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alaurin101 · 5 years ago
Sounds Like a Plan
Hello everyone.....well, I’m hoping there’s still a few people that follow this blog.  So I wrote this thing that’s been in my head this past week.  I’d decided to get back in the SWTOR game and wanted to refresh my memory on the old content so I created some new characters.....and as always happens, a story started to form almost immediately for both of the new legacies I started.  I finally finished hashing out one of them  and am going to share a part now.  Hope you all enjoy!  Spoiler Alert: the following contains spoilers for Smuggler and Trooper Ord Mantell
A tall figure crept into the small room, the dim floor lights reflecting off the plating on his boots.  Not wanting to shock his friend awake, he pressed the switch on the wall and a soft glow began to slowly light up the room.  The Mirialan grinned at the tan skinned Zabrak sprawled on a bed that was obviously too small for his rather large frame.  He noticed a blaster pistol resting next to the pillow, just inches away from that tattooed face.  Then his gaze settled on the vivid scar running diagonally across his friend’s right eye and the soldier’s smile faltered as he was suddenly hit with a sense of deja vu.  He could almost hear the hiss of a lightsaber being activated as the memories flooded him and for a brief moment, he nearly reconsidered waking the other man but decided to press on, knowing the spacer would appreciate settling an old score.
“Drex…..wake up!”
“Drex…..wake up!” a voice whispered frantically, the command easily waking the bed’s lanky occupant.
“Mik?” the Zabrak frowned, amber eyes narrowing as they focused in on the Mirialan leaning over him.  He tensed at the worried look his friend’s face wore, “What’s goin’ on?”
“Trouble,” Mik answered softly, looking around to make sure the other boys that shared their room were still asleep despite the soft glow now filling the room from the floorlights he’d turned on.  
“Talk to me,” Drex nodded as he sat up.
“I woke up a little bit ago…..had to pee,” Mik began as he sat next to Drex.  “On the way back from the ‘fresher, I heard a couple overseers talkin’ downstairs.”
“And you decided to eavesdrop on the conversation,” Drex grinned, “Proud of you buddy…..usually you keep your nose clean.”
“Wasn’t planning on spying, but I got a bad feelin’ all the sudden.”
“Well, what did you hear?” Drex prodded, knowing that the other boy had a hint of Force sensitivity like most of his species.
“They were talkin’ ‘bout making sure the place would pass inspection,” Mik answered.
“No surprise there,” Drex shrugged, “Imps are due to pay the mines a visit.” 
“Yeah, I know…..but here’s where it gets bad,” Mik continued, trying to keep his voice low despite the bombshell he was about to drop, “Overseers said the Imps were bringing a Sith with ‘em!”
“Kark!” Drex swore, his eyes darting to a bed across the room where a small Torgruta slept on. “I guess the boss decided to report Jak’s little accident.”
“I can’t think of any other reason they’d bring a Sith,” Mik agreed. “We need to get Jak outta here…...Parkaar and Zak too!”
“Zak?!” Drex’s gaze went to the pale green Twi’lek on the bunk above Jak, “He’s only eight!”
“Noticed it last week,” Mik confirmed, “He woke me up in the night…..must’ve been havin’ another nightmare and when I tried to wake him, he pushed at me with the Force.” 
“You never felt it in him before?”
“Nope,” Mik shook his head, “Just Parkaar and Jak…...but it’s pouring off him now.  There’s no way a Sith is gonna miss it.” 
“That’s definitely trouble,” Drex frowned, his mind already working on ideas as he slipped out of bed and got down on the floor, “Any idea how much time we got?”
“Overseers made it sound like they’d be here tomorrow, but I didn’t wanna lurk in the hallway too long so I headed back here before I could find out anything else.”
“Probably for the best,” Drex grunted as he carefully slid under the bed to pull up the loose floorboard, “Last thing you need is to be on their radar….don’t want that Sith looking too closely at you.”
“Nah, I can just sense things here and there,” Mik assured his friend, “I’m not strong enough for that Sith to care about.  Do you have enough credits in your stash?”
“Not for all of us, but should be enough to get those three away from here…...if we can find someone willing to help us.” 
“Who’s gonna to help two teenagers get some kids off planet?” Mik pondered as Drex slid back out.
“Tess might,” Drex suggested, setting the old cigarra box on his bed as he looked over at the other bunks once again to make sure the others were still sleeping.
“The laundry lady from the village?”
“I’m pretty sure she’s sympathetic,” Drex nodded, dumping the contents of the box out.
“You sure you aren’t just thinkin’ that ‘cause you have a crush on her?” Mik teased, knowing that the fourteen year old Zabrak already had a fondness for pretty girls and the busty Human that lived nearby definitely qualified.
“I do love those redheads,” Drex grinned, “And don’t even try to deny that you’ve checked her out before.”
“Okay, you got me,” Mik murmured sheepishly, feeling his cheeks heat up when he remembered the last time he’d been the one sent to drop off the dirty stuff.  Tess must’ve just put stuff in to dry because her tank top was damp and clinging very nicely to her body…..something that had left a lasting impression on the thirteen year old.
“Ha!” Drex snorted as he finished mentally tallying the chits, “Anyways, I’m willing to bet she’d help us if we slipped her some credits.  The boys can have the rest of my stash to get off planet.”
“Think it’ll be enough?”
“Should be,” Drex answered, his jovial features sobering, “It’ll wipe me out though so I’ll have to start all over again…..might be awhile before you and I can bust outta here.”
“That’s okay…...better that we get the boys away before that Sith gets here.”
“Agreed,” Drex nodded, looking pensive as he continued, “One thing in our favor is that today happens to be laundry day…...and preparing for an inspection might help as well.”
“Overseers are going to be too distracted to check the bins very closely,” Mik smiled, thinking along the same lines as his crafty buddy, “and it happens to be my turn to ride along so I can make the deal with Tess while the overseer waits for me to unload the dirty bins from the truck and load up the clean stuff.”  Then that smile faltered, “But the boss is gonna figure it out.  Even if he doesn’t notice Parkaar and Zak missing, he’s definitely going to realize Jak is gone right away…...that’s the whole reason the Sith is coming after all.”
“Laundry isn’t the only thing going out today,” Drex reminded him, “The night shift is supposed to be loading a shipment right now…..heard Parkaar grumbling about it at dinner.”
“They have him loading crates now?!” Mik’s dark brows furrowed, but it didn’t surprise him really.  Despite the fact that the Miraluka was only eleven, he’d recently hit a growth spurt and was nearly as tall as himself and Drex.
“I think they got sick of him having headaches from being in the mines too long,” Drex shrugged, “But that’s actually good…..they’ll assume he escaped with the shipment when they realize he’s missing.  Takes the heat off Tess and if we’re questioned…”
“You know we’ll be questioned…..we share a room with all three of ‘em,” Mik snorted, his blue grey eyes narrowing at his friend, “and you tend to buck authority…..a lot!”
“I come out richer after every beating,” Drex reminded him, his back still a little sore from his last infraction. They didn’t want to risk losing a strong worker though so whenever he got whipped, they’d drag him to the camp doctor to be treated afterwards and he’d be picking pockets every step of the way.   Willing to play the long game in order to get freedom, Drex tested the overseers often.  Thanks to his high threshold for pain and quick hands, he’d amassed quite a bit over the past year.  The other three occupants of the room knew about the secret stash and made sure to look out whenever Drex had to add to the box.  The night shift crew that shared their room was clueless but he’d planned to take Parkaar with them after Mik admitted that the Mirakula was strong in the Force.
“I think both of us are gonna get a beating,” Mik sighed, not looking forward to that.  He rarely got in trouble but thanks to his kind hearted nature, wasn’t a stranger to getting a whipping for stopping an overseer from hurting one of the younger kids.
“Unfortunately, I think you’re probably right about that,” Drex muttered grimly, “But that works in our favor too…...they’ll be more likely to believe us if we snitch after getting roughed up a bit.”
“Good point,” Mik conceded, “We’re gonna need a distraction though.”
“Already planned for that,” Drex assured him, holding up a small smoke grenade he’d stolen a while ago. “I’m on breakfast cleanup this morning…..smoke coming from the kitchens is bound to start a ruckus and bring the overseers runnin’ in.”
“The loading area is near the kitchens,” Mik mused, starting to feel hopeful for the first time, “Should be enough time to hide the boys in the cart…...just need to make sure they’re ready and know what to do.”
“You’ll need to get a controller for the shock collars,” Drex reminded him.
“There’s usually one in the truck,” Mik recalled, “I can grab that while Parkaar helps Jak and Zak into a bin.  I’ll give him the controller when I help him into another bin.  Probably take a couple minutes…..three tops.”
“You’ll definitely have that.”
“Then we’re set,” Mik sighed, stifling a yawn as he stood and glanced at the old chrono on their nightstand.  “Three hours before the morning alarm goes off…….we should try and get some sleep.”
“I’ll set our alarm for a half hour before that,” Drex decided, “That’ll give us enough time to talk to Jak and Zak.  You can fill Parkaar in at breakfast…..hopefully he’ll be able to stay awake after working all night.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Mik murmured, giving into the yawn as he climbed into his bunk.
“Drex,” Mik whispered again, this time gently nudging his friend’s broad shoulder, “Come on….wake up buddy!”
“Mik?” Drex murmured, amber eyes opening to see a familiar soldier hovering above him and he was suddenly thrown back ten years.  The only difference was that the green skinned face now sported tattoos and two vivid perpendicular scars that barely missed his right eye.  Also gone was the shaggy mess of black hair, replaced with a military high and tight, but Drex couldn’t blame his friend for not wanting to let his hair grow too long.  After all, Rylen’s camp for Wayward Boys hadn’t exactly been concerned with haircuts and they were only allotted one shower a week.  One of the first things both of them had done after finally being freed from that hellhole was to take the hottest, longest shower possible, then get a haircut.  He had a long strip of hair that ran through the middle of the crown of horns on his head, but he always kept the light brown locks neatly in place with a simple silver clip on the back of his head.  His brow furrowed for a moment when he glanced at the chrono.
“Yeah,” Mik grinned sheepishly, “Sorry to wake you so early, but you’re gonna thank me.”
“I have my doubts,” Drex grumbled as he sat up, “How’d you get in here anyway?  I know I locked that door before I hit the sac.”
“You did, but I convinced the cantina owner that you had vital information to my mission and it was important that I speak to you ASAP.”  
“Only in Spec Forces for a week and already throwing rank around,” Drex taunted, fighting a yawn as he shook out the pants he’d left hanging on the chair last night.  Silently cursing that dirty thief Skavak for the hundredth time, he reluctantly pulled on the pants he’d worn all day yesterday.  At least he had a clean shirt and he’d put on clean boxers after showering late last night.  Unfortunately, that was the last of the clean clothing he always kept in his backpack. 
“Karking Skavak,” he muttered harshly as he buttoned his shirt.  
“I could try to see if I can snag you some stuff from the barracks,” Mik offered, knowing how much it bothered his buddy to wear anything dirty because he felt the same way after surviving three years in the mining camp.
“I’m going to see if I can get my dirty stuff cleaned today, but I could use another pair of pants if you can swing it,” Drex sighed as he pulled his boots on, “Somehow I don’t think that’s why you woke me at the buttcrack of dawn though.”
“Not quite,” Mik snickered, then he looked his friend in the eye, “Does the name Virk ring a bell?”
“As in Corporal Virk,” Drex tensed, anger flashing in those amber eyes, “the piece of bantha shit that got me kicked out of the Military Academy a month before I was going to graduate?!”
“He’s a Lieutenant now, but yeah….that same crooked son of a Hutt,” Mik confirmed.  “And he’s still up to no good.”
“He tryin’ to frame you for something?”
“Worse,” Mik admitted, “He’s been running a bribery scheme with the men serving under him to get easier postings.  A scared Private came to me about it a couple days ago, said his buddy tried to rat Virk out and ended up getting assigned to Mannet Point.”
“Not a good place right now,” Drex replied, “His buddy make it?”
“According to Farn, his friend was KIA the next day.  Now Farn’s worried he’s next but he refuses to pay Virk off so he decided to report it to me.”
“Virk find out?”
“Yup,” Mik nodded, “I told Commander Tavus and Lieutenant Jorgan about it not long after Farn talked to me.  Jorgan said he’d look into it, but I haven’t heard anything yet.  Virk must’ve found out though and stopped me on my way into the barracks yesterday evening.”
“Does he know we’re friends?”
“I don’t think so,” Mik shook his head, “He didn’t seem to recognize me and I was in a different program from you at the Academy so I doubt he ever knew.  A girl I had classes with absolutely hated him though and used to warn us to give him a wide berth.  The only reason I really know him is because of what he did to you…...but now you have a shot at some payback.”
“Do tell,” Drex smiled coldly as he sat back down on the bed.
“Virk told me not to be surprised if I have an accident today so I’m guessing he’s having me followed and plans to ambush me at some point,” Mik explained.  “I could easily report it to Tavus and Jorgan again but then I thought maybe we could set a little ambush of our own.”
“Oh, I’d be more than happy to show that bastard the business end of my shotgun,” Drex agreed, “Count me and my stealth generator in.”
“Good,” Mik nodded, “but maybe wait to shoot him.  I’m thinking the two of you are long overdue for a heart to heart…..away from the fort when my armor cam begins automatically transmitting to HQ.” 
“It would be nice to have that dishonorable discharge taken off my military record,” Drex mused, “and combined with his kickback scheme, he’s probably looking at a decent stint in military prison.”
“That enough retribution for you?” Mik raised a brow.  
“It’s a start,” Drex chuckled as he dug the stealth generator out of his backpack and clipped it to his belt.  He secured the blaster pistol in the holster on the other side and hooked the shotgun to the backpack.  “Let’s grab some chow down in the cantina, then we can head out.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
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thelaurensisters · 10 years ago
Twi'leks, Tattoos, and Tequila.....Oh My!
Well it certainly has been a while since I updated this page and I humbly apologize for that....but onward I say!
Bella and a newly graduated Mallay take a trip to Nar Shaddaa before Mallay has to leave for the Military academy.  No game spoilers since this is still before the class stories begin.
Previous Stories
Twi'leks, Tattoos, and Tequila.....Oh My!
“It’s time,” nineteen year old Bella told Mallay, “I have to leave for Nar Shaddaa in a couple of days to deliver some wine and liquor to two of the casinos there.” Several of the local vineyards and distilleries had been having Bella make their deliveries off planet for the past year. The deliveries were typically easy and the pay was good, so Bella never turned them down unless it was harvest time when she was needed to help out on the family farm.
“I don’t have anything going on until I have to leave for the academy,” Mallay shrugged, “So it works for me.”
It was a warm summer afternoon and the girls were returning to the house from swimming at the pond that bordered the Lauren farm, the Kalov ranch, and the Mirren Orchard. Mallay turned eighteen a couple of months ago and had just graduated from secondary school. She’d been accepted into the Republic Military Academy and would be heading off to Coruscant as soon as harvest was over.
Bella graduated the year before and had been making deliveries in her freighter ever since. She was enjoying herself and her business savvy combined with her good looks and natural charm made her quite successful in her endeavors so far. She almost saved enough money to do a little redecorating to the inside of her ship, intending to remove all traces of Jackson and make the freighter truly hers at last.
Derek kept his word and taught Bella how to shoot a blaster with each hand. She proved to be a natural with it and could easily use two blasters at once. It wasn’t very often flirtatious beauty had to use her blasters, but when she did, her target deeply regretted getting her to that point. Their retired military neighbor had also taught Mallay to shoot as well, a skill she would certainly need to enter the military herself. He’d also put in a good word with some of his old military contacts about Mallay and that as well as her good grades and athleticism was more than enough to secure her a spot at the acedemy.
“Do you think Mom’s going to be upset?” Mallay wondered out loud, glancing sideways at her sister.
“Eh, I’m sure she won’t be thrilled, but its your choice and you are an adult now.” Bella admitted, “Are you sure you still want it?”
“Absolutely! I love your design and I think it’ll be an adventure,” Mallay beamed, “and let’s face it, it couldn’t possibly make me look any worse!”
“It’s settled then. I’ll contact that tattoo artist I met on Nar Shaddaa and make the arrangements.  From what I’ve read, he’s the best on the planet and even sought after by celebrities. The deliveries won’t take long at all and as soon as the cargo’s picked up, we can head to the Promenade.”
When they got back to their house, they saw that Derek was there with Zaryn already. The three families still took turns every week having dinner at their house on the weekend. The Mirrens, who never had children of their own, had become like grandparents to the Lauren siblings and Zaryn. Kit and Zaryn were best friends, Zaryn being only a year older than Kit. Sidra and Derek had become good friends with each other and with Josef and Helena Mirren. The four adults often got together to watch movies and play cards.
“It’s about time you girls got back,” Sidra told them, “I just heard from Lissa and Ros. They’ll be coming home for their birthday in two weeks and will get to spend the entire week here.”
“That’s fantastic news, Mom,” Mallay smiled. They hadn’t been sure that the twins would get to spend their usual week home from the Jedi Temple during their birthday because it was around the same time as their trials that year.
“Hey Mom, Mallay’s going to come with me to Nar Shaddaa to make a delivery in a couple of days.” Bella told her mother.
“Uh-oh, the two of you loose on Nar Shaddaa,” Derek chuckled, “someone should warn the Hutt Cartel!”
Bella smirked at the large Zabrak, “Trust me, that won’t help! We are talking about Nar Shaddaa here, you can’t go far without running into something totally fun!”
“Just don’t have too much fun, girls, I want you back in one piece by the time Lissa and Ros get here.” Sidra muttered as she ran after two year old Jonah who had recently taken to shucking his clothes and running around naked.
“Aww Mom, don’t be such a buzzkill! Trust me, we will be back in plenty of time and I swear we won’t do anything illegal.” Bella assured her mother.
“Is anything actually illegal on Nar Shaddaa?” Derek asked, earning a grin from Bella and Mallay.
“That isn’t funny!” Sidra retorted, dragging the naked tot back to the house.
“Now that’s a boy who knows the simple pleasures,” Helena’s jovial voice called out, her and Josef having just pulled up in their speeder. Then she looked over at Bella and Mallay’s bikini clad bodies and laughed, “I swear, their bathing suits get skimpier every year! In my day, we kept ourselves covered better than that, at least until we were someplace private, like the house, or a barn…..sometimes a speeder….”
“Helena!” Josef cried out, shaking his head, “You don’t need to be telling them that!”
“Oh, Josef, when did you become such a prude?! I mean just this morning….” Helena started, but was interrupted when Josef covered his feisty wife’s mouth with his hand.
Everyone else was laughing at that point, happy for the couple who was still so obviously in love after all of their years together.
  Two days later, Bella and Mallay were on their way to Nar Shaddaa. Bella contacted the Star Cluster and Club Vertica casinos, letting them know they were on the way with their cases of wine and liquor, then carefully plotted the course in the freighter’s navacomputer, noting that they’d have to jump hyperlanes twice, and finally put the ship on autopilot. They’d arrive on Nar Shaddaa in roughly thirty-six hours. The first lane jump wasn’t for another ten hours, so the girls headed to bed. They’d gotten a late start that evening since the vineyard was a little behind getting the order together and it was dusk by the time they left Dantooine with the cargo.
Bella reluctantly woke to her alarm eight hours later, shaking her head at her sister’s empty bunk.  Bella had stripped the Captains quarters of all Jackson’s things not long after the family had settled on Dantooine, piling all the clothes together in the fire pit and setting it ablaze.  She sold most of the furniture and few decorations, but the bed and wardrobe were still the original ones as well as the wall coverings and sheets.  Since they served as a reminder to losing her virginity to a man who betrayed her so badly, Bella couldn’t bring herself to sleep in the quarters until she was able to paint the walls and buy a new bedroom furniture.  She’d be able to do exactly that with the credits from this delivery, but until then, she’d slept in the crew quarters.
She found her sweaty sister in the rec room in her exercise clothes, eating a huge bowl of Fruity Stars.  She couldn’t understand how someone could rise and shine like her sister did, not to mention exercise.  Not that Bella had anything against that, in fact she regularly did yoga with her sister in order to keep strength, balance, and maintain enough flexibility for those adventurous lovers.  She just didn’t feel the need for strenuous activity first thing in the morning…..unless it involved a bed and a hot bodied man.  
“Did you save me any?” Bella called out as she headed into the galley.
“Mmmm-hmm,” Mallay answered, her mouth full.  She swallowed, then shot her sister a cheeky smirk, “There’s at least half a box left for you.”
“How can you just get up and be so karking chipper?” Bella muttered, pouring herself a bowl of cereal, “I can barely resist smashing the alarm and you’ve already had a workout and breakfast.”
“I made caf too, grumpy,” Mallay grinned, “Should be ready now so bring me a mug, will ya?”
“Just because I don’t act like someone shoved a bottle of sunshine up my butt doesn’t make me grumpy,” Bella shot back, pouring her sister some caf.
“Nope, but the whining does,” Mallay snickered, “Tell you what, I’ll cook us breakfast tomorrow morning and if it makes you happy, I’ll bake some cookies later.”
“I feel better already,” Bella smiled, handing over the caf.  Both girls were good cooks, having learned at an early age when their mother needed help after having the twins, but Mallay was definitely the better of the two, especially with deserts.
  The following afternoon, Bella contacted the casinos when they landed and within an hour, their cargo was being unloaded and Bella had the payment. She locked down the ship as soon as all of the cargo was unloaded and tipped the spaceport security well to ensure no one entered the hangar after she left. They were familiar with Bella and liked the pretty, young spacer who often played sabacc with them and shared the wonderful treats her family always sent with her. Sure enough, she had a large box of cookies for them.
“Where do you manage to get these fantastic cookies?” one of the security officers asked her, eagerly opening the box.
The girls giggled and Mallay admitted, “I made these yesterday.”
“Yeah, Mallay here likes to bake and made enough to feed a small army.  Plus our neighbor usually sends food as well despite the fact that I’m usually on my own,” Bella rolled her eyes.
“We’re definitely happy to take anything you don’t want!” the officer assured her, his partner nodding.
“Thanks guys!” Bella laughed as they left the hanger, “Now we are off to get me some new stuff and Mallay tattooed!”
They took a taxi to the Promenade and since they had an hour before Mallay’s appointment, the girls went shopping for new bedroom furnishings for Bella’s quarters now that she had enough credits to remodel them.  Luckily, Bella knew exactly what she wanted and placed the order with the merchant after confirming they still had her choices available for immediate sale.  Since she figured she’d be spending a lot of time on her ship, she spared no expense in comfort and luxury, choosing her favorite colors and fabrics.  
After she arranged for delivery of the furniture, paint, and bedding, Bella and Mallay walked to the tattoo parlor. They were a few minutes early, but saw no one else in the colorful waiting room.  Bella asked for the owner, Ty, telling the girl at the counter they had an appointment. She nodded as she pushed a button and a moment later, a large, well built, light green Twi’lek came out.
“Pretty Bella!” he called out smiling, “and this lovely young woman must be Mallay! I finished up with the last guy early so come on back ladies, and we can get started.”
The girls followed Ty back to his work area and Bella took out another copy of the design she’d created. She already sent one to Ty when she made the appointment so he’d have time to look it over, but wanted him to have a hard copy as well.
Ty asked Mallay to remove everything from the waist up and to lay on the table. Mallay did as he asked, also putting her thick hair, which now reached the middle of her back, into a ponytail. Ty brought the overhead light down closer to her back, wanting to study the area he’d be working with.
“This should work just fine,” he told them, studying Mallay's back and Bella's design side by side, “I may have to make a few minor changes in the patterns when I get to her scar tissue in order for everything to blend well.”
"I expected that might be the case,” Bella assured him, “and that’s fine. After we met the last time I was here, I did my research and you certainly are the best around so I trust your judgment.”
“Thank you,” Ty beamed, “and you are truly gifted with designs, my dear. I was really excited after you sent me the copy on my datapad.” He admitted, “Now Mallay, this’ll probably take about five hours to complete so if you need to use the ‘fresher, now’s the time. I can stop if needed, but its best if I don’t have to.”
Mallay nodded and got up to use the refresher.  When she got back out, Ty had everything ready to start. “Also, and I warned your sister of this when she first contacted me, its going to get painful when we get to your scar tissue, so you might want to be sedated for that part.”
“Yes, Bella told me and we came prepared.” Mallay replied and he got to work.
Mallay had a high tolerance to pain as the result of what she’d been through, so she was easily able to keep still through the tattoo process. Ty had given her a small mirror she could use with the larger one attached to the overhead light to see her back as it was being tattooed. It was turning out very nice by the time the talented artist got to the scar tissue and he paused for a brief moment while Bella sedated Mallay.
The whole time Ty was focusing on tattooing Mallay, Bella was focusing on the very good looking Twi’lek, regretting that she didn’t have time to hook up with him when they’d met that last time she was on planet. A couple of hours later, he was finished and they both admired his work for a moment.  Then he cleaned Mallay off, applying kolto after the excess ink and blood had been wiped clean, and turned to the very attractive young red-head.
“Well pretty Bella, how much longer is your sister going to be out?” he asked, a teasing smile on his handsome face.
“Oh, about an hour. Do you need me to wake her sooner so you can close up shop?” she asked, already having an idea what the answer would be. Ty, Bella, and Mallay were the only ones left in the shop and Ty was definitely showing the signs of a man who was interested in having a little fun.
“Not at all, you can let her sleep. I was merely wondering how I could best entertain you while she sleeps.”
“Well, what did you come up with?” she purred as she slowly sauntered over to Ty, a suggestive smile on her face as those green eyes boldly appraised the tall male.
“How about I just show you,” he murmured as his lips met hers. They wasted no time, quickly making their way back to his office, shucking clothes as they went and shut the door.
Mallay woke, startled, feeling drugged and groggy. She swore she’d a scream and looked around, confused about where she was for a moment.  She sat up, then everything came back to her when she felt the soreness on her back. Suddenly she heard Bella cry out and Mallay jumped up off the table, grabbing her shirt to cover herself and arming herself with the small blade she always had tucked in her boot. She ran to the closed door and when she heard her sister cry out again, she kicked it open, gasping at the sight in front of her.
“Oh stars, Bella, I thought he was attacking you!” Mallay cried, blushing. Mortified, she quickly shut the door so Bella and Ty could finish enjoying each other’s company in private.  
“I so did not need to see that,” she muttered to herself as she walked back to the table, snatching her bra off the chair before going into the refresher.  She carefully dressed, the soreness making her movements a little shaky, then splashed some cold water on her face to ward off the effects of the sedatives.  After she finished, she went to the waiting room area, not quite sure how she was going to face either of them after what she’d walked in on.
  A little while later, Bella and Ty came out of the office, smiling. Mallay’s cheeks grew hot again when she saw them, but she managed to stammer out an apology.
“Think nothing of it,” Ty chuckled good naturedly, “I can call a friend to keep you company if you’d like.”
Bella, who thought another round with Ty would be fantastic, silently pleaded with Mallay to accept Ty’s offer. However, the sedatives had worn off and Mallay was feeling a little too sore to be ‘entertained’ by one of Ty’s friends.
“Uh, thanks Ty, but I’m not really feeling up to that right now.” She admitted.
Bella sighed, her disappointment obvious, “I guess we’d better settle up for Mallay’s tat and let you close up shop.”
“I understand,” Ty told Mallay and they settled the bill, which was a bit less than he originally quoted.
“No ladies, I didn’t take off for that,” he assured them after seeing the incredulous looks both girls were giving him. “I quoted the price before I’d actually seen your back and I’m hoping you’ll do me a small favor. If its okay with you, I’d like to display the photo I took of your back before and after your tat here in the shop,” he gestured at the wall where several samples of his work were displayed, “I get a few people in here with scars and it would be a tremendous help if I had something to show them. This is also probably one of the best works I have done in a very long time.  I could credit you with the design of course, Bella.”
“I have no problem with that,” Mallay shrugged, turning to her sister who nodded her acceptance.
“Is there any way you could send me a picture after your tat heals?” Ty asked.
“Sure,” Mallay replied, liking the big, friendly Twi’lek and she took the card he handed her with his info.
The girls left the shop so Ty could lock up, Bella promising to look him up the next time she was on planet. They stopped at a liquor shop on their way to the taxi, Bella buying two large bottle of Hutt Tequila. She gave one bottle to the security guys at the hanger, thanking them for watching over her ship. She also told them she was expecting furnature to be delivered in the morning.  They thanked her for the tequila and noted the morning delivery on the log for the next shift.  
The girls boarded the ship and changed into their sleep clothes before settling in the rec room where they queued up an old favorite romantic comedy.  Bella opened the other bottle she’d bought, taking a large swallow before passing it to Mallay.
“How ya feeling, sis?” Bella asked her, laughing as Mallay sputtered after taking a large swallow of the tequila.
“Sore,” Mallay croaked after she stopped coughing, “not too terribly though.”
“It looked painful to me, but I think it turned out gorgeous!” Bella told her, taking another swig of tequila, “I can’t wait to see what it looks like after the redness goes away.”
“I think I’m glad you knocked me out when he got to my scars,” Mallay admitted, “although I wish I hadn’t been so abruptly awakened!”
“Yeah, sorry about that,” Bella grinned sheepishly, “Ty is a very skilled man!”
“Um….yeah, I heard….and noticed. I’m not sure there’s enough alcohol to purge that image from my mind,” Mallay snorted, taking another swallow.
“Oh, come on Mallay, you have to admit, Ty has a fantastic body,” Bella giggled, feeling the effects of the tequila, “and boy, does he know how to use it!”
“I gotta give ya that much, sis,” Mallay smiled, a little hiccup escaping as she noticing a pleasant warmth spreading through her, “Ty does have a nice bod! How come you two didn’t hook up when you met?”
“No time,” Bella sighed dreamily, recalling that first meeting, “I met him at the Club Vertica casino, we literally bumped into each other. Ty was on his way to tattoo a wealthy performer that asked for the tat to be done in his suite at the casino. I was there finishing a delivery. One of the small cases of liquor had been left behind and I didn’t want the casino to think I was cheating them, so I was delivering it myself. I wasn’t paying attention and crashed into Ty at the door. He flirted with me a little and introduced himself, asking me out for a drink after he finished with his client. I had to turn him down, because I had another delivery to make off planet. I took his info card, promising to get in touch with him the next time I was on planet.”
“That sucks, but at least you got to enjoy that fab bod this time!” Mallay giggled, “Stars, he was built so nicely…...very hot.  I’m soooooo sorry about busting in on you, but hey, what would you do if you awoke in a strange place, drugged, and heard me cry out?!”
“Yeah, sorry about scaring you like that, but as I already said….Ty is very skilled and thorough with that fine body of his!  And you should’ve seen what he was packing below the belt….”
“I got a fair idea,” Mallay nodded, looking wistful as she sighed, “It’s alright sis, I envy you actually.”
Bella groaned, “you should have taken Ty up on the offer to call his friend….I would’ve loved another go with him!”
“I’ll bet, judging from the noises coming from his office.”
“Hey, I’m sure you would’ve enjoyed it.” Bella smirked, “Besides, it is about time you do the deed, you know. You don’t want to be a virgin forever!”
“What makes you think I’m still a virgin?”
“Are you telling me you’re not?!”
“No, sister dearest, I’m not!” Mallay told her, laughing when Bella choked on her tequila.
“Oh, you better spill right now! When? Who?  And why am I just hearing about this now?!”
“Actually it was just recently….right before graduation. You were on a delivery, and Brent Wilkes and I decided to go for it.” Mallay admitted, then took a drink, feeling a little lightheaded.
“Wait, isn’t he friends with that jerk I graduated with, Mitch Davies, you know...that stupid jock you took down our first year on planet? I didn’t know you were going out with him.”
“I wasn’t going out with him, still not in fact, but we got to be friends during Track season. He wasn’t that good of friends with Mitch, they just were on the Huttball team together.”
“So….” Bella prompted, taking another drink, her focus starting to waver.
“So, Brent snuck over one night and I met him at the pond. We went skinny dipping and one thing led to another….”
“How was it?”
“Eh, nothing spectacular. Honestly, I don’t see what all of the fuss is about. It hurt like hell but luckily it was over really fast.”
“Wow, sis….uh…..that sucks!” Bella smirked, hiccupping, “Maybe I should’ve let you have Ty. He knows what he’s doing with a woman and you’d certainly know what the fuss was about!”
“Maybe I’ll find someone who ish better at th’acadamy,” Mallay sighed, slurring a little.
Bella hiccuped again and giggled as the room began to spin a little, “I think we’re getting tipshy, letsh goto bed.” She capped the half empty bottle and they staggered to the crew quarters, Mallay falling into her bunk. Bella hollered for C2 and told him to wake her when the furniture arrived, then promptly passed out.
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alaurin101 · 8 years ago
Full Disclosure
So not only did I manage to update my shared thread with Kitar, Unforeseen Complications, but I have a story of sorts to share here.  I’ve been enjoying writing for Kat, Tia, and Val again and this delicious idea came to mind shortly after I posted my last bit for Tia on the SFC thread.  So I give you some rather interesting messages exchanged between Tia and Aric after Doing What Must Be Done.  I’ll play it safe and say spoilers for Trooper Tatooine…..and definitely some innuendo.  These messages will probably make more sense if you’ve read the story I linked, but it’s not that necessary.  Hope you enjoy.
Full Disclosure
Dear A,
I managed to procure a new datapad from an obliging jerk I met on the outskirts of Mos Ila.  Idiot was drunk and looking for a good time.  Unfortunately he picked the wrong girl to harass for it…….at least he has good taste.  He’s alive, but will likely need an ice pack for his nuts whenever he wakes.  Figured I’d swipe his datapad for my trouble so I could let you know I made it home okay.
Dear T,
You do manage to attract trouble wherever you go, but I will agree that idiot had good taste.  Could’ve done without knowing your brand of justice to the poor sap……even if I’d like to kick his ass myself.   Glad to hear you made it home okay though, I was worried about you getting stuck in the desert after Klerren warned me that sandstorms are common on Tatooine.  I’ll definitely be happy to see the last of this sandtrap.  Are you doing okay?
Dear A,
I do have to agree with you about this planet……think I’ll need several showers to get this blasted sand out of my fur!  Again, thank you for the sentiment regarding the aforementioned sap, but he got what was coming.  Are you worried about being on the receiving end of my brand of justice?
Dear T,
After seeing your friend deliver that particular brand of justice on more than one occasion, not to mention the fact you’ve already made an attempt on me, you bet I’m a little worried.  Can you blame me?!  I think I’d rather you break my nose again then take a hit below the belt.  
Dear A,
Your punishment preference is duly noted.  On a more serious note, thanks for today……your logic and honesty was helpful.  This job gets to me sometimes, but I have to keep the boss happy until someone terminates him……even if it means going outside my comfort zone.
Dear T,
I’d rather not be punished at all!  As for earlier, I could tell the stress was getting to you and I was more than happy to assist.  My offer still stands though…..just say the word and you can have your old job.  It’s been a long day for both of us and I was just getting settled in for the night, but I’ll probably be awake for a little while longer.
Getting ready for bed, eh?  Are you wearing that shirt?
Did you wash it?
That makes me happy.
Does it?  So…….you going to tell me who were you wanting at the time?
I’ll tell…..if you admit you were jealous.
I was.  Your turn.
That makes me happy.
Good.  That last day on Ord…..
You have no idea how hard it was for me to resist your offer.
Oh?  And just how hard was it?
Oh, that is tempting indeed
So the temptress is tempted….that’s good to hear.
You like knowing that?
Because it means I’m not the only one.
That last day on Nar Shaddaa?
Just as hard.
This afternoon?
Downright painful after seeing your choice in underclothing…….and that little navel trinket.
I’ll keep that in mind.  What about now?
I think I need a very cold shower.
Me too.  ‘Night Aric……sweet dreams.
Sweet is not the word I’d use to describe what my dreams are going to likely be tonight.
Pleasant dreams?
Definitely.  ‘Night Tia.
Aric re-read the messages, a little shocked at how much he’d admitted to the sultry little vixen.  Then again, she was pretty forthcoming herself, he mused, unable to keep from smiling at that thought.  He knew sleep would be difficult with the state his body was in at the moment, but he didn’t want to risk leaving his quarters for a much needed cold shower in case Dorne was still up. His medic would have to be blind not to notice his rather obvious situation and he certainly didn’t need that.  
With a sigh, he moved the messages into the secure file he’d created on his personal datapad so they’d be with the other written exchange they’d had, then got up from his desk and walked over to the control panel by the door.  Knowing damn well who would be starring in his dreams tonight, he decided to err on the side of caution and locked the door before turning off the lights.  
“Gods help us the next time I’m alone with that teasing little minx,” Aric muttered to himself as he climbed into bed, unsure if he’d be able to keep his hands off of her……or if he’d even want to try.
Author’s Note: Trooper Ord Mantell Spoilers  
For those new to Kat, Tia, and Val’s stories, Tia is a different take on the Trooper story.  At the end of Ord Mantell, she chooses to go along with Tavus and the others so she can help bring the Havoc traitors down from the inside.
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alaurin101 · 8 years ago
Doing What Must Be Done
So my muse paid me a visit and I feel the need to share the resulting story.  I’ll admit this sucker has been in my unfinished fics folder for more than 2 years!!  So have some desert fun with trooper Tia on Tatooine!  The following takes place immediately after A Necessary Risk and contains spoilers for Trooper Tatooine.....as well as some innuendo and risque conversation!
Doing What Must Be Done
The robed figure eyed the two soldiers for a moment, then ducked into a nearby alley as a crowd began to gather.  Several cheers were going up for the Republic Spec Forces squad who’d just saved several lives by diffusing a massive threat, a second wave of tampered droids that was set off to destroy what was left of the complex the first wave hit.  A cunningly cruel tactic that her ‘superior’ had developed…..blow a civilian complex and wait for first responders to show up before setting off a second blast.  Only the explosives were hidden inside common protocol droids, this time at least.  She knew for a fact that the stuff her former squad mate had developed for the Imperials could be put into just about any droid or vehicle.  So many emotions washed over her, anger at Fuse for going along with the Havoc traitors in the first place, disgust at Gorik that he cared so little for innocent lives, fear that she wouldn’t be able to find a way to stop further attacks, but the prominent one was relief.  Relief that she was no longer alone.  Relief that she had some heavy duty backup.  Relief that she could now begin to put her plan into motion.
Banking on Fuse still attempting to make contact with the mayor, Tia decided to leave Anchorhead without making contact herself since her main reason for doing so was to find out when Havoc arrived on planet.  With that already established, she decided not to risk being spotted and snuck out of the city.  Besides, Tia could easily use one of the comlinks she’d pilfered off of a couple pirates who’d made the fatal mistake of thinking she was an easy target to contact Aric Jorgan herself.  That would be a last resort though, since any voice contact could be heard and possibly recorded over his armor cam.  Very few people knew Tia hadn’t really defected with the other Havoc traitors, and for the security of the mission as well as her own safety, it was best kept that way.  It was a big enough risk for her to send him messages via stolen datapads that she destroyed after the fact, but an actual call was pushing it.  However, the first step of her plan required Havoc to make an appearance.   As soon as she got far enough, Tia pulled her rented speeder over and contacted Colonal Gorik with the latest news.
“Sir, I made it to Anchorhead,” she told her ‘superior’ when his image appeared on her comlink, “but bad news on that front, Havoc Squad is here and they stopped the second wave.”
“Blast,” the commander swore, “Why is Republic Spec Forces on Tatooine?”
“Can’t say sir, thought it best I get outta there before I was spotted.”
“Understood Sergeant,” Gorik sighed, his frustration written all over his face.  “I can’t risk them tracing those droids back to the source.  Are you still in the area?”
“I’m just a few kliks outside of Anchorhead, sir.”
“Good, I want you to go to the Geonosian bunker nearby and make sure they’re ready in case of an attack.  I’m sure it’ll be fine, but there’s always a risk with outsourcing labor like this.  Credits have a way of making people talk.”
“That’s true, sir,” Tia agreed, “But Geonosians aren’t ones to make friendly chit chat with other species.”
“You have a fair point,” Gorik conceded, “but it still doesn’t hurt to make sure defenses are fortified in the factory just in case.  In the meantime, I need to figure out what to do about Havoc Squad.  Report back to me after you’ve seen to the factory’s security, Sergeant.”
“Understood, sir,” Tia saluted, “I’ll head there immediately.”
Tia heard her datapad chime and saw that the Commander had sent the coordinates for the Geonosian factory.  She quickly programmed them into the speeder’s navigator then put her datapad back into her pack along with her com.  Thrilled that Gorik was playing right into her plan, a broad grin spread across her features as she started the speeder back up,  Oh I’ll get that bunker ready alright.   A few minutes later, she was racing over the sandy desert back to Dreviad, hoping that droid had kept its promise to watch over her broken speeder.
It didn’t take long before the Geonosian complex was in sight.  Tia parked the speeder near a large cluster of rocks, grabbed the large backpack she’d packed several kilos of detonite bombs in, then walked the rest of the way to the building.  She found the Geonosians inside and quickly filled them in on the recent developments.  Kyvax, the one in charge, asked if they needed to halt production.  Tia insisted the chances of Spec Forces finding them were remote and assured Kyvax she was there to keep the factory secure at all costs.  The tall insectoid looked doubtful, but granted her request when she asked for access to the upper level in order to make preparations just in case Havoc did show up.  Tia instructed them all to keep working as normal while she handled the potential threat.  The Geonosians complied, figuring the Cathar soldier would be at risk more than they were, and went back to work building the bombs, allowing Tia to work without interruption.
She casually walked around the main part of the factory, pausing from time to time to slip a hand into her pack and place a bomb along the way in key, hidden areas while she pretended to study the room.  The small devices blended in with the equipment easily and wouldn’t be spotted unless there was an inspection, which wasn’t likely to happen before she blew the place.  Then she slipped into the back room, which served as the storage area and planted several of the devices inside some of the crates, then took the rest upstairs to plant the rest of her stash, wanting to make sure all the computer terminals in the offices were obliterated.  No way was she going to risk Fuse’s designs falling into any more hands.  For a brief moment, Tia felt a flicker of remorse for the Geonosians, but the she reminded herself that they were fully aware of what they were making and how it was being used.  They didn’t care about the innocent lives that were lost, a few were even amused by that latest attack on Anchorhead and even suggested they look at expanding their territory if the Imperials decided to test the droids on the nearby Republic outpost.  
“They’re just as bad as Needles and his sick experiments,” Tia muttered, biting her lip as she focused on her task.  But who made you judge, jury, and executioner?  She paused for a brief second when that guilty thought popped into her head and wondered once again if she was becoming a monster.  Suddenly Tia wished she had someone to talk to, someone to tell her what to do, but just as with Taris, she was on her own.  Swallowing hard to clear the lump forming in her throat, the young soldier set aside her emotions so she could do what had to be done.  
Tia gave a sigh of relief as she placed the last one, then sat at one of the terminals and pulled a small remote out of her pack.  She turned the device on, smiling when she saw all twelve lights come on…..her little toys were armed and ready to make some noise at the press of a button, which she would do as soon as Havoc was present.   All that was left was to contact Aric so he could make that happen……because if the factory were to blow up all the sudden for no apparent reason, her superiors would wonder why.  However, if Havoc were around, the Imperials would assume the squad took the factory out.  She’d simply tell Aric to contact her when Havoc reached the outskirts of the Geonosian complex, then wait downstairs and pretend to be keeping an eye out for hostiles.  As soon as Tia got his call, she’d slip out of the factory and blow the place sky high as soon as she was at a safe distance.  Thrilled her plan was going to go off without a hitch, Tia dug out one of the stolen comlinks and put in the number Kat had given her while they were on Nar Shaddaa.  She was about to hit the call button when she happened to glance out the office window and much to her surprise, she spotted Havoc approaching.
“Kark me, she hissed as she stuffed the comlink back into the near empty pack and readied the remote, “they got here quicker than I expected……Fuse must’ve contacted them and spilled the beans!”
Not wanting Havoc to get inside the blast radius, Tia jammed her helmet on, activated her shield, and bolted down the stairs.  Dammit, this isn’t going to be fun, she cringed inwardly, ignoring the chittering of the Geonosian workers she pushed past as she made her way through the factory.  Please Gods, let me survive this, she prayed as she sprinted through the doorway, hitting the switch on the remote as she did.
“According to Fuse, that’s the factory,” the tawny Cathar pointed at the bunker nearest to the towering cliffs.
“I don’t see any guards at the doors, but there are several small patrols.  What’s our approach, sir?” The blonde human asked, lowering her microbinoculars.
“If Fuse is right, then they don’t have any actual Imperial backup,” Aric replied, “Just their own people and while they can be tough and good with tech, they aren’t nearly as organized in a fight.  Forex could easily distract the patrols long enough for you and I to enter the complex and raze the place.”
“I am eager to do my part in eradicating this threat to innocent civilians everywhere and to crush those Imperial loving insects, sir!”
“Easy Forex,” Aric shook his head, “We’re not here to stamp out a species, just to take out that facto-“
“Imperial soldier!” Elara called out, spotting a lone figure clad in Imperial armor running out the front door, “Fuse was mis-“
Elara’s statement was interrupted by a ground shaking explosion that was enough to knock them both over.  They both covered their heads as the factory they’d been headed towards was a towering inferno.   Unsure of what caused the factory to blow or if there was more to come, a shaken Aric got to his feet and staggered towards Elara.  He cringed at the carnage all around, certain that none of the patrols had survived.
“What the hell?” Aric swore as he helped his medic up, the blast still ringing in his ears.
“Look, sir,” she pointed, shock making her face even paler.
Aric gaze travelled to where Elara was pointing and spotted a figure staggering out of the fireball that used to be the Geonosian factory a moment ago.  Elara was certain it was the same Imperial soldier she’d spotted bolting out the building seconds before the blast and said as much.  They saw soldier pulled off her helmet when she cleared the flames, tossing the smoking thing aside then frantically tried to peel off her melting armor.  Both Aric and Elara immediately recognized the silvery Cathar and rushed over to help.
“Are you frakking crazy?!” Aric barked as he began ripping off Tia’s melted plating, wincing at how hot the metal felt through his gloves.  “Forex, keep an eye out…….for anyone.”
“As always, it’s such a pleasure to see you, Captain,” Tia retorted, tears forming both from the sting of the smoke and the pain she could feel from the overheated under armor she was trying to unzip, “Good to see you are still your pleasant self……I was worried you’d might’ve figured out how not to be an jerk after our little chat on Nar Shaddaa.  Gods be damned, this karking zipper’s melted!”
“You’ll have to excuse me for not being prepared to see you racing out of an exploding building!”  Aric’s hands were shaking as he dug out a knife and began cutting at the very hot, thick material, “I swear both you and your littermate need to read up on how to properly handle explosives.”
“Stars, stop griping at me and get this kriffin’ thing off!” Tia yowled, feeling the mesh weave starting to singe through her fur in a couple of places.
“Serves you right,” Aric snapped as he continued working at getting the silvery minx free from her underarmor, “and it wouldn’t kill you to use the words ‘please’ and ‘sir’ you know.  You might be behind enemy lines, but I’m still your superior.”
As soon as he’d cut enough of the material, Aric jerked it the rest of the way open and discovered yet another thing that would likely be invading his dreams.  His hands shook as he finished helping her out of the hot mesh, itching to tear those purple satin and lace scraps off of her as well.  Tia groaned in relief as she shimmied the rest of the way out of it, kicking the ruined mesh aside as she dashed the tears from her eyes.  When she turned to face him, a glint caught his eye and he spotted a small, violet gem dangling from a small silver hoop that pierced her navel and he felt his body tighten further.   Needing to get control of himself, Aric took a step back before he did something really stupid.
Tia saw his heated gaze and gave a sultry laugh, “I take it you like the view…….sir.”
“You scared us, Sergeant,” Elara intervened before things got ugly and before Tia could taunt Aric any further, she guided the younger Cathar over to where she and Aric had parked their speeders.  She unhooked her medikit from her speeder and began tending to the numerous cuts and burns Tia sustained, pausing when she caught mischief twinkling on those lavender eyes which were currently following their brooding CO who was pacing nearby.  She lowered her voice as she continued to apply kolto to one of the more raw spots, “I seem to recall you making a promise to Val back on Nar Shaddaa that you were going to try to be nicer to Captain Jorgan.”
“No, I merely promised that I wouldn’t do any more physical damage,” she smirked, knowing his sharp hearing was catching every word of their conversation, then winked at a scowling Aric who’d stopped pacing at her comment and was currently glaring at her with those arms crossed, “I never said I’d stop teasing him…….and he was the one who started it this time.”
“Well, it isn’t nice to come on to a guy like that when you don’t really mean it,” Elara chided, “While I can understand somewhat why you are angry, I think you’ve had more than enough payback for Ord Mantell.”
“I can’t help it if I’m the flirty type,” Tia shrugged, willing to bet the other woman didn’t know everything, “and who says I don’t mean it……”
“Do you?” Elara asked pointedly, a blonde brow arching as she looked up at Tia.
“That’s for me to know and Captain Crankypants to wonder…..” Tia taunted as the subject of their conversation had enough and strode towards them.
“So, is there any particular reason you felt the need to blow a building before you were a safe distance from it?” Aric asked in that highly grating, acerbic tone of his and Tia itched to slap that smug look off his face.
“I wasn’t counting on you guys getting here so fast,” she admitted grudgingly as she checked her bracelet over, glad to see it was undamaged.  She let out a sigh, feeling a little guilty for lashing out, “I’d actually planned to be a bit further away when I set it off.”
“You knew we were on planet?” Elara’s green eyes narrowed at her.
“I found out when I arrived in Anchorhead a couple hours ago,” Tia nodded, “I was there when the second wave of droids went off and saw you guys had diverted them.”
“Where were you?” Aric asked, certain he’d have spotted her in any crowd.
“I was standing near the ruins of that apartment complex, but I ducked into the alley before you got too close.”  Tia’s lavender eyes met Aric’s as she continued, “I was in disguise but didn’t want to chance being detected.”
“Probably for the best,” Aric nodded, understanding what she was leaving unsaid.  Elara had been unconscious the last time they’d met face to face, and he certainly hadn’t felt the need to share the details of that explosive exchange for several reasons.  Including the fact he’d come dangerously close to crossing boundaries that he had no right to, but Gods help him, he was finding it a lot harder to resist.  Even though nothing happened, other than her emotional tirade and him consoling her, he’d know her scent anywhere.  “So why were you in Anchorhead in the first place?”
“Officially, I was there to oversee the field test for Colonel Gorik,” Tia replied, gritting her teeth as Elara began to clean out a raw spot on her shoulder.
“And unofficially?” Aric prodded.
“I was going to pay a visit to Mayor Klerren.  I figured he would at least know if Republic Spec Forces was in his city.  I came across a couple comlinks that were no longer needed by their owners…..”
“Do I even want to know?”
“Probably not,” Tia grinned.  “I was going to give one to the mayor and keep the other for the sole purpose of one call to let me know when Havoc Squad arrived on Tattooine.  After I saw you for myself, I didn’t need to visit the mayor after all so I snuck out while the crowd was cheering your heroics.”
“Miss me that much, did you?” Aric taunted, a wicked gleam in his bright green eyes as they met hers again.  He chuckled when she scowled, glad to be giving her a taste of her own medicine for once.
“About as much as the flu,” she shot back, hating the fact that she did in fact miss him a little.  “I needed you guys for my plan.  As soon as I arrived on this dustbowl, I’ve been trying to figure out how I was going to deal with Gorik, Fuse, and those damned bomb designs.  I haven’t quite worked everything out, but I knew that factory had to go and sooner rather than later.  So before I  set out this morning, I packed a few little bombs to take with me.”
“A few?!  That factory is a crater!”
“Okay, more like a dozen,” she looked sheepish, “Detonite.”
“Kark, you really are crazy!”
“It’s not like I had a lot of choices and I’m not exactly an explosives expert,” Tia defended herself.  “So after I left Anchorhead, I contacted Gorik and let him know you’d arrived….”
“What?!” Aric bellowed, running his hands over his head as he stared at the younger Cathar.
“Why would you do that?!” Elara frowned.
“Oh please,” Tia rolled her eyes at them both, “No need to get your panties in a bunch.  It was only a matter of time before word spread that the infamous Havoc Squad saved Anchorhead.  Besides, I knew if Gorik felt the teensiest threat to his precious factory, he’d send someone to help defend it.  I was his best choice since I was conveniently close by.  So he sent me the coordinates and I headed over here.  The Geonosians were expecting me and I was able to arrange my little surprise while they thought I was beefing up security and preping an ambush……just in case.  But…..”
Aric sighed, “But you needed Havoc here so Gorik would assume we destroyed the factory.”
“Indeed,” Tia confirmed, “You know you’re actually smarter than I took you for.  Okay, okay, I’ll stop teasing…….so Kat gave me your contact info and I was just about to call you,  however, I saw you guys approaching and blew it before you got too close.  Luckily I had a pretty good shield generator on me but I think I’m gonna need a new one…..and some clothes.”
“What’d you expect after blowing a building while you were still in it?!  You could’ve been killed!” Aric growled, feeling certain areas of his body tense again at the reminder of just how little she had on, not to mention that navel ring.  It would be unprofessional to mate with your subordinate…….or choke the life out of her…….especially out in the open.....or in front of witnesses.
“Awwww, Captain, I’m so touched by your concern,” Tia purred, sauntering over to him as Elara started digging into the pack on Aric’s speeder, “but hey, at least my bra and panties are still intact……or were you hoping I’d need to take them off too?”
“Here, Sergeant,” Elara called out, biting back a smile, and tossed a large t-shirt to her before pulling her datapad out of her backpack.
“Oh, this is way too big to be yours, Sergeant Dorne,” Tia smiled as she pulled it on, “So it must belong to our grumpy Captain……it’s been awhile since I’ve had to cover my body with a man’s shirt…..and never in the desert.” She fixed Aric with a suggestive look, “Just think, sir, you’ve given me a whole new experience……too bad we’re not alone, I’m sure you could’ve given me a much better reason to be wearing your shirt.”
Tia gave a sultry laugh at the low growl that came from his throat, but Elara piped up before her CO blew a gasket, “Loose clothing is best right now, at least until that kolto has time to dry a little.  So while we’re waiting for that, maybe you could brief us on what else you know or have planned.”
“As much fun as teasing old cranky pants here is, you make a good point and I do have news,” Tia sighed, closing her eyes for a moment as she rubbed her temples in an effort to ease the growing tension the day’s events were building in her.   Taking a deep breath, Tia went on to explain about Gorik’s plans for Fuse’s designs, Fuse growing a conscious and refusing to work on them after finding out the Imperial officer was testing them on civilians, then Gorik throwing Fuse in the brig as a result.  She explained that Tavus found out and sent her in to deal with the situation.  She admitted to being aware that Fuse was trying to contact the mayor and planned to let that continue since it was the best way to give them information and bide her time so she could ensure those bomb designs never leave the planet without blowing her cover.  Then she looked them both square in the eye and told them she was certain Fuse wanted out.
“If he wants a shot at atoning, then I suppose it won’t hurt to let him continue as is,” Aric spoke up after pondering that for a moment, “but are you sure he can be trusted?”
“Honestly, I don’t think he really wanted to defect in the first place,” Tia told them, “In those few days that we were all together on the Justice, he always seemed a little subdued, even a little hesitant.  At first, I just attributed it to his personality……he’s not exactly the talkative type, but after arriving on Tatooine, I think he just went along with the others and now that he’s seen what the Imperials are capable of……”
“He wants no part of it,” Elara finished, “I know that feeling.”
“Exactly,” Tia nodded, “I’ll keep an eye on him and I certainly don’t plan to let him know my real role in all this, but I do think this is the best way for us to take down operations here and get Fuse into Republic custody.”
“Then that’s what we’ll do,” Aric decided, “When we get back to Anchorhead, I’ll let Mayor Klerren know Fuse’s intel was sound and that we took care of the factory.  Fuse seemed to be comfortable talking with the mayor so that’s probably our best way to keep in contact.”
“And I’ll work on an extraction plan and getting those designs out of Imperial hands,” Tia suggested, “Speaking of getting back, I should do so as well before they start to wonder where I am.”
“What are you going to do about clothing?” Elara frowned, “Because you really can’t wear that back to your base.”
“I snatched some stuff on my way to Anchorhead so I could pass for a local or Force user,” Tia answered, “It’s with my speeder a little ways away from here……no shirt though, just pants, boots, and a robe.”
“Do I even want to know where you got that stuff from?”
“Again……probably not,” Tia grinned at the pained expression on Aric’s face.  “But Elara’s right, your shirt has the Republic Military logo on it so I shouldn’t even wear it under the robe......I don’t trust Gorik and the feeling is mutual.  He’s probably going through my stuff whenever I’m not around to see if he can get any dirt on Tavus and this shirt would raise questions I don’t want to answer if it’s found.”
“Do you have anything else?”
“I was just wearing my tank top that I had on under my cortosis, but that’s toast.”
“I have a spare in my pack but it has the same logo as Captain Jorgan’s shirt.  However, the Republic outpost is nearby and I saw a couple clothing stands there,” Elara mused, “If you don’t mind waiting with Sergeant Vleska, sir, I can go get her something more appropriate to wear.  Sergeant, you look like you’re similar size as I am so it shouldn’t take me more than ten minutes…..fifteen at the most.”
“Thanks,” Tia smiled.
“Don’t mention it,” Elara waved as she climbed on her speeder, “Just be nice to our CO.”
“Fine,” Tia groaned, winking at the medic, “I’ll try my very best.”
Elara took off a moment later and Aric checked in with Forex, ordering the droid to keep scanning the perimeter and to let him know if anyone approached.  Then he sat on a small boulder next to the remaining speeder, glancing over at the temptress wearing his shirt as he recalled the last time they were alone together and that brief exchange of messages they had shortly after, cryptic to anyone else, but full of teasing innuendo on both their parts.  He’d honestly never felt so confused or uncertain in all his years, but knew there was little he could or should do about it at this point.  He lowered his gaze, frowning when he saw a patch of angry red skin through the silvery fur just above her knee.
“You okay?” Aric broke the tense silence.
“I’ve had worse,” Tia sighed.
“You look tired,” Aric pointed out, having noticed the dark circles under her eyes.
“Been a long couple of days to be honest,” she murmured, the adrenaline that had been pumping through her ever since she’d spotted Havoc approaching the complex was waning and she was starting to feel exhausted.  She stared for a moment at the flames still consuming the factory, “I could’ve warned them as I ran for the door…….some might’ve made it out alive,” she brushed at her cheek when an errant tear ran down, “But I didn’t.  They’re all dead because I pressed a button without giving them a chance.”  She turned to look him right in the eye, “What kind of person does that make me, Aric?”
“What do you think would’ve happened if you hadn’t blown the factory?” Aric asked softly, even more worried about the mental toll this was taking on her.  Knowing he needed to at least try to ease the guilt he easily saw written all over that lovely face, he went on, “If we hadn’t shown up, they would’ve continued making more bombs.  More innocent civilians would’ve been injured or killed.”
“Who am I to decide what lives have value?”
“All life has value,” he sighed, “But those Geonosians were no innocent civilians.  Would you be this upset if you were part of a strike team that slagged an Imperial Military base?”
“Those weren’t soldiers caught in the blast though,” she pointed out.
“No, but they were willingly working with Imperial soldiers to attack civilians,” Aric countered, knowing he had to keep her focus on the logical part.  “What if you had warned them?  Do you really think they would’ve simply surrendered to us and gone quietly into custody?”
“No,” Tia admitted, “They would’ve fought back.”
“And would be just as dead as they are now,” Aric finished.  “We were going to assault the factory before you blew it…..again, do you think the Geonosians would’ve surrendered without a fight?”
“No,” Tia murmured, still feeling bad about what she’d ultimately done, but realizing that the outcome would’ve been about the same if she hadn’t.  “I just…..I don’t want to become some cold hearted monster that doesn’t give a squat about people’s lives.”
“Would you be this upset if you were in danger of that?”
“No, I suppose not,” she smiled weakly.  “You’re not just making this all up so I’ll feel better, are you?”
“Given our brief history together, has there ever been anything about me that would make you think I’m the coddling type?!”
“Definitely not,” Tia snorted, her smile broadening.  “But I do appreciate your honesty and insight…..maybe I’ll be able to sleep tonight after all.”
“Come back to Anchorhead with us,” he offered, desperately hoping she’d take him up on it for her own sake, “You know where Gorik’s base is so we can just assault it head on…….”
“With what?” Tia shook her head, “Just you, Elara, and Forex?  If I go with you, my cover is blown and Tavus will compensate for that.  We’d be hard pressed to find him, Wraith, or Gearbox after that and I have no idea what they’re doing.”
“Fuse might be able to help and we can put word out that he died in the attack.”
“It’s not that simple,” Tia countered, “First off, I doubt Fuse knows much more than I do.  We weren’t exactly holding group meetings after Tavus sent us all off.  They all had their separate missions, but no one knew the details of the others’.  I was sent off with Needles and neither of us had any idea what Fuse, Gearbox, or Wraith were up to.  Secondly, it’s going to take a lot more than a three man squad to assault Gorik’s bunker…..even with Forex’s firepower.  Thirdly, there’s too much risk of the bomb designs getting away or Fuse not making it out of there alive.”
“I won’t be too upset if he doesn’t,” Aric growled as he stood and began to pace, “He’s the one who chose to turn traitor and serve the Imperials.  You saw the damage in Anchorhead…….that apartment complex was a direct result of his work for Gorik!  The Geonosians may have built the droids, but he’s the one who designed them!”
“Believe me, I’m definitely pissed about that and he has a lot to answer for if he does make it back into Republic custody,” Tia insisted, “but the target wasn’t his choice and he stopped working on the designs as soon as he discovered the truth about what Gorik was doing with them.”
“What did he think they’d be used for?!”
“That’s the thing, he probably wasn’t at first,” Tia agreed, then went on, “Fuse trusts Tavus, they all do…...and Tavus assigned him to assist Colonel Gorik.  But I truly feel with everything in my being that Fuse deeply regrets what he’s done and wants to atone.  If Gorik finds out Fuse is contacting Mayor Klerren, he’ll face a firing squad as fast as one can be assembled.  He at least deserves the chance for the risk he’s taking.”
“How much of this is because you slept with him?” Aric accused, regretting the words the moment they left his mouth.
A sly smile curved her lips as those lavender eyes met his head on, “You’re jealous.  That’s why you’re getting so angry.”
“I am not jealous,” he lied, crossing his arms as he glared at her, “Just concerned that you’re letting your feelings cloud your judgment.”
“You are a horrible liar, Aric Jorgan,” Tia shot back as she stood, getting annoyed by his accusations.  “But rest assured, I am far from compromised.  I was three days into my mating cycle and Fuse was nothing more than a way to scratch the proverbial itch.  It really wasn’t that great to be honest…..I mean he satisfied my needs so I can’t complain, but he wasn’t who I was wanting at the time……so anyways, the point is moot.  We had sex, that’s it.  There was no emotion involved to cloud my better judgment.”
“Oh really?” Aric raised a brow, his mouth twitching in a smirk as he saw the silvery minx start to fidget with her bracelet.  “So Tiannya Vleska, who were you wanting at the time?”
“Why do you want to know?” she tossed back, a wicked gleam in her eye as her voice lowered to a purr.  “Are you wishing it was you?  I gave you a chance back on Ord if you recall that last day……”
Aric had no trouble recollecting neither that particular moment nor how difficult it had been to resist her, but the sound of an approaching speeder spared him from having to utter a response that he was certain she’d see for the lie it would be.  Judging from the husky laughter that came from her, she knew damn well she’d won that round.  However, after seeing how torn up she’d been a few minutes ago, Aric couldn’t begrudge her the victory.  If all their verbal sparring and innuendo helped her overcome the bitterness of her current predicament, it was well worth any slights he might feel…..or any cold showers he’d end up having to take.
A few minutes later, Elara parked her speeder and was handing Tia a simple white cotton t-shirt while Aric went to fetch her speeder.  She thanked the other woman, then spotting Aric driving her speeder back, she slowly, tantalizingly removed his t-shirt, knowing full well he was watching.  She stood in her bra and panties for a moment while Elara checked over the kolto strips and bandages, then carefully pulled the new one on with the medic’s help, trying to keep the bandages from shifting and not to wince when the tighter garment rubbed a couple of the raw spots.
“Hey Captain,” she winked, her lips curving in a seductive little smile, as she tossed his shirt to him, “Just think, if you wear that without washing it, it’ll be kinda like my naked body touching yours….”
Aric gave her a feral grin before he could help himself, then tried to cover it up by scowling at her before stuffing the shirt into his pack, “Just try to keep out of trouble, Sergeant.”
“I saw that…..and don’t worry about me,” she replied, a dark look coming over her face, “I have a few more scores to settle and I’ll do whatever I must to ensure I succeed.”
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alaurin101 · 9 years ago
A New Job
So yeah, here’s that story I mentioned in the previous post.  It is in 1st person POV, which is a weaker area for me, but I like to challenge myself every once in a while.  I’ve also been suffering from massive writer’s block and it took this week’s SFC Spring Cleaning prompt to break me out of it.....hopefully.  I apologize if this story sucks, but I’m just happy that the words are flowing once again......even if it’s just a light trickle right now.  The following contains spoilers for Smuggler Ord Mantell and some risqué bits, but nothing too descriptive.
A New Job
The spacious room was still dark when I heard the soft chirp coming from my desk.  My internal chrono had already gone off and I’d been lying awake for several minutes already.   Sure enough, a glance at the chrono on the nightstand confirmed what I’d already knew……it was just after 6am.  Old habits die hard, I groaned inwardly as I carefully extracted myself from the curvaceous brunette who shared the bed with me last night.  Even after being out of the military for three years, my system was still attuned to army life and no matter how late I got to bed or how little I actually slept after doing so, I never failed to wake at ‘oh-six-hundred.’  
I snatched the black leatheris pants that the lovely Julia had eagerly helped me out of off the floor and pulled them on before grabbing the datapad off the desk and leaving my quarters.  I headed for the galley for some much needed caffa to get me going.  My internal chrono might wake me early, but I still needed copious amounts of caffeine to complete the process.
After getting a pot brewing, I sat at the small table and keyed in the code to unlock my datapad. Sure enough, there were two messages waiting for me, one of which was heavily encrypted.  I frowned when I saw the other message from Rendia Freight, a name I didn’t recognize.  Going on the assumption that it probably had something to do with the first message, which I was willing to bet was from my boss, I decided to read that first.  I ignored them both for the moment since the caffa pot had enough to fill a mug.  I quickly did so and took both the caffa and my datapad to the cockpit, setting the first down and plugging the second into the computer terminal that would immediately begin running the decryption process once access was cleared.
 Name and Identification number?
I glanced over my shoulder to make sure my guest wasn’t approaching, then typed in Ty’rus Vyndel- TV180575.
 Confirmed Agent Vyndel.  Please enter your password.
After checking again that I was still alone, I entered my password then a few seconds later, that first message was decrypted.
From: Jonas Balkar          Subject: New Job
Hey Ty, looks like you won’t be making it to Nar Shaddaa for drinks tomorrow.  Not to worry, I’ll bleed the others dry at sabacc without you. I’ll admit it will be nice not to compete for the ladies after as well.  What is it with you Twi’leks and women anyways?!  Yeah, I’m still a little bitter over the last time but you owe me a drink for that at least.
Back to the matter at hand, the reason you won’t make it is because as the subject states, you have a new job.  We’ve made a breakthrough and traced one of our suspects back to Rendia Freight on Ord Mantell.  I checked them out and saw that they need some cargo delivered.  I gave them your name and credentials so you might be hearing from them soon.  Let me know as soon as you do.
 “Interesting,” I murmured after re-reading the message.  “Guess I’d better check that other message.”
 From: Rendia Freight      Subject: cargo delivery
Captain Nyaal,
Your name and contact info was given to us by your boss, John Baxter.  We had a recent problem with one of our regular pilots and are in need of your services.  Mr. Baxter assured us your freighter had enough space in the cargo hold for our shipment of weapons and that your track record was flawless.  The shipment is currently waiting for pickup on Hutta and we need it delivered in three days.  Please confirm if you can take this job and we will give you the coordinates of the warehouse.
Thank you,
Viidu-owner of Rendia Freight
 “Three days……doesn’t leave me much time,” I grumbled, but it wasn’t impossible…….just meant I wouldn’t be getting another round with Julia.  “Oh well, I’m sure there’s plenty of women on Ord Mantell.”
I quickly typed out my response to Rendia Freight, accepting the contract then sent a cryptic message to Jonas that I’d call him in an hour.  With those messages sent off, I locked down both my computer and datapad, swallowed the rest of my caffa, then went back to my quarters to wake last night’s guest.  I hit the button to slowly illuminate the room and a pang of guilt hit me when I saw her tangled up in my sheets.  Not for the one night stand, I had those on a regular basis.  Jonas wasn’t exaggerating in his message…….most women did find my species irresistible for some reason. Take into account that I was taller than most Twi’leks and thanks to the rigors of military training, I had the build of those romance holonovel models that ladies tend to drool over.  Sure, that sounds cocky and maybe I am a little, but I’m not an insensitive prick.  Yes, I like a variety of women and have had many different ones in my bed for a night or two at the most, but never anyone who didn’t understand it was no strings attached.  I made it completely clear that I would not be calling them after and as an extra precaution, avoided any females of my own species.  I wasn’t about to take any chance of having an unfortunate consequence result from any of my flings.  Not that I have anything against younglings, I’m simply nowhere near ready for that sort of responsibility at this point in my life and even if I was, my career isn’t exactly conducive to good parenting.  
I gave a shiver at the very thought, then leaned over and gently touched Julia on her pale shoulder, “Hey babe, time to get up.”
“Mmmmm. ’S too early,” she murmured, not even opening an eye.
“Sorry…….there’s nothing more I’d like than to climb back in there with you and sleep the morning away, but I have a job lined up and I gotta take off in two hours.”
“What time is it?” she yawned, emerald eyes finally fluttering open.
“Almost seven,” I told her, hoping she wouldn’t fall back to sleep.  I really needed to talk to Balkar and certainly didn’t want to do that with her around even if she slept soundly enough that a kilo of detonite going off wouldn’t wake her.  There’s no way I was going to risk blowing the cover I’d spent the last year cultivating, especially not when it appeared it was finally going to hit paydirt.  
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” she groaned as she finally sat up.  “No matter, I need get going anyways.  I be back home before my husband returns.”
“Husband eh?” I prodded. Guess I’m not the only one keeping secrets in this room…….not that it mattered to me really, I just preferred to avoid married women because ninety-nine percent of the time there was a jealous husband included and I had way too much going on right now to deal with that baggage.
“That’s not a problem is it?” she raised a slender brow at me, her lips curving in a coquettish smile as she slowly stood up from the bed, her naked body a sight that I had a hard time resisting.
“Not unless your dearly beloved decides to pay me a visit later,” I warned.  
“Don’t worry Captain, you’re not my first affair,” she gave a sultry laugh as she strode over to me, a sexy sashay to her hips that successfully gained my attention, “But definitely one of the more memorable.  It’s too bad you’re in such a hurry…….”
Then the temptress reached out and ran teasing fingers down one of my lekku, causing an immediate reaction below the belt and my pants suddenly felt uncomfortably tight.  There’s always time for a quickie, I decided and with a groan, I claimed her lush mouth as I backed her up against the wall.  Her fingers immediately went to work on my fly and a moment later, those shapely legs were wrapped around my waist as I sank deep inside her.
Half an hour later, I was entering the ‘fresher after seeing a thoroughly satisfied Julia off my freighter. I turned on the shower to let it warm up while I relieved myself at the toilet.  I caught my reflection in the mirror, wincing at the dark circles under the amethyst eyes staring back at me.  Definitely need to get more sleep.  Barely visible under my facial tattoos, a thin scar ran across my left cheek…..a visible reminder of how I became to be Captain Ty. Unable to help myself as usual, my eyes went to the reflection of my back from the mirrored shower door, taking in the numerous puckered slashes that marred the pale green flesh from shoulder to waist.
Three years ago, I was Sergeant Ty’rus Vyndel of the Republic Army, then after one ugly battle with the Exchange on Tatooine where I’d been stationed, my career came to an end. I’d risen up the ranks quickly in a short time, my weapon skills and keen eye for finding a way into hard to breach areas caught the attention of my superior officers and there were talks of me being assigned to Spec Forces.  Then those dirty bastards set a nasty trap for my unit and let intel leak that they were keeping kidnapped children in the compound that would be shipped off to slavers in two days.  Twenty-five soldiers left the base at Anchorhead that day……eleven of us came back alive.  It wasn’t the injuries that forced me out of the military, although it took days for them to dig all the shrapnel out of my back and weeks before the wounds were fully healed.  I tried to move on, put it all behind me, but when we were prepping for an assault op two months later, I couldn’t get the images out of my head.  Fellow soldiers….no friends being torn to pieces by land mines right in front of my eyes.  My hands shook as we marched into the Exchange base, this time having razed the compound from the air first.  We took it easily, but I knew my career was over.  I wasn’t afraid to die, but my blood ran cold when I thought there was any chance that others could be killed.  
I put in a request for a short leave and went back to Coruscant to talk with some old friends from the academy.  I hated throwing what had been a promising career away, but I just didn’t see how I could still be a soldier when the thought of marching into battle made my hands clammy.  There were non-combat options available, but just the thought of spending the rest of my time in the military as a desk jockey was enough to make my lekku twitch. I was a man of action not a pencil pusher, but the only other role that would suit me would be becoming an instructor at the Academy.  Unfortunately I didn’t have enough service time nor the rank required to qualify for one of those positions and they didn’t open up very often.  
In the end, it was my old friend Jonas that came up with a solution to all my problems and gave me one last option that would keep me from being at a desk and guarantee plenty of action. After hashing it out for a couple days, I spoke with my superiors and put in for a transfer.  A week later, I entered the SIS training program and Sergeant Ty’rus Vyndel became Agent Ty’rus Vyndel.  
I started out as part of the support team, but those same skills that had served me well in the military helped me rise in the SIS as well and within a year I was a field agent. I’d only had a handful of assignments when my friend Jonas, who was now my boss, approached me with a new assignment. Intel from multiple sources led the SIS to believe that the Empire had agents infiltrating the Underworld and orders were issued that they be found and eliminated.  The SIS needed someone to pose as a spacer and work their way in……so I became freighter captain Ty Nyaal and thus began my smuggling career.
After a hot shower, I quickly dressed and headed back to the cockpit to check my messages.  Sure enough, there was one from Rendia Freight with the promised coordinates, the contact on Hutta, and the contact on Ord Mantell.  It was the latter that was responsible for the triumphant grin that spread across my face and I quickly punched in Balkar’s frequency.
“It’s been an hour and a half,” Jonas greeted me when his image popped up.
“Eh,” I shrugged, “I had something to take care of that took longer than I expected.”
“Just had to squeeze in one last round before you sent her packing?”
“You know me so well,” I snorted, that dig coming from a man that could make a woman cream her panties just by smiling at her made me laugh.  “But seriously……you’re hardly one to talk.  When’s the last time you spent the night alone?”
“I was alone last night in fact,” Jonas replied.
“It doesn’t count when you spend the night working.”
“It should,” Jonas muttered, fighting back a yawn. “So I’m hoping you called with some good news for me.”
“I do,” I nodded. “I’m taking off for Hutta as soon as I get off the Holo with you.  I got a job for Rendia Freight and guess who is my drop off contact on Ord?”
“That is good news,” Jonas agreed, looking more alert. “Just watch yourself.  He has a rep for being underhanded…..more than the usual sort you’ve been dealing with.”
“Trust me, I’ve read his dossier…….what little there is of it.”
“See if you can add more to it.  We know he isn’t the agent we’re looking for, but chances are he can lead us to them.”
“I’ll do what I can.”
“Good.  Keep me posted.”
“I will,” I assured him, then disconnected the call and began to fire up the Sky Jockey’s engines.  I contacted Dulcen Spaceport Authority and requested clearance for takeoff, then punched in the coordinates for Hutta into the navacomputer while I waited.   Less than five minutes later, bright lights of Nar Shaddaa were growing distant as the Sky Jockey sped away.
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alaurin101 · 9 years ago
A Secret Affair
Someone finally kicked writers block right in the ass.....so to celebrate, I have a story to share for you all here and I’ll be updating Unforeseen Complications in just a little while.  The following takes place a few days after An Unexpected Development and contains spoilers for the SI storyline through Act 3 as well as a steamy moment or two:  
A Secret Affair
“What is it Darius?” the petite young woman murmured, her brow furrowed with concern as she raised her head from her lover’s broad chest to look into his troubled eyes.  “I may still be weak, but my connection to the Force is strong enough to tell you’re having some rather deep thoughts.”
“There could be negative repercussions if word gets out about our recent activities,” he sighed, absently running his fingers through her caffa colored locks.
“I’ve thought about that as well,” Rhianna admitted.  “Although you probably wouldn’t see as much of it as I would.  I don’t really know her that well, but I don’t think the Wrath would care that much…….”
“If anything, Lord Tyche would be rather amused by it,” he snorted, knowing he’d be the brunt of her teasing if she ever found out.
“Unfortunately not everyone will feel the same.  Vowrawn has been trying to pursue a relationship with me since I joined the Dark Council and hasn’t been thrilled that I’ve turned him down so many times.  I really don’t want to deal with his jealousy if he finds out…….but that’s the least of my concerns.”
“Ravage and Mortis,” he nodded.
“Despite their annoyance with Thanaton and support of his demise at my hand, neither has made it a secret that they don’t care for a former slave being a Dark Council member.  They’ve lightened up a bit over these past few months, but if they find out about our little tryst, anytime you’ve sided with me on the Council will be called into question.”
“They wouldn’t dare….”
“Not to your face, no,” Rhianna agreed, “But that’s only because they fear you.  Me on the other hand…..”
“Could become a target,” Marr finished.
“I’ve been a target since you appointed me to the Council,” Rhianna reminded him, “But if either Mortis or Ravage decide to throw their support behind those that seek my seat, it could turn the tide in their favor.  So this either ends when I’m fully healed and leave your home, or we continue on, but be very discrete.”
His hand stilled when she mentioned ending the affair.  It had only been a few days since that evening he’d walked in on her finishing her bath, but their time together had filled a void he had for years and he wasn’t ready to go back to that.  He’d dismissed most of his staff, only keeping a few necessary servants to keep his home running efficiently and Rhianna had spent every night since Life Day in his bed where they stayed until well after respectable waking hours.  They’d also made use of a few other rooms and it would be a long time before he’d be able shower without remembering that sultry voice crying out his name as he took her fast and hard against the wall with the water running down their bodies.  
It wasn’t just about the physical aspect of things, he enjoyed her company as well.  He’d known she had a keen mind and preferred scholarly pursuits from their numerous conversations since he’d agreed to guide her into the world of Sith politics that same day he’d appointed her to the council, but she seldom showed the quick wit and sense of humor to the Dark Council.  They saw her as a cunning upstart with a less than ideal background, but they at least respected her power and intellect.  He got to see the real woman within and found himself fascinated by her appreciation of even the simplest of things most people took for granted, by the way those whiskey colored eyes sparkled with mischief whenever she was about to tease him…..or glowed when her passions were roused, but most of all, by her resilience.  Many of their brethren would be skulking, seething, or plotting while weakened as she was, but Rhianna simply focused on growing stronger…...at least she was whenever they weren’t seeking each other’s pleasure.  So when they weren’t sleeping or otherwise engaged, he poured his focus into helping her regain her connection with the Force enough so that she could practice rudimentary meditation techniques to strengthen it.
“Are you certain you are alright with keeping this a secret?” he asked, knowing many women would be offended by the notion.
“I am not like most women,” she smiled having picked up on that thought and was pleased he didn’t want to end things just yet, “I have no need to gossip about who I am sleeping with…….even about a fantastic lover such as yourself.  Question is, can you actually behave yourself around me when in public and keep those naughty thoughts to yourself?”
“I don’t recall you complaining about those thoughts earlier,” he chuckled, letting his hand drift down her bare back, “In fact, you even acted on a couple.”
“That I did,” her smile broadened as she remembered how thoroughly he’d distracted her from her meditation that morning.  “But getting me all hot and bothered while I’m meditating in private is one thing, probably not the wisest choice during a Dark Council meeting.”
“Probably not since you do have a tendency to blush whenever that happens,” he pointed out, then his features sobered again, “There is something else to consider.”
“What is it?”
“We haven’t exactly been careful,” he began, never thinking he’d ever be having this conversation.  “I’m assuming you’ve taken precautions since you haven’t brought it up, but if something happens and there’s a child…..”
“There won’t be,” she shook her head, the smile dying on her lips as she rose from the bed, wrapping the satin sheet around her naked body as she walked over to the window.  Rhianna fought back the tears that came with the surge of emotion she could never completely contain, but she wasn’t strong enough yet to shield her mind from the man who came up behind to join her.
Images appeared in his mind, a beautiful girl at the threshold of womanhood standing in front of a mirror as a man ripped away her clothing and began to touch her, work roughened hands rubbing a pregnant belly, a baby squalling, whose skin was still shining from the fluids of it’s birth, a screaming woman’s arms reaching out as the infant was taken away from her.  Her emotions flooded him, fear, sadness, outrage, hatred, and above all, a never wavering determination for vengeance.  While no stranger to slavery and all that it entailed in the Empire, he’d never known how depraved the trade really was in other territories.    
“Who did that to you?!” he murmured as he wrapped his arms the powerful young Sith he’d grown to respect over the past few months who was so vulnerable at the moment. “Talk to me Rhianna.”
It was the genuine concern in his voice that made Rhianna decide to take the plunge and open up about the painful part of her past for the first time in years.  Her voice was a hoarse whisper as she began, her eyes staring at the rain running down the window without really seeing it.
“I was taken as a slave when I was eight.  A pirate gang raided our village and sold the survivors to the Exchange.  Like many of the children, I was used for mundane tasks like cleaning and laundry.  When I was thirteen, puberty hit and my role changed.  I was rented out for men’s pleasure at first…….until I started having reproductive cycles.  That’s when they started to use me to breed.”
Rage flared up in Marr, but he held it at bay so he wouldn’t overwhelm her unshielded mind, “You were forced to have children.”
“Two,” she nodded.  “My first, a daughter, was born when I was fourteen.  I never even got to hold her when she was taken from me and sold to a black market adoption ring.  A year later, I gave birth to a son, who proved to be too large to be born naturally.  They had to operate to get him out and my womb was permanently damaged in the process.  It was then that my Force sensitivity showed itself.  I’d always felt these odd sensations and I discovered I could make things happen, but I never really understood what it was…..until that day.  I awoke when they were trying to repair the damage and in a fit of rage after finding out they took my son away from me just as they had my daughter, lightning burst out from me.  I killed everyone in that room, but it exhausted me in the process.  They found me bleeding out on a table and when they saw the corpses, they played back the security footage and discovered I was a Force sensitive.  I was sold to a Sith Lord less than a week later.”
“He knew what you were?”
“He did, but it turned out to be a good thing.  He was a good man, helped me understand the Force and taught me how to control and manipulate it.  He kept me at his residence as his mistress for three years until Lord Zash made inquiries for Force Sensitive slaves.  He knew there was little more that he could teach me and sent me on to Korriban.”
“Those Exchange members that kept you as a slave……”
“Are all dead,” she answered the unspoken question.  “I payed the compound a visit when I was on Tatooine for Zash and found the same man still running the operation.  I freed all the slaves, then ransacked his mind to pull out all the information I could.  After that…...well let’s just say he didn’t die well.”
“Good,” Darius nodded, pulling her closer to him before asking his next question.  “What about your children?”
“I have enough information to start a search, but I haven’t decided if I want to or not.  I just want to know that they’re safe, happy, and healthy.  I don’t intend to take them away from their families because they would only serve as a target for my enemies.  I just need to know……a closure of sorts.”
“I understand and you’re probably right about the danger,” he agreed.  “But if you need assistance locating your children, my resources are at your disposal.”
“Thank you Darius……that means a lot to me,” she replied as she turned to face him.  “I already have someone in mind to help with the search.  A Mandalorian I met on Corellia.  He’s an honorable sort and would be discrete……I trust him and that’s not something I give out easily.  In fact, he’s the one who reunited me with my twin.”
“My offer still stands if you need it.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” she smiled sadly as she leaned up to brush his mouth with hers, “but all I need right now is to put the past back where it belongs and bury the pain again.  Make love to me, Daruis…...make me feel alive again.”
“Gladly,” he murmured against her mouth, deepening the kiss as he lifted her up and carried her back to his bed.
Author’s Note:
As I mentioned in the previous story with these two, I couldn’t find a name for Darth Marr so I gave him one.  I hope no one minds too terribly….
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alaurin101 · 9 years ago
A Role to Play
It’s time for something a little wicked.   For Love is in the Air drabble #3, I have some fun for Kat and Gault as requested by @rissalf​ who says they are a favorite of hers.  Hope you enjoy as it’s the last request I have.  The following contains no spoilers that I can think of, but does include some rather suggestive conversation.
A Role to Play
“Oh crap, did I forget about a promo thing?!”
“Not that I’m aware of,” Kat replied, amber eyes never leaving her reflection in the mirror as she finished applying the ruby gloss to her lips.
Mako eyed the Cathar suspiciously, noting that more of the cream colored fur covering her friend’s body was exposed than covered in the skimpy metal costume she had on.  A costume they’d all heard her grumble about numerous times.  “Then why in the galaxy are you willingly wearing your least favorite ‘Killer Kat Babe’ costume?!   You only wear that one when Gault offers you a higher cut of the profits.”
“Because it’s really uncomfortable,” Kat admitted with a shrug.  “And I don’t care to flaunt my goods in public…..that was more Tia’s department.”
“I’m pretty sure she gave that up when she entered the military,” Mako snorted.
“A hundred credits says Tia still puts on the dancer costume on occasion for a private show,” Kat grinned.
“That wouldn’t surprise me,” Mako agreed, then got back to her original line of questioning, “So what gives with the costume?”
“Same reason.”
“Oh geez, Kat……seriously?!” Mako wrinkled her nose.
“Well aren’t you and Torian doing something romantic this weekend?” Kat shot back.
“Yeah, he’s taking me to dinner to some new restaurant on the Promenade......you know, like a normal date.”
“I’m sure your normal date is going to wind up ending the same way as my evening with Gault.”
“Don’t tell me you’re actually going out in that thing?!”
“Are you karking nuts?! Gods no!” Kat snorted, “I’m not that crazy!  I’ve only worn this one in public once and felt self-conscious the entire time. Definitely wasn’t worth the extra credits.”
“Could’ve fooled me on the crazy part,” Mako rolled her eyes.  “So why bother with all that?  Just to stay in and you know……”
“Have rocking sex for hours on end?  Haven’t you ever had fun with role playing in the bedroom?” Kat snickered as her friend’s cheeks reddened.  “Let me tell you, it’s a whole new experience and when I put on the sexy Killer Kat Babe persona, it drives Gault wild.  In fact, I’m probably going to be pretty useless tomorrow…..”
“Seriously, I don’t need to hear that.”
“Hey, don’t knock it until you try it,” Kat shot back, her eyes gleaming wickedly as she donned on a robe when she heard footsteps coming up the stairs.  “You and Torian could stand to play a little tie me up, tie me down every once in a while and a hundred credits says it’ll be the best sex you’ve ever had!”
A red-faced Mako was spared trying to respond when a knock sounded on the bedroom door, followed by Torian’s voice asking for his date.
“She’s in here,” Kat called back, “It’s safe to come in.”
“You ready?” the young Mandalorian asked his blushing date, who was still staring at Kat with her mouth gaping open.  “Something wrong?”
“She’s fine, just at a loss for words after I gave her a tiny suggestion for later.  You might say it has her tied in knots….”
“Kat!” Mako finally eked out as Torian offered her his arm.
“Go on,” Kat waved her off, “You guys have fun and let me know how that new place is!”
A few minutes later, the Cathar pulled on her high heeled, thigh high black boots, strapped a blaster to her belt and strode out of her bedroom.  She let out a wicked, sultry laugh as she sashayed down the stairs of the sky palace, “I’m coming for you, Super Spacer…….hope you’re ready!” 
The tall, lanky Devaronian was seated in the lounge his back to the enormous window displaying a specular view of Nar Shaddaa.  As the little note left on the bed instructed, he was dressed in the black trenchcoat and leatheris pants he typically wore when posing as Super Spacer for publicity gigs. Gault had been surprised Kat didn’t want to go out for a romantic evening like most couples did for the lovers’ holiday, but didn’t argue since he wasn’t too keen on that sort of thing. Not that he objected to his relationship with Kat being labeled as a couple, he just hated being surrounded sappy couples out on that special date…….the sort where men went out of their way to impress their date because some holiday deemed it necessary.  Love Day was the biggest con of all in his opinion, but that wasn’t his only issue with going out for the holiday.  He wasn’t a young man anymore, but Kat was a young and beautiful woman and he’d noticed the subtle looks from others whenever they were out on a date.  Hell, he’d probably be thinking the same thing……what is a woman like that doing with a guy like him?  
A grin curved his ruddy face as he thought of one reason, and even he had to admit that his age hadn’t slowed him down one bit in that department.  He just hated the awkward way he felt around other couples……that slight social anxiety a rarity for the former con man.  However, despite his feelings about the usual Love Day festivities, he would’ve gone along with the whole shebang if it would’ve made Kat happy. But thank the stars she didn’t, he mused, taking a drink from the rocks glass.
“Well, well, Super Spacer…….think you’re up for this?!” a sultry voice called out, and he turned towards the staircase, his yellow eyes taking in the sexy Cathar wearing an outfit that was a heart attack waiting to happen.  But what a way to go…....
“Oh I’m up alright,” he chuckled as she sauntered over, “Let’s just say you have my undivided attention, Killer Kat Babe.”
Her amber eyes raked hotly over his long, lean frame, lingering appreciatively on his bare and well-toned chest, then they narrowed at him as those lips curved downwards in a sexy little pout, “It’s no fun when you’re unarmed……where’s your gun, Super Spacer?”
“Blizz was tinkering with it earlier and I thought it’d be wise to forgo that aspect of role playing this time,” he sighed, then a wicked gleam lit up his eyes.  “I have another weapon of sorts you might enjoy though…..”
“Oh really?” she purred, leaning over him as those eyes raked back over him again, “and where might that be?”
“Think hard, my dear,” he murmured as he pulled her into his lap.  Her throaty laugh ended in a groan as he brought her mouth down to his for a scorching kiss.
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alaurin101 · 9 years ago
A Quiet Lunch
As promised, here’s some more warm fuzzies for this week leading up to Valentine’s Day!  If anyone has a request, ask away since I don’t have any after this one.    For Love is in the Air drabble #2, I have another request from @lainathiel​ who has really been paying attention to the Lauren girls and wanted to see the kiss between Elara and Captain Cormac that Bella interrupted on Alderaan.  The following occurs just after I’m Not Getting on That Thing! and contains spoilers for trooper Alderaan.  
A Quiet Lunch
 “It really is quite lovely here,” Elara smiled at tall officer seated across the small table, “The mountains are breathtaking.”
Organa headquarters had been quiet since Lieutenant Lauren left with Captain Jorgan and Forex had returned to their ship to recharge.  Elara had agreed to stay at headquarters with Captain Cormac in case Marcus Thul decided to share any further intel with them while Mallay and Aric snuck onto Thul grounds to get Marcus’ family to safety.  By lunchtime, there’d been no word and Balic dismissed the two other Organa officers for the lunch hour.  He explained that she was welcome to do the same, but she decided to stay since she had a small lunch in her pack so he invited her to join him in the small room that served as a kitchen and rec area.  She accepted his invitation and the two enjoyed a quiet lunch together.  
“I do enjoy taking a quiet hike when I have the time,” Balic smiled back, causing that fluttery feeling to return to her belly.
“That sounds wonderful,” she replied, letting him have the last bite of the desert he shared with her, “I’ve never actually done anything like that before.”
“The weather on Dromund Kaas isn’t exactly conducive to nature hikes and until recently, I’d only spent time on Coruscant and Taris.  Coruscant has a few parks, but nothing for hiking really and Taris isn’t a safe place for that type of activity.”
“Maybe we could go the next time I’m off duty during the day…..if you’re still on Alderaan then.”
“I’d like that,” she told him shyly, as she distracted her nervous hands by packing up the remains of her lunch.
Balic was thrilled at spending more time with the pretty blonde medic, but didn’t want to wait that long to spend time with her.  Swallowing his nerves, he decided to remedy that, “Until then, would you like to have dinner with me tonight……not like this I mean, but out……at a restaurant?  That is if you can.”
“I’d love to!” Elara smiled, a flush heating up her cheeks as they both stood, “I’ll have to check with Lieutenant Lauren, but she usually lets us do whatever we wish in the evenings as long as we can be easily contacted.”
“That shouldn’t be a problem since I was thinking we’d just go to one of the restaurants in the palace court, which is walking distance from the spaceport.”
“It’s a date then,” Elara beamed up at him.  “I’ll let you know if the Lieutenant objects for some reason, but I doubt she will. In fact, she’s probably going to be spending time with her sister since she’s on planet as well.”
“I’ll make reservations then,” Balic nodded, then couldn’t resist smiling when he saw a spot of icing in the corner of her mouth from the glaze cake they’d shared.  “You missed a spot….”
Without thinking, he cupped her cheek, his thumb wiping the icing away.  Embarrassed at what he’d done, Balic went to pull away until he felt her lips part.  Looking down, he saw his desire mirrored in her half closed eyes and he closed the distance, his mouth brushing hers in a gentle kiss.
“Are you sure we should be barging in here Bella?” Corso asked as he followed his captain up the stairs towards the Organa Military headquarters.  
“Why not?” Bella asked with a shrug, her emerald eyes dancing with mischief.  “Mallay said Elara would be in here and I want to check out this officer she’s gaga over……make sure he’s a decent guy.  Besides, I’d really like her to run a scan on you.”
“She doesn’t need to do that,” Corso insisted, “I feel fine today.  Honestly, I’m pretty sure I’m over that flu…..”
“It never hurts to be certain and you had it much worse than Rish and I did.”
“It it’ll make you feel better,” Corso sighed, knowing resistance was futile with her.
“It will,” Bella grinned as they entered headquarters.  The smile faded when she didn’t see anyone around.  Then she heard voices coming from a small room off to the side and headed in that direction.
“Hey Elara,” Bella called out as she breezed through the doorway with Corso in tow, “Mallay said you’d be here and…….”  She trailed off, emerald eyes widening when she spotted the couple kissing, “oh dear, I am sooooo sorry.”
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alaurin101 · 9 years ago
An Unexpected Development
Sorry for the absence from Tumblr lately, but colds and kids have kept me busy these past couple of weeks.  Ah, the joys of parenthood.  Anyways, I just updated my collaboration project with Kitar, Unforeseen Complications, in case anyone is interested and since I’m in a sharing sort of mood, I have a short piece for you all that immediately picks up where one of my holiday drabbles, Good Morning Mr. Scrooge, left off.  The following is a bit on the risque side just to warn you, but safe enough that I plan to post the same version on the SWTOR SFC thread.  I’ll play it safe and say spoilers for the ending of SI act 3.....mainly the title received.
An Unexpected Development
The black robed figure paced in the master bedroom, his orange flecked gaze narrowed at the refresher door.  His guest had been in there for two hours and he was beginning to wonder if she’d fallen asleep.  He was tempted to knock, but didn’t think it would be heard over the music playing.  What if she did fall asleep? Cursing the pitfalls of houseguests, especially ones that were temporary invalids, and annoyed that his peaceful evening was being disrupted, Marr was sorely tempted to barge in on her and in the very least turn the music down.  Not that he objected to the orchestral renditions of Lifeday carols, he just preferred the quiet.  Finally he decided to just go in since the last thing he needed was to have the Dark Council’s Sphere of Sith Knowledge drown in his bathtub.  He opened the door and a splash of water immediately caught his attention.  His gaze honed in on the soft trickle of water and took in the very pleasing sight of water running down Imperius’ nude body.
“I warned you I was going to hog the tub for a bit,” she grinned, a slight flush kissing her pale cheeks as she reached for the towel hanging next to the bathtub.
Marr found himself unable to look away, “That you did, Imperius……I was just making sure you hadn’t drown.”
“Now that might cause a scandal,” she laughed, those whiskey eyes twinkling at him, “and my dear Lord Scrooge……if you’re going to stare at me naked, you can at least address me as Rhianna.”
“Not just a scandal, Rhianna.  I’d also have to deal with the Council’s bickering over who takes your place.”
“I certainly wouldn’t want to put you through that,” she tossed back with a snort as she carefully stepped out of the tub, the warm water having made her a little lightheaded.
Marr saw her waiver and caught her when her knees buckled. “Let’s not have you crack your skull open either,” he muttered, trying not to notice how nice those firm breasts felt pressed against his chest and failing miserably.
“Sorry,” she murmured, her hands clutching his robe while she waited for the lightheadedness to pass, “I think I stood up too fast.  I’m still feeling a little run down and the hot bath didn’t exactly help with that.”
“Should’ve taken a cold shower instead.”
“Nah, the hot water felt good for the aches,” Rhianna smiled up at him, the twinkle back in her eyes as she felt the evidence of his arousal pressing against her abdomen, “and speaking of cold showers…….”
“Not an unusual occurrence when a man has a naked woman in his arms,” Marr defended himself.
“Ah, but you’re not a typical man,” she challenged.
“That may be, but I’m still a man nonetheless,” he reminded her, his voice becoming huskier when he felt her nipples harden against his chest.  That sign of arousal genuinely surprised him since most women were intimidated by him and he knew his face hadn’t been considered attractive in decades.  Both curious and interested in this rather unexpected development, he boldly ran a hand up her side, his thumb brushing one of those sensitive peaks and gave a low chuckle when he felt her passion flare through the Force, “and it seems like I’m not the only one affected by this.”
“Question is, what are you going to do about it?” she taunted, her voice a sultry promise.  Then she groaned, arching her back as his palm closed over her breast. “By the Force, Marr…...oh….that feels nice…..”
“If you’re going to make those sexy little sounds when I touch you, my dear Rhianna,” he murmured in her ear, “then you can you can at least address me as Darius.  In fact, I look forward to making you cry it out in pleasure.”
“I look forward to that too…...Darius,” she sighed as his mouth brushed the sweet spot just under her ear, her hands clinging to his broad shoulders when her knees went weak for a different reason than just a moment ago.
The conversation ended then, his mouth meeting hers in a searing kiss as he scooped her up in his arms and carried her to his bed.  He shed his robes, never taking his eyes off of the beautiful young seductress watching him, that molten gaze raking hotly over his naked body.  Then that delightful tongue darted out to wet her full lips as they curved upwards and his need burned even hotter in anticipation of claiming that body with his own.  However he knew how weak she still was and concern stilled him when he started to climb into the bed.
“You’re still recovering,” he managed, his voice sounding unusually raw, “Are you certain you’re up for this?”
“Well I don’t think I’m up to performing acrobatics or any Force kinks, but I’m pretty sure I can handle a simple romp in the sheets.”
“Oh my dear Rhianna…...if it’s simple, I’m not doing my job,” he murmured as he leaned down to brush his mouth on her neck, his voice a caress that sent another wave of desire shooting through her and she felt moist heat pooling between her thighs.
For once, Rhianna didn’t have a snarky comeback as his mouth and hands continued to work their magic all over her body.  Then he settled his hips between her thighs and entered her with one powerful stroke, her hoarse voice screaming his name in ecstasy as he filled her completely.  After that, the only sounds coming from either of them were pleasured moans that eventually led to cries of fulfillment.
Much later, a sated Rhianna lay sprawled over Darius’ large form as the dark lord stroked her thick caffa colored tresses, both of them content to lay there tangled in the cool satin sheets.
“We soooooo have to do that again when I have my strength back,” she sighed against his smooth chest, cursing the fact she was still so weak.
“I certainly wouldn’t object,” Darius chuckled, still working to fathom the fact that a woman willingly had sex with him and how badly he’d wanted it.  Over time he’d repressed those desires and didn’t think he was capable of them anymore.  How wrong he’d been.
“Good, just let me rest up a bit first……..but if you object to me staying in bed with you, you’ll just have to carry me back to mine,” she smiled as she met his gaze, “Because I am simply too worn out now to move a muscle.”
“I am not going to apologize for that.”
“Didn’t expect you to,” she murmured sleepily, “and it was definitely worth it.”
Author’s Note:
I couldn’t find a name for Darth Marr so I gave him one.  I hope no one minds too terribly….
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alaurin101 · 9 years ago
Holiday Shopping
Time for holiday drabble #2 for Alaurin’s Twelve Days of Christmas 2015.  I’m still accepting requests for now if anyone has a particular OC they’d like to see, just hit up my ask box.  For Day 2 I have some holiday cheer for Mallay as requested by @brightephemera​ that contains no spoilers that I can think of.
Holiday Shopping
The sun was starting to set as evening crept up on the snow covered little village where several people were out doing their holiday shopping.  A couple walked along the sidewalk hand in hand, smiling as they talked excitedly about the gifts they’d gotten for their adopted children.  The tawny Cathar paused as they neared a small shop painted in burgundy and gold, an idea forming when he recognized his mate’s favorite lingerie shop.  
“How about I take our bags to the speeder while you go pick out something for yourself in there?” Aric suggested softly, a wicked gleam in his eyes as he nodded at the little boutique.
Mallay arched a slender brow as she looked back over her shoulder at her husband, “The whole point of holiday shopping is to buy presents for other people, not for yourself.”
“Well technically it would be a gift for both of us if you think about it,” he grinned, chuckling as that adorable blush appeared on her creamy skin, “and I’m pretty sure you need to replace a few things anyways.”
Mallay felt her cheeks heat up at the reminder of just how her brand new black lacy thongs had gotten torn a few nights ago, “Point made, but we really should start heading back.” She pointed at the dark clouds rapidly growing on the horizon, “I’d like to get the kids home before that blizzard starts.”
Aric set down his bags then wrapped his arms around his mate’s tiny waist, brushing aside the long auburn locks of hair as he leaned down to taste that little mole just behind her ear that he could never resist.  Smiling against her neck at the sweet little sigh that escaped her, he nipped her ear before murmuring, “Actually we don’t have to hurry at all.”
“We don’t?”
“Nope,” Aric replied, loosening his arms around her as she turned to face him, “Your Mom and Derek volunteered to watch the kits tonight.”
“When did that come about?”
“While you were in the shower,” Aric grinned.  “I was just getting ready to take the kits over to the farm when your Mom called. So I packed a few things for them real quick and dropped them off.”
“I wondered why you weren’t back when I got out,” Mallay mused, “So what’s the plan then?”
“Well, I figure we could grab dinner around here before we head back home.….”
“You sure that’s a good idea with the storm coming?”
“We’ll probably get caught in some snow, but we’ll be fine,” Aric shrugged, then those green eyes grew heated as he leaned down for a thorough kiss that was still able to make his petite wife weak in the knees.  “Besides I have ways of warming you up my dear.” 
“You do huh?” Mallay murmured against his mouth before returning the kiss. 
“We can start by sitting in front of the fire place with some mulled cider…….and if you’d like, we can watch a HoloVid.” 
He gave a low chuckle, the sexy sound doing delicious things to her insides, “And after that I’m going to slowly peel off every layer of clothing you have on, then spend the rest of the night making love to my exquisite wife over and over again.”
Mallay felt her whole body grow hot under her husband’s heated gaze.  She swallowed and nodded her head towards the little boutique, her voice a little husky as she finally managed a response, “I guess I’d better pick up a few new things in there.”
“You know the lacy stuff is my favorite.”
“I’ll take that under consideration if you make an effort not to rip any of it this time.”
“I can’t make any promises,” Aric chuckled again, a wicked smile on his face as he winked at his wife before picking up their bags, then he left to take the packages to their speeder.
“Definitely gonna have to buy more than one set,” Mallay murmured breathlessly to herself, a dreamy smile on her face as she watched her sexy husband for a moment before heading into the boutique.
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alaurin101 · 9 years ago
A First Date
As promised, here’s holiday drabble #1 for Alaurin’s Twelve Days of Christmas 2015.  Still accepting requests for now if anyone has a particular OC they’d like to see.  For Day 1 we have some Natasha and Aric as requested by @lainathiel that contains no spoilers that I can think of.
A First Date
“Relax man,” the tan skinned Zabrak clapped his XO on the shoulder after catching the tawny Cathar fidgeting with his shirt collar again.
“I’m trying,” Aric muttered as he stooped down to look in the small mirror to check that the knot of his tie was correct.  “Parties like this aren’t really my thing…..not to mention it’s the first time Natasha and I will be seen together in public.”
“I’ve never cared much for fancy parties either,” the scarlet skinned Zabrak agreed, fighting the urge to fidget with his own collar.
“Yeah because people might actually expect you to talk,” the tall grey Cathar snickered as he patted the pocket of his dress jacket to make sure his cigarra case was there. 
“Damn right,” the towering Mandalorian muttered, looking a little sheepish. “But Mako’s really excited about the ball and seeing her happy is worth having to make conversation with strangers.”
“I’m pretty sure Mom put you guys all at the same table, so you’ll be fine Dek,” Jax assured his shy friend before looking apologetically at the other Cathar. “Sorry Aric, but I know a lot of my relatives and friends of my parents are really curious about my long lost cousin so I’m afraid you’ll likely be in the spotlight a little.”
“Fantastic,” Aric sighed, sinking down on the little couch.
“It’ll be alright,” Sienna spoke up as she entered the foyer with her mate and Syarra, giving Aric a pitying glance, “Most already know by now about how we found our cousin a few months back and Mom has quietly spread the word about how you met Natasha while getting private grief counseling sessions from my mate while we were on Coruscant.”
“That really was a fantastic idea Dek,” Syarra grinned, her azure eyes twinkling with her excitement, “Simple and very easy to prove.  All that’s left is to enjoy the evening……which I fully intend to do!”
“Speaking of enjoying your evening,” Jax frowned, “Where’s your date?”
“Don’t worry, he’ll be here…….got held up and is coming right from the spaceport,” Syarra shrugged, then smirked at her littermate, “In fact, I’m pretty sure Mom put the three of us and our dates all at the same table.”
“Oh that’ll be fun,” Sienna sighed as she grasped her mate’s arm, “Come on Raul, I think I need a drink already.”
Jax was about to mutter a retort when a sparkle of blue caught his eye and a broad smile curved his mouth as he watched Risha descend the rounded staircase.  Ignoring Syarra’s teasing snicker, he went over to the beautiful brunette he was head over heels for and held out his arm to escort her into the ballroom, “We’ll see you guys inside.”
“Hey Big Guy,” Mako called out as she and Elara came down a moment later, “You ready for this?”
“I’m ready for anything as long as you’re with me,” Dek nodded as he offered her his arm, those red rimmed jade eyes smoldering as they took in the black sequin gown molded to her lithe body.
Zev followed his cousin’s lead, admiring the green satin sheath his medic and fiancée had chosen before guiding her towards the door.  He paused, wondering if he should wait with Aric when Elara spoke up.
“Natasha will be down in just a moment Aric,” Elara smiled at her squad mate, “and if it’s any conciliation, she’s just as nervous as you look.”
Zev and Elara had barely entered the ballroom when Aric heard soft footfalls on the stairs. Eager to see his date, he stood and his jaw dropped when he caught the first glimpse of Natasha.  The off the shoulder burgundy gown of crushed velvet that she wore hugged her body well enough to heat his blood and Aric wondered how he was going to keep within the bounds of propriety for the evening’s festivities.
A sparkle caught his eye as he offered her his arm and his gaze was drawn to the deep ruby jewel dangling from a delicate golden chain at her throat.  A smile crossed his features as he looked into those sky blue eyes, “You like it?”
“It was perfect and I love it……thank you,” she replied, then stood on tiptoe to thank him more thoroughly.
Aric groaned in pleasure as those soft lips found his, always eager to explore that delicious mouth. His mate obviously felt the same since she made no move to stop him as his tongue slipped past her fangs to meet hers. All thoughts of the Roark’s Lifeday Ball were put aside as the couple enjoyed their own private celebration until a throat clearing and a knowing snicker intervened.
“I told you they’d be out here making out,” the statuesque yellow Cathar smirked at her littermate. “That’s fifty credits you owe me.”
“I honestly thought they’d be too nervous,” Jax muttered as he dug in his pocket and placed a credit chit in Syarra’s outstretched hand.
“Puh-lease,” Syarra rolled her eyes as she dragged her brother back into the ballroom, “In that dress?!  Not to mention Aric cleans up very nicely……nope, you shoulda listened to me.”
“Guess we’d better go in,” Aric suggested, offering Natasha his arm again.
“Probably……but only if you promise we can pick up where we left off later.”
“I’ll think of nothing else all evening,” Aric replied, his bright green gaze raking hotly over her, “Well maybe not just that.”
“I’ll probably be thinking of just how I will get my stunning mate out of her gorgeous dress.”
“Does it help to know I’m not wearing anything under it?”
Aric groaned as Natasha gave a sultry chuckle before kissing him chastly on the cheek, “Happy Lifeday my love.”
“Happy Lifeday my mate,” Aric murmured as they entered the ballroom, “I love you.”
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alaurin101 · 9 years ago
Tagged by @lesabear  for the flash fiction challenge to write without outline, editing or anything else for 5 minutes and post.  I am very late to this party since I was tagged for this over a month ago……so I’ll tag anyone who would like to do this, but I will choose a few targets of opportunity: @rissalf, @brightephemera, @frauzet, @kodrevas, @sillymonkey71, @kabeone, and @m-jaydeshepard.  No pressure though if you don’t want to do it.  
This story is based on the characters from a one shot story I did 2 years ago, What are the Chances. I’ve been thinking about those characters lately, especially where KOTFE is concerned since none of the Lauren girls will really be following that storyline, I haven’t decided about the Vleska’s, and I already have plans for my guys.  I probably should have put on a timer because I think I ended up typing for about 15 minutes…..oops.  Spoilers for KOTFE below:
A Simple Kiss
It just had to be her.  Of all the people to run into directly under the mistletoe, it would have to be the one woman who could barely stand to be in the same room with him for more than five minutes.  The feeling was quite mutual on that score, but at least he’d made an attempt to keep his comments to himself since she’d rescued his hide.  He wasn’t fooling himself that it was out of any concern for his well-being on her part.  He had been just another assignment for the mercenary, but he was still thankful of her success every time he woke up in the morning and looked out the window at the lush forests of Odessa.  But thankful or no, that didn’t change who she was and the things she’d done.  She’d once made life complicated for his CO and best friend Kian, upsetting another squad mate, Elara in the process.  
With a sigh, he held out his hand to help the brown furred Cathar he’d collided with get to her feet and was about to murmur an apology when catcalls started coming from the crowd who’d obviously already been enjoying the festivities for some time. It seemed that escaping wasn’t going to be an option anymore and judging from the look on Arianna’s lovely face, she’d come to the same conclusion and wasn’t any more thrilled with it than he was.
I knew coming to this party was a mistake, Arianna mentally chided herself as she grasped that tawny furred hand, wishing she’d just stuck to her guns instead of letting Mari talk her into coming.  For one thing, she still wasn’t comfortable being around Kian and his mate even though she’d gotten over her first big love a long time ago. It just wasn’t easy seeing the man she once believed was her Lifemate dancing with and kissing another woman. She’d made her peace with it however, and even wished them well after they’d worked together on Yavin.  Her relationship with Kian’s littermate, Mari, had been strained for a while but they were best friends once again and her heart was breaking for the snowy Cathar who’s Lifemate was still MIA……which is why she agreed to come to the party.  Sort of a moral support system and she had to admit, Mari had a point about her being antisocial.
It wasn’t that she didn’t want to have a good time, she just didn’t want to chance being around Aric Jorgan and becoming the target for those judgmental green eyes and his scowls of disapproval that always seemed to hit a little too close to home for her comfort.  It wasn’t just that though, he just flat out annoyed the kark out of her. When the Empire and Republic joined forces on Yavin, Arianna had worked closely with Mari and her crew as well as the famed Havoc Squad.  Sure working with Kian had been a little awkward at first but it was Aric Jorgan barking orders at her like she was one of his grunts that really pissed her off……something she made sure he knew every moment of every hour they spent together.
It was different now though. After the Eternal Empire’s invasion, old squabbles seemed minor.  Kian had been declared KIA and Aric Jorgan had taken over as CO of Havoc, a role he was suited for but turned out to be short lived when he’d disappeared mere months later with Havoc’s medic and Kian’s mate Elara.  Mari had taken Port Nowhere to safer space and the Galactic Underworld went even deeper underground so to speak.  Both Republic and Imperial political officials had grudgingly agreed to a truce with the invaders in order to avert further destruction of their worlds, but paid a high price in tribute.  Arianna kept her ties with the Mandalorians and took jobs that paid well, but kept her under the Eternal Empire’s radar.  It was only a matter of time until the tenuous peace would break however, and Arianna made sure what was left of her crew was ready.  Skadge had gone back to Black Sun and good riddance in her opinion. Gault felt his talents were better spent assisting Mari with business at the port and Arianna was fine with that. Torian had married Mako, but they’d stayed on with her as had the little Jawa she could always count on. 
Things came to a head a couple months ago when Kian resurfaced after a daring rescue by Lana and some new associates.  TeeSeven had managed to download some key data that Mari had been put in charge of and less than twenty four hours later, Arianna had received a call from her and Kian. Aric and Elara had been located and according to the information, both were still alive.  A small, yet highly effective team was needed to rescue the prisoners and because she cared about both Mari and Kian, Arianna agreed to take the mission……even if it meant she’d be saving the life of a man who seemed to hate her.  It wasn’t as if she liked him either, but it still miffed her all the same.
And now here she was, stuck under the mistletoe and judging from the numerous hoots and hollers, they’d been spotted.  Stupid party, she grumbled to herself as she felt the tips of her ears burning.  She finally looked up at the tawny Cathar who was rubbing his neck as those bright green eyes darted around the room, comforted by the fact he seemed every bit as embarrassed as she was.  Then his gaze settled back on her and she felt a gentle tug on her hand as he pulled her closer.  She swallowed, her throat becoming suddenly dry when she realized what was about to happen.
The catcalls became louder and Aric could’ve sworn he’d heard his best friend laughing.  It didn’t matter to him, but he felt bad embarrassing Arianna.  She had saved his life after all, risking her own in the process.  But it would embarrass her even more if he just walked away. Kark me!  Well there was no way around it……he’d have to kiss her.  He’d just give her a quick and very chaste kiss……that wouldn’t hurt anything…..right?  She was a very attractive woman after all and had a voice that could bring a man to his knees……even if it was usually making snide comments at him.  
Resigned to the inevitable teasing he was sure to receive for the rest of the night, he drew her in closer and leaned down, preying to the Gods she wouldn’t claw his eyes out when he felt her tense a little.  Deciding to just get it over with, he cupped her cheek and gently brushed her mouth with his.
You can do this, Arianna psyched herself up, just let him give you one little kiss, that’s all.  Then you can go on your merry way......and kick Mari’s ass for talking you into coming to this stupid Lifeday party in the first place!  She let those thoughts chant like a mantra over and over again as Aric leaned down and cupped her cheek.  Then those lips touched hers and robbed her of every rational thought she had.
He probably could’ve stopped at the simple kiss he’d intended despite how shockingly good it felt, but then he heard that pleasured sigh escape her and when those soft lips parted, he deepened the kiss, letting his tongue slip past her sharp fangs to meet hers.  Gods she tasted divine and a groan escaped him as he felt her arms go around him as his tightened around her slender waist.  His other hand was buried in that long, thick mane she usually wore bound up, keeping that wonderful mouth fused with his as desire shot through him.  It made no sense, they could barely tolerate each other for more than a few minutes, yet at that moment, he couldn’t get enough of her.  Void knows how long they would have stood there, nor how far they would’ve gotten since both of them had completely forgotten where they were, but then a giggle reached both their ears, followed by Mari’s snarky voice suggesting they go find a room.
“Oh,” Arianna breathed after they parted, a shaky hand touching her lips as her amber eyes widened. Her other hand was still gripping his shoulder and much to Aric’s shock, his hand had moved down from her waist and was cupping that shapely derrière of hers.
Aric’s head was swimming and he hadn’t even touched a drop of alcohol.  He tried to speak, but words escaped him at the moment.  He knew he should apologize, but kark him, he wasn’t sorry in the least.  Hell, he wanted to do it again!
Note: I’ve taken several liberties with some of the companions that we haven’t gotten yet in the expansion.  Hope no one minds too much.
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alaurin101 · 10 years ago
Accidents Happen
So I took a break from my guys’ update yesterday afternoon because a friend was having a really bad day and asked if I had any stories to send to distract her.  After going through my large folder of unfinished fics, I found a little something amusing for BH Katrynka Vleska I’d originally started over a year ago for the laughing fit prompt that was nearly complete.  I also realized that it fits this week’s distraction prompt so I finished it last night and sent it to my friend.....who got some much needed laughs from it.  I managed to find some time this afternoon to edit/polish it up and now you all get to read it now.....if you’d like.  The following happens soon after Why Didn’t I Think of This Sooner?! and contains no spoilers that I can think of.
Accidents Happen
“Time to write off Wonderblub,” the crimson skinned Deveronian chuckled as he sat at his drawing table.  
Gault had been struggling with how he was going to get rid of the newest and least popular character ever since Skadge lumbered off to take on a suicidal bounty a few weeks ago. The muse finally paid him a visit last night and he’d been waiting for some peace and quiet so he could focus on the next installment of the Super Spacer and Killer Kat Babe series.  With Kat and Mako out shopping, Torian busy hunting with that nuisance of an Akk dog Cocoa, and Blizz tinkering with the ship, Gault figured this was the best time to get the comic finished.
A little while later, Gault was in his own world, the images and words flowing perfectly as he worked through the panels, only stopping to flex his fingers or stretch every so often. He hoped to get the issue drawn at least before his focus was disrupted by the return of the ship’s inhabitants. Not that he was a loner anymore, but they were a noisy lot at times, especially that annoying dog and her habit of drooling all over his pants whenever he was seated for any length of time.  The coloring in and final touches wouldn’t require as much concentration on his part so distractions wouldn’t be as much of a problem.  Over half way there, Gault mused as he leaned his lanky frame back in the chair for a moment before beginning the next panel. The illustrious author was so deeply focused on the task at hand that he didn’t even hear the little Jawa enter the little room he’d sectioned off for his office until Blizz started jabbering about something.  
“……need more parts to finish,” Blizz chattered away, not realizing he didn’t have the Deveronian’s full attention.  “Be careful, don’t go inside engine room.  No touch. Not safe.”
“Gotcha,” Gault muttered, waving weakly at the Jawa without looking up as he continued sketching.
“Ugh Kat,” Mako shook her head at the other woman, setting several bags down so she could key in the code to the door, “You’re a mess.  At least nothing got on our bags though.”
“Yeah, I’d have been really pissed if my new clothes got ruined before I got to wear them,” the Cathar growled, wrinkling her nose as another glob of chocolate fell from her mane to splatter on the ramp.  “I swear, I was ready to kill those little brats!”
“Now, now Kat,” Mako giggled as they stepped inside their ship, “It was an accident.  They were throwing food at each other…….you just happened to be walking past the kid who was smart enough to duck.”
“They shouldn’t have been having a food fight!” Kat grumbled as she started peeling off her sticky jacket, “I mean come on……where were the parents?!”
“Trying not to get hit,” Mako grinned.
“Really funny,” Kat snorted, “Those kids were totally out of control…….I am so never having a litter of my own.”
“It was a birthday party,” Mako rolled her eyes as Kat continued grumbling about how today’s kids didn’t have any respect, “and the kids were having fun.  It was just our bad luck that we went in the wrong door to the restaurant, that’s all.”
“No way would I have ever gotten away with that as a kit,” Kat shook her head, a smile quirking her lips at the thought of how her parents would’ve reacted if she, Tia, and Jakob were having a food fight in public.  
“I’m sure they won’t either,” Mako smirked, “I saw the manager having a pretty heated conversation with one of the parents when we left and I’m willing to bet the price of that party went up with the damage.”
“Good,” Kat huffed as she pulled her soaking top off, wincing as the once white shirt hit the floor with a splat.
“I’ll put your bags upstairs,” Mako offered, feeling bad for her sticky friend, “You should probably head straight into the shower.”
“Thanks Mako,” Kat sighed, frowning as she shimmied out of her leatheris pants which were soaking wet as well.  
She hoped they weren’t ruined because they were her favorite pair and let out another groan when she saw her matted fur, its cream color stained brown from the cola.  Satisfied she wouldn’t track too much mess in her underwear, the Cathar left her bra and panties on and strode down the hall towards the refresher.  She spotted their resident con man turned artist in his hidey hole, his tall frame bent over the drawing table.
“Hey Gault,” Kat called from the doorway, “Where is everyone?”
“I dunno……out still I guess,” he mumbled distractedly, not taking his eyes off the poster board in front of him as he continued drawing.
Kat shook her head, knowing how the self-proclaimed creative genius was when he was working.  The ship could be under attack and Gault wouldn’t even flinch.  Kat didn’t mind much though since his successful comic series had brought in a lot of credits.  Besides, she had ways of getting his attention if she really wanted.  However, this wasn’t one of those times since she wasn’t exactly looking her best nor was she in the mood after winding up in the middle of a food fight instead of enjoying lunch out with Mako.  She smiled at the Devaronian whose tongue was sticking out a little as he concentrated on his drawing, watching for another moment before heading into the refresher.  
A little while later, a freshly scrubbed Kat emerged from the refresher in the tank top and shorts Mako set in there while she was showering.  Kat grinned, knowing the slicer’s motivation behind that kindness……Mako didn’t want to chance Torian to see the competition.  Not that Kat had any designs on the Mandalorian, something she assured her friend of more than once, it was just that she wasn’t always very modest……at least she wasn’t until Skadge came aboard.  Kat gave a shiver at the thought of that revolting Houk seeing her au natural and was thankful he was finally gone from their lives.   She was about to head upstairs when she heard an odd noise coming from the back of the ship.  Curious, Kat went over to investigate since they would be leaving the planet in the morning.
“Wonder what that’s about,” Mako muttered as the HoloVid flickered along with the floorlights. Then a shrieking yowl echoed through the ship and she bolted out of her chair.
“Hey now,” Gault yelled as the lights started flickering, “I’m trying to work here……this stuff doesn’t draw itself!”  Then a shrieking yowl made him jump out of his seat and he rushed out the door.
“Oh my stars…..Kat!” Mako blanched as she ran past him.
Gault was right behind her, then he stopped short, his eyes widening when he spotted their fearless leader staggering out of the engine room, her fur and mane all puffed out and smoking a little, “Oh kark……Blizz mentioned something about not touching stuff before he left.”
“Why in the kriffing hell didn’t you say anything?!” Kat snapped, glaring murderously at the normally smooth talking Devaronian while her heart raced.
“Err…..well…..I might not have been paying attention,” Gault looked sheepish as he rubbed the back of his neck, “and I sorta forgot until just now…….sorry about that.”
Mako bit her lip to keep from laughing as she guided the frazzled Cathar into the medbay, “It’ll be alright Kat……pretty sure it was just a small shock, but I still want to check your vitals with the scanner to be on the safe side.”
“Why are you both laughing?!” Kat hissed, her pretty face livid as she tried to smooth her mane down.
“Because it’s actually quite funny from our end,” Gault shot back, unable to resist despite knowing he’d probably pay for that comment later.
“What’s going on?” Torian murmured, breathing heavy as he rushed into the medbay, “Heard screaming when I entered the hangar and……..me’ven?  Me’bana?!”
“Gault happened!” Kat retorted, her amber eyes glaring at the Devaronian.
“Hey now, no need to get your fur all ruffled,” he smirked as Mako lost it, “Oh wait, it already is. Besides, it wasn’t my fault you went poking around where Blizz was working.  I think we all know by now that’s never a good idea.”
“I hope you finished your comic,” Kat seethed as her claws came out, “Because Super Spacer is about to meet his demise….”
“Come on Kat,” Mako soothed, trying really hard to control the giggle that threatened to bubble out every time she looked at her friend, “It was an accident and you know how Gault gets when he’s working on the Super Spacer stuff…….nothing registers with him.”
“That’s not entirely true…….one time Kat walked into my little office without a stitch on and I-“
“Ewwww,” Mako interrupted, smacking Gault upside the head, “I didn’t need to know that!”
“Smells like burnt hair,” Torian coughed, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
“Really?!  You too?!” Kat snorted, then cringed when she caught sight of herself in the cabinet mirror, “Oh Gods……I look like a deranged animal.”
“You do not,” Mako countered, once again biting her lip in order to keep from laughing, “More like a frightened one…….you know like in those cartoons on the HoloVids.”
“I really hate you all right now,” Kat grumbled as her crew burst out into laughter again.
 Author’s note:
Mando’a: from mandoa.org
*Me’ven- Huh? What?
*Me’bana- What’s happening?  What happened? 
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alaurin101 · 10 years ago
Because I’m in a sharing sort of mood now.....
Here’s a peek at three stories I currently have open.  Hope you enjoy!  Please keep in mind they’re still in the rough stages, so eh...
It’s Nice to See You, Too!
“What the hell?” Aric swore as he helped Elara medic up, the blast still ringing in his ears.
“Look, sir,” she pointed, shock on her face.
Aric looked to where his medic was pointing to see a figure staggering out of the fireball that used to be the Geonosian headquarters a moment ago.  It was the same Imperial soldier that bolted out the building seconds before the blast.  The soldier pulled off her helmet, throwing the smoking thing away and was frantically trying to peel off her burning, melting armor.  Both Aric and Elara immediately recognized her, and rushed over to help.
“Are you frakking crazy?!” Aric barked as he began ripping off Tia’s melted plating, wincing at how hot the metal felt through his gloves.
“As always, it’s such a pleasure to see you, Captain,” Tia retorted, trying to unzip her smoking under armor, “Good to see you’re still your pleasant self……I was worried you’d might’ve figured out how not to be an ass after our little chat on Nar Shaddaa.  Gods be damned, this karking zipper’s melted!”
“You’ll have to excuse me for not being prepared to see you racing out of an exploding building!”  Aric was shaking as he dug out a knife and began cutting at the very hot, thick material, “I swear both you and your sister need to read up on how to properly handle explosives.”
“Stars, stop bitching at me and get this fucking thing off!” Tia yowled, feeling the mesh weave burning in a couple of places.
“Serves you right,” Aric snapped as he continued working at getting the silvery minx free from her underarmor, “and it wouldn’t kill you to use the words ‘please’ and ‘sir’ you know. You might be behind enemy lines, but I’m still your superior.”
As soon as he’d cut enough of the material, Aric jerked it the rest of the way open and discovered yet another thing that would likely be invading his dreams.  His hands shook as he finished helping her out of the hot mesh, itching to tear those purple satin and lace scraps off of her as well.  When she turned to face him, a glint caught his eye and he spotted a small, violet gem dangling from a small silver hoop that pierced her navel and he felt his body tighten further.   Needing to get control of himself, he took a step back before he did something really stupid.
Tia saw his heated gaze and gave a sultry laugh, “I take it you like the view…….sir.”
“You scared us, Sergeant,” Elara intervened before things got ugly and before Tia could taunt Aric any further, she guided the younger Cathar over to sit a large, flat rock. Elara began tending to the numerous cuts and burns Tia sustained, pausing when she caught mischief twinkling on those lavender eyes which were currently following their pacing CO, “I’m pretty sure you promised Val back on Nar Shaddaa that you were going to try and be nice to Captain Jorgan.”
“No, I merely promised that I wouldn’t do any more physical damage,” she smirked, then winked at a scowling Aric who stopped pacing at her comment and was currently glaring at her with those arms crossed, “I never said I’d stop teasing him…….and he did start it this time.”
The Heat of Battle
Rifle shots took them by surprise and they found themselves surrounded by a small group of Gormak ambushers.  Ignoring the pain shooting down his injured arm, Sergeant Rusk charged up his assault cannon and let loose a barrage of fire as Ros ignited her sabers and leapt at a group of three behind them.  Despite the enemy having the advantage of surprise, the duo quickly took care of the threat.  However they failed to see the live grenade the last dying Gormak had in his hand until almost too late.  Throwing up a weak shield, Ros used the Force push the injured soldier to the ground before covering him with her own body.  Then she poured all her focus into shielding them both with the Force.  Luckily it was enough to absorb most of the blast and they escaped further injury.
“That was close,” Ros grinned down at the tall Chagrian as she started brushing debris off of herself, “Sorry about shoving you like that.”
“No problem,” Fideltin replied thickly as memories of another time she was straddled on him, her curvy body barely covered in the slave outfit the overseer forced her to wear flooded his mind and it was enough to heat his blood.   That beautiful face was still smiling down on him, those silver eyes going molten as her tongue darted out to moisten her lips.
“Oh hell,” he muttered and before he could stop himself, he leaned up, supporting himself with his uninjured arm as the other reached across her back to gently pulled her down until that tempting mouth was less than an inch from his, then with a groan, he closed the distance, boldly capturing those lips in a searing kiss that would be burned in his memory for the rest of his days.
This next one has spoilers for Smuggler Act 3
Who Can You Trust?!
“I never liked Darmas much,” Jax admitted, running his fingers through is mane in frustration, “But I never took him for a karking Imperial!”
“That’s one thing we can agree on,” Rogun crossed his arms, “And I have to say I found it hard to believe those rumors about you secretly working for the Voidwolf given your ties to the Republic.”
“Where do we go from here,” Corso spoke finally spoke up, still shaken and uncertain about trusting the Underworld kingpin who’d been hounding them since Ord Mantell.
“Well I suppose sparing my life and helping me get rid of those Sith is worth some stolen blasters,” Rogun answered, the older Chagrain sounding tired, “But Darmas and Dodonna are still out there working for the Voidwolf and all three need to be dealt with.   As much as I hate to admit it, I’m getting too old to be in the thick of fighting, but seeing as you’re out for blood……”
“Oh I’ll be more than happy to take care of them,” Jax growled, “But I have personal business on Coruscant that can’t wait.”
“I can work around that,” Rogun replied, “It’ll take time for my sources to track them down, but don’t linger too long. Once they find out we didn’t die here, they’ll know you’re coming after them.”
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alaurin101 · 10 years ago
Finally have a story to post outside of thread updates!  I’ve been playing JC Lissa these past 2 weeks so I could get her through SOR and finally be able to read some stories with JC Rishi content that I had to pass by.  While leveling her, a story got sparked but first I wanted to finish the First Impressions piece I’d started for her and Iresso when I wrote the one for Ros/Rusk.  The First Impressions piece got away from be a bit and is pretty long (~6000 words) so I also did an Alternative Perspectives thing with it to break it up a little.  Here goes and I hope it’s not too awful or repetitive.  The following contains spoilers for JC Hoth.
Felix’s POV
Inside the darkened quarters, a figure shifted in his bunk, the only one awake.  He closed his eyes and tried to ignore the snores of his subordinates as he desperately wished for sleep to claim him.  Felix knew tomorrow would be another long day and a tired soldier was a sloppy one.  His squad had gone to bed early, all of them exhausted both mentally and physically after what had happened earlier.  He couldn’t blame them, Hoth wasn’t an easy place to be stationed and they’d been here too long already.  However Kree’s attempt to mutiny had just added to the strain and had thrown Felix off more than he’d expected.  He’d been worried about possible dissention in the ranks after constantly fighting an enemy that couldn’t be defeated these past few weeks, but to actually witness one of his men turning a weapon on him was more than Felix could take and something inside him had snapped for a few tense minutes.  He still felt both anger and guilt keenly, anger at the green private for the stunt he’d pulled and guilt that the Master Lauren had to witness the aftermath.
The Jedi.  It was thoughts of the Jedi keeping him awake, not what happened with Kree earlier.  When he first learned that the Barsen’thor of the Jedi Order, Master Allissya Lauren, was coming to Hoth to assist the Coalition forces, Felix expected someone much older. He certainly wasn’t expecting the vision that showed up.  Iresso had been briefing his men when the petite Jedi enter the room with her mercenary companion, and was shocked speechless for a moment when she lowered her hood to reveal a heart shaped face, full lips with a natural pout, golden tanned skin, silver eyes, and white blonde hair that must be incredibly long judging from the thick plait that ran down her back to hover just above her tiny waist. Anyone in their right mind would be immediately attracted to the strikingly beautiful young woman and he was no exception.
Luckily years of training and discipline kicked in before he got caught staring, but Felix didn’t miss the hint of red that kissed the Jedi’s cheeks when her Twi’lek companion stooped down to mutter something in her ear.  He couldn’t hear what he said or her response, but her companion seemed amused by it for a brief second.  He was even more curious when he saw that blush deepen and that tempting mouth curved upwards for a second before she bowed her head towards him as that soft voice asked for him by name.  He confirmed that she was in the right place and could’ve swore he saw a flicker of awareness in those silver eyes when he finally introduced himself and his squad to her.  She bowed to each of them in return, a show of respect from a member of her Order.
After the introductions, Felix got to business and briefed Master Lauren and Zenith on their current situation with the White Maw.  Both listened intently, the Twi’lek’s face thoughtful as Felix admitted that one of the pirate captains was giving them trouble.  Zenith admitted that the resistance on Balmorra would come across a particularly tough Imperial officer every once in a while during their occupation, but often it was a different set of eyes that could spot the weakness and make the difference.  At that point, Felix knew he needed to just come clean, no matter how unbelievable the truth sounded.
 “Normally I’d feel the same, but there’s something else about this guy,” he sighed, bracing himself for their reaction, “The thing about Captain Valon is that……well he….”
“What the LT is trying to say is that Captain Valon can’t be killed,” Private Kree finally blurted out, then his gaze narrowed condescendingly at the young woman who’d been sent to help, “Jedi or no, he’ll tear you apart and you’ll end up dead just like Dask and Antilles.”
“I have seen many miraculous things over the years studying with the Jedi, but one thing I know for certain is that everyone becomes one with the Force eventually,” Master Lauren countered softly, and Felix saw no anger in her expression, only a trace of pity reflected in those silvery eyes as she met Kree’s stare head on.
“It’s true Jedi,” Private Tsalesh insisted, “We’ve tried everything!”
“Maybe it’s like Zenith said, you simply need a fresh set of eyes on him,” she suggested, “I have a Trandoshan on my crew that is the most skilled hunter I’ve ever known and I have the Force with me, this Captain Valon surely won’t be prepared for that.  I promise you all we won’t fail in this……we’ll catch him and he’ll answer for his crimes.”
“It’s not that we haven’t caught Valon,” Felix corrected her, “We have and already killed him…..more than once, but somehow he always comes back.”
“Impossible,” she scoffed, disbelief evident in her quiet voice, “No one is immortal.”
“This guy is,” Private Falch defended his CO, “We once collapsed an ice tunnel on Captain Valon and before you say it, there was no way he could’ve gotten out before the blast.  He was crushed and buried, yet a few days later, he’s leading a group of White Maw in another attack!”
 The Jedi’s disbelief was understandable, but Private Kree’s reaction was explosive.  He began going off about being done with this planet, pirates that wouldn’t die, and know it all Jedi.  Felix was torn, Kree was out of line, but even he had bristled at her comments and he’d noticed Falch and Tsalesh tense as well.  Felix had been there and he knew his men……they all saw what they saw.  Captain Valon truly seemed to be unkillable.   However before the situation exploded out of control, a gentle glow surrounded the Jedi and a sense of calm filled him.  He looked around to see that Kree had quieted and the others relaxed a little.  
Not wanting things to escalate, Felix dismissed his men then apologized to the Jedi before briefing her and her companion on the latest situation with the White Maw.  Captain Valon had gotten his hands on a thermal bore device during his last raid and used in the right place, it could crack the ice shelf and wipe out the entire base.  Master Lauren correctly guessed that’s where the men’s injuries had come from and offered to go after it for them.  Since most of his men were still recovering from that last attack and mourning their two fallen comrades, Felix took her up on the offer and gave her the coordinates.  
An hour later, Master Lauren left Aurek base with her men, one of which Felix was relieved to see was a medic.  He felt a little guilty for not going with them, but he knew he’d only slow them down in his current state.  He entered the med bay, thinking of the lovely young Jedi and hoping the four of them returned safely.  Private Tsalesh had already been taken care of and the Selkath was floating in a kolto tank where he’d spend the night.  The medic was just finishing up with Private Falch when he sat on the cot next to him and began removing his plating, wincing as the movement pulled at a gash on his side.  A few minutes later, Felix was stripped bare from the waist up and the medic was stitching up the wound he’d sustained when a pirate’s vibrosword had found a weak spot in his plating.
It was evening by the time the medic had finished up with Felix and the rest of his men were either sleeping in the barracks or being monitored in the med bay.  He didn’t want to seek out his quarters until he knew the Jedi and her team were safe and a short time later, he got his wish.  The group looked half frozen, but so did most soldiers that returned at the end of the day.  Master Lauren immediately directed her medic to return to the ship with the large Trandoshan who Felix saw was clutching a bloody side as he slowly followed the blond Human towards the shuttle.  Then those silver eyes turned to him and a smile curved that lush mouth as she strode confidently towards him.  
 “The threat has been neutralized Lieutenant.”
“Glad to hear it, master Jedi,” Felix bowed, then accepted the device Zenith handed him.
“Damaged in the fight, but looks fixable,” Zenith explained when he saw the lieutenant studying it, “Thought you might have use for it.”
“Definitely,” Felix grinned, “Glad you were able to bring it back, even more so since I assume Captain Valon isn’t around anymore.”
“We had no choice,” the Jedi sighed as she bowed her head and Felix could easily hear the sadness in her soft voice.  Like most of her Order, Master Lauren obviously didn’t like ending another’s life.
“If it’s any consolation, Captain Valon is responsible for a lot of recent deaths on Hoth,” Felix told her, feeling absolutely no remorse that the man had been killed.  The Holocommunicator went off before she could respond and those sad silver eyes widened with shock when the caller’s image appeared.
 He knew exactly how that felt, having seen the White Maw captain die several times only to reappear again.  But the first time, he was sure his face wore the same expression as hers did when Captain Valon greeted them.  Unfortunately the bad news didn’t end with the captain’s miraculous survival.  Valon had found the Republic’s main heat exchange and intended to attack it at first light.  Felix felt dread settle cold in his gut with the captain’s threat, knowing that spelled disaster for Aurek base.  He bowed his head when the call was ended, straining to keep himself from losing it when all he wanted to do was punch the wall in his frustration. He felt that soothing presence once again trying to calm him, but it wasn’t enough this time.  She didn’t realize just how bad the situation was.  Hoth hadn’t been the easiest assignment for any of them, the frigid weather alone beat at you daily, but Captain Valon had shattered their morale these past few weeks and he was certain his men were on the verge of mutiny.  This could very well be the last straw and if that wasn’t bad enough, Valon had just made the worst possible threat.  There was no way to stop him this time.  No one could survive outside after the sun went down so there would be no way to get to that facility in time.  Even if there was, he didn’t have the man power to stop him……not that it mattered, the bastard couldn’t be killed.
The Jedi, however, was determined to try despite the odds stacked against her.  He felt a brief flicker of anger and was shocked to see the cold expression on that usually calm and serene face when he turned to look at the source.  She asked him to send her the coordinates and any information he had on the heat exchange bunker, promising to set out before dawn.  Master Lauren didn’t even flinch when Zenith promised the captain would die for real this time, she just simply nodded, bowed at Felix as she bade him goodnight, then left with her companion on the last shuttle off planet a few minutes later.
True to her word, Master Lauren and her crew arrived on the first shuttle from the orbital station an hour before dawn.  Felix had to bite back a smile when he saw the Jedi step off the shuttle.  That tiny frame was packed in the thickest fur lined coat she could find and it went down past her knees.  Gone was the robe, her legs clad in thick pants and boots that disappeared under the coat.  The only reason he knew it was her was that she was the shortest by far and he could see those luminous eyes shining behind the goggles she wore over the heavy face mask. Then he remembered the slender beauty that lie beneath that heavy coat and he was once again thinking things he shouldn’t.  
They left half an hour later and Felix once again found himself praying they’d make it back safely. After checking on Tsalesh and Falch in the medbay, then checking in on a still brooding Kree, Felix spent the rest of the morning alone pacing in his quarters.  Stress was making him restless, and he felt guilty about not accompanying the Jedi this morning, but the medic urged him to take it easy since his wound wouldn’t be fully healed for at least another day.  Plus Felix had a bad feeling Kree was on the verge of a meltdown and he needed to be there in case the hotheaded private did anything stupid…..which he unfortunately did that afternoon.
As soon as the medic released Tsalesh and Falch, Felix decided to lead his squad out on a simple scouting mission to build their morale.  They’d search for and take out any of Valon’s scouting parties they found…….a task they’d easily be able to handle with the man himself busy dealing with Master Lauren at the heat exchange and the more of his men they could eliminate, the better.  He sent Master Lauren a message with the coordinates to Outpost Senth where they’d be working from and asked her to meet him there when she finished.
Everything had gone well and they’d managed to take out a few of Valon’s people before reaching the outpost later that afternoon.  It was when they entered the small bunker just outside the outpost that things went south and they were ambushed.  Greatly outnumbered, they found cover and fired with everything they had while Felix called for backup.  Lucky for them, Master Lauren arrived a few minutes later to even the odds, but the damage had been done.
 “They tracked us back here LT,” Kree accused and Felix heard a soft gasp and the distinct hum of a blaster charging as he stood from inspecting the nearest corpse, “This was way more than a scouting party……this was a coordinated attack.  You lied to us!  Captain Valon’s still alive, isn’t he?!”  Then the angry soldier turned towards Lissa, still keeping his blaster trained on Felix, “Were you in on this too, Jedi?”
Zenith brought up his sniper rifle and Qyzen hissed angrly, but Master Lauren shook her head at them as she took a step towards Private Kree. She held her arms away from her body a submissive gesture since her lightsaber still hooked to her belt and when she spoke, her voice was soft and even, “I knew, but we’ve discovered how Captain Valon keeps coming back from the dead.”
“It’s too late for that,” Kree shouted desperately as he turned back to his CO, “We always wondered how you escaped the Imps LT. Now this?”  The shaken soldier looked around at his fellows before settling his gaze back on the Jedi, “We…….we’re not going to stay here and die!”
 Felix made his move, quickly disarming the private while his attention was on the Master Lauren.  Ignoring the pain in his side, he punched Kree before he could react and the stunned young man dropped to the ground.  Zenith and Qyzen immediately brought their weapons back up, each covering the remainder of his squad, but it was unnecessary……the crisis had been averted for the time being.  
Even being Force blind, Felix could tell Master Lauren didn’t approve of the way he’d handled Kree, which is why he gave her an opportunity to voice in on his punishment.  He wasn’t surprised that she sympathized with the private and asked that he be let off with a warning, simply stating that he’d been through enough.  Despite his better judgement, Felix honored her request but made sure Kree knew that there would be no third chance.
Some good had come out of the day though, Master Lauren had indeed unraveled the mystery behind Captain Valon’s supposed immortality.  Apparently the pirate had raided an Imperial lab where they were keeping some experimental armor they’d found amongst the many wrecked ships on Hoth’s surface. Thanks to a survivor from the Imperial squad that attacked the bunker instead of Valon, they not only knew the secret behind the pirate’s sudden string of success, but they also had a promising lead on how to get more information that could help them end Valon’s threat for good.  Felix decided to return to Aurek with his squad in order to research and prepare for the assault on the Imperial lab where the research data could be found.   They followed Master Lauren’s people and arrived at the base just as the sun was setting.  His men headed for their barriks, but he followed the Jedi towards the shuttles.    
 “Thank you Master Jedi,” Felix bowed as her crew boarded the shuttle, “It’s only been a couple of days and you’ve done so much already.  I’m just sorry you had to witness the men the way they were earlier……they’re all good guys really, even Kree.”
“Please, call me Lissa,” she insisted, smiling shyly at him before bowing in return, “You and your men have done a lot despite the odds against you Lieutenant Iresso, and I’m more than happy to do what I can to assist.”
“We appreciate it since there’s now an end in sight to our assignment on Hoth,” Felix told her, unable to take his eyes off that tempting mouth that was still smiling at him, “and you can call me Felix.”
“While I’ll admit some of the scenery is breathtaking, the cold is even more so and I can certainly understand why you’d be eager to be stationed somewhere else,” she replied, a twinkle appearing in her eyes as that smile broadened.  Then she heard the last boarding call for the shuttle and bowed to him again, “Goodnight…….Felix.”
“Goodnight Lissa,” he called back as she boarded the shuttle.
 He didn’t know which was worse, being kept awake by stress of a possibly mutiny among his men and the danger to Aurek base as he was last night, or thoughts he had no business having about Master Lauren…….Lissa.  He liked the way it sounded, but not nearly as much as he liked hearing that soft voice say his name and suddenly some very inappropriate feelings surfaced when he thought of other ways he’d like for her to use his name.    
It was going to be a long night.
 Lissa’s POV
A heavy sigh escaped the petite figure that so far had been spending the sleep cycle tossing and turning again.  Last night it had been the mystery of a White Maw leader who seemed to be immortal keeping her awake.  Logically she’d known immortality to be impossible……all living things become one with the Force eventually.  Her crew had shared her skepticism, especially after the confrontation with that White Maw leader that went surprisingly easy considering Lieutenant Iresso and his men had sworn the pirate captain couldn’t die.  However she’d was hit with the biggest shock of her young life when the very same man she and her crew killed had somehow managed to contact them at the base a mere hour later.  
 “We defeated you,” she frowned, exchanging a confused look with her companion, “I saw your corpse…..there were no life signs at all.”
“Suspicious,” Zenith crossed his arms as his eyes narrowed at the holo image of the pirate he’d gotten the kill shot on only an hour ago.
 For once Lissa had to agree with her cynical crew member, but she couldn’t sense any trickery despite her instincts screaming at her that it was impossible for it to be the same man. It was a mystery, but Lissa loved solving puzzles of all sorts and this one in particular she was determined to get to the bottom of since it was vital to her mission on the frozen planet.  She felt a surge of guilt for her earlier reactions when Lieutenant Iresso and his men had told her they’d witnessed Valon coming back to life and was about to apologize to the frustrated officer when Captain Valon dropped another bombshell on her.
 “Hope you enjoy being warm tonight,” the broad man chuckled coldly, “Because it’ll be your last.  You see, I came across some interesting intel when I raided that bunker and I now have the coordinates to the Republic’s main heat exchange.  My men and I plan to hit that facility at first light…….I might’ve ransomed it back to you, but after you sent that annoying Jedi after me I think I’ll just blow it up instead.  Have a good night.”
Felix swallowed hard when Valon cut off the call and Lissa could feel the anger, fear, and helplessness rolling off the tall soldier in waves as he bowed his head.  She reached out to try and calm him as she had earlier with his crew, but he simply shook his head, “You don’t understand Master Jedi.  If that heat exchange is taken out, we’ll all freeze here.  We could start evacuating, but with only two regular shuttles….....”
“I swear I won’t let Valon take that bunker,” Lissa vowed.
“How?” Felix shot back as he ran his hands over his head in frustration, “There’s no way to get there in time…….going outside when the sun’s down is suicide.  A person would freeze to death within half an hour.  Even if we could get there in time, I don’t have enough able bodied men right now.  Not to mention that my guys will probably mutiny after finding out Valon’s still walking around after going toe to toe with a Jedi.”  
“That won’t happen the next time we meet,” Lissa muttered darkly, a rare display of temper from her.  “Send me the coordinates of that facility and any information you have on it. My people and I will leave before dawn.”
“Qyzen and I will see to it he doesn’t get back up again this time,” Zenith added, and for once Lissa didn’t chastise him.  Instead she nodded her agreement, then bowed at the lieutenant before leaving.
 Lissa had tossed and turned that night in bed as her brain tried to make sense of it all.  She was certain it was the same man she and her crew had met and dealt with that afternoon, but he was just a regular Human being, as mortal as any sentient species, a Force blind with nothing unusual about him.  The next time would be different, but despite Zenith’s words to the contrary, Lissa had no intention of killing the White Maw Captain.  She wanted answers and fully intended to get them…..even if it meant dragging the unconscious man’s body back to base and locking him up.  She had her methods of getting information and if they could contain the captain in a cell, she’d have plenty of time to meditate and gather her strength before using the Force to interrogate the man.  
Lissa, Qyzen, Tharan, and Zenith set out roughly half an hour before dawn in the heaviest fur lined gear they could get their hands on.  She’d been so padded, she could barely move properly and wasn’t all that sure she’d be able to get up if she fell, but at least she was warm.  The lieutenant hadn’t been lying about the cold though and despite the extra lining in her outerwear, Lissa’s fingers were tingling painfully by the time they reached the heat exchange.  They were rewarded for their efforts however, and managed to arrive before the Valon’s full force did.  They fought their way inside, taking out the White Maw that had come ahead and decided to lie in wait for the pirate captain.  
Unfortunately it was the Empire that showed up to ambush Lissa instead of the White Maw.  Luckily she and her crew had been prepared for a fight and it didn’t matter if it was Imperial commandos instead of pirates, they were still the enemy and in the end were defeated.  It had rattled them a little and the unexpected appearance of Imperials was yet another mystery for her to solve, but thanks to the sole surviving and very obliging engineer who’d pleaded for mercy, Lissa got all her answers.
 “I won’t hurt you,” Lissa promised, “But I want some answers. For starters, why are you here?”
“An anonymous tip came into Dorne base late last night,” the engineer explained, shaking a little as Qyzen moved to stand behind him, “Said some Jedi that pissed off Captain Valon would be at this heat exchange to secure it.”
“Why would that interest you?” Lissa asked, having a good feeling who the informant was but confused as to why.
“We hoped to capture you,” the engineer answered, “Use you as bait for Valon.”
“Why are you after him?”
“He stole some armor from one of our labs and it was vital we get it back since we never found any schematics for it.  It was a prototype and the only of it’s kind that anyone knew of.”
“What’s so special about this armor?”
“Hoth’s littered with starship wreckage and a few weeks ago we uncovered some experimental tech amidst an old battleship.  There were weapons, armor, and even some medical equipment.  We took it all back to the lab to study it.  That armor had built in healing mechanisms that can heal any wound as it happens. We’d just got it working when Valon’s men attacked and he took it.”
 The big mystery had been solved.   Captain Valon wasn’t immortal, he simply stole a set of prototype healing armor that had been lost before its existence was even known.  With that question answered, Lissa figured she’d be able to sleep well tonight despite the impending raid on an Imperial lab that was in store for her crew and Lieutenant Iresso’s squad in the morning.  But sleep still eluded her and this time she couldn’t blame it on a mystery since she knew full well what it was.
The lieutenant. That’s what was keeping Lissa from the much needed rest her body and mind required.  Or rather thoughts of him that had nothing to do with the mission and everything to do with warm brown eyes, a smooth voice, and a lightly freckled face that she found very appealing.   She’d opted to take Zenith planet side with her to meet the Coalition forces on Hoth since he at least represented the Rift Alliance to a degree. With an older sister as the CO of Havoc Squad, Lissa was certainly no stranger to soldiers and how strong their emotions could be during wartime.  Being acutely sensitive to emotions, the empath had already begun to shield herself when the shuttle touched down on the frozen ground, knowing full well the squad she was going to assist was having trouble with a local pirate gang.  
She wasn’t prepared for what she’d felt after lowering her hood and looked up at the commanding officer. Lieutenant Felix Iresso’s thoughts had nothing to do with combat or pirates and everything to do with her.  Unused to getting that reaction in her plain Jedi robes, her shield wavered and she was hit full blast with his thoughts and emotions.  What was even more shocking was that Lissa found herself feeling the same for the good looking Lieutenant and for the first time in years, she forgot to reign in her own thoughts and emotions, even allowing the latter to project for a brief moment before she realized it.  Unfortunately that momentary lapse in her focus was enough for her all too observant companion and he wasn’t shy about making that known.
“I recall you telling me and Alauni to get a room not that long ago, Master Jedi,” Zenith murmured wryly, the Twi’lek’s mouth twitching in a rare smirk, “Maybe heed your own advice?”
“Not funny,” a blushing Lissa hissed, “No one likes a smartass you know......and I’d hate to see you suddenly doing an impression of an Endorian chicken the next time you’re in a crowded room.”  
“Ouch, swearing now……should be interesting,” Zenith chuckled, the Balmorran utterly unfazed by the threat he knew she’d never follow through on.
 Zenith wasn’t wrong……the past couple of days proved to be interesting and not in a good way.  The worst had come when they’d met up with Lieutenant Iresso’s men at Senth outpost after securing the heat exchange.  They came upon the bunker to find it under attack by the White Maw.  The size of the ambush was enough for the lieutenant’s men to figure out about Captain Valon’s survival and emotions were running very high when Private Kree pulled a weapon on his CO.  The force of all those emotions almost overwhelmed Lissa, but despite having worn herself out fighting the Imperials and healing the survivor enough to make it back to his base, she managed to throw up a weak shield in her mind to absorb the brunt of it.  
Lissa frowned when she recalled Lieutenant Iresso striking Private Kree earlier, never caring for violence despite the soldier’s veiled insults towards her.  However the lieutenant hadn’t hurt his subordinate too badly and it was only when Kree pulled a weapon on his CO that the tense situation exploded and became physical.  Thanks to an older sister in Republic Spec Forces, Lissa was aware that the disrespect alone was a gross offence.  Then she thought about how Mallay and Aric would’ve reacted in Lieutenant Iresso’s place and realized the officer hadn’t done any worse.  Mallay would likely have cuffed the private and he’d probably be scrubbing toilets with a toothbrush for a week for the disrespect alone.  Aric would probably have given him a dressing down he’d never forget then made him do pushups until he couldn’t feel his arms anymore……a punishment he apparently used with Tanno Vik on more than one occasion. Both her sister and her husband were keen on showing respect, even if they didn’t agree with the point of view, and neither would’ve tolerated the soldier’s show of weakness.  The mutiny was another matter……and something neither Mallay nor Aric would’ve reacted well to at all.  
The insult didn’t bother Lissa too much, many people had strong opinions about her Order and it wouldn’t be the first time she’d had to listen to one.  It was basic fear driving the young soldier, an emotion that had been assaulting her from all of the soldiers and she understood why.  Hoth wasn’t an easy planet to be stationed on……the frigid weather alone was daunting, but having to deal with an “unkillable” enemy was enough to make anyone afraid.  The only difference between Kree and the rest of his fellow soldiers in the Coalition army was that privates Tsalesh and Falch had enough sense of honor to stick with their commander and the mission whereas Private Kree was letting his fears override his training.  That could prove to be dangerous for all of them.  Perhaps when this assignment was all over with, she’d have a talk with the lieutenant in private.
A smile curved her lips when she thought of being alone with Lieutenant Iresso…..with Felix…..even if it was just for a few minutes.  No smart remarks from Zenith about her blushing or getting caught staring a little. Part of her envied her outgoing twin, who would’ve definitely flirted with the handsome officer by now.  Alas, Lissa didn’t have Ros’s charismatic nature and wasn’t all that comfortable talking with new people, let alone try to flirt.  Perhaps she should talk to Ros…..or even their oldest sister Bella, who could likely charm even the staunchest Jedi out of his robes.  Not that she wanted to see the lieutenant naked, but she wouldn’t mind seeing what he looked like in normal clothing……maybe see what his body really looked like in a pair of leatheris pants……the kind that hugged his backside well enough for her to……stop it right there Lissa!  But her mental chiding was too late, and now she found herself wondering what Felix Iresso looked like out of his armor……and everything else.
It was going to be a long night.
Author’s Note:
I truly hope the alternative perspectives wasn’t too repetitive.  Many thanks to Kitar for looking the story over for me......after staring at it for 2 days, I needed a fresh set of eyes before doing a final edit/polish.  
Some of the conversations are taken verbatim from the cutscenes, others I fudged with a bit to make them feel more real for Lissa.
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alaurin101 · 10 years ago
The Hangover (SWTOR style)
Sorry guys, but I’m going to have to pause for a couple of days with my 30 day flash fic challenge.  I was much busier than I’d anticipated today getting ready for vacation and tomorrow we’re packing up the Laurin family truckster to head out on our annual summer trip to visit the family in MI.  However, I do have something for you all.  I decided to go ahead and post that story I used an excerpt from for yesterday’s challenge.  I’d originally written this when the Crossovers and Mashups prompt came out, but I never posted it since I thought it was too silly......I still kinda do, but eh.  This the first of three parts, the other 2 are only outlined (since I really wasn’t sure I’d ever post this one).  Anyways, have some fun with my guys and a swtor style spoof of the Hangover.
The Hangover, part 1
The picturesque park was quiet in the early morning light, pale pink satin swayed in the gentle breeze, draping from the gazebo in the center.  Flowers opened their soft petals as they were kissed by the sun rising over the sprawling estate.  Inside, several figures were bustling about, making last minute preparations as a comlink chimed from one of the many rooms.  A petite Human clad in a satin robe snatched the unit, a roller slipping out of place in her haste to answer.
“Jax!” she cried, easily recognizing the grey Cathar’s image, “Where are you guys?!  I’m freaking out!”
“Yeah listen, Mako,” Jax sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he tried to find the words, “Uh…..we fucked up….”
“What are you talking about?!”
“The bachelor party…..the whole weekend,” Jax stammered, head bowed, “Things got outta control and uh……we lost Dek.”
“We can’t find Dek,” Jax sighed, bracing himself for the explosion.
“What are you saying, Jax? We’re getting married in five hours!”
“Yeah……that’s not gonna happen.”
 *~*~*~*Roughly 48 galactic standard hours earlier*~*~*~*
 The soft swoosh of a door closing registered in Zabrak’s mind, slowly bringing him back to consciousness.  The first thing he felt was the cold, hard marble floor against his back.  His head was swimming, but he pushed past that and forced an eye open a tiny crack.  The blurred image of the door closing came into view and he struggled to remember where exactly he was.  With a groan, he turned his horned head face up towards the ceiling, rubbing his eyes to clear his blurred vision.  The ornately decorated vaulted ceiling looked familiar and he remembered where he was. He slowly sat up and got a good look at the suite, shocked at the mess.  He blinked twice when he saw an Endorian chicken walking across the demolished room, pausing for a brief second before stepping around the tawny Cathar passed out in front of the sofa.
“Aric,” he called out, his dry throat making his voice hoarse.  
His XO kept snoring so Zev finally gathered the strength to stand, staggering over to the bar to grab a bottle of water out of the conservator.  The room spun and he practically fell into the nearest chair, waiting for the nausea to pass before opening the bottle and taking a drink. He was about to call out to Jorgan again when movement from behind the bar caught his eye.  The tall, pale Human’s careful movements speaking volumes as he murmured a greeting as he brushed the long tangle of ginger colored locks from his face.   Zev shook his head as the nude Jedi trudged towards the refresher, stumbling over the prone figure of a massive grey Cathar sprawled in front of it on his way in.  
“Watshwhereyugoin,” a soft growl emitted from the spacer as he slipped back into sleep.
“Aric……you alive over there?” Zev croaked, afraid to move from his spot enough to check.
The snoring stopped and a second later, a muffled ‘not sure,’ came from the man in question. Zev was about to respond when the Jedi burst out of the fresher, tripping over Jax again in his haste, his blue eyes wide with shock.
“There’s a nexu in the fresher!”
“No there isn’t,” Zev shook his head, regretting it instantly as the pounding resumed.
“Dammit, Ka’van,” Jax growled, raising himself up on his hands and knees before gingerly standing, “I told you to watch where you’re going and put some clothes on for kark’s sake, will ya?!”
“Didn’t you hear me?” Ka’van gasped, grabbing a blanket off the floor to wrap around himself, “There’s a nexu in the fresher!”
Zev and Aric exchanged a look as Jax entered the fresher to see what had spooked his Jedi friend. Aric  eased himself into a sitting position against the couch he’d passed out next to, looking around for his shirt.  
“Oh, shit,” Jax cursed as he ran out of the fresher a second later, “He’s not kidding, there’s a karking nexu cub in the fresher!”
“What the void did we do last night?!” Aric whispered as he finally stood up, having spotted his shirt hanging off a nearby lamp.  
“Oh my stars, Aric!” Zev winced, “Your back!”
“What’s wrong with my back?”
“Oh, man,” Jax snickered, “Who did that?!”
“What?!” Aric demanded as Zev and Ka’van started laughing.  He went over to the mirror behind the bar when no one answered and carefully turned, “Oh that’s it, I’m killing him this time!”
“You know I can’t let you do that,” Zev finally choked out, wiping tears from his eyes.
“It’s not funny dammit!”
“Oh, quit being so sensitive,” Ka’van snorted, “Your fur will grow back.”
“Yes it will, but I really don’t want to go around with that shaved into my back until it does,” Aric snapped, “and I don’t think my mate will appreciate it as much as you do.  I mean it this time…..that Weequay’s going to get the business end of my assault cannon.”
“Speaking of Vik, where is everyone?”
Their answer came a moment later when one of the bedroom doors opened and a tall, lanky Devaronian came out, rubbing his head, “Geeez…….what’s all the yelling about?!”
“There’s a nexu in the fresher,” Ka’van answered, “and Aric has a naked Nautolan shaved into his back.”
“You know I hate to admit it,” Gault observed, looking a little sheepish as he regarded Aric’s back, “but that sorta looks like my work.  Of course, I usually draw my artwork and have never, to my knowledge, shaved anything into anyone’s back……but then again, I honestly don’t remember very many details about last night at all.”
“Did I hear someone say there’s a nexu in the fresher?” Tanno’s gravelly voice drawled from the doorway behind Gault.
“Hey guys,” Corso called out hoarsly as the other bedroom door opened, “There’s a baby in here!”
“No there isn’t,” Zev shook his head, closing his eyes as he willed this to all be a dream he was about to wake up from.
The sound of a baby crying denied him that reality and they all stared in shock as the blond Mandalorian came out carrying a pale green Twi’lek infant.
“The kriff is that?!” Aric blanched, a claw tipped finger pointing at the infant, now cooing as Torian tickled its cheek.
“Duh,” Ka’van rolled his eyes, “It’s obviously a baby.”
“Well no shit,” Aric growled his annoyance, then his nose wrinkled as Ka’van’s blanket slipped, “and didn’t Jax ask you to put some clothes on?!”
“I think we got more things to worry about than my state of undress,” Ka’van retorted.
“Hey Jorgan,” Tanno chuckled, “Nice Nautolan!”
“Kiss my ass, Vik!” Aric growled, “and I swear if I find out you were behind it…..”
“Again, I think there’s more important things to worry about,” Ka’van reiterated.
“Like what?” Aric shot back.
“Like the fact that we have a baby in our room and there’s fucking nexu in the fresher,” Jax retorted, anxiously eyeing the fresher door.
“Hang on,” Zev called out as he looked around, “Where’s Dek?”
“He wasn’t in our room,” Corso answered as he attempted to bind his dreadlocks back.
“Not in ours either,” Tanno told them.
“Try his com,” Aric suggested, “Maybe he went downstairs for breakfast.”
Zev dug his comlink out of his pocket and scrolled through to his cousin’s frequency.  A few seconds later, the chime of another com came from the bar.  Ka’van followed it and answered it, confirming that it was Dek’s.
A pale Corso swallowed hard, pointing to the fresher door as he whispered, “You don’t think…..”
“I didn’t see any gore in there,” Ka’van answered, “but then again, I was half awake until I spotted the cub, then I just bolted out of there.”
“I didn’t see or smell anything except the nexu,” Jax shook his head, “Dek wasn’t in there.”
“Where the hell is he?” Zev asked the group, “and do any of you remember a damn thing from last night?”
“I remember heading out for dinner,” Corso answered.
Aric scrubbed his hands over his face, catching a familiar smoky scent, “Cigarras…….I remember someone handing out cigarras after dinner.  We were walking to the taxi station after dinner.”
“That’s right,” Jax confirmed, turning towards the ginger haired Jedi now pulling on the pants he finally found, “Ka’van had a box of cigarras and we smoked them on the way to the casino……Dek was definitely with us then because he was smoking one.  In fact, I’m pretty sure we all had one…..even you, Corso.”
“Guys, I don’t even remember the casino at all,” Zev shook his head.
“Me either,” Gault admitted, the rest chiming in their agreement.
“Why can’t we remember anything?” Jax murmured, completely stumped, “I mean I’ve had my fair share of drunken nights, but……”
“Nothing,” Aric went on, “absolutely nothing.  I have no idea how we got home, where the baby came from, how the nexu got in our fresher…….”
“How Jorgan’s back got shaved,” Tanno chuckled, ignoring the death glare those bright green eyes shot him.
“Or more importantly, where my cousin is,” Zev finished.
“What the fuck did we do last night?!” 
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