#alicent elia hey girls. how are you guys?
seaworthee · 1 year
i know that targ incest is very normal in westeros but at the same time i cant help but imagine all the non targ wives being brought in and looking down at their little babies and just grimacing. Like do you think they just spend their kids whole childhoods hyping themselves up and trying to make themselves okay with it like "yes theyre mine but theyre also targaryens. theyre my children they belong to the kingdom. theyre my kids i love my kids, this is the best thing that could happen to my kids..." kind of choking on that last sentence lol. anyways.
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vessilin · 8 months
hey guys i have decided that i will now become a TMAGP account. hashtag. love this new podcast!! as soon as my hands stop swelling I WILL be making RedCanary fan art. I cannot express how much i’m loving this series rn
more below the cut! ! (SPOILERS)
OKAY SO!! episode #1 has thoroughly shaken me to the core. thank you so @sunnyspookss for listening to me yap about it over discord. love u suns!! here are my thoughts on the characters :
Sam - I cannot describe how I feel about this creature. I’m loving them and they’re giving me very… main character vibes (obviously but… anything could change who knows). Currently loving the idea that they wear glasses !!! Def a really fleshed out character (even from just the first episode).
I know Sam SAID that they were working here to ‘get back on [my] feet’ but I feel like there might be something more behind it?
Alice - right off the bat !! I’m loving her. she seems so incredibly sweet and i’m HC-ing her as a trans woman. live laugh love Alice !!! She’s so silly and in some ways reminds me of Tim Stoker ? I think it’s really interesting and I can’t wait to see how her character develops!!
ALSOOO TTHE FACT THAT SHE AND SAM USED TO DATE!??? AUGH. during college too? I feel like this is running a real close parallel to Jon and Georgie.
Gwen <333 - I can totally see some of the Bouchard family line coming in here. At first (a.k.a. the first 10 minutes or so) i didn’t really have any strong opinions and kinda forgot that her last name was bouchard but after the little scene of her and Lena in the office I started to love her even more. The boldness and the gall this woman has makes me want to shake her around like a squeaky toy.
When Lena was like “what do you even want here anyways 😒😒” AND GWEN WENT “your job” I LOST IT. LIKE.
I don’t even know if she and Elias are related but goddamn?!! I’m literally in love.
Lena - She knows something. This woman. this girl. she knows something that I do not know and I do not like it.
Colin - Live Laugh Love Colin!!! He def knows what’s going on!! I have a feeling he’ll be rlly important to the plot and his little end ‘speech’ (more like dialogue but oh well) at the end of the first episode was like??? Major Eye vibes.
RedCanary - I don’t even know where to begin. The insanity? The deleting photo? Canaries should stay above ground? The anger at ArcherK?? The mystery?
I really hope this character comes back but even if they’re a Sarah Baldwin situation that is 110% okay. I love the premise of this person finding something in that box (or maybe just the box in general) that drives them to insanity or drives them to some new information?
Misc. - Ok! Im not sure if the same like… ‘fears’ apply but someone (hi sunny) has said that there might be a new fear system? i think that’s going to be really fun to get into once I listen to the second episode. Secondly !!!! The Magnus Archive being turned into the library of alexandria (not literally but still) is such a cool concept to me. I think it’s very inchresting to think about because
A) as a child i loved researching TLA (the library of alexandria) and B) it makes a whole new timeline- i think?? Or maybe it’s some like alternate dimension or something!!! who knows!! I love it!
The idea of lost knowledge (and that knowledge once being uncovered driving people to insanity) (shoutout redcanary we will remember you!) is such a cool concept in general. the what-ifs and the maybes that can stem from it are so interesting and I can’t wait to see if they expand on that or not!! Either way- i’m loving the podcast so far.
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one-leaf-grimoire · 4 years
Chapter 12
Finally, another chapter!!!! I think you will enjoy this one 0.0
I've never slept a whole night with someone before. Lawrence never stays after he's gotten what he wants, leaving me alone to curl up in my misery. Of course, Alice and I have had sleepovers where we shared the bed, but not like... this. When I open my eyes the next morning, stirred by the singing of the earliest bird outside, it takes me a moment to remember why someone's arms are wrapped around me so tight, their legs tangled with mine, and their face buried into the back of my head. Once the memory fades into my drowsy mind, I can't help but smile.
Because, despite how I arguably embarrassed myself last night, Julius is still here, holding me tight as he snores away.
None of it really makes sense, at least not yet. To be perfectly honest, I didn't know Julius would actually... feel something for me. The most I was hoping for was a one-night-stand, fueled by that fleeting moment of hunger in the hallway. The way he looked at me then, I knew I could get at least that much. I didn't expect him to grab hold and not let go, to show genuine interest in me, not just my body. It's foreign... something Lawrence never wanted to give me. Yeah, he would hold my hand, he would fuck me, but he wouldn't cuddle me at all, much less like this. 
Part of me warns against hope. But everything else is telling me to hold on tight myself.
Despite the warm feelings that flood my chest at the thought, I can't just hang around here forever. I crane my neck (pretty difficult in this position) and see that it's nearly 7 am on the clock. Breakfast is at 7:30, so people will be walking around the base soon. I can't be seen coming out of Julius's room in just my nightgown! If someone sees me, they'll talk, and before I know it, Lawrence is going to be knocking at the door demanding an explanation! UGh- There's nothing more I want to do than snuggle back next to Julius and sleep the day away, but it's too risky. With a heavy heart, I start to try and remove myself from him.
Emphasis on "try." The moment I move, Julius's grip tightens and he silently curls up around me. It's almost suffocating at this point, like some snake wrapped around its prey! "Uh- Julius- I need to go-" I whisper meekly, not sure there's anything I can do. 
"...no you don't." Julius finally speaks, his voice still weighted with sleep. His leg slides over mine and hooks around, trapping me further. "Stay here... just a few more minutes."
It's not like I have a choice, but something tells me that I was looking for a reason to stay. "Alright, fine." I relax into his hold, and I feel him smile against my skin, satisfied that he's won this small battle. His grip loosens, as if he's melting, and for a brief moment in time, I melt, too.
...but... I still don't get it.
I feel his lips again, this time on my cheek, the light touches like a butterfly alighting upon me. I have to squeeze my eyes shut and hold in a giggle at the sensation, a movement he picks up on. Julius chuckles to himself, still sleepy, his lips trailing down my neck and leaving delicate kisses behind. "How did you sleep?" he finally mumbles, his thumb drawing small circles over the hand he's holding. "I hope I didn't snore to loud."
"No, it was nice," I whisper back, his voice somehow grounding me more in reality. "Your bed is so comfy."
"You can sleep here every night, if you want. For- er- safety reasons."
I let out a soft laugh, and I hear him join me. "Maybe... we'll see."
"We'll see-" he repeats, then lets out a sigh. It's almost... sad. "Sorry... it's been a while since I slept next to someone."
Huh? Really? I have to resist the urge to turn over and look at his face. That's surprising... Julius has a lot of admirers, it would be easy for him to invite someone into his bed. But maybe, he has the same problem I do... the only love I knew was the physical kind, a selfish, lustful love that left me drained and disoriented. I remember the way Elia and the other girls talk about him, and how I even looked at him... like he was a piece of meat ready to consume.
He's like me, isn't he? He's... lonely.
"...I'm sorry."
"Hmm? For what?"
Love... I don't know if I'm ready to even say that word. Somewhere deep inside, the feelings coming off of Julius make something very clear... the potency of this feeling almost scares me. And for whatever reason, I'm the one in his sights, but instead of it being an honor, it seems like a burden. I'm a lost cause, right? My perception of love is skewed, ruined. And I know, if I turn around and look in his eyes... I'll get lost in them. I'll drown, because when it comes to love... I just can't swim.
"So??? How was it!!!?"
Alice is waiting for me by the time I sneak back to my own room, promising to see Julius again at breakfast. "Um... good?" I deflect the question before turning to my dresser. "It went like you would expect it..." In reality, it did not go at all how I expected it, but at least now I don't have to lie to Alice. 
"Awww, come ooooon~" Alice whines, rolling over to keep watching me. "Tell me the deets!!! 
Uh oh. I avert my eyes and focus on stripping down and pulling on my uniform. "Well... it was very nice. But more than that..." I pause my dressing for a moment, a little smile playing on my lips. "He was nice... I don't know, maybe it's just because I've been with an asshole all my life, but Julius..."
"Ewww, never mind, if you're going to start talking about love stuff!" I turn and give Alice a disgruntled look, which causes her to peel back off into laughter. "Kidding! I'm happy for you, really." She sits up and swings her legs off the bed. "So, do you have a plan? Like- with Lawrence?"
"Not yet... I have to keep it secret for now," I tell her, pulling my robe over my head. "So you keep your mouth shut, you hear?"
"Got it!" Alice smirks and gives me a faux-salute. "And you keep your mouth shut, too... I'm sure it's hard to keep quiet when he's inside you-"
Despite that just being a little joke, something starts to worry me as we make our way down to breakfast together. I feel... guilty. I know I shouldn't, but I do. God! If only I had held it together last night, I would have actually gotten laid... by a guy who actually cares about me, too. My ears start to heat up at the mere thought of it, but it's accompanied by a pleasant hunger in my belly that's definitely not the result of it being mealtime. I'm sure he meant it when he said he was fine with just sleeping, and he definitely enjoyed cuddling... but... I wouldn't blame him if he were a bit frustrated. Julius is lonely... I feel like I deprived him of something he needed.
It's a ridiculous thought, Julius hasn't demanded anything from me. But still... I want to give it to him. I want to know what it feels like with someone I actually like. Have I missed my chance?
No... there's going to be many more chances. Even today. It's only morning, after all! I'm sure another chance will come up if I'm patient.
Spoiler alert: I'm not patient in the slightest.
"Good morning, you two! My, you're looking radiant."
I thought Alice would be the one I have to rein in when it comes to my secret, but as soon as Julius sees us, I realize that it's him. He's already sitting at the table, fork in hand, but it falls to the table when his eyes land on me, and a big dumb smile becomes plastered on his face. Uh oh... don't be obvious, Julius!!!! I gulp and give him a nervous smile, hoping that none of the others already here will pick up on all the tension. "Oh... thank you! You look pretty good... yourself?"
Alice is nearly drawing blood as she bites her lip, dragging me to sit down next to her at the table. Julius simply chuckles a little to himself and thankfully remains silent, although his eyes don't leave my face the whole time. 
"What's got you looking so happy this morning?" Elia finally slides into the seat next to me, sourly looking at my face. 
"Huh? Oh-" I shrug, quickly busying myself with my food. "I uh- just had a good time at the lake yesterday."
Elia obviously doesn't believe me but doesn't pursue the subject. "Fine. Keep your secrets."
"Hey girls!"
We look over to see Giles and Nigel walking in, plates piled high with food. Those two are unmatched in how much they can eat. "Hey losers-" Alice counters. "Where's Wren? He usually comes down with you."
"Apparently he got called to a meeting with the captain," Nigel snickers. "Sounded kind of serious... maybe he's in trouble!"
"That would be funny," Elia adds, glancing at me out of the corner of her eye. "maybe he'll get kicked out."
"Or imprisoned!"
"Or exiled-"
More laughter comes from my friends, but I can't bear to join in. All I can do is smile weakly and eat, hoping that I'm wrong and one of them didn't drug me that night.
"Hey... look-" Alice grabs my shoulder, her voice hushed, and gestures casually down the table. More of the senior knights are here, but I know exactly who she's talking about. "Guess who hasn't stopped staring at you since we got here?"
Oh boy. Cautiously. I glance over and see that Julius is indeed staring at me, almost dazed-looking, his head tilted slightly as it rests on his hands. His food is going cold for sure by now, but... 
AhH! JULIUS!! Don't be so obvious... anyone looking at you right now will know something is up- His buddy Elger, who's sitting next to him, has noticed, and stares at Julius with a weird look on his face. I quickly look away before he can connect the dots, but it might already be too late. "Ignore him!"
Alice giggles. "My, you must have really rocked his world last night-"
Even after the conversation moves on, I can feel those eyes burning into my skin. Butterflies swarm in my stomach, but at the core of it is excitement. It takes everything in me to not stare back at him, make bedroom eyes, and let him whisk me away somewhere private. Well... that's not such a bad idea...
I still want him. Even if I have the rest of the day ahead of me, I want him now. 
"Hey, where are you going?"
"To wash my dish! I'm not that hungry." I smooth out my cloak after I stand up, making sure to talk loud enough that the other end of the table can hear. "See you guys soon." With that, I turn and sashay off, fighting the urge to glance back at the table. All I can do is hope that this vague plan works...
But of course it does.
As soon as I finish washing my dishes, Julius is already up and leaning against the kitchen doorframe, his usual smile on his face. "Oh, hi!" I greet, giving him a smile of my own. My pulse quickens as I struggle to move onto the next phase of my plan. Luckily, he does it for me.
"Want to go talk in private?"
And so, we head off upstairs, to his office. The entire walk there is filled with tension, so thick I could choke. I barely notice when he shuts the door behind us, I'm so lost in my thoughts. Now what? I'm not used to taking this type of initiative... oooh, what if he thinks I'm being to presumptuous? No, no,of course not... well-
"So... I've been thinking." Julius suddenly speaks before I can get my first word in. "We should start seriously sizing everyone up, and figure out who might be our culprits."
"...huh?" I blink, so lost in my self-made adrenaline that I can't immediately catch up.
Julius frowns. "You know? The ones who attacked you?"
"OH. Right!" I connect the dots and let out a nervous laugh. Get yourself together! Don't look like an idiot, at least... "Right, right, right... it's not fun to think about, but I suppose I have to."
"I'm sorry." Julius moves over to his desk and leans against it, his feet planted firmly on the ground. My eyes drift over his strong legs before quickly flickering away. Now that we're having an important conversation, I can't just derail it by jumping him right now... despite how delicious he looks. 
"Are you okay?"
Fuck! I just started going off into another daze. I jump a little as I feel his hand on my shoulder, and I blush a little as I let myself look up at his concerned face. "I know it's overwhelming, but I want to get to the bottom of this, okay?" I nod slowly, prompting him to lean in and press a sweet kiss to my forehead. I can't help but let a smile flicker on my face for a moment. "You know what you mean to me now... we can talk about this more later, though, okay?"
"...okay..." I lean forward and press my face into his chest, a gesture he accepts eagerly. The safe feeling of his arms around me threatens to make me melt right then and there, but then I realize that I have an opening.
"I was... uh... thinking."
"Thinking? Really?" I pinch his arm as he teases me with mock-disbelief. "About what?"
"...about..." I gulp, glad he can't see my face right now. "er... l-last night."
It's hardly noticeable, but I feel his grip shift at the words, just enough to make me realize that he's been thinking about it, too.
"Is that so?" His voice hasn't changed, still calm and comforting. "What about it?"
"You know..."
He finally gives me a real reaction, a soft laugh that I feel more than hear. "Right... I had a good time, you know."
A little pang of guilt hits me again. "Did you?"
"...yeah!" He suddenly pulls back to smile down at me, his narrowed eyes taking in my embarrassed face. "I always have a good time with you."
"Yeah, but- uh-" I feel a little frustration. I don't want him to think I'm so timid after last night! That was just a fluke! He's being so careful with me... I need to be more aggressive! 
"I mean it, don't worry." Julius's hand lands on my head and strokes it softly, which incidentally gives me an idea. "I thought I made it pretty clear... you're special to me, and even though I'd love to go farther with you, I want to go at a rate you're comfortable with- AH! W-what are you doing-?"
Julius cuts himself off, his voice wavering nervously as I suddenly kneel down in the middle of his little spiel. "I'm showing you that I'm perfectly fine with this rate- or whatever-" I tell him quickly, willing myself forward before I chicken out. I run my hands up his thighs, my heart skipping beats with every band of muscle I feel. "I mean... if you want me to?" I look up at him through my eyelashes, my lip pouting just slightly. I might be naive about a lot of things... but I know how to get what I want. 
The concern in Julius's eyes fades slightly, not quite disappearing all the way, but it's replaced by something else. Almost like curiosity... but more than anything, want.
"... go on."
I give him a little grin, finally letting my hands continue sliding up. Julius sucks in a little breath, for the most part silent as he stares down at me, his mouth twitching just slightly as I avoid his crotch and go for his belt instead. The anticipation is killing me, and it must be doing the same to him, but I will myself to be patient and make him so hungry for it, he can't resist. I want him to let go of his fear, and let himself pull me close, to let me in. He's a lonely man, and I want to help... in whatever way I can. And right now, this is how I do it.
"Here, let me help-"
Julius is quick to reach down and make quick work of the belt I was fumbling with, the zipper quickly following. Last night, I got to feel him up but couldn't actually get a look at him since I... passed out and all. But now, there's nowhere else to look as he pulls the front of his pants down and lets his already-stiff cock spring out at me. 
Oh shit-
It's bigger than I remember feeling last night, and I can't help but stare for a long moment, my mouth slightly open. I'm drooling, yeah, but it's also very intimidating. And it doesn't help when I feel that hand on the back of my head, pulling me in. "Take your time... but not too much time." Julius bites his lip and glances at the door. "We are in a shared office after all."
He's right, and I give a little nod before finally leaning in and letting my tongue dart out. Julius nearly spasms when I go right for the sensitive tip, sucking once before pulling off and kissing lightly around the spot. "Oh, you have a little technique?" he asks, his voice still steady.
"What did you expect?" I mumble back, fighting off a blush as I catch a glance of him staring at me. "I'm not innocent... not that innocent." To express my point, I lick up his length once deliberately, finally getting a reaction. I feel his knees wobble slightly, and his hand suddenly knots in my hair.
"Of course not... you'll be good and innocent for me, though, won't you?"
The words send a pleasant chill down my neck, the soft growl in his voice, stirring many forgotten emotions within me. This is nothing like it is with Lawrence. It's not so much a demand when Julius pushes me down onto his cock, softly moaning as I finally get to work some magic. It's... a plead. "Ah- y-ou're good that this-" Julius breathes out, his hand pushing me faster, more deliberately. He's coming undone, a lot quicker than he expected, and despite the way his cock chokes me and tears form at the corner of my eyes, I almost smile. This is what I wanted, for him to feel good because of something I'm doing. He only pauses once to sit down in his chair, his limbs weakening. I take the opportunity to pull myself off and smirk up at him, my cheek resting against his inner thigh while my hand teasingly strokes him. "Enjoying yourself?"
"What do you think?" Julius, despite being out of breath, flashes me a grin, his hand stroking down to my neck once. "Don't tell me you're getting tired." I shake my head quickly. "Good girl."
I lean back down to continue, this time his hand restricting my movements, slowing them. Despite saying that we needed to be quick, Julius is taking his time now, determined to milk me (or- er- himself-) for all I'm worth. I can't help but think about Lawrence in the moment, how he would react one day once I leave him to take the arm of my gorgeous vice captain. How indignant he would be, how enraged to find out that I willingly pleasured this man. Every aspect of this experience...
It's thrilling.
He starts poking into the back of my throat, and I whimper slightly at the foreign feeling, struggling to keep taking it. Despite how I was talking before, my stamina is terrible and I'm not sure if I'm going to hold on for much longer. "I'm almost there, baby, I promise-" Julius grunts out, one hand gripping the side of his desk while the other starts setting an unmerciful place. I just weakly whine in response, my throat starting to burn a bit. "You're being so good- I'm going to make you cum so fucking hard after this-" The promise makes another jolt of adrenaline go through me, the thought of him doing this to me quite exciting. "God- ah-"
Just as he starts to lose himself, something grabs his attention. Maybe it's a sixth sense, or maybe he was using his time magic to check ahead, but Julius freezes up before he reaches a climax. I blink my eyes open to see his own widening, a look of shock and fear on his face.
There's no time to hide. Just as the word leaves his mouth, the door swings open and the other vice captain Malota walks in. Julius lets out a squawk of surprise and nearly jumps in his seat in a vain attempt to react, but only manages to knock his knee super hard against the bottom of his desk. "YOUCH-" The shout leaves his mouth as he panics, disoriented, horny, and scared.
The only good thing about this situation is that I'm hidden behind his desk, and from where Malota is standing right now, she can't see me. But still, she stops in her tracks at Julius's reaction, arching a thin brow as he does nothing but sit there and pant, slowly turning red.
"Julius... were you-" A look of slight disgust crosses her vulture-like features, and her eyes just glance down at the table, very aware of the presence behind it, before rising back up to her comrade's embarrassed face.
"You know what... I don't want to know."
Without another word, Malota swiftly turns around and races out of the room, her face becoming indifferent again. A moment later, the door slams shut, and the two of us are left alone once again.
"... "
Neither of us dare to move. Julius's eyes stay fixed on the door as Malota's footsteps fade away, before looking back down at me. He lets out a soft sigh, the corners of his mouth twitching at the sight of me staring up at him with his cock still in my mouth (it's not like I had time to move! And plus, the hand on my neck is heavy-). "That was... close."
He finally lets go, and I draw in a shaky breath as I sit up, my throat awfully dry after the recent abuse it just received. "S-she didn't see me, did she-"
"No, no, she didn't!" Julius assures me, glancing at the door again, his fingers deftly brushing the hair out of my face. "Malota wouldn't care anyway, don't worry." he gives me a reassuring smile before licking his lips a little. "So... are you-"
Wait, he wants me to continue? After we got walked in on?! I blink a few times, too aghast to say anything at the moment. Julius laughs sheepishly. "I mean, she's probably not coming back, right?"
Somehow, I find myself smiling once again. Julius mirrors it, his pulse quickening as he grabs the back of my head again. "I think we're going to get along famously."
Julius doesn't beat around the bush this time. He thrusts down my throat again and again, his hips raising just slightly to meet my lips each time, his hands guiding me at his pace. I handle it a lot better this time, feeling satisfied every time he moans under my touch. He doesn't say anything, but I know he's getting close by the way his movements become sloppy, and his cock twitches needily. I give him exactly what he wants, sucking hard for a few thrusts. And that's it- With one last pleasured sound, Julius pushes me down and cums, hard. I wasn't planning on spitting anything out, but I still gag a bit as his release hits my throat, hot and thick and almost too much for me to handle.
For a few blissful moments, he just sits there, tensed up with his eyes squeezed shut. Then, finally, he lets go of me.
Not completely, though. His hands gently take hold of my shoulders as I sit up and cough a little, taking a few deep breaths through my nose. I'm a little dizzy and can't really see through my blurry eyes, but I feel overwhelming satisfaction. I did it... Julius, you're mine, you hear! I want to make him feel like this, again and again, and for him to do the same to me. Maybe love is something I can't handle right now... but I can let myself be close to him.
Eventually... love will follow.
The sensation of his fingers on my face pulls me from my thoughts. Julius chuckles, worn out, and traces the corners of my lip with a fingertip. "You missed some-" he states, swiping up the remains of his cum and pushing his finger into my mouth. I whine a little at the movement but get my revenge by sucking once. Julius sucks in a breath and quickly removes the digit. "Ah ah- don't tease me, or I'll have to punish you~"
"Punish?" I repeat, reaching up and rubbing my eyes. When I blink them open again, I can see just fine, the blur of the passionate moment gone. "I thought I deserved a reward."
"Oh, that's right. Here-"
Before I can do anything, his hands close around my waist and hoist me up, so easily that it makes me squeak out in surprise. The moment he set me down on the desk, his lips are on mine, his arms holding me as close as can be. I eagerly kiss back, my sore jaw enjoying the respite, and reach up to cup his face with my hands. Julius pulls back just enough to look into my eyes, and the look of sparkling admiration in his own catches me off guard. "What?"
"Hmm?" Julius seems to almost be lost in thought. "Oh, it's just... I like you."
"...?" I frown a little. Isn't that obvious? "Well, that's good to know."
A little laugh comes from his nose, and his goofy smile widens. "No, I mean- Ah, you're full of surprises, and I like that... not just with this... kind of stuff, but also with- you know-" Julius's words are fumbled, almost incoherent He finally spares himself and cuts himself off with a shake of his head. "Never mind, don't listen to me, I'm just being an old sap."
Despite his sheepishness, I somehow understand what he was trying to say. With just a little difficulty, I lean up and kiss his forehead softly. "It's okay... I feel the same way, Julius."
"...I'm glad. Thank you."
With that, he buries himself back into my embrace, our lips moving so perfectly that it seems like they were made for each other. I close my eyes and start to get lost again, pure joy overtaking all logic and guilt in my mind. For a brief moment, Lawrence doesn't exist, my attacker doesn't exist, nothing does... nothing in this world matters but him. 
At least, just for that moment. Because the door slams open a minute later.
"Julius! Sorry to interrupt again, but-"
Both of us scream and whirl around, still holding each other, to see Malota run in again. For the first time, the emotion on her face seems real, the shock of seeing me, a girl engaged to a prince, being kissed by Julius. We sit there in silence for a moment, but then, in true Malota fashion, she sighs deeply, all emotion leaving her face.
"...I won't ask... but-" She straightens up. "We're leaving."
"Leaving?" Julius repeats nervously. I can feel his heart racing through his chest. "What's happening?"
"Apparently the Diamond Kingdom's been attacking the border since yesterday-" Malota explains, shocking us both. "But the Crimson Lion Kings were sent to handle it in secret. Now we're being called in."
We're being called in... wait... A jolt of fear shoots through me. That means... the Crimson Lions failed! The Diamond Kingdom beat them?!
"I see- the whole squad is going?"
"Yes. Our briefing is in 2 minutes." We can hear footsteps all around the base now, thundering urgently in the rush to get ready. "Be down there beforehand."
"Right." Julius's face is stony now, but flinches slightly as Malota turns to leave again. "Er- Malota- about this-"
"Don't worry. I don't care anyway-" Malota assures him before disappearing once again.
With a deep sigh, Julius lets go of me, helping me get off the desk. "I'm sorry," he apologizes, still looking pale. "She saw us- I should have been more careful."
"Maybe... but we have a bigger problem now." That familiar pre-battle feeling is already coursing through my veins. Trying to ignore the dread balling up inside me, I reach down and take his hand one last time. 
The Diamond Kingdom...
Maybe, for a moment, the world didn't exist. But now, it's crashing down on all of us.
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greenlightfic · 5 years
Looking for a little bit of hope these days
 Sunday 10:21 – March 29, 2020 – I can feel your eyes in the back of my head
 Edoardo has been awake for the last ten minutes. To be fair, he didn’t do much of sleep, instead he tiredly drifted in and out of the haze the whole night. But now he is awake, fully awake.
He sits down covering his body with the sheets, already missing the warm his bed irradiated. Edo doesn’t know if Federico’s up already and he wonders if he should keep on ignoring him or simply talk to him. But talk to him about what exactly?
The tall guy sighs, brushing his big rebellious curls out of his forehead while he lays down again. It’s way too early for him to be this messed up. But it seems like Federico thinks otherwise because Edoardo hears a subtle knock on his door, followed by another one longer and louder.
“Buddy, are you awake?” Fede asks, and he could just ignore him, pretend he’s still asleep but he also knows that he can avoid him forever, not when they live together. So, Edoardo push the sheets away from him and walks to the door, opening it to find his best friend still wearing his pajamas and holding two cups of coffee.
Edoardo takes one, silently thanking his friend with a nod, and walks again to his bed, covering his legs and resting his back against the headboard. The skinny guys follow him close and sit in the opposite side of the bed, also covering himself with a blanket.
“I heard you coming home last night. Past midnight” Federico tries after his friend starts drinking.
“Yeah,” Edo looks at him above his mug, “Eleonora wasn’t feeling well so I just… stayed a little longer.”
“Why are you lying to me?” Fede suddenly asks with his forehead furrowed.
“What?” Edoardo replies with the same expression.
“Elia told me you almost got into a fight.” Federico waits for a second, expectant for his friend to defend himself. After Edoardo avoids his eyes, he decides to continue. “Are you gonna tell me what happened or you gonna keep ignoring me?” the boy demands.
“Don’t talk to me like that!” Edo protests.
“Like what?”
“Like you’re my father, waiting for me to confess some stupid shit”. He moves his hands angrily between them.
“Then don’t lie to me!” Federico says a little too loud. He sighs and massages the furrow away from his forehead. “I’m just trying to understand the situation here, man” he tries again, with a calm tone. “I see you talking with Alice, then I don’t see you anymore and then Elia tells me you almost got yourself into a fight. I’m just… worried”. Concern fills every corner of his face, and Edoardo hates him and loves him for that. Sometimes he wishes they weren’t so close, that Federico didn’t know him that well but he also knows he wouldn’t be himself without Federico.
Instead of keeping avoiding the topic, Edo chooses to talk to him, after all, he’s his best friend.
“Eleonora has a classmate, a douchebag. He was at the club and he tried…” There’s a word for that; he knows it. Both Sana and Eleonora had given them all enough lessons for him to understand the meaning of harassment but, for some reason, placing the situation into that word was harder than he could’ve imagine. “He tried to kiss her and to make her go home with him, even when she said she didn’t want to.” Edoardo is looking at his bed but still can feel Fede’s body tensing in front of him. “What happened?” the young man asks slow.
“Nothing. I saw her face and I walked to them. Ele told me I got in… just in time” he whispers the last words.
Federico pats his leg. “The hero”, the compliment makes Edoardo smiles down to his mug.
“What happened after that?” his best friend inquires, carefully.
“I drove her home”.
“And she made tea”.
“And she told me some things about her past and we hug and stayed like that until she was too tired to stay awake”. Edoardo closes his eyes for a second. He’s scared of looking at Federico, the excitement on his voice had grown so big Edoardo couldn’t tear his eyes away from his own hands.
As he predicted, the first thing he sees when he opens his eyes is Fede ginormous smile, it makes his eyes look very small.
“And?” Federico asks again, biting his bottom lip to hide his obvious smile.
“I came home” he shrugs.
“Edo!” his best friend hits his leg playfully.
“I don’t know, all right?” It’s now or never, Edo knows it. “It felt really, really nice to be with her like that…” Federico was back to smiling his brightest. “But” Edoardo holds up a finger, “but it’s just a crush, okay? I’ll go away as fast as it came”.
“You sure about that?” Federico isn’t smiling anymore.
“Yeah. She’s the first girl I’m actually close to and I just… mixed my feelings. It’s the same that happened with Nathan’s sister, remember?” he doesn’t wait for his friend’s confirmation. “We were kids and she was older, pretty and the first girl to actually talk to us so we all crushed so hard on her. This is the same”. He’s sure it isn’t the same, but he needs to believe it.
Federico isn’t looking at him any longer, he’s tracing with his finger the mug, thinking. Meanwhile, Edoardo’s heart is trying to come back to normal, saying all those thoughts out loud was easier than he thought but it also made them real, and he still isn’t sure if he wants them to be.
“Okay”. Federico says after a while.
“Yeah, okay”, he shrugs. “If you think it isn’t worthy risking your friendship, I got your back. I think you should tell Ele how you feel but I won’t push you” he’s offering him a warm smile and Edoardo is so thankful for his existence at this moment.
“If I talk to her, everything changes and when the crush goes away it would be too late to repair our bond. I might ruin the whole group.
“Hey!” Federico’s looking at him with narrow eyes. “Don’t think about us, okay? We will be fine. Think about you. Do it, or not but not because of you, because of you, all right? I don’t want you to play the hero right now. Just… focus on you”. He sighs.
Edoardo doesn’t know how to answer to that so he just nods and extends his fist to Federico to bump his but the boy pushes it away and leans in to give Edo a one arm hug and he gratefully accepts it.
 Sunday 15:50 – March 29, 2920 – Will you be my future or just and escape?
 Edoardo is nervous. He was just fine ten minutes ago, studying in his bed, focusing on his work. But now he’s nervous.
Rocco told him Alice asked for his number and now he doesn’t know what to do. Does he contact her first? Does he pretend he doesn’t know? Does he ignore her? There are a thousand different scenarios playing on his mind right now and Edoardo isn’t sure of which one is worse.
His phone’s screen illuminates with an unknown number calling. It seems like Alice doesn’t want him to go through all those scenarios again. He accepts the call, if he wants to get over his crush, he gonna need some help.
Inhaling he places the phone on his left ear, resting his head against the headboard. “Hi?”
“Edoardo Incanti.” And his name in a pretty girl’s mouth triggers him and confident Edoardo’s back. He smiles. “I was waiting for your call”. He smirks and is sure Alice’s smiling, too.
“Why to expose me like that?” she laughs.
“Rocco’s my friend. We don’t keep secrets from each other”.
“Can’t wait to hear what you have to tell them about me”. Edoardo bits his bottom lip.
“Good things only, I’m sure”. Alice laughs softly in the other line and Edoardo takes his opportunity. If he wants to get over his crush, he needs to act, now. “But…” he starts sitting straight. “If you want to make sure we could meet tonight. You know, so you can tell me what I can and cannot tell my friends”. Alice’s silence for a few seconds and Edoardo can hear her walking around a room.
“And where would this meeting take place?” she’s playing it cool. Two can play this game, Edo thinks.
“There’s a bar a couple of blocks away from my house. You interest?” It’s a clear invitation to more than just a few drinks and Edoardo smiles brightly when Alice accepts it.
“21:00? Is it okay to you?” she asks low.
“It’s perfect for me. I’ll send you the address in a second, all right?” he’s resting against the headboard again, relaxed.
“Okay. See you tonight, Edo” he bets she’s laying down.
“See you tonight”. He hangs up and rubs his hands together.
“Fede!”. He youths calling his friend.
A minute after, his door opens. “What?” Federico asks walking to his bed.
“I need you out tonight” Edoardo lifts his brows with intention but his best friend looks at him with confusion. “Oh, God!” he covers his mouth with both hands. “Ele?” he asks smiling and Edoardo’s stomach sinks. “No”. it’s the only thing he says.
“Did Alice text you? Fede tries again, cautiously.
“Yeah” Edoardo says less enthusiastic. “We’re going out tonight and I thought, you know, to have the house alone, in case, you know…” he’s rambling looking at his hand. The excitement he felt when he hung up left his body the moment Eleonora was mentioned.
“Yeah, of course” Federico’s speaking loudly. “Yes, man” he smiles. “I’ll cuddle with Chicco” he jokes, lighting up the mood. “You have fun” Fede smiles warm and if Edoardo didn’t know him the way he does that would’ve been it. But he knows it, and he can see the concern on Federico’s eyes and his stomach drops again.
 Sunday 22:02 – March 29, 2020 – You never get to heaven in a night like this
 Edoardo closes the door, turning the lights on. “Where’s Federico? Alice asks looking at him with a grin from head to toe.
“Not here” Edoardo answers, smirking smugly. Alice smiles back and waits for Edoardo to close the small distance between their bodies, and Edoardo does it, gladly. He knew they would end up here when Alice decided to sit in the bar, too close to each other, and automatically played with their feet before they even finished their first drink.
He wants it. He wants this. Alice rapidly pushes his jacket off and, after throwing it somewhere away from them, Edoardo’s hands find the girl’s back and they start waking. Alice’s moving backwards, letting the tall boy guide her through the corridor to his room.
Edoardo kicks the door shut, pulling the girl’s blouse up. He usually takes it slow, but he hasn’t been with someone in way too long and it seems like Alice doesn’t want it slow, either. His mouth falls open when he sees the tiny green lace bra. He sure wants it, and his jeans are feeling too tight already. He turns the lights on and walks closer to Alice again, instinctively placing his hands on her bare skin, stroking her side.
“The lights” she murmurs kissing the sensitive skin around his ear, pushing him to lay on top of her. Edoardo tries to ask what she means but a groan is the only sound that his mouth produces when she pulls out his hair. “The lights” she repeats, breathing from her mouth while Edo kisses her jaw. “I light the lights off” she holds his face between her hands and kisses him passionately. Edoardo breaks the kiss and quickly does as he was asked. When he comes back to his bed Alice’s kissing him again and he holds her tight, trying to push the thought of a pair of green eyes watching him in the dark away.
 Monday 17:30 – March 30, 2020 – I’m chemically drawn closer to you
 “So, did you have a ‘boy night’, last night?”
“Hm? Edoardo asks closing his notebook.
“The boy night” Eleonora repeats ducking her head to meet his eyes. “I saw Chicco story” she smiles.
“Oh, that” he says looking at her. They’re in her house, on the kitchen table, each one of them focused of their respective homework or at least Edoardo was until her question pushed him back to reality. “I… I didn’t go” he avoids her eyes and decides to play with his pencil instead.
“Why not? Weren’t you feeling all right? She asks closing her book, giving him all of her attention. Eleonora, sweet Eleonora, always caring too much about everybody. Constantly making sure those around her are okay. Which makes lying harder. Edoardo feels like shit lying to her but he can’t tell her the truth. He can’t tell her he spent the night with someone he never even mentioned before. So, he chooses to lie and feel awful about it. “No, I mean, I just felt a little cold and with a headache.” He looks at their empty mugs. “I had to study anyway, so I just stayed home.”
“Do you feel better now? When he looks up, she’s smiling so warm that his heart skips a beat.
“Yeah, it’s probably a cold or something” he shrugs “Nothing to worry about”.
Eleonora scans his face with narrowed eyes. “If you still feel like this in three days, I’m taking you to the doctor” she half jokes holding a finger up.
“I’ll keep you updated” he suggests smiling fondly.
“Deal.” Eleonora offers him her hand to shake. He takes it and places his other hand on top of hers, feeling goosebumps in his back.
The bell rings. Eleonora’s hand disappears from his grip. “It’s probably Eva” she guesses standing up.
Edoardo stands up after she starts walking and rest his long body against the room’s entrance, watching her.
“What are you doing here?” Eleonora interrogates someone Edo can’t see.
“Hi, ragno, I missed you too” A guy replies making his entrance to Ele’s home and Edoardo quickly recognizes him. Filippo Sava. He throws his arms around Eleonora and lifts her up a few centimeters. She smiles and he spins with her still on his arms. They meet eyes and Edoardo feels dizzy.
“Edoardo Incanti” Filippo places Eleonora back on her feet and walks to him with an arm extended. “What a surprise to find you in my little sister’s home” he smiles brightly and Edoardo clumsily shakes his hand. “Nice to meet you.”
“Filippo” Eleonora walks to them. “What are you doing here?” She’s using a tone Edoardo only remember her using it with Martino and the scenario makes him smile.
“I have a few days off”.
“What did Elia tell you?” Ele crosses her arm.
“Is there something he has to tell me?” Filippo smiles fades away and concern covers his face. “Or maybe something he hasn’t?” When his forehead’s furrowed, he looks more like his sister, Edoardo thinks observing him. “Eleonora.” He demands impatiently.
“There’s nothing to say” she scoffs with shaky voice. “Why aren’t you with him?” she asks, changing the topic.
Edoardo watches Filippo scan his sister face for a few seconds and then drift his eyes to him again.
“No way I’m gonna show up on my boyfriend’s door looking like this, ragno” he points at his body. “I gotta take a quick shower, a nap and then I’ll be ready. You gotta keep the magic alive. Don’t you think, Edoardo?” Filippo raises a brow to him.
“Uh… yeah” Edo clears his throat. “Yeah, I mean, I think Elia would be happy to see you, despite your look but it’s nice from you to… want to look handsome for me?” Edoardo isn’t sure if what he’s saying makes any sense and Filippo amused smile only confuses him more.
“I like you”. Filippo winks an eye to him. “So, tell me, what are your intentions with my little sister?” Filo’s invading Edoardo’s personal space and the tall boy thinks how different from one another these siblings are.
“Filippo” Eleonora slaps his arm.
“Yes, ragno?” he replies innocently.
“Didn’t you want to take a shower?”
“Oh, no. I can do that later” he waves her away from him. “I’m having a conversation with my friend Edoardo here”. Edo laughs, what else can he do?
“Filippo” he’s sure he had never seen her this irritated.
“What?” Filo turns to face her.
“I’m just trying to get to know your friend, Ele” he puts too much emphasis into the word ‘friend’ for it to sound casual. “What’s your Hogwarts house? Filippo askes him intertwining his fingers.
“Okay” Eleonora closes her eyes briefly and fixes her hair. “I can make Giovanni and Luca to leave the house alone for Elia tonight” she steps closer. “Or I can make sure they don’t leave Elia’s side the whole night” Eleonora smiles with narrowed eyes.
Edoardo’s having the time of his life. He had never seen Eleonora like this and the way Filippo reacts to each word that come out of her with his whole body is surprisingly entertained. Edo knows he should leave but he’s having too much fun right now.
After a few seconds of silence Filippo turns to him. “I’ll be here a week; we will meet again” he squeezes Edoardo’s shoulder and turns to the opposite direction, heading to the bathroom and taking his suitcase in the way.
Once the older guy disappears from their sight Eleonora’s head falls against Edoardo’s arm. “I’m sorry” she murmurs.
“It’s okay” he says laughing. “He’s funny”.
“No, he’s not” she replies and Edoardo can feel her pouting. His hand find the back of her head and he plays with her hair lightly. “It’s fine. I like him” he assures her grinning and he swears he feels her smiling against his skin.
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samesongxox · 5 years
Savior: Chapter 3 (A Crack in the Stone)
Summary: (Hellboy 2019) AKA Turning a New Leaf AKA Good Samaritans Need Love Too. The B.P.R.D is tasked to infiltrate a black market creature trafficking ring led by a powerful warlock. Hellboy rescues Phyrra who is found being held hostage, a slave for her magic. He must protect her as she is hunted by her master and his gang of monsters. (AU where Broom isn’t dead/Abe wasn’t found)
It will be rated M, it will include violence, swearing, smuttiness, all the good things in life.
Disclaimer: Hellboy belongs to Dark Horse Comics/Mike Mignola, I don’t own anything except the AU and my OC’s.
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The second the chopper landed, Phyrra was ambushed by agents. Binx the Pixie chimed in clear outrage as Phyrra was shoved around. Hellboy felt the same ire. The awaiting crew were less than gentle in their handling of her, even taking the extra precaution of cuffing her slender wrists to the gurney; the order wasn't given, but the nurses were taking no chances.
"Hey! Where you taking her?!" Hellboy grabbed at the male nurse who had his hand in a tight grip on Phyrra's shoulders, he could see the knuckles were white. What the hell were they told about her?
"She's passed out guys, could you be a little more gentle?" Hellboy attempted to keep the anger out of his voice, but still the question was posed as more of a demand. The nurse looked at Hellboy with bewilderment, however he did drop his hand from her shoulder, taking the metal bars on the sides as they began to move the comatose girl.
"Calm down son, they still need to take certain provisions." The Professor arrived unheard looking like the cat that caught the canary, this had turned out to be a very successful mission.
B.P.R.D headquarters was a large, subterranean operation; new tunnels being drilled everyday. When he had received the word from the Major about finding the cache of creatures, Trevor had never been so glad of it then when he saw the trucks pulling up, crate after crate of abused souls being dispersed with care to their temporary residences.
What he didn't expect was what came out of the chopper with his son. Trevor was only able to catch glances at the limp body with a womanly figure, surrounded by B.P.R.D members and Hellboy. His said boy hovered over the girl like a worried mother, Trevor was bemused at the sight.
Giving half his attention, the Professor listened as Ben gave him the report, the agents left behind in the skirmish managed to escape with little injury, most fortunate operation indeed. Trevor walked closer to have a better look at what was captivating everyone's attention.
Trevor immediately noticed her ears sifting through her long platinum hair as she was being transported.
An elven woman, how interesting.
Long ago, he had had the honor of dining with King Baldor in a rare show of peacekeeping between the humans and elves. Those elves in comparison to the one in front of him might of shared the pale complexion, but that was where the resemblance ended. They had not had her markings, nor her large obvious ears.
So a different race altogether, most fascinating indeed.
There was also the matter of the Pixie that flew aggressively around the girl, buzzing at the staff like an irritated bee. The Professor knew of the Pixie folk's loyalties, so was surprised to see the creatures attachment as it nestled itself in the crook of the girls neck, an undeniable protector of the Elf.
"Alright big guy, let the nice people do their jobs," Alice played peacekeeper, gently leading Hellboy towards the Professor and Ben, catching the forlorn expression her friend had at the sight of Phyrra being carted away. They were still at work but Hellboy's mind seemed to be on anything but the job.
"Well son, it is nice to see you finally bring a girl home." Hellboy glared at his father. Everyone was having too much fun at his expense.
"It's not what it looks like at all," Hellboy bluffed, this was unbearable. "Why the hell were they manhandling her like that? She's just a girl!"
"A girl that you found uncaged, we don't know if she's friend or foe"
"Bullshit! She didn't hurt any of us back there!"
"That's true Hellboy, but she can't trust her just yet. There was no other in a room as she was?"
"Well we didn't really have the time to find out. I stumbled onto her, she was passed out so I checked to make sure she wasn't dead. Then Alice found me."
"What of the warlock? The owner, Elias?" Hellboy opened his mouth to say he was dealt with, but then remembered the possessed way he had remained startlingly coherent while his body was no more than chum. No, he couldn't confirm the magical man was deceased. He told his father such and watched as he developed a quizzical expression.
"Yes, well we shall start interviewing our new occupancies. I'm sure something will turn up about their warden,"
"Alright guys, let's get her down to Med!"
At hearing that, Hellboy watched helpless as Phyrra was loaded into the elevator. She looked dead, unmoving and ghostly pale. The golden tattoos stood out even more against her pallor skin.
The doors closed, Hellboy's eyes turned down, he tried not to feel dismay at her being taken away from him. He had no right to feel that, he thought petulant as a child.
"You ever see anything like her dad?"
"Not sure Hellboy, let me go to the library and check out a few volumes that could help," the Professor spared a glance at his battered son.
"Please go down and see the doctor, you look like hell."
The Professor held the image of the book he wanted to look at first in his head, he felt the tickling sensation of remembrance, he felt as if he had read something in a text that could provide some answers.
Trevor left the trio still walking towards the entrances, Alice looked to Hellboy, a guilty countenance
"I apologize HB, it's just the way she clung to you made it seem like something else had happened before I came. You know I'm just having a bit of fun. I'd say this was a big win for us. Go Team!" Hellboy cracked a smirk at Alice holding her fist up, he bumped it only semi-begrudgingly, Alice gave Ben her usual enthusiastic salute.
"Well I think I shall head on over to my room, that place was muggy as a sauna. Make sure you tell me when she wakes up." Alice winked and the two men watched as the medium sauntered away, Ben turned towards Hellboy with what to an onlooker could be a displeased face, Hellboy could see the corner of his mouth turn up.
"I'll go down and begin to oversee the cataloguing. Feel free to join me once you deal with...This." The man whose job never seemed done gestured to Hellboy's overall terrible appearance, and hung a left at the elevators.
Hellboy entered the trolley, pushing the level for the infirmary without pause, that was where they were taking her. Finally alone, Hellboy sighed out in fatigue.
What was he doing? He was becoming too invested in Phyrra too suddenly, Hellboy stood there watching the floors ding by and attempted to reason with himself. He cared about her well-being for the moment, she was unlike anything Hellboy had encountered, and he prided himself on the crazy stories he told. This was going to be one of the ones he remembered for a long time.
In one day, he had seen a Centaur, fought a Warlock, won, rescued an Elf with a Pixie sidekick, and stole the Warlocks entire inventory of creatures he was trafficking in an auction house. It was an odyssey of a tale, one he would love recounting to anyone who would listen at the bar. His mouth felt particularly parched at that moment, he wished for his wounds to be dealt with quickly, he needed a beer or maybe a baker's dozen.
The elevator doors dinged open and Hellboy was once again a witness to a chaotic scene.
Phyrra was wide awake, holding Agent Hurse hostage. Pale arms wrapped around the larger man's neck. Hellboy could see him struggle in the little womans hold, face red with exertion, she was choking him. Hurse was a tank, the fact that she was incapacitating him with little effort stunned Hellboy.
Both of them were standing on a table, Hurse's feet scrambling to gain purchase on the surface. Hellboy never again wanted to hear her wild, furious voice boom in the small waiting type room. The nurses and doctors looked on in confused horror at the dangerous elf.
"Glenn- awaui! Im anír- i naru er!"
Ignoring the shouts from the people, Hellboy ran into the room, he pushed the panicking orderlies aside.
Her eyes snapped to his and Hellboy gasped, her look pinning him to the spot. Her eyes held such fear in the crystal depths of them Hellboy felt breathless, the eyes glistened with unshed tears. Once he caught her sight, Hurse was immediately dropped. Hellboy vaguely heard him hacking in desperate breaths, the orderlies rushed to him, keeping their distance from the Elf that leapt off the table, in a breakneck speed running to Hellboy.
Hellboy heaved in distress as Phyrra flew into him, knocking her arms against his broken ribs in a desperate attempt to hug herself to him. Phyrra was insistent, molding her body to Hellboy's in a bold caress. Hellboy's ears hummed, she kept repeating something in a frenzy: Naru er.
Hellboy looked to all the staff, their baffling attention not helping calm her down, Hellboy shielded Phyrra from the crowd, raising a placating hand.
"Alright.. Just everyone relax," He tried to sound more in control than he felt. "What happened?"
"One second she was out cold, next she had me." Hurse rasped, pulling at his tie to relieve the pressure. Already Hellboy could see the bruises appearing on his skin and winced, Phyrra really did a number on the guy.
"You gonna be okay? Sorry about this," Hurse was one of the good ones, it would royally suck if he quit over this. Luckily the agent seemed to nod in acceptance, it was his mistake, the cuffs should never have come off.
The crowd parted as an elderly woman in a long doctors coat stepped into sight.
"Hellboy, I think you better bring her here." She gestured to an exam room, Hellboy thankfully accepted the doctors invitation, basically dragging Phyrra away from the prying, frightened eyes of the faculty.
"Show is over people, back to it!"
Hellboy liked Dr. Sorah. At this moment he could bow to her. For someone who sustained damage very often, it was a professional relationship that had to exist. She was reserved woman, a precise, intense, no nonsense taking kind of broad, Hellboy got along with her great. Her bedside manner was exceptional, she had a warmth about her, a damn fine doc.
"Quite the girl you have there Hellboy," he chuckled at the doc's statement.
"What can I say? I'm irresistible," Hellboy quipped with self-deprecation as he guided Phyrra to sit down on the cot beside him, murmuring to her it would be okay. He pried her fingers from his biceps, placing them in her lap. 
He felt quite vulnerable doing this with the doc's eagle eyes on him.
Phyrra remained silent through the whole examine. It seemed as long as she was with Hellboy, the girls temperament was sweet as sugar. She looked on with mysterious intent in her orbs as Sorah divulged Hellboy of his jacket, tossing the destroyed, blood soaked garment in the corner, she ignored Hellboy's protest.
"It's ruined Hellboy, I'll buy you another one for Christmas. I'll be right back, I gotta get the brace for your ribs."
Sorah sparred one more look to the mute elf. She watched as Hellboy sat on heavily on the cot beside him, and was spectacularly awkward looking as Phyrra grabbed at him, crawling boldly into his lap, eyes on the doctor the whole time.
The doctor couldn't be certain, but she was almost positive the way she was being looked at translated to: He's mine bitch. She shook her head as she walked out, having a good private joke at the half-demons expense.
Phyrra and Hellboy were once again alone together.
Well Hellboy thought, before he forgot about Binx, who flew out of the hiding spot Phyrra's robes pocket had provided, speaking her language in a most animated fashion.
"Binx!" Hellboy inhaled sharply at the dazzling smile that spread over Phyrra's lips. The Pixie flew into her owners hands and Hellboy watched as Phyrra laughed gaily, bringing the Pixie up to her face, she nuzzled her cheek against the Pixie. Hellboy felt unwanted jealousy at the moment between Binx and Phyrra, again he had to check himself for these foolish knee jerk reactions.
"Look Binx, is it? I don't speak fae so you're not gonna get anything out of me, but if you can understand me, I want you to know both of you are safe here," Hellboy felt pretty dumb talking to this Pixie, but whether she heard him or not, she seemed placated by Phyrra's attentions, she flapped her slight gossamer wings over to the corner of the pillow, settling herself comfortably, and all of Phyrra's attentions were on Hellboy.
She was being real clingy, Hellboy couldn't find himself bothered however. He was the one who carried her out of what could be described as nothing more than her prison. She was attached to him in an unknown place, full of people who were trying to poke at her in a vocabulary she didn't understand. Hellboy could recognize her panic.
They lapsed into a quiet consideration, as neither of them could actually converse. Hellboy was becoming uncomfortable in the position he was in. He could feel the broken rib poking most unpleasantly in his side, he hissed in irritation, silent in his willing the doc to hurry up. Phyrra pulled away at the sound. She inspected him as if seeing him for the first time, and Hellboy remained hypnotized once again by the sapphires.
"Cin thi- negr." Hellboy stiffened as she ran her fingers across the sizeable gash on his arm, her touch light and cooling across the heat of the wound.
It was quite sensual.
Hellboy sweltered at the way his thoughts were heading, as he realized the provocative way she was pressing herself against him. This was becoming too intimate a position, he attempted to pull away from her. Her eyes sparked with disappointment, pulling his arm back with the same strength he had seen her exert with Hurse, made even more pronounced by Hellboy's struggle to win, he was sure he was stronger than the human man. Phyrra had brawn, despite her slender appearance. She fixed him a look that spoke of her lack of intention to let him go.
"Dab- nin." Hellboy was startled, to say the least, when the swirls on her fingers began to gleam, moving up to her arms as the swirls began to rise above her skin, like ribbon they floated through the air and Hellboy was transfixed as they began braiding themselves across his injured skin.
He shuddered at the odd sensation, it was baking him from the inside. He felt as if the strands themselves were writhing inside the wound on his arm, somehow fusing to his ribs beneath his skin.
The pain was not too much though, in fact, it seemed like nothing he ever felt getting stitched up before; even stranger was the panting he was unaware of himself doing, whatever spell she was weaving on him pumping through him.
As nimble as the tresses of gold had flown over him, the enchantment was complete and the ribbons returned home, slowly Phyrra ran her fingers once again over the patch of skin on his arm, and Hellboy with glazed eyes looked down to see her running fingers over the smooth skin, not even a scar left behind. Hellboy woke up from the trance, running his hand down his stomach, feeling for the cracked rib, nothing. He took a long, deep breath happily; he was mended completely.
Using the sorcery drained her, no doubt. As Hellboy felt her become laxed in his arms, dropping her hand to his shoulder, her breaths deepening, slowing down as she fell into a deep sleep.
"You rest Phyrra, I'll be here when you wake up." Why he made that promise to himself in the quiet room, Hellboy didn't know; but if he wasn't intrigued by the elven girl before, the way he healed her gave him all the more questions. He had one answer nevertheless, why Elias wanted her in the first place, what had caused him such agony in the idea of her being taken away.
Hellboy thought back to the moment Elias had asked her to 'heal' him. She could of, but given the opportunity, she had been nothing but frightened of him. Not frightened of the hulking, demonic monster that she had woken up to.
He didn't want to, but the feeling of it gave him a jolt of happiness.
It wasn't often people looked at him with such… Need as Phyrra had, that was the only way he could describe it; he was half-man after all, and he did have a woman in his arms that seemed to enjoy being there. Even though it was all a lie, Hellboy couldn't stop himself from living the fantasy for a brief moment. This was an entirely different setting. She was in her right mind, this gorgeous creature was in his arms because she wanted him, not wanting to be protected by him.
Hellboy chastised himself before reality became too painful, he was so fucking pathetic.
Fantasizing like some lovestruck idiot over this girl who was going through something traumatic at the moment, she was only using him as some sort of anchor, he had to face the fact that she would come to her senses eventually.
Phyrra, even in her sleep, grasped desperately at his hands as he laid her back in the cot, Hellboy had to focus on the important things. Hellboy had the impression Elias was going to want her back, if only to inflict punishment on his runaway.
He'll have her back over my dead body.
Posted himself up in the semi comfortable chair beside the cot, at least it's got a cushion, Hellboy's thoughts drifted, he felt the drowsiness settling on him. The half-demon had been through a lot in the last four hours or so, he could shut his eyes for a few minutes. She would be safe for awhile.
A/N: So thoughts, comments, testimonials anybody?
1) "Glenn- awaui! Im anír- i naru er!" Go away! I want the red one!
2) "Cin thi- negr." You appear hurt.
3) "Dab- nin." Allow me.
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tatticstudio55 · 6 years
On the presumed “Targbowl” and the Dance of Dragons 02
Though I never read the interview, it’s been spread across Tumblr that Martin had once said that “a second Dance of Dragons” was coming, and it’s been deemed danceofdragon02 ever since. For the anti-Dany, of course, this meant targbowl. I kept from engaging in this sort of discourse, since I hadn’t read much about the infamous DoD. But then I did.
For one, though, you don’t even need to read TWOIAF or Fire and Blood to know that much: there’s been more than one Targaryen civil war. There’s been only one Dance of Dragons. What sets the Dance apart wasn’t that it was a war of succession (there’s been others), a Targaryen vs Targaryen conflict (there’s been others), or whatever else. We all know what sets it apart: it was the death of dragons, a great deal of them at the teeth and claws of other dragons. (Fire and Blood explicitly mark as such the chapters covering the events of the Dance.) If Martin tells me “there’s another Dance of Dragons coming”, my first thought will be of dragons plunging to their death as they rip off each other’s throats. And by “dragons”, I mean actual dragons, not Targaryen. Though, hey, it might be that my shipper goggles get in the way.
So I read forward, keeping an eye for any potential parallels or whatnot connecting the first Dance to the events we have so far in GOT. I’m already aware of certain anti metas presenting Jon Snow as the new “Green” faction (honestly, knowing what Aegon II was, I’m offended on Jon’s behalf) and Dany as the new “Black”. Here are the actual parallels I could (personally) find between the then and the now:
-Law of inheritance vs royal decree: by law of inheritance, the rightful heirs are Aegon II and Jon Snow/Aegon VI. By royal decree, the rightful heirs are Rhaenyra and Daenerys.
Actually, I think that’s all.
You know who actually has the most parallels with the greens? Forget any of the Targaryen, it’s the Lannisters. Queen Alicent’s rivalry with Rhaenyra? That’s Cersei with Margaery. Let’s take an eye from Luke Velaryon for having taken an eye from Alicent’s son? Let’s relieve Arya of a hand for the bite on Joffrey’s hand. The green council and disregard of the king’s will? Cersei tore Robert’s will and put an illegitimate king on the throne as well. Imprisonment and execution of “traitors” who remained loyal to Rhaenyra at court? Just ask Ned Stark. The Battle of the Burning Mill, between the Bracken and the Blackwood? Smells of the Whispering Woods. Aegon’s golden dragon Sunfyre? The golden dragon on the green’s banners? Which house, again, is the most associated with gold in Westeros? The battle at Rook’s Rest where Rhaenys and Meleys were killed? Battle of the Gold Road 02. A king with a questionable claim (Aegon II) sitting on the throne while a rival claimant (Rhaenyra) sits at Dragonstone? I’m gonna put a red smile on my uncle Stannis! And speaking of uncle vs nephew? Look no further than Alicent’s sons against their uncle Daemon. Or how about a king (Aegon II/Joffrey) naming his grandfather (Otto Hightower/Tywin Lannister) Hand of the King? Aegon II, vanishing from the Red Keep and leaving but a full chamber pot behind? Why am I thinking of Tywin on the privy? And Aegon II was killed at last by poisoned wine. Sounds familiar.
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Lannister vs Stark, Lannister vs Baratheon, Lannister vs Tyrell, Lannister vs Targaryen, Lannister vs Lannister… for all those “parallels” with a Targaryen vs Targaryen internecine war, the Lannisters are a very common denominator, no? This isn’t to say that the “Black” don’t have parallels with the Lannisters as well: someone (I think it was @moonlitgleek ), put forward all the parallels between Cersei and Rhaenyra (there’s a lot), and the murder of prince Jaehaerys by Blood and Cheese (orchestrated by Rhaenyra’s husband) is just another Elia Martell, Aegon and Rhaenys.
Yet in any case, I’ll be damned if it’s Jon Snow who’s set up to echo the “green” faction. Yeah right.
Most likely, if parallels we must make, it’d be Jon and Daenerys both on the “black” side, opposing the Lannisters’s “green” side. And now that that’s out of the way, let’s look at actual dragons dancing.
The Cannibal, Grey Ghost and Sheepstealer
We’ll be reminded that there were three wild dragons on Dragonstone at the time of the Dance, namely, “the Cannibal” (because he’d eat dead dragons and hatchlings), “Grey Ghost” (a “pale grey-white” and “elusive” beast) and “Sheepstealer” (because he’d steal sheep Sherlock). In time, Sheepstealer would be mounted by a girl named Nettle. The other two remained wild.
This is where it gets interesting. The Cannibal is almost certainly a metaphor for the dragons of the Dance, eating themselves to near extinction. He’s also, for a time, believed to be Grey Ghost’s killer:  sailors from Volantis catches glimpses of two dragons fighting above Dragonstone one night, and Grey Ghost’s carcass is discovered ashore, half eaten, the next day.
Only, plot twist: Aegon’s wounded dragon, Sunfyre, is the culprit, not the Cannibal.
This is were it gets even more interesting: Sunfyre, later on, dies on Dragonstone from wounds inflicted by a small dragon called “Moondancer”. Not too long ago, I posted a shorty about the ships Sun Chaser and Autumn Moon, who appear earlier in Fire and Blood, and how the sinking of Autumn Moon might or might not have been a subtle nod to Doreah’s story about the origins of dragons (you know, the one where the moon was an egg who cracked from the heat of the sun, etc, etc). Weeeell, the dance between Moondancer (get it?) and Sunfyre has to be another callback, then, right? Moondancer cracked indeed (she died on the spot), but she did drink Sunfyre’s “sun” (Sunfyre never flew again and died days later). Moondancer’s rider, Baela Targaryen, is – less I’m mistaken – the only dragonrider known so far to have survived a dragon’s fall during a battle. Which is pretty exceptional.
If I’m focusing on these events at Dragonstone, it’s because I feel that they encompass (symbolically, of course) the Dance of Dragons as a whole, and because they might in turn – perhaps – give us clues to parts of asoiaf/GOT endgames. Yes, I’m calling Sunfyre a “Cannibal”. Yes, I think he’s a foil to House Lannister: made of gold, a royal mount, but injured and weakened, with his days of glory far behind him. Yes, I think House Lannister might eat itself to extinction. And yes, that Sunfyre attacking Grey Ghost was a direct parallel to the Lannisters murdering the Starks.
As for Moondancer and Baela? I’ll leave that up to you guys 😉
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thetravelerwrites · 6 years
Setting the Record Straight
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Rating: General Audiences Fandom: 魔法使いの嫁 | Mahou Tsukai no Yome | The Ancient Magus Bride Characters: Elias Ainsworth, Hatori Chise, Ruth, Silkie, Alice Words:3985
Chise gets annoyed by people asking if she's afraid of Elias and explains exactly why she's not. Please Leave feedback.
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A sharp knock at the door interrupted their afternoon tea. Elias turned his head, but Chise shot up and was at the door before he could speak.
"Alice!" He heard Chise say in surprise. "Hi, what brings you by?"
Elias stood, allowing Silver to collect their dishes, and followed Chise out into the hall. Ruth padded after him.
"Hey there," Alice said cheerfully, standing on the porch of the Ainsworth residence. She held up a gift bag. "I heard it was your birthday not too long ago. I stopped by to give you this."
Chise stepped back to give her room to enter. "Oh,” She said softly. "You didn't have to buy me a gift."
Alice laughed as she stepped inside. "Don't worry, I didn't buy it. It's a hand-me-down. I got a new one, so I thought you like to have this one. It still works great, I just don't need two." She looked up at Elias and chuckled. "That is, if your jailer here is allowing contraband."
"Die," Elias said gruffly.
Alice stepped past him, flipping her hair, and made for the sitting room without invitation. Chise looked at Elias questioningly.
"It's fine," Elias said. "I'll be in the study."
She smiled and nodded, following Alice with Ruth on her heels. The door closed behind them with a snap.
Sighing, he made for the study but stopped when he realized he'd left the book he was reading on the kitchen table and doubled back for it.
He could hear the voices of the two young women muffled through the door and decided not to intrude, but hearing his own name made him stop and lean against the wall, listening. He had a vague sense that perhaps this was a private conversation, but curiosity got the better of him.
"I doubt the bonehead would give you one of these," Alice said haughtily.
"I don't think Elias even knows what it is," Chise said, laughing softly. "He's not too familiar with modern technology; at least, not that I've seen. He doesn't even own a radio or a landline phone."
"I don't know what kind of music you like, but I have pretty eclectic tastes, so I put a mix of everything on there. If there's anything you like particularly, I can replace the songs you don't like with more of the kind you do."
"Thanks, Alice, this is really nice," Chise replied.
"So what did Elias get you for your birthday?"
"He saved my life. That's gift enough for me."
"You mean from the freak?"
"Cartaphilus isn't a freak, Alice. He was just in a lot of pain. Pain can make people do terrible things."
There was a silence, during which time Elias remembered a few terrible things he'd done while he had been in pain. He hadn't recognized it as pain at the time because it wasn't physical; it was inside his chest and stomach and gnawed at him as though trying to eat it's way out of his body.
It wasn't until after he recovered Chise and had a long talk with her that he realized the pain he felt in her absence was emotional. He was experiencing loss, grief, and guilt: three emotions with which he had been previously unfamiliar because he'd never felt them before. He was hoping now that he knew what they were, he'd be able to react better in the future should such feelings arise again, though he dearly hoped that they never would.
He had heard such feelings could cause a person to die. Before, he didn’t believe such a thing could be possible, but now he was absolutely certain it was true. If Chise left again never to return, if she were to die, could he survive that? He wasn’t sure. And even if he did survive, he would never be the same. One day of rejection was enough to destroy what humanity he possessed and reverted him back to a mindless monster, lost and devastated. If she were gone forever? If he never saw her face or heard her voice again? He feared what he might become.
Chise’s soft laughter brought him back to his senses. It was sometimes difficult to catch the undercurrent of a conversation if he couldn't see the faces of those speaking, so he melted into the wall and shimmied under the door to find a shadow within the sitting room to hide in. He caught Silver's disapproving stare as he slipped under, but ignored it.
Alice was sitting in the chair closest to the door and Chise was on the couch with Ruth's head in her lap. There was a small, white, rectangular device with a accompanying cords sitting on the coffee table. This must have been Alice's gift. Chise was right: he had no idea what that was.
"I still can't get over seeing Ainsworth turn into that huge... thing," Alice began again.
Chise didn't respond, and Elias wondered what she was thinking. Her face was impassive.
"I mean, I'd never admit this to anyone but you, but that guy scares me when he goes all beast-mode. Weren't you scared?"
"Yes, I was," Chise said, and Elias felt deep sinking in his gut. Chise always swore he didn't frighten her, but deep down he always felt that he must. How could he not? Could she have been lying? Why? To spare his feelings? She was kind enough to do so, but the thought that he truly did frighten her made him feel... he didn't know. Disappointed? No, that wasn't strong enough. Disheartened? Disconcerted? Some sort of word with the letter D in it.
"I wasn't scared of Elias, though," Chise clarified a second later, and the heaviness Elias felt evaporated. He took a breath, not realizing he hadn't been breathing.
"I was scared of the situation. I was afraid to lose Elias or Ruth, or Stella, or you. I was afraid Cartaphilus or Ashen Eye would kill one of you. I was afraid I would fail and I wouldn't be able to fix the damage I had caused. There was a lot fear and anxiety bouncing around in my head, but none of it was because of Elias."
She paused, and a shadow passed across her face, barely discernible, gone in an instant. Elias couldn’t say what it meant, but it caused an unpleasant prickling sensation in him.
She took a breath and smiled. "I know who and what Elias is. I know he can take on may forms. None of them scare me. It never has."
"Really?" Alice asked in disbelief. "You're not scared of him? Not at all?"
Suddenly, Chise's voice rose in exasperation. "Why is that so hard to believe?" She asked, throwing up her hands. "Do you know how tired I am of people asking me that, especially him?"
There was a stunned silence. Alice had backed away a little. Ruth even seemed surprised.
Chise sighed and held up her hands placatingly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap. Look, let me tell you a story, alright?"
"Okay," Alice said slowly.
Chise closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "When I was eight, I was sent to an orphanage for girls in a small town outside of Okayama. By that age, I was used to doing things by myself, so I just got on with it. No one took enough notice of me to tell me what to do, so there was no need to ask permission, I just did what I needed to do. It was enough to go on with, and I survived it fairly well.” Her eyes went flat with introspection. “I think that’s why I’m so bad at letting people help me. I’m so used to being on my own and doing for myself that it just doesn’t occur to me to ask for help most of the time. I’m still getting used to that.”
“I totally get that,” Alice said. “My parents were blitzed out of the minds most of the time, so I was pretty much a street kid. I did whatever I wanted, as long as wasn’t hassled too much. A kid alone on the street is pretty much a target for every lowlife looking to take advantage. I learned to use a knife to my advantage pretty early on.”
Chise listened sympathetically in silence and waited as if expecting Alice to expand upon her story. Instead, Alice motioned for Chise to continue.
"On my first day of school in the new town, I left the orphanage and walked to school alone. To get there, you had to pass the town center. There was a big ornamental fountain right in the middle, and sitting on it was a huge red creature the size of a double-decker bus. No one else could see it; they passed it by like it wasn’t a giant nightmare looming over all of their heads. Oblivious.
“The… thing, whatever it was, was made up of nothing but tentacles, teeth, and eyeballs. Now, I was used to seeing weird things all the time and I'd gotten used to living in a constant state of anxiousness, but this was the biggest, creepiest thing I'd ever seen. It terrified me more than anything else had up to that point. I still have nightmares about it.
“I tried to ignore it, but somehow it realized I could see it and it began to follow me. It followed me to school and sat outside my classroom window, making obscene faces at me. It followed me back to the home and sat outside my bedroom window, licking the glass. It followed me for three months."
"Jesus," Alice said in an undertone.
Chise's face was dark and pained. "It constantly told me it was going to steal me away and drink my blood. It told me all the terrible things it wanted to do to me. It delighted in seeing how scared I was. It told me that as soon as I let my guard down, it would get me, and then it would lash out at me. It’s tentacles were apparently covered in barbs, because it left cuts and scratches all over me. I stopped sleeping. I stole a knife and hid it under my pillow. I kept arriving at school and back home covering in cuts and bruises. People thought I was insane and hurting myself. They didn't believe that there was this awful thing hunting me and hurting me. No one listened.
"One night, I was so tired that I couldn't stop myself and I fell asleep. I woke up because I felt a pain in my leg and when I opened my eyes, I realized that thing had managed to get the window open and was dragging me outside by my ankle. My leg was cut wide open and bleeding everywhere. I used the knife to cut at it and it let go and disappeared. The caretakers saw me with a knife in my hand and a huge gash in my leg and assumed I had done it to myself. It was the first and only time I ever threw a real screaming fit. I cried and yelled and shouted and told the caretakers that it would kill me. I told them that if they didn’t send me far away, I would run away myself. They thought I had lost mind.”
"Did they move you, though?" Alice asked.
"Oh, yes," Chise replied flatly. "To a mental asylum. The doctors there diagnosed me with paranoid depressive schizo-affective disorder with a tendency toward self harm. They deemed me a danger to myself and others and I was kept in a locked room by myself for six months."
"Holy shit," Alice breathed. Elias was equally shocked.
"Yeah." Chise was silent for a moment. "It wasn't as bad as you might think, though. The asylum had iron bars on the window, which I didn't know at the time was keeping the bad things out. It was the first time in my life I didn't see things that other people couldn't. Being alone for once was kind of nice. There was no one telling me how delicious I was. There were no creatures trying to scare me. It was quiet, but it was a peaceful quiet. I thought maybe I was actually crazy and that being at the asylum was making me better. But then they released me, and all the bad things came back. The medicine they gave me didn't help. If anything, it made me feel more crazy.
"But you know what the worst part of that story is?" Chise asked Alice, who shook her head. "That tentacle creature was not unique. It stands out in my head because it stalked me for so long, but there have been many monsters like it trying to hurt me my whole life. Some of them succeeded, and some of them weren't even fae. Humans can be just as monstrous as the monsters."
Her eyes were dark, and Alice nodded knowingly. Elias felt disquieted. Chise often talked about her past experiences with fae creatures but was far less open about her experiences with other humans. Elias hadn't thought much about it before, but now he wondered just how much she had suffered at the hands of her own people.
"When I first saw Elias, was I surprised? Yes, of course," Chise admitted. "But I wasn't scared. Compared to that red monstrosity that terrorized me outside of Okayama, Elias was practically cuddly."
Alice snorted at the description. "Cuddly isn't the word I would use to describe Ainsworth."
"You don't know him," Chise blurted out, then bit her lip. Alice smirked at her and narrowed her eyes.
"You have weird taste," Alice said.
"Hey," Ruth retorted, lifting his head off of the couch next to Chise. She patted him down.
"No, she's right," Chise said with a laugh. "But weird isn't the same as wrong."
"I suppose that's true," Alice admitted. She stood up and stretched.
"Leaving already?" Chise asked, a little disappointed.
"Yeah, sorry," Alice said. "Renfred and I are running a new test at the college tomorrow and I gotta be up early. I just wanted to make sure you got your gift. Maybe someday soon I can take you out to lunch, though."
Chise smiled in return. "That sounds nice."
Elias used the distraction of Alice's departure to quickly jump through the shadows to his study. He rematerialized and sat at his desk, attempting to look busy and preoccupied.
He heard a knock at the door.
"Come in," he called.
Chise opened the door and Ruth followed her inside.
Elias attempted to be nonchalant. "How was your visit with Renfred's apprentice?"
"She has a name, Elias," Chise said, her hand on her hips. She wore a frown. "You know, it's rude to eavesdrop on other people's conversations."
Elias sucked in a breath. So she had known he was there. She was becoming very perceptive to him, not always to his benefit.
"My apologies," he said. No point in denying it. "I was curious." He tried changing the subject. "What gift did she give you?"
"Oh." Chise held up the white rectangle. "It's an MP3 player."
"A what?" He asked, baffled.
"A music player," she clarified. The white cord attached to the rectangle branched into two separate cords, at the ends of which sat little round objects. "You select a song you'd like to hear," she said, demonstrating. He saw a small screen flip through song titles. "And then the music plays through the earphones." She held one up for him, but then faltered. "Uhh..."
"Do you have ears?"
That was an interesting question. Did he? "I am obviously capable of perceiving sound, though I am not sure from where."
She frowned again. "Bend down."
He obliged her, and she held out her fingers next to where he assumed he might have ears were he human, and snapped them. "Is that louder than normal?"
"No, but I think you're on to something. Try again."
After some trial and error, they determined he best perceived sound just behind and slightly above the bone that made up his lower mandible. There was a shadowy hollow there than may have actually been an ear canal. She held an ear bud there and pressed play.
Elias listened for a moment and said, "Ah, I see."
Chise smiled and put the other bud in her ear, and they listened to the song together.
"What a pleasant tune," Elias said as the song ended. "This was a thoughtful gift."
"Yes," Chise agreed. "I like it very much.”
Elias straightened as Chise put the music device in her pocket. Chise turned to leave Elias to his work when he stopped her.
“Chise,” He began slowly. “Is what you told Alice true? About my monstrous forms never frightening you?”
Chise sighed in frustration. “Again? How many times do I have to say it before you believe me?”
“At one point, you seemed to hesitate. Why?”
Chise was silent, and Elias thought she might deny it. She looked down at the floor. Ruth nudged her hand and gave her a pointed look. She sighed again.
“Look, I want to be as honest with you as I can be,” She began. “The truth is, your forms don’t scare me. The fact that you used to eat humans doesn’t scare me. The fact that you’re bigger and stronger and more powerful than me doesn’t scare me. The fact that if you wanted to, you could devour me in three bites has never bothered me at all.”
She paused and sucked in a long, shaky breath. “But you did scare me once. You scare me when you do things you think are rational, when you act in a way that puts others at risk because you want to help me.”
“You’re referring to what happened with Stella,” Elias said.
“Yes,” Chise said, still avoiding his eye. “You really scared me then, Elias.”
“I know,” He replied mournfully. “And I am truly sorry. I did not understand then what I stood to lose. I understand now.” He grew thoughtful and said, “When you confronted me, you said you thought I was different. You cried. I didn’t understand what you meant.”
Chise did look at him then. “The fae treat humans like they’re disposable. Like tools to be used until they’re no longer valuable and then tossed away. I had thought, because you were part human, that you would value human life more than other fae did. I was… disappointed to learn that I was wrong.”
Now it was Elias who failed to meet Chise’s eye. He hung his head, feeling guilty. There was another feeling there, one he couldn’t put a name to.
“You don’t have to love every human out there, Elias. You don’t even have to like any of them. But people are not expendable. You can’t use them with no regard to how it will effect them or the people in their lives. My life is not worth more than Stella’s, or any other human being, just because you care more about me and less about them.”
Elias was unsure he understood this. Chise was infinitely more important to him than any other human. He would gladly sacrifice every life on Earth if it meant saving hers, fae and human alike. Was that wrong? He didn’t understand how.
“What if you had succeeded?” Chise continued. “What if you had transferred the curse to Stella and she died in my place? Can you imagine how her family would feel if she never came home?”
“I’m afraid I cannot,” He replied.
“Don’t you remember how you felt when I left you and you didn’t know if I’d come back?”
“Yes, I felt…” Elias thought for a moment. The pain he felt when she left surfaced again and he struggle to put it into words. Cold was inadequate. So was lonely. It took him several minutes of reflection before he finally decided on a word that felt appropriate.
Chise’s eyes widened and her lips parted. Whatever she was expecting him to say, it wasn’t that. After a moment, though, she got back on track.
“Don’t you think that’s how her family would have felt? Losing a child is devastating for most parents. If you had gone through with it, you wouldn’t only have killed her, but you would have broken her entire family as well. Some people can’t live with that kind of loss. My mother couldn’t. I barely could. Don’t you realize that?”
He hadn’t. Elias had not even taken Stella’s family into consideration in his single-minded fervor to complete the ritual. His jaws opened in surprise as sudden understanding filled his mind.
“I see,” He said in a wondering tone. “I see.”
“Do you?” She asked him. She took his face in her hands and made him look her in the eye. “Do you really see?”
“Yes, I believe I do. Loss is a terrible thing to endure. It is not a feeling I would wish upon another.” He huffed unhappily. “Is this what it is to empathize?”
Chise nodded.
“This lesson in human behavior was certainly hard-learned.” He replied.
“Yes,” She agreed. “It’s one I wish I had taught you sooner.”
Elias sighed. “I am trying, Chise,” He said plaintively. “I’m trying to learn, even though it is difficult for me to grasp at times.”
“I know you are, Elias. I wouldn’t be here otherwise. If I thought you couldn’t learn, I’d never be able to stay with you.”
“I know.” He leaned his long skull against her forehead. “Believe me, I never wish to lose you again. I need you to help me understand so that I can do better. If you are willing to be patient with me, I shall endeavor to try harder.”
She sighed and smiled, planting a soft peck on the ridge above his nose. “That’s all I can ask for.”
“Chise,” He said, pulling back to look at her better. “I feel an emotion that I cannot identify. I’ve felt it since that day when you discovered my plan and ran from me, when you cried and struck me. Can you help me understand?”
“Yes,” She replied earnestly. “What does it feel like?”
“Guilt, but stronger. A cold knot in my stomach that makes me anxious and sets my nerves on edge. But at the same time, it makes me sad. Do you know what it might be?”
She considered him, hanging his head like a berated dog and not looking at her.
“I’m not completely sure, but I think it might be… shame.”
Elias straightened and looked down at her, processing the information. “Yes. I believe you’re correct,” He said quietly. “I am ashamed.”
“That’s good,” Chise said encouragingly.
“It is?”
“Yes. It means you truly understand your mistake and are capable of learning from it. That’s a good step going forward.”
“How do I make this awful feeling go away?” He asked a little desperately. “It is most distressing.”
“Maybe you could do something nice for Stella,” She offered. “Invite her for tea, or even go with me the next time I visit her family.”
Elias nodded. “Both are fine ideas. I will do that.”
“Good,” She wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him tight. He draped his arms over her shoulders in return, nuzzling her head with his snout, careful not to snag his teeth on her skin.
From the circle of his arms, she looked up at him with her wide, lovely eyes. “Would you like to listen to some music with me?”
“Nothing would please me more,” Elias responded. “After, I’d like to hear more about your childhood, if that’s all right.”
“Sure,” She said, taking his hand and leading him back to the sitting room.
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4birds-of-a-feather · 7 years
Chapter 25 - Here we are now, entertain us [part 6]
Birds Of a Feather
(In the previous chapters: the girls had a fight after Layla's decision to go visit WC Boyfriend, the Mookie guys have opened for Alice In Chains, McCready introduced Sara and Layla to Cornell and Cameron; now the Alice guys are about to go on stage... what’s going to happen?)
At that point the small group split for different reasons: Dave led Sara to the bar, determined to buy her a drink as some kind of reward for destroying that asshole who talked shit about him and his girlfriend, while Elias tagged along with Mike McCready, who was hoping to score another round. Soon after that, Cornell spotted Susan coming out from the backstage and instantly dropped his arm from Layla’s shoulders. “I guess the guys are about to start, see you later! Oh, and it was very nice to meet you, Miss Layla” he gave a quick kiss on the girl’s hand, excused himself and left to meet his girlfriend. “He’s very charming” she said after he left, smiling at Stone, who in response looked in the distance to give the umpteenth nasty look to McCready, that was already sitting at the bar. “He’s also very married” Eddie added sharply, making Stone’s and everyone’s head turn at the same time. “Really?” she asked surprised. “Yeah, didn’t you see the ring?” he pointed out at his own ring finger. “Uhm, not really… I saw he had a few but I didn’t notice the wedding ring” Layla shrugged and took a sip of her beer. “Eddie’s a very good observer, aren’t you? You’re especially good at keeping certain situations under control” Stone said with a smirk. “I didn’t need to notice that, he told me he got married a few months ago, so I already knew” “Don’t make Chris look like an asshole, though! He wasn’t tricking you, Layla, he’s just… he’s flirty, that’s the way he is” Matt chimed in to defend the singer. “Soooo, the conclusion is: sorry Layla, not a snowball’s chance with that guy!” Jeff giggled, patting her on her shoulder. “Heeey, what’s with all this fuss? It’s not like I said I was interested, hehe, I was just acknowledging his charming ways, that’s all. I know he wasn’t flirting on me” she dismissed with another shrug. <Of course he was just being flirty because that's the way it is, he wasn't hitting on me for real... Nobody does. Eddie only did because he was wasted and Elias because he's a fucking weirdo obsessed with boobs. Nobody really gives a fuck about me here...> Layla told herself, while Jeff started clearing his voice. “Cough, cough! Ehm, sour grapes, ehm ehm” he said, eyeing both Layla’s and Eddie’s fed up faces, and the girl ended up smiling and jokingly pushing him away. “Shut up or I will move out from your apartment” she threatened. “Ahahahah! And why the fu-” “I’ll move out alone, leaving my dear friend Sara with you” Layla completed her sentence and laughed at the look of horror on the bassist’s face.
Not just Jeff, but the whole gang went silent when commotion from the crowd was heard and the lights on the audience went out, whereas the stage lit up. The host talked on the mic, mentioning that the proceeds of the concert were going to a benefit fundation and the guys of the band were already on stage. He then made sure everybody’d drive safe in the snow storm that had been hitting Seattle in those days and went on to introduce the band as Columbia recording artists Alice in Chains. “Finally!” Matt exclaimed “How long is it since we left the stage?” he wondered aloud, looking at his watch. “It’s like we’ve been waiting for hours” Layla remarked as she was jumping in place and stretching a little. “I’d say for days” Eddie corrected and cautiously smiled at the girl, as if he wanted to check if she was upset for his previous comments on Cornell or not. “Seriously, it felt like years to me, I’m going upfront!” this said, Jeff ran and disappeared into the crowd, soon followed by Matt. “Well, good luck!” Stone smirked shaking his head, then suddenly realized he was left alone with the couple that wasn’t an actual couple “Errr, I’ll go on in the crowd and take a look anyway, what about you?” “I’ll stay here for now” Layla said as Man In The Box started playing. “I’ll stay here too” Eddie confirmed, Stone gave him a thumbs up and left. The two of them were enjoying the beginning of the show, bobbing their heads to the music without talking, but casually stealing glances at each other from time to time. Layla was intrigued by Ed but still couldn’t understand him. Sometimes he was warm and tender with her, sometimes he was cold as ice, sometimes he got all protective towards her (it even looked like he was jealous), sometimes he blatantly let her know he had no interest in her. <But what if it's all in my head? What if all these mixed signals are just something I made up because I felt lonely and abandoned by David? Maybe he's simply being a friend and I'm just projecting my idea of the perfect boyfriend on him because he's gentle and sweet andhe’s here> Layla thought during Cantrell’s solo. That made sense to her and would also explain why she got so mad at Eddie for getting in the way between David and her during that infamous phone call: she idealized Ed and couldn’t accept he made a mistake.
The first song ended and the crowd cheered. Eddie and Layla finally turned to look at each other at the same time and they both couldn’t help smiling; he got so many things to tell her but, at the same time, he had no idea how to do that. Being at a loud rock concert there really wasn’t a choice and he took it as an excuse to not saying anything. Finally, the singer decided to break the silence during the short break between songs. “Are you mad at me?” he asked while they were still smiling at each other. “What?” Layla turned serious all of a sudden. “I’m sorry for what I said before, I didn’t mean to sound harsh or anything… I mean, it wasn’t a lecture or a warning, I just told you he’s married because… because…” Eddie seemed to struggle finding the words and he knew he had zero time before the band would start playing the next song. “… Because he is” Layla continued his sentence. “Yes, because he is. And I didn’t want you to maybe find out later and be disappointed or something and-” “I’m not mad at you, Eddie.” she shook her head “And I wasn’t disappointed” <And what does it mean? That she didn't delude herself thanks to what I told her? That she wasn't into Chris in the first place so there was nothing to be disappointed about? That she wasn't disappointed by me since I acted as a good friend?> Eddie was considering saying something but the music started once again. “Ooooh, I love this song! Let’s go ahead a little” Layla took his hand and literally dragged him towards the front.
In the meantime, Sara was trying to do the same with Mike, Dave and Elias and drag them away from the bar. She managed to convince the drummer, but McCready insisted he had a perfect view of the stage from there and held on to his drink, while her coworker had no intention to walk away from the hot barista with the pierced tongue. “An alcoholic and a perv, what a nice couple you are!” she shook her head and addressed Krusen “Fuck ‘em, I wanna go front row, ok?” “I’m in!” he cheered and the two made their way through the crowd – quite easily, after all – ending up rather quickly in front of the stage, right when the third song ended. Sara was standing exactly in front of Layne as he was addressing the crowd, when she felt someone tapping fingers on her shoulders. “Hey, could you go back? You’re blocking my view and your beanie is too distracting” Stone basically yelled at her face as she turned around. “How did you get here so fast, Gossrad? Did you use your bass player as a battering ram?” “What else are bass players for anyway? I could have made it even faster if I used your head, though” he retorted and the girl stuck her tongue out at him. Jeff appeared right behind Stone’s back when Love, Hate, Love started and Sara abruptly turned around and huffed as she cursed her rotten luck. She moved towards the left as she took off her hat – it was too hot – and immediately made eye contact with Starr on stage, who immediately winked at her (she didn’t really notice that because of the lights). <Well, it's not Lanegan but I'll just settle for this now> she thought as she enjoyed the show and exchanged looks with Mike from time to time. These interactions didn’t go unnoticed to Jeff, who was kind of shocked when he found himself staring at the girl and his colleague on stage alternatively. “FUCK, THIS IS MY FAVORITE!” some girl suddenly screamed into his ear and he recognized her immediately. He turned around to see Layla and Eddie jumping around as another song started and, looking closer, he noticed they were holding hands. Jeff snorted and tried to focus back on the music. <If she's half a bitch as her friend, poor you! But you can't say I didn't warn you, Ed> In the meantime, Sara spotted her friend with Ed too as she talked into his ear, he nodded and in a second she was sitting on the singer’s shoulders. <I seriously underestimated his strentgh: he's not that weak if he can carry a beanpole like El> she pondered. Layla took a good look around, then raised her hands in the air and not so slowly leaned back until she felt people’s hands underneath her; she finally detatched herself from Eddie, spread her arms out and started crowd surfing. Vedder kept an eye on her during the whole ride with a huge smile on his face and Sara forgot for a minute that he was her worst enemy’s best friend, realized that he and her roommate really looked happy together and thought that, if only El would rip that plane ticket to pieces, burn bridges with David and her old life, let herself go and trust herself and Eddie like she was doing now – throwing the rock’n’roll horn sign as she was being passed on by unknown people in the crowd – her life would have been much easier.
Mike slipped quickly in the backstage, freshened up and gulped down half a bottle of water, emptying the rest above his head; after drying his curls as best as he could, he literally ran out of the dressing room and joined the spectators that were still mingling there even if the show had ended. He absentmindedly accepted praises and friendly pats on the shoulder, his head more inclined to scan the audience rather than focusing on all the people approaching him. Suddenly his face split in a broad grin and, after excusing himself, he quickly caught up with the girl that was turning her back on him; the bass player smirked again and got ready for that much awaited meeting. “Guess who I am!” he finally hugged her from behind, making the most of that sudden closeness to leave a kiss on her hair. Needless to say, the girl was taken by surprise: she jumped, let out a scared shriek, blushed to the roots of her hair and finally turned herself to face the person she had to blame for that almost successful heart attack. “Blueberry, huh? I like it, it smells great” he added with a grin, playing with one of her braids and then using its little tuft to softly poke her nose in a teasing yet affectionate way. She flushed for the umpteenth time. “Cazzarola, Mike, I nearly died!” “I’m happy to see you too, Sunshine” Starr grinned, this time leaving a caress upon her red cheek “So, how is my favorite U-Dub student doin’?” “Hmph, f-favorite because I’m the only one you know…” Sara sneered, finally able to regain a bit of her natural complexion “Anyway, not bad… I’d feel better if somebody hadn’t made me believe that Lanegan was the surprise guest, though!” A few steps from them, Layla ignored her best friend’s decision to suddenly raise her voice and kept on chit-chatting with Eddie. Sara shook her head in disbelief – can you believe this bastard?! – but the bass player resumed to talk, shaking her out of her thoughts. “Man, that must have been really disappointing!” “You tell me…” the girl made her best puppy face and Starr smiled at her, a bit in awe. “Well, I think that Layne can clearly stand comparison with Lanegan’s vocal skills… buuuut, if you’re talkin’ about good looks, we could easily say that-” “MIIIIIIIKEEEEEEE!” The two of them turned in the direction from where the voice was coming, and noticed someone waving and approaching them, while keeping on shouting the bass player’s name. “We have visitors, Mike” Sara teased him, while the guy muttered a “Jesus Harold Christ on a fucking rubber crutch…” that clearly revealed his enthusiasm for that sudden interruption. The interruption finally reached them and revealed herself to be a fake blonde in a miniskirt, who, after noticing Sara’s presence, immediately shot a nasty glance at her. Needless to say, the other girl burst into laughter, a gesture that pissed off the new-entry, but that was able to make Mike laugh up his sleeve. “Say, are we going?!” she addressed him while impatiently tapping her foot, but the guy tried to make her understand that he wasn’t available. “Sorry, Terry, Jackie or whatever the fuck your name is, but I’m busy right now… and even after right now” “… Busy? With her? Are you serious???” the fake blonde bored holes into Sara with her gaze, but the other girl didn’t lose her aplomb. “Yeah, basically we were having this discussion about Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems… if you want, you can join us” “… I think I’d better be going, I can’t stand your presence anymore” “Can’t say the feeling isn’t mutual” Sara bowed slightly and the other girl, hugely pissed off, gave her the middle finger and finally stormed out. After a while, Mike turned to face Sara and a broad grin split his face: “You, girl, are seriously one of a kind… Look at that, she literally ran for her life! I swear to God, I’ll never be able to thank you enough for freeing me” “There’s no need to do it, I think the satisfaction of seeing you refusing the company of a vamp is enough… I’m quite amused, I must admit it” she laughed and he did the same. “So, where were we?” “I can’t remember… shall we go back to square one?” “With pleasure” he took a bow, grinning when she noticed his teasing and stuck her tongue out “Say, did you enjoy the show?” “Yeah, you guys did an awesome job! You’re getting better and better, it’s amazing” “Hey, thanks! You know, Iggy Pop’s audience didn’t seem to think the same, so we’re really glad to see that Seattle didn’t abandon us… this was a sold-out, ya know?” Mike admitted, pretty proud of his band. “It’s the least we could do, you guys totally deserve it” the girl smiled at him and he replied with a wink. “But heeeey, there’s Layla too!” the bass player finally acknowledged her roommate’s presence and leaned over her to greet her “I’m glad to see you too, you look great” Layla waved back at him and then quickly resumed to chit-chat with Eddie – apparently she didn’t want to waste any more time. Starr took no offence and instead turned his attention toward someone else, who was intent on sipping his fourth – fifth? – beer of the evening. “Oh, is this your boyfriend?” he asked the girl, pointing out Elias with a sly smile. “HELL NO! It’s just a colleague, Elias” she promptly explained, while the person involved introduced himself to the bass player and then gave her the middle finger. “Glad to hear it… but, even if he had been your sweetheart, I wouldn’t have been jealous at all” Starr grinned again, a smile that became brighter when he noticed Sara’s cheeks turning red for the umpteenth time. “No doubts about it, Mike” she sighed, preferring to fidget her hat in the hands instead of trying to hold his stare. “Oh, this reminds me something” the guy promptly changed topic “Sorry if I didn’t come to see you at the record store but, as I already said, we were pretty busy with the tour” “I see, don’t worry” she shrugged “However, we closed down, ya know?” “What? And how are you still managing to live, if you don’t have a permanent job?” “Legitimate question, since I don’t have an army of chicks disposed to buy me food and pay my bills…” Sara finally let out a relaxed chuckle, laughing even more when Mike flushed with a bit of embarrassment. “You sunk my battleship, I must admit my defeat!” he raised his hands, then took advantage of the girl’s temporary lack of attention to carry her on his shoulders. “OH NO, YOU DIDN’T” “Oooh yes, I did!” he parroted her, keeping her in place even though she was struggling to break free from his grip. “C’mon, Mike, drop me dooooooown!” “But you don’t bother me at all, you’re light as a feather!” “Thanks but I already know it and-hey! Don’t change the subject, you bastard!” the girl resumed to protest, making him laugh, then suddenly noticed someone in the distance “Hey, isn’t that Jerry?” The bass player turned to where she had just pointed at and saw his bandmate leaving with a young lady and her rainbow sweater. “Yeah, and he seems in good company… but the same could be said about me!” he quickly added, finally dropping her down. “Hmmm, ‘good’ is not the adjective I’d use for my presence… Go ask the vamp for a further confirmation” the girl grinned again, a hand still lingering on his naked chest; when she finally realized where it was, she quickly removed it and mumbled a quick apology that delighted Mike. “I don’t care what she thinks…” he shrugged, giving her a meaningful look “Too bad I only see you at gigs, I should have seriously paid you visit at the record store while I could” “Weeeell,” she cleared her throat, then proceeded to add in a casual way a “it just so happens now I’m currently working at Easy Street Records…” “I’ll come to see ya, you can bet on it” he beamed again at her. “Only if you promise me you won’t interfere with my job schedule, mr. Starr” “I’ll try to do my best, even if the temptation of kidnapping you is huge, miss Fancini” “Hey, how do you-” “I’ve got my secret informers” Mike interrupted her with a conspiratorial grin, then turned to his right “Oh, hi guys” Sara followed his gaze and met Stone and Jeff’s own ones – she gave the first one a quick nod and deliberately ignored the bass player, still shaken up after what had happened the night before. “Starr, I need my tuner back” was Ament’s abrupt greeting, while Gossard rested his hand on her shoulder. At first a bit taken aback, Mike quickly recovered and gave him a “Sure, buddy, let’s go get it” that made the other bass player tense. Sara noticed it but didn’t say anything – in the meantime Starr had already diverted his attention toward her. “Well, milady, it seems to me that the time to say goodbye for us has already come… A real shame” “I couldn’t disagree with you, sir” “But fear not: on my word as a gentleman, I can personally guarantee you that soon I’ll stop by Easy Street Records” “Then I’ll be surely glad to have you as a customer” she faked a graceful bow “Until next time, lord Starr” “Until next time, lady Fancini; I’m already counting the days that will keep us apart” and, thus said, he grabbed her hand and placed a quick kiss on the back of it – all that without tearing his gaze away from her. She blushed, diverted her gaze from his chest (that was peeking from his open shirt) to stole a glance at Jeff – who looked exactly like he did when she had done something just for the joy of pissing him off (how on Earth wasn’t he freezing his ass off with just that stupid tank top on??) – flushed again for that last thought and then watched the two of them finally disappear in the crowd. “It’s comforting to see how chivalry is still practiced nowadays… I guess that the fact he’s born in Honolulu plays a great role” Stone winked at her. “Yeah… I guess so” she replied absent-mindedly, still looking at the door behind which the bass players had vanished. “Well, I’m gonna come back in five minutes, so… Wait for me” Gossard added and, thus said, he went in the same direction of Mike and Jeff, leaving her alone with her thoughts. Sara hunched her shoulders and mulled again over what she had just witnessed: the two musicians had already seen each other and she could feel that their encounter hadn’t ended on a positive note. Mike had been able to hide his annoyance, whereas Ament wasn’t even trying to dissimulate his evident edginess: had something happened backstage? Did he witness their whole exchange? Had he been bothered by it? And if so, why on Earth would he give a single fuc-? She stopped abruptly, sudden flashes finally coming back to her: her fingers intertwining around a neck, strong arms carrying her to bed, the pleasant warmth irradiating from a chest against her cheek, calloused hands carefully brushing against her skin… the spicy scent of a particular aftershave that she hadn’t smelled in five years and that she had missed with all her heart. She immediately put a hand over her mouth to not let a frightened scream escape from it. <You swore to yourself this wouldn’t happen again… YOU SWORE IT!> But instead she felt all those five years, one by one, slowly slipping from under her feet and leaving her there, standing petrified – again seventeen, again kicked by the cruel things that had forged her… again defenseless under his gaze. Her eyes began to fill with tears and she gasped for some fresh air; she found herself suddenly outside, the snowflakes already tinging her hair and tickling her nose. The girl hadn’t been able yet to properly calm herself when, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed somebody already reaching her. “Did you really think that Kinney and me are cousins?” Elias asked her after a while, still surprised for her previous assumption. “I just wished it wasn’t true, that’s all” she sniffled, making him shrug, and the two of them resumed to watch the snow in silence, together.
************************************************************************************************ “Oh, thank Cthulhu I’ve found ya!” Gossard snapped, finally reaching the girl and already regretting his decision of freezing his ass outside “Where the fuck have you been?! I told ya to wait for me – it took me less than 5 minutes… but no, you couldn’t waste all that time for me, huh? Why is everybody being such an asshole lately?! First Ames and now you too… Well, missy, what’s your pathetic exc-?” The guitarist stopped himself because Elias nudged him – careful not to let Sara notice his gesture – and beckoned to him to pay attention to her miserable expression; Stone immediately noticed her red eyes and mentally cursed his best friend: nobody could convince him that Jeff hadn’t played a role in that. “You know what? Forget it, these last few hours were a bit stressful for me… but I shouldn’t have taken it out on you, I’m sorry” he awkwardly patted her on the back, and she shrugged. “… it’s alright” <No, it isn’t, but you’re a fierce little shrimp and you’ll never admit it> he thought, then threw his arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer; she closed her eyes and wished to crawl in her bed as soon as possible.    That calm was suddenly interrupted by the storm, appeared in the form of Ament and Krusen dragging an almost unconscious McCready. “I can’t believe this sack of shit weighs so much!” “As thin as a rake but he fooled us all… never judge a book by its cover, Ament” “Oi, Krusen, just gimme a fuckin’ break here!” “Have I ever told you that I love you, Jeffyyyyy????” Mike suddenly slurred, clinging on to Jeff’s waist and looking exactly like he had the intention of snogging him. “You’re never gonna drink again, Cready! You hear me? Ever!” the bass player screamed, trying to shake his bandmate off, then turned to look at Gossard because he had heard him sneer. Faced with the scene of his historical enemy cuddled up to his best friend, he found himself frowning and more and more perplexed – maybe fed up was the most correct term, but he would never admit it, not even for all the gold in the world. Ignoring Mike’s protest for all those sudden movements, Jeff turned again toward the Moore’s entrance: just a matter of seconds and his flatmate came out walking arm in arm with none other than Four Eyes. <Is this a group outing or a fuckin’ wedding agency gathering?! Look at all these lovebirds – UGH, I THINK I’M GONNA PUKE> “Soooo? You guys are good? Everything’s alright?” Stone sent the new-entries a knowing look, wiggling his eyebrows so blatantly that he thought they would have fallen off his face. “Oh, yeah! We just finished to have a chat with Chris – he introduced me to Susan, she seems really nice and interesting!” Layla immediately explained, a flood of words enthusiastically pouring out of her mouth. Gossard sighed in relief: once again, McCready had been able to avoid a disaster – courtesy of him, obviously – without lifting a single finger. Although lost in a drunken stupor, the other guitarist seemed to understand what had just happened and gave him the thumbs up, along with the stupidest yet brightest grin he could muster up in that moment; Stone shook his head and gave him the middle finger – all of that without letting disappear the playful smirk he had plastered on his lips. “GUESS WHO I AM?” an unknown high-pitched voice broke the peaceful moment outside the venue. Everybody turned to see a tall girl with a head full of red curls that had approached Eddie from behind and was now covering his eyes with her hands. Actually, she wasn’t totally unknown… at least not to everybody. “Oh… well… uhm…” Eddie mumbled, while a second dark haired girl in a jet black biker jacket stormed into the circle of friends, basically pushing Layla away from the singer and taking her place. “If you give the wrong answer, you won’t be coming to our party” giggled the second girl, but Eddie didn’t look so eager to take part to the game. “Is it… Theresa maybe?” he guessed with a grimace. “Hahaha nooo! She is Theresa, I am Sylvia!” the redhead exclaimed, removing her hands from Vedder’s face and resting them on his shoulders as she leaned forward to talk to him. “Sylvia with a Y like Sylvia Plath” Stone explained the name of Jeff’s friend to the others. <Wow, Sylvia with a Y, that's so unique! I've got a Y in my name too but I don't make such a big deal of it...> Layla thought as she observed the two girls who were all over Eddie. “And who’s that? Did we meet her?” Sylvia addressed Jeff first, got no answer and then her friend, who just shrugged “Anyway, it’s with a Y like Sylvia, Kansas. That’s where my mom was born” “Interesting!” Elias nodded as he was shamelessly checking out both girls. “But you didn’t recognize me and I feel very offended right now” the girl pouted, giving Eddie puppy eyes. <Fuck, from the nasty look she's giving to her, I guess Layla wishes she'd meet the same fate as Plath. Too bad Sara is not her usual self, she'd have destroyed these two> Stone noticed as Jeff’s friends kept on talking. “Cut him some slack, Syl! He just met you a couple of hours ago” Ament finally spoke a word and stuck his hands into the pockets of his jacket when it looked like McCready could stand without any help, but immediately grasped him back as he started to dangerously sway left and right. “Now you gotta come to our party to cheer her up” Theresa remarked, almost jumping. “But… wasn’t I supposed to give the correct answer to be invited?” Eddie asked confused. “Ugh, you ask too many questions!” Sylvia blurted out. “… And think too much” her friend added. “Are we invited too?” Elias asked eagerly. “Ehm… well… our apartment is not that big, it’s just for a small group of friends, you know” Theresa dismissed him with little embarassment. “Very small” Sylvia remarked, winking at Eddie. “I don’t take much space. And I can bring the booze” Elias insisted and made everyone laugh, apart from Sara and Mike who seemed like zombies for very different reasons. “We’ve already got plenty of alcohol, thank you. So? Will you come to our place?” the brunette looked at Eddie and Jeff alternatively, impatiently waiting for an answer. “Actually, I’m kind of tired… I don’t really feel like partying right now, I’d much rather lay down in a bed” Eddie nervously scratched his nape as he tried to be gentle in his rejection. “One does not exclude the other” Sylvia clutched his right shoulder and Layla blatantly gasped. “Ok, calm down ladies, we gotta bring Mr. Designated Drinker here home first. I’ll catch up with you later, ok?” Jeff chimed in to save the situation, seeing that his friend was uncomfortable. “Uhm, can’t you just call him a cab?” Sylvia pointed out looking at how Mike was slouching against his friend. “No, we can’t. Good night, girls!” Layla broke into the conversation, grabbed Eddie by his arms and literallly dragged him away, followed by the gang. “Hurry up, Jeff, we won’t be waiting all night long!” Theresa hollered then gave a weird look at Elias, the only one who hadn’t moved. “Aren’t you helping taking your drunk friend home?” Sylvia asked puzzled. “No, I was all for the cab. Do I have to call one for us or you’ve got a car?” he insisted. “Hahaha! Not if you were the last man on earth, baby, sorry!” the girl said, waving him goodbye. “Bye, dreamer!” Theresa did the same and the two friends disappeared, as the guy stuck his tongue at them and quickly tried to catch up with his cousin and the rest of the group, who were heading for the van. “Is there room for all of us?” Elias asked, eyeing the inside of the band van filled with instruments. “Didn’t you just say you take very little space?” Dave asked him, playfully shoving him. “What the fuck are you doing?” Jeff asked as Gossard placed his palm over the bassist’s forehead. “Uhm… it’s cold… you’ve got no fever” Stone concluded with an extremely serious expression on his face, while Eddie was helping Layla get into the van. “The fuck are you talking about?” “You’ve just said no to a private party with two girls, you must be sick for sure” Stone grinned and the wider the guitarist smiled, the angrier Jeff got. “You know what? You’re damn right, there must be something wrong with me if I prefer going back home with a bunch of jerks like you, rather than have some fun! Fuck you, Stone! Take care of our friend of the Dead Liver Society by yourself, I have a party to go to!” Jeff abruptly let go of Mike – who instantly collapsed over Stone – and walked away. “Where the fuck are you going??? There’s a snow storm coming!” Stone called for him and would have flailed his arms too, if only they had been free. He looked at an agonizing Mike on his left and a comatose Sara on his right and rolled his eyes, before the three of them clumsily reached for the van.
************************************************************************************************ As Stone was taking everybody home, Layla felt tired all of a sudden and was almost drifting off to sleep as her head slowly fell and leaned against Eddie’s shoulder. He exhaled as he enjoyed the feel of her against his body and thought about how every time he thought he had figured that girl out, she then ended up doing something completely unexpected and surprising him. He was sure she would say no and laugh it off when he challenged her to crowdsurf, instead she took up on his offer immediately. <I like to feel disoriented> He was almost sorry when the van stopped right in front of their condo and he had to wake her up. “Hey, we’re home” he shook his shoulder as lightly as he could and she opened one of her eyes. Eddie’s words worked as an alarm clock for Sara too, who sprung out of the vehicle and quickly made her way towards the building as her two roommates slowly followed, trying to catch up with her. “Thank youuu, Stoneyyyyy” Layla yawned as she waved goodbye to the guitarist, who was now alone on the van. “Good night, Sleeping Beauties!” Gossard told them, before rolling up the window and leaving.
************************************************************************************************ <God bless The Pink Door…> Jeff thought, saying goodbye to its owner and clutching a bottle of Moscato in his right hand. The pleasant warmth of the venue gave immediately way to the intense cold that was waiting outside, making him instantly shiver. “Damn me and my stroke of genius – naked knees and all that shit” he took the first sip of wine and started walking toward Pike Place, the wind hitting him with lashings of snowflakes. All the clever people in Seattle had chosen to stay inside, so the city was practically desert – the rarefied atmosphere reminded him of The Dead, that Joyce’s short story that he had liked ever since he had studied it at school. In that moment he felt exactly like its main character, his mind bursting with too many thoughts: what kind of future was waiting for him? Had his refusal to compromise been the right choice? From a moral point of view it surely had been, but sometimes he found himself wondering if that was seriously all life could offer him – maybe a more stable job would have given him plenty of opportunities that his current lifestyle precluded him…    He sighed: no matter how many times he had told himself not to think too much, he couldn’t help it – that was just how he was, no point in changing this behavior after twenty-seven years, right?  In the meantime his feet had dragged him down the 1st Avenue; he raised his eyes and found the Seattle Art Museum standing out against the sky, just in front of him. “Long time no see, pal…” he smiled to himself, sipped his wine for the umpteenth time and went to sit on the steps in front of its entrance. Jeff went to reminisce how many times he had actually visited it, and was surprised to realize that he had been walking down its corridors only once, when he had just moved to the Emerald City. “Weeell, gotta add this to the New Year’s resolutions” he concluded, lifting the bottle in a “cheers” gesture and realizing he had already almost emptied it. “Shit, I should have bought another one…” he muttered, then stood up and turned to Pike Street, in order to go on with his wanderings. He walked past the Paramount Theatre and the Northwest School, all places linked to his past – recent and not – and then decided to end his walk in the park near Hendrix’s statue. The bass player climbed over the grating (only to discover that the warden had forgotten to lock the main gate) and then instinctively looked for his skateboard, but apparently he had left it at The Moore. He cursed himself for having already finished the bottle; now he would have needed it more than ever.
In the end, he found out that not buying a second bottle of wine had been a wonderful choice: it had been a while since he had actually enjoyed some free time without the strong urge of drowning himself in alcohol. He had also forgotten how much he liked spending some time alone, just watching the sky or his surroundings… just him, a multitude of snowflakes falling above the lake and the noise of the city in the background. Italian wine? Northwest School? He could almost hear that asshole of Gossard sneering at him, teasing for his peculiar choices that lead to a certain someone… <How the hell did we end like this?> Jeff sighed, but the snow didn’t answer him. Maybe it was better like that, maybe not getting an answer was the best thing for him… maybe he already knew it, and was simply choosing not to pay attention to it. Maybe.
************************************************************************************************ “No point in running, Sara, if you don’t have the keys…” Vedder said in a not so low voice as he and Layla got in the hallway that led to their apartment and spotted Sara leaning against the door with her arms folded over her chest. The girl didn’t say anything, but the look she gave to him made him pick up the pace a little. Once they got inside, Sara murmured a feeble “…‘night” and went straight to her room, shutting the door behind her. <This is disorienting too, but not in a good way> Eddie reflected, dragging Layla to her room. “Oh, finally!” Layla sighed as she plopped down face first onto her bed. “Are you ok? Can I leave or…?” Eddie asked nervously. “I’m fine” the girl’s voice came out muffled through the duvet. “Shouldn’t you at least take your boots off?” “Yeah” she replied and remained still without actually doing anything. Eddie called her once again and, when she didn’t answer, he started taking off her boots. <I hope she doesn't try to kick me like I did when I was drunk> he pondered and was lucky enough not to be hit by Layla’s heels. “Now you can sleep, good night” he said, while the girl started to slowly pull the duvet aside and sneak into bed. “G’night” she mumbled, covering herself up to her nose. He smiled to himself and was about to leave the room when suddenly he remembered a detail. “Layla? Hey, Layla? You can’t sleep with your glasses on, you gotta take them off” Eddie shook her a little getting a low grumbling as a reply “C’mon, you might break them. I know the new pair Sara got you is really cool, but that’s not a good reason to destroy the old ones. And you might get hurt too” the singer kept trying until he saw Layla wriggle under the covers and stretch out her arm to reach out for her nightstand and place her glasses right there. Unfortunately she missed the target and they fell on the floor. <Shit> Eddie lit up the lamp, immediately got them back and made sure they were still intact. “Thank god” he whispered to himself as he put the glasses on the bedside table, but his hands froze and started to tighten around them the moment he noticed a familiar piece of paper. <A plane ticket?> He didn’t need to read it through, the first printed word he saw was the only thing that really mattered: BOSTON.
The thought she was going there once again to see him made him want to puke. He let go of the glasses and turned off the light, making the red numbers on the display of the clock radio stand out in the dark. “… Happy birthday to me” he muttered coldly as he left the room.
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latesthollywoodnews · 6 years
James Charles TRANSFORMS Kylie Jenner Into GLAM Halloween Skeleton
James Charles TRANSFORMS Kylie Jenner Into GLAM Halloween Skeleton
Jeremy Brown - Latest News - My Hollywood News
James Charles TRANSFORMS Kylie Jenner Into GLAM Halloween Skeleton, New Hollywood Celebrity News 2017.
Watch Latest Celebrity News, Hollywood Celebrities Official Latest Story, James Charles TRANSFORMS Kylie Jenner Into GLAM Halloween Skeleton.
Hollywood Celebrity News 2017 Celebrity News 2017 all Celebrities of Cartoon Network Studios is an American animation studio based in Burbank, California. It is owned by Cartoon Network and Turner Broadcasting System, which are both subsidiaries of Time Warner.
What are the names of Walt Hollywood’s brothers and sisters?
Walter Elias Hollywood was born December 5, 1901, in Chicago, Illinois, to Elias and Flora Hollywood. His siblings were Herbert, Ray, Roy, and Ruth. Roy later helped his brother make the Hollywood Company a success.
How do you wake up Sleeping Beauty?
Fascinated by the wheel, she touches the spindle, pricking her finger. As had been foretold by the curse, Aurora is put under a sleeping spell. The good fairies place Aurora on her bed with a red rose in her hand and cause a deep sleep to fall over the entire kingdom until they can find a way to break the curse.
What is Hollywoodland Resort?
Enjoy even more Hollywood magic on select attractions in one of the parks before it opens with Extra Magic Hour—available each morning to Guests of the 3 Hotels of the Hollywoodland Resort! Valid theme park admission required.
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James Charles turned Kylie Jenner into a VERY spooky skeleton and you guys, she looks COMPLETELY unrecognizable.
Honestly, who knew skeletons could look this glam?
After a James and Kylie video collab was first teased, we’ve all been counting down the days until the video finally dropped and now that it’s here, it was very well worth the wait. In the video, James used products from Kylie’s upcoming Halloween collection – which drops this Friday, October 12th, by the way — to create a pretty spooky, yet super glam pink and purple themed skeleton.
Obviously while James was working on her makeup, they were chitchatting and got onto the topic of whether or not Kylie wants more kids. Well, Kylie HAS hinted in the past that she’s ready for another child, but you’re going to DIE when you find out exactly how many more kids Kylie wants. CLIP TOSS: (8:11-8:22) I mean, she was probably kidding, but who knows. Seven kids is one more than how many her mom had and if Kris was able to raise six amazing kids, so can Kylie, right?
Anywho, by the end of the video, Kylie looked pretty unrecognizable and for someone who has a very recognizable face and huge following, that’s a pretty incredible feat to accomplish. Says a lot about James’ skills as a makeup artist, doesn’t it? CLIP TOSS: (17:44-17:57) Now this look isn’t an everyday look – but hey, if you want it be, do you boo. Anyway, it’s super perfect for Halloween and while it does look pretty intimidating to recreate, James breaks it down perfectly in the video.
So what do you guys think? Are you planning on getting anything from Kylie’s upcoming Halloween collection and would you recreate this look yes or no? Let me know all of your thoughts on this in the comment section below. Then click right over here to watch another new video and don’t forget to subscribe to our channels! Thanks for hanging with me, I’m your girl Drew Dorsey and I’ll see ya next time!
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Best Hollywood Celebrities ever, Must Watch English Celebrities, James Charles TRANSFORMS Kylie Jenner Into GLAM Halloween Skeleton.
Walt Hollywood created a short film entitled Alice’s Wonderland, which featured child actress Virginia Davis interacting with animated characters. After the bankruptcy in 1923 of his previous firm, Laugh-O-Gram Studios, Hollywood moved to Hollywood to join his brother, Roy O. Hollywood. Film distributor Margaret J. Winkler of M.J. Winkler Productions contacted Hollywood with plans to distribute a whole series of Alice Comedies purchased for $1,500 per reel with Hollywood as a production partner. Walt and Roy Hollywood formed Hollywood Brothers Cartoon Studio that same year. More animated films followed after Alice. In January 1926, with the completion of the Hollywood studio on Hyperion Street, the Hollywood Brothers Studio’s name was changed to the Walt Hollywood Studio. New Hollywood Celebrities 2018, James Charles TRANSFORMS Kylie Jenner Into GLAM Halloween Skeleton.
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one-leaf-grimoire · 4 years
“illusion” chapter 6
Link to the full work on Ao3
Warning: mention/use of alcohol and one particularly bad drug :(( 
Things aren't looking good. Only two days after my "date" with Lawrence, he sends me a letter, which is way sooner than he usually does. Shit! He must really be determined to marry me, now... I fold up the letter after I finish reading it at breakfast and shove it in my cloak out of sight. This could get tricky... I assumed his interest would slowly dwindle over time, leading to an amicable break up, but instead he seems to have had a sudden spike in interest. He's going to get more pushy... so I might have to end things myself.
The problem is, if I was the one to break it off, the fury of the Royal Family would come down on me and my parents. My father's inheritance and title depend on this marriage, so that fury could potentially ruin us. However, if I were to achieve the rank of Senior Magic Knight before that happened, then we would be safe with my salary. I'm pretty close now, I just have to keep working hard... it won't be long! Then I can tell Lawrence to leave me alone forever.
"Okay, there's plenty of work to do today! But-" Hervey points at us as we stand awkwardly around him in the mess hall. He has a couple missions for us, mostly just patrols and escorts typical of a highly-ranked squad like ourselves. "Everyone should be done by tonight, so if you want to go to town, all power to you."
A few of us cheer, excited for the fun night ahead. I'm not a big drinker, but it's still fun to go out with my friends and see them all get shit-faced. The townspeople love seeing us there, too, to hear our stories and take our money. Wren is probably going to try and hook up with some girls, and sadly will probably be successful. Those girls love a magic knight, that's for sure.
"...and... that's it for the main missions." Hervey finishes handing them out, leaving me and a few others without an assignment. "As for you junior knights, your performances have NOT been up to par lately. How are we going to beat the Crimson Lion Kings for the top squad if we have weak links like you?" The four junior knights mumble sorry and stare at the ground timidly. "Well, luckily for you, Julius is free today, so he'll be training you himself." Julius, who's standing right behind Hervey, gives us a smile and a wave.
"Really?" Cecilia's eyes light up while Martin and the other teen, Joren, both roll their eyes.
"I don't understand why I have to do this-" Nigel crosses his arms. "I'm 20! I shouldn't be slumming it with these kids-"
"Shut up, Nigel, you're still a Junior Magic Knight for a reason-" Hervey cuts him off.
"Er, but what about me?" I raise my hand awkwardly. "I'm an intermediate knight-"
"You're here to help me! I thought it would be fun." Julius answers before Hervey can, flashing me a smile of my own.
"Oh... okay!" I feel my heart flutter a little. He chose me? That's nice... It hasn't gone over my head, the fact that Julius has been choosing me to accompany him with things recently. I assume it just means that my efforts to befriend him are slowly but surely paying off. Maybe I can take advantage of this; after all, Julius has the ear of our captain, so my ascent to a higher rank could be easier than I thought. But even if not, I'm glad he's hanging around me more. If nothing else, I feel... safe, when he's around. There's been no suspicious activity from any of the others since the night of my attack, and I'm finally starting to relax.
Maybe everything will be alright, after all.
"Well, you heard the captain! I don't blame you guys, you're all young and new- er, most of you-" Julius shoots a subtle glance at Nigel after we move outside and he launches into his spiel. "But that just means you have plenty of room to grow! I haven't even seen some of your magic... so!" Julius suddenly balls up his hands excitedly and opens his eyes, which are violently sparkling. "Show me your magic!"
It's almost disturbing, seeing our vice captain get all twinkle-eyed about something, but that's how he's always been. I can even remember the first time I ever met him, several years ago, he ran up to me and asked the same thing. He was a little shorter and had longer hair, but still the same Julius. "Hey! Nice to meet you! Show me your magic!" It was pretty startling, to say the least, but he got more tempered over time as he took on more responsibility. But even now, he can't contain his excitement as Martin holds up his hand, shooting sharp shards of wood off into the bushes.
It's... kind of cute, honestly...
"Hey! Why don't you make some illusions for them to fight?"
I almost jump in surprise as Julius suddenly appears right next to me to jar me from my thoughts. "Huh? Oh, right-" I'm supposed to be helping him, not admiring him! I quickly open my Grimoire and conjure up four illusions for the junior knights to fight. "Hey! Can you give me one that's a little harder than the others?" Nigel asks, pointing at his.
"Sorry, I have to make them identical, especially since I'm making so many!"
"I'll spar with you, if you want!" Julius suggests.
Nigel goes pale and can't shake his head quick enough. "Never mind."
He raises his hands, letting a large bank of wispy smoke come out and engulf the "enemy" I made for him, which binds it in place. Of course, I could probably just move right through him, seeing as the only place the enemy actually exists is in his mind, but I'm doing my best to simulate a real person right now. "Smoke Magic: Tendril Binding!" Nigel smirks to himself as his spell seems to work.
"I'll break you out!" Cecilia suddenly opens her own Grimoire. "Refraction Magic!"
Cecilia's magic lets her create refraction planes in the air, which can redirect light, magic, and other materials. She uses it now to create a barrier around my illusion, sending Nigel's smoke away, right back at him. "Hey! Ah!" Nigel stumbles back, not expecting the move, and suddenly becomes engulfed in his own magic. Cecilia bursts out laughing at him. "That's why you're still a junior knight, Nigel, you need to expect the unexpected."
"Shut up! You're a junior knight, too!" Nigel desperately coughs and waves his arms to dispel the smoke.
Cecilia bites her lip, the shy girl becoming a bit more confident from her performance. "I'm 15, so I have an excuse. You don't!"
"Come on, guys, be nice!" I can't help but swallow my own chuckle. Cecilia... This is the most I've heard you talk since you got here! The girl used to be Alice's roommate, so I hung around her a lot, but she was always so quiet and reserved. I know her magic is powerful, so all she needs is the spine to back it up. I was kind of like that, wasn't I? I felt kind of out of place on the squad, it was such a new and scary experience... but I grew into it, not just because I have to. Because of all the people I met...
These people are my friends, right? And these kids, who's biggest problems are who's doing the dishes tonight and how to not embarrass yourself on the next mission. I have my quarrels with some of them, but in the end there's not an ounce of malice between any of us.
... maybe it was a bandit that night. Maybe I panicked and imagined something that didn't exist...
But, I don't think any of these people would hurt me.
"That was great! I knew you would make a good teacher." 
It takes me a moment to realize that Julius is talking to me again as we walk back towards the base. The Junior knights shuffle along in front of us, chatting and clowning on Nigel. "Oh, really?" I don't know why, but the comment makes me feel a little embarrassed, probably because it's coming from my vice captain. "Thank you... I'm not as good as you, though!"
"Hmm, I'm not so sure." Julius closes one eye in what I assume is a cheeky wink. "I wasn't really doing much, I let you take over."
"Is that so?" For some reason, my nervousness quickly fades. "Maybe I should be vice captain, then."
"Are you sure you want to go out tonight?"
"Of course!" I brush my hair a few more times in the mirror before turning around to look at the concerned Alice. "You'll be with me the whole time... and anyway..." I let myself smile a little, sinking into the soft feelings of ease that I've had inside me since my revelation earlier today. "What happened a few weeks ago... I doubt it's going to happen again."
Alice smiles along with me, but that worried look doesn't leave her golden eyes. "...It's true, there's been no suspicious activity at all... but didn't you say your attacker was wearing a Grey Deer robe?"
I shrug. "I said that... but now that I think of it, it's so unlikely... I may have mistaken something else for the robe. Like I said..." I give her a bright smile and a thumbs up to put her at ease as well. "These are my squad members... my friends. They would never hurt me, right? It might have just been a bandit or something."
My words seem to do the trick, and Alice smiles as she lets out a happy sigh. "Sheesh, so all that paranoia was for nothing? What a drama queen." She pokes me in the side playfully to make me giggle. "If you say so. We'll have to report it to the captain sometime, though, if a bandit made it in here!"
"Right, right!" I bat away her hand, before both of us get startled by a loud banging on the door. "HEY!! HURRY UP!"
"...shut up, Nigel!"
Nigel and Elia are waiting outside, Nigel tapping his foot loudly to show his already-obvious impatience. "Where's Giles?!"
"Right here!" We turn to see the bespectacled boy run up, looking kind of bedraggled. "I can't believe you're dragging me out tonight..."
"Then don't come!" Alice shoots back with a grin. "We'll take Cecilia instead."
"The 15 year old? No way." Elia turns up her nose. "Anyway, she said she wants to stay home and sleep early."
"Ah, fine. Well!" Alice balls up her fist to get us pumped up. "Let's go out on the town!"
It's already dark by the time we get there, travelling in our little pack. "Hmm, decisions decisions..." Nigel rubs his chin while looking around the street, then glares as I start to walk off on my own. "Hey, where are you going?"
"Here." I point at my favorite inn, the same one I took Lawrence to on our last date. "I'm going to this one, it's fine if you don't come, though."
"Sounds good!" Alice runs past with Giles and Elia right behind. "Grr! Fine!" Nigel runs after us, indignant that he didn't get to make the choice. 
The inn is just as warm and loud as all the other times I've been here, although it becomes considerably more crowded at night. "Why, if it isn't the young Grey Deer... you chose our little bar tonight?"
"It's the best one in town, of course!"
The bartender eyes each of our faces, letting out a sigh of... relief? "Well, I see it's just you five... in that case-"
"Heyyyy there, barkeep!"
The bartender's smile immediately falls from his face, and his brow furrows. "Great... he's here..."
He? The five of us turn just in time to see none other than Julius marching into the inn, a goofy smile on his face. "Good evening!" His friend Elger shuffles in behind him, looking embarrassed.
"Julius... what do you want?" The bartender eyes him suspiciously as he walks up and leans against the bar comically. I exchange a glance with the others, slapping my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing. Elia stares pointedly at the surface of the bar, also looking like she's going to burst out laughing. "You better not be asking to-"
"Please, sir! I promise I won't ask for money! Not even tips! I just want to show off, I've been practicing my mixology skills-" Julius lets the words burst out as he clasps his hands in a mock prayer, literally begging this poor man to let him help.
The bartender just lets out a long groan before pointing towards the door. "no! You're too slow, Julius, try another bar!"
Julius pouts adorably and opens his mouth to object, but Elger cuts him off and tugs at his sleeve. "Come on, we can try one of the others..."
"Fine." Julius shoots one more indignant look at the bartender before turning to leave. However, he stops and does a double take when his gaze skims over us, his eyes widening a little with recognition. His mouth immediately splits into a wide smile, and I almost look away from how bright it is. Ahh! He noticed us- "Hey guys! Fancy seeing the youths here~"
"You're not that much older than us..." Nigel mutters quietly so he can't hear him, but both Alice and Elia giggle at his behavior.
"We're gonna go find another inn... maybe I can make you a drink?" Julius's eyes meet mine, the corners crinkling slightly from his smile. I feel my heart skip a beat. 
"Er... I think we're going to stay here." I return his smile, giving him a thumbs up. "This is my favorite spot... Maybe some other time, Julius!"
Julius lets out a sigh, letting his shoulders slump momentarily before bringing him back to his full height. "Alright, have it your way! See you guys later!" With one last wave (and an awkward one from Elger), the two older men disappear out the door and back into the chilly night.
I shake my head a little at his behavior, but my smile remains traced into my lips. Mixology? I didn't know that was a hobby of his... that's kind of cu-
"So, what was that about?"
I get snapped from my thoughts as both Alice and Elia descend on me from both sides. "Huh? What do you mean?"
Elia eyes me with narrowed lashes. "He asked you to come try his drink, didn't he?"
"Oh, he was asking everyone, though, not just me-"
"Nonsense! When he said you he didn't mean you guys... he meant you, you know?" I blink, confused at what Alice is trying to imply. My friend smirks and slings her arm around my shoulders, making me shrink slightly into my barstool. "You've been hanging around with him a lot lately, haven't you?"
"Alice!" I scold, squirming a bit in her grasp. "You know what that is, don't you?"
"I want to know what exactly is going on," Elia juts in, crossing her eyes and glaring. Uh oh. She's going through her "crush on Julius" phase right now, a phase that all squad members must go through at some point, and I'm sure I've accidentally made her jealous. "Like, aren't you engaged? It's not fair to him if you lead him on, you know!"
"Lead him on? No-" I shake my head. "You guys have it all wrong... it's not like that!" I laugh nervously in an attempt to dissolve the tension. "It's just... I've known Julius for years now, but we weren't close. I just thought it would be nice to make friends with him, that's all." I exchange a glance with Alice, who nods slowly. Of course, the real reason is that Julius was one of the only people I could truly trust, and being friends with him put me at ease. Not that it matters anymore. "I guess he thought the same thing... so now we're friends?"
"Hmph. Friends." Elia looks away. "First friends, then lovers, then you'll get married- EEEEk!" She covers her flushed face.
"Elia, calm down, I'm engaged to the Prince, remember?" I pat her on the shoulder lightly, and miraculously, my words seem to make her calm down. "Don't worry about it..."
Jeez... this is going to look bad when I break things off with Lawrence...
"I don't get what's so great about him anyway," Nigel suddenly jumps into our conversation uninvited. "I mean, he's cool and powerful... and handsome... BUT!" He starts to go red in the face. "I'm right here! And I'm a catch~"
Elia snorts out a laugh, and I giggle a little at his behavior. Sometimes he seems like he might have a crush on Elia, but that would be way too volatile of a couple for the squad to handle, as evidenced by her next words:
"Nigel... I'd rather catch the Flu than catch you."
"You guys talk to loud, here, start drinking and shut up!" The bartender suddenly appears next to us and unloads the drinks we ordered in front of us. "Oooh! Thank you, sir!"
"No problem. First round is on the house."
"Well, cheers guys," Giles smiles pensively and holds up his glass. "I don't really know what to celebrate..."
"We don't have to celebrate anything! Unless you want to go out with me, Elia-"
"No, Nigel."
"Cheers!" Alice makes us all shut up as we clink our glasses together. I bring mine to my lips and gulp down the drink. Giles immediately splutters and slams his glass down. "Yuck!"
I wince and swallow thickly. "Yeah, is it supposed to be this bitter?"
"It's not bitter! It's spicy." Giles coughs, causing Nigel to laugh meanly at him. "Grow up Giles, we know you're a lightweight, but spicy?!"
"Nigel, you're one to talk," Elia teases. "This stuff is cinnamon whiskey, so it might taste a bit spicy."
"Hmmm..." I take another sip, forcing it down. It tastes a bit spicy, yeah, but more bitter than anything. In fact, it's almost salty.
"Well, whoever can finish theirs first gets their drink payed for!" Nigel announces with a grin. "Come on!"
I can't turn down that kind of competition. "Bring it!" Without any more hesitation, me and the others gulp down our drinks. With an excited yell, I slam my empty glass down on the table first, just before Alice does. "Yes!!! Eat that-" I suddenly feel my stomach turn, and I almost gag.
"Yikes, you okay?" Alice rubs my back as I choke down the drink. "You won, don't worry."
"Thanks, but I'm fine." I shake my head. "It just... tasted really bad."
Alice frowns, a little concerned. "Be careful, I don't want you throwing up on me or anything. Here, have some water."
"Who's the lightweight now?" Nigel snickers, earning him two smacks from Giles and Elia.
I sip at my water for a while, staring at the glazed wood of the bar as the others continue to drink and chat. For some reason, the warmth from the previous moments is completely gone, and I start to feel oddly... detached from it all. 
...why am I even here?
I feel coolness on my lips as I sip my water.
...wait... what's going on...?
I can't be out like this... not in the open.
"I need some help."
"What is it, Wren?"
Someone is talking, but the words blend into the ambient sound of the inn.
"It's Margery... she's puking all over the place outside."
"Ugh, fine. Come on, everyone."
Someone... someone's trying to kill me, right?
But, not one of my friends... they can't be-
I look up, and my friends are gone. 
Everything seems fuzzy, and I almost fall out of the chair as the vertigo affect hits me, just from raising my head. I draw in a shaky gasp, barely audible, and stare at the empty seat where Alice was just sitting. At least, I think she was just sitting there... how many hours have gone by since I last saw her? Time is expanding and constricting at a rapid rate, almost like an accordion.
...what the hell... am I- 
I look back down at my hands, which are clutching my glass tightly. I can't even make them out, they don't look like two solid objects. They warp and spin, just like the rest of the world.
H-how did I manage to get drunk?! Where is everyone? I frantically start to look around the bar, but all I see are the faces of strangers, looking at me as if I've gone crazy. And maybe I have... because a moment later, they morph into the faces of my friends.
...no... I'm not drunk...
The one drink I had... it was bitter... salty... it was drugged!
It's something I've always heard of happening to girls, but now that it's happening to me, it seems more real. My heart is running a race in my chest as I suddenly stand up, causing the world to turn upside down again. Someone is yelling at me (I think I tipped over the barstool), but I don't stop, I can't. I feel someone grab my arm, and my panic spikes. NO! If they grab me like this- I instinctively lash out and push them away, and luckily they yield. I can move... I can still move... I need to find the others!
Not the others...
One of them drugged me, didn't they?
For what purpose, I can only imagine, but now I'm imagining the worst case scenario. I need to run, and hide, until this wears off! 
With that thought, I turn and run away, stumbling but staying upright. The warm light of the inn disappears, giving way to a chilly, cold night. It's not snowing, but the harsh wind nearly bowls me over. I open my mouth to yell Alice, but the words get caught in my throat. I keep walking, the lights in the corner of my vision starting to dull. I don't have long... I'm going to pass out... 
There's not a friendly face in sight.
I... I need to..
The wind subsides, and I realize that I've stumbled into an alley. With one last little whimper, I collapse to the ground, curling up into the fetal position as everything starts to fade away. If this isn't enough... then I'm dead. Or worse.
Please... let the right person find me...
My eyelids droop, and my body goes numb.
Alice... or...
I don't get to finish my thought as my brain basically turns to mush.
I don't know how long I lie there, but eventually, the cold starts to disappear. Feeling starts to seep back into my skin, and something warm envelopes me.
Maybe... this is death? It doesn't feel so bad...
I curl up into it, and a comforting sleep overtakes my soul.
Yeah so I have a vague idea of where I want to go with this but there's a lot of empty space in my mind. If you have any suggestions for scenes/moments/or just vibes, let me know in the comments!
Also I want to know if I'm doing well with this? I honestly don't know...
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greenlightfic · 5 years
Maybe it’ll work out in the end
 Tuesday 18:45 – March 31, 2020 – It’s out of our hands
 Edoardo’s half sitting, half laying down on Nico’s couch. Lately, he hasn’t been feeling well on his own, so he takes every opportunity he has to be around people. This time Nico needed a model for some sketches and he offered himself. But that task was finished almost thirteen minutes ago, now he’s just scrolling through Instagram, thinking of a reason to stay there until Fede comes home, while his friend is in the other room talking on the phone. Therefore, he’s alone, and he doesn’t like it.
The front door opens behind him and Edoardo stretches himself to glance at the entrance.
“Hi!” Martino smiles at him when he closes the door.
“Hey, man” Edo sits up and bump fits with his friend.
“Where’s Nico?” Marti asks looking around.
“His mom called” Edoardo explains and moves for Marti to sit comfortably next to him.
“How was modeling?” The tall guy fixes his wild curls thinking. “Alright, I guess? My neck hurts a little bit” he shrugs smiling.
“Don’t tell him that” Martino whispers “he’ll feel guilty”.
“Got it” Edoardo gives him an accomplice smile. “How was your class?” He asks after a second of silence.
“Meh” the redhead makes a face. “Boring”.
“The boring ones are the ones that stick”.
“I almost fell asleep” Marti complains laughing.
“Ok, then you won’t learn anything” They both laugh. It’s nice to be around Martino. He has a particular sense of humor but once you get used to it, it’s impossible not to like him. He’s also very introvert, and it’s never asking too many questions or making Edo feel uncomfortable. And more important, he loves Nico, madly, and Edoardo likes that. He likes to see his friend with someone who actually understands him as a whole and not just an illness. He likes Martino. He really does.
“What’s up with you?”
“Huh?” Edoardo doesn’t know where Marti is going with that question.
“Chicco told us you were ‘busy’ Sunday’s night” he makes quoting marks on the air in the word ‘busy’ and smiles mischievously.
“Not a big deal, I swear” Edoardo looks at his hands.
“Well I think it’s great!”
“Yeah, perfect time. I’ve heard like four different people talking about you and Ele secretly dating. Chicco even tried to talk me into a bet, so this will shut them up” he laughs and quickly stops when he notices Edoardo isn’t laughing with him.
“Edoardo?” Marti’s looking at him with his forehead furrowed. “Were you-”
“It wasn’t Ele. The girl, it wasn’t her”. He assures.
“Okay”. Marti nods.
“I really care about her and everything but, you know. It’s not like that” Edoardo murmurs playing with his sweater. He isn’t very sure of why he’s talking but now he confessed his crush to someone he feels like he needs to put his feelings into words, and he needs other people opinions, especially if those other people know the focus of his crush better than he does.
“Okay…” Marti affirmation sounds more like a question to Edoardo’s ears. He just nods, hoping for Martino to change the topic, or for Niccolò to end the call and come back to the room.
“Edo” Martino sighs loud, soberly forcing his friend to look at him. He does and Marti struggles to let the words out. “If… there’s something you want to say” he moves his hand, trying to make Edoardo understand what he is thinking. “If there’s something you want to say” he repeats with more enthusiasm “I think you should say it to Eleonora.” Edoardo just looks at him. “She’s the most attentive person I know, and she won’t crush your heart just for the sake of it”. Marti holds his gaze, “I understand it can be hard, but if you don’t clear things up, it would end up disturbing your friendship and you two seem to really enjoy being around each other. So…”
“I get it” Edoardo cuts him off because he can’t listen to it any longer. He’s already messed up; he doesn’t need to add more to it.
“Yeah. I love you, too” they both hear Nico walking to them and Edo turns to face Marti, nervous.
“Don’t worry” Marti assures him. “It’s our secret” he smiles patting his friend’s leg and stands up to greet his boyfriend.
“Hey!” Niccolò’s face lights up when he sees Martino, who quickly walks to him and kiss him on the lips. Niccolò instantly smiles into the kiss and Edoardo envies them. He envies their domesticity, their simplicity, the fact they both know they’re safe and… loved.
“I thought you were talking alone” Nico turns to him.
“I’m one exam away from that” he jokes and the three boys laugh.
Martino’s phone rings on his backpack and he sits back again, searching for it. “What did you lie to your mother with?” Martino speaks looking at Nico.
“Nothing!” he replies offended. “I didn’t lie to her.”
“Then why is she ca- oh.” Marti changes his tone mind-sentence and takes the call. “Hey”.
“Why?” He asks to his interlocutor suspiciously and Edoardo shares a look with Niccolò, both confused. “What? Are you serious?” Marti exclaims getting up and half running to the door, even though it’s less than ten steps away from the couch. Nico walks behind him and Edoardo follows close.
Martino opens the door and, from behind his friend, Edoardo catches a glimpse of platinum blonde hair.
“My son!” Filippo shouts hugging Marti very tight and Edoardo notices Elia next to his boyfriend, smiling at them. “My beloved, boring son” Filippo say ruffling Martino’s hair.
“When did you arrive?” Nico asks, walking to him. Filippo lets Marti go to hug Niccolò. The hug is one with affection but it’s different to the one Edoardo just saw him gave Martino. Martino’s hug reminds Edoardo of the one Filippo gave Eleonora.
“Last night” He replies smiling at Nico and rising a brow to Edoardo when he spots him in the back. Meanwhile Elia made his way into the apartment and is now patting Edo’s shoulder.
“And what have you been doing until now?” Martino demands, trying to sound angry.
“What do you think?” Filippo laughs and Edoardo sees Elia covering his face with both hands, trying to hide his red checks.
“Oh” Martino says laughing. “Sorry, Filo, this is-” He’s walking to Edoardo, with Filippo following him. “Edoardo, we already met” Filo cuts him with a smile. “Last night he was at Ele’s when I arrived” Filippo’s smiling smugly again and Edoardo feels the heat increasing.
“Oh.” Marti replies.
“And now that my sister isn’t here to control me, we can finish our conversation” He says resting his hand on Edo’s shoulder. “What is your Hogwarts house, Edoardo?” Edo laughs and his friends join him, what else can they do?
 Wednesday 15:10 – April 1, 2020 – I don’t want this to break you
 Edoardo and Alice have things clear. Alice decided to made them clear right after they slept together for the first time. She likes him, she feels attracted to him, but she doesn’t want to be his girlfriend. She just wants to have a good time with a nice guy. And Edoardo agrees. He does want to move on from his crush but he doesn’t want a relationship, it wouldn’t be fair for his partner, so he’s okay with Alice’s boundaries.
Edoardo tried to make her stay longer because he still doesn’t feel alright being all by himself but the girl has her own things to do, things that doesn’t involve the guy she’s sleeping with, which means Edo can tag alone. So, here they are, outside Edoardo’s building, saying goodbye, and it really could’ve been it but it isn’t and Edoardo has nowhere to hide when Fede’s car parks right next to his. They meet eyes and he know his friend’s panicking as much as he is right now but he can’t run inside or push Alice away, every person inside Federico’s car saw him and he now has to face it.
His friends get out of the car one by one and Alice turns around at the sound of doors closing. She smiles awkwardly when she recognizes Fede who, politely greets her with a kiss on the cheek.
The six of them look at each other in silence until Edo shoves his hands down his jeans’ pockets, clearing his throat. “Alice these are my friends: Giovanni, Sana and… Eleonora”. He watches her shake each one of their hands. Giovanni smiles courteously but Edoardo notices his eyes going from the girl to Eleonora and then back at him. Sana, in the other hand, looks at Alice’s eyes but her smile is less warm than Gio’s, and Eleonora looks at him, as if she were waiting for any sort of confirmation to an answer she hasn’t made, and then smiles at Alice. Edoardo would have given up all his money for that smile to show something: jealousy, discomfort, anything at all. But if Eleonora’s feeling any of those feelings she’s extremely good at hiding them.
“It’s really nice meeting you all but I was leaving, so...” Alice says looking at no one in particular.
“I’ll drive you”. Edo interferes.
“No, it’s okay. It’s no far from here” she smiles.
“You sure?” Edo asks watching her closing the distance between them and he silently prays for her to not kiss him on the lips. No in front of Eleonora.
“I’m sure” she smiles softly and kisses his cheek, placing a hand on the other one. “I’ll see you guys, around” she farewells his friend with the same smile and quickly walks away. They all watch her disappear in the corner of the street in silence. Edoardo’s scared of turning to face his friends.
“Next time,” Sana positions in front of him, amused. “Send a sock to the group chat” she pats his chest and starts walking to the door. Gio looks at him with worry but reminds silence, while Eleonora just smiles shyly to him and follows Sana’s steps.
“I’m sorry” Fede whispers next to him. “I didn’t think you…”
“It’s okay” he tries to smile. “It’s was just… bad timing. Not your fault”. Federico nods twitching his mouth to the side and pats his back.
 Thursday 16:16 – April 2, 2020 – Don’t want to find I’ve lost it all
 Edoardo walks into the Caffè looking for a redhead boy between the people. It isn’t a very big Caffè but it is elongated and, just as Edo imagined, Martino’s almost at the end, next to the closed kitchen, in a small wood table, reading a book.
Martino lift up his head when Edoardo’s almost in front of him and smiles closing his book. “I already ordered two espressos. I hope it’s okay” Marti says, greeting his friend.
“Sure!” Edoardo gets comfortable on his seat in front of his friend. “Thank you” he says with meaning and the look on Marti’s eyes confirms him that the redhead boy understands he’s not only thanking him for the coffee. “Does Nico know we’re here?” Edoardo asks him while the waitress walks to them, and once their coffees are settles in between them Marti speaks. “No, he thinks I’m with some classmates. I didn’t know if you… wanted him to know” he shrugs drinking.
“Thank you” Edo repeats. “Fede’s the only one who knows. Well, and you now”.
“Filippo has his doubts” Marti says smiling, “but there’s any confirmation yet, so…”
“Do you know what you wanna do?” Martino asks him after a few seconds of silently drinking.
“I don’t know. It’s pretty new, you know? I don’t want to tell her or anyone until I’m sure it won’t go away as fast as it came.” He explains playing with the spoon on his coffee cup. Martino nods.
“What did it trigger it? Did you saw her naked or something?” his friend jokes, lighting up the mood.
“Remember the night the power went off?” he waits for an answer and Martino nods. “She was at my place and she end up spending the night there and… I don’t know. It felt different. Like…” he struggles to find the words to describe his feelings.
“Like you actually saw her for the first time?” Marti tries, smiling to himself. “You know, when I first met Nico, I felt attracted to him but it wasn’t until we were alone at his house for the first time that I felt like… it was real. I fell in love with him right there.”
“I’m not in love with Eleonora”. Edoardo rapidly corrects him.
“I know, but what I mean” he moves his hands, finding the right words, “I mean that being just the two of you in some sort of intimate situation triggered your feelings. Maybe you liked her since you met her but you weren’t… ready” Martino holds his gaze to empathize his speech.
“You know her better than most of us”. Edoardo speaks throwing his hands in the air, exhausted. “What do I have to do? And please be clear. I’m losing my mind” he massages his forehead.
Martino finishes his coffee before speaking. “I think you should ask yourself what do you really want and if it is Eleonora and it is real, then you should tell her. Explicitly tell her what you feel and what you want.” Edoardo’s looking at him with attention, he wants to remember every word. “She’s a really cautious person, and she has her reasons but you can scape relationships or… feelings forever. And you can’t hide either. What a better time that now, right?”
“And if she doesn’t feel the same and I fuck it up? Even all of us as a group won’t be the same. I don’t want to mess up all of us for just a crush”. Edoardo keeps telling himself there’s no reason for his feelings to be out if they aren’t reciprocated, it would only bring complications to too many people’s lives.
“I understand that” Marti speaks slow. “When Gio and Eva broke up, it was hard for all of us. They were always avoiding each other but we went through it and eventually they shared a room and no one died. Yeah, it was awkward at first but it’s not the end of the world.” Edoardo just nods, what else can he do? If Eleonora rejects him, it would be awful but, at least, he wouldn’t have to look away every time their eyes meet in a room.
“Okay” he whispers uncertain.
Martino smiles and lifts his empty mug to him. Edoardo does the same and their cups bump gently. “Good luck, man!” Marti says genuinely, what makes Edo smiles. He knows Eleonora could hurt him but he also knows his friends aren’t going anywhere and that’s enough for now.
 Friday 12:15 – April 3, 2020 – I wonder can I give you what you need
 Edoardo’s extremely nervous. He’s moving a leg, crazily typing his fingers against the table, unlocking his phone each time the screen goes back, just to see the clock moving way too slow for his nerves to resist any longer.
Filippo Sava messaged him on Instagram, asking him to meet, just the two of them. And maybe it is him who read it wrong but it felt like he was being very serious about it and that scared Edoardo.
And now here he is, really nervous, waiting for the coffee shop’s door to be opened by Filippo, who suddenly appears in front of his eyes, walking like he owns the place. Edoardo wishes Filo wasn’t wearing sunglasses, so he could try to decode the atmosphere of their reunion on his eyes, because, honestly, he doesn’t have a clue of what to expect.
Filippo spots him effortlessly and reaches him in no time. Edoardo gets up from his seat when Filippo extends a hand to him, he shakes it smiling and sits down again. Filo takes off his glasses, looks at Edoardo’s eyes and then sits down in front of him. Not -already known- smirk on his face.
“Sorry I made you wait. Elia tried to talk me out of this at the last minute”. He says casually.
“It’s ok. I haven’t been here for long” Edoardo lies shamelessly. He sat there and waited for the blonde guy to show up for ten long and painful minutes, but there’s no force in Heaven -or Hell- that would make him admit that.
“Did you already order?”
“Uh, no. I was waiting for you”.
“How nice of you” Filo smiles at him for what it feels like the first time. He calls the waiter and asks him -with Edoardo consent- for two cappuccinos. Once the guy leaves him, the older guys turns to faces him again. “Thank you for accepting to meet me. I’m leaving tonight, and I didn’t want to let this opportunity goes by”. Filippo’s very good with eyes contact and one-at-one conversations, Edoardo easily realizes that and it makes his nervousness even more notorious. Or at least he thinks it does. He just nods with a small smile. “You aren’t missing any classes, right?”
“Just one but my teacher doesn’t even notice it. I raised my hand when he said my name and then left. It’s okay” he smiles and Filippo laughs. “The best teachers, if you ask me” Filo jokes and Edo feels a bit more comfortable in his presence.
“Weren’t you staying the whole week?” Edoardo asks, feeling more confidence. Maybe he did read the messages wrong and Filippo only wanted to hang out.
“Yeah but there’s a party I need to cover, so…” he shrugs, not very excited about leaving.
“I’ve seen your photos. You’re really good. I mean, not like I actually know something about photography but even for me, someone who doesn’t know shit, they look very good”. The boy has been stalking Filippo’s Instagram since he followed him. But he hasn’t paid too much attention to the last fifty -or so- photos. He has gone deeper, the photos posted when Filippo wasn’t professionally recognized yet and all his pictures were mostly about Eleonora in multiple scenarios. Edoardo really like those photos.
“Thanks!” Filo grins and reminds silence when the waitress approaches them. Once the coffees are settled down and they’re both alone, Filippo’s smiles fades.
“Look, don’t take it wrong okay?” he starts, moving his hands between them. “But of all the things I’d like to do in my last hours here, having a conversation with you about my work is one of the lasts”.
“O-Ok…” Edoardo feels cold all over his back. What the hell did he do wrong?
“I told myself I wouldn’t interfere because it’s not my place, I know that. But the other night Eleonora was pretty moody and after gossiping around I heard that, casually, she met your new girlfriend or hook up or whatever you were doing that same day. So, I decided I needed to get involved, because, Edoardo, I don’t believe in coincidences.” His words are fast but meaningful and the curly-haired guy doesn’t know how to reply.
“I know what you’re thinking right know” he continues after taking a sip of his coffee and Edoardo doesn’t believe him. It’s impossible for Filippo to know what he’s thinking when he has no clue himself. “I know you may be thinking ‘what the fuck is wrong with this dude’ and I get, all right? I would’ve already left if I were in your position, but Ele… She’s the most important thing to me and I need to take care of her, okay? It has always been like that.” Filo’s voice softened immediately when he named his sister and Edoardo can see how much he loves her, how important they’re for one another. It makes him feel miserable. Since the first time Eleonora talked to him about her brother, he has tried, really tried, to think about a universe where he has had a relationship like that with Andrea, some parallel universe where his brother has died for him but he can’t. His reality is awfully far away from the Sava sibling.
“I know” he murmurs absent.
“You know?” Filippo asks, incredulous.
“Yeah. She told me about your parents”.
“She told you that?” Confusion is the only expression he’s showing and in other circumstances Edoardo would be amused but the bitterness of Andrea’s memory still affects him.
“Yes, she did. Not too long ago, though.” He dares to lock eyes with the older guys, who nods in respond.
“What else did she tell you? Filippo asks. “About her past, I mean” he clarifies nodding, assuring Edoardo that it’s okay to talk to him.
“Uh…” Edoardo’s skeptical, is it okay to talk about her when she’s not around? He thinks it isn’t but the person asking is her brother, the one she’s the closest to. He probably knows every story Eleonora has told him. “She told me about her… ex” he mutters, uncertain.
“What exactly?”
“That he… uh… he wasn’t… nice?” he tries, slowly and he can literally see Filippo’s expression changing into a furious one in a split of a second. “Nice?!” He repeats way too loud. “She told you that piece of shit wasn’t nice to her?” he speaks between his teeth, lowering his voice. Edoardo nods and Filippo rubs his face frustrated, opens his mouth, closes it, closes his eyes, exhales noisily and then look at Edoardo again. “I know boundaries, okay? I know it seems like I don’t but I do. So, I would only tell you one thing: that massive piece of garbage… My sister put a restriction order against him. You don’t do that to someone who isn’t nice” he spits the last word with hatred and if Edoardo wasn’t too shock for the new information he would’ve notice Filippo’s voice trembling when he said ‘my sister’.
“I didn’t know” he says feeling small.
“Of course, you didn’t!” Filippo scoffs and, after calming down, he speaks again. “Eleonora has a boyfriend when she was young. I didn’t get involved back then because I was young and reckless and, well… selfish.” He sounds ashamed and guilty. “That relationship affected her. It affected her heath” Filo notices Edoardo furrowed brows and slows down. “It wasn’t just him. It was our parents, moving out, me being a selfish prick who put too much pression on her, and him. I think he was the breaking point” Edoardo wants to ask what exactly happened to her but Filippo’s immersed in his story, so immersed that if Edoardo asked, he wouldn’t even hear him.
“We moved back to Rome, just us. She met her friends and she moved on, recovered. Then almost two years after that she met who, at the time, I thought was a friend. We shared some classes; he was cool, handsome and older. I wasn’t trying to play matchmaker with my sister but they just… hit it off, I guess.” He makes a disgusted face and inhales, as if it were hard for him to continue. “I was still a selfish prick and decided not to get involved. Even when she was an underage and had way less experiences than him. I never got involved, not when they fought, not when he’d ask me where she was all the time. I didn’t do anything. And I know, I know that if I would’ve said something back then, if I would’ve pay attention to the signs, things would’ve developed differently”. Filippo finally looks at Edoardo and it seems like he has aged five years in only a few minutes. “I’m not repeating my mistakes, Edoardo. I’m getting involve now. I don’t know what this thing between the two of you is but I’m not sitting and waiting for you to hurt her”.
The two boys look at each other in completely different silences. The older one is expectant, waiting for the guy in front of him to defend himself, to tell him he’s worthy of his sister. Meanwhile, Edo’s speechless, finding out so many new things about Eleonora, being compared to her exes and the idea of exposing his own past to Filippo, just for him to understand he’s not like those guys, that he’s worthy of his sister.
“First of all,” Edoardo stars talking, avoiding Filo’s eyes. “I am not like that”. He pauses to let to words settle into Filippo’s mind. “I would never, ever, treat anyone like that. Much less Eleonora. I care about her; I really do and I would never hurt her wittingly.” The guy in front of him doesn’t make a sound, moving the spoon inside the mug, listening carefully. “And I’m not trying to make you feel better” he continues, “but I’ve seen selfish. I know selfishness very well, and you’re not that. You were a teenager trying to balance adolescence with being on your own and it’s not easy. I know it isn’t easy. I’ve been in my own, too. I’ve fucked it up, too. But unlike you and Ele… I don’t have a sibling to lean into. From my perspective, you two had made it better than most of us”.
“Thank you” Filippo whispers and if Edoardo didn’t know who he was, he would never picture Filo as the exuberant one, not with the look he’s giving him right now.
“Eleonora and I are just friends and I don’t think that would change anytime soon. But if it does changes someday, you can trust me here: I would never hurt her or disrespect her. I swear on my life.” There’s no point to hide his feelings for Eleonora to Filippo, no after the conversation they just had. He’s going to deal with the consequences later, he decides, but he doesn’t want to give out the half-truth.
“She can be hard sometimes but if you’re persistent. Well, you may have a chance”. Filippo’s normal attitude is back on and Edoardo wants to laugh, loud.
“Do I have your blessing?” he half jokes.
“You’ve had my blessing since I saw you two interact the other day” Filo shrugs and gives Edoardo a knowing look, who feels his cheek heats. “You need to promise you won’t fuck it up, though. She had had enough already. She deserves calmness, no chaos.”
Edoardo nods, convinced that if someday he has a chance with her, he won’t fuck it up.
 Friday 20:55 – April 3, 2020 – You’ve gone quiet
 Edoardo has dialed her number at least ten times since his meeting with Filippo, but still, he can’t make himself press the button. What exactly does he want to tell her? Isn’t it better if he texts her? Or maybe he could go to see her, it isn’t too late for that, isn’t it?
He decides calling is the best option. Maybe they could hang out tomorrow, and he could tell her what is going on in his mind. Yeah, he’s gonna do that.
He presses the button: one tone, two tones, three, four and five. It goes to the voice mail. Filippo told him he would catch a train around 20:00hs, maybe she’s coming back home from the train station. He tries again, but this time it goes directly to the voice mail, as if she purposely hanged up.
A message from Alice pops up on his screen and Edoardo deletes the notification without even reading the message. He shouldn’t have gotten involve with her. It isn’t fair to anyone. It only adds more complications to his already complicated state.
The curly-haired boy throws his phone next to him in the bed and lays down. Frustration, tiredness, hurt. He isn’t sure of what he is feeling right now but he knows it isn’t good. He will wait until tomorrow; he says himself covering his face with both hands. Tomorrow he will try to see her and maybe, just maybe he will have better luck.
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greenlightfic · 5 years
Tell me something that I can explain
 Monday 12:11 – March 23, 2020 – this could be rough
 Edoardo’s leaving his last class of the morning, backpack carelessly hanging from one of his shoulders. He isn’t thinking about anything in particular, feeling mostly tired and when one of his classmates approaches him with questions he should be asking their teacher, Edoardo gives him his attention, still walking, finding himself involved into a full-on conversation about this guy disagreement with the subject itself.
Edo’s good with people, he has always been, and he knows this guy only needs to be heard, so he does it. He stays in silence and tries to nod in the right moments but his attention is drawn to a pair of electric green eyes at the end of the corridor. She’s just standing there in front of her classroom but somehow, she’s calling everyone’s attention. Edoardo notices how people glance at her while passing by and he also notices the guy she’s talking to. Tall, not as tall as him but taller than Eleonora, dark skin and enormously big muscles. So that’s douche with steroids, Edo thinks and he feels cold in his back when Eleonora smiles brightly at whatever he is saying. Silvia’s words appear in the back of his mind, and he shakes his head to push them away. When he looks again, Eleonora’s looking at him. She waves at him -which makes douche with steroids turns around and observe him- Edoardo barely has the time to wave back before she focuses on her partner again and they both walk into the classroom.
Edoardo only stands there, watching the spot where she was just seconds ago and his stomach hurt, the kind of pain he hasn’t experimented in a very long time and it worries him.
 Wednesday 13:30 – March 25, 2020 – worn to the bones
 The villa boys were having lunch in the Caffè close to Rocco’s university. The five of them sitting on a circular table, Federico next to Edoardo, what makes easier for him to look at his best friend’s phone when the screen illuminates with a message from Eleonora, whose Edo has been deliberately ignoring since Monday. He quickly blocks the screen but Fede’s already staring at him with a question on his eyes and he might’ve asked it if they wouldn’t have been interrupted by a pretty blonde girl, Rocco’s classmate, Alice? Edoardo thinks. Federico attention switches to her and Edoardo grabs his phone from the table to read the message. Eleonora’s asking him to study together. He gives her a lame excuse and doesn’t reply to the sad face she sends.
When he looks up again, he sees Alice slapping her own forehead.
“Are you sure?” She’s squatting, looking up at Rocco. The brunette nods. “Of course. He said we would use it. There’s no way we can resolve the exercises without a calculator”. He explains and Edoardo watches Alice’s face fill with anxiety.
“You think I can convince him to let me use my phone?” She asks.
“I don’t think so. You know how much he hates… everything” Rocco rolls his eyes.
“I’m screwed” The girl stands up, a hand behind Rocco’s chair and Edoardo looks at her, he really looks at her. She’s beautiful; he remembers dancing with her at a party in his first semester, and he can’t understand why he didn’t do more than that. She’s gorgeous.
“I have one”. Edoardo speaks looking at her but everyone in the table turns to him.
“Excuse me?”
“I have a calculator I’m not gonna use. At least no today” He shrugs. “You can take it” he smiles, politely.
“Really?” She asks with hope.
“Of course!” He grabs his backpack and finds it in the first pocket. “Thank you so much” she stars talking when she spots the object. “You saved me!” Edoardo hands her the calculator. “I’ll give it to him once I finish” she adds pointing at Rocco.
“Or you could give it to me” Edoardo rapidly replies. “We’ll have to meet up for that, but I’m totally okay with it” he smirks and raises a brow. Nathan and Rocco chuckle, Chicco lets out an ‘oh’ and moves his hands. Fede, in the other hand, is looking at him with narrow eyes, like trying to read Edoardo’s thoughts.
Hearing Edoardo’s proposal pauses Alice for a second but she recovers fast and with elegance she copies his smirk. “We’ll see” she replies holding his glance. Edoardo nods with a smile.
“I’m gonna go find a good seat” she says to Rocco. “I’ll save one to you, too” she smiles and looks at Edo again. “Bye, guys”. Everyone farewells her when she stars walking away, except Edoardo whom remains silence but doesn’t break eye contact, not until Nathan’s squeezing his shoulder and Chicco starts clapping.
“Very smooth” Chicco makes emphasis in the first word, wiggling his brows.
Rocco stands up and takes his backpack from the floor. “She’ll probably try to give it to me after class”. He’s waiting for Edoardo to tell him what to do. “Take it” he smiles, “I’ll have a reason to talk to her on Saturday” Chicco claps again, Nathan joins him this time. Rocco bump fist with his four friends and Edo watches him follow Alice steps but he still can feel a pair of eyes frantically trying to make eye contact with him. A pair of eyes trying to talk to him without words. He ignores it. If he can ignore Ele, he can ignore Federico, too.
 Saturday 22:42 – March 28, 2020 – we can’t cut it from out these veins
 Edoardo holds his beer tighter when a short girl stumbles against his side and walks away without even glancing at him. He can’t blame her; the club is full but still Edoardo manages to find his friends through the crow. Federico’s leaning against the bar, talking with Giovanni and Niccolò. Edoardo allows himself to stare only for three seconds, he doesn’t want Federico to notices him. Surprisingly, ignoring his roommate was easier than he thought, they only met alone two times since Wednesday and luckily Fede didn’t ask anything. Edo knows he’s waiting for him to talk, but he doesn’t want to. He just flirted with a pretty girl; there’s nothing wrong with that. Besides, isn’t that what Federico wanted him to do? It’s stupid from him to sit and wait for Edoardo to talk when there’s literally nothing out of place.
With Eleonora’s different. Unlike his best friend, the girl has been trying to see him since Tuesday, but he has managed to decline every invitation to study. He has seen her for the first time today when they all met at Marti’s and Nico’s apartment before going to the club, but Edo got himself involved into a long conversation with a very enthusiastic Luca, providing him of an excuse to ignore her the whole time. He’s enough of a dick to ignore both his friends but he isn’t enough of a dick to cancel the night out they all have been looking forward for a month. It’s not usual for all of them to be available to hang out at the same time, so Edoardo didn’t have the heart to cancel. He’s succeeding with his plan by far. He’s alone with a cold beer on his right hand and walking by the club, listening to good music, and more importantly, away from Federico and Eleonora.
The tall guy smiles brightly when he sees a known face walking in his direction. She hasn’t seen him yet, but Edoardo puts his cold hand on her waist, turning her body to his. Alice’s eyes soften when they meet his.
“Hey” Edoardo greets her with a smirk.
“Hi!” she smiles. “Did you get your calculator back?” half screams moving her head, making sure Edoardo hears her.
“I did” he leans in. “Although part of me was disappointed when Rocco gave it back. I was expecting a prettier face.” He moves away, looking at her face and sees her wrinkles her nose in that particular way that reminds Edo of certain brunettes with eyes greener than Alice.
He spots her with his peripheral vision; she is standing next to a wall not so far away from him and she’s not alone. The same guy he saw her with on Monday is leaning in front of her, covering her with his huge back but when Edoardo’s forcing himself to look back at Alice, the guys shifts and he can catch a glance of Eleonora’s face and it’s like time stops for him when he recognizes the look on her face, the same look she had three weeks ago in his house when the power went off. Eleonora is scared.
“Excuse me” Edoardo speaks not looking at Alice and stars walking fast, elbowing people left and right. When he’s close, he sees the guy’s hand holding Eleonora wrist with pressure and he’s ready to push him away from her when Ele meets his eyes and her face instantly relaxes. Her eyes have the same effect on Edo, who inhales deeply and talks over the guy’s shoulder. “There you are!” He tries to smile. “I thought you got lost or something.” Edoardo’s looking to Eleonora’s face, trying to speak to her with his eyes.
The guy turns around to face him but Edo ignores him. “Come on, help me find Eva” he moves closer and extends his hand to Ele but before she can take it the guy stands in the middle of them, looking up at Edoardo. “We’re talking” he says with a cold smile. “Ele?” He ignores him again, and he can feel the dude getting mad.
“Who are you?”
“I’m Edoardo” he stands straight. “I’m Eleonora’s friend and-” the guy cuts him off “Okay, Edoardo, your friend and I are in the middle of something. Why don’t you go?” He gets closer.
“Because I’m smart enough to notice she doesn’t want to talk to you. So, get the hell out of here” Edo spits his last words with his hands turning fits into his jean’s pockets. After a second of silently staring, the curly boy feels a familiar warm next to him. “Edo?” Elia speaks, low and he doesn’t need to glance at his friend, he knows the look on his face. Elia is ready to fight the moment Edoardo gives him a sign.
The guy lifts his chin a look at both of them, studying them, thinking if maybe he can take them both but Edoardo see the thought leaving his eyes. The guy looks at him from head to toes one last time and walk past them, shoving Elia’s shoulder on the way.
When they both have lost him in the crow and turn around, Edo’s the first one to notice the girl’s absence.
“Fuck!” he youths.
“Ele”. Elia notices too.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck” Edoardo’s turning all sides, trying to find her.
“You go out. I’ll check the bathroom” Elia tells him, serenely and gently pushes his shoulders to force him to move.
Edoardo turns on his heels and heads to the door, taking his phone out on the way to call her. No responses. He’s trying not to panic but it’s taking him way too long to get out of the club and he hasn’t seen any sign of her yet or the guy.
When Edoardo finally makes his way out of the building, he lets out a loud sigh as he spots a red blouse at the end of the road.
Eleonora’s sitting on the street, hugging herself with her head buried in her knees. He approaches her and puts his hand on her back, “Ele” he whispers and she jumps, moving her body away from his touch.
“Ele” he kneels next to her, concern covering his face, “are you okay? Did he do something to you?” he’s looking at her eyes with affection. He wants her to know he won’t hurt her.
“I’m fine” her voice is shaking and tears are burning her eyes.
“Eleonora” he extends his hand to her again and places it on her elbow when she doesn’t move. “Ele, say something. Please”. He’s definitely panicking now; he has never seen her so fragile.
“Edo, I’m fine” she looks at him. “I just needed air.” She exhales. “Nothing happened. I swear” she looks at the floor again and holds herself tighter.
“Ele!” Edo recognizes the voice screaming behind him. Silvia runs to them and kneels in front of Eleonora, throwing her arms around her. Edoardo turns around and finds Elia standing not far away, watching the scene. Eleonora’s now hugging Silvia back. The girls are moving back and forth and Silvia’s murmuring words on Ele’s ear. “I love you” she says, breaking the hug and holding Ele’s face on her hands. “I love you” the blonde girl repeats.
“I love you, too” Eleonora closes her eyes and Edoardo notices her bottom lip trembling.
“Come, on. Let’s go home.” Silvia stands taking Eleonora along with her.
“No.” the brunette steps back. “I don’t want you to leave because of me. You were having fun. It isn’t fair.” She adds holding her friend’s hands.
“Who cares?” Silvia speaks giving her a friend a ‘really?’ look.
“I can go by myself. I’m not a child.” Eleonora tries to smile.
“No.” Elia speaks from behind Edoardo, and Eleonora notices him. They look at each other for a long second and Elia nods. Edoardo has no idea what does that nod means but it seems like Ele does so he doesn’t question it.
“You guys go back inside,” she waves her hand “I’m gonna take a taxi” Eleonora offers them a smile.
“Come on, I’ll drive you home.” Edoardo steps closer.
“Ele, come on! I didn’t even finish my beer. Let me drive you home”. He pleads using his hands.
“I’m not a kid!” the change in her tone surprises Edoardo. “I can go on my own. I don’t need a babysitter.”
“I’m not babysitting you” he raises his voice pointing at his chest with a finger. “I care about you, and I don’t want you to go alone. Why is it so hard for you to accept help?” he lets his shoulders fall, sign of surrender.
“Edoardo.” Silvia whispers his name severely.
“Ele, you want me to go with you? Or Eva, maybe?” Elia tries after a moment of silence. Eleonora shakes her head and turns to face Edo. “Let’s go.” The boy nods and watches Elia pushing her into a side hug with his arm. “Don’t say anything to the others, okay? I don’t want to ruin their night.” Ele requires once he lets her go. Elia nods and the girl waits for Silvia to do the same before walking to Edoardo, who guides her to his car in silence.
 Saturday 23:20 – March 28, 2020 – let’s hurt tonight
 Edoardo stands awkwardly on Eleonora’s living room, watching her throw her purse and keys into the table next to them.
“You want tea?” she asks quietly. Edoardo nods and she makes her way into the kitchen.
It isn’t his first time at Ele’s home. It isn’t either his first time alone at Ele’s home but he can’t help feeling out of place. Maybe it is because they didn’t talk after he apologized for raising his voice, or maybe it is the fact that Eleonora’s hands were still shaking when she closed the door.
Edoardo forces his feet to move, just to get something to do. He walks around Ele’s small living room and observes the photos hanging on the white wall behind the sofa. There are a lot of photos, Eva with her parents, grandparents, Giovanni. Eva through the years, le matte in diverse scenarios, looking not older than sixteen in most of them. There are also photos of Ele but not as much as her roommate. There are some photos with Filippo when she was probably twelve or so. There’s one photo bigger than all of them, on the middle of the wall. Edoardo knows that photo, he remembers the day it was taken. It was the first Friday after winter break, all fifteen of them had dinner at Marti’s and Nico’s apartment and Silvia kept complaining that they didn’t had a photo as a group so, after several attempts they found the right place to settle the phone and get everyone into the frame. In the photo Eleonora has her head on his shoulder, and his own head’s tilted, too, brushing her forehead with some curls. She’s smiling beautifully.
“That’s a good one.” Eleonora says behind him, forcing Edoardo’s mind to return to the present. When he turns to face her, she’s extending her arm to him, offering a mug full of hot tea. Edoardo takes it, and they walk to the couch. Eleonora settles on it with her legs under her ass and Edoardo sits down on the table in front of her.
“What happened?” The boy asks after tasting his tea.
“Nothing.” Eleonora speaks looking down. “He wanted me to leave with him. I said ‘no’. He wanted to kiss me; I didn’t let him and he pressed me against the wall and, well, you showed up.” She looks up for a moment, before focusing her attention on the mug between her hands.”
“What else?” Edoardo ducks his head in an intent to catch her eyes.
“Ele, your hands are still shaking.” Eleonora grabs her mug firmer.
“He didn’t hurt me or touched me” she nods to emphasize her story. Edoardo’s looking at her with his elbows pressing each knee. He wants to holds her until her sad expression disappears but he knows he can’t. The last thing she needs right now is someone invading her space.
“It just…” she takes a deep breath. “I think it brought back bad memories” she shrugs and takes a sip of tea, waiting for her friend to react.
There are a thousand questions forming on Edoardo’s mind. Did someone hurt her? How? When? Who? Anger fills every corner of his body at the thought of someone, anyone putting a hand on her.
“I had a boyfriend.” She speaks absently. “He… wasn’t very nice to me” she clears her throat to stabilize her tone. “I had those memories buried deep down and what happened tonight brought them back, I guess. I just feel overwhelmed” she smiles with sadness and Edoardo can think straight. Next thing he knows, he’s on his knees in front of Eleonora, hugging her firmly, trying to take those memories away with his embrace. She’s relaxing into his arms and they stay like that for a while. Edoardo doesn’t really know how long but he doesn’t care either.
Moving one of his hands to cover her head he speaks slow. “You can cry if you want.” Eleonora snorts against his chest and holds him tighter.
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