#alex manes protection squad
phoenixwitch13 · 8 months
Michael Guerin Deserves Better Than This Shit
I love both Michael and Alex, and I especially love Malex. I have my crack ships pairing them with other people, but there's no other ship I want more in canon than Malex. That being said, I get really annoyed with Alex stans (I use the word stans instead of fans because they are usually crazy fans who only love Alex and low key seem to hate Michael) who act like Michael is some monster for having dated Maria and like Alex should have been furious with him. Now, I hate Miluca as a ship and Maria DeLuca as a character, so it's not about liking the ship as one of my crack pairings. No, it's all about the fact that for ten years, Alex walked away from Michael. For ten years, Alex broke Michael's heart (I know he had his reasons for his actions and I understand them, but this is still what happened). And for a matter of weeks, Michael dates someone else (because he was not actually with Maria in canon for more than a few weeks and it was, as she said, on a non-exclusive trial basis), and suddenly he's some big bad monster who hurt Alex beyond repair? Sorry, but no. He doesn't deserve to be hated for that. Not when you don't dislike Alex for leaving him over and over again for a decade. You know who Alex should be angry at, though? Maria. He has no right to be angry with Michael for not believing he would stay this time and for trying to move on with someone else (not saying he can't feel hurt, but he doesn't have a right to be angry with Michael the way some stans wanted him to be). But he can be angry with Maria for getting together with Michael after finding out about him being in love with him when she claims to be Alex's best friend. Alex can be angry with Maria all he wants because she was a crappy friend, but being angry with Michael for dating someone else, no matter who that person was, would only make him look like an ass, which is probably why he had no anger toward Michael on the show. The people who think he should be angry with Michael look like hypocrites, especially since many of them happily also ship Alex with Forrest or Kyle or sometimes even Max, Michael's brother. So, what? Only Alex is allowed to be happy with someone else when the love of his life leaves him? Michael just has to suffer? This post is not supposed to be anti Alex. I love him and don't actually think he did anything wrong in canon. What I'm calling out is the behavior of his stans, which is really not cool. Michael doesn't deserve that bullshit, and I think if Alex was a real person, he'd be pissed at anyone who thought Michael deserved for him to be angry with him and to suffer the way some fic writers try to make him.
Also, if you disagree, know you won't change my mind on this, so don't waste your time typing something out to rant at me, okay? I'll probably just delete your reply without finishing reading it. Maria DeLuca stans DNI. Miluca stans DNI. Crazy Alex stans who hate Michael even though that means Alex would hate you, DNI.
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gaymasonjar · 2 years
Will You Meet Me In The Middle?
 Preview of Chapter 8: I Wouldn’t Mind
 There was a clatter in the living room followed by quiet cursing. Alex raised an eyebrow as he looked up from his notebook. He was seated on the bed with his guitar working on a new project. Setting it aside, he grabbed his crutch before making his way to the living room. Michael was using his telekinesis to pull apart the garbage disposal carefully.
 “Did it stop working again”, Alex asked.
 “Yea”, Michael muttered in annoyance. “Should just buy a new one.”
 “We could”, Alex agreed. “Or we could consider another option?”
 “I’m all for emptying our dishes into the trash before putting them in the sink like normal people do.”
 Alex chuckled as he lowered himself down next to Michael. “Not the option I was considering.”
 Michael finally turned to his husband, the disposal still hovering. “Oh?”
 “We never finished the talk we had in San Diego”, Alex clarified. “About moving out of Roswell.”
 The disposal dropped onto the coffee table abruptly as Michael lost his concentration. The alien stood up to pace for a moment. Alex frowned. He wasn’t expecting that kind of reaction.
 “I mean, we don’t have to-”
 “No, no”, Michael interrupted. “You’re right. We never did finish talking about it.”
 “So you have thought about it?”
 “I have”, Michael sighed. “I just don’t know how I feel leaving Isobel and everyone else behind. And if Max comes back or something bad happens…”
 “We don’t have to move out of New Mexico”, Alex said gently. “Just out of this town.”
 “I…didn’t consider that.”
 “I do have another property to my name.” When Michael gave him a confused look, Alex clarified, “The cabin near Las Alamos. It’s closer to Deep Sky and it's less than two hours from Roswell.”
 “That’s not a bad compromise.”
 “Plus no mortgage payments”, Alex smirked. “It’s up to you.”
 Michael shook his head in disagreement while sitting back down, “It’s up to us.”
 “So what do you wanna do?”
 “Let’s do it”, Michael whispered before kissing him.
 Alex smiled into the kiss, cupping his face. “One thing.”
“Hm?” “You have to fix that disposal before we can sell the house.”
 “I can do that but first”, Michael pulled him back into a deep kiss.
     “Think we’re going to see any action”, Rauls asked from the backseat.  
     “Pray we don’t”, snipped Vasquez as she gave the younger man a hard look.  
     “Kid was just asking”, Johnson commented and patted Raul’s helmet. “It’s not unlikely. We’re heading into hostile territory.”  
     Manes glanced up from his notepad, “Stay on your toes and you’ll be just fine.”  
     “Sir, yes, sir”, Rauls muttered.  
     “What’s our position”, Manes asked York.  
     York shrugged and scratched at his five o’clock shadow with one hand.  “Getting pretty close. I’d say ten minutes, Cap.”  
     “What are we gonna do out here”, Rauls asked.  
     Vasquez rubbed her eyes and cursed in Spanish. She was never a fan of chatty new blood out in the field. It was easiest to wait for orders and just do what you were told.  
     “Confidential”, York supplied. “Just focus on protecting the Captain, your squad, and then your own ass. In that order.”  
     Vasquez gave their own new rookie a pointed look. “Watch where you step-”  
     An explosion rocked the ground beneath the tucks. Breaks squealed as the vehicles came to a stop. The first vehicle in line had been hit and rolled off the road.  Johnson looked out the window, squinting as the dust settled. There was no movement from the vehicle. York slammed his foot on the gas to get them out of there. The downed Humvee was only the start of the slaughter. Before they could process it, an IED hit the Humvee Manes was seated in. The world went white with blinding pain and deafening sound.  
     When everything came back into focus it was sharp and sudden. Alex gasped in a lungful of air before coughing on smoke and dust. The Humvee was on its side. York was gone, the hole in the shattered windshield a good indicator of what happened to him. Alex groaned as he lifted himself up and looked into the backseat-  
 Alex woke up with a sharp inhale and bolted upright in bed. He struggled blindly against the weight across his waist and the top sheet that was soaked in sweat. Michael woke up at the sudden movement beside him. Before he could ask what was happening, Alex had fallen off the bed onto the floor.
 “Alex!” Michael used his powers to flip on the lights as he hurried off the bed. Alex was panting, eyes wide but unseeing. The man was trembling. Michael hesitated before he reached out to Alex slowly. He had seen Alex wake up from nightmares before and he knew how much Alex hated to be touched.
 “Alex. Alex, can you hear me?”
Read More on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45325099/chapters/114982252
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ohokaylie · 4 years
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Time for my regularly scheduled reminder that I love Alex Manes with everything in me can I get an “Amen?!”
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How did something so beautiful turn out to be so toxic?
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It's pretty telling that some who talk about wanting a healthy relationship for BOTH Alex and Michael and were like "I get Michael and Maria because that's what he needs right now" but when it comes to Alex having that CHANCE without that healthy relationship involving Michael.... ohhh boy....suddenly that's not a good thing.
I'm not even saying Forlex will be a thing. It probably won't be even if S3 is still on the table. But like... why is it always okay for the gay male character to stay sad and pining? Don't we get enough of that?
Michael's options are (in theory) more diverse than Alex's. Alex now has more than ONE option. That's a good thing.
This is why I hated a certain ship that involved a Fandom favorite M/M pair. One member of that pair got treated with kid gloves by the writers, producers, and by fandom. The other character had to always cede to his boyfriend's wants and needs. Imbalances went unchecked. One member was always reminded by others that the other member was what was best for him. Any awful things that the selfish one said or did were held against the other. My favorite in the pairing got cheated on and they still presented it as if the one who cheated was what was best for him. Another love interest was written in for the length of one season and no matter how perfect that one was, the writing presented it as if my fave was being selfish for trying to move on from the one who gaslighted him and cheated on him. They got back together because the writers just needed to punish that one character a little bit more. That's unfortunately how writers see the "sad gay character" when they're done with the coming out drama. And I imagine that a lot of Michael fans were fans of that other fan favorite. Throughout it all, most of the fandom yelled about the show and how it needed their ship back together.
I'm not saying that all the writing matches to what RNM presents. But a lot of it does. Writers aren't original with their "yes I will have an LGBTQIA character but I will make them as miserable as I can because that's how viewers connect with them. And then once they love this character, viewers should just be grateful I don't kill them off" kind of mentality.
What I am saying is that people should stop and think about why they want Alex alone rather than with Forrest. Typically, it's because its not about Alex and Forrest at all. It's about being okay with Alex pining but not being okay now that it's Michael's turn to pine while he works on himself.
The petitions for the ship over the characters need to slow down. I'd rather have Alex with Forrest and HAPPY than pining for a guy who treated him like crap for most of an entire season. No, I didn't like Miluca but I didnt like it because AT ITS CORE Miluca was a ship formed at the expense of my favorite character (whether Alex was "okay" with any of it or not, you can't argue with the actual dialogue used on the show).
Forlex isn't like that. Forlex is Pro-Alex right now. It may not be in the future. Who knows. But Miluca was presented AT ITS CORE as being specifically Anti-Alex. That shit didn't fly with me. That's why I stopped watching. That's part of why THAT scene was offensive. That scene was anti Alex Manes writing. It was anti LGBTQIA writing. It didn't help Alex (or Michael) grow as people who love each other. The entire thing was an anti Alex Manes message to viewers.
Okay so rant over. TLDR
Stop and wonder about why you think Alex needs to be alone even longer. Odds are that your reason is not about Alex at all.
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alexxmichael · 5 years
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lucyybradford · 5 years
i am an alex manes stan first, human being second
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itsetoileerrante · 4 years
Because we’ve been feeling down, here are some pictures of my cat trying to be a dangerous hunter. A story in 3 acts.
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michaelxtrevino · 3 years
Alex Manes fans making EVERYTHING about Alex is disgusting. 
There. I said it. 
Sue me. 
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insidious-intent · 5 years
Shout out to Alex Manes, who retained the capacity to love and protect people, even in the face of lifelong hurts from literally everyone. Who did not let his own injury, heartbreak, or anger make him cruel or a coward. 
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stydiaeverafter · 5 years
Can I just say, that Alex has the worst timing ever when it comes to Michael? Like the guy walks away constantly, and then he's always confessing how he feels at the worst possible times. In Caulfield and in the trailer. Michael literally said "Alex, this really isn't a good time," and Alex is like "Okay, here I go.... blah blah blah." How did he think Michael was going to react? Michael needs to runnnn far away!
First and foremost, I SUPPORT AND STAN ALEX MANES and I WILL ALWAYS BE A PART OF THE ALEX MANES DEFENSE SQUAD… so you came to the wrong blog for this. 
But Malex is my life, so let’s do this. 
Yes, Alex’s timing isn’t always great, but neither is Michael’s. 
That is the damn point. 
It’s true love and it’s something they have together. It is painful, but it’s also powerful. 
Alex has held in how he feels for SO long, that the moment he made that choice of walking back to Michael, which by the way wasn’t easy when he found out he slept with his best friend, he decided to start saying what he wanted to say. 
Maybe not the best timing in the trailer, but Alex was so worried about Michael after everything he’d been through. He was there to make sure he was okay, “I wanted to see you.” He was concerned. Protective. He felt guilty for hurting Michael, and the fact that they got a second chance at life (almost dying at Caulfield - which by the way he was trying to save his life so he poured out the truth, then was willing to die by his side - so I don’t want to hear anymore bashing on Alex, especially in Caulfield), it’s like… now is a better time than ever. Why waste one more moment? It’s been 10 years. He wants Michael to know him now. Know everything. How he feels, and that he does feel bad for hurting Michael. He wants Michael to know he’s an anchor who will be here when he needs him. 
He’s not going anywhere. 
Alex Manes has gone through so much growth over the course of this season. He stands up for himself, for others he cares about, speaks his truth, doesn’t take bullshit, owns up to his mistakes, forgives, and tries his best to move forward. I’m so tired of the whole, “he walks away,” yes he did. He doesn’t anymore. He was dealing with lifelong trauma and abuse - it’s called flight or fight mode. But he’s healing every single day. And he wants to stay.
And you got your wish in a way, because Michael is running away. TEMPORARILY. But what he feels for Alex, will never falter or go away. They’ll always come back to each other. They have no control whatsoever when it comes to loving each other. They are powerless. It brings them together over and over again. And while they aren’t on the same page and their timing is still not quite there, next season, they’ll find their way together and become stronger than ever. They faced adversity, and came out on top! Once they’re together, on the same page, they’ll never walk away ever again. 
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ohokaylie · 4 years
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I believe in Alex Manes Supremacy!
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Even my ass! Keeping a secret that’s not yours to tell and dating the guy your best friend loves does NOT make you even
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The squad with a curly haired gf
Can you say, iconic hair duo?
Because, yeah lol
Russell is the rare example of a man who won’t give you shit for taking extra time to get ready to go out
Primarily because he also requires extra time to get ready to go out
It’s not that he makes a big deal of trying to ensure every last strand of hair is perfectly in place, mind you
More so that there’s a lot of steps in between when his hair is freshly washed, and when it’s ready to go, all gelled up and styled like it is
The cabinet under your shared sink is divided right down the middle with yours and his hair products
Of course, you would have no problem sharing, and you do in fact share certain things that you can
But your hair simply has different needs moisture and support wise, so you get all your own stuff
However, you have put some curling gel in his hair at least once, just to see how he'd look
It was not a very good look, but you both had fun trying it
The exact opposite of Adler lol
While you and Adler would draw appreciative looks, you and Hudson get more like bewildered stares
It makes a bit of sense, considering just the powerful contrast between your glorious mane and his stark baldness
Hudson doesn't mind however
In fact, if anything, he finds it quite amusing
However, he could live without you draping your hair over his head now and then to "see what he'd look like"
Regardless, he does love your hair
It's so different from what he's use to, namely his lonesome bald himself, that is
He likes the soft texture between his fingers and against his stubble, and the fruity, flowery scent it always carries
Hudson has about zero skill with hair care, but if you're patient and willing, nothing would make him happier then learning how to help
This may come as a bit of a surprise to you, but he really is glad to do it...
As long as you can keep his secret safe ;)
As an ethnic Jew, I think Lazar would have a lot more experience with luscious, curly hair then you'd think
He is undoubtedly a master braider and knows exactly what kind of protective styles would look good on you
Additionally, he loves doing this for you!
His mom has basically been preparing him for this all his life, so he's excited to flex his skills
And, while he doesn't necissarily use them himself, he has great recommendations for what kinds of creams, oils, and gels you should try
Personally, I suspect Lazar also has naturally curly hair, he just brushes and gels it to match the current style
However, if you encouraged him to go natural, he totally would
You'd be kind of like the sign he's been waiting for to do it lol
With a little shape up and some care, he looks amazing with his little floof top
From them on, the two of you strut around as the epitome of curly haired couple goals
And yes, you both do take great joy in telling people this is your natural hair when they ask where you got your perms from
Mason, sort of like Hudson, is a big of the unique smell and texture of your locs then anything else
He finds it comforting, and before long he starts to identify the most prominent smell from all your creams and oils as the smell of home
It's hard to explain, and he's afraid you might think he's strange for it, but...
Something about the reminder of you brings him to a safe place in his mind
The kind of place he didn't even think he had up there anymore
However, you don't find it wierd at all, quite the opposite in fact
You're glad that something as silly as the smell of your hair makes him feel at home, both physically and mentally
So, you makes sure to keep that particular product in your rotation whenever you can
Alex is not very good with hair care/styling however
He will try to learn if you want to teach him, but it just doesn't seem to click
So try not to expect much more then him helping you administer product and brush it through
This plays to his advantage though, as he's able to learn what it is that makes that smell he so adores
I say advantageous, because when he has to be away for longer periods, he buys one for himself, just to have
When he particularly misses you, he puts a dab of it in his own hair, just to have the smell follow him around
And why not? If nothing else, his justification is that it keeps his hair just as nice and silky too
She's. In. LOVE
I hope you're ready to have your own personal stylist, because that's exactly what you'll be getting with Helen
Growing up, she was a big fan of playing dress up and princesses with her dolls
Now imagine how she'd feel as an adult with such a gorgeous head of curls in front of her
Unfortunately, doll hair and human hair care are quite different, and while she's easily able to grasp this of course...
She will need a bit of guidance on your hair care needs
But no matter how complex, she's game
It's very hard for her to pick out one thing she loves about your hair tbh
But, if she had to choose, she enjoys braiding it the most
It's also quite nice because, while her own hair is rather low maintenance, she does pick up a few useful tips and tricks from you on hair care
Of course, she does also appreciate that you don't mind returning the favor and giving her hair a bit of love
Before long the two of you would be walking around with absolutely perfect, hydrated and glowing locs
The effort may be a bit time consuming, but all that time together, and particularly the result it has, are so worth it
He thinks your hair is the most gorgeous thing he's ever seen
If you two wanted to/were able to have kids, he'd be the type to pray all the kids get your hair
That's not to say he dislikes his natural, smooth and straight hair, that is
Just that he'd feel like quite the proud dad to have his beautiful little floofy haired family running around
But for now, he's more then happy to dote on you and your hair
He can manage a very basic braid, which might come as a shock to you, but if you want him to do anything more complex, he's going to need a minute or three
Also, he's quick to be proud of your hair on your behalf when someone compliments it
Considering perms were all the rage in the 80s, you basically get worshiped and for your curls and asked where you got them done a lot
It's funny at first, but a little tiring after a while
However, Weaver never seems to get tired of bragging on you
After a while, he's pretty quick to be the one saying "It's all natural" to those who inquire
You find it a little funny, but it does feel good to be appreciated so
Of all the others, he'd be the one to tease you a bit
Nothing all that mean or rude of course, more like in an endearing way
He nicknames you "Curls" almost immediately
At first it runs you the wrong way, and so he has to dedicate some effort to prove that he doesn't mean it like that
But in the end, he does manage to pull it off, and his teasing becomes something of an inside joke to you two
Only he is allowed to make jokes like that though, anyone else who tries it, even in a friendly way, gets snapped at
You do wish he'd ease up a little about it, but he can't help but be protective of you
Frank is a total lost cause when it comes to styling your hair
Honestly, you're lucky to convince him to even consider doing up your hair, but that's another story
He's one of those where if he can't get it right the first or second try, he gets to frustrated to keep going
With a little encouragement, he might be able to manage a basic braid
It does not look very good at all, but he tried
At first, he's a bit pissy over all the "girly" smells from your products overwhelming his living space
As well as the amount of time it takes for you to get ready in the morning
But he grows accustomed to it after a while and it doesn't bother him anymore
In fact, he goes down a similar route as Mason, and starts to identify the smells with a feeling of security
Woods would never go so far as to put scented anything in his hair, even as a token reminder of you, but...
He has been known to swipe one if your conditioners before a deployment, just to bask in the comforting smell now and then
It's probably stupid, but he likes to think it brings him luck, having that tiny piece of you with him out in the field
Just a little something to remind him to come home safe <3
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alexxmichael · 5 years
I just wanna know why people hate my son alex manes so damn much! I just wanna talk! I genuinely wanna know what fucked up shit y’all think alex manes did to deserve the hatred he gets ok
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