dolorem-ipsum-au · 5 years
Excerpt from “The History of Monsters”, 10th ed. (200X) by Gerson Boom (A.K.A. “The Hammer of Justice”)
“Even after the war of humans and monsters began, not all humans supported the cause of their fellows. Several thought that the war was unjust, because of their religion, because they had befriended monsters, or because, as was the case for many, their lives had been saved by monsters.
Inevitably, the war was lost.
And those humans who were considered traitors to their kind…
were executed.
That is, with the exception of the few the monsters were able to smuggle into the Underground with them.
Grateful for the help these humans lent to them, and distraught that the cost of that help had been the lives of many they had known, the monsters elected to hand leadership to the humans that had led the resistance.
But the humans soon found out that some slated for execution had been smuggled Underground by the monsters (likely through interrogation of the family members of the so-called “traitors”) and sought a way to wipe them out. So they took the bodies of those among them that had died of a disease (presumably what we now refer to as “the Plague”, likely in its Bubonic form), and with them poisoned the water supply of the Underground. This hardly, if at all, affected the health of the monsters. However, the humans were all struck violently ill. Despite the monsters’ best efforts to cure them with healing magic, all of the humans soon perished.
However, a few human souls, still imbued with healing magic, and brimming with determination, refused. Even while the monsters were mourning their loss, they shed their diseased shells and rose to live again, thus giving rise to a new race of human-monster hybrids: skeletons.”    
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dolorem-ipsum-au · 5 years
On Undertales of Sorrow and Redemption (UTSR)
There are currently over 150 Undertale AUs. Probably many more. So why make another?
Even with all of these AUs, there is something I’ve noticed. With a few exceptions like InvertedFate and Turning Point (formerly What it Once Was and originally Unexpecterchanged) (I know there are more, but I do not have time to list them all here!), the roleswap Aus I’ve come across all tend to use the same formula as Undertale; monster exits underground, monster is killed by human, monster dies on bed of flowers or smthn, monsters declare war on humanity, flower is injected with determination, flower becomes homicidal (though not always), etc. The same basic outline with a shifting of roles. 
And of course, this is fine! That’s the whole point of a roleswap Au. It’s fun to imagine these variations on Undertale that still stick to Undertale’s basic story. 
But I wanted to make something different. Something that abandoned the basic formula while still retaining some familiarity, like Turning Point. As such, not everything is changed. But it’s still quite different. 
This wasn’t my goal when I first conceived of this AU. This AU started as a Storyshift variation that was never actually intended to come to anything. Just a thing to imagine. (Yes, I know Storyshift variations are discouraged by the creators of the AU, but at that point they had not yet commented on that. Also, I didn’t have a tumblr and didn’t really know what tumblr actually was, so...) But the more I thought on it, the more it evolved, beyond anything I ever imagined it could be. The AU in its present form could not have existed before the release of Deltarune, as many features of Deltarune have been incorporated. 
There is no Flowey in this AU. There is no Flowey Role in this AU. I am not entirely certain that you can even call this a Roleswap AU. Some roles are disposed of entirely, or multiplied, and new ones are created. 
Don’t expect a comic in the near future. But then again, that’s not entirely out of the question, either. It all depends on what’s going on in my life. The story is not entirely thought out yet, and my drawing skills are a bit rusty (I’m out of practice...) But that doesn’t mean you won’t be getting anything! Before the comic comes worldbuilding, and I would be more than happy to share that with everyone!
So, what exactly is this AU? I’m afraid I can’t answer that just yet because of how I want the story to unfold. I want people to experience the events with the same knowledge of events as the main character. That is to say, very little. I will say, though, that this AU is very focused on the events of the past and its present repercussions, especially the personal effects on characters. 
This post is getting long, so I’ll end it here. But feel free to ask me any questions about the AU! Well, as long as I can answer them without spoiling something...
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