#albe in India
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pier-carlo-universe · 4 months ago
Nagercoil, India: Tra Cultura e Bellezze Naturali
Situata nella punta meridionale dell'India, Nagercoil è una città del Tamil Nadu ricca di storia, bellezze naturali e cultura.
Situata nella punta meridionale dell’India, Nagercoil è una città del Tamil Nadu ricca di storia, bellezze naturali e cultura. Questa città, confinante con lo stato del Kerala, è circondata da montagne, rigogliosi paesaggi tropicali e rinomati templi, rendendola una destinazione affascinante per turisti e pellegrini. Vediamo nel dettaglio le sue caratteristiche uniche che la rendono una città…
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leroibobo · 17 days ago
some others/alternate names (+ some nearby countries) i know of (i'm not too knowledgeable here, please correct me if you know navajo at all):
austria - Akał Bitłʼaajįʼééʼí Bikéyah (land of those who wear leather pants; reference to nazi uniform like germany's name i'm assuming)
armenia - Dziłkʼi Dah Názʼéelii Dineʼé Bikéyah (land of the people (as in nation, also the case for "dine'é" in the rest of these) [around?] the tall mountain)
azerbaijan - Daakǫʼ Dineʼé Bikéyah (land of the people of many fires; technically a calque)
bulgaria - Ditsʼozí Da'alzhishii Bikéyah (land of the long-haired dancers)
estonia - Hakázítah Dineʼé Bikéyah (land of the people in the forest)
geogia - Dził Daantsaaítah Bilagáana Bikéyah (land of the big caucasian mountains. the word used for the caucuses, "bilagáana", is the navajo term for white people and a loan from spanish "americano".)
greece - Dahojiyáanii Bikéyah (land of the poor/impoverished ones?)
hungary - Azeedíchʼííʼ Dineʼé Bikéyah (land of the people of chili peppers)
kazakhstan - Bilį́į́ʼ Ńdeiltihii Dineʼé Bikéyah (land of the people who stretch/extend out (?))
lithuania - Tséjééʼ Dineʼé Bikéyah (land of the amber people; coincidentally, both diné and lithuanians are renown for making amber jewelry)
malta - Táłkááʼ Bineʼ Naʼadziʼnii Bikéyah (land of [something, probably capital city/city-state] on the surface of the water)
poland - Haltso Hóteelnii Bikéyah (land of wide grasses; also technically a calque)
romania - Tséhonoojí Dineʼé Bikéyah (land of the people of the fortress (?))
scotland - Ałnánoodǫ́ǫ́z Dineʼé Bikéyah (land of the people of the striped cross? maybe referring to the flag like wales?)
turkey - Bichʼah Łichíiʼii Bikéyah (land of those who wear red hats)
ukraine - Dzítso Hatsohnii Bikéyah (land of the great/big yellow plains, most likely a reference to ukraine's famous wheat fields)
wales - Naʼashǫ́ʼiitsoh Łichííʼí Bikéyah (land of the red dragon)
some additions:
another name for spain is Naakáí Łibáʼí Bikéyah (gray land of the travelers; "travelers" is used to refer to spaniards, probably originally referring to spanish explorers)
though “montenegro” literally means “black mountain” and the “alb” in albania means “mountain”, the color black is coincidentally associated with the north in navajo culture, while the color white is associated with the east. this is probably why "white" was added to albania's name. even more coincidentally, the four sacred colors are also associated with mountains.
navajo uses neologisms to refer to peoples most of the time. "horned-hat wearer", literally "they wear horned hats", did originate with code talkers, but is probably meant to be "nordics" generally speaking. if that's the case, sweden would be "land of the nordics", and denmark is also called Chʼah Bideeʼí Dineʼé Bikéyah Yázhí, "small land of the nordics".
that said, the name for norway probably translates to "land of the plunderers (literally house/camp killers) in the west (yellow = west in this case)"; i'm assuming the plundering part is either to do with the german occupation of norway during wwii (so it not being referred to as nordic would make sense) or to vikings.
not europe, but interestingly, the navajo name for india is Tó Wónaanídę́ę́ʼ Bitsįʼ Yishtłizhii Bikéyah, "land of the indians (as in native americans) on the other side of the ocean".
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European country names in Navajo: “iron-hat-people land” and other WWII Code Talker neologisms.
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yaleuniversityartgallery · 4 days ago
Yale University Art Gallery
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The Yale University Art Gallery, located in New Haven, Connecticut, stands as one of the most prestigious and historically significant art museums in the United States. Founded in 1832, it is the oldest university art museum in the country and boasts an expansive collection that spans centuries, cultures, and artistic movements. With its impressive holdings and architectural beauty, the gallery has become a must-visit destination for art enthusiasts, scholars, and tourists alike.
A Rich History
The Yale University Art Gallery was established through a donation by John Trumbull, a renowned American painter best known for his iconic depictions of the American Revolutionary War. Trumbull’s initial gift included some of his most famous works, including The Declaration of Independence, and laid the foundation for what would become a world-class collection.
Over the years, the gallery has grown exponentially, thanks to generous donations and strategic acquisitions. Today, it houses more than 250,000 objects, including paintings, sculptures, prints, photographs, and decorative arts from across the globe.
Architectural Marvel
The Yale University Art Gallery comprises multiple interconnected buildings, each contributing to its architectural charm. The original structure, designed by Egerton Swartwout in 1928, features a traditional beaux-arts style. In contrast, the modernist addition designed by the legendary architect Louis Kahn in 1953 is celebrated for its innovative use of space, concrete, and natural light. Kahn’s design marked a turning point in museum architecture and continues to inspire architects worldwide.
A subsequent renovation and expansion project completed in 2012 unified the various buildings, enhancing the visitor experience while preserving the gallery’s architectural heritage.
World-Class Collections
The Yale University Art Gallery’s collection is renowned for its diversity and depth. Highlights include:
American Art
The gallery’s American art collection is one of the finest in the nation, featuring works from the colonial period to the present day. Visitors can admire masterpieces by artists such as John Singleton Copley, Frederic Edwin Church, Winslow Homer, Edward Hopper, and Georgia O’Keeffe. The collection provides a comprehensive overview of the development of American art and its cultural context.
Ancient Art
The ancient art collection encompasses artifacts from Egypt, Greece, Rome, and the Near East. Notable pieces include exquisite marble sculptures, intricate pottery, and ancient jewelry. These artifacts offer valuable insights into the civilizations that shaped the foundations of Western culture.
European ArtS
panning the Renaissance to the modern era, the European art collection features works by renowned artists such as Peter Paul Rubens, Francisco Goya, Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, and Claude Monet. The gallery’s holdings illustrate the evolution of European artistic traditions and movements.
African Art
The Yale University Art Gallery is home to one of the most comprehensive collections of African art in the United States. The collection includes masks, sculptures, textiles, and ceremonial objects that highlight the diverse artistic expressions of various African cultures.
Asian Art
The gallery’s Asian art collection features objects from China, Japan, India, and Southeast Asia. Visitors can explore a wide array of artworks, including delicate porcelain, intricate calligraphy, and serene Buddhist sculptures.
Modern and Contemporary Art
The modern and contemporary art collection includes works by influential artists such as Marcel Duchamp, Mark Rothko, Alexander Calder, and Jean-Michel Basquiat. This collection reflects the dynamic and ever-evolving nature of contemporary artistic expression.
Special Collections
In addition to its core collections, the gallery houses impressive holdings of prints, drawings, and photographs. These special collections include works by Albrecht Dürer, Rembrandt, Henri Cartier-Bresson, and Cindy Sherman.
Educational and Community Engagement
As part of Yale University, the art gallery plays a crucial role in education and research. It serves as a vital resource for students, faculty, and scholars, fostering academic exploration and interdisciplinary studies.
The gallery offers a wide range of educational programs, including guided tours, lectures, workshops, and family-friendly activities. These programs are designed to engage diverse audiences and promote a deeper understanding of art and its cultural significance.
One of the gallery’s standout initiatives is its student guide program, where Yale undergraduates lead tours and share their insights on the collection. This program provides students with valuable public speaking experience and allows visitors to benefit from fresh perspectives on the artworks.
Visitor Information
Hours of Operation
The gallery is open to the public from Tuesday to Sunday. It is closed on Mondays and major holidays. Visitors are encouraged to check the gallery’s official website for the most up-to-date information on hours and special exhibitions.
The gallery is fully accessible to visitors with disabilities, with ramps, elevators, and wheelchairs available upon request. Staff members are also on hand to provide assistance as needed.
Nearby Attractions
New Haven is a vibrant city with a rich cultural scene. In addition to the Yale University Art Gallery, visitors can explore other attractions such as the Yale Center for British Art, the Peabody Museum of Natural History, and the historic New Haven Green. The city is also known for its diverse dining options, including the famous New Haven-style pizza.
Why Visit the Yale University Art Gallery?
Whether you are an art aficionado, a history buff, or simply looking for an enriching cultural experience, the Yale University Art Gallery offers something for everyone. Its vast and varied collections provide a unique opportunity to explore the artistic achievements of different cultures and time periods.
The gallery’s commitment to education, accessibility, and community engagement makes it a welcoming space for visitors of all ages and backgrounds. With its combination of world-class art, stunning architecture, and educational programs, the Yale University Art Gallery is truly a cultural gem in the heart of New Haven.
The Yale University Art Gallery stands as a testament to the enduring power of art to inspire, educate, and connect people. Its rich history, unparalleled collections, and dedication to public engagement make it a must-visit destination for anyone seeking to experience the beauty and diversity of artistic expression. Whether you are a first-time visitor or a seasoned museum-goer, the gallery promises an unforgettable journey through the world of art.
Here is another local business to support.
1111 Chapel St, New Haven, CT 06510, United States
Visit this next site.
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ibphubahmedabad · 9 days ago
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trustedlawfirm · 1 month ago
Experienced Managing Partner known for strategic legal counsel and high-stake litigations. Recognized in Forbes Legal Power list and ALB Super 50 Lawyers in India 2022.
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bartholomaus · 2 months ago
Acum 150 de ani dinastia imperiala Qing a fost invinsa de o coalitie de armate mercenare colonizatoare ale mai multor tari din Europa in ceea ce s-au numit Razboaiele Opiumului. In urma acestor infrangeri, China a pierdut suveranitatea unor orase cheie porturi(printre care si Hong Kong) si au fost fortati sa deschida piata lor interioara vesticilor, si in general altor populatii in afara de a lor.
Cultura chineza, de milenii, e clară. Numele China înseamnă “Regatul din mijoc”. Situat între ceruri și pământ. Toate celelalte nații sunt dedesubt, pe pământ. Nu pot exista decât ca vasali supuși.
Vârful regatului, Împăratul și acum partidul comunist si șeful lui, sunt reprezentarea statului și au putere absoluta.
Acum, după o perioada de 150 de ani in care ei o văd ca “marea umiliță”, ordinea lumii trebuie restabilita. Toți ceilalți - absolut toți - trebuie sa se plece și sa fie vasali. Cu orice risc, cu orice sacrificiu.
Restul vieții noastre va sta sub aceasta Amenințare. China e de o mie de ori mai puternica decât a fost URSS la vârful puterii lor. Grele timpuri. ----
Un exemplu...dacă vor să aibă o echipă de fotbal bună, aduc un antrenor bun. Trimit 20 de tineri să caște gura pe lângă antrenor și să invețe...Așa procedează in toate domeniile... Se pompează mulți bani. Cunosc căteva cazuri. Cu timpul nu vor mai avea nevoie de noi...poate noi de ei. Și in altă ordine de idei ce contează cine va fi puternic? Au fost și alții...și acum nu mai sunt. Sumerieni, egipteni, hitiți, babilonieni, greci, romani, persani, mongoli...unde sunt acum? Suntem acum noi...așa cum ei nu mai sunt acum...poate că nici noi nu vom mai fi...și poate nici China...India sau SUA... ---- >> În maxim 12 ani, dacă treaba merge ca și pana acum, gratie investițiilor făcute în educație și cercetare, chinezii vor fi capabili sa își producă tot. Și acum, în multe domenii tehnice au inovații. Firmele chinezești vor avea nevoie de noi ca și piața de desfacere.Cine domina lumea, își impune lumii, propriile valori. Atunci când au existat civilizațiile pe care le-ai amintit exista și actualul popor chinez care și atunci, ca și acum, avea același alfabet și cultura. Acele civilizații au dispărut, civilizația chineza a rămas. Dăinuie. Și va dăinui mai mult ca și cea occidentala care prin politicile neomarxiste adoptate, se sinucide lent. Sper sa se găsească ceva și acum. Datorita politicilor neomarxiste care distrug din interior tarile occidentale, China are șanse foarte mari, ca în câteva decenii sa câștige bătălia cu occidentul. În China oamenii nu sunt promovați conform Corectitudinii Politice, adică dacă este negru, LGBT, ateu, este favorizat în fata unui alb sau asiatic(chinez, japonez, coreean, vietnamez) mult mai competent profesional, ceea ce duce la regres, ci se merge strict pe competenta profesionala, ceea ce duce la evolutie. RR: tot piramida lui Maslow e si la chinezi, tot astea sunt problemele totalitarismului... plus de asta, acum cu fluxul asta de informatii e si mai greu. Singura lor speranta e foamea de bani a celorlalte tari... mereu o sa gaseasca tot felul de oameni de doi lei care-si vor vinde tara pentru niste banuti... cam cum a vrut sa faca PSD cu autostrada din Moldova... pe principiul ala. >> Au tras și cu britanicii care le-au băgat opium pe gat, cu forța, cu japonezii. Plus războiul civil din perioada interbelica.
China este un stat totalitar cu o economie de piață și libertate de circulație pt cetățenii chinezi care circula peste tot în lume. Majoritatea chinezilor care circula în lume, inclusiv la studiu, sunt total loial tarii lor și practica la greu spionaj industrial pt tara lor. Toți cei care studiază în occident unde și lucrează câțiva ani, după terminarea facultății, ca să capete experienta profesionala, în final, revin în China unde câștiga si trăiesc cel puțin la fel de bine ca în occident și unde se pot întoarce, ca turiști, sa se angajeze sau comercianți. În aceasta situație este exclusa o explozie sociala. Un asemenea sistem care combina un regim totalitar cu economia de piață și libertatea de circulatie este viabil pe termen lung. ---- Neomarxismul cu politicile sale (Corectitudinea Politica, agenda LGBT, imigrație masiva extraeuropeana, în special de negri și musulmani) care macină din interior occidentul ajuta din plin China sa se impună în fata occidentului. Din fericire pt ea, China nu procedează ca tarile occidentale. În maxim 10 ani, China va fi în stare sa își producă tot ce are nevoie. China investește masiv în cercetare care duce la inovație. Peste 60-80 de ani, în lume vor conta tarile din sud estul Asiei, adică Japonia, China, Coreea de Sud, Vietnam și Singapore.
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cluj-actual · 3 months ago
Scorțișoara, stimulatorul parfumat al organismului uman
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Raionul de condimente de pe rafturile centrale ale magazinelor este foarte bogat în arome intense și compuși bioactivi eficienți. Condiment faimos, scorțișoara provine de la coaja unui copac care își are originea în teritoriul actual al statului Sri Lanka, fostul Ceylon. Să-i depănăm povestea!
Scorțișoara, folosită în China de mai bine de 4.000 de ani, a fost adusă în Europa de exploratori din estul Asiei, pe Drumul Mătăsii. De aici, acest condiment și-a făcut drum către bucătăriile și tradițiile de vindecare ale culturilor din India, Roma antică, nordul Africii și Orientul Mijlociu. Pe piață, scorțișoara este vândută atât sub formă de praf, cât și de bețișoare făcute din coaja copacului, cunoscute ca rulouri. Acest condiment popular oferă o aromă sofisticată, picantă, dulce și citrică și este călit, infuzat, copt și marinat, precum și presărat peste alimente și băuturi fierte. „Scorțișoara conține peste 20 de compuși bioactivi care îți pot influența metabolismul”, remarca Dr. William W. Li în studiul „Mănâncă și învinge dieta” (Editura Lifestyle, 2024).
Compuși bioactivi-cheie
Să-i identificăm! „Extractul de scorțișoară - a reluat Dr. Li - determină transformarea celulelor adipoase albe în celule adipoase brune și crește cantitatea de proteină necuplată din celulă, cea care declanșează termogeneza din grăsimea brună. Unul dintre compușii bioactivi speciali din scorțișoară se numește cinamaldehidă. Ea activează anumiți receptori determinând astfel creierul să elibereze catecolamine, același hormon al stresului care se activează când consumi ardei iuți. Acest lucru declanșează o reacție în lanț în grăsimea brună, care conduce la termogeneză. Un alt compus din scorțișoară, eugenolul, crește numărul bacteriilor sănătoase din microbiom și protejează împotriva obezității”.
Studii științifice
Pe aceeași linie: „Un studiu asupra scorțișoarei a fost realizat de Centrul de Excelență pentru Diabet, Boli Metabolice și Endocrinologie din India. Cercetătorii au recrutat 129 de bărbați și femei cu vârsta medie de 45 de ani, care erau obezi și sufereau de sindrom metabolic (adică prezentau cel puțin trei dintre următoarele simptome: tensiune arterială ridicată, glicemie ridicată, valori mari ale trigliceridelor, valori scăzute ale colesterolului bun HDL și obezitate abdominală). Jumătate dintre participanți au primit echivalentul unei jumătăți de linguriță (3 g) de scorțișoară pe care trebuiau să o consume zilnic. Scorțișoara a fost administrată sub forma unei capsule asemănătoare unui supliment, astfel încât dozarea a putut fi exactă și ușor de înghițit. Cealaltă jumătate au primit o capsulă placebo care conținea pudră de grâu prăjit cu aromă de scorțișoară, dar fără a conține efectiv scorțișoară”.
Procente uluitoare
Rezultatele? „Cu patru săptămâni înainte de a lua capsulele, toți subiecții au început o dietă sănătoasă. De asemenea, li s-a recomandat să facă zilnic o plimbare în pas rapid timp de 45 de minute. Ei au continuat să urmeze dieta sănătoasă și programul de mișcare cât au consumat scorțișoara sau placebo, timp de 16 săptămâni. S-au realizat măsurători corporale și teste de sânge la începutul și la sfârșitul studiului. Subiecții care au mâncat scorțișoară au pierdut 3,4 kg, adică de zece ori mai mult decât greutatea pierdută de grupul placebo (363 g). Consumatorii de scorțișoară și-au diminuat și circumferința taliei cu 5,5 cm, de șapte ori mai mult decât grupul placebo. Valorile ridicate ale glicemiei preprandiale și ale hemoglobinei s-au ameliorat, scăzând cu 10%. De asemenea, scorțișoara a redus tensiunea arterială sistolică cu 13 puncte, adică de două ori mai mult decât în rândul participanților placebo. Per ansamblu, scorțișoara a diminuat problemele sindromului metabolic cu 35%, de șapte ori mai mult decât în grupul placebo, fără efecte secundare raportate ca urmare a consumului acestui condiment”.
Ponturi, sfaturi, recomandări
La final: „Pe piață poți găsi două tipuri de scorțișoară: cea de Ceylon, care este scorțișoara adevărată, și scorțișoara cassia, care are exact același gust, dar nu provine de la arborele de scorțișoară. Ambele tipuri activează grăsimea brună. Scorțișoara cassia conține însă o cantitate mică de cumarină, un anticoagulant puternic care este prezent doar în cantități minuscule în varietatea Ceylon, așa că aceasta ar putea fi o problemă pentru persoanele care iau anticoagulante din motive medicale. Este bine să verifici eticheta pentru a determina tipul de scorțișoară pe care îl cumperi, dar, dacă te îngrijorează efectele anticoagulante, întreabă medicul. Dacă ai îndoieli, alege scorțișoara Ceylon. Este cea adevărată”.
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pmi-report111 · 10 months ago
Tantalum Oxide Nanopowder Market  Research, Growth Opportunities, Key Players, Outlook and Forecasts Report 2031
The global "Tantalum Oxide Nanopowder Market Market" report indicates a consistent and robust growth trend in recent times, projecting a positive trajectory expected to persist until 2031. A significant trend observed in the Tantalum Oxide Nanopowder Market market is the rising consumer inclination towards environmentally sustainable and eco-friendly products. Furthermore, a notable advancement in this market is the increasing incorporation of technology to elevate both product quality and efficiency. Cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and block chain are actively employed to develop innovative products that outperform traditional options in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. The Tantalum Oxide Nanopowder Market Market Research Report for 2024 highlights emerging trends, growth opportunities, and potential scenarios envisioned up to the year 2031.
By delving into the latest trends, the report keeps businesses abreast of the dynamic market environment, helping them identify emerging opportunities and navigate potential challenges. The meticulous analysis covers various aspects, offering valuable insights into the historical performance of the market and presenting the current (CAGR) status.
Get a Sample Copy of the Report at: https://www.proficientmarketinsights.com/enquiry/request-sample-pdf/1747
Who are the biggest Tantalum Oxide Nanopowder Market manufacturers worldwide?
ALB Materials Inc (U.S.)
SkySpring Nanomaterials (U.S.))
Nanoshel (India)
Intelligent Materials Pvt. Ltd. (India)
MTIKOREA (South Korea)
The Tantalum Oxide Nanopowder Market Market is described briefly as follows:
The global Tantalum Oxide Nanopowder Market size was USD 307.9 million in 2024 and the market is projected to touch USD 444.3 million by 2031, exhibiting a CAGR of 6.30 % during the forecast period.
SWOT Analysis of Tantalum Oxide Nanopowder Market Market:
A SWOT analysis involves evaluating the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a particular market or business. In the case of the keyword market, we'll be looking at the factors that can impact the industry's performance.
Pestle Analysis of Tantalum Oxide Nanopowder Market Market:
To better comprehend the market environment, a five-force analysis is performed, which takes into account the bargaining power of the customer, the supplier, the threat of substitutes, the threat of new entrants, and the threat of competition.
Get a Sample Copy of Tantalum Oxide Nanopowder Market Market Report
What are the Types in Tantalum Oxide Nanopowder Market Market?
Amorphous Tantalum Oxide Nanopowder
Tantalum Pentoxide (Ta2O5) Nanopowder
Tantalum Suboxide (TaOx) Nanopowder
Mixed Tantalum Oxide-Nitride Nanopowder
What are Applications in Tantalum Oxide Nanopowder Market Market?
Electronics and Semiconductors
Optics and Photonics
Specialty Coatings
Energy Storage
Biomedical and Healthcare
Inquire or Share Your Questions If Any before the Purchasing This Report: https://www.proficientmarketinsights.com/enquiry/queries/1747
Geographical Segmentation:
Geographically, this report is segmented into several key regions, with sales, revenue, market share, and Tantalum Oxide Nanopowder Market market growth rate in these regions, from 2017 to 2028, covering
North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia and Turkey etc.)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, and Vietnam)
South America (Brazil etc.)
Middle East and Africa (Egypt and GCC Countries)
Some of the key questions answered in this report:
Who are the worldwide key Players of the Tantalum Oxide Nanopowder Market Industry?
How the opposition goes in what was in store connected with Tantalum Oxide Nanopowder Market?
Which is the most driving country in the Tantalum Oxide Nanopowder Market industry?
What are the Tantalum Oxide Nanopowder Market market valuable open doors and dangers looked by the manufactures in the worldwide Tantalum Oxide Nanopowder Market Industry?
Which application/end-client or item type might look for gradual development possibilities? What is the portion of the overall industry of each kind and application?
What centered approach and imperatives are holding the Tantalum Oxide Nanopowder Market market?
What are the various deals, promoting, and dissemination diverts in the worldwide business?
What are the key market patterns influencing the development of the Tantalum Oxide Nanopowder Market market?
Financial effect on the Tantalum Oxide Nanopowder Market business and improvement pattern of the Tantalum Oxide Nanopowder Market business?
Purchase this Report (Price 3200 USD for A Single-User License) at: https://www.proficientmarketinsights.com/purchase/1747
TOC of Global Tantalum Oxide Nanopowder Market Market Research Report 2023
1 Tantalum Oxide Nanopowder Market Market Overview
2 Market Competition by Manufacturers
3 Tantalum Oxide Nanopowder Market Production by Region
4 Tantalum Oxide Nanopowder Market Consumption by Region
5 Segment by Type
6 Segment by Application
7 Key Companies Profiled
8 Industry Chain and Sales Channels Analysis
9 Tantalum Oxide Nanopowder Market Market Dynamics
10 Research Finding and Conclusion
11 Methodology and Data Source
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collegetoure · 11 months ago
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bvanandi01 · 1 year ago
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itskkpl · 1 year ago
Kashmiri pashmina manufacturers
Pashmina shawls and accessories are extremely popular and have a huge market in India and even globally. If you like to wear Pashmina, check out the best Kashmiri Pashmina Manufacturers  that offer the best pashmina products at the best deals and low costs. Give yourself the gift of class and elegance with these Kashmiri pashminas today.
https://www.l2top.co/forum/members/kkpl01.46982/ https://www.klynt.net/members/kkpl01/
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sawansukhajewellers · 2 years ago
One in a Million necklaces
On your search for the perfect jewellery to add to your collection, you would definitely prefer something that makes people stop and stare—an ornament made exclusively for you. At Sawansukha, you’ll find just that. Sawansukha takes pride in its quality craftsmanship. Our Karigari is unlike any other. With an ancestry in jewellery making of over 250 years, the tradition of hand cutting jewels and crafting the jewellery manually has been passed down through generations. With the advent of modernisation, the craft is soon disappearing. But with our own institute of training in jewellery making, we hold on to the craft and promote it. Our artisans spend countless hours manually curating and crafting the piece for you to present nothing but the best hand-crafted ornaments to compliment your look. The exclusivity lies inthe fact that no other jewellery is like yours, it is but one in a million. And with that comes the confidence in its rarity, for you too are one in a million. Our Signature Collective provides an array of statement pieces—the Taj- e- Gul, Elephant Necklace, and Avtarni Necklace—with intricate designs of diamonds and emeralds set in gold. Indian Institute of Gems & Jewellery popularly known as IIGJ has featured one of these exquisite pieces in their book named "Pride of India". Gorgeous Jadau necklaces are in trend. There is nothing better than sporting such a marvel to bring all eyes on you. A wedding jewellery shopping remains incomplete without a Jadau made Polki or Kundan necklace. Set with diamonds, pearls and emeralds to add to the dazzle, such necklaces make you look ethereal. Our Albeli collection, inspired all the way from the alleys of Bikaner, is the Jadau series with impeccable handcrafted necklaces, bangles and rings. On the other hand, Sohna, the Gold Collective, offers pieces encrusted with precious jewels- rubies, emeralds, diamonds. The gold necklaces from this collection are a heavenly selection and will flatter your look in any festive occasion. The Diamond collection features pieces that stylish you and complement your elegance—whether you are in the mood to get decked up or to elevate your look on the daily. The diamonds are hand cut and that adds to the exclusive value of each necklace. You can choose to go for a more elegant and refined look with the necklaces from this collection as you can never go wrong with diamonds. Come and discover the world of hand-crafted necklaces at Sawansukha, and you’ll be spoiled for choice by the multitude of possibilities.
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satfootdz · 1 year ago
القنوات الناقلة لمباريات اليوم الجمعة 25 أغسطس 2023 والمعلقين
القنوات الناقلة لمباريات اليوم الجمعة 25 أغسطس 2023 والمعلقين 
تعرف على القنوات الناقلة لمباريات اليوم الجمعة 25 أغسطس 2023  والمعلقين في البطولات العالمية و دوري روشن السعودي .
يوم جديد في كرة القدم بعد عودة الدوريات الأوربية و الدوري السعودي 
ونستعرض معكم مباريات اليوم الجمعة 25 أغسطس 2023 حيث نتابع استكمال الجولة الثالثة من دوري روشن السعودي 2023-2024، هذا بالإضافة إلى مباريات هامة في الدوري الإنجليزي والإسباني والفرنسي والألماني.
وفي هذا التقرير نتعرف سويًا على القنوات الناقلة لمباريات اليوم الجمعة 25 أغسطس 2023 والمعلقين 
القنوات الناقلة لمباريات اليوم الجمعة 25 أغسطس 2023 والمعلقين"25-08-2023"
الدوري الألماني الدرجة الأولى الجولة الثانية
لايبزيج ضد شتوتجارت
توقيت المباراة 19:30
 معلق المباراة نوفل باشي
القنوات الناقلة لمباراة لايبزيج ضد شتوتجارت
beIN Sports HD 3   
Sky Sports Football UK
beIN Sports HD 3 English
beIN Sports FR HD 2
Tivibu Spor 1 HD
Match Football 3
SuperSport HD 3 alb
beIN Sports HD 4 TR
Digi Sport 4 HD Romania
Match! TV
Eleven Sports 2 Belgium
V sport 1 HD Norge
DAZN 1 Bar Deutsch HD
Eleven Sports 2 HD portugal
Sport TV 1 Slovenia
TV3 MAX HD denmark
Arena 4 HD Hungary
Diema Sport 3 HD
الدوري الفرنسي الدرجة الأولى الجولة الثالثة
نانت ضد موناكو
توقيت المباراة 20:00
الجولة الثالثة مباراة الذهاب
دوري روشن السعودي الجولة 3
الفيحاء ضد الحزم
توقيت المباراة 16:00
القنوات الناقلة لمباراة الفيحاء ضد الحزم
المعلقين : راشد الدوسري و محمد الخامسي
الشباب ضد الضمك
توقيت المباراة 19:00
القنوات الناقلة لمباراة الشباب ضد الضمك  
معلق المباراة حماد العنزي و سليمان الشريف
الفتح ضد النصر
توقيت المباراة 19:00
القنوات الناقلة لمباراة الفتح ضد النصر
Cosmote Sport 8 HD
Sport 1 Czechia
Sport TV2 Portugal
TV8.5 Turkey
DAZN 1 Bar Deutsch HD
Azam Sports 2 HD
Sony TEN 2 India HD
Canal+ Sport 360 HD
10 Play
QQ Sports Live
Shahid VIP
المعلقين عيسى البحرين و جعفر الصليح
التعاون ضد أبها
توقيت المباراة 19:00
القنوات الناقلة لمباراة التعاون ضد أبها
المعلقين عبد الله الحربي و عبد العزيز السبر
الدوري الانجليزي الممتاز الجولة 3
تشيلسي ضد لوتون تاون
توقيت المباراة 20:00
القنوات الناقلة لمباراة تشيلسي ضد لوتون تاون
beIN Sports 1 HD Premium
Setanta Sports 1 Eurasia HD
Sky Sports Main Event UK
Diema Sport 2 HD
SuperSport Maximo 1
beIN Sports HD 1 English
Digi Sport 3 HD Romania
SuperSport HD 2 alb
Arena Sport 3 HD Croatia
beIN Sports HD 3 TR
Eleven Sports 1 HD portugal
beIN Sports 1 HD Premium
Setanta Sports Ukraine HD
Arena Sport 1 HD Premium Serbia
الدوري الإسباني - الجولة 3
لاس بالماس - ريال سوسييداد
توقيت المباراة 20:30
القنوات الناقلة لمباراة لاس بالماس ضد ريال سوسيداد  
beIN Sports HD 4
معلق المباراة
ريال مدريد ضد سيلتا فيجو
توقيت المباراة 22:30
القنوات الناقلة لمباراة ريال مدريد ضد سيلتا فيجو  
 beIN Sports HD 1
الى هما قد انتهينا من تقديم لكم القنوات الناقلة لمباريات اليوم الجمعة 25 أغسطس 2023 والمعلقين و أرجو أنني وفقت في ذلك ف
رجة ممتعة للجميع  
المصدر https://www.satfootdz.com/2023/08/25-2023.html
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wqp88888 · 2 years ago
Country Codes List
CountryAlpha 2Alpha 3 CodeUN Code
Afghanistan AF AFG 004
ALA Aland Islands AX ALA 248
Albania AL ALB 008
Algeria DZ DZA 012
American Samoa AS ASM 016
Andorra AD AND 020
Angola AO AGO 024
Anguilla AI AIA 660
Antarctica AQ ATA 010
Antigua and Barbuda AG ATG 028
Argentina AR ARG 032
Armenia AM ARM 051
Aruba AW ABW 533
Australia AU AUS 036
Austria AT AUT 040
Azerbaijan AZ AZE 031
Bahamas BS BHS 044
Bahrain BH BHR 048
Bangladesh BD BGD 050
Barbados BB BRB 052
Belarus BY BLR 112
Belgium BE BEL 056
Belize BZ BLZ 084
Benin BJ BEN 204
Bermuda BM BMU 060
Bhutan BT BTN 064
Bolivia BO BOL 068
Bosnia and Herzegovina BA BIH 070
Botswana BW BWA 072
Bouvet Island BV BVT 074
Brazil BR BRA 076
British Virgin Islands VG VGB 092
British Indian Ocean Territory IO IOT 086
Brunei Darussalam BN BRN 096
Bulgaria BG BGR 100
Burkina Faso BF BFA 854
Burundi BI BDI 108
Cambodia KH KHM 116
Cameroon CM CMR 120
Canada CA CAN 124
Cape Verde CV CPV 132
Cayman Islands KY CYM 136
Central African Republic CF CAF 140
Chad TD TCD 148
Chile CL CHL 152
China CN CHN 156
Hong Kong, SAR China HK HKG 344
Macao, SAR China MO MAC 446
Christmas Island CX CXR 162
Cocos (Keeling) Islands CC CCK 166
Colombia CO COL 170
Comoros KM COM 174
Congo (Brazzaville) CG COG 178
Congo, (Kinshasa) CD COD 180
Cook Islands CK COK 184
Costa Rica CR CRI 188
Côte d'Ivoire CI CIV 384
Croatia HR HRV 191
Cuba CU CUB 192
Cyprus CY CYP 196
Czech Republic CZ CZE 203
Denmark DK DNK 208
Djibouti DJ DJI 262
Dominica DM DMA 212
Dominican Republic DO DOM 214
Ecuador EC ECU 218
Egypt EG EGY 818
El Salvador SV SLV 222
Equatorial Guinea GQ GNQ 226
Eritrea ER ERI 232
Estonia EE EST 233
Ethiopia ET ETH 231
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) FK FLK 238
Faroe Islands FO FRO 234
Fiji FJ FJI 242
Finland FI FIN 246
France FR FRA 250
French Guiana GF GUF 254
French Polynesia PF PYF 258
French Southern Territories TF ATF 260
Gabon GA GAB 266
Gambia GM GMB 270
Georgia GE GEO 268
Germany DE DEU 276
Ghana GH GHA 288
Gibraltar GI GIB 292
Greece GR GRC 300
Greenland GL GRL 304
Grenada GD GRD 308
Guadeloupe GP GLP 312
Guam GU GUM 316
Guatemala GT GTM 320
Guernsey GG GGY 831
Guinea GN GIN 324
Guinea-Bissau GW GNB 624
Guyana GY GUY 328
Haiti HT HTI 332
Heard and Mcdonald Islands HM HMD 334
Holy See (Vatican City State) VA VAT 336
Honduras HN HND 340
Hungary HU HUN 348
Iceland IS ISL 352
India IN IND 356
Indonesia ID IDN 360
Iran, Islamic Republic of IR IRN 364
Iraq IQ IRQ 368
Ireland IE IRL 372
Isle of Man IM IMN 833
Israel IL ISR 376
Italy IT ITA 380
Jamaica JM JAM 388
Japan JP JPN 392
Jersey JE JEY 832
Jordan JO JOR 400
Kazakhstan KZ KAZ 398
Kenya KE KEN 404
Kiribati KI KIR 296
Korea (North) KP PRK 408
Korea (South) KR KOR 410
Kuwait KW KWT 414
Kyrgyzstan KG KGZ 417
Lao PDR LA LAO 418
Latvia LV LVA 428
Lebanon LB LBN 422
Lesotho LS LSO 426
Liberia LR LBR 430
Libya LY LBY 434
Liechtenstein LI LIE 438
Lithuania LT LTU 440
Luxembourg LU LUX 442
Macedonia, Republic of MK MKD 807
Madagascar MG MDG 450
Malawi MW MWI 454
Malaysia MY MYS 458
Maldives MV MDV 462
Mali ML MLI 466
Malta MT MLT 470
Marshall Islands MH MHL 584
Martinique MQ MTQ 474
Mauritania MR MRT 478
Mauritius MU MUS 480
Mayotte YT MYT 175
Mexico MX MEX 484
Micronesia, Federated States of FM FSM 583
Moldova MD MDA 498
Monaco MC MCO 492
Mongolia MN MNG 496
Montenegro ME MNE 499
Montserrat MS MSR 500
Morocco MA MAR 504
Mozambique MZ MOZ 508
Myanmar MM MMR 104
Namibia NA NAM 516
Nauru NR NRU 520
Nepal NP NPL 524
Netherlands NL NLD 528
Netherlands Antilles AN ANT 530
New Caledonia NC NCL 540
New Zealand NZ NZL 554
Nicaragua NI NIC 558
Niger NE NER 562
Nigeria NG NGA 566
Niue NU NIU 570
Norfolk Island NF NFK 574
Northern Mariana Islands MP MNP 580
Norway NO NOR 578
Oman OM OMN 512
Pakistan PK PAK 586
Palau PW PLW 585
Palestinian Territory PS PSE 275
Panama PA PAN 591
Papua New Guinea PG PNG 598
Paraguay PY PRY 600
Peru PE PER 604
Philippines PH PHL 608
Pitcairn PN PCN 612
Poland PL POL 616
Portugal PT PRT 620
Puerto Rico PR PRI 630
Qatar QA QAT 634
Réunion RE REU 638
Romania RO ROU 642
Russian Federation RU RUS 643
Rwanda RW RWA 646
Saint-Barthélemy BL BLM 652
Saint Helena SH SHN 654
Saint Kitts and Nevis KN KNA 659
Saint Lucia LC LCA 662
Saint-Martin (French part) MF MAF 663
Saint Pierre and Miquelon PM SPM 666
Saint Vincent and Grenadines VC VCT 670
Samoa WS WSM 882
San Marino SM SMR 674
Sao Tome and Principe ST STP 678
Saudi Arabia SA SAU 682
Senegal SN SEN 686
Serbia RS SRB 688
Seychelles SC SYC 690
Sierra Leone SL SLE 694
Singapore SG SGP 702
Slovakia SK SVK 703
Slovenia SI SVN 705
Solomon Islands SB SLB 090
Somalia SO SOM 706
South Africa ZA ZAF 710
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands GS SGS 239
South Sudan SS SSD 728
Spain ES ESP 724
Sri Lanka LK LKA 144
Sudan SD SDN 736
Suriname SR SUR 740
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands SJ SJM 744
Swaziland SZ SWZ 748
Sweden SE SWE 752
Switzerland CH CHE 756
Syrian Arab Republic (Syria) SY SYR 760
Taiwan, Republic of China TW TWN 158
Tajikistan TJ TJK 762
Tanzania, United Republic of TZ TZA 834
Thailand TH THA 764
Timor-Leste TL TLS 626
Togo TG TGO 768
Tokelau TK TKL 772
Tonga TO TON 776
Trinidad and Tobago TT TTO 780
Tunisia TN TUN 788
Turkey TR TUR 792
Turkmenistan TM TKM 795
Turks and Caicos Islands TC TCA 796
Tuvalu TV TUV 798
Uganda UG UGA 800
Ukraine UA UKR 804
United Arab Emirates AE ARE 784
United Kingdom GB GBR 826
United States of America US USA 840
US Minor Outlying Islands UM UMI 581
Uruguay UY URY 858
Uzbekistan UZ UZB 860
Vanuatu VU VUT 548
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic) VE VEN 862
Viet Nam VN VNM 704
Virgin Islands, US VI VIR 850
Wallis and Futuna Islands WF WLF 876
Western Sahara EH ESH 732
Yemen YE YEM 887
Zambia ZM ZMB 894
Zimbabwe ZW ZWE 716
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strictly-indian-fashion · 8 years ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Albeli by Sue Mue | Couture SS 2017
Models | Palak Gupta & Meenakshi Rathore
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