Okay so I have this idea if we go to the idea that X axl zero are made from the Alien material. It explains why no one was able to replicate X and Zero in the first place. Even with the new gen reploids are not 100% like Axl with his copy ship abilities. It only took like 100+ years to finally get down with X and Zero info in the future with Copy X (By extension the guardians) and Omega.
My god it can actually explain what's up with the Cyber Elves and the mother elf since they technically originate from Zero. So they naturally gravitate towards him, especially the Mother elf of how she calls him in the Zero series.
But still no one really figured out that they were made with that Alien stuff. Even funnier that the hunters themselves have no idea about it too. Like it would make everyone freak out and “Oh so that explains so much”
X having a freak out moment, Zero being indifferent and Axl thinking it’s the coolest shit ever.
Especially that in legends Reborn it serves as an explanation of why the Guardians have animalistic traits to begin with. X’s weird Alien genes mutated the carbon bodies to adapt to any of the guardians personalities and abilities. That can be a reason why Zero is more animalistic than he normally is. Or how Axl retains his copy abilities to an extent.
It’s kinda funny to consider that X and Volnutt are kinda normal compared to them. But I have a funnier idea that their pupils are shaped differently compared to the others having more of a Cross-shaped. The guardians have it but X and Volnutt are more “X” shaped compared to them. It’s a lil bizarre at first but it’s kinda meant to show their nature as holders of infinite potential.
That’s why the Light Family are so cracked up compared to everyone else’s because of their ability to keep adapting and evolving quicker than anyone else.
They got that alien crack on them-
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