were you talking to someone on your headset? Were you wearing EarPods to talk to someone? Or had you lost some screws in your mind after working with them for so long? None of them truly knew, but they wouldn’t bother you with it when you never bothered them with pesky questions that sounded insulting to them. After all, why would they bother their adorably useful and resourceful medic? You were the beating heart of the Task Force, you made it whole and functioning. Yet, they couldn’t stop the curiosity that festered in their mind, the need to know what made you talk to yourself, mumbling and cursing when you were alone. 
Nothing seemed out of order, you were still strong-headed and scolding them like you did the day before, mumbling about Soap’s recklessness and Gaz’s impending fate of falling out of airborne vehicles. About Price’s habit of working too hard, pushing his already pained body to work. Pulling Ghost by the - bloody and soiled - sleeve to your infirmary with a deep frown and eyes glinting with the promise of retribution for the hybrid that hid whatever ailed him from you; you were the medic for Pete’s sake! It was your duty to watch over them. Hounding Alejandro for his medical check after a deployment because, as handsome and dependable as he was, he liked hiding his wounds. Running after Rudy for his checkups while he was limping or trying to avoid you. Calling after Horanji for his share of the affection, needle, scalpel, bandage and all, he needed and deserved all the others received. Or sitting beside König, reminiscing about your early days, where taking care of your patients was as easy as taking care of König was, grateful and pliant, showering you with love and adoration before, during and after the procedures. 
You had your plate full with them, so it’d be unheard of if you had time to care for others. You might’ve been a medic on base, but your priorities and loyalties lay with them, with Task Force 141 and its allies. However being a - their - medic, didn’t mean you were free from any pain, fear or quirkiness as they were. You were as weird and as awful as every single one of them was, wearing it pridefully on your chest when you stood with them; even if you were wholly human - or you were supposed to.
Ghost caught fleeting moments where a dark mass would move around you, a glistening blob of marble-like texture with silver rivers running across it. It was near impossible to see it when it would disappear once it felt - even the slightest indication - the presence of another living being, like an illusion of trick of the light. That’s what you told them, it was simply a trick of the light or something because you didn’t know anything about an ugly blob. It was told slowly and persuasively with a wince once the words “ugly blob” left your mouth, a pained grimace as if something was grating your ears or claws were digging into your mind. When he brought it up with Gaz - who had impeccable eye-sight, the harpy would agree, spewing words about it having a menacing face with wide, pointed eyes and a mouth full of teeth. Big and sharp teeth that seemed alien-like. It couldn’t have been the trick of the light, especially since both of them saw the same thing. They asked you once more, together this time, but you’d reassured them that they were both tired when they’d seen this blob. You were tired and sometimes saw moving forms from the corner of your eyes too, so it might’ve been hysteria - collective hysteria.
Soap, if he tried hard enough, would sometimes hear a deep voice echo around you. It wasn’t something disturbingly deep, or annoyingly alien, it was pleasingly deep with a smooth undertone to its growls. It would send chills up his spine when he heard it, but he would always catch your voice talking back to it. He’d hear hisses and curses, some more unusual and others more normal: “I can’t eat my teammates!”, “I told you no!”, “Stop eating heads! People will catch on!” or “Can you shut up?” and “I can’t concentrate with you screaming my head off!” Soap, knowing how good Alejandro’s hearing was, asked if the Mexican had heard you speak with an unknown voice, specifically a male voice. A few muffled conversations between you and an unknown man and sometimes one-sided, but, simply put, Alejandro had witnessed the same occasions as the Scot had. It wasn’t unusual to talk to yourself, would it? Soap liked to boost his own morale with confident words and flattering compliments to himself. Alejandro wasn’t a stranger to mumbling to himself either, cursing his choice in life and how he ended up with his - lovable - problem-causing band of vagabonds.
If you weren’t careful or unintentionally careless, there would be a distinct odour clinging to your skin. It would be strong and pungent, the smell fresh and metallic-like. König knew it well, he craved as much as he wanted to bathe in it, the sweet smell of blood. How could he not recognize the faintest whiff of blood when it often drove him mad with bloodlust and the uncontrollable need to fall into a daze of primal hunger? It stuck to you like a second layer of skin, thin and always present. It sewed into the fundamentals of your scent, the tinge of iron mixed into the sweet, syrupy musk. It drove him mad with need, thirsting for the thing that made you smell so delicious. It clung to you as if you bathed in blood, drinking and devouring it, yet your skin was clean, with no speck of red under your nails, on your skin or between your teeth. In a worry, he went to Price, The Captain had the most knowledge about you and König could trust him to take good care of him, being a dragon. He expected the Brit to know something, even the slightest change, but Price hadn’t caught anything odd about you. Perhaps it clung to you because of your closeness to him, Percht hybrids - although rare - were ferociously unpredictable and ravenously bloodthirsty.
Rudy was the more human of them, so he caught on to the changes in behaviours and habits of others easily. You’d act odd at times, shoulders slightly tense and back slumped inward, body tired but unable to relax. He wanted to help, he proposed, but you’d turned him down, telling him you were fine, that you were just restless from being off duty for so long or for being worked to the bone. He would also catch you subtly avoiding them without ringing any bells, seeming occupied with other things while whispering under your breath; your slower reactions to their banter and the darker bags under your eyes, wearing that dazed and blank look in them while you sat with them; or the strong growl of your stomach and the slight rubbing of your stomach, soothing an ache that rooted so deeply in your abdomen. He worried, often, if he was honest. Even Horangi, a man oblivious to most cues and behaviours in humans, saw the subtle change in your behaviour when you acted odd. He pointed out the rings under your eyes, your fatigued and distracted mind, and your lip-gnawing hunger. For a hybrid that had so much difficulty grasping and understanding humans, he caught on to your change abnormally quickly, even with the excessive chocolate consumption.
They were all suspicious and you, their sweet and convincing medic, had them doubting what they saw, your gaslighting working on them as easily as a child bribed with candy. It didn’t make you feel less guilty or disappointed in yourself, but you weren’t sure how they’d react to him, not being human or a monster. He was a creature out of the pages of a sci-fi novel, a creation of the human mind and imagination. Venom was an alien, something from outer space. You were convincing until you couldn’t anymore.
Let me take over, the soothing voice uttered to you, calling out your name in a concerned tone. Let me protect you.
You were compromised, the enemy had tapped into your line, listening in on your conversations and movements. That’s how they were able to separate most of you, to turn the squad of nine operators down to four smaller teams, all on the run and trying to stick to the shadows without calling to the others through the comms. You were crouched over Gaz, whispering sweet nothings to the hissing man. You soothed his ache, hand and mind strained on the bleeding wound on his forearm, his beautiful, bronze skin stained with crimson in the hot and humid air of Columbia. 
Blood rolled down his tense arm, over his round muscle and sweaty skin, it was a clean graze, the blunt head of the bullet grazing his arm deep enough for it to bleed but shallow enough for it not to leave him incapacitated with blood loss. It was a ray of light in your dreadful situation. You had his wound cleaned and wrapped up, congratulating him for pushing through and helping him up. You cursed the enemy, wondering how the low-stake in-and-out ops suddenly turned out to be an extremely high-stake one with minimal possibility of reaching the evacuation point. 
“C’mon Gaz, we need to move,” you whispered to him, holding your rifle closely to your chest while you walked around the shadows of Guaitarilla’s back alley and dark corners. “We need to regroup at the evacuation point.”
“Yeah, good plan,” he nodded, following your lead even though he was higher-ranked than you, but in such situations, survival was the priority. 
You stuck to alleys, using the shadows to hide from the patrolling cartel that had the town surrounded, it nearly baffled you with the speed of their defences and counter-attack if you hadn’t heard of Las Almas’ attack from El Sin Nombre and The Shadows from you teammates. Although you couldn’t admire them, you could respect their skills and ability, you only wished it was for you rather than against you. 
While you watched ahead, Gaz had your back, peering around the corner before giving him the green to move. It was a rotation between who went first and who looked back, but you made it work with only you both. You were so careful, yet it somehow wasn’t enough, someone had noticed you and it sent you and Gaz rushing for cover, to escape the group of dispatched cartel members. It was stupid, running without looking where you were heading towards. It was stupid to let the enemy tap into your comms. It was stupid, the situation you got yourself into. 
You were backed into a corner, Gaz standing before you like a protective shield between you and the enemy, his rifle pointed toward the quickly advancing group. You wanted to protest about him using his wings to cover you, his wide, brown feathers expanded to hide you from those men. He was already hurt from pulling you away from harm, but he was now standing protectively before you. You couldn’t let him get hurt because of you, not anymore. 
Little One, his voice rang once more in your head, the reassuring pressure of his presence in your body calming you down by an inch. Let me take over.
If you let him take control of your body, it would ensure your and Gaz’s safety, then you could reach the others that you’d lost in the chaos of the battle. While you wore the combat medic’s patch proudly, your prior training before taking up your 16 weeks of medical training wasn't lost to you. You remembered how to aim and shoot, how to snipe an enemy from afar and protect your teammates from whatever danger you faced. None were lost to you, and you’d use every bit of training you had to protect them, whether it was as yourself or with Venom’s help. Venom’s help was undoubtedly useful, and right now, you needed him.
“Please, Venom,” you spoke aloud, your soft voice carrying through the blocked alley. 
“Who-” Gaz asked, confusion laced his tone, the question left unspoken as Venom’s deep, rattling voice boomed across the tight space.
“We are Venom, flesh bag,” he growled, body crouching down, not dissimilar to a feline laying prone while it waited for the right moment to attack, and pounced at the men.
Don’t call Gaz flesh bag, Venom, you whined, your voice echoing in your shared subspace of your mind.
“If that is what you wish.”
His heavy mass landed on a man, pushing him to the ground with a loud crack. You imagined that Venom either broke his back or a few of the Colombian’s ribs, it was sickeningly delightful, the sadistic pleasure from Venom sent you reading with mirth. His hands stretched to abnormal lengths to swing at the enemies with practised ease and familiarity. Whether they’d die from blunt force trauma from Venom’s strength or live with a concussion, none mattered to him, hunger raked his being, the throb aching in the back of his mind. It was a moment where he was let loose, where you wouldn’t need to gorge on an extreme amount of chocolate to keep him fed. This would keep him satisfied for a few weeks. 
Venom pulled the first two in, his jaw widening to clamp down on their neck. Gaz saw the dangerous gleam of Venom’s teeth, rows of pristine and immaculate teeth the size of a finger bled the man’s head red in a single bite. He shivered at the decapitated body that fell from your monster’s hand as he went for the second and third Colombian. He made a show of viciousness and raw, unadulterated bloodthirst with his eating. Fortunately, apart from the bloody mess and dead bodies, Venom was a relatively neat eater, licking his teeth clean from the red stains with a long, slimy tongue. Gaz couldn’t shake how your monster made him apprehensive, his body flinching and trembling at the greater being.
“Let’s go, The Little One wants to rescue the others,” Venom’s grating voice shook Gaz out of his stupor.
“Hu-Hunter’s there?”
Venom nodded, his mass retreating into your body, the mass melting into you like a second skin. It was as if Venom was never there, as if it was all his delusional imagination. Gaz rushed to you, his hands grabbing hold of you as he shook you in his grasp, he cursed in worry, concern lacing every word he spewed in a tornado of fear, curiosity and confusion. His soft feathered wings cradled you, casting a protective shadow over you as you hid in the darkness of the alley. 
“Gaz, we have to go,” you murmured to him, your voice soft and reassuring, trying to help him walk off the edge you were pushed to. You both were safe for now, the cartel that had followed you all laid dead without their heads in a thick puddle of their viscera. “We have to find the others.”
He let out a shaky sign, his head nodding in affirmation at your comforting words. He loved that about you, that ability to heal and mend their ache and anguish with a smile and sweet words. Then, pairing your softness with your stubborn viciousness made you a gem within the military, a one-in-a-million for them. Yet, all that clouded his mind were questions, about your safety, about that monster that melted into you, about what kind or what it was. Gaz had so many questions that he’d push back for the greater good of rescuing the rest of the Task Force, he’d hound you for answers later when everyone was back together. 
When Venom resurfaced, retaking control of your shared body, he’d reassured you that he knew where they were, his body being hyper-aware of the things that made you smile and laugh. You were his host and his joy. It was an easier job than the two of you - you and Gaz - had expected, Venom’s claws digging into the buildings as he scaled the walls to reach the roof. From then, he pulled nothing back, rushing forward with the same enthusiasm as König had when he led first, and leaped, the muscles of his legs pushing him high across the buildings with Gaz flying beside him. 
Venom had made quick work of the situation, his body invulnerable to anything but loud sounds and fire, which none had since it was a rainy night. You found Horangi and Alejandro first, Venom doing what he knew best: protecting you, in relation, what you loved too, and feeding on human heads, the chemicals in the human brains nurturing him. Alejandro and Horangi were naturally confused and distrustful of Venom, but you had Gaz to smooth things over, and knowing that Venom’s way of speaking was curt and up-to-point - annoyingly blunt - it made your body soar with relief. They, albeit confused and curious, followed you from the ground as Venom cleared a path to the next ones.
Price, Rudy and Soap were the biggest team from your unexpected separation. They jumped at Venom’s appearance, Soap throwing threats at him when he took a step towards them. That was expected, Venom - even being the symbiote you were hosting - was a stranger to them and Soap reacted according to his instincts. That blaring, red light that signalled his brain to send his body on complete guard about the danger, Venom couldn’t escape a werewolf’s keen situational awareness. You’d taken the initiative to calm them down, seeing as everyone was already down,  the enemy loaded with bullets and dying in a pool of their blood. You kept the explanation short and simple, giving them the important points before promising to tell Price everything he wanted to know after you found Ghost and König.
Those two were harder to find, forcing Venom to extend himself to sense the slightest presence of either man. It couldn't be easier that Ghost was a wraith, being able to disappear and appear at will and that König knew very well how to hide, perhaps as well as Ghost could. When Venom found them, Ghost shot first, “shoot first, questions later” seemed to lead his decisions with König not far behind him. He brought his arms forward to protect himself and you, hidden within his mass. Venom growled but didn’t attack them, hissing the words you spoke to him to them. It was a simple quote that you’d shared with them in situations where they needed to find you between the hostages or under disguise. 
Like calls to like.
It was simple, but telling. They stopped the moment Venom uttered them, knowing well you were inside Venom, Gaz landing before him and the others steadily arriving behind the two. Task Force 141 was finally complete, from the most humane to the most chaotic hybrid, some were hurt, grazed, protrusions, and stabbed, but all were alive. You were glad, you were really, really happy that everyone was safe and alive.
Seated in the Razor, the silence and tension were thick within the cargo hold, Horangi and Gaz framing your sides with Price taking the seat across from you. You could see the stress and tension rolling off his shoulder after treating everyone, his brows furrowed and a frown curled his lips under his beard. Beside him was Alejandro and Ghost, both - like everyone else - wearing a confused and disgruntled expression on their face, their eyes gleaming with questions left unsaid. You’d left them wondering if their minds were playing tricks on them, if they were seeing things, if they were imagining things and if they were losing their minds. You understood the anger, but you had your reasons to hide Venom’s existence.  
Price crossed his arms, legs spread wide as he leaned back, his head tipped back with an inquisitively serious look. He raised a brow at you, waiting to see if you could prove your case or if you had anything to add before he started. With nothing to say, you bit your bottom lip, your shoulders screwed with anxiety and fear. You didn’t know what to expect now that your well-kept secret was out. 
“We have a lot to talk about, Hunter.”
“I know, Captain.”
Better sooner than later, leaving it to fester and grow would be bad for the TF’s morale and relations. 
Taglist:  @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @tallmanlover @distracteddragoness
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jimmy-j-james · 1 year
Any chance you could make a part two of Venom!Reader x Price, or a similar idea with Soap/Ghost? I think it's such a cool prompt
- Ghost x M!symbiote!reader & Soap x M!symbiote!reader
- Proofread:
- Genre: ???
- Synopsis: Drabbles on what it’d be like if Soap and Ghost had you as their symbiote, or more specifically their first impressions.
A/N: If anyone is wanting either drabbles for other characters, or full stories like Price’s, do request!
⚠️ Simon’s part is a bit graphic and more aggressive in nature⚠️
Simon had found you while on a lone mission. The task at hand was simple. Walk in, grab the valuables (this case being the illegal scientific subjects), and get out.
Of course, the Brit wasn’t as lucky as the one tank for grabs was broken, the symbiote no where in sight.
The sight was a panic alone, but what further presented as eerie was the obscene sounds of wet flesh from above.
As Simon raised his gaze, he was shocked to find a black inky blob drop down onto his face. Pained noises escaping the man as the unlabelled thing forced its way into his maw before disappearing into his body.
Panting and shaking, Simon calls in the incident, called back for evac and an immediate check up with the base’s doctors.
The checkup had gone awful. He was sweating, hungry, and aggressive. Feral, that’s how the doctors described him.
They sent him in for an MRI, which had only caused more harm. In a strange fit of rage, Simon had even destroyed the machine. God knows how he had the strength to do such harm..
The strange behaviours only continued though. From general hunger to thoughts of cannibalism.. he’d express his concerns to Price again, earning himself a necessary time in solitary.
Pounding at the walls, screaming things he’d swear was out of his control. He felt insane and drained.
Lying back against a cold stone wall, that’s when Simon met the parasite. He had thought it was trick of the eye, but no.
A slick and slimy tendril traced out from beneath his sleeve, snaking down onto the floor as grasping hold of a small mouse that had been idly picking through rubble.
Simon watched out in horror as the creature strangled the small creature. Inside he thought back to the men he had killed in similar ways, but something about the way this small mouse was slowly being killed.. it scared him.
The tendril slowly retrieved the dead mouse, dragging it up to the head it had poked out from Simon’s shoulder.
The crunch alone scared traumatized the Brit, shooting up in a panic as he banged on the door desperately. Shouting out about the alien.. something passers would ignore on claims of him being insane.
“You are scared?” A low, raspy, and grotesque voice calls out from behind Simon, another small tendril slipping up his neck, beneath his mask. “They will not help you like I can. You want love, I can be that.”
The tendril is cold to the touch, dragging goosebumps along the man’s skin. A stuttered exhale leaving Simon’s scarred lips. He can’t help the way the touches relax him, an unexplainable phenomenon.
“You like this?” The creature purrs, almost tauntingly. “You humans are such needy beings.”
To you, Simon was a needy man. He practically lived off your touch and praise. Completely and solely dependent on you.
It was such a contrast to his past shell of being. The old Ghost, the one that would berate him for being so clingy to this alien.. but to him, it didn’t matter. All that mattered was you.
He fed you his victims, devoted his life to you. Saw upon you as a god rather than a parasite. A blessing even.
No one knew if it was a good or bad change for the bloke, but one thing was certain. Don’t bother trying to remove you from his body. If you were to be removed, either you’d let the man die, or he’d let himself die. Both of you needed each other, and no one could take that from you.
John had found you after running loose within a crash site. He had happened to pass by the crash of your ship, to which you had taken it upon yourself to use him as a host, without his knowledge of course.
He hadn’t noticed until days had passed. He was constantly craving weird things.. chocolate at first but then live animals. Next was the ungodly fevers he faced. Constantly sweating, and not your average amount either. Drenched head to toe in the stench. It was so bad to the point he was forced on medical leave, forced into bed rest while studied by the many doctors on base.
All was fine until they had him in a MRI. He freaked, or more so, whatever possessed him did. It was painful and traumatic. Seeing the sickly black mess slide across the floor. The doors were immediately locked, trapping him inside with it. Better him than the whole base, huh?
It’s what caused the alien creature to reattach to his body, to the life source it needed. It was what provoked the first verbal contact with said being.
“They want to hurt us.” It echoed throughout the Scot’s thoughts. Causing the man to stammer and desperately disagree.
“M-me? No, no, no! They’re after you!” He argued in turn, accent heavy in the moments of his panic. “Steamin’ jesus- get out of my body! Out of my head!”
To anyone else, the man looked absolutely insane. Fisting into his Mohawk, screaming on into an empty room. He remained like that, all until the other being spoke again. An grotesque tendril slipping out from his wrist, wrapping around one of his fingers.
“They don’t understand you like I do, John.”
The knowledge of his name alone had Johnny choking up. He was scared beyond belief. This had to be some cruel joke, maybe even the side effects of a bad concussion? But no. This was real. The thing was real. And he was stuck with it.
You thought of Johnny as the perfect specimen. Destructive and dependent of social praise. But those things didn’t matter anymore, he had you!
You kept him alive and well, refusing to detach from the Scot without harm caused. You truly were a parasite to him.
It had taken him awhile, but he had eventually learned to accept and care for you. Truly the perfect specimen.
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opluffys · 1 year
Mentor + Mentee-
-second part-
somethin quick, this was posted to my archive first as usual. pls let me know if there are any errors or if it copied weird. enjoy!!! :)
tags- thigh riding, vaginal sex, creampie, rough sex, toxic relationship, fem reader.
3.5k words.
-Ghost x Reader-
Hanging up and tossing the heavy wired phone onto your desk, you groaned in pure exasperation. The paperwork on your desk seemed endless, the monotonous and drab of black ink on bright white paper burning your irises, enforcing a migraine on you.
You've just gotten off the phone with, whoever the fuck, discussing the possibility of getting an assistant to help you with the excess of paperwork you've been filling out as of late. You were a doctor, your main job consisted of ensuring your patients didn't bleed out under your steady and careful hand. It was already hard enough, and now you had the added stress of the sneering stack of papers mocking you.
You clicked the ballpoint pen, bouncing your leg as the tip of the pen hit the paper, dark ink pooling and bleeding through the thin material. Your grip tightened just then, the bouncing of your leg increasing tenfold as your thoughts ran wild.
And as you continued to think, you remembered a crucial detail.
The Task Force, fuck, they're coming back today. From some mission, and you're sure Gaz told you all about it while you gave him a routine checkup, but for the life of you, you couldn't remember the main gist of it.
You didn't want to face them, face him.
Biting back a wail of pain as you removed the intravenous line from Soap's arm, you heard Gaz howl in laughter from the spare cot he rested on. Which had garnered him an angered stare by Soap.
"You're such a baby," Gaz laughed, turning on his side to stare right at both you and Soap.
"Fuck off." Soap gritted, hissing in agony as you continued to stitch up his lesion.
"You gonna make me?" He teased, his stare not faltering on Soap's. He glared at him, about to retaliate with his own quip before you proceeded to wipe his wound clean, the sterile stench of the antiseptic flooding your nostrils. He let out a muted scream, his good arm covering the top half of his face.
"Keep still, Johnny." You huffed, adjusting the surgical mask pulled over your features. Gaz seemed to be having a field-day at watching the scene unfold, a smug smile on his lips.
"Gaz, I can stop the morphine drip, you know." You hummed, a hidden smile of your own forming. He looked at you, a glint of fear striking his honey eyes. You held back the urge to laugh, you enjoyed teasing both of these boys in your office, and you knew the three of you were aware that you'd never do anything to bring them more pain.
"Sorry ma'am."
Now it was Soap's turn to laugh, and you discarded your surgical gloves while hearing the two hurl crude insults at one another. They provided decent white noise, and you'd take that over the deafening silence of your rampant thoughts whilst your pen danced elegantly over the various documents.
The two eventually quieted down, a tranquil silence over them as you watched the pain medication take effect on their bodies. Not even five minutes passed before you heard them snore loudly, all cuddled up into the scratchy hospital blankets.
It'd been a couple of days since the entirety of the Task Force had returned. You've only been treating Gaz and Soap, your full attention on them. Usually, you would treat them all, but you honestly didn't want to face Ghost one on one. So, to take some heat off of you, you asked another medic to tend to both Price and Ghost. Just so he didn't feel like you'd singled him out.
But, your attempts would be in vain.
Stretching and hearing your joints and ligaments pop in relief, you slumped over the desk, a heavy sigh leaving your lips as you filed the last group of papers. Both Gaz and Soap had left your office today, thanking you for taking care of them (after raiding your lollipop drawer).
So, you sat alone, the small swooshes of air against your body feeling welcomed, the ceiling fan above creaking with every spin. All you'd have to do now was stamp the final line of the packet, ensuring you've read over the contents carefully, and then you were free. Free to run into the uncomfortable and ill-fitting confines of your bunk.
You were lost in the work, so much so you hadn't even noticed the hulking figure taking up most of the space within your office.
"You're avoidin' me."
You nearly shrieked in terror, almost developing a fatal case of tachycardia as you held your hand over your rapidly beating heart.
"What?" Part of you wasn't really surprised that Ghost had managed to sneak up on you, it was his job, after all.
"You're avoidin' me," He repeated, stepping closer to you in large and fluid strides.
"No, I'm not avoiding you. Don't be ridiculous." Yes, I am.
"Actin' all innocent on me," He was right across from you now, his large hands resting on the cheap and fake wood of your desk, hearing it creak under his weight, "we both know that's not the truth."
"It is." It isn't.
"Get up." He commanded, and you knew that tone, that authoritarian inside of him being twisted and used against you in a way that it shouldn't.
"I'm busy." Liar.
"I won't ask again."
You shuddered lightly, telling yourself that it was just because of the excessive air from the ceiling fan skating across your heated skin. But you knew such a thing was a falsified truth.
"What? What is so important that-"
"Come over here." He hushed you before you could even finish your sentence, seating himself on a sterilised and neatly prepped cot. It was all too familiar, to the point where that same damned familiar throbbing and heat was felt in between your legs.
Your legs shook, hesitating to even take a single step towards Ghost, your mind and body both telling you different things. It was tearing you apart in the most agonising and tortuous way.
Still, you'd made you way towards him, standing idly as you struggled to maintain eye contact with him. A scowl formed on your lips, eyes flickering to his chilled demeanour. You hated how he was always so calm- so tranquil and at ease, like he wasn't feeling the same things you were, maybe because he's not, at least not for you.
"Sit." He spread his massive legs, indicating exactly where he'd wanted you. You listened wordlessly, taking a seat on his muscled thighs, your hands fisting into your scrubs.
"Make it quick," You huffed, now attempting to remove your uniform, "I have a lot to do." You sighed, fingers hooking at your waistband and pulling down, or at least you'd attempted to do so, being stopped by a harsh hand encapsulating both of your wrists.
He held your hip with his lone hand, beginning to slide you over the thick muscle of his thigh, hearing you gasp in shock. His eyes pierced your own, roughly continuing to move you atop him, the material of both your scrubs and panties against your clit overwhelming.
The both of you continued to stare at one another, your breath quickening as you felt that cursed familiarity of your orgasm creeping up on you with silent strides. Your hands were still stuck in Ghost's firm grasp, wanting nothing more than to grab at him, to pull his mask forward and kiss him like you'd perish without it. Without him.
Just thinking of such a scenario had you reeling, your hips jerking as you felt your clit being rubbed just by his thigh alone. The feeling of his as well as your uniform dragging against that sensitive nub making your mind go hazy.
As you felt your release become imminent, he stopped his movements, unshackling your hands from his grip. He hastily tore your uniform, something of which he'd only done when he was particularly angered. With you or his mission, you had no clue.
His cruel stare on you was discomforting, he looked at you like you were a piece of meat- something subhuman. Just a body to warm his cock, and how fitting your thoughts were- because he quickly slipped his own bottoms down, revealing his erect cock for a split second before burying himself inside of you.
Always so rushed, hurried and lacking any control. A crude opposition to him on the field.
You suppressed a high pitched moan, hands itching to touch him, to ground yourself against him and ride him until your thighs would burn akin to hellfire. He let out a deep grunt, his hand slapping the excess flesh at your ass, bouncing you atop him like you had been weightless.
As much as you didn't want to admit it, you were familiar with the fact that you were just Ghost's stress reliever. How he'd prowl into your office during the late hours to bend you over any surface and fuck you until muted screams left your lips.
For a while, you didn't mind it at all.
In actuality, you'd enjoyed such a thing. You felt an odd sense of honour swell in your chest, at the sole fact that he'd chosen you. He chose your body to hold onto, to whisper vile and cruel things in your ear, to grab at your body like that was all you were- a body. Void of a soul, a conscious, anything.
Being his personal fuck-doll had its ups and downs, where he'd make you orgasm more times than you could count, fucking you until you cried. But the polar opposite, of when he'd leave dark purples on your thighs, your hips, neck, fucking everywhere.
Like he was doing now.
You felt his hands roam around your softer body, catching at the fat of your hips, anchoring himself to you and bouncing you atop his thick and girthy cock with fervour. It was as if he didn't know the extent of his raw strength, already biting dark hues of purple into your soft and delicate skin.
Your eyes fluttered shut as your body struggled not to slump forward, flush against his strong chest. You didn't touch him, you swore you wouldn't. He didn't deserve it. A pathetic little thing you told yourself, just so you didn't get attached, because there was nothing more you'd yearned for to hold him like a lover did. To wrap your arms around him and feeling him lovingly piston into you, to kiss your cheek tenderly while your wet insides squeezed him with a vengeful grasp.
It's all too late, anyway.
He stopped, grabbing your chin and watching as your eyes popped open in disillusion.
"Eyes on me," Low, accented tone gravelly as he commanded you.
How dare he, your eyes met his instantaneously. Watching intently as his platinum lashes rested on his zygoma for a millisecond before opening back up to look at you. To look into you, to pick you apart, seemingly, until you turned to nothing. An obedient creature glued to his side, aching knees and jaw being ignored as you served him, like the good little thing you were.
His strained sounds were heard, quiet groans and animalistic sounding grunts as he thrusted upwards, bashing into your womb again and again. It hurt so good and you fucking hated it. You hated how just sole eye contact alone would have you naked and pressed against his clothed chest, fat cock stretching your insides.
Fuck, you loved it.
You absolutely adored it, being stuffed full of him, his mushroom tip pressing flush against your womb. Loved the bruises, the blemishes he's caused. His markings, claiming you as his, his plaything. Like an infants grubby hands over a shiny new toy, slobbering all over it and showing everyone that it was theirs.
No, you'd repeat, whilst being lifted off of him, your hands linked with each other behind your back, before being brought back down to him. Heavy cock twitching inside your tight walls, slick coating his dick, veiny and big, always reaching new spots inside of you. Spots that had searing stars incandescently tug at your vision.
Conflicting emotions, a curse, something that'd have you lay awake at night. Lay in your own cot, or sat next to an ill patient. Thinking about him, wondering, perhaps he was thinking of you, too.
How laughable.
Your eyes wandered, the interminable connection of your irises to his inadmissible. His eyes were always so eloquent, nearly showing what he'd been thinking. You couldn't stand it. You enjoyed the mask, enjoyed not seeing his face, because then, it'd be that much more personal. He wouldn't be Ghost to you anymore, he'd be someone, someone more than just a bed warmer.
Would you, though?
He squeezed your hips, garnering your attention to him once more. His brows furrowed, a thin sheet of sweat encompassing the two of you. He continued to fuck into your slick heat, revelling in how you always took him so well, as he said. Drunk off of you alone, and it was one of those nights.
"Fuckin' made for me,"
Just a slip of the tongue.
But no, you took that and ran with it, lungs burning while your legs continued to sprint. Oh, how you wished that was the case. You were tethered to him for a single purpose, for him to empty himself into you, to lay you across the hospital cot and fuck you from the back, always feeling him so deep. A place where no other man could dare to traverse, could never reach, anyway.
Was it on purpose?
Moulding you to his shape, getting you accustomed (it was always impossible anyways, taking him) to his cock. To spite you when you settled down, found a man who would love you, who would care for you. He wouldn't be enough, because Ghost already left his mark.
You were knocked out of your thoughts, thankfully, when you felt his gloved fingers begin to rub tight circles into your clit. His eyes now studied where the two of you had been joined, watching as your greedy pussy would always desperately pull his girth back in for more, a pathetic beg, don't leave.
You suddenly wailed, your hands grabbing his broad shoulders for purchase as your body shook. Toes curling, back arching as your eyes etched shut, sparkly tears trailing down your heated cheeks. You came hard against him, your essence coating his cock as he fucked you relentlessly, low and deep growls rumbling through his chest. He cursed, feeling your velvety insides continuing to take him deeper inside, he's already giving it all to you but fuck, you want more, you want it all.
"Such a greedy little thing."
He always knew what you were thinking.
"Love when I fuck you like this, don't you?"
Yes, no, yes, no-
"When I fill you up, fuckin' love it, don't you," He groaned, throwing his head back as he buried himself deep within you, nearly invading the inside of your womb as his warm and thick seed filled you. Marking you so that no other man could ever- would ever, do something striking even to him. Such a cruelty, acting like you'd belonged to him. You didn't know what he'd looked like, only aware of his name from medical records.
"Always so good for me."
And you hated how that had been the unvarnished truth.
You stared at your hands, ungloved and bare. Soft, skilled, shaking.
You'd touched him, in a way you swore you wouldn't ever. You'd expected to be thrown off, to be looked at as scum, worse than such a thing.
It was an accident, you didn't mean to. You weren't thinking straight, it was unfeasible with him splitting you open atop his lap. You just needed to ground yourself against him, for fear of falling, pathetic excuses.
A rueful thing you'd been over the next days, your usual adept hands quivering and trembling as you'd treated some of your patients.
You heard the click of a door open, and your posture snapped up, glossy eyes searching for who entered your space.
A breath of relief as it had just been Price.
You snapped a fresh pair of gloves on, bright blue going well with your dark scrubs. You led him to a cleaned cot, asking him just what the problem had been.
"Nothin' much, love." You loathed yourself for how your heart desired him to call you more pet names. To fill in Ghost's shadow and take care of you, as the natural leader he was. You were sure he'd be excellent at doing so.
"Missed your stitches, though." He huffed, relaxing into the bed as you ran an intravenous line for him just in case.
You looked at him, a quizzical glint in your eye. "My medic didn't take good care of you two?" Just you-
"Oh, no, didn't mean it like that." He looked penitent, kind eyes trailing over you before returning back to your stare. "Just meant that you know me better, sweetheart."
It was the truth, you were the Task Force's doctor, after all. It was just an innocent compliment of how good of a physician you'd been. Yet, you felt dizzy, the room a pirouette as you forced yourself to become calm.
"I'll keep that in mind next time, Price." You smiled, motioning for him to lift his shirt to check his lesions and other deep gashes that required attention. Your medic had done a good job, stitching and sterilising his wounds. But, the stitches were beginning to loosen, and you didn't need the wound becoming infected.
Your touches on him were always solicitous on him, more so than the others. Your gloved fingertips gentle on his muscled body, your stare wrongfully looking at his abs, lower and lower to that mesmerising trail of h-
"Gaz and Soap again?" He questioned, his gruff voice shaking you.
You looked at him confused, before he nodded towards the empty jar of sweets. You hadn't even noticed, they must've done so when you were out of the room, those stealthy bastards.
"Had to be," You laughed, making a mental note to restock the jar, "sorry you didn't get one."
"S'alright love." He hummed, his striking blues closing as you redid the stitches over his abdomen, watching as his stomach twitched in response to your careful and airy touch.
You finished quickly, removing your gloves and tossing them in a spare bin. You questioned if he'd wanted the extra fluids and medication, but he'd declined, thanking you for patching him up.
You motioned to clean your station, grabbing the bag of saline fluid before it had popped open, spilling all over your top. You cursed in vexation, more angry at the lost supplies rather than your soiled uniform.
Price quickly was at your side, spare cloth in hand as he attempted to clean the saline from your scrubs. "It's fine," You said, not used to being so close to him. His scent was intoxicating, that hint of smoke already having you feel utterly addicted to his presence alone.
He brushed you off, offering his services as he continued to dry you off. The cloth caught on the neck of the scrubs, pulling the material just below your clavicle, just where that array of purple lay, unperturbed on your skin. He let out a rushed apology, fixing you to look decent, his demeanour so focused on you.
Normally, it was the other way around.
But it felt nice being the one taken care of, for once.
Tossing your uniform into the laundry, you felt nice in a new set of clothes. No longer being confined to scrubs, but instead a comfortable cotton outfit against you. You eyed yourself in the mirror, clicking your tongue in distaste. Dark rings of purple running around the underside of your eyes, looking as if you haven't slept in years. Hell, it felt that way, too.
You'd had a long day, full of monotonous paperwork, sobbing soldiers who had flooded your office, crying for their mothers, and the thoughts of both Ghost and Price so tiring. You were giddy to finally be able to curl up into your bunk, drifting off into a dreamless sleep before your day would repeat at dawn.
And that was exactly what you had planned to do, to forget the days contents and reset and rest for the next.
But there Ghost was, at your door and telling you something, his words lost on you as you stared at him, balaclava pulled securely in place. Your eyes were fixed on his shoulders, right where you'd touched.
He beckoned you on to follow after him, and you wanted to plant your feet to the floor. To tell him no, to tell him that you had better things to do than to get fucked by him tonight.
Of course, you didn't do any of that.
Instead, you followed his lead, not asking a single question the entire way.
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May I please request headcanons for InuYasha, Sango, and Miroku having a modern-day S/O who suffers from sickle cell disease?
Hello, my darling! This took me a while. I'm so very sorry. So! This was at the tippy top of my list! Of course, you can request this. I tried to research this to the best of my ability, so I hope I did these headcanons justice. I know there are multiple forms, so I'm going to try to write ones that could apply to any of the types. ♥ All my love! XoXo
Pairings: InuYasha x Reader, Sango x Reader, Miroku x Reader who suffers from sickle cell disease
Warnings: None, just some extra love for SCD readers, etc.
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To be honest, I feel he wouldn't understand at all what that means at first.
But he's willing to learn and listen to you. (Still doesn't understand it all...especially doctor jargon)
And you think he isn't listening to you at some point, and then he surprises you by remembering and saying something that you had told him.
His personality is quite brash, so I feel like he's one that seems very strong on the forefront, but secretly studies as much as he can to help you and make you more comfortable.
I definitely think he tries to keep you comfortable. Puts a blanket over you and pats it or rubs your arms and hands if you're cold, or takes it off. Secretly pays very close attention to your cues and body language. Makes sure you have lots of water and adequate rest.
And I feel like he'd go to every appointment with you, arms crossed and face a bit unreadable beneath his baseball cap.
You might catch him crying secretly at night sometimes, but it's only because he loves and cares about you so much, darling. (Bh-huh!? Inuyasha!? Nahhhh >.> You didn't hear that from me!)
And if you need more severe treatments such as blood transfusions, bone marrow, etc, I feel he definitely has them check if he's a match for you first.
He's so loyal. If you're hospitalized or just going to doctors a lot, no matter what it is, he's always by your side.
And be sure to let him know if you're tired or anything! I'm sure he will give you as many piggybacks and let you rest as much as you need while he also keeps careful watch and rests with you.
Overall, he's the best S/O and caretaker he can be to you. I think he might only argue with you if you argued with him over the prices of treatments. Because it's your life and that doesn't matter if you feel better. He'll find a way.
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She's such a sweetie. Even if you identify as a male or whatever you prefer, I feel she always brings you flowers and tries to make you smile in some way.
Works hard to also make sure you are comfortable and your needs are always taken care of.
Research to the end of the world to try to understand you and your condition better.
Like Inuyasha, she is always by your side, especially at appointments and checkups.
If you have to undergo any surgeries or transfusions, she makes sure she's the first person you see besides the doctors.
Is good about reminding you and keeping you on track with your schedule and appointments, medicines, but also dates! Also definitely tries to help you with preventatives to keep you healthy.
I feel her favorite thing is to go out with you to cafes on days you feel well enough to.
Tries to help doctors find you a match for transfusions or marrow if you need it.
She wants to be with you every step of the way. No matter how difficult or easy your path may be.
Sensitive but strong herself, I feel like the two of you can have heart-to-heart talks and rest in each other's arms when it's too stressful. She'll either listen or cry with you.
Just know she's always there and is always fighting beside you.
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This guy, ahahaha. But no. I feel he adds a bit to your stress since he's a womanizer sometimes...but just know, he's all yours and his heart will always be yours. He looks, but definitely WON'T touch.
I feel he's always trying to make you smile and laugh.
Definitely uses those flirty antics of his to try.
May convince you to have his child...ONLY IF YOU WANT TO.
If this happens, and it possibly causes your pain or anything to be more severe, I really think he feels guilty though.
Definitely seeks care for you and the baby always.
And if you decide not to, that's fine too!
He may seem a bit aloof sometimes, but he really is very serious about you.
I think his aloofness is caused by him being deep in thought about how he can better help and care for you quite honestly. Or if he can try to understand you better.
I feel he's the one to ask the doctors questions and try to help you figure things out better too.
He may miss one or two appointments every now and then, but he'll show up late...with some flowers and maybe your favorite snack in hand or stuffed animal too! (He took too long picking them out honestly.)
His favorite thing would be to cuddle with you at night and hold you. Especially if you're feeling cold or just not all that well.
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elvenbeard · 1 year
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"Is this all there is to this life? Should be recognizin' myself in the mirror better each day, but instead I feel more and more like I'm lookin' at a stranger..."
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Vince ran away from home in 2067, aided by Jackie Welles whom he'd met the same year through a fateful coincidence. Jackie and his connections helped him gain independence from his family, and opened doors into a world Vince had so far only seen from far above and far away.
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From one environment of buzzing neon lights into the next, although a much less polished one, he ended up in Kabuki. There he stayed for the next two years to come. Drifting from one dissatisfying odd job to the next he tried to build a new life from scratch. In some ways it was a very freeing experience. On file, his birthday was a different one now, aging him up just enough to get his mother off his back. He started HRT, got tattoos he'd always dreamed of, dressed more how he liked without fearing repercussions. He even felt comfortable growing his hair out, dyeing it darker... And soon he began to only introduce himself as "V" to new acquaintances, a nickname and advice given to him by Jackie when they first met.
In other ways though he felt just as out of place in Kabuki as he did in Charter Hill, if not more.
He knew little about life on the streets, was overqualified for what his employers asked of him, and unhappy, underwhelmed with his living situation as a whole. He'd never had to survive on a budget, struggled to make ends meet, or worried about food and rent before. Even Jackie had no solution to these problems - and merc work would never be Vince's style, even if it meant easy money. "Easy" always comes at a price later on...
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Eventually, he ended up helping out at a niche tech store with ties to the Tyger Claws. It became the longest job he managed to hold before his pride got the better of him. After many heated arguments with the owner he decided to quit on the spot without much of a Plan B left. He had always done his best to stay away from trouble, gangs in particular, especially after a very unpleasant encounter with the Valentinos two years prior.
Despite his careful attempts to conceal his tracks though, keeping a low profile, and trying to make this new life work out for him somehow, his past began to catch up with him as the Unification War started to threaten Night City itself...
Vince through the years (2/9)
Welcome to more behind the scenes rambles! XD Today: Vince's cyberware and tattoos, of which many were part of him as of 2069 already.
Not too much intense editing required for this set, the lighting in that street is really nice as is with all the neon and stuff! Just off of Kabuki roundabout, where the tech store Vince worked at for the better part of a year was situated.
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I did have some fun playing around with some filters for the glitch effect - it's not quite where I want it yet, but I was going for the kind of look V has on surveillance cameras in game, with his identity obscured and such!
During his time in Kabuki he didn't quite have the means that would have allowed for something similar. But still, he was keeping a low profile and taking a lot of not-quite-legal measures to obscure his whereabouts and identity as best as he could to get away from his mother.
Also, this is full headcanon territory and I'm not sure how compatible it is with Cyberpunk lore (I tried to find something online, stumbled upon an extensive cyberware listing from the 2020 rulebook and such)... but my personal headcanon for his piece of neck cyberware is that it's fashionware on the outside, but under the surface it's doing some hormone synthesizing and regulation for his transition. Y'know, a convenient alternative for the array of options we have in our time and age with creams and gels or injections. A one time solution installed in your body that from day one will just do its thing for the rest of your life, basically (with some checkups and upgrades throughout the years obviously).
Also, Viktor got it for him, installed and all, and while they were at it Vince was like "Vik, do you do tattoos, too? I have an idea for something..." and that's basically how he got his demonic grin neck tattoo on the same day xD
Also around that time he would have gotten the wings on his back done:
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Very symbolic and a little cliché, but he doesn't give a damn (and he doesn't know it at the time yet, but Kerry will love it xD). The whole "setting himself free" that year in all meanings of the word was very important to him. And by 2069 he'd completed the look with his chin and face tattoos.
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The trans-colours cyber-flower on his right shoulder was the first "proper" tattoo he'd ever gotten, shortly before running away from home even. The little, slightly crooked Ursa Major just below it was a stick-and-poke a "friend" did on him even before that, but he never had the heart to get it covered. It's awkwardly positioned and a bit wonky, but he still likes it as a symbol and reminder of his childhood. He had the dots filled in with rainbow colors a little ways down the the line though.
His left shoulder and the chest piece connecting both right and left followed a few years later! We'll get to that :3
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subjectnr8 · 2 years
SoapxGhost pt4
"Warmin' yer hands"
“Where’s Soap?”
The lips of Price formed a hard line as he seemed to frown at Ghost’s question, like he had been expecting it but did not want to hear it. It had been 3 days since Ghost woke up with a feisty fever. In the last 3 days, the nurse came by every now and then to bring meds and do a routinely checkup. And in this time, neither Soap nor Gaz showed up to wish Ghost well.
Don’t get him wrong, Ghost hated to play the victims role, neither did he like to dwell in self-pity. (Except during some night watch shifts, but that was something else.) But it was very unusual for Soap not to show up at all. It was worrying, and the way Price acted whenever Ghost brought the Sergeant up did not ease Ghost’s overthinking mind.
Did something happen? Did they even know that he was sick? Where were they? Was Johnny ok?
“He is fine, son. Don’t-“
“I didn’t ask if he was ok. Where is he? And Gaz? All of them, for that matter.” Ghost could not muster up the strength to yell, his voice nothing but a low grumble of frustration. The soreness made his words sound rough. It reminded him of Soap and how his accent seemed to thicken when out of breath. More of a growling than actual human words.
Price cleared his throat and bit down on the inside of his cheek. He was evaluating the situation. Frustrated sick Simon Riley could only hold his gaze. Ghost would have insisted further, going on Price’ nerve until he would have his answers. But Simon was more patient, more trustful.
The gravelly voice of the captain was more soothing than Simon had expected it to be. He sounded defeated as he said that both Soap and Gaz were here at the base. They had been sent out on a seeming quick mission the day Ghost had gotten sick. There were complications, miscommunication to be exact and the team had gotten under fire. The mission resulted in a success but their target had stocked up on weapons and explosives, severely injuring the team. Including Soap and Gaz.
“A grenade set off too close to their cover.”
Simon had expected Price to fidget around, to be uncomfortable and stressed repeating the incident. But he had underestimated his captain, as Price was still talking in his soothing voice.
He tried to break it to Simon gently.
A hot wave rushed through Simon’s body. His heart dropped. Unable to blame it on either fever or anxiety, all Simon could do was stare at his superior. Price, with his gentle eyes and soothing voice. The stupid father figure Simon secretly always saw in him. With his stupid bucket hat.
“Don’t worry, son. Both are fine, but I ordered them to stay at the infirmary for a few more days. It was a quiet violent blow they have taken.” His brown beard jumped slightly as he pressed his lips into a thin smile. “But you know them. Most resilient muppets ever.” He huffed a laugh and shook his head, standing up with a slap to his thighs. “You can imagine the rant I had to endure as soon as Soap had found out you’re sick and he wasn’t allowed to leave bed.”
Simon just nodded, smiling softly. The short shock had knocked out the air of him, but his friends were fine. They were alive, gods, they probably got on Price’s nerves whenever he paid them a visit. The thick Scottish accent and Gaz’ sarcasm was the perfect mix to drive someone insane. They always got their way, specially Soap.
It pained Simon on how much he missed the angry, Scottish noises every time something did not go according to plan. According to Soaps plan, at least.
“I’ll get going now. I hope I eased your mind?” With one hand around the doorknob, Price looked at Simon with a raised eyebrow. Another nod. Simon swallowed down his anxiety while his throat scratched in the most unpleasant way possible. “Thanks, Price.”
He had been alone for at least two hours now. While Price had left, a nurse pushed past him to bring Ghost another pot of steaming tea. Sipping on said tea, Ghost had snuggled himself between pillows and blankets to watch a replay of last week’s football match.
England had been out a few weeks ago but that did not kill Simon’s interest, on the contrary. He was trying to figure out if the world cup was a faux where only the richest would win, OR if the teams had to merely rely on their skills.
Soap used to play football as well. A goalie to be exact. Sometimes between missions Soap would digress and talk about how the sport brings people together and is wonderful for teambuilding. He would continue to rant about certain matches, his accent getting so bad Ghost had to hold back his amusement.
Sometimes he did not understand a single word Soap was saying. Soap had to be reminded a lot to “just speak English, please”. Especially when Soap was led by raw emotion. Most of the time it was gentle bantering where he lost himself in his playfulness, but apparently Soap’s accent gets horribly bad when he’s mad.
Ghost had not witnessed Soap losing his marbles yet, Gaz on the other hand has. Multiple times. And he was making sure Ghost would know every detail, once Johnny only saw red. Soap, for some reason unknown, never spoke about his outbursts. Which made Gaz even more talkative.
“Don’t forget he has an entire room for himself! I swear he must be sucking Price good if he gets such special treatment!”
“You're doing my nut in!” Johnny’s fist slammed down on the cheap wooden table. Suddenly, the cafeteria went silent. The buzzing of conversations  from just seconds ago had died down, wide eyes staring at Soap was all that’s left. But Soap didn’t care. All he cared about was that group of rookies sitting across his table. They were looking at him, afraid for an obvious reason.
Ghost couldn’t imagine Soap angry, but according to Gaz he had been furious. “Downright terrifying. I thought he would smash his head in! For a second it seemed he was switched out with some angry pit bull!” Ghost still wished he had witnessed this himself, but if he was honest, the rookies wouldn’t have done it if he would have been present.
Gaz had seemed so excited to tell Ghost about what had happened a week after Hasan has been KIA. They still sometimes talk about it, mostly to annoy Soap with.
Soap had jumped up from his seat, fist starting to prickle with pain. He stared the rookies down, waiting for them to say something. To repeat what they just had joked about. What they just had said about Ghost. Simon. “Yer bums oot the windae! Dae ye even have a clue o' who he is? Or whit he has done?”
Gaz placed a hand on his back, a weak attempt to calm the Scotsman down. Soap had jerked away from the calming gesture, instead making his way over to the rookies. They seemed terrified, panic spreading on their table as Soap closed the distance between them with slow steps. He breathed in deeply to try and calm his mind. He stops, leaning down a little as he stared the guy down who started all the ranting. Trying his best to calm his anger, his next words were slow and deep, silent. But he knew the rookies understood him loud and clear. “Watch yer pumpin' mouth before I will make ye shut it forever.”
He placed a hand on the jaw of the frightened man, squeezing. “Am I clear?” Slow, rough words. Soap’s plan had worked out exactly like he hoped, as the rookie nodded his head harshly. Voice cracking, nothing more than a silent whimpering as the Scot nearly crushed his jaw. “Sir, yes, Sir!”
Ghost chuckled to himself at the thought of a furious Soap. The entire thing naturally flattered him greatly and he even spoke his thanks to the Sergeant once he got the chance. He didn’t expect his friends to stand up for him but Johnny did it either way. Without hesitation, not expecting any recognition. He apparently was just doing the right thing.
“Is there something like an English-to-Scottish Translator?” It had made Ghost choke back a laughter. Gaz just smirked as he threw the question into the room. Obviously, Soap got into trouble for making suck a ruckus, but Price had such a big soft spot for Soap, the penalty he ended up with what could’ve been consider nothing.
“I want you to create a schedule for our rookies. Laps, stretching, workout. Seems like you make a good drill sergeant. Now it’s time for you to shine.” Price smirked, crossing his arms as Soap’s cheeks warmed.
Simon’s gaze wandered over his room’s door. He scratched his chin, a few stubbles making themselves present. Would anyone notice if he quickly left his room to find his friends? Before overthinking, he snatched his mask from the bedside table and wobbly stood up from his bed. Once he left the warmth of his sheets an immediate shiver ran through his body. Goosebumps littering his skin.  
“Fucking-” Ghost pulled his mask over his face and grabbed one of his lighter blankets. He threw it over his shoulders and made slow, yet steady, steps towards the door. It would be a quick visit, but he wanted to see him them.
A knock. Ghost froze in his track. His hand barely above the doorknob as the door slowly creaked open.
part 5 is ready for youuu
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Get a full body checkup at the best price
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Swasthalaya Clinic offers the best price for a comprehensive checkup that covers all the essential tests you need to ensure your overall health and well-being.
Our team of experienced medical professionals at Swasthalaya Clinic will guide you through the checkup process, from initial consultation to receiving your test results. We use state-of-the-art equipment and the latest medical techniques to provide you with accurate and reliable results.
Our full body checkup at Swasthalaya Clinic includes a range of tests, including blood tests, urine analysis, and imaging tests such as X-rays and ultrasounds. We also offer specialized tests for specific health concerns, such as cardiac health and diabetes management.
Don't wait until you experience symptoms to get a checkup. Regular checkups at Swasthalaya Clinic can help detect potential health issues early and prevent them from becoming more serious. Plus, with our affordable prices, there's no reason to put off taking care of your health.
Book an appointment today at Swasthalaya Clinic and take the first step towards a healthier you.
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pathcares · 23 hours
 Full Body Checkup in Noida : Your Guide to Comprehensive Health Monitoring
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In today's fast-paced world, maintaining good health is more crucial than ever. Whether you're a busy professional, a parent, or simply health-conscious, keeping track of your well-being is vital. One of the most efficient ways to do this is by opting for a Full Body Checkup in Noida. If you're in Noida and looking for a reliable health checkup service, Dr. Path Cares is your trusted partner.
Why Full Body Checkups Are Important
A full body checkup is a preventive measure designed to screen for potential health issues before they become serious. By undergoing routine checkups, you can:
Detecting Early Signs of Diseases :- Many serious health conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers, show little to no symptoms in their early stages. A comprehensive checkup can catch these conditions early.
Monitor Vital Health Parameters :- From blood pressure to cholesterol levels, regular testing ensures you're staying within healthy ranges.
Promote a Healthy Lifestyle :- Knowing where your health stands can motivate you to make necessary lifestyle changes—whether that's in your diet, exercise, or stress management.
Benefits of Getting a Full Body Checkup in Noida with Dr. Path Cares
If you're in Noida, Dr. Path Cares offers convenient, accurate, and comprehensive Full Body Checkup in Noida tailored to your needs. Here's why Dr. Path Cares should be your go-to for health monitoring:
1. Comprehensive Testing Packages
At Dr. Path Cares, we offer a wide range of full body checkup packages to suit every need, whether you're young and healthy or managing chronic conditions. Our checkups include essential tests like:
Blood Tests (CBC, blood sugar, lipid profile, etc.)
Liver & Kidney Function Tests
Thyroid Function Tests
Vitamin Deficiency Testing
Heart Health Evaluation (ECG, stress tests)
Cancer Screenings (specific to age and gender)
Urine & Stool Analysis
2. At-Home Sample Collection
We understand that convenience is key in a busy city like Noida. That’s why Dr. Path Cares offers at-home sample collection. A trained technician will visit your home at your preferred time, making the process hassle-free. No need to wait in long queues or deal with traffic—just book your appointment, and we’ll come to you.
3. Accurate and Timely Results
Accuracy is of utmost importance when it comes to health tests. Dr. Path Cares uses state-of-the-art equipment and lab facilities to ensure precise results. You can expect your detailed reports delivered digitally within 24-48 hours, allowing you to consult with your doctor promptly.
4. Affordable Packages
Health shouldn’t come at a high price. Dr. Path Cares offers competitive and transparent pricing for all Full Body Checkup in Noida . You can choose from various packages based on your requirements, ensuring you only pay for what you need.
What to Expect During a Full Body Checkup in Noida
Pre-Test Preparation :- pending on the tests included, you may be advised to fast for a few hours. Our team will guide you on any necessary preparation before your checkup.
Sample Collection :- A skilled technician will collect blood, urine, and other necessary samples from the comfort of your home.
Testing & Reporting :- Our laboratory will analyze the samples, and a comprehensive health report will be generated, which you can access online.
Consultation :- Based on your test results, you can consult your doctor to discuss any necessary lifestyle changes or treatments.
Who Should Get a Full Body Checkup in Noida ?
While everyone can benefit from regular health screening, certain groups should prioritize full body checkups:
Individuals over 35: As we age, the risk for conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and thyroid disorders increases.
People with a family history of illness: If you have a history of heart disease, cancer, or other genetic conditions, regular checkups are essential.
Those leading sedentary lifestyles: Lack of physical activity can lead to issues like obesity, high blood pressure, and more.
Anyone experiencing persistent symptoms: If you're feeling fatigued, stressed, or unwell for no apparent reason, a checkup can provide answers.
How Often Should You Get a Full Body Checkup in Noida ?
For most adults, it is recommended to undergo a Full Body Checkup in Noida  once a year. However, if you have pre-existing health conditions, your doctor may advise more frequent testing.
Your health is your most valuable asset, and keeping it in check is easy with regular full body checkups. If you're in Noida, Dr. Path Cares is here to offer you top-tier healthcare services with the convenience of at-home sample collection. Take control of your health today and book your full body checkup with us!
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How Regular Health Screenings Reveal Early Warning Signs of Lifestyle Diseases?
Health screenings play an important role in keeping us healthy. They help detect early signs of lifestyle-related diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. In India, these diseases are becoming more common due to unhealthy eating habits, lack of exercise, and stress. Regular health checkups, like a full body checkup test list with price, can catch these problems before they become serious. Early detection helps in better treatment and prevents complications. Sadly, many people skip these screenings, thinking they are not needed. However, simple tests can make a big difference in staying healthy.
Interesting Facts:
In India, 1 out of 5 adults is at risk of diabetes, a major lifestyle-related disease.
Over 75% of people in urban areas suffer from high blood pressure but may not be aware of it.
Heart disease is the leading cause of death, accounting for nearly 28% of all deaths in the country.
Regular health screenings can reduce the risk of heart attacks by up to 25%.
The cost of treating lifestyle diseases is much higher than the cost of preventive health checkups.
Why Are Health Screenings Important?
Health screenings are designed to find diseases before they show any symptoms. Many lifestyle-related diseases develop slowly over time. If you wait for symptoms, it might be too late to prevent serious damage. Health screenings can detect high cholesterol, blood sugar levels, or abnormal heart activity. These tests help to ensure your body is functioning well and catch problems early.
How Screenings Work?
Different screenings are done based on your age, lifestyle, and family history. For example, if you have a family history of heart disease, your doctor may recommend a heart screening. Common tests include blood pressure checks, cholesterol level tests, and blood sugar monitoring. These tests are quick and usually painless. The results can tell you if any action is needed, such as lifestyle changes or medication.
Benefits of Early Detection:
The sooner a problem is identified, the easier it is to manage or treat it. Early detection of lifestyle-related diseases reduces the risk of severe complications. For example, catching high blood pressure early can prevent heart attacks and strokes. Screening also helps save money in the long run by avoiding expensive treatments later. Knowing your health status can motivate you to adopt healthier habits like eating better, exercising, or quitting smoking.
Five Important Steps For good Health:Now that you know how health screenings can help, it’s time to take action. 
Book an Appointment: Now that you understand the importance of health screenings, schedule a routine checkup with your healthcare provider.
Ask About Recommended Screenings: Based on your age and lifestyle, ask your doctor which screenings are necessary for you to stay healthy.
Prioritise Regular Checkups: Regular health checkups can catch potential health issues early, helping you lead a healthier and longer life.
Don't Wait for Symptoms: Don’t wait until symptoms appear to take action. Early detection through screenings is key to preventing serious diseases.
Prevention is Better Than Cure: Remember, it’s always better to prevent a disease than to treat it, and health screenings are an effective preventive measure.
Health screenings are an essential part of keeping lifestyle diseases in check. In India, where lifestyle diseases are on the rise, regular health checkups are more important than ever. Many people suffer from diseases like heart problems, diabetes, and high blood pressure without even knowing it. Early detection through screenings can lead to better treatment outcomes and prevent complications. Simple tests can save your life by catching diseases early. So, take a step today and book a screening using an online consultation app for doctors India. Remember, a healthy life starts with a simple checkup.
1. What are lifestyle-related diseases?Lifestyle-related diseases are conditions caused by unhealthy habits such as poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking, and alcohol use. These include diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.
2. How often should I get a health screening?It depends on your age, lifestyle, and health condition. Generally, it’s good to get screened once a year, but your doctor can give you specific advice based on your needs.
3. Are health screenings expensive?The cost of health screenings varies, but they are usually affordable compared to the high cost of treating diseases like heart problems or diabetes.
4. What should I do if my screening results are abnormal?If your results are not normal, your doctor will guide you on the next steps. It may include further tests, lifestyle changes, or medications to manage the condition.
5. Can health screenings prevent diseases?Health screenings do not prevent diseases, but they help detect them early. Early detection allows for better management and can prevent the disease from worsening.
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hrdiagnostics-blog · 2 months
Full Body Checkup Near Me | Comprehensive Health Tests
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Full Body Checkup Near You: Comprehensive Guide
A full body checkup near you is essential for maintaining good health and early detection of potential health issues. At H.R. Diagnostic, we offer comprehensive full body checkups to help you stay on top of your health. In this blog, we'll explore everything you need to know about getting a full body checkup near you, including the test list, prices, and why it's crucial, especially if you're in Delhi.
Why You Need a Full Body Checkup Near You
A full body checkup is not just a routine; it's a preventive measure to ensure your overall well-being. Regular checkups can identify health issues early, making them easier to treat and manage. If you're searching for a "full body checkup near me," you're already taking the first step toward a healthier life.
Benefits of Regular Full Body Checkups
Regular full body checkups offer numerous benefits:
Early Detection: Identifying diseases at an early stage.
Prevention: Preventing health issues before they become severe.
Healthy Lifestyle: Encouraging a healthier lifestyle through regular monitoring.
Full Body Checkup Test List
Understanding what tests are included in a full body checkup is crucial. Here's a comprehensive list of tests you can expect:
General Tests
Complete Blood Count (CBC): Checks for anemia, infections, and more.
Urine Routine: Detects infections, kidney problems, and more.
Organ Function Tests
Liver Function Test (LFT): Assesses liver health.
Kidney Function Test (KFT): Evaluates kidney performance.
Heart Health
ECG: Checks heart's electrical activity.
Lipid Profile: Measures cholesterol levels.
Diabetes Screening
Blood Glucose: Monitors sugar levels.
HbA1c: Long-term glucose control.
Imaging Tests
Chest X-ray: Examines lungs and heart.
Ultrasound Abdomen: Checks abdominal organs.
Thyroid Function
TSH: Thyroid-stimulating hormone levels.
T3, T4: Thyroid hormone levels.
Detailed Examination
Physical Examination: Thorough check by a physician.
Consultation: Review and advice based on results.
Full Body Checkup in Delhi
Delhi, a bustling metropolis, offers numerous options for health checkups. Choosing the right diagnostic center can be daunting. H.R. Diagnostic is renowned for its comprehensive full body checkup packages in Delhi. Our center is equipped with the latest technology and experienced healthcare professionals to provide accurate and timely results.
Why Choose H.R. Diagnostic in Delhi?
Experienced Staff: Our team of experts ensures precise results.
Advanced Technology: State-of-the-art equipment for accurate diagnosis.
Convenient Location: Easily accessible in the heart of Delhi.
Affordable Packages: Competitive pricing for comprehensive checkups.
Full Body Checkup Test List with Price
Understanding the cost associated with a full body checkup is essential. At H.R. Diagnostic, we offer transparent pricing to help you make an informed decision.
Breakdown of Costs
Basic Checkup: ₹2000 - ₹3000
Standard Checkup: ₹4000 - ₹5000
Comprehensive Checkup: ₹6000 - ₹8000
What’s Included
Basic Checkup: CBC, Urine Routine, Blood Glucose, ECG.
Standard Checkup: All basic tests + LFT, KFT, Lipid Profile.
Comprehensive Checkup: All standard tests + Ultrasound Abdomen, Thyroid Function Tests, Chest X-ray.
Importance of a Regular Full Body Checkup Near Me
Regular full body checkups can significantly improve your quality of life. They provide peace of mind and a clear understanding of your health status.
Key Takeaways
Proactive Health Management: Regular checkups help in proactive health management.
Customized Health Plans: Personalized health plans based on your checkup results.
Peace of Mind: Knowing your health status provides peace of mind.
In conclusion, a full body checkup is an indispensable part of maintaining your health. Whether you're searching for a "full body checkup near me" or specifically in Delhi, H.R. Diagnostic offers comprehensive and affordable packages to suit your needs. With our advanced technology, experienced staff, and convenient location, we are committed to providing you with the best healthcare services.
Taking charge of your health has never been easier. Schedule your full body checkup with H.R. Diagnostic today and take the first step towards a healthier tomorrow.
Author Bio: Simi Gajala has been working in digital marketing since 2018, amassing 6 years of experience. Currently Working as a Digital Marketing Executive at H.R. Diagnostics. Simi specializes in SEO, SMO, Google Ads, Meta Ads, and blogs & content writing, Boosting Brands, Increasing Visibility, And Enhancing Online Performance.
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Women's Health Check-ups: What Every Woman Should Know
Many say women’s health is a complex matter, but it can surely be monitored through medical tests and screening averting many complications.Comprehensive Womens Health Checkups Packages ensure that you get all the necessary tests that can cause havoc in later life and take action immediately. When it comes to taking control of your own body, women must know these few tests that can offer more insight into their current health conditions.
1. Blood Pressure Test
Blood pressure screening is conducted at Manipal Labs for almost every patient coming for any sort of health check-up. It is sort of a preliminary measure that we take for all walking inside our facility for a medical test or screening.
2. Blood Sugar Test
Blood sugar test is also common beyond gender and now even age. The blood sugar levels are indicators of several health complications including diabetes. A problem like diabetes can be treated with medicines accompanied by particular lifestyle changes. The Best Women's Health Check-Up Packages have blood sugar screening for women of all ages.
3. Eye Examination
Manipal Health Checkup has an option for an eye examination to test out minor to major problems. Eye complications can lead to certain vision impairments and other problems with the eye. Medication and surgical methods are implemented to treat such cases.
4. Dental Tests
The importance and impact of teeth can be felt only after they have been damaged beyond repair. To avoid such a condition, occasional dental tests are required to determine dental problems that can wreak havoc in the future.
5. Cholesterol Test
The Best Women's Health Check-Up Packages feature cholesterol tests for women preventing the risk of sudden heart diseases. High cholesterol levels contribute to various health problems and increase the risk of the heart.  
6. X-Ray For Lung Cancer
The 21st-century lifestyle changes coupled with the growing air pollution have severely increased the risk of developing lung cancer for all. However, a lung cancer test can reveal any underlying health conditions plaguing the body and prompt you to take immediate action.
7. HPV Screening
The Womens Health Checkups Packages may include a few cancer screenings that can help medical staff at least rule out the possibility of growing carcinogens around different parts of the body. Cervical cancer is referred to as cancerous cell growth around the cervix area of a woman that can be tracked through an HPV screening. 
8. Breast Cancer Test
The severity of breast cancer can only be better understood through a mammogram. Whether you have a family medical history of cancer or not, breast cancer affects a great number of women and it can only be identified through frequent screening.
9. Colon Cancer Screening
Manipal Lab Tests for cancer detection also include colon cancer screening. Colon cancer can be hard to identify due to the polyp seemingly being harmless at first. Timely screening and colonoscopy can offer better insight into the situation.
10. Bone Density Test
Women tend to suffer from many bone-related diseases and disorders as they get older. The bones tend to get thinner with age and from earlier injuries and health complications. As the bone density declines several more problems show up. A bone density test or DEXA scan is conducted to investigate the damage and to plan a better tomorrow.
The best Womens  Health Checkups Packages ensure you get all the necessary tests conducted that could reveal the true extent of your current health conditions. This is why it is essential for every human being especially women to get a full-body panel screening every 3-6 months. They can warn you of potential health hazards that can affect your life in the future and ways to prevent or manage the condition. 
To know more about Women's Health Check-Up Packages Price, call Manipal TRUtest near you!
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prerna-razobyte · 2 months
Full body checkup in Kolkata @499
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Full body checkup is mandatory for every individual in now this running and hectic life of Kolkata. We all need to be aware about our health conditions and drastic changes due to weather phenomena in our city Kolkata.
Full body checkup in Kolkata at Modern Diagnostic & Research Centre offers you 40 tests in affordable prices at our lab with best services like hygiene and sanitization, proper care of patients, free consult with experts, online report, online appointment, home collection, covid safety, and so further.
Our Modern Fit India Package covers 40 tests under the following categories:
1. CBC 2.  Sugar Fasting 3.  SGOT(AST) 4.  SGPT (ALT) 5.  TSH 6. Total Cholesterol 7.  Total Bilirubin 8.  Serum Creatinine 9.  Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) 10.  Triglycerides 11. EGFR
Note: Minimum 12 Hours Fasting required for Total Cholesterol test within this package for accurate results.
Our Other City Services
Full body test in Delhi, Full body test in Noida, Full body test in Amritsar, Full body test in Gurgaon, Full body test in Kolkata, Full body test in Guwahati, Full body test in Srinagar, Full body test in Bhiwadi, Full body test in Bareilly, Full body test in Gorakhpur, Full body test in Yamunanagar, Full body test in Karnal, Full body test in Panipat, Full body test in Kurukshetra
Follow Us
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MDRC_India
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/MdrcIndia/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/modern-diagnostic-research-centre/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mdrcindia
Reach Us
Modern Diagnostic & Research Centre, Kolkata
No 57H/26, Debendra Chandra Dey Rd, Panchanantala, Tangra, Kolkata, West Bengal 700015
098837 77843
Modern diagnostic & research centre # Full body test near me
#modern diagnostic & research centre
Full Checkup Test In Kolkata
Modern Diagnostic
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drpatilspathlab · 2 months
Reliable Blood Test and Full Body Checkup in Kandivali East - Dr. Patil's Pathlab
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Are you looking for reliable blood testing and Full Body Checkup In Kandivali East? Look no further than Dr. Patil's Pathlab, your trusted partner in healthcare diagnostics. Located conveniently in Kandivali East, we offer a wide range of diagnostic services aimed at ensuring your health and well-being.
Blood Test Services in Kandivali East
At Dr. Patil's Pathlab, we understand the importance of accurate and timely blood test results for effective diagnosis and treatment. Whether you need routine blood tests or specific tests prescribed by your doctor, our state-of-the-art laboratory is equipped with advanced technology to deliver precise results. Our experienced team of technicians ensures that your blood tests are conducted with utmost care and efficiency.
We offer a comprehensive range of blood tests, including but not limited to:
Complete Blood Count (CBC)
Lipid Profile
Blood Sugar (Glucose) Test
Liver Function Tests (LFT)
Kidney Function Tests (KFT)
Thyroid Function Tests (TFT)
Infectious Disease Tests (such as Dengue, Malaria, etc.)
With our commitment to quality and accuracy, you can trust Dr. Patil's Pathlab for all your blood testing needs in Kandivali East. Whether you are monitoring a chronic condition or undergoing a routine health check-up, our laboratory services are designed to meet your specific requirements.
Full Body Checkup Services in Kandivali East
Regular full-body checkups are essential for maintaining good health and detecting potential health issues early. At Dr. Patil's Pathlab, we offer comprehensive full-body checkup packages tailored to suit your age, gender, and specific health concerns. Our full-body checkup includes a thorough assessment of various health parameters to provide you with a holistic view of your well-being.
Our full-body checkup services cover:
Physical Examination
Blood Pressure Measurement
Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculation
ECG (Electrocardiogram)
Ultrasound Imaging (if required)
Comprehensive Blood Tests
We understand that each individual has unique health needs, and our experienced healthcare professionals are dedicated to providing personalized care and attention. Whether you are proactive about your health or have specific health concerns, our full-body checkup services in Kandivali East are designed to empower you with knowledge about your health status.
Why Choose Dr. Patil's Pathlab?
Choosing Dr. Patil's Pathlab for your blood testing and full-body checkup needs in Kandivali East offers several advantages:
Expertise: Our team of qualified technicians and healthcare professionals ensures accurate and reliable test results.
Convenience: Located centrally in Kandivali East, our laboratory provides easy accessibility and minimal waiting times.
Comprehensive Services: From routine blood tests to specialized diagnostic services, we cover a wide range of healthcare needs.
Affordable Pricing: We offer competitive pricing for all our diagnostic services without compromising on quality.
At Dr. Patil's Pathlab, we prioritize patient satisfaction and strive to exceed your expectations with every visit. Whether you require a simple Blood Test In Kandivali East or a detailed full-body checkup, our commitment to excellence ensures that you receive the highest standard of care.
Schedule Your Appointment Today
Take charge of your health today by scheduling an appointment at Dr. Patil's Pathlab in Kandivali East. Our friendly staff is ready to assist you and answer any questions you may have about our services. Experience the difference with Dr. Patil's Pathlab, where your health is our priority.
Contact us today to book your blood test or full-body checkup appointment and embark on your journey towards better health with confidence. Trust Dr. Patil's Pathlab for comprehensive, reliable, and affordable healthcare services in Kandivali East. Your well-being is our mission.
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cbsdigital · 2 months
Thyrocare - Tests You Can Trust
Aarogyam Basic 1 & 2 Health Checkup Packages
Taking charge of your health starts with understanding your body. The Aarogyam Basic health checkup packages from Thyrocare offer a convenient and affordable way to gain valuable insights into your overall well-being. Available in two options – Basic 1 and Basic 2 – these packages cater to your specific needs and budget
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Aarogyam Dual Offer for Couples
Maintaining good health is essential, and what better way to do it than with your partner? The Aarogyam Dual Offer from Thyrocare provides a comprehensive health check-up for both you and your significant other at an attractive price
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Your heart is the engine that keeps you going, tirelessly pumping blood throughout your body. Maintaining good heart health is crucial for overall well-being and preventing chronic diseases. If you’re concerned about your heart health or have a family history of heart disease, the JAANCH Healthy Heart Profile from Thyrocare can be a valuable tool for assessment and preventive measures.
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The thyroid gland, a small butterfly-shaped organ in your neck, plays a vital role in regulating your metabolism, energy levels, and overall well-being. When your thyroid function goes awry, it can manifest in a variety of symptoms, often leaving you feeling sluggish, foggy-headed, or experiencing unexplained weight fluctuations. If you suspect a thyroid issue, the JAANCH Thyroid Profile from Thyrocare can be a valuable tool for diagnosis and management.
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Detox Diet Impact Test
Detox diets are all the rage, promising to cleanse your body of toxins and jumpstart weight loss. But are they truly effective, and how can you measure their impact? The Detox Diet Impact Test offered by some labs like Thyrocare can provide valuable insights.
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Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects millions worldwide. If you have diabetes or suspect you might be at risk, the JAANCH Diabetic Profile from Thyrocare can be a valuable tool for monitoring and managing your blood sugar levels.
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epidedmyskin · 3 months
Skin's Barrier Function against External Threats
Skin plays an important role by protecting our body from external threats and maintaining balance. It makes skin more prone to injuries and damage due to UV radiation, dehydration, and many more. Here Platelet Rich Plasma PRP Treatment Service plays an important role in curing dark circles, fine lines, and skin texture. It is a non-surgical procedure to use the person’s blood to enhance collagen production.
It helps in slowing down the aging process and repairing the damaged skin. By micro-needling process, a serum is injected into the skin to make the skin younger, smoother, and even healthier.
Upgrade Your Look with Our Eyelash Extension Services
The eyes are the most sensitive part of the human body and eyelashes being the external part of it help to protect them. Long eyelashes are in fashion nowadays do visit our center to get the Best Eyelash Extensions at affordable prices. You can customize lashes as per your requirement from long to extra-long, which helps give more expression to your face.
Our natural lashes are gorgeous and safe for use and we provide routine checkups on our clients every four to six weeks. To make sure to analyze the quality of eyelashes and make necessary corrections as and when needed.
Skin Exfoliation with Dermaplaning Treatments
Dermaplaning facial has huge benefits and this treatment helps in skin exfoliation and removes peach fuzz on the face. Dermaplaning in Philadelphia helps for smoother and radiant skin and open pores to have enhanced product absorption.
Exfoliation of the skin helps remove fine lines and wrinkles. We are licensed dermatologists do consult us for any kind of treatment. Get glowing skin in just 4 weeks and get clear perfect skin.
Incorporating Daily Care for Enhanced Well-being
Apart from all these treatments daily care routine will help you to get clear glass skin. Facials are treatments more relaxing and give spa-like satisfaction. We examine your skin and provide the necessary treatment accordingly. Constant self-care routine, healthy diet, exercise, meditation, and proper sleep altogether help in improving focus and quality of skin.
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