#alec torrent
winnie-the-monster · 9 months
“Mother.” Alec’s voice as he interrupted his mother was firm, implacable, and not unkind. “Father. There’s something I have to tell you.” He smiled at them. “I’m seeing someone.”
Robert Lightwood looked at his son with some exasperation. “Alec,” he said. “This is hardly the time.”
“Yes, it is. This is important. You see, I’m not just seeing anyone.” Words seem to be pouring out of Alec in a torrent, while his parents looked on in confusion. Isabell and Magnus were staring at him with expressions of nearly identical astonishment. “I’m seeing a Downworlder. In fact, I’m seeing a war—“
Magnus’s fingers moved, quick as a flask of light, in Alec’s direction. There was a faint shimmer in the air around Alec—his eyes rolled up—and he dropped to the floor, felled like a tree.
-City Of Ashes
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Bedeviled Playlist
Hello babies 💗 this is a collection of songs for Bedeviled. Whether you listen to them while reading or just whenever, I hope you like it!
These are songs I either stumbled upon, listened to years ago and just found again, or are instrumentals I've listened to while writing. It's insane how many of them fit with bedeviled 🍎🥀
Songs will continue to be added!!! Have fun crying 🤠
In Another Lifetime- Zoe Sky Jordan
The Last Words You Said- Sarah Brightman
In Another Lifetime- Sophia Fredskild
Never Get To Heaven- Sarah Blaine
Never Get To Heaven (slow version)- Sarah Blaine
This Broken Soul- Rebecca Kneubuhl
Everything is Lost- Maggie Eckford
Angels Like You- Miley Cyrus
Lullaby- Josh Groban
I Miss You, I'm Sorry- Gracie Abrams
Locksmith- Sadie Jean
Remember Me- Ivan Torrent
You Broke My Heart Again- Teqkoi
When the World Stops Spinning- Kyler England
Hero- Faouzia
Devil Doesn't Bargain- Alec Benjamin
Castles Crumbling (Taylor's version)- Taylor Swift
Open Your Eyes- School of Seven Bells
Last Kiss (Taylor's version)- Taylor Swift (thank you to the anonnie that brought this to my attention ❤)
Say Yes to Heaven- Lana Del Ray
Nitty Gritty- Lova (thank you to the anonnie that brought this to my attention 🩷) check out the MV as well!
Innocence- Cannon Division
What Are Words- Chris Medina
Jacob and the Stone- Emile Mosseri
I Know The End x Scott Street remix- Phoebe Bridgers
Sad Emotional Piano (1 hour version)- Ambient Feelings
Epic Inspirational Music Mix (1 hr)- Epic Battle
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Ooooh it's wednesday again! okay so i love institut alec, it's sooo intriging. So i was just wondering if i could ask for some more in that au
here is some more! thank you for the prompt i hope you enjoy
“And just what were you thinking?” Alec asks as he seethes with fury, pacing in front of the three, still shackled hunters.
“My mother—” The little one says, and Alec swears he’s never heard such an annoying or vastly repeated phrase before.
“Jocelyn Fairchild is not a priority within these halls.”  Alec says with a fury he is sure is obvious.  “If you want your mother retrieved so badly, then you will go to Idris and petition the clave to support you and send their own teams.  My shadowhunters are not here for you to order about so freely.  
“We are the protectors of New York, not of a traitor to Idris and a former shadowhunter.  I will not let my people be used so callously for your own vendetta.  You have created strife among my territory with every one of your thoughtless actions and nearly started a war between every faction of the shadowworld.  The mortal Cup is a priority of the clave, it is not a priority of this Institute.”
“We can’t leave! I need to be here for Simon, and for Luke!”
“You should have thought about that before you buried him on hallowed and divinely blessed ground.” 
Jace and Izzy both pale and he knows they’ve suddenly remembered all the lessons they oh-so-conveniently forgot the night before.
“Now, what is this about a Luke?” 
What follows is even more frustrating and Alec is not old enough to deal with this level of ridiculousness. 
Alec allows for no arguments, every single fact or accusation thrown at him by Clary and two of his best shadowhunters he ignores.  He doesn’t care how they want to twist their duties, or how they want to claim the need to help her.  He’s spoken and he’s made his decision.  
Perhaps he would have listened, if a mundane hadn’t already died.  If the New York vampire clan wasn’t in the middle of an upheaval of power, if he didn’t now know that the alpha of the New York pack just changed in a bid of power.
If the High Warlock of Brooklyn hadn’t been forced to show his hand. 
Change is happening, too quickly for him to do more than brace himself for the coming torrent.  New York is going to be vulnerable, now more than ever.  And whether Valentine is actually alive, or if it’s just his followers gathering back together, Alec has a duty.  
Clary is the least of his concerns, her mother even less so. 
If Jocelyn Fairchild were never to wake again and the Mortal Cup lost forever, Alec would be relieved.  
Instead, its presence has surfaced and suddenly everyone hunts for it in a desperate bid for more power.  The tools of the angels were not gifted to the nephilim out of grace, but out of an angel’s curiosity.  
Nephilim were not born, they were made.  A machination of an angel’s attempt to emulate their god, of course they would fall so far from the pedestal they were born on.
So, Alec gathers up the three of them and he personally escorts them to the portal there and shoves them through.
It’s time for him to clean up their mess.
One last time.
As thanks for a gift they will never know they gave.
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You're so golden
You're so golden
I'm out of my head
And I know that you're scared
Because hearts get broken
If Jace was gold, Alec was silver. Catching all the light Jace emitted, reflecting it. But silver was a rarer metal than gold. Magnus had always thought this.
Right now, Jace was being burdened—and yes, burdened was the word—with meaningless praise from Irina Cartwright, after she'd just told Alec in a sickly-sweet voice that she didn't see him able to amount to anything but shame.
Jace kept eyeing Alec, who'd gone red when she'd said that, and now was quite pale, head bowed, eyes unreadable. Magnus saw him and mouthed, It's not your fault. I'll talk to him. Jace nodded and mouthed back, Yes, please. He needs it.
Magnus stood up and walked to Alec, tapped his shoulder and whispered, "Care for a stroll? It's getting awfully stuffy in here."
Alec hesitated, then nodded stiffly. Magnus took his hand and led him out of the room.
"Talk to me," he said as soon as they were outside. "Let it out."
Alec stared.
"It's okay to feel bad. She's a bitch. She has no valid opinions regarding you and anything about you. Fuck her. But don't actually."
Alec managed a small smile. He took a breath and it all came out in a torrent:
"I know, I know I shouldn't take her words to heart, but—she'd just said to my face what I'd thought of myself my whole life. I'd just been starting to think, hey, maybe I'm not that worthless. Maybe I'm more than what I make myself out to be. And that's all thanks to you. Then I hear her say the words I've been telling myself for years and it cracked that stage I've been building for myself. She just went talking to Jace and painting him as a man who can do no wrong! And, yes, I love Jace to bits. He deserves every praise. But, what, is it that he's straight and pretty and confident and suave and cool and brave and talented and everything I can never be? I know that. I fucking know all that. But it still hurts to hear."
Magnus took it all in, and sighed.
"You're just as pretty and cool and brave and talented as Jace," he told him. "You're not lesser than him. Not because you're gay, not because you're dating a Downworlder. Not because you're the parabatai of the guy who gets all the attention. Yes, he deserves that attention. But you deserve some recognition too. You're courageous, you're smart, you're a dead-shot with a bow. It doesn't matter that Jace is the golden boy; silver has always suited you far better. And, can I tell you a secret?"
"What?" Alec asked, wary and curious, eager to be comforted.
And Magnus told him what he'd always thought when it came to him, but had never said aloud until now: "Silver is a rarer metal than gold."
Alec looked at him for a moment, then smiled a small smile. But it was a smile nevertheless.
"Thank you," he whispered.
Magnus smiled at him. "Don't thank me for saying the truth. The truth was always there. You just needed help seeing it."
And they went back inside.
[lyrics from Harry Styles's Golden.]
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The Lifelong Journey to Orleans
Written by Alec Wu Performed by Skywaste Listed on Less Than
you're sweet on a peace that finds you when you're sleeping the rain comes down in torrents you've never felt alive
the ground is at your feet a sorrow leaves you weeping the dreams are slow to die you struggle to survive
when you're traveling to cities that you've never even known almost trailing far behind you something simple, something grown I will find you in a state of absolute felicity sweep the ashes of your mourning 'long your journey to Orleans
blessed be the saints that give you what you've earned your cries for repentance soothe your aching wounds
trust me to warn you this is where you will sojourn to find what comprises you to find yourself so soon
when you're traveling to cities that you've never even known almost trailing far behind you something simple, something grown I will find you in a state of absolute felicity sweep the ashes of your mourning 'long your journey to Orleans
your subconscious will remind you you have fallen at their feet all the passions that you’ve given rendered beauty obsolete I will find you in a state of absolute felicity sweep the ashes of your mourning 'long your journey to Orleans
I want to thank you for giving me a choice to take you with me I'd love to say that it hurts less to cry but that'd be a lie
when you're traveling to cities that you've never even known almost trailing far behind you something simple, something grown I will find you in a state of absolute felicity sweep the ashes of your mourning 'long your journey to Orleans
sweep the ashes of your mourning 'long your journey to Orleans
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twothpaste · 2 years
(fick snippet below the cut feat. lucas & kuma at a roller rink)
Nowadays - unbeknownst to him - it ain't easy for her to connect all the dots in her head. Same freckles, sure. Same goofyass hair, still a siren's song for her latent noogie instinct. Nonetheless, a sprawling mind's eye chasm lies between him and that teary-eyed squirt she used to know. Lucas, Alec's little grandschmuck, "sweet pea," his mom called him, was a lily-livered lost cause. A playful shove, which his brother wouldda merrily reciprocated, sent this absolute marshmallow Peep into hysterics. Kid Kuma could hardly fathom it. The way he wailed like a banshee for a smushed pillbug. Held a funeral for it, with stuffed animals to oversee the whole ordeal. Utterly gutless. Lucas, though? Kiddo? He's a veritable pillar of patience. Tower of temperance. Built like a game of Jenga - 'cept every loose piece gets swapped with somethin' sturdier. And reinforced with concrete. His father's cinderblocks and bricks're settling, albeit hilariously awkwardly, along a steely spine, and broad shoulderblades. Kid's tears slip only through a rusted faucet, rarely enough that she's yet to catch sight of 'em. He's meek, alright. Speaks low tones soft enough to soothe a tyrannosaurus. But make no mistake. Kumatora's one of the lucky few privy to his little-known secret. The guy's tough as nails.
Thus, the disconnect is both jarring and snicker-worthy. Watchin' him clamber into a gnarly pair of rental skates, four wheels a piece. Rise to his full five-or-six inches taller, as he recounts his tale of - "Wuh.. Woah. Oh, jeez…" What was that? Ah. Woe. She can picture little Lucas, aged eight, toddling along on a squeaky set of wheels. Like. When he slips and braces against the wall, total fuckin' klutz, she can imagine it perfectly. Clear as day. Maybe the poor goober was armed to the teeth with protective gear. Elbow n' knee pads, clamped to his toothpick limbs. Big fat helmet, strapped to his big fat head. None of that would've held back the torrent of tears, though, when he inevitably came crashing down.
"Ohhhh… It's alright, sweet pea. Hah. You're alright, there… See? It ain't hurt ya none."
"Heheh," Lucas chuckles, barely over his breath. Arms splayed like chicken wings. One hand grasping vaguely for her wrist. Contemplating his balance, as he slides beside her at maybe two miles an hour. "Yeah. Claus was skatin' circles around me, the whole time."
"Awww, the trauma of it all! Ya poor little dandelion, scarred for life! Never tried it again, then?"
"Nah. Well…" his eyes shift beneath thick, pensive brows. "Ain't like Dad was takin' us, anyways."
"Right, right…"
What Kuma can't picture, for the life of her, is how ya get from point A to point B. When Lucas falls, this time, nearly draggin' her down with him, he takes an audible thud to the knee. Whisper-grumbles the word "shit," awful softly, like sayin' it too loud might just provoke God to strike him down in a flash of lightning. Then, clasping tight to her yanking hand, he pulls himself up. Brushes off his jacket. And keeps right on at it.
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bluekat12345 · 2 years
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Here it is, my Pokémon team with Piplup as my starter. Piplup is still my least favorite of the Sinnoh starters, but this team got the job done.
But there were challenges, such Gardevior being weaker than I would've liked, it fainted so much it's a miracle that it was my last pokemon standing against Cynthia.
Anyway, here's my team's info:
Azurite the Empoleon (Male)
Lv. 67
Ability: Torrent
Docile Nature. Has Good Perserverance
Drill Peck, Scald, Surf, Flash Cannon
Iron Plate
Alec the Roserade (Male)
Lv. 66
Ability: Natural Cure
Bold Nature. Alert to Sounds
Giga Drain, Grass Knot, Sludge Bomb, Petal Blizzard
Medow Plate
Dot the Pachirisu (Female)
Lv. 65
Ability: Run Away
Serious Nature. Often Lost in Thought
Spark, Thunderbolt, Discharge, Electro Ball
Giselle the Gardevior (Female)
Lv. 64
Ability: Trace
Timid Nature. Strongly Defiant
Dazzling Gleam, Draining Kiss, Psychic, Psybeam
Mind Plate
Ebony the Weavile (Female)
Lv. 63
Ability: Pressure
Quiet Nature. Strong Willed
Avalanche, Dark Pulse, Ice Beam, Night Slash
Icicle Plate
Lv. 61
Ability: Pressure
Adamant Nature. Mischievous
Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Claw, Spacial Rend
Dragon Fang
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magnusofglitter · 1 year
Jessie Lovelace and Mortmain must reluctantly work together to steal the Mortal Cup. It will be described as torrent.
Jessie Lovelace and Mortmain must reluctantly work together to steal the Mortal Cup. It will be described as torrent.
— Alec Lightwood (@MagnusOfGlitter) Apr 2, 2023
from Twitter https://twitter.com/MagnusOfGlitter
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ffxiv-roleplayer · 7 years
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“We got ourselves a hunting trip. Those assholes took Saels.”
Beexu had been walking back through Limsa from fishing. Outside the wench she ran into a crying raen of the name Izumi. With Fier’s help, they learned the woman had witnessed her friend get abducted. Though it wasn’t until later out in the orange groves did they learn it was Saelsria who had been taken. Beexu called for Sterr, Aerik and Alec. The three roegadyn joined them. Lead by Fier, they tracked the kidnappers into the rain forest. 
As they got deeper into the jungle, the group was ambushed by four of the kidnappers. It took everyone’s combined strength to bring the few down. Leaving one alive for questioning. Though he did not last long as his taunts left the doman a bloody pile of bits thanks to Sterrbhar. 
The group would have to retreat and gather their energy. They needed everything together to face down the rest of the mongrals and take back what was rightfully their’s. 
Hopfully they aren’t too late...
@saelsria-grumble @aeriktirel @shadowsthatgiggle @fatedadventurersxiv
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passed-out-real · 2 years
Alec Baldwin Filmography Part 6
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30 Rock (2006‑2013)
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Blue Jasmine (2013)
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Still Alice (2014)
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Torrente 5 (2014)
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Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (2015)
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Andron (2015)
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Blind (2016)
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Rules Don't Apply (2016)
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The Boss Baby (2017)
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An Imperfect Murder (2017)
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mvgenvideos · 4 years
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New Music Video From Torrented Existence - My Igloo Eyes (the Misadventures Of Alec Baldwin)
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malecftmaxrafe · 2 years
“Mother.” Alec’s voice as he interrupted his mother was firm, implacable, and not unkind. “Father. There’s something I have to tell you.” He smiled at them. “I’m seeing someone.”
Robert Lightwood looked at his son with some exasperation. “Alec,” he said. “This is hardly the time.”
“Yes, it is. This is important. You see, I’m not just seeing anyone.” Words seemed to be pouring out of Alec in a torrent, while his parents looked on in confusion. Isabelle and Magnus were staring at him with expressions of nearly identical astonishment. “I’m seeing a Downworlder. In fact, I’m seeing a war—”
Magnus’s fingers moved, quick as a flash of light, in Alec’s direction. There was a faint shimmer in the air around Alec—his eyes rolled up—and he dropped to the floor, felled like a tree.
—City of Ashes, The Mortal Instruments 2.
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bookishjules · 2 years
"You said we'd be together forever, but I guess forever really isn't that long." Malec 👀
(send me a prompt!)
I apologize for what you're about to read
"You said we'd be together forever," Alec said, "but--"
"But I guess forever really isn't that long," Magnus finished. He sounded tired. He looked tired.
He looked like he was dying.
Alec took a ragged breath, tears building behind his eyes. Magnus was dying.
He'd been in this situation too many times already. Maybe that should have given him more hope that they'd be able to make it through--statistically, that would make sense--but Alec couldn't count on their luck holding, especially not now, not when everything around them was already falling apart at the seams.
Alec watched as acceptance took root in Magnus's eyes, as if his death were an inevitability. His voice was heavy with it as he said, "Tell the boys--"
"No," Alec said. "No. None of that. We have to--"
"Alexander. There's no one left to help me. I'm not going to--" He closed his eyes and steadied his breathing. "I'm not going to make it. And I'd like for my husband to pass a few sentiments on to our sons."
Somehow, despite everything, there was a smile in his eyes. Alec studied them, the way they glistened with unshed tears, slit pupils reflecting the dying light. Love seemed to be pouring from his eyes in a torrent stream, willing Alec to take it all home with him. He committed those eyes to memory, so he could describe them to Max and Rafael when he relayed whatever words Magnus had for them, so he could play them back in his mind every day for the rest of his life and remember. Remember the heart Magnus had for his family. Remember his heroism. Remember his loyalty and his kindness.
Magnus squeezed Alec's hand as much as he could manage. Alec nodded.
"Tell Max," Magnus began, "tell him I'm sorry for leaving him so early, that I won't be able to be there when . . . when everyone else is gone." A tear sipped from his eye. "Tell him I wish I could have taught him more, but I can already tell he'll be almost as powerful as I am."
Magnus smirked, then took a few breaths before continuing, his words slow, burdened by the effort. "Tell Max that he changed my life in every way possible. That he made me face my fears. He gave me hope. Our little blueberry . . . he's so special."
Alec nodded again, unable to trust his voice. He stroked his freehand across Magnus's forehead, brushing sweat-dampened hair away from his face. If only this hand held magic like Magnus's did, Alec thought. He'd transfer all of his remaining life into Magnus if he could.
"And Rafe," Magnus said. "Tell Rafael he was one of my biggest challenges. Tell him how much I cherished every day with him and how sorry I am that I won't be there for his first rune, that I won't be there to clean him up the first time he comes home covered in ichor.
"Tell our brave boy that I'm counting on him to be the best big brother. He's so resilient, but . . . will you remind him that life isn't always about the battle? You shadowhunters and your gravitas." A smile pulled at the corner of his mouth.
Alec felt a quick breath leave his chest like a laugh that was already buried six feet under. He shook his head a little in mock annoyance.
"Magnus," Alec said, filling his husband's name with everything he didn't have words for in that moment. He moved his hand down to the side of Magnus's face and left it there.
"I'm sorry, Alexander. I'm sorry I wasn't able to be with you longer."
Alec tried to protest, but Magnus gave him a hard look.
"I know . . . the boys. I'm not making things easy for you. But, love, you are the best father. You're the best person. I know . . ." He took a few rasping breaths, each one slower than the last. "I know you will do well by them. They're so lucky to have you. I'm so lucky to have you. You . . . you've taught me so much Alexander."
"Save your breath, Magnus." Alec leaned down and touched his lips to Magnus's forehead and then, softer still, to his mouth.
His lips were cold beneath Alec's.
Alec pulled back. Magnus's eyes were searching.
He was slipping.
"Stay with me, baby." It was a soft, desperate plea. "I love you. God, I love you so much. You're the reason I'm the man I am today. I don't know how I'll manage in a world that doesn't have you in it."
Tears poured incessantly from Alec's eyes, making it hard to look down at Magnus. Why couldn't his tears have magic? He should be able to fix things. He should be able to save his husband.
"Alexander . . . You will. Manage. I know . . . because I know you." Alec could see the energy draining from Magnus's body as he spoke. "And I'll . . . I'll be with you . . . forever."
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Alec and Raina part 19
TW: FREQUENTLY REFERENCED PAST NONCON (not explicit), aftermath of noncon, manipulation/coercion, starvation mention, fear of death
Heed the tws! Enjoy! Masterlist here.
Knox wrapped a leg around Alec’s waist, a hand tangled in his hair and painfully tugging his chin up, forcing him to look at the other. “Let’s see if you can get any farther than last time,” he whispered, tracing a scar on his chest with a fingernail and sending a shudder of pain down Alec’s spine. “Hold still for me and I won’t have to drug you up, alright?” 
Alec awoke tangled in the sheets, warm and content and confused. But only for a moment. The night before came flooding back in a shock of reality, although he wished he could erase it from his mind. His battered body ached and throbbed, and an all-too-familiar pain stabbed itself through his bad leg. Between his legs, a sharper pain. He wanted to scream, yet he knew Knox might still be here. He couldn’t dare risk doing something that would risk Dorian. But he was blissfully, thankfully alone. So he let a weak sob escape his lips, his head spinning with disgust and horror and dizziness. But Dorian’ll be okay now. I’m already a lost cause… but he isn’t.  But that didn’t make Alec feel any less sick about the whole thing 
“Let me fuck you and I won’t hurt him,” Knox had cooed at Alec the night before as he’d kicked the door shut and reached for the hem of his shirt. “Your body for his, hm? You’ve already proven you’re so nice and good in pain, where he’s likely a waste. What do you say, dear?” 
He shook his head hard as if to erase the memory like a drawing on an etch-a-sketch, trying not to think of his hands on his body and moving down his hips, down his thighs— He shoved the covers off himself and ran to the bathroom, still naked, retching and trembling as his body revolted against him. But he hadn’t eaten in days— one of Raina’s punishments— so he simply dry heaved, pain wracking his chest as the retches turned into coughs that turned into sobs as he slumped on the tile and let himself cry. 
When his breaths came in short gasps and his tears slowed their torrent, he turned the shower as hot as it could go and stood there, unmoving, staring numbly at the wall as he tried to burn off what was left of Knox’s touch, as the water pounded like acid on his open wounds. 
He’d slammed Alec against a wall at one point, bit his lip until it bled, left crescent-moons of nail marks on his hips, sucked at his skin until he bruised purple. Maybe he’d have enjoyed it from Dorian, but the pain had felt fresher and less sweet from Knox. Pain was pain, but his torment was beyond such. Brutal instead of sensual, ruthless and quick instead of Dorian’s slow, drawn-out, gentle pushing of his limits. He’d whimpered instead of moaned, trembled instead of begging for more. He’d made himself pliable, and he’d made himself good, but he’d felt himself dying inside every second. 
Angry shouting interrupted his shower, Raina’s familiar snapping along with Knox’s biting, defensive words. Alec stumbled out of the flow, legs screaming in protest, and wrapped himself in a fluffy towel— although he was being starved, he hadn’t been denied the use of Raina’s luxury— and sat by the door, pressing his head to the crack between it and the wall. 
“He’s mine, you can’t just violate my plaything without my permission!” Raina seethed. “If you want one, get your own. That was the ONE boundary I’d never cross with him and you chose to—“ 
“C’mon, he’s just made to be a fucktoy, so good at it... give it a try, he’ll change your mind, stop being such a prude,” Knox insisted. Alec felt sick all over again, curling up in his towel as if he could hide when his door didn’t even have a lock. 
“Like I said, it was the one thing I’d never do to him, and now he’s gonna be all fucking pathetic and terrified the next few days ‘cause he’ll think I sent you up there! He’s MINE and you can’t just choose to ruin him, get THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!” 
A door slammed harshly, and the house fell quiet but for the reprise of Alec’s cries. 
He felt frozen on the ground, his face pressed against the hardwood as his wet hair trailed water behind him. He no longer cared that Raina would be pissed that her floor was wet. 
As her footsteps echoed through the hall, vibrating up to the floor as she neared Alec. 
His body was a vessel, not truly him. Something to be ruined, cut open, dressed to his captors’ liking. He couldn’t get up if he tried. 
So when Raina eased the door open, gazing guiltily at the floor, she could barely crack it enough to step through the room’s threshold before she struck Alec with the door. 
“Sorry,” she muttered sheepishly. “Not— not just for hitting you… Alec, I, uh…” she walked to his closet and pulled out an oversized sweatshirt she hadn’t let him wear since he broke his leg, setting it next to him guiltily. “I— I swear I didn’t know, and I didn’t let him. But I should’ve protected you, especially ‘cause I saw him being creepy to you at the party… “ she confessed. “I shouldn’t have left… should’ve taken you with me, or stayed home, or invited Hadley to look after you instead. And I’m sorry.” 
For once, she made no move to touch him. No possessive hand on his shoulder, no kiss to his head, no fingers carding through his hair. “I won’t let him near you again, I promise. I’ll, uh, I’ll go make you a big breakfast and we can take it from there, okay? Get dressed in whatever you want, just come down when you’re ready. I’m sorry.” 
Alec nodded blankly, waiting until the door was shut to slowly drag himself onto his knees and begin standing. He grabbed onto the dresser as pain shot through his leg, and he realized his cane was nowhere to be found. 
Knox had kissed him on the forehead, sweeping him from the couch into a bridal hold. “You don’t need that thing tonight dear, I’ll just carry you upstairs. I can take care of you this evening as long as you’re willing to repay me tonight.” Alec had thought of Dorian and nodded timidly, clinging tight to Knox even though he wanted to push him away. He could play the game of faking politeness. “Thank you,” he’d forced out softly, convinced the whole situation was another test orchestrated by Raina. He’d assumed she’d been behind it until Knox had twisted a hand in his hair and forced his lips onto his own, until he reached for the zipper of Alec’s jeans. And by then, he’d had plenty of time to think about the threats Knox had made to Dorian. So he’d stayed still, moldable, frozen. It was his price to pay.
He reached down, leg throbbing, for the sweatshirt, then shakily pulled it over his head. It felt safe. Something Knox wouldn’t like him in. Doesn’t show me off enough, he mused to himself with a dark scoff. With his leg protesting all the while, he dragged himself to the closet and pulled on a pair of sweatpants, collapsing back onto the bed. The very mention of food had caused his stomach to ache with pangs of hunger, but the thought of making it down the stairs was unbearable. 
“Raina?” He called out, hugging his pillow to his chest and trying to breathe through the sensation of his leg muscles being eaten through by a pack of wild animals. His bone hurt the worst, but the furious aching of his muscles was new and horrible and reminded him every second of what Knox had done to him. 
Raina peeked in the door a moment later. At least he’d had the energy to put some clothes on, if nothing else… It was a good start. “Need anything?” She asked awkwardly. 
Alec nodded. “Uh, my cane’s downstairs… Knox left it there last night, in the parlor. The one with all those faded roses on the couches.” His captor frowned. “Are you alright with being carried? It’d save me a trip. But I’d understand if you can’t. Yet. I can get it if you wanna do it by yourself.”
He shrugged. What was the difference? Raina, Knox, Hadley— they all hurt him, they all touched him. In different ways, sure. In time, he’d be well accustomed to it all. “Don’t— don’t worry about it, you can carry me,” he replied numbly. Raina nodded and picked him up ever-so-gently, draping his legs over an arm and supporting his head with the other; then exited the room and began to head down the stairs.  She set him on a parlor couch, propping his cane where it’d be in easy reach. “I’ll let you take it easy for the next week or so, okay?” She suggested. “If you wanna see Dorian during that time, we can arrange that…” 
Alec nodded quickly, then shook his head. Did he even deserve to see him again after this? Would Dorian still even want him? 
“I dunno,” he decided, squeezing his eyes shut and plopping a pillow over his face as if it was that easy to hide from the world. 
Her kindness should have made him feel better, although it was truly the bare minimum.  She’d been the one to line up the circumstances for him to get raped, after all. Yet her lack of cruelty, her use of his first name, the tenderness she treated him with all of a sudden— as if he was made of porcelain— drew him to one aching conclusion. He was too broken, too dirty, to be useful to her anymore. If she couldn’t even belittle him, couldn’t even hurt him— 
She’s gonna kill me. 
Taglist: @hopepetal @painsandconfusion @warm-my-whumpee-heart @dont-touch-my-soup   @yesthisiswhump @infinite-olives @crimson-wrld @bastard-illusionist @onlywhump
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magnusofglitter · 2 years
Valentine Morgenstern is torrent. Yeet
Valentine Morgenstern is torrent. Yeet
— Alec Lightwood (@MagnusOfGlitter) Mar 20, 2023
from Twitter https://twitter.com/MagnusOfGlitter
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
... Do you have any fic recs? Preferably Malec
The Blue Bird by Ketz
Scrolling through the guy’s profile, Alec saw a few interactions with his sister and, to his surprise, Clary. There were a lot of comments about makeup and clothes, as well as history comments and an abundance of memes.
None of that was what made Alec hold his breath. It was a torrent of Tweets that followed the picture of his sister and him.
@IzzyInHeels Good shit. That’s some good shit right there, if I do say so myself. Sign me the fuck up.
@IzzyInHeels Is that the brother I’ve heard so LITTLE about? Well, hot damn.
@IzzyInHeels has been hiding the goods. I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS. #Betrayal
This fic is just cute as fuck. Read it :)
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