#alive bianca au
hyperpotamianarch · 8 days
So, after seeing @half-shadowgalra's post about what if Bianca stayed alive, I thought of analyzing the topic. So, my take on what might change, following the details of canon I can remember:
Firstly, let us assume that Bianca accidentally drove Talos into the Labyrinth, and just got severe head trauma and amnesia instead of dying. Zoe, Percy and co, however, still think she died and continue under this assumption. What happens next?
Well, as far as I know, only one god might actually know Bianca is still alive - her father, Hades. Who, I might say, is not present for the Winter Solstice council and doesn't seem like he'll inform anyone. He would want his daughter safe, probably, so there's a chance he'll send Alecto to find her and bring her somewhere safe - possibly the underworld. No guarantee that the Erinyes would succeed, though.
As to what we see in canon... In his angry burst, Nico mentions feeling Bianca being judged in the underworld, and having nightmares. I'm going to have to assume his nightmares will be altered. And, well... This certainty of her death, which was another sign of them being children of Hades, will likely not exist. How will it change things? Well, I think Nico will still be angry at Percy and consider him guilty of Bianca's death. Maybe. After all, the lack of certainty he had in another timeline can't actually help him realize Bianca is alive. He can't know he would've felt it if she died - even if he started feeling such things, he probably didn't understand that well enough yet. He might have some doubts, though. That's still a minor change, all things considered.
Next time Bianca's death affects the plot is the Iris-net messages. However, we might need to explore first what happened to Bianca. Especially since she not only fell into one of the most dangerous pieces of magical architecture, she did so in a time it was being explored by a whole bunch of people. At any given moment, she could encounter Luke's forces, Clarisse, Daedalus or one of the creatures looking for her. So, you're Bianca Di Angelo, daughter of Hades, who's trapped in a maze underground and have amnesia. What can you do?
Well, I think her bow and arrows are either right beside her or a summon away - the latter is going to be problematic, because she doesn't remember how to summon them. She'll probably have her hunting knife. Oh, and did I mention that she won't remember her training, whatever amount she had?
I don't think canon gives us much indication on what she might do in such a situation. Part of the question is how much she forgot. And since we're makeing this up anyway, we can go for the option we find the most fun! Oh, and I forgot Nico is joining everyone in the Labyrinth pretty quickly. Either way, I think I'll go (regarding her memories) with forgetting everything except for her brother. And English, though it will be fun to have her speak some Italian dialect for some time. Oh, and her name. Easier that way.
So, Bianca wakes up in a cave. She only remembers her name and that she has a brother called Nico. Who is, for some reason, not present. She hears weird sounds and runs away from them.
Now here's another bit: we don't know what Bianca's powers include beyond the ability to permanently kill skeletal warriors. Incidentally, we have another canonical Pluto kid who can control caves. Now sure, Hazel and Nico supposedly have between them Hades' two dominions: riches and death. No reason to keep them separate, however. Bianca can have some power over underground spaces. We have seen Hazel interact with the Labyrinth in the House of Hades, even manipulate it - though she was using magic instead of demigod powers, so we can't be sure if someone with similar powers but no magic could do it. I do think it's possible, though - especially without anyone directly resisting her. It'd be mostly instinctive and unintentional, though, so there's no telling where it would lead her.
Now, where would Bianca find herself? It's hard to tell. Everyone goes through the arena eventually, but it takes time. Bianca can get to many places, Camp Half-Blood included as well as Geryon's farm or the underworld. There really is no telling. Meanwhile, Nico is looking into ways to find his sister and bring her back. Does he realize she's alive? Or does he still try to learn from Minos? As far as I know, we were never told how he made his way to the underworld. Did Hades send Alecto to collect him? If so, does that mean we'll have a family reunion sooner rather than later? Or maybe does Bianca inadvertently run away from it in effort to stay alive and, ironically enough, find her brother?
One possible change would be that when Hades gets Nico, he tells him (at some point) that his sister is still alive. Not in an attempt to console him - Hades doesn't really know about that - but as a throwaway line when Nico mentions her death. I think I can picture that. Nico still runs away, but this time to find his living sister - all that assuming he somehow got to Hades' palace in the time between the Titan's Curse and the Battle of the Labyrinth. In such a case, he might not turn to Minos, which would significantly change BotL. So... Maybe the best option here is Nico not getting to Hades' palace/Hades being too secretive about it all.
Now, no Percy Jackson story is complete without old myths underlining events: Percy isn't compared to Heracles for naught, there are a couple of parallels between them - at least in monster slaying and such things. Sadly, I can't say I'm an expert in Greek mythology, and I'm not sure I know enough to create a story paralleling any myth. So, I kind of hope someone more experienced could come and give a fitting story - only thing I can think of right now is Atalanta, the huntress who took a vow of virginity, joined the Argonauts for a time and participated in the hunt for the Calydonian boar, drawing first blood and thus winning the boar's hide - which eventually lead to much strife. Now, one would think this boar was used in the past, like in tTC - but nope, it was a different boar, so I'm sure having some taste of the Atalanta myth could work. Kind of. Maybe, somehow, I don't know.
So, Bianca is dealing with her own stuff. Maybe, because I just thought of it, she can also have a taste of Cadmus' story - the guy looking for his disappearing sister who went on to found a city instead. I'll have to think about it for a bit, especially since I think both Atalanta and him had a weird "happily ever after in animal form" thing. Cadmus and his wife became snakes, while Atalanta and the husband she eventually did marry (thus breaking her vow of virginity, though the consequences were somehow unrelated) were turned into lions. Huh.
Anyway, she deals with that while running away from Alecto. Nico tries to find a way to reassure his sister while Minos hides the fact she's actually still alive from him. And maybe Bianca encounters Luke.
Now, the repercussions of Bianca being alive include Percy not getting the Iris-net calls about Nico. Which would mean that, if they meet in Geryon's farm, Percy has no way to convince Nico that Bianca doesn't want what he does. Which leaves us at an impasse, so Nico would head out with Minos straight away... Probably. Here's the thing: Bianca being down there means she can be found by someone. I think Clarisse isn't a good option for that, though. So, what if Luke found her? Would she join him? Or be killed? Well, obviously not the latter, we didn't save her so that someone else might kill her. But since we want her as a hero, we'd prefer her not to serve the titans, right?
So, after some thought: maybe she got to the arena and was forced to compete. Her fighting talent was promising, so Luke suggested she join them. And then... I think she run.
This is just a vague outline, and you may have noticed this is stream of thought writing. So, umm... well, I can only say that next she's probably told to give up the search for her brother and follow a cow, which probably should lead her to the huntresses, but instead of following it she'll keep looking and will find Nico, because I honestly don't like how easily Cadmus gave up on Europa just because the oracle told him. Curses be upon Zeus. Coming to think of it, the myth of Cadmus might fit well with the theme of BotL, because Cadmus is Minos' uncle. Yeah, it's all still stream of thought.
Bianca will probably meet Nico before the whole "king of ghosts" fiasco. I think this should affect the larger story, but I'm not sure how. So, umm... Let's leave it here for now?
So, a suggestion to a more organized outline: Bianca is in the Labyrinth. She runs away from some monster and accidentally finds herself in the company of some half-bloods loyal to Kronos. At first she journeys with them and they slay monsters together. However, after having drawn first blood from a very strong monster, some of the half-bloods became angry at her for hurting their egos or something? So she run away from them? Then she gets the magical cow, maybe Alecto finds her, and then she continues to search for her brother, who she maybe finds on the verge of killing someone to bring her back to life.
I might try to write it at some point, but I'm not very good at finishing stories. So, I guess we'll see.
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Nico dies (not really) au
What if in the final battle, instead of Gaia falling to "storm or fire" she gets killed by the death kids
what if Hazel and Nico try to do what hazel did in the 1940's (they're father helps them because they are both greek and roman) and bring up lots of amethysts'. But right before she falls asleep she tries to take them with her
Nico with the last of his strength pushes Hazel away to safety, as Gaia drags him underground. Picture a weak and tired Hazel, slowly crawling and reaches her hand out grabbing onto Nico who is sinking into the ground, she grabs onto his wrist when his other hand is trapped underground, he does whatever he can to free himself and manages to scratch/bite her wrist the let go of him, before he gets pulled into the ground
The battle was finished this was the final showdown, and the demigods were watching this happen. The battleground completely silent.
This battle didn't have many deaths so there was enough time to properly mourn him. They were surprised at the amount of people who came to the funeral, he was always so quiet at camp
Years later when they all grow up and move on. They still come and visit this spot, have picnics, and what not. Sometimes when the kids stray just a bit too far, a quiet breeze and soft words guide them back to their parents. when a new camper comes running through the woods, they see the silhouette of a boy guiding them. When they finally get to camp they're told that's Nico di Angelo, they're told stories of his life and bravery in death. But no he's not dead, he's been trapped for years.
As the seven's kids get older they see the figure of a boy he looks scary but reassuring in a way, but whenever they ask they're parents, they get very quiet. Eventually They see the boy and suddenly, he doesn't seem so scary he was small, only 13 barely a teenager,
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sapphicmcmean · 2 months
if bianca lived she and drew wouldve been friends post giant war sorry im right
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raphael-angele · 5 months
Masterlist of Series I made
If Hades raised Nico and Bianca
Description: basically Hades AU. Based off on this fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35556541
Part 0.5 | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 | Part 28 | Part 29 | Part 30 | Part 31 | Part 32 | Part 33 | Part 34 | Part 35 | Part 36 | Part 37 | Part 38 | Part 39 | Bonus 1 | Bonus 2
If Hades raised Nico and Bianca and took them to camp later-er
Description: Short Stories
Part 1: Bianca's Violin | Part 2: Nico's Garden | Part 3: Bianca's Hair
Nico is a Baby, Bianca is Alive
Description: self-explanatory
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
If Bianca met this character
Leo Valdez | Hazel Levesque | Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano | Drew Tanaka | Piper Mclean | Piper Mclean 2 | Clarisse La Rue
Things my brain decides to hurt me with
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Bonus 1 | Bonus 2 | Part 4
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izzyfizzykitty · 2 months
someone please write an au where bianca is alive and her and will are besties and they blast the smiths and go on little shopping days where bianca spills stories about nico back in italy and the casino🙏
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aroaceleovaldez · 5 months
every once in awhile i remember my possibly silliest random au, which is "the entire riordanverse but each series is just a different ttrpg campaign"
The only specifics I had of it was that every time someone dies that's just them leaving the campaign and removing their player character from the plot. The first campaign is run by Luke, which is why he's the Big Bad. The sequel campaign is run by Grover, which is why he's missing from it. The third is probably run by Percy. etc etc. Nico's character is all edgy and emo in the first campaign cause it's his first time playing and he's like, 11. He wanted to play cause they invited Bianca to play and Nico ended up taking her spot cause she got busy. The only reason Reyna's pegasus "dies" in the second campaign is cause Percy's dog tried to jump onto the table during combat and knocked over the figure. Everyone is alive and just playing wholesome tabletop rpg and everything is beautiful.
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mediumgayitalian · 6 months
fic rec friday 8
hi!! welcome to fic rec friday. every week, i pick five fics i have bookmarked and rec them with a little review. check them out!
After The War I Went Back To New York by @buoyantsaturn
now that everyone else has written their three-days fics heres mine
first of all -- hamilton title. giggle was giggled. second of all, will being soft on nico day ONE and nico noticing immediately is so so real. fave solangelo dynamic of all time. this is lichrally one of my top five three days fics bc its such a CLASSIC
2. Bones by @buoyantsaturn
“Did you just throw a handful of bones outside?” she asked carefully. “Yes,” Will answered immediately. “Why was there a pile of bones in here in the first place?”
will being super excited over nico's powers >>>>>> literally EVERYTHING else bc he is a huge massive nerd!!! and will's powers are SO SO SO cool!! and theyre basically the same coin anyway. what is necromancy if not healing magic but goth
3. Sunshine and Daisies by @buoyantsaturn
Whenever Will needed a break from studying, or had spare time between classes, he liked to walk around the city, wandering into random shops and looking around for a little while.
Will wanders into the di Angelo siblings' flower shop.
flower shop fics have a little je ne sais quoi, and oumph, if you will,,, they’re irresistible. also. ALIVE BIANCA???? its nearly impossible to do in canonverse but in au....i do adore. she does indeed deserve to be around to tease the shit out of her dweeb brother. it is ever so lovely to see.
4. Two Minutes for Hooking by @buoyantsaturn
He blinked his eyes open, glaring up at Will. “Who the hell are you?” “I’m the medic you’ve been avoiding every practice,” Will answered. “Who the hell are you?”
I LOVE THIS AU. i think its my fave buoyantsaturn fic tbh. like not to reinforce canadian stereotypes or anything but hockey aus are the BOMB, and short king hockey player nico x absolutely takes no shit will??? immaculate vibes. i adore. i adore so so much. i have literally read this series so often that im reasonably certain i could recite the first 500 words from memory
5. Hey There, Darlin' by @buoyantsaturn
Will was pretty, and Nico was angry about it. He knew he shouldn’t have come here. He knew he should’ve just gone back to his cabin and stayed there until breakfast the next day, but no. He saw a cute boy and had to go after him. Of course he did. And then Will had to act like Nico was some kind of savior during the wars, and he smiled at him. That smile alone was enough to make Nico realize that this trip was a mistake.
first of all -- #everything is the same except will is the epitome and they dont meet until now is THEE most intriguing tag maybe ever, i needed to read no more. second of all -- whipped nico. god hes my favourite. third of all the big house scene made me GIGGLE it was so fun and silly. adore.
thank you for joining me this friday!! happy reading!!
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stargirlexpressss · 12 days
Hi, how are you?
If your requests for Art are still open there is something i would love to see if possible.
Wednesday stood in front of the Mirror of Erised from Harry Potter, where she see's Enid in the mirror because Enid is the most desperate desire of her heart, with Wednesday having an earth shattering look of longing for her.
Thank you, hope you have a good day :)
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Hello helloooooooo
I hope i satisfied ur request, ik I already posted smth today but I just couldn’t resist drawing this!!!!! I’m not the best at expressions, but i tried my best to combine Wednesday’s stoicism and hozier level yearning in one.
Also, Hogwarts Wenclair headcanons to go with this:
- Wednesday was def a hatstall, because she is ridiculously brave, undeniably curious and free thinking AND ambitious/ resourceful. She started cursing the sorting hat after it took too long to sort her so she was immediately put into Slytherin.
- She rooms with Yoko in this AU and Enid practically lives at their dorm. They still have those domestic shenanigans going on, but they’re not roommates.
- Enid is very popular. Star quidditch player, CAPTAIN of the quidditch team since fourth year, extroverted as hell, smart but only putting effort into subjects she’s interested in, very much lovable student athlete.
- They didn’t fuck with each other at all for the first three years at hogwarts. Enid def talked shit abt wednesday in front if her face AND behind her back, while wednesday pulled the pettiest pranks on her whilst claiming she had nothing to do with any of them.
- obviously wednesday is lily and james live! Harry in this, so she has near death experiences every single year. Because she’s a Slytherin she doesn’t get the praise that OG harry does, people just whisper behind her back and she hates it. The only people who are straight up bitches to her are Enid, Bianca and sometimes Yoko (cause really, she can’t be bothered to care most of the time). So, consequently the only people she kind of respects are those three.
- in fourth year, Enid and Wednesday are picked for the triwizard tournament, (lower year limit in this AU) and just like Cedric and Harry, Enid and Wednesday trauma bond over it.
- Enid doesn’t die unlike Cedric, SHE saves Wednesday’s life at the graveyard.
- Wednesday used to see other things in the mirror of erised, in first year she saw her pet nero alive and well, but it felt like her heart stopped beating when she looked into it a second time and she saw Enid’s smiling face.
Thank you so much for the ask, this was so fun 🖤🩷
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Succubus Blues
summary: When the new succubus at the school starts sleeping around with the Nightshades one by one, Xavier gets impatient for his turn. Except it seems like his turn may never come.
pairing: Xavier Thorpe x succubus!reader
minor pairings: Ajax x reader, Davina x reader, Rowan x reader (obligatory au where he’s alive) Wednesday x Enid
mentions of: Yoko x Reader, Bianca x Reader, Wednesday x reader
warnings: smut (i’m marking the beginning and end so you can skip ~) reader has a demon form, she’s insecure about it, small mentions of death, reader gets around
tags: bisexual reader, jealousy, insecurity, angst with happy ending, hurt comfort, fluff, soulmates, forced proximity, love confession, monster loving, smut (this includes: femdom, marking, begging, praise, hair pulling, finger sucking, oral fem receiving, PIV, pounding, enthusiastic consent)
this was very long so let me know if I missed any
word count: 6.9k (i swear this wasn’t intentional) yes, the title is a book reference
Xavier knew that falling for a succubus was a bad idea. 
There were a lot of supernatural creatures in the outcast world that didn’t make for very good partners for various reasons; shadow creatures with no actual body, vampires and any kind of creatures that feed on blood, out of control lycanthropes, golems known for spreading diseases. The list could go on forever. But one of the worst creatures you could catch feelings for was the succubus. They were actual demons who fed on human souls, using their own lust against them. Some of them could feed on dreams and some needed physical contact. 
So when this girl walked into the Nightshades library and Xavier’s heart skipped a beat he knew he was fucked.
Or at least he wished he would be. [Y/F/N] was the most charming, magnetic, electric, and attractive person he knew. She exhaled self-confidence and fierceness, was a smooth talker, and had the body of a goddess. You couldn’t blame a guy for hoping.
It was perfectly normal to be attracted to a succubus; everything about them from their smile to their scent was made to lure you in. But the more Xavier got to know her, the deeper his feelings for the girl got until he couldn’t blame her nature anymore. It wasn’t just the way his body reacted to her touch. No. It was the way he couldn’t suppress his smile when she walked in the room, the way she made his day better with just a few kind words, the way she laughed at his jokes under her breath like she was trying to hold it in.
This is why it sucked that she did not return his feelings. And why it hurt so much seeing her with other people. And she got around. Succubi need to feed and [Y/N] was insatiable.
She first got her claws in Ajax. When she joined the Nightshades they threw a little party to welcome her in, make her feel part of the group. It was Yoko’s idea. Not even two whole glasses of mimosa in she was flirting with the gorgon boy, batting her eyelashes at him, not-so-subtly touching his forearm. 
Xavier was furious. He hated that he had to watch the whole thing unfold from a distance as he was having a conversation with Bianca about Thornhill’s class. He wished he could hear what they were laughing about. He knew she was faking it for him. The little lines that formed at the corners of her eyes every time he made a joke were missing. She wasn’t laughing with her whole body like she was with him, just a dainty little giggle. A strategy to stroke Ajax’s ego.
After not even half an hour they excused themselves from the party and got lost in the school’s hallway. 
Then there was Davina. Xavier had the displeasure of witnessing that one up close and personal. As he and [Y/N] were having lunch the siren joined them and the vibes changed so suddenly that it gave Xavier whiplash. Her posture shifted, her back arched, her lips pursed into a sensual smile. It reminded the boy of a cat ready to pounce. Even her voice didn’t sound like her own; it was lower, more seductive. The girl acted like he wasn’t even there. 
They must have snuck away into a janitorial closet or something because, by the next period, the succubus was glowing with magical energy and vitality.
By the time he caught her with Yoko, he figured out she was picking the Nightshades one by one, which gave him hope. Maybe at some point she’d get around to him. It was pitiful, the way he was holding his breath for a crumb of affection from this girl. He wanted her all to himself, truly, but he’d settle for anything she gave him. If that meant sharing her with a whole secret society he could be content with that.
He wasn’t next on her list, it was Rowan. Unfortunately, he had to walk in on them in his own dorm room. When the door creaked open, the two’s heads whipped around at the same time to see who came in. Rowan’s hair was a mess, his lips were red and swollen as if they’d been making out for a while already and on his lap [Y/N] was sitting trying to cover her bare chest with a t-shirt she picked off the ground. 
“Lock the door next time,” he addressed Rowan as if that didn’t just make the situation even more awkward.
But there probably wouldn’t be a next time. He noticed already that the succubus didn’t eat at the same table twice. Either she was trying everyone to see who she liked or she just didn’t like to settle down. In his fantasies, Xavier was so good that she never went to another partner ever again. 
He was all she ever needed, she just didn’t know it yet.
He also noticed that she had a pattern of feeding, around the start of every month. So, only a few days away from the beginning of the next month, when they were both dancing at the Rave’N, Xavier started to get his hopes up. 
She looked gorgeous in her dancing attire, it took everything in him to not compliment her every second. He only asked her as a friend because he didn’t want to push her out of her comfort zone. For as much as he wanted to pull her to the side and confess his feelings and make love to her all night long, she seemed to be a fan of casual stuff.
“Xav, I’ve been meaning to ask you this question. Let me know if this makes you uncomfortable,” the girl started.
This was it. The moment he’s been waiting for. She was going to take him. 
“Go ahead,” he encouraged her, trying to suppress a smile.
“This might be kinda awkward so if I’m asking for too much, just say the words and I’ll pretend this conversation never happened. I don’t want our friendship to suffer.” She stopped and took a deep breath. “There goes nothing: Is it ok if I take Bianca out? I know she’s your ex and I don’t want to hurt you.”
The girl gave him a wink when she talked about taking Bianca out. Xavier knew what that meant; feed on her. She was asking for permission to fuck his ex. Not him. Bianca.
“I mean, do you even know if she’s into girls?”
It occurred to him that the succubus was still talking, but he couldn’t listen to any word coming out of her oh-so-kissable lips. She didn’t seem to notice the war that going on inside Xavier’s mind.
“I initially meant to skip her just to be safe, but she looks so good in that dress and I’m starving,” a low growl escaped the girl’s mouth at the end of the sentence and Xavier could swear her eyes turned red for just a flicker of a second.
Must be a trick of the lights.
They couldn’t finish their conversation as red paint started to fall from the ceiling on both of them splattering their white clothes, their faces, and their hair. Xavier spent a lot of time making his hair look good. Not that it mattered anymore since the girl he did all of that for was busy checking out his ex-girlfriend instead.
Out of chivalry he took off his jacket and put it over [Y/N] head in order to protect her from the paint raining on them as they run towards the exit and almost slipped and fell in the red liquid. Xavier’s hand instinctively wrapped around the girl’s midriff and helped steady her. She pushed his hands away as if they burned her.
That hurt him in ways he couldn’t articulate in words.
“Sorry,” he murmured, embarrassed.
“You didn’t answer my question,” the girl tried to change the conversation and get rid of the awkward air permeating the conversation.
“I don’t mind.”
A lie.
“What the hell, you can even use my shed if you need privacy. Just lock the door or put a sock on it or something. I don’t need another Rowan situation.”
The girl looked down in embarrassment. Xavier didn’t know succubi even got embarrassed about this sort of stuff. From his research (yes, he’s been doing research) they were very open about their adventures and even almost exhibitionistic. He thought the only reason [Y/N] was particularly secretive was because according to Nevermore’s rules, she couldn’t feed on school grounds so she had to keep it on the down low. That was probably the reason she targeted the Nightshades, they were good at keeping secrets.
But she had no reason to hide from him. He knew what she was up to, half the school knew. On more than one occasion he had to intimidate people or threaten them when they commented nasty things about her behind her back. Only to get accused of sleeping with her himself – he wished.
“You’d seriously do that for me?” the girl asks with a hopeful smile. “Thank you!”
It looked like she was going in for a hug but then changed her mind. She’d been awfully distant that night.
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Another two months pass by and by Xavier’s math, he was the only Nightshade left. He was a bit upset that she kept him dead last, almost like she had no other choice. But beggars can’t be choosers; and by god was he ready to beg for this girl. 
Besides, maybe she just likes to keep the best for last. He still had hope. Which was swiftly crushed after he saw Wednesday in Thornhill’s class with a very specific mark on her neck. 
He has seen this mark numerous times on [Y/N]'s ex-partners right after they spent the night together. It was dark red and it looked like a bunch of triangles all connected in a circle, almost like a stylized sun. It usually went away after a couple days and the kids always tried to hide it in the meantime. Xavier told himself that when his turn came, he’d wear the symbol proudly – show it off even. He wanted everyone to know that she chose him, she was with him.
But that day never came and now, more than ever, Xavier was worried that it might never come.
Wednesday wasn’t even a Nightshade, she was offered a position in the secret society but she declined. Why was [Y/N] sleeping with her? 
He even tried to ask the raven haired girl about it, but she snapped at him.
“What I do in my spare time is my business,” she said coldly.
He couldn’t even count Wednesday as an exception because after her he heard rumors of other non-Nightshades being with the girl of his dreams.
That was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Xavier couldn’t take it anymore. He had to face the painful truth which was that he will never be with her the way he wants. The reality of it all stung like a hundred sharp icicles through his heart. Cold and merciless like the woman he fell for.
His fantasies of her were always a bit unrealistic. That she’ll fall in love with him after just one night, that he’d be so good she’d never need anyone else but him, that she was avoiding him because he was special somehow for her. It was all lies he told himself to cope. But the reality was even worse than his worst nightmares. He wasn’t at the bottom of her list; he actually wasn’t even an option.
He tried to blink away the hot tears threatening to spill down his cheeks, but the battle was already lost. Good thing he managed to get in his dorm room and Rowan was away – probably with [Y/N]. Maybe she was starting again from the bottom only to be able to avoid him again. Not like he mattered to her.
This was all his fault. He allowed himself to drown in delusions and convince himself to see things that weren’t really there. Like the way the succubus would cozy up to him in the library when they were doing homework until the late hours of the day. She’d sometimes fall asleep on his shoulder or rest against his chest and Xavier could swear the intimacy of it all meant something. Or the way she was always checking on him. Was he sleeping enough? Did he still have nightmares? 
She was just being a good friend and he allowed his imagination to run wild. It was never going to happen. It was time he’d accept that.
The ringing of his phone pulled Xavier out of his miserable pity party.
“Yes?” he answered softly, trying to hide the fact that he’s been crying.
“Xavier!” the excitement in the girl’s voice made his stomach do a backflip. “Listen: I have this crazy plan and I need my partner in crime to make this work. Are you in?”
He was happy being her friend. He valued her friendship. He loved being her partner in crime. Then why did it all hurt so much still?
“What is the plan?” he asked cautiously.
“I’ve been spending more time with Wednesday and it seems she’s absolutely smitten with Enid, her roommate. You know Enid, our resident Gossip Girl.”
Xavier couldn’t really hear the succubus’ words for a while as blood rushed to his head in anger at the thought of her and Wednesday and how they’d been spending more time together. He could hear his own heartbeat in his ears. He had no right to be this jealous. She was never his and never will be. It was time to let her go.
“Cut to the case, [Y/N]”
“Since they’re both clearly in love with each other but too stupid to do anything about it, I thought we could step in and help. You said something about your shed a while ago and it got me thinking. Maybe we could tell them we’re throwing an 'End of the Year' party there and ask them to come, set up a nice romantic dinner and lock them there,” she let out an excited giggle. Xavier’s heart gave a flutter. “I know it’s a little unorthodox, but I think it’ll work. What do you say? Tomorrow night?”
Xavier mulled over her words a little bit. He was mad at this girl. Furious almost. His heart was broken and lying on the floor because of her. But she was still his good friend and he couldn’t disappoint her. He didn’t want to stop being her friend. And she didn’t deserve to be punished just because he was delusional.
“Sure. I’ll prepare the shed, you get the girls.”
“I knew we were on the same wavelength. We’re like our own kooky version of soulmates.”
Soulmates. Xavier let out a humorless laugh. The phone hung up before he could say another word, which was good because he was probably going to regret was he was going to say anyway.
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  Xavier was making the last adjustments to the tiny dinner table he manages to squeeze into his shed. He was pretty proud of himself for putting it all together so the plan better work. He’d hate to have put all this effort in for nothing. The shed has been cleaned up, and most of his art supplies had been put aside in a corner and covered under a dark blue bed sheet (he had to improvise a little). There was a small round table in the middle of the room and two mismatched chairs. Xavier liked to think it was a metaphor for the two girls he was trying to set up, as they were also an odd pair. But in reality, he just couldn’t find two matched chairs on such short notice and he wasn’t going to buy new ones just for this.
The door creaked open and Xavier jumped until he saw it was just [Y/N].
“I thought you were bringing in Wednesday.”
The plan was that Xavier texted Enid to come and the succubus brought over Wednesday. This way they could make sure the girls arrived at the same time and couldn’t catch onto their plan before it could unfold. They even got the rest of the Nightshades to corroborate their fake party story to seem more believable.
“Can’t find her anywhere.”
“I’m right here,” the monotone voice couldn’t belong to anyone else but Wednesday.
The two turned around at the same time only to see the gloomy girl closing the shed door in their face. They heard the unmistakable sound of the key being turned in the lock.
“I must admire your bravery,” Wednesday said.
They could barely hear her through the closed window she was behind.
“Or maybe foolishness. Thinking you could one-up me? You two should know better by now. The gorgon boy spilled everything after I pressed him just a little. You should be more careful when you choose who you entrust with your secrets.”
On a closer inspection, Xavier noticed Enid peeking behind Wednesday's shoulder.
“They played us. She figured it out and they turned it around us.”
He grabbed his phone and started texting all of his friends in hopes that one of them would answer and come rescue them. He didn’t know if there was much they could do considering Wednesday had the key and there was no way to get it out of her. But maybe someone from the outside could use something to break the door down.
“One night trapped in here should be enough to teach you not to meddle in my private life.”
And with that, the two girls both left hand in hand.
“Wednesday, you can’t do this! I have a date tonight and I’m famished!” [Y/N] was banging on the door furiously, trying to catch the attention of their keykeeper. “I can’t be here all night! WEDNESDAY!” 
The girl grabbed the doorknob and rattled it vigorously to no avail. The door shook on its hinges but it wouldn’t open – which really meant something considering the succubus had supernatural strength. If anyone could open the door using sheer force, it should be her.
“It’s no use,” Xavier let out a defeated sigh.
He let himself fall on one of the chairs next to the table and rested his head on his palms, covering up his face in the process. His mind was going at 1000 miles per hour. He was trapped in his studio with his crush. She was starving. And furious. There was no escape for the next eight hours… maybe more? How was he going to survive this without doing or saying anything stupid? He wasn’t.
“Maybe they’re just kidding. They’re gonna leave us here for like an hour and come back,” Xavier could hear the desperation in the girl’s voice. “They wouldn’t let us here all night.”
A familiar growl left the girl’s lips. The boy would recognize that sound in a thousand- it was the sound she made when she was hungry. And he didn’t want to admit it but it did things to him. 
“Will you stop abusing my door? They’re not coming back for us.” Xavier fought the impulse to throw his phone at the wall so he set it on the table instead. “They’re all in on it. Wednesday was always a step ahead of us and she got everyone involved. None of them are answering their phones. There’s no way they’re all busy at the same time. They know exactly where we are and they’re leaving us here.”
[Y/N] kicked the door and it gave Xavier the impression she wasn’t doing it to open it anymore, just to let off some steam.
“That’s what I get for trying to play cupid. What was I thinking?”
Dejected, the girl threw herself on the other available chair visibly fuming. He’s never seen her this angry and was embarrassed at how much it turned him on. He couldn’t think about stuff like that, especially not at the moment. Not when he had no way to squeeze out of there and take care of himself.
“You had good intentions. No one can hold it against you that you wanted to help your friends.”
“No, Wednesday is right. I shouldn’t meddle in her personal affairs. Did you hear that, When?” the girl raised her voice at no one in particular. “I’ve learned my lesson! I’ll never try to help you again!”
Xavier gave her a look that said ‘are you done yet?’ and she scowled at him. 
“Is that steam coming out of your ears?” he teased.
She cracked a smile, in spite of everything going wrong. If you were a starving demon and had to be trapped in a shed overnight, at least being with your best friend made it better. Silver linings and all that.
But the girl’s smile was short-lived, being replaced with a grimace as a jolt of pain coursed through her body.
“Are you okay?” Xavier asked worriedly.
“Peachy,” the girl inhaled a sharp breath through gritted teeth. “Just a little peckish.”
Xavier never considered the possibility that not feeding could hurt her. He knew succubi couldn’t die and not feeding meant they lost their powers but it made sense that it could not be that easy. There had to be a bigger price to pay. Being an outcast always came with a price.
“So what hot date did you miss tonight?” he tried to help take her mind away from the pain.
“Just this normie girl, I bought her a coffee a week ago and we’ve been texting since then. Her parents are away for the night and she invited me over.”
The boy tried desperately to hide his jealousy but it was only getting worse.
“I could help,” he proposed with a shaky voice. 
It took a while for the girl to say anything. When she got up from the table and lay on the mattress in the corner Xavier started worrying that he was too quiet in his request, maybe she didn't hear him.
“It’s fine, I can suck it up for the night. I’ll download fucking Tinder tomorrow and find someone quickly. Don’t worry about me.”
How could he not worry when she was basically on the floor, hugging her knees and writhing in pain?
“You’re unbelievable!” Xavier ran a hand through his hair in frustration. “You’d rather sit like this through the night than touch me. Am I that disgusting to you?”
He didn’t mean to be that loud but the rejection was burning in his chest like an angry sun and the words kept pouring out of his mouth with recklessness.
It was the first time she turned him down explicitly. Until this point, he’s only ever begged her with his eyes to take him to her bed. And he never got back an answer. So he pretended she just didn’t understand what he meant, that she was just that clueless. It’s not that she didn’t want him, he just needed to be a little bolder. 
There was no hiding behind delusion now.
The girl finally looked up from the floor. As soon as they made eye contact Xavier almost fell to his knees, feeling the need to apologize for his outburst. She looked crushed. As if something in Xavier’s words or tone fundamentally shatter something inside her.
“You really think that?” she asked and she sounded like she was on the verge of tears.
“Why else would you keep so far away from me?” he asked, but he wasn’t so confident in his accusations anymore. “I’ve sat patiently and waited for you to notice me and you never did, how do you think that makes me feel?” he fought back a sob. “And then I had to sit back and watch you choose someone else over and over again – everyone but me! And even when I’m the only choice left, you still don’t want me.”
The girl looked at him baffled like she had no idea he felt this way. Xavier was quite shocked, too; he didn’t expect to let it all out at once. Now hot tears threatened to spill down his face and he made no effort to hold them back. There was nothing he could hide from her anymore.
“Truth is I’m yours, wholeheartedly and it breaks me to know you’ll never want what I can offer.”
“There is no one in this world that I want more than you, Xavier Thorpe,” the girl whispered, her shattered expression seemingly mirroring his. “I just can’t allow myself to even entertain the idea because I’ll end up heartbroken and you’ll end up dead.”
Xavier seemed confused.
“I know you’d never hurt me–”
“I wouldn’t be able to control myself once I get a taste. I can’t feed on one person alone, it could kill you. That’s why I never have the same person twice in a row, and I give them plenty of time to heal.”
“Well then, you can feed on other people, too. Promise I won’t be jealous anymore… if you promise you’ll come back to me every now and then.”
He gingerly reached for her hand and placed it on his cheek, craving some form of comfort and affection. He half expected the girl to pull back, instead she cupped his face and wiped away a tear with her thumb. 
“I could never do this to you, Xav. It’ll ruin you. Look what seeing me with other people had done to you already. I thought by keeping you at arm’s length I was protecting you,” she scoffed.
Xavier closed his eyes and leaned into her touch even more. He was almost ecstatic to hear she returned his feelings. She truly did want him back, but there was a demon-shaped obstacle in the way.
As she leaned in, their foreheads touched. They sat there for a few moments, resting against each other, simply enjoying the other’s presence. The intimacy of the situation almost made Xavier weep tears of joy. It’s all he’s ever wanted.
“I give you permission to ruin me, you know,” he whispered and they finally parted.
The succubus' eyes turned red once more, her pupils dilating. Xavier wondered if this is what she looked like when she fed. More monstrous. He’d never had the guts to ask any of the Nightshades about the private time they spent with her but he’d always wanted to know.
“What about just a kiss? Would that ease your pain?”
[Y/N] who’s been fighting diligently her demonic urges finally caved in. She grabbed Xavier by the back of his head and pulled him close to her, their lips crashing against one another like clouds in a stormy sky, creating pure electricity. She wanted to be gentle with him, pamper him then slowly unravel him in her arms but every inch of her body ached with longing. She kept him waiting for long enough.
Her kiss felt like fire against Xavier’s lips, painful but purifying. He let out the most sinful moan but then the succubus finally regained control of herself and pulled away. He shamelessly almost toppled over her trying to chase her kiss. He knew he said one kiss, but he hoped it would last longer.
For eternity, perhaps.
“Thanks, that’s better,” she whispered wiping her mouth.
She got up, knowing full well that if she didn’t get away from him soon she was going to break him. He whimpered and looked up at her, still on his knees. The sight alone almost made the girl change her mind.
“Are you sure?” Xavier asked with hopeful eyes.
“It doesn’t hurt anymore.”
Xavier couldn’t accept that that was all of it. Not when he got so close to being hers. He mustered up whatever courage was left in his body and grabbed her hand once again and placed it against his cheek. She didn’t seem to mind until he placed her thumb on his bottom lip and opened his mouth. He wasn’t going to force her to do anything, but he wasn’t above begging. 
His pride could rot for all he cared.
The red in the girl’s eyes became a thin circle around her dilated, pitch-black pupil. She reminded Xavier of a cat, which made him wonder if he could make her purr.
“Tell me to stop,” he breathed out.
She didn’t. He took her silence as a go-ahead and shoved her finger in his mouth, sucking on it, making sure not to break eye contact. There was something so hot about her inhuman appearance and the way she was looking down on him like she wanted to eat him. And he would let her.
Xavier couldn’t contain himself any longer. His trembling hand made its way into his pants, grabbing his hard member. Whimpers started slipping through his lips as he was stroking himself. He stuck out his tongue and the girl got the message. Her finger slipped out of his mouth and into his hair, grabbing a fistful.
Now his forehead was resting on the demon’s hip as he was fucking his own hand. Being so close to her crotch, he could smell her arousal. The absurdity and sheer depravity of the whole situation were slowly downing on him, making his face flush even redder. But there was something so delightfully exciting about it that it made Xavier throb in his own hand.
“Can I come, please?” he asked breathlessly.
When he looked back up at the girl to see her nod, her head was adorned with two small black horns pointing up. Her grasp tightened around his hair and he could feel what he could only assume were claws scraping at his scalp. All of those sensations combined were all he needed to send him over the edge.
He was still self-aware enough to raise his shirt up as he came all over his own stomach to prevent getting it all dirty. After he was finished he took off his shirt, just as a precaution.
“You look really pretty like this. I could get used to this view,” [Y/N] flashed a smile and Xavier noticed her pointy canine for the first time.
He wanted her to bite his neck so hard he almost wept. That’s what she uses to mark people. And by the end of the night, she was gonna do that to him. She had to.
He didn’t care how embarrassed he would be with all his friends knowing what they did in here and how it was kind of their fault since they locked them in. He just wanted to be hers.
“You took the words out of my mouth,” he finally managed to say. “I didn’t think you could get any more beautiful.”
The words seemed to wake the demon up from a trance as she looked at her clawed hands, then inspected her hair and found the two horns sitting on top of her head. Her expression looked horrified.
“Fuck!” she exclaimed. “I’m so sorry.”
She turned around and only in a few seconds she went back to her human form, the one Xavier was familiar with. She let out a sigh and propped herself against the round table in the middle of the room.
“Why are you apologizing?”
“I didn’t mean to scare you…” the girl’s voice was barely a whisper.
This came as a shock to Xavier who didn’t think someone like her would ever get self-conscious. Not when she looked like that.
“It’s just that I was drained and hungry and I couldn’t control myself. I didn’t realize I reverted back to my natural form.”
“You don’t always look like that when you feed?”
She shook her head.
“No one’s seen me like that – ever. That’s why I’m always starving, ‘cause I use all my power to cast this stupid glamour. It’s exhausting.”
Xavier finally sat up, although his knees were still wobbly and his legs were shaky. He came closer to the demon and gave her a peck on the lips.
“Show yourself to me again, please.”
He gave her his best puppy dog eyes and the girl caved. She shifted back to her demonic form, the one she was born in. Xavier stared at her in all her dark and monstrous glory. Her horns, her eyes, her fangs; no one could compare to her otherworldly beauty.
Xavier gave her another kiss, longer this time, with intent behind it. He was assuring her that he’d never be scared of her in any form she’d take. That he would always love her and she’d always be gorgeous to him. The kiss was slow and sensual, full of heart.
“We should stop before I drain you,” the girl managed to say between kisses.
Xavier let out a whimper in protest and rested his head against the demon’s neck. He planted a small kiss there.
“But I didn’t even get to be inside of you,” he complained. “Or taste you.”
“You must have a death wish, Xavier Thorpe.”
But despite the front of annoyance she was putting on, she was biting down on a smile. She wished she could cast this moment in amber and keep it forever.
“Please,” he begged. “If this is the only night I get with you, at least let me make it good for you. I want you to remember this.”
He brought her hands to his mouth once again and started kissing the tip of her fingers, her wrist, then going higher up her arm until he reached her shoulder. He gave it a gentle nib, not enough to leave a mark, just to get a little gasp out of her.
Then his hands started to make their way up her leg, under her dress, and quickly grabbed her underwear. He gave her a questioning look, just to make sure she was comfortable. She looked… needy. Hungry.
“Did you put this on for your date?” Xavier raised an eyebrow.
She nodded.
“Well, I feel bad for the poor bastard but her loss is just my luck. Maybe I should thank Wednesday for all of this. I don’t know if I could handle you being with all of Jericho before I even got a taste of you.”
His nimble hands got rid of her underwear as he started lowering himself to his knees. She liked seeing him like this. Xavier held up her underwear and inspected it, it was visibly soaked.
“All of this for me?”
“You’re getting cocky, Thorpe.”
The girl let out a giggle and jokingly pushed his head lower, earning a laugh from him. He liked how even in the situation they were in at the moment they were still good friends, able to push each other's buttons and tease each other for fun. He let out a content sigh before starting to kiss the inner thighs of the demon in front of him. 
His hands gripped the bottom of her dress and raised it all the way up to her hips, holding it in place so it was out of the way. He was really trying to take his time and savor the moment, but her smell was intoxicating, enticing him to have a taste. She seemed to be even more eager than him, bucking her hips forward in order to get him closer to where she wanted him most.
“Impatient,” he teased right before giving her pussy one prolonged slow lick. 
The moan that came out of her should be illegal. It made Xavier’s dick hard once again, although it really wasn’t long ago he came undone at her feet. 
It took all of his self-control not to start eating her like a starving man, all lips and tongue and teeth everywhere. He wanted the moment to last so he gave her a few more probing licks before he started circling her clit.
The girl’s hands grabbed his hair once again, this time more forceful.
“Stop teasing me or I’ll start fucking your face.”
There it goes again, that growl that made the hair on his arms stand up. Xavier complied, although part of him was wondering how it would be if he kept edging her until she lost her temper. He was sure she was hot as fuck when she was angry.
But he wanted to be her good boy for the night so he complied. Trying his best to read her cues, verbal and otherwise, Xavier started eating [Y/N]'s pussy voraciously, like it was his last meal.
At one point he couldn’t hear her moans anymore, as her legs wrapped around his head like a snake around its prey and covered his ears. As he was getting sloppier and the girl’s body started to shake she grabbed him by the hair and forcefully pulled him off her.
“Why did you do that?” he whined in protest.
But as she lined his cock with her entrance and bucked her hips once again, he understood. Xavier wasted no time and pushed himself inside the succubus, feeling a shiver run down his spine as she gripped him tight and started pulsating around him. With how wet she was he slid right in, there was no need to be patient and gentle.
“You feel so good, baby.”
He kept rutting in and out of her as fast as he could, causing the table she was sitting on to shake rhythmically. Their lips found each other one more time in a sloppy, needy kiss. His hips were hitting against hers in a way that would surely hurt tomorrow, but neither of them could care less in that moment. Even as the demon’s walls started relaxing around him, Xavier didn’t stop– now set on chasing his own high.
He was so close, he just needed a little push.
“Mark me, please,” he gulped. “I’m all yours.”
She didn’t wait for another word and pressed her fangs at the base of Xavier’s neck, low enough that it would be easy to hide under a collared shirt. Her teeth sank in and the boy let out a slutty pathetic mewl as he reached his second orgasm of the night.
“I love you, I love you, I love you,” he kept repeating like a prayer over and over again in her ear.
He almost fell over, his legs feeling like jelly, but the girl had both her arms and legs wrapped around him, holding him close to her body. He shivered and finally managed to look the girl in the eye. Her hand caressed the side of his face gently.
“I’ll find a way we can be together. Promise.”
With one more kiss, she sealed the oath.
“How do you feel?” she asked trying to mask just how worried she really was.
“Amazing,” Xavier laughed. “Like I could move a mountain. Fuck, you were so worth the wait.”
“You’re not tired? Like… absolutely spent?” the girl inquired shocked.
Xavier shook his head, letting out another laugh. He was positively giddy. It made [Y/N] heart flutter with something new and unfamiliar. She truly loved this boy.
“I know that look on your face, you’re cooking something up. What is it?”
“Alright, don’t get ahead of yourself but I think we might be in luck here. There’s this legend in the succubus world about people who are immune to our charms. We can’t get with them using our powers, we have to actually win their heart but if the rumors are to be believed, these people could feed us indefinitely and not die. Instead of being weakened by us, they get stronger. Each succubus has one, they’re like…”
The girl stopped talking to check for something on Xavier’s face, a sign that what she was about to say would be received well.
“They’re like a soulmate.”
Something gleamed in the boy’s eyes. Hope.
“You’re telling me I could be your soulmate and we can be together,” he kissed the girl’s shoulder, the same spot he’s previously bitten while they were having sex. “And you’ll never have to feed on anyone else ever again. And. And.” He pointed each ‘and’ with a kiss on her body, earning a peal of genuine laughter from her.
“I said don’t get ahead of yourself. Soulmates are insanely rare, most of us think they’re just stories. But there is one way to know for sure.”
A long claw softly touched the mark on Xavier’s neck, causing him to let out a low hiss. 
“Sorry,” she whispered. “If this sticks around after a few days, it means your body has accepted the bond.”
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I wanna apologize to everyone who’s been waiting for part 3 of ‘the real reason..’ I already wrote it, it’s just that I’m not satisfied with it. So I decided to write this as a pallet cleanser instead. Been working on it for 3 days.
I also wanna thank all of you for liking, reblogging, commenting and following me for the past few weeks. You helped me get back into writing after years of being stuck and thinking I’ve lost my touch completely. You’ve been making my days lately. Thank you!
Also, what do you guys think of a Rowan x reader? I have this idea floating in my mind for a while and maybe I’ll just put it on paper...
As always, let me know if you wanna get tagged in my next fics.
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tagthescullion · 2 months
Just imagining the Hazels meets the di Angelos in Alaska AU. Eventually they figure out Hazel's related to them (altho not that she's Roman) bc between Maria being clearsighted and her kids being demigods eventually they notice the gems popping up everywhere despite Hazel's best efforts. So, a few years go by. War's over. They're safe...well, as safe as they can be considering the prophecy and the Greek/Roman thing. They leave Alaska for whatever reason and Hades shows up to visit. (part 1)
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hades had been intent on hazel not going to alaska, so I'm assuming he knows they could meet. but alaska's huge, and since hades doesn't know where hazel is, bc his powers aren't great there, he'd probably guess they were in different cities.. one hell of a surprise
not only that, but we should also consider hazel feeling like hades is taking the piss bc he was so insistent that "alaska's dangerous!" but then sends nico and bianca there? she'd assume he lied to one of the two families
and speaking of family, would marie also be alive? would the gaia situation happen? if she works as a mother figure towards hazel, then she'd spend less time with marie, making it harder for marie to raise gaia.. I read a post the other day that said how maria was everything marie wanted to be, if they met, would marie half-possessed by gaia attempt against the di angelos?
there's so many variants to play with, both with hades, his former lovers, and the children!
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wild-flowerhoney · 8 months
okay well. here's my version of the percico hunger games au:
nico's meant to be part of the careers, being reaped in district one (luxury) when he's sixteen/seventeen - except, well, he didn't actually receive training. bianca had and tried to pass on what she knew but it was clear which child hades was interested in keeping alive (or is it). she died in an accident exactly a week before the reaping. and it was decidedly too late to fix his mistake and teach nico what he'd passed onto bianca. the other careers know this and to be frank, nico's just been abandoned and considered useless by pretty much everyone, mentor included. (the di angelo aren't even from district one. hades and maria met during his victory tour - and the capitol turned a blind eye when he kept visiting district twelve and eventually brought the kids back with him after her death.)
percy's the one to volunteer from district twelve, in his last year being reaped too (eighteen), in place of estelle (12, in her first year being reaped) - and he knows he's doing everything to get home. he has a sister and a mother and paul, the only father he's ever known. percy has something to go back to (in the same way nico doesn't), he has no training but he's strong enough from physical work that it's not impossible and that's what matters (percy would be from district four, conceived from poseidon's own victory tour. except he'd really had no interest in the child, not like hades had).
here's how it starts:
day one: nico, the supposed career, is shunned by his group. percy hears them say it'd be mercy, to send him back to his sister and mother (he doesn't like it. not a bit. percy's an older brother, values his family more than anything. they couldn't have said anything worse than that in his mind) and witnesses the fight that ensues - nico is fast, skilled enough with knives but not nearly on their level. it's the anger that fuels him enough to come out of it bruised but whole (after that, they get even more ruthless). the anger and percy, who's quite eager to put them in their places too (if he breaks one of their arms, will the capitol be able to heal it before they get into the arena? he's more than willing to find out). that's their first real interaction - and nico comes out of it angry at percy for getting involved, asking if he really thought nico was this defenceless. percy's just as mad and yells back that they both are, when everyone thinks they're easy pickings.
day two: day after, nico doesn't apologize but he trains near percy and gives him what little information he has on the other careers and from what bianca taught him. they're not friends, they bicker and pretty much bring out each other's most sarcastic self (and maybe that's the closest thing to friendship they've got so. you know).
day two, evening: training scores - percy gets an 8, incredibly high for someone with this little training but not overly so ("don't become a priority for them"). nico gets the full 11, to percy's concern. when asked how he achieved that score and if he knows that he just put a massive target on his back, nico seems decidedly unbothered.
day three: the interviews. they're both dressed up obviously but they joke (kind of) backstage about missing the cuts and bruises they'd given each other ("oh, you don't have my gift anymore? well that's ungrateful of you."). and here's the moment we've been waiting for: nico is asked about girlfriends and shrugs it off, it moves onto boyfriends. other tributes are mentioned, nico looks uncomfortable and blushes but doesn't reveal anything. at this point the interviewer is convinced it's another tribute, though, and brings it up with every other male in the other districts. it gets to percy who, having been "taught" to keep the public's attention by his mentor, runs with it (the blush is real, it's embarrassing, but he spins his little alliance with nico into a full blown friendship, not revealing anything truly incriminating but giving them hints of what they want). nico's mad, again. percy is also mad at him for reacting with anger - didn't percy just ensure them a better shot at victory? what exactly has him so pissed off?
night before the games start: percy doesn't want to go into the arena mad at his only ally, nico agrees. percy tells him about his family, his reasons to go home - when asked about his own, nico says he has nothing (hades and his stepmother didn't even visit after the reaping). percy is uncomfortable, asks him what he means by that, surely there must be a single reason. nico doesn't answer. percy understands what he's not saying, nico has no intention of going home and he never did. probably got an 11 just to make it easier and got mad when percy ensured them at least a couple sponsors for the same reason. nico leaves, giving him a last goodbye. this is when his safety becomes another priority for percy (mirroring canon percy with his search for nico), if percy himself can't win he wants it to be nico - he'll drag him kicking and screaming to the end if he has to. when the thought of having to kill nico pops up he pushes it down, unwilling to entertain it. no need to be worried about it, just yet (literally going "that's future percy's problem").
stopping here bc i might actually write this and im not giving the whole plot JUST YET (suggest mentors/tributes btw just be aware most of them WILL die, the only ones that are 100% going to live are percico).
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aina-otsuki · 10 months
I just thought of an AU where Bianca and Nico are demigods who are descendants of Chaos. Creation itself had made their family bloodline so they could like use magic and shit, but this also means Nico could have wings! Wings that are hidden in the form of a tattoo on his back. And And he can use magic! And And maybe the sirens were created from his family and they were just rogues. But what if his family was still alive and just were hidden in their own little kingdom I’m sorry this just came to for a moment and now I’m fucking screaming!! SHRVWUOAVDHDH
But just imagine the possibilities and the potential for how much could have been change with his family. Know what I think I might put this in my Jasico fic. FEHjuBfw
know what I’m doing it! I shall have not regrets on doing so!!!
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cacartoon · 1 year
(I don't know if you do headcannons for your comics, so sorry if you're not comfortable with it!!!)
Headcanon for the Castaway Octonauts AU:
The junior octo agents (at least try) to bring back the octonauts and find Barnacles at some point.
For example, it just fits Koshi to be determined to keep "The Case of the Beached Barnacles" in her free time,
As well as for Ursa and Orsom to be too determined to not give up on their uncle who survived the catastrophe of their first 'Polar Bear Track' (I forgot what its called-) with them.
As Periwinkle got older, he could see how much his uncle was hurt by everything, and despite not knowing much about the team, could still see how much
Even Pinto who loved and respected the Octonauts team would be in disbeleif that they would give up (Even if they did try their best and kept the search up for all those months.) And would try to pry the details out of a reluctant Peso.
Maybe they'd pull a "Parent Trap, and try to bring the octonauts/octo agents in the same place to try to sort things out, or one or more to leave by themselves to try and find him.
(Whether or not it actually works can create some major fluff or angst)
IDK tho, I feel like the meme with the guy and the conspiracy board-
The Case of the Beached Barnacles- omg I am deceased. That’s brilliant!
Honestly I had a similar thought of how the Junior OctoAgents responded to the team splitting up.
Maybe I can have them like speaking in secret 🤫 with one another to have each other keep tabs on the crew.
Koshi would definitely have a whole notebook about the details of the day the captain disappeared. Dashi would’ve of probably vented to her sister after some convincing.
Periwinkle definitely would feel awful for his uncle Shellington. I feel like he’d ask about why they split up and Shellington would explain how things just got too hard for them. And Peri would absolutely work with the other agents to try and continue the search, even if the team is too distraught.
I do have a bit of how Orson and Ursa (the captain’s niece and nephew) as well as their mother Bianca reacted to hearing that Barnacles disappeared. The cubs were devastated to hear about it but refuse to believe that he could just vanish like that. With them being polar scouts, they’d have contact with Tracker so they would be able to get information on the rest of the team and the agents. Bianca was also devastated by her brother’s disappearance, thought she held strong for her cubs. Though she wasn’t certain if Barnacles was alive or not, she knew Barnacles wouldn’t want her to give up (especially since she’s a mom with two young cubs).
Note: I also have more on Natquik Peso and Tracker. With those three being close with Barnacle’s family through their relationships with the captain, I imagine they keep tabs on Bianca and the cubs. Tracker would keep giving any updates he can get. Natquik, with some help from Peso, always send care packages and gifts to Bianca and the cubs as a way to keep an eye on them for Barnacles.
Now Pinto, OOOOOH Pinto wouldn’t take the news lying down. I’m sure at some point Peso explained what happened (although maybe not in a lot of detail) and tries to get Pinto to understand the situation. However, knowing Pinto, he’d be just like Kwazii and refuse to give up. So while he investigates in his own way, he also would encourage Peso to not give up as well and to reach out as often as he can to the others.
Other OctoAgents do play a role in continuing the search in little ways. Paani and Min especially. Whether it be encouraging the Octonauts to reconcile and get back together, or trying to support them in their time grief and anguish.
Overall your headcanon was amazing to think about.
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raphael-angele · 4 months
Things my brain decides to hurt me with at random times Part 4
Both di Angelo siblings have cleithrophobia
Clrithrophobia - fear of being trapped/locked in
Nico developed claustrophobia from the jar incident. One day after CoF, some kids pushed him into the garden shed and locked him in there. When Percy and the others found him, he regressed and basically acted like they were playing hide and seek
Nico, curled up in a corner: Did I win?
Percy: ...win what, buddy?
Nico: The game. We're playing hide and seek, aren't we?
Grover: ...Uh, yeah. We are. You're a really great hider, Nico.
Nico: Thank you
Annabeth, noticing the blood on his hands: Uhm, Nico, why don't we go to the infirmary?
Nico: Why? I'm not hurt.
Annabeth: Nico, your hands are bleeding. Did you try and scratch the door or walls?
Nico: *sees his hands* I...I don't know. Did I?
In my Alive!Bianca AUs, she developed it because of her "death".
Although she didn't die, she could still feel the way the automaton crushed her to the ground and cutting off her oxygen, and how she couldn't move beneath it. She remembers how much she screamed.
During a get together, she was chosen to play 7 minutes in Elysium. Bianca, being a 1930s girl, didn't know what that was but she didn't want to be rude. What she didn't know was that she was gonna be blindfolded, then put into a small closet space that was equally dark. Thalia was the one who had to go in with her
Piper, knocking on the door: Guys, c'mon out.
Annabeth: Guys, c'mon. It's been 10 minutes. You can come out now.
Piper: What are they doing in there?
Annabeth: Maybe they're-
Piper: *opens the door*
*light is on*
Bianca: *crying, throat is sore, blindfold on the floor, resting on Thalia*
Thalia: *whispering to Bianca, hugging her, comforting her, rocking back and forth*
Thalia, looks at them: She's distraught
Annabeth: What happened?
Bianca: *whispering* I don't want to die. I don't want to die. Please don't let me die. Please, please, please. Zoë...help me *holds on tighter to Thalia*
Thalia: ...she remembers the junkyard
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🏛.ೃ࿐ READ ON ▌ Wattpad 🏛 AO3 🏛 Quotev 🏛 FFN
THE SWORD OF DAMOCLES IS SWINGING ⸺ this is the first book in a pjo au that i am working on, it is based on the books AND is not really based on the tv show series as i started it months before the show came out. it starts in the titan's curse and thus contains spoilers (for those who have only watched the show) for the lightning thief and sea of monsters. it is a slow burn luke castellan fic, with a little bit of grover underwood sprinkled in although as i'm writing it, i am currently considering that luke/oc/grover be the end pairing in the series. only time will tell what the endgame pairing will be. currently the book is focusing on found family and the roll the oc plays in the pjo verse.
🏛.ೃ࿐ SYNOPSIS.▌ ❝Through out the three centuries that Sarah's been apart of the Hunters, she's come to realize that being a Demigod thoroughly sucked. Growing up as a child of Hades in the Puritan village of Salem, Sarah never once had it easy. But she had been happy, happy to be alive, happy to be apart of the Hunters. The threat of an impending war is imminent, and while Sarah is far from being at the center of it, the sword of Damocles still swings precariously over her head, for Sarah was a hero that had been happy for far too long. perhaps after three hundreds years of living a relatively joyful life for a Demigod, it was time for Sarah Willoughby to sacrifice something.❞
🏛.ೃ࿐ CHAPTERS.▌ Currently Published: 001 Prologue, 006 Chapters, 002 Misc. Chapters
🏛.ೃ࿐ CONTENT WARNINGS ▌Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Not Canon Compliant, Slow Burn, Prophecy, Camp Half-Blood (Percy Jackson), Families of Choice, Past Relationship(s), Canon-Typical Violence, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Period Typical Attitudes, Internalized Homophobia, Historical Inaccuracy, Medical Inaccuracies, Childhood Trauma, Percy Jackson has a Twin, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Original Character Death(s), Canonical Character Death, Strangers to Lovers, Friends to Enemies, Enemies To Lovers, Luke Castellan Redemption, Fix-It of Sorts, Angst and Tragedy, Blood and Injury, BAMF Percy Jackson, BAMF Bianca di Angelo, Protective Siblings, Sibling Love, Inaccurate Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Monsters, Luke Castellan-centric, Original Character-centric, Complicated Relationships, Serious Injuries, Good Parent Hades (Percy Jackson), Necromancy, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies
🏛.ೃ࿐ RELATIONSHIPS ▌Luke Castellan/Original Female Character(s), Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson, Hades/Original Female Character(s), The Hunters of Artemis & Original Female Character(s), Maria di Angelo/Hades/Persephone, Nico di Angelo & Will Solace, Bianca di Angelo & Nico di Angelo & Original Female Character(s), Clarisse La Rue & Original Character(s), Grover Underwood & Original Character(s), Paul Blofis/Sally Jackson
🏛.ೃ࿐ CHARACTERS ▌Original Child(ren) of Hades (Percy Jackson), Original Child(ren) of Apollo (Percy Jackson), Grover Underwood, The Hunters of Artemis, Bianca di Angelo, Nico di Angelo, Luke Castellan, Thalia Grace, Zoë Nightshade, Original Jackson Character(s), Original Child(ren) of Aphrodite, The Olympians, Annabeth Chase, Kronos, Artemis, Hades, Persephone, Castor, Pollux, Chiron, Ethan Nakamura, Dionysus, Rachel Elizabeth Dare
🏛.ೃ࿐ AVAILABLE ON ▌ Wattpad 🏛 AO3 🏛 Quotev 🏛 FFN
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diangelo-bianca · 9 months
more au profiles!!!!
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bianca is alive yall can sue me i love her
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