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sociallyawkwardtoo · 7 years ago
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I'm starting a new chapter in my life. Two weeks, ago I resigned from my 5-year job so I can work as a #fulltimefreelancer #Fiverr. I have never done this sort of thing, I'm always going for the predictable and secure decision. Not anymore, I won't live a life of "what ifs". I will live #alifeofnoregrets â € â € Find out what I have learned so far as a full-time #freelancer (check bio for the link), let me know what you think and if you have any tips to share, that would be awesome. â € â € #freelancer #inspiration #entrepreneur #business #success #blog #blogpost #blogger #freelancelife #fiverr #fiverrseller #fiverrgig #onlinebusiness #workfromhome #linkinbio #linkinprofile #inspiresomeone #inspireothers #noregrets #livelifetothefullest â €
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khristine-bognot-blog · 8 years ago
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Good morning! Who's on it today? Every day and every moment is a choice to be your higher self. You get to choose to let your ego who will keep delaying and doubting your growth. Or let your higher self take over which means taking leaps of faith and digging deep within your core for courage to do what is true for you. What is holding you back? What is blocking your success? Self sabotaging behavior? Your past? Not trusting yourself? Limiting mindset and belief systems? If greatness is within you then your higher self has already created all the things you ever dreamed of doing. It's all just a matter of time and space. The space between now and your future self. Get on track with your life and get unstuck. Start working on yourself everyday to create and design a life you will not regret. ******Complimentary coaching sessions happening now.****** . . I have created a 6 session coaching package that will help heal your pain, heal your mindset and confront what is holding you back from your greatness. A life-coach facilitates and helps you harness your power and passion to inspire action to create lasting results. DM for details on a complimentary life coaching session with me! It will be one of the best 90 min to draw out the power within you. . . . . . . . . #motivationalquotes #brendonburchard #lifecoach #alifeofnoregrets #allin #greatness #hungry #whatsholdingyouback #nolimits #healthiswealth #healyourlife #transformation #gratitude #complimentarysession #bookasession #referrals #getyourlifeontrack #getunstuck #whatdoyouwant #lifebydesign #passion #power #empowerment #khristinebognot #reikimaster #reikilongbeach #entrepreneur #dreamers #ego #higherself (at Long Beach, California)
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