#aleksy at the zoo is wild
sunsmitten · 4 years
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other living creatures aleksy attracts besides bees and butterflies
ravens / crows 
butterflies, bees and hummingbirds surround Aleksy due to his connection with nature ( plants and flowers more specifically ), while animals like ravens, crows, swans, and foxes are all animals associated with Apollo. Because Apollo still, in his own way, watches over Aleksy and continuously tries to grab his attention, these animals have regular appearances in his life and will trail after him once they spot him. Never out of malicious intent, Aleksy has never been bitten or stung; Except by the wasp. Wasps only hang around him due to his scent. He naturally smells like flowers, and he’ll occasionally catch the eye of critters with justifiably bad reputations. 
of course there are other insects and animals that will appear around him every so often, but these are the creatures that Aleksy takes notice of more. 
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askeataiho · 2 years
🎧,😚, 🪜?
🎧 A certain song you listened to while writing a fic?
Answered once. I don't tend to listen to music while actually write. But you never looked better had a playlist for brainstorming: The Maiden and the Selkie by Heather Dale, Animal Skin by Bryan Dunn, and WANS.
😚 A fic you like writing more than other fics?
I had so much fun writing But you never looked better. I didn't ever get more than a little stuck on a point, and I'm really happy with how it turned out!
🪜 Tell us a random fact about any fic!
First answer.
I'll make this one about New Light too. I'd decided on Tommi, Joonas, and Olli's dæmons easily and earlier. But I had more trouble with the other guys dæmons.
For Aleksi I also considered a coyote or jackal but decided that was too many canines and went for some type of monkey. At first I wanted him to have a pygmy marmoset or a golden lion tamarin because they're so cute. I wanted them to be able to help him play music and not like get crushed by a drumstick though, so I went for something bigger. Vervet monkeys look pretty standard for people's ideas of a monkey and are the size I wanted.
For Joel I considered so many animals: grey wolf, many many types of cats both wild and domestic, and some hawks (didn't seriously consider rabbit - I wanted him to have a cool dæmon but I think rabbit would be fitting). I ended up going with cheetah because I remember the emotional support dogs for cheetahs in zoos fact.
For Niko I was pretty sure he'd have a goat dæmon. I'd even decided on a breed - Dutch Landrace I think it was. But then I was starting on it and having Niko angst about his dæmon not being a big cat or a hawk and got to "at least she could have been a corvid" and realized I actually hadn't thought of that. I considered magpie, grey jay, steller's jay, and crow.
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