#ali-kitkat writes
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monsteralikat19 · 1 year ago
Marinette: Why is coming up with ideas so hard?
Jason: Creativity is a spring and sometimes the beavers say fuck you.
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ali-kitkat · 1 year ago
heres a lil drabble i've been working on for a bit, its not beta read so lemme know if anything needs editting. but enjoy.
Damian was setting up the crib in the nursery while Marinette was sitting in a rocking chair to his right. He had a hard time believing that this was his life. He married his beloved, and now they were expecting a baby girl. They still hadn't chosen a name even though the baby was due any day now.
Damian paused in his task and turned to admire Marinette. She looked beautiful as she started to sing a lullaby, resting one hand on her stomach.
Sometimes it seemed like a gift, almost too good to be true.
"What about Atiye?" Damian asked suddenly, and Marinette cocked her head in confusion.
"For the baby," he clarified, "Atiye."
"Atiye," she repeated tentatively, "Atiye Wayne."
She smiled at him and nodded, and he felt his own lips pull into a grin.
"Does it have a meaning?" she questioned.
"It means gift," Damian said and walked over to Marinette and knelt down in front of her, "especially from Allah."
"Oh Damian, it's perfect," she whispered and pulled him up into a kiss. It was short as Marinette wheezed a second into it. "It seems baby Atiye agrees with us."
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yurozo · 6 months ago
HI ALI!! MY SWEET! MY LOVE! I love reading your work so much. I can’t stop giggling every time I visualize the goofy things you write for the RE characters. This isn’t really a request but you can totally expand on them if you’d like!
For the university AU, Chris seems like the type of guy that carries change around and it just clatters in his fucking pockets. The sole reason for this is because he LOVES buying things from vending machines. He gets so pissed when a bag of chips gets stuck. He’d give it a hard kick from frustration and now it’s raining down with everything the vending machine has. Chris starts panicking and feeling guilty, so he grabs all of it and stuff it in his bag. He’ll give it to the people he sits next to in his lectures.
Ada’s the type of person who will NEVER EVER pay for a parking pass because of the insane prices. It’s not that she doesn’t have the money, it truly just pisses her off. It’s been a few semesters in and she still hasn’t gotten caught. The only reason why she had to pay for this semester was because Luis said it a little too loudly that she’s been off the hook for too long. AND OH BOY SHE WAS ANNOYED, so he becomes the sober designated driver after parties for months as punishment.
Leon’s the type of guy who never misses class so you tend to ask him for notes when you get sick. But his handwriting is absolute dogshit and it doesn’t help that he doodles with blinding highlighter colors. Sometimes, there’s mysterious food stains on it after crying over a math problem and the only thing that would make him feel better is a king sized kitkat bar.
ERM ANYWAY, I’ll be sending more random thoughts as they come. LOTS OF LOVE!! 😲💝
MY HEART!! i read this on the train home and i was giggling to myself like a maniac it made me so happy :D please please send me your personal headcanons, or anyone else for that matter, they mean so much to me. together we can overtake capcom and make it canon chris also strikes me as a guy who just throws things into his backpack, so you can always hear him coming down the hall because his pockets and bag are jingling like crazzyyyy. i know that man has to keep a high protein count to supply those muscles so he's always chewing on something during lecture. i feel it in my bones that he just pulls out an entire tupperware of chicken and rice while the prof is talking and starts chowing down.
and ada driving to campus is so real, and she definitely has a super nice car. i firmly believe that she had a fling/flirts with a frat guy for the sole reason of being able to park her car in front of their house so she doesn't have to pay for parking (totally not inspired by irl experience). ada and luis friendship just means so much to me.
i literally love when people headcanon leon as being kind of lame because so many people overlook that aspect of him. the blinding highlighter colours is soo real, like leon would either have super neat writing or it looks like someone is writing with their mouth. i think because leon is really intelligent that his notes are always kind of chaotic and messy, like there's no linear path to the way he writes. there's arrows and random circles everywhere and he is the only person that can decode it
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alitwebster · 1 year ago
These past weeks, you had felt like a stranger so many times, Ali started pronouncing your name at the end of sentences, as if he were making sure that he was not forgetting it. You felt so far away, yet all he wanted to do was fill that ravine that was settling between you two. He said your name after every « good morning » and before any favors he’d ask. Every bit of English would be squeezed before or after your name, as if you held the whole language in his throat. You once were all he could talk about, why was it that now, you were the only one he felt he couldn’t talk to ? He missed you, that's why he did everything he could to be your +1 tonight. He didn't want to miss out on another opportunity to spend time with you. He felt ashamed about the nights he'd spent outside, he felt ashamed to be in this city with you and not being able to truly be with you. He wanted you to be a pair again, he wanted to find the life you had in Scotland back. Maybe it would never be the same, but Ali wasn’t ready to hear that just yet. You had made the past present again one, why couldn’t you now ? That’s what you did. You worked on the past to write a new chapter. However, the following one seemed awfully long to come.
You certainly weren’t at the wedding phase, but making a joke was your favorite way of communicating right now. It put distance, because there wasn’t enough already, apparently. It disguised the words, covered them in fake lightness. God he hated the way you two talked these days, yet he was unable to talk any other way. That’s why he joked about the KitKat. Because you were having a break. Get it ? Have a break, have a KitKat ? Clearly, you didn’t get it. Well, who would have ? Seriously… You didn’t get it, and uttered an angry comment back.
Ali took a step back and didn’t say anything else the first few seconds. Actually, he stuttered in a low voice, but quickly shut it. « I wasn’t… »
He took one big breath in and started again. « Okay. I can’t do this anymore. Smile at everyone and have this version of you when we are alone. I wanted to be here tonight, I wanted to make an effort, enjoy a sweet night together. What are you not in the mood for, huh ? Cuz it sure as hell seems like you re not in the mood for us. I’ll be at home, if you decide you’d like to talk. This is not the place, nor the time, to do this. »
Ali turned around, and rubbed a hand on his face as he was leaving. « Fucking hell. » he sighed.
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Aindreis had been invited to the wedding by Johnny, who he'd met when he first arrived. When you told him that the diner was catering that same event, he'd hoped you'd still be able to be his +1. While being invited to such an event in East Haven made him feel like he belonged here a little more, he wasn't sure he could survive the whole thing by himself. He was so glad you were there, even if you sometimes went your separate ways for a bit. Honestly, that felt like a metaphor for how you two were nowadays. Physically in the same place, but mentally away. And sometimes, not even physically close.
He'd been talking to someone on his way back from the bathroom and suddenly felt like he needed some air. And a cigarette. He was slowly getting better with his time off, even if it was difficult to totally stay away. He still hadn't found a way to tell you. He'd pushed the moment and now it felt weird to just say it out of the blue. It would only get worse now. But like everything else that was getting worse, he was clueless on how to fix it.
He heard some steps and hoped it was you and not some rando he'd have to make small talk with. He was relieved to hear your voice. Shortly because your question, while being a joke, did poke in a hurtful place. While he didn't think either of you was ready for it in any way, he'd wondered at some point if he should talk about it. At least ask you how you felt about the whole thing. Aindreis wasn't deadly set on getting married, but he did thought it a nice thing to do. If you didn't, he wouldn't care. But now, that wasn't even why he didn't want to ask.
"It's kinda rude to propose at someone else's wedding." He chuckled, hiding something else. "I just needed air." And silence and peace. While things had been difficult lately, you were still peace and calm for him.
However, he scoffed a little at your other words. Calling the kettle black, eh? "And some people drink." Not only were you definitely not in a position to judge his coping mechanisms, smoking at been a way for him to give up something less important. Like his sobriety, which you hadn't been a great help with lately. "If you're here to scold me, you can go back inside. I'm not in the mood."
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maribat-newsletter · 4 years ago
Maribat Feature Creator
Meet this week’s Feature Maribat Creator:
Well known for their Daminette works, this creator continues to be a supported and active member of the Maribat community. 
You can find this creator on AO3 by logging into your AO3 account and Tumblr ( @ali-kitkat).
Check out some of their fantastic works by viewing the following tags: #ali kitkat’s writing and #ali kitkat writes. 
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bluerosette23 · 5 years ago
Maribat MASTERLIST ~ Pg1
Maribat Masterlist. (Updated: Feb 22, 2019) 
Page1 >     [Daminette December Masterlist]
by @ozmav​ Damian Wayne  ~  AO3  Damian Always Answers The Phone When Marinette Calls Damian Wayne:Most Overprotective Spouse/Father in BatFam HC  Daminette HC Finding Out  ~  AO3 Heroes and Villains  ~  AO3  Jason VS Adrien  ~  AO3  JL Reaction to Daminette  Lucky Bug & The Rogues  ~  AO3 Kagami Meets Damian  ~  AO3 MariDami Pitch  Of Sleepy Bugs & Worried Birds  ~  AO3  Phone Calls  ~  AO3 Puzzles & Luck  ~  AO3 Quality Time/Moments  ~  AO3 Question Of A Lifetime  ~  AO3 Teen Titans HC Wine Aunts AU/HC
by @18-fandoms-unite-08​ I Didn’t Know I Needed You When You Needed Me Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3  Prompts [Masterlist]  Decision ~ The Demonic Duo ~ Myself, I Will Focus On ~ A Sign ~ I’ve Missed You ~ Wounds ~ It’s Not Your Fault ~ Blood ~ Please Tell Me ~ It’s Been A While, Hasn’t It? ~ Friend Zoned, Hard Zoned ~ I’m Not The One To Blame ~ I Don’t Care, Not Anymore 
by @2sunchild2 A Guy That I’d Kinda Be Into A Pen Pal’s Advice in Butt Kicking Betrothed AU [Prompt] Bird Watching  Daminette AU:Slow Burn Daminette AU: The Disneyland Tragedy Daminette God AU  Genderbend!Daminette  Facetime Failure Happy Birthday Disaster  Hostage [Prompt] I Can Get You A Date With One of Them [Prompt] Just Watch:Daminette AU Male!MarixDamian [Prompt] Retro was Always in Style  They Just Don’t Know You Songfic Totally A Duo [Jasonette] Treasure When Karma Bites Back  
by @7701deathlyhalfbloodprincess Miracles In Gotham  ~  AO3 Prologue ~ CH1
by @a-la-la-llama​  Daminette Song Fic ~ The One Where Marinette Steals The Batmobile Aged Up Daminette Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3  Blueberry Maribat Pt1 ~ Pt2 
by @a-marlene-s​  BioDad!Bruce + Male!Mari  Jason Is Very Picky With Who’s He’s Soft For [Jasonette] Tall!Mari/Short!Damian  Futuristic Miraculous [TerRi] Pt1 ~ Pt2  Gotham Nine-Nine [Timari] (collab with ladylucina28)  Background ~ Ranks ~ Preferred Drink of Choice ~ Mari’s Thoughts on G99 CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3  Lady Noir And Red Robin [Timari]  Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3   I Nearly Got Ran Over By The Batmobile: Twitter AU Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 Unknown Reality [Jasonette] Preface ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 
by @akalei Ladybug Young Justice Masterpost ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 
by @alexiessan  Never Alone  ~  AO3 Masterlist ~ CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~ CH9 
by @ali-kitkat Audacity  ~  AO3 CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4  Fear Toxin  ~  AO3 Hisses & Scratches CH1  Summer Gardenia (Valentine’s Special)  Pt1  The Bat’s and Bug’s Prank War Series  ~  AO3 The Beginning Of The End ~ The Plot of Revenge ~ Marinette’s Revenge  What’s A Sham? Our Childhood  ~  AO3  CH1 ~ CH2 
by @alycesaysno Beyond Miraculous  ~  AO3 CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 
by @amlesi Don’t Lie ~ Trust Me
by AnonymousWriter15 Birds And Butterflies  ~  AO3 
by @aquariusrunes BatFam Meets MLB Meets Edna Mode The Superfriends AU Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt2.5 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7 ~ Pt8 ~ Pt9 ~ Pt10 ~ Pt11 
by @arsaem Marinette’s Balcony Club OG Post ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 
by @artxyra​  [MASTERLIST] Daminette AU Idea TA Marinette - DC Version  The Robin’s Angel  Thief!Marinette  Untitled Piece #1 Another DC TA Marinette Story Pt1 ~ Pt2 Daminette Twins AU Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5  ML X DCs Titans AU  Timeline ~ Prologue ~ Pt1  Lost In Paris  Pt1  Psychologist Marinette AU Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 
by @aserniccatnip Lady Light  Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3
by @autumnray Swapped Lives Pt1 ~ Pt2 
by @bannananorie  Marinette Todd AU  1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 ~ 5 ~ 6 ~ 7 ~ 8 ~ 9 
by @bb-basbusa  BioDad!Bruce Wayne  I Want You Back (Based on miraculous-of-salt story) Pt1 ~ Pt2 
by @black-streak  Little Pistol Prologue ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4  Saturday Night’s Alright For Fighting [Timari] Masterlist ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7 ~ Pt8 ~ Pt9 ~ Pt10 ~ Pt11 ~ Pt12 ~ Pt13 ~ Pt14  Waiting For The Worms [Jasonette] Masterlist ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7 ~ Pt8 ~ Pt9 ~ Pt10 ~ Pt11 ~ Pt12 ~ Pt13 ~ Pt14 ~ Pt15 ~ Pt16 ~ Pt17 ~ Pt18 ~ Pt19 ~ Pt20 ~ Pt21 ~ Pt22  Prompts A Challenge for Batman ~ Animalistic Tenencies ~ Babe’s First Murder [Jasonette] ~ Birthday Worth Remembering ~ Breathe ~ Coffee Themed Akuma ~ Employee!Mari ~ Espresso ~ Guardian!Mari ~ Lasso Of Truth [Dickinette] ~ Multimouse!Mari ~ Perfectly Planned ~ Pick-up Line ~ Pregnant!Mari [Jasonette] ~ Revenge ~ Syren Incident (1 ~ 2 ~ 3) ~ Timari Proposal (1 ~ 2) ~ WalMart Shopping [Pre-Dickinette] Maribat March D1 ~ D2 ~ D3 ~ D4 ~ D5 ~ D6 ~ D7 ~ D8 ~ D9 ~ D10 ~ D11 ~ D12 ~ D13 ~ D14 ~ D15 ~ D16 ~ D17 ~ D18 ~ D19 ~ D20 ~ D21 ~ D22 ~ D23 ~ D24 ~ D25 ~ D26 ~ D27 ~ D28 ~ D29 ~ D30 ~ D31 
by @blooming-rose-writings MLB X DC Spiderverse AU Info ~ Pt1 
by @bonbonbun-luna​  Youtuber AU Alone In Paris  CH1 ~ CH2 
by @bravescribbles Power Couple Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 
by @cadenceh2o Broken Hearts And Empty Ones  Love Story Daminette  Hogwart Daminette AU CH1~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~ CH9 ~ CH10  Lordbug, Robin and Kitty Noir CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~ CH9 ~ CH10 ~ CH11  MLBDC AU Pt1 ~ Pt2
by @caffeinetheory  Steph And Mari Meet [SpoilBug] Investigation Games [Timari]  CH1  Safe House AU [LadyArrow] Ideas ~ CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4  Jasonette Prompts Everything Stays(1) ~ There’s Gotta Be A Reason(2) ~ Flower Shop AU ~ Nighttime Cuddles LadyArrow Prompts I Can’t Do This Anymore ~ Wayne Gala Timari Prompts School AU ~ Coffee Shop AU ~ Soulmate AU Timari Week  D1 ~ D2 ~ D3 ~ D4 ~ D5 ~ D6 ~ D7  Maribat Monday  1 ~ 2-Promises ~ 3-Blackout ~ 4-Celebration ~ 5-Under The Sea ~ 6-Heartfelt ~ 7-Protection 
by @calliopeia  Love Alarm Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7 ~ Pt8 ~ Pt9  On The Other Side Of The Mirror  ~  AO3   Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5  Next Time You Ask A Favor, Make Sure It Won’t Kill Me [Timari]  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 
by @carrisarune Fairy Wings AU The Beginning ~ What Happens Next
by @cassiopeiathequeen A Different Kind Of Green  Frayed Edges And Forgotten Love   Girlfriend Troubles [Marijon]  I’ll Start Now [TimxChloe] If I Could Tell Her [Jasonette] Maritime Madness [Jasonette] My Secret Santa [Roy/Mari/Jay] Please Don’t Take My Sunshine Away [Wallynette]  ~  AO3  Rewrite The Stars Songfic [Jasonette] Wait, Wait, You’re My Kid? [Timari]  ~  AO3 A Pocket Knife and A Gun [Jasonette]  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 Birthday Shenanigans (Pt1 ~ Pt2  ~ AO3)   Can We Keep Him? [Jasonette]  ~  AO3  CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6  Let Me Hold Your Heart [Dickinette] Pt1  Ocean Eyes And Saltwater Tears [Timari]  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 The Friendship of a Ladybug and a Zombie Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7(1 ~ 2) ~ Pt8  The Thread We Share  ~  AO3  CH1(Pt1 ~ Pt2) ~ CH2 ~ CH3 
by @chocolate1721 Bunny Mobile ~ Dick Stuck In A Banana ~ Gala ~ Marinette’s Revenge 
by @chloe-bourgeois-is-big-gay Chlo’s Maribat One-Shots  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7 ~ Pt8 ~ Pt9 Paris is Overrated Anyway  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~ Pt2 
Page1 >     [Daminette December Masterlist]
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ka1f · 5 years ago
characters for a book i’ve yet to write
Narabelle Zayne- Wonderland Remix (Ateez)
a long ponytail swaying as you walk , confidence in every step , power and addiction , snarky comments , moonlight and street racing , lowering your sunglasses when you check someone out , tilting your head , leather jackets  . laughter and cackling before holding a hand to your lips in embarrassment . swears for her friends . the ‘bad’ friend . actual cutie i swear. nAnA. Indian.
Hawa Ali --I Love You 3000 (stephanie poetri)
her version of swearing is basically the muslim mom reaction to your kids shit dictionary , muslim and proud , hijabi , the kind of girl who’ll drag you out of a fight by the scruff of your neck . stressed smiles . friendship and light pinks . throwing the edge of your shawl over your shoulder before you get to work . boomer and very open about her bOomerness . “wHat iS this tiK tOk yOu sPeak oF” malay.
Katya Merlin --Boom  (Nct 127)
. polaroids everywhere . here to be your emotional support girl . gay as fuck. pretends to be straight just to annoy assholes then steals their girlfriends. 
“males suck and that’s on period”
 “do you mean it like blowjobs or like-”
 “fuck off , nana”
 korean-english. watch her keyboard smash in real life . big stupid but like good stupid . nice girl . respectful babe . wouldn’t break your heart . puppies and summer .
Martin Ruth --Freaks (Jordan Clarke)
the only sane one . nerdy boyfriend vibes . mario kart in his basement . doesn’t mind having these guys as his best friends . plays soccer too . nickname is shopping mart . father friend except to Katya . No , he dares Katya to dive into lakes at 3am because he knows she’ll do it . doesn’t mind these idiots . Latino . Bisexual .
Bryan Khai --Icy (ITZY)
second gayest bitch on the block . open flirt . deep conversations at midnight and then he’ll go “fuck i just finished 2 cheese pizzas ew my skin . oh well” confident and will hype you up . yes , the stereotypical gay kid . wears rainbows because “im obliged to , Kitkat (katya)”  Arabic . His family don’t know yet . 
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ali-kitkat · 1 year ago
i did it y'all!! here's that little one shot i promised. it's also cross posted on ao3 here
And If I Only Could I'd Make A Deal With God
Marinette was in Damian’s apartment, sorting through his personal belongings. His family had insisted that she do it, to see if there was anything she wanted to keep. To remember him by, they said. It was a daunting task, one she barely felt up to but she still accepted nonetheless. 
She was going through the motions as she filled box after box. She barely looked at his things as she packed them away, not wanting to let herself break down as his family was sitting right outside in the living room of the apartment. 
It was as she began sorting through his clothing that she found it. A dark forest green sweater, it was soft to the touch, well made and well loved. She remembered the first time she’d seen that sweater, the first time she borrowed it. Damian was notorious for never letting anyone borrow any of his things.
It was the middle of December, they were walking back to Damian’s apartment after another one of their dates, when it had started to rain. The rain itself was chilling and unexpected and by the time they arrived they were both soaked head to toe. 
Damian had ushered her in, running to grab some towels to dry off the excess water that was dripping off both of them. He had steered her towards a bathroom, instructing her to shower before she caught a cold. She had protested in the beginning, stating that since it was his apartment that he should shower first and that she also didn’t have anything to change into either. 
He had remedied the lack of clothing quickly, darting out of the bathroom and returning with a small bundle of clothing and reassuring her that he wasn’t nearly as cold as she was. She tried to argue that she wasn’t that cold but given the fact that she was still shivering he clearly didn’t believe her and promptly left the bathroom, closing the door behind him with a click. 
The hot water was a blessing compared to the coldness that had seeped into her bones. She finished her shower, already spending more than enough time under the water. When she emerged Damian was in the kitchen, stirring a pot atop the stove. He was dressed in a dark forest green sweater and black sweatpants, looking much warmer than she felt, even with the help of a hot shower. 
It must have been obvious that she was still cold because Damian had taken off his sweater, leaving him in just a tank top, and pulled it over her head. The sweater itself was large on her. Her arms barely fit three quarters of the sleeves while the rest hung off her frame in a similar style as some of her dresses, ending right before the knees. The sweater was warm and her shivering lessened.
Truth be told, it was Damian’s actions that warmed her rather than the sweater, though the sweater itself was a plus. She could feel her face heat up and Damian simply smiled at her, as if he were aware of his affect on her. She had murmured her thanks before hiding her face in her hands and he let out a small chuckle. 
Damian directed her towards the sofa, which was laden with pillows and blankets. Some looked out of place as if he had rushed out and bought them recently. She smiled at the thought, it had been mentioned in a previous conversation they had, more of an offhand comment than an actual discussion. The care he put into paying attention to her words was almost enough to make her cry. No one had ever listened like that to her before, but Damian clearly had and put effort into making his space more open to her was almost like a confession. 
Damian circled around the sofa with two mugs in hand, one of them adorned with whipped cream and sprinkles. Another tally in his favor as he clearly took note of how she preferred her hot chocolate. He had handed her the mugs and settled down next to her, collecting his mug from her afterwards. They had picked a movie out to watch something light hearted but still bearable to watch.
They had laid down on the sofa after the movie finished. Marinette curled up against Damian and several blankets piled on top of them. The warmth surrounding her combined with Damian’s hands in her hair were lulling her to sleep. She was still awake when she heard him whisper in her ear, ‘I love you’
It was the first time Damian had not only said it to her but also had shown her that he did indeed love her. 
“I miss you, Damian,” Marinette croaked as her knees buckled and she collapsed. Loud ugly sobs wrenched their way out of her throat. She curled up around the sweater on the floor grieving the man she loved.
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ali-kitkat · 1 year ago
guess who is about 1.5k into their newest fic?
its me
be proud
this is the most ive written in the shortest amount of time
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ali-kitkat · 2 years ago
so this thought popped in my head the other day, now it wont leave me alone and so i shall grace yall with it.
Marinette, sitting in the driver's seat of Jason's car: We're going on a trip on our favorite piece of shit.
Jason joining Marinette: Going ninety-five, we're gonna fuckin' die!!!
Damian, in the back: If we crash, I am going to murder you both.
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ali-kitkat · 1 year ago
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ali-kitkat · 1 year ago
this was meant to be posted here btw
Marinette: Why is coming up with ideas so hard?
Jason: Creativity is a spring and sometimes the beavers say fuck you.
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ali-kitkat · 2 years ago
quick question, would you guys like to see more of my poetry/rambles as more maribat quotes?
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ali-kitkat · 2 years ago
heads up, im probs gonna post a couple voltron fics on this blog.
im still writing maribat fics dont worry.
i have so many ideas bouncing around in my head atm that i just wanna get them done.
so this is gonna be my writing blog for multiple fandoms instead of just a singular one.
anyways i hope yall have a great day/evening wherever yall are. cheers!!!
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ali-kitkat · 3 years ago
Marinette and Jason are siblings who have been reunited, they're sharing stories with each other.
Jason: What is the pettiest thing you have ever done.
Marinette: The pettiest thing I've ever done?
Jason: Yes.
Marinette, grinning: My university boyfriend, at the time, and I are dating, we've been together for almost half a decade now.
Jason: Wait are you talking about-
Marinette: Yes, that guy. Anyways, I find out that he's cheating on me and I'm livid. I want him to suffer. I still have the key to his apartment. So I go buy a bunch of different types of laxatives.
Jason, too shocked to say a word:
Marinette: I open every single sealed food or beverage he has, except I do not lace them with laxative. I close them up and put them back. I empty out the boxes and leave them on the counter, with his keys and a note that says, "Good luck trying to figure out what exactly was laced. Enjoy being single. -M" Then I left. I then left everything that he left at my apartment, as well as all of the things he bought me at his father and the look of surprise on that man's face when I told him what his son did is something I cherish to this day.
Jason: Oh my god, Pixie Pop that's brilliant. I'm doing it Dickless.
Marinette: I'm helping you. I'm still upset about him interrupting mine and Dami's date the other day.
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ali-kitkat · 3 years ago
Damian, after watching his girlfriend do something stupid: How are you alive right now?
Marinette, tired and trying her best: Oh, my love. It's through sheer spite, not on my part though. The gods have decreed me humanity's problem.
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