#aku punk x reader
jellyfishoreo1206 · 1 year
Snippets of life with the BUBO characters (Nostre, Aku punk, Daniel, Gavril)
Gender-Neutral Reader
It was a boring summer night, nothing to do and falling into the same routine, or so you thought. It was very quiet, other than the constant chirping of the crickets, and the quiet rustling coming from the wind. But Gavril decided to surprise you by visiting! Though he scared the shit out of you when he literally snuck in through your bedroom window without a sound and surprised you, almost got a bat to the head if he didn't duck fast enough. He's fine, you gave him a whole block of cheese as an apology, he's very happy.
Limbs tangled together on the bed as you both hold each other, your head against his chest, listening to his calm heartbeat as your hands played with his hair. His hands were around your waist gently rubbing circles into your lower back, or just leaving them there as he enjoys the warmth you radiate. His hair was very soft and felt nice to the touch. Surprisingly, there was no knots or matted hair, so it was easy for you to comb your fingers through it without struggle. And the curliness of that one strand of his, is so fun. Just to gently pull it, and seeing it bounce back into it's original shape was just so strangely funny to you, causing a quiet giggle to escape your mouth whenever you do so. You continue to repeat the action for several minutes more, cheeks starting to hurt from smiling to much.
"What's got you so giggly tonight, Darling~?" Your constant giggling seemed to have peaked Gavril's interest, as he lifted your chin so he could see your smiling face, a soft grin on his own. "It's—it's just your hair," Twirling the strand around a finger, you let it go, watching as it quickly goes back to it's original state, another giggle being torn from your lips. "My hair? What about it?" Amusement was swirling in his eyes, his hands traveling up your back until they were softly placed on your face, gently stroking your cheek in a slow circular motion. "Honestly, it's just funny seeing your hair spring back..." He huffs out a small laugh, placing a soft kiss on your forehead as he pulls you closer to his person. Putting his face in the crook of your neck, Gavril places soft kisses along the skin, hands traveling back down to where they were originally at the start. The kisses made you squirm from the ticklish feeling as small giggles fill the room, not being able to get away as he had you caged in his arms.
That's how the night continued on, with you and your Gavril, talking back and forth between topics that don't even relate to one another, small silly banters, or just cuddling with each other. You're not sure if Gavril will be there in the morning, but that doesn't really matter, ear against his chest as the soft drumming of his heart lulls you to sleep. "Goodnight Darling~"
You wished you didn't have to get up. You wished you didn't even have to leave the arms of the literal cuddle bear that's holding you captive, and currently keeping you warm from the cold of LA, despite it being 46⁰. But that damn alarm kept screaming, and it was starting to tick you off. You forgot to turn it off the other day, as it was the beginning of winter break, and now you're facing the consequences of your own forgetfulness. How Daniel sleeps through the blaring of the alarm, you are not sure, how the hell does he even get up on time to get ready to teach?
As a last attempt, and a lot of squirming, you were finally able to get out of muscular arms that held you captive, finally turning off the alarm and powering it off so you wouldn't have anymore interruptions to your sleep. Groggy and absolutely tired, you pushed your way back into Daniel's arms, snuggling into his chest as your hands wrapped around his waist.
Though that seemed to have woke him up, "..Y/N? Wha..are you doing up..?" Yawning, he snuggles closer to your person, tangling his legs with yours as he does so. "Shit, sorry Danny I forgot to turn my alarm off the other day." He didn't respond for a good minute, you can't tell if he fell asleep or not because his eyes were still closed. You assumed he was asleep, his body hasn't moved an inch, other than the slow rise and fall of his breathing. Leaning closer towards his face, you kissed the tip of his nose before settling back into his chest, going back to sleep.
A couple more hours doesn't sound to bad..
Though Daniel wasn't really asleep, he was trying to wake himself up that he forgot to respond to you. But that kiss certainly woke him up, a red blush making itself known on his cheeks and the tips of his ears.
God, he was truly lucky to have you.
Aku Punk
What a wonderful start to your morning, groaning as you peaked at your personal alarm clock from underneath your arm, glaring at him as you turned over on your side. But that only seemed to make him more annoyingly persistent, as he jabbed your back repeatedly.
"what, whaT WHAT!? IT'S FUCKING SIX IN THE MORNING??" Though the redhead didn't respond to your shout, instead yanking the blanket from your person and grabbing onto your leg. "AKU.. DON'T YOU DARE DO WHAT YOU'RE ABOUT TO FUCKING DO." All you get in return is a mischievous smile, as he yanks your person off the bed with surprising strength, a yelp leaving your mouth. He throws you a pair of shoes and some sweats that were lying around in your room, turning to leave. "C'mon! Today's the day we get that game!" It took you a bit for your brain to remember what he was talking about, before it clicked. "Oh shit! How much time do we have?"
"30 minutes if you don't hurry the fuck up!"
Now with a time limit, you fumbled with your pajama pants as you rushed to put on the sweats, looking for a pair of socks while you do so too. The both of you were planning to buy the new Legend of Zelda game for a few weeks now, and today was finally that day! The reason why you guys didn't get it earlier was because you were both busy. And the fact that Aku always slept in much later than you before he had to go to his job.
Stumbling out the room as you tied your laces, you grabbed your keys and wallet from your dresser, heading towards the kitchen where Aku is most likely at. Probably drinking an energy drink or that green crap that he brought home once. He let you try it once, you were out sick for a whole entire week, stuck in bed with the worst headache you have ever experienced and nearly throwing up anything you ate.
You still question to this day how he's able to stomach the disgusting drink, mulling it over in your mind. When you asked, he said he was simply built different with a shrug as he adds it to his Monster.
"C'mon let's go!" Grabbing an apple sauce pack from the fridge for the road, it's better not to be hangry while on the road, "After we get that game we can buy some snacks on the way back."
"Ah hell yeah! I call dibs on driving!"
"No way, you got a ticket last time!"
"Not my fault that wearing headphones while driving was apparently illegal."
"Whatever let's just go already."
Sleep couldn't come to you tonight, no matter how much you positioned yourself or how still you stayed, so here you are in the kitchen. Though 7 minutes into prepping a meal for yourself, Nostre sluggishly came out of the bedroom, wondering where his large teddy went. Most nights, he is only able to sleep with you besides him, it brings him a warming comfort whenever he feels your body next to him, cuddling him close as he feels your calm heartbeat against his skin.
It was very well past midnight, with you cooking a small meal for the both of you. Nostre's arms were around your midsection securely with his head on your shoulder, watching you with tired eyes. His eyes would flutter close every now and then, leaning more into you as he dozes off. Though he usually jolt awake in the end due to some jumping oil on his skin, grumbling as he softly glares at nothing in particular.
He reminded you of a cat of sorts with his behavior. There have been a time where you called him Kitty as a joke, though it didn't seem to upset him in any way, more like fluster him to the point he looked like a cherry and couldn't hold any sorts of eye contact. A fond memory that you like bringing up whenever you two are alone. It embarrass him every time.
Smiling, you kiss his forehead as you turn your focus back to the stove, moving the food around so they would cook evenly, "Sorry for waking you, Hun. I promise we'll go to bed after we're done eating." All you get in return was a hum of acknowledgment, with a small kiss being placed on your cheek. "..it's fine... I don't mind."
This happened on many occasions. Whenever one or both of you couldn't sleep, you both end up doing something with the other until the familiar drowsiness comes so you can both call it a night.
Though you both would be paying for the consequences of staying up late as you both head to your jobs in the morning, but that doesn't stop you two from doing so.
You also find that whenever he's tired enough, he'll usually blurt out a thought he was thinking about earlier in day or come up with something on the spot, which are usually out-of-context.
Most of which are usually just him going on about some cat he had been feeding on campus, naming them after you as he goes on about what the cat brang him when he went to go feed them again, or how the cat brought another friend around.
I am desperate for requests
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jellyfishoreo1206 · 1 year
Could I request an Aku Punk with a reader who's touch starved?
Have a nice time o' day!!
Aku Punk x Touched-Starved Reader
This is my first time writing for touch starved, so sorry if there's any mistakes
Will probably be short
Body buzzing, you laid on the couch lazily, staring up at the bland ceiling. Every few seconds would you position your body in a different way, an attempt to make yourself more comfortable. Though no matter how many times you did, it didn't seem to work.
Sighing, you decided to just hang half your body off the edge of the couch, everything now becoming upsidedown to you. Boredom is a killer, and it's currently killing you now.
With Aku away with whatever he does at night, you have nothing to do in the apartment. Well, you have lot's of things to do, you just don't have the motivation to do them. You're slightly convinced he's Batman with whatever he does at night, and how long he's usually gone. An image of Aku being in a children's costume of Batman pops up in your mind, crouching down on a building as he attempts to look intimidating. It's very ridiculous but it's entertaining. "Nah, he probably break into the zoo just to pet the foxes if he was Batman though." A few moments passed before you changed your mind, "No he'd definitely steal them."
Suddenly, the distant sound of keys sliding into the lock graces your ears. With an excited gasp, you quickly sit right side up from the couch, facing the front door with a big smile on your face.
When the door opened, Aku walked in, with two bags of food!
"I'm hooome! I brought some burgers."
"Hell yeah!" Good timing as well because a loud grumbling was heard from your stomach, grabbing the bag that has your food in it from Aku as you walked back over to the couch with him following after. Immediately after sitting down you dig out your burger, taking a bite out of it.
A few of the toppings fell out of it, a grumble leaving you as you grabbed a few napkins to clean it up. Usually you wouldn't mind it, but you spent most of the day cleaning and you don't really feel like doing anymore cleaning or having a sore arm in the morning from all the scrubbing you did.
Aku sits down next to you, and without fail, you immediately snuggle into his side mid bite into your burger. And almost immediately he wraps an arm around your waist, snatching a fry from you before popping it into his mouth.
None of you move from your spots, even after you slowly finish your food, you're still in the same spots in a comforting silence with you laying on top of him as he lays there boneless like a fox bathing in the sun.
The warmth that radiates from his body slowly seeps into your body, slowly pulling you to sleep, your grip on him getting a tad bit tighter as you look up at him with droopy eyes.
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jellyfishoreo1206 · 1 year
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Welcome to my blog! (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
I'm Nelson, but you could refer to me as Nelly or Maggie. I use she/they pronouns
I'm 17 years old and a artist and a writer!
My main interests are all over the place. No, I do not know how many there are, and no I'm not going to stop
If you wish to request a written drabble/oneshot of something, I'll warn you, because my writing takes me usually weeks months some time as I'm usually flooded with work most of the time :\
So if it seems I ignored your request, I didn't, I'm just working on it slowly and making sure to proofread it
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DNI if you are a minor, MAP of any sorts, a turf of any sorts, or a proshipper of any sorts. You will be blocked immediately
I refuse to write anything NSFW for characters that are minors unless there is a canon adult version of them
Any requests that include non-con will be immediately deleted (ex: Sexual assault, Sexual harassment, rape, etc.)
Some levels of gore will be accepted unless they're too extreme, example could be it's too graphic or it's way out of my ability to write for
That also includes kinks when it comes to requesting a NSFW piece
Any requests that are considered unlawful and immoral against another human being will immediately be deleted
There will be times I will shut down my request box if there's too many asks, as I stated earlier writing a piece will sometimes take me a longer than several weeks to finish
And a add on, since my co-writer, (who helps me with the much more harder details when it comes to describing something) and this goes for both of us, if it makes us feel uncomfortable, your ask will be deleted. (This also applies if you are a minor/have no age in your blog when requesting for something NSFW)
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Meeting Mirage ;)- P1, P2
❤️🖤Meeting Gavril🖤❤️
HC of dating Daniel and Nostre
Snippets of Life with the BUBO Characters
Comfort series-Gavril Pt. 2, Angelo, Daniel, Aku Punk, Nostre
Touch-starved Reader x Aku Punk
Date Night with Gavril
Making cheese with Gavril
Medic with an Alt! Reader (Both Romantic and Platonic headcanons)
Slice of Life: In which Sebastian and Painter escape Urbanshade and live a life on the surface with Y/N, Sebastian experiences what he missed out on during his time at Urbanshade. Sebastian Solace x Reader, Established Relationship! Now posted on AO3 ^_<
Home? (Pt. 1)
Comfort (Pt. 2)
Shush (Pt. 3)
Fun in the Sun (Pt. 4)
First Light (Pt. 5)
(Credit for the dividers goes to @cafekitsune)
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