#alicia the influence
clunkerton · 4 months
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"Look at me in the eyes, are you gonna stay by my side? Let’s spend the night together, together, together under the stars"
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the-aesthetic-humans · 2 months
Alicia Schmidt 🇩🇪
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analogadreams · 4 months
another really freaking good lostwave song has been found today! La Canción De Alicia was found!
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sonicroyalrumble · 1 year
Round 1, Wave 1, Match 4
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Alicia Acorn (Pre-SGW Archie) vs. Princess Undina (Post-SGW Archie)
Why should Alicia win?
Royal status: Queen of Mobius through marriage to Maximillian Acorn, no longer queen due to Maximillian's retirement
"She's a supportive mama"
Why should Undina win?
Royal status: Princess of Meropis by birth
"She seemed really cool and even joined pirates, but sadly we lost her before we could learn more about her :("
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fletchtheartist · 4 months
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Based off of a rabbit hole I was looking into of a certain song
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socool101things · 2 years
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lilibetbombshell · 2 days
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panchikodeathmetal · 1 month
Bad Influence - Dreams 4ever (2024)
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dodelof · 5 months
Alicia Joe - Wie euch rechte Influencer manipulieren
So. Na endlich. Auch wenn ich ihn so nicht nennen mag, aber die Rote Sonne hat sich zu Wort gemeldet und sich das Video von AJ zur Brust genommen. Man stelle sich vor: der grosse bärtige Mann war so gar nicht zufrieden, mit dem, was AJ da geliefert hat. Sosehr es mich auch schmerzt: in diesem Fall stimme ich ihm vollumfänglich zu. Der bärtige Mann zeigt in seiner Reaction aber auch auf, was AJ nicht gut gemacht hat, was wirklich Sache ist und was AJ alles übersehen hat. Wer sehen will, wie dieses Rechten wirklich zerlegt werden müssen, der darf sich gerne das Video ansehen, wer immer noch denkt, eine AJ sei das Mass aller Dinge, der darf gerne daran glauben und irgendwann feststellen, wie falsch er doch gelegen hat. Eines der Probleme von AJ zeigt sich sehr schnell. Sie benutzt gerne Begriffe wie Woke, Anti-Woke, Wokeness, ohne es selber zu schaffen, diese genauer zu definieren. Damit spielt sie das Spiel der Rechten und benutzt, gewollt oder ungewollt, deren Narravit und leht sich, gewollt oder ungewollt, auf die Seite der Rechten. Es zeigt sich aber auch recht schnell, wie oberflächlich ihre Recherchen waren, wie wenig Mühe sie sich gegeben hat. Karl schafft es, gewisse Punkte sehr viel besser zu definieren und aufzuzeigen, wie die Manipulation der Rechten wirklich funktioniert und wie auch AJ ihre Follower manipuliert. Bleibt zu sagen: Das AJ mit KuchenTV "kuschelt" spricht auf allen Ebenen und in allen Welten gegen sie und lässt mich persönlich zweifeln, auf welcher Seite sie wirklich steht.
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shestoospiritual88 · 2 years
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nobody190 · 2 months
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Digital Hole Moment (😅 idk how is looks like sorry) @endomentendo
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dee-the-red-witch · 2 months
Enough with the teasing. It's time.
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CHECK OUT THAT AMAZING COVER ART BY TERRA BOSART. It's the first Alicia Lake Investigation. It's the first widely-released Ravenswood Institute book. IT'S MY BOOK AND IT COMES OUT OCTOBER FIRST.
This is the start for a full-on series of queer horror novels, some connected, others not so much. There's at least five books planned, the second (a re-edit and re-release of the Archivist's Tale from the Windrow-Ravenswood Guidebook, will also release late this year or early next year. But that's besides the point- right now, it's about Saltbrook. What is it? One woman's hunt for a thief that descends into a long-abandoned town and valley that was drowned almost a century ago. It's survival horror in a haunted setting with cosmic horror influences. It'll keep you on the edge of your seat and up all night until you've finished. Digital pre-ordering's now live, and if you want a copy for your e-reader, please DO pre-order. It helps my visibility a bunch. Here's the link: https://href.li/?https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DBK72P35 But this book took me four years almost to get to this point, so honestly, I'm just really happy to see it coming out soon!
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The Astrology Behind: Ballerinas
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Happy Friday! Another Venus day, another Ode to her name. We already talk too much about this Goddesses beauty, but not nearly enough about the other equally beautiful influences that have nothing to do with our face, hair, sexiness, makeup, etc.
Dancing is one of the many arts she rules, and Ballet is the one in which she seems to shine the most. I'm sure all type of dancers have some Venusian influence, but it is the one ones who require gentleness, balance, symmetry, perfection, and/or technicality the most that emits her energy in a very noticeable way.
I've compiled a short list of 11 dancers who are well known ballerinas and point out the signs, patterns, or nakshatras that appear the most. If I've missed any other relevant individuals, please feel free to let me know in the comments and I'll do my due diligences to add them!
Enjoy <3
Anna Pavlova
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Sun-Mercury in Aquarius (Shatabhisha), Moon in Cancer (Pushya), Venus-Jupiter in Pisces (Revati), Mars in Sagittarius (Uttara Ashadha).
Margot Fonteyn
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Sun-Mars conjunction in Taurus (Krittika), Moon in Sagittarius (Mula), Mercury in Aries (Ashwini), Venus-Jupiter in Gemini.
Galina Ulanova
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Sun in Sagittarius (Purva Ashadha), Moon in Scorpio (Jyeshtha), Mercury in Capricorn (Shravana), Venus in Aquarius (Shatabhisha), Mars-Saturn in Pisces (Revati).
Maya Plisetskaya
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Sun in Scorpio (Anuradha), Mercury in Scorpio (Jyeshtha), Moon-Venus-Jupiter in Sagittarius (Purva Ashadha), Mars-Saturn in Libra.
Alicia Markova
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Moon-Sun-Venus-Mercury in Scorpio (within Anuradha and Jyeshtha), Mars-Ketu-Jupiter in Libra.
Natalia Makarova
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Sun-Mercury in Libra, Moon in Taurus (Mrigashira), Venus in Leo (Purva Phalguni), Mars in Virgo (Hasta).
Tamara Rojo
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Sun-Mercury in Taurus, Moon in Pisces (Uttara Bhadrapada), Venus in Pisces (Revati), Mars-Saturn in Gemini.
Natalia Osipova
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Sun in Taurus, Moon in Leo (Purva Phalguni), Mercury in Aries (Krittika), Venus in Gemini (Mrigashira), Mars in Sagittarius (Purva Ashadha).
Marianela Núñez
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Sun in Pisces (Uttara Bhadrapada), Moon-Mercury in Aquarius (Shatabisha and Purva Bhadrapada), Venus in Capricorn (Shravana), Mars-Saturn in Virgo (Hasta and Chitra).
Agnes Oaks
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Sun in Taurus (Rohini), Moon in Pisces (Purva Bhadrapada), Mercury in Aries (Ashwini), Venus in Gemini (Ardra) , Mars in Taurus (Krittika),
Leanne Benjamin
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Sun in Sagittarius (Purva Ashadha), Moon in Cancer (Ashlesha), Mercury-Mars in Sagittarius (Mula), Venus in Capricorn (Shravana).
According to all of this data, the signs that appeared the most were all of course, Venusians, but Taurus had the most dominance in terms of Sun sign. There were also plenty of Venus nakshatras, which are in the Fire signs (Bharani, Purva Phalguni , and Purvashadha). Running close behind Venus we had Mars, Jupiter's, and Saturn's influence be it with signs or nakshatras.
Rohini nakshatra which is often found in Taurus is associated with male snakes in Vedic astrology, and therefore are associated with individuals who are gifted in the arts of dancing. Although, the movements are more on the sensual or delicate physical expression than technicality.
The Bhadrapada's along with all the Pisces nakshatras have an association to feet as well in their own way and expression, and the dragon or reptile-like symbols as well to explain their fluidity in movement.
Mars pushes individuals to have a relentless drive, resilience, agility, and overall a gift for exerting physical performance with ease. Jupiter influences appear in their fluidity of movement, how far they are able to reach in terms of jumps, the strength of their legs, and their speed, all which is seen in Purvashadha nakshatra. Saturn teaches individuals to push through obstacles, limitations, delays, and have an immense resistance to adversity. They have the discipline, consistency, and rigidness to follow a routine as many times as needed.
There was a smaller presence of Mercury nakshatras (Ashlesha, Jyeshtha, and Revati) appearing, as well as Rahu with Libra (Swati) and Aquarius (Shatabhisha) appearing the most. It seems that signs appear more in certain decades than others, which says a lot of the art evolving from one skill set to another and that bringing about different eras in ballet. Los of Venus exaltations (Pisces) too.
In terms on conjunctions, the one that stood out the most to me was Venus-Jupiter and Mars-Saturn which appeared consistently in the charts of so many of these dancers.
Venus and Jupiter in a chart talks about an individual whose artistic qualities are constantly expanded or experience growth. They truly have a gift when it comes to their self expression through artistic tool, leaving an imprint on everything they do that loud screams their name.
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Jupiter is also luck and blessings, so these women are meant to find spiritual alignment and abundance by engaging in all Venusian matters. Regardless of the relationship between these two planets, they make individuals notorious and recognized through their creative pursuits.
Fame is also seen this placement because Jupiter expands their energy to the masses on a worldwide level. Their art needs no language, culture, or barrier to keep others from connecting with it. Most of their teachers and gurus in life are women or come from these artistic venues. Their spirituality and values are deeply intertwined.
Both planets sharpen someone's intuition and awareness of being connected to the harmony of it all in order to create a desire of release. In ballet we see movements that emulate an array of emotions or an experience that seeks release through their host. They are often able to inspire others and allow their art to live in the traces of someone else's brush.
Mars and Saturn in any chart create a unique type of mastery or excellence in the house they sit together, and in general the capacity to endure difficulties and restrictions like a real professional. No one said that two malefics is equal to complete disaster, and most definitely not in an era where your ability to sustain pain and discomfort is rewarded.
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From an organizational perspective, these are the individuals who work endlessly (do extra hours, do many certifications, etc) and persevere to the point of reaching "top dog" title, but they can also be just as likely to burn out often and gain responsibilities that later feel like a burden to bear.
In the art department, specifically ballet, it screams mastery of discomfort for the sake of beauty. It's rooted in sustaining the pain of pushing your body beyond normal conditions to attain a higher form of beauty through movements. It speaks of what human bodies can adapt and resist to for the sake of becoming the master of their own minds and bodies.
Most of the charts that have this configuration where women who left newcomers with a whole new set of challenges to overcome, barriers to brake, or new standards of what was to be expected. They become the new ideal to surpass in the art in order to become the "It" girl of your time.
Thanks for reading!
Mary from Multidimensional Guidance
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Happy birthday, Janis Joplin! 💙 (January 19, 1943 – October 4, 1970)
Quotes by artists influenced by Janis' legacy below:
"Janis put herself out there completely, and her voice was not only strong and soulful, it was painfully and beautifully real. She sang in the great tradition of the rhythm & blues singers that were her heroes, but she brought her own dangerous, sexy rock & roll edge to every single song. She really gave you a piece of her heart. And that inspired me to find my own voice and my own style." - Stevie Nicks "I think she allowed women to have their pain. Her thing was so borne from her pain. Her amazing talent was because of the pain she had...I think she was so misunderstood, and she was so intelligent, emotionally intelligent, and what came out of her was almost beyond what her physical body could even do as a singer, and what she was putting across." - Nancy Wilson (of Heart) on Janis "That’s really how I learned [to sing], and I was already listening to the greats like Janis Joplin, who I loved to death, and who was one of the greatest rock singers ever..." - Rob Halford (of Judas Priest) "I never knew Janis, I never saw her or heard her voice live, I never witnessed the fireball of fury that she unleashed onstage, but I think I understand. When a soul can look on the world, and see and feel the pain and loneliness, and can reach deep down inside, and find a voice to sing of it, a soul can heal. And hers did." - Melissa Etheridge "I saw Janis Joplin when I was 15. I heard her sing, and I couldn’t believe she was smoking on stage, she was drinking Southern Comfort, and she sang like no other. She could sing a song entitled, 'Take A Little Piece of My Heart' and deliver it so beautifully, amazingly." - Steven Tyler (of Aerosmith) "She was such a huge influence on me. Because she was so different to any other female vocalist of the time. I was used to Cilla Black, Dusty Springfield and those sort of singers, who were great, but Joplin was unique. She was not a pop star, but really belted out those songs. There was so much emotion in something like 'Move Over.'" - Enid Williams (of Girlschool) "You listen to a Janis Joplin record and she just puts — she wears everything on her sleeve, whether she's completely drugged up, it's on her sleeve. If she's totally just passionately screaming at the top of her lungs, it's on her sleeve. You feel like whatever she's talking about and whatever she's singing about, she sang it with no cares, no second thoughts, no looking back. She didn't say, 'You know what, let's take that take again.' She sang it and she sang it with every bone in her body, and that was that." - Alicia Keys
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waiting-eyez · 7 months
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My music comes from many, many, many places. My emotions, my feelings, my thoughts, and conversations I have with people I know who influence me.
(Alicia Keys)
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innervoiceartblog · 26 days
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Remedios Varo - Reflejo lunar, 1961
Remedios Varo Uranga (December 16, 1908 – October 8, 1963) was a Spanish-Mexican, para-surrealist painter and anarchist. She was born María de los Remedios Alicia Rodriga Varo y Uranga in Anglès, a small town in the province of Girona, Spain in 1908. In 1924 she studied at the Academia de San Fernando de Madrid. During the Spanish Civil War she fled to Paris where she was greatly influenced by the surrealist movement.
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