pirateshcnor · 5 years
cont. with @alexsthios
“Yeah well if ya’d shut your gob I could be done and my stubborn ways wouldn’t be your problem.”  Edward offered him the biggest toothy smile he could muster, before going back to what he had been doing.  Despite having been apart of the fight that had nearly turned their bar upside down, the owners had been decent enough to give him a kit to help him with Alexios’ wound.  Edward had noticed it the moment it had happened and had been slightly worried about it until the fight had concluded and they’d all been thrown out.  Now that they were in the back alley, given the shitty lighting from the street lamp above, he could see how bad it had gotten.  He managed to stop the bleeding and with the implements given figured out how to patch him up effectively.  Finally he sat back thumping the older man on the shoulder.  “I care about ya.  Plus who’s gonna finish bar fights with me if yer outta commission.  Not t’mention if anyone’s gonna call ya pretty boy, it’s gonna be me.”
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svstermoon · 6 years
Months had passed since Vee had found out that she was pregnant with Alexios child.  Their travel did not stop, and even though he had made a point of letting her know he wanted to settle down... she could tell he got very antsy when in one place for too long.  There was no shortage of whispers wherever they went, and it had nothing to do with her, which she was grateful for.  It seemed to both bother and not bother Alexios that ‘The Eagle Bearer’ was whispered about in town.  Didn’t matter how long they stayed and if she ever ventured into town she was asked many questions, even more so once her belly began showing.  Vague answers were her best friend as was not bothering her partner with them, knowing how much he disliked when people asked her about him.  Night had fallen and he sat between her knees as she twisted parts of his hair, which had grown longer, between her hands, threading random beads on it as she went.  It had gotten to the point where she could feel the kicks, but he couldn’t yet, and while it was slightly uncomfortable, it wasn’t so bad that it was much of a bother.
“I was thinking... how would you feel about travelling to either Kythera or even, Sparta for when it’s time for me to have the baby?”
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sealcve · 6 years
“ i didn’t think you’d care. ” {alexsthios}
“Despite what others would have you to believe, I care.  I love, everyone, all the time.  I don’t turn it off, ever.”
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tophatsnblades · 6 years
Also... I would just like to thank @eagle-of-florence for listening to me blather on consistently about Jacob and Evie when I’m working on headcanons.  A lot of the ones I have, have come with her input too and I’d just like to credit her because she’s the shit man.  She gives me some really good insight and has helped me develop further a lot of the headcanons I have for these two Ass. Knuckleheads.  A lot of that mental health canon I had for Jacob was part of a very in depth conversation she and I had about that topic and she listened to me last night when I rambled on about Jacob’s hat preferences.  Honestly she’s the real MVP and if you ever wanna talk to someone who feels some true shit about the characters any of the Ass games then srsly talk to her.  She’s just really fucking passionate about these guys which is why I think her portrayal of the ones she does play is hella on point and in depth.  Thanks for being the idea board from which I bounce a lot of my ideas off of, Kaela. You a real one!
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Continuation from here for @alexsthios
Leonardo shifted the weight of the books he had collected over a few hours in his arms, surprised that none of them fell when he backed into the brick wall of a man that was standing before him. Usually he would be intimidated, the men of his stature generally being the type that would show up at his door on a regular basis and threaten to beat him if he was ever caught conspiring with Ezio Auditore. Even though he ignored them, they still frightened him nonetheless. But this man seemed much different, his awkward rambling and hand motions bringing an amused smile to Leonardo’s lips.
“Research, of course! This library may not have the books on modern technology that I was looking for, but then again it is probably for the best I get caught up on the history of it first. Some blueprints of various Assassin tools here and journals regarding the Pieces of Eden there should do me well enough for now.” Blue eyes shining excitedly, they drifted up and down the man before him, brow furrowing slightly as he tried to recall his name. He could remember almost all of the names Ezio had told him, but he had yet to match them with faces. Although, with some of the information he had given him and this man’s stature, he could make an educated guess. “You are the Greek mercenary, sì? Alexios? Scusami if I am wrong, I have always been terrible with names.”
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hidden-protector · 5 years
“So Alexios, how much is the artist paying you to make you his personal assistant?”
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dcgwarrior · 5 years
“Papa can... can we talk abut something?” @alexsthios
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pirateshcnor · 5 years
cont. with @alexsthios
“Well don’t do that,” Edward muttered softly, digging around in the pocket of his pants.  Finding the handkerchief that was in his pocket he removed the younger man’s hand and held the softer cloth up to his nose, making him tilt his head back down.  “It’ll only drain in yer throat an’ all that blood in yer gut’ll only make feel sick later.”  The blonde looked over Alexios carefully, looking to see if his nose was broken, but luckily it wasn’t.  “You without yer weapons?  What made ya leave without’em.  I’ve never seen ya leave the house with nothing, since I know ya’d carry yer spear on ya at all times if ya could.”  He took Alexios’ hand and led him into the kitchen and to the counter by the sink.  Moving a chair from the table he pulled at the man’s arm to let him know he could sit before turning on the cold water.  He grabbed a few paper towels and wet them before taking the dry kerchief from him and tossing it under the cold water in the sink.  Luckily for Alexios the blood from his nose had slowed to a trickle, as Edward wiped away the blood from under his nose.  He went over to the freezer and rummaged around until he found a bag labeled ‘frozen vegetable’ shrugging he figured it would work and walked back over to the younger man.  He looked around, feeling like a chair wouldn’t allow him t’get close enough, Edward settled on a seat in the older man’s lap, handing him the frozen vegetables.  “Hold that on the bridge’a yer nose.  The cold will hopefully make yer nose stop bleedin’ all together and stop ya from swellin’ up.”  Without another word Edward took another of the cold wet paper towel and began working on getting the dried blood out of Alexios’ beard and hair, not even thinking about if it was weird or uncomfortable to have him sitting in his lap like he was.
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pirateshcnor · 5 years
#3 {alexsthios}
Holding hands while I’m inside you. (@alexsthios)
Sun kissed skin looked strange against the light colored bedspread that it lay on top of.  A soft moan drifted across the room and out of the open window, caught and carried by the wind.  Maybe he enjoyed the other’s room a little more than he was willing to admit.  The openness of it reminded him of being on deck aboard the Jackdaw with the soft breeze flowing across his face as they rocked slowly along the sea at leisurely pace.  Tattoo covered skin arched into glowing tan skin as they came together.  A slow but forceful pace was set, one that left him reeling in the moment.  Eyes that resembled a storm at sea opened to see the deepest brown he had ever witnessed, the two connecting now in a second way.  Normally his mouth was his greatest contribution, but it was too busy producing sound after delicious sound, each one being matched or carried through the window.  In the back of his mind he was surprised the younger man was allowing him to carry on, as he had come to note the small amount of discretion he placed on their times together, which didn’t bother him at all.  Calloused hands reached for anything they could find to keep him from sliding up the bed further.  His fingers gripped the sheets beneath him, messing them up and crumpling them in his clenched fist.  Finally the small amount of silencing he had been expecting came when the young warrior’s lips descended on his own, muffling any further noises.  Tongue and teeth clashed trying to find their place within the sloppy kiss, battling it out with vigor.  He felt fingers travel the length of his arm, tracing a soft pattern against his fingers pushing at them as if to pry them loose.  Weakly he complied, his fingers shaking slightly from the strength of the grip.  The blanket was replaced with something rough, that slid across his palm and then through the spaces of his fingers.  Long fingers wrapping around his own, and gripping his hand, offering him something more stable to hold on to.
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pirateshcnor · 6 years
@alexsthios like for birthday shenanigans!
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The good times surrounding him, were some he needed and happily partook in.  “Aye another one down the hatch!” He called, holding up his shot of rum, to the ones surrounding him, before they all took the shot right along with him.  Here he was, turning 30, he didn’t think he’d make it past 18 but he’d made it... barely.  He turned on his stool when he saw a shadow standing over him, a large grin overtaking his features when he saw that it was Alexios.  “Aye lad, care to join in on the celebration?  Men like me don’t usually make it to this age, so I consider it a milestone and plan to get as shitefaced as possible while doing so!”
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pirateshcnor · 5 years
25, M/M {alexsthios}
based on this with @alexsthios
He had been sitting in the middle of his bed when Alexios walked in and climbed up next to him.  This wasn’t anything new.  He was used to being joined by the younger man, by now.  So much so that he didn’t even look up from he had been doing, only acknowledging him with a quick flick of his eyes.  Evie had given him a set of large atlases from different time periods and he had been looking at the vast changes to land sizes from his own time to now.  Seemed his own neck of the woods hadn’t changed too much, though she had told him that all of the islands and places he use to port at no longer existed in the way he remembered and instead had become places for men and women to go either by themselves or with family.  He was just about to turn a page when he felt a tug on his shirt.  He didn’t even realize how close Alexios was until he looked up as his lips were covered by warm tan ones.  He pulled away, scowling at him, but with no real heat behind it.  “I was busy here y’know.” Edward said, motioning towards the books.  That didn’t seem to matter as he was pulled to turn and face the young warrior who was now occupying his space.  “Man of little words I see?” Edward teased as large strong hands wrapped around his back and pulled him in and then they were both leaning in for a kiss, Edward wrapping his arms around the younger man’s neck for support.
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pirateshcnor · 5 years
Dear @alexsthios,
Beside my son and grandson you are, were, one of the only things that made being in this time really worth it, and I ruined that.  I understand completely that what happened the last time we talked, made you very angry and since you are one of the most amazing people I know, you’ll probably still try to be nice to me but I just can’t let you do that.  I know what you said about you being an adult and allowed to make your own decisions, but sometimes even adults need help realizing when they’re making wrong decisions.  You don’t think very much of yourself but I’ve seen differently and you may not ever see it but I do and that’s why I need to be the one who goes away.  If I leave now, it stops you from having to go through the pain of telling me goodbye, which I know eventually will happen.  It hurts less if I do it this way, for both of us.  You deserve much better than someone who will hurt you, whether accidentally or on purpose, and I’m... I’m not sure I’m that person.  I want to be, and I wish I could be, but you deserve more than me, everyone I’ve ever cared about, deserved more than me.  You mean a lot to me and the times we were together, may have started out as something more but they came to mean a great deal to me and I ruined the chance of more and for that I’m sorry.  I’ve never been one to apologize to anyone for anything, but you deserve one.  So from the bottom of my heart please understand how sorry I truly am, for breaking your trust and ruining any kind of chance we may have had to be something more.
I have a bit of advice... don’t uhm, don’t let this one go.  If you’re looking confused, don’t because I know you know what, or who rather, I’m talking about.  I’ve seen the way you look at him, and at first I was jealous, but what reason do I have? We were never exclusive and I was too much of a coward to imply and you didn’t seem like you wanted that anyway.  Maybe this is for the best?  He deserves someone like you, with an open heart that’s always open no matter how many times it may be hurt.  I guess what I’m saying is, if you decide to never think about me again and go for this other person?  Do it with your eyes and heart wide open because despite what you think, you deserve love and passion and I’m just sorry I couldn’t be that person. If that’s not what you choose to do and somehow I redeem myself in your eyes and you kick my ass for being too much of a coward maybe you’ll give me a second chance, a real chance but I’m not banking on that because I don’t deserve it.  I’m sure you and that bloody bird of yours could easily find me if things in your mind and heart ever change...
I left my phone and I’m not sure where I’m going but, don’t come looking for me because I’m not... I’m not the kind of person you deserve in your life and it’s better if I leave before you finally realize that, no matter how much you wish different.
with love and wishes of happiness,
Edward J. Kenway
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pirateshcnor · 6 years
56 {alexsthios}
So Yesterday -- Hilary Duff for @alexsthios
“If it’s over let it go and come tomorrow it will seem so yesterday.”
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svstermoon · 5 years
❝ if i never knew you, i would have no inkling of how precious this life could be. ❞ {alexsthios}
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“I doubt that… I’m just a simple goddess, nothing special.” Vee couldn’t stop the smile that crossed her face as she leaned more against Alexios’ chest.  The low rumble of his voice vibrated in his chest and against her back.  Her hands covered his that were on top of her belly, just as the baby kicked.  She chuckled, leaning her forehead against his jaw as she closed her eyes and just breathed in him and the small quiet moment.  The journey they had started was a long one, but the both knew they’d be in her home before the baby was born.  “Or, maybe the baby thinks you’re talking to them?”
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pirateshcnor · 5 years
#15 alexsthios {pirate au mayhaps}
SINsual meme || always accepting
#15 with @alexsthios
      If anyone saw them together they’d think of them as friends, brothers even with the way they acted.  No one really knew what went on in his Captain’s quarters, at least he thought so.  There was much more to him and Alexios, the man who had shown up seemingly out of nowhere but had captured his attention and his time.  He considered them more than good friends, and when the doors of his quarters closed that was more evident than ever.  Such as it were that now was one of those times.  The two sat on the bench of his quarters, and Alexios’ lips were attached to his neck.  He had been trying to look at a map to decipher their next destination but that was all lost to him now.  The map had drifted down to the wooden floor long forgotten and now his hand lay against Alexios’ thigh.  Just when he thought the younger man might leave him to hang like this he felt a large strong hand grip at his crotch, and he let out a soft sound as he lifted his hips into it, hand coming to rest gently on Alexios’ wrist.
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pirateshcnor · 5 years
cont. with @alexsthios​
“Awake, would imply sleep.  I just slipped in m’self.  Sometimes I sit on the roof of the building my son lives in, keep an eye on things, watch. SO I only just slugged m’way through the window.”  Edward didn’t move except to flip on the lamp that was on the table beside his bed.  It didn’t do much in illuminating the man who was standing in his doorway.  “I saw ya, through the wall just as I was sittin’ down to get ready to try an’ get some sleep.  So don’t worry ya, weren’t exactly blunderin’ through the house or anything.  No apologies necessary.”  A quick upturn of the young pirate’s lips and then it was gone just soon as it had appeared.  He reached up to undo the fastenings of his robes, pulling the top jacket layer off before leaning down to remove his boots.  “Y’weren’t here when I left, or at least y’weren’t down havin’ dinner with everyone.  Goin’ out an’ gettin’ inn’a fights without me are ya?”  The questions was meant to be playful, his tone hopefully showing that, despite the weariness he was sure seeped in.  He was tired, but unsure it was the kind of tired that sleep would fix.  “Anyway, didn’t mean t’bother ya, since y’were on your way up, jus’ wanted t’see who it was tha’ was up besides me.”
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