#alaina lavellan
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Alaina Lavellan and Evangeline Trevelyan as they will appear in Dragon Age: The Veilguard (Bc i say so and i’m a little goblin who had to draw them ten years later!)
Alaina Lavellan is fresh off her farm, leaving behind her husband Cullen and her two young children, ready to find her old friend and deliver a swift punch and then pull him into the biggest hug she can. She had her vallaslin removed after the revelations of Trespasser, She wanted to be free of the past and to learn and document the truth of Ancient Elven history and the current Dalish culture as it actually is. She was more than happy to disband the Inquisition as she wanted to remove the possibility of spies and to be left to her own devices to tackle this problem.
Evangeline Trevelyan kept the Inquisition together, believing them still capable of being a true force of good in the world and she will weed out every traitor and spy by herself if she needs to. She managed to lead the world to temporary peace with only the kindness in her heart and a steadfast will and will do it again and try to bring her old friend and mentor back from the brink of destroying everything they worked so hard to protect. She has found her purpose and place in the world and she will not let it be taken from her again.
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bhaalxbabe · 2 years
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i'm gonna go cry now
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anunquenchableflame · 6 years
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Myra Cousland & Alaina Lavellan | A ko-fi donation reward and a trade for @commander-sarah!
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vaiyamagic · 4 years
💰 💀
I... would love to answer these, but you didn't specify an OC. So, I guess I will choose? (If you had a particular oc in mind, let me know?)
I'm gonna go with 3, because I feel like it.
1: Alaina, my Sole Survivor from Fallout 4
2: Tahime, my Lavellan from Dragon Age Inquisition
3: Marin, my dragonborn from Skyrim
💀 Has your OC ever lost anyone to death? Multiple people? People close to them? How does the loss make them feel?
Alaina: Absolutely. She lost her entire family when the war destroyed the world. Everyone she ever knew was suddenly gone. It broke her and changed her, but she eventually pulled through. It still makes her sad sometimes, but the only one whose wound has yet to heal and continues to hurt is the death of her son, because she's the one who did it.
Tahime: Living in a clan, of course he's had losses. Childhood friends, peers, mostly to nature (unlucky hunts, poisonous/venomous creatures/plants, and the occasional one to humans) but his immediate family (both parents as well as an older and a younger sister) is still alive. He cares a lot about his clan, so the remembering of it makes him sad, but for the most part, he's come to peace with it all. (And yes, his clan survives the game, damnit.)
Marin: She lost her older brother to the Thalmor during the war, and that certainly colors her views on them. She has no love for the Thalmor. Her mother died of an illness while she was in Skyrim and didn't receive word that she had been sick until it was too late to see her before she passed. She still kicks herself for not being there when it happened. (Her father's still alive tho.) She has had one more major loss but I have plans to maybe do a comic or fic about it one day, so I'll just leave it at those two.
💰 If your OC had all the money they could ask for what would they do with it? Where would they go and what would they buy? Are they the only one who benefits from this wealth?
Alaina: She doesn't have a lot of desire for caps, but she would use it to help rebuild the commonwealth. In this way, everyone benefits... well, except for raiders and such I guess. She would probably also try to get Nick a new casing for his hand and neck, and get little things for all her friends. And maybe a working hot water bath.
Tahime: Also doesn't have a lot of desire for money, and would likely use whatever he could to help his people and those closest to him. Dorian would likely make him buy a new wardrobe tho, or at least some fancy outfits. Vivienne would take Dorian's side. There would be no arguing with them. If he had to be a little self indulgent? Dorian introduced him to these things called mani/pedis, and he secretly loves them.
Marin: She's the dragonborn. She HAS all the money. She likes collecting rarities, and is said to have a full collection of dragon claw door keys, with the exception of a golden one that she will get when the current owner passes away (don't worry, she's not the murdering type.)
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sakurabunnie · 5 years
3 OC Facts
I was tagged by the lovely @tessa1972! Thank you so much! ♡(ŐωŐ人)
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Fáelán originally found his childhood pet Nibbles in the woods injured with a broken leg, and after nursing him back to health, Nibbles kept coming back no matter how many times Fáelán tried to release him, so he finally kept him as a pet.
Fáelán isn’t too fond of Operas (though he’ll go to them for Josephine’s sake) because the noise hurts his ears. He loves firework shows, though, no matter how loud they are.
After Trespasser,  Fáelán moves with his young daughter Alaina to a villa that Dorian owns on the border of Tevinter and the Free Marches where they all live together when not separated by work.
I tag: @pelle-lavellan ,@stumblingsbalderdash, @fatalecho, @cherrypikkins, @hadiden-lavellan, @hobbithase, @seboostian-art, @mommydragon-of-all, @luinquesse, @thedosian-cabbage, and whoever else wants to!❣╰(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)╯❣
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The Dread Wolf’s Heart (x) It was first after I named this that I realized it shared name with @feynites awesome fic, which you should totally give a go at reading.
lil close-up of heart and eyes under cut
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yenzvengerbergu · 9 years
Requisition Officer: Ser!
Inquisitor: Report.
Requisition Officer: It might be useful...
Inquisitor: "Tapestries"? Are you sure we don't need something more practical? Tents? Iron? Drakestone? ... No?
Inquisitor: Siiigh.
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Long time no see! It was nice to draw some dragon age art again!! I’m so glad I was able to get my wrist to cooperate long enough to let me draw some this scene of Alaina and Cullen dancing at Halamshiral. I relish any chance i get to draw Alaina’s ballgown so even tho im confident ive drawn them dancing before ya’ll can have another as a treat😂💕
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bhaalxbabe · 3 years
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You are stealing? Right to jail. You are playing music too loud? Right to jail, right away. Driving too fast? Jail. Slow? Jail. You are charging too high prices for sweaters, glasses? You right to jail.
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bhaalxbabe · 3 years
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Loghain: Promise me when I leave you won’t do anything stupid. Alaina: I promise! Promise me you’ll wear the flower crown I made you? Loghain, who has already thrown that out: No. 
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bhaalxbabe · 3 years
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alaina: so you know the hero of ferelden ?! :D
loghain, sweating bc he’s married to the hof: I know of her, yes. 
also not me shamelessly promoting my ailonwy x loghain fic -> {x}
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bhaalxbabe · 3 years
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dalish rep @ halamshiral is the only way to go 
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bhaalxbabe · 3 years
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loghain in the dalish formal attire though 🥰
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bhaalxbabe · 3 years
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Inquisition @ The Grey Wardens: It’s the demon summoning for me. 
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bhaalxbabe · 3 years
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it’s the blatant foreshadowing for me
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bhaalxbabe · 3 years
Iron Bull: Hey, Furrows.
Loghain: What? Me?
Iron Bull: Yes. Furrows between the eyes. Moping. Lost in your own issues.
Loghain: Can't a man think without being judged for it?
Iron Bull: I'm not judging. I was gonna say you're pretty good at it. I can't pull that off.
Loghain: A tragedy, for sure.
Iron Bull: And I mean, if you're going to brood, you might as well reap the benefits.
Loghain: What benefits?
Iron Bull: The ladies.
Loghain: You do know I'm married, yes?
Iron Bull: And why do you think Ailonwy wanted to marry you? For the handsome brooding.
Ailonwy, if in party: Actually, it was for his big dic-
Loghain: ENOUGH.
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