#aknk outfits
seraphirism · 1 month
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Butler’s Cruise Vacation - Outfits.
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pardi-real · 1 year
[AKNK] Butler in Wonderland / Chapter 1 - Chase the Rabbits?
[Devil's Palace, Your Room]
One day in October. As usual, I put on the golden ring and returned to the mansion. Devil's Palace looks… a lot different.
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> "Th-this is…"
Click… *door opens*
Haures: "Welcome back, my Lord."
Fennesz: "Fufu… Were you surprised?"
The costumes of Haures and Fennesz, who greeted me, have a different feel than usual too.
> "What's with your outfits?"
Haures: "Yes, actually, this costume… Flure tailored the costumes to match this year's Halloween theme."
> "I see, you're dressed up for Halloween."
Fennesz: "That's right! Last year's costume theme was vampires and werewolves. This year's theme is... It's based on a well-known novel in this world."
> "What kind of novel is it?"
Haures: "Yes. A boy wanders into a strange world. He encounters a number of mysterious inhabitants and tries to return to his own world.  It's called 'Ars in Creepyland'... Do you know it?"
> "I don’t think I do" > "Maybe something similar to it…"
Fennesz: "Fufu, I see... But please don't worry. I'm sure you will enjoy the atmosphere, even if you don't know the original work.  Many of the butlers have never read the original too."
Haures: "Well, just because it is well-known… it doesn’t mean that everyone has read the original work. Incidentally, thanks to my sister who made me read out the book to her every night… I almost fully memorized it by heart."
Fennesz: “I-is that so. I think that is unusual… Anyway… these costumes were themed after the novel’s characters. I hope my Lord will enjoy this year’s Halloween with these costumes."
Haures: “By the way… my Lord, I would like to confirm one thing.  Do you have any plans after this?”
> “Plans after this?” > “Why?”
Haures: “Yes. The truth is, we would like for our Lord to participate in a certain ‘recreation’… But I'm afraid it's going to take some time. So… Is it okay if I start now? If it's not convenient for you, we'll let you know another time...”
> "I can do it now."
Haures: "Fufu. Thank you very much, my Lord."
Fennesz: "Alright, let's get right to it… I would like to explain about this recreation. First of all, my Lord. Please look at this ring."
There is a beautiful ring in Fennesz's palm. The ring seems to have a rhombus-shaped red diamond on it. It shines as if it were on fire, reflecting the light.
Fennesz: "Now.... Excuse me."
Fennesz took my hand, and gently guided my finger to point… He put the new ring on my finger that already had a golden ring on it.
> “It’s pretty…”
Fennesz: “Fufu… right? But this ring is not just pretty.”
> “Really?”
Haures: “Yes. Well then, my Lord… Next, please look at this ring.”
As I look, there is also a shiny beautiful ring on Haures’s palm. This time it seems to have a heart-shaped jewel. It’s bright-red, and has a passionate feel.
Haures: “Then… Excuse me as well.” 
Just like what Fennesz did, Haures put the ring on my finger. As a result, in addition to the golden ring I was wearing at the beginning… A total of three rings were worn on the same finger.
> "What does this mean…"
Haures: "Fufu. It suits you, my Lord. Actually, that ring... I borrowed it from a jeweler I used to work with.  Not only is it a real gemstone, but it also has an unusual mechanism attached to it.
> "An unusual mechanism?"
Fennesz: "Yes. Actually, the gemstone is removable… Please excuse me for a moment, my Lord.”
Fennesz took my hand and touched the jewel in the ring. He gently held the jewel in place and twisted it lightly. With a clicking sound... The jewel that was attached to the ring came off.  In the same way, this time Haures... Removed the jewel from the other ring and showed it to me.
Haures: “Well then, my Lord… To test, could you try removing the rings you wore?”
> “Is it alright to remove the rings?”
As instructed, I tried to remove the two rings… The rings that seemed to fit on my finger easily just now… For some reason, it just wouldn't come off my finger.
> "Huh? It won't come off?"
Haures: "Yes. What a curious mechanism, isn't it? I don't know how it works exactly, but… The lock seems to activate when the jewel is removed. The ring doesn't even tight on your finger, and yet seems like it's unable to come off."
Fennesz: "In other words… For as long as these two jewels that we have are not returned to the rings, my Lord will not be able to remove it. That means… you will not be able to remove the 'golden ring' you were wearing either... So it becomes, my Lord will not be able to return to your original world…"
> "Ehh…!"
Haures: "Fufu… Please rest assured, my Lord. You see, this is merely one hell of a recreation."
Fennesz: "Yes. The original work, as well, tells the story of the protagonist who is searching for his way back home to his original world… I wanted my Lord to experience the thrill too… That is what this recreation is all about."
> "I see…"
Fennesz: "From now on, we will carry these jewels that have become the 'key'... And leave for somewhere in the mansion. My Lord, please chase after us… And obtain the 'key' to return your world."
> ”Understood” > “Sounds quite fun”
Haures: " 'Fufu… well, then… Shall we now excuse ourselves? Half-moon Rabbit.' "
Fennesz: " 'Th-that's right, Full-moon Rabbit.' "
Haures: " 'Fufu… Happy Nothing Day.' "
Fennesz: " 'Ha, Happy… Unbirthday!' "
clack… clack… clack… *walks away*
While performing as some kind of characters… The two walked away from the room.
I don’t know how similar it is… But the theme seems to be based on a novel that’s similar to 'Alice in Wonderland'.
Anyway, for the sake of participating in this 'recreation' that the butlers have arranged for me...
I will do as they said… chasing after the ‘rabbits’.
clack… clack… clack… *walks away*
note: my first tumblr post ever, I'm still trying out formatting. Well I hope this is readable enough.
EDIT: shift + enter and formatting
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invui · 2 years
guess who’s continuing this after months of writing hiatus. again, this post/discussion serves as something to give inspo for those who plan to write a modern au for akuneko. i will just be sharing my ideas and thoughts so you don’t necessarily have to follow my exact words if you are actually going to write.
parts: 1 2 3 4
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i’m just going to start with the most obvious one that i could think of and that’s the gardener himself. i would like to think that he owns a little flower shop downtown. the methods of promoting his shop would just be doing delivery services and passing out flyers or something very creative that nobody would be able to think of (breaking into houses just to tend to the owners’ plants).
his uniform/outfit would definitely look messy in terms of style, dirt could be seen on his apron and has gloves that has so much soil all over it. but don’t you worry, he makes sure they’re clean once in a while so it should be fine. he always tries his best to at least look proper to appeal to the store’s customers, he is a hard working boy after all. his appearance may look (very) unprofessional but the out come of his work makes customers give his flower shop a five star rating online and ammon deserves it.
whenever he gets into heated shop competitions, he might have to use different under handed tricks if things start to look bad for him but that won’t happen, would it?
“welcome! i apologize if i came to you late, was just watering some flowers out in the back, eheh”
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okay, so into the next obvious person. fennesz would either work as a librarian or someone who helps the librarian.
he’s the type of person who would politely tell you to lower down your volume of speaking and would do a loud ass shush if needed. he isn’t one of the most strictest people in the entire world so the rules he would set in the library aren’t necessarily unfair, they’re the common ones you would have in your school library (unless the school is messed up).
fennesz would do these small story telling gatherings for children whenever they visit the library. he doesn’t consider himself as the best at his work but that’s just because he isn’t aware of it yet — put emphasis on the yet.
overall, he’s just a normal librarian (a bit softer than the others) who is just doing his best trying to overcome his job.
“do you mind if you could lower your volume? you might disturb the other people who are reading, thank you!”
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i actually had quite the hard time trying to think for an occupation but i managed to find a final verdict. haures is going to be a police officer because that’s the only job fitting for haures that i could muster at the moment.
this man is definitely one of the most hard working police officers in his city/town. he always tries his best to train himself to become the top within the police station. he tends to over work himself which of course is a big no no so his co workers always remind haures to take a break once in a while if he ever feels tired.
this guy knows how to handle guns properly if he were to be in the police force, he probably has the best aim amongst his comrades. haures is the type to literally be prepared for every mission.
this thought just came into my head but whenever a female officer is seen at the precinct, haures has no idea what to do. how long has it been since he had close contact with a woman? what happens if he makes a bad impression?
“officer haures on the case!” (help i can’t think of anything)
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i saved boschi for last because he is the hardest amongst the bunch but tattoo artist? i just thought about this after reading a ton of flower and tattoo shop aus (lol).
his shop would either be raggedy as hell or nicely furnished considering he takes care of the facilities inside of the devil’s palace. i will just choose the well looking one because i personally want boschi to not be a little douche and not take care of his shop (well he has to or else there would be no customers)
i feel like he would be someone who used to work as a police officer and he was on the same team with haures but left the force because he absolutely hated haures after what had happened.
“aight, where’s my fucking money?” (lol)
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a/n: someone save me from writing dialogues/hj
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seraphirism · 13 days
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砂漠に消えた湖 - backgrounds and outfits!
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seraphirism · 1 month
hey, I realised i have yet to make an introductory post or any implication to what this blog is about — besides, yes, it being about akuneko. i’ll make an introduction post later, till then i want to make it clear that:
you’re free to dm me and/or send me asks, whether it’s about akuneko, me or yourself! i enjoy speaking to others and since i have no friends in real life who are into this game, so I’ll have to annoy people online about it as much as I can (^^)! that’s the reason why I made this blog to begin with!
my name is sol; 19; my pronouns are she/her; this blog is sfw; it might contain occasional spoilers but I’ll add warnings as best as I can!
i’d love to meet more people who love akuneko; please consider this blog a safe space for your rambles/talks, whether it’s about yourself or aknk (*^▽^*)!
edit: here’s how I tag specific stuff;
aknk fa - for fanart.
aknk album - from the in-game album.
aknk cards
aknk main story
aknk outfits - event outfits!
aknk backgrounds - event backgrounds!
butlers info - official art/information.
all butlers - content consisting of all butlers in one post.
sol’s calls into void - my rambles :D
sol’s asks
I also tag event content under the event name. so the tags include official content + any fanart i reblog!
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