#alias: 1x03
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robntunney · 1 year ago
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I don't know what it is about tequila. It's like a trigger. I always get this craving. No, it's more than a craving. When I drink tequila, ice cream becomes... Like a chaser? Like oxygen. Like a requirement. Freshman year, I didn't go to many parties. I couldn't even say "parties." But I did go to this one... I remember, I had some punch. It was mostly tequila and I got so wasted. It was pathetic.
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caluanthes · 2 years ago
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I saw death in Mary’s eyes, but then hindsight is always accurate. I will say a prayer for her.
ALIAS GRACE (2017) Zachary Levi as Jeremiah the Peddler and Sarah Gadon as Grace Marks
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lilsam96 · 4 months ago
In 1x03 of Alias when Sydney is talking to Francie about her dad. She has to lie to her about the context she saw him in, but she complains that the interaction felt empty -- or rather full of awkwardness and lame pauses.
Francie hits her with the "your dad is just.... Your dad."
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tvshowsheart · 5 years ago
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Sydney Bristow -> 1x03 Parity
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wandering-----wonderings · 5 years ago
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Sydney Bristow.
Anna Espinosa.
The Beginning.
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maaarine · 4 years ago
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Alias Grace 1x03
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brittany · 5 years ago
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EVERY EPISODE OF ALIAS — 1x03 - “Parity”
“SD-6 has a division whose sole responsibility is to track their agents and report back suspect activity. 'Your girl' is risking her life, and you yours, every time we lay eyes on each other. So, do me a favor: don't be so friendly.”
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readinginthereadyroom · 4 years ago
it’s the first contact job (lev 5x03) and eliot’s alias—willie riker—is both amazing and awful.
amazing because this episode is directed by commander william t riker himself jonathan frakes. and it’s an episode about aliens and out space. it’s a wonderful easter egg.
but in terms of the con it’s an awful awful choice. like c’mon hardison—you are canonically a trekkie and a genius. you are going to have to assume that every single sci-fi reference is off the table. because the mark would know it and be instantly suspicious.
and it’s not like willie riker is any sort of deep cut tng reference. like maybe billy cause in s1 deanna does refer to a pre-bearded riker as bill. it’s terrible and they (wisely) never do it again (st tng 1x03 and 1x11). or what about thomas riker? tommy. from that one time he’s cloned in a transporter accident (st tng 6x24)?
not to mention the mark has a riker action figure right next to his little seti computers. it’s just way too obvious. too risky. it could blow the con.
no. what they should’ve done is call eliot’s character johnnie frakes.
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falconsoldatlhiver1x03vf · 4 years ago
Falcon et le Soldat de l'Hiver 1x03 Saison 1 Épisode 3 streaming Série tv VF (français) complet gratuit
Falcon et le Soldat de l'Hiver 1x03 Saison 1 Épisode 3 Regarder Série tv - https://falcon-et-le-soldat-de-l-hiver-1x03.blogspot.com/
Isaiah Bradley. Beaucoup de gens parlent de moments qui changent la donne, qu'ils le veuillent ou non, mais l'introduction d'Isaïe est vraiment un moment important au MCU. L'une des bandes dessinées que je voulais le plus voir terminée, Isaiah est l'un des soldats super noirs que le gouvernement américain a créés pendant le temps de Steve Rogers sur la glace et il était même au niveau de Bucky lorsque les deux se sont affrontés pendant la guerre de la Corée. Contrairement au vénérable Steve Rogers, il n'a jamais été acclamé et a en fait été emprisonné pendant 30 ans. Sa scène est un coup de poing dans l'estomac pour Sam, ainsi que pour tout le public, non seulement qu'il y avait un autre super soldat, mais qu'il était noir. Depuis la Panthère noire, le MCU a fait plus pour raconter des histoires sur la race qui ressemblent à notre monde d'aujourd'hui et Isaiah est une histoire très courante. C'était une très belle introduction au personnage et une merveilleuse performance de Carl Lumbly. Le seul succès impliqué dans cette histoire que je n'aimais pas était Bucky disant à Sam qu'il n'avait jamais dit à Steve parce qu'il semble peu probable dans le monde du MCU que Steve n'aurait pas découvert ce projet, puisqu'il a mis tous les fichiers SHIELD sur le Internet, et cela ressemble probablement à un secret dont ils ont connaissance. Il semble narrativement pratique de le faire de cette façon, d'autant plus que nous savons qu'avec le personnage de Steve, il aimerait probablement aider Isaiah d'une manière ou d'une autre. Cela touche en quelque sorte le plus gros problème; Steve Rogers est une ombre portée sur toute la série et sur de nombreux personnages, mais c'est la première fois que les lunettes roses sont effectivement retirées. Jusqu'à présent, dans le programme, ils se sont concentrés sur les menaces internationales, les menaces extraterrestres et les uns sur les autres (les trois vrais géants), mais ils n'ont pas systématiquement traité de l'histoire des États-Unis. Faire grandir Hydra au sein du SHIELD est une chose, mais cela montre activement au pays à quoi il ressemble. Je soupçonne que cela fera partie intégrante de la raison pour laquelle Sam arrache le bouclier. Nous sommes menés dans un voyage qui, je crois, se terminera par Sam voulant être un exemple de ce à quoi devrait ressembler Captain America. En parlant de cela, l'actuel porteur de manteau John Walker… bébé, depuis que Bakugou est apparu pour la première fois à l'écran, il y avait un personnage que je voulais battre davantage. Il ressemble à une personne décente, mais honnêtement, il n'y a rien de spécial à son sujet. Bon sang, il a même un ami noir (nom de code Battlestar). Chili, le gouvernement des États-Unis n'aurait pas pu être plus paresseux dans la recherche d'un nouveau plafond s'il avait essayé. John est une personne utile et son style de combat laisse clairement à désirer, car il ne peut faire plus que jeter le bouclier du point A au point B.Son erreur la plus flagrante dans cet épisode était de savoir comment il a répondu au désir de travailler avec Bucky. et Sam. Pour le sage, il n'est probablement pas judicieux de mentionner à deux personnes qui ont eu des problèmes avec le gouvernement que vous les traquez ET que vous appelez l'un d'entre eux le bras droit de Steve. Ces deux hommes sont des Avengers, ils ont combattu Thanos et ses sbires, John aurait dû venir d'une manière plus humble. En tant que tel, il semble que les deux groupes d'hommes vont avoir une grande confrontation. Finalement, Bucky a beaucoup de problèmes, mais je ne peux pas croire que le thérapeute l'a entendu dire à Sam que si Steve avait tort à propos de Sam, alors peut-être qu'il s'était trompé à propos de lui et juste ... Fille, c'est un excellent aveu de la part d'un gars qui n'admet à peine rien! Mon cœur s'est brisé quand j'ai entendu Bucky dire ça et j'espère que cet homme trouvera la paix.
Précédemment dans The Falcon And The Winter Soldier: Sam Wilson, alias "The Falcon", travaille à nouveau avec l'US Air Force et sauve l'un de ses membres: un capitaine de l'armée de l'air pris en otage par un groupe terroriste appelé LAF Il doit ensuite s'occuper de donner le bouclier de Captain America au gouvernement (ce qui lui dit que faire ainsi est la bonne décision) pour qu'il soit diffusé sur le Smithsonian, et pour aider sa sœur, Sarah, à maintenir son entreprise de pêche afin que le The le bateau familial n'a pas besoin d'être vendu. Bucky Barnes, qui a été gracié pour les crimes qu'il a commis lors du lavage de cerveau en tant que soldat de l'hiver, a participé à des séances de thérapie requises par le gouvernement (dans lesquelles il refuse d'admettre à son thérapeute qu'il fait toujours des cauchemars sur les crimes qu'il a commis pendant le lavage. en tant que soldat) et faire de son mieux pour se faire pardonner. Un groupe terroriste appelé Flag-Smashers, qui croit fermement que la vie était meilleure pendant The Blip The Snap sans frontières et sans ordre, et qui veut que le monde adopte à nouveau ce mode de vie. Et Sam apprend rapidement que la raison pour laquelle le gouvernement a dit que leur donner le bouclier était la bonne chose à faire était de pouvoir le donner au nouveau Captain America, qui est présenté au monde lors d'une conférence de presse. LES PUBLICITÉS L'HISTOIRE JUSQU'À MAINTENANT: Sam et Bucky se croisent une fois de plus lorsque Bucky confronte Sam à propos de son refus d'accepter le manteau de Captain America. Les deux se retrouvent dans un avion à destination de Munich, où Bucky accompagne Sam dans sa mission de suivre une cargaison de vaccins volée par les Flag Crushers. La tentative de Sam et Bucky de les arrêter n'est ni facile ni réussie, et cela n'aide pas lorsque John Walker (connu sous le nom de nouveau Captain America) se joint à la bataille pour essayer d'arrêter également les Flag Crushers. Bucky informe Sam d'un secret inquiétant sur l'histoire de Super-Soldier Serum, et comment lui et Steve Rogers n'étaient pas les premiers ou les seuls à le recevoir à ce moment-là. Captain America 2.0 se rend vite compte que Sam et Bucky n'ont aucun intérêt à travailler avec lui, et les Flag-Smashers sont bientôt pourchassés non seulement par les autorités, mais par un mystérieux individu connu sous le nom de The Power Broker. CE QUI EST BON DANS CET ÉPISODE?: Sam et Bucky apparaissent enfin ensemble à l'écran et se tordent comme eux seuls. Bucky essayant de sauver Karli Morgenthau (joué par Erin Kellyman, que certains d'entre vous reconnaîtront comme Enfys Nest dans Solo: A Star Wars Story) parce qu'il pense qu'elle est l'otage des Flag Crushers, seulement pour qu'elle dissipe cette confusion en lui donnant un coup de pied à quinze mètres de l'arrière d'un camion à dix-huit roues en mouvement. John Walker, également connu sous le nom de Captain America 2.0, se prépare à assumer la responsabilité de ce qui est à venir puis à être présenté au monde (avec ses compétences et ses qualifications) à travers un entretien individuel avec Good Morning America. La séquence de combat entre Sam et Bucky et Captain America 2.0 et Battlestar (également connu sous le nom de Lemar Hoskins, partenaire de Cap 2.0 et meilleur ami de Black) contre Karli et le reste des Flag-Smashers. Cap 2.0 et Battlestar font de leur mieux pour vaincre Sam et Bucky au début, pour dire les mauvaises choses et finir par échouer lamentablement. Sam et Bucky se rendent à Baltimore pour rencontrer Isaiah Bradley (joué par le légendaire acteur Carl Lumbly), un super soldat afro-américain qui a acquis ses compétences en 1942 après avoir été contraint de passer des tests dans lesquels le gouvernement américain a tenté de recréer le sérum de super-soldat. qui a été donné à Steve Rogers, et qui a combattu Bucky-as-the-Winter Soldier pendant la guerre de Corée en 1952 avant d'être envoyé en prison pendant trente ans et constamment expérimenté (même par des scientifiques d'HYDRA) pour plus de tentatives de recréer le sérum . Sam étant confronté à des flics blancs qui pensent qu'il est une menace pour Bucky jusqu'à ce qu'ils le reconnaissent et réalisent qui il est vraiment (et avant qu'ils ne mettent Bucky en état d'arrestation pour avoir raté son rendez-vous de thérapie, bien qu'ils soient toujours beaucoup plus gentils avec Bucky que cela ne l'était pour Sam).
Falcon et le Soldat de l'Hiver 1x03 Saison 1 Épisode 3 meilleur Série tv Falcon et le Soldat de l'Hiver 1x03 Saison 1 Épisode 3 meilleurs Série tvs Falcon et le Soldat de l'Hiver 1x03 Saison 1 Épisode 3 Série tvs à voir français Falcon et le Soldat de l'Hiver 1x03 Saison 1 Épisode 3 regarder Série tv streaming Falcon et le Soldat de l'Hiver 1x03 Saison 1 Épisode 3 les meilleurs Série tvs Falcon et le Soldat de l'Hiver 1x03 Saison 1 Épisode 3 top Série tvs Falcon et le Soldat de l'Hiver 1x03 Saison 1 Épisode 3 Série tv streaming gratuit Falcon et le Soldat de l'Hiver 1x03 Saison 1 Épisode 3 Série tv à voir Falcon et le Soldat de l'Hiver 1x03 Saison 1 Épisode 3 top Série tv Falcon et le Soldat de l'Hiver 1x03 Saison 1 Épisode 3 regarder Série tv complet gratuit en français online
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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier 1x03 Stagione 1 Episodio 3 streaming completi serie TV online italiano
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L'episodio 2 di The Falcon and the Winter Soldier riprende con una conferenza stampa introduttiva per il nuovo Captain America prima di approfondire l'azione principale di Bucky e Sam che si riuniscono per cercare di seguire i Flag Smashers, i loro scontri con il nuovo Captain America John Walker e il suo amico Battlestar e Bucky che presentano a Sam una persona importante.
Nelle puntate precedenti di The Falcon And The Winter Soldier: Sam Wilson, alias "The Falcon", sta ancora una volta lavorando con l'Aeronautica Militare degli Stati Uniti e salvando uno dei suoi membri: un capitano dell'Aeronautica militare tenuto in ostaggio da un gruppo terroristico chiamato LAF Deve quindi occuparsi di dare lo scudo di Capitan America al governo (il che gli dice che farlo è la decisione giusta) per farlo vedere sullo Smithsonian e per aiutare sua sorella, Sarah, a continuare la sua attività di pesca in modo che il The la barca familiare non ha bisogno di essere venduta. Bucky Barnes, che è stato graziato per i crimini commessi durante il lavaggio del cervello come Soldato d'Inverno, ha partecipato a sessioni di terapia richieste dal governo (in cui rifiuta di ammettere al suo terapeuta che ha ancora incubi sui crimini commessi durante il lavaggio del cervello. come soldato) e facendo del loro meglio per fare ammenda. Un gruppo terroristico chiamato Flag-Smashers, che crede fermamente che la vita fosse migliore durante The Blip The Snap senza confini e che vuole che il mondo adotti di nuovo quel modo di vivere. E Sam apprende presto che il motivo per cui il governo ha detto che dare loro lo scudo era la cosa giusta da fare era che potessero effettivamente darlo al nuovo Capitan America, che viene presentato al mondo in una conferenza stampa. ANNUNCI LA STORIA FINO AD ORA: Sam e Bucky si incrociano ancora una volta quando Bucky affronta Sam sul suo rifiuto di accettare il mantello di Capitan America. I due finiscono su un aereo per Monaco, dove Bucky accompagna Sam nella sua missione per rintracciare una spedizione di vaccini rubata dai Flag Crushers. Il tentativo di Sam e Bucky di fermarli non è facile né ha successo, e non aiuta quando John Walker (noto come il nuovo Capitan America) si unisce alla battaglia per cercare di fermare anche i Flag Crushers. Bucky informa Sam di un inquietante segreto sulla storia del Super-Soldier Serum e di come lui e Steve Rogers non fossero i primi o gli unici a riceverlo in quel momento. Captain America 2.0 si rende presto conto che Sam e Bucky non hanno alcun interesse a lavorare con lui, e gli Spaccabandiera vengono presto braccati non solo dalle autorità, ma da un misterioso individuo noto come The Power Broker. COSA C'È DI BENE IN QUESTO EPISODIO ?: Sam e Bucky finalmente appaiono sullo schermo insieme e fanno headbanging come solo loro possono. Bucky cerca di salvare Karli Morgenthau (interpretata da Erin Kellyman, che alcuni di voi riconosceranno come Enfys Nest in Solo: A Star Wars Story) perché crede che sia ostaggio dei Flag Crushers, solo per lei per chiarire questa confusione prendendolo a calci a quindici metri dal retro di un camion a diciotto ruote in movimento. John Walker, noto anche come Captain America 2.0, si prepara ad assumersi la responsabilità di ciò che verrà e poi viene presentato al mondo (insieme alle sue abilità e qualifiche) attraverso un'intervista individuale con Good Morning America. La sequenza di combattimento tra Sam e Bucky e Captain America 2.0 e Battlestar (noto anche come Lemar Hoskins, partner di Cap 2.0 e migliore amico di Black) contro Karli e il resto dei Flag-Smashers. Cap 2.0 e Battlestar fanno del loro meglio per vincere su Sam e Bucky all'inizio, solo per dire le cose sbagliate e finire per fallire miseramente. Sam e Bucky vanno a Baltimora per incontrare Isaiah Bradley (interpretato dal leggendario attore Carl Lumbly), un super soldato afroamericano che ha acquisito le sue abilità nel 1942 dopo essere stato costretto a superare i test in cui il governo degli Stati Uniti ha cercato di ricreare il Super-Soldier Serum che è stato dato a Steve Rogers, e che ha combattuto contro Bucky-as-the-Winter Soldier durante la guerra di Corea nel 1952 prima di essere mandato in prigione per trent'anni e costantemente sperimentato (anche dagli scienziati dell'HYDRA) per ulteriori tentativi di ricreare il siero . Sam viene affrontato da poliziotti bianchi che pensano che sia una minaccia per Bucky fino a quando non lo riconoscono e realizzano chi è veramente (e prima di mettere Bucky agli arresti per aver mancato all'appuntamento di terapia, anche se sono ancora molto più gentili con Bucky di quanto lo fossero per Sam).
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robntunney · 1 year ago
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one ALIAS per episode | 1x03 parity
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caluanthes · 2 years ago
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I liked being early to rise. That way, I could pretend for a little while that the house was all my own.
ALIAS GRACE (2017) Sarah Gadon as Grace Marks
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aspiestvmusings · 4 years ago
SPOILERS for WandaVision..up to ep 8
throughout WV & MCU: 
First look at Westview Wanda driving through WestView as she first arrives in reality - the town & the people seem in a non-happy state (people alone & depressed, town in ruins, she alone) in 1x08 flashback VS Wanda & Vision driving through WestView as they first arrive in the TV freality (everyone fake-happy & not alone, buildings & businesses flourishing  in 1x01
Wanda creating new "life" Wanda's birthing screams & energy spending: Wanda "giving birth" to Vision in ep 8 VS Wanda giving birth to the twins in ep 3. I feel like in a way her subconcious was reminding her of the "birthing pains"
Heart & abbreviating The heart drawn on the wall calendar on the date Friday, August 23rd was an abbreviation & was referring to Vision's boss & his wife coming to dinner in 1x01... when neither could remember the significance of the heart or date. Also... "Who needs to abbreviate?" (when theyre both superheroes) VS The heart Vision drew on the property deed of the land he bought for them. Next to the text "to grow old in" - V. (abbreviating his name) in the 1x08 flashback VS The heart on the calendar on the Date Wednesday the 10th in the opening credits for Wandas sitcom freality in 1x07 VS The heart on top of a building in the 1x02 episode sitcom intro
  Skeleton in the closet In 1x01 Vision tells his boss Mr. Hart that no, he does not have a skeleton, when he's asked if he has a skeleton in his closet VS In the 1x02 sitcom opening credits we see Vision go through walls & floor/ceiling. As he moves downstairs from the closet we see wht appears to be a spider & spiderweb there. And... bones.
Flourish! Vision as the magician Illusion using the phrase "fllourish!" for his magic tricks (that Agatha messes up & Wanda corrects) in the TV-freality in 1x02 VS Wanda after seing the state of the town & people (that to her seem like her own experience) making the place flourish (alive again)! 1x08 flashback
Stop it! Ms. Hart keeps saying "Stop it!" (with more & more concerned voice) as Mr. Hart chokes in 1x01 VS Wanda keeps saying "Stop it!" (with more & more concerned voice) when she sees Visions body being dismantled...like a machine in the 1x08 flashback.
  To grow old in... Vision's plan was for them to move from big city to a small town, build a house & start a family/life together. Grow old together (even if he as a synthezoid presumbly doesn't grow old like Wanda as human would. Though maybe his human form could & perhaps she as  Nexus being/witch can/will live for centuries..but they didn't know it back then?) as he had planned their life together in IW (making me suspicious if they got engaged or something...) as revealed in WV 1x08 flashback to the property deed that lead Wanda to WestView VS Wanda creating a sitcom world where decades change...she literally created an alternate reality where they live his plan for them..they grow old together..in a small town... as seen throughout the WV show...
  Watching sitcoms on TV: Wanda & Vision family watching TV  every night before going to bed in Wanda's TV freality on WV VS Wanda watching TV with her family in Sokovia - the last happy memory before trauma hit her (1x08 flashback scene) VS Wanda & Vision first bonding at the Avengers compound while watching TV together (1x08 flashback scene). He's learning "being human" with her help & she's learning about dealing with her trauma with his help.
  Traditional Sokovian greeting In 1x01 Vision saves the day by calling Wanda covering the bosses eyes with her hands " a traditional sokovian greeting" when she thinks she's welcoming her husband home VS in the 1x08  flashback to her childhood we see that her mother covers her eyes with her hands the same way. Yet another subconcious detail from her real life.
Made-up superhero names: Hayward asking JImmy in 105 is Wanda has an alias or nickname “No funny nickname?” VS in 1x08 Agatha giving her a “nickname/alias when she says "...and that makes you The Scarlett Witch" ... Only...in this context it seems more like  royal title than a superhero nickname.
Shakespeare Vision quoting Shakespeare in WV 1x02 VS Shakespeare mention related to Trevor Slattery in IM3
 Universe of Colour
The paint cans that Wanda & Vision use to paint the nursery in WV episode 1x03 are Simser brand (crew member), but they also feauture other text, like "universe of color"VS the colours of each charactes magic...will make up a whoe spectrum/rainbow...especially in finale battle...
All these colours combined...give you the colours of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet)...so  do expect there to be a rainbow above WestView...at the end of WV, cause that would tie into the coours of the different magic + it never raining/always being sunny in sitcom reality as it does rain outside the reality...and the spectrum (Monica's powers) of colours of a rainbow appear to us when sunshine + rain are combined
Wanda's magic powers are red (like aether/reality stone...and she can warp reality, even though her powers were amplified by the yelllow mind stone).
Vision's magic powers are yellow (just like the Mind Stone that gave him life)
Monica's magic powers are blue ("thanks to her connection to Captain Marvel, who got her powers form the blue space stone?")
Agatha's powers are purple...with a bit of black mixed to it (like the power stone is...but she seems to absorb others powers that are other colour: the blue magic of the other witches in her coven & the red magic of Wanda's)
Billy's/Wiccan's powers are ???
Tommy's/Speed's powers are ???
Fietro's/Quicksilvers powers are ???
Dr.Strange's powers are orange (like the soul stone, even if his task is to protect the green time stone)
Dottie's colour is yellow...it seems...based on her flowers.
Mind-reading & Visions of the future/past Wanda reading Tony's mind in &  showing him a vision of the future trama...amplifying his deep fears about not being able to save the world & Ccommenting how she didnt need to do much, because he was so ful of self doubt, fear & all that.. in A2: AoU VS Agatha reading Wanda's mind & showing her visios of her past trauma...amplifying her deep sorrow & commenting how she is so full of self doubt & hope that it didnt take much to trick her with Fietro.... in WV 1x08
I just (can't) feel you
When the Mind Stone keeps "hurting" Vision, Wanda "reads the stones mind" says "I just feel you" to Vision in the beginning of A3:IF VS As Wanda is destroying the Mind Stone & Vision is dying, too, he tels her "You could never hurt me. I just feel you" at the end of A3:IW VS When Wanda is trying to connect to/with Vision on the table at SWORD, she cannot & she says "I can't feel you" in the 1x08 flashback scene.
Visions of the dead Wanda seeing Vision dressed as the WV character, but looking exactly like when he died in A3: IW w. the mindstone ripped out... in WV 1x0? VS Wanda seeing Fietro dressed as the WV character, but looking exactly like when he died in A2AoU w. the bulletholes in the shirt in WV 1x06 VS Peter seeing Tony as an Iron-Zombie rising from the grave in the illusion Mysterio created to play tricks on him in SM2: FFH
  Hammers Wanda giving Vision the meat tenderizer (it looks like a small hammer) & him holding it in WV ep 1x01 VS Vision lifting & giving Thor's hammer (Mjölnir) to Thor in A2: AoU
  Plants When Agnes introduces hersef to the new neighbours she brings a plants as a housewarming gift in WV episode 1x01 VS This is the first things that glitches in episode 1x07 as Wanda "loses control" of reality
The fallen pose Vision in A3: IW after Thanos killed him VS Vision in WV ep 1x06/1x07 after exiting the hex & faling apart VS Monica in WV ep 1x03 /1x04 after being thrown out from the hex VS Nat in A4:E after falling on Vormir...
Half of the universe When we see Wanda drive through Westview as she first arrives we see that she sees only half of the people - everyone she sees is alone... it's like half of the people are still missing (even if the blip happened & the missing are returned). Westview looks like the world during the 5 years she missed, half of everything gone, people missing their otehr half. This is excty how she is feeling & exactly what happened to her in A3: IW...Thanos first took half of her away by kiling Vision, and when she returned her world was still in the same state...she did not get the happy ending (that Tony talked about in his goodbye message & what the news report on screens...about happy family reunions)...her worls is still in ruins...figuratively & literally... as is WestView...at first glance...to her. The state of WV in the flashback represents the state of the universe during the five years she was gone.
  SNAP "Sugar Snaps" - the name of the breakfast cereal Wanda eats in 1x07 VS word SNAP is on a billboard for Lagos towels in WV 1x08 flashback VS  Thanos snapping his fingers in A3: IW & wiping half of he universe "out of existence" VS  Agnes snaps her fingers in 1x08 as the illusion fades..and she sits in audience VS Agens’ line “this menu can be done in a snap” in ep 1x01 
Life under a dome/hex (bubble): Wakanda is located inside a giant protective dome/bubble - an "invisible" energy field protects it & the barrier stops intruders VS Wanda creates a giant protective dome/bubble (hex-shaped) around WestView - an "invisible" energy field that stops people from entering or exiting...
STAGES OF GRIEF The show is abotu the past, and the future. About different realities. About grief, loss & moving on. About the stages of grief. If you pay attention  you can see references to eaach stage in Wanda’s behaviour throughout the episodes... 
10 = X The age when Wanda's powers manifested... probability hex...was age 10  VS When Billy & Tommys powers manifested... mind reading & speed they were 10 VS 10 = X (roman numerals) = X-gene (mutants)
Hero or Villain "Be good" - Vision to Wanda, WV 1x06 VS "I can be good" - Agatha & "No, you cannot" - Agatha's mom, WV 1x08 flashback
Wanda VS Tony "Don't let them make you the villain" - Monica & "Maybe I already am" - Wanda. WV 1x07 = The world sees Wanda as a villain (after Lagos, during the Hex), & she's struggled with this all her life. She is afraid of her own powers, just like regular people are. She doesn't fully understand them either. Vision was the only one who didn't see her as the villain. She is punishing herself for her mistakes. In many ways her backstory, and story arc, and mental state are very similar to Tony's. 
  Grief Monica & Wanda - their experiences are similar. Both blipped, lost loved one...twice. Both grieving... The way Monica describes the feeling she felt when under Wanda’s mind control = is the same as Wanda explained her feelings to Vision in the Flashback to Avengers compound “drowning...” 
Control vs Chaos Wanda can & does control everyone & everything within the hex, except: Vision (though she cerated him & he is essentially part of her, she can't control him), the Twins (she can't control them with her powers, and they have powers of their own, separate from hers and Visions), Fietro (who is under Agathas spell...in a way) & Agatha (who plays along), and later on Monica. Everything & everyone follows her script & directions...exctly, but not these superpowered individuals.
People think that order & chaos are opposites - Vision, A2: AoU
Wanda & Vision are connected in many ways. They've been connected even before they met. Both got powered up by the Mind Stone. Which awakened the magical powers in Wanda & gave life to Visions corporal form. They are also connected via Tony Stark: Wanda's trauma was caused by Tony's past mistakes & Vision's humanity was created by Tony’s attempts to build a better future. They are so much of the same MIND STONE. He's science & order and she's magic & chaos... two sides of the same thing... Vision started out as Jarvis & was supposed to be all about order (he started out as pure science...trech). Jarvis is in many ways Tony's best creation - he's all good. But Wanda is chaos..that she needs to learn to control (Agatha didn’t find a teacher, Wanda should...)
It’d be too long if I’d inlude also the commercials & the group chants “this is all for the children” (not expained yet, will be ...soon) So a lot is missing from this list... 
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tvshowsheart · 5 years ago
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Sydney Bristow -> 1x03 Parity
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fallenandthefaithless · 5 years ago
Flashing Before Our Eyes
The final season of Supernatural has had so many callbacks to previous seasons which many people have already commented on. Overall, it has lent this season a distinctive nostalgic feeling, almost like the shows life is flashing before our eyes.
This is mostly for my own notekeeping so apologies if someone else has already written this.
Here is my list so far of the callbacks in season 15:
- The Famous Final Scene by Bob Segar (9x10 - Kevin’s funeral) - The Woman in White (1x01) - Bloody Mary (1x05) - Gacy Clown (14x13)
- Kevin himself (s7-9, 11) - Amara (s11) - the soul bomb (11x23) - Ketch (BMoL - s12-14)
- Bel’s attempt to consume the Hell ghosts (mirror to Godstiel - 6x22-7x01) - Rowena’s sacrifice (mirrors Sam’s sacrifice in 5x22)
- Benny (s8) - Becky Rosen (s5, 7) - demon!Sam (s4)
- Lilith (s3-4) - Lucifer!Sam (5x04 and 5x22) - MoC!Dean (s9-10) - Agents Ford and Hamill (1x03) - Lilith destroys the Equalizer (mirrors Dagon destroying the Colt - 12x19)
- Eileen (s11-12) - Cas uses Clarence as his alias (9x03 and a reference to Meg - s5-8)
- Sergai (14x07) - Mentions ghost sickness (4x06)
- demon tablet (s8-9, 13x14) - Adam Milligan (s4-5) - Michael (s5) - Purgatory (s8)
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brittany · 6 years ago
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ALIAS  |  1x03
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