#alison moyet
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writeyouin · 2 years ago
Mirage X Reader - Falling
Description (This was a request but it got sent to my PMs instead of my inbox by accident): When Alison Moyet's song Falling comes on the radio, Mirage is forced to think about you and his feelings towards you.
A/N – Yep, so another Mirage one for all of you desperately waiting for the film to come out on a good pirating site in top quality.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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You stood at the sink washing dishes, a tune on your lips that you mumbled quietly to yourself, only half singing with your mind on other things like lost loves, failed relationships, and someone new in your life; Mirage.
“She said something like, I’m tired of me,” You sang Alison Moyet’s ‘Falling’, and then transitioned to whistling part more of the tune which had only come out a year prior.
Then, without the radio to follow, you reset to an earlier part of the tune, singing whichever little bits came to mind.
Little did you know, Mirage was spying on you, trying his best to imitate the stealthy way Arcee moved. Alas, subtlety wasn’t Mirage’s strong suit and he had already knocked over a row of garbage cans, and crushed some kid’s bike; he could only hope the bike wouldn’t be missed. Fortunately, among the usual noise and squalor of New York, nobody had cared about the sound or come out to explore.
Mirage wasn’t trying to be a creep by observing you. He just wanted to know more about your life and what you did. It seemed that in your day-to-day routine, you were obsessed with music. Bumblebee had already introduced Mirage to the concept of human music which was vastly different from the stuff that used to exist on Cybertron and Mirage liked it.
It was different from what he was used to for sure, but there were some songs he just couldn’t resist. The Twisted Sister song ‘We’re Not Gonna Take It,’ seemed to be a great Frag You to any Decepticon scum that attempted battle with him. And there was that one Bumblebee had introduced to him, ‘I Can’t Drive 55’, by that Sammy Hager fella. That was great, but Mirage was more than capable of beating that set speed and regularly did so when he wanted to bait the local authorities into a fun chase.
Still, he wasn’t sure he saw the appeal of this song. It sounded happy and sad at the same time, and he couldn’t decide which it was supposed to be with its New Wave vibe. Was it about falling, like it said? Falling for what? Mirage wasn’t sure, but you seemed to enjoy it. You hummed it quite a lot when you were thinking; he wasn’t sure you realised that you did that. It was one of the things he liked about you. It felt like you were letting your guard down when you hummed along to half a tune, and he enjoyed that you could feel so relaxed around him and the other Autobots.
Mirage might have called on you that night to ask you out on a drive; he liked your company. Alas, he got a message from Optimus telling him to return for the evening so they might meet the humans that Noah had been found by. Apparently, the new humans wished to discuss the possibility of an alliance with the Autobots.
Either way, Optimus’ message ended with, ��Return to the rendezvous immediately.”
“Mirage, return,” Mirage mocked, impersonating Optimus. “Mirage, meet the humans. Mirage, I choose you.”
“Did I ask for your backtalk?” Optimus’ gravelly voice came through the radio.
“Scrap!” Mirage hurried to end the communication, having not realised that the line was still open when he had been joking around.
He transformed and raced off to the rendezvous point, any thoughts of you temporarily forgotten.
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The next night, the Autobots stood in a unified line as they stared at their new base, a fully functional warehouse, with technology that they could use, even if it was primitive Earth tech.
“Optimus, can we trust these humans?” Arcee asked, her optics never leaving the building.
“We must try, Arcee. I see now that we have spent too much time working only for ourselves when we should have been working together.”
“Any way you want it, that’s the way you need it,” Bumblebee played from his speakers, using Journey’s immortalised words to convey his point.
Arcee looked past Optimus to catch a glimpse of Mirage, “You’ve been awfully quiet, Mirage. Thoughts?”
Mirage marched himself in front of the trio, clapping his servos together as he began his speech, “Well, I mean, clearly there’s a lot to think about here. There are the new humans we know, we have to check the place for bugs, and of course, there’s the most important matter of all-” He took a few slow steps backwards, “- who gets the biggest room. I call dibs!”
With that Mirage spun on his heel and pelted towards the base. Bumblebee, unwilling to let Mirage have all the fun joined in the race and chased after his ally, though when he had just about caught up, Mirage jumped backwards, crashing into Bumblebee and knocking him over. Before he could sprint off again, Bumblebee grabbed Mirage’s ankle and the two began brawling on the floor.
Optimus walked past the wrestling bots with dignity befitting his position and a dismayed shake of his head.
Arcee took a few steps closer to her allies, resting her servo on her hip as she took in the show.
‘Scouts will be scouts,’ She thought mirthfully.
Eventually, the competition was over, with Bumblebee the clear victor, and after sitting on top of Mirage for ten minutes, he finally let him get up, but only after Mirage admitted that Bumblebee was the best Autobot and the supreme Earth expert.
After that, they raced through the base, checking out every nook and cranny, and wondering which exits they could exploit and sneak out of, should Optimus try to ground them from the drive-in again.
Eventually, Bumblebee and Mirage settled down, each picking out a portion of the warehouse that was just for them. All rooms had been modified with individual entrances so they could come and go as they pleased. Mirage had even been hooked up with some sweet racing posters. He set about decorating the room to his liking, letting his internal radio play as he did so. After switching channels, he stumbled across the song you liked so much.
Curiously, he let it play, trying to really listen to what the lyrics meant.
She said something like I want to go Down where the river's wild He said take me then I want to drown Deep in your violent eyes
Deep in your violent eyes? Was it a love song? If it was, it was the strangest one he had heard before.
He continued listening.
But I want to be sure of one thing That I'm getting into something peaceful I want to fly in on your wing Way, way up here I don't care for anything It's all in, and I'm not afraid I don't fear Falling
There was no doubt about it. The song was indeed about falling in love.
Mirage felt a sharp prick of indignation. Were you in love with someone? He had to assume so, considering that you didn’t seem to sing anything else. It was always this song. Who were you in love with, and why did he care so much?
He wasn’t sure, but the idea of you with someone else made Mirage’s engines rev and his face contort disgustedly. You were his buddy, his pal, his partner in crime. Why did you need some stupid, boring human, when you could hang out with him? Speaking of which, when was the last time the two of you had hung out of late? You hadn’t been together much since he’d been repaired. Well, with his room claimed and little else to do, Mirage decided that tonight was as good as any to get in some bonding time.
He transformed, revving his engine loudly as he waited for the automatic garage door to open for him. His wheels spun on the spot in a move that would have burned rubber on any ordinary car. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the door opened enough for him to slip through and he sped off, ignoring every speed limit he came across; if Prime gave him the third degree about laying low later, he would claim ignorance and take whatever punishment he was given.
When Mirage got to your house, he honked his horn loudly, waiting for you to open your window and see him. He couldn’t transform into his root-mode while a few seedy humans lingered about, so he had to wait for you to get to him… presuming you weren’t with someone lame, like a crush you hadn’t mentioned.
At the commotion, you poked your head out of the window, grinning when you saw Mirage. You held up two fingers, indicating that you would be two minutes and then hastily got changed from your pyjamas back into your day clothes. Grabbing your keys, you ran outside and climbed into Mirage’s passenger seat, buckling up in case he decided to take off before speaking as he was prone to do; buckling up was indeed a wise choice as Mirage took speedily to the streets.
“So,” You asked casually, “Business or pleasure?”
“Have you ever seen me do business? Business is for the big guy, you know, never smiles, never shows me that underbite, the big OP,” Mirage sassed you.
“I dunno, you seemed pretty business when you fought Scourge for me.”
“For you? No, no, no, I was fighting Scourge just for the sake of being the tri-planet champion.”
“Tri-planet champion?” You repeated incredulously. “You only fought him on Earth.”
“Yeah, but he’s from Galvatron, the living freaking planet. He fought on the Maximals’ planet, and he came here. Count ‘em – One, two, three. So, I digress, Tri-planet Champion.”
“Well, technically Noah was the one to face off with him, so-”
“Yeah, while he was inside me.”
“Okay, but Optimus was the one who took him offline.”
“Look, Optimus is always gonna be the champion of frowning and hard stares, a class I can’t compete in, so this is my thing.”
“All right,” You held up your hands in mock defeat. “You’re the champion.”
“Damn straight.”
“…Is the Champion going to tell me where we’re going?”
“Nowhere. Everywhere, Anywhere the road takes us. Just sit back and relax. We could listen to some music,” Mirage suggested innocently, his hidden agenda on his processor.
“Sure, then I can be the champion of karaoke,” You bragged.
“Against my voice? In your dreams.”
“Oh, so you can fight, race, and sing? Triple threat.”
Mirage laughed and turned on his radio. He let a few songs play, letting you sing along while he distractedly kept his inner workings tuned on finding the Alison Moyet hit. It would likely play soon, considering its popularity.
After a few good tunes, Mirage managed to find the song and he switched channels.
“Oh hey, I’ve heard this one before,” He said nonchalantly, “This is that sappy love song, right?“
“I don’t think it’s that sappy,” You defended with a smile.
“Oh yeah? Why? Does it make you think of someone special or something?”
You imagined how easy it would be to tell Mirage the the ‘someone special’ was him; as it turned out, it wouldn’t be easy at all. You clamped your mouth shut, a blush peppering your cheeks.
“So there is someone!” Mirage said all too accusingly. “You won’t be needing me anymore then, when this new person comes into your life.”
“You sound angry.”
“No I don’t!” Mirage replied huffily, proving your point. “You know what? I don’t think I like this song after all.”
He turned the radio off and the two of you sat in awkward silence. He kept on driving, slamming down on the accelerator. There was a lot of noise from honking cars as he sped in and out of their way.
“Just tell me who it is!” Mirage demanded petulantly when the silence finally got to him. “Is it Noah? He’s probably your type, right?”
“Why do you care?” You asked, annoyed and upset by the turn of events from nice drive to speedy interrogation.
“I don’t.”
“Then why are you asking so many questions?”
“I just feel I deserve to know who it is.”
“NO YOU DON’T!” You yelled back. “THEY’RE MY FEELINGS”
“AND I’M YOUR FRIEND,” Mirage countered as if that ought to give him the right to know everything you thought.
“This is so stupid,” You breathed, shaking your head.
“Come on!” Mirage insisted. “Tell me!”
“Tell me!”
“Tell me, tell me, tell me-”
Against Mirage’s frustrating onslaught, you finally yelled, “IT’S YOU!”
Mirage slammed hard on the breaks and you lurched forward, hissing as the seatbelt bit painfully into your collar bone. Fortunately, you were in an area with no cars on the road, having got off the interstate some time ago.
“What?” Mirage asked.
“It’s nothing, just… take me home, please,” You begged, scared now that you had said too much.
“You like me? Like romantically? You like me romantically? You romantically like me?”
“You done with the combinations?” You said bitterly.
“But I’m- I’m an alien.”
“Yeah,” You threw your hands up. “That’s why I didn’t tell you. Now will you please take me home?”
Mirage transformed his arm, pulling you out of his chassis as the rest of his body followed suit. From his palm, you looked down to the floor, wondering whether it would be better to jump and get a concussion rather than have the embarrassing conversation that was about to follow.
“I don’t get it,” Mirage said, staring at you as if you were a complicated mathematics problem.
“I know,” You said, wrapping your arms tightly around yourself as if it might protect you from the sorrow you were feeling.
“No, but like, I really don’t get it. I thought you were just a friend, and kind of cool but I think- I think I feel the same way, maybe?”
You watched Mirage guardedly, unsure as to why he was asking you when it was his feelings that were scrambled.
“Look, Mirage, you don’t have to pity me, okay? Please don’t test yourself on me. I know I’m not what you’d look for and-”
Mirage pressed his lips against yours then hastily pulled away. You stared at him, too scared to speak.
He nodded to himself, pecked your lips again, and then vented a quick puff of air from his systems.
“Yeah, yep, yes,” He stammered. “That- That was a feeling. A-ha. Yeah, so I just found out I have a thing for you too.”
“You serious?” You asked, making sure that Mirage was alright as he stumbled through a barrage of new feelings.
“Yeah, I uh- I get the song now. Still don’t love it, but I get it.”
“Seriously? You’re still thinking about the song?”
“Hey, I’m thinking about a lot of things at once here (Y/N), mostly how I’m going to explain this to Prime later, a little bit about how this is going to work, and yeah, the song slipped in there. Frankly, I think we need to get you more into Bon Jovi, but I guess this could be our song or whatever.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose and sighed. “This was not how I pictured any of this going.”
“Yeah,” Mirage nodded, pacing back and forth, the motion rocking you on his palm, “But at least we got a song, right? Most new couples got nothing.”
Despite your tiredness, you couldn’t help smiling at his straightforward manner of thinking, “Sure, Mirage. At least we have a song.”
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mrmousetolliver · 11 months ago
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Upstairs At Eric's (1982) by Yazoo aka Yaz in the U.S.
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loveboatinsanity · 6 months ago
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cannedbluesblog · 6 months ago
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donnahinkleystaceytroy · 7 months ago
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jt1674 · 10 months ago
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turniptitaness · 11 months ago
Whoops, made a thing.
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my-life-fm · 5 months ago
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emvisual · 6 months ago
Es viernes: cena y música.
Alison Moyet, la mítica cantante de Yazoo en un remix de Situation, una de las canciones más conocidas de los 80 mezclada con la banda sonora de Axel F.
Constantino Fernández Pérez Paco Sevilla Fernandez
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ultra-francesca-mercury · 9 months ago
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june 18
Alison Moyet is born Geneviève Alison Jane Moyet in Billericay, Essex, England.
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popgodz · 8 months ago
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80sheaven · 2 years ago
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Alison Moyet “Is This Love?” (1986)
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onenakedfarmer · 10 months ago
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Currently Playing
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indigoworks · 2 years ago
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upstairs at eric's, yazoo, 1982
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archivist-crow · 7 months ago
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Yazoo - Upstairs at Eric’s (1982)
Forty-two years ago, on August 20, 1982, the debut album by Yazoo, Upstairs at Eric’s, was released. Preceded in the UK by two top-three singles—the lovely “Only You” and “Don’t Go”—the album was an immediate success, peaking at number two on the UK Albums chart. Known as Yaz in North America due to legal issues surrounding the band name, the duo was introduced to US audiences—and perhaps best known for—the single “Situation,” an uptempo dance hit that broke onto the Billboard Hot 100 at number 73. A cornerstone of British synth-pop and one of the best albums of the 80s, the album remains an early pop masterpiece of an emotive heart wrapped in a digital landscape.
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circleofshit · 1 year ago
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