#alberta driving quiz
rantz1 · 7 months
#Class 4 practice test
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loveandjustice · 7 years
The Alphabet Game
I got tagged by @locolioness who is a wonderful sweetheart!
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag some people you’d like to know better!
A - Age: 25
B - Birthplace: Drayton Valley, Alberta
C - Current time: 9:22 PM
D - Drink you last had: Fresca
E - Easiest person to talk to: @letsmakeapromise
F - Favorite song: Launching a dream into space from Final Fantasy 7
G - Grossest memory: Anything involving my ex ahaha
H - Horror yes or horror no: Nah. Until Dawn is the closest I can do
I - In love: I ‘m in love with my friends
J - Jealous of people: Sometimes, but not enough to really let it affect me.
K - (they didn’t put a k in the quiz)
L - Love at first sight or should I walk by again: Oh no I only develop feelings after getting to know someone.
M - Middle name: Mae
N - Number of siblings: Two older sisters
O - One wish: Getting my license one day
P - Person you called last: My own phone to find it...
Q - Question you are always asked: “When are you going to drive”
R - Reason to smile: My friends and working on becoming the person I want to become one day
S - Song you last sang: It’s Tricky by Run-D.M.C. (my friend wants to karaoke it even though I’m terrible at singing)
T - Time you woke up: 11 AM (I’m off from work!!)
U - Underwear colour: I’m just wearing pj bottoms commando
V - Vacation destination: California, Toyko, BANFF, JASPER, Vancouver Island
W - Worst habit: Not brushing my hair 
X - X-rays: I think maybe 4 years ago?
Y - Your favorite food: I love chips so much
Z - Zodiac sign: Pisces
I tag @particleflux @night1703 @sincerelycolee @moonprizmz @death-g-reaper OBVIOUSLY DON’T FEEL OBLIGATED TO DO THIS BUT you’re all such lovely and sweet people that I thought of y'all! If you don’t want to, please just ignore meeeeee.
Also if you want to do this but no ones tagged you, consider this as me tagging anyone interested.
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optometrist0 · 6 years
Signs Of Eye Strain
Computers can cause
Are you experiencing
Eye strain causes symptoms like tired
Eye strain symptoms like dry eyes
Strain become infected while
Cause severe eye strain become infected
Eye irritation and blurriness can impair learning According to Lasby, Shergill’s symptoms are all early signs of digital eye strain. She says the long-term impacts are not yet known because it’s such a new phenomenon, but the irritation and …
Mar 26, 2018 … This is the earliest sign directly indicative of eye strain and can intensify to include heaviness of eyelids, blurred or double vision, tired or sore …
computers can cause strained eyes, find out how to relieve computer eye strain using our helpful tips. Our guide will help you minimise symptoms of computer eye strain.
WebMD discusses what can cause eye fatigue and how you … The eye doctor might call this computer vision syndrome or digital eye strain. … Warning signs, myths …
Computer eye strain is a real issue for up to 90 percent of heavy computer users. Here's everything you need to know about what it is and how to prevent it.
Information on Eye Strain Symptoms and Causes, including Eye Strain Caused by Computers and Prolonged Focus
Do your eyes become dry, blurry or irritated after you've been staring at a computer screen, reading or driving for a while? Chances are you're experiencing Asthenopia, or eye strain as it is commonly known. While eyestrain is not a serious or long term condition, it is certainly frustrating and can …
are you experiencing computer eye strain? Read Dr. Gary Heiting's top 10 tips for avoiding eye strain when working at a computer.
Eye straining is common, especially for those who work on computers or have a vision problem. Learn about eye strain from our experts.
The 5 Main Symptoms of Computer Eye Strain. If you aren't sure if you're experiencing computer eye strain, check out the following symptoms.
The symptoms of eye strain can be debilitating and include tiredness, blurry vision, headache and dry eyes.
May 14, 2018 … Read Dr. Gary Heiting's top 10 tips for avoiding eye strain when working … digital device use causes permanent damage to the eyes, many eye …
With an increase in digital technology, many individuals suffer from physical discomfort after screen use for longer than two hours at a time. The Vision Council …
Aug 13, 2015 … Eyestrain — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, treatment and prevention of this common eye condition.
Anything that makes it difficult for eyes to aim properly causing eye muscle strain, can cause dizziness, headaches, reading difficulty and blurred vision.
More than 70 percent of adults in Alberta say they experience symptoms of digital eye strain but only 28 percent say their children have symptoms during or after using a digital device. A local optometrist says parents should pay attention for …
Sep 20, 2016 … WebMD discusses what can cause eye fatigue and how you can treat and … What you're feeling could be a sign of a deeper condition that …
If you spend lots of time looking at a computer screen, you could be at risk for computer vision syndrome, or CVS. Learn more from WebMD about its effect on the eyes, including ways to prevent CVS.
Mar 9, 2017 … eye strain causes symptoms like tired eyes, pain, headaches, vision changes, dryness & redness. A combination of natural remedies can help …
Eye strain causes symptoms like tired eyes, pain, headaches, vision changes, dryness & redness. A combination of natural remedies can help eye strain.
It’s Super-Important to Chat with Your Doctor if Your Eyes are Still Feeling Dry
Learn 10 signs that could mean you need glasses. … Eye strain or fatigue: Does 20 minutes of reading wear your eyes out like 1 hour did only a year ago?
Learn about eye strain symptoms like dry eyes, headache, sensitivity to light, double vision, difficulty concentrating, and muscle soreness. Read about eye strain treatment, glasses, and how to get relief from this condition.
Eye strain, or asthenopia, is when the eyes get tired from excessive or intense use. It can be annoying, but it tends to disappear with rest. Although it's not often a …
Learn about eye strain symptoms like dry eyes, headache, sensitivity to light, double vision, difficulty concentrating, and muscle soreness. Read about eye strain treatment, glasses, and how to get relief from this condition.
In some cases, signs and symptoms of eye strain are a sign of an underlying eye condition that needs treatment. Although you may not be able to change the …
Signs of Eye muscle strain including medical signs and symptoms of Eye muscle strain, symptoms, misdiagnosis, tests, common medical issues, duration, and the correct diagnosis for Eye muscle strain signs or Eye muscle strain symptoms.
Apple’s new iPhone X is causing headaches and eye strain to a number of customers due to the implementation of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), a technology that causes the display to flicker at varying frequencies depending on the …
Eyestrain — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, treatment and prevention of this common eye condition.
Because he was experiencing no symptoms of eye strain and had no concerns in …
Eyestrain — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, treatment and prevention of this common eye condition.
Eye strain has a diverse range of symptoms that, at first glance, you might not even recognize as an eye problem.
Eye Strain Headache Symptoms Contents And blurred vision Symptoms with home remedies Computers and driving long strain become infected while pregnant may Rest your causes Extra pillows taking care Take the Quiz, Explore the Differences, & See if You Should Talk to Your Doctor. Not Sure What Type Of Headache You Have? Learn Now & Get Fast Relief. Eye Eye Strain Double Vision Contents Problem. learn about eye Strain from our experts Said vision boutique optometrist dr You start seeing double images Orthoptics: Double Vision, Eye Strain. Spinak Medical Eye Center Is Proud To Offer Hard-to-Find Orthoptic Services. Do you or a loved one struggle with double vision, … Eyestrain — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, treatment and prevention Severe Eye Strain Contents cause severe eye strain become infected while pregnant may miscarry Common lifesaving drugs all Pain can eye Once you can rest your causes Other tips to help people feel more comfortable while the eye socket heals include: sleeping with the head elevated on extra pillows taking care not to strain while … A Dartford Causes Of Headaches And Eye Strain Contents The leading causes You can treat intense pain can Eye strain: 32.6 Report experiencing eye strain; 22.7 If one asks patients who complain of eye strain to define what they mean by that term, they may describe … My addiction gets even worse at bedtime, when I’m almost always answering emails on my phone or
from http://bestoptometrists.net/signs-of-eye-strain-8/
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gunboatbaylodge · 8 years
JFL NorthWest, Vancouver Comedy Fest spotlight – Ivan Decker and local comedy
Besides opening for Jim Gaffigan and Iliza at this year’s JFL NorthWest, Vancouver comic Ivan Decker will host two showcases of local talent.
This year’s JFL NorthWest is bringing a plethora of big-name comics from down south. Colin Quinn, Iliza Schlesinger, Jim Gaffigan, Trevor Noah, and Sarah Silverman are among the talented mirth-makers coming to Vancouver for the festival, which begins tonight, Feb. 16, and runs until Feb. 25.
But the festival also gives local comics a chance to shine. For example, in B-Sides with Chris Gordon (Feb. 21 at Biltmore at 9:30 p.m.), Calgary’s Gordon and top local headliners such as Graham Clark, Kyle Bottom and Efthimios Nasiopoulos will discuss a comedian’s creative process by featuring the rare and risky jokes they love to tell, then opening up to an audience Q&A.
The festival is also hosting a Best of the West series that features many of the best locally produced shows. Among them are Alicia Tobin’s Come Draw with Me, The Gentlemen Hecklers, Graham Clark’s Quiz Show, and more.
Meanwhile, one of the best-known names on the local scene, Ivan Decker, has been picked to open for both Iliza and Jim Gaffigan. Decker, whom Splitsider once named the Top Canadian Comedian Under 30 (he’s now 31), will also host the Just For Laughs Showcase at the Biltmore Cabaret on Feb. 21 (7 p.m. start, before the aforementioned B-Sides) and Yuk Yuk’s Vancouver Feb. 22 (8 p.m.). We talked to Decker about comedy festivals, scaring Vancouver mayor Gregor Robertson, and his online dating profile.
Q: When you started out, what did Vancouver have by way of comedy festivals?
A: I started out in about 2008. There was not really a festival per se. There was the Vancouver Comedy Festival, which was quite small. They would just kind of do a couple of theatre shows. They didn’t really get the clubs involved, they didn’t engage the local scene much. They would just bring in a lot of comics from L.A. I remember seeing Ian Bagg, a Canadian comic who lives in L.A., and he was interviewing people in the street, asking: “Did you know there was a Vancouver comedy festival?” And they were all like, “No! The what?” Now, with Just for Laughs involved, it’s become amazing.
Q: A lot of comedy fans would probably go down to Seattle, especially to (annual festival) Bumbershoot, which has a big comedy component. Did you ever play there?
A: We did, actually. There was one year that it was the Northwest Comedy Festival, before Just for Laughs got involved, and after it was rebranded from the Vancouver Comedy Festival. And four of us performed down there, and we got to see a lot of amazing acts. I embarrassed myself by walking into a green room with like Janeane Garofalo and Paul F. Tompkins, saying, “We want to watch the show!” And they’re like, “Who are you? We’re on in five minutes, get out of here!”
Q: Now, you’re opening up for Jim Gaffigan and Iliza Schlesinger.
A: Yes. These theatre shows are so cool to get to perform on. It’s such an enormous environment and the crowds are so fun in those shows. They’re already so excited to be there. The energy is such a different level than I’ve ever seen at a club.
Q: They’re two performers with different comedy stylings. Will you tailor your set accordingly?
A: I don’t know. Hadn’t really thought about it. I think I’ll probably do their material! No, I’ll probably do the same stuff. My style is not really specific to any type of crowd, at least that’s what I’ve tried to plan it to be.
Q: You performed at the Vintage Valentines evening at the Fox Cabaret this week. How was that?
A: It was good. The mayor was there, Mayor Gregor Robertson. He seemed skittish about the fact that I was a comedian. I think he assumed I was going to talk to him but I just did my set.
It was an odd set-up. People will try to shoehorn it (stand-up) in with a variety of acts. So there was music and then a burlesque number then more music then an intermission then another song and then me. When there’s live music at a bar, rarely are people just sitting quietly watching it. Usually there are conversations going on, people are trying to pick up chicks. Especially at a Valentine’s event. It was quite funny, I had to get up onstage and be like, “Hey, anybody want to listen?” It was challenging but definitely not the first I’ve been in that situation.
Q: A couple of years ago, a Vancouver website named you one of Vancouver’s most eligible bachelors, and linked to your online dating profile on Plentyoffish.com profile, which is still up.
A: Is it? I’ve gotta get a PR person or something. I have a girlfriend now. It didn’t really work. I didn’t get any messages from that. I think I got like one or two. It was sponsored by Plentyoffish.com, they put it together. I think they forgot to ask how much money I make. Every other guy on that list was an entrepreneur, or in real estate, or a film producer. They were all millionaires, except me. I had to go to this really awkward mixer, where they were all wearing suits and talking about how much money they’re making and properties and I’m like, “I don’t like the bus.”
Video (live) – watch Ivan Decker perform Skytrain and Homelessness
Q: Did you meet your girlfriend the old-fashioned way, at a comedy show?
A: Yeah, actually. I did a fundraiser for the MS Society. MS is in my family. It’s a fundraiser I’ll do if I’m available. It’s kind of a fun show, they do it every year. She was there and messaged me afterwards.
Q: That’s perfect. You didn’t have to put in any work. You just had to do your set.
A: Yeah, all I had to was develop a great act over a decade. Spend ten years getting good at comedy, driving to northern Alberta doing jokes for oil-patch workers.
Q: Not to put you in an awkward position, but who are some of your favourite local comics who maybe deserve more attention than they’re getting?
A: I have a few people I love, I get excited when I see them on shows. I consider them to be mentors to me. Graham Clark can not be unmentioned. Charlie Demers is another, Erica Sigurdson, Katie-Ellen Humphries is also I think one of the funniest comedians in town, Kevin Banner, super-super funny. That core group. They’re all sort of the people I came up with. It’s awesome to have them around.
Q: Who is going to be in the lineup for the showcases?
A: It’s the best of the locals doing their best stuff. When you go out on an average night to comedy, you might see people working on new material or working on stuff, or people who are booked on the show because they have friends they can put in the crowd, not necessarily because they’re funny. But in a showcase, these are people handpicked by the festival and they’re being told, “Do your best seven minutes, because if it’s good we’ll bring you to Montreal and put you on television.”
For more info and tickets, visit jflnorthwest.com. 
Inside Vancouver Blog
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