gamelpar · 4 years
i like that in every ship which includes fahc ryan the other or other ones in the ship just loves to listen to him humming or quietly singing while in the shower like it’s their favorite thing in the world
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dubuthecat · 5 years
how would u feel abt drawing... a4 alfreyan?
im good with that! thanks for asking !! alfreyan for alfreyan
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monarchisms · 4 years
fiona in 8d? :))
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such a good request! thank you, @alfreyan! the little patterns on the the dress took me a while to figure out, but i think i did a good job with them :D
[original meme] feel free to send more! i only have one other request in my inbox right now!
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vagrantblvrd · 4 years
Watching Friday’s Rainbow Six stream on the Youtubes and realize I still really, really want that merc AU?
Or, okay, I ~suppose I’d settle for the crack special ops team that’s pretty good and all? Gets the tough missions and such and a definitely leeway when it comes to the way they operate and so on. (They absolutely would have been kicked out of the military/thrown in jail/other such movie cliches and all that by now if they weren’t as good as they think they are, so there’s that.)
And then they get fresh blood into the team in the form of one (1) Alfredo Diaz and it’s just.
God, it’s kind of a disaster because you’ve got Ryan who’s all *squinty face* and being really kind of over the top about his love for knives and all that. (The face paint that maybe kind of (totally 100%) is skull-like and and that because he’s Ryan and that’s what Ryan does. (I mean, in my head for these AUs, but who knows.)
And, okay. The team’s had to deal with shady shit before, you know?
Politicians and the like who don’t like the idea of them - see them as a threat to some shady deals they’re making on the side. This team/unit that only answers to a certain individual(s) that tackles tricky problems the government would rather not have to explain to the general public and so on. Might be sent to sniff out some of said shady deals and then these politicians/whoever and everything they’ve sold their souls for go up in smoke.
(Probably literally, too, because these assholes, you know? Penchant for fiery explosions and so on.)
They’ve had these politicians/whoever slip in operatives working for them trying to undermine/get dirt on the team before. The kind of people who didn’t see much of a problem if any of the team got hurt/killed in the process, and if they did? Well,  all the more reason to shut them down and label them dangerous in the bad way, right?
Or maybe they were sent someone who was incompetent as hell and said incompetence almost gets some/all of them killed and it’s just never gone well for the team is the thing here and probably never will be.
But Alfredo’s Alfredo, right? Nice boy and all, quiet and competent and doesn’t seem like the kind to rile them up or cause problems.
Everyone seems to like him (even Trevor, who can be as paranoid as Ryan is on a good day but a hell of a lot more subtle about it) but Ryan’s ~determined to keep an eye on him because he actually likes his team and would like for them not to be dead, no matter how many times he’s threatened to kill one of them. (To be fair, it’s usually Gavin and he totally deserved it, but still.)
Alfredo’s like :DDDDDDDDDD because Alfredo and Geoff and Jack are like sitting back and watching the various shenanigans of Alfredo Alfredo-ing his way around while Ryan plays the Creepy Guy Who Really Loves His Knives over in the corner. (Sometimes literally.)
And then there’s some mission where everything goes wrong and, idk, it’s Ryan, Gavin, and Alfredo cut off from the others. Gavin’s injured, because of course he is.
(I’m sorry it’s out of my hands and I can’t do anything about it because it’s a Law of terribad action movies. Because reasons.)
Cut off from the others and in hostile territory/behind enemy lines and Gavin’s not doing great, you know? All Hollywood injured where he’s a hindrance but just spirited/feisty enough you know he’s going to survive. (Also because main character billing, but shhh, Drama.)
Anyway, Ryan’s expecting Alfredo to suggest they cut and run. Leave Gavin behind Because Reasons. (Gavin’s hurt, but he’s not about to die, but Ryan’s had bad experiences in situations like this and it’s all part of his Tragic Backstory that’s briefly alluded to at random moments. Usually all artsy-like in black and white, because reasons.)
He’s bracing for an argument from Alfredo who is just ??? when Ryan broaches the subject himself.
The three of them hiding out in a little cave somewhere or abandoned building depending on where this is taking place. Gavin out for the moment and the two of them able to talk without worrying about stressing/freaking Gavin out the way you see in those terribad movies when a Touch Decision needs to be made.
Because yes, Alfredo considered it - for like, a second before moving on to other options.
Worse odds for them sure, but not impossible and anyway, things aren’t that bad yet. (Getting close to it, though. Real fucking close.)
Ryan being ??? back at him because what is going on?
And then, idk, shenanigans in which Ryan’s all bristly expecting the worst but Alfredo Alfredo’s him and they make it back to the rendezvous point/the others/whatever, I’m losing steam here.
The point is Ryan grudgingly comes to accept that Alfredo isn’t a total asshole (he is an asshole, just not the bad kind) and Alfredo is like “Thanks, Ryan,” and idk.
This could turn into good old BFF territory, because The Power Of Friendship (and explosive ordnance)!!1!
OR this wholly terrifying romcom scenario in which Alfredo shows Ryan a good time by taking him on missions (okay, okay, being sent with him on missions) in which they get to murderize bad guys and blow shit up. (And vice versa.)
Also, like. Knives. (As proper gifts, not just like stabbed into tables or other furniture although I’m sure that happens too.)
There’s a lof of :O going on with the others because there’s Alfredo being all :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD with Ryan being all >:(((((((((((((((((((((((( but more murder-y and omg I need to sleep, but I hope you get the general idea.
(Gavin and Michael are like the few who aren’t Deeply Concerned about all the woo-ing going on because they know damn well Alfredo is just as much a lunatic as Ryan is, if not more, and after a while the others realize that wait, no, they kind of deserve one another, don’t they, and yes?????)
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bostonchungschwa · 5 years
A haphap birthday for you! Ryan developing arthritis over time in the crew and being kinda confused and just dealing until Alfredo joins and is like "you can use braces, and shouldnt stress your joints so much, do this and that etc" and soft Alfryan maybe
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fahc-nova-lesbian · 4 years
Sorry for the late response Anon I’ll give you a short explanation for my reasonings to make up for it! 
vomit / don’t ship / okay / cute / adorable / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
Listen I like the cute fanart of Alfredo making Ryan blush. It’s cute and I can understand why people ship it. I don’t go out of m way to look for it but if it pops up on my dash I’ll smile. 
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ursifors · 5 years
@alfreyan replied to your post “which fahc member”
remember that one video where they raced across the map where they couldnt let up on the acceleration? and at one point geoff was like "watch this, these things can drive up walls"? and then he just fell off the bike? im just sayin.....
....... point made god he is so stupid i love him GOD 
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bellavia · 5 years
✄ ?
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ahwuum · 5 years
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I was tagged by @micooll and @lovelyfreewood​ !! Thank u guys so much this was so much fun!! I’m very plain irl and a week ago I didn’t even have my pink hair yet! But,,, if I COULD look like that,,, boi
rules: make an avatar representing you irl and one that would represent you in a fantasy/mythical aesthetic. link
I tag (if u want): @quinquangularist​ @alldaships02​ @alfreyan​ @dubuthecat​ And @keelerpeeler​ !! Also any of my other mutuals who wanna do this but I might have missed 💕
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dooliaz · 5 years
im sick so ive resigned myself to making a the long awaited dooliaz playlist but in the process, i was listening to Adore You by HS and was struck by the thought of it fitting well into fahc alfreyan n that thought took me clean out, im typing from inside my grave rn
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dubuthecat · 5 years
fahc ryan in "cherry soda"? for the color palettes
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Sorry this took so long !! I got kinda busy and I kinda drew the wrong ryan so maybe ill post that separately. Thanks for asking !!
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monarchisms · 5 years
✄ ?
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vagrantblvrd · 4 years
soft alfreyan (alfredo/ryan)?
FAHC shenanigans (Alfredo/Ryan)
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bostonchungschwa · 5 years
So I'm chatting with some friends about alfreyan, specifically in the diamond heist preps. And talking about spooky ryan and happy fredo. And one just yells. "THEY'RE CREEPY PASTA"
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@futureboy tagged me in this so let's jump right in.
Birthday: January 26
Zodiac: Aquarius baybeee😎👉👉
Last song listened to: Put a Little Love On Me by Niall Horan. That shit hits hard my good bromies.
Hobbies: SO MANY. Anything that lets me use my hands. Sewing, knitting, drawing, writing, anything like that
Last movie watched: Prom Night. An incredibly average slasher film that I only watched to thirst after James Ransone.
Dream job: Seamstress
Meaning behind URL: I literally just wanted it to be clear I had no blog theme. It's just a garbage can.
Tagging: @tricklesnitz @theo-aka-birdie @alfreyan @cylonbarnes
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achieveaesthetics · 5 years
Alfreyan or Battle Buddies for valentine's mood boards?
ooooh haven't done a fredo/ryan thing yet, thanks!
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