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[ sobs ] sender sobs uncontrollably while receiver holds them - alex
She had been through a lot with her daughter throughout Alex's life, things that Alex hated her for at the time but later understood. Their bond had gotten stronger in the woman's adult life, and Amelia was more than thankful for it. It wasn't something that she was unused to, Alex being emotional and needing just to be held and heard. "I've got you, bebita." She spoke softly over and over, rubbing her back in slow circles as she held her daughter. Something that she had never said to Alex was 'it's okay', because in Amelia's eyes it was minimizing the emotions that her daughter felt. It might not be okay in her mind, and that was fine so long as she knew her mother was there for her, and would always have her and look after her. "Is there anything you need that can help right now?"
She was aware that the family was under the impression that Alex was off her meds, and that might explain the sobbing but she wasn't about to question her about it now. Amelia had always fought for her daughters autonomy - except when she became a danger for herself and the matriarch had to take control. It was up to Alex and Alex alone if she took her meds, forcing her would make her dislike for them worse. "I've got you, querida."
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Gus leans into his hand, elbow still propped on the counter as he thinks about it. "You think wine can taste like cardboard? Red or white? Or both? I dunno if I've ever tasted a wine that tastes flat out like cardboard. But maybe I don't have a refined palate."
He definitely doesn't. "Oh god... could be either or. I'd rather it kept me up and let me party it up a bit, but I feel so old sometimes. It might just make me snooze before I even have time to think about it."
"No, no. Not all of them." Most, yes. But definitely not all. "You have to know what to ask for." Alex said, a smile forming on her lips as she glanced down at the wine she'd ordered. "Mine is superior, simply, because it does not taste like cardboard."
She hummed and nodded. "I suppose we are. Do you think the wine will help us with sleeping tonight, or perhaps, prevent us from getting fitful sleep?" She asked as her eyes flickered towards him.
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@alexxcarrasco A surprised Starter!
It wasn't the intention, Mathias was acting very impulsively. He could only go so long without killing. It was like an addiction that fueled every part of him. The need to feel the warmth of blood on his hands, and to take a life. The thing was, he just wasn't completely prepared for it. Being away from his home limited the resources, and the erratic nature of his mind didn't allow him to really plan it out.
The person was bleeding out at his feet in the alleyway. The light from the street moving with the shadows of people walking past. If Mathias had been thinking, he would have picked a better place. This alley only had one entrance, which meant exposing himself. Not good. As he looked around and up to see any potential fire escapes, one of the shadows drew near. He pulled his hoodie up and faced the person.
The face was familiar, Alex. He met her during New Years. Unfortunate. He stood tall over the dying person, "I think you're in the wrong place".
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where, — early morning, Alex's apartment closed — @alexxcarrasco
It was a tradition, between the Carrasco siblings. Ever since they were small children, Luis would bake a cake for his sister the night before her birthday. In the morning, he would decorate it — spell out her name in frosting and add small hearts and flowers by the outlines. Of course, they all looked sloppy, and the older he got, the worse they looked (uneven and wobbly) Whenever the frosting failed completely, he would replace it with chocolate chips — they were easier to mess with, anyway. chocolate on chocolate with even more chocolate cake — her favourite. He carried it, from the front seat of his car to her kitchen table. Two candles were already planted in the middle of it — 28. They weren't children anymore. He couldn't burst into her room singing happy birthday like she was ten. They were all grown up now. Luis didn't know what he could stumble onto inside her bedroom (the possibility of seeing a sleeping Gael was strong. He might as well smash the cake in his face.) So, he put on some music (loud and happy) and focused on hanging up a banner in the kitchen.
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WHO: @alexxcarrasco WHERE: Bathroom at Top of the Standard WHEN: Around ten.
The bathroom in this place is beautiful. She'd expected it to be, all places like these are gorgeous everywhere. But as she checks her lipstick in the mirror, seeing that it's smudged ever so slightly, her imperfect appearance seems at odds with the place. Things don't go together. She squints in the mirror, and reaches down to her side for her clutch. Only to find it isn't there.
A woman had gone into the stall as soon as Audra had emerged, and so the hope that she's just left it on the side is not something she can immediately check. She watches in the mirror, trying not to let anxiety get to her as she waits for the woman to emerge. When she does, Audra plasters on a type of smile, though there's a clear tension around her nose. "You didn't see a little black bag in there, did you?"
#up to you whether its in there or if they can go on a hunt for it together!!!#go on a little adventure perhaps#( alex carrasco. )
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“To be entirely confused together.”
LUKE THOMPSON as Benedict Bridgerton and CLAUDIA JESSIE as Eloise Bridgerton | S03E08 ‘Into the Light’
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[eva longoria — 55 — she/her] Introducing AMELIA CARRASCO. Word on the street is they are a AUTHOR & FREELANCE EDITOR, having been around for 35 YEARS. Though they are A WORKOHOLIC and A PERFECTIONIST, they can also be A VISIONARY and PRODUCTIVE. In the chaos of New York City, they’re sure to fit right in.
bio & wcs under the read more.
Name: Amelia Carrasco Age / D.O.B.: 55 / september 22nd, 1968 Gender, Pronouns & Sexuality: Female, She/Her, Heterosexual Hometown: Lima, Peru Affiliation: Civilian Job position: Author & Freelance Editor Education: English literature degree Relationship status: Married to @emiliocarrasco Children: Youngest to oldest - Oscar Carrasco, Alex Carrasco, Luis Carrasco @oscar-carrasco @alexxcarrasco @lluiscarrasco Positive traits: Homely, Compassionate, Caring, Open-Minded, Determined Negative traits: Workaholic, Perfectionist, Defensive, Frivolous, Stubborn
Born in Peru, a whirlwind romance whisked her up in her teenage years. It was a feeling unlike any she had felt before, and it only grew over the years. Getting married in 1990 simply bonded them even closer, like they were an unbreakable duo and nothing could ever bring them down. Children was the next logical step, and Amelia was such a maternal being she longed for them. She was overjoyed when their first child was born - a son - and she felt that same way as each one of her children were brought into the world. She lived for them. Amelia always had done, and was ever attentive. She never missed a single event in their lives, and always made sure they wanted for nothing. She did the best she could, even during hard times that just seemed to keep getting harder. As time passed, she felt like she was doing it all on her own. Emilio so busy with work, barely around. No time for her, let alone the children. She was becoming unhappy, and you could see it in her writing. The unhappier she was, the darker her books were, but if her husband could not pay attention to her own emotions when she was right in front of him, Amelia very much doubted he even tried to pick up a book. It was a rocky time in 2018, and the matriarch found herself at her wits end. Amelia wasn't one for ultimatums, and she didn't give one, but it was very apparent that she was increasingly concerned for Emilio the less and less time he spent with the family. At that point in their life, she knew she wasn't even seen by him, let alone heard or enjoyed. The word divorce kept cropping up in conversations, in arguments, though she refused to argue in front of her children. She threw herself into her own work, living for writing and her children, trying to get Emilio to just slow down whenever she saw him - which she was lucky to even catch a glimpse. Enough was enough. Amelia saw how much this job was affecting her husband, turning him into someone he wasn't, or at least not someone she was used to. Working himself to the bone wasn't good for his physical or mental health, and after many forced lengthy conversations he finally listened to reason and started to try and find a work-life balance. It's still difficult, but it's better than it was. She loves her family more than anything, loves Emilio dearly. She would hold onto the last thread of their relationship for eons if it meant a chance to repair it... and repair it is what they are slowly doing. She would do anything for her family, including standing by them and their decisions even if it was breaking her heart.
WRITERS: Authors that she edits for. She mainly edits for books, many of which end up on the NYT best seller lists. However, she is freelance and can pick and choose which jobs she wants, so occasionally she will take on articles and the like if the workload she currently has is light.
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"I enjoy cooking, mijo, you know this. It is perfectly fine. I will have a good day, and it will be worth it even more when the cumpleañera enjoys it." She smiled at her daughter, knowing that the food would go down well. Amelia often cooked enough for a small army, so she could depend on the leftovers the next day also.
"Oscar would have come regardless; the one family rule is everyone attends family dinners. I would've dragged him to the dinner table by his little ear if I had to." She was chuckling, but it was obvious that she was serious. Amelia didn't ask much of her family, just that they attend the dinners that she plans. She would only accept an emergency as a reason for not attending. "At least it is only the Hallidays, amore. We could be sharing our dinner table with a lot worse than them. They are good people, they are family."
Alex looked down at the ground with an expression Amelia had seen a thousand times before. "My darling," She started, moving over to bring the other into a warm embrace, "That is not your fault and you know it. Thank you for apologising for the cursing, but the rest of it... You are a grown woman, mija. You can drink if you want to, you can be on your meds or off your meds, puedes follarte a quien quieras. It is not any concern of anyone else aside from you. As long as you are safe, in every meaning of the word, it. is your decision. Your brothers... overreacted. It is not as though you live at home and have a curfew like cinderella. You are a grown woman, and I am very proud of the woman you have become, Alex."
"I know, mamá, but I don't mind if you'd rather not cook everything." Alex insisted. While she loved her mother's cooking and baking, she didn't want to stress her out more by requesting she provide everything.
Her mother's question threw her off slightly. Was she okay with it? Did it matter? "I mean... Oscar said he was only coming if I let him bring Flynn. And Rowan, that's Flynn's Uncle. Dad's friend. I'm not going to say no to them coming." Would she have rather it just been her immediate family? Yes. But the Halliday's were also part of the family, so she didn't mind.
"Mamá..." Alex began, glancing down at the ground. "I'm sorry about what happened at the auction." That she had cursed in front of her parents, that Oscar had bad mouthed Gael in the family chat. That she had been rude and immature. Drank too much. While she didn't believe she had been the problem that night, Alex knew that she hadn't helped the situation.
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"Exciting? What do you mean? Plenty of excitement all around us, babes." Mars is joking, of course. There's just people, talking. Chattering, clinking glasses. Discussing how much money they're willing to spend and what might be up for auction. Political figures lingering in the crowds who Mars has had to go chat with. Friends, acquaintances. It's the perfect setting for him to make his endless connections, to spin a web. But he's admittedly tired from it. "Not sure, beyond the auction. Hoping someone will try to do some surprise fireworks. Would be nice considering the amount of money being spent tonight, aye? Bit of a send-off for all us poor sods milling around all evening." He lifts his scotch to his lips with a chuckle.
where: The Cloisters
who: open to all!
Alex tipped the third glass of wine against her lips, finishing it off before setting it down with a sigh. She hadn't wanted to come to this event, but she felt like she had to. She had hoped that someone would ask her to be their date, but that didn't happen. Though, it wasn't like she had any potential suitors anyway.
"Do you think something exciting is going to happen soon?" She asked the person nearest her. "I thought that by the time I drank three glasses of wine, I'd be having a better time."
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His hand startles away, glancing over and seeing Alex there beside him. "Oh! Shit, Alex, how are you?" Then he looks at the bottle again - then a closer look at the label.
"...That isn't mine, is it? I ordered a bottle." For himself. Not a good idea, but it's that kind of night. "Red, too. But definitely not this blend." Not that he cares much about the type. Still, he pushes it back gently. "Sorry, hon. Almost stole a bit of yours. Though if you want to trade off a glass, maybe see whose is better, we can."
Where: any bar
Who: open
Lifting the wine glass to her lips, Alex took several sips of the red wine. It was her day off, and yet, all she could think about was work and what needed fo be done when she went back in tomorrow. She had debated on going in today, but chose against it. She hasn’t had a day off in weeks.
A frown formed on her lips as she glanced towards the bottle — her bottle that she’d bought — which was now in the hands of someone else. “Excuse me.” Alex leaned forward towards the person. “Is this a normal occurrence, stealing other peoples alcohol?”
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Sebastian was always light-headed when coming off a shift on the ambulance. The way the sirens seemed to tenderize the meat of his brain through the skull never ceased to amaze. It was no wonder then that strong hands had grasped onto the first available bottle within view.
The voice that mutters out the apology is gruff yet seemingly sincere, "Apologies," a hand raises to wave over the bartender, "Add the bottle to my tab." His head inclines in the direction of the wine he had unknowingly attempted to filch. "And when you're done I'll have a whiskey, neat. Make it a double."
His frame finally sinks into the bar then, the ache behind dark eyes pounding fiercely. Still he makes an attempt to engage in conversation by answering the question asked of him. "Apparently after a long shift I just can't control myself."
Where: any bar
Who: open
Lifting the wine glass to her lips, Alex took several sips of the red wine. It was her day off, and yet, all she could think about was work and what needed fo be done when she went back in tomorrow. She had debated on going in today, but chose against it. She hasn’t had a day off in weeks.
A frown formed on her lips as she glanced towards the bottle — her bottle that she’d bought — which was now in the hands of someone else. “Excuse me.” Alex leaned forward towards the person. “Is this a normal occurrence, stealing other peoples alcohol?”
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"Absolutmente no." Amelia smiled fondly at her daughter, shaking her head. "I make dinner for each birthday, whether there's seven people or seventy. It is tradición." She didn't mind it, not really. She enjoyed to cook, and to bake, there would be plenty to go around and it would all be delicious she was sure. "I know, mi querido, I was blessed with at least one person in the family who is not fussy. I wanted to ask, are you okay with everyone that is coming? It is your birthday dinner, it is up to you who comes."
"We could have ordered a family meal from somewhere? Or pizza and breadsticks? Oh... that sounds so good. But I'd definitely eat a whole pizza by myself. " Even though she loved her mother's cooking, she did feel bad that she had placed so much responsibility on her. She already had a lot to deal with. "Whatever is easiest for you, mommy." Alex insisted. "I'm not the picky one in the family."
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"Why would yours be superior? All the wines on the lists at these places are a crapshoot anyways." He points out with a small shrug. And almost as if by magic, his own bottle is placed down with a glass. He mumbles a thanks to the bartender and gets himself to pouring.
"Exhausted but good." He goes back to the point. "We're in the same boat then." More or less. Gus's week has been a rollercoaster and he's looking to drink instead of stay at home. A bottle of wine at a bar seems like the best option at this point.
Once his hand moves away from her bottle, she quickly wrapped her fingers around the neck and dragged it back towards her. “I’m good. Exhausted, but good.” She ordered Gus a smile. Alex knew she appeared tired. No matter how much makeup she put on, it didn’t hide the dark circles that had produced under her eyes recently.
Not that she mind. Alex rarely got fitful sleep.
“I like that idea.” Alex said with a smile as she poured more of her wine into the glass. “And I’d wager that mine is more superior.”
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