Kris literally ripped it out with their bare hand. Like LITERALLY literally. Like one hand ripped it outta their own chest like something outta Indiana Jones!
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[ You kind of try not to think about it too much. ]
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lastfallen · 5 years
"That's nothing. You should see all the ones named Kris. They regularly get into all kinds of trouble."
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“ …Kris? That sounds k-kinda familiar. ” They also sounded rather mischievous from that description, but then again most kids were troublemakers.
Recollections of flirting with Toriel just to see her reaction quickly came to mind, making the small human grin and hold back some giggles.
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knwsbst-blog · 6 years
"Booby." Ground this one, too. They're not even a Kris but wow. They just came right up and said that.
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They have now joined the Kris inside the time-out dumpster. I hope they’re proud.
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cxnnasnaxlpie · 6 years
"Booby." Does this child want to be grounded?
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* “…..”
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riskydreamur · 6 years
"Yesterday I accidentally swallowed some food coloring. The doctor says I'm OK, but I feel like I've dyed a little inside." Now they're trying puns. Horrible ones.
you can do better than this.
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Touch the floof!!
*[Ralsei was minding his own space before he felt his fur being touched. He’d gaze to the side and nearly jumped back from the strange human giving him pets on his ear. He would not only have bounced back but covering his ear- in a very frightful manner]
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*H-hey...! I... I’m sorry, do I know you...?
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determined-to-flirt · 6 years
*FLIRT (look I ran out of good ones)
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“I tripped and now I’m gonna need your name and number for insurance purposes. Unless you wanna kiss me better instead~”
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deadly-devotion · 7 years
Vacation-Almost-Over Friendly Icon Dump
Arranged in no particular order. Here we go!
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@alex-andsometimeschara- Alex
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@pastelbuttercups - Buttercup
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@existence-overwhelming - chibi Caretaker l o l
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@dtdeath - Funeral Director Des
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@resetkid - Flurry!
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@gravefallensoul - Izo. Grumpy grumpy Izo. 
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@im-sans-ational - Sans when he’s not impersonating Frisks. 8\
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@deusn - The Knight...has had enough of your shenanigans. l o l
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@revivescere-flore - Lili the Annoying One!
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@fcllenflowers- Flower Narcissus doing the Creepy Face. Or his usual thing who knows
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@fadedribbcn​ - Nell how do u draw that hair omg cry
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@asktheseventhhuman​ - Seventh needs to stop the stabs and bring ice cream
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@side-chara-cter​ - Charlotte - another how do i draw hair T_T
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fcllenflowers​ - Steel! 8)
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@thekui - Kui the sugar maniac
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Also. Narra and Dust for funzies. 8).
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ask-thegoatbro · 7 years
(ɔ ˘⌣˘)˘⌣˘ c)
“You may have snuggle”“ONCE”
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divinus-caedem · 6 years
The harmless child has come again. This time they just wave silently from a distance.
Angel finds himself sitting at a desk in the parlor’s study. He’s scribbling wildly in a notebook, and it takes a few minutes for him to look around and see the child.
He remembers them from his time in the International District. Placing his pen down and stepping away from the computer on the desk, Angel looks from his homework, to the newcomer. Back to the homework, then back towards the child.
His mouth opens, and brows furrow. How did they get into the parlor? Did Muffet let them in? Did they just fall into the timeline?
* -Uh...
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* .......s’up?
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pollenprince · 7 years
*also pats the flower*
He is too busy being absolutely miserable, or he’d appreciate it.
But the kind gesture makes him only sob harder now. He feels like he doesn’t exactly deserve it - after what he did.
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you forgot a 'pages' tag on one of the most recent pages. Just letting you know. It doesn't let me do links in asks.
fixed it! thank you!
-Mod Avery
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cheekygit · 7 years
"Yesterday I accidentally swallowed some food coloring. The doctor says I'm OK, but I feel like I've dyed a little inside." No longer trying to make any physical contact with Cheeky, they just try to throw a pun at them.
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Cheeky has a bit of a blank expression for a solid five seconds as they process what’s been said. But after that…
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Their face completely lights up in wonder!
 * Ohhhh! Did you come up with that yourself? I have. Never heard it before!
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gamegardener · 7 years
@alex-andsometimeschara found a strange corner in Waterfall
From the looks of it, this place was not intended to be exposed to any prying eyes - and yet here it stood in all its glory: a wall painted with countless murals, a bit blurry from the damp but colorful anyway. Faces, figures, ornaments, monsters and humans and flowers, in all colors of the rainbow. Like the Newspaper Rock, only smaller.
The artist is right there as well, working on another drawing on the wall. It looks like a family, all holding hands and smiling. The artist is small, scruffy, shaped like a kid and dressed like a bum. They are humming some monotonous melody. They seem lost in thought completely, or else they’d have noticed that they have company now. A white crayon in their fingers is scraping against the rock’s surface.
It is not a bad drawing, frankly speaking.
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deadly-devotion · 7 years
Continued from here: @alex-andsometimeschara
“Out there.” Narra replied, their head nudging to the spatial tear they entered from. Legs wobbly from touching ground again, the child required a moment before being completely centered. Only then did their outstretched arms settle back to their sides. 
Their eyes closed, and they took a quiet breath. Sweet air from being without for so long.
“What have you been up to?”
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fxllenmercy · 6 years
Symbol Meme - Affectionate/Nice Edition ________________________________________
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Camping in the Underground…that was new. Especially since they had never camped before-
But it was clear they were trying though, especially when they remarkably managed to find a tent to use and some sleeping bags. Sure they couldn’t make a campfire safely but they could make do still, right?
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