#all I can do is give him a bit of money and make terrible gifs i hope it's enough
captainsophiestark · 5 months
Picture Perfect
Benedict Bridgerton x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: Bridgerton
Summary: Benedict's childhood best friend, who he's recently started courting, notices he's been a bit off lately and decides to see if there's anything she can do to help.
Word Count: 3,045
Category: Fluff, a little bit of Angst
A/N: It's been a minute since I rewatched season 2, so I may have the timing wrong a bit. For the purposes of this fic, though, Benedict finds out that Anthony paid to make sure he got into art school at the same time that they're all at the Bridgerton's country estate.
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
Something was wrong with my best friend.
I could tell from the minute I saw him, as his mind was clearly somewhere else. He also gave his brother Anthony a colder shoulder than usual, which I knew Anthony likely deserved, but that Benedict rarely gave him. It must've been something pretty bad.
A few years ago, I wouldn't have hesitated to drag Benedict somewhere and get some answers out of him, followed by doing whatever I could to cheer him up. But unfortunately for the both of us, despite having grown up together, now that we were both adults in society and he had recently started courting me, we were no longer technically allowed to be alone together. Things were usually a bit looser when it was just the Bridgertons and I, but while I'd joined them for a trip to their country estate, another family had joined us as well, tying my hands more than usual.
Still, I managed to corner him slightly away from the rest of the group after dinner that night, when I'd first noticed something off. He'd been on his way upstairs, rather than joining the rest of us in the parlor after dinner, and I managed to get in front of him quickly enough to make him stop in the hallway.
"Benedict," I said, trying to keep my voice low. He let out a long, deep sigh, but didn't move to step past me, instead fixing me with a tired stare. I frowned. "What's wrong?"
He shook his head. "It's... nothing."
I put my hands on my hips and raised an eyebrow.
"Benedict Bridgerton, I have known you since the age of five. There is no chance of that terrible lie convincing me of anything, besides perhaps that I made the right decision about checking on you."
He sighed again, this time even heavier, and when he met my gaze again it was with an empty smile that didn't reach his eyes.
"You remeber I shared my excitement with you about being accepted into art school?"
"Of course! Don't tell me something went wrong..."
He shook his head. "The opposite. Apparently my dear brother took it upon himself to make sure I got in, offering a bribe to secure my acceptance. Yet again, I fail to step out of my family's shadow and generate an accomplishment of my own, without their name and money securing it for me."
I frowned and reached out to touch his arm, but Eloise's voice from the other room promising to find where I'd wandered off to broke the moment. Benedict mustered that hollow smile again, then finally stepped around me.
"I'll be fine, I promise. Don't worry about me. Just go enjoy the rest of your evening."
I frowned after him, but he didn't look back as he climbed the stairs and disappeared onto the second floor. I briefly debated following him, but Eloise's hand on my elbow broke me from that thought.
"Y/N, what on earth are you doing out here? You're missing Kate and Anthony sparring over something trivial again."
I forced a smile onto my face that was hopefully more convincing than Benedict's and turned to face Eloise.
"Well, that's certainly something I don't want to miss. Let's go."
Eloise still looked like she had questions, but I didn't give her room to ask them as I joined the rest of our group in the parlor. Benedict stayed on my mind for the rest of the night, although I tried to hide my worry. Hopefully he'd been right about himself, and would be feeling better in the morning.
Benedict clearly wasn't feeling better in the morning. I was witnessing the man I loved having an existential crisis, and by the afternoon, I decided I couldn't sit by an watch anymore, society and the Ton and the gossips be damned.
I spent the next hour gathering and setting up the things I'd need, then went to find Benedict. He wasn't anywhere to be seen in the house, so I asked Eloise, who directed me to his bedroom.
I'd been in his bedroom before, of course, since we'd practically grown up together. But now that we'd started on the path to being something else to each other, with my heart registsering significantly more romantic feelings for the man Benedict had become, I found myself slightly nerovous as I stood outside his door. Still, I forced myself to ignore the nerves as best I could. Benedict was hurting, so everything else had to be put on hold while I helped him.
I knocked on his door, pretending my faster-than-normal heartbeat didn't exist as I waited for a response. That became much harder to accomplish when Benedict opened the door, his shirt far more open than normal and without anything over it, hair looking a rumpled mess. My heart did backflips, despite me mentally telling it to calm down.
"Y/N! I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting you. I must look a mess-"
"No, not at all!" I said much too quickly. "You look, uh... very nice."
The familiar lopsided smile I loved so much appeared on Benedict's face as he leaned on the doorframe before me. He raised an eyebrow, the familiar spark of mischief that I loved so dearly igniting in his eyes, and for the first time in more than a day, he looked to be slightly back to himself.
"Well, I'm very glad to hear you think so. What brings you to my door, then?"
"You haven't seemed to be doing very well since you got the news about Anthony. And don't try to deny it, I know you too well. So, I thought I'd come find you and try to help cheer you up."
Benedict's eyebrow rose again as he crossed his arms.
"And what exactly did you have in mind?"
"I'll show you. But we're going to have to be a bit sneaky about leaving."
Benedict's mood lifted the moment he found out we were going to sneak out of the house together. We'd been regular trouble makers as children, sneaking out for adventures at least once a week, but since we'd both grown up that had basically come to a stop. Now, as I took his hand and dragged him along behind me and we ran through the countryside and left Bridgerton House in our wake, I couldn't stop a wild laugh from bubbling out of my chest. I'd missed this much more than I'd wanted to admit.
"Where are we going?" Benedict called, his own voice breathy and laced with laughter as we ran. I just shot him a grin back over my shoulder.
"You'll see!"
He huffed, but didn't protest as he followed after me. Finally, after winding through the woods and climbing a rather steep hill, we reached the spot I'd spent so long making nice this morning.
This hilltop looked out over the countryside stretching beautifully below us, even better now as the sun had started to get a bit lower in the sky. Waiting for us was a picnic blanket spread out in the grass with all of our favorite foods, wine, and an easel with art supplies set up right next to it. I dropped Benedict's hand as we came to a stop, instead turning to face him with a grin.
"Well? What do you think?"
He stared at everything I'd laid out, mouth open slightly in shock. His brow furrowed when he saw the canvas, and he turned back to me.
"What is all this?"
"It's a picnic, for the two of us," I said. "To watch the scenery and the sunset together without the pressures of society or being a Bridgerton to bring us down. The easel is optional–we can pack it away right now if you want to. But you told me you think Anthony's the reason you got into art school, and I don't agree. I've seen your work, and I know just how good it is. You got in on merit, Benedict. But I know I can't just say that and have you believe it, so I brought some supplies here so you can prove it, if you want to. Paint this moment for the two of us, and I'll swear on our relationship and everything I hold dear to be honest about what I think. Completely, totally, brutally honest."
Benedict's eyebrow quirked again.
"Well, I don't know if brutal is completely necessary..."
"I mean it, Ben. I hate to see you like this, doubting yourself. So if there's something I can do to counter Anthony's idiotic meddling, I'd like to."
"And what if..." He cleared his throat, emotion swirling in his gorgeous brown eyes as he met my gaze. "What if the truth would only serve to enforce what I know? That Anthony's meddling and money is the only reason I've gotten where I am."
I shook my head. "That won't happen-"
"Y/N." I stopped, biting my lip and forcing myself to meet Ben's stare again. He took a few steps forward until we were right in front of each other, then took my hands gently in his own. "What if it does?"
I took a deep breath and squared my shoulders. "Then I will keep my word and tell you so. One way or another, I will tell you the truth, even if it may not be what I want to tell you. I swear it, Ben."
He nodded slowly, eyes scanning my face. We stayed like that for a few long moments, and briefly, I thought Benedict might make a move to do something I never though he'd do with the Ton hovering over both our shoulders whenever we were together. But then he sighed, a smile returning to his face as he stepped away.
"Alright then. I believe you, and I value your opinion. And since you went to all the trouble to drag these supplies up here in the first place... I may as well get started."
I beamed at him. "I'll pour us some wine."
When Benedict first sat down at his canvas, he kept fidgeting nervously, his hands hovering and twitching over various paints and brushes as he second-guessed his decisions. But slowly, as I kept up a stream of conversataion, supplying him with food and drink for fuel as he needed it, I noticed him beginning to relax.
"This is nice," I mused, leaning back on the picnic blanket and looking out at the scenery as Benedict worked. The sun had gotten much lower in the sky than when we'd left, which Benedict had grumbled about as it impacted his painting. Still, the golden light, soft breeze, and warm, fresh air felt like heaven to me.
"I agree," he said, not taking his eyes away from his easel. "I missed running off on adventures with you at the drop of a hat."
"So did I. But, hopefully... we may be able to get back to that again sometime soon."
Benedict looked over at me from his easel, a rougish grin on his face.
"If I didn't know better, Lady Y/L/N, I would think you were boardering on making me a marriage proposal."
I faced forward and closed my eyes under the guise of feeling the sun, trying to ignore my heart pumping frantically in my chest.
"Well. Fortunately for us both, you do know better. And it's not as if you're some strange man I met at court. You're... Ben. My best friend."
"I never said I wouldn't like it, did I? It would be an honor to be proposed to by you."
I cracked one eye open, turning my head to face Benedict with a grin. He wasn't looking at me, his stare focused on his canvas, his face completely serious. My heart stopped threatening to explode out of my chest, and instead settled into the unique, glowing warmth of love I felt whenever Benedict and I were together.
"I love you, Ben," I said, my voice soft and quiet. He stopped his work completely to turn and look at me, a soft smile on his face.
"I love you too. Very, very much." We held each others' stares for a moment, soaking in the comfort and joy of being together, and then Benedict's smile turned into a more edged grin. "It's a good thing we feel so strongly, since we may just be forced into an earlier marriage than planned to avoid a scandal after disappearing for an entire afternoon and evening together."
I huffed and waved him off. "Fortunately, I predict your brother will be accidentally helping us and making up for causing this crisis of confidence in the first place. He and Miss Kate Sharma are so ridiculous and dramatic together, I highly doubt anyone will notice we're gone."
Benedict chuckled, turning back to his work to scan it one last time before finally setting down his paintbrush. He took a deep breath, then stood and offered a hand to me.
"I've finished," he announced as I took his hand. He pulled my to my feet, but instead of looking at the painting, my eyes stayed fixed on him. We were almost chest to chest, and I could tell from his furrowed brows and darting eyes just how nervous he was about my verdict. "Remember, you promised me honesty."
"And honesty you will get."
Finally, I turned from Benedict to the canvas he'd been working on all afternoon. I'd resisted peeking before now at his request, so I wouldn't have any bias from watching his process. Fortunately, just as I'd predicted, his work was magnificent.
"Benedict..." I breathed as I took in the soft lines and vibrant colors before me. It perfectly captured how I felt looking out at the valley before us; it captured the gorgeous scenery, yes, but it also infused everything with a bit of magic that I only felt in this space with him. "This is absolutely incredible."
Benedict came around to stand next to me, arms crossed. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught him shaking his head.
"Now please don't forget, you promised me honesty."
"I am being honest! Benedict, this is fantastic. The way you capture the myriad of different shades of the light shining across the valley, the seamless lines giving the world a slightly hazy, dreamlike look, and the way you've left the paint a bit messier with the clouds, to make it look like they're moving? It's all perfect, Ben. And masterful. It's a picture of the valley, yes, but it looks like it's alive. And you somehow managed to capture what it feels like to be here in the moment together, the sun on our faces, with each other even when we're not supposed to be, in a truly special way. You're an incredibly talented artist, and I'd be saying that even if you were a complete stranger that I didn't particularly like."
He snorted, then after a second, wrapped one arm around my waist and pulled me to his chest. I leaned into him immediately, sighing a bit as he leaned his head against mine.
"I have a hard time believing you'd say all that to a stranger you didn't like."
I rolled my eyes and elbowed him in the stomach, and he laughed without letting me go. A smile spread on my own face despite myself.
"Alright, maybe I wouldn't say all that to a stranger I didn't like. But I'd say it about their work when they couldn't hear me, probably to you. My point stands, Ben. You are a very skilled and talented artist. Anthony isn't the reason you got into that school. You are."
His chest rose and fell with a long, deep breath, and then finally, I felt him nod.
"Thank you. I can't promise it will always be easy for me to always believe it, but... I'll try to remember your words, and not my brother's, from now on."
"Good. And if you feel down again, you can always come to me. I'll always be there for you, Benedict, whenever you need me."
"And I you, my love," he said, moving down to whisper the words in my ear as he wrapped his other arm around my waist, too. He kissed my cheek, and I leaned back into his chest for a moment before turning around in his arms to face him.
The beautiful, kind smile I'd fallen in love with stared back at me, along with his warm brown eyes. I smiled too, then finally stopped ignoring my racing heart and decided to continue the theme of ignoring the Ton and what they might say.
I leaned into Benedict, closing the distance between us with a glance at his lips before meeting his eyes again. Both of his eyebrows shot up, but he didn't pull away.
"Y/N... if anyone found out..."
I smiled. "They won't. Besides, they'd just make us follow through on something we're already planning, anyway."
Benedict huffed a laugh, his eyelids fluttering a bit as he looked at me like he couldn't believe I was real. Then, his arms tightened around my waist, and he leaned in even closer. I closed my eyes, feeling Benedict stop just a hair's breadth away from my lips.
"Are you sure-"
I closed the distance myself before he could continue. Benedict smiled into the kiss a moment later, pulling me closer to him, the two of us locked in each others' embrace as the sun set in the hills behind us. Truly, I didn't think anyone would be able to find out about how we'd spent our afternoon, but I also truly didn't care. I loved Benedict, and even though it was technically early in our courtship, I'd known him for most of my life. I knew we were meant to spend our lives together, and I knew he felt the same way as I did. Sooner or later, we'd make it official with an engagement and marriage, and be able to disappear together whenever we wanted without the Ton batting an eyelash. But, in the meantime, I didn't mind sneaking away for private moments like this one bit. No matter what had led to it in the first place.
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transformhim · 6 months
“We good here?”
The model’s question caught him off guard as Raul looked up from from his camera, adjusting the frame and focus for his next shot while his assistant, Damien, moved onto the set to adjust the light and prop placements. The deep bass background music played throughout the apartment in the awkward silence.
The fuck does he mean, are we done?? We’ve hardly started! Raul thought with an annoyed scratch at the back of his head. The model had been a terrible subject to begin with, giving poses and taking heavy sighs at each direction Raul tried to give him, and essentially treated the shoot as though it was something he was bored doing. His payment was way more than modest and the shoot wasn’t supposed to take more than an hour, but he looked like he was ready to leave just 20 minutes in.
Raul cleared his throat, “Uhh, actually we still need a couple more shots. The client is looking for a pretty varied spread to choose from. So if we could j—..”
“Come on, man, you’re really gonna make me do this for another 40 minutes? I’m sure what you got is fine.”
Raul breathed in heavily, “Look, it’ll just take a bit more, the contract said that it wouldn’t be—..”
“Well, you can take it up with my agent, man, I got places I gotta be,” the model started stepping off the set, turning his back to Raul to start packing his things.
Raul turned his eyes towards Damien, lifting his palms up in a disbelieving gesture and shaking his head. Damien just rolled his eyes and shrugged with a dejected smirk. They’ve dealt with these kinds of divas numerous times before. Almost too many to count, actually.
But money had been tight at the studio since the pandemic hit, and even all these years later it still hadn’t recovered. they couldn’t afford to keep getting these types of dismissive twats leave shoots before they were supposed to. Clients were always very specific about what they wanted and could cut pay if they weren’t satisfied.
But Raul and Damien had their own means of dealing with these kinds of rude bastards. As they exchanged wordless looks expressing their annoyance and frustration, Damien’s eyes began to slowly drift towards the model off set, gathering his belongings. His dejected look changed to one of curiosity as he bit his lip. He looked towards Raul and narrowed his eyes with a cheeky grin.
‘Should I?’ Damien mouthed silently towards Raul.
A sly grin spread across Raul’s face as he considered Damien’s proposal. He looked back at the model—turned away from them as he texted to his agent or slam piece or gym family or whatever—and back at Damien, biting his lip mischievously and nodding.
Damien smiled wider and stretched. He took off his tank top and tossed it aside, his toned hairy torso now bare. His fingers hooked under his waistband, and his basketball shorts and boxers drop silently to the floor as he kicked them over on top of his tank top. Now naked and hardening quickly, he arched his back in a stretch, rolled his neck, and rubbed his palms together as he stepped towards Raul. He leaned in for a quick kiss with his partner as he took the bottle body oil next to Raul that the model had used and squirted a massive helping into his hand, slathering it over his chest, arms, and face. Quickly, he moved towards the model gathering his things, ducking down lower as he approached.
“When you get to it, make sure my payment goes t—UUUHHHNNGGG!!” The model was interrupted in the middle of his sentence as Damien, in one fluid motion, pulled the model’s speedo down and plunged his face between his globular asscheeks. The model groaning and grunting in mindless pain and confusion, gripping the sides of the table where his things were sitting, as Damien popped his oily face and head into model’s tight hole, sending a loud squelching *SCHLORP* echoing through the apartment.
Damien’s slick body then began to suck up into the model’s hole, his muscular tan form thinning and contorting as he slithered deeper and deeper into the model’s guts, the entire process emitting a familiar meaty, slimy, slurping sound Raul knew and loved so well. Raul licked his lips, pawing his swelling package, as he watched the model’s sculpted ass distend slightly as his tight hole widen more and more as it hungrily slurped Damien inside him, his tattooed, lubricated form and limbs compressing in on themselves as he plunged deeper. Raul couldn’t help but feel a little jealous of the model—he knew full well how ecstatic and orgasmic it felt to have Damien slither up inside him… and what came next.
Just as Damien’s ass and throbbing rod sank into the model’s guts, his thighs and legs shot up into the hole at a much faster speed, whipping into the model’s hole noisily. Raul had shoved his hands into his shorts and was stroking eagerly as the Damien's feet slurped inside while the model groaned and contorted, arching his neck and back and standing on the tips of his toes, cringing at the pain and pleasure racking through his body.
Damien was gleefully readjusting his out-of-proportion frame within the squeezing, slimy, meaty confines of the model’s body, feeling different parts of the model’s sides, abs, and back twitch, flex, and contort, as his body tried to adjust to its invader. He could hear the muffled sounds of Raul’s horny, drunken laughter from the outside, thinking he for sure must have been making the model appear to have a substantially pregnant beer gut as Damien’s body centralized in his torso. After using a stretched out hand to brush his lubricated, wet hair out of his face, Damien went to work shoving his limbs into the model’s extremities.
Damien loudly moaned from within the body as he felt his arms and legs come to new life with increased strength and size while his limbs shoved through slick meat like a tight sleeve into the model’s beefy appendages. He smirked, feeling cocky and horny as he felt his arms burst into massive cannons and his heart fluttered as he felt the rest of him come to life. Damien arched in exhilarated bliss as he felt his chest, torso, and back first compress under the weight of the model’s squeezing body and then surge outward in new sensations of power and mass as Damien’s senses merged with the model’s, enticing him to give his big chest a flex to feel it bounce with new weight.
Raul nearly blew his load from an observer’s perspective. The model’s head was lolled backwards and his eyes rolled back while his body underwent what looked to be an instant pump, his muscles standing out more prominently under his skin, bit by bit, as his boyfriend filled him up like a balloon. Raul gasped as he stroked himself, watching Damien fill up the model’s lower half, making his already impressive thighs and glutes swell larger still. The thong he was wearing for the shoot looked somehow more risqué than earlier, hugging the model’s sweaty skin more tightly and accentuating his now-larger parts. The model was no longer the shredded twunk he was when he came into the apartment, but a swaggering thicc muscle stud with his and Damien’s combined mass.
Finally, Raul could see a sizable lump appear from near the model’s collarbone, stretching the model’s gold chain to its limit, as Damien began to shove his own head upwards into the model’s. He began to elicit deeper, gurgling groans as Damien wiggled and stretched his head up into the neck. Raul felt himself nearing completion as the model’s head suddenly jolted upwards with a dull crack, the lump in the model’s throat now gone. It wasn’t until Raul heard Damien utter his first satisfied groan in the model’s low voice that he blew his pent up load all over the floor in front of him.
Damien rolled his head around in his new body, stretched his shoulders and panted a few more breaths. He touched the foreign curves and angles in his face for a moment, turned on by his own handsome, sharp, smooth face. He felt sweat dripping off him from his exertion and huffed a big whiff of the new musk he emitted. Not bad!
“Alright!” He rubbed his hands off his face and down his pillowy chest.
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“Let’s take some pictures.”
Damien turned to see that Raul had blown a sizable load all over the floor, some even on the set, and giggled as Raul chuckled, panting, coaxing the last of his load out of his shaft, letting it dribble down his fingers and onto the puddle below.
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“Already?! Come on, man,” Damien chastised playfully.
“Sorry, babe, I just love the way you filled him out, dude. Fuck!”
“Oh? Y’like?” Damien teased walking towards him, saucily lolling his tongue out while he flexing his arms hard and tensing his pec muscles several times. He was being corny like always, but Raul was kicked into 5th gear again, instantly ready to blow another load.
“Yeah, dude, I fuckin’ do,” Raul took the liberty of feeling up Damien’s slick muscle gut, running his hands over his protruding abs. Damien could see how into this his boyfriend was and decided to move things forward a bit.
He grabbed Raul’s hand and shoved it into his thong, feeling his new hardening 7 incher steel against his boyfriend’s palm. He humped and gyrated his mammoth cock against Raul’s hand and asked, “What about the shoot?”
“Shoot can wait,” Raul moaned as he gripped onto Damien’s slick dick and stroked, lifting up Damien’s huge arm with his other hand and burying his face into Damien’s sweaty pits, licking and lapping at the moist surface while inhaling deeply.
Damien lifted up his other arm for Raul to let his boyfriend worship his other pit, bouncing his pecs a bit as Raul slathered his greedy face across his sweaty jugs on his way to the next pit. Damien grinned as he felt Raul continue to lovingly work his shaft. He was looking forward to a hedonistic, indulgent weekend with his boyfriend—he just hoped they eventually remember to finish the shoot.
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gloomwitchwrites · 4 months
1k challenge request- what is Ghost like on vacation? NSFW always preferred lol
Ghostie on vacation? Vacation?!? Yes, please. Funny enough, Ghost is currently on vacation in Ink & Needle, and that boy is being naughty in that AU. But that’s not what we’re talking about here. Thanks for sending this in! I hope you enjoy it (and the steamy bits).
Most of these are gn!reader with one or two exceptions!
Word Count: 729
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Do y’all remember the bit of banter between Soap, Ghost, and Laswell in MW3? And Ghost replies “why not both?” when it comes to whether they prefer the beach or snow. To me, that means Ghost is down for anything. He’ll take a road trip or a week-long stay in Bali. Man just loves a good vacation.
On that note, when Ghost and Soap were being a bit cheeky about the “tan lines around the eyes,” he insinuates he wears the mask, but I don’t believe that. When Simon isn’t in the field, he’s not going to wear his mask, especially on vacation. He’d stick out like a sore thumb.
If Simon is taking a vacation with his S/O, he’s really down for anything. It can be simple and romantic. It could be camping. Hell, you could drag him to Disneyworld and he’d probably still enjoy himself.
However, he’s very much controlling when it comes to traveling. He’s the Dad in this scenario. He packs in advance, he wakes up way too early to go to the airport, he checks to make sure the plane is actually at the gate, he keeps the schedule, and Simon isn’t necessarily going to just “go with the flow” in the moment. Simon is the one holding the passports and tickets. God help you if you try to seize them from him.
No mask. Period. And no work. Simon isn’t taking phone calls, emails, or anything else. Price can deal with any shenanigans on his own.
Terrible about putting on sunscreen. You’re always making sure he’s protecting his skin.
Most of the spending money is spent on feeding Simon. Dude is a brick wall and he’s always eating. And when he’s not eating something, he’s buying you whatever you want.
If the vacation requires driving, Simon prefers taking his own vehicle or renting one. He doesn’t skimp here. Simon will select a reputable rental car company and select something roomy.
Holds you accountable on everything, but is also incredibly indulgent. You might complain that something is expensive and you won’t get it, and Simon will say good on you for sticking to your guns, but he’ll also just fucking buy it anyway because he can’t help seeing you smile.
Vacations (or rather holidays) are Simon’s one opportunity to forget everything. He can spend time with you completely uninterrupted. No life shit. No work shit. Just you and him.
Enjoys the outdoors but is also down for exploring cities, walking through museums, and trying new things. Simon is open to exploring a culture he’s never interacted with before, especially if he’s doing it with you.
Likes to travel and go on vacation during off-seasons. Simon isn’t a fan of crowds and it’s not from an anxiety standpoint. That military training is hard to dislodge, and he’s often overly aware of potential threats in a crowd.
Has a terrible sweet tooth. Simon will eat more desserts than actual food if you’re not watching him.
Loves long road trips because he enjoys all the lazy blow jobs you give him while in the car. Sometimes he has to pull over and just have his way with you.
Basically, you and Simon are fucking regardless of where you are.
Going on a destination vacation to a beachy oasis? Simon is fucking you in the cabana, in the hotel room, in the private pool, under a waterfall. Sometimes it might be lazy and slow, and sometimes he’s just chasing his own end and needs to be inside you.
Camping? That tent is seeing some action. You’re little spoon. Simon is big spoon. And he probably has his cock buried deep inside you, rocking his hips lazily while is hand is playing with other parts of you.
But he’s smart not to fuck out in the wilderness. Bug bites are the fucking worse.
In the cabin in the Pacific Northwest? He’s fucking you by the fire while it rains outside.
Simon’s intimacy and romantic side really flourishes during this time. Because there are no outside distractions, he’s able to put his entire focus on you. Along with the sex, Simon is simply an attentive partner. While he’s here to enjoy himself, he is also highly aware of your needs.
Hates when the two of you have to go back to the real world. Would rather disappear with you forever.
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@contractedcriteria @lovely-ateez @gingergirl06 @kidd3ath @leed-bbg
@webmvie @blackhawkfanatic @suhmie @tulipsun-flower @ghosts-hoe
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cottagecheese1 · 11 months
A angst request where tony stark visiting his little sister reader in the hospital, stage 3 Leukemia cancer. Tony tells her about everything including being ironman and his team. Sister stark! reader gets to meet his team
Nice surprise
a/n- the end was a bit rushed but i am currently going through my drafts
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Tony sat at his desk zeroed in on a mission a report that he’s set off to the side for weeks and weeks, not worried about if another shield agent called his phone asking for the mission report like some landlord begging for rent, but that was ok because Tony never really worried about much, the reasoning behind this was because he had pretty much all the money in the world to fix whatever issue that popped up. That was until that one call from the hospital when the doctor said his little sister had Cancer and there was pretty much nothing he could do about it except hope for the best. That was a problem money couldn’t fix, well he tried anyway, paying for all of the treatments known to mankind but still no positive result occurred.
When Tonys mind drifted to the thought of his sick little sister, FRIDAY suddenly came on “Mr. Stark you have a call from doctor Reyes” Tony suddenly shot up from his seat. That was your doctor, did something go wrong? What if something terrible happened to you? Tony took a deep breath and paced around the room.
“Put him on speaker friday.”
“Yes, Mr. Stark”
Suddenly the doctors familiar voice echoed around the room
“Mr. Stark I have good news and bad news about your sister” The doctor spoke firmly but Tony could hear the nervousness in his voice as the doctor spoke.
“Give me the good news first Reyes”
“Good news, we have been seeing improvements from the treatments, and we think if she can fight it off a little longer before she gets to stage four, we might be able to get most of the Cancerous cells out of her body before they spread even more.”
Tony sighed and smiled a little bit, he was glad there was going to be a little light in this situation, so that it would give him hope that the bad news wouldn’t be as bad as he thought it would be.
“I am very relieved to hear that doctor Reyes, and what about the bad news?”
“Unfortunately, your sister has moved on to stage three leukemia cancer, and who knows how long until she gets to stage four, but we were hoping you could come in and visit her. She took the news pretty hard and has asked to see you all day today. I think it would make her day but we do not want to hassle you Mr. Stark, we know you are a busy man.”
As soon as the doctor said that you’ve asked to see him all day, Tony was already halfway putting his jacket on and out the office door, Tony quickly respond with “Thank you doctor Reyes, I will be there in about ten minutes”, once the call ended, Tony practically sprinted out the front doors of the compound, rushing to his car quickly.
When Tony pulled into the parking lot of the hospital, he was able to gather himself again. As many times as he visited you, it was hard, harder than almost everything else he’s ever done or fought, but he had to have hope for you because Tony loved you with his whole heart, you’re some of his only family left, his rock, the one person that stuck beside him when everyone else left. He pretty much couldn’t live without you.
Tony checked into the hospital counter and signed his name on the visitor sheet, and made his way down the hallway, with a teddy bear in hand and since He’s visited you one too many times, he practically knows the hospital like the back of his hand.
Once Tony gets to your room and opens the door slowly, he sees you look at the direction of the door and you shoot up from your bed happily “Tony!! I missed you, what are you doing here?” Tony chuckled and bent down in front of your bed to give you a hug. “Hey kiddo, I just came by to see how you were doing, I missed you” Your mood seemed to drastically change when he said that. “Doctor Reyes told you to come didn’t he..” Tony stopped and sat down in the chair next to your bed and held your hand.
“Yes, yes he did but that does not mean I don’t want to see my favorite little sister, I love you okay?”
You seemed to crack a smile that made Tony's grin light up also “I’m your only little sister”, you responded with a bit of laughter in your voice
“Exactly, and I wouldn’t have it any other way”
Silence seemed to take over the room as you finished up your multitude of questions for your brother, Tony seemed to have one of his own, he then asked “If you would want to do anything in the whole world, what would it be?” you smiled and pretended to have a pondering look on your face then answered “I probably would want to meet the avengers, especially Captain america and Iron man”, Tony perked up and grinned and looked around then back to you.
“Well, would you like to hear a really really awesome secret..but you can’t tell anybody okay?” You looked at your brother intently while he spoke and nodded your head quickly, eyebrows furrowed. “Tell me, tell me, I promise to keep it a secret”, Tony smiled then said
“I’m Iron man..”
You looked at him suspiciously and said “Nuh uh, prove it.”, Tony stood up and pushed a button that summoned the suit onto his body then quickly took it off, looking down at you while your eyes were widened in awestruck he spoke “Do you believe me now?”, you looked at him and questions started to flow out of your mouth.
“Does that mean your friends with the avengers?”
“Have you fought any monster aliens?”
“Do you know Captain America?”
“Have you been to space!?”
Tony laughed and pushed you gently so your back was resting against the bed “Yes, to all of those questions, but-”, Tony got cut off right in the middle of his sentence as a feminine voice interrupted “Um, I am so sorry to interrupt but visiting hours are now closed, if you would be kind enough to make yourself out, thank you”, Tony nodded and went over to your bed to give you a quick peck on your head and whisper something in your ear, and you seemed to nod excitedly at the information spilled to you.
The next day Tony had made arrangements to make a perfect visiting time and clear all of the other avengers schedules for you to meet them, he knew this would mean a lot to you and he was going to do everything in his power to make sure this was perfect.
Tony got to the hospital with two other cars following him, all the avengers known, packed in three cars and he couldn’t wait to see the smile on your face, Tony then spoke “I’m sorry I had to disturb anyone's plans, but I know this would mean a lot to my sister, she’s just a kid that got handed a rough hand”, Steve responded with a sympathetic look on his face and responded “it’s really no trouble Tony, we’ve all agreed that we would do anything just to make it a little bit better for her” the others around him seemed to nod in agreement “but still, thank you all”, Steve smiled back “anytime Stark”.
While walking into the hospital, and checking into the visitors sheet seemed to take twice as long, Tony knew the look on your face would all be worth it. As they all stood in front of the door to your room he opened it slowly and you popped up quickly.
“Tony! You’re back!”
“I am back, but I have some friends with me also”
You tilted your head, until room people walked through the door and you gasped with a wide grin on your face.
“Thank you Tony! You’re the best big brother ever, I love you so much”
Tony went over to hug you, and all the avengers watched in awe at how loving their boss could be, but soon enough they all sat next to you, ready to answer any questions that you may have had, and they all stayed until visiting time was over, while you were sad they had to leave as they gave you their goodbye hugs. The only person in the room left at the end was Tony, as he came over and sat next to you. You felt your eyes tear up and gave your brother a tight hug then spoke
“Thank you Tony, you really don’t know how much this means to me, I love you”
“I love you even more, but I always want you to know that I would travel the moon and back for you”
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buzz-in-your-veins · 6 months
could you write some NSFW! angel dust headcanons please?
gn!reader (or f!reader if you feel more comfortable) <33
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Hi<3 eee ofc I love thisss<3
I don’t mind writing for gn!reader, I’m only more comfortable with female anatomy at the moment bc I understand it a bit more!
I hope you don’t mind I added SFW too.
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Angel Dust
Headcannons about everyone’s favourite spider<3
CW: NSFW content, possessive, overstimulated, safewords, marks, oral. (all mentioned)
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• Lives for cuddles, will absolutely drop everything he’s doing for quality cuddle time.
• Always touching you when outside the hotel, sometimes even in the hotel, does it to remind himself you’re still there.
• He’s like a heater, you never get cold, and if you ever are he gives you his jumper.
• Calls you every pet name under the sun, absolutely all of them, unless you’ve told him not too.
• Dresses the two of you in matching outfits every chance he gets, you like more fem styles? Done. More masc? Absolutely. Androgynous? Five by five.
•Never passes up a chance to dress you up. Dinner? Show? Date? You’re watching him preform? You’re too tired to pick an outfit? Done. He’ll dress you. Don’t worry your sweet pretty head just go sit down baby.
• His jumpers drowned you, but you always steal them, so he buys himself jumpers in smaller sizes and you jumpers in bigger sizes so you can wear each others jumpers, watching the two of you walk around one day in the worst fitting jumpers then swapping them the next is adorable.
• Loves seeing you smile, always goes out of his way to see it, pulls pranks, tells jokes, everything, doesn’t seem to realise him just being there is enough to make you smile.
• Always cooks for you, he doesn’t care of your skilled in the kitchen or not. Go see down darling I’ve got this. Burns the kitchen down trying to make you the perfect toast but cooks like a five star chef.
• Knows what it’s like to not feel confident in yourself so always goes above and beyond to help you feel confident. “Perfect” “Pretty” “Amazing” does not care if you are in public or not.
• Also loves seeing you blush, thinks it’s the most adorable thing in the entire world, will go out of his way to see it.
• Will not hesitate to beat someone up for you. You don’t even have to ask. ‘They bothering you?’ As soon as you look uncomfortable Angel locks onto whoever your with.
• Knows you love listening to him talk so he sings to you in Italian. Nursery rhymes, playground songs, hit songs, doesn’t matter, he sings any and everything for you.
• You are one of the only people Angel has ever let see his feet willingly. He feels comfortable taking of his boots and socks around you.
• Loves when you take fat nuggets for walks, sees the two of you together and melts “that’s my baby’s” absolutely gone, loves you even more.
• He is terrible with money. He is constantly wanting to spoil you and will 100% buy you stuff he can’t actually afford to see you light up. (He’s in dept to Cherri up to his waist.)
• Adores taking baths with you. After a long day will definitely run a bath with half a bottle of bubble bath, three different essential oils and two bath bombs, with then get some fruit and some drinks, grab you a book, then gets in with you and you both chill. The two of you have definitely fallen asleep in there. Charlie got him a bigger bath tub for being sober for a month. (Vaggie claims it was so the hotel wouldn’t have to hear him whining)
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• Knows what you need by how you talk and act. If you need it rough or soft, to know he loves you or know your his. Always checks with you. Can and will change his attitude and actions balls deep if he has too. You matter more than his pleasure.
• Loves tasting you, constantly says you taste like candy, not even a specific type, just candy. Says it’s because you’re so sweet, not because you’re always eating candy.
• Loves when your vocal, your moans and whines spur him on, will do anything to hear them, loves knowing he’s pleasing you.
• Loves overstimulating you, to the point your whining or begging him to stop, but unless you safeword he won’t, gets your legs shaking and voice breaking.
• Loves when you squirt, considers it an achievement, always try’s to get you to squirt, loves when you go glassy eyed when you do.
• As soon as he’s inside you that’s it, he cannot and will not stay still. He is always moving, tiny little aborted thrush, or slamming in hard and fast, he cannot stay still.
• He is a switch, he doesn’t really have a preference on top or bottom, tends to be a bratty demanding bottom, but can be sweet and soft, definitely a service top for the most part but can be a domineering top too.
• Has both sets of genatalia, often retracts his pussy though, only a few people know (Valentino definitely does not) he trusts you with it, lets you play with it, you’ve definitely had him be the one squirting.
• He adores sex with you in any way, shape, or form, but kissing you? Hearing you whine as he tugs at your lip, the moan when he grazes his tongue against yours? How breathless you get? It’s nectar to him.
• He’s possessive over you, not in a dictating what you can and can’t do why, in a “they told you to fuck off.” Will kiss you to claim you, and goes absolutely feral in private is someone else flirts with you. He trusts your completely , sometimes he just need the reminder you are his and he is yours.
• Absolutely adores being inside you. Doesn’t matter in what capacity or what part, he is enamoured with the idea of being a part of you in anyway, and loves that you trust him so much.
• If you say it’s okay Angel absolutely cannot hold back, he will go mental, absolutely loves fucking you into oblivion, and will not stop unless you safe word.
• If you so much as hint at being uncomfortable in a less that sexy way he will stop. Doesn’t matter what you’re doing or how far into it you are, he will stop completely unless you tell him it’s okay and you want him to continue.
• He is so verbal. He loves talking to you, telling you how you feel, how you make him feel, what he’s going to do, how much he loves you, he is always talking, always reassuring/praising/degrading/comforting you, never hides his moans or groans, wants you to know exactly what you do to him.
• Both of you have safe words, and either of you can use them at any point no matter what. Angel uses ‘Alastor’ to slow down, and ‘Valentino’ to stop. You use the traffic light system. If your mouths are occupied, you both tap, once is okay, twice is slow, three is stop.
• Angel spent far to long being uncomfortable during sex, so he always goes above and beyond to ensure your comfort, and if you even hint being uncomfortable, he will immediately stop, safe word or not. You do the same with him, constantly making sure he’s okay.
• Angel loves seeing you covered in his marks, loves knowing you willing walk around covered in his claim, so every single denizen of hell knows you’re taken. He goes a bit crazy with them too, but you’re no better, you get the same rush seeing Angel covered in your marks.
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Feedback is always appreciated <3
Comments are my high.
They make me write faster.
I hope it meets your expectations Anon<33
Please let me apologise for posting this too early T-T
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atrwriting · 3 months
chapter fourteen: the wolf and the dragon (modern!gangleader!aemond x barowner!reader)
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look at that king prince ponder his war crimes
back with another installment of everyone's favorite toxic dragon rider in this modern au
as always, warnings: no smut, violence, death of lucerys
chapter fourteen...
you awoke to aemond’s arm wrapped tightly around your midsection. his strong arm smelled like musk and fading soap, and there was nothing that could ever compare to it. you could feel his breath on the back of your neck and shivers went up your spine. every hair on your body stood up, ready at attention when you felt his body shift and pull you closer into him. his body was pressed firmly against yours and for a split second… you could’ve forgotten the traumatic events of the last few days. all you could feel was his warmth and how fucking nice it felt. reality was a bitch of a bitch, and it began to nag at your nerves as you began to think about all of the problems that sat outside your door. a stark, like yourself — now that deserved a scoff from each of your family members. how could you be such a coward, hiding in your —
“i was right,” he grunted into your hair, interrupting your thoughts.
“about what?” you yawned.
“you’re a terrible bed mate,” he spat. “you steal blankets.”
you giggled, throwing blankets over him to share the warmth. you nuzzled your weight back against him and sighed, content.
“i meant it when i said i would make it up to you,” he spoke against your neck. “i don’t intend on making the same mistakes again.”
you hummed. “you can make it up to me by letting me sleep.”
“that probably won’t be happening, sweetheart,” he whispered.
you grunted. "you want to get off my black list? why?"
“because aegon has been itching to come in this room.”
you pushed yourself to your elbows then, staring at him in disbelief and anger. how could you have not known? how could aegon not have made his presence known, and how could aemond not tell you?
“where is he?!”
“the living room,” aemond sighed, indifferent.
you scoffed and sent aemond a glare. he shrugged.
fucking asshole.
“aegon!” you called. “come in!”
immediately, you heard footsteps. they were heavy, and fast, but not faster than the turning of the doorknob. aemond and you were much too tired to turn away, and aegon was too greedy to give you time to put yourselves together.
“lovebirds!” he sang. “i am so glad we have chosen to leave our troubles in the past, especially since we have quite large fish to fry today.”
you groaned loudly into the pillow. “what is it with targaryen men not letting me sleep?!”
you peaked from underneath your blanket to look at aegon. surprisingly, he did not appear or even smell like he had been near alcohol in some time. his eyes weren't bloodshot, his hair wasn’t as messy, and he wasn’t shaky or dazed.
you grew concerned.
you pulled the sheet up towards your collar bone, eyeing aegon with worry. your lips parted softly in disbelief as your eyes narrowed onto his form. you watched him narrow his eyes back at you with an equal mount of concern, but also confusion.
you finally asked your pressing question.
“aegon,” you began. “are you… sober?”
“unfortunately, my dear... yes,” he spoke. “enough chit chat. i have a plan. a shit plan, but a plan nonetheless."
aegon’s bright idea was a bit uncomfortable, but safest for everyone involved.
first there was a matter of the bar.
a son had been killed, which was considered one of the highest offenses — even if it could be legally considered to not be aemond’s fault.
it was a hard decision, but you closed the bar for a week to keep your employees away for their own safety. you gave them all a paid week of vacation, possible as the bands from the nights prior had allowed you a little extra money to be able to do so. the money from the entertainment was supposed to be a cushion for unforeseen events, but you reasoned with yourself that this was as good of an unforeseen event as any. it hurt you, and your wallet — but safety was the highest priority.
there was also a matter of the safety and integrity of the building and your home above it. aegon had stated that you were also not safe within its walls, and unfortunately you could see his logic behind it. a broken clock is right twice a day, and apparently a drunken asshole like aegon had to get a lick in somewhere. working above your place of business only provided convenience in some areas. when it came to the matter that the business below it was in danger, so was your home. it was a hard decision, but the choice to vacate the premises for the time being was in everyone’s best interest.
not before you put in a security system, however. if someone was going to burn down your building, you were going to get them on tape. the “j.d.” at the end of your name provided you with some feeling of safety and assurance in times such as these, especially the friends you made because of it down at the local police station and county clerk’s office, even if wasn’t of much use to you before this situation.
the next part of the plan… was the most uncomfortable for you.
you would be living with the targaryen family — yes, family… not just the brothers — for the time being, for at least a week. when you described it as a house, they reinforced that it was an estate. you raised your eyebrow at the word choice, as it was the twenty-first century and the word estate usually meant a legal entity, rather than a physical one. rest assured, the targaryens meant an actual estate.
and it was fucking massive.
it looked like something that came out of the old history books.
gravel roadways, fine green grass, elegant flower bushes adorning walkways, gray stone spanning at least a half a mile high, and the classics statutes look as if they were stolen out of those books. the targaryens had always portrayed themselves as royalty, but now… being here… it was like they actually were.
you should’ve known, honestly. the targaryens were an old, powerful family, and there was no reason why they wouldn’t be in possession of one, with many rooms, with many inhabitants, many staff members, and many acres. the dwelling itself was, for lack of a better word — royal.
you almost didn’t believe it when aemond’s motorcycle came to a halt on the gravel road leading up to its massive front doors.
doors. plural. not door, and definitely not singular.
“seven hells..." you rasped from behind him, unlatching your hands from around his waist.
“new relations do not usually call for meeting families so soon… but, unfortunately, you’re about to become quite acquainted with my mother.”
you smiled. “brought a bottle of rose just for her.”
he clenched his jaw. “how did you know it was her favorite?”
you quirked an eyebrow at him. “i remember important details, aemond, especially when i need to be a kiss up.”
the walk from where they parked their bikes to the front doors was a long one. the expensive gravel underneath your feet crunched, and you had half a mind to steal aemond's bike and never look back. however, it was hard to jump ship when aemond's heavy hand was at your lower waist and forced you upwards towards the threshold of the entryway to his home. his massive fucking home...
"this is a terrible plan," you muttered.
"my mother will love you," aegon scoffed.
it was aemond's turn to scoff. "this is the first place they would think us to be, aegon."
"what, they're going to destroy the mansion that rhaenyra feels entitled to?" aegon scoffed once more, making his descent towards the double front doors. he shook his head as if he couldn't believe that aemond would question him.
aegon walked ahead of you two, leaving you and aemond to walk in stride together. you wanted to take his hand, but you were worried that you would be rejected. it took aemond far too long to finally come to turn with his feelings — you weren't sure if he was ready to make it apparent to the rest of his family.
"is your mother involved in your... business?" you ventured.
aemond swallowed. "the... business that can be made public, yes. she is the face for it. our grandfather, otto, has a hand in both. my mother's bodyguard, cole, mainly protects my mother from any threats that make themselves apparent... in light of my business."
"so she'll be fine with the bartender showing up next to you?" you attempted to joke.
"aegon was right: she will love you," aemond answered, but did not elaborate. "she will also just be happy that a clothed woman shows up with aegon."
"she'll just be happy any woman at all shows up with aemond," aegon threw over his shoulder. "clothed or not."
you giggled, flashing bright eyes at aemond. he rolled his eyes at his brother's and almost threw him a snarl, or shot him — but it was almost as if he would feel you turn your head towards him, catching his attention. it was then that aemond faced you, and smiled with you. your gaze softened at him, and you couldn't help but let the warmth wash over you.
"no chick flick moments," you spat, but your smile remained.
"then why're you blushing, hmm?"
you swatted at his arm, and he chuckled once more.
when you had finally walked through the threshold of the mansion, you felt your breath catch in your throat. the guards had opened the doors for the three of you, and you fell into place between aegon and aemond. they guided you to the left, where alicent, otto, and cole were in the living room.
alicent's dark eyes were filled with torment. she had a protective hand placed on the pendant of her religious amulet, while her free hand held her other elbow. her lips were pursed in worry, but when her eyes met her sons... she fled for them.
"are either of you hurt?" she gushed, standing before you. her eyes flickered between both of her sons, each of her hands reaching out to grasp one of their arms. you stepped backwards, hoping to give them their intimate moment, but aegon and aemond both reached back to steady your back and keep you in place. you could've killed them, but you wouldn't have had time. alicent's eyes met yours. "you... you're from the bar."
you swallowed. "yes, mrs. targaryen. i'm sorry to have, um... intruded."
"you're not intruding," both brothers spat, keeping their eyes on their mother.
you swallowed again, eyes averting to anything in the room you thought could save you.
alicent spoke next. "please... everyone, sit. we have much to discuss."
when they all retreated to their seats and alicent wavered in front of you, you took that as your cue to reach into your bag and take out what you brought for her. a bottle of rose.
"mrs. targaryen... I know you probably didn't expect to see me today..." you began, holding the bottle out for her. "but i remembered that this was your favorite."
she took the bottle in her hands and inspected the label with intense eyes. from behind her, both otto and cole stepped towards her and fell behind her once she had taken the bottle from you. you honestly meant it as a nice gesture, but you realized then that the men were worried for alicent's safety. once aemond and aegon realized what was happening, they stepped towards the group.
"we should have the kitchen inspect it, daughter," her father stated. "these are... times where you can never be too cautious."
you scrunched your eyebrows. "i'm sorry... it's sealed, so i figured it was safe. it's a gift for you, but if you would feel more comfortable if I took the first sip... i wouldn't mind."
"no, that's alright," alicent whispered, raising her gaze to yours. "let us share it. the seven know we need it."
you smiled sadly at her, and she returned your smile.
"count me in," aegon shouted from his place, providing comic relief for the group.
aemond glared at his brother.
“perhaps it would be best to discuss family business in private,” otto spoke to his daughter as his gaze resting upon you.
“she stays,” alicent replied, eyes now on you. “she’s clothed and she’s been seen in daylight — so she’s not aegon’s.”
“excuse—“ aegon’s voice was heard, but it was halted by a thud into his side that could be heard from behind you.
“we are seeing each other, mother,” aemond replied.
your breath caught in your throat, your gaze threatening to drift down to where aemond’s shoes were on the floor beside you. you wanted to hide — behind aemond, behind aegon, hands over your eyes — anything to escape the heavy gaze from otto hightower who seemed to loom over you.
you felt a hand on your shoulder, and your eyes snapped to it.
it was that of a woman’s.
“i am happy to have you here, dear," she spoke. "for my son, of course — but now i finally have someone to shake a bottle of pink with."
"alicent —" began otto, before he was interrupted.
"sit." alicent's order was final.
dinner in the targaryen mansion was… weird, to say the least.
okay — very weird.
not only was it weird — but it was silent. absolutely fucking silent. the type of silent that makes you nervous to swallow, lest the sound fills the entire fucking room. you couldn’t help the feeling of wiping your mouth after bite because even though the brothers were clad in black leather and walked hand in hand with debauchery, their table manners were nothing less than impeccable.
you didn’t not dare speak — hoping, praying that aemond. fuck — you’d even settle for fucking aegon to say something inappropriate at this point. anything. just fucking anything.
but there was nothing. you sat in between aemond and aegon, waiting for everyone to finish their food and for this to all be over.
the entire family dined together, except for cole — who stood guard by the door, casting a judgmental glance towards you every now and then. you had half a mind to excuse yourself and find the nearest bathroom, but aemond and aegon both looked unbothered.
that was until the door opened.
two white haired children ran through the door into the elaborate dining room.
twins. a boy and a girl.
and they ran straight for aegon.
aegon immediately pushed his chair away from the table to allow both children to run into his lap.
you sat there, stunned. you watched as aegon pulled them both into a hug, overcome with joy.
that was when aemond leaned forward, whispering into your ear.
"his children," he whispered.
"they're beautiful," you responded.
"oi! — rude manners on both of you, aye?" aegon spun in his seat, ready to introduce you to his son and daughter. "this is jaehaera and jaehaerys. say hello to uncle aemond's girlfriend."
who knew such beautiful kids could come from a handsome, yet rancid man like aegon. they were blonde, purple-eyed toddlers who had as big of a smile as their father. your eyes found aegon's face then, who... for once... looked happy. happy. actually happy.
you laughed then, and aegon joined in.
"very nice to meet you both," you smiled.
"leave her be, aegon," aemond grunted.
you side-eyed aemond and scoffed before turning back to the children. you leaned forward, placing a hand to cover the side of your mouth. purposefully, you loudly whispered to the children, "uncle aemond is very grumpy."
the children giggled and aegon joined in.
someone clear their throat from across the table. you had only been acquainted with the folk in this house for a few hours, but otto hightower had cleared his throat enough for you to be able to recognize it without seeing it. you would've rolled your eyes if you did not feel his stare burning into the side of your head.
"grandpa's grumpy, too," aegon spat, setting his children down. "take a seat children."
"aegon —" otto began.
"jaehaerys is my heir, and jaehaera is his sister," aegon spat, losing all of his joy from before. "they stay."
otto did not disagree.
"enough," aemond spat. "it is time we discuss the manner at hand."
you stayed silent as the family spoke.
"i agree, grandson — what were you thinking?" otto spat, apprently not one to wait. "a boy is dead!"
"a boy who once took my brother's eye," aegon spat. "it was an accident — but do we really need to mourn him?"
otto slammed a heavy fist onto the table. "we mourn not him, but our safety! our security! do you have any idea what this has done?"
"father..." alicent spoke, her gaze threatening to look upon the face of her father rather than straight head onto the table.
"what will lecturing me do, grandsire?" aemond spat, holding the eye contact with otto that his daughter couldn't muster. "an accident, yes — but one i do not grieve. we need to think of our next move, not waste the time before they enact theirs."
otto raised his eyebrows in disbelief, the shake of his head following in suit. with one heavy, deep breath — the closest thing otto hightower would get to a cleansing, deep breath — he finally spoke.
"his death was officially ruled an accident, even without our connections in the police department," he sighed. "it was an accident — but rhaenyra will not see it as so."
"no," alicent spoke, leaning back into her chair and sighing. she raised the glass of pink wine to her lips as she stare straight ahead, through the chairs and very walls of the mansion that stood in the path of her gaze. she looked far and wide, lost in her own aimless stare, but the answer was not there — nor was rhaenyra, nor rhaenyra's forgiveness. you saw it in alicent's eyes then — as most likely did everyone else. the realization. the torment. the guilt. the shame. the betrayal. the doom. alicent's final words were the final words on the topic of the accident, and the final nail in the coffin of lucerys velaryon. "no. rhaenyra will not."
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pommedepersephone · 10 months
You Say Potato, I Say Excellent! Or blocking, accents and legacy of morality tales in ‘The Resurrectionists’ minisode PART II
Alternate title: how Aziraphale’s naivety in this episode was supposed to make you a bit outraged
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I have to shout out to @bowtiepastabitch for their AMAZING historical analysis of this minisode - it prompted me to finish this long ramble that has been drifting in my notes. Anyway, I have a major obsession with the ways blocking and dialogue interplay in Good Omens - you can check out my analysis of the blocking in the flashbacks in S1. But The Resurrectionists is really something special. This got so long I am splitting it into two parts. 
What we see in this minisode is a morality tale - a genre of children’s literature that was extremely popular in the early 1800s where the minisode is taking place. Catch up on the historical background in Part I.
When looking at this minisode, it is really important to look at two complementary narrative tools - Crowley’s accent and the placement of Aziraphale in relation to Crowley. Through the minisode, Crowley switches between his standard English accent and a delightful Scottish accent. But the switching isn’t random!
Scottish lines =  character Demon Crowley, who moves the plot of the story along
English lines = Crowley, the moral guide leading Aziraphale
Additionally, the two of them swap sides in their blocking frequently in this episode. Their standard placement is A/R + C/L but the swap to C/R + A/L is almost the norm in this minisode.
Analyzing Blocking and Dialogue
We open in the graveyard, with Aziraphale and Crowley in their standard placement, observing the statue of Gabriel. But then they notice Elspeth, digging up a corpse. When Aziraphale approaches Elspeth to inform her that her actions are Not Good, he actually ends up swapped with Crowley and finds himself on the left because what he is doing - making moral judgments on the actions of Elspeth with no understanding of what led her here - is doing Good, not good.
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The next scene finds Crowley helping Elspeth cart the corpse away from the graveyard, while the trio debate all the other ways Elspeth could make money - Aziraphale suggests running a bookshop, farming, weaving, giving the standard Good party line about hard work blah blah blah. Aziraphale remains on the left - after all, those supposed options are completely unrealistic, unobtainable professions for someone in Elspeth's socioeconomic position. They aren't remotely helpful suggestions.
Aziraphale only finds himself back on the right when he and Crowley are introduced to Wee Morag, and have some time to listen and observe the reality of their situation.
Then, off we go to complete our journey to sell the body. Aziraphale and Crowley find themselves having a debate about morality, but Aziraphale is again ON THE LEFT as he waxes poetic about the virtues of poverty - doing Good, not good again. What I loved here was you saw the clear purpose between Crowley’s two accents as he switched mid-line -
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Crowley: (SC) Oh, I'm down with wicked! (EN) Anyway, is it wicked? She needed the money. 
Upon reaching the lodging of Mr. Dalrymple, FRCSE, Crowley and Aziraphale take their standard places but this scene has one really important moment that I want to highlight. When they open the barrel to find the rotted corpse, the look on Crowley’s face is so telling. He often finds Aziraphale’s machinations amusing even when they are annoying, but here he looks decidedly disappointed. Aziraphale might have done Good by rendering the body unsellable, but what good did it do? The body is still been un-interred. Elspeth has wasted her energy, and has made a terrible first impression of the surgeon whom she needs to pay her for her services. It looks like Crowley wants to say something, but he stops himself and clenches his jaw. The PATIENCE he is showing to Aziraphale - this is a quality that Crowley has in SPADES but we really see him exercise it here.
After the discussion with Mr. Dalrymple, in which Aziraphale realizes the importance of dissections for educating medical students and thus leading to better care for the living, he asks the right question - why should the poor have to risk death to obtain bodies? But he let's himself get sidetracked by a blatant appeal to his emotions...
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At this point, Aziraphale goes all in on body snatching being Good. Which... it still isn't because it is based on a broken system that disadvantages the poor? FOCUS, angel. He even goes as far as to offer to help Elspeth and Wee Morag in obtaining another corpse but note that again, he is on the LEFT -
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Remember, Wee Morag is deeply conflicted about the morality of body snatching, and instead of explaining anything to her (like, that having your body dissected won't keep you out of heaven would be start) Aziraphale just sort of joins Elspeth in pressuring her to join in - which is pretty awful and coercive, but gee if that isn't just heaven's playbook for doing Good, not good.
So we return to the graveyard, and this is where everything goes sideways. Aziraphale spends basically this entire sequence on the left. First, he notices the ingenuity of the grave guns but fails to acknowledge the travesty of so much energy being spent on protecting wealthy corpses while the poor suffer. Then, the tragedy strikes. After Wee Morag is shot, Aziraphale wastes time justifying saving her, resulting in her dying before he can act. And after all this, after the heart break of seeing her partner die, we see Elspeth come to the logical conclusion. If body snatching is Good, then might as well take Wee Morag off to Mr. Dalrymple, right?
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What shouldn't be overlooked is what takes place when Elspeth gets Wee Morag's body to Mr. Dalrymple. Because while Aziraphale is very clearly illustrating the dangers of black and white morality through religion, Dalrymple is showing that black and white morality through science is just as bad. Dalrymple has unshakable belief in the power of science and knowledge to alleviate human suffering and sees his work at Good. He cares about preventing illness, but ignore his role in perpetuating poverty - an unfortunate side effect of rigid belief systems of all shapes and sizes. He is downright cruel to Elspeth.
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This is already getting real long, so we won't go into the absurdist comedy of the scene in the tomb - suffice to say that the surreal nature of Crowley's bargaining with Elspeth smacks of a fantastic tales of pacts made with the devil. It's delightfully unhinged.
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The one line I think worth pointing out?
"Do I sound like a goat?"
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I think this line is key in the narrative connection between the three minisodes in S2. All three flashbacks show Crowley and Aziraphale engaging in acts of deception, but they all have important differences:
In A Companion to Owls, the two work together, and they manage to pull off the trick and evade punishment.
In Nazi Zombies from Hell, Aziraphale comes up with a plan and Crowley goes along with it, and they barely manage to evade punishment.
In The Resurrectionists, Crowley comes up with a plan and Aziraphale goes along with it, and Crowley is sucked down to hell.
I think it's worth noting just how silly Crowley is in the first two minisodes. Bildad and Scottish Crowley are FUN even when dealing real heavy shit. Just a complete joy to watch. And we never see that level of silly from him again. Whatever happened in hell was clearly really bad since the next time we see him in St. James Park he is asking for holy water. He may have moments, but he is never the same.
Questions, comments, additional thoughts? Lay them on me. I'd love to dig into new lines of inquiry on this minisode because I just love it so much <3
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caapsiizzereads · 1 year
I got your heart skippin' when I'm gone
Jamie Tartt x f!reader
Words: 2,3k
Warnings: language, author’s first attempt at writing🥴
A/n: yes, the title is, indeed, a Taylor reference.
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A glass of champagne in your hand, you are standing in the company of Frank, your boss, and a few other of your colleagues, chatting about how good of a job they did at setting up today’s event. A bunch of compliments are also directed at you and Frank for all of the work you’ve done leading up to this. You know you’re great at your job, but moments like this really make you feel fucking good about yourself. At 26, you can proudly say that you are the Assistant Creative Director for one of the biggest jewelry brands in England. And today your company is celebrating the launch of their latest collection that you’ve been working really hard on. The past couple of months have been terribly busy, Frank and you practically living at work and surviving purely on caffeine. But now it’s finally over, and you can just relax, look pretty (“absolutely stunning,” actually, to quote Frank), and sip champagne, while people are singing you well-deserved praises.
The company’s event team really knew what they were doing too. Natalie, your friend from PR, had been very pumped for the night, rambling about all the famous people coming. You briefly went through the guest list, of course, but, honestly, you were more excited about the open bar. But if one of those guests just so happened to be lovely enough, you wouldn't mind indulging in some of that either.
An hour into the party, you were done with all the formalities, and you could switch from your neat glass of champagne to a drink more worthy of a Saturday night. You’re standing by the bar, looking at your phone, when you hear a question, seemingly directed at you.
“Can I get you a drink?” Looking at you, there’s a guy, around your age, dyed blonde hair, pretty face, really nice bone structure. His face looks familiar, but you just can’t remember why.
You give him an amused smile, “You know that they are free, right?”
“And how am I supposed to be chivalrous in these conditions?” he says theatrically.
“If buying a girl a drink is your definition of chivalrous, maybe you shouldn’t even try,” you say, your voice full of sarcasm, but still a smile on your face.
He chuckles lightly and smiles at you, “I’m Jamie.” Really pretty smile too.
“Y/n,” as a force of habit you offer him your hand to shake. The gesture seems to surprise him a little bit, but he goes with it anyway, shaking your hand lightly.
The two of you settle next to each other by the bar with an easygoing chatter. You’ve been talking for about 10 minutes, when Jamie says that he’s a football player, and it finally clicks for you.
“Oh my God.” You tilt your head down and cover your eyes with your hand in embarrassment. “You’re Jamie Tartt. You were in our campaign a few months ago. Fuck, I’m so sorry. My memory, like, resets once the campaign is done and it’s not my problem anymore.”
Jamie smiles almost shyly at your realization. “No, no, it’s fine! I’m sure you go through a lot of those, can’t remember everyone.” He definitely remembered you, though. Not that he’s gonna tell you that. And a part of him is even kinda relieved that you didn’t because–
“On second thought, I do remember you. You were, like, 40 fucking minutes late.” Yeah, that. You didn’t speak to him directly that day, but the look on your face was the most passive-aggressive thing he’d ever seen. Honestly, could give Roy a run for his money. Except that your version also looked kinda hot. But he still would rather not be at the receiving end of that glare ever again.
“I’m sorry! I underestimated the traffic,” he says awkwardly. And to think that this has been going well…
You take a sip of your drink, giving him an unimpressed look.
“I’m not getting invited again, am I?”
“Well, you are on my naughty list, but I wouldn't write you off that fast. You attract a nice audience of sports fans and sportsmen fans.” Jamie can swear you have just checked him out. “And you have a nice neck, you know, makes the necklaces look good. But that’s just my professional opinion.”
You said it in the most nonchalant way, but you might have just become the first person to make Jamie Tartt flustered. He decides to push his luck some more.
“And your personal opinion?”
“That you were 40 fucking minutes late,” you deadpan.
No luck, then.
“So,” Jamie perks up again at your attempt to keep the conversation going, “did you have a match earlier today? Or is it tomorrow?”
“Yeah, it was today.”
“How was it?”
A smug smile appears on his face, “We won, 3-1.”
“Well,” you raise your glass, “cheers to that.”
Jamie clinks his glass to yours, “Cheers.” You both take a sip of your drinks.
“So you’re not into football then?” Jamie asks, once you put down your glasses.
“Nope,” with a dramatic ‘p’. “Don’t take it personally. I’m not really into any sports,” you say blithely.
The conversation keeps flowing easily between you two. 30 minutes later, you are pretty sure that you are taking this man home with you tonight. Jamie seems genuine, in a cute kind of way, (mostly unintentionally) funny, attractive, obviously, and there’s something about him that you just know that he would be such a good time. 40 minutes later, you even consider letting him stay for breakfast. 45 minutes later, however, you start feeling a slight headache, but fuck if you will let it ruin your night, so you decide to just ignore it and hope it will take a hint and go away.
No such luck. The universe must truly hate you, because about an hour and a half into your conversation with Jamie you feel like someone is kicking your skull from the inside. You’ve tried to ignore it to the best of your ability, but this party suddenly isn’t any fun anymore. Fuck. Your. Life. You are aware that Jamie is saying something, his voice being a steady background noise, but you don’t have a clue what he just said because all you can focus on is a throbbing pain in your head. That’s when you know that you should just give up and go home.
Jamie notices your attention slipping away and your smile faltering as he speaks. Then you look away for a moment before looking back at him with a smile, saying that it was nice talking to him and wishing him a good night. You get up from your seat and start walking away before he can even process what has just happened.
You’re putting on your coat when you see Jamie quickly walking up to you with a concerned expression on his face. “Did I say something wrong? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean–”
You don’t let him finish, “No, no, no! You’re good.” Jamie keeps looking at you with an obvious question on his face. “It’s just–,” you gesture at your head with a circling motion, “my head is fucking killing me. So I'm gonna go home, take some Ibuprofen and pray it goes away.”
Jamie’s face changes from concern to understanding. You think that this is it, so you turn to leave, but then he speaks up again. “I can give you a ride?” It was more of a question than a statement.
“No, it’s fine. Really. I’ll just get an uber.”
“It really is no problem. Come on,” he’s looking at you expectantly.
You think on it for a moment and give him an evaluating look. “I’m not inviting you in.”
“Oh. No! I didn’t mean it like that! I was really just–”
“Relax. I was just making sure you don’t have any false hopes.”
“Nope, no false hopes here.”
“Good,” you nod at him.
You walk to his car and Jamie opens the door for you. He sees you smiling at him approvingly.
“See, now you’re being chivalrous,” you say playfully before getting in the car. Jamie closes the door after you and gives himself a moment to blush in privacy. After starting the car, he turns the volume on the radio all the way down and opens a window a little bit for you. You lean back in your seat and give him a small smile, “Thanks.”
Your talk on the way home consists mostly of you giving Jamie the directions and his attempts on small talk.
“Do you get them a lot?”
“No, not really. Only when it’s the least convenient apparently.”
“Maybe it’s because you–“
“If you’re about to say that it’s because I don't drink enough water, I'm jumping out of this car at full speed.”
Jamie’s mouth opens, closes, and opens again. “Actually, I was going to say…” he pauses again.
You raise your eyebrows at him, prompting him to go on.
“I was going to say… that it’s probably because of your hard work schedule, yeah. You know, having to deal with people being 40 minutes late and everything.” He throws a glance at you, checking if he’s managed to save the situation.
That makes you chuckle, despite the pain it causes. “You know what, I think you might be right.”
Soon, you’re parked by your building. “Thanks for the ride. It was really nice to meet you,” you say, before opening the car’s door.
“Yeah, you too,” he smiles at you.
Jamie spends another minute parked by your building. It’s only after you disappear from his view that he realizes that he hasn’t even gotten your number. He sighs and bumps his head against the steering wheel.
Meanwhile, you’re just glad to finally get your hands on some painkillers and flop on the couch, waiting for your head to stop throbbing. But an hour later, when you feel like a person again, your mind goes back to Jamie. You really liked him, huh. Hypothetically, you can look up the paperwork for the campaign he did, and his contact information should be there. Realistically, you should probably just let it go.
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On Monday everything goes back to normal. After the workload that you had to deal with before the launch, the lack of a hundred points on your to-do list and constant burning deadlines almost feels like a vacation. And judging by the laid-back atmosphere at the office, you’re not the only one who feels this way.
You go out for lunch with Natalie, and after she’s done catching you up on all the fresh gossip, she can’t help but ask about your chat with Jamie Tartt. You tell her that’s exactly what it was, just a chat at the party.
She looks at you like she knows something you don’t. “That’s interesting. Because Keeley Jones, you know, from KBPR, called me earlier today to ask for your number.”
You give her a look that says “is this supposed to mean anything to me?”
Natalie dramatically rolls her eyes like it couldn’t be more obvious, “KBPR represents Jamie Tartt!”
Now it’s your turn to roll your eyes.
“Excuse me, have you seen yourself in that dress? I totally would ask for your number too.”
You smirk at her, “You have my number.”
“And now so does Keeley Jones. All I’m saying is, if you’re not interested, let him down easily. ‘Cause I'm totally planning on using him for more campaigns. Have you seen those hands?! They were meant to put rings on them. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if you–”
You start cackling before she can even finish.
It’s just after 6pm and you’re getting in your car when your phone rings, you don’t recognize the number.
“Hi! (Y/n) (Y/l/n)?”
“That’s me.”
“Hi! It’s Keeley Jones, from KBPR. Natalie gave me your number.”
“Right, she mentioned. How can I help you?”
“It’s more of a social call, actually. Jamie asked me to ask for your number. You know, Jamie Tartt, the footballer? He said you met at the brand party the other night.”
You smile to yourself, “Yeah, no, I remember him.”
“I was just gonna check if it’s okay with you?”
“Yeah, it’s fine. Thanks for asking me first, though.”
“Of course!”
Keeley then congratulates you on your launch, and you tell her that she should totally come to the next one.
Not even an hour later, another call, another unknown number.
“Hi. It’s Jamie. Tartt. We met–”
“I know. Did you ask Keeley to ask Natalie for my number?” you ask teasingly.
“Maybe…? The alternative was to wait for you outside your building, but that would be creepy.”
“Yeah, better not do that.“
“Right. Uh, how’s your head?”
You chuckle at the question, “It’s fine.”
“Good, that’s good.”
“Mhm,” an amused smile is growing on your face.
“So… I was gonna ask, do you want to, I mean, if you’re not busy, maybe we could go out for dinner?” You can easily tell that he’s nervous, it’s quite cute actually.
“Alright,” the easiest yes you have ever said.
“Yeah?” Jamie wants to smack himself in the face for how hopeful that came out.
You chuckle again, “Yeah.”
“Cool. Uh, are you free tomorrow?”
“I can do tomorrow.”
“Fucking mint. I will pick you up? At seven?” You can hear the excitmenet in his voice.
“Okay,” he grins.
“See you tomorrow then,” and if you’re smiling then there’s no witnesses and no one will prove anything.
“Yeah, see you,” and if he’s grinning like an idiot then it’s no one’s business.
“Oh, and Jamie?”
“Don’t be fucking late.”
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ultralightpoe · 9 months
Full House lll - Eddie Munson
Authors Note: Omg. Me? Staying on schedule? Never.
Word Count: 10112
Warnings: None? Idk.
Part One HERE and Part Two HERE
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(Thank you for the gif @psychecreations )
“When’s the first doctors appointment?” Nancy asks, walking up to where you were currently standing at your jobs wait station. You jump, dropping the order pad you had been scribbling in as you turn to find her leaning on the wall. 
“What? Why are you here?” 
“I was craving chicken and didn’t want to hear Steves kfc imitation. So we decided to come here.” She smiles, rubbing her stomach ever so slightly. “Plus it meant I got to check on you.” 
“Oh I’m fine.” You lie, forcing a smile on your face as she narrows her eyes. 
It’s been 4 days since the Christmas fiasco, and 4 days since you realized Eddie was leaving. You tried to pick yourself back up the day of Christmas but ended up telling everyone that you were really sick and should shut the party down early. They had all gone to Steves and you were truly embarrassed to think of what they might have been saying about you. 
God, did you have to ruin everything you touched? 
“You never answered my question.” 
“Oh? I was just sick. It’s not a serious bug or anything. I just didn’t want to get you guys sick on Christmas. That would have been bad” you lie again, feeling a coiling feeling in your gut. “Why don’t you go sit?” 
“Y/n, girl I love you. But you’re showing.” 
“Am not.” 
“Are too. Especially in this waitressing uniform.” It was true. Normally the old school 70s uniform fit you like a glove, falling just to your thighs and it made tips so much easier. Right now? It was on the tighter side…… which made tips even easier because your boobs looked great but you felt terrible about everything. 
“Does he know?” Nancy asks, and you have to stop yourself from telling her or shove off. After a moment of silence she seems to take that for an answer. “Y/n….. Eddie needs to know.” 
“Why? So I can trap someone else?” You laugh bitterly. “That poor guy has already put up with enough of my shit. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go grab tables.” 
You walk past her, not giving her a chance to argue as you completely avoid looking to their tables direction and move to your own section of the floor to greet a new table. 
Pam, one of your favorite regulars, sees you and greets you with a smile. “You never work Friday nights!” 
You always spent Friday nights with Eddie and the girls for movie night. But Eddie ran and you needed to make rent so tonight Max was watching them. 
“Starting now I will be. You want your usual babe?” 
“You know it!.” She giggles. 
Steve tried saying bye before they left and you pretended you didn’t see him as you took orders, by the end of the night your feet were killing you and you all but limped inside to where Max was sitting at the table doing college homework with her headphones on. 
Either she didn’t have them loud or she was on edge, your guess being a bit of both, she knows you're there and turns to you when you enter the kitchen. 
“Thank you so much Max.” You mumble, pulling out the tip money you had set aside for her. “I’m sorry I ran late.” 
“No need to pay.” She smiles, pushing the money away. “I like spending time with them.” 
That tight feeling in your stomach is back, digging in as you stare at the redhead. She had been part of the reason you chose Hawkins, Billy had (in one of his rare good moments) described the way Max seemed to blend in and find a home here. He told you about the friends she made and how she managed to grow into a brave person and you wanted that for your own. So, assuming she was gone, you moved out here. Little did you know you find her soon enough along with an entire group of people connected to your ex. 
You had always been told max was dead. 
Max had always been told Billy was dead. 
You didn’t know how she figured you out until Eddie told you about VECNA and Lucas told you about his girlfriends sight for things. 
“I…. I saw the tickets.” She admits, blush traveling her cheeks as you move to make a cup of tea. The cupboard was still broken and you couldn’t bear to look at it. 
“What tickets?” 
“You left your folder out on the table. I saw that you were figuring out where to go.” Max admits and you can’t help but tense. 
“I just….. I don’t want the girls being surrounded by…..” 
“Yes…..” you admit, still keeping your back to her as you boil water. “And Eddie. I just don’t want them knowing that he left them. They adore him too much.” 
Coward. Coward. COWARD. 
“I’m not a mom, but I can get your urge to protect them.” Max mumbles. “But what if they end up hating you for taking them away.” 
“Then they have someone to blame. I’d rather them blame me than themselves. It is my fault anyways.” You admit, tears springing into your eyes. “Anyways. Take the money, go have fun.” 
“Do you need me again this week? I saw that you work on New Year’s Eve.” 
“No. You should be going out with your friends.” 
“The boys have a start of the year campaign and El is taking a trip with Hopper. I’m free.” She laughs, trying to break the tension built up. “I’ll be here at 2.” 
You can’t get the words thank you out because of how tight your throat is, so you just mouth them as she grabs the money and passes. 
Steve could not stop laughing when he saw Eddie’s face the day he brought the car into the shop, leaning over on his knees to catch his breath as he wheezed out. 
Dylan, the other mechanic, kept looking over to watch the scene unfold as Eddie tried to focus on his friends car. 
“Dude I know- it’s just that your face is so purp-hahaha.” Another fit of laughter and Eddie is debating throwing his drill at him. He was in no shape to be dealing with him today. 
Truth was Eddie had barely gotten a wink of sleep, he couldn’t manage to. Not used to not having you beside him, or not having the girls night light and soft lullabies. It had been 5 days since he saw you and he was beginning to lose his mind and resolve. 
Almost every night he nearly talked himself into going back, then he remembered Motleys broken cries as they carted him off and the way she clung to your hip. The way she screamed for her dad as Eddie attacked him. 
Monster monster monster. 
“Gotta give it to Hargrove. He knows how to punch.” 
“Yeah well, hope he had his fun.” Eddie snaps, leaning back to make sure he adjusted the part correctly. 
“Did you get him back?” 
“I got a few licks in.” Eddie mumbles, feeling guilty about the pride that washes over him as he remembers the way he beat Billy's face in. That was motleys dad. As much as he enjoyed hitting him he probably just scarred the Metalhead for life. 
“Oh a few licks.” Steve scoffs, moving to take a seat on the stool at Eddie’s workstation. “I know how strong you are Munson. You got more than a few licks in.” 
“I shouldn’t have.” 
“Why the hell not?” 
“Because Motley was right there! She’s gonna hate me forever.” Eddie scoffs. 
“Oh you mean more than they already do?” This pulls Eddie’s attention, he had been doing so good about not asking but he was dying to know. What had they said? Were they happy he’s gone? Mad that he fought Billy? 
“What’d they say?” 
“Not much of anything. Nancy knows something is up but your girl is keeping her lips sealed pretty well. I didn’t even know about your fight with jackass until I saw your face.” 
“But you said they were mad.” 
“Yeah man, you missed Christmas and just dipped. Leaves a bad impression.” 
“Oh whatever. They are better off, I just ruin everything.” 
“Oh. My. God.” Steve gasps, looking at Eddie like he’s figured everything out. “You’re self sabotaging!” 
“Yeah! You think you’re the bad guy and so you’re trying to run away which is just making you even more of a bad guy which means my wife can stop threatening to shave your head.” 
“I….. no man you don’t get it.” 
“I do get it. I get it more than anyone else and let me be the first to tell you that you’re being a massive idiot.” He sighs, standing up. “Motley was waiting by that window to spot you that entire day.” 
“S……she was?” 
“Yeah Munson. She was.” 
“I just….. I don’t want to be the one holding them back. I don’t want her to hate me.” 
“Did you ever think that maybe Motley chose you? Like you chose Wayne?” Steve asks, watching Eddie deflate before his eyes before turning to the car. “I’m not paying by the way. Consider my advice enough.” 
Eddie spends the day of New Year’s Eve by the phone, fighting the urge to call. 
What would he say? How would he explain? 
No. Don’t call. This is for the better. 
Yes. Call. Just pick the phone just for the chance to hear your voice. 
God damn when did life get so complicated?
“What are you doing?” Wayne asks, watching eddie from his spot on the couch. “Quit wearing down my carpet.” 
The carpet has been worn down since Eddie had moved in, but he chooses not to comment instead he sits by the phone, keeping his pinky on the handle of the plastic and glaring at it. 
“You expecting a call?” 
“No.” Eddie groans, rubbing his chest to try and relieve some of the pain built up. God he missed you guys. “Fuck. I’m gonna go smoke.” 
He rushes to the back porch before Wayne could argue, hearing the old man laugh as he slams the door. 
There is a dog out there when he exits, chewing on a stick found from the trees and sitting right by the fence. Upon looking a little closer he sees that the dog actually seems caught under the fence, like he was trying to sneak in. 
“Jesus.” He murmurs, keeping the joint between his lips as he walks up, socked feet stepping on sticks and stones making him grunt out and try walking on his tippy toes. 
He looks back with a smile, expecting a giggle from one of the girls at his weird walk before he realizes he’s alone. Shit. 
The dog is panting patiently when Eddie comes up, and the man reaches a hand to let him sniff before moving to help. The dog chooses to kiss at his arm, tongue lapping at the skin as Eddie lifts the fence to try and help free him. 
“Why you sneaking in pal?” He grunts, bending the fence. “You hungry?” 
Within moments the dog is out, jumping up and kissing at his face for being rescued. “God. Motley would love you.” 
“Shhhhh Ziggy.” Motley whispers to her baby sister, pulling her closer to the corner. The way daddy eddie set up her room was perfect. 
He had put her bed in the center which left a small corner by her nightstand hidden from the door. 
Over the past week she had looked for Daddy Eddie’s number, finding it sprawled under the label emergency numbers where he had written it under Wayne. 
It was so weird that Daddy Eddie called his dad Uncle Wayne. Adults were so confusing. 
Before you had left for your shift that night you made sure to wish Motley a happy new year and made her promise to behave. Little did you know that she had crossed her fingers behind her back. 
The second you were gone she dashed to grab the closest phone, pulling it into her room and hiding it as Max struggled to cook nuggets for dinner. 
Later that night when Auntie Max was reading on the couch Motley tiptoed to Ziggys room before sneaking her sister out of her crib and tip toeing back as Ziggy giggles happily. 
“Sissy…” She giggles, pulling at Motleys cheeks happily. “Zigsy.” 
“No your Ziggy silly. I’m motley.” She corrects as she shuffles with her sister in an awkward half hold half walk carry until they are in the corner. “Okay Ziggy. Sissy needs your help. You remember the plan?” 
“Oh boy…..”
The phone rings late, and Eddie sits up in the couch to lean his upper body to answer it, stressed and annoyed. 
The stray dog lifts their head, huffing at being woken up and tilting to hear, one ear shooting up. “Easy Zeppelin.” 
The dog barks, and Eddie likes to think he enjoyed the name as he picks the phone up. “Munson residence.” 
God it felt weird saying that again.
“DADDY!” Motley whispers, sounding scared. Eddie is instantly up, standing on his feet and swiping at his face to wake up a little more. 
“Motley? What’s wrong baby?”
“Someone’s trying to get in daddy.” 
“Get in where? Where are you?” He’s already reaching for his keys, heart beating through his ears as his hands shake. 
“We’re at home.” She whines. 
“Where’s mommy?” 
“At work!” Fuck. “Okay. Okay. Just hide. Just like daddy told you, remember? If anything happens, hide. You know where Ziggy is?” 
“She’s with me.” 
“Good girl. Get under your bed or in your closet. I’ll be right there.” He mumbles, calling out to Wayne to grab the phone before booking it out of the trailer. 
He gives no time for the van to warm up, tearing out of the trailer park so quickly he’s sure he hit someone’s patio chair, mumbling under his breath a panicked “fuckfuckfuck” 
The van is uneven as Eddie pulls in quickly, shifting gears to park so hard it makes a grinding sound before he is swinging the door open and tearing out. His feet hit the gravel before the grass as he rushes to the front door, using his shoulder to shove it open harshly. 
A scream tears out in to the air at his entrance before a book is thrown at him which makes him yell out at whoever is in the house. 
“MAXINE?!” He snaps, blinking at her. “What the fuck you doing?” 
“What am I doing?! What are you doing?! You physco!”
“Motley said that someone was trying to break in!” 
“I put Motley to bed an hour ago.” Max grunts, confusion lacing her features. 
“You’re babysitting?” 
“But her car is in the front.”  Eddie felt like he was going crazy. “And since when does she work nights?!” 
“Her car wouldn’t start so she took the bus today.” Max sighs, rolling her eyes. “And she needs extra cash. Probably for the plane tickets to get out of here.”
“Tickets out of….” Before Eddie can process her words any further there is a small pair of eyes looking around the corner drawing his attention. 
Ziggy moves quickly, coming around the corner with a very excited giggle, walking to him as fast as her little feet would allow. “Da-Ed-ay!”
“Hey there baby girl.” He smiles, picking her up and swooping her into his arms to kiss all over her face. It was odd, just how much he missed this and it seemed like she had gotten so much bigger in the 4 days he missed. 
“I swear to god I put her to bed. How did she get out of her crib?!” Max glares, right as the culprit behind it all comes rushing out to run at Eddie. 
“I knew you’d come! I knew it daddy!” She giggles, running at him and throwing her arms around him tightly. “You came back!” 
“Motley?” He starts, brain beginning to process what she was saying. “Did you…. Lie to get me here?” 
“I did!” She smiles, peering up at him with big doe eyes. “I lied daddy! And now you’re here and you can take all my Barbie’s!” 
“If you know lying is bad and you’ll get punished, why did you do it?” He asks, pulling her off before squatting to her level. “Metal head, that was very dangerous-“ 
A gust of air leaves him as her arms wrap around his neck tightly, tears springing from her eyes. “I don’t want you to be mad at me anymore.” 
“Motley I’m not mad, that was just dangerous and it scare-“ 
“No! About Billy. I’m sorry daddy.” His heart plummets, his brain racking to figure out what she was talking about. Why was she sorry? 
“No. No I’m sorry.” He sighs, turning to see Max staring at them intently. “Hey max. Think you can take Ziggy for a moment?” 
“Sure thing mop head.” The redhead scoops Ziggy up causing the young toddler to scream and kick, reaching chubby fingers out for Eddie. As much as he wanted to take her back he had to focus on Motley. 
“Come sit.” He nods his head, leading her to the kitchen table sitting in the chair beside hers and angling it so they were facing. “Listen….. Daddy ha- Well I have been feeling really bad about Christmas Eve. I never meant to do that, or to attack your dad in front of you.” 
“I owe you a big apology for that Motley. And I don’t know what you’re feeling sorry about, pretty girl, but it’s not your fault and you have no reason to be sorry.” He murmurs, swiping the tears that fall from her cheek. “You have done nothing wrong.” 
“I told Billy he couldn’t come for Christmas Daddy!” She blurts, her tears hit against his thumb as he keeps swiping her cheek. “I’m sorry!” 
“No no no. You don’t be sorry.” He moves to pick her up, sitting her on his lap with her face pressed into his chest as he rubs his palm over her hair to try and soothe her. “Let’s just take a deep breath, okay? Then you can tell me what happened.” 
There’s something coiling in his gut at her tears. Pain, anger, sadness. He truly could not tell, but he kept her close and rocked her back and forth to let her cry. When she finally calmed down enough to talk she started telling him. 
“He was really mean daddy. And he kept t-telling me that y-you we’re gonna replace me-“ her body racks with sobs again. “He said you didn’t want me. A-and I was upset! But he w-was mean to you-“ 
“Easy.” He whispers, wiping her cheek once more. “You gotta breathe pretty girl.” 
“He was m-mean. Said mean things about you daddy and mean things ab- I’m sorry! I-“ her sobbing gets worse and Eddie shushes her, choosing to rock her back and forth and keep her in his tight embrace. “And you w-were ma-you were madatme.” 
“No no. I was never mad.” He sighs. “Daddy was never mad at you.” 
“You were.” 
“No, I was just scared. I…. Daddy didn’t want you hating him.” Eddie explains. “I just wanted to give you space. Having 2 dads is confusing. I didn’t want to make it worse.” 
“He hit you.” 
“Did he ever hit you motley?” Eddie asks sternly, squeezing her a bit in comfort. 
“He spanked me.” That feeling in his stomach settled on rage. 
“That’s not fair. And you shouldn’t have had to go through that.” 
“Please don’t leave again.”  As much as he wanted to promise her that he wouldn't, that wasn’t a promise he could make. You probably hated him, and he would have to talk this out with you first. 
“Let’s get you to bed yeah? Daddy will tuck you in.” 
“I want mama.” 
“Well she’s at work.” He mumbles against her hair. 
“Can we go get milkshakes?” 
“I don’t know…..” it was almost 10. Then again it was New Year’s Eve and he didn’t want you taking the bus home so this would give him an excuse to go pick you up. “Only if they have chocolate.” 
“You already know they have chocolate!” She giggles, and he can’t stop the way his heart seems to light up. 
It was a busy night, and the smell of the jalapeno nachos all your tables were ordering was making you nauseated and angry. You wanted to throw up, maybe cry, maybe throw up then cry. 
Apparently a town next to Hawkins lost power so a bunch of people were driving to this place to have a good new years which meant you were going to be stuck here forever. You found yourself stressing about the bus’ schedule as you dashed to run food. 
This is what you had been doing when you spotted him. Running a tray of jalapeño nachos to your table, keeping it a safe distance from your nose as you thought about the fact that you might have to walk, and there he was. 
Standing in the doorway, leather jacket and wide eyes, as you caught him looking for you. And he was holding Ziggy. 
What the fuck Maxine?! 
“Y/n get a move on!” Your manager calls and you snap out of it, moving to deliver the tray as the host seats Eddie. 
You hear Motley call out “mommy!” And instantly knew that they would now be sat in your section. Did it make you a bad mother if you admitted you would rather die than face him tonight? 
“Mama!” Your daughter calls, making you look over as she slides in, Eddie sitting right next to her and then you are forced to confront this. You should have learned about birth control. Better yet maybe you should have practiced the art of condoms more.  
Thinking of all the ways you could have prevented this situation as you gaze at your daughters adorable smiling face. God she was beautiful….. still should have used a condom. 
“What a surprise. I could have sworn I left you guys with Max.” You try to smile, avoiding looking at Eddie as Ziggy reaches for you. You grab her gently, bouncing her on your hip and she starts playing with your hair clip. 
“I got daddy!” Motley admits proudly, pointing to Eddie which makes you look at him. Your heart thumping against your chest, adrenaline rushing through you as he stares at you with those god damn brown eyes. 
“Munson.” You greet, turning back to Motley. “Girls, stay in the booth for a moment. Okay? I’m gonna talk to him outside.” 
You walk off after that, leaving Eddie no choice but to follow as he jumps up and runs to catch up. The winter hair hits you, and you immediately wrap your arms around yourself to keep some of the warmth, the crappy waitress outfit doing nothing for you. 
The second you hear your name fall from his lips you whirl, slapping him in the chest to push him back. “What the fuck is the matter with you munson?!” 
“I…. Give me a moment to explain, please.” 
“Explain?! EXPLAIN?!” A bitter laugh splits from your lips. “Look. I get it. My life was a bit too messy and fucked up, I’d run too. But you bringing the girls here is just making it worse. You’re going to get their hopes and it’s gonna crush them.” 
“Too messy? Who said anything about it being too messy?” 
“WHY ELSE WOULD YOU RUN?!” Your voice raises louder than you thought it would, but you don’t back down. “And I don’t appreciate you talking to my daughters without me. Now I gotta tell them-“ 
The words ‘my daughters’ sound wrong, and you can’t fight the disgust that coats you as you trail off, eyes widening as he stares back at you with a set jaw. “I just mean….. I get why you left okay? My life is chaos and you were really nice for staying and pretending like it was fine. But those girls…. They can’t know you left cause of that. I was hoping, as shitty as it sounds, that after a couple years they’d forget. Y’know?” 
You are swiping at your cheeks as tears stream down your face, trying not to look at him. You catch him moving up, his hands outstretched, but you move backwards so he can’t grab you. “Eds. Y-you should just go. Okay? It’ll be fine.” 
“No it won’t-“ 
“It will. I’ll be fine. I won’t be mad-“ then his arms are around you, pulling you in quickly as he shoves your head into his chest and you get to inhale his scent once more. Doing your best not to outright sob. 
“I was the mess.” He blurts. “I was scared, okay? I was scared that Billy was gonna turn everyone against me, and I was scared that I ruined Motleys Christmas.” 
You scoff, trying to pull away, not really believing the excuse. Before you can fully move he wraps an arm around your waist, his other hand moving to your jaw to drag your eyes up to his own. “I was scared. I was a coward.” 
“No buts. I didn’t leave cause I thought you were a mess, baby I think you’re perfect and your daughters are so fucking precious to me. I…. You really thought I was running cause I couldn’t handle it?” 
“I just-“ 
“Y/n!” Your boss calls from the door, looking exasperated. “You gettin sick again? Need to go? Or you wanna get paid so you can afford maternity leave?” 
You tense again under Eddie’s touch, stomach curling as you try and take a step back while Eddie’s brows knit in confusion before he turns to glare at your boss. “She’s sick.” 
“Fine. Take her home. Just have to transfer tables.” The man snaps, turning to walk back in before Eddie is whirling on you. 
“Am I crazy or did he just say maternity leave?” 
“Eddie….” You sigh, feeling saliva build up as you panic. He watches you, taking a step back just as you lean forward to puke. 
The car ride is silent. Not the serene kind of quiet and more so the anxiety inducing type. 
You had no clue what to say to him at this point. Suddenly everything just seemed to….. silly. You’re reaction and his reaction. You should have just called. Why hadn’t you called? 
No, he should have called. 
You were being a decent person and giving him space and “mama?” 
“Can I sleep with you and daddy tonight?” 
“Ya!” Ziggy yells, making Eddie chuckle under his breath as he leans to turn the heater in the car up. It had been forever since you had ridden in this van, since he deemed it unacceptable to drive the girls around in since it lacked seatbelts or a backseat. Even now everytime he braked he means a hand out to block the girls even with Ziggy in your lap. 
“I don’t know…” 
“Please! Please please.” 
“We will talk about it when we get home.” 
Only there was no talking about it, the second you got home with the girls Motley ran to throw away her to go milkshake cup then dashed to your bed quickly which turned into a screaming fit when you tried to tell her no. 
The word condom just kept circling your mind as you finally just told her to lay down, she did so and Ziggy soon made her appearance to crawl onto the bed. 
Eddie takes off his shoes. Moving to lay with the girls as you turn off one of the lights so the room was dark enough for them to fall asleep, and then you shuffle to the bathroom to shower before bed so you didn’t smell like grease and beer. 
It wasn’t even 10 minutes before you heard the door open and shut softly, you turn already knowing he is heading for the shower and watch as the curtain opens lightly. 
Normally he would jump right in like he belonged there which would make you laugh, tonight he had a questioning gaze, trying not to over step. You give him a small nod and then the curtain is pushed aside and he dives in, still in his shirt and jeans. 
“Edward-“ you warn before his lips are on yours in a searing kiss. He keeps one hand on your jaw to keep your lips connected as his other wraps around your back to keep you close as the water runs over both of you getting his clothes soaked. By the time you pull back he’s already working his way down your neck with kisses as you earn him again “clothes.” 
The hand holding your jaw moves to cover your mouth quickly as he peers at you, giving you a fake angry expression that has you laughing. “Do not wake our kids.” He whispers before stepping back to undress. 
The jeans take a moment to shuck off since they were wet but the second he is free Eddie dives for you again, showing up just how much he missed you. 
You sit with him on the floor of the kitchen by the fridge, using the light above the oven as your only source of light while you both snack, keeping cuddled together in nothing but your robes. 
Nothing has been said yet, and you were just fine with that, exhausted and happy that he was there. But he has to ruin it, of course he does. 
“I’m still sorry.” He murmurs, scraping the cream of one side of an Oreo using the empty side. 
“I am too. I think we’re both incredibly stupid right now.” 
“You’re telling me.” He blushes. “I just…. There was a time in my life when I hated Uncle Wayne. I had this image in my mind that he was trying to tear me away from my dad. Fuck I just wanted to be with my dad, I looked up to him whether he beat me or not and- the way I treated Wayne and the way I hated him….. my dad didn’t help, everytime I went back with him my mom and I just ended right back up at Wayne’s with more bruises than last time. And when she passed I was the only one there to inflict it. Wayne for him arrested and I swore my world was ending, swore I would never talk to Wayne again.” 
“You thought that was what was going on with Motley? That she felt like you were tearing her and her dad apart?” 
“Yes and no. I just was trying to prevent that from happening, I didn’t want her to have to experience that choice.” He whispers, picking at the robe. “I just wanted to protect her.” 
“She wanted to protect you too.” You whisper back. “That’s love.” 
“Billy told her that…. That I was gonna try and replace her.” He gulps, and you stop smiling instantly. “And now that you’re pregnant, and as happy as I am because I am so happy, I need to make sure she knows that I’m not trying to replace her.” 
“We’ll make it work.” You mumble, laying your head on his shoulder. “We always do” 
He hums out, laying his head on top of yours and sitting in the silence for a moment before you break it once more. “Where are your rings?” 
“Haven’t worn them since I got arrested.” He answers, holding up his bare hands. “My fingers were too bruised and swollen at first, then I just couldn’t care to put them on.” 
“Let’s go to bed..” 
“Give me five more minutes.” He whispers, turning his head to kiss your own, keeping his nose pressed into your hair. 
“I just…. I just want to be near you for a little longer.” 
The sun peaks through the curtains, hitting Eddie right in the face which in return makes him groan out, moving the pillow around to try and block it. I’m his attempt to move Ziggy wiggles around, giving a displeased noise that her dad woke her up from sleeping before moving to lay right on his chest. 
Motley does not move an inch, mouth wide open and eyes sealed shut, Eddie has to reach a hand out to poke her and make sure she’s not dead. 
She wrinkles her nose, moving closer and shoving her face in your pillow, staying peacefully asleep. 
You’re sitting at the edge of the bed, and he can only blink at you trying to straighten his eyesight as he watches you zip up your work boots. (For some reason I imagine go go boots with the 70s look. I don’t know guys. I….. I have no clue). 
“You going to work?” He blurts, making you jump. 
“Sorry, yeah. Max will be here soon to watch the girls. We agreed on it last night before I left.” You mumble, moving to grab your apron. 
“I can watch em….” He whispers, staring at you. The way the sun from the window hits you makes you look angelic. 
“Okay.” You smile, moving to kiss Motley and Ziggys heads before you move to walk away. Fully offended Eddie snatches your hand and draws you back, annoyed at the shit eating grin on your face. 
“Baby,” he whines making you let out a small laugh and lean down to kiss his lips before rushing to leave. 
He lays with the girls for a little longer making sure the blanket is covering all three of them before the day truly has to start and he forces himself to get up. Setting Ziggy down without waking her up was a difficult task but he managed, shuffling to the bathroom to change into todays clothes, thankful that he no longer has to wear all the shit clothes he left at Wayne’s when he originally moved out. 
Upon exiting the bathroom he nearly trips over Motley, who had been sitting in front of the door. “What are you doing Metalhead?” 
“You took forever…” she whines, wrapping herself around his calf which makes him smile. “I wanna stay with you.” 
“Okay,” he answers, moving down to peel her off his leg and letting her climb up for a piggy back. “You’re gonna help me make breakfast then.” 
“We’ll just have to wait and see.” He smirks, walking down the hall as the front door opens to reveal Max. 
“Hey. Sorry I’m late.” She rushes out, face red from running. “I woke up a little late and-“ 
“It’s no problem. I’m here if you had other things to do.” Eddie offers. “Or you can stay and have some breakfast?” 
“Sounds great. I’m kinda ignoring the rest of the group right now.” She explains, setting her bag down and following them into the kitchen. Eddie gets Max set up at the table, trying to set Motley with her but the girl wiggles and whines so he allows her to stay. 
He listens to Max rant about the group as he moves around to make waffles, enjoying the easy feeling he gets being here. God why did he ever leave home? 
“-And Lucas is just always set out to fight Erica. You’d think he had a crush on Dustin and wanted to date him. You know? I get it, your baby sister starts dating your closest friend. A little weird. But get over it!” 
“I think Uncle Dustin and Auntie Erica are so cute!” Motley adds which makes Eddie chuckle a bit. 
“Lucas is upset because he always thought they were in agreement that Erica was annoying.” He explains, bending down to set Motley down and bring the food to the table. “But it’s been months. Time to move on.” 
“Exactly!” Max sighs right as Ziggy comes pounding in with an angry look.
“Alone….” She whines and Eddie smiles at her. “Aweee did you wake up alone? My poor little baby.” He coos, picking her up and bringing her close to kiss before setting her on his lap to help her eat. He already knew she would not be into the high chair based on the way even Motley was clinging to him. 
Even now, as she used a spoon to shove waffles in her mouth, she kept a hand on his own arm to keep him close. 
“I’m gonna work on mamas car today.” He explains. “I’ll be right outside. So maybe you girls can stay in here and keep Max company.” 
“I wanna stay with you.” Motley whines, giving him puppy dog eyes. 
“No it’s too cold. You stay in here. Okay?” And then Eddie gave her his puppy dog eyes. Oh yeah, can’t beat dads game. 
She groans and looks at Max who smiles in return. “I’ve been practicing my barbie voices just for you.” 
“Fine! But barbie is married to G.I. Joe! Ken is the villain. We’re not arguing about it again.” 
“But isn’t it Barbie and Ken? Wouldn’t Joe be the villain?” 
“Maxine.” Motley warns, slamming her tiny hand on the table. 
“Fine. Got it.” 
It didn’t last long. 
Eddie had put on his mechanic suit, trying to keep warm as he took a look at what was going on with your car. 15 minutes in Motley came out wearing her snowsuit and smiling. “Look daddy! I can help!” 
“I thought I said to stay inside-“ a laugh breaks out when she takes off the hood of the snow suit to reveal that she tied a bandana over her head like a hat. “That’s not how you tie it. Come here.” 
He helps her tie it like his, telling her to sit a little closer to the grass as he keeps working, making sure the radio is on a station she would like as he does so. 
By the time you get home she is making snow angels in the snow of the lawn as he curses under his breath. 
“What’s going on?” You ask, making him jump and hit his head on the hood of your car. “Oh! I’m so sorr-“ 
“It’s good. I’m good.” He laughs, letting you fuss over him anyways. He takes his chance to kiss at you before you are pulling back. 
“You are covered in car nastiness-“ 
“You mean grease and oil?” He laughs, keeping you trapped in his arms to rub his cheek on your shoulder. You yell out playfully, still trying to escape as he does so. 
“Does this mean you guys are good?” Steve appears, dustin behind him. “Are you done being mad at me Y/n?”
“I was never mad at you!” Eddie keeps his arms around you as you turn to look at Steve, making sure Motley is good. 
“Yes you were. I waved at you the other night and you completely ignored me.” 
“I didn’t see you wave.” You reply and Eddie can’t help but laugh. 
“I called your name!”
“It was a busy restaurant, how am I supposed to hear everything.” You scoff, pulling from Eddie’s arms and flipping your hair. “Come on Motley. Let’s go inside.” 
“Just admit you saw me wave!” Steve groans, following you to the door before Motley turns to shove him and close the door in his face. “Rude!” 
“Steve, did you just get beat up by a kid?” Dustin laughs. 
“It’s Eddie’s kid. Does that count?” 
“My kids are great!” 
Things took a moment to get back to normal, but that was to be expected. 
Eddie found the folder of all your research on places to go, running his fingers over the math you sprawled across the pages to figure out how you would afford it, he promptly threw it in the trash bins outside. 
Motley stayed glued to Eddie as much as she could, and in the mornings when he had to get up for work she made sure to wake him up and give him a kiss by the door making sure that he swore to come back before she would dash down the hall and lay with you. 
Makeup Christmas happened, except it was only Wayne that was invited and instead of a whole feast you guys ordered a crap ton of Chinese food. 
Wayne came over early, sneaking around the back and coming in through the back door which confused the girls to no end but they were excited to see their grandpa. 
Ziggy also proved that she learned 2 more words by saying “shit grandpa!” All excited and reaching her hands up for him to grab her. 
He howls with laughter, scooping her up and throwing her in the air as she screams in excitement. 
Everyone sits around the tree opening gifts, Wayne on the couch with Ziggy on his lap helping her open the gifts. Eddie sat by the tree, passing them out with Motley right by him and you next to her. 
He pulls out an envelope that has his name sprawled on it and looks at you. 
“I had a plan for Christmas. But I kind of had to redo it. I planned on giving you the stick, but figured since you already know I’d get the ultrasound.” Yoh blush, watching his excitedly tear it open. 
It’s quiet for a moment as everyone watches him admire the photo, smiling from ear to ear. 
“Anything you notice?” You ask, waiting. 
“What do you mean?” He asks, before Wayne snaps his fingers and grabs the photo gently. 
“There’s two.” Wayne grunts before his eyes light up. “You’re having twins!” 
“Obviously….” Eddie mumbles, “we already knew that?” 
“The stick? It had two blue lines? So that means we’re having twin boys? Right?” Eddie mumbles, staring at you like your crazy. 
It’s quiet for a moment as you and Wayne process what he said before you burst into laughter, the girls following even though they had no clue what was going on. 
“Not even close boy!” Wayne cackles as you have to wipe some of the tears from your eyes. 
“Does that mean you’re pregnant mommy?” Motley asks, turning to look at you with wide eyes. Your heart stops, going back to what Eddie had told you. 
“Yes. Mommy is pregnant .” You wait to see her reaction and Eddie finds himself reaching for the gift he had added two days ago. “Motty. I have something for you.” 
He snatches the tiny box, holding it out to her. “It’s a really important gift though. Okay?” 
She nods slowly, taking the box from him and opening it just as slow. Inside held a simple chain necklace, but when she pulled it out it revealed that he had hung his mothers ring on it, the one he normally wore on his right hand by itself. “I was told to give this ring to someone very special. It’s from my own mom.” 
She gasps, turning to him. “You’re giving it to me?!” 
“Well yeah! You’re my oldest kid. My firstborn.” He laughs, moving to help her put it on. Then he snatches another box and hands it to her. “This one is for both you and your sister.” 
She reaches for it and opens it gently, pulling out a heavy chain that has a dog tag connected to it. “Another necklace?” 
“Well…..” Wayne laughs, flipping it to reveal what the dog tag says. 
“Who is Zeppeplin?” 
“Zeppelin, baby.” You correct, already standing up. 
“Who is Zeppelin?” She giggles, which makes Eddie laugh, picking her up by her armpits to make her stand as you go and open the back door. 
The dog, a young little puppy at most, snaps his head to the noise and wags it’s tail excitedly upon seeing you. 
“Come in!” You smile and he bolts from his spot tearing up sticks to get inside. Once he hits the threshold of the house he is everywhere. Sniffing the fridge to the chairs, jumping on his hind legs to clean up the high chair where Ziggy left her banana. After inhaling that he bolts to explore more, completely missing the living room as he bolts down the hall to sniff all the rooms. 
Once Motley sees the flash of fur she screams in excitement, which draws the puppy back and they both just feed off each others excitement. 
She’s jumping up and down, screaming in excitement and the dog starts howling to match her while his butt starts wiggling at how hard he is wagging his tail. 
“I am so excited for Chinese later.” Wayne murmurs, coming to hug you as Eddie tries to calm both the noisemakers down. “Thank you for inviting me.” 
“Of course, you’re grandpa.” You smile, watching Ziggy from his arms just stare intently at the scene before her. “She can’t tell whether to be excited or scared.” 
Wayne laughs, pointing to the dog and trying to help Ziggy see him. 
Later that evening everyone sits around the table, Max with you all, as you pile Chinese food onto the plates. Motley keeps showing Max the necklace she got while Wayne keeps bragging to Eddie about his new Jean jacket. 
Zeppelin chooses to sit by Ziggy, and it’s very clear that the dog has already figured out who will drop the most food. Ziggy giggles every time she drops a piece of broccoli and he catches it. 
“Now we’re gonna have to watch her every time we give her veggies.” Eddie groans. “She’s got an accomplice!” 
“Zeppy and Ziggy!” Motley cheers like their superheroes. 
February rolls around soon enough, and your daughters biggest catastrophe had nothing to do with the restraining order on Billy, or her dads new bike (which she was terrified of). No. Motleys world was ending over valentines cards. 
Eddie had helped her pick them out, little heart shaped cards that you could stick lollipops in, and had sat with her to write in them as you took Ziggy in for a haircut. 
The only one that Motley had not written a card for was Troy, and now the morning of Valentine’s Day she was still panicking. 
“I can’t write love cause then he will want to get married!” She explains and Eddie nods like it’s super serious. “And I can’t write like, because then he will know I have a crush on him!” 
“Glad you can admit it.” He nods and she rolls her eyes. “Here’s an idea! Okay, you ready metal head?” 
“Ready daddy!” 
“You can write ‘from Motley’.” He laughs, watching her face go serious. 
“That’s what I wrote on the others!” 
“Exactly.” He watches as she thinks about it before nodding quickly and writing it down, tossing it in her valentines box and dashing to grab her backpack. 
“She finally figure out Troys?” You ask, shuffling Ziggy in. “It’s been days.” 
“She did. We decided on writing ‘from motley’.” He smiles, leaning forward to kiss you before leaning down to kiss your stomach then Ziggy. 
“Stevie….” Ziggy giggles, running to the phone. It didn’t take long to figure out that she would be the one to run the phone bill up, even now she spent every morning learning to dial her uncle Steve’s number. She dialed Dustin once but deemed him “poopoo head.” 
“Nuh uh. Come eat pretty girl.” Eddie calls, pointing to her chair. “Zeppelin is waiting.” 
The dog, who just a month ago had been tiny enough to lay under her chair, now sat at full height beside it. Still a puppy, just bigger.  
Ziggy runs, her little pigtails bouncing as Eddie picks her up by the overalls to sit her in the chair. Now trained Ziggy eats his dog food beside her rather than everything she drops, and if somehow someway some of her waffle drops in his bowl then it can’t really be considered his fault. 
“Motley, hurry up baby.” You call. “We gotta go.” 
“You good to pick Wayne up?” Eddie asks, moving to grab his lunch. 
“Yes. I’ll drop Motley off at school and go and grab him.” Wayne had injured his hip, so today you’ll be taking him to the doctors to see what the plan was while Eddie went to work. 
“Okay. And Ziggy is still good to-?” 
“Ziggy and Zeppelin are going to Nancy’s, yes.” You smile. Nancy had just given birth to her third boy, and she liked having Ziggy over because she liked having another girl in the house. 
“Okay. Tell me how it goes?” He asks, leaning to give you one more goodbye kiss as you nod before moving to say bye to Motley. “BYE BEAUTIFUL LADIES!” 
The day had started off so well, you should have known it would only go downhill from there. 
Wayne sat in the passenger seat of your car, irritated and ranting about shitty doctors. “I’m not doing it. You hear me? Just give me some Tylenol and I’ll be fine.” 
“MOMMY!” Ziggy screams, from her spot on her car seat. 
The doctor had told Wayne he needed hip surgery and could not work, which meant that Wayne was pissed and you were panicking about what to do. He couldn’t work which meant he wouldn’t be able to make rent and he would need some help to move around. Then when you got to Steve and Nancy’s she had told you that Ziggy had taken quite a stumble off the table and scratched her chin on the corner of the table. 
It was a mess. 
Both of them were not having a good day and Zeppelin was howling at their ranting and screaming and as much as you loved them you truly debated crashing the car. 
Then you got home to yelling. 
Eddie stood in the living room, still in his work attire with his hands on his hips and his eyes wide. “You’re in rare fucking form today, you know that?!” 
The response to his question is met with a demonic scream from down the hall and you can only assume that Motley was having a bad time as well. 
“I’m not getting a surgery, you hear me Edward?” Wayne snaps, limping to the couch. 
“What the fuck are you on now?” He snaps back, looking at him annoyed as Ziggy rushes past crying. “What the fuck is going on?” 
“It’s apparently a meltdown day.” You sigh, moving to kiss his cheek and go into the kitchen to make a snack for yourself. 
Todays pregnancy craving was potato chips with lime juice and pickles, Eddie watches from the entrance of the kitchen with a smile as you settle at the table and enjoy your snack. 
He moves and takes the seat next to you, following your lead on snacks. 
“Why is Metalhead in ‘rare fucking form’ today?” You giggle, watching his face pinch in annoyance. 
“I pick her up and she gets in the car, right? And then she just starts screaming at me! And I mean screaming. The entire ride home! And from what I gather Vinny didn’t give her a valentines card.” He explains. “God. She was yelling like she was possessed. Then I tried explaining that maybe it was lost and that made it worse.” 
“Did she get one from Troy?” 
“I don’t know. I don’t think she cares either.” He sighs, rubbing his jaw. 
“Okay, we let her ride out the fit in her room. We’ll call Steve later to see what happened.” 
“Sounds great to me.” He smiles. “She scared me a little. Threatened to cut her hair and everything. Then threatened to cut MY hair.” 
A small laugh tears from you as he steals the potato chip in your hand before looking to Wayne’s direction. “They recommend surgery?” 
“It wasn’t a recommendation.” You sigh, grabbing his hand and tracing the tattoo. “I think we need to move the house around.” 
“If Wayne gets surgery he needs to be here. I’ll cut back shifts at the diner and help him out.” You start. “He won’t be able to use the stairs so maybe we can move our room downstairs which would give more room for the twins cribs in our room, but Ziggy has problems with the stairs and she likes coming in to sleep with us cause of the nightmares but-“ 
“Easy. Easy.” Eddie mumbles, turning his hand up quickly to snatch your hand and pull it to his lips. “We’ll figure it out.” 
And so you did. 
Eddie moved the house around, and turned the basement into a bedroom for you guys. Now with more room and your own bathroom down here he could set up the cribs. 
Wayne took your old room, and though the man threw a fit the girls got excited that Grandpa Wayne would be living here now. 
He got the surgery in the beginning of March, and Motley and Vinny were still fighting. 
You spent your days helping Wayne, taking him to pt and helping him move around the house. 
Motley and Vinny got put into separate classes which lead to a whole argument between Steve and Eddie about whose kid was the one to blame. 
Life was a bit of a mess. 
It all came to head at the children's father dance. 
Eddie had dressed in a tux, making sure he looked good as you got Motley ready for the night. With Wayne napping on the couch with Ziggy asleep on his chest drooling (a daily nap these two took) Zeppelin follows at your feet, keeping close to you as you did Motley's hair. 
“How do I look?” Eddie asks from the door of the bathroom. “I have a date tonight and I’m really nervous.”
“Daddy!” Motley giggles, rushing to him in her puffy little skirt, hugging him tightly. 
“Alright you two. Let me get a picture.” You smile, rushing past to find where the camera had gone. By the time you got a picture of them Motley was rushing Eddie out, ready for the dance. 
He struggles to find parking, and ends up finding one right next to Steve’s car, rolling his eyes when he sees Harrington fixing his jacket while Vinny reads in the car. 
“Harrington.” He greets coldly, fixing his leather jacket and moving to open the door for his daughter. 
“Munson.” Steve matches the tone, scoffing at Eddie’s jacket. “Little Munson.” 
“Uncle Steve.” She huffs, fixing her hair. 
“Really? A leather jacket Edward?” 
“You look like you stepped off a Queen music video, Steven.” Eddie snaps, holding out his hand for Motley. Fighting or not they wait at the front of the car for Steve and Vinny. Walking into the dance together. 
“I’m surprised that they even let you in here. Your child is a danger to society.” Steve snaps as they wait in line for tickets. 
“Let’s talk about your kid giving everyone but my sweet Angel a valentines card. That’s barbaric.” Eddie defends, watching Motley wave to her friends. 
“He didn’t want to. And I don’t need to tell him what to do.” Steve blushes, turning to look at something to avoid looking at Eddie. 
“There it is again. You’re acting so fucking suspicious about that card, man.” Eddie points at him, silver rings glinting in the light. “Tell me what you know.” 
“Tickets?” The poor woman asks, interrupting their stand off. 
“Yes please. Four.” 
“No two. I’ll get my tickets.” 
“No I’ll get them” 
“You’re not buying me ,Steven.” 
“He’s buying me.” Motley smiles, snatching the money from Steve’s hands and setting them on the table before grabbing two tickets. “Let’s go get some pop, daddy.” 
Eddie can do nothing but follow, letting the little lady lead the way. 
After about an hour of Motley showing him everything and introducing him to all her friends she abandoned him to hang out with some of the girls in her class, making sure Eddie was okay where he sat at an empty table nursing a can of soda. 
It felt like high school again, watching the way all the other dads surrounded Harrington as the pta moms that decorated huddled together and giggled in the corner. At least the kids were having fun. 
Eddie wished you were here, you would be sitting with him. 
“Jesus. Gary never shuts up.” Steve mumbles, snapping Eddie out of his train of thought. “I got you a slice of pizza.” 
He sets the slice down, giving Eddie a weird smile as he scarfs down his own slice. But eddie wasn’t very hungry, instead he surveyed to check on motley and see her giggling with all her friends as they dance in a circle. 
“Your kid has been sitting alone, you gonna help?” Eddie asks, looking to where Vinny sits reading a book. 
“I tried earlier. He just said something about me embarrassing him more.” Steve sighs. “Then complained that I ruin everything.” 
“What happened? I’ve never seen him alone at a party.” 
“Have I not told you? Your daughter is the popular one. They made her move classes and he was left in their old class struggling to make friends.” Steve mumbles. 
“Why don’t you get one of the many dads following you around to get their kids over there? It feels like I’m in highschool again, waiting for your cronies to shove me in the bathrooms and lock me in again.”
“How long were you in that bathroom, again? Two hours?” 
“Three.” Eddie sighs. “I smoked and set off an alarm so the principal found me.” 
“Wasnt one of your worst. I was fine.” Eddie shrugs. “Sorry about Vinny.” 
“I have faith.” Steve sighs, leaning back in his chair. “I also cannot believe I’m at a daddy daughter dance.” 
“It’s a father kid dance?” 
“They didn’t want the boys feeling left out.” Steve explains. 
“I see.” Eddie smiles, picking at the pizza. 
“He wrote one. You know?” 
“Vinny wrote one. He wrote a valentine for Motley and got her a big chocolate bar. But a girl made fun of him in the parking lot and he panicked.” Steve explains. “Ripped it up and left the chocolate on my car to melt on the seats.” 
“I can clean that.” 
“You can?!” 
“Oh yeah. I got you Harrington.” Eddie laughs right as another dad comes to the table. 
“Howdy gentleman.” He smiles, sitting down. Eddie has to blink to recognize, holy shit that’s Tommy. “Oooo. I’m sitting at the hellfire table. So scary…” 
“Do you have a kid here…?” Steve asks, blinking slowly. 
“Yeah.” He slurs, pointing to the young kid stuffing his face with marshmallows.  “You guys want some whiskey?” 
“Jesus. I smell it from here man.” Steve snaps, standing up. 
“I’m driving. Hard pass.” Eddie laughs, standing with Steve. 
“It’s so weird to me that you two are friends! That shit is like….. mind flowing!” 
“Blowing.” Steve corrects and Eddie sighs. “Damn it Harrington. It was a trap.” 
“Blowing is more for you guys, if you know what I mean.” Tommy laughs and Eddie shakes his head. 
“How did you fall for that Harrington? You made that line.” Eddie grumbles, moving to find Motley. “Hey Metalhead?” 
“Yeah daddy?” She asks, coming up with her cheeks bright red from all the dancing. 
“Have you eaten?” He asks, offering her a bite of his pizza before looking back over to Vinny. “Think you can go help him out?” 
“Yeah. I guess.” She sighs, kissing his cheek and rushing to find Vinny and bring him out to dance. 
By the end of the night Eddie has danced to about every little pop song she wants, and by the time he is bringing her to the car it’s more of a carrying her situation as Steve tries to trip Vinny up. 
“Have a good night Harringtons.” Eddie laughs. 
“Sleep tight Munsons.” 
“Shouldn't you be in bed?” Eddie asks, peering up at you over his book as you shuffle and pace around the room. 
“Shut up.” You grunt, waving your hand at him. Your face is pinched up and Eddie finds himself sitting up and staring at you. 
“What’s going on here?” 
“Edward shut UP!” You snap, pacing back to the wall and holding your hands against it to try and breathe in. “Sorry. Sorry that was mean.” 
“Are you in pain?” He mumbles, standing up and putting on his slippers. 
It was your ninth month, and Eddie was anxious because he had never experienced the pregnancy part of it all before so every kick and movement made him worried. 
“Eddie. Edward. Eds.” You grunt out, and right there something trickles down your leg. 
“Did you just pee?” 
(Would you guys want me to keep going? I have more ideas {Especially Motley in high school} Feel free to message me if you want me to keep going or if you have any blurbs or requests for them in mind)
TAGLIST:: (Let me know if you want removed)
@mariamayhemrsmunson @bethanyzed @alyisdead
@caseyqdilla @zooboomanfu @avenjames-anderson @hazydespair
@bl1ssfulbaby @username199945 @costellation-hunter @vanessav03 @thehuntresswolf @r-a-d-i-0-n-0-w-h-e-r-e @jackiosstuff @mysticpeachobject @animechick555 @natie335 @localemofreak @venuslayla23-blog @cherrycolas-things @dontcrydaddy
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brandyllyn · 3 months
Silk from their soul (23)
The Ghoul / Cooper Howard x f!reader [no use of y/n]
Rated: T Words: 1.3k Summary: Mad science
Series Masterlist My Masterlist
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They find you the next morning with your head in Cooper’s lap. He’s lightly stroking your hair and neck while you blink sleepily at the man at the door. 
The man makes a curt sign and you sit up. You don’t recognize him - an older man wearing a giant pair of headphones. 
Cooper rises first and puts a hand out to help you up. Your feet are still tied to the pillar behind you but he’s free to take a step in front of you and square up.
“Oh for fuck’s sake,” you mutter to yourself before putting a restraining hand on his shoulder. 
He glances back at you. “You wanna try that whole talking bit again first?”
“More flies with honey,” you tell him and he rolls his eyes.
“Now I already told you that ain’t true.”
You ignore the comment and smile at the new man. “Hi! I’m… well that’s not important really. And you are?”
The man ignores you and a moment later his aroma hits, making you gag. “Oh God.”
“I ain’t got much of a working sniffer but even I can tell you that fella’s just two shits short of a dung heap.”
He whispers the words to you, kinda, and you elbow him hard. “Be nice.”
“You’re barking up the wrong tree for that, sweetheart.”
You freeze, mouth suddenly going dry. You never expected to hear that voice again - had hoped you never would. At least not while you were still at his mercy.
“Dr. Galen.”
“Ella, you naughty thing, how did you get into this mess?” He looks the same as he always did - bald, a foot shorter than you, and maybe a hundred pounds soaking wet. His glasses are too big for his pinched face and he waves a hand at the room before glaring at you over them. “I raised you better than this.”
Cooper glances at him before focusing his attention on you. “He from that facility you were telling me about?”
You nod, too tongue tied for a moment to speak. Finally, you ask, “What are you doing here?”
“Why, I’ve come to fetch you. Your new own- husband has been worried sick. As a favor I told him I would help look, seeing as how I know you so well.”
Which meant he’d been coerced into it. Galen never left the facility. Not in all the time you’ve known him. Bargains were made through the door, through intermediaries if possible. Had Nero invaded the facility? You’re not brave enough to ask.
“An odd choice in protector,” Galen tuts, sparing a look at Cooper, “I would have thought you’d find someone more amenable to your charms. Like the gentlemen out here.”
You’d forgotten about the three men. You rather hoped they were still alive - they weren’t terrible. Just… bounty hunters.
“Why does he think I’m not amenable to your charms?”
You could kiss him for completely ignoring Galen. It was annoying the other man to no end. Cooper is talking too low to be heard, but that doesn’t seem to matter.
“He means you’re not… not irradiated.”
“Does he think our cocks stop working just ‘cause we get a bit a sunburn?”
The comment makes you giggle and he gives you a grin. His absolute nonchalance is giving you some courage and you lift your chin as you ask Galen, “So what’s next?”
“We’ll take you to the Stateline. I believe there is some discussion of reward but you know how much I abhor talk of money.”
“Except when you were selling my sisters,” you mumble. The man with headphones and reeking of week old fish steps into the room, a gun pointed straight at you. You hold your bound hands up and elbow for Cooper to do the same. He does, begrudgingly, and even takes a step away so the man can cut the rope binding your feet.
When you head for the door Galen holds up a hand. “Just you, the necrotic can stay here.”
“The fuck I-”
It’s your turn to step between them, giving Galen your brightest smile. Your charms don’t work on him at all, he’d made sure of that, but that didn’t mean you didn’t have any tricks up your sleeve.
“Now Dr. Galen, you told me I must always be fair and kind to others. Mister…” you hesitate, unsure if Cooper would want you telling people his name, “this necrotic man has helped me get back safely to the Stateline. It wouldn’t be right to leave him here. I believe he is only looking for work.”
“Just an honest day’s wage,” Cooper drawls unconvincingly.
Galen glares for a moment before giving you a patronizing shake of his head. “You are too soft, my girl. Always were. I knew I was right to keep you for so long.”
You keep your eyes blank, your smile pasted on. Let him think whatever he wants. The only chance you have of this not being a one-way trip is if Cooper comes with you.
“Want me to kill him for you?” Cooper asks a moment later, after Galen had curtly nodded and left the doorway, his voice pitched low enough only you can hear. You try to stop the laugh that wants to burst out and dart a glance back at him.
“Think you could?”
“Simpler than taking a piss.”
“He’s got bodyguards,” you point out as you walk past them back into the other room. The three bounty hunters are standing together, looking pissed off. Galen has a group of about a half dozen with him, all of them wearing headphones and stinking to high heaven.
“Now sweetheart, I thought you had more faith in me than that.”
You turn your attention to the first bodyguard, taking a deep breath and preparing to work your charms. But the man barely spares you a glance and even as you open your mouth he turns away and makes a signal at one of the others.
Oh shit. Galen had come prepared. These men couldn’t hear you, couldn’t be convinced by you. And your pheromones weren’t going to be worth anything either if they couldn’t smell them over their own B.O.
Suddenly you were doubly glad to have Cooper at your back.
“You still wanna go through with this?” he asks, eyes roving the room. He’s looking for weak spots, planning an escape.
“If I don’t then Galen goes back to making more people like me, more clones. It doesn’t seem right.”
He scoffs, snorting almost into your ear. “Why don’t you shit in one hand and wait for what’s right in the other - we’ll see what fills up faster.”
“I don’t think that’s how that saying goes.”
“Hey, look at me.” You turn, stopping so abruptly he nearly runs into you. The guards are clearing out the rooms and Galen is talking quietly to one in the corner. For the moment, it’s just the two of you. “You don’t owe nobody a damn thing. You want to get out of here, you just give the word.”
God, you could kiss him. But even as his words sink in you know it’s not obligation that is making you go back. “It’s what’s right.”
“And I suppose you’re going to want to talk these fellas round to that way of thinking?”
He looks so put out you have to stifle a laugh. “Oh no, Galen deserves worse than death for what he’s done. The rest of these guys… I’ll let you decide.”
The grin that covers his face is downright evil. “Me? Darlin’, you shouldn’t have.” He takes in the room, fingers twitching. “Now?”
“No, we should probably get Nero too.”
“You seem pretty damn confident I can take out a whole hive of raiders all by my lonesome.”
Batting your eyelashes you give him your most innocent look. “Can’t you?”
☢ ☢ ☢
For updates follow and turn on notifications for @brandyllyn-writes
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thesharktanksdriver · 2 years
Ragnarok with a Kobeni-like contestant (platonic)
Warning: mention of terrible parents, mention of sex work, spoilers for the show and Spoiler: for Kobeni backstory
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It’s safe to say that out of all of the contestants of ragnarok you are definitely the one out
Partially because you weren’t brought back to life
Instead you were just asked by Brunhilde to join her cause
And you hesitantly accepted to join
Now along with that your also meek like really meek compared to everyone else
Hell when the Valkyrie brought you to meet the others you were shaking
It’s definitely a bit departure from what everyone assumed to be the deadliest assassin humanity has seen yet
But the greatest warriors know not to judge a foe by their appearance
And you certainly are the epitome of that gesture
Because beneath your crying and shaking face lies someone capable of taking down entire rooms filled with men twice your size without much effort
A truly fierce some foe that is befit to challenge a god
But not even you can recognize your own talent despite how others try to convince you so
“My names y/n l/n. I’m 20 years old… the job I do is… a secret. My hobby is eating tasty stuff”
Adam is the first to approach you of the bunch mostly because of his fatherly instincts kicking in
I mean here you are
This small scared young kid who is shaking like a leaf
Surrounded In a room with bulky powerful historical figures
From that moment on he kinda just stays by your side doing his best to support you
He sees within you a deep power
Something that most would flaunt around yet you don’t even recognize
You constantly talk down to yourself and your achievements which makes the progenitor of man upset
It’s obvious this lack of confidence is basically woven into you
And he’s unsure if it’s just in your nature or someone else is the cause of it
Either way Adam makes it a goal of his to help you
For you are one of his children and he’d be damned if he didn’t help
That’s why he introduces you to the rest of his family
Warning them beforehand that you need a confidence boost desperately
And so they do just that
Adam and Eve become the parents you never had
They are kind and supportive along with patient with you
They wipe away your tears every Time you cry from having such a good meal or thank them
Eve makes you little lunches that have small notes of encouragement to make you smile
Cain and Abel are the brothers you wish you had
There are no hurtful words of calling you useless or saying your only good for making money
The two instead playfully talk about how your the most precious person they’ve met
Even though you have your own room/living area in the arena you end up staying at theirs a lot
Unlike your room theirs is filled with laughter and warmth
The only place you truly felt the sense of “home” in a place
It’s a slow process but you begin to sometime slip up and mention your parent’s treatment of you
How they view you as worthless compared to your brother
How your the figurative work mule for his dreams and being forced to sacrifice your own
It doesn’t exactly surprise them but it certainly makes Adam and his family even more determined to make you feel at home with them
You better hope your parents aren’t attending the event cause mama Eve and papa Adam are gone be giving them the ultimate side eye
Plus a good talking too if they dare even approach you
Meanwhile Cain and Abel are distracting you by getting some of the other human fighters to join their argument of why your the most wholesome person
Adam also definitely takes to training with you
Partially because he’s worried of how you’ll fair against a god
But like many others is pleasantly surprised by your skill
In battle it’s seems as if a switch flips in your mind
You go from scared to dead serious
It reminds him of animals in the wild
The primal urge of survival setting in as you spar with Bü Lu
Your quick in both reaction time and in speed
Because of your smaller stature it makes you harder to hit compared to the rather bulky build of many others
Not to mention that because of your nature and appearance you have the upper hand of being underestimated by almost everyone
Which is seemingly one of your best qualities since it leads to your opponents being cocky and thinking they could easy kill you
Before you did it before they could even strike
During these sparring matches he takes a lot of your qualities and makes note of them for his own future battle
Yet when he tells you this you dismiss your talents yet again
But with your shy smile he can at least tell some of his words had affected you
At some point you began calling him dad and all he does is smile before ruffling your hair
Eve now Always prepares an extra plate of food just for you
And his sons make sure to make an extra comfy place for you to sleep
Qin Shi Huang is another who seemingly takes to you as a mentor figure
You remind him of himself as a child
Someone forced through brutally and made to bare it
He first hand knows what that can do to someone and your a prime example of that
In his life he at least had Chun Yan who had lifted him up
Taught him not to just grin and bare the insults and cruelty that was always presented to him
But it seems to him you had no one but yourself
And eventually it wore you down
Or perhaps you just accepted it from the start
So much like Adam the former Emperor of China begins trying to help you as best he can
Firstly by telling you to see the value in yourself
Which he does by literally ordering you as emperor to do so (lol)
Every day he makes you acknowledge that you are smart
That you’ve been chosen for a reason and not to diminish yourself
He also goes with you when your shopping around the arena so you don’t have to worry about money
Which you do a lot
Yeah the moment he sees you contemplating whether to buy something or something else cause of your budget he’s just straight up buying an entire store
You try to tell him not too but he does so anyways
Telling you to accept what he and others give to you
Including their help
Whenever your not having dinner with Adam’s family he invites you to dine with him
His room is filled with antiquities of his time
Fine silks and giant a giant feast that you give into eating
Along with that he also gives you nicknames
Stuff that have a meaning behind them in his tongue of ancient Chinese
All of which link back to you in battle
Training with you is certainly a fun challenge especially as he sees you go from one side of a scale personality wise to another
It fills him with pride as your able to take down foes bigger than you with ease
It’s like watching a rabbit game down a wolf or bear
You don’t expect it but once you see it happens it changes your view of predator and prey
It goes to show that anyone can be a threat if pushed far enough
How the tiniest nation can rise and defeat those who stood might and strong for centuries just because they were smarter
After these training session and battles he always pats you on the back and patches up your minimal wounds
He often jokes that you’d make a great kings guard for him if your up for it
You always bashfully say you couldn’t possibly do that
But he always reminds you that an emperor such as himself doesn’t offer such an opportunity to someone they didn’t think deserved it
You don’t even notice it but his and everyone else’s efforts slowly begin to help you build up your self esteem
It’s a slow process
But one that begins to show results over time
Results that make him happy as you now don’t seem to shake or flinch whenever someone looks at you
Back in his childhood he couldn’t help himself as he does now
So he knows you need that push to begin seeing yourself as worthy of having good happen to you
To know you are valued
That you are seen as a good friend
Another of the human fighters you get along well with is Kojiro
The so called biggest loser in history
It’s kinda funny since your brother used to compare you to him
Saying how you were him reborn or something along those lines
It’s disheartening to him of how you look down on yourself
Your such a talented young mind yet the thing that seems to be holding you back is yourself
You are your worse enemy from him others words had ingrained themselves into you so deeply
Unlike the others who work to make you more confident Kojiro focuses on just making you happy and content
He always greets you with a kind smile
Or invites you to sit down for some lunch and tea
He is a calming presence
Like a nice autumn day or a summer breeze
One that eases your nervousness as the older man acts as a rock you can lean to other than Adam
When things get intense you sometimes lean instinctively behind him which makes him laugh
Despite being history’s “biggest loser” he’s surprisingly ok with people calling him that
He takes it almost as a badge or pride or a joke
It’s confusing to you but you don’t question it
Just assuming the older man has thicker skin than you
Training with him is especially interesting considering he’s one of the few who can properly defend against your approach of quick and swift attacks
He makes for a fun challenge and never calls you names
In fact he actually compliments your fighting and admits that your a fearsome foe
There may or may not have been a few times where you called him grandpa without knowing and he couldn’t help but smile
Jack the Ripper is one who seeks you out on his own
You have the constant colour of fear dying you
Almost as if it was the only thing you could feel
It intrigues him
So he sets out to figure out why you constantly feel that way and
Yeah he kinda quickly realizes you must’ve had a fucked home life
Takes one to know one as he and Qin Shi quickly realized
He is an English gentleman through and through so he takes to interacting with you as if your porcelain
Your fragile maybe not physically since your fighting against the gods but mentally you are
And despite how fear usually makes him excited it worries him when it comes to you
Especially as he begins to gain a soft spot for your shy and meek self
Despite knowing the atrocities he’s claimed to commit (even if he isn’t the real Jack the Ripper) you cling to him
See him as a protector of sorts
Hiding behind him and his jacket
Or tugging at his sleeve to indicate you feel to nervous to interact with a bunch of people
It’s sweet
And now you have a literal serial killer as a friend
Your emotional support who’s a serial killer
Though to be fair you also had down your fair share of killing due to your job
Other than Adam he’s the only one you tell your actual profession of being an Assassin
He is definitely kinda surprised but doesn’t know what else he was expecting
Considering he’s seen your fighting
Jack is sympathetic to you when you sometimes slip up and mention how bad your parents are
How they don’t care for you and neither does your brother who they love more
It reminds him of his mom but at least at some point she pretended to love him
You never even had that
Because of his ability to basically see people’s emotions he ends up knowing when he needs to help calm you down
And he also tells the others when their getting a bit much for you to Handle
When it does get too much he brings you to his room
Victorian decor filling it as he pours you a cup of tea
He talks about Shakespeare and recites the stories to calm you down
So you can focus on that instead of the world
It works pretty well especially since his accent is soothing
Your parents best watch out especially as unlike Adam and Eve he wont hesitate to actually harm them
Plus all the other human fighters would probably cover for him lol
Surprisingly enough Göll the Valkyrie ends up becoming friends with you quite easily due to your similar meek nature to her own
Brunhilde is the one who suggests for her younger sister to meet you and it goes really well!
Göll is a kind soul
One that is gentle and good spirited just as yourself if you weren’t thrusted into such a cruel situation
It makes you happy though that she’s not like you
That people care enough for her not to be hurt constantly by words and being thrown into battle
She often finds herself eating with you during lunch with a few other fighters
It’s through you she actually begins to get to know them better
Most of them she had found herself too intimidated to speak to but with you she sees that they aren’t as bad as they initially appear
It’s also through you she sees a different version of herself
One that didn’t have her kind but stern sisters
Someone who the world gave up on
And seeing that makes her both grateful and worried for your sake
You are kind and caring yet you don’t think of yourself as anything other than a burden
It makes her happy though that the others are trying to help you
It goes to show to her that some of the scariest people in history can still do some semblance of good
That despite it all humanity is worth it
It kinda opens her eyes as to why her elder sister is fighting so hard to win
Cause humanity might be full of bad but there’s also good to balance it out
And it’s perhaps because of this that she volunteered herself to be your weapon in your battle
The night before the first round starts everyone decides to have a night of partying
It’s the first ever thing you’d been invited to so you decides to dress nice (or we’ll as nice as you could with the limited hand-me-down’s given to you by your older sibling)
When you arrive everyone is surprised to see you actually smiling shyly
Adam Welcomes you to the Table where everyone is sitting before Qin Shi wraps an arm around your shoulder pulling you to sit near him
Kojiro sits beside Soji and Raiden whom all had begun drinking Sake in some sort of competition
Jack sits on the other side of you and gives a polite smile that you mimic back
He drinks tea unlike the others who enjoy the burning taste of alcohol
Tesla is seemingly talking to Nostradamus about some invention
Simo is feeding his dog some treats as Sakata pets said dog
Lü Bu and Leonidas recounts war stories
Rasputin is already passed out after drinking
The entire mood is cheery
Laughter fills the air as music plays from a record player that Tesla had modified
Eventually Qin Shi is somehow able to get you to relax enough to have a drink
Your definitely a lightweight so as you drink very aged alcohol you end up very drunk very fast
Adam had to cut you off as he saw how you could barely stop
You drunkenly complain since you enjoy the frothing beer that leaves a small bubbling moustache on you that makes Lü Bu comment that you now look manly
It’s also there that in your drunken stupor that you talk about how you ended up as an assassin in the first place
“I was forced into it… my parents only care about my gifted brother… they want to put him through collage, so they put me to work… my options were to become a sex worker or an assassin. I wanted to go to collage too!!! But I’m gonna die here!!, and what’s worse is that this has been the best time of my life but I know I’m gonna die”
At this everyone goes quiet as your drunken giggles mix with a few sobs
the tragedy of your life is now revealed
A tragic symphony now complete from the bits and pieces that had slipped out earlier
There’s a shared sentiment of sympathy from the other fighters for you
The fact that someone could do that to their own child
That they valued one over the other
It’s a moment that they all will forever remember especially as you laugh at your own pain
Your own anguish as if it were a joke
Cause in reality you were just a joke to your parents
To your brother whom you had to give everything to
But with that now shared it also brings up why you joined this cause in the first place
So Nicola is the one to ask why
“I joined cause… if I spent my entire life working for them just for the humanity to be killed then what did I work for?. I would’ve spent my entire life for nothing… and at least fighting for humanity for a chance means I did something, that I tried to save people, that I tried to save my own future if I somehow get out of this…That for once I fought for myself”
During the actual competition you end up watching in the stands with the other fighters
You get front row seats and luckily with comes you being able to yell out encouragement with the others
In between rounds there’s a few days of preparation so you get to training with the others usually
For round one you end up sitting Bessie Lü Bu’s lieutenant Cheng and the rest of his soldiers whom you’d gotten to know at this point
And with that come the unfortunate consequence of the first round
It’s hard watching someone you got close to die
seeing how the general went out with a smile you can’t say he died in vain
But seeing his men valiantly follow him in death is also something that hits you hard
Like really hard
Sure you had only known them for about a month but in that short time you had finally found people you considered your friends
And that in turn scares you for everyone else’s fates
Especially since you know Adam is next
So you train with him perilously
And when the time comes for his battle you have him copy your abilities as an extra slide of hand
You watch anxiously beside Cain and Abel as they both wrap an arm around you for your comfort
Eve occasionally checks to see if your ok which makes you give a nervous smile
It’s obvious you aren’t but you say you alright anyways
The battle comes to a close
Adam left almost for dead with Zeus as the victor
Adam is taken to extensive care and your left spiralling as the others try to console you that it would be alright
That he wasn’t dead but healing
That humanity wasn’t doomed just yet
Göll has the same mindset as you but tries to keep you positive which you appreciate
And then comes Kojiro vs Poseidon
At this point you were terrified for Kojiro but cheered for him nether the less despite how now one did at first
And as the battle progressed you did your hardest to make sure he heard your encouragement
If there was a god you could pray to you probably would’ve lol
You were definitely happy not to be up against Poseidon especially with his cutting remarks
And then despite the impossible Kojiro wins
And you and the crowd goes wild
When he’s brought to the intermarry where Adam still rests you give the older man a big hug
And spend your free time not training with him
But time goes quick and a week passes within the blink of an eye
Your round is up next and it’s not only your life on the line but also your dear friend Göll
You know you can’t lose
“There’s no such thing as a life free of bad things… except in your dreams. But today I gotta make a good thing happen no matter what ”
For your round you go up against Heracles
Someone who you had actually met prior to the match
He had found you scared in a crowd and being pushed around
You just took it
Not fighting back at all
And it didn’t feel right to him so he stepped in and helped you
He saw a lot of himself in you and you remain him of his old friend
So when he sees he’s up against you it feels wrong to him
You look so frightened
So fucking terrified
Even the gods are wondering why they sent you out against him
It feels as if sending out a pawn to die
A sacrificial lamb to the slaughter
What could a scared child do against the Heracles
Some wouldn’t admit it but their disdain for humanity grew for the fact this seemed cruel
Almost immediately he asks you to stand down
To give up
But despite how much you shake you don’t back down
Telling him that you agreed to fight
That you had to fight for humanity’s sake
And when the horn is blown the fight begins in a replica city of modern times
Glass skyscrapers that touch the sky
Empty streets with a few cars placed in a few places
As the god ready’s himself he sees you get into position
The tears nod drained away as a serious expression replaces it
“G-Göll says you mean a lot to her and I don’t think your a bad person…I don’t have to kill you to win, all I have to do is get you to tap out or where you can’t fight me anymore”
His eyes widen slightly
And then he nods
“Same goes to you then”
It begins
It’s immediate that one advantage you have over him is speed and agility
He is bulky and much slower compared to you but makes up for that in power an defence
You attack carefully
Quick and swift cuts of your blade as Göll encouraged you in your mind
The environment of alleyways and the cover of cars
Distantly you think of the other fighters
Of the injured Adam and his family
Of Qin Shin
Of everyone depending on you to win
Of your future beyond this
The future you want instead of slaving away and the killing you do for your ungrateful brother
In that moment as you dodge one of his attacks you promise yourself that you’d go to collage
That for the first time in your life after coming here you’d live truly
You get more focused
More precise in where to hit him as to wear him down
Attack after attack
Blow after blow
No matter how many times he almost hit you
Or you got scraped by an attack you just keep pushing
Cause it’s not just humanity’s life on the line
It’s Göll’s
It’s your own
And then after what feels like hours you do it
You get that final hit to bring down the metaphorical to crumble castle down
He crashes into the asphalt
It crumbles it bits around him and you watch anxious as he tries to get up but can’t
And for the first time since it started it feels as if you could finally breath
He didn’t die like you said and you win by wounding him enough to the point he can’t fight anymore
You forgot he swore to do the Sam etching for you
And you expect him to be mad at you
To yell
To curse you
To promise to strike you down once this is all over
And yet despite loosing he laughs
One that is just full of pure joy instead of malice and disdain like your used to
You sniffle and crack your eyes open to see him moon up at you with pure amazement
“And so the 4th round of Ragnarok goes to the humans!. Y/n had injured Heracles to the point of not being able to fight anymore!”
It feel surreal as those words ring out in the stadium
People are cheering for you
The person who was told their entire life that they were nothing but a waste of space
Just a tool to get the more worthy child into collage as you wasted away
Tears bubble up in your eyes that quickly spill over the edge
You bow, thanking the crowd before turning to the injured god and helping him up
As you help him up he smiles
Grabbing your hand and lifting up up to the air as a sign of your victory
And for the first time in your life you feel yourself cry from happiness
To smile so brightly that it could rival the sun
That it hurt your cheeks from it being so wide
Or that you actually feel accomplished for once
“I won…I won!.”
“You did. That was a good fight, thank you. What are you gonna do after this?”
“I’m…I’m gonna go to collage like I always wanted. I’m gonna start living for myself and not for my parents. You hear that!, I’m not sending money to you anymore it’s my life now!”
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dilucsflame33 · 2 years
Ohmygosh, i stumbled upon your cocktails and im in love<3 may i get a raphaels fire whiskey?🐢 please and thank you!!
Pocky Challenge 🌸🔥
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I decided to do the 4-1 challenge for February and doing this request at the same time. I hope that's okay, love! ^^
Heavy kissing, teasing, and flirting but that's all. Plus, it's Raphael. This man can flirt. 🫠
Word count: 707
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It was like any other time at the lair for you. 
You were sitting on the couch, scrolling through your phone, while Mikey was sitting on the floor playing video games. Genshin Impact.
“What’s your favorite character in the game?” You asked at random while he just killed a boss for ascension materials. 
The orange terrapin hummed in thought. “There’s a lot of characters I like playable wise but, if we’re going for the storyline I would say Yoimiya.” 
You smiled, knowing the cheerful woman would be a good match for the hyper turtle. Both love kids and people. Not only that, she kicks butt. 
“Sadly, I don’t have her.” He sighed with yearning. “I will gladly be a Yoimiya main, if this game will let me have the characters I want. This gacha game is terrible but it’s so addicting”
“I would never doubt that.” You said as you patted his shoulder. “I wish you luck.”
Mikey laughed, knowing that he needs a lot of it for a game like this. 
And money.
“I’m guessing you’re going to see Raph, right?” Mikey said as he watched you getting up from the couch. “Take these with you. These are Raph’s and I don't want him to get mad if he finds out I took his snacks.”
You rolled your eyes as your palms took hold of the pocky sticks. Strawberry flavored. Smirk on your face, you trudged to where the brute was located.
You could hear his grunts and puffs of air when he exhaled as he bench pressed sewer man-hole covers. His strength never fails to surprise you; Raphael shows off his muscle and proved it on the battlefield. Yes, his brothers are strong but there was something about him that gets your heart pumping. He’s a blunt man, and doesn't like beating around the bush. Not only that, he doesn’t take crap from anyone. 
Especially his brother. 
You bit your lip when he grunt once again as he raised his arms with the bar, biceps bulging as he placed back to its decimated place. Raph sat up and exhaled, lifting a water bottle and swallowed the liquid inside. Your eyes can’t help but stare as he devoured the clear contents and sighed when he was done; a towel around his shoulders as he wiped the sweat from his face.
“Enjoyin’ the view?” Voice gruff and masculine, he turned his head and looked at you with a smirk. His emerald eyes hold a teasing nature in them and it makes your heart do things that it shouldn’t be healthy. 
“What if I am?” You flirted back as you stepped forward, standing in front of your red banded boyfriend. His hands, large and calloused, came to your waist and pulled you to him. “I have a challenge for you, something you can’t deny.” You know that he will never back down from a challenge, especially if it’s with you. 
His brow raised with interest. “Challenge, huh? I’m listenin’.”
That’s when he saw the strawberry pocky in your hand, knowing where this was going. And this man is enjoying the challenge already. “If you’re wanting a make-out session, you don’t need sweets for that.” He said as his hand was laced into your hair, fingers massaging your scalp. “You already taste sweet, baby doll. If you’re trying to give me cavities, I will gladly own it.”
You laughed and kissed his forehead. “Then do the challenge with me and we’ll see.”
Raph snickered as you grabbed the cookie out of the box and placed it on end to your lips, the strawberry flavoring hitting your taste buds. The man can’t help but crave the treat in front of him.
And he’s not talking about the cookie. 
With a new sense of determination, he leaned to you. His lips were about to take a bite, but he took the whole stick into his mouth and kissed you with passion. A gasp left your lips as his tongue invaded your warm cavern, hands on his shoulders as he pulled away. Completely dazed with the hot fiery passion of his lips, Raphael ate the cookie and smirked. 
“You should know not to challenge me, doll. Otherwise, I will leave ya breathless.”
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@turtle-babe83 @post-apocalyptic-daydream @tmnt-tychou @nittleboo @leosgirl82 @thelaundrybitch @happymoonangel @turtlesmakemehappy @hotredphoenix @pheradream15 @fyreball66 @scholastic-dragon @sharpwindow @rin-rin-winter @ashleighclark98 @akesdraws-blog @luna-neko-hamato
Here's my Master List!
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animeyanderelover · 2 years
Can I request Platonic zoldlyck gen hc?
God, I knew that this was coming at one point. I'm making reader in here a part of the family.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, possessive behavior, obsession, stalking, clinginess, sabotage, threats, violence, isolation, death
Platonic Zoldyck Family Hc's
Zeno Zoldyck
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🐲 He wouldn't admit it out loud but it's still somewhat obvious that you're his favorite grandchild. There is a certain soft spot the old man harbors for you and it occasionally shines through. He engages in games for children with you if you beg him enough, gives you gladly advice when you train and is always willing to listen to your problems. Zeno prides himself on his experience and the insightful help he can give you because of it. Zeno holds high hopes for you too so it happens very often that he ends up as your personal tutor to help you master the art of assassination. He wants you to succeed the family and their reputation for being the most dangerous assassins known so he teaches you techniques he isn't likely to reveal to anyone else. He's a good balance though since he never goes too brutal on you unless he knows that you can defend yourself and mixes rest and relaxation well with hours of exhausting training. If you manage to master his teachings and finish missions flawlessly, he's sure to always compliment and praise you warmly and grant you a treat.
Silva Zoldyck
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🐺 Silva is incredibly possessive and from all children you're the one he spends the most time with. Kikyo, your maternal figure, rarely gets to see you and so do your other siblings since Silva consumes almost all of your time. He holds you in high esteem and has decided to train you personally in everything. He passes down his teachings that you shouldn't strike unless you're sure to win and goes a bit brutal on you. Hours and hours on end where he goes full beast mode on you even if you can't handle that level of strength yet. He only gives you a break when you're nearly about to faint from physical exhaustion and is very strict, scolds and chides you for everything you haven't kept in mind during the fight. He might end up sending you on missions that are highly dangerous if he sees it as a necessary step in your development as an assassin. Willing to spoil you a bit but only if you've fulfilled or even exceeded his expectations. Everyone in the mansion knows to not upset you or spend too much time with you though since Silva is sure to come after such people and punish them.
Kikyo Zoldyck
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🔺 Kikyo has always been enraptured with you, even when you were still an infant. She's very obsessed and recalls your entire life so far as if it just happened moments ago. She's really clingy and when you aren't with her, you'll hear her shrill voice calling for you. There were times when you didn't come though and in such cases she ordered the butlers of the house angrily to find you and bring you to her, otherwise she'd kill them for their incompetence. She dotes on you and coddles on you in an excessive way, spoils you and dresses you up in all the finest clothes she can find. Money is of no concern. She likely never lets you spend much time with others since she's overprotective and is paranoid that anyone else besides her and her family will be a bad influence for you. So she's likely to kill anyone who she thinks will sully you. You're a splendid assassin in her opinion, she even insists that you should be together with Killua the heir of the family since both of you are more than suited. Spoils you after every mission you fulfilled, although she makes a terrible fuss over possible bruises or scratches, if you let someone even hurt you that is.
Illumi Zoldyck
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🤎 Illumi usually appears void of all sorts of emotions but it's painfully clear for everyone that he has an unhealthy attachment to one of his siblings, you. He constantly hovers near you and stares intensely into everyone who steps too close to you or spends too much time with you. It's creepy and unnerving and even the well-trained butlers tend to get shivers. The man is also awfully possessive over his younger sibling and finds it unnecessary for them to spend time with the other Zoldyck kids, except Killua maybe. If he should be older than you he sort of expects you to obey his words since he's the oldest child and for that holds authority over you. Similar to Silva he holds high expectations for you and is sure to get rid of everything that might interrupt your determination to be an assassin. So you end up isolated as he monopolizes most of your time. It even happens that he follows you on missions assigned to you to see how you're doing with your job as an assassin. If you've done the job well you tend to get a few presents from him, his way to show you that he's proud of you.
Milluki Zoldyck
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💻 Milluki is more demanding and bratty when it comes to his sibling's attention. He tends to spend a lot of time inside his room playing some games or watching some shows instead of being active but that doesn't mean that he should be underestimated. He can definitely be more mean to you, especially if you should be younger and he has a feeling of superiority for being older than you. In that case he commands you often a bit around and is slightly mad when you don't listen to him. Gets incredibly jealous if he finds out that you like one of his siblings more than him which results in him being more salty and rude to you although shortly after he tries to buy your favor by getting you games or snacks you love. Insists that you spend some sibling time with him huddled up inside his room which he locks up since he hates being disrupted when he has you for himself. He participates more when you're on missions, searches for information on the target which he gives you if you spend afterwards more time with him and it's not unlikely that he tries to install a tracker so he can check your location when you're away.
Killua Zoldyck
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🪀 He spends most of his time with you during his early childhood since you're the only one who doesn't pressure him and just grant him a normal childhood. You're trained to be an assassin yourself but understand that it doesn't have to be forced upon him. Killua is clingy, often searches for you and sulks when he finds out that you have left for missions. He acts like a normal child around you, shares his food and snacks with you and even if he's embarrassed, he also loves it when you give him a big hug. When he leaves the family to participate in the Hunter exams, he comes up running to you and asks you if you want to accompany him. Sure, you're a dangerous assassin and don't even need a license but he just wants to take you away from the mountain and be alone with you. He's distraught when you decline his ask since you have to stay here but promise to wait for him. He tells Gon a lot about you as soon as he's become his friend, tells Gon his goal of leaving together with Alluka and you the family so all of you can be free.
Alluka Zoldyck
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💝 Her and Nanika both adore their sibling a lot, shown by Nanika's willingness to grant only Killua and you freely wishes. You never abuse the kindness and affection Alluka and Nanika hold for you though since your sibling is precious to you. Alluka is essentially imprisoned in the mansion but you still insist on spending time with her which makes Alluka really happy. She always wants to play with you, wants hugs or to be lifted in the air only to surprise you with a kiss on your cheek or nose. She's very clingy and as a child she always was hanging on your hip like a monkey and that habit continues even as both of you grow older. Since she's never permitted outside, you always bring her souvenirs when you come back from a mission and tell her from all the things you have seen. When Killua comes to save her, she insists that she wants you to come with her and starts crying too. You gladly tag along though, relieved that your beloved sibling is finally free from this family. Alluka wants you to show her all the places you told her about during her time inside.
Kalluto Zoldyck
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🏮 Kalluto is the silent type who walks behind you like a little duckling. He's the youngest and that makes him insecure a bit although he isn't above using that to his own advantage too if he knows that it'll guarantee him your attention. If you just happen to be the youngest one, he acts like your silent guardian as he's weirdly protective over you. Kalluto tries to impress you as he feels a need to prove himself, specifically if he really is the youngest. As much as he enjoys and loves seeing you doting on him a bit, he also wants you to see that he's just as much of a capable assassin as you are. He wants to watch you training since he idolizes you quite a bit and believes your fighting abilities and Nen powers to be really amazing. He's upset when he doesn't get to spend time with you for a longer while but rarely complains and instead keeps silent. He knows that it can't be helped when you have a job but he spends hours outside waiting for your return. He runs to you as soon as you return, tugs your clothes shyly as a silent way to ask for a hug.
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princessb4mbi · 2 years
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꩜ tags black!reader, therapist!eren, college setting, age gap (reader in 20s, eren in 30s), power dynamic, not so protective sex? mentions of death [not proofread]
꩜ synopsis isn’t it obvious to hide your private life better? or was it not obvious when a video of you dry-humping a pillow was sent to your therapist.
@ word count 3.6k
story below the cut !!
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ever since you’ve lost your mother to old age, your mental health has spiraled downwards a little bit. you’ve had the privilege of knowing when she WOULD die and at-least died in a proper place rather than somewhere shitty, so that’s cheered your spirits up a little bit. she was your best friend though, and losing your best friend is painful. you went to her whenever you could, talked on the phone for hours, and slept in her bed every night as if you were still five years old. 
you weren’t the only one suffering though, your childhood friend sasha couldn’t stand watching you wither away. even though she did everything she could, she knew she was capable of oh so much. 
you weren’t the only one suffering though, your childhood friend sasha couldn’t stand watching you wither away. even though she did everything she could, she knew she was capable of oh so much. 
“do you want me to hook you up with my therapist? he’ll seriously help you clear all cloudy thoughts away y/n,” sasha says caressing your cheeks
you move your face away from her hand, “they aren’t cloudy thoughts sas, im just grieving my mother..” 
“i know baby, i know.. but i don’t want to grieve YOU if you die of a heartbreak. i want you to get better, physically and mentally.” sasha looks at me emphatically.
she pulls out her phone and scrolls through her contacts until stopping at a card called “dr.jaeger”. “listen, give him a call please. his prices are cheap and his place is nice. it’s not like those dull white offices with an ugly long chair and a monotone person.” 
you sighed, reluctantly agreeing to her copying and pasting the number to your phone. “okey, i gotta go now babe, but PROMISE me you’ll give him a call, he’ll help you, and if he doesn’t i’ll play for any of your bills ok?” sasha says packing up her stuff. she kisses your cheek before leaving the quiet study area, leaving you alone to your own thoughts. 
you stare at the contact card, pulling dr. jaeger’s name up on your laptop and scrolling through his website. sasha was right about one thing, his prices WERE cheap. about $65 an hour and he also had packages where two weeks of therapy would be about $350 in total.   
the prices however, weren’t enough to convince you fully, as your scroll down to see the reviews.  
“dr. jaeger saved me. after the loss of my wife, i never felt like so lonely, but my daughter told me about him and he’s helped me heal properly and not turn to anything crazy. he’s an amazing person with amazing talents as such a young age. 5 stars” 
ok.. that was something. not that you were going to invalidate them, but that seemed just.. fake. you decided to read another one.
“oh my gosh. no one would believe how amazing someone is at listening and understanding a person’s thoughts. dr. jaeger was nothing like those terrible therapists who make you pay $100 for an shitty hour call. oh how i wished i can say more, but the character limit is fu” 
you giggled at that one. maybe i should give him a call. with a deep breath, you called the number. 
“hello? my name is y/n, i’d like to speak to dr. jaeger please.” 
it’s been about a month since you’ve scheduled a session with dr. jaeger, only having to wait that long due to “heavy traffic”. sasha is currently driving you to the building. 
“you know, i’m really proud of you for calling. i was scared you were going to stay depressed forever.” sasha says over her 80s radio playing. 
“let’s not get too happy yet, he could still be shit at his job..” you say cutting down any happy thoughts. 
“you’re STILL doubting him y/n? i get that some people are money hungry, but i promise you he’s not. if he was, do you think ME of all people would be recommending you to him? i mean c’mon, have some faith please.” 
“i’m sorry, i just nervous ok. my stomach is doing backflips at the moment.” 
“hey man, if you feel like farting, ill park somewhere and you can walk the rest of the way.”
you two pull up to the parking lot, fancy with a modern style front. the office itself if very modern and 2 floored. 
“k, i’m gonna drop you off here, call me when you’re done ok?” 
you walk out of sasha’s car, waving her goodbye while she drives away. you walk into the sleek office, with painting from what you the assume were from the last two centuries. 
the receptionist greets you with a nice smile “welcome, how may i help you today?” you give her your name. “ah i see, you right on time then, ill have this guard guide you to dr. jaeger’s office.” just then, a semi tall man with a black uniform from comes in-front of me. “right this way.” 
he leads me into the elevator, where he then leads me into a hallway with lots of rooms. there’s multiple therapists in this building, all with different ways. as i look through the glass windows, i see pet therapy, group therapy and even massage therapy. the guard finally stops at a door, with a name tag having “DR. JAEGER” on it. “here’s your room, have a nice day.” he says as he’s walking away. you give him a quick thank you and knock on the door. 
a deep “come in.” follows shortly after, and you enter the room. first impression of when you enter the room was that sasha was right. the room was anything from boring, and didn’t have white walls but instead had a mix of brown and auburn. there was lots of old-style decor too. a record player, cd’s and even the tv was kinda old. 
however you were greeted with the most shocking thing of all, dr. jaeger himself. he looked away from his papers, to look at you and gave you a warm smile. his visuals was… something you didn’t expect. most therapist are middle-aged men and women, that are sort-of not the most attractive. but that was ok, because they wanted to help you, not seduce you. dr. jaeger on the other hand was extremely beautiful. he has dark brown hair, put up in a semi-messy bun, the most luscious green eyes, and very kissable pink lips. 
i guess you were admiring his facial features for too long to notice dr. jaeger looking at you weirdly. “maybe un-responsive.” he mutters to himself, typing down on his laptop. upon hearing his words, you apologize and scurried to the seat in-front of him. 
“or not. . . my name is dr. jaeger, if you’ve haven’t gotten a chance to see on the door.” 
“i did, sorry for not responding earlier.” 
“it’s ok, its common for most genders to be shocked at how i look.” dr. jaeger said in a non-concerned voice. you were took aback a little by his comment, most genders to be shocked at how he looked? you were wondering if he was just annoyed at the common occurrence or just knew that he was an attractive man. “pushing that aside,” he sighed “sasha has told me a lot about you.” he says looking up at you. 
“she did?” you question.
“mhm, she cares for you ms….” he looks at the paper look for your last name. 
“ah, thank you. sasha cares for you ms. y/l/n. she talks about your recovery, and wants you to best happy for her.” he says maintaining eye contact. you can’t respond to such kindness. all you can do is nod your head and smile. 
“but as a therapist view-point, the death of a loved one is one of the hardest battle we have to overcome as a human being. no matter how emotionless a person may be, the death of anything else to them will always cause someone to break. that’s just how we are, we humans . . . after all.” he says empathically. 
“my job isn’t to make you forget your mother, or forget the pain you feel about her. you always feel pain lingering about her, and that’s ok. i’m just here to help you reduce that pain.” 
you were shocked. cheap prices, handsome therapist AND a good one at that? maybe it’s good to stay faithful after all. 
it’s been about 3 weeks since you’ve had daily therapy sessions with mr. jaeger and he’s honestly been helping you a lot. you had different kinds of sessions, like walking around and even some pet therapy. today was for a usual one-on-one walk around the building beautiful outside landscape.
as you and dr. jaeger walk around, you wave to the other clients with their own therapists. “see how social you’ve gotten? when we first came here, you were begging to stay back inside due to all the people,” he jokes around. “now, you’re friendly with them. it’s good progress.” he smiles to himself. 
“it was only because of you, dr. jaeger. i don’t think i’d be the way i am without your help.” 
“ah. . . don’t flatter me too much. let’s sit right here yea?” he says pointing towards the swinging wood benches. “it’s beautiful outside, isn’t it ms. y/l/n?” he turns to look at you. 
“yea, it really is.” you turn back to stare at him. god, you can stare into his eyes for hours. it’s something that about that were so addicting, that you couldn’t look away if you wanted to. to break the silence, you decided to follow up with a cheeky comment. “say dr. jaeger, you really know how to keep a client.” he moves his head to the side, confused. “i like to believe that my clients stay with my due to how i help them and not my looks.” ah fuck. it was not received well at all, and you just profusely apologized to him. 
“but, if my looks did make people stay, that wouldn’t be all too bad huh,” he says giving a hearty laugh. “but tell me now, ms y/l/n. does my looks make you stay?” you were at a loss for words. one part of you wanted to say “fuck yes” while another part of you wanted to say “absolutely not”. and you of course went with the latter. 
“whatever your answer is, it doesn’t bother me either way. . . but it looks like our time is up ms. y/l/n.” you look down at your phone for the time. it was up after he exclaimed. the two of you head back to his office to pick you up your stuff. 
that night later, you were chilling in your bed, getting ready to dose off. you however, couldn’t sleep without thinking about a fantasy. it didn’t matter what type, other than it having to be something interesting. you close your eyes, your mind shifting to dr. jaeger, and the moments between you two that drove you insane. like that one time he wore a turtle neck, showing off his clothed six-pack abs. you imagined yourself touching them, feeling the rock-hardness of them. you open your eyes again, looking around the room. to be honest, you haven’t.. you know what, in a while and you thought it might be time to do it again. 
you move your bedsheets closer to the edge to give you more space. and moved all your pillows away except for one. you pulled your phone out and started to record. it might seem weird to other people, but you like to record yourself, in the time that you couldn’t find anything good on twitter or reddit. 
you start to rock your hips back n forth on the pillow, assuming it the body of a male. maybe it was dr. jaeger body you could’ve been assuming it off. either way, it turned you on, seeing how you started to move faster on your pillow. one of your hands grip the pillow, as the other hand massages your boob. you move faster, enjoying the friction your clit is getting between the pillow and your soaked panties. you close your eyes, imagining dr. jaeger guiding your body with his big, veiny hands. as you’re about to climax, you can’t help but subtly whimper his name. 
once you’ve finished, you end the video. while you’re cleaning up, sasha enters the room. “hey girlie, i was thinking of getting some drinks tomorrow night? wanna come?” she says exciting. “i would but i have a session with dr. jaeger tomorrow.” 
“boo, you’re boring.” 
“whatever, i’m going to the shower, so let me know if anything happens ok?” 
“yea yea boring y/n.” 
you go to the bathroom and take off your clothes, hopping inside the shower. you turn on the water, letting the lukewarm water hit your skin. you are alone with your thoughts until sasha comes inside the bathroom. 
“not to be nosey, but dr. jaeger texted you.” she says. 
“mhm really? what did he say?” 
“i didn’t look at it properly, but something about a daily wellness video?” you knew right away. dr. jaeger usual makes his clients make videos of themselves with positive affirmations, then with their consent, he’ll use it on his website for future clientele. 
“ahh ok! just send him the most recent video.” you photo gallery takes forever to update, so there’s a chance it’ll take forever to show the video of your “naughty time”. 
“ok, sending right now… and it’s sent. if he wants a further conversation, i’ll let you know.” 
“thanks sash.” 
as you walk out the steamy bathroom, and get ready for bed, you check your notifications for any new ones. you go into the chat between you and dr. jaeger, seeing if theres anything new. you took a look at the video of your affirmation, seeing the shirt you wore today as the thumbnail. you clicked on it, expecting your face to zoom out, as you were testing the camera quality always. to your shock, you camera didn’t zoom out. but instead was your body moving back and forth on something. your heart dropped. it couldn’t be. you’re praying it wasn’t. you skip some of the video to see if it was truly what you think it was, but the video suddenly changed to a more in-depth shot of you humping the pillow with your panties being in view. 
your heart start to beat faster than usual. you click off the video to delete it right away. dr. jaeger didn’t respond to it, and it said it was ‘delivered.’ you wanted to tell yourself that he hasn’t seen it, and probably watches those videos early in the morning. you weren’t going to stress yourself out though, you were just gonna go to his office per usual, and get counseling per usual.
you take a deep breath and knock at his door, hoping it all ends well. you hear his “come in” but it sounds different from before. his voice went an octave lower. you walk into the room, seeing a more “messy” side of dr. jaeger. at-least he didn’t look at cleaned up as he usually does. his bun was a lot more frizzy from before and he had two buttons undone on his button up shirt. 
maybe he had a rough morning. you think to yourself. “good morning ms. y/l/n. how was your night?” you stopped for a second. such a simple question was something so dangerous to you. “it was fine, dr. jaeger. how about yours?” 
“oh. one of the best i’ve had in a while.” 
“ah. mine was the worst i’ve had in a while.” you mumbled. 
“really? i would’ve assumed you’ve had a very nice night ms. y/l/n.” 
you stare at him confused. what could he mean by that? yea, you fixed your hair a little better than usual, and your eye bags have gone away overtime, but you truly did have a sleepless night yesterday. dr. jaeger gets up from his chair, to lean on his desk, standing in-front of you. he stared down at you with his usually lighter colored eyes now displayed a dark-green. and his pupils were more extended. 
“i don’t know what gives you the impression that i’ve had a nice night dr. jaeger.” 
he bends to to match the height of the chair, and put both of his hands on the rest, restricting me from mounting off of it easily. “let’s cut the crap, y/n. i saw what you sent me.” at this moment, it felt like 100 daggers were suddenly lodged into your chest. 
“i wondered why you asked what you did yesterday. i thought to myself ‘maybe she thought i was attractive’, but i see it was more than that i see,” he says not breaking eye contact. “you see, as a human, we see something we like, and have many kinds of thoughts about it. and i see the thoughts you have towards me are stronger than what i expected.” 
“i’m truly sorry dr. jaeg-“ 
“call me eren, seeing as that is what you called me in the video.” 
“i’m sorry eren, truly. i don’t want to do anything to make you uncomfortable or hurt this relationship between us.” i say holding back my tears. 
“hurt? uncomfortable? those words are out of the park right now,” he says standing up. “to be honest, tell me why you came today y/n.” 
“to have a therapy session with you.” you meekly say.
“is my looks standing in the way of you healing with the death of your mother?” he says standing behind me. 
“not at all, dr. jae- eren.” 
“so then what provoked you to send me a five minute long video of you fucking yourself to a pillow in the imagination that it’s me?” you were at a loss for words. he was right. your heart sank as his word dug deeper into you. and you couldn’t hold back your tears anymore. you started to quietly sob, feeling large hands down your shoulders. you feel a hot breath near your eyes chill down your spine. “don’t cry, not in this manner at least,” he says in your ear. 
“cry because you can’t handle it, y/n.” 
you stopped and turned to look at him. he had a devilish grin on his face. “handle what?” you say, not catching his gist. 
“you’ll find out soon enough.”
eren lifts you up by the arm and spins you around to face him completely. you didn’t know what was going on, but you didn’t want to push away. your faces was a mere 4 inches away from each other. “can i? y/n. . . can i give you what you want?” 
you look at his eyes then his lips then his eyes again. fuck it, you nod your head and eren kisses you passionately. he stops kissing you for a moment to push the chairs aside. you look at his desk to see his usually messy papers cleaned up to the side. he planned this probably . . . eren picks you up and places you on his desk. 
he places a hand on your chin, rubbing it gently. “open it baby,” he says as his kisses you again, but placing his tongue all over the inside of your mouth. his hands tug on the bottom of your shirt, signaling for it to be removed. in between each kiss, you both take off a piece of clothing until you up to your undergarments. eren slips his large hand under your breast, fondling with it while he leaves wet hickeys on your neck. with the other hand he unclasps the bra, throwing it the ground. he kisses you again, muttering “nice tits”.
you pull at the band of his underwear, “want you in me ren’.” you whine. “patience baby.” eren says sliding your panties off to the floor. 
“are you on any pills by any chance?”, he says rubbing ur slick all over your cunt. “m-mhm ren.’”
“good. so i don’t have to hold back.” 
eren slips his underwear off, revealing his long, veiny and girthy dick. you want to guess it’s around 6-7 inches, but it was gonna tear you up regardless. he strokes his dick, ‘lubing’ it up with his pre-cum. he inches closer to you, having his dick and your hole just one insert away from each other. you open your legs wider and lay down on his desk, giving him more access to yourself. “didn’t even have to ask.” eren said.
he teases the tip of his dick on your clit. your whole body tingles in response, arching your back off the cold desk. “please ren’…” you beg, desperately wanting his dick buried into you. “please fuck me eren.” 
“as you wish.” with that, eren aligns himself with your entrance, slowly pushing himself in. the both of you moan simultaneously from the pleasure you both felt. eren starts to push his hips back and forth into you, keeping a firm grip on your waist. eren keeps a nice pace, making sure to satisfy both sides. suddenly, eren lifts your legs, wrapping them around his waist. you jolted from the tingle he gave you. you were trying to conceal your moans, but every time it was getting louder than usual, eren made sure put his hand over your mouth.
eren’s pace starts to unstable, moving fast at times and then slowing down to grind himself on you. you can tell he was close to his climax, seeing how desperate and shaky thrusts were. 
“‘m so close baby. . .” he grunts. 
“‘ren please! mhm.” you whine, begging him to release. 
“at the same time? what a good girl..” he barely breathes out. 
eren picks you up by the waist to pull you closer to him. there wasn’t enough space between you too, but he didn’t care. eren grinds his dick into you, feeling his dick throb in your walls. then, you feel a warm liquid pour inside of you, while at the same time cry out from your orgasm. 
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Peppino spaghetti x reader
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[Warning am Terrible at writing so there is gonna be grammer errors because I have literally BRAIN DAMAGE so yeah enjoy the shit show]
🍕 You were look for a good place to eat after your original go-to pizza place shut down do to an Infrastation of hilariously large rodents owning the place now you had to go eat some where else.
🍕 You then saw the sign....peppino's pizza. You weren't sure if the place was open or not due to the lights were off but the door was open so you enter. The place was dark except for the light shining through the windows, you took a sit on a red swerving chair. You looked around the place it had it had Italian décor you wondered if the owner was Italian or if it's another case of your culture is our decor.
🍕 then you hear a door open and see a middle age man walk out of the door. He seem super stressed out still looking at the paper he took a sit next to unaware you were there. You stared at him curiously and spoke "let me guess Bill problems". The Italian man sighed "yes it's- wait a minute " he stopped looking at the paper and looked at you. "A CUSTOMER!" He ran the kitchen quickly and grabbed their note book and pencil and ran back out. You were shocked he can move so fast, he handed you one of the menus "what-a you would like to-a order" he said with a nervous smile.
🍕 You looks down on the menu and spoke "I would like a small Pizza a everything pizza and a soda please", "anything else? " You shook your head sideways " Nah am fine thanks " he nodded and went back to the kitchen. He shook his friend Gustavo, " awake up we have a job to do "the little man jumped up and looked around in shock at first but returned to sleeping. Peppino rolled his eyes and rolled up his sleeves "fine then I'll do it my self".
🍕half a hour later he brought your pizza and a soda. "Here iz your pizza " he stood by waiting for your reaction. You took a bite of it and... loved it! "Oh my goodness! It's amazing! you made this pizza?", he blushed and scratched the back of his head "yes I did-did" peppino has heard compliments before but for some old reason this stuck to him maybe it because he hasn't heard it in a long time but whatever it was it had spark the love of cooking that he thought he lost so long ago. And for you? You just found your new favorite pizza place.
🍕 You went to peppino whenever you got your paycheck or had some spare money laying around. But also even if you didn't have money he would invite you over to the pizzeria. You both would chat for hours and got to learn about each other likes and dislikes. It got to a point where you would visit each other outside of the pizza place.
🍕 and you would do each other favors like peppino has no money for a taxi? No problem you give him a lift. Your parents are coming to town to visit you but you don't know how to cook anything besides ramen? He's got your back!
🍕but peppino noticed something he couldn't stop thinking about you! About how you look..laughed and looked at him it was driving him crazy, at first he thought it was just his anxiety but it wasn't it felt nice being around you and you were always so nice to him. Sometimes he would doodle you on his orders notebook or just some how make a pizza that kinda looks like you.
🍕 he wanted to confess to you he REALLY did but he was worried about so many things like what if you rejected him and never want to see him again? That thought made him shutter. So he kept it all bottle up but he wasn't very good at it.
🍕he would hold your hand and touches you when he gets a chance (like your hair or tug on your clothes) and make the excuses of oh you had a bug on you or your hands were cold or he wanted to show you something.
🍕 he finds himself staring at you and he becomes embarrassed once he realizes that he was staring at you and feels like a creep.
🍕 he feels a bit more relaxed when you are around him, he feels a bit more lose. And smile more when you're around.
🍕then he heard from Gustavo that you have been trying to find a date on dating apps. His heart dropped to his stomach no no no no NO! He made up his made and decided that he had to confess!
🍕 You walked into the restaurant and sat in your favorite sit "hey peppino! Guess who got some money for some pizza!". Peppino came out the kitchen with a fancy rented suit and a pizza. You whistled "Damm peppino! You looking fine! What's the special occasion?" He put the pizza in front of you it was a heart shaped "wow you still make heart shaped pizza's? Wasn't valentine's day 5 days ago? " You said jokingly but then he hold you hand. You looked at him curiously and let him speak.
🍕 "ever since you step into my pizzeria you have been nothing but kind to me.. your so helpful and you know so much stuff and l...." he gulped " I love you...." man felt like he was going to get a heart attack. You smiled at him gently and put your hand carefully on his face.
🍕"oh peppino...I have always loved you" and you kissed his forehead. Peppino took a minute to Process what just happened but when it finally hit him. He was esthetic! He pull you in to dance you both danced happily, hand In hand you both like this moment can last forever.
🍕 Gustavo totally lied about you looking for dating he just tired of the constant will they or won't they routine.
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discordantwords · 1 year
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cw: violence, blood
"Let's make this interesting." The voice is rough, unfamiliar. Masculine. Whoever has them—and, to be fair, the list of possibilities is quite long, they've made a great deal of enemies over the years—it's not anyone John recognises.
The room is badly lit, but John can see well enough to catch Sherlock rolling his eyes. He almost laughs, but his heart is thundering against his ribs and there is blood dripping from somewhere in his hairline and he'd prefer they both save the snark for when they're well away from this dank, foul-smelling basement.
A faint light blooms from somewhere behind them. Phone screen. They're being recorded.
Well. That doesn't bode well.
"Hit him," the man says.
"Yeah?" John asks, squaring his shoulders. He licks his lips. "And why would I possibly do that?"
Cold steel at the back of his head. The click of a safety. In front of him, Sherlock takes an aborted step forward, then freezes, hands held out in front of him in a placating gesture.
"He's pissed off loads of people. Loads of people who'll pay good money to see him hurt."
John sniffs, looks at Sherlock, looks away. Keeps his voice casual, unconcerned. "Yeah, don't think so."
"John—" Sherlock says.
"No," John says. He shakes his head. His hand clenches once, unclenches. He presses it against his thigh, scraped knuckles against stiff denim.
The gun eases away from the back of his head.
He sniffs again, locks eyes with Sherlock. There is a furious, helpless expression trapped there in the furrow of his brow, the downward curl of his mouth. They really are in trouble, then.  
A red dot appears on Sherlock's forehead, dancing merrily between his eyes. John sighs, looks down at the ground. The bravado that has kept him upright slides away. His shoulders slump.
"Hit him," the man says again. "Or he dies."
"No," John breathes. He closes his eyes and is back in the cold air of the Saint Caedwalla's morgue, Sherlock at his feet. No, not this. He'd rather have the gun.
"Go on. Nothing you haven't done before, right?"
"Who are you?" John growls.
There is no answer. He did not expect one.
He lifts his head, squares his shoulders again. Presses his lips into a tight line. Sherlock holds his gaze, gives him a little nod.
"No," John says again. "Nope. Not doing—not doing this."
"I'm not asking you to kill him," the man says. "Just rough him up a little bit for the camera. Won't that be fun?"
"John—" Sherlock says.
"Shut up," John says, because Sherlock is going to try to convince him that it needs to be done, and he knows it needs to be done, because the gun is trained on Sherlock and not on John. Because he'd gladly die to keep from hurting Sherlock, but he'd do just about anything to keep from watching Sherlock die again.
"Go on," Sherlock says, puffing himself up a little bit, his mouth curling into a disingenuous smile, and John knows he is going to start saying awful, terrible, monstrous things. Just so that it's just that much easier to swing his fist.
He won't let Sherlock do that. John doesn't deserve that mercy.
He swings. His fist connects with Sherlock's cheek. There is a muted thud of flesh on flesh. Sherlock rocks but stays standing.
"Don't pull your punches."
"I'm not," he lies through gritted teeth.
The red light jitters on Sherlock's forehead, drawing his attention. He shakes his hands out, presses them flat against his thighs. Shakes his head.
"John," Sherlock says. His voice is low, and serious. "It's all right."
"No. This is very fucking far from all right."
Sherlock's head droops a little bit, a flicker of sadness on his face. When he speaks again, his voice is resigned. "I know. But it is—"
"Don't say it," John chokes, and swings again. This time he connects solidly, and Sherlock drops to his knees, breathing hard.
"Again," the man says.
"Shut the fuck up," John shakes his head. He puts his hands on his knees, blows out a shaky breath. His ears are ringing. He thinks he might be sick.
"Again or I'll paint the wall with his brains and leave you down here to clean up the mess," the man says. "I'll film that, too."
John groans and straightens up. His face is hot. His eyes leak. There is a pressure in his chest, rising, bubbling, catching in his throat.
Sherlock looks up at him from where he waits on his knees. There is a bruise darkening his cheekbone.
John swings, and Sherlock turns his face into the punch. Teeth slice into the thin skin of his knuckles. He jerks his hand back as Sherlock doubles over, blood dribbling from his split lip to the ground.
"John," Sherlock says, lifting his head. His voice is hoarse. His eyes are wet. He is trying to smile, but his teeth are smeared with red. "It's all right."
"Any idea who this arsehole is, yet?" John grinds out, trying to sound casual and missing by a mile. "Any great deductions? Escape plans? Now would be a brilliant time."
Sherlock climbs slowly to his feet. He brushes dirt from his coat, an achingly familiar motion. Stands, calmly waiting.
It's just about the worst thing that John has ever seen in his life.
It isn't, of course. He has seen worse things. Sherlock, dead on the pavement in front of Barts Hospital. Sherlock, eyes wet and wounded, smeared with his own blood, staring up at him from the morgue floor. His own knuckles, split and bleeding, itching to keep going, to strike again and again and again. Wanting to crush him, shatter him, stamp him down and kill him all over again.  
"No," John says. "No."
Sherlock closes his eyes, bracing for another hit. The red light on his forehead slides teasingly along the slope of his brows.
There is no getting out of this, John thinks. No matter what he's told. He will be forced to split his knuckles against Sherlock's face, to crack bone and bruise flesh and spill blood. To kill him in the name of saving his life.
Their captor is right, he thinks. There are loads of people who would pay a great deal of money to see that.
Christ, if he has to be the one to cause Sherlock's death, let it be for something good.
John surges forward, fists his hands in Sherlock's coat, yanks him into a rough kiss. Their faces press together, their legs tangle. Sherlock stumbles and they both go down, knees against concrete. Sherlock's mouth opens to him and John tastes blood and he tugs harder at the coat, trying to drag them together into one, so that the bullet, when it flies, will pass through them both.
Sherlock bites his lip. Hard. John cries out at the unexpected pain, lets go. Sherlock rolls sideways and staggers to his feet and John pushes up to follow, only to be felled again when Sherlock delivers a brutally efficient kick to the back of his knee. There is the sound of a scuffle, and the heavy, meaty thud of a body striking the hard ground.
John climbs unsteadily to his feet, touches his bruised lip with bruised fingers.
Sherlock stands only a few paces away, chest heaving, staring down at the crumpled form of their captor. He's unconscious. Respiration steady. If John had been the one to get at him, he would not be breathing. He wonders if Sherlock knew that, if that's why he knocked him down.  
"Laser pointer," Sherlock says, and he quirks a smile that pulls at the tear in his lip, sending a fresh trickle of blood down his chin. "Fake gun. Thought that might be the case, didn't want to risk it until I was sure."
"You—" John says, his words tripping over themselves, tangling in his mouth. He shakes his head. He cannot seem to speak.
And then Sherlock gives a groan and sinks back down to the ground, his back against the grimy wall. His head lolls, adrenaline fading. "Might need—a little help. Getting out of here."
John drops into a crouch next to him, presses a hand against Sherlock's bruised face. The skin beneath his palm is hot and damp. "Hey," he says, because he can think of nothing else. "Stay with me. Sherlock. Stay awake. Hey."
"Handcuffs," Sherlock says, flailing an uncoordinated hand towards his pocket, and John dutifully digs them out, secures their assailant before turning back towards him.
"How's your head?" John asks, helpless.
Sherlock squints at him, his brow crumpled up in bewildered pain. "Hurts. Obviously. Thought you were a doctor."
"Ta for that," John says, and there is a part of him that wants to laugh and a part of him that fears he might be sick all over the filthy concrete floor.
"You kissed me."
John presses his lips together, a bright spark of pain. He breathes out through his nose. Says nothing.
"Effective distraction," Sherlock says, finally. His eyes fix on John's, pale and wondering, before slipping shut again.
"Yeah," John says, because he cannot imagine giving voice to the thoughts in his head. "Distraction. Knew it would work."
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