#alex goodrich
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crimsonv1 · 2 years ago
Can't Lie Anymore?
Link/Alex Goodrich oneshot
TW// manipulative relationship, toxicity, smut/implied, sub!character x Dom!reader, Fem implied, overstimming, cursing, //
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This was stupid, you were stupid. It felt like every time Link talked something buzzed in your head and made you want to freak out and punch every single wall. You didn't know why, since you also loved it whenever he spoke- or did anything. Your emotions were going haywire, loving at and fucking hating it both at the same time. You didn't really know why- so you'd just put it off to the side.
That was what you thought all along, until one particular day. You were walking alone under the streetlights to cool off some of the anger and mixed emotions you were having from Link. It's not like he was doing anything bad, or wierd- it just became too much for you, and you had to go shrug some of it off. You turned into some alley that smelled like tested perfume and smoke. You say against the wall, looking around the city to take in your surroundings and try to take your emotions to calm.
Something pulled your eyes, a paper- a newspaper. It drifted in the wind near some trash can and it certainly smelled horrible. You took it in your hands as your eyes glazed over it lightly, it fully had your attention.
You skimmed over the letters in bold, gasping.
'Blaze Blamed On Pyro Son: Teen Firebug Apprehended'
It couldn't have been. It looked exactly like him.
Someone who burnt down their own school and got institutionalized...it couldn't be him. But it was him, it looked exactly like him. But his name wasn't Link, it was Alex Goodrich. Your brain became fuzzy and so did your eyes, you shoved the newspaper on the ground as you walked home. That was all you could think about on the way, and also the only thing when you were at home. You sat on the couch, looking at your hands as you focused, breathing in.
The door opened making you jump, as you looked up and saw Link..or Alex. "Hey what's wrong? You okay?" He said, tilting his head in a motion that let you know he was concerned. "'m fine." You were quick with him as you narrowed your eyes and got up, the action was rude, and so was your tone. He rushed over as you backed up. "What's wrong baby? What's up? Tell me anythin'".
You inhaled sharply, "Nothing wrong, Alex."
There was a loud, long silence after you said that. His head was down and only your breathing could be heard. "FUCK!" The loud sound made you jump. He walked around, banging on things as he screamed. He grunted, and let out heavy breaths and sighs as he screamed and yelled. "FUCK, THIS STUPID SHIT." he cursed, "Get out." You said calmly. You now knew why you felt so off around him, everything was a lie.
He looked up at you, his brows furrowed and his mouth wide. You pointed to the door. "Get out. This is my house and I don't want you in here any more." You said, your anger fueling with every second he stayed. He looked at you, his anger going away and it was replaced with sadness, fear, and he dropped to his knees. "Y/n, y/n- please.. please! I'm sorry..i- it just," you looked at his state, clenching your fists. "You lied to me. I don't know if anything you ever said was true anymore." You gritted your teeth to his pleads,
"y/n I love you..I need you, I'm so sorry- please- please don't leave me..I swear, this isn't a lie! That wasn't a lie!" He looked up at you, as tears threatened to spill out of his eyes, even if he used to only tell lies, this seemed genuine, what he said seemed genuine. He continued to plead for you, and you suddenly inhaled- as everything went silent. "Fine." You sighed.
Something in your heart changed, for some reason. He looked at you, the same look he had before. "you can stay. For a bit. But you can tell me only the truth. And you have to tell me everything." You said, a silent truce was made between the two as you had your stern voice. He slowly got up, nodding "I will I will I promise I will" he said, out of breath.
Somehow someway that resulted in him on your bed with tears spilling. "Y/n...pleasee..more" his breath was shaky as you straddled his waist, his hands tied behind his back as his hips struggled to jerk up to you.
"I'm sosososo sorry.. s-sorry.. I'm so sorry y/n..I need you so much.." he whined to you, his moans filling the air as you grinded slowly on him. "I..lied to you..for s- uh!" He whimpered when you would press harder onto him. "Go on.." you said breathily. "-so..long..m' so sorry ..I need you so much-" he said in a daze, everything was so much for him- he couldn't concentrate when you were touching him and making him beg like that.
"'Love you so much, Link." You smirked to him as he grunted, sighing.. you knew it pissed him off now. "y/n please -" "please what, link?" You grinned, "please ... It's Alex ... Y/n come onn" he whined to you. You giggled under your breath, "Such a good boy, Alex." He whimpered when you said his name, his back arching even more into you. And thats how the night went, you finally had Alex under your touch. And he'd surely never lie to you again, or that's all that he was thinking now. If he could even think straight.
[ HII 😸😸... OML.. I js came up with that idea RHRHRH 🤗 also y'all know I can't write bad endings so😍.]
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reidslovely · 1 year ago
How to Disappear: Waves Crash in Over My Head
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Please reblog and comment inlace of liking, pretty please.
Previous Chapter: Life Unknown
Pairing: Link/Alex Goodrich x Fem! Reader/OC-ish.
Content Warnings: Slight anxiety attacks, Link sends his fist through a wall, flashback heavy. Talking about aggression, mentions of broken noses. Intense arguing. I'm sure I missed something, let me know!
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Waves crushed in over his feet, the soft sand beginning to sink beneath him. He was locked in place watching her talk with her friends by the fire. She glowed in the light of the fire, her eyes brighter than the fire and the moon.
 Waves crashed back in over his feet, he watched everything wash back out. He let go of the breath he was holding. Sudden hands on his back brought him back from whatever world he had landed on and pulled him back to this world. 
Her world. 
“You were great out there tonight.” 
His heart felt stuck in his throat as he gazed down at her. His lips turned up into a smile, his arms coming down to swallow her whole as he pulled her against him. 
“Yeah? Thought I looked silly out there, I got all nervous knowing you were watching me.”
Her head threw back in a laugh like it always did, the childlike joy filled their own little bubble.
“I’m serious!” He shouted in a laugh, his nose against her forehead. “Thought of such a pretty girl got me all sweaty in the jersey..the jersey you’re wearing by the way.” 
(Y/N) faked a gag, shrugging her shoulders causing the lacrosse jersey framing her to slouch slightly. 
“Mhhm well maybe I should stop coming. I'd hate to ruin your college scouting..” (Y/N) spoke up to him, her eyebrows raising.
“No, no you’re my good luck charm, need you there.” 
“I’ll be there..always.”
“You better be.”
Sun warmed his face, as Alex’s body jarred forward waking him up from his memory. Alex swiped at his nose, blinking a few times waking up from his long nap. Fairfield County was a welcoming sight. 
He stood from his spot on the greyhound, watching the young mother and her daughter who sat next to her file out first. The little girl looked up at Alex smiling at him, and Alex smiled back before dropping his head. He grabbed the small grey bag off the seat next to him and jumped off the bus pushing the glasses to his face. 
He felt like a ghost here. Fuck, he was a ghost here. He wished his parents luck in talking their way out of this one. Alex, head down, took off up the street walking the square. Talking himself up to make the trip to his old subdivision, hoping he can keep whatever demons at bay. He watched a group of boys in jerseys cross the street laughing, lacrosse sticks over their backs. 
He loved lacrosse. It was the one sport he actually enjoyed, and maybe it’s because it let him exude just enough aggression to get by. He had done wrestling but biting got him disqualified, he did boxing but you can only break so many noses before people start asking questions. Lacrosse though. Everyone there was aggressive, most of the boys on his team were put on the team by the school psychologist to help them vent their issues. Alex found it funny that his aggression almost got him a free ride to college solely due to being hidden in his athletics. 
Alex had gotten caught up looking at the past, he didn’t see what was in front of him. Literally. 
“Oh my god I..I’m sorry.”
Alex hit the ground, the woman’s bag she was carrying dropping and scattering her groceries all over the street. The small girl holding the woman’s hand gasped. Alex put his head to the concrete, anger rising in his chest. He squeezed his eyes tight, taking deep breaths calming himself down before speaking. 
“I’m fine. I’m okay it was my fault I wasn’t watching where I was going.”
“Neither was I. I’m so so sorry.” She laughed nervously. It twisted in Link’s chest. It was all too familiar, and the eyes peering up at him made him sick to his stomach. The knife in his stomach twisted deeper as he saw the moment of recognition wash over her own face. Two ghosts staring back at each other.
“You can’t do this. You can’t just disappear.” Alex’s jaw twitched as hot tears poured down his face looking at (Y/N). He unpacked her clothes as she tucked them away. “It’s not disappearing if I tell you where I’m going.” 
Her words didn’t sound like her own. It was distant, void of the warmth she usually spoke to him with. “I have to go okay, Link. My mom and I don’t have a choice. Okay. There’s money involved and..and she made a legally binding contract or whatever.” 
“With who? Your aunt that you two have to disappear? You can come live with me, my family won’t care they love-”
“I can’t be with you Alex! Okay, do you fucking understand that? We’re just kids, everything is so..compli-” It was ‘Alex’ that set him off. She never called him that. 
“I’m complicated. That’s what you’re trying to say. You’re giving up on me like everyone else huh? Huh!”
(Y/N) flinched as he yelled. Tears rolled down her own cheeks and she choked on her own tears. He didn’t care. She was leaving him, she didn’t have a right to be crying. He didn’t know what happened next, he doesn’t remember it. It was like he woke up after seconds of black, his hands through the drywall of the tiny house he’d loved in comparison to his family's estate. (Y/N)’s mom stood in the doorway of the bedroom he’d spent hours in.
 “You should go, Alexander.” The older woman spoke softly, with a motherly tone. There was something they weren’t telling him. (Y/N) started to run after him as he walked up the wall. Her mom held her back as she cried for him. 
The girl he loved was a woman now. Standing before him in sundress and her hair pulled back into a butterfly claw clip that matched the little girls. One thing that didn’t change was the gold ‘A’ that hung around her neck, now joined by a golden ‘P’ on a smaller chain. The little brunette girl that had been holding (Y/N)’s hand had bent down picking up his sunglasses and items that fell from his bag.
“‘ere you go, sorry.” She spoke with a speech impediment that impaired her ‘r’s. But she had tried really hard in pronouncing them so that (Y/N)’s lips curled up into a reflexive smile, patting the girl's shoulders. 
“When did you move back? Wh-..” His face twitched in confusion. His brother surely would have known and would have told him. 
“Two years ago.” She spoke, pulling the girl back into her side. Playing with her brown curls. “I tried looking for you but..I was told that you..well weren’t around anymore.”
“I wasn’t technically. But..” “Mommy can we please go? I wanna show Addie my new toys.” Alex’s eyes wandered her fingers for any sign of a ring. Mommy? She’d had a child? She couldn’t be more than eight years old. She’d moved on so quickly after him when he never did. (Y/N) took a shaky breath, smiling down at the girl. 
“Course baby. Huh, Link..it was nice to see you.” He felt like he was stuck in slow motion as she turned away from him. “Wait, wait.” He rushed after her, hands shaking. “I uhh..do you have a number I can call you on?”
She hovered for a moment, she seemed paranoid looking around and even past him. “Yeah.” She let go of the little girls hand, digging in her bag for something. She slipped a yellow card into his hand, and for a minute let their hands linger on one another. He wonders if she can feel the heartbeat in his fingertips, and his eyes begging her to stay here for moments longer.
“You look good.” She smiled. “I didn’t care much for you blonde.”
She’d kept up with him, hidden in plain sight. That made him feel good, to know she’d at least watch from a distance.
“I didn’t either.”
Her hand left his, and took the little girl's hand back in hers. “Let's go P.” She said sweetly, the little girl waved at him. “Bye!” She yelled as she walked down the street, (Y/N) looking over her shoulder at him catching one last glance. 
“You knew? You knew she was in town and you didn’t tell me. You didn’t mention it in a single phone call.” He yelled at his brother as they stood on the back porch of his childhood home. 
‘I didn’t think it was important.” Ben says calmly. “And I thought it would make you spiral to know she had a kid.”
“No, I'm spiraling now because I had to find out this way.” 
“It was almost a decade ago, she left you and you burnt down a school in retaliation. I’m sorry for thinking it would send you down a rabbit hole of anger.”
Link could feel his eye twitch, he reached up scratching his face with his free hand. Flicking a cigarette with the other. Ben stared at him, having more to say but holding it back. He felt sick to his stomach, like he could crawl into bed and simply rot. A part of Link always hoped that she’d wait for him, turn eighteen and come and find him. But she never did, which he didn’t make it easier for her. Always moving, not having a phone. They could have had a good life. Maybe had she never left he would have gotten help sooner, maybe they’d have a white picket fence life. He thinks about the life he could have had. Coming home from a long day at work, a suit and tie for some silly office job he’d gotten to support them. He thinks about kissing his highschool sweetheart hello and watching their daughter playing. 
Then, in the middle of it, he remembers sending his fist through the drywall of her room simply because he was angry and didn’t know where to put it. Though he knows he’d never hurt her, or his metaphorical child he feels sick. He hates himself. 
“I loved her. So much, and I was devastated when she just up and left and wouldn’t even tell me why. You knew that, you knew how much that meant to me. I still love her.”
“You don’t know her anymore. She doesn’t know you anymore, okay?”
“I could though. I could love her, and she could find something in me to love again.”
Ben was biting his bottom lip, Link knew his brother's heart hurt for him. But Link could also read people, way better than he’d like to admit he could, and Ben was hiding something. 
“I’m gonna call her.” 
Alex grabbed the sliding glass door of the house that led into the casual sitting room. As he walked in, his hand fishing inside the bag on the couch for his phone he heard a voice that stopped him in his tracks. 
“Son..” His father’s voice filled the room, that fake politician's smile on his face. And if Alex knew how to fake one thing it was a smile. 
“Dad, hi.” 
His father took a couple steps in hugging his son to his chest. “So good to have you home. We have a lot to talk about.” 
Alex hugged him back with one hand, feeling like a little kid again. “That we do.”
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taglist: @helloheyhihowdyheya @tarzinnia @a-lumos-in-the-nox @messymissy @sincericida @moonyslove78 @toomanyfictionalboyfriends @eevylynn.
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onlydylanobrien · 1 year ago
Dylan O’Brien Sets ‘Twinless’ With James Sweeney Directing & Starring; Republic Pictures Takes Global On Three Point Capital & David Permut Production
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EXCLUSIVE: Dylan O’Brien is set to headline in James Sweeney‘s dark comedy Twinless, which the latter wrote and will also star in. Republic Pictures has taken global rights to the movie. Cameras are currently rolling on the movie in Portland, OR. O’Brien will executive produce.
The pic follows two young men who meet in a twin bereavement support group. An unlikely bromance develops between them. Twinless follow Sweeney’s directorial debut, Straight Up, which notched the filmmaker a Best First Screenplay nom at the 2021 Independent Spirit Awards.
Three Point Capital is financing the film with Ali Jazayeri, David Gendron and Liz Destro also serving as EPs.
Twinless is produced by Academy Award nominated producer David Permut and Permut Presentations (Hacksaw Ridge, Face/Off) whose most recent Netflix movie, Rustin, garnered Colman Domingo a Best Actor Oscar nomination.
Miky Lee (Parasite) Vice Chairwoman of CJ and who most recently executive produced the Oscar nominated film Past Lives, serves as EP.
Permut Presentations Director Of Development Alex Astrachan co-produces.
Permut said, “I was absolutely knocked out by James’ first film Straight Up and was determined to work with him. I immediately responded to the originality and provocative concept of Twinless. The dark comedy depicts complex characters in such an irreverent, emotional and hysterical way. The chemistry between Dylan, who portrays the role of identical twin brothers, opposite James’ character is absolutely combustible.”
O’Brien’s most recent film is the independent feature Ponyboi, in which he plays a villainous pimp and small-time drug dealer, recently premiered at the Sundance Film Festival. He will next be seen in the upcoming films SNL 1975 (from director Jason Reitman) as Dan Aykroyd, Caddo Lake (from the writing-directing team of Logan George and Celine Held, and producer M. Night Shyamalan), and Anniversary (a thriller co-starring Diane Lane, Kyle Chandler, Zoey Deutch and Phoebe Dynevor). The $1.7 billion grossing star is well-known to audiences from his work in The Maze Runner franchise, as well as the hit MTV series Teen Wolf.
Permut also recently produced the Paramount+ series hit, Lawman: Bass Reeves from Taylor Sheridan, which stars SAG nominee David Oyelowo. His upcoming high priority slate includes Being Heumann written and directed by Academy Award winner Sian Heder (CODA) at Apple, Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris’ (Little Miss Sunshine) film The Invite, and Face/Off II at Paramount, the sequel to Permut’s 1997 hit film, to be directed by Adam Wingard.
Sweeney is repped by UTA, 2AM and Brecheen Feldman Breimer Silver and Thompson. O’Brien is repped by WME, Principal Entertainment, and Lichter, Grossman, Nichols, Feldman, Rogal, Shikora & Clark and Permut is repped by John Tishbi at Pearlman & Tishbi.
Three Point Capital, established in 2009, is a financier and service provider in the film, television, and commercial industries. They have financed over 400 films, including The Butler, Clerks III and the Oscar-winning Manchester by the Sea. They most recently provided funding for the upcoming Michael Keaton starrers Know Goes Away and Goodrich, the Nicholas Cage starrer Longlegs, the Tina Fey/Jon Hamm comedy Maggie Moore(s) and the recent Sundance premiere Rob Peace.
Paramount Global Content Distribution is revitalizing the former Republic Pictures label, originally founded in 1935. The newly branded acquisition label will leverage Paramount Global’s vast worldwide distribution channels, across home entertainment and third-party distribution platforms to distribute a wide range of acquired films. Republic Pictures is an acquisition-only label under Paramount Pictures.
Source: deadline.com
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spidermannotes · 2 years ago
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Amazing Spider-Man #1 Sells for World Record Price
When Stan Lee and Steve Ditko brought life to Spider-Man, he was far from a sure-fire hit. A teenage hero had never headlined a book before, as they were usually sidekicks. But his debut in Amazing Fantasy #15 was well-received – so well-received that he was given his own title a year later. Now, the first issue of that title has set an auction house record for the highest price paid for that issue in 9.6, via Hake’s Auctions.
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Featuring the first appearances of J. Jonah Jameson and The Chameleon, as well as a guest appearance by the Fantastic Four, Amazing Spider-Man #1 is the definition of a “key issue”. This copy, graded 9.6 NM+ by the CGC, came from the John B. Goodrich Collection, where it had resided for 25 years. Recently certified, there are only two copies graded higher (CGC 9.8) according to the CGC Census, and a current total of 4,688 graded copies in existence.
The issue pulled in $520,380, nearly $200,000 more than another 9.6-graded copy that sold in November of 2022. That copy had off-white pages, while this one had white pages – a key difference, even though those pages will never be seen again.
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“The result does not surprise me,” said Alex Winter, President of Hake’s Auctions. “You are talking about one of the key issues in all of comics, regardless of era. Add to it all the near impossible-to-get grade of 9.6 and that is what spurred the aggressive bidding. In the end the winning bidder now has one of the top copies in the world of one of the most important books in the Marvel Universe.”
The most recent Hake’s Auction also featured copies of Amazing Fantasy #15 (first Spider-Man), Amazing Spider-Man #2-20 (first appearances of many iconic Spidey villains), Amazing Spider-Man #50 (first Kingpin), Amazing Spider-Man #101 (first Morbius), Amazing Spider-Man #129 (first Punisher), Daredevil #1-7 (first Daredevil) and Incredible Hulk #181-182 (first Wolverine), all from the John B. Goodrich Collection.
Check out Hake's other auctions here.
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fabiansteinhauer · 1 year ago
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ist was sich zeigt ist was sich bewegt,
ist was sich bewegt ist was sich zeigt, alex hanimann
Neulettrismus: Alex Hanimann aus der Schweiz. Oben: ein Polobjekt, das in Drehung und als Drehung lesbar ist. Das ist ein Schreiben, dessen Grenzen mitten durch das Schreiben gehen und das Schreiben in dem Sinne zum Halbgeschriebenen machen. Ich würde gerne das Halbgeschriebene als das berücksichtigen, das zwar bei Friedrich Nietzsche auftaucht (und dann bei Peter Goodrich und Mariana Valverde treffend als Teil von Nietzsches Rechtstheorie gedeutet wird).
Genauer gesagt ist das Halbgeschriebene dort Theorie eines Rechts, das auch auf Tafeln geschrieben ist und an dem alles brechen können soll. Das Recht kann zum Beispiel brechen und gebrochen werde. Es gibt nach Nietzsche auch, besonders Edgar Wind greift das auf, den verbrechenden Souverän, den 'criminal god'. Heute entwerfen viele Autoren ihr Schreiben aus der Krise heraus, schon weil sie sagen, dass sie über Krisen schreiben und aus Krisen Schlüsse ziehen. Das ist dann kein Gott, kein Verbrechen im Sinne des Strafrechtes. Aber das ist ein Anstoß, ein Grund, ein anstößiger Grund - und etwas daran und darin soll brechen. Alte Zeiten sollen abbrechen, neue anbrechen - und was das heißt, das soll sprachlich brechen, darum verwendet man auch den Begriff Krise, denn Krise ist Kreischen oder Kreisen (wie der Berg oder die Ellipse kreist).
Das Schreiben kann brechen und gebrochen werden, die Tafeln können brechen und gebrochen werden. Von dort kommt das Halbgeschriebene, man kann sagen, das sei eine Idee von Nietzsche. Ich würde es gerne lösen, auch von Nietzsche ablösen, teils so, wie man jemanden ablöst und teils so, wie man jemandem etwas nimmt. Ich möchte es gerne stärker vom Brechen auf das Wenden, Kehren, Kippen beziehen. Weniger auf das Fragment zielend ziele ich eher auf Polarität.
Dazu passt mir jemand wie Alex Hanimann in den Kram, er arbeitet nämlich das Schreiben technisch und artistisch durch, und das auch noch mit Wörtern, Worten, Schriftbildern und Begriffen, die auch Rechtsbegriffe sind, auch wenn das mal größer und mal kleiner auffällt (weil es mal mehrerer und mal weniger Übersetzungsschritte bedarf).
Zwar zeigen auch Urteile was, manchmal muss das aber über Zeugen gehen, um Zeugen auch als forensischen Begriff oder Begriff der Urteilskraft, des Rechtsgefühls ( der sinnlichen Wahrnehmung des Rechts) oder des Judiz zu bezeugen, um also überzeugend zu zeigen, das Zeigen eine juristische Technik und eine juridische Technik ist).
Manchmal muss man überzeugend zeigen, dass Zeugen und Zeigen verwandt sind - und trotzdem nicht gleich eins, schon weil Differenz vorgeht und weder Kontraktion noch Distraktion stoppt, nur weil an einer Stelle einmal was gezeigt wird und Zeug ist. Selbst wenn das Recht mal einen Ursprung hat, so wie Kunstwerke den haben sollen, dann bleibt damit die Frage nach der Restitution gestellt und weiter auch beantwortbar, als an und durch und mit anderen Stellen beantwortbar.
Mal muss man nur Carl Schmitt zitieren, um deutlicher zu machen, das Bewegung ein rechtshistorischer und rechtstheoretischer Begriff ist, manchmal reicht das nicht, und dann muss man eventuell noch Thomas Hobbes oder Aristoleles oder aus irgendwelchen Urteilen, Akten oder Motiven des Gesetzgebers zitieren (also die Auslegung vorzeigen). Mal reicht Aristoteles Onassis, um zu zeigen, wie er das Recht bewegt hat, mal Aristoteles alleine. Manchmal muss man den Leute noch ein Lexikon vor die Nase halten, um zu zeigen, dass Motive Motivationen sein sollen und beides Bewegungen. Manche Leser sind eben wendiger als andere, andere sind es weniger. Manche wollen auch gar nicht, dass sich was wendet, während es andere ganz ok finden oder geradezu begehren. Manchmal muss man den Leuten was um die Ohren hauen, damit sie endlich mal was wahrnehmen.
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tomorrowedblog · 5 months ago
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Friday Releases for October 18
Friday is the busiest day of the week for new releases, so we've decided to collect them all in one place. Friday Releases for October 18 include Anora, Woman of the Hour, Rumours, and more.
Anora, the new movie from Sean Baker, is out today.
Mikey Madison captivates as Ani, a young sex worker from Brooklyn whose life takes an unexpected turn when she meets and impulsively marries Vanya, the impetuous son of a Russian billionaire. However, when Vanya's parents catch wind of the union, they send their henchmen to annul the marriage, setting off a wild chase through the streets of New York.
Woman of the Hour
Woman of the Hour, the new movie from Anna Kendrick, is out today.
Anna Kendrick stars in her directorial debut, Woman of the Hour – the stranger-than-fiction story of an aspiring actress in 1970s Los Angeles and a serial killer in the midst of a yearslong murder spree, whose lives intersect when they’re cast on an episode of The Dating Game.
Rumours, the new movie from Evan Johnson, Galen Johnson, and Guy Maddin, is out today.
In times of global crisis, the brightest and biggest brains of the free world gather to provide leadership.
Bookworm, the new movie from Ant Timpson, is out today.
Mildred, an adventurous 11-year-old, dreams of proving the existence of the mythical Canterbury Panther. Accompanied by her estranged father (Elijah Wood), the mismatched duo navigates the wilderness, magic tricks, and an extraordinary quest.
Exhibiting Forgiveness
Exhibiting Forgiveness, the new movie from Titus Kaphar, is out today.
Tarrell (Holland) is an admired American painter who lives with his wife, singer Aisha (Day), and their young son, Jermaine. Tarrell’s artwork excavates beauty from the anguish of his youth, keeping past wounds at bay. His path to success is derailed by an unexpected visit from his estranged father, La’Ron (Jelks), a conscience-stricken man desperate to reconcile. Tarrell’s mother, Joyce (Ellis-Taylor) a pious woman with a profound and joyful spirituality, hopes that Tarrell can open his heart to forgiveness, giving them all another chance at being a family.
Smile 2
Smile 2, the new movie from Parker Finn, is out today.
About to embark on a new world tour, global pop sensation Skye Riley (Naomi Scott) begins experiencing increasingly terrifying and inexplicable events. Overwhelmed by the escalating horrors and the pressures of fame, Skye is forced to face her dark past to regain control of her life before it spirals out of control.
The Line
The Line, the new movie from Ethan Berger, is out today.
Alex Wolff stars as Tom, a scholarship student desperate to break free from his working-class background who is charmed by the prestigious KNA fraternity’s promises of high social status and alumni connections that open doors. But upon beginning a romance with Annabelle (Halle Bailey), a classmate outside of his social circle, and the manipulative schemes of his fraternity president (Lewis Pullman) unfolding during the hazing of new members, Tom finds himself ensnared in a perilous game of ambition and loyalty.
Goodrich, the new movie from Hallie Meyers-Shyer, is out today.
Andy Goodrich’s (Michael Keaton) life is upended when his wife and mother of their nine-year-old twins enters a 90-day rehab program, leaving him on his own with their young kids. Thrust into the world of modern parenthood, Goodrich leans on his daughter from his first marriage, Grace (Mila Kunis), as he ultimately evolves into the father Grace never had.
Hysteria, the new TV series from Matthew Scott Kane and David A. Goodman, is out today.
When a beloved varsity quarterback disappears during the “Satanic Panic” of the late 1980s, a struggling high school heavy metal band of outcasts realize they can capitalize on the town’s sudden interest in the occult by building a reputation as a Satanic metal band, until a bizarre series of murders, kidnappings, and reported “supernatural activity” triggers a leather-studded witch hunt that leads directly back to them.
Rivals, the new TV series from Dominic Treadwell-Collins, Laura Wade, and Elliot Hegarty, is out today.
Based on the celebrated novel by Jilly Cooper, “Rivals” dives into the ruthless world of independent television in 1986 — where it’s every man and woman for themselves.
The Devil’s Hour S2
The second season of The Devil’s Hour, the TV series from Tom Moran, is out today.
The Devil’s Hour season two sees Lucy (Jessica Raine) and Gideon (Peter Capaldi) forming an uneasy alliance in order to prevent a recurring tragedy and hunt down an elusive monster.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants Unleashed
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants Unleashed, the new game from AHEARTFULOFGAMES and Outright Games, is out today.
Join the Turtle brothers straight from the sewers and slide into this new adventure of shell-shocking proportions!
RetroRealms Arcade
RetroRealms Arcade, the new game from WayForward Technologies and Boss Team Games, is out today.
Step into a 16-bit Pixel Art world filled with gory good fun as horror legends Michael Myers and Ash Williams! Slice and shoot your way across multiple levels of terrifying platformer action filled with familiar sights and sounds from the original “Halloween” film and the STARZ television series “Ash vs Evil Dead!” Test your skill, use your weapons, and confront twisted and fiendish versions of iconic characters in two separate games that can be connected for even more fun.
Slipping Away
Slipping Away, the new album from Tim Heidecker, is out today.
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undersilverlake · 3 years ago
Breakup Prank
No One Special | Link x Reader (GN)
Summary: Link’s true colours show when you film a breakup prank on him (inspired by anons sent to @sadtrombonemusic I love her NOS fics)
Words: 1.1k
Warnings: canon typical gaslighting and toxicity from Link, nothing is healthy, verbal abuse
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Just as you were setting up the camera you heard Link’s key scratch against the lock of your front door and your heart rate immediately picked up as you rushed to position and turn on the hidden camera and confirmed it was recording before your boyfriend made it through the door and caught you red handed. Just as you heard the front door click shut, you jumped away from the bookshelf where your camera was hidden, positioned perfectly to capture a Link’s reaction to your prank.
You double checked that the camera wasn’t noticeable from your position on the couch just as Link entered the room clearly in a vibrant mood as he repeated your name in a sing-song manner but you remained seated and silent, offering him no response as you fidgeted with an elastic bracelet that you wore around your wrist.
Link came to a stop once he realised you weren’t going to offer him your usual affectionate greeting and he spoke your name again, this time serious, as he took a seat beside you and placed his palm on your knee.
“You okay?”
You had successfully reeled him in, now it was show time. First you shifted slightly away from him, rejecting his comforting touch, if you had been looking at him you would have noticed the way a dark shadow cast over his eyes.
“I’m going to stay at Frankie’s for a few days.” you began while you played with a loose piece of thread on your distressed jeans, purposely avoiding his gaze in order to stay committed to the prank because you knew you would crack the moment you looked at him.
You immediately felt Link shift beside you, his frame became rigid as he leaned back slightly and tried to evaluate your body language. “Why?” he questioned hesitantly, afraid of the answer.
“I need a break.” you mumbled, you weren’t sure if you spoke clearly enough for the camera to pick up what you said, you made a note to yourself to add closed captions during editing just in case.
“You need a break?” Link repeated, “we can go on a break, we could go right now. You don’t need to go to Frankie’s place, I can take you anywhere you want, you name it, Paris, London, Dubai, Tokyo?”
Despite the fact that Link’s spontaneity was incredibly tempting and romantic, you decided to stay committed to the prank. You would save his offer of an impromptu getaway for a rainy day.
“I need a break from us.” you clarified bluntly.
Link was quiet for a moment as he let your words sink in, his silence finally lured you to look at him and you felt a shiver run down your spine from the cold stare you were met with. “Are you breaking up with me?” he finally asked in a tone that was unfamiliar to you, it suddenly felt as though you were sat next to a stranger.
Your silence was all the confirmation he needed and he was quickly on his feet, you curiously watched him from behind as he buried his face in both his hands for a moment before he abruptly span around to face you from halfway across the room, in the back of your mind you were wondering if he was still within the cameras frame.
“Why?” Link demanded.
“Does it matter?” you asked feigning a weary tone.
“Is there someone else? Have you been cheating? Were you using me for publicity, is that it?” Link began to raise his voice and you finally cracked as the guilt started to show on your face, realising that the prank had gone too far but before you could come clean Link mistook your look of guilt as confirmation of his accusation and he let out a bitter laugh.
“Oh that’s it, isn’t it? No one knew who you were before I started dating you. I got you signed with Mark, I gave you exposure and now you’ve got everything you wanted you think you can breakup with me and people will still give a fuck about you?” Link slowly stalked back towards you as he spoke, you had never seen him like this before. It was like he was playing one of his characters in his videos but what disturbed you the most was the fact that this wasn’t a character, this was real.
“I made you.” Link stopped right before you and bent at the waist to bring his face mere inches away from yours. “You’re nothing without me.”
Silently you searched his eyes for any trace of familiarity but they were dark, vacant and dangerous and every fibre of your being was screaming abort.
“It was a prank.” you abruptly admitted, as if those words were an eject button and the situation were a crashing flight. You gave a quick side glance towards the camera that was discreetly hidden on your bookshelf, Link followed your gaze and stared directly at the small red light which peaked out from between two books.
The silence was palpable as you replayed the words that Link had said to you over and over in your mind, each time your heart rate grew faster as you began to question the type of person your boyfriend really was.
You almost jumped when Link’s laughter broke through the silence, this time it sounded light and familiar, not the cold and bitter laugh that taunted you just moments before and you nearly flinched when you felt his palms gently cup both your cheeks as he bent his knees and crouched before you.
“Baby, baby, baby…” Link softly whispered through his laughter. You failed to see what was so funny, “oh your face… I’m so sorry,” he apologised but it sounded anything but sincere and you drew your brows together as you tried to make sense of what was happening.
“Babe, I noticed the red light on the book shelf when I came in, I knew you were filming us.” Link lied smoothly.
“You did?” You questioned, to which he responded with a nod as he played with some strands of your hair.
“I knew it was a prank so I decided to mess with you back.” Link told you, although you were still struggling to process what was happening, “maybe I went too far.” He finally painted a remorseful look on his face and filled his tone with regret.
“What you said–” you started, “You know I didn’t mean a single word, right?” he quickly interrupted you.
When you hesitated Link continued, “it was just another character, like the ones in my videos. You know I’m not like that.”
Finally you nodded which earned you a warm smile and a tender kiss on your forehead that you melted into.
“Am I forgiven?” Link sheepishly asked as he looked up at you from his crouched position with his big brown doe eyes and you nodded again.
Link smiled into the kiss which he planted on your lips, knowing he once again had you wrapped around his finger.
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gojos-eyedrops · 2 years ago
What if…
Ok listen to me…
What if…I wrote a Link/Alex Goodrich fic? 👀
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I mean look at him???
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noonespecxxx · 3 years ago
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"My name is Alex Goodrich. I'm from Connecticut, and this is the first time I'm telling you the truth." 🤐
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bi-bard · 3 years ago
I knew you; playing hide-and-seek and giving me your weekends - Link Imagine (Mainstream)
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Title: I knew you; playing hide-and-seek and giving me your weekends
Pairing: Link (Alex Goodrich) X Reader
Song Drawn: cardigan
Word Count: 632 words
Warning(s): cussing, arguing
Summary: A confrontation leads to new truths being revealed.
Author's Note: I swear to God, Andrew Garfield is the only thing on my mind. Anyway, I don't condone anything his character does in this film. I'm trying to write from the perspective of a character that has been manipulated by this man.
Link was like an infection.
As soon as you met him, he could pull you in and get you to do anything. He was a siren drawing you to shore, leading you to the sharp rocks. God knows if he wanted to draw people to their deaths or if he truly wanted to have someone there.
I don't know when his spell hit me.
Was it when he approached me at the mall in that stupid mascot costume?
Or was it when I let him pull me into a pool while I still had all of my clothes on?
Or was it when he pulled me into a kiss right outside my door? When he pulled away before I even got to kiss him back? When I was left leaning on my front door, trying to figure out what the hell was going on?
It didn't truly matter anymore.
I now knew that I wasn't the only person that he had trapped.
I stood in the opening between my living room and my kitchen, watching the man that I could only describe as a storm sit on my couch without a care in the world.
"I know," I said simply. His attention turned to me. His focus was fleeting but I held it for a few moments. "About you and Frankie."
"What," he stood up quickly. "What are you talking about?"
"You fucked her," I replied. I wasn't going to dodge around it. It wouldn't be worth the trouble.
"We work together," he shook his head. "You know that. It's a character."
"No. It isn't. Not anymore."
He rolled his eyes dramatically.
"You're obsessed," I snapped. "With the fame and chaos. You dragged her in with you. I thought you gave a shit about me, but you just love the game. You love being the center of attention. All this anti-establishment talk is just bullshit."
"Shut the hell up," he shouted.
"You don't get to tell me what to do when you're freeloading in my house," I yelled. I took a moment to breathe. "I want you out."
"No," he shook his head, walking over to me. "You don't mean that."
He grabbed the sides of my face, trying to pull me closer.
"You don't mean that," he repeated. I shoved him away.
"Get out."
He glared at me.
Link's silence told me one thing; he knew that he was losing. He knew that he didn't have the control here that he so desperately craved.
"You had convinced me that you cared," I continued. "Every time that I questioned it, you kissed me or danced with me and made me forget all of it. But it was a character. Every part of you is just another character."
"No, no, no," he shook his head and started pacing again. "I won't leave. I want you. Only you."
"I don't believe you," I sighed. "I want you to leave now."
I watched him grab all of his stuff and throw it in the duffel bag that I bought him for overnight trips.
As he opened the front door, I let myself have a small victory.
"It's a consequence," I told him. "You don't get to win everything. That's a very mainstream way to think... Alex."
He froze, staring at me like he thought that I was going to crumble in front of him. I grinned at him.
"Goodbye," I added.
He slammed the door behind him. I locked it behind him.
I jumped when there was a kick against my door and he yelled, "Fuck you!"
I laughed in disbelief.
I got to him. Through the fake bullshit and cover.
I was free. Cured.
He had to deal with the stupid game he played... and I had pulled myself off the board.
I won.
What I Write For
Request Guidelines
Musical Prompts
Small Moments With…
When Worlds Collide (Doctor Who Crossover Series) Masterlist
Some Original Characters
folklore/evermore Writing Challenge (and Masterlist)
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reidslovely · 1 year ago
How to Disappear: Life Unknown.
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A/N: If you are reading this I finally decided to let this fic see the light of day. I wasn’t sure if this is something I wanted to post or not, seeing as Link is a very complex character. By that I mean he’s literally a walking piece of shit. But at the same time I’m constantly telling myself that it is normal to write fix it fics for awful characters, but like the whole Isabelle situation is very hard to write about. I wanted to see an ending for Link/Alex where he gets the help he deserves. He is severely mentally ill. But I also wanted to touch on Link’s past, and how this went on for as long as it did.I also selfishly wanted to see him have a love story and have human emotions sooo..
Please reblog and comment, pretty please.
Genre: Fix it Fic 
Pairing: Link/Alex Goodrich x Fem! Reader/OC-ish
Content Warnings: Mentions of suicide, person talking about struggles of being on the ASPD spectrum, talks of psychiatric hospital stays, bodily harm, neglect of child’s mental health.
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Alexander Goodrich
It glared back at him in dull blue ink.
It was an unfamiliar moniker scrawled at the top of the sign out sheet. The longer he stared the more alien it felt to him. Alex was a kid who burnt down a school, Alexander was the beloved son to a local politician who had to put on a good face for mommy and daddy.
Parents who deny their kid mental health assistance, create monsters. The Goodrich’s today would deny that the hot mess YouTuber, donning the name ‘No One Special’ or more simply Link, was not their estranged son. That their dear son, Alex, had run off two months into a psychiatric stay that never happened; never to be seen again. When in all reality he was shipped off to a boarding school he had run away from only days later. Since that day he was constantly ghosting about, avoiding the issues he had caused by running away. No amount of running could stop the issues he had for so long. He was not- is not a good person. But before facing that knowledge he knew he could always run away, try again- and if that didn’t work; he’d run away again.
Till he couldn’t run anymore.
Everywhere he ran cameras, girls, articles talking about no one special followed him. He had fucked up, worse than he had in a long time. A girl died because of him, because he let power get to his head. Not because of Frankie, Jake, or the internet.
Because of him. He was the reason a girl was dead.
“Alex.” A nurse's voice rang out through the white, cold halls of the hospital.
Evansport Long-Term Psychiatric Care Facility in LA was a cold place, even with its blue and yellow painted walls. This had been home for the last two years, and this time it was different. He swiped at his nose standing up nervously, shoving his sweaty hands into his pockets as he approached the older woman. Counting the tiles as he walked, this was it- he was finally getting to leave. He was ready, he was different- he hoped.
“Mr. Goodrich, can’t say I’m not sad to see you go.” Dorothy says, passing the bag of his belongings off to him. Alex nodded, giving her a grateful smile; he tucked the clear bag under his arm hugging the older woman. This was something he had been working on since his diagnosis. Alex had always known there was something going on with him, something much bigger than himself- that made him act how he did. It’s not that he didn’t want to be good, he did. Alex always wanted to be good, no matter what the child psychologists would say. He just didn’t know what exactly being good meant, he had always had these…urges. Whether it was to knock his peers off the swingset, beat that kid from gym classes head in if he stared for too long. Alex had no impulse control, he struggled to relate to his peers. But, mom and dad said he’d grow out of it; he never did. He tried, god he tried but he could never find a good way to help himself.
He was not a good person. But he was trying.
“Thank you Dottie.” Alex said, dropping his arms, patting his bag. “Do you think there will be people out there?” He asked after a minute, his head nodding towards the door. His voice flattered for a second, there were still people curious about him and it made him sick. Before it would have thrilled him, but now..he didn’t even want to see one camera in his face. The flash alone would send him into a spiral he feared.
“No, no they never guess dismissal right from those silly sources. Besides, you look a little different now huh? Wouldn’t notice you unless they stared at ya to hard.”
He did. Link, now Alex, had changed since his check in date. His blonde hair had grown out past his shoulders into his natural brown at one point. Dorothy took it upon herself to cut it for him when he’d max out on reward points. He now dawned a bit more stubble, and perfect brown hair, with a hat and sunglasses no one would notice him- hopefully.
Alex checked everything one last time, before giving Dorothy a tight-lipped smile and turned on his heel heading for the door. It felt like a threat, a gun pointed to his head. He always thought what this day would be like, what he would do when he got out. Link, that’s who he was when he checked in, thought he would be here two months before he got sick of it. He would check out, cut his hair and run away again, but then the therapy, the medication- it all started to help.
Admitting there was a problem, admitting that he was the problem and that a young girl had died because of what he did. Alex realized he had to change, that it was finally time to help himself.
No more lies.
He gave Isbelle’s family the requested money in court before there was even an opening testament, only requesting to return back to the psychiatric facility with what he had left to pay for it. Now here he was about to throw up, as he crossed the threshold into his new life.
His face flushed at the sunlight, he silently shut the door and started walking up the long driveway towards the gate. He sniffled and cleared his throat, sitting on a bench he’d claim as his own on his daily walks, he wasn’t quite ready to take those last few steps out of the gate. Digging in the bag, he pulled everything out: a black button up and slacks he had worn to court, a hoodie, his wallet, his phone.
His phone, he tossed it between his hands- the weight felt sickening in his hand.
“If it hadn’t been for the phone- no the phone didn’t cause this.” He reminded himself, he turned it on. Not knowing why, or what he thought he was gonna get out of it. The biggest part of him hoped it wouldn’t turn on, in the two years it had been shut off that it just magically died.
The ping of it turning on made him irrationally angry, wanting to just shut it off. Floods of text messages washed over his screen. No twitter, no instagram- he had deleted them on their way back from court.
For a minute everything stopped, no more text messages- till a final ding.
Frankie - Today 8:06 am.
“twitter source says your stay ends today. we should talk.”
His brother must have been paying on his phone bill somehow, he never mentioned it in their phone conversations. His thumbs danced over the keyboard, typing and erasing a replay- what did he say? Three dots popped up, soon replaced by a message.
Frankie - Today 8:15 am.
“you know where to find me.”
He closed his phone, shoving it into the pocket of his sweatpants, finally standing and pushing the gate open.
The old magic bar was in the middle of town, it was a bit of a walk but it did him good. The sun felt nice, it was finally fall, which meant the wind blew through here and there. As he reached the now abandoned building he halted, looking around. What if this was some sort of ambush- and the minute he walked down that alley his face would be everywhere in the next couple hours. His heart-rate increased, it felt like it was stuck in his throat.
Alex’s feet carried him forward with hesitant, quiet steps. If someone was waiting for him they wouldn’t hear him coming.
“Frankie is good, too good. She wouldn’t do that. Even if that’s what you deserved.”
He thought to himself as he looked around. He shoved his hands into his sweatpants, picking at the lint twirling it around between his fingers. Footsteps carefully found their way up the steps, he turned his head automatically.
Frankie looked older now, more mature. Her hair was longer, tucked behind her ear showing her scar off proudly. He always liked when she was confident. Her clothes are no longer ill fitted, but tailored and comforting. She’s come into her own.
“Hope you’re not here to ambush me.” He says quietly, taking in the woman before him. Frankie shook her head, her fingers dancing on the metal railing.
“No, no. I should but-” She stopped herself, looking around. “I’ve gotten out of the habit of picking out others' to feel better about myself. You should try it.”
Alex laughed, well, he blew air out of his nostrils and let his lips curl up into a bitter smile. “Yeah, me too. Never made me feel better about myself.”
“Could have shocked me.”
It was a silence for a moment, it was an unpleasant memory sitting here with her like this. There was a unpleasant lingering in the air like a bomb was going to drop.
“Did you love me? Or even like me?”
There it was.
What a weighted question, he gripped the metal railing swaying back and forth on his feet. “No.” He admitted, looking Frankie in her eye. “I didn’t love you- I don’t love I haven’t since..well in a really long time. I think..” He stopped himself, thinking about his next few words carefully. “I was infatuated with you. I tricked myself into thinking I loved you. I hurt you and I’m sorry it had to happen for me to be here now.”
Frankie stared at Link, Alex- whoever this new man in front of her was. “So who was she? There’s always a ‘she’ in these situations isn’t there?”
Alex laughed, rolling a rock under the sole of his shoe. “Was she one of the girls who fooled around with while we-”
“No, no..no. She was a girl I had known a long time ago, in high school. I think she was the last person who had ever tried to understand me. She didn’t look at me like a project.”
Alex’s heart twisted into a knot thinking about the girl who had up and left him, their hometown, everything. It had been the catalyst- the incident that sent him over the edge. Where was she now?
It wasn’t a jab to Frankie, however the twitch of her nose let him know he had offended her. “Sorry, sorry I shouldn’t have said that” It was sincere, Frankie shrugged her shoulders.
“No it’s true. We just got caught up in each other, the game. We weren’t good people.”
“No we weren’t but, hey, I was worse. Clearly.”
Frankie laughed, then the silence grew again. His mind wondered before looking back at the blonde in front of him.
“You should find her again, when you leave LA.”
“How’d you know I’d leave?” He laughed, tilting his head back. “It’s what I do huh?”
“Kind of.” Frankie says resting her forearms on the railing. “But I’m serious. If you’re on this righteous road of washed up celebrity maybe you should find the one person who made you feel-”
“Like a human?”
“Your words not mine.” Frankie says, pointing a boney finger at him. Alex tilted his head forward and let out a sigh. It had been almost a decade since he had disappeared from his home state, was there any point in returning. He was dead to them, a ghost. Did (Y/N) think he was dead too?
“Yeah, yeah maybe I will.”
Frankie nodded at him, waiting for a minute before taking a step back. “You look good, Link. I am happy for you, but don't think I can forgive you though. Maybe in time.” The man nodded at her, he understood- he didn’t want her forgiveness he just wanted her to know.
“I respect that.” He started, pushing himself off the steel railing with his hands in his hoodie pocket. “It’s Alex now by the way.”
Frankie shoved her hands in her pockets looking at him, her eyes raked over his face trying to read him- it still wasn’t easy to manage. “Well, Alex, I hope to see you doing good in the future.”
“You won't see anything about me. I’m done gonna head back to Connecticut, disappear and become a hermit on the coast.”
“Well, maybe you could keep me updated.” She says as she walks away.
“Are you like my sponsor or something?” He laughs as he stands straight. Frankie shrugged, turning to face him stopping in her tracks.
“Maybe. Go find that girl..have a human experience. Leave everyone alone.”
Alex raised his eyebrows holding back a laugh, he wouldn’t know a human experience if it bit him in the ass. He watched her leave, the two raising their hands in an unspoken goodbye. Alex walked out of the alley and into the sun of Los Angeles, breathing in the toxins of the city one last time before heading towards the nearest city.
Come tomorrow, he would be gone again.
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taglist: @helloheyhihowdyheya​ @tarzinnia​ @a-lumos-in-the-nox​ @sincericida​ @moonyslove78​ @messymissy​ @toomanyfictionalboyfriends​ @eevylynn​
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flamingo-writes · 3 years ago
A little something I made since I can't stop thinking of this mf. I'll perhaps write about him soon bcs I've been thinking nonstop about him since Saturday.
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A playlist of what I headcanon he'd listen to. The eccentric, non conforming of social norms, spontaneous, charming, short fused, psychotic and self centered jerk. I kept in mind the chill and odd Link we saw before the fame turned him into a megalomaniac as well as the Link we have at the end of the film.
1. Kill V. Maim, Grimes
2. Liar, Jake Daniels
3. Talia, King Princess
4. You Know Me Too Well, NBT
5. Charcoal Baby, Blood Orange
6. Tangerine, Glass Animals
7. Know Your Enemy, Green Day
8. Loves Dead, Victoria Kingz
9. Crystal Ball, Grimes
10. Is Everybody Going Crazy?, NBT
11. You're The One For Me - Digital Farm Animals Remix, GGFO, DFA
12. Crave You, Flight Facilities, Giselle
13. Violent Pornography, SOAD
14. Heat Waves, Glass Animals
15. Thnks fr th Mmrs, FOB
16. Pope Is a Rockstar, SALES
17. Teenagers, MCR
18. I Dont Wanna Talk, Glass
19. Peaches, Justin Bieber (feat. Daniel Caesar & Giveon)
20. Toxicity, SOAD
21. Outrunning Karma, Alec Benjamin
22. Waterfalls Coming Out Your Mouth, Glass Animals
23. Black Sheep, Metric
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kramlabs · 4 years ago
Peter at Hyperlipid on vaccines
“Does anyone think that expressing a viral spike protein on muscle cells will only generate an immune response to only that spike protein? Or, in the immune melee which results from muscle expressing an highly immunogenic foreign protein, would an immune response to other components of muscle surface occur?”
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lilacvine · 3 years ago
Request guidelines
I won't write incest, pedophilia, anything along those lines.
What I write :
-x reader
Who I write for :
Andrew Garfield!Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Gwen Stacy
Sam (Under the Silver Lake)
Link/No One Special/Alex Goodrich (Mainstream)
Matt Murdock/Daredevil
Marc Spector/Moon Knight
Steven Grant/Moon Knight
Adrian Chase/Vigilante
I'm in college guys so writing comes after my homework, my exams and my part-time job xo
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undersilverlake · 3 years ago
This is such a soft scene for Link 😔 maybe he isn’t so bad
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ninja-muse · 5 years ago
End of the Decade Favorite Book Tag
Turns out I have a hard time narrowing down books (shocker) so I decided to make a tag game!! Feel free to adjust the questions for your personal need (add or exclude genres to your liking, or categories, everyone reads differently). I’m trying not to repeat books, but hey, what happens happens, right?
Tagged by @bookcub and @brightbeautifulthings. Thank you!
1. High fantasy books that are obsession worthy
The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien. I think this one goes without saying. (This was my fourth read-through.)
2. Urban fantasy books filled with people you want as friends
The Greta Helsing novels by Vivian Shaw. Everyone’s just so nice to each other and practical. Would cheerfully befriend any of the protagonists.
3. Portal fantasy you fall in love with multiple times
The Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy by Laini Taylor. The writing is just “ooh” and every twist was a “gasp—yes!”.
4. Novella that just makes you sigh cause it’s so lovely
In an Absent Dream by Seanan McGuire. Lovely writing, lovely world, lovely magic system.
5. Historically inaccurate but laugh out loud
The Temeraire novels by Naomi Novik. Because dragons, on both counts.
6. Satire that makes you reconsider your whole world view
Look Who’s Back by Timur Vermes. Hitler comes back from the dead and narrates his rise to Youtube stardom and talk show fame.
7. Happy, happy, happy and sad, sad, sad
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. There’s so much joy and family bonding and love of reading—and then there are awful, sad things.
8. No, I’m not to old for kids’ books, what are you talking about???
George by Alex Gino. A kids’ book about a kids’ book, and so heartwarming.
9. I’m also not to old for picture books either and never will be
Nobody Hugs a Cactus by Carter Goodrich. A funny story about friendship and personality-induced loneliness, in a gorgeously illustrated American Southwest.
10. Whoa, never expected that ending and to have that much fun!!!
The Girl with All the Gifts by M.R. Carey. Who’d have thought that a zombie novel could tug my heartstrings, have wonderful writing, surprise me, and not scare the pants off me?!
11. Like I’m scared, but I’m happy about it
Blackout/All Clear by Connie Willis. I almost literally stayed up all night because every single chapter ends on a cliffhanger and I had to know. (And was having so much fun, obviously.)
12. Classically favorite
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. Way more than I expected it to be!
13. Party in your ears
Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome. Not a book I got on audio, but you can hear the voice of the narrator perfectly from the first sense. (He’s totally the 1800s version of a stand-up comic.)
14. Boom!!! Pow!!! Wham!!!
The Expanse by James S.A. Corey. The action, emotions, twists, explosions, and painful truths just. Keep. Coming.
15. Oh wow, that’s me!!
Radio Silence by Alice Oseman. Frances is the girl I needed to read in high school.
16. I can’t stop thinking about this book
The Years of Rice and Salt by Kim Stanley Robinson. Scientific advancement in a world without a West. It’s not so much I can’t stop thinking about it as it’s sort of a steady background noise of “this could’ve gone differently, White people aren’t all that”.
17. A book you got from Tumblr that made it to your fave
The Diary of a Bookseller
by Shaun Bythell. Saw it quotes on @immzies-adventures-through-books and knew I had to read it. British humour + bookselling = guaranteed fave.
18. A book you had high expectations for and then the author OVER delivered
Middlegame by Seanan McGuire. Favourite author, and then she did her thing all over the place and went places I never expected her to go.
19. Oof I’m glad that’s over but in a good way
The Silk Roads by Peter Frankopan. So much information. So much. But it was a refreshingly different perspective and I needed that.
20. Non-fiction that learned you all the things
Say Nothing by Patrick Radden Keefe. Yeah, this is partly because I read it this year so it’s fresh, but I closed this one knowing so much that I never even knew I didn’t know.
21. Unexpected surprise
A Hundred Thousand Worlds by Bob Proehl. I thought it would be a fun bit of fannish fluff and it ended up in that year’s top five for poignancy and beauty of language.
22. Underrated or indie/small press
The Accidental Turn novels by J.M. Frey! A great and pointed take on portal fantasies, literary tropes, and other metafictional stuff.
23. Favorite fairytale/mythology retellings
The Immortals trilogy by Jordanna Max Brodsky. I’ve never seen someone blend mythology into urban fantasy quite like she did.
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