#alice come home
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zombrifics · 4 months ago
alice wu gulliver appreciation post!!
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clairyclue · 14 days ago
(via scissorbby, cotdeath-blog-blog)
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howly · 3 months ago
headcanon: the boring perfect self control vampire bella thinks she has is a LIE and at one point she caught human scent mid-hunt and snapped. it made her so wild she had to be restrained to the point where things got ugly
i know edward would never dare to do it and meyer would never dare write it and in canon newborn vamp bella would be far stronger than him...
actually. you know who would be stronger than one young vampire? two old vampires. and who would act practical in a critical situation? emmett
imagine edward and bella heading out for a hunt and emmett being like "do you guys mind if i tag along? i feel like snacking". bella's a little mad at the prospect of suddenly having a third wheel (homegirl wasn't planning on just. hunting) but alice gets a weird hunch and goes "no, no, em should go with you" ok nostradamus. he's going.
fast forward they're in the mountain. bella finds having emmett third-wheeling is not half bad. in emmett's head, lowkey it's bella who's the third wheel after so many decades of him hunting together with edward. but nevertheless, it's so fun with her around. all is good until they catch the scent of an entire group of friends hiking just a couple of miles from here, away from all civilization. emmett and edward stop in their tracks, ready to turn around. bella, her guard down, loses it and stars running towards the group, so they have no choice but to charge at her. while strugging to keep her in place, they try to talk her down but she doesn't listen. she doesn't care, she's strong enough to fight them off, and she fights and claws and hisses and breaks bones of whoever gets in her way because there are so many pulses just a few minutes' run away from her and their scent is so sweet and burning and calling, calling, calling to her
while struggling to restrain her, emmett grunts "we have to disarm her". edward catches the image in his head and shouts "no! you can't literally disarm bella!". well, how the hell do you expect us to stop her from massacring all those hikers? we'll just put her back together afterwards. duh!, emmett thinks, and knows he has to act fast so he goes in while bella's busy yanking away from edward's grip and tears off a limb. or two. all 3 of them may or may not be screaming.
a few moments later edward's pinning bella to the ground, holding her face between his palms, forcing her to look at him. her thrashing is not so effective with limited body parts. part of him wants to yell at emmett but that's kind of low priority. he's holding on to the last of his composure while he looks down at bella's feral expression and chants 'baby. i'm so sorry but i'll give you your leg back after you calm down a bit. i won't be able to outrun you if you go chasing after those people now. please calm down. i love you. hold your breath'
just then she listens, stops breathing and her vision refocuses. for the first time she realizes she was on her way to slaughter a bunch of strangers and she broke the arm of the man she loves at least three times when he tried to stop her. she wants to open her mouth and apologize but that will require her to breathe and possibly go crazy with thirst again. so she stares back at edward's panicked eyes and nods at him, her own red eyes just as full of terror.
then she looks over his shoulder and sees emmett waving her severed leg in the air like it's a baseball bat. "hey, did you know that rose wears the same shoe size?"
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fru1typunch · 2 years ago
Good Omens season two is coming out a week before Heartstopper season two.
In honor of that I just wanted to remind everyone that canonically, Good Omens was one of Nick Nelson's bisexual realizations™ in Heartstopper lmao. And I of course have to mention Nick and Charlie dressing up as Aziracrow for Halloween afterwards, they are so precious. Two beloved silly little gay British book-to-screen series dropping their second seasons one week apart is gonna ruin me.
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And as always, like Nick said;
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sskinlikepuffpastry · 3 months ago
i was thinking about that theory of alicent being the one who poisons aegon and....... god, it would be like full circle and so gut wretchingly tragic my stomach turns with just thinking about it bc you are my child, my first born, my first baby, but i didn’t want you, i never wanted you, you were forced on me but you are my son so i love you, but i struggled with it but i loved you still because you are my son but i struggle with my love for you so i showed it terribly and i hurt you and then you grew up and i didn’t like you and you disappointed me but i love the bones of you but then i sold you to your enemy, who happens to be my soul’s desire, because i wanted to end the war bc i wanted to protect your sister and your child, so i sold you, you, who were the very same thing that cemented the end of our already broken bond, you the very reason why nothing was ever going to be the same, but i struggled with that as well bc you are my son but i knew, she said, that she had to take your head so i said yes. i sold you, my first born, to free myself, to protect my daughter and her baby and to rectified my mistakes, by doing the very same thing that froze me with fear for years, that made me rage and bitter and made you believe that you wanted something you did not but then you escaped and she was looking at me like i betrayed her, again, you were the reason she was cold and distant and cruel and far away while being so close but then you came back and you, you, you, you, once again are the reason why she’s gone. but this time i can’t reach her, this time i can’t go to her and offer your head because you knew, you always knew because you burned her in front of my eyes bc you are the reason, you and you and you and so i’m mad with sadness. my soul’s hallow. and all that duty, all that sacrificing, my own heavy cloak of righteousness, my rage, me loving you, me protecting you and your siblings, me giving you up was for absolutely fucking nothing because i kill you, me, me, me, me. your mother me. rhaenyra’s alicent’s me....... [GUNSHOT]
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deckedcards · 19 days ago
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elliekisser · 7 months ago
all ive ever wanted😔
creds to @obcrack on twitter
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jeyneofpoole · 4 months ago
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alicent hightower
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nona-gesimus · 1 year ago
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also this was sooo tim stoker to Me
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charliethinks · 8 months ago
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do you ever just
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aphemera · 3 months ago
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rough catelyn sketch with some fishies!!
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ride-thedragon · 10 months ago
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sunnysana · 2 months ago
Request are open btw!
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mallowwblossom · 7 months ago
Me genuinely tweaking after I realize that I have to wait at least another 2 years to see my glorious clever courteous gentle handsome daring prince:
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fox-guardian · 5 months ago
have u considered..... alice/celia toxic codependency?? where they only see sam in the other and alice cant stand a life with no same and celia is suffocating from the guilt
I've considered something Similar. I don't think it'd be so much "I see sam in you" and more just. "Hey this fucked up thing happened. Sam is gone. You're the only other one who gets it. Please don't leave" at least on alice's part, and celia is, yeah, mostly just. Horribly Guilty and low key sticking it out to see if the archivist going through too means that Sam can come back without issue, but the guilt and the lying is still Eating Her Alive. So she keeps close to alice, comforting and supporting her as best she can as a way to almost pre-make up for it without ever actually telling her the truth.
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somuchbetterthanthat · 5 months ago
On the one hand it's probably easier narratively if Sam ended up in the TMA universe, can hear all about the apocalypse and why his universe might have gotten the fears, etc.
On the OTHER HAND -- S2 being Sam desperately trying to find his own universe back, travelling through worlds upon worlds and realizing that as long as there are people, there are monstruous beings feeding off them and being worshipped by them. Sam slowly loosing sight of "just coming home" because it's so much bigger than his home, his world, their little problems. They can't get rid of the monsters in just one place. They can't destroy just /one/ universe.
They have to destroy it all.
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