letstalkbeautyuk · 2 months
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🦉 🎉 Well done, you passed badges. For sale in the shop. Great for exam results day
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Year 13 UK students’ opinions on the cancellation of A-level examinations and the future prospects during the COVID-19 pandemic Survey
There is a research project going on which is looking at Year 13's opinions on the cancellation of A-levels, the effects of COVID-19 on future prospects and results day feelings!
There is a quick survey that you need to fill out.
This is the link which will show you the survey link: https://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6614654
Please fill in the survey before A-level results day!
It's for anyone in year 13, in the UK, who was supposed to do A-levels this summer 2020.
Please share around to other year 13's too! There is not a lot of research taking into account year 13's thoughts and opinions on these decisions which affect year 13's future the most!
Many thanks in advance for all your help and support!
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starbearsblog · 3 years
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Thanatos, just sketchin to relieve some stress and anxiety about results day tmmrw😖
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Weekly Wednesday post - this week starting with a different sketch as it was later in the day and of my garden. This one would definitely benefit from some colour to give some definition and bring it alive. What a week! Another roller coaster caused by the governments mess of the A level results fiasco with a couple of lovely days of birthday celebration which helped us to recuperate and regain some strength for the battle we had for the rest of the week. Thankfully all was resolved yesterday although not necessarily in the way that we had originally hoped. Today I finished my second 50 page sketchbook of these daily sketches - the first time I’ve managed to maintain an artistic habit so regularly which I’m very happy about. I’ve learnt a lot about myself through this process particularly in the past two stressful weeks - I know now that to maintain this habit I will need to be more flexible about the time and location I sketch as a more normal life encroaches on my time each day. #dailysketch #dailymotivation #pensketch #penandpaper #alevelresults #alevelalgorithm #gardensketch #bedroomsketch #lockdownart #isolationcreation #sketchbook #sketchbookdrawing https://www.instagram.com/p/CEWMLOYFhZO/?igshid=1vgosaxshc9ee
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bristolforeurope · 4 years
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"Dear 18 year olds, You learnt the harsh lesson of class politics this week; You learnt the “work hard and reward with follow” rhetoric is a myth. You learnt the system is rigged to keep you in your place. Never, ever forget this lesson. Never, ever vote Tory. #ALevelResults " https://twitter.com/CassiPerry4/status/1294758112688300034 https://www.instagram.com/p/CEDQhkgHlF0/?igshid=zkdyvttc8ofh
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studierr · 5 years
i got into my first choice uni!!!!!!! i got A*A*AA h o w omg
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threethousandfans · 5 years
I think its important to note that you shouldnt base your success off of others. Although we all completed the same exam, we all had different circumstances that could have massivley altered the grade.
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thevirtualvicar · 5 years
Why have A-level results fallen?
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mrmtownley · 5 years
Where the journey began!
22nd November 2017. With GCSE certificates and other essentials in my bag my mum, step-dad and I began the car journey to Edge Hill University's campus in Ormskirk. It was my interview day and the nerves had already kicked in. I remember this day oh so well; it was a miserable day and I knew that how this day went determined the outcome of my future (not much pressure at all!)
The interview took, what seemed like, a lifetime! However, with a Maths and English test completed and sit down interview complete I headed to the Hub to meet back with my parents. It was such a relief that it was over - the only worry from then on was whether I had done enough for Edge Hill to offer me a place. It's fair to say that I barely slept with anticipation waiting for this e-mail telling me the fate of my future. On the day of the 27th November I got the e-mail telling me that I'd got a conditional offer, I was over the moon!
16th August 2018. A-Level results day. How much of a wreck was I? There was so much at stake if I didn't pass, so I was a complete emotional mess the week prior. On the day, opening that white daunting envelope, I could've collapsed from relief! With BBB I'd managed to secure my place on the Primary Education with QTS course. Happiest day of my life!
16th September 2018. Fast forward a month to move-in day. With the back of our car crammed to the brim with all my essentials (and non-essentials that I couldn't bare to leave) along with my parents, brother, grandma and myself we set off to my new home for the next 3 years. Within the hour I was going to be a fully enrolled student, and I was the happiest I'd ever been.
2 or so hours later and I was unpacked (but not organised!) and saying bye to my family. I was in my room for the first night, in Meadon block. It was strange but boy was I ready for this chapter of my life!
Freshers week came and went, I got to know my flatmates a little better and had some good nights! Lectures and seminars also had begun (well the induction ones) and quite honestly, I didn't hate them like I had expected to (I mean no one particularly wants to be coming back from a night out and then 4 hours later having to sit in a lecture theatre for a good few hours!)
6th December 2018. The day I'm writing this blog post. After 3 months of seminars and lectures and exemplar visits I can truly tell you that I love this course and am so glad that this is the path I decided to pursue! I have some of the best course mates, some of the most amazing flat mates and am actually enjoying and engaging with my course. I know it's only been 3 months but I can already tell that these three years are going to be the best in my life (so far!)
This post is just an introduction/journey so far kind of post. I still have notes and thoughts regarding my exemplar visits and from my seminars and lectures which I will post about soon enough! With the Christmas break steadily approaching I will be able to write up these notes to share.
Until next time,
Mr Townley :)
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frenhblr · 6 years
I didn't do nearly as well as I wanted but I'm glad nonetheless. Happy I was accepted into my first uni with decent grades. I'm going to actually revise from the beginning and aim for a 1st!!!
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letstalkbeautyuk · 1 year
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🎓 🎉 Badges for upcoming exam results days!
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rjmlaird · 6 years
Love this @uniofleicester. 🚀🔭📡🌟🌠 #launchyourself #clearing #clearing2018 #Leicester #alevelresults
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psychtrainee · 6 years
Results Day
The last two days I've seen all Year 13s results for Psychology and Health and I'm happy - The Health boundaries were lowered meaning the end grades were significantly higher than we had predicted (which is great!) and the Psychology results were on par with our predictions as teachers, which doesn't necessarily match the schools target... I imagine they'll be some moaning about that in September. Those who tried, achieved. I didn't have any students who I was surprised about failing or achieving highly. Although, based on their reactions leaving the exam hall I was expecting more. In other news, I haven't really started planning any lessons and I'm actually using my holiday to chill and be somewhat lazy and selfish. It's been lovely...until the guilt sets in. haha!
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emyoubelongwithme13 · 6 years
Good luck to all my UK swifties getting A level results tomorrow!! Whatever happens you should be immensely proud of yourselves; I know I am and Taylor would be too!💕
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ljmu-history-of-art · 6 years
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BA (Hons) History of Art and Museum Studies at Liverpool John Moores University still has a few places available for people who want to join us in September! This course is one that focuses on enabling students to become employed after graduation and offers brilliant internships and placements - including at the Venice Guggenheim Museum. The web-link for the course is: https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/study/courses/undergraduates/2018/History-of-Art-and-Museum-Studies and hear what the students who joined last September have to say about it: https://youtu.be/Px6eMNzZ__4 On Thursday the A'level results are known. If you need to discuss joining this course then please phone 0808 556 4565. Staff will be available all day on Thursday and also on Friday and Saturday to help. You can also contact the Course Leader, Dr. Emma Roberts at [email protected] #ALevelResults #ResultsDay #Clearing #Clearing2018 #UCAS #ResultsDay2018 @ljmuarts @LJMU
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threethousandfans · 5 years
Yall dont care but todays the day i find out if i get into the uni i want. Its 5 am and i have an hr and a half of shitting myself before i can find out.
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