#alba pregnancy rumor
majaloveschris · 4 months
Random thought:
So Alba is pregnant……again 🙄 Welcome, 1000th Evans baby! Poor girl, though. 
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sidewayspeace444 · 10 months
I’ve told people plenty of times the last few months who still come to me claiming to be the FS. I say to them “I know his type. He likes high maintenance girls that care about their appearance” //
He himself gets botox, veneers and hair plugs(??). Ofcourse, he cares about women's appearances. I never believed the sweatpants thing either.
Did you notice Alba's lip fillers btw?
I did!! And did you know you can’t get fillers or Botox during pregnancy?
You’re welcome for clearing up that rumor.
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notafunkiller · 2 months
I'm glad that it was confirmed that AW was not in San Diego, so the shippers can't invent stories (well they can only look for it in Seb's jewelry 🙄).
I'm sure she will upload something to ig today...
Have a nice day 🌸🌸
They started with fake sharing jewelry rumors (but they are wrong since he was wearing his Cartier chain, lol) and pregnancy rumors... (and they say I am misgynistic when I tell them to stop talking about a woman's body like that) and they talked about how he'd have been there with her if he hadn't been obligated to go to Comic Con.
*Yeah, sure, he looked so unhappyyy. He did not enjoy his time there at all.*
And of course, they said he did not touch Hannah or Flo bc he loves his future wife.
Look how unhappy he is:
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They always have to find a way to make it about Annabelle. His premieres, awards, interviews etc.
It's pathetic really... especially since they went whiny when people pointed out Alba should have been at Kevin's ceremony and had a chair, but Annabelle didn't at all. (Especially since they use the: she is alwayssss with him argument when people find their body language weird)
Have a wonderful dayyyy✨️
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thelonesomequeen · 4 months
If i can just contribute to the pregnancy talk. We know that in early February she was posted by her friend drinking. So in Feb there was a very good chance that she wasn't pregnant. And a month later we saw her at the VF, so if she was pregnant then she either didn't even know, or she knew and obviously wasn't showing. But she disappeared after 20th march until now. Now if she was pregnant i think she would definitely be showing, but in late march and April, there was a good chance that she wasn't showing. So her disappearance frim march until mid April probably has nothing to do with the pregnancy because she most likely wasn't showing then. We could say the same thing about her disappearance until now (from mid April til end of may). But the only reason why we are speculating is because we haven't seen her. I'm not gonna assume my cousin is pregnant jusr because i haven't seen her in a few months, and the same thing applies here. But let's suppose she is pregnant, if we assume that the disappearance from late march until mid April had probably nothing to do with pregnant (because if we do the math she prob wouldn't be showing cuz women don't usually show until the 3rd month) we cab say the same thing now. Maybe her entire "disappearance" has nothing to do with pregnancy. We definitely won't know until we see but that's just how i thought about it. (sorry if my sentences were a little jumbled, English isn't my first language and i was trying my best to get my thought process in text)
Your English is perfect, I understood everything you were saying!
Here’s what I’m going to say…and this isn’t a direct response to you specifically, but to a few asks we’ve gotten over the last few days. It’a just easier to put it all in one spot sometimes.
We know that Chris and Alba want kids. They’ve both said it. They’re now married. The next thing that will happen in the natural progression of their relationship will most likely be a baby. I can say that over the last few days, yes, we have had people show up and claim Alba is pregnant. However, we haven’t gotten any proof that it’s true yet. But even if we had, this is going to be a situation much like the engagement/wedding. I don’t think people are going to believe any sort of rumor until they see actual proof. And with as reserved as Chris has gotten with fans, I’m not sure proof is something we’ll see directly from them in terms of children. We haven’t said much because we don’t like to post things of this nature without some form of evidence to base our own opinions around because it just causes chaos.
Do I think it’s outlandish to think she could be pregnant? Not really. We know it’s what they want for their future. But I’m also fully aware that this fandom is now full of trolls who are lurking around and love to instigate and stir fans up. So take all of this with a giant grain of salt until some form of evidence arrives. 🦎
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texasjen13 · 7 months
Please enlighten me about this rumor articles that you’re reading and believing ? //
I think these articles are the same type of articles that were released in Jenny's case. There were several articles about her supposed pregnancy. I get that it is standard PR practice to use a pregnancy rumour for publicity. As a fan, I would say it is the lowest of the lows, but his team is made up of the same people who used children with cancer to win people's sympathy. It tells me a lot about his team's "competence" and morals. Thanks God, this fandom is monitored by many people (I think their teams have no idea who these people are), and these people are disgusted by this pr, his team, Alba and Chris. These two have a talent to make people hate and laugh at them bts.
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 10 months
I sent an anon regarding your “friend” and I realized I came off as rude, that wasn’t my intention. Fire star blog I assume is close to you and I just don’t want anymore bs to happen. I don’t believe Alba is pregnant nor ever was and I just don’t want any more bs rumors to start because that’s the next thing team real will try to spin to ignite the flame and I see fire star blog went from thinking she was meant to help Chris to now bashing him.
We’re all mad but this man isn’t going to hide his children, so please cool it. The simple fact he looks stressed as is and everything else, we’re all jumping the gun of things trying to make things make sense.
That girl is too immature to be a mother and they’ve stayed trolling, I’m sure a baby being added in the midst of that would have halted so much and we would have gotten pregnancy rumors with the wedding crap so again the theory doesn’t hold up.
She literally photoshopped her legs and they were already small. Stating this girl is pregnant is giving her exactly what she longs for more attention and what not, people might not care what they post but I do. 🤷🏻‍♀️
No, An🫶n it's all good, and fine.
I'm with you there. And even if I am friends with her, doesn't mean I agree with everything she says. I've got opinions of my own too! So, don't worry.
I ain't gonna believe in Albitch having a baby for the reason, that again, she's the type to leave the child with the Nanny, or even the father, to party. Not work, party. So, again still calling bullshit!
And again, she's focused on her looks. Otherwise we wouldn't have gotten all her HEAVILY photoshopped posts. And if she was pregnant, timeline doesn't add up, and it isn't Chris' if she is or was.
And don't worry, I do care about what comes online from either of them.
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Please, let's not start this shit up, again... Stressing about a possible child being brought into this mess, adds 10 years on me 😆
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baddiedaddy7 · 3 years
𝙽𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚞𝚗𝚎 𝙸𝚗 𝙷𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎𝚜🦄💜
do not plagiarize. all of this is my work.
𝙽𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚞𝚗𝚎 𝙸𝚗 𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝙷𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎
dreamy. big on makeup, enhancing your looks. eyes are usually round/almond. the best feature of their face are their eyes. so many gorgeous girl celebs have this. has a dreamy look, but may also look like a fish tbh lmao. sympathizes w/strangers. usually tender hearted manners, and lovely vibe. shy/reserved. you’re like a sponge. if someone is being bitchy, chances are you will be too. keeps personal life on the down low. can be unrealistic.
celebrities:Kylie Jenner, Marilyn Monroe, Jim Carrey, Denzel Washington
𝙽𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚞𝚗𝚎 𝙸𝚗 𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚍 𝙷𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎
voice is probably chill, or has a soft vibe to it. voice may also be naturally low. remember it’s nice to be generous, but not too generous. don’t just give your money away easily, or to just anybody. make sure the money, or possessions you give away are put to good use. don’t be naive w/your money/possessions. the clothes you buy are probably creative/artsy or discreet/low key. focus on loving yourself. seafood lover or hater lol. might like “weird” foods. indulgent.
celebrities:Jennifer Aniston, Tina Turner, Muhammad Ali, Dwayne Johnson
𝙽𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚞𝚗𝚎 𝙸𝚗 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚍 𝙷𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎
thinks unconventionally. you may lack communication w/siblings. may be great at poetry, writing in general. writing is probably unique, and beautiful. may love the beach or lakes, traveling to places with water lol. siblings may have pisces/neptune influence in their chart. the reserved student. might have a soft spot for math, english, or art classes. visionary.
celebrities:Madonna, Dua Lipa, Keanu Reeves, Ryan Reynolds
𝙽𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚞𝚗𝚎 𝙸𝚗 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚑 𝙷𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎
parents may have been absent, or neglectful. parents may have also been addicted to substances(alcohol, drugs, even food, etc). parents may have sheltered you from certain things, that you had to learn a different way(puberty, sex in general, etc) might’ve been raised by other ppl than their bio parents, but if it’s positive, parents may have taught you to be creative, and sweet. this indicates the childhood house being near water or wanting it to be, or even being aesthetic lol. may have love fantasy growing up, fantasy movies/shows, mystical creatures, etc. childhood memories may be foggy. you’re distinctive/stand out, but you may also be over-sensitive.
celebrities:Emma Watson, Jessica Alba, Johnny Depp, Robert De Niro
𝙽𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚞𝚗𝚎 𝙸𝚗 𝙵𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚑 𝙷𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎
may have “pisces” traits in the dating world(wears rose tinted glasses, loving, naive, selfless, etc). try not to put your partner on a pedestal too high, cause then you might be disappointed. you may get too caught up in the moment, so birth control may be your best friend. i’ve heard of ppl w/this placement that had unexpected pregnancies. your hobbies range from painting, singing, inventing, sleeping, binge-watching, daydreaming, hanging out, astrology, and if on the bad side drugs/alcohol. children may have pisces/neptune influence in chart. very artistic ppl.
celebrities:Angelina Jolie,Cameron Diaz, Drake, Elon Musk
𝙽𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚞𝚗𝚎 𝙸𝚗 𝚂𝚒𝚡𝚝𝚑 𝙷𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎
don’t stress so easily. when stressed, letting your creativity may help how you feel, or just letting it all out(crying, writing in a diary, etc). sleeping probably even helps your stress lmao. may be a vegan/vegetarian since they adore animals sm. neptune rules pisces which is represented by fish, so a fish may be an ideal pet. if not then a cat, as cats are mysterious. may not prioritize their health. may love junk food. likes being an helping hand, so may put themselves out there to help certain organizations, ppl, etc. i feel like these ppl probably shower/bath more than once a day. you’re very considerate.
celebrities:Selena Gomez, Drew Barrymore, Will Smith, John Lennon
𝙽𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚞𝚗𝚎 𝙸𝚗 𝚂𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚑 𝙷𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎
attracts ppl with pisces/neptune in chart, platonic and/or romantic. enemies also tend to have pisces/neptune energy. ppl you attract may be cheaters/liars, so watch out. they may also be really romantic or obsessive/delusional. you may attract damaged souls, that may end up trying to put their damage on you. make sure to set limits in love. but on the bright side, you may attract ppl w/positive pisces traits(dreamy, selfless, good listener, etc). senseless in love. believes in fairytales. you’re gregarious.
celebrities:Lady Gaga, Mariah Carey, Denise Richards, Ashton Kutcher
𝙽𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚞𝚗𝚎 𝙸𝚗 𝙴𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚑 𝙷𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎
prefers to fuck ppl they have a connection with. may like to have sex in water(showers, bath, jacuzzi, etc)or near it(beach,lake, etc). sex can take you away from the real world. emotions are powerful. got some psychic shit going on😂. dreams are usually in depth, and interesting. might hide vulnerable side. death may be bc of drugs, alcohol, etc. also you may drown, die in water in general or die in your sleep. death may also be mysterious(going missing, not knowing the cause of death, etc). may be moody.
celebrities:Whitney Houston, Demi Moore, Michael Jackson, George Clooney
𝙽𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚞𝚗𝚎 𝙸𝚗 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚑 𝙷𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎
flexible mind. may go to college for drama, artsy jobs, etc. probably believes in religious miracles. probably loves traveling to places with water, so an island is your best bet/not a landlocked country. may be fascinated w/other cultures. in laws may have pisces traits(positive:loving, good listeners, considerate negative:manipulative/backstabbing, liars, addicted to substances, etc). try not to accidentally join a cult lmao.
celebrities:Rihanna, Miley Cyrus, Heath Ledger, Jimi Hendrix
𝙽𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚞𝚗𝚎 𝙸𝚗 𝚃𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚑 𝙷𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎
(i’m gonna say “we” cause this is my placement☺️)
if you’re famous, fans will fantasize abt you/crush on you. will have a career where they can express themselves(acting, singing, painting, etc), water related(marines, scuda diver, etc) or one that helps ppl since neptune is selfless(mental health, hospital, paramedic, humanitarian, etc). we can’t decide what we want to do in the future 😂, might even have multiple jobs. we may be known as romantic, sweet/loving, selfless, naive and other pisces traits. we’re usually so creative, and charming that ppl copy off of us(ik that’s said a lot but it’s true), we’re 💫inspiring💫. on the bad side, our reputation can be messed with since ppl make rumors abt us, and neptune rules illusion. good at coming up w/ideas, and inventions. resourceful, but can be off track.
celebrities:Christina Aguilera, Kourtney Kardashian, Matt Damon, Bruno Mars
𝙽𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚞𝚗𝚎 𝙸𝚗 𝙴𝚕𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚑 𝙷𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎
friends may have neptune/pisces influence. friends are usually toxic. also attracts damaged friends. watch out for who you hang out with/don’t put all your trust into certain ppl. friendship is very important to these ppl, and they’re usually the advice giving friend, or just the one that’s laid back tbh. a lot of your “friends” tend to be 🐍. usually shy as a child, but comes out of shell as they get older. ppl that may crush on you may have pisces/neptune influence often. altruistic, but strange.
celebrities:Zooey Deschanel, Christy Turlington, Zayn Malik, Brad Pitt
𝙽𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚞𝚗𝚎 𝙸𝚗 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚏𝚝𝚑 𝙷𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎
sleeps often. follow your gut feelings. usually empaths. stay away from addictive things. not confident. doesn’t express their feelings. focus on loving yourself, it’s okay to take time for yourself. clairvoyant. you’re a dreamer. enemies take advantage of your/pray on your weakness, are manipulative, and you may also feed of off each other’s toxic energy. enemies may have pisces/neptune in chart. you happen to be self-contained/shy.
celebrities:Megan Fox, Winona Ryder, Bradley Cooper, Prince
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savetopnow · 7 years
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11 Celebrities Who’ve Undergone Liposuction
Despite liposuction’s track record of safety and effectiveness, it still stokes controversy. However, the reason is less about the procedure itself or the technology used than it is about unskilled or unqualified practitioners administering treatment or in some cases, combining liposuction with multiple surgical procedures at the same time like a tummy tuck, breast augmentation and face-lift. Also, patients who don’t follow proper post-liposuction guidelines often experience dissatisfaction with their results.
The fact is this: ideal body sculpting results depend as much upon a patient’s eating and exercise habits following the procedure as they do upon the procedure itself.
Liposuction (also known as “liposculpture”) can address fatty areas around the waist, stomach, butt, hips, arms, and legs. Lipo can also be used to remove fat smaller areas of the body, such as under the chin.
The body contouring experts at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology have been performing liposuction procedures for years. They are among the nation’s leaders in pioneering new and advanced body shaping techniques and methods. Contact us today to learn more about this exciting procedure!
Experience and Training Equals Results You Want
Because we also know the controversy surrounding liposuction, rest assured that our doctors and experts are highly trained and experienced. We provide a customized treatment plan based on your body sculpting goals and overall health.
Despite this, we also know that you can’t just take our word for it. We’ve compiled a list of well-known people in the spotlight who’ve undergone liposuction for many of the same reasons you’re considering it:
To improve their body
To restore confidence
To maintain their health
Perhaps by reading these quick accounts of why these celebrities underwent the fat loss procedure, you’ll feel more comfortable about making the decision.
(Of course, keep in mind that some of these celebrities are only “rumored” to have had work done!)
Let’s take a look:
Mariah Carey
After giving birth to twins, Mariah lost her pregnancy fat quickly with the help of liposuction. In fact, she lost it so quickly that snarky commenters claimed she had a tummy tuck, too.
Kim Kardashian
Perhaps the most well known reality TV star, Kim Kardashian is rumored to have undergone liposuction in her early 20s in order to achieve her famously curvaceous figure.  She is also reported to have undergone liposuction and a tummy tuck (among other procedures) following the birth of her second child to help her bounce back to her pre-baby body.
Demi Moore
Another star known for freely admitting having undergone liposuction, Demi Moore has had stomach fat removal as well as liposuction to her hips and knees.
Sometimes, there’s a price to pay for superstardom.
Dwayne Johnson
Wait. What? “The Rock”?
WWE. WWF. The Fast and Furious franchise. Ballers.
No way “The Rock” has had liposuction, right?
Not so fast.
Dwayne was once hampered by gynecomastia, which is an enlarged chest due to an overabundance of fatty deposits. His liposuction specialist was obviously an expert, as his impeccable chest is perhaps the most defined part of his sculpted body.
Star Jones
Remember when Star Jones weighed more than 300 lbs? Neither do we.
That’s because the former The View star includes liposuction as one of the various cosmetic procedures she’s had done to achieve her slimmed-down figure. With lipo, she was able to tighten and finish body sculpting her figure after having 100 lbs knocked off after gastric bypass surgery.
Clay Aiken
Singer and actor Clay had liposculpture done on his chin. Originally, he was to undergo surgery to correct TMJ; however, he decided that in addition to having his jaw issue addressed, he should also have the fat deposits on his chin reduced for a more defined facial contour.
Kyle Richards
If you’re a fan of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, you may know about Richards’ confession that she’s had liposuction done on her midsection to rid the love handles that birthing four children left for her.
NeNe Leakes
Let’s stay with the Real Housewives franchise; Leakes decided to have liposuction done on her waist, and it’s well known that she’s happy she did.
Jessica Alba
One of the stars of the Fantastic Four, Sin City, and Dark Angel, Jessica Alba underwent laser liposuction to help retain her figure after having children.
Beyoncé Knowles
Beyoncé has undergone several body contouring procedures to keep her famous figure, including liposuction. You would be forgiven for thinking that it might be in her future again now that she’s recently given birth to twins.
LaToya Jackson
It should come as no surprise that a Jackson would be on such a list, as the singer, songwriter, and businesswoman has had lipo to keep her youthful figure even into her 60s. Learn more about liposculpture treatments at WebMD.com.
To Learn More about the Benefits of Liposuction, Contact Cosmetic Laser Dermatology
Even those who spend their lives in the spotlight and with packed schedules suffer from body issues and insecurities. A liposuction procedure is effective for achieving anyone’s body sculpting goals. If you’re still on the fence about it, contact the liposuction specialists at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology to schedule an appointment or to learn more about this procedure!
Next, read 4 Reasons to Consider the Body Shaping Benefits of Liposuction
The post 11 Celebrities Who’ve Undergone Liposuction appeared first on Liposuction San Diego.
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majaloveschris · 19 days
I seen some blogs saying there’s going to be a pregnancy reveal on their anniversary? As one of the sane PR blogs thoughts?
I don't like her, but the amount of times that poor girl has been pregnant. 
This happens at least every single month. People say she is pregnant, and then we see her, and she is drinking alcohol, has her vape, or doesn't even have a bump. It's annoying, but I guess some people have nothing better to do with their lives than make up stories and send themselves asks. 
I could be wrong, but I don't think she is pregnant or that they are going to announce anything like that on their anniversary. 
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sidewayspeace444 · 2 years
I don’t want people to think this blog revolves around CE. //
We know it doesn’t, I think the fact that you e been so on point has people intrigued and they are invested and want to see what happens and then when your predictions come true they want more or they start wanting to ask about themselves. Chris is going to live his life and what not, you mentioned Alba venturing here in the past so if that’s a reason not to share anymore, then I get it, yeah I say do what you feel is best, it’s funny how the fandom and various blogs got bs pregnancy rumor asks today and her mom posted some similar crap…..like really Elsa…..take advice from Disney’s “Else” and let it go!!!! 🤣
Why would there be a pregnancy rumor?! Hahaha so crazy! I agree let it go.
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New Celebrity Moms Swarm Hollywood: The Ready to Pop, The Have Popped and The Might-Be's in Tinseltown
Pregnant women and new mom’s seem to be infiltrating Hollywood. Maybe there’s something in the water or just a lot of love going around but pregnancy seems to be the new fad with celebrities.
Being pregnant in Hollywood seems to be yet another way for celebrity moms to show off fashion and get attention and press time. The Hollywood baby boom is the topic of magazine covers and celebrity blogs galore. The public seems to be obsessed with the fact that someone might be secretly showing and keeping mum on baby news. Fans dissect celebrity pregnancy eating habits, they want to know about cravings, fans love the “cute baby bump” showing under flowing skirts and tight shirts, and want to know whether the star is having a boy or girl.
It seems every magazine on the newsstand has another celebrity parent plastered across the cover. Here is a list to update who has recently popped, who’s about to and who’s suspected of being with-child.
New Celebrity Moms
• Jodie Sweetin of Full House fame- first time mother. Daughter Zoie Herpin, with husband Cody Herpin, was born, April 12, 2008.
• Halle Berry- first time mother. Daughter Nahla Ariela Aubry with boyfriend/model Gabriel Aubry, was born March 16, 2008.
• Cate Blanchett- third time mother. Son Ignatius Martin, with husband Andrew Upton, was born April 13, 2008.
• Giada De Laurentiis- first time mother. Daughter Jade Marie De Laurentiis Thompson, with husband Todd Thompson, was born March 29, 2008.
Soon-to-be Celebrity Moms
• Angelina Jolie- Pregnant with her second biological child, 5th child total. Due sometime in Summer 2008.
• Nicole Kidman- Pregnant with her and husband Keith Urban’s first child. Due sometime in late Summer 2008.
• Jessica Alba- Pregnant with her and fiancée Cash Warren’s first child. Due in early Summer 2008.
• Gwen Stefani- Pregnant with her second child with husband Gavin Rossdale. Due sometime in Summer 2008.
• Jamie Lynn Spears- Pregnant with her first child with boyfriend Casey Aldridge. Due sometime in Summer 2008.
• Tori Spelling- Pregnant with her second child with husband Dean McDermott. Due sometime in Summer 2008.
• Lisa Marie Presley- Pregnant with her fifth child, third with current husband Michael Lockwood. Due sometime in early Summer 2008.
• Minnie Driver- Pregnant with her first child. The father has not been announced. Due late Summer 2008.
Rumored Pregnant Celebrities
• Ashlee Simpson- Simpson just got engaged to boyfriend Pete Wentz. Rumors started after “sources” told US Magazine the pop-star was impregnated as well.
• Katie Holmes- Holmes was spotted at Victoria Beckham’s birthday party and looked to be sporting a baby bump. Is it a badly cut dress or a second Scientology baby?
• Fergie- This former Black Eyed Pea was in some magazines with a bump where her rock hard stomach used to be. Although, she’s been photographed since then in a bikini and it looks like maybe she just had a big dinner the night of the “bump” photo.
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thelonesomequeen · 1 month
I just want to make sure, there is absolutely nothing new except for a sighting, right? Like no news, no pictures, nothing. Just a sighting there we still might not be sure about, right?
Cos I don't know why people seem to be freaking out over what's going on so you would assume there some new groundbreaking news, and when you answered an anon about the pregnancy I thought there was a legit rumor that she is pregnant. But I guess there is nothing at all because the sighting, if true, doesn't even involve alba (meaning she is not in the pic). So there is literally nothing going on other than just this one picture that we haven't seen yet, right?
Correct 🦎
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majaloveschris · 2 months
Justin was on his typical troll games. I doubt there was even a real party and his was just being snarky and thought he ate with the picture and caption. I think when I think back, Alba was drinking and smoking recently, and in reality it would be too early for her to find out a gender if she were pregnant. But again, he habits prove she wasn’t.
But I’m curious on what you think Maja. Do you think there was a real gender reveal party? You think that’s where that pic is from?
As you said it, it would be too early. She was drinking and smoking on the Lana concert, which was not even a month ago. And let's hope she wouldn't do that if she'd already been like 3 months pregnant at that point. So no, there is no way he could've attended their gender reveal. 
The problem is that Justin can say whatever they want when he adds things like "gender reveal balloon" for his posts, because after everything that's been going on in the past few days, it comes across as trolling. It would be great if he posted about those topics, but with that "gender reveal" addition, it feels like trolling. 
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majaloveschris · 9 months
Hi, do you have a Massachusetts pic where Abba is “allegedly” pregnant? It’s a blurry picture that people talk about but I can’t manage to find it…
I don't have anything like that, but I doubt it even exists, and even if it does, who knows if it's truly them if the picture is blurry?
Blurry pictures are one of the things that make me so mad ��� It's a blurry picture, and it's not like Chris and Alba are that unique that you can tell them apart from every other white man and woman with a beard and brown hair.
Some people (I don't mean you, anon) are so obsessed with this pregnancy topic. I don't like her, but that girl has been pregnant since November 2021, or is at least pregnant every single month, according to some.
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majaloveschris · 9 months
I don't like her, but that girl has been pregnant since November 2021// well they’re married now so it is different. Chris has stated for years how he wants a family. I don’t get why people think it’s “obsessing” to speculate that she’s pregnant. It’s the next step for them. I know not every couple has children but HE wants them, he’s said so many times.
It's not different. People have talked about and stated she's pregnant since the NYC pap walk. At this point, it is an obsession, and some people weirdly want her to be pregnant. Why exactly? I don't say this because I don't think this is real, but because it's weird to keep talking about whether she is expecting or not.
Some people decided that it's the next step for them, but I can't recall either of them saying that they are trying for a baby or something like that, and what others say doesn't really matter. He's been saying for years now that he wants a kid, but him saying that could be simply because he tries to come across as a "hopeless romantic who wants a wife and a kid but a poor soul can't find the one for it." People lie, but celebrities lie even more. Just because he said he wants kids doesn't mean he actually does. The same goes for her.
And EVEN IF it's real and EVEN IF they got married, it doesn't mean they will have a kid together this year or ever. There are a lot of people who want kids, but the timing isn't right for them. And by the way, you said Chris wants it, and what about her? She is going to be the one carrying a baby for nine months, and so on. What if she doesn't want a kid right now or in the near future?
It's getting really annoying that people think that just because they "got married," she is immediately going to give birth to a child or that everything happens or not happens because she is pregnant, as if it were a sickness. If this is true and they are married, let them be.
But obviously, I don't think this is real.
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