#alcohol: chaser(none)
luvangelbreak · 3 months
Regret it
christopher sturniolo x layla venita summary: layla wants a fun night with her friends but when a man won't leave her alone, her best friend is always there to help. warnings: swearing, drinking, smut, oral (fem!receiving), fingering, unprotected sex (wrap it before u tap it) word count: 6.1k a/n: y'all sue me I was feeling whore knee and I needed to write it all out. this is the longest one-shot I've ever done so i hope u like it <3
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not proofread!!
For once in their life, my best friends decided to throw a party at their new house in celebration of their 21st. I have known Nick, Matt and Chris for about 6 years now and have watched their rapid growth online unfold in front of my eyes. I decided to move to LA not long after them knowing that I had nothing left for me in Massachusetts. The triplets were my family and they had been from the moment I met them.
When they told me they wanted to throw a party at the house we had only just moved into together 2 weeks prior, I instantly agreed because I wanted the opportunity to meet the rest of their friends who lived in LA. I put on my prettiest short black dress, the cutest pair of black heels I owned and my hair straightened as perfectly as my curls would allow me to. I went with dark eye makeup and red lipstick, pulling the whole look together with my dark brown hair.
They initially set the party to start at 10 pm and luckily we now lived in a neighbourhood that was spaced far enough apart that blasting music until 3 am shouldn't be an issue. 2 hours into the party, people that none of us knew started showing up and it became much bigger than any of us were anticipating but no one was planning on slowing down anytime soon. People turned the living room into a dancefloor and the kitchen was littered with empty bottles and cans of alcohol in a makeshift bar. I decided not to think about the fact we would have to clean this all up tomorrow as I poured myself another shot of tequila as well as one for Tara.
"I thought this was supposed to be a chill party!" Jake yelled over the loud music as I handed the small plastic shot glass to Tara and we both downed the tequila quickly. She took a sip of the can of Pepsi we decided to share as a chaser before I took the can and followed her actions.
"It was but this is way more fun!" I cheered once I placed the can down on the counter and suddenly, Tara was dragging me to the living room as SOS by Rihanna blasted through the house. We began swinging our hips and dancing alone, singing the lyrics loudly since the music drowned out our voices. I suddenly felt a presence behind me and I turned around to see a guy I didn't know the name of. He began moving his body with mine and I made it known that I didn't want to dance with him as I moved closer to Tara.
Unfortunately for me, Tara was now dancing with Zach who was equally as drunk as she was and they lost themselves in the music. I tried to continue dancing, making it known that I wanted to dance by myself or with my friends but this guy didn't seem to get the hint as Right Round by Flo Rida and Kesha finished playing. I got sick of having to move across the makeshift dancefloor to get away from this guy and I knew Tara was with someone she trusted so I decided to walk away. I went back to the kitchen to see Jake and Chris in the corner talking loudly to each other over the music.
I lost my balance slightly as I leaned over the bench to grab the bottle of tequila when hands wrapped themselves around my waist to steady me. I turned around to thank the person who prevented me from falling but I paused when I realised it was the guy trying to dance with me.
"Can I help you?" I asked with annoyance laced in my tone at the fact he didn't get the hint yet. I took a moment to observe him, hating the way his glassy green eyes looked down at me and his light blonde hair swooped across his forehead.
"You move pretty quick," he stated with a smirk and I furrowed my eyebrows before I rolled my eyes. I reached over the counter again, grabbing the tequila bottle and a random cup. I poured a rough shot into the red plastic solo cup before I topped it up with a can of Pepsi from the makeshift cooler we had made in a plastic tub.
"I move quick when I'm trying to get away from someone," I mumbled as I threw the Pepsi can into the trash before I took a sip of the drink.
"Don't be like that, babe," he put his hand on my lower back and I immediately pushed his arm off of me causing him to look at me with a drunken frown.
"Don't touch me and don't call me that," I huffed as I had another sip of my drink as I leaned my back against the counter.
"No need to be such a bitch about it," he moved to stand in front of me as he placed his hands on the table on either side of me and I made it known how clearly uncomfortable I was, "You don't know how to have fun? Come on, give us a smile at least sweetheart."
"Dude, how much more obvious can I make it that I don't want to be near you. Fuck off!" I burst in annoyance and his face shifted from teasing to anger. Suddenly I wasn't just annoyed and uncomfortable but I didn't feel safe being trapped between his arms. I quickly downed the rest of my drink before I threw it in the overflowing trashcan. I tried to push his left arm off of the counter but judging from the muscles along his biceps and the fact his arm barely moved he was clearly stronger than I was.
"I said don't be a bitch about it," he grumbled at me as I looked back up to his face again, unease flooding my body at the look of lust and anger mixed in his eyes, "What? You have a boyfriend or something?"
"Yeah, she does," I heard a familiar voice say and relief flooded me when Chris stood directly behind the guy, a deadpan look on his face. Finally, the guy moved his arms away from the bench and I quickly moved to stand next to Chris as the guy spun around to look at him, "There a problem here?"
"You're not her boyfriend, bro. You were standing there the whole time," the guy chuckled and Chris just smirked at him as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I watched the guy just stare at us for a moment before Chris spoke again.
"She's a big girl, she can handle herself," he spoke much clearer than the guy in front of us whose words were slurred together messily and I let my body fall against Chris from the alcohol hitting me harder than expected, "Until drunk dickhead's like you pull up and harass her until I need to step in. Now do what she said and fuck off."
"You're not gonna share?" the guy asked cockily and Chris kept his composure as he swung his arm off of my shoulder, putting his arm in front of me as he pushed me behind him slightly.
"You have ten seconds to get the fuck out of my house before that pretty face gets so fucked up that you can't ever speak to another girl again," Chris spoke which such venom that I hadn't heard from him before and the guy instantly backed away once he realised how angry Chris was. Suddenly, he disappeared into the crowd of people in the living room and Chris's tense shoulders relaxed again.
"Thank you," I mumbled and Chris let out a sigh, turning around to face me as he gave me a half-hearted smile, "He freaked me out."
"How much have you drank already?" he asked, an amused smirk on his lips as he tipped my chin upwards to look into his eyes.
"I lost count," I shrugged, my movements slow and lazy. He shook his head with a smile before he swung his arm over my shoulders and he began pulling me outside. We exited the house and walked over to the firepit where the rest of our friends were.
"Where's Tara?" Nick asked from one of the white wooden chairs they placed around the fire.
"Dancing with Zach," I shrugged before Chris adjusted his arm around my shoulders to hold me closer to him protectively, "You don't have to hold me hostage. That guy left."
"He could still be here. I couldn't see if he actually left or not," Chris spoke matter-of-factly as he sipped on the bottle of beer he had in his right hand.
"What guy?" Matt slurred as he looked up at me from his place on the grass, his eyes glassy from the alcohol he had consumed. Seeing him drunk was funny to me because he was a fun but emotional drunk, "You look pretty."
"Thank you, Matt," I giggled and he scooted over to lean against my calf lazily as he closed his eyes.
"Some guy was being an asshole and wouldn't leave Layls alone," Chris rolled his eyes, his annoyance still lingering and I wrapped my arms around his torso. The blue sweater he wore slid up on his torso since he lifted his arm to take another sip of the beer so my hands were placed against the warm skin of his hip.
"Stop stressing about it Chris," I mumbled as his warmth kept me from freezing outside in my dress and he hummed in response. I looked down at Matt who was still slumped against my legs and I giggled, "Matt don't look up at me because you will see up my dress."
"I'm tired," he mumbled, completely ignoring my statement and my eyebrows threaded together in amusement. I looked up at Nick who sighed, rolling his eyes as he got up and walked over to Matt who was practically half-asleep against my legs.
"Come on. You're going to bed," Nick grumbled as he grabbed Matt's wrist to pull him to a standing position. Matt had outdone himself with the alcohol and that was clear as he almost fell as soon as Nick let go of him. As Nick rolled his eyes, he threw Matt's dead-weight body over his shoulder and trudged inside making me giggle.
Chris pulled me towards the chair that was previously where Nick had sat since it was the only chair still available, the other chairs had been taken by strangers. He unwrapped his arm from around me and sat down in the chair while, as per usual, manspreading with his black baggy jeans on.
He patted his lap before looking up at me, "You're gonna freeze. Sit down."
I sighed, placing myself on his right thigh as I crossed my legs over. I left my legs placed in between his parted thighs and he rolled his eyes before picking my legs up. He swung my legs over his other thigh before placing his right arm behind my back to prevent my back from digging into the armrest.
"Fuck it's cold out here," I shivered, the cold breeze covering my legs despite being fairly close to the fire.
"Well scoot closer and you wouldn't be cold," he mumbled before downing the rest of his beer. He placed the beer bottle on the ground beside the low chair and I moved to fall on his chest, my head resting on the back of the chair beside his, "Better?"
"Yup," I answered shortly as I wrapped my arms over my stomach. It wasn't strange for Chris and I to be this close, everyone knew he was my best friend. What was strange was when he moved his left arm to hang it over my thighs, pulling my legs closer to his torso as his right arm snaked around my waist even further, "You okay?"
"Mhm. You're like a little heater," he mumbled and I lifted my head away from the chair to look at him properly to see a smirk on his lips.
"We're sitting in front of a fire," I stated the obvious and my speech was slurred slightly from the amount of tequila I had consumed in such a short span of time.
"Yeah, but you're blocking half of it," he looked at me with raised eyebrows and I rolled my eyes.
Before I could respond, Nick returned outside and walked over to us, "Layls, your ass is almost out sitting like that."
I went to move my hand from around my stomach to pull my dress down but Chris beat me to it, using his left arm that was slung over my thighs to pull down the bottom of my dress. His cold fingers brushed against the back of my thighs, sending a jolt through my body at the sudden contact.
"Thanks," I mumbled, looking at him and he hummed in response. He kept a grip on my dress to hold it down as he let his hand rest on the back of my thigh. I ignored the fire that ignited in my stomach, knowing it was the tequila in my system making me react like this to my best friend. Nick sat down on the grass beside us to keep himself warm near the fire as he sipped on his drink lazily.
We stayed like that for a while before I noticed Tara stumbling through the backyard as if she were looking for something. Her eyes caught mine and her face lit up before she jogged towards me, her shoes now lost somewhere on the property and her feet bare on the grass.
"Come have a shot with me!" she cheered as she stopped beside us and I pursed my lips, "Chris, Nick, you too. Let's go!"
She grabbed my hand, pulling me off of Chris's lap and I heard Chris chuckle as she dragged me inside. I looked behind me to see Chris and Nick following suit as we entered the kitchen. Tara quickly poured us 4 shots before handing one to each of us.
"Link up!" she yelled over the loud music as I picked up the shot and looked at Chris. I wrapped my arm around his, our elbows connected and he winked at me before Tara screamed, "Three, two, one!"
We took the shot at the same time before untangling our arms and I saw Nick and Tara make disgusted faces as they unravelled their arms as well making me laugh.
"Don't run away from me this time. I'm gonna keep an eye on you," Chris told me sternly and I nodded in agreement, knowing he was protective over me whenever we went out.
I lost track of time as we kept drinking and dancing, losing ourselves in the sea of people. Chris was always nearby, talking to different people and having various drinks but he was always in my line of sight as promised. At one point, he joined me on the makeshift dancefloor before he got dragged away by someone I didn't see the face of.
Tara and I once again got tired and decided we would sit on the couch that was shoved into the corner of the room. We flopped on them, giggling in our drunken state at the feeling of the leather against our skin.
"Thank you for inviting me!" she said happily as she sat up, adjusting her hair on her shoulders as I lay with my legs hanging over the armrest, looking at her upside down since I had to tilt my head back to look at her.
"Thanks for coming bitch!" I yelled back before we fell into a fit of giggles again. I suddenly felt a presence in front of me and I looked up to see Chris standing in front of my legs.
Without warning, he pulled me up by my wrists before he grabbed my waist and threw me over his shoulder. I squealed at the sudden movement, putting my palms on his lower back to make sure I didn't fall flat on my face if he let go of my legs.
"Chris! What are you doing?" I yelled, my voice drowned out by the music and he didn't say anything as he held down the bottom of my dress with his left hand. He began moving through the crowd of people before he carried me upstairs, "Christopher!"
He walked down the hallway, the thick walls now drowning out the sound of the music downstairs and we paused at the end of the hall. I heard something click before we stepped into a room which I quickly realised was his. He kicked the door closed, locking it quickly as I continued to try to wriggle out of his grip.
Suddenly, my back fell onto his bed with a thud and I let out a squeak from the impact. I flipped my hair out of my face before I sat up with a huff, the room spinning from how drunk I was and how quickly I had been thrown on the bed.
"What are you doing?" I asked, looking up at him to see he was staring down at me with no emotion. His eyes were glassy and his chest was heaving from carrying me across the house.
"I told you to not run away," he simply stated and I rolled my eyes, attempting to stand up again but he pushed my shoulders down again causing me to slump back onto the bed.
"I didn't run away. I went to the couch. We're in our house, Chris!" I groaned and he kept an emotionless expression as I looked up at him through my eyelashes, "I was having fun."
"I fucking hate when you don't listen to me," he grumbled as I leaned back on my palms.
"Why is it so fucking cold in your room?" I asked, the amount of tequila in my system made it so I had absolutely no filter between my brain and mouth. Chris didn't say anything, instead he slipped his sweater off and threw it onto my lap leaving him in only a white tank top, "What's this for?"
"You said it was cold. Put it on," he raised his eyebrows and his short tone made me want to argue with him. He knew I hated it when he talked to me like I was under his control and I was drunk enough to embarrass myself to prove a point.
I threw the sweater on the ground before I kicked off my heels and Chris furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at me. I stood up, grabbing the hem of my dress before I slid it over my head.
"What are you doing?" he asked, not looking anywhere but my face as he stared at me. He'd seen me in my underwear hundreds of times over the past 6 years but never in a situation like this.
"I'm not cold," I shrugged and I threw my dress on the ground before I started walking towards the door, "In fact I'm hot. I'm gonna go outside and cool off."
"Absolutely not," he grabbed my forearm and pulled me away from the door again so I stood in front of him, "Don't be an idiot just to prove a fucking point."
"Don't try to tell me what to do," I retorted as I pulled my arm away from his grip and he rolled his eyes, shaking his head in the process. His eyes finally travelled somewhere other than my face as he scanned me head to toe before he smirked.
"Planning ahead?" he asked, reaching his hand up to slide under my black bra strap before he snapped it back against my skin.
"Why do you care?" I questioned, glancing down at my underwear realising that I put on the most see-through lace bra and matching black panties. I stood there for a moment to think about the fact I was standing in Chris's room practically naked and more drunk than I wanted to be. The reality of the situation had sobered me up in a split second.
"It's cute," I heard the smirk in his voice and I looked up as I felt my face heat up, a smirk plastered on his lips as he looked at me, "Would look better off though."
I pursed my lips as I looked at him nervously, all my confidence being lost as he exuded his usual cocky energy. I was used to his flirty personality, Chris flirted with everyone and everything because he found it funny. But right now, it felt a lot more serious.
Suddenly, the flirting was real and the fire in my stomach ignited once again. I knew I wasn't in my right mind as he stepped towards me, his body mere inches from mine because I wrapped my arms around his neck.
I pulled him closer to me and he placed his hands on my hips before he whispered, "This is such a bad idea."
"Yeah, it is," I whispered back as my breathing got shallow, staring at nothing but his lips.
"We shouldn't be doing this," he said impossibly quieter but didn't move away from me, only inches his lips closer to mine.
"No we shouldn't," I answered in the same tone once again, the tension in the room weighing heavy on my chest as I felt his fingers tighten their grip on the flesh of my hips.
"Fuck," he mumbled quickly and before I could register the look behind his eyes, his lips met mine feverishly. It felt as though my brain shut down and my body had a mind of its own as I pulled him impossibly closer to me, savouring the taste of alcohol on his lips and the feeling of his hands grasping my skin.
As he slid his hands down from my waist, he gripped my ass roughly making me gasp causing him to slide his tongue past my lips. He kept sliding his hands down until he reached under my thighs.
He pulled away from my mouth briefly to mumble, "Jump."
I followed his instructions and jumped with the guidance of his hands under my thighs. I wrapped my legs around his waist before I connected my lips with his again. He spun around, sitting down on the bed and I moved my legs so I could place my knees on either side of his thighs. I straddled his waist, unravelling my arms from around his neck before I pulled them down to tug on the hem of his tank top.
He removed his hands from my thighs as I slid the tank top up and he held his arms up for me to slide the material over his head. I threw it behind me lazily before I attached my lips to his once again, our movements rapid as if this would disappear at any moment. His hands found my ass once again, squeezing it slightly making me hum in content. He pulled his lips away from mine, travelling kisses down my jaw before he reached my neck, sucking and biting at the skin. He found a spot below my ear that sent shivers throughout my whole body and I knew he noticed my body's reaction because he stayed with his lips in that spot for a moment.
I subconsciously began grinding my hips down on his now hard dick creating friction against my aching core and I let out a whine from the sensation. I felt him smirk against my neck before he helped me move my hips against him by guiding me by my ass.
"You sound so pretty for me," he rasped in my ear and I let my eyes flutter closed for a moment, focusing on nothing but the feeling of his body against mine. His right hand removed itself from my ass and travelled up my back before I felt my bra straps become loose. I realised he had managed to unclasp my bra with one hand and I quickly slid it off of my arms, throwing it to the ground.
He pulled his lips away from my neck, staring at my now exposed boobs and he looked like he was going to drool the longer he looked at me. I lifted his chin with my hand, pressing a kiss to his rosy lips which were now slightly swollen.
"It's rude to stare," I teased as I whispered against his lips and he smirked before he kissed down my neck again. Eventually, he reached my chest, biting and sucking around my boobs before he attached his mouth around my right nipple. I whined at the contact and he used his hand to knead the other, rolling my nipple between his thumb and index finger as I breathed out, "Chris."
He hummed against me as he switched to my other nipple and I threaded my hands through his soft brown curls, tugging on the hair gently. Within a second, I was suddenly on my back in the bed and Chris stood at the edge of the bed between my parted legs. He unbuttoned his jeans and slid them down his legs, kicking them off of his feet to reveal the black boxers he wore underneath. He didn't waste a second before he grabbed my thighs, pulling my ass to the edge of the bed before he knelt down on the floor and kissed the inside of my thighs. I sighed in content as I threw my hands on either side of my body, holding the sheets between my fingers in anticipation.
"Chris," I groaned, shuffling my hips around impatiently and he smirked against my thigh before he looked up at me through his eyelashes.
"What's wrong?" he teased, still pressing gentle kisses to my thighs dangerously close to my core.
"Please," I whined as I arched my back against the soft sheets.
"Please what?" he taunted me even further, now throwing my legs over his shoulders but pausing kissing the skin of my legs, "Use those words, baby."
"Just do something. Please," I whined once again and he chuckled before he hooked his fingers in the waistband of my underwear. He pulled them down my legs at a teasingly slow pace before he threw them on the floor with the clothes already littered around the room. Without warning, he moved his head between my thighs and placed a kiss on my clit making me whimper from the contact.
That was all the confirmation he needed before he began tracing circles around my clit, lapping up the wetness that was pooling between my legs since we entered his room. I threw my head back as I let out a moan, my breathing picking up the more he worked his mouth on me. I felt the vibrations of the music blasting through the house, the faint sounds of people talking and feet stumbling up and down the house but I drowned it out the moment Chris wrapped his arms around my thighs to keep me still.
My hips habitually rolled upwards and he hummed against me, the vibrations making another moan tumble from my mouth with ease. I looked down to see he was staring at my face, his eyes full of lust and need as his tongue swirled around me creating pure bliss in my body. He removed his right arm from around my thigh and he pulled his mouth away from my pussy briefly, lapping up the wetness with his fingers as I bit my lip. He looked into my eyes, studying my reaction as he carefully inserted a finger into me and I closed my eyes, letting out another moan.
He began sucking and licking my clit again as he slid his finger in and out of me at a steady pace before he added a second. My hands flew to his hair again, tugging on it roughly as my hips bucked in the air. His fingers quickened their pace and I felt my stomach tighten, getting closer to my climax quickly.
"Chris, I'm gonna-" I cut off my own sentence with a moan and before I knew it, my legs were shaking on either side of his head as my orgasm hit me like a truck. He helped me ride out my high, slowing down as I whimpered and whined lazily. He pressed a kiss to my core once again as he slid his fingers out of me.
After unravelling his other arm from around my thigh, he stood up and I looked up to see him place his fingers between his lips before pulling them out with a pop. He climbed back over me, placing a kiss on my lips as he leaned on his left elbow for balance, his other hand kneading my boob gently. I tasted myself on his tongue as I wrapped my hands around his neck to pull him closer to me.
I pushed him onto his back on the bed beside me before I sat up and straddled him once again. I put my hands on his chest, smiling down at him when I noticed the shock on his face and my hair fell in front of my face. He moved his hands up to my face, tucking my hair behind my ears before he cupped my jaw with his rough hands.
"You look so beautiful," he whispered gently and I giggled as I leaned forward, placing a kiss on his lips before I began rolling my hips against his, "If I don't fuck you now, I'm gonna cum in my fucking boxers."
"Impatient as always," I mumbled, a giggle falling out of my lips again and he pulled away to look up at me. Suddenly, the reality of the situation settled in my stomach and I breathed heavily as I whispered, "Are you sure you won't regret it?"
His eyebrows furrowed slightly before he smiled, "You're asking me now?"
"I'm serious, Chris," my tone changed from flirtatious to cautious, "Will you regret this tomorrow?"
"I never regret anything with you," his voice softened as he ran his hand through my hair, looking up at me with a gentle gaze, "This isn't about to change that."
I took a deep breath, feeling more sober than before as I dragged my hands down his bare torso. I moved to stand at the edge of the bed and Chris sat up, leaning back on his elbows. I slid my fingers into the waistband of his boxers, biting my lip as I looked up at him. He smirked at me and that was my signal to slide them down.
I teasingly dragged them down and when the black material reached his thighs, his dick sprung out. I pursed my lips to hide my smile as I slid the boxers off of his legs. I leaned down, kitten licking the tip of his dick causing him to suck in a sharp breath.
"Fuck don't do that," he groaned making me giggle and I stood up, straddling his waist again. He leaned back on the bed as I carefully lined his tip with my entrance.
I slowly slid down, letting out a rough moan that drowned out his own before I reached the base of his dick. He knew I'd only ever had sex with one person but what he didn't know is he was much bigger than him. I placed my head on his chest as I let out a heavy breath, adjusting to his size before I began moving my hips up carefully. He let out a groan as I started moving and I sat back up, placing my hands on his chest as I let out a whine. He moved his hands to my ass, helping guide me over his length as I moved slowly. I hung my head with my jaw slack as I let out pants of pleasure.
"Fuck," I heard him groan as the grip on my ass tightened, "You're so fucking tight, baby."
The rasp in his voice and the pleasure that undertoned it gave me more confidence. I decided to move faster and he let out another moan as I picked up the pace. His hips began lifting into mine and I let out a whimper from the impact.
Suddenly, I was flipped onto my back and he was towering over me again. He placed my ankles over his shoulders before he pushed his way back into me and moans tumbled from my mouth at the new position.
My words were incoherent but the one clear thing was his name coming out as a moan. I looked up at him to see he was staring down at where our bodies met before he looked at my face, his eyebrows threaded in pleasure as his mouth hung open. His right hand reached up, placing itself at the base of my throat and I was thankful for all of the awkward conversations we had about our sex lives because he knew exactly what I liked. He tightened his grip on my neck and I let out a strained moan, my eyes fluttering closed.
"You look so fucking pretty, baby," he huffed, keeping a steady pace as his hips met mine continually, "Been wanting to see you fucked out like this for so long."
I let my eyes open again and he leaned down, pressing my knees to my shoulders as he let his hand unwrap from my throat. He gently kissed my lips, a stark contrast from him pounding into me and I moaned into his mouth. He placed his hands on the back of my knees, realising this new position would send me over the edge.
"Hold your legs for me, princess," he demanded and it felt like I was a dog in training because I immediately did as I was told. He placed his right hand on my lower stomach, using his thumb to rub circles on my clit and another moan ripped through my throat.
"Chris," I gasped as my eyes rolled to the back of my head, "I'm gonna cum. Please."
"Let go, baby," he spoke lowly and my body registered his words faster than my brain because as soon as his sentence finished, my orgasm flowed through my body. I gripped the sheets on either side of me as my body shook and I contracted around his dick, his pace began to get sloppy telling me he was close.
"Baby," I moaned as he drilled into me, taking his thumb off of my clit to not overstimulate me too much.
"I'm gonna-" his words were cut off by a raspy moan and he pulled out of me. I let my legs fall on either side of him before I sat up quickly, grabbing his dick as I pumped him in my hand quickly. I stuck my tongue out, looking up at him with doe eyes and he made eye contact with me.
The muscles on his stomach contracted as he tilted his head back, letting out a loud moan as he reached his climax. The warm liquid fell on my tongue and around my face as I stroked his through his high, smiling to myself as I watched his body shake slightly from overstimulation. I let go of his dick as he looked down at me, a dopey smile on his lips. I swallowed the cum that had fallen on my tongue before I smiled up at him.
"Hang on," he said quickly, reaching towards his bedside table to pick up his phone. He held the phone in front of my face as I smiled up at the camera, the flash turning on quickly before he locked his phone and threw it on the bed, "Never want to forget what you look like after I fucked you brainless."
"Can I get some tissues now?" I asked, giggling since my head was still in the clouds and alcohol in my system made me feel even better. He chuckled, grabbing the box of tissues that were on his bedside table before he picked a few out, grabbing my chin before he gently wiped my face clean. He threw the tissues into the trash before he looked down at me again.
"You okay?" he questioned, his voice gentle as he pushed my hair away from my face and I hummed in response, "You wanna go back to the party?"
"Can we just stay here?" I asked and he nodded, walking over to his drawers. He pulled out two clean pairs of boxers before crouching down in front of me, sliding one of the pairs up my legs. I lifted my hips to let him pull them up to my waist and once they were securely on, he slid the other pair on himself. He jumped in the bed and I crawled over to him, laying myself next to him as I placed my head on his chest.
He pulled me closer to him, wrapping his arms around me and the heat from his body kept me warm in the cold room. He slid the covers up, covering our bodies before he kissed the top of my head.
"I'll tell you what," he spoke and I looked up at him tiredly, "I definitely don't regret it."
tags: @dsturniolo @sturniolopepsi @chrissturnioloswifesblog @chrisstankyleg @lov3bug @stunza @pinklittleflower @v1nuswrites @trinity2058 @alorsxsturn @chrizznmetswife @junnniiieee07 @mattsobvimyfav
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youngsadlesbian · 2 days
A LOVE REALIZED — marlene mckinnon.
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pairing: marlene mckinnon x reader
summary: you navigate your growing feelings for marlene mckinnon amidst teasing from your friends.
a/n: my first for marlene and it's too short but i hope you like it. english is not my first language, so i'm sorry for any mistakes!
word count: 812
warnings: none, just fluff.
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The Gryffindor common room was always bustling with energy and laughter, but lately, you felt a different kind of excitement whenever Marlene McKinnon was around. It was a feeling that made your heart race and your palms sweat, a feeling you couldn’t quite place but were all too aware of.
It started during your fifth year at Hogwarts. Marlene's presence had an immediate effect on you. You found yourself stumbling over words, your face heating up whenever she was near.
One day, during a study session, James Potter noticed your awkwardness.
"What's wrong with you today?" he asked, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "You’re all red."
"Nothing," you mumbled, your eyes darting to Marlene, who was engrossed in her Potions textbook.
Sirius Black, ever the observant one, raised an eyebrow. "Oh, I see what's happening. Our dear friend has a crush."
Your face turned a deeper shade of red. "I do not!"
"Oh, yes, you do," Sirius teased. "It’s written all over your face."
From that day on, your friends took every opportunity to tease you about your obvious crush. Even Remus Lupin, usually more reserved, joined in on the fun.
"Why don’t you just talk to her?" he suggested one evening in the common room. "You’re making it worse by avoiding her."
The teasing didn’t stop, even during Quidditch matches. You were a Chaser for the Gryffindor team, and Marlene, now part of the team, was a Beater. During one particularly intense game, you found yourself constantly distracted by her presence.
"Keep your head in the game!" James yelled, dodging a Bludger. "Unless you want to end up in the hospital wing."
You shook your head, trying to focus. But every time Marlene sent a Bludger flying past you, your heart skipped a beat.
After the game, which Gryffindor narrowly won, Marlene approached you, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
"You played really well today," she said, her smile making your heart flutter.
"T-thanks," you stammered, feeling your face heat up again.
Sirius, walking by, couldn’t resist. "Smooth, very smooth," he whispered, grinning.
It was no secret among your friends that you were head over heels for Marlene. During one of your many study group sessions, Sirius and James decided to take their teasing to a new level.
"So, Marlene," Sirius began casually, "do you have a date to the next Hogsmeade weekend?"
Marlene looked up, surprised. "Uh, no, not yet."
"Interesting," James said, nudging you with his elbow. "Maybe someone here should ask her."
Your eyes widened in panic, and you looked down at your book, avoiding Marlene’s gaze. You could feel her eyes on you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to look up.
"Subtle," Remus muttered, shaking his head at Sirius and James.
The end-of-term party in the Gryffindor common room was legendary. This year, the Marauders had outdone themselves, and the room was filled with music, laughter, and Butterbeer.
You had already had a few drinks, and your friends were mercilessly teasing you about Marlene again.
"Just go talk to her," Lily Evans encouraged, giving you a gentle push.
"Yeah, tell her how you feel," Sirius added, handing you another Butterbeer.
Fueled by a mixture of alcohol and the desire to finally get it off your chest, you found yourself standing next to Marlene.
"Hi," you said, your voice slightly slurred.
Marlene smiled. "Hi. Having fun?"
"Yeah," you said, your courage bolstered by the Butterbeer. "Marlene, I need to tell you something."
She looked at you curiously. "What is it?"
"I... I like you," you blurted out, your face flushing even more. "I mean, I really like you. Like, more than a friend."
For a moment, there was silence. Then, to your surprise, Marlene smiled.
"I was wondering when you’d finally say something," she said softly.
"You knew?" you asked, feeling a mix of relief and embarrassment.
"Yes," she replied, stepping closer. "And I feel the same way."
Before you could respond, Marlene leaned in and kissed you. It was a soft, tentative kiss at first, but it quickly deepened as you wrapped your arms around her.
The common room erupted in cheers and whistles as your friends realized what was happening. You pulled back, laughing, and looked into Marlene’s eyes.
"About time," Sirius called out, grinning widely. "Took you long enough."
Lily smiled at you, giving you a thumbs-up. "I told you it would be worth it."
As the party continued around you, you felt a sense of happiness and contentment that you had never felt before. You had finally told Marlene how you felt, and she felt the same way.
From that night on, things were different. You and Marlene were no longer just friends; you were something more, something special. And as you held her close, you knew that no matter what happened, you would always have this moment, this love, to hold onto.
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itgetsdark-x · 1 year
I am an absolute slut for your writing, you are fricking so talented!!
requesting for joel x babysitter!reader bumping into each other at a bar and making I want to fuck you eyes at each other, and mayhaps they dooo at the end of the night pleaseeee hehe thank youu <3
A/N: when I say, the thought of being a babysitter for sarah and seeing joel weekly / daily had me barking at a wall… I love me a forbidden relationship wheeew! I hope this pleases you, anon, cause I would give a lung to fuck joel in a dingy bar bathroom lol. (thank u for the compliment, ur an angel!! <3)
Summary: You were in college, you babysat for Joel Miller’s daughter; you were a good girl who rarely went out drinking so imagine his surprise when he saw you dancing in a local student bar.
Characters: Joel Miller x babysitter!reader (f) Warnings: 18+ (minors dni), age gap (reader twenties, Joel in his 40s, it’s not explicitly stated but heavily implied. All characters are legal), alcohol consumption
Word Count: 2.9k
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You swayed your hips the music in the bar as your friends giggled about something that caught their attention nearby. You brought your drink up to your mouth and drank back the shot of alcohol your friend bought for you. 
“Fuck me.” You cursed and shook you head with disgust. “Never gets better or easier.” You gagged and quickly drank back your chaser of vodka and coke, at least that way the booze was disguised and sweet. 
“You’re just a lightweight through and through, babe.” You friend, Jennifer laughed and quickly knocked back another shot. 
You were out in your local bar celebrating the fact you guys had made it through your exams, and finally, you were free to party without the stresses of studying the next day with a hangover or even worse, trying to take a test when you were hungover. 
“Shut up,” you snorted and nudged her with your arm. 
She called in another round of shots for you and your friends that were out and you waved your hands in front of your face. 
“No more. Nope. I’m sticking to my vodka coke, none of that acid. Nope.” You said defiantly which cause your friends to laugh around you. 
That’s how you ended up here, in the middle of the bar and dancing on a table. You were wearing a button down silk shirt that was previously, neatly tucked into your black denim skirt. But no, not now. As your friends encouraged you to drink more, the lot of you riled each other and convinced one another to dance on the tabletops. To be honest, it wasn’t too uncommon in bars that were frequented by college majors and students. 
You had undone two bottons at the top of your shirt to show a hint of cleavage and the bottom section you had completely undone and tied up to create a skimpy crop top. You had pulled your skirt up and rolled the hem to tease the crowds that watched as you danced on the table. 
You threw your head back with a laugh, calling out a few cheers here and there as you swallowed back your drink and that’s when you saw him walk in, suddenly the alcohol seemed to hit all at once and you quickly stepped down from the table. 
Joel Miller, he lived a few doors down from you and you babysat his daughter, Sarah, frequently. As soon as Joel walked in with his brother, Tommy, whom you also recognised, Joel locked eyes with you and shot a smirk in your direction with a cocked eyebrow. 
What was he doing here? Where was Sarah and who was looking after her? Not like that was any of your business. Out of all the local places, he chose this bar? Why? It was mainly just college students that frequented this place aside from the old regulars who were bitter there bar had been taken over by rowdy youngsters. 
Your friend, Jen held her hand out to help you down from the table but the entire time your eyes were fixated from Joel, she looked over in that direction, caught who you were staring at and then she looked back at you with a shit-eating grin spread on her lips. 
“Holy fuck, that’s him, isn’t it?!” She squealed, pulling your eyes from him long enough to grab your attention. “He’s hot.” 
“Fuck. What’s he doing here?” You mumbled, glancing back over to him, his eyes were still on you and a smirk sat on his lips as he brought a drink up to his mouth. “And why’s he staring at me?! Fuck. It’s hot in here, I feel like I’m gonna pass out.” You rambled, shaking the thin fabric of your shirt, not that there was much material left covering you. 
“He’s staring cause he thinks you’re hot, duh. Which for the record, I would stare too. Look at you!” She giggled, slapping your ass and you pushed her hand off you with a laugh. “He wants to fuck you!” She enthused in your ear and you shook your head as you blushed at her crass words. 
“No way! I babysit his tween daughter. He’s probably just amused cause I’m normally a goody goody, like jeans and jumpers and being polite and well-mannered… you know not…” you gestured to your outfit. 
“A total slut?” Jen offered up teasingly. 
“Yeah yeah. I’m a massive whore, whatever. What shall I do?” You asked quietly, feeling nervous as you felt his eyes boring into the back of your skull. 
“Give him a show; how long have you been saying your think he’s super hot?! I specifically remember being in this bar, not too long ago and you were drunk and crying and trying to message him to tell him how you feel.” Jen recalled and you cringed, you had just broken up with a somewhat serious boyfriend and you had a major crush on Joel, you still do but in your drunken and sad state you tried to message him to tell him. Luckily Jen had taken your phone away from you that night. 
“Oh god, don’t remind me.” You whined. “Okay, fine, come and dance with me? I wanna see if he watches.” You giggled and with that, Jen lead you to the small dance floor in the bar. 
The lights were low but every so often, one of the brightly coloured spotlights would catch your features. You danced with your friend, facing one another, you swayed your hips seductively as she held you close and you kept your eyes locked on Joel’s the entire time. He hadn’t taken his gaze from yours from the moment he walked in, not even to talk to Tommy. As they spoke you could sense the distraction from a distance away. 
You kept up this game the entire evening, only stopping to occasionally get another drink or disappear to use the restroom. Joel watched you closely and he would be lying if he didn’t admit he wanted you, so badly. From the moment he walked in and saw you dancing the way you were, he wanted you. It was a stark contrast to the girl who babysat his daughter; the polite college student who called him ‘Mr. Miller’ and helped around his house if he worked late, just so it made things easier for him. 
Joel adjusted himself in his jeans for what like the hundredth time that night and he gave his brother a quick hug before the younger male left the bar. He should go home, go and relieve Maria, Tommy’s wife, of babysitting duties for the night but Tommy insisted it was fine and he could pick up Sarah tomorrow morning. He sipped his whiskey and continued to watch the way your body swayed to the music, his eyes followed up your legs hungrily and he wanted to pull that impossibly short skirt up further and bury himself deep in you. It took everything within him to not groan aloud as you dropped to the floor in a low squat and bounced before bringing your body back up and shaking your ass. 
Your friend’s around you giggled as you did it and they slapped at your ass playfully. You laughed and turned to face Joel again, swaying your behind onto the lap of one of your friend’s. It was fairly normal for you to dance like that with your best friend’s but they all knew tonight there was an ulterior motive, you were just doing anything to drive the older male insane. 
You locked eyes with Joel and let your hands stroke up your body; from the hem of your shortened skirt, up, up, and up until they landed on your breasts. You danced filthily and gave them a small squeeze before your fingers landed in your hair and you ruffled it with your eyes closed. You knew you had caught the attention of quite a few men that night and you didn’t care, all you wanted was Joel’s gaze. And you had it. 
That was it, Joel had enough. Enough of this cat and mouse game where your eyes chased each other hungrily and the male’s gaze practically undressed you in the middle of the bar. He closed the space between you and soon, he was stood in front of you and was hovering over your smaller frame. 
You smiled sheepishly. “Oh! Hi Mr. Miller, didn’t see you there.” You lied with a giggle. 
Jen had walked away, dragging your friend’s with her, leaving you alone as soon as Joel approached, she stood by the bar and gossiped with your closest friends.
“Not polite to lie, darlin’.” Joel’s Southern drawl only more apparent now he had a few drinks in his system. “I’ve seen the way you’ve been eye-fucking me all night. Moving that little body of yours in such a filthy way.” He groaned lowly and glanced down to his crotch. 
You couldn’t help the way a smile spread across your lips, your gaze followed Joel’s and there it was, it was dark in the bar but even you couldn’t deny the way his hard member showed in jeans. You couldn’t quite believe you had that effect on the older male. 
“Yeah well, maybe you shouldn’t be such a perv. I’ve just been dancing with my friends.” You laughed, reaching up on tiptoes to speak into the male’s ear as the music boomed around you. 
“Oh is that so? So you grabbing your breasts in front of everyone… that’s what you normally get up to?” Joel asked lowly, his eyebrow raised in suspicion. 
You replied with a smug smile and a simple shrug. Joel’s body thrummed with jealousy and he pulled you closer by gripping your hips. 
“If you were mine, I would take you home and punish you so hard that every-time you sat down, you would think about my cock filling you up and my hand spanking your ass.” He growled into your ear and your body shuddered helplessly against him. Dancing for Joel all evening had definitely riled you up but now, with his fingers digging into the skin of your hips and his lips brushing against your ear with filthy words, you felt yourself get wetter. 
“Joel—“ you whispered, a little more breathless than you originally anticipated. “I want you. So bad. I’ve wanted you since the first time we met.” You admitted, the alcohol making your lips a little looser than preferred. 
“I’m going to go out to the bathrooms, meet me there in two minutes so it doesn’t look so obvious.” He said into your ear before pressing a chaste kiss to your cheek. 
Joel left and you stood there dumbfounded and a little shaky, Jen came running over squealing drunkenly. 
“What. The. Fuck!” She yelled above the music and you had to ground yourself for a moment. 
“Fuck,” you breathed and placed a flat hand to your chest to calm down the hammering of your heart. “He uh, he wants to meet in the bathroom. I can’t fuck him in the bathroom!” You whined ludicrously. “That’s cheap and gross, right?!” You questioned, debating what to do. 
“Girl, we’ve all been there.” Jen shrugged as you looked at her in shook. “Fine, not all of us but, I mean, I would go for it. When are you gonna get another chance to literally fuck the guy of your dreams!” She encouraged and that’s all you needed. 
She gave you a final hug and watched you wander off out back to the bathrooms, you glanced back at her once and raised your middle finger in her direction as you saw her dry humping the air and moaning. 
You laughed as you entered the bathroom area, just like the rest of the bar, the lights were dimmed and the music still boomed loudly throughout, only now it was mainly the bass that remained. Your head span as you gently pushed each door until, gotcha. Joel was stood in the stall, waiting for you, he pulled you in by your arm and just as you were in, he pushed you up against the stall door and locked it shut. 
The kiss that he placed to your lips was messy and far from romantic but you could feel the unspoken words of want and lust, he held your hips and brought your legs around his waist to he could hold the weight of your body against the bathroom stall. 
You moaned softly as you were lifted, Joel manoeuvred your body with such ease it made you gasp under him. Your fingers locked around the back of Joel’s neck as you kissed; you’re breathed in his scent from his heady, woody cologne to the vague taste of cigarette smoke and whiskey on his breath. 
“We gotta be quick otherwise people will get suspicious.” Joel groaned frustratedly knowing he couldn’t have his full way you. 
You nodded and with that, Joel was holding you up with one arm as his free hand went down to unbuckle his jeans and belt so he could free his hard length. Joel’s strength didn’t waiver for a second as he freed his cock, he hissed as the cool air hit his damp tip and with that he was pulling your panties to the side and pressing the head of his length into you. 
You whimpered weakly as he pushed into you, inch by inch, your back arched off the bathroom stall’s door and you clumsily fumbled with the buttons of your shirt, you undid it fully to reveal the black lacy material of your bralet. It was sheer and your hardened nipples showed through the material, it made Joel’s mouth water and he bucked up into you with fervour. 
A moan fell from your lips as he fucked up into, you felt cheap and dirty but it only made the whole experience hotter. Joel clamped a hand over your mouth and looked into your fearful eyes. 
“You gotta be quiet for me, baby. Can’t have anyone come in here and hear us fuckin’.” He growled lowly into your ear and you nodded under him. “I’m gonna put you down, you face the door and stick that ass out for me to take.” He whispered and released your body from his grip, you took your position as instructed.
You felt Joel’s body behind you, he kicked your feet apart with his own and slammed your hips back to meet his cock. You bit on your lip to stop the moan that so badly wanted to escape. Joel held your hips tightly, your panties still bunched up to the sides and he fucked into your feverishly. The bar’s music echoed louder as someone entered the restroom and panic rose in your body, Joel brought a hand around to your mouth and shoved two fingers into your parted lips. You sucked on his digits to keep the sounds of arousal at bay and Joel breathily groaned lowly as you did so. 
When the person left shortly after, he removed his fingers from your mouth and brought them down to circle your clit quickly. You gasped in a deep breath and your eyes snapped shut. 
“G-going to, fuck, Joel.” You whined quietly not even being able to release the words from your mouth. 
“Shhh, I know. That’s it, cum.” He hushed and snapped his hips forward roughly. 
That was all the confirmation you needed and you were cumming around Joel’s length with shaky breaths, your fingers clenched against the bathroom stall door as you searched for leverage to keep yourself up right as Joel worked you through your orgasm. 
When he was sure you had finished, he was pulling out of you and spinning you around, your vagina clenched around air with a low whine and he smirked at you. 
“Wanna cum in these little panties.” Joel stated and you nodded eagerly. “Wanna see you back out there with my seed soaking into them for the rest of the night.”
Your skirt was hitched up around your stomach and Joel snatched your panties down so he could catch a better look at them. 
He took your hand and wrapped it tightly around his cock; you soon got the idea and stroked it enthusiastically. Joel breathed deeply as you worked him to his orgasm and soon, he was spilling his seed over your pussy and the dark fabric of your panties. It was such a stark contrast, his white cum and your black panties. This was by far, the filthiest thing you had done. 
Your name fell off Joel’s lips breathily as his cock twitched with the finally remnants of his orgasm and he kissed you quickly. You simply smiled at the man and pulled up your completely wrecked panties with a small shudder. 
“You still okay to look after Sarah next Thursday evening? No wild parties planned?” He asked teasingly and you giggled with a shake of your head. 
“No Mr. Miller, no parties planned at all.” You said sweetly, a complete opposite to your actions from mere minutes ago. 
“Good girl. I’ll see you then, and once Sarah has gone to bed, maybe I could give you a little extra payment for being so good.” Joel winked, he kissed your cheek and with that, he left the bathroom stall and the bar completely. 
You gave it a few minutes before you reappeared again. You checked your appearance in the mirror after you adjusted your skirt and shirt. Your hair was messy and your cheeks had a pink dusting on them. You looked fucked in all sense of the word and you knew it would be obvious to most people, not that you overly cared. 
Jen clocked you as soon as you came out of the bathroom, you shot her a wink and blew her a kiss as you collected your bag and headed home. You needed to clean up, rest and crash for the night. Joel Miller had wrecked you and you didn’t care for a second, in fact, you were thrilled about it.
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jazzmasternot · 4 months
What kind of liquor everyone at the hotel drinks
This is a continuation of @hazelfoureyes’s post abt what kind of drunk everyone is.
My credentials for this that I’m a bartender and work in both restaurants and nightlife so I’ve served all kinds of ppl and Ik what customers want before they even order.
So we know this man likes rye and I stonefly believe that he would drink either uncle nearest or makers mark. I mean cmon have you seen the bottle for makers mark it even fits his aesthetic. And yes he will smoke a fat cigar with it too.
Yeah this man drinks wine and is real pretentious about it too, he just gives off mega wine drunk type energy. Like will try to tell you all about how this wine is special because you can taste the hints of sandal wood and how it has a appley after taste even tho no one cares. Also the kind of person to say “I’m just gonna have one glass” then boom the entire bottle is empty.
Angel dust
He drinks vodka you can’t tell me otherwise, he’ll drink tequila when he really wants to turn up but it’s mainly vodka. His favorite is a vodka Martini with little (none) vernouth, so just shaken vodka in a martini glass and yes he can tell if you didn’t shake it. His favorite is highway vodka yk the one that’s made with weed and gets you a lil high aswell.
Another whiskey drinker everyone, I mean he even says it in the show, straight from the bottle no less. It’s probably either jack Daniel’s or Hennessy doesn’t care much about the quality like Alastor does. No rocks glass no ice cube straight up room temp (yuck). Every once in a while he’ll drink jägermeister if he’s feeling particularly devious that night.
Listen don’t ever give her straight liquor, bc she will drink it if ppl cheer her on enough and then immediately throw it up, so everyone’s learned their lesson with her. The closest she’d be able to do without dying instantly is the deep eddy Lemmon/grapefruit. Just give her a Bellini or a margarita, also I feel like she’d love lemon drops.
Beer drinker I don’t know why but she gives off a beer girly kinda vibe that makes husks job so much easier. I feel like she’d like the cream and amber ales too. She’d only drink it on draft though no cans or bottles she thinks it ruins the flavor (she’s not wrong) but most ppl don’t understand that. When she’s not drinking beer it’s vodka crans and seabreazes with Tito’s all they and it’s definitely not bc those are the only two cocktail names she knows.
Straight tequila no mixer no chaser not even dressed or chilled, right down the hatch bc she likes it when the alcohol just burns on the way down. YAY PAIN! Fun fact tequila isn’t a depressant which is why you start actin crazy when you drink it, and we all saw how she was acting in episode 6 classic tequila drunk behavior.
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thatvoidthing · 8 days
Sometimes when I'm in the throes of a depression spiral, I try to write what ever comes to mind. I'm not sure it helps or what to make of the scribbles afterwords but none of them have seen the light of day so only my delusional judgement has a say.
Regardless here is one of them presented for no particular reason other than I'm tired and don't care who sees the bags under my eyes. This bit doesn't actually represent my life by the way, more so my spirit. Anyway here:
The perfume of decay wafted up from the passed out man. It smells of dark yellow dehydrated piss, sickly sweetened alcohols now sweating out from his brow and pits, and vomit & shit composed of fast food burgers, salty greasy French fries and chaser beers. The man’s heart still beats, his lungs still pull in air when smoke isn’t being forced down them and his synapses still fire amidst the pores and gaps that alcohol has bored away as it eats his brain.  He is alive.  But he lives so rottenly that the gift is mostly spoiled.  He will not wake for hours.  The sun will move overhead draining the light with each passing minute.  The birds will chirp at his window and the wind will knock against the glass.  Both unable to penetrate through the staunchly pulled down blind that leaves only a tiny peak into his terrible world.  His room is but an extension of the misery.  The man doesn’t mask himself in such a perfume for lack of reason.  But to make such an awful stench requires more than just body and mind to consume; but rooms, houses, money and innocent lives as well.  If he were to rise, most likely from a nightmare that slipped through the fog, his feet would knock over an opened but mostly empty bottle of whiskey, spilling precious drops.  Those drops would sink into the festering carpet, a mercy killing for the  kingdom of mold that simmers below all the food wrappers and bottles.  Were he to stand, not even aware of his initial fuck up, one foot would push and squish right through the unfinished half of a sloppy barely solid burger he was eating when he passed out.  The other would hit the tiny whiskey flood pooling out of the bottle.  This would of course prompt him to tear off his socks that haven’t been washed in months and have been tightly gripped upon his feet for days and then toss them into the ether for the mold peasants to cultivate.  He would be sat up now, hands gripping the bare mattress as if he is holding onto a mast while his ship breaks against 20 foot waves.  His eyes would barely be opened, unable to bear any kind of light that might help his headache encapsulate his being.  His mouth would feel so dry he would wonder if he had blackout wandered into the desert; It would be the first time.  Naturally his hand looks for the bottle that his traitorous feet had knocked over.  When his hand waves through air, unable to strangle the neck of glass, he lets out a groan.  The sideways bottle is seized and hurled across the room where it hits the exposed entrails of dry wall that had already perished from similar attacks.  The bottle thuds and the wall cracks.  More dust and debris is added on top of his pile of puke stained clothes that he has not touched for months.  With bleary eyes the man would stare quietly at his room while he sat thoughtless among the filth.  If he wasn’t so hung over he might even feel shame, but the alcohol and weed make sure that he would not have to dwell on his situation for any uncomfortable amount of time.  
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b1t5andpi3c3s · 2 years
Paper Rings
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Word Count: 1087 Summary: the important parts of your life with James. Paper Rings by Taylor Swift Warnings: none, mention of drugs/alcohol Pairing: James Potter x Reader Requested: I have been gone a long, long time ..., and I can't promise a definite return, but I am back for this fic at least ...
The moon is high Like your friends were the night we first met  Went home and tried to stalk you on the internet  Now I’ve read all of the books beside your bed 
James had been one of the best Chasers for the Gryffindor Team that Hogwarts had seen in a long time. And he knew it. Constantly showing off to any girl that breathed in his direction, but he only seemed to grant one with his attention. Lily Evans. 
She was perfect. Flaming red hair; bright emerald eyes; and a brilliant mind to boot. Everyone with eyes wanted her.
Now, you too were brilliant, you had amazing friends - you were even friends with Lily herself - but your only flaw (according to yourself anyway),was that you were in love with James Potter. A bully, a prankster. 
Now, however, he was merely a dazed drunk. Standing in the middle of the Gryffindor Common Room with the rest of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, surrounded by a chanting crowd. In his hand was another Butterbeer, Sirius had been passing them to him since he had stumbled into the Common Room.
Remus and Peter, his other two friends, were off in a corner, they were quieter than the other two, and mainly chose to stay out of the chaos that followed James and Sirius, even if Remus was the brains behind a lot of the pranks they did.  
You too were sitting off in a corner, avoiding the crowd, staring at the back of James’ head with despair. When suddenly a presence to your left broke you from your internal self pity, that, and the unrecognisable stink that appeared. 
“Hey.” Looking into Remus’ bloodshot eyes immediately gave away what was wrong with him. 
“Really?” “Sirius bought s’me,” his words slurred together. Looking over your friend’s shoulder, you spotted Peter in a similar state, with a grinning Sirius stabilising him as he swayed. “I thought you hated the stuff?” “Well, I’m not sure anym’ore,” he mumbled. Sucking in a deep breath, he stared into your eyes with an intensity you were unfamiliar with, “may- maybe, a little.” “Rem?” “I want to go to bed,” he sighed, rubbing his eyes tiredly, slumping into the seat next to you. 
Staring down at the slumped figure of Remus, who was quickly falling asleep in that position. You tore your attention to where you had last seen Sirius and Peter, only to find them both gone. Figuring that Sirius had dragged Peter to their dorm room, you looked across to where you could hear James. 
“James!” Yelling over the noise was difficult, your voice basically drowned out by the happy cheers. Thankfully, he must have just heard your yell, as you could see his eyes trail over everyone before landing on you and Remus.
Smiling at the girl he was talking up, he hurried over to you, staring down at the now sleeping Remus. Sending you a confused look, he poked his friend’s shoulder - it must have been hard as Remus’ head lolled to the side, however he did not stir. 
“Sirius and his ‘treats’.” “Well, help me get him up to our dorm.” 
Lugging a basically full grown man up the tight, twisting stairs of Gryffindor tower with James and you on either side was more difficult than you had originally thought when you proposed the idea. 
“Thanks.” He whispered standing opposite you. Peter, Sirius and Remus fast asleep in their beds, snoring loudly making you wonder how any of them slept soundly. “No problem,” you smiled back. 
The wine is cold Like the shoulder that I gave you in the streetCat and mouse for a month or two or threeNow I wake up in the night and watch you breathe
You had spent many sleepless nights worrying, now they all appeared worth it. The countless afternoons crying over the feeling of worthlessness seemed silly compared to this moment in time. 
His arms were around your waist, tightening and relaxing sporadically, you smiled at the feeling. The dark room not betraying the adoring look in your eyes. 
You felt your boyfriend snuggle closer to your back, blowing out a puff of air into the back of your neck. His chest rising and falling with each breath he drew. 
“James.” Your whisper barely disturbed the air, but it earned a tired murmur from the man next to you. “I love you.”
The only response you got was a snore, but you didn’t mind. It wasn’t like you hadn’t said those 3 words to each other before. 
(Ayy) Kiss me once 'cause you know I had a long night (oh) Kiss me twice 'cause it's gonna be alright (uh) Three times 'cause I've waited my whole life (one, two, one, two, three, four)
“I love you.” It was mumbled into your neck. Both of you were laid down on a picnic blanket in a park not far from your shared home. Sirius, Remus and Peter were also there, but they were presently messing around with the football that James had bought with you. 
“I know,” you giggled, fighting against James as he moved to tickle you. 
“No, I mean it,” he sighed deeply, leaning on his side so he was slightly hovering over you. “I love you, and I don’t want to spend the rest of my life without you.” 
The seriousness in his voice was what worried you in that moment, you can’t remember a time when James had ever been so serious as he was now. Even when arguing, there had always been a teasing lilt. 
“Will you marry me?”
I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings Uh-huh, that's right Darling, you're the one I want, and I hate accidents, except when we went from friends to this Uh-huh, that's right Darling, you're the one I want In paper rings, in picture frames, in dirty dreams Oh, you're the one I want
You now stood, donned in white, in front of all your friends and family. James in front of you, glasses pushed up on his nose as he stared at you in adornment. 
You had laughed at the red blush that spread across his cheeks when Sirius had mumbled to close his mouth. 
When you got to exchanging your vows, you found yourself struggling to withhold the tears from falling as you gazed at your fiance. You both had chosen to write your own, and as his words gracefully fell from his smiling lips, you prayed that you didn't blunder when it got to you. 
“I like shiny things, but I would marry you with paper rings …” 
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gossipgirloff1 · 1 month
I’m not a fan of any of the wags, but it’s interesting all the gossip people discuss about them.
Anyway…I just want to say why are so many people policing other people’s emotions? There is no rule book on how anyone is supposed to act in situations. Maybe the Ferrari wags are pretending or maybe they’re aren’t. I have no idea, but it’s weird to sit around and judge these people and expect them to act a certain way. They should cry more? They should show more excitement? I mean people react all kinds of ways and you honestly don’t know how you’ll react until the moment comes. I mean when a relative I didn’t care for or know passed away I sobbed. I deeply sobbed yet when my amazing and loving grandma passed away i just had nothing in me. I barely cried. Didn’t mean I cared more for that other relative more than my grandma. There were a lot of other factors going on that I won’t discuss with strangers, but outsiders looking at me must’ve had quite a few opinions. Sometimes I can be a total chatterbox and other times I just want to chill and be mellow. It’s never personal it’s just some days I have there energy and some days I don’t. Sometimes I can be a total snoozefest and sometimes I game for whatever.Just depends on the day. Seriously though I am so glad I’m not a public figure and having people critiquing me constantly would be a bit unnerving.
I even saw someone on tattle commenting on how Rebecca can’t be as shy or whatever because she was going wild at a club with her friend and Carlos. I mean people can be both. Humans are dynamic and depending on circumstances, environment, people and possible substances (alcohol) can influence people’s emotions so maybe one can be shy but when they are comfortable with friends and a bit tipsy they can act a little crazy out outgoing. Is Rebecca shy I don’t fucking know but what I do know there is no such thing as if you’re shy you have to be shy 24/7 in all situations and circumstances.
I don’t know these women. They may be terrible people. They may be clout chasers. They may be fake. Or they may be some of those things or none of those things. Charles obviously likes Alex and he’s still dating her. He’s had actual conversations with her and knows her more than we do. Same with Carlos and Rebecca. We don’t know these women and we do not know the F1 drivers either but what we do know is the F1 guys have great PR people.
If the wags really are fake and whatever then why are these guys staying with them? Those guys are choosing these women so maybe side eye them as well? They aren’t these poor helpless men trapped in relationships lol.
I will say that when I am watching a race it is a bit absurd they switch the cameras to the girlfriends. Seems unnecessary.
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sabu-rina · 6 months
Sour - past Touya/OC (NSFW)
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tags/TWs \\ References to Underage, Reference to grooming, Spit Kink, mention of vomit, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Post-Canon, Deku is dead and the villains won, Touya survived
Villain!Eun AU. She once loved him, so Touya could be the key to getting Eun back, but it's easy to forget or dismiss the damage done when you "date" a 16 year old girl as a 24 year old man. Now 18, Eun isn't the girl he knew. (AO3)
Eun ran her tongue from palm to pinky, collecting the lime juice that had dripped from her lips. She set her shot glass on the bar with the others, leftover salt from the rims crackling beneath it, then picked up the next one. She paused a moment to stare down at the clear liquor with eyes so heavy-lidded she looked as tired as she felt, but the good parts of her soul needed a little more drowning to shut them up, so she threw it back, not bothering with a chaser. No flinch, even if it did burn all the way down.
As she reached for the last glass, she felt warmth at her back as two long arms appeared in her periphery, easily reaching around her to grab the bar, effectively locking her in place. Lips pressed to the shell of her ear, further heating her booze-warmed body.
“I never took you for a tequila girl,” came the low, raspy voice of Dabi—Touya Todoroki. His leather jacket creaked as he unbent, tilting his head to see at least part of her face. She was flushed, but no more than when he’d walked in. Rather than turn, to see his face, she flagged the bartender for three more shots. He nodded, but she knew if she were anyone else, he would have cut her off.
“What do you want?” she asked coldly.
“Just thought you’d want to know I survived your little trick.”
“Yeah. I saw.”
“You don’t seem surprised.”
“If I wanted you dead, you would be.”
“You dropped a building on me.”
She heard his smirk and couldn’t help the upward tick in the corner of her mouth. Her gaze dropped to the glass as she picked it up, then she sat back a bit, the small distance all she had before her shoulders met the wall of his body. She closed her eyes and stuck her tongue out to lick along the rim, collecting as much salt as she could. When she tilted her head back to down the shot, her black, glassy gaze bore into his, her expression uninterested while the light in her eyes almost appeared heart shaped. She swallowed and he saw the bob of her throat, but then his eyes drifted lower to the hemline of her tank top where a small dark bruise had freshly formed on the top of her breast.
He quickly resettled his eyes on her face, which was now facing him fully as she kept her head rested on his shoulder. The little quirk of her lips was gone, leaving her emotions unreadable even to him. After a brief silence between them, she spoke first.
“Are you going to cage me all night or sit down?” she asked dully.
“We both know the second I move, you’ll use an illusion and escape,” he said. She studied him for a moment, then sighed and leaned forward again, turning away.
“No, I won’t.” The bartender set down her trio of shots and went to clearing away the rest. “I’m not done drinking.”
Touya stared at the back of her head and contemplated dragging her out of the shitty villain bar. Without a Quirk dampener or shock anklet, there wasn’t a soul inside that could stop him…Except her. The fight wasn’t worth it, so he sighed and made his way to the empty stool beside her and pulled it right next to her before sitting. Well, all the stools were empty. None of the other patrons sat at the bar with her. He glanced behind at the tables of people talking quietly amongst themselves, and no one looked in their direction.
He looked at her next, letting his eyes trail up the entire length of her body, from her feet to her cute, little nose. Even hunched, he could see how long and tall she was, especially her legs, which were no longer covered by joggers. He remembered hating the sweatpants after seeing her in nothing, wishing she’d wear a skirt like she did at school. The thought skeeved him out now; Dabi could ignore the whole age thing, but shame had introduced itself to Touya.
Even though she was an adult now, he found himself preferring joggers and oversized t-shirts over her current getup. She wore thin, dark grey leggings with torn knees and shiny black hotpants. The black tank top was lowcut and just as skintight as the rest, giving the illusion of more cleavage and leaving little to the imagination, including the fact she was braless. Gone were her sneakers too, replaced with boots that had seen better days.
He let his gaze wander once more before seeing the bruise again. His eyes narrowed and flicked up to her face, which paid more mind to her next shot than him. He watched her lick the rim again before downing it, then biting into her last slice of lime, the juice dripping down her chin as it had before. Before she could wipe it away, he reached over and grabbed her chin to smear it with his thumb, just to get her to look at him for real. She didn’t look surprised and made no move to pull away, just stared at him. Tired. Gone.
“Eun,” he said softly, his thumb moving to her bottom lip. He pressed gently, nearly mesmerized by the glossy pink flesh, wet from the lime. He wanted the stars back, the way her black eyes would light up when he showed her affection, a surprisingly adorable reprieve from the darkness. But when he looked into her eyes again, there was still nothing there. He pulled her lip down a bit before letting it go and retracting his hand.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, voice low and brow furrowing. “What are either of us doing here? You should be at home, not throwing back shots in the slums like it’s all you’ve got left.”
“Oh? And where should you be?” she asked, her blank expression unchanging.
“With you,” he said, without thinking.
She laughed once, humorless, then scoffed and looked forward again. Three more fingers, the bartender nodded and cleared the old, not sparing Touya a glance. He watched her, trying not to be hurt by her reaction, but his heart had grown 3 sizes since they met almost two years before. She waited for her drinks before responding, pointedly doing her next shot without salt or the lime, and even more pointedly, slamming it on the bar dangerously close to where his hand rested. She turned on her stool and slammed her boot into the stool between his legs, forcing it backward and actually startling him.
Finally, she showed an emotion, but it wasn’t one he wanted. She seethed at him and bared her teeth.
“I don’t need saving, and I sure as fuck don’t need you. The only reason that building didn’t crush you is because I didn’t want it to, but not because I have feelings or some bullshit. Not for you.”
“So, it’s true…” he said quietly. She faltered, confused, then looked more pissed than before, if that was possible.
“What is?” she asked.
“When you stabbed Mr. Anger Management, you missed on purpose. You could have killed my little bro too, but you didn’t. Just like Uncle said.” She opened her mouth to argue, but then snapped shut. She sat a little straighter.
“Uncle is here?” she asked, suddenly incredibly calm. “Where?”
“Can’t say,” he said, then added, “Don’t know.”
“Really, Eun. He comes and goes.”
She gave him a once over with a look as though he were dogshit on her shoe, then turned again and got off her stool, boots thudding heavily on the creaky wood. The bar had gone silent, the other patrons staring down at their drinks as they waited for the storm to pass. Without sparing Touya another glance, she reached over and grabbed the last two shot glasses, then turned heel, and marched for the door, unimpeded by anyone.
Once her figure had disappeared out the door and into the rainy night, the low din of the bar returned as relief washed over everyone. The bartender clicked his tongue and mumbled about not paying, so Touya pulled a stack of cash from his pocket and slid it to him, earning a surprised but elated look. He got to his feet, waving off the man’s gratitude—it was his dad’s money anyway.
Lightning cracked when he set foot outside, lighting up the vacant street and all the connected alleys. Touya squinted through the heavy rain and looked both ways for her. It didn’t take long to find her thanks to her dirty blonde hair catching the light from one of the working streetlamps. He jogged lightly to catch up, then slowed to a brisk walk once a little closer. She was hunched with her arms crossed, fuming for reasons he wasn’t quite sure yet. Luckily, she wasn’t going as fast as she could, so he caught up to her just as she turned into an alley.
“Fuck off,” she said once he was close.
“Eun, please. Just talk to me.”
“Eat shit.”
“Wait a fucking second.” He grabbed her arm suddenly and yanked her back, his Quirk flaring for just a moment, enough to light up her face as she spun around. The rain running down her face looked like tears, her hair glued to her forehead or pushed behind her ears, leaving her eyes wide open for him. She looked surprised rather than angry, but that changed when the blue fire died away, leaving them in shadow again.
“What do you want?” she spat. She ripped her wrist from his hand and shoved his chest with surprising strength.
“I’m trying to tell you, it’s okay to come home! They’ve been trying to tell you sorry, but you’re too stubborn to listen! You don’t have to work for that dusty ass, you don’t have to be a villain!” The irony of his own words made him sick, but he needed to get through to her. The others were so sure he could, that he might be the only one who could, but that was proving incorrect. She stared at him for a long while, the whites of her eyes almost glowing in the dark. Slowly, she spoke again.
“I’m where I want to be,” she said quietly, “And it’s not with you, or with them.”
“It’s Shigaraki, then?” he said, the sharp edge of jealousy leaking out. She clenched her jaw, not going to qualify the accusation with an answer, but then he was in her face, one hand on her shoulder and the other holding her hip. She didn’t move away or flinch, not even when his fingers dug into her flesh, shaking ever so slightly with anger. His hand drifted from her shoulder to her neck, then her throat where it tightened, jerking her even closer to him. She was only an inch or so shorter than him, but his boots gave him a couple extra, making him look down at her just a bit. Her lips parted in a small, silent gasp, her eyes widening as he leaned closer, his own lips drifting closer to hers.
Then he relaxed his shoulders a bit and let go of her throat to run his hand down her chest, fingertips grazing over her collarbones on their way to the top of her breast, where they lingered and pressed lightly on that damned bruise. Her breathing stopped, knowing exactly what he was touching.
“It’s Shigaraki,” he repeated, almost whispering, “It’s this. That’s why you’re here.”
“…What are you saying?” she asked, barely breathing.
“You let him touch you,” he accused, “More than that?”
Suddenly, the wide-eyed girl with a cute little nose and pretty lips, the one who kissed him earnestly after he’d been such an ass, the one who still cared for her friends despite all the agony life threw at her, that girl was gone.
In the moment her face darkened, and her fangs returned, when her third eye shot open and glowed red, he felt his limbs wrench from his body, saw them bounce off the gritty alley walls on either side of them. His guts lurched as he was pushed back by an invisible but incredible force, his feet leaving drag marks in the ground, then the force was gone and he fell to his knees, barely catching himself on instinct as he emptied his stomach on the concrete. As he huffed, vision swimming, it dawned on him that he still had his arms and legs, even though the pain had been real. He coughed, more spittle joining the puddle, then leaned back on his legs so he could look up at her. She was staring down her nose at him, third eye slowly closing again.
“I let him touch me. I let him fuck me too, and sometimes we cuddle, and I pretend it’s love. But you know that already, because I’m just a stupid little girl who will lay down for any older man who shows me attention, right? Spit in my mouth. Praise me. Degrade me. Show me what I’ve been missing. And I’ll call him daddy because daddy issues are hot. Pun fucking intended, you fucking asshole.”
Her boot collided with the center of his chest, sending him onto his back. He felt his heel hit the mess he’d expelled moments before and grimaced. Thud. Thud. She slowly approached, each foot on either side of his waist when she stopped. Then, he grunted as she aggressively sat on his aching stomach. Rain hit his face, his eyes stinging with each thick drop. She grabbed his face with her hand, index and thumb pressing into the lines where the healers removed his staples and tried to fix his scars. She kept pressing until his jaw was forced to open, then leaned forward, knees on the ground, and eyes boring into his. She blocked out the rain and that was when he saw it, a little bit of light in those endless black irises. It glowed red, but it was something in the abyss. He tried to smile, but her fingers were pressing into the hinges of his jaw too hard. She was hurting him…
Eun loudly cleared her throat and, with a sneer, spat the glob into his open mouth. She forced his jaw shut, making his teeth clack, and smirked as she pressed her palm over his lips.
“Swallow for me, baby,” she purred, “You’re so good at it.”
He swallowed it and felt it slide down his throat. The sensation went straight to his cock, which was already twitching from her grabbing his face like that. She got to her feet and walked toward the street, purposely stepping close to his head like she might stomp it. He listened to her receding footsteps, barely hearing them over his own panting. Fuck.
“You…you said you liked it…You said you…loved me,” he forced out, straining to speak loudly. His entire body was sore from her attack, like the aftermath of having the wind knocked out of him by a tank. She paused at the end of the alley.
“I do,” she said, “And I did love you, really. But then I grew up.”
He wasn’t the man for the job, after all. Touya smiled to himself as he heard her leave and thanked the rain for washing away the blood running down his cheek and cooling the burning shame on his skin.
Thanks for reading! I hope there's enough context here, and I think I got enough warnings in. There is an epilogue as well, "No Love Among Villains."
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lihikainanea · 2 years
I love your fan fics. It's nice to have a fantasy version of Bill separate to the real one. I'm having a hard time being a fan due to his personal stuff. He seems to be as shady as the company he keeps. Him actively planning to have another kid with a clear, alcoholic clout chaser is shameful. It appears portraying this great relationship image is everything & I'm doubtful how much is actually true as they protest too much. A reads everything about herself too. None of it's healthy or desirable
I think it's understandable. I don't know if what you said about her is entirely true but I'm also not really inclined to defend anybody anymore. I was never somebody who could be a fan of someone's work without at least liking them as a person--and I think a lot of us are in this boat right now.
Besides, life is always more fun in our dreams. I'm okay with staying there for awhile :-P
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lisaplant4 · 10 months
"Fear, you must understand, is more than an obstacle. Fear is a teacher, the first one you ever had. It’s hard-wired into our brains, part of our chemical make-up like the sensation of pain and the urge to procreate. It is foolish to dismiss fear as a mere emotion, or, worse yet, as an uncontrolled and transitory reflex. Fear is a religion. Not the one we preach – the one about the Golden Rule – but the one we live, day-to-day, dollar-to-dollar. The unspoken conviction that there’s not enough of anything in this world, and that no one’s got your back. The utter moral certainty that you’ve got no choice but to watch out for numero uno, because it’s a dog-eat-dog world out there, and only the fittest survive. Fear of starvation is what first prompted you to smile at your mother. Fear of social ostracism is what first made you desperate to please your father. Humans are gregarious, group-orientated animals by nature. Instinctively, we know that we cannot survive on our own. More than anything, we fear isolation and social exclusion. Fear of failure, you see, is fear of social embarrassment – you might get laughed at. But fear of success is fear of social ascendancy – you might be perceived as a threat and expelled from your group. None of this is conscious, of course. We don’t wake up thinking about these things, or discuss them at dinner parties. But we know the fear in our guts, all of us. And, oh, how these times embrace it! Today our government feeds us on fear. It’s our national diet. Cereal and a spoonful of fear! Beer and a fear chaser! Hamburger with an order of super sized fear on the side! And really, why shouldn’t we be afraid? In case you haven’t heard, life is terminal. Cigarettes will kill you. So will your cell phone. Your microwave, the power lines, the squirming germs that raw meat leaves behind on your kitchen counter and the chemical cleansers you neutralize them with... All potentially lethal. Your car is a deadly weapon, alcohol a quiet killer. Too much fat, too much sugar, too much exercise or not enough... Don’t lick the lead-based paint on your windowsills, don’t lick the back of that postage stamp, and don’t lick any strangers, oh, that can take you down quickly, indeed! Don’t drink the water and don’t drink less than eight glasses a day. Hold your breath in traffic, off-gas your furniture, stock up on duct-tape! Don’t talk to strangers, and if you’re female, don’t go home – you’re more likely to be a victim of domestic violence than of burglary, mugging, or any other type of physical assault combined. Your environment is toxic, your natural resources are dwindling, your days are numbered, but whatever you do, don’t panic! The stress, don’t you know, will kill ya.” – Professor Jonathan Crane AKA Scarecrow.
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aninhadocinho94 · 1 year
They were taking a break from touring for a week and a half, the longest break since they started. The next few concerts would be in LA, they took the opportunity to stay in the city and see some friends. On Friday night, they agreed to go out at some friends of a friend's pub.
Going to a bar wasn't exactly her thing, but here she was. It was unusual to have a few drinks or have a lot of that kind of fun while on tour and they were always on tour. But when her friends were involved, she didn’t wanna miss a second.
 “There she is!” Comes the slurred voice the moment she enter the door. She sigh, but can’t help the tug at the cheeks when sees her friend's happy and drunk faces smiling at her.  
Harry, being the personable he is, is saying his "hello" to nearly everyone he passes; promising to get coffee with one person, wishing someone else the best of luck with God only knew what, and mumbling something incoherent which must’ve been the funniest thing on the whole damn planet because he and the guy he said it to are laughing hysterically.
“Ana” he slurs, turning back to her and practically choking on the laughs bubbling out of his mouth.  “Did’ja hear that?”
Ana sigh, trying desperately not to smile  “Yes, Harry.  You are one funny dude.”
“Liar.  You didn’t even hear any of that.” He points out
She roll her eyes. “It sounded like an inside joke, H. I didn’t want to intrude.”
Harry and her had been at this bar all night with their friends. Drinks had been going all night long, especially with Y/N. She was taking shot, after shot, after shot. At some point she accidentally tipped her glass of beer over onto the pool table while she was rooting for Harry to get his ball into the hole.
A few hours later, Ana and Harry are sweaty and loose and dancing like they were having the time of their lifes when Edward, the bastard, has call them out for a Karaoke Game.
“Whoever….” Edward started the explanation for the game “Whoever gets the wrong lyrics first have to take a shot of whatever the other choose”
Ana giggles and turns to face Harry, who also smiles.
"I'm gonna choose the song. Ana sings whatever is in pink and you sings the blue, ok? " Ed says, they both catch the mics ans smile at each other.
" What if none of us get a wrong Lyrics?” She asks
"The two of you drink whatever I choose" The red haired smirk to her, she let her middle finger up before watch the big screen in front of them.
A unforgettable saxophone started playing and "Careless Whisper" by Georhe Michael sign up on the big screen.
"I'm gonna beat you" he smirked and you turned your back at his smug face. Eyes on the screen, the blue letters come up, he brought the mic to his lips and began singing. "I feel so unsure, as I take your hand and lead you to the dance floor, as the music dies, something in your eyes..."
Harry interpretation of the song was care free, fun and totally not serious. His voice even crack once in the first verse. So Ana also try to have fun with the song without missing a word.
"I'm never gonna dance again
Guilty feet have got no rhythm
Though it's easy to pretend
I know you're not a fool"
They both sang together, making fun out each other. Harry would shake his body side to side while Ana lift her arms up and wave at the small crowd of friends.
The second verse was totally sang by her. She giggles everytime Harry hum at her the wrong lyrics. They scream together the brigde and ended up with no mistakes committed.
The two simultaneously tilt their heads back to take the shots, and Harry can’t help the squint of his eyes as the alcohol slides down his throat. Ana did like Malibu because it didn’t have as much of a sharp burn as some other things she’d tasted. But still, wish she’d ordered a chaser.
Ana gulps down her shot and grins triumphantly at Harry, blowing out all the air she’d been holding in. The duo let out a little cough to ease the burn and laughs.
Ana could smell the cinnamon on his breath. With his thumb, he reach up to wipe away a tiny drop of alcohol from the corner of her mouth. “You like it?”  
Ana take a few seconds to answer, licking her lip. “It’s not bad. I used to drink this a lot. But honestly, Harry, I can’t really taste it.”
“Well that’s because you barely had any of it. We should drink more of that thing” He stands up straighter, turning to get the bartender’s attention once more, but she stop him.
 “No, no. That’s okay. I think I’ve had enough for the night. And you have, too."
"Can't belive I'm more drunk than you, we both drink the same amount"           He grins, it’s obvious that he’s really feeling the alcohol at this point. He would never be this touchy, full with confidence around her if he was sober. He would never had a dopey grin on his face and get his fingers tangle in her hair or touch every visible inch of her skin just because he wanted to be touching her in any way he could.
She let out a contented sigh; pulling away and tilting your head back.  “I think I should head back to the hotel soon" say, running her fingers through her once combed hair, now a bit messy and sweaty and deflated.       
A cheeky smirked spreads across his face once again. “Yeah? What should you do once you are there?”  He wiggles his eyebrows—or at least attempts to wiggle them, leaning even closer to her face.
Ana giggle, leaning away from him.  "I should go to sleep, Harry.  It’s late, I’m drunk and tired.”
“We didn't even started to party yet, I'm beginning to fell a little druk just now” He pleaded looking down at her with bright green eyes.
You groaned “Harry, its 2am. You've been drunk for the last hour”
"I just wish I could make you stay more" Harry leaned into to place a sloppy but gentle kiss on your cheek. Ana giggle at his drunken action and place her hand over his. 
She hug him firmly, snuggling in as close to him as possible. His hands land on her ass, and her breathing hitches in her throat before he moves them upwards quickly, also realizing what he’s doing. His fingers are now situated on her waist, and her heart is suddenly pounding, but neither of them mention it.
“I’m sorry to left you” try again, burrowing her face into his neck, “you can call me a shit friend.”
Harry sighs, and Ana inhale deeply, his scent flooding her nostrils. It’s rich and deep, and smells like cinnamon. It’s dangerous, yet warm and cozy, like a secure embrace— she feel like could spend centuries wrapped up in it.
“You smell really fucking nice,” say unthinkingly. Harry chuckles, and her eyes widen before she cringe.
“Thanks,” Harry gives her a small smile, enough for his dimple to pop on his left cheek. “And you’re right. You are a shit friend.”
Ana sigh, nodding. Harry’s smile widens, and his thumbs begin to rub circles into her waist—the action appears to be subconscious, but even so, she finds herself trying to repress the shudder that tears its way down her spine.
“But you’re a friend nevertheless,” Harry tells her “That counts for something, yeah?”
She return his smile. “Maybe”
She try to pull back, but Harry whines, his fingers digging into the skin of her waist to keep her closer. She laugh, shaking her head. “Quite the affectionate drunk, you know that?”
“I know,” he whispers. She lift her head from where it’s nestled against his collarbone, teasingly pressing her temple against his cheek. Harry makes a surprised noise before turning his head sharply and delivering a firm, smacking kiss against her temple. She yelp and pull back.
Ana looked up at him, she didn’t know if it was because she was drunk or what it was but all she could see was Harry’s lips. She wanted to kiss him, know what it felt like on her lips. She was glad that she was only feeling a little dizzy, for she didn’t like it when the alcohol hit its full effect.
But friends don't look at each other with a weird glimpse in their eyes, though, nor do they kiss and carry on the way they two are. They don't whisper the way he did. They don't stand in a club corner and hug for this long, doesn’t it?
Harry, too, studied her face. His eyes kept traveling back to hers, completely fascinated and drawn in by their color and the dizzy emotion shining in them.
She looked beautiful. She had a mouth shaped in a way it begged to be kissed, a perfect cupid arch. And her hand in his was both warm as well as impossibly soft, yet with a definite strength whenever she squeezed his fingers that made him wish she hadn’t pulled it from his grasp.
He smiled softly. Harry's mind was fuzzy and he felt bubbly inside. Enough so that he wanted to spin and dance and jump and sing, he was just so happy, about everything. Ana's hand was on his arm.
"I'm drawn to you, Ana" His voice had lowered so it was difficult to understand him due to the loud music around them. His stare bore into her with an intensity that had her skin shiver and heart skip a beat.
She froze. Ana nervously laugh, vigorously shaking her head. “We're both drunk, Harry.”
“Maybe.” He hiccups. “but it's true” Ana stare at him, his cheek was blushed. "I should go rest as well"
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ch4nb4ng · 2 years
Moth to a Flame
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Pairing: afab!reader x switch!changbin
Genre: Friends to lovers, clubbing au
Contains/Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, slight intoxication, grinding, praise, switch reader and Changbin, Penetration, handjob, thigh grinding, mentions of nakedness, daddy kink
Word Count: 8.7k
Summary: Lines were already blurred after a stupid kiss with your best friend, an epiphany had struck, and any feelings for your Changbin were better suppressed and pushed for down. But it's hard, especially when he puts you in a position where it's hard for you to say no.
Note: Okay this is this first pic I have posted in a while which I'm very sorry about. This took a long time to post so please be nice with any constructive criticism ot feedback you possible want to give.
This fic was inspired by the song "The way I are" by Timbaland and "Moth to a Flame" by the Weeknd and Swedish House Mafia. I also made a playlist: here if you would like to listen and see what songs I was listening to while i wrote this :)) Enjoy!
To say you were nervous was an understatement. Being with all of your friends was fun, yes. But when the lines became blurred between you and your best friend, things began to go south. Sharing one, heavily mouthed and passionate kiss last week in a dumb game of spin the bottle was making you question a lot of things. The rest of that night was awkward. The interactions that had followed were awkward. Everything was now tied up in confusion and hesitancy. The kiss with Changbin wasn’t bad, it was quite the opposite; but that was what made it so difficult.
The feelings for Changbin were growing. The kiss was just the cherry on top of the cake. One moment of a supposed ‘accidental’ set up from your other friends seemed to create a future of confusion and uncertainty.
Changbin had to be in your life, no matter what. There were no ifs or buts about that. The question was, did you want to keep him as a friend? Or did he desire you the way you began to long for him?
A loud combustion of roars and cheers filled the room of Felix’s small apartment lounge as the ten of you lifted the makeshift shot glasses, signaling everybody’s third shot. You smiled at Chan politely as he winked at you playfully. He could tell that you were nervous. The atmosphere between the group had shifted in the slightest after your shared moment with your best friend.
“Fuck I’m so excited to go out tonight,” Hyunjin sighs, taking a light slip of his chaser, “I feel like we haven’t been out in ages.”
“Well,” Felix interjected, “that’s what happens when you go to college, doesn’t it? Exams are over and we can party, hard,” he paused, nudging your arm, “isn’t that right y/n?”
Felix had seemed to knock you out of a daydream, completely unaware that you weren’t even paying attention to the conversation before you.
“Oh,” you chuckled, punching Felix's arm in return, “yeah, you’re right.”
“Is everything okay?”
“Felix, stop,” you whispered, “I’m fine.”
“Are you sure? You seem to be a little out of it-”
“She’s fine.”
His voice almost got out of your seat. Changbin dragged his chair right across from you, sitting right in front of you. His gaze sent a shiver through your body, nerves pricking at your skin the longer he fixed his eyes, anticipating a response from you.
“See?” You chuckled again, voice much shaker this time, “listen to Changbin guys, I’m fine!”
The boys knew something was up, but they knew better than to push it further. None of them knew how you felt about him. It would have been embarrassing because yes, even though they were your friends, you didn’t want them to set you up, or try and force anything to happen. It was better, in your opinion, to let things happen organically. Which was the main reason that you were upset that your first kiss had happened this way. From a stupid drinking game. You sighed as you took a rather large swig, grabbing the vodka and pouring yourself another shot. Right now, it is much easier to deal with things this way.
“Woah y/n,” Chan gasped, causing everyone to stare at you, “you’re going to have another shot now?”
“Yes,” you blurted, acknowledging the previous liquor activating in your nervous system, “why not? Go hard or go home right?”
“Fuck okay if you say so,” Chan chuckled, putting his drink in the air for you. A smile came to your lips before you opened them, pouring the burning liquor in one swift motion. Now, you felt really good. Your posture became relaxed as you sunk in your chair. The gentle drowsiness of the alcohol having the desired effect you intended. Eyes fluttered shut, the music that played in the background was the only thing you could focus on. It was nice to just relax and not worry about any school work. The year was over, and summer was just about to begin.
“Psst, y/n?”
“Hm,” you whispered, unaware of the rude person interrupting your bliss.
“Are you okay? Did you drink too much?”
“No,” you giggled, opening your eyes. You froze, however, noticing that it was, in fact, Changbin who was asking questions of concern. He was close. So close that you could smell the faintest hint of hennessy on his own breath, the gentle scent dancing across your lips. His eyes were wide, lips pouted as he became desperate to analyze your physical state after that unnecessary fourth shot. You snapped back up into your seat, looking at your phone, scrambling through your bag to make sure your ID was with you, anything you could to avoid his piercing gaze.
“Uh yeah I’m fine,” you mumbled, jumping out of the seat. A pang of guilt hit your chest the longer you avoided him, but now just was not the right time, “should we get going?”
“Yeah Woohoo,” Seungmin cheered in response, “uber is already 5 minutes away!”
A sigh of relief filled your chest and exhaled through your nose when you felt the fresh and less suffocating chill of the fresh air almost slap you across the face as you sprinted to the uber, praying that he would not be sitting beside you.
“Okay everyone in, we’ve got a big night ahead of us.”
Chan waited behind everyone else, making sure that all 8 of you got in safely. He was always considerate like that, similar to being like a father to a litter of kids. You smiled, being the second last one to hop in. Your admiration for Chan’s parental tendencies were enough to lose awareness of the fact that the exact thing you planned to not happen just did.
“Alright,” Chan smiled, clicking his seatbelt, “let’s head off.”
You turned to your left, a very timid and annoyingly pleasant Changbin sitting next to you. His teeth were already visible in that smile that made you knees want to collapse in milliseconds. All you could do was look away, not wanting to be lost in the trance of his eyes, nose, cheeks, lips. His lips. The concoction of alcohol consumed at the pre game was extra unhelpful. Every muscle in your body was screaming for him. Longing to feel how toned his legs would be when straddling him, hands pinning you against the worn out leather seats of the car. Would it really be the worst thing? It’s not like it would be the first time, and the continuous burn of Changbin’s pupils into your own was forming less into a fight and more into a mutual agreement of passion.
“Look, Y/n,” Changbin whispered, the warmth of his blazing fingertips gently caressing the part of your thigh that your jeans failed to cover, “I think we should talk about what happened.”
A streak of nausea raced through your chest. Unsure if it was the devil’s liquid or Changbin’s sincerity, it was really the last thing that needed to be done; at least right now. You could feel him getting closer, the spike of his vodka stained breath swiped across the exposed skin on your neck. Oh my, did his lips look delectable. His tongue came out at perfect time, practically reading your mind as the tip of his tongue darted out, moistening the gentle crevice of his lower lip as he put down to follow. You wanted to give in so badly, let the hysteria that was Changbin’s lips take over your body and keep you wrapped around his finger.
“Can we talk about it another time,” you asked, snapping yourself back to reality, “I just want to enjoy tonight and not worry about stuff.”
“Sure thing,” he smiled, still polite as ever, turning back around to face forward. His finger spread across your knee, a smile creeping onto your face. Thankful was an understatement. It wasn’t that you were rejecting him, no. Now just didn’t feel like the right time, in the back of an uber, a few drinks in, around the rest of the boys. For you, it was serious. Such an impactful conversation was not in the to do list for the night.
The rest of the ride was peaceful. Head resting against your best friend’s shoulder, humming along to the various tunes that sped through the speakers. It didn’t take much time for the group of you to arrive, finding yourself on your feet and in the luckily short line. The cold breeze whisked through the air, causing you to lift your arms and somewhat hug yourself, attempting to bring yourself any warmth, and cursing yourself for not bringing a jacket. You could see him out of the corner of your eye, lunging forward to drape the so-called warmth of his leather jacket over your shoulders. It was a nice gesture, yes. But it really was too much right now. Jisung beat him to it luckily, the fuzzy material creating more heat for you.
The wait in the line wasn’t long, only around 15 minutes. Felix, Jisung and Seungmin had already been let in, and you were next to have your ID scanned. You did as you were told, handing the security the delicate piece of laminated card as you stepped on the big X in front of the machine. You smiled, an attempt to resemble the photo on said card. It made the security laugh, the other one at the door walking toward the machine to inspect you. Shit. It wasn’t fake. Were they not going to let you in? You watched his eye movements with intent, a shiver of unwanted adrenaline struck your body as you saw them move up and down your body multiple times.
“Jesus,” he whispered, a chuckle following after, “who’s this cutie here?”
His stare was intimidating to say the least, not leaving your body at any moment. you weren’t sure what to do. If you didn’t respond, he might not let you in, but was the harassment really worth it? You smiled, uncomfortably, looking down to avoid eye contact with him at any cost. It was when you felt that strong, willful, all too familiar presence beside you.
“Is there a problem?”
Changbin’s tone was firm. Not too much to upset the guard, but just enough for him to think he was stepping on his toes. His arm was draped across your waist, pulling the dodge of your hip firm against his own. It felt so good, it was already so intoxicating. His touch already made you want to melt. So delicate, yet compressing simultaneously. His face looked tough. Jaw clenched, teeth tight. It was clear that he was pissed, only you could tell. The slight, barely noticeable eyebrow lift was the one thing where you knew he was furious. Changbin wasn’t the type to express his anger. He was more the type to walk away, cool down, talk it out calmly. He was rational.
Except when it came to you. Behind this friendly, gentle facade, he wanted to destroy the world, flip it upside down for you. Anyone who stood in your way or did you wrong: Changbin was ready to bring hellfire down for you.
He kept his gaze tough, very fixated on the sleazeball in front of you.
“No big boy,” he snickered, “can’t I just admire the pretty lady?”
“Not when you’re making my girlfriend uncomfortable.”
There. That word. Girlfriend. Girlfriend? It petrified you; well at first it did. There was a secondary warmth that came to your chest at the terminology. It truly was something that you could get used to being called. Seo Changbin's girlfriend, y/n; definitely had a ring to it. Nevertheless, that was not the most important thing at hand right now.
The security guard backed away, nodding at your so-called boyfriend as he let you push past. The rest of the boys were let through, and the party was about to truly get started.
Rather than being grateful and acknowledging Changbin for practically saving your life out there, you looked around, pushing past the sweaty collegiate of bodies to find the others. He followed behind, very closely, encapsulating your wrist or guidance. It took you by the surprise, but you couldn't ignore how good his fingertips felt across your skin. Pretending that you didn’t want him was simply getting harder and harder. The little things were piling up, and there was nowhere to turn.
“Thank god,” you mumbled, “Changbin, they’re over here.”
“Let’s get a drink first!”
“Ugh,” you smiled, trying to suppress your warm feelings towards him, “you know I can’t say no to that.”
He dragged you over enthusiastically, gently nudging the individuals next to you in order for him to gain access to the closest bartender. You waited behind him patiently, eager to keep drinking. The loud music was enough to distract you from your cognitions that were solely about your best friend. It didn’t take long for you to be reminded of them, however, especially when he looked back at you with that Colgate smile, glowing skin, hair gently pushed across his forehead. You truly had never noticed how dreamy he was before. You could see his mouth moving, but there was no awareness of the words that were coming out of his mouth.
You blinked in an attempt to shuffle your brain patterns, “What?”
He chuckled, “I said, do you want to have our usual?”
“Oh,” you laughed, a little too loud to overcompensate, “yes of course! Shots it is!”
“Two tequila shots please !”
He grabbed you by the waist, swiftly pushing yourself in front of him as he watched them fill the tiny shot glasses with much anticipation. You gasped at home easily. He was able to do so, nothing thinking much due to the fact that you thought he would take them away. But he didn’t, letting his finger tips linger across your skin. The heat rose to your skin, and you tried everything in your power not to show how flustered such a minimal action had made you become. The drinks were full, smiling as you passed over the fellow cup full of liquid. Changbin only took one hand off for his cupThe two of you cheered, turning and swallowing the tangy liquid. The lime after was more than necessary; to say you were rusty was an understatement.
“I’m glad you're my best friend.”
The term was one you never thought you would be sad to hear. It was one that was very contrasting to when you were his ‘girlfriend.’ This one just felt mediocre, washed up; just plain boring. You appreciated it simultaneously, knowing Changbin was making the effort to not make things uncomfortable. You were kicked out of your thoughts when you felt his hands back on your waist. He pushed you in front of him once more, using you as a navigation to push through the crowd and meet up with the rest of the boys.
“Jesus christ finally,” Chan yelled, “where were the two of you?”
The tequila was already hitting you semi decently as you felt your brain fog into a slow motion. An eruption of giggles escaped your lips as you tried to answer him.
“Changbin b-bought me a drink,” you paused, peaking on your toes to whisper into Chan’s ear, “isn’t he being nice?”
The smirk on his face was priceless. He knew exactly what to say to get what you were really thinking out of you.
“That is very nice, Changbin is a nice person, isn’t he?”
“Oh he’s more than that,” you blurted, taking a swig of his drink, “he looks really really good.”
“Oh yeah,” Felix chimed in, “sorry, I couldn’t help but eavesdrop into this conversation.”
“Oh no,” you gasped in a mocking tone, “how unfortunate.”
You were too tipsy to notice the look that the two aussies gave each other. They were on the right page, and they knew that things would end up like this for the two of you.
The group of you stood around for a while, having a lot more drinks than you really needed. Your body was feeling loose, and the more you looked at Changbin, the easier it was getting to say fuck it and just do last week all over again. He came over to stand next to you, drink in one hand, your waist in the other as he began to talk to you.
“Changbin,” you smiled, nuzzling into his shoulder, “how are you feeling?”
“Oh,” he giggled, gazing down at your lips for a brief moment, “I’m good how are you?”
“I’d be better if you were wrapped around my-”
He stopped himself, hearing the song that had just hit the speakers. This was your song, it also happened to be Changbin’s. The two of you looked at each other, mouth open wide as the realization hit you. You grabbed him by the wrist, happily dragging him to the dance floor as the intro began.
“State of emergency,” you should simultaneously as the two of you situated yourselves in the center of the dancefloor. The beat was lively, and the feeling of the liquid poison coursing through your veins was enough to counteract the thought of sweat bodies surrounding you. This song was your all time favorite, and it also happened to be Changbin’s. The go to karaoke song would be equivalent to it. Your hands collided, him lifting yours up in the air, letting you spin around in numerous circles. You couldn't help but giggle. It felt so nice to just do something that didn’t feel like you were suffocating in this kind of unwanted, burdensome feelings for your best friend. It allowed you to breathe genuinely for a moment. Changbin didn’t care either way, he just wanted to have fun with you. After obviously avoiding him for the past week, not responding to his texts or calls: he was already longing for you. As a friend, it didn’t matter. He just wanted his friend back. Wanted you back.
And that nostalgic feeling of familiarity came back to both of your chests simultaneously. He interrupted your last spin, grabbing you by the waist, pulling you close. So close, so tight. His eyes were focused on you completely waiting to hear the words from you.
“I ain’t got no money,” Changbin smiled, keeping you close as you turned around, swaying your hips against his cohesive grip.
“I ain’t got no car to take you on a date.”
You giggled. Singing the lyrics in turn was a tradition. It was your favorite song, how could you not?
“I can’t even buy you flowers.”
You broke away from him for a moment, making sure to look at him for the next words.
“But together we could be the perfect soulmates.”
Changbin smirked as he continued to sing, sticking his two front fingers out, motioning them towards you as he sang, “talk to me girl.”
The moment had set a light. The tension was dwindling, there at a very low resolution, just enough to make things feel different in the slightest. Changbin prowled closer and closer, wanting oh so desperately to enclose himself to you as his hands dug back into the dips of your hips, pressing a little firmer than before as the end of the song was already near.
Baby if you strip, you can get a tip 'cause I like you just the way you are.
The space was enclosing, fast. Now would have been a good time to escape, find the others. Your mind was telling you to leave, set foot and disappear . But your feet betrayed so easily. Changbin singing those words did not help. One of those hands snaked around your body, feet gently pushing you backwards, gentle slaps of strangers across your back as he pushed you to the closest surface,
I'm about to strip and I'm well equipped, can you handle me the way I'm on?
A gentle thud which could compare to the sound of a prindrop occurred as soon as the surface was met with your back. You began to giggle endlessly, palms resting on either side of Changbin’s face as the beauty of him struck some sobriety into you, not too much thought. Just enough for him to truly recognize how beautiful your best friend was. His smirk grew, brain malfunctioning at the way you looked at him with such eyes.
I don't need the G's or the car keys boy I like you just the way you are.
They looked so innocent. You were so innocent, he thought to himself. He dug his hips into yours once more, enjoying the small gasp that had your throat in a small chokehold. The admiration was wearing off now, and you knew the longer your could feel the tip of his hard on digging into the side of your leg, the more you wanted to stay in his lustful embrace
Let me see ya strip, you can get a tip 'cause I like it.
The outro flowed back in, and so did nerves with that too. The song brewed confidence, making you feel sexy in a very attractive man's grip. Changbin chuckled as he leant forward, allowing his forehead to linger against yours.
“Fuck, y/n, I-” he paused, taking a hand away from your hip, fingertips scattering across your inner thigh, “I can’t do this anymore.”
A sudden panic busted into the pit of your stomach at the broadness of his statement.
“Can’t do what?”
He bit his lip briefly before taking his forehead away and looking into your eyes.
“Pretend that I don’t like you. Pretend that kissing you is all I ever think about. Like I haven't thought about touching you everywhere, you touching me, making each other feel so good. I can’t do it anymore.”
Your hands snaked down to his behind, pushing his hips forward and back into your crotch. He was taken by surprise at first, but as soon as he knew where this was headed, he did nothing to stop it. He wanted you so bad. And as much as you have avoided him, he knew you felt the same hunger that he did.
“You want to get out of here?”
The devil lusted smirk came to his lips so easily, nodding in response as he grabbed you by the edge of your fingertips. You zoomed past the crowd, completely unaware of the rest of the group looking at the two of you in awe. The exit sign was the priority.
The coolness of the air once stepping outside was not enough to keep down your body temperature. Luckily for you, Changbin’s dorm was a two block walk from the club.
The walk was silent. A gentle pace, however, anticipating more the closer and closer you got. He followed behind you, practically already pressing himself against you as he chuckled, hands vice grip on your waist. You knew he would most likely regret this encounter in the morning. But right now, it didn’t matter; nothing mattered. The vibrations of want against your neck from the chuckled escaping his lips was enough to make your mind blank.
Your thoughts and awareness, or lack thereof, was taken away when you felt his palms digging into your hips, slamming you against the front door. Eye contact was made, and the fact that looking at him terrified you was very unexpected. The sweet best friend, full of kindness had disappeared. The devil lusted, paranormally possessed Changbin had taken over. His eyes were black, and the longer you looked into them, the easier it was for him to pull you in, reattaching his lips to yours. There was already so much more hunger and want. He moved a step forward, left thigh forcing your own two legs to split apart. He lifted his hands, wrapping them around your lifeless wrists, crossing them over and pinning them against your head. Of course he was so smooth. The amount of practice and experience he had alone from college partners was beyond you. The thought would usually intimidate you. Make you second guess yourself. Cloud you with questions that-
“Fuck,” he whispered under his breath, openning his eyes and taking a step back, “I don’t know what just came over me.”
Your heart sank to the pit of your stomach. You knew it was too good to be true.
“What do you mean?” you asked, forcing yourself to chuckle and keep the mood lighthearted.
Taking one hand off your wrist, he dove into this pocket, scrambling past his wallet and finding his key.
“I mean,” he paused, pushing passed you to unlock the door, “I want to fuck you so bad, I didn’t even open the door yet.”
A look of somewhat disgust frowned upon your face as you playfully smacked him across his shoulder as he held the door open for you. You wandered around, aimlessly like you had never seen the place in your life. It’s not that it was awkward, per say, more like unmarked territory. The idea of this ever happening had only become apparent in your mind one week ago. Although you could not say the same for Changbin, there was no prior indication that this was something he had wanted, and was pending for a long time for.
The man followed your aimless wander, also unable to approach the now calm atmosphere that had presented. You knew you were treading dangerous waters. So did he. Any sober, rational and logical person would leave sneakily and shy away from this really bad idea. It made you think, which happened to be the last time you used your brain this night, as to whether this was really worth it.
“Sooo,” you smiled, index finger trailing across the edge of the very dirty couch, “did you want to-”
“Shut up,” he hissed, sneaking behind, pressing his pelvis against the smoothness of your back. His presence felt so comforting. So warm. All you could see was his head tilted to the left in your peripheral vision, smirk too scathing to go unnoticed. His hands moved swiftly, spinning you around, falling back into the cushion as his grip became firm on your wrists, pulling you forward, and causing you to fall on his lap.
You giggled at first, but made a quick way of yourself, spreading your legs, finding their way on either side of Changbin’s legs as you pushed your hips up in the slightest, watching his bottom lip disappear under his top one in light of the bare friction that you had created. All you could do was focus on him. On his face. Your core began to burn, increasing the gratifying friction against him.
“Fuck,” he gasped, looking down at your hips, watching them move with so little intent. He found himself already flush. Already so flustered. It was too much. It was playing out exactly the way he had imagined it. This was his fantasy. You, on top of him, guiding yourself onto him. It was 10x more powerful than he imagined, and it was hard trying to contain how much satisfaction he was feeling right now.
“Are you okay,” you pouted, thumb under his chin, forcing him to look up at you, lips puffing inches away from his own lips, “you look like you’re about to burst.”
There was genuine concern from you, nothing but embarrassment for him on the other hand. He was trying to keep his composure, but the longer you moved against him, the more he wanted to just rip your clothes off and fuck the shit out of you. It’s what he would usually do if you were any other girl. Sex tended to be meaningless for your bestfriend. It was easy. And it’s not that trying to get you was a challenge, he respected you much more than that. It’s also not something that he wanted to be over and done with so quickly.He wanted to take his time with you. Wanted to caress and care for every inch of your body. You were so precious to him. Changbin wanted to devour and worship every part of you. The thought alone made him so hard, and he’d be lying to himself if he didn’t picture it the last few times he had slept with other people.
You were enjoying yourself so much already, loving the way his eyes ogled your inner thighs. You could tell he was transpiring into his ascendance. Your hands moved to your own shirt, toying with the hem, desperately waiting for his mind to catch on where you were going. It didn’t take him long, eyes already fixated on any moment you lifted it a little bit too much , exposing the slightest of skin that was well under your intentions.
“What are you looking at?”
“What?” He looked up, eyes focused solely on your lips, and the longer he did, the more he imagined them wrapped around other places, “oh uhm, you’re shirt.”
“What about it?” you smirked, forcing him to say it.
“You’re playing with it. It’s distracting.”
“You want me to take it off?”
“Yes,” he blurted, not a single thought crossing his mind, “I mean, yes please.”
You paused, legs wrapping around his backside as you lifted your arms up, straight towards the ceiling.
“Well, what are you waiting for?”
It only took him a moment, and the gentle, precarious man he wanted to be had slipped away. As soon as grabbed your hem, he ripped it off in one swift motion. It wasn’t the fact that you were teasing him. It was the fact that as soon as he took it off, he was greeted with your bare chest. Your breasts were out, eyeline with him as he gasped, throwing his head back, tongue running across the underside of his top teeth as a smirk came to his lips.
“Are you fucking serious?”
“What?” you shrugged, an act of innocence like your tits weren’t basically shoved into his face.
“Oh, you’re so fucking dumb, and you’re going to fucking get it.”
And boy did you. Your best friend did not give you a moment to think. All you could feel was the bareness of your back laying vertically, Changbin on top of you as you leaned in, passionately attaching his lips as his hips twitched against your own. A muffled groan escaped from your lips as he ground into you. His force was strong, and the way he was pinning you down, taking all your control away from you was making you dizzy. He pulled away abruptly, biting down on your bottom lip as you watched him pull it farther away, the stretch something that he enjoyed very much. His lips continued their assault, following down to your jaw, then your neck, but don't be mistaken; the man was wasting no time. Before you could even comprehend, his lips were already attacking your left niiples, right hand on the other and he kept his eyes open, desperate to see an expression of pleasure. Your jaw dropped, eyes fluttering shut as your hands found their way to his hair quickly. A tongue had never felt so good. Another deep moan spilt from your throat, cursing Changbin to smirl against you. He traveled further, descending himself until he got to the hem of your bottoms. He stuck his tongue out, a heavy strive of saliva coating your stomach, all the way back up to your breasts as you shivered against him, the touch ticklish to the skin.
His name was mangled in your throat, causing him to chuckle.
“Yeah baby, you like that?”
“Mhm,” you whined, eyes flashing open, lower limbs wrapped around his chunky torso, “more.”
A burst of excitement flashed across his face, followed by a disapproving shake of the head.
“Oh no, no I can’t do that.”
His tonie was playful, too patronizing to sound like he was going to give you what you wanted right now, at this very moment. Changbin made his way back up to your neck, looking around for the perfect spot to suck on. Kissing along your collarbone made you shiver, the delicacy of lips becoming a nauseating and painful reminder of what you needed. Such actions did nothing but intensify the hungry sensations between your legs, and you really did not know much more of this you could take. He pressed one more kiss to your lips, before sitting up, unbuttoning his own shirt, sliding it away secludedly as he gave you time to look at him. His very, very muscular stomach. His chest. Your first thought was to put your hands across him, making you bite down on your lip at the rigid texture. You had seen it numerous times; but this, this was different. To have him on top of you, looking down at you like you were something he was about to conquer made it feel so good. It had never felt so good to be desired.
“Like what you see?”
All you could do was nod, swallowing the large lump forming in your throat. Your best efforts we exacerbated trying not to drool over your best friend, he was, is so hot.
“Shut up and kiss me.”
“Fuck, can’t argue with that.”
Arms wrapped around his neck, you pulled him down with great force, smashing your lips against him as his hips became a great driving force. He was bound to feel the wet patch that was increasing with intensity the longer his tirade continued. How long was it going to take before nobody had clothes on?
Your thoughts had become close to none. Having his lips on any inch of your body would do that to you. Well, that was until the sound of the front door knob being turned startled you. Both of your eyes twitched, opening wide. Changbin looked up, making sure that he was not hearing things. Suspicions were confirmed, and when the door opened to a tumbling Jisung, and a giggly Chan, the two of you were truly speechless.
“Guys,” Changbin smiled, putting on a fake laugh, “what are you guys doing here?”
“We live here dummy? Did you forget while you were making out with y/n on the dancefloor?”
You closed your eyes, with the flawed logic that doing so would make you disappear. He chuckled, lifting a hand to scratch the hair on the back of his head.
“You guys saw that?”
“Obviously we saw that,” Jisung exclaimed, “good on you man, finally got the balls to do what you have wanted to for a long time.”
Your heart skipped a beat at your drunk friend's word. It was endearing to hear these feelings you tried to push down so hardly weren’t one-sided.
“Well, uh, about that,” Changbin mumbled, looking down at you for any sign of help. He tapped you lightly, causing you to open your eyes and look at him. You froze, no help coming from you underneath him. The boys were drunk, but not that drunk to the point where no brain cells were functioning. They could see him talking down to somebody Aggressively mimiming, asking you what to do. All they had to do was put two and two together to realize who he really was talking to. As they moved closer, you truly began to panic. So did Changbin apparently, mouthing ‘I’m sorry’ before pushing all his weight onto you, his poor attempt of covering you up, and when you saw their eyes hover over the couch was the moment you were done for.
“Hey boys,” you choked, somewhat suffocating from his entire body weight leaning on you, “what’s going on?”
“Not much until now,” Chan chuckled, Jisung following, “what’s going on here?”
“What the fuck do you think,” Changbin hissed, starting to get annoyed by their lack of self awareness, “why are you guys being so nosey?”
“Us? You’re the ones having sex on the couch.”
A huff of frustration came from Changbin’s lips as he grabbed his shirt, shoving it on your chest, and standing up, adjusting the obvious bulge in his pants as he wanted for you to stand up. All the other two could do was giggle, enjoying embarrassing the absolute fuck out of him. That was their friendship dynamic. You covered yourself, loosely buttoning it up around your shoulders as you took Changbin’s hand in yours, allowing him to take you to his room.
“Have fun you two,” Jisung screamed, “don’t do anything I would do!”
Changbin shut the door, more like slammed after Jisung’s ‘funny’ remark.
“Sorry,” Changbin whispered, “you know what they can be like.”
“It’s fine Changbin,” you giggled, stepping forward and snaking his hands around his waist, finding his neck as you pulled him right up close, noses tickling in the slightest, “where were we?”
The man was flustered. Rightly so. He had just been berated by his two best friends, in front of the girl he liked. It gave you a slight edge, fingertips slithering down to his chest as you pushed him into his own bed. You followed in pursuit, hands launching right for his belt as you undid the buckle, undoing his zipper, and reaching into the interior of his pants to dispose of them. He lifted his hips, not needed to be told as you shimmied them off, leaving him in nothing but his boxers.
“Hey, that’s unfair,” he whined, embarrassed at how hard his cock looked through his undergarments.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Take your pants off, it’s uneven.”
You rolled your eyes, granting his wish, but taking off both garments instead. You sat back for a moment, spreading your legs open, spreading your folds with your index and middle finger. An audible gasping escaped your best friend’s lips, eyes possessed by the wetness already spread across your pussy. The innocence in his eyes made you chortle, adoring how much he desired you.
“Fuck,” he whispered, left hand palming over his boxers, “you’re so fucking hot y/n.”
“Why thank you baby,” you smiled, shifting your weight back onto him. You took a brief glance at his boxers, before looking back at his lips. “Why don’t we take these off?”
He did as he was told, and was fast with that entirely. All you had to do was blink and it was gone. You were pleasantly surprised. He cock was well endowed. All you could think about was him filling you up completely. The stretch would be a delight. You climbed on top of him, prowling up to his lips. Your left hand stuck out, tips wrapping around Changbin;s girth as you reattached your lips to his. Changbin’s hips jerked at the sudden sensation. Your hand moved slowly, languid strokes, allowing you to feel the curves of him, veins protruding the tighter your grip became.
“Hmm,” he groaned, the vibration felt heavily across your lips. You smiled as you pulled away, watching the way he tried to keep his composure, “feels so good.”
“You like that?”
“Yes,” he sighed, one of almost relief, as he sunk into his bed, completely relaxing as you continued to pump his length. Your torso descended, allowing your legs to spread open and sit on his thigh. Changbin could see what you were getting at. He tensed his thigh, noticing your slight rut against him. A whimper escaped your lips at the feeling of your sensitive bundle of nerves being stimulated. The noise was loud too, causing your face to increase in heat as you apologetically rubbed yourself on your best friend's leg.
“Fuck, Changbin,” you hissed, “fuck.”
His hands moved with intent, finding their way back to your hips once more as he began to guide you. Your mouth became agape at his control. It became hard for you to keep up a consistent pace, giving up as you gripped onto his arms, losing yourself in the pleasure as your grinding became unhinged.
“Yeah, just like that baby,” he grunted, flexing his thighs once more, “you look so hot right now.”
“Fuck,” you cursed, breath becoming elevated and hitched the longer you kept this up, “fuck me.”
“Oh,” he smirked, digging his thumbs into this curves of your hips, forcing you to a halt, “you want me to fuck you?”
“Please,” you cried, head thrown back, “please fuck me Changbin.”
“Yeah baby?”
“Pleaseee,” you whined harder, practically begging for him to take you, “I need you.”
“Say less,” he whispered, flipping you over and pinning you down beneath him. A squeal emerged, taken aback by the sudden, yet swift motion. Who could have known that your best friend was such a smooth guy. His fingers snaked down to your pussy, spreading your folds as they glided down to your entrance, plunging his fingers in without warning. Another gasp of shock, mixed with pleasure came to your lips, holding onto his wrist as you could feel the tightening of your high already beginning to develop. Changbin loved the way you just crumpled beneath him, watching your lips contort into uncontrollable pleasure the further he dug into your velvety walls.
“Come on,” you cooed, booking your hips up to his own, feeling his tip prod at your folds, “stop teasing me.”
“I’m sorry baby,” he pouted, genuine apology absent in hi tone, “I just like seeing you like this All wound up and ridden against me. You really want me to fuck you?”
“Yes,” you blurted, thinking second to none, “how much do I have to beg?”
“Hmm,” he ponders, lining himself up with your entrance, taking his fingers out, “usually I’d have you begging over and over for me. But you look so cute like this. It would be cruel to make you do that right now.”
You waited, desperately needing to feel something after his sudden withdrawal, leaving you with nothing. It's not like he made you wait for long, however, sliding himself into your aching pussy with ease. A simultaneous moan, one of great relief came from both of your lips. The stretch was great, and the feeling of you streacting around him was sending Changbin into a headspin. He waited for the go ahead, cock buried inside of you completely before gently pulling out. His thrusts were slow, allowing you to adjust and get comfortable with him.
“Shit thank you so much,” you mumbled, already clawing onto his arms for support, “thank you Changbin.”
He giggled at your grace, finding it completely adorable at how easily submissive you had become. Your personality was very strong. You were a force to be reckoned with, and it’s something that Changbin really admired about you. It was refreshing to see someone stand up for himself and what they believed in. It truly came to a shock at how easy you were to please at this very moment.
Changbin’s hands came up to your face, leaning in to kiss you once more as his thrust became more forceful and faster. A deep groan escaped his lips, gratifying in how easily he was able to move in and out of you. Not a single thought was forming in your brain. No cognitions. Changbin was fucking you dumb, and you truly did not expect for him to pleasure you so easily. You felt corrupted, showing a completely different side to your best friend. To think that you were worried about running your friendship ad week prior was somewhat laughable now.
“Your pussy feels so good baby,” he smirked, taking his hands from your face, “can you feel it?”
“Yes Changbin,” you moaned, “your cock fills me up so well.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes,” you hummed, “yes yes yes.”
Changbin knew it was good for you, but he had ulterior motives. His posture was straight, arms hooking around your legs as he lifted them up, placing his hands on the edge of your heels as you stretched them out, pushing them all the way back to your shoulders. A deep moan came from your lips as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. He was already pushing into you deep, but this new angle was 10 times more intense. A whole new spot was being hit and the noises that were escaping your mouth were just unstoppable. Unconscious. Uncontrollable. It was all music to his ears.
The pleasure of sex had never been so good. Your legs were already shaking, and Changbin licking down your legs was driving you completely insane. His eyes of darkness and pure lust had returned, all he could see was horny filled rage the more you whimpered against him. It was all your best friend needed to pick his pace up to an even faster rate. Changbin was giving it all he got now, and although he hadn’t been in to your for long, he was fucking you so good that you knew you wouldn’t last much longer.
“You sound so pretty when you whimper like this,” he purred, leaning down once more to whisper in your ear, “crying which i stuff you silly with my cock. Fuck it’s so good to finally have you under me.
“How many times,” you paused, “have you. Thought about me like this?”
“I wish I could tell you,” he hissed, hips beginning to come undone, “I’ve wanted to fuck you for so long y/n.”
“Fuck,” you interuppted, “don’t stop.”
“You want me to go faster?”
“Yes baby,” you pleaded, “it feels too good to stop.”
“Holy shit,” Changibn crumbled, giving everything he had left in the tank. He was going haywire, seeing you completely fall apart. The practical screams that left your mouth were at an all time high pitch. Usually he would care, knowing that they did not have the house to themselves. If it was anybody else, he would have his hand over their mouth, telling them to quieten down. But you were an animal unhinged. In a sick way, Changbin was proud. He wanted his friends to hear him fuck raw, fuck hard. He wanted them to know that it was him that was in the moaning mess that you were.
You on the other hand, were so taken aback. No one had ever been able to dominate you like this. You would normally be embarrassed at how unhinged and uncontrollable your sounds of satisfaction were. Your eyes were wide open, jaw basically locked the longer this went on. Your stomach was getting tight, and you could feel your release. It was coming at any moment. Part of you felt terrified. If Changbin fucking your felt this good, god knows how strong your orgasm would be.
“Fuck,” Changbin groaned, bringing you out of your own head, “I don’t know how much longer I’m gonna last.”
“Me too,” you strangled, barely able to get a word in between the loud moans that curled and spit from your mouth like fire, “I think I’m gonna cum.”
“It’s okay baby,” he cooed, hand gripping onto your left breast for support, “you want to cum?”
“Please daddy,” you moaned, “please make cum.”
The name slipped from your lips without your knowledge, not Changbin’s though. He didn’t realize, but it was such a turn on for him. He slapped your breast in response, grunting as he thrusts became slower and slower, trying to keep his strokes consistent.
“That’s it baby, cum for daddy,” he whispered, biting down on your ear, “such a good girl for me like this.”
His words impact you, the praise being too much to handle as you finally fell over the edge. Your moan was at the highest of it’s pitch, legs shaking as your body came undone under him. Changbin chuckled with the most evil sound as he made you finish. You clenched around him, causing him to finish moments after.
“Oh fuck,” he whined, collapsing next to you, pulling out of your abruptly to avoid pushing all of his weight onto you. You turned to him immediately, wanting to stay close to him. You nuzzled into his chest, feeling security in the up and down movements of his chest, coming from his diaphragm. You both were too out of breath to even speak. All you had to do was look at each other, and that was what it took for the two of you to burst into laughter. This sudden burst of humiliation washed over you, but the fact that he was laughing back made any negative feeling of guilt or shame dissipated.
“Did you enjoy yourself?” He asked, pressing a kiss to your nose.
“Yes,” you giggled, drawing circles on his chest, “I know you did.”
“Oh yeah?” he asked, mouth opening in shock, “how did you know that?”
“Oh I don’t know,” you shrugged, “maybe when you said ‘I wish I could tell you how many times I thought about -”
“Hey!” he yelped, playfully smacking your arm that was hooked around his waist, “you can’t talk! ‘Fuck it feels so good Changbin! I want to cum daddy, thank you so much for giving me your cock!’ Don’t act like you weren't enjoying yourself.”
“Oh my god,” you crumpled, shoving your head in his chest, covering your face out of embarrassment, “you’re making that up! I did not call you daddy!”
He rolled his eyes at your denial, “Deny it all you want, but you said it.”
“Anyway,” you interjected, covering his mouth with your hand, “I’m thirsty, can I have some water?”
“You’re so cute,” he smiled, stealing one last quick kiss from your lips, “shall we go downstairs, get some water, and deal with the humility now and get it over and done with?”
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion at his words, “what do you mean?”
“Dude,” he sighed, hopping out of bed and beginning to redress himself, “there’s no way they couldn’t hear us.”
“What do you mean,” you asked genuinely puzzled as you too got out of bed, walking over to changbins wardrobe and picking out a shirt to wear, making sure it covered your crotch, putting your soaked panties back on to be safe, “were we really that loud?”
Changbin laughed, in fact bursted into tears almost at how naive you truly were.
“I fucking can’t with you. You know you almost screamed the dorm down?”
“No I didn’t!” You yelled, opening the door and walking towards the kitchen, “you’re being so dramatic.”
You rolled your eyes, ignoring how slow he was being, determined on getting your water. You turned your head, praying that Changbin’s other two housemates, aka your friends Chan and Jisung, did not notice your presence in the kitchen. You grabbed a glass, swift, and quiet as you turned on the tap, keeping it run at minimal pressure to prevent any sound.
“Hey Y/n.”
You shuddered for a moment, but were flooded with confusion as to why it was not either of their voices you were hearing.
“Felix? When did you get here? Oh-”
You were shocked to see the rest of them, just sitting there. On the couch. The looks on their faces were priceless. Some full of shock, others unable to hide their smirks. It didn’t help when Changbin followed, wearing nothing but tracksuit pants as he walked out.
“Did you two have fun?”
“How much did you hear?”
“Oh,” Seungmin mocked, “oh Changbin, you feel so good.”
Giggles erupted as the others began to join in on the tom foolery that was imitating the two of you.
“Yeah, you like that?”
“Fuck daddy, I want to cum.”
“Ah ah ah ah fuck!”
“Okay that’s enough,” Changbin hissed, walking over to them abruptly, “you’re embarrassing y/n.”
“Oooooh,” Jisung hummed, “look at him getting all protective over her already. You’re so predictable.”
“And what’s wrong with that?” You smiled, walking over and hugging him from behind, causing a few of the boys to fake gag. The two of you ignored them, sitting on the couch and nuzzling into each other’s warmth and comfort.
You knew that this was right. It felt right. This was the moment that you knew that you and Changbin were meant to be more than just friends.
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red-letter-imagines · 3 years
heyy there!! can you do another part of the “reaction when you suck on their tongue but with Mikey, Rindou and mitsuya?
You have no idea how happy I am that my work's so well-received! So there's been more than one request for a part 2, but for different characters. This little dove, however, is the first one so I'll be doing this, then the other characters in later parts, alright? Alright.
Now *cracks knuckles* let's begin!
Reaction When You Suck on Their Tongue Part 2 (Sano Manjiro, Haitani Rindou & Mitsuya Takashi)
Sano "Mikey" Manjiro: (Bonten! Mikey)
You sure you don't need a chaser with that? Sanzu snickers from across you, pupils already blown wide from the pills he'd taken half an hour ago. The pure vodka sears your esophagus, a pool of liquid fire in your abdomen. Tears are springing up your eyes and you wince. Truly, it had been a horrible idea on your side to make bets with Sanzu, of all people. That man has had every drug imaginable enter his system and three overdoses later, is still standing. You should've known better than to order Spirytus, but Sanzu has a way of getting under anyone's skin, especially yours.
He knew you had more than several bones to pick with him after he coaxed Mikey into accepting a million-dollar drug deal with some shady Western cartel. Throughout Bonten's history, it was one of the more careless business trades you'd ever gone through, one that put Mikey in a precarious position. The cartel demanded Mikey's audience for the deal to be done, and while Sanzu reassured you that nothing would happen to their "King", that never stopped you from worrying your head off.
A part of you wanted the drugs and alcohol put him into a coma; you just had to hold your liquor until then. Yet this poisonous bastard is still standing, while you barely have the confidence to stand up straight. He's fucking crazy.
You eye the remaining shot glass. It's rim and ridges bounce the bright glow of the chandeliers above you, its crystal clear contents an elegant deception to those unaware. You suck air through your nose and grab it. Before you could down the last drink of your life, a slender hand slides to your shoulder.
You turn to face Mikey's lilac-rimmed gaze, the darkness swimming within sucking you in like a vacuum. Once he sees the flares of red across your cheeks and down your neck, his lips curl a little. Mikey hates alcohol with a passion; he told you early on that he abhorred its bitterness and how it hazed your mind.
Instantly, you cave under his disappointment, and none-too-gracefully drop your shot glass back on the counter. You barely had time to utter his name before he cups your cheek and kisses you. It's gentle, caring yet the pressure of his pecks stamp his dominance into your very soul.
He plunges his tongue into your booze-laced cavern, and you eagerly latch onto it like a hungry pup. He tasted of red bean paste, its sweetness a balm to your burning senses. He keeps a hand on your neck while you have your fill, biting your lower lip when you part.
You're panting, eyes glazed with wanton need. He strokes a thumb under your ear, and you smile.
You could drink all the alcohol you wanted, but nothing could make you drunker than Sano Manjiro's affection.
Haitani Rindou:
You frown to yourself as you waited outside the heavy steel gates of Roppongi's juvenile detention center. It's been six months since the Haitani brothers had been arrested because of Tenjiku. Along with the other Heavenly King named Mucho, they also scored a reduced sentence, and today will be their first taste of freedom in half a year.
You'd been forced to stay behind when the battle happened; Rindou told you that he didn't want to have to look after you while fighting. A cover-up for his worry, of course. The younger Haitani isn't known for being as emotionally apt as his older brother, yet somehow that rigidness of his is one of the things you love most about him. To this day, Ran still loves to give you both shit for it.
Rindou knew that you'd be pissed beyond belief once you got the news; he promised not to leave you alone again like last time. You didn't come to his trial nor see him when he got permitted for visitations. Ran is in a different cell, and he had nothing but time.
Of course, other than being absolutely furious with him, there were other reasons you couldn't come see your bone breaker of a boyfriend. With them detained, no one is left to defend their title as the Kings of Roppongi. No one except you, that is.
You're quite the force of nature yourself, even before meeting Ran and Rindou. Roppongi had been your stomping grounds since you were ten, and when they started making a name for themselves you refused to submit. Thinking back, it was quite a comical scene: a scruffy-looking little girl baring her teeth at two brothers who'd basically killed a man not too long ago. Despite how ruthless they truly are, they never stooped so low as to hit a girl, much less gang up on one to prove a point. Instead you became friends, and later on fell in love with the younger Haitani, and he with you. Together you ruled over Roppongi, and the rest is history.
So while your man stared at white walls in the slammer, you splattered blood across brick walls as warnings to those who thought they could conquer the city. All on your own, you reigned over Roppongi the entirety of their sentence, and now it's time for the kings to reclaim their throne.
You hear them before you see them; Ran's whimsical tones against Rindou's monotone rebuttals. They're wearing casual clothes instead of the jumpsuits, Ran's hair is in braids as always, but Rindou...
The extra inches of hair does something to you. It flowed around his face like a lion's mane, faded blue streaks shining in the noon sun. He's wearing contacts instead of his frames, and his jaw is sharper than you ever remembered it. Fresh out of prison, and he looks every bit the king of carnage you adore.
Licking your lips, you saunter over to them. The clacking of your heels turn their heads, and they smirk at you. You could see Rindou tense for a split second before reigning himself back in. Once you get close enough, you rear a hand back and slam it against his cheek hard.
Then you grab him by the collar and smooch him right in front of the jail gates. His recovery is quick, and he pulls you close in a vice-grip. You press a thumb down his chin and take his tongue right from his mouth. The light graze of your teeth against the flat of it earns a growl from Rindou. You left me again, you fucking asshole you hiss as you pull away. You doubted he really heard you though, because he dived right to your neck after your liplock. You sigh, meeting eyes with a disgusted Ran.
This man is going to be the death of you one day.
Mitsuya Takashi:
Throughout your relationship, Mitsuya is nothing but gentle. It almost gave you whiplash how different he is when he's with you and when he's with Toman. He's more than happy to bash some scumbag's face in, yet he couldn't look you in the eye if he shows up to school bruised the next day. You're one of the reasons he got so good at dodging blows in the first place-all of this just to keep you from remembering just how dangerously he lives.
His carefulness translated through his affections, most of all. He didn't hold you, he cradled you. When he kissed you, you could practically feel the repressed passion just burning beneath the surface. He treats you as if you were a dandelion on a windy day.
And while you thought his unspoken sentiments are nothing short of chivalrous and sweet, you also found it quite stupid. You knew what you were getting into when he sheepishly confessed, knew about him being a captain of Toman's second division. So naturally, you'd braced yourself for all sorts of chaos. Plus, only having to witness one side of him irked something inside of you that you couldn't quite explain. You'd made it perfectly clear that you loved him, bruises and all. Yet when he looked at you with such adoring lavender eyes, you couldn't bear to chide him for wanting to treasure you.
So, you decided to show him through other means.
You're waiting for him to finish inside the sewing club room. He's finishing the hemline of a kimono-a birthday present he's preparing for Draken early on. His eyelids hang low, but his gaze is as intense as ever. Nothing is said between the two of you, but you can't help staring at his pursed lips, now bitten red from his habit when focusing. You internally proclaimed your love for him yet again, unable to stop yourself from wandering over to his hunched form.
Just as he looks up from the sewing machine, you dive in with a kiss that, even you had to admit, is a little too intense to be this sudden. Yet you couldn't help it; even the simplest things he did could turn you into quite the sap.
He doesn't fail to reciprocate it, though. His lips, a little rough and a bit wet, switch from caressing your top and bottom lip each time you return to each other. Somehow, it ended up with you sandwiched between him and his desk, thighs on either side of his hips. His hands never stay in one place, smoothing down your uniform and rubbing your back. He never strays too far down your waist, and that tang of frustration sours your sweet little moment yet again.
Bracing one hand on his shoulder and the other on his jaw, you grind down hard against him. His mouth drops open in a barely contained moan, and you close your lips around his tongue. The noise he made when you licked at it could've put BL voice actors to shame. His fingers rake against the sides of your hips, jolting you out of your sultry scenario and into a bout of giggles. And while you sit there steaming in your embarrassment at ruining such a delicious moment, he simply gapes at what just happened, his face stained a pretty crimson.
Well, that was awkward...but you wouldn't have had it any other way.
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toomanyfandoms02 · 3 years
The Gala -- JJ Maybank (Part 2 of 2)
Summary - JJ loves to pretend he is someone else, so going to a gala and pretending to get engaged ( for free drinks of course ) is just his speed
Word Count - 1.5k
My favorite half of this mini series :)
SEND ME JJ REQUESTS!! If you look up 'prompts' or 'dialogue' in my search bar it can give you some ideas!! I need some :)
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Once we pulled up I saw a few valet drivers standing at the front of the huge building.
"Won't, this place is ridiculous." I gasped, looking at the white palace-looking place.
"I know, can't wait to cause a small ruckus." He rubbed his hands together and I shook my head at him.
"Okay, JJ, you gotta keep it together, we are in figure 8 and we are 21. The slightest bit of maturity is needed at least until we are inside." He nodded enthusiastically at me, putting on a serious face. I pulled up to the valet service and just as I went to open my door JJ told me to stay inside. I furrowed my eyebrows at him as he took the keys and handed them to the driver.
"Just a sec, I've gotta get the door for my lady." The driver nodded with a smile. He came to my side and opened the door politely, grabbing my hand and helping me out.
"Thank you, love." I said, grabbing his hand and waving to the drivers as we made our way to the door.
"Hello there, name please?" The usher asked with a smile.
"Y/n Y/L/N and JJ Maybank. We are friends with Georges's cousin, he invited us." JJ lied confidently, pulling an invitation from his pocket.
I wonder where he got that, who knows with him.
"Alright, IDs?" He asked. I pulled mine from my course and handed it to him, JJ doing the same. He gave them a little once over and opened the door. "Enjoy your night." Once we were inside I turned to him.
"Where did you get that invitation?" I chuckled.
"Some kooks doorstep." He shrugged, handing it to me.
"Wow, they're really setting it up so anyone could take it and use it. No specific name on it or anything."
"Exactly. Wanna dance?" He asked, presenting his hand to me.
"Yes please!" I said as he dragged me to the group of people dancing on the tile floor. We danced to the fun upbeat songs for a while before there was a slow song.
"You wanna keep dancing or go get a drink?" He asked quietly.
"I need a breather, a slow dance shouldn't be too bad. Gotta keep up the couple facadé, right?" I said, putting my arms around his neck. He nodded in agreement, putting his hands on my waist. I laid my head on his chest and he rested his chin on my head.
"This is fun." He whispered, swaying with me. "We should do this more often."
"You can dance with me whenever you want JJ, we just happen to be in a very public place right now."
"I wanna dance with you anywhere, all the time." I smiled down at him and I could feel my face heating up for the second time that day, so I buried my face in his chest again.
"Let's get some drinks." I said as the song ended. I held his hand and pulled him to the bar. I slid some money on the counter. "Can I have a shot of tequila please?" I smiled at the bartender and she nodded. JJ scooted his stool closer to mine, putting his arm around me. It's like he *knew* he was making me flustered.
"Here you go, ma'am. Anything for you sir?" She turned to JJ.
"I'll have the same." She nodded and poured him one. I threw the shot back and put the shot glass on the table.
"Can I also get a shot of whiskey?" I smiled politely, JJ tilting his head at me.
"Of course." She poured me the shot. "Would you like a chaser? Some water?" She asked before I drank it. I nodded thankfully. She set a glass of water in front of me. I turned to JJ with a smile, hiding the shit glass.
"On three?"
"On three." He said back.
"One, two, three." We both took a shot and my face scrunched at the horrible burn and taste. I quickly chugged the water. JJ laughed at my dramatics.
"You alright there dear?" He asked teasingly, resting his hand on my thigh. I nodded enthusiastically.
"I am a-okay! But I *do* need to pee, so I'll be right back." I replied, sliding away from his grasp and heading to the bathroom. I went in and stood at the sink for a moment.
"Get ahold of yourself! It's a little game, none of this is real." I splashed some water on my face, realizing that I was in fact buzzed. I slapped my cheeks lightly a few times before going back out to the party. Just as I walked out I saw a girl sitting in my seat, clearly flirting with JJ. He looked *severely* disinterested. I felt a little out of control of my emotions and actions at the moment so I just let it play out.
I made my way back over to JJ, giving him a look. He gave me a 'help me' look as I walked towards him. I winked and sent him finger guns. I came up quite fast, making my way into JJ's lap, he wrapped his arms around me immediately.
"Hey, baby, who's this?" I tilted my head at her.
"I think she said her name was Tracy?" He said.
"It's Talia." He said with a slight mean mug. I felt JJ shrug behind me.
"I was just wondering where my girl went." He said against my ear, kissing the edge of it. I would have melted right then and there if I wasn't buzzed. Talia scoffed and left *my* seat, which caused JJ to laugh, burying his face in the crook of my neck.
"She would not leave me alone. I mentioned you like 4 times." He shook his head. I shifted on his lap a little.
"Is that a box in your pocket or are you just happy to see me." I teased.
"Oh, I'm definitely happy to see you." He shot back confidently. "Speaking of, you think this is a good time for a proposal? Or should I do it during a slow dance on the dance floor?"
"Oh slow dance for sure. We want as many people to see you propose so we get free drinks." I giggled, kissing his rosy cheek. Conveniently, a slow song began to play.
"Can I have this dance?" He asked in a horrible British accent.
"Yes sir." I replied in a just as bad accent, standing from his lap and taking him to the dance floor. I put my arms back around his neck and his hands returned to my waist. We danced for about 30 seconds before he let go of me and nodded, I nodded back. He pulled the box from his pocket and got down on one knee. A girl dancing beside us gasped, hitting her husband's shoulder and pointing to us.
"Y/n, you are the light of my life. I've been in love with you for 2 years now and I don't think I could ever live without you. I've never had someone make me so happy, or laugh all day long. I can't even be in a bad mood around you, it's impossible. Your smile lights up my whole day, maybe even my whole week. Just when I think you couldn't get any better you do. I'm really, *really* in love with you." I furrowed my eyebrows at him and he gave a slight nod.
"Would you do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Maybank?" He asked with a wink. I nodded slowly, and gave him my left hand, he slipped on the ring. I intertwined our hands.
"*Really* really?" I asked quietly, so no one could hear. He nodded nervously, avoiding my eyes. "Sweet." I smiled, pulling his face to mine and kissing him passionately.
He pulled me closer by my waist, still kissing me. I could feel him smile against my lips.
"Congratulations." I heard the woman next to us say. I thanked her and we got a slew of congrats from the room. Soon enough we were getting free drinks left and right. We sat at the bar and just took them.
"Is this why you wanted to do this?" I asked, taking a sip of my Margarita.
"To confess to you? Yeah, had to be something special. Plus, if you rejected me I could chalk it up to the game." He shrugged. "Foolproof."
"Lucky for you, I've been wrapped around your finger since we met Maybanks." I smiled, putting my hand on his cheek and rubbing my thumb across his face. He leaned in and kissed me again, tasting like alcohol.
"Same to you, Mrs. Maybank." He teased, poking the ring on my finger.
"We can be like this all the time now, right? I can call you love and you can call me the light of your life?" He nodded.
"And I can kiss you all the time now, right? Because I've been wanting to for years, I've gotta catch up." JJ pulled me closer by the stool I was sitting on, nearly making me fall but he steadied me.
"Absolutely." I replied, putting my forehead to his. We number noses a bit and he smirked.
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aaalllice · 2 years
Fred Weasley x reader - it's been a while ~
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Summary : The twins invite you to spend an evening with them, as in the good old days, between alcohol and drugs the old feelings return
Warning : none
(inspired by a wattpad I read a long time ago)
(I am not english)
The sun was already high in the sky, 1:30 pm, I was in my chair in front of the window reading a book with a small sandwich in my hand.
The room was quiet, immersed in the light of summer, a light breeze caressing the leaves of the trees, I put down my sandwich to take my glass of water and bring it to my lips
A thud coming from my window, made me spit out the water, I stand up and bend over to see what caused the noise
A big brown feather ball looks at me lying on the grass, it was Errol, the Weasley owl, I should have known, a smile appears on my face, I love this family, I’ve spent every Christmas holiday with them, even though it’s weird being the only Slytherin in the room
he gets up and jumps on the windowsill, I take the little envelope and hand him my glass of water
I sit beside the owl and open the letter, a strong smell of firecracker emerges, the twins!
I spent all my school years with them, even though I was less noticed, I remember all our hours of detention, even when I wasn’t in custody with them, we’d hang out with Lee in the hallways waiting for them, between each joke drawing we will train on the field of Quidditch, the twin drummer and I chaser
I was on Slytherin’s team and they Gryffindor, they train a lot more than me, drummers are the mainstay of the team without them it’s the shit, especially for those idiots from Gryffindors
I remember one day in May, we were in fifth grade, the weather was still cool but the sun was there. I was in the stands reading a special magazine great sorcerer stolen from Ron, and the Gryffondor team was on the field training, the training was rough, sweat flowed down their foreheads and they breathe hard
the captain had just given the team a minute of a pose, a sense of relief was heard, all the players rushed to the bench, I look up from the store and look at the players 
only one of them was still standing
Fred, it was him
he puts his hands under his shirt and lifts it revealing his beautifully drawn abs and shoulders and dripping sweat that made him even sexier
I couldn’t get my eyes off him, I was hypnotized, I didn’t even hear Lee sit next to me
(Lee) you hear me ? ; he put his hand before my eyes
(y/n) what’s up ; I say, without taking off my gaze of the big redhead
(Lee) I have a date ; he says proudly
but I was always in my thoughts and didn’t listen to him
(Lee) but are you listening to me ? ; he leaned towards me and he leaned over me
(Lee) and what are you looking at ?! ; he turned his head to see what captures my gaze
at the same time, Fred turned his head towards us, which made me come out of my trance and realize that I had been drooling for 3 minutes about him
he smiles, winks at me, and turns to one of his teammates
I shake my head and turn to Lee
(y/n) are you okay ? ;
(Lee) you ask me ! have you seen yourself, my poor old lady ? ;
(y/n) I don’t know what you’re talking about ; I’m taking over the magazine
he coughed 
(Lee) Fred ; and he coughed again
(y/n) you dream my poor ;
(Lee) oh yeah, of course, I was the one drooling about him just a minute ago ;
end of the story
I return to reality, my gaze returns to the letter, I unfold the paper
Darling, we invite you to spend a chill night with us and Lee like before Appointment at our store (Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes) this Saturday at 8 pm
Kiss, the troll, your Freddy and the other
I sketch a smile, head for my office, grab a paper and a pen
I give my answer to Eroll who had regained his strength and he flies away in the blue sky
All that remains is to wait
Saturday - 7 pm
I get out of the shower, head to my bed two dress choices,
either chill, mon jeans my white t-shirt a little over size or a small floral dress
let’s be realistic, with the twins have never know what to expect, so the jean
I leave but hair loose, and put on a little lip gloss, it’s a night between friends, I’m not going to make any effort
I say goodbye to my parents, yes I still live with my parents, waiting to find something to do with my life, I go into my fireplace
(y/n) Diagon Alley ! ;
green flames my surrounded and pouf I had arrived, I salute the concierge and leave the "station" (I believe it is the equivalent in the muggle world)
after the dark hours, the side road is back as before, there were a lot of people, I had a hard time making my way to the Weasley shop, finally at the door, we can see that he has a lot of people maybe even more than on the outside
I was going to come in when a weight fell on me, I turn around and see the young radio host, my old school buddy, Mr. Lee Jordan smiling
(y/n) hi little head ; I hold him in my arms
(Lee) we do the same fucking size ;
a group of girls pushes us for enter in the shop, as soon as the door is open, they start screaming and running around inside
(Lee) come on, let’s go inside before we get crushed by youngs teens full of hormones ;
Inside, after avoiding the Pygmy Puff herds, we went into the explosives department, there are plenty of them, big red and gold, little ones shaped like Chocolate Frogs
(Lee) you saw, that one, there wouldn’t be marked explosive, I would have eaten it ;
I nod my head and keep looking at the different types of explosives, a shadow draws my eye to the right, at the other end of the shelf, a girl our age looks at us, I lean back slightly, rectification she looks at Lee.
I hit him on the shoulder
(Lee) ouch, what !? ;
(y/n) you are still single ;  he looks at me sideways
(Lee) never, granny ;
(y/n) shut the fuck up, not me, her ; I show him, not very discreetly, the girl who had not moved
he stealthily looks, passes a hand through his dreadlocks, and advances towards the girl
(y/n) okay cool, leave me alone, I won’t say anything ; I say in an ironic tone
a few minutes later, he comes back to me
(Lee) I’ll be back later, I saw George at the top of the stairs, if you don’t want to pity being alone ;
(y/n) fuck you, hurry up your sex session is waiting ;
we make a high five and he leaves again two choices, either I cross the crowd of people to go to the stairs or stay quiet in this corner of the shop and wait for everyone to leave
I go ahead to see if there are still many people, and yes indeed the number of people in the shop had doubled, how is it possible I’m too lazy, I’ll wait and keep looking at the explosives
Have you found what you’re looking for, miss ;
the voice made me jump, I turn around and see a huge mass leaning over me with a big smile
I turn to the products with a smile on my face
(y/n) not yet, sir but you can help me since you work here ;
he stands next to me and pretends to be looking for something
indeed I work here, but as you can see I am the boss of this place ; he put a lock of my hair behind my ear
(y/n) The boss ? Really ? ;
yep ; he had his eyes on me
I look at him from top to bottom with a disgusted look on his face
(y/n) a redhead and a second-hand suit, you must be a Weasley ; he began to laugh
a second-hand suit ?! ; he pretends to be upset
( y/n) I missed you frederick gideon weasley ;
I step forward and hug him, he hugs me back. the hug may have lasted 2 sec but it was so nice, comforting, warm and peaceful
(Fred) me too, the troll ;
(Lee) fuck me, if I don’t see what I see ! ;
we parted slightly, he put his hand behind my back
(Fred) how you doing ; Lee comes running at us with a big smile
after a few minutes, Fred decides to take us up to the office
it was a large room with two desks, one in front of the other It was a mess, empty and full cauldrons, spilled position vials on the floor, half-torn books and a whole bunch of other things that I have a hard time figuring out
(Fred) make yourself comfortable ; he sits on the chair of the right desk
(Lee) cool ; he goes to the other chair in the room and falls into it, leaving me alone in the middle
(Fred) Behind you, there is plenty of product not yet put in shelves ; he pointed the finger to the box pile behind Lee
while Lee looks closer at the products, Fred beckons me to come to him
once arrived at his side, he taps his thigh and looks at me with a wide smile
(y/n) what? ;
(Fred) sit down ; he says calmly always with the same smile on his stupid face
(y/n) I would never do that Weasley ;
He was about to answer when someone came into the room abruptly, startling Lee who knocked down the explosive box that had previously held in his hands
(George) stops moving ; he shouts to Lee 
No one made a move after some second nothing had exploded, George walks up to the box and takes it in his hand, we all turned to Lee
(Lee) guys! how you doing, it’s been a long time hehe ; he stands up and stretched his arms to the sky
(George) instead of doing nothing came to help me close the shop ;
We go to the exit of their office, from the floor we can almost see the whole store and it was still full cracked
Fred leans towards me and puts his hand on my shoulder
(Fred) if you want to stay here ;
(y/n) no, I will help you, it’s not a few people that will kill me ; he smiles at me and we go down to help others
An hour later, the shop was practically empty, the streets emptied slowly and we could see above the roofs a magnificent sunset
(Fred) follow me, I’ll show you something ;
(y/n) waits, I have to help Lee at the checkout ;
(Fred) he doesn’t need help, come on ;
I follow him even if I’m not sure it’s a good idea, know it, it smells prank.
When we reach the floor, we pass in front of the office and arrive in front of a door, once opened we enter the part where they live.
It was small, in front of us a narrow and small staircase that gives to their room and the side of the stairs a small room that served as a kitchen with a small window in the background.
We go up the stairs, to the left George’s room and the right the bathroom and the side Fred’s room.
he opens the door to his room and beckons me in
(y/n) you’re not serious, are you ? ;
he rolled his eyes
(Fred) come, little perverse spirit ; he makes a mocking smile
I walk into his room at my own risk, like the rest, his room was small but "tidy", some clothing in disorder but I expected worse.
he sits on the bed and signals me to go to the window
From its window, we could see the roofs of the neighbourhood and even the bank in the distance, but especially the sunset, which was magnificent seen from here
(y/n) beautiful ; I turn to him with a smile
(Fred) isn't it, now we can do whatever you want ; he still had his stupid smile and he caressed the empty place next to him
I gave him a false smile, crossed my arms and prepared to answer, but the chaotic noise of Lee and George was heard.
(y/n) sooo bad, next time ; I say ironically and leave the room to join the others
They are in the kitchen, I lean in the door frame, they had their head in the cupboards
They take out their heads with Firewhisky bottles
(George) holds ; he hands me the two bottles, he searched one of the drawers and took out a small box
(Lee) what is that ? ;
(Fred) That, my dear friend, is what will make us spend an exceptional night ;
he appeared behind me and put his hand over my head
George comes out of the kitchen and comes down the stairs, followed by his brother and Lee and me with the bottles in our hands wondering what could hold the box.
We settle in the middle of the empty shop, Lee on my right, Fred on my left and George on the other side, the night was already here, only the moonlit the street and the neon lights of a bar at the other end of the street.
Fred casts a spell to create a campfire in the centre
(George) now, my friends, it’s time to have some fun ;
test what is your home and your Hogwarts aesthetic https://www.quotev.com/quiz/14079644/Your-Hogwarts-aesthetic
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Harry Takes Care of You at a Party
Things to help you picture the story easier:
(Frat boy Harry era/Seen him around but don't know him personally/You're a lightweight)
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My friends had convinced me to come to a party with them. At first I didn't want to go, but I decided I would to let loose and have some fun. Also I should mention my friend has a mutual friend with none other the Harry Styles. Yes, Harry Styles from One Direction. I'd seen him a time or two at a couple of parties around London, but we never spoke. Mainly because he is the hottest man alive and I'm just an awkward 18 year old who has social anxiety.
Me and my friends enter the house where the party is held and we go our separate ways to find things to do, people to talk to, and alcohol to drink. I go to the kitchen and take a cup of the strongest alcohol they have. If I wanted to have fun tonight without my anxiety taking over, I needed to have alcohol in my system.
I take a cup of what I believe is vodka, and gulp it down. The burn in my throat hurts like a bitch but it also makes me want more. I take another cup and before drinking it, I make my way through crowds of people out to the backyard. That's when I see Harry. He's standing around with some of his mates smiling and laughing with a beer in his hand. I try not to stair for too long because I didn't want him to notice me.
After what felt like an hour I heard someone yell "Who wants to play truth or dare." I assumed they were taking just to their group of friends, but when someone grabbed my hand and said "Come on. Lets go. You can play with us.", I stood up and followed. I had no clue who they were, but this alcohol wasn't letting me think straight so I could care less whether I knew them or not.
We walk back inside the house and gather in the living room. I do what everyone else is doing and sit in the circle that was beginning to form. Then I look to my right and see Harry sitting beside me. I instantly feel very nervous and know I need more alcohol  in my system.
He turns to me and asks, "You're y/n's friend aren't you?"
"Ye... yes I am." I reply shyly.
Harry just smiles and turns away. Once everyone who was going to be playing truth or dare was here, some guy begins to give people truth or dares. When he gets to me, I become super nervous.
"You", the guy points, "What's your name?" he asked.
"I'm y/n." I say shyly.
"Alright. Truth or dare?"
I don't know why but I blurted out before I had the chance to think, "dare".
"Okay, I dare you to chug the last bit of this vodka in this bottle without having a chaser." the guy whos name I do not know said.
"Mate, are you sure that's a good idea. She doesn't need to get alcohol poisoning." Harry says in a concerned tone.
"No it's fine. I'll do it." I reply back.
Honestly it wasn't that much in the bottle but I didn't take into consideration the previous alcohol I'd drank already tonight. He passes me bottle and I take it from him.
I go to put the bottle to my lips and hear Harry lean in and whisper in my ear, "You don't have to do this if you don't want to." which makes my heart flutter because he was being nice and caring to me and he didn't even really know me.
But I didn't want to look like a pussy in front everyone, so I tilt my head back and let the vodka enter my body. Once done chugging, I cough a few times and make a face of disgust but surprisingly I took it very well. Everyone cheers and tells me I done a good job and the game resumes.
About an hour later, the game of truth or dare has ended. Everyone goes their separate ways. I can barley stand but I manage and make my way to roam the house and find somewhere to sit. I come across a room that is the size of a bedroom except there isn't a bed in there. Instead, there are a few couches and chairs. I take a seat on one of the couches and sit while the room around me begins to spin. Then I feel the space beside me dips down and I turn to vaguely make out that its none other than Harry again.
"You sure you're alright? You don't look very well." Harry asks and comments.
"Ummmm I thinkk sooo. I'm j.....just very dizzy and can't see straight." I say back with a slur.
I thought Harry would get up and leave once I confirmed I was okay, but he stays. I don't know why he stays but he does. That's when I realize Harry is more than the media makes him out to be. He's not prude or malicious. He's kind and caring and respectful. He sits there on his phone with a few side glances every once in a while to make sure I was okay.
Now I'm not just feeling dizzy with blurred vision, but I'm also getting nauseous. I hardly ever drink alcohol, therefore my body isn't used to this much in it. You could say my alcohol tolerance is very small. I start to shift uncomfortably and Harry notices.
"You alright?" he asks again.
"Mmmmm I....I don't feel very well." I groan.
With out a second thought, Harry stands quickly, putting his phone in his jean pocket and takes ahold of my arms to help me up. I don't fight him on it because I don't have the energy or the sense to do so. I lean on his tall frame and he leads us out of the room and down the hall. I feel vomit rise up my throat and I slap a hand over my mouth.
"We're almost there y/n. Just another second." Harry coos and his walking speeds up.
Then we enter what I now realize is a bathroom. No one else is in here which I'm happy about. Harry shuts and locks the door behind us and leads me over to the toilet.
"Here's the toilet love. If you need to be sick go ahead. I'm right here." Harry states as he carefully sets me down on the floor and rubs my back soothingly.
I let out a sickly burp and then throw up into the once clear water. Harry scoops my long hair out of my face so it doesn't get coated in puke while still rubbing my back with his other hand. My stomach feels like it's on fire. Now I realize how stupid it was to drink that much vodka. I throw up for what feels like 10 more minutes and then I stop.
"My throat burrrrns." I whine out.
"Here. Let me get you some water." he says while standing up to grab a empty cup from the counter and fill it with tap water.
Then Harry comes back over to me and holds the cup to my dry lips.
"Take small sips."
I take a few sips of the water and it instantly soothes my throat. Harry reaches over me and flushes the acid filled toilet which I'm grateful for because the smell was starting to get to me.
"Who did you come here with?" Harry questions me.
"y/f/n/" I reply back.
I knew he knew who I was talking about because like I said, my friends friend is Harrys friend.
"Alright, can you stay right here for me while I go get her?"
"Mmm." I mumble.
Harry leaves the bathroom and comes back a few minutes later.
He grabs my arms to help me stand from the cold bathroom floor and says, "Up we go."
"We're are we going." I question.
"y/f/n is out front in her car waiting for you. She's gonna take you home."
"Alright." I whisper.
He weaves us through the crowds of people and finally leads us out the front door. Then he walks me up to y/f/n car. Harry opens the door and helps me get in. After that, he helps me buckle and he quietly slips a piece of paper into my pocket. I didn't even feel him do that.
He shuts the passengers door and tells my friend threw the rolled down window, "Take care of her. Make sure she drinks some more water. She had a little in the bathroom moments ago but not enough to flush the left over alcohol out of her system."
"Sure thing and thank you for taking care of her Harry. I know this is not how you planed to spent your time at the party so it's greatly appreciated." y/f/n replies.
"It's no problem. If I didn't go and check on her she probably would be covered in puke right now and no one deserves that." he says with a content smile. Then he walks away and my friend drives off.
The next day-
While digging in my coat pockets I notice a small piece of paper. I unravel it to see a note with a phone number on it.
The note reads-
I should have talked you out of chugging that vodka tonight. I know what it feels like to throw up straight vodka and it's not pleasant so I'm sorry you went through that. Anyways, it was a pleasure to hang out with you tonight even if most of that time was sitting by the toilet. Also here is my phone number (123-456-7890). Call me anytime you need something and I'll be there.
your new friend love, H
I smile as I read Harrys little hand written note and remind myself to call him later and thank him for taking such good care of me in my state of vulnerability.
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