#album: neo zone
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yetanothersmstan · 2 years ago
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ihophashbrowns · 2 years ago
my nct album came, i have a job interview at the end of the week (the same place my mom and brother work), i took some korean notes today (alphabet, native/sino numbers, months, days of the week), and im having tacos for dindin? life is gewddd :3
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musicalthought · 1 year ago
album review; nct 127's neo zone: the final round (2020)
♡ fav song: interlude: neo zone
♡ least fave song: not alone
♡ overall: 5.2/10
♡ the songs that were alright were alright, and the songs that sucked SUCKED
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bixiaoshi · 2 years ago
Neo Zone album 🧡
love me now
kick it
mad dog
sit down
elevator (127f)
pandora's box
day dream
love song
dreams come true
white night
not alone
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shantechni · 1 year ago
New Celebratory Artwork for Link Click
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Two pieces of artwork were recently released to celebrate the series having officially reached 9 million followers on Bilibili! Along with that came an announcement for NEO AURORA: special PVs for the album's singles "3, 2, 1!" and "The Fire Thief" are set to drop on Jan 13 & 14 at 11 AM (time zone not specified in tweet, but likely GMT+8/UTC+8).
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spiderm444rk · 6 months ago
hi guys, i didn’t really have the strength to come here and speak up about the taeil issue yesterday, but it’s extremely important to address this so i definitely have something to say about it.
i was at work yesterday, and i found out about the whole scandal during my 30 minute break, and i was half convinced it’s not real and he didn’t really get kicked out for like the first half of it - it was a shock, to randomly find out a person i stanned and supported for 4 years would be capable of doing something like this. once i realized it’s actually happening and sm kicked him out without a second thought, i understood how serious the scandal is and that no one is exaggerating.
i understand the whole situation makes us all feel disappointed and disgusted, and that it’s a sensitive topic, but i think it’s very important to educate ourselves about this and hold taeil accountable. let’s go over it together.
i saw too many kpop stans spreading misinformation, which in the end negatively affects the victim of this case the most . by making up fake stuff for clout, you only take away the attention from the actual victim who is trying to tell her story and get her justice. we don’t do that over here.
first of all, i hope everyone is aware that this is a REAL issue and that it actually happened. this isn’t a rumour, he’s an actual criminal. the police literally charged him with a sex related crime. sm, who is known for giving problematic people a second choice kicked him out IMMEDIATELY. no hiatus, no nothing. he’s just out of the picture. his bubble got terminated today. he’s being removed from nct zone. all of his album photocards are getting replaced by group photocards as we speak. sm is working hard to separate him from the group image asap. if this doesn’t speak volumes about how serious this scandal is, i don’t know what does. i hope NO ONE supports that man anymore. unfollowing him isn’t something to brag about, it’s just common sense. rapists deserve to rot behind the bars.
i saw a lot of people say they won’t believe it until it’s proven, but what more do you need? it already is proven. the whole group unfollowed him - not only 127, but dream and wayv too. taeyong deleted every picture with him while being in the military. this isn’t sm kicking him out because it will make the group look bad, they kicked him out because he’s a confirmed criminal. “i’m gonna wait until he’s proven guilty” he already is. hold that pathetic mistake of a man accountable.
but what i wanted to talk about the most - for the sake of the victim. let’s not blindly believe every lie we see on the internet and disregard the victim’s story.
- THE ONLY THING CONFIRMED IS THAT TAEIL IS CHARGED WITH A SEX RELATED CRIME. they didn’t specify anything. we don’t know what exactly it is, but i think we can all picture how terrible it needs to be for sm to kick him out of the company without a second thought.
- the investigation has been going on since june, but no one except the police and the victim who reported him knew. taeil of course knew he’s guilty, but he didn’t know he’s under investigation, and neither did sm or the rest of the nct members. they all learned about it - according to sm - in the middle of august, AFTER the last 127 fan meeting. so no, it’s not like they knew and included him anyway. it’s not like taeil knew he’s being investigated and went there to meet fans with a big smile on his face.
i’m obviously not saying this to protect him, but let’s not make it seem like all of the neos already knew and just kept being best friends with a rapist, especially in front of people who support them and love them. they didn’t know, and neither did the company. as soon as sm found out (from the police), he was out of the group.
- none of the rumours are confirmed. i’m not saying they can’t be real, but since it’s not confirmed, let’s focus on what we know (let me repeat myself) - taeil is guilty, sm and nct learned about it in the middle of august, he got kicked almost immediately. the police also confirmed the victim A is an adult woman, and no underage victim of the same gender is involved in this case. they said they won’t reveal any information about the progress of the case so the victim’s identity stays anonymous.
that’s it.
but what does it really mean ? there was a rumour about taeil raping an 11 year old girl to the point where she’s now permanently disabled, and abusing her for 6 years and hacking her phone so she couldn’t report him- NOT CONFIRMED. this case also isn’t about her. the victim who reported him is an adult woman. this doesn’t mean it can’t be real, or that there aren’t more victims out there, but it’s not the case that is being investigated right now.
people are also saying that taeil’s car accident didn’t actually happen, and that it was this girl’s grandpa/family member who broke his leg when they went to beat him up for what he did to the girl and that the car accident was just a cover up - also not confirmed. people are probably just trying to gain clout.
the @ agnes_121430 instagram account has been commenting on taeils ig posts since june, but she also posted about her case getting closed today, so she isn’t the actual victim in this case. she also said she never actually met taeil face to face (?).
taeil also isn’t involved in the burning sun scandal (yet, because once again, it’s not confirmed by any relevant platform) but this doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t bring it up again, because the chance that he or other male idols are involved is still there. korean women are suffering, we need to keep bringing this up.
same thing is with the Nth room, or any other similar telegram group chat. the Nth room is a group chat where you need to PAY a high fee to even get in, and the members of this group chat literally record women without their consent and even without them knowing and then sell the videos in that gc. random women, but even their FAMILY MEMBERS. they also make deepfakes of women - their sisters, mothers, they don’t care. they also target schools and the girl students in there. they threaten the girls to record themselves doing really fucked up stuff and then send it to the group chat, or just straight up drug them, touch them without consent, rape them… you can look this up. this scandal is about taeil, but this is also about what do the korean women have to go through, the mentality in south korea is insane. it’s not only a kpop issue, but also a human rights issue, and we need to address it.
also, there’s a rumour the Nth room members are getting exposed tomorrow. this isn’t true. if you see anything, it will be 99% made up, and bored kpop stans will just drag idols without any proof.
everyone needs to understand that we don’t really know these people and we never know who else is involved in stuff like this - i really hope no one in nct knew about this and that they aren’t involved, but this is such an unexpected reality check that it’s still hard for me to grasp it and decide what to believe or not. in no way i support taeil, but wow. it’s crazy what men are capable of, while acting like they’re the biggest sweethearts in front of other people.
let’s hold all rapists and people who SA people of any gender and in any way accountable, and expose all celebrities if they ever did something like this. no one wants to support criminals. taeil needs to pay for what he did.
please spread the word and don’t believe everything you see. if anyone wants the source of what i’m saying, i can dm it to you. i hope everything will get better with time and this isn’t the definitive downfall of nct 127, but i guess we’ll have to wait and see. i know this is difficult to deal with. i hope the victim will get her justice, and everyone please take care. i’m with every nctzen out there. stay strong.
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nctsworld · 2 years ago
feel free to reblog!
a reminder of the album songs under the cut:
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ecl1pse · 7 months ago
walk is probably the best album nct 127 has released since sticker. like, it might be up there with neo zone especiallyin terms of cohesion. time lapse is still one of the best b-sides nct as a while has released but they got some real nice contenders for its crown in pricey, rain drop, suddenly & maybe even wall to wall. might have to buy thr physical album judt in case another digital black outbhappens or i decide to finally stop paying for spotify lol
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techtechonmymind · 8 months ago
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nyxrev · 2 years ago
An Album of Reaction to Various Difficulties
How to Avoid Responsibility:
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When you fall down a research rabbit hole at an ungodly hour & ghost civilization for next week:
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^. …(n emerge from your den two months later) ^When the Bus hits a steep road full of potholes
Unstoppable Force meets Immovable Object
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Halfway through full-shift of customer service: …ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I Want to Go Home
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When you need to play along with smb's angelic public facade but you know they are disastrous privately. :^X:V (tries to make grimace face)
… oO- *freefall beyond*
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she look exactly like how I would expect an HR agent sent out to recruit fresh potential to look
Except, Shizuka went to recruit Axcel(?) but out of expectation, it's almost like she got scouted for (Neo) instead
Attention Class:
(full-house attendance at the start of semester)
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4hr lectures with a circular lecturer
(mid-sem: 50% ………end sem: 20-45% alt. ppl)
Types of Students: (clockwise)
Tried to Pay Attention but Cannot Comprehend
Can't Stand it but tries to listen Out of Courtesy
Zoned Out Early On & didn't bother to refocus
Truly Concentrated but Lost Track Halfway
Either Completely Absent or Escapes Partway
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Bonus: Backbenchers get Unlucky Drawn to Answer The Question (snoozy guards) + the one teacher who always asks “Do you understand? Do you understand??” (Genos) + student who understood & urgently awaits teacher to move onto next topic (ZM)
Hear Me Out. (Ok ok calm down)
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…My dog ate my homework ē-ē (HAa!?)
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Zombieman's world weary expression lmao, and the one panel where he literally fumes at Amai.
Sometimes I feel like only few of them keep the sanity of S-Class (& management) consistent, like fairly cooperative and do not unnecessarily escalate situations, can think critically, eg. Child Emperor, ZM, Pig God, Bang mb but he retired, hm…
Anyway how has the HA roster shuffled now, with Saitama promoted, an unknown number out of commission, possibly even some who quit, or moved affiliation?
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librarisxng · 1 year ago
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lisanamjoon · 1 year ago
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euniexenoblade · 1 year ago
Favorite music of 2023 :)
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I've found myself dealing with a wave of writer's block, and in my desire to get past it I've decided to write whatever I can. Some people said they'd be interested in me talking about my favorite albums of 2023, so here's a short write up about albums I really liked and I hope everyone will give a try.
I found 2023 to be a pretty spectacular year for weird and interesting music. With artists like Lil Yachty doing a neo-psychedelia album (fantastic, give it a listen) and Avenged Sevenfold doing some progressive avant garde adjacent metal album (I think people are wrongly hating on it, it's spectacular), it shouldn't be too surprising to imagine that the bands the mainstream hasn't really heard of are making wild soundscapes unlike anything you've ever heard.
Kicking this off with one of my favorite Korean bands, Parannoul released two albums this year and they were spectacular - both in my top 10 of the year. Parannoul are a wonderful shoegaze band that create these songs that almost feel hypnotic, they create this dream like state for their songs in ways no other band seems to be able to. After the Magic, their third album, is no different in this, but brings a new warmth, brighter instrumentation, and just in general doesn't feel as self loathing and depressed as previous works. The other release, After the Night, is a live recording, which shows that the band can produce the same dreamlike style on a stage, but do it even better. My second favorite album of the year, this live album is so incredible, zoning out to the 46 minute "Into the Endless Night" while high was probably one of my favorite experiences of the year in and of itself. (Also, if you do chose to check them out, please listen to To See the Next Part of the Dream, it's one of my favorite albums ever made.)
Using Parannoul as a sorta link between things, I also found that they worked on a song on the new Turquoisedeath album, Se bueno. I won't claim to be an expert on drum and bass, but I had a killer time listening to Se bueno. When I discovered Se bueno, I also discovered a few other, more abrasive, albums that I kind of group together in my head. Namely Chaser by femtanyl (digital hardcore) and Sisterhood by lostrushi ("digicore" feels like a frantic version of trap). If you like this kind of music, give them a try, all three are on my list.
Everyone's top albums of the years seem to have their one and two spots stolen away by Javelin and Scaring the Hoes. Starting with the latter, Scaring the Hoes by JPEGMAFIA and Danny Brown is cool as hell. Beats unlike anything I've heard in hip hop before, and the flows of both men really bring it all together. It's a great album (it's my third favorite of the year), but I also think some focus on some other hip hop titles might be cool. Integrated Tech Solutions by Aesop Rock is just as impressive and interesting and deserves your attention. Alongside that Michael by Killer Mike is a fantastic listen, though it doesn't compare to the previously mentioned two, it's still a great album that deserves your time - he won those awards for a reason. The man got arrested at an award show, the least you can do is stream his album once.
Now, as for Javelin by Sufjan Stevens, it's a great album, but it's also such a sad album. His pain is horrible, and he does a great job at making you feel it. However, the music never really hit me like other albums of the year had. The lyrics murder your heart, but I'm a tad past gay pains and want gay joys. Which is why I want you all to listen to Ultra Paradise by Angel Electronics. Half Ada Rook of Black Dresses, half Ash Nerve (I doubt you know him) this is a trans and gay power pop album that's just beautiful and fun. Songs like Return to the Sky and One Thousand and One Nights are fun ear worms, and the rest of the album just has a level of repeatability and a level of joy and fun that most other albums this year didn't have. Is it as technically impressive as Javelin? No. But, shit, it's nice to be happy for once.
Continuing off of this idea, in 2023 we saw transphobia become horrifically rampant, the right wing are really intent to get rid of us. You can't avoid how much this world hates us now and it makes you want to just scream. It creates this feeling of anger, a desire for violence, like we're past being sad and nice and understanding. In 2023 the Hirs Collective put out an album on par with that emotion. We're Still Here is an aggressive grindcore album put together by trans, gay, queer people in general. My favorite release from the band to date, it's fantastic to see Hirs screaming "We're still here!" as the world tries to erase us. This is my favorite album of 2023, please listen to it, please give Hirs your money, they deserve it and you deserve their music.
A few more albums I wanna recommend that I can't really think of anything in depth to say: God Cum Poltergeist by Crisis Sigil (Ada Rook) is a fantastic grindcore album, Goodnight, God Bless, I Love U, Delete by Crosses is a fantastic synthpop adjacent album and I got to see it performed live and it's amazing music, Reborn Superstar! by Hanabie. is a great Japanese metalcore album, and go listen to Kikuo Miku 7 for some rad Hatsune Miku bullshit.
My top 50 music releases of 2023:
We're Still Here by Hirs
After the Night by Parannoul
Scaring the Hoes by JPEGMAFIA & Danny Brown
Dogsbody by Model/Actriz
Desire, I Want to Turn Into You by Caroline Polachek
After the Magic by Parannoul
Goodnight, God Bless, I Love U, Delete. by Crosses
God Cum Poltergeist by Crisis Sigil
uma by betcover!!
Ultra Paradise by Angel Electronics
Reborn Superstar! by Hanabie.
No Joy by Spanish Love Songs
Saved by Reverend Kristin Michael Hayter
Live in Japan by Mass of the Fermenting Dregs
93696 by Liturgy
Resistance and the Blessing by World's End Girlfriend
Kikuo Miku 7 by Kikuo
Javelin by Sufjan Stevens
Integrated Tech Solutions by Aesop Rock
Poil Ueda by Poil & Junko Ueda
Enola Gay by Asia Menor
Upal by Kostnateni
The Loveliest Time by Carly Rae Jepsen
Michael by Killer Mike
Exul by Ne Obliviscaris
Hellmode by Jeff Rosenstock
Hometown to Come by Minhwi Lee
Life is but a Dream... by Avenged Sevenfold
Chaser by Femtanyl
Sadness / Abriction by Sadness / Abriction
O Monolith by Squid
But Here We Are by Foo Fighters
Stone by Baroness
History Books by The Gaslight Anthem
Why Does the Earth Give Us People to Love? by Kara Jackson
Rookie's Bustle by Ada Rook
Futility by Yakui The Maid
Let's Start Here. by Lil Yachty
The Age of Pleasure by Janelle Monae
Bee and the Whales by Galileo Galilei
Zach Bryan self titled
Everything is Alive by Slowdive
Let's Hope Heteros Fail, Learn, and Retire by Alice Longyu Gao
Yoshitsune by Poil & Junko Ueda
Perfect Picture by Hannah Diamond
January Never Dies by Balming Tiger
Jenny From Thebes by The Mountain Goats
Never Falter Hero Girl by Katie Dey
Sisterhood by lostrushi
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kpoploveblog · 10 months ago
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NCT 127 (엔씨티일이칠) (NCT 엔시티) - NEO ZONE The 2nd Album (2020)
Track List: 01. Elevator (127F) 02. 영웅 (英雄; Kick It) 03. 꿈 (Boom) 04. 낮잠 (Pandora's Box) 05. Day Dream (白日夢) 06. Interlude: Neo Zone 07. 뿔 (MAD DOG) 08. Sit Down! 09. 메아리 (Love Me Now) 10. 우산 (Love Song) 11. 백야 (White Night) 12. Not Alone 13. Dreams Come True
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97-liners · 1 year ago
I listened to the on my youth album last year and I loved it kinda made me cry so I am interested in getting to know them but I am extremely lost in where to start :( any advice?
yeah wayv'll do that to you.
i'm kind of insane about wayv its what i used to be known for on tumblr before i deleted my nct blog so, i'm gonna ramble below the cut
click read more for recs/thoughts on wayv music, content, etc etc
FIRST OF ALL. wayv is my favorite nct unit. just some basic overview:
they debuted in january of 2019 as a cpop group completely separate from nct, under label v (sm entertainment but in disguise and in china)
the connection to nct was always there -- winwin was a member of nct 127 since debut (even before johnny and doyoung was added, and jungwoo was added to 127 to "replace" him) and was never removed from 127 on paper. ten debuted with t7s unit, which was nct's overall debut. kun performed without you (chinese version) when he was a trainee
they debuted with regular (chinese version), which was initially a 127 song. they also had come back (chinese version) on their debut mini, which was also originally a 127 song. technically their first song was dream launch
wayzennies don't consider regular their real debut because fucking sm couldn't be assed to let them debut with their own song smh we hate sm here
their first comeback and their debut in wayzennies' hearts was take off
after that, moonwalk, love talk, turn back time, bad alive, kick back, then they went on a cursed haitus, then they broke hiatus with phantom and now, omy
dream launch, take off, moonwalk, and turn back time are their lore music videos. wayv is the only nct unit to have lore btw!
resonance (nct 2020) was a huge era for us because that was the first time they were officially acknowledged as a unit of nct. before that, fans had to put together compilations of nct members mentioning wayv members, renjun got in trouble for mentioning winwin's name in a vlive once, and taeyong once had a vlive where he said "wayv members are here" (but he had to whisper) and showed them in the distance and waved and everything and the fandom went wild
you really had to be there, all nct units (including wayv) changed their profile pictures for 2020 at the same time and the teaser for the resonance project included shots of wayv. i almost cried.
now. lemme talk about music
wayv is one of the music units, definitely. 127 and wayv both have very distinctive musical identities that are reflected throughout their discography
btw, nct units used to have interludes on their full albums. it's more of a yearly full nct thing now, but it was used in regular (127), neo zone (127), awaken the world (wayv), and then resonance (2020) to kind of pull their entire concept together with the signature nct chime. nct interludes are also just some good music !!!
wayv as a unit has a very dramatic sound, the take off/moonwalk/turn back time holy trinity definitely is very consistent in sound and has prominent rock/orchestral elements in the instrumental plus the signature guitar dance break
a lot of their songs are produced by ldn noise and moonshine
on my youth is actually a departure from their old sound. moonlight sounds most wayv 1.0 in their album. the rest of the album is definitely wayv 2.0, which is great because it kind of signifies their transformation and renewal post-dozen
if ur chinese: kun and xiaojun's cover of red bean
when they debuted they had a project called rainbow v where they created their own content
wayv has their own version of nct u where they break out into subunits. kun & xiaojun back to you, ten & yangyang low low
they have iconic pets. they even have pet merch. my little friends bias is bella, obviously. just look her up on youtube, she peed on livestream more than once and also has pooped on the sm practice room couches before, also is afraid of her own reflection
winformation - in which winwin interviews every member
wayv on weekly idol
they had two seasons of wayvision on seezn but it's a korean show and, while certain parts are fun, it was a little awkward. right after debuting they had a show called wayv's dream plan which was filmed in china and a lot more fun
of course because i'm me, if you're chinese speaking you should check out their huya lives. i'm not sure that they're subbed in english tho
for translations i'd recommend bun bun, wayv china station, and faith (she's actually my favorite, she does a great job at translating colloquial language and remaining faithful to the 'vibe' of what was said in chinese)
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viasdreams · 2 months ago
soooo hypothetically (🤓👆) if i was gonna try to stan nct what album would be a good place to start
sooooo hypothetically this is the most loaded question you could ever ask me😵‍💫😵‍💫
im just gonna give you an album from each unit and you can choose 🙂‍↕️
nct u: empathy (not my fav nct u album but it has a lot of the popular songs)
127: Neo Zone (in an interview they said this album was a big turning point in their career sooooo i think it would be a good introduction)
dream: hello future (no reasoning i just love this album)
wayv: phantom (big turning point in their career due to…circumstances. really good!!)
wish: steady (slim pickings but steady is saurrr good)
and then just listen to all of perfume by dojaejung😛
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