#alder rb
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our-inspire-verse · 1 year ago
Its a bizzare feeling watching myself cry in the past from an outside perspective. I never saw myself that vulnerable much, certainly not after a certain point. But there, in his bedroom i can see myself all highlighted in his lamp light with puffy eyes and wet face. All the color was messed up because of my blood flow and such. Just kept looking around and shaking my head.
I remember being completely lost. I remember thinking all these things and not knowing what to think and only just. Empty around me. But there was so, so much warmth. There was nothing ever alone about it, I'd just been numbed. The gold, the warm greys, the clothes that sat completely still and stuffy in his room with the cieling fan off. He was still in there, holding me. Letting me hold him. It was alright. The room is awake for him, he can visit as he needs. And his book was left there on the stand for him.
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fefuckability · 1 year ago
Tellius Fuckability Face-off: Qualifier 2
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Feel free to rb/comment with your reasoning!
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flagqueer · 1 month ago
aisthes—ids. × alder—. × cis—ids. × comp—ids. × darl—ids. × deme—ids. × dissoci—ids. × enamour—ids. × forced—ids. × joke—ids. × id4id. × iter—ids. × lamor—ids. × mirror—ids. × mud/mus. × mus—ids. × muto—ids. × null-ids. × pan—ids. × paras. × perma—ids. × prog—ids. × prop—ids. × schrödinger—ids. × spin—ids. × spite—ids. × stances. × trans—ids. × tris—ids. × vero—ids. × wtf—ids. × xeno—ids. × xis—ids.
—abled. × —age. × —amia. × —body. × —death. × —experience. × —fashion. × —gender. × —harmed. × —harmful. × —hated. × —hateful. × —hobby. × —job. × —location. × —opinion. × —orientation. × —persona. × —race. × —relationship × —species.
biggest text id: "navigation:" coloured to be rainbow. [end]
regular text id 1 (along with some additional summarisations on meanings): aisthes-ids (aesthetic ids). aldernic. cis-ids. comp-ids (compelled ids). darl-ids (darling project-ids). deme-ids (demonised ids). dissoci-ids. enamour-ids. forced-ids. joke-ids. id4id (aka: id-loving-id). iter-ids. lamor-ids. mirror-ids. mud/mus (medically unrecognised ids). mus-ids. muto-ids. null-ids. paraphilias. perma-ids. prog-ids. prop-ids. schrödinger's-ids. spin-ids (special interest ids). spite-ids. stances. trans-ids. tris-ids. vero-ids. wtf-ids. xeno-ids. xis-ids. [end]
regular text id 2 (meanings can be found below the cut) (these suffixes can be assumed as started with any of regular text 1's ids): -abled/ability. -age. -amia. -body. -death. -experience. -fashion. -gender. -harmed. -harmful. -hated. -hateful. -hobby. -job. -location. -opinion. -orientation. -persona(lity). -race. -relationship. -species. [end]
tagging is fine. send an ask if i incorrectly tagged something. non—rb tag is : not a flag . i block non—rq blogs who post trans—ids, paras, et cetera so i don't mistakenly rb them.
this is an archive blog. therefore no specific stance, opinion, dni, or alike is on this account. it's just a rq blog. there are also no identities attached to this blog.
biggest text id: "additional:" coloured to be rainbow. [end]
regular text id 1: tagging is fine. send an ask if i incorrectly tagged something. non-reblog tag is ":not a flag." i block non-radqueer blogs who post trans-ids, paras, et cetera so i don't mistakenly reblog them. [end]
regular text id 2: this is an archive blog. therefore no specific stance, opinion, dni, or alike is on this account. it's just a radqueer blog. there are also no identities attached to this blog. [end]
guide 2 navi:
top = umbrella terms, unspecific terms, et cetera. bottom = specific labels, microlabels, et cetera.
biggest text id: "guide 2 navi:" coloured to be rainbow. [end]
regular text id: top (identities) include umbrella terms, unspecific terms, et cetera. bottom (identities) include specici labels, microlabels, et cetera.
—abled includes: disabilities, disorders, sicknesses, symptoms.
—age includes: adult, minor, other.
—amia includes: anything to do with blood, dna, etc. that may or may not fit strictly into —race.
—body includes: any change in physical characteristics.
—death includes: anything from —harmed that leads to death.
—experience includes: addiction, childhood, et cetera.
—fashion includes: aesthetics, appearances, styles.
—gender includes: chromosones, gender, sex, sexual characteristics.
—harmed includes: anything that doesn't fit —trauma, but includes being harmed in some way.
—harmful includes: anything that involves bringing harm to another being.
—hated & hateful includes: hate crimes, hate speech.
—hobby includes: it's just hobbies.
—job includes: it's just occupations.
—location includes: labels that may or may not fit in —race.
—opinion includes: beliefs, ideas, politics.
—orientation includes: anything that isn't a para, but includes attraction.
—persona includes: characters, personalities.
—race includes: ethnicity, lingual, melanin, other (non—human) skin colours.
—relationship includes: dating, dynamics, friendship, romantic, sexual, et cetera.
—species includes: fictional, human, non—human, et cetera that may or may not fit in —body.
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burning-thistles-bt · 1 year ago
BT in a nutshell
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linafication · 3 years ago
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the unnecessary ends of nick violet & alder kane
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f4wn · 6 years ago
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i want a happy family!!
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strawberry-selfships · 3 years ago
doing chores and self care bc I have to/am obligated to: :(
doing chores and self care bc then alder will be proud of me and give me hugs and kissies: :)
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burning-thistles-bt · 9 months ago
This guy clearly has never survived the ship-attacks of March 2023 🙄
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denji-core · 4 years ago
〔 🌞 〕 — away tournaments ⊹
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𖧷 - ushijima, kageyama, hoshiumi x gn!r
𖧷 - scenarios; fluff/ mention of large crowds, food + hunger mention in umi's, not proofread
𖧷 - wc. 532
𖧷 - an. WHEN THEY COME HOME FROM AN OUT OF COUNTRY TOURNAMENT. expect more teams for this teehee these made me soooo soft wow. i only did ushi, kags, and umi bc idrk know how to write for the others sorry :((
masterlist | taglist form | rbs appreciated
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ushijima loves coming home from away tournaments to see you. even though he'd prefer it you'd gone with him in the first place, he knows you have your own responsibilities here at home. three weeks, three weeks he'd been out of country for a tournament, and unfortunately you hadn't been able to come along. he frantically searches for you in the airport, but the crowd of fans welcoming the team homes makes it nearly impossible to do so, until he hears a familiar voice. "toshi, over here!" his head turns to the left and there you are, waving at him with that beautiful smile plastered on your face. he forgets the fans are even there, moving towards you with a smile of his own forming. it's like one of those movie scene moments as you begin running toward him, his arms opening to as soon as you're close enough he can embrace you like it's the first time in years. and he does, not hesitating for a moment to press a kiss to your temple.
to say he was nervous about seeing you after three weeks would be an understatement. he wasn't really sure why, it's only three weeks right? but he just couldn't shake the butterflies in his stomach as he searches for you in the airport, biting his lip and adjusting his bag over his shoulder. his heart basically stops beating when he finally sees you, you seem to be having trouble finding him though. "y/n." your head snaps to his direction, smile forming on your face as you finally see him. "tobi!" as soon as you're close enough your arms are wrapped around his neck, kissing his cheek. he smiles, arms wrapping around your middle as you do so, "missed you so much." you say between kisses, "now, you have to tell me all about the trip once we get home." "y/n, i still have to go to the gym for the meeting, remember?" "oh yeah.... that's okay, you can still tell me when we get home." "why don't we stop for dinner after the meeting and i'll tell you all about during, how about that?" "sounds perfect."
he's basically running all over the airport to find you. frantically, calling your name all the while ignoring the fans welcoming him and snickering from other passengers. "where are they?" he swears he's been all over the airport and you're no where to be found- that is until he sees a very familiar alders sweatshirt, that he let you keep while he was away for when you missed him. not only are you not where you texted him you were but you're not even facing him. he slowly walks up behind you, clearing his throat before tapping on your shoulder. you jump slightly, turning around to see who'd tapped you, eyes immediately lighting up as you notice the man behind you, "UMI!" you turn completely around in one swift motion, taking his face in your hands before attacking it with kisses, ignoring the odd stares you get from passerby's, "umi, what took you so long?" he glares at you, "that doesn't matter, let's get something to eat, i'm starving."
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taglist ⊹ @sergeant102105 @samus-bub @escapenightmare @ryustanaka
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aquaelegance · 7 years ago
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mygreenknittedsweater · 3 years ago
rb with why your ancestors first got stuck with the last name you have
300 years ago my family moved from someplace in the UK (probably Wales) with a buncha alder trees, and everyone started calling em 'those guys from alders' respectively, and then it stuck
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burning-thistles-bt · 1 year ago
it's just so special to me when like a character is a massive loser and yet they get someone who falls head over heels for them. like yeah boy pull some bitches with your weak-ass game and cringefail demeanor
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pareidoliaestimate · 3 years ago
this blog isn’t dedicated to any specific aesthetics, instead cataloguing my characters’ in-universe aesthetics (if any) & how i perceive aesthetic things i find to relate to them. tags work in the “last initial.first name” format, e.g. “s.chelsea” is chelsea scott. mass rbs/likes/queues are fine. do whatever you want here so long as you’re not a prick. posts are not frequent. i’ll try to tags things, such as knives or gore, but in general i’ll firstly avoid rbing images with questionable content and secondly not tag anything especially specific unless asked. i may change a character’s name & tag, and will say if so. stuff that’s not character aesthetics is tagged #not aest.
character tag list w/ links for browsing purposes under the cut
ally knox ashley alder bodur cal krasman chelsea scott duncan f dot edu baker juno peterson leo kurota ricardo pescini simón peña torres de maiz steph whitmore
let the saint sleep you’re breathtaking don’t touch that dial take it back far better rest that i go to and what alice saw there the past lives no chance of a radial
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oops-prow-did-it-again · 5 years ago
New chapter for Pokemon Retold: Black is out :eyes: FFN Mirror
Feel free to rb/comment on the story if you enjoy! Any and all support means a lot <3
A short excerpt--
“How nice of you to join us, Wandering Champion of Unova,” Drayden hissed as he smoothed his hair out. Cheren realized the elderly man looked frazzled and his forehead glistened with sweat. “It’s just too bad you had to miss N of Team Plasma forcing me into battle in the middle of Opelucid’s streets and convince many of my people that what we know of the Ancient Dragons of Unova is wrong.”
“Drayden—” Alder started and was cut off with a seething glare from the gym leader.
“Gym Leader Drayden to you,” he growled.
Alder’s face soured and he pursed his lips. “Gym Leader Drayden,” Alder corrected himself slowly, “I’m sorry we didn’t get here sooner. But you knew N had to face you and he’d win. We have a plan to deal with N at the Pokémon League. That’s why we’re here. You know this. Now, we need you to tell us everything you know about the Ancient Dragons of Unova so we can revive Reshiram from the Light Stone.”
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kobnfltrojerdk · 3 years ago
RB Marion Barber III er 38 år gammel.
RB Marion Barber III er en fremragende spiller inden for fodbold, baseball og atletik. Men han blev til sidst valgt af Dallas Cowboys i fjerde runde af 2005 NFL-draften. Han spillede for de to hold før og efter tiden er ikke lang, kun korte 7 år. På 6 år bar han en Dallas Cowboys- nfl trøjer. I 2011, da han var Chicago Bears, sagde han fuldstændig farvel til den store scene i NFL.
Måske vil RB Marion Barber III's afgang kun få folk til gradvist at glemme ham, men desværre vil RB Marion Barber III forlade os for altid. I dagens medieoplysninger døde tidligere Dallas Cowboys runningback RB Marion Barber III i en alder af 38 . Jeg tror, ​​at de fans, der har været iført Dallas Cowboys trøje, næsten ikke i øjeblikket kan tro, at et ungt og friskt liv lige er gået.
Dallas Cowboys udgav også en erklæring, "Vores hjerter er knust af den tragiske død af RB Marion Barber III, og vores tanker går til Marions familie og venner i denne svære tid."
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bassthegood · 5 years ago
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WARWICK RB CORVETT BASIC Used Alder emerald green Rosewood Fretboard https://ift.tt/3d92iXe
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