#album: brat and it's the same but there's three more songs so it's not
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green-ocean · 7 months ago
Try it
Bite it
Lick it
Spit it
Guess - Charlie xcx
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angelesse · 3 months ago
on the 7th day of christmas . . .
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   tighnari icons * no id/me tags  psd credit
       * ♡⠀/⠀↺⠀if⠀using  
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mhtfhyyy · 7 months ago
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Charli xcx - hello goodbye
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1111iza · 7 months ago
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via 360_brat 💚
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petalprincessxoxo · 4 months ago
charli xcx i love you
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norawashereee · 4 months ago
Trying to get Charli XCX tickets 😍🙏
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ironfearstherott · 6 months ago
never thought id be a brat but here i am ... cant wait for the new album !! also thoughts on the charli xcx x h&m campain ??
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ajearthlinggg · 7 months ago
Okay guys nevermind anything I've ever said my sexuality is Charli XcX everybody else go home I will never date you unless you look exactly like this no differences
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1111iza · 7 months ago
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alphafightmusic · 5 months ago
So proud of how far Charli has come! I've been a fan since 2013! Great to see she's finally getting the recognition she deserves!
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cyb3r-st4rz · 14 days ago
Ghouls casually enjoying music because it’s frustratingly easy to get burnt out as a musician - by a burnt out musician
I think Dew 100% loves metal. He enjoys playing it in his free time as well. In my head he listens to the classics like Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden and Motörhead. Rain shows him some more obscure sounding bands like TOOL tho and he loves them, always adds two or three songs to his playlist.
His fav Ghost album is Opus Eponymous
Goth queen. Noone can tell me otherwise. This guy discovered Bauhaus and never looked back. He doesn’t like playing guitar all that much, his main instrument is definitely Bass so that's what he plays in his free time. He prefers listening over playing in his free time tho.
Fav Ghost album is Meliora for sure
He enjoys metal but prefers rock. He learns just about every riff that exists on his guitar. His music taste is a wild mix that was inspired by the rest of the ghouls. He prefers playing and just likes to listen to some music when he does chores and stuff. Some of his favorite bands are Metallica and Green Day
He likes all Ghost albums but his favorite is Impera
His playlist is like 15 hours long because he has a super broad taste in music. He’s the kinda ghoul to walk into a music store and just pick out any CD with no regards to the genre. I think he and Dew listen to Black Sabbath together. He also really likes System Of A Down. He prefers singing but occasionally plays a really old acoustic guitar he probably got from Alpha.
He also enjoys all Ghost albums but he mainly listens to the Ep’s
First of all. the man plays classical music in the greenhouse for the vibes. Generally I think he likes more grunge stuff. I think he loved Dave Grohl in Nirvana and is now a Foo Fighters fan. (do u guys know the dave grohl x ghost lore? In my head mountain met Dave Grohl and was really excited) He also definitely plays drums for fun in his free time. He loves his instrument.
He likes Prequelle and the Popestar ep
To me she’s a mix between Rain and Dew. She likes melodic stuff, metal or rock doesn't matter as long as the vocals are basically angelic. Her and Cumulus dominate karaoke with Bring Me To Life by Evanescence. She also likes playing classic stuff on piano as a challenge but to relax she prefers singing.
Listens to Infestissumam and If You Have Ghosts religiously.
Loves Fleetwood Mac. That one Silver Springs live performance is her roman empire. Generally speaking the same as Cirrus, as long as the vocals sound angelic, she’s in. She sings 24/7 especially during chores.
She likes to play Impera on piano and listens to Meliora a lot.
She had a Brat summer. Blasts Ayesha Erotica all day everyday. Had a Riot Grrl phase and still has some songs on her playlists. A lot of Paramore too, fucking adores Hayley Williams. She loves to sing but in an endearingly annoying way.
She walks through the den doing the Kaisarion intro scream.
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crystalsnow95z · 1 year ago
This was written long ago that I planned to edit but decided I'll keep it as is since I'm behind on all my requests and its fitting with the season. This is one I wrote just for me.
Sickie; jungkook, Taehyung and Hobi
Warning; vom!t
Caretaker: ot7
Jungkook gathers leaves as Hobi talks to the camera, doing a bangtan bomb after finishing up their latest photo shoot. He first goes after Namjoon, but he notices him and points to Hobi.
Jungkook smiles mischievously, nodding and shoving the leaves into the back of Hobi's hanbok. He giggled loudly as he bolts towards the woods.
"Get back here, you little punk!" Hobi runs after Jungkook, trying to remove the leaves as he runs after the mankae. Jungkook trips, not able to notice the rabbit hole because of the blanket of leaves,tumbling to the ground.
Hobi tries to skid to a stop, but slips on the leaves, falling on his tailbone. "Aiish.. Jaykay are you hurt?"
"My ankle hurts a bit, but I think I'm okay." Jungkook rolls his ankle, checking to see if it was sprained. "Are you?"
"I'm fine..just a sore bottom..You're such a brat!" Hobi throws leaves at Jungkook.
"Are you guys okay?" Taehyung ran to catch up with them when he heard the crash of them falling, relaxing when he saw Jungkook throw leaves back at Hobi, the two playing.
"Yeah. Just be careful.. it's slippery.. it must've rained recently here.." Hobi warns. "I'm surprised you didn't fall too.."
Taehyung offers his hand to Hobi, but when he tries to pull him up, the older slips on the wet leaves once more, bringing the vocalist down with him. "Aiish!"
"I'm sorry, Taehyungie!" Hobi apologizes, hugging him close. "I'm sorry are you okay?"
"I'm okay.. you helped cushion my fall..Ah Jiminie stay away! Its dangerous!" Taehyung shouts fearful of him suffering the same fate as them when he sees Jimin running to check on them.
"We're okay Jimin-sii. Don't worry!" Jungkook reassures him.
Jimin slows down, relaxing. "I got worried when I heard Tete. What happened?"
"The leaves are slippery.. so I fell chasing Jungkook because he shoved dead leaves down my back." Hobi narrows his eyes with mock anger, throwing more dead leaves at the youngest.
"Rapmonie-hyung encouraged it." Jungkook says with a giggle, tossing the leaves back at him.
"Gukkie you got me too!"Tae whines, shoving a handful of leaves down the front of Jungkook's shirt despite the youngers struggle against it.
"You guys are ruining your outfits." Jimin laughs, nearly falling. "Come on we're supposed to be wrapping up."
"They are wrapped up.. in each other." Jin jokes.
Jimin jumps at the sudden sound of Jin's voice. "Hyung when did you get here?"
"Joon-ah sent me to look for you." Jin replies, smiling fondly at the younger members, seeing Taekook double teaming J-hope, burying him with the autumn leaves as he laughs.
"Okay, I'll pull up Tete. You can pull up Jaykay." Jimin and Jin work together to separate the youngest members.
"It's time to go. We still have practice to do." Jin says, brushing leaves from Jungkook's clothes. "You're soaked.. go change so we can go. All three of you."
"Okay Seokjinnie hyung." Hobi takes Jungkook's hand to pull himself up, everyone leaving to continue the rest of their busy schedule.
"5..6..7..8.." Hobi tried counting over the music, but his voice wasn't carrying as loud as it usually does. He thought nothing of it, just motioning for staff to turn the music down. They've been working nonstop for their new album, and between practice, making the studio recordings, music videos, and photoshoots, he wasn't surprised his throat was getting sore.
The team went over the choreography once more without vocals, then again Jimin started the song strong, but when jungkook tried to follow his voice cracked when he tried to hit the higher notes, coughing.
"Jungkook, are you okay?" Jimin quickly finds him a water bottle.
"My throat hasn't recovered since we recorded.." Jungkook frowns, taking the water from Jimin. "Thanks jimin-sii.."
"Sing at a lower range for now, okay? We'll focus on the timing." Namjoon gives him a sympathic smile. He's been doing vocal lessons on top of recordings.. I should've told him to lay off the lessons until we finished recording..
"Alright, Namjoonie-hyung." Jungkook takes a drink of water, the coolness soothing his throat. "I hope it's better by next week.."
"You should be fine by then as long as you rest your voice as much as possible." Yoongi reassures him.
"I'll make you some tea when we get home." Jin offers, looking at both Jungkook and Hobi. Even if Hobi didn't say it out loud he could hear the strain in his voice.
"Thanks hyungie. That'd be great." Hobi smiles.
The seven members start up practice again, changing notes to be lower for Jungkook. Everything was going smoothly until Hobi started slowing down halfway through the fifth song, wrapping his arm around his middle, making Jungkook smack into him, Hobi losing his balance.
"Are you okay Hyungie? I'm sorry I didn't notice you stopped moving." Jungkook dropped to his knees next to Hobi, checking him for injuries.
"Yeah.. yeah I think I just need to eat something..my stomach started cramping up. I should've had something other than coffee.."
"I'll find you something.." Jimin quickly leaves the room.
"Here, drink some water for now." Yoongi gives Hobi a water bottle, helping him take small sips. "Any better?"
Hoseok nods, relaxing with the pain dies down. "Sorry..I didn't mean to worry you guys.."
Jimin returns to the room with a banana, letting go of the breath he didn't know he was holding when he sees that Hobi was no longer clutching his stomach. "Here Hyungie."
"Thanks Minnie.." Hoba gently peels the banana open, taking a few bites. "I'm feeling better now.. let's take a few minutes break and start again.."
Practice started again and everything was fine for an hour, until another member started showing signs of pain. Taehyungs movements started getting smaller and smaller, until it was unacceptable to Hobi.
"Taehyung-Ah, It's fine to practice like that right before a concert but you have to give it your all right now. I know you're tired but so is everyone else." Hobi scolds him, eyes widening when Taehyung suddenly sits on the ground his knees giving in.
"I'm sorry..i can't move well..my stomach just hurts hyung.." Taehyung whines softly,wrapping his arms around his middle. Hobi feels his stomach drop to the floor, feeling guilty for not noticing how pale or how shaky the husky toned vocalist became.
"What? When did it start hurting?" Yoongi blinks slowly, taken back by Taehyung's sudden confession rushing to his side reaching to touch his bloated stomach, feeling his muscles constrict under his hand. "Aiish Taehyungie.."
"This morning it was a little upset.. I didnt want to complain, especially not after Hobi-hyungie and Jungkook not feeling well either, but I can't do this. It keeps getting worse.."Taehyung says groaning when his stomach gurgles.
"Aiigo, Voo, you should've said something earlier.. You shouldn't push yourself so hard.." Jin sits next to him. How could he have missed how quickly his health declined. "Do you feel like you're gonna throw up?"
"I don't think so.. I just want to lie down and try to sleep the pain away." Taehyung whispers, closing his eyes tightly as another ripple of pain hits.
"I'll get someone to take you home." Jin looks to the staff members.
"Can I go with him, hy..hyung?" Jungkook clears his throat when his voice breaks. "I don't think I can continue singing anyway..it was only high notes before.. but now it's hurting to talk.."
"We could end practice early today." Namjoon suggests. "Jungkook and Taehyung both aren't in good condition and I know everyone else is tired too."
Hobi nods in agreement. He didn't think it was just a lost voice with Jungkook. The young vocalist was also out of breath much quicker than usual, and his voice was weakening at an alarming rate and his own stomach was still aching."We got the choreography perfect today and yesterday. We'll be fine if we cut out a few hours."
Jin and Namjoon lead Taehyung to the bedroom, pulling the blanket back, easing him into his bed. "Here Tae lay down, Yoongi is going to get you medicine.." Jin rubs his neck gently as Namjoon gets a trashcan to put by the side of the bed.
I don't understand..just yesterday he was playing with Hoba and Jungkookie..
Jin frowns, feeling sweat on the back of Taehyung’s neck. "Namjoon-ah I think he's starting to run a fever. Could you get a thermometer?"
"Of course Hyung." Namjoon leaves the room, brushing past Yoongi.
"Here I got some medicine for you, Taehyungie." Yoongi presents the medicine bottle, measuring a dosage of medicine out.
While Yoongi preps the medicine, Jin helps Taehyung sit up, feeling his body sway. "Woah, I got you.."
Taehyung felt dizzy when he got up, leaning heavily against Jin's broad shoulder. His stomach churned as soon as he was upright again, pushing up the toast from breakfast. "Hyu..hyung.."
"F*ck..Sh*t.." Yoongi quickly picks up the trash can from the floor when Taehyung burps, pushing up the sick. "It's okay.. you'll feel better once it's out.."
Taehyung hugs the trashcan as he empties his stomach into it with a loud retch, splashing sick into the plastic liner. Jin scratches lightly across his back, feeling his spine arch as his stomach pushes up thick bile.
"Taehyung.." Namjoon stops in the doorway, eyes widening when he sees how pale Taehyung became in such a short time. He thought he was doing better after he was asleep the whole car ride home without any problems, but he was foolish to think a short rest was enough to make a difference.
"Go get me a wet cloth and a bowl of water, please. His temperature is rising fast." Jin orders, Namjoon quickly leaving the room again. "It's okay, hyung will get you feeling better, just try to take deep breaths, okay?"
Taehyung goes to reply, but another wet burp comes instead, more sick filling the small bin. He presses the trash tighter against his stomach, trying to ease the pain with pressure. "It..it hurts.."
"I know baby.. I know.. you're doing so good.. you're almost done.." Jin encourages him gently, rubbing his palm up and down Taehyung’s sweaty back.
Yoongi holds Tae's bangs out of his face. "I'll get you a heat pack when you finish. It'll help with the pain.."
Namjoon returns to the room, giving Jin the wet cloth and placing the bowl on the side table. Jin thanks him, using it to wipe the sweat that was pooling on the back of Taehyung’s neck.
The amount of sick that came from Taehyung started to dwindle down,making the three older men start to relax as the younger took deep breaths, the tension in his shoulders ebbing away.
"I..I'm done.." Taes voice comes out as a hoarse whisper, loosening his grip on the bin. "Water...?"
"Here baby." Jin opens the water bottle for him. "Rinse out your mouth first then drink okay?"
Taehyung nods, taking in a mouthful of water and swishing it around a bit before spitting it out, trying to rid himself of the awful taste, then taking a few mouthfuls, cautious not to drink to much in fear of making himself sick once more.
"Can you swallow some medicine for me, Vuu?" Jin asks gently, rubbing his stomach.
"I think so.." Tae says hoarsely, accepting the medicine cup Yoongi offered him, swallowing it down quickly. "I'm sorry you had to see that.."
"Don't worry about it." Yoongi brushes off his apology. "Do you feel any better?"
"My throat and stomach hurt..and it's cold.. could I have the heat Yoongi-hyung..?" Taehyung asks, rubbing his hand across his sore stomach, muscles screaming in pain from the force of kicking everything out of it.
"Of course. I'll go get it." Yoongi leaves the room without hesitation. On his way to his room, he jumps at the sudden loud coughing coming from Jungkook "Are you okay, Jungkook?"
Jungkook made the 'okay' sign with his hand, continuing to cough into his blanket. Taehyungie-hyung was throwing up.. I can't distract them from taking care of him. Not for a cough.. I'll just take some medicine and go to bed early.. "I took a drink of water, and it went down wrong.." Jungkook says, pointing to the water bottle on the table.
Bullsh*t.. the lid is still on it.
Yoongi didn't call him out on it, though. He could worry about Jungkook later. Right now, he told Taehyung he would get him a heating pad to help his stomach. "Well, take some medicine just in case. Taehyungie is sick, and you were all over him yesterday."
"Okay Hyung."
Yoongi goes back on his quest, getting the item and returning to Taehyung ,plugging in the heating pad and placing it across Taehyung lower abdomen. "You can't use it for too long though, okay?"He says as a gentle reminder he couldn't take heat well.
Taehyung nods, the heat easing the pain away, his body relaxing"Thanks Hyung..that feels better.."
"Good..try to get some sleep, okay? Namjoon-ah." He motions for the rapper to lean closer."Go check up on Jungkookie, please? He was coughing really badly." Yoongi whispers by his ear, not wanting Taehyung to hear.
Namjoon nods,taking the medicine from the table and going to his room. "Tae is doing better. He was falling asleep when I left." He starts the conversation lightly. Jungkook had the awful habit of hiding his pain, not wanting to add more stress to the older members.
"Do you think we need to take him to a doctor?"
Namjoon could hear Jungkook holding back a cough.
"We'll see if the medicine helps. It might just be a stomach bug and he'll be okay in the morning. How about you? You were coughing a lot during practice. Are you feeling okay?"
"I just have a sore throat. My stomach doesn't hurt like Taehyungie-Hyungie, or do I feel feverish. I think I just overdid it." Jungkook tried negating his worries, down playing how he felt. He left out the pounding headache that he had all day and the fact that despite fact he hardly ate anything all day, the smell of Jimin and Hobi cooking in the kitchen made his stomach queasy "But Yoongi-hyung wants me to take medicine just in case.."
"Yeah he told me that, so I brought it with me." Namjoon feels the tension leave his shoulders when jungkook brings it up on his own, relieved he wouldn't have to fight with him to take it. He pours the younger the small cup of medicine, handing it to him
Jungkook takes it with a shaky hand, swallowing the medicine quickly hoping that Namjoon didn't notice.
"I'm tired, so I'm going to rest until dinner is finished. Its been a long week and its rare we get time to rest.." Namjoon says in hopes Jungkook would lay down and get the sleep he needs so he can recover and he falls for the trap.
"I'll lay down too. I'm a bit sleepy.." Jungkook lays down with a big yawn head hitting his makeshift pillow not taking more than a few minutes to fall asleep, snoring softly.
Namjoon gets up from his bed slowly, using the thermometer to confirm the low grade fever jumping back to avoid Jungkook coughing on him. "We're down two members.."
"Jaykay...jungkook-ah dinner is ready. Do you think you could eat?" Hobi goes into the room to check on him. Namjoon told him about his fever and that his cough became worse, but remembering the youngest vocalist only had one piece of toast with jam that morning made him unable to comfortably let him sleep.
"Mm..? Hoseok..ah..hyung..I'm not hungry.." Jungkook's voice sounded worse than earlier, coming out weak and scratchy. He was hardly awake, eyes not even open as he tried to turn him down.
"But you haven't eaten in twelve hours. Could you at least try to eat some soup?" Hobi tries encouraging him, gently running his hand up and down jungkook's side.
Jungkook stretches out, coughing into his arm. "Okay..okay..I'm up.." He could hear the worry in Hobi's voice and the older was right. He couldn't go to bed without eating something. What if I do have what Taehyungie-hyungie has? I don't want to throw up without anything in me..
Hobi helped Jungkook sit up, placing a tray of soup in front of him. "Do you want me to feed you?"
Jungkook tried to eat it on his own, but when he picked up the spoon the itch in his throat worsened, making him cough, spilling the soup onto the tray when it makes his chest rattle. Hobi quickly pulled the tray off.
"Aiish.. you scared me." Hobi sighs in relief when he sees none of the broth got on Jungkook.
"I'm.. I'm sorry.." Jungkook says between coughs.
"It's okay baby. It was an accident. I just didn't want it to spill on you. Let me do it. Okay?" J-hope feeds Jungkook bite by bite.
Meanwhile in another room, Jimin was helping with the second youngest, carrying a tray with him.
"I made you some soup. You don't have to eat it if you arent up to it though." Jimin says sympathically when he sees Taehyung was awake in his room, coughing Into the pillow he wrapped around.
"I don't know lf I can..but..I'll try.." Taehyung sits up slowly, closing his eyes when his head spins."If I don't eat I can't get better..and I feel awful.." He whines to himself, fighting against the dizziness.
"I know.. it's okay. Just a few bites for now okay?" Jimin scoops up some bean sprouts with the spoon, blowing on it before offering it to Taehyung.
Taehyung opens his mouth, taking in the bite, then another instantly regretting the second when he gags, having to force it back down with a hard swallow. He turns away from it, the smell of food making him feel worse. "No.. no.."
"Sh*t.. I'm sorry.. I'll take it away.. I'm sorry." Jimin quickly takes the bowl from the room. "Hyungie, Taehyung’s too sick for food.. His lips turned white after a couple bites, and he hardly forced it down.. what are we gonna do?"
"We'll get him some mineral water or something to replace food until his stomach settles. Why don't you go help Hoba? He didn't eat yet. He said he wanted to check on Jungkookie first." Jin heart sinks at the fact he couldn't even hold down soup, but didn't want Jimin knowing how worried he felt, quickly changing the subject.
"Alright. I'll go check on them." Jimin leaves to Jungkooks room relieved to see at least one of their patients eating. "Hobi-hyungie let me do it. You almost fainted at practice.. you need to eat."
"Oh..right.. I need to eat too." Hobi says, despite the fact he didn't feel hungry. It must be all the stress..
Hobi lied to himself. He refused to admit he was getting sick. Not when the two youngest were coughing up a storm and unable to eat. He leaves to the kitchen to get some kimchi Kongnamul guk.
"Oh good, you are eating. I was worried you'd be too busy caring for the others. I already had to force Jimin to sit and eat before seeing Voo." Jin smiles when he sees J-hope take a bite."
The warm broth soothed his sore throat, taking a few bites before talking. "What about Namjoonie and Yoongi-hyung?"
"Namjoon-ah said he wanted to sleep more and Yoongi went to the store." Jin explained. "I'll get Yoongi when he gets back and Namjoon when he wakes up. He's been working all nighters on the bonus track trying to make it usable before the album drop. I'm surprised he's not the one sick."
Hobi only eats half of the soup he put in the bowl, filling up quickly. The food felt uncomfortable in his stomach. "I'm finished. I'm gonna go lay down too. I want to get up early to help Joon with the song."
"Good idea. I wish I was better at songwriting so I could help." Jin admits. "Good luck."
Yoongi was a light sleeper, jolting awake when he hears the toliet seat smack against the porcelain bowl. "Aiigo..Taehyungie.." he rushed to the bathroom, slowing for a moment perplexed when he heard J-hope gagging, not Taehyung. "Hoba?"
It didn't matter which it was. He still opens the bathroom door, kneeling beside the ailing teammate. "It's okay, hyung is here.." Yoongi gently pulls Hobi's hair back with an elastic hair tie, rubbing his back.
Hobi goes to speak, but ends up burping up sick, eyes watering as the smell of his own Vomit sends his stomach whirling, pushing up mouthfuls of thick bile without breaks to breathe.
"Breathe Hoseok..you'll hurt yourself.." Yoongi urges Hobi. "Please try.."
Hobi tries to obey, but when he breaths in, his throat fills with sick, spraying it all over the toliet. He whimpers, head spinning making it hard to even keep sitting up right. "Hyung.." he whimpered, feeling himself sway despite his death grip around the toliet bowl. Yoongi wraps around him to keep him upright.
"I got you.. it's okay.." Yoongi could feel Hobi trembling in his arms as he pushes up everything he had left in his stomach, continuing to dry heave even after he had nothing left to give.
"Hoba..hoba...Hoseok-ah.... hey..you need to breathe.." Yoongi's voice was filled with panic when he feels Hobi get heavier in his arms. "Sh*t.. Hyungie! HYUNG..."
The sound of Yoongi's scream wakes up the house, Namjoon, Jin, Jimin and Taehyung rushing to see what was wrong.
"What happened Yoongi?" Jin is the first to ask, eyes widening when he sees Hobi Iimp in his arms.
"Hoba fainted.. he just..kept trying to throw up without taking a breath and then he just stopped.." Yoongi explains talking quickly, cradling the now unconscious Hobi in his arms as Hobi's body works overtime to catch up on oxygen it desperately needed.
"We can get him to a hospital if he doesn't wake up within a minute or two.. he probably just hyperventilated." Jin speaks calmly despite his heart thumping hard in his chest, eyes dilated in fear."Taehyungie, you should be in bed." Jin scolds him. "Jiminie, Joonie take him to bed. Me and Yoongi can handle this."
"No.. no let me stay until Hobi-hyung wakes up..I'm okay." Taehyung begs with tears filling his eye,ignoring the fact without the doorframe to lean on he wouldn't be able to stand. "Please..?"
"Tete..Tete, hyung.. is okay..i..I just.." Hobi tried to speak, but he was still struggling to catch his breath, continuing to pant with each word"Go..go..back.. to bed.. I'll..I'll come lay with you in a minute.." The last part came easier, sitting upright to help himself breathe easier.
"Are you sure you're okay Hoba?" Namjoon asks, looking over Hobi. "You still look pale."
"Yeah. I'm fine. I just..freaked out because I couldn't breathe which only made it worse..I'm sorry..I didn't mean to scare everyone.." Hobi bows his head, shakily making it to his feet. "I'm feeling better now.."
"I still think you should go to a hospital.." Yoongi speaks softly, breath still coming out strained.
Hobi hugs onto Yoongi. "I'm sorry I scared you.. I'm okay though. I feel sore, but I don't feel like I'll be sick anymore.."
"But what if it doesn't last? What if you do later?" Jimin frets, eyes widening with fear.
"If I do then I'll go.. until then I'll cuddle with Tete." Hobi smiles.
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portlandwithyou · 3 months ago
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Releases of the Year- 2024
Every year, I share a few of my favorite albums and EPs from the year. Below are my thoughts a handful of my favorites. There are some very, very good releases that don't make the cut, but I always choose my sentimentality over all else.
Find the collection plus honorable mentions that didn't quite make the cut on Spotify.
BRAT- Charli xcx
Brat was everywhere this year; you could hardly miss it. Some of us knew it was coming, but I know many were taken by surprise. Charli xcx is a powerhouse and has been for years. I still remember the first time I heard her 2019 semi-self-titled album Charli, and in 2022 I even named CRASH one of my favorites of the year.
I'm using this entry to highlight all three releases-- BRAT, Brat and it's the same but there's three more songs so it's not, and Brat and it's completely different but also still brat. Although each has its own highlights, they are so intertwined with one another I don't believe you can fully separate the subsequent releases from the mother.
Charli is my top artist of the year on Spotify, and my top ten spots are essentially the album in order. The album, club music featuring confessional lyrics, simply captivated me more than any other this year. Hell, I even learned the Apple dance. It has been such a delight to see one of my favorites be acknowledged as the innovator she is.
Try: Talk talk
Challengers [MIXED] by Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross/ Boys Noize
How thrilling is it that a score is recognized ahead of time for its brilliance and given a special mixed release?
It's no secret that I liked the film Challengers-- I saw it six times in theaters-- but I had the pleasure of hearing this album first, which immediately set the mood for the movie. Unlike some remixes, which can bury an original song so deeply it's inscrutable, this "mixed" version of the songs allows the songs to stand on their own two legs apart from the film.
I recommend listening to the straightforward score, too, but this album was in my ears quite a bit in the late spring/early summer.
Try: Challengers
Flight b741- King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard
On January 11th, while home alone on a quiet night with nothing to do, I decided on a whim to check out a band I'd been hearing about for the last 10 years- King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard. In the months since then, I've heard every album, watched the documentary, seen them live, done the couch tour thanks to the band generously streaming each show, made multiple spreadsheet to try and get my hands around their vast discography, made a smattering of gifs, and fallen truly head over heels in love with them.
It's a special thing, the first time a band you've fallen in love with puts out an album while you're a fan. Flight b741 is no different. Leaning into a sort of southern rock-esque sound the album is another in a long line of "genre" albums by the band.
The first single, Le Risque, hit me hard and fast, although I'll admit it took the rest of the album a minute to grow on me. I believe, like much of Gizz's oeuvre, it is best heard live. Don't let this stop you from listening to this well-produced album. In fact, Le Risque, Mirage City, and Daily Blues are all stellar tracks that benefit from the kinds of sound you can only produce in a studio.
Try: Hog Calling Contest
LEAVING- Kerosene Heights
Kerosene Heights is a force to be reckoned with. Their sound is developing at the speed of light. In 2023 I named their album Southest of Somewhere one of my favorites and this year I'm delighted to tell you they're only getting better.
LEAVING is so impressively made I struggle to believe they're not the biggest band in the world right now. They know how to write a hook, they know how to captivate you, they know how to deliver. In my heart, they are rockstars.
Special mention on the this release goes to the lyrics. If I catalogued every single one I loved, I'd just be writing out the lyrics to the the whole EP, but trust me between the pleading "I can't take this anymore" in Such Great and "There's a highway right outside of my house" in Dennis #3, you will have this EP stuck in your head.
Try: Such Great
Our Bodies Pain Traffic Lights- fanclubwallet
One of Canada's finest and another returnee from the 2022 list is fanclubwallet. Although in a strong evolutionary moment, fanclubwallet is now a fully fleshed-out band.
Released in March, I fear this EP may not get the love it deserves, as it has been such a packed year. But I cannot stress enough how the sound has changed as a full band, with a new depth added that accentuates the writing and lends a layer of complexity.
Despite the new additions, this five-song EP does not abandon the sound you've already come to know and love, with the trademark vocals lending an intimate sound throughout. I'm thoroughly looking forward to seeing how fanclubwallet grows thanks to its new additions.
Try: Pictures of Her
Palette- Quarter Conscious
I don't think in the couple of years I've been doing this that I've ever highlighted a local band, but that is a wrong I am rectifying. Quarter Conscious has a near-mythic status in the local scene. They're an insanely talented self-described "two-piece cathartic math punk" band. I genuinely believe they're on the cusp of blowing up in the mathy/emo world.
Their first full-length release does not disappoint, although I can't say they've quite captured the immense power they have live. Although they have room to grow, I still reach for the album.
In the next year, I anticipate they'll continue to solidify their space in not just our local scene, but also at the national level.
Try: Daisy Chain
Romance- Fontaines D.C.
I'll admit, when I saw Fontaines D.C. open for Arctic Monkey in September 2023, I had no idea that a year later, they'd be releasing an album that would burn itself into my brain.
Fontaines D.C. have been at least some measure of good since their start, but their latest album, Romance, is a giant leap forward. Strangely, I want to highlight something that always gets me when I'm listening to the album: the use of breathing throughout the album. You hear this most with the "huffing" on Here's the Thing and the exaggerated breathing on Starburster. Something about this technique breathes life into the songs.
This album came out at a particularly dark time for me this year, but it proved itself to be a bright spot without challenge.
Try: Bug
Sisters, Not Twins- Swiss Army Wife, Kerosene Heights
If I was forced to pick a split of the year, it would be this by a mile. Kerosene Heights have already made an appearance on this list, and Swiss Army Wife will make another, but together they are something even more special.
In March, I had the pleasure of seeing Swiss Army Wife, wherein they teased this release. I cannot express the torture of waiting months and months knowing something so special is coming out.
The music on this split is raw, but some of the best either band has ever produced. Both bands are clearly comfortable with their sound, and neither overpowers the other on the split, a rare feat in my book.
At a scant eleven minutes, I implore everyone to take a moment and listen.
Try: Idaho
The Ultimate Emo Album- Swiss Army Wife, Avec Plaisir, Celebration Guns
To kick off the new year, three of the best emo bands around right now teamed up for a banger release. Each brings something special to the table-- Swiss Army Wife with their relentless energy, Avec Plaisir has their insane technical work, and Celebration Guns with their anthemic sound.
Really Rad Records is a label you sound be watching if you're into the emo scene even tangentially. In the future, people will be stunned three powerful bands go together to do an EP.
Try: Trying is Hard
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newmusickarl · 3 months ago
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Albums of the Year 2024: Honourable Mentions
2024 – what a year for music hey?!
We had The Last Dinner Party in Spring, a well-documented BRAT Summer, a Fontaines Fall and, finally, The Cure for the Winter. We also had a couple of big reunions: the Gallagher brothers delighting everyone by reuniting Oasis, nu-metal icons Linkin Park returning with a new vocalist and then, just last month, indie darlings The Maccabees announcing some live shows for 2025. Both the Electronic and Country music genres seemed to have a particularly great year, while artists dissecting toxic relationships also seemed to be a thematic favourite over the last 12 months. We also had plenty of memorable moments and some incredible festival performances but, above all else, we had some bloody great new music.
You’ll be pleased to know that while this blog took a backseat to some other hobbies and ventures in 2024, my listening habits certainly didn’t slow down. My Apple Music Replay tells me I’ve listened to 587 albums from 983 different artists, 4,758 songs and a whopping 35,886 minutes of music. Just like previous years, I’ve whittled this mass of new music down to my favourite Albums, EPs and Songs of the Year – starting as always with the albums.
From my own (more accurate) tally that I keep every year, I’ve actually listened to 220 Albums in 2024, with that 220 then broken down into my Top 50 Albums of the Year, my 50 unranked honourable mentions and then sadly 120 albums that didn’t make the final cut. As ever, the top albums come from a multitude of genres: pop, rock, indie, hip-hop, R&B, country, electronica, shoegaze, punk, post-punk - it’s all here! So, although there is a good chance you won’t enjoy everything on this list, hopefully there is at least something for everyone.
For those who are following my annual countdown for the first time, I have a basic criterion that has treated me well over the last decade when collating my final Album of the Year list. Generally, I’ve favoured the records that:
Had the biggest impact on me
Was a landmark culturally or within the wider music world
Showed ambition or had something unique to offer
I played the most during the year
Ultimately produced my favourite front-to-back listening experience
So, before the Top 50 countdown officially begins with the albums that finished 50-41, I wanted to just shout out the albums that I thoroughly enjoyed this year but ultimately just missed out on the Top 50 spots. This includes some fantastic debuts (Been Stellar, Dolores Forever, Fat Dog, Sprints), some surprise returns to form (The Smashing Pumpkins, Green Day, The Libertines), some late career highlights (Gruff Rhys, Maxïmo Park, James, Los Campesinos!) and plenty of the year’s biggest and most acclaimed projects (Beyoncé, Billie Eilish, Kamasi Washington, Waxahatchee).
So, officially kicking off year-end season, here are my 50 Honourable Mentions for 2024 in alphabetical order (by artist):
Arab Strap - I'm totally fine with it 👍 don't give a fuck anymore 👍
Been Stellar - Scream From New York, NY
Bill Ryder Jones - Iechyd Da
Billie Eilish – HIT ME HARD AND SOFT
Bring Me The Horizon - POST HUMAN: NeX GEn
Caribou – Honey
Cassandra Jenkins - My Light, My Destroyer
Chelsea Wolfe - She Reaches Out To, She Reaches Out To She
Daudi Matsiko - The King of Misery
DEADLETTER - Hysterical Strength
Dolores Forever - It's Nothing
Du Blonde - Sniff More Gritty
Fat Dog - WOOF.
Fazerdaze - Soft Power
Four Tet - Three
Geographer - A Mirror Brightly
Goat Girl - Below The Waste
Green Day - Saviors
Gruff Rhys - Sadness Sets Me Free
Hovvdy – Hovvdy
The Howl & The Hum - Same Mistake Twice
Ibibio Sound Machine - Pull The Rope
Jack White - No Name
James - Yummy
John Grant - The Art of the Lie
Kamasi Washington - Fearless Movement
The Libertines - All Quiet On The Eastern Esplanade
Lime Garden - One More Thing
Los Campesinos! - All Hell
Maggie Rogers - Don't Forget Me
Maxïmo Park - Stream of Life
MGMT - Loss of Life
MJ Lenderman - Manning Fireworks
Mount Eerie - Night Palace
NewDad - MADRA
nothing,nowhere - Dark Magic / Hell or Highwater / Miserymaker
Orlando Weeks - LOJA 
Rahim Redcar - HOPECORE
Remi Wolf - Big Ideas
Schoolboy Q - Blue Lips
Sega Bodega - Dennis
Sick Love – Champagne
The Smashing Pumpkins - Aghori Mhori Mei
The Smile – Cutouts
Sprints – Letter to Self
Tycho - Infinite Health
Vince Staples - Dark Times
Waxahatchee - Tigers Blood
So that’s what didn’t quite make it!
Now, join me throughout December as I reveal my Top 50 Albums of the Year, My Favourite EPs of the Year, My Favourite Live Shows of 2024 and My Top 100 Songs of 2024 Playlist.
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1111iza · 7 months ago
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girlthingdecay · 8 months ago
brat and it's the same but it has three more songs so it's not has to be one of my all time favorite album names. really right up there with UGLY DEATH NO REDEMPTION ANGEL CURSE I LOVE YOU
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