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The Witch of Camden Town
Part 21
TAGS: @kittycatcait219, @i-love-th-characters1, @akiralife, @hecatemoon87, @evita-shelby, @tomhardyspinkyfinger, @zablife, @star017, @omgeternal, @tea-atfive, @thefics-that-drip, @ao3feed-symbrock, @solomons-finest-rum, @jollysoulfestivalfreak, @buttercupsandboys, @bubblyani, @weirdgirl16355, @97freaknik, @thealmightybitchgoddess, @theshelbyclan,
A/N: Hii everyone and I am back with another chapter!!! I know I have been away for so, so, so long and it is good to be able to upload another new chapter to the story, I have been going back and forth in trying t get back to the story, basically I got a new job and I’m about to go back to school and I just hope I can be here more again but man its so hard and also I get very sidetracked as well. But I feel very happy to say that I have wrote a new chapter and I hope you all enjoy this new chapter. Again thank you all for who have been here since the beginning I really appreciate the follows, the likes, and also for all of you who want to continue reading this story. But again thank you all for sticking around and as always please enjoy.
WARNING 18+ ONLY!!!: Mentions of Torture, Graphic Blood, Some Cussing, Mentions of Prostitution, Mentions of Malnutrition, Abuse, and some Devastations(Alfie wanting Jovonka back)

Jovonka all curled up on top of the filthy bed in a fetal position crying for what felt like the thousandth time since her arrival at what she now discovered was a prison of a never ending hell. Her dried bloody wrists never have been once medicated by no one. Her hair that once was long and pure is gone and what's left of it only ends around her neck. But more gruesomely was her skin from her back marked by heavy red scars criss crossing from one way to the other. Reminding her of how many different men as well as Sabini would come to lash on her for their sick pleasures or more specifically whenever the Italian monster had to take some steam out he would take it out on Jovonka. There was nothing safe about this place it was only filled with torture, pain, the smell of death, and being used as a piece of meat for pleasure or a play thing. She hasn’t seen a single ray of sun for what she felt like in years. The only light she was provided with was an electric light above the basement and a couple of white candles to keep herself warm but it wasn’t enough. Food was served cold to Jovonka once the day was over with a small cup of water that had a bitter aftertaste. However that wasn’t the worst that she had to go through and there was a bigger problem than just her well being. Jovonka slowly placed a gentle hand above her stomach where a round visible bump was shown. She knew from the start Jovonka felt many changes throughout her body feeling the worst back pains of her life. Jovonka deeply wished for Alfie to be next to her and give the warmest hugs and comforting words telling her that she will be alright. But that will never be such an experience for her to witness. As for Sabini he became enraged and repulsed when noticing her stomach growing little by little. He would verbally and physically punish Jovonka for having an abomination inside of her. Obligating her to tell him what kind of man would let someone’s seed plant inside of her. Jovonka with all of her strength and taking in the agonizing pain never said a word to the Italian devil. She didn’t want him to know who the real father of the child was and it was only her and Isabel to only know..
“You. Once that thing inside of you is finally born you will get rid of and throw it into the streets. Do I make myself clear, you slut?”
Besides dealing with hundreds of beatings, whips, starvation, and so on she hasn’t seen her older sister or even Edna since the day they were taken into the brothel house. It worried her very much not wanting to imagine what horrid things they also are experiencing. The one person that really didn’t bother to come to see her or even Isabel for once was Novel. It turns out from what Sabini had told her he has joined the Italian gang and in exchange gave him his freedom and having whatever he desires. Jovonka didn’t want to believe in such a thing knowing Sabini could be a lying snake. But sadly it was all true devastated to know that her once loving and trustworthy friend would turn his back on her and everyone that cared for him. How could Novel betray them like this? All because he had so much anger towards Alfie which he did nothing but give the young boy and the girls a home and safety. But I guess it wasn’t enough for Novel to be thankful for. A clunking sound of the door was heard above the stairs knowing who it was already. But she didn’t expect to see someone she has been thinking about for so long. The sound of footsteps made their way down while Jovanka didn’t bother to see who it was. Then one of the men named Albert spoke up telling the unknown person that they had a limited time to talk with her.
“You have 5 minutes to speak with her and nothing more, now make it quick,��� he commanded, giving Isabel a push which she just brushed it off.
While he made his way up the stairs again and hearing the door close shut, Jovonka slowly turned to look behind her. A relief spread throughout her face, happy to see a familiar face that she’s been waiting for so long until now.
“Is… Isabel is it… really you?” Jovonka said between pauses trying her best to hoist herself up with her right arm but was very weak.
“Darling, what have they done to you?” Isabel, in a shocking state, sat on her knees and helped her little sister to sit up while she went on, “here now don’t move too much or you’ll hurt yourself more. Oh Jovonka… that bastard will pay for all of this.”
Isabel hugged her tightly in her arms crying her eyes out while Jovonka with little motion in her face returned the gesture back. She felt her sister's chin resting on top of her head caressing Jovonka’s short hair gently. Wiping a bit of tears away she looked at her little sister softly grabbing her face with her hands seeing how hollow her eyes looked as if she was a living corpse.
“Isabel… I’m so happy to see you… I thought you were gone,” Jovonka said, resting her hands above Isabel’s arms.
“No, no I’m still here my dear sister, I’ve feared all this time that you’ve been long gone thinking if they took you away somewhere else or have sold you to the streets after that night we were separated. But I’ve never thought that he had you locked up down here and… torture you like this,” she said in a whimper looking all over her sisters cold exposed body covered in bruises dried blood everything.
But what first caught Isabel’s eyes was Jovonka’s round stomach knowing that there was a baby now growing inside. Fearing that her visions were true all along.
“I did as well sister… I thought they took you far away…thinking you were also sold off to someone. But thank heavens… you're here,” Jovonka said, giving off a small weak smile to her older sister making Isabel look up at her eyes
Jovonka noticed that her older sister's hair was different, all cut short like hers but more curly and fancy. Also seeing Isabel wearing a very satin clean dark green dress exposing her sharp shoulders. Seeing a bit of small purple bruises around her arms and chest knowing that she has been beaten abusively.
“Jovonka I don’t have much time left but what I'm really here for is that I have to tell you something. I’ve had a few visions these past months and it was all about you. I saw you carrying the child in your arms but you both were covered in blood. It worried me that it was a sign that you were both dead but after that the visions stopped. And that is why I demanded Sabini to see if you were alive. He refused at first thinking that I was doing something foolish and thinking I would try to hypnotize him. I had to know and… I had to make a deal with him.”
“What… Why did you do that sister?” Jovonka said not liking where this was going.
“I had no other choice,” Isabel said, letting out a small sigh wiping her tears away with both of her hands as she continued, “I came to an agreement with him that I would be bought off by anyone no matter what they want. And if I refuse to do the services then he… he would kill me. I had no other choice Jovonka I did it because I wanted to see you. And now I am here with you.”
Jovonka couldn’t believe what she had just heard coming out from her own flesh and blood.
This is all a dream… is it not?
“Isabel… n-no… how could you do this to yourself? Just so you can come and see me… and let strangers do…do horrendous things to you. Dear sister, I-.”
Suddenly the basement doors clunked open again indicating that Isabel’s time with Jovonka was up. Isabel felt her heart panic not wanting to leave her little sister just yet but she had no other choice.
“Jovonka darling, listen to me I will come back to see you again I promise you,” Isabel said cupping her sister's face with her hands but a sudden force fell on her.
Everything felt slow as the oldest sister shut her eyes closed seeing another strange vision. It wasn’t about Jovonka and the baby but of Alfie himself with peculiar men alongside him. While holding weapons as if they were about to go to war until the sound of a gunshot and several screams were heard as the vision came to an erupted stop. Isabel fully opened her eyes widely breathing in and out not noticing Albert standing behind her.
“Times up witch say your goodbyes now,” he said impatiently while Isabel didn’t hear him the first time.
Without saying nothing back and still stunned on what Isabel witnessed trying to understand what the vision meant.
“I said Times. Up!” Albert exclaimed violently, hoisting her up on her feet by her left arm trying her best to break away from the man’s grip.
“NO. Wait, Jovonka! Please, let me have a few more moments with my sister. Please,” pleadingly cried out Isabel looking back at her sister, seeing her weakingly trying to get on her feet but fell on her knees.
“I said 5 minutes. So now, GET GOING!” yelled out the guard tugging on Isabel’s hand leading her back upstairs.
“N...no, sister,” Jovonka tried to call out but her voice was low and weak.
Isabel looked back once more, her eyes forming with water seeing her little sister vulnerable and in such a terrible shape. Once she and Albert made it to the top of the stairs Isabel was shoved to the side while the guard closed the door behind them.
“Can’t you see how weak and sick she looks? Why hasn’t Sabini called a doctor, how dare you all,” yelled out Isabel as a long stream of tears rolled down on her cheeks letting a few wails out as she fell on her knees on the wooden floor.
Albert ignored the crying woman walking past by her, not having time to hear the woman’s sorrows. Other onlookers didn’t say anything while they saw Isabel cry, not bothering to go and comfort her. Though there was one within the crowd that came to her side.
“Isabel, oh my child,” said the old maid, Edna gently putting her hands on top of her shoulders trying to calm her down, “What happened to Jovonka? Is she alright?”
“She looks dreadful Edna, so terribly awful I tell you. She’s like a living corpse that hasn’t been fed for days, never has once been outside for months, no water or food… oh gods Edna. We have to get the hell out of this place, this can’t go any further especially that Jovonka has a child.
Edna’s eyes then grew in shock when she heard that Jovonka had a baby growing inside her stomach, not wanting to imagine the things that Sabini would do once the baby was born. Knowing full well that he wants to throw it away like it's not a living human being.
“Isabel, that’s… that can’t be, we have to get you girls out of here as quickly as possible before the baby arrives. Who knows what Sabini will do once Jovonka gives birth to the little baby, and I know for sure he wants the baby disposed of.”
“I know Edna, but I saw a new vision when I touched Jovonka’s face, and it wasn’t about her this time. It was Alfie… I think… he’s still alive but he is not alone as I saw him,” Isabel said looking at the old woman, her eyes red from all of the crying.
Edna gave a confused look at the young woman not understanding what Isabel was saying.
“My dear, what are you on about? But Alfie is gone, we saw him get killed in front of us but it’s impossible that he is still out there,” Edna said, trying to lower her voice not wanting any of Sabini’s men to hear their conversation.
Isabel slowly got on her feet while Edna looked around while Isabel walked her way down the small red hallways while Edna followed behind her making their way to a more private area. They passed through many rooms that were mostly occupied by both sex workers and male customers doing whatever they were doing behind closed doors. They then found one room not being used and Edna and Isabel made their way inside, closing the door gently being.
“Tell me more about Alfie and what else did you see in this new vision of yours?” Edna said, sitting down on the soft queen sized bed waiting for Isabel to continue on.
“It was all quick, but I did get a glimpse of his face, it was really him but he had company with him. Some group of men that were wearing elegant suits, with peaky caps, and weapons like they were going to the battlefields. And there were sudden screams and a gunshot that was heard and that’s where it stopped Edna… I think Alfie is coming to rescue us. I think this is what the vision is maybe telling us, but the question is when will that day come?”
Edna stayed quiet when this was all being said, sensing some faith that Alfie is alive and will be coming for them with some help from these new strangers. Not knowing if these will new Allie’s to Alfie and if they were trustworthy to him. Only time will tell and at the moment they have to wait and see what really they should be thinking of is Jovonka who they need to look after. Especially now that Edna knows that Jovonka’s child will at no time be born too soon or later.
“We have to speak with Sabini about your sister not being in good health and must be fed properly for both her and the baby’s well being. That bastard devil, how I would like to just place my hands around that abominable neck and choke him to death. He will pay for his sins Isabel knowing now that Mr. Solomon’s is out for not only us but for Sabini. Knowing what he has done to his beloved Jovonka, Sabini will face his judgment day and it will be a painful one,” Edna coldly said, to which Isabel agreed with the old woman completely.
“Alfie will get his revenge from Sabini, we will all see that. That bastard will pay for everything that he has done to all of us. All the pain he inflicted on us all and I will speak with him even if I have to get hurt physically knowing he has to hear what I want for my sister and her baby. He’ll have to obey my orders even if he won’t like it,” Isabel then said, feeling her hands turn into hard fists really wanting to hurt Sabini with all of her anger she has been building inside of her.
“Darling, I know you have a lot of anger towards that devil, but I worry for you. I don't want either you or your sister to get hurt. I know you will sacrifice anything for Jovonka’s sake but I also want you to not be physically unwell. But please just be careful and whatever that wop says and he will refuse your requests but you will force him to make your requests come true, yes?” Edna said finally grabbing both of Isabel's hands bore her’s and nodded her head in agreement.
You will pay for this Sabini… as well as your dogs… none of you will be safe for what will come for you all…
Arrow House, Warwickshire
“Any trace of my beloved this time Tommy? I hope your people got something this time mate before I lose me fucking mind,” Alfie said in a bothered manner looking out at the big windows overseeing the big grass field in front of him as he continued tapping his left foot for the millionth time.
Thomas said nothing for a while knowing well enough what he would say the same answer to Alfie since the search for Jovonka started on the first day. He has done everything they did in a search party, going through other areas within Birmingham, asking Johnny Dog for any reports but they will always return with empty hands, Arthur, John, and the youngest Shelby brother Finn were busy getting answers out from Mason as much as they could. Even if it meant to punch, kick, and use tools on him that has been going on for weeks and months. Agony after agony Mason had some strength in him knowing he had lost so much blood from his fingernails, his right eye becoming blacker than it previously was before, his lips turned purple and puffy like a balloon. He could almost move his lips when he tried to speak pleading for the Shelby brothers to let him go and he won't say a thing. But even if he would say those words over and over there won't be a chance for him to get out of their restraints. And so while everyone that Thomas knew about and hired some people he knew and can be trusted did their part on this mission he knew Alfie would be growing more impatiently, angry, frustrated, and most of all he worried for his friend's sanity. Fearing that Alfie could lose it at any time if he didn’t get his beloved back in time seeing how important she is to him.
Tommy didn’t say anything as he filled a glass cup full of whiskey while having a lit cigarette between his thin lips knowing what he'll say next won’t go so well.
“Your silence speaks very loudly and it tells me that it does mean that your boys haven’t gotten any luck again hmm?” Alfie said taking a small inhale breath through his nostrils knowing fully well he has to hear the same words once more.
“Alfie, we are doing everything we can to find your woman. Arthur, John, Finn, and myself have tried to take as much information as we can out from Mason, but he has been refusing to tell us more on where they have taken Jovonka and her sister. I know this upset yo-.”
Alfie, using his cane as support, suddenly knocked out a tray of leftover food he ate earlier in the day with shattered glass spreading throughout the floor. Tommy didn’t flinch or be bothered by his friend's actions for one bit, seeing he was used to this type of behavior. The Shelby sat down on one of the couches taking another drag from his cigarette while holding his glass drink with his left hand letting out a small cloud of smoke from his mouth.
“I’m sorry Alfie, truly… I know what you're going through and feeling. If I was in your place, if I lost Grace and Charlie I would’ve lost me head by now and eventually would have killed myself already. Just so this invulnerable pain could go away, but you're stronger than that Alfie I know you are. I will bring her back I promise you, trust me when I say this eh?” Said Thomas looking at the Jewish king as he stood quietly saying nothing for a moment.
Tommy leaned his back against the couch, taking a long sip from his glass of whiskey until finally Alfie spoke out.
“I can’t go on like this Tommy… I need her here close in me arms, that smile of hers, her lips… God. Sabini is goin’ to fucking pay for everything he has done to all of us. The pain he’s inflicting on us all is hard to ignore and to take away, the only way that this can be stopped is him being dead and having my Jovonka and Isabel back to me. That wop you all have been keepin’ captive I would like to have a word with him. Knowing that I can get answers out of his mouth if I’m there in front of his presence.”
“Alfie, don’t you think it’ll be a bit of a risk to be out there seeing that they know by now that Mason and Liam are still missing. And I’m sure that Sabini has sent more of his men to look for them along with orders to still look for Elena. It’s best if you stay here without endangering you and Elena more, we will force Mason to talk about where they took Jovonka an-.”
“No!” Alfie said echoing out abruptly inside Thomas's office room, while giving a sharp glare back as he continued, “I have been stuck inside this house for far too long. And you sitting there tellin’ me to stay put is not goin’ to make me feel more at ease while my Jovonka is still out there with that fuckin’ wop! So no Tommy, I will not take your word and I would rather give up my life away to both Isabel and my woman than me fuckin’ self. Even if it means to get meself killed just to see everyone that I love safe and alive.”
The Shelby said nothing once Alfie finished speaking knowing deep inside his gut he agreed with everything that the Jewish gangster had said. Thomas has risked his life multiple times before, firstly there were his brothers, being there for them whenever they got into risky situations, next of course was Polly, being both an aunt and a mother figure to everyone before and after the war and when Thomas’s mother died. And most importantly of all, was Grace and his son, knowing his father and husband instincts would kick in at any moment if they were put in danger. Knowing he also sacrifice his life first before anyone else just to also see everyone he loves well and alive.
Alfie walked across the room where he then grabbed a glass cup while he rested his cane against the small brown table stand. He quietly stared at the clear item in his hand as flashes of Jovonka’s smile, that laugh he fell in love with, her eyes that turned bright amber whenever they both became intimate in the bedroom, came into view before his eyes. How he wished he could hear her, touch her, and see her at this moment once more. Alfie then started to tighten his hand around the delicate item, almost to the point of breaking it with all of his strength. But he then relaxed his hand and put the item down on top of the table stand letting out a slow exhale through his thick nostrils.
“I will not stop saying this to you my friend,” Thomas then said, breaking the silence as he went on, “I will bring Jovonka and Isabel back home to you no matter how long the search will take. My brothers and my men are doing everything they can to find any trace of any kind. We will make Mason talk knowing that he’ll have to break at some point in time.”
Alfie didn’t say much once more, he instead grabbed his cane and made his way to sit down on another couch beside the table stand. Letting out a long steady breath looking out at the open green field in front of his view. There then was a knock on the door which Thomas then called out to whoever it was.
“Come in.”
Frances came inside the room, noticing the mess upon the wooden floor which she just ignored.
“Mr. Shelby, I’m sorry to interrupt you but your brothers would like to speak with you. They said it is urgent and important,” she said but before Thomas could speak the door suddenly swung open seeing John, Arthur, and Finn making their way inside.
“Tommy, you have to come back with us to the docks righ’ now. It’s Mason, he escaped from Johnny Dog’s but it is righ’ fuckin’ now,” said Arthur in a desperate tone looking between his brother and Solomon’s.
Tommy’s eyes grew wide in shock as he looked back at Alfie, which he also had a shooked up face knowing that the prisoner was their only hope to find answers about Jovonka and Isabel whereabouts. Without losing a heartbeat, both Shelby and the Jewish King got on their feet in no time making their way out of the office room. While on their way out of the Arrow House, Tommy got his black coat and peaky gray hat while his brothers started the vehicle in no time.
“Frances, tell Grace that I'll be back soon, and make sure to lock every door in the house and do not let anyone in you understand?” He said to the maid that she only nodded her head in agreement, “Righ’ Mr. Solomon's, you stay here for your own safety.”
“No Tommy, I am comin’ alon’ with you mate, there is not chance that I am not goin’ to let that fuckin’ wop get far away. He is the only thin’ that we can get close to Jovonka. Now then, do you want to waste more time here and tellin’ me to stay here like a fuckin’ little boy or should we get on our marry way before it gets any darker?”
Thomas knew there was no way in convincing the Jewish King to stay at the house, to which at this point he knew he lost the battle in this one. Before they could step a foot out of the house, Thomas noticed Little Elena from behind Alfie. The little girl looked on with concern in her eyes, not knowing what was going on in front of her.
“Alfie, where are you going? Is everything alright?” Elena said, walking her way to Alfie’s side as she heals the man’s large hand against her ‘s.
Alfie carefully knelt down while supporting himself against his cane, which he successfully did and continued on speaking to Elena.
“Yes everything’ is fine my dear, I am just goin’ to go somewhere with Mr. Shelby that is very important. But don’ you worry love, I will come back as soon as possible;e. I promise you,” he said hoping that this will make Little Elena feel less worried but she still kept pushing on.
“Does it have to do with my sisters? Are they found at last?” She questioned with some glimmer of hope in her voice hoping that the nightmare was over.
“My sweet Elena, I promise you that you will see your sisters again and yes it has somethin’ to do with them. But don’t you worry so much about it yea? I will be back soon,” he said, giving a small smile to her while she returned the gesture and gave the man a hug.
From outside, John interrupted this tender moment with the honk of the car making Alfie grumble under his breath.
“Come on then, we are wastin’ fuckin’ time out here!” Shouted out John, getting more bothered by the second if they don’t move out quickly.
“Alfie, we have to go now, I’m sorry Elena excuse my idiot brother for saying a foul word in front of you. Me and Alfie have to go now we will be back soon won't we Mr. Solomon’s?” Thomas said looking back at the Camden Town king agreeing with the Birmingham Shelby.
When they both said their last goodbyes both Alfie and Thomas made their way to the car, sitting on the backseat of the motor car with Arthur and Finn. Once everyone was inside, John turned the vehicle on and made their way quickly to the docks, while Alfie could only hope they would find the escaped prisoner in time.
Hopefully that bastard hasn’t gone far away from here…
Once they made it to the docks, all of the Shelbys brothers and Alfie made their way out of the car, feeling furious to hear the news that Mason was let go easily under Johnny Dog’s watch. Knowing he was someone that Tommy has trusted for many years since he has known him. As they walked through the gray pavement road, they found Johnny Dog talking with Charlie with other groups of men knowing they were in a heap of trouble. They also realized that Alfie was with them, seeing that
“Tommy, I’m so so sorry, we did everything that you have told us to do, but this time I didn’t he would escape in this wa-.”
“How the fuck did you let him out of your sites you bunch of idiots!” Exclaimed Alfie surprising both Tommy and his brothers thinking he is now the leader of all this but they let him continue on, “He was the only key witness into finding my Jovonka and you fuckers let him out of your sites.”
The group of men didn’t speak one word including both Johnny Dog and Charlie already, which they agreed that they did let the prisoner go away that easily. They have been keeping Mason in a very hidden place where no one would hear his painful screams while they would interrogate him for answers. But this time they all made the mistake of keeping more men to look after the Italian member.
“We are very, very, truly sorry Tommy, and mostly to you Mr. Solomon’s. I’m not sure how he managed to get his way out but you have my word when I say this. We will get him back but right now we have to track him down before he gets out of Birmingham,” said Johnny Dog, while Alfie said nothing, still feeling angry towards Tommy’s right hand man.
“Johnny is right, we have to split into groups from here on out,” said Tommy also sounding a bit bothered for what had just happened but he continued on with his next plans, “Right Charlie you take a couple of men to the north side see if you can ask anyone if they have seen Mason, Johnny, you take to the west and do the same and see if there is any traces of home, Arthur, you, John and Finn go to the east and look around to see if also anyone has seen him, and lastly me and Mr. Solomon’s will go deep into the deep forest’s far to the northern side of Birmingham. Keep your eyes sharp and head up, and keep your weapons at bay if you see the prisoner. Try not to aim him straight to the heart, we need him alive, yes?”
Everyone including his brothers nodded their heads as every group scattered to where they were told to go. Johnny Dog and his group of men loaded their weapons, as did Arthur, John, and Finn doing the same. All the while Alfie remained quiet seeing in the gray far distance where the little river canal was connected. He could still remember that terrible night, Jovonka, Isabel, and Edna looking terrified for their lives while he was held back being helpless and weak. The way Sabini touched her face while he cut her face while Jovonka screamed in pain, how he could go back in time and would kill that devil Italian in no time. Alfie closed his eyes trying to take that image away from his mind, while Tommy came to his side making him come back in the present.
“Alfie, are you feelin’ alright?” He said but the Jewish king stayed quiet still looking forward in front of him while the Peaky continued on, “we are about to head out now, before it's late. I suggest we get going. We’ll get him back. I have promised you that and Mason will have to speak, you'll see.”
“I know you have been Tommy, but I have one request and you will have to allow me to do it,” said Alfie making eye contact with the Birmingham king.
“And what is that Alfie?”
“Once that Italian runaway gets captured, let me do the talking. He will refuse to talk to me at first, but I will bring straight hell upon him. I don't care how much he has to live, or how much blood he will bleed out, I’m going to cut every life force he has in him to get the answers that I want him to tell me. And I want your men and your brothers out of it, do we have a deal my friend?” He said Tommy didn’t say anything but only nodded his head in agreement.
Once everyone was fully prepared Johnny Dog and his group left to the west while Charlie and his men left their way to the north, John, Finn, and Arthur made their way to the east, and that left only Tommy and Alfie to which they also left the banks in no time. Once they left the river banks, they were off to find Mason into the deep woods off in the countryside, Alfie only hoped that they would get to Mason as quickly as possible.
He won’t get away that easily… not on my watch…
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Dear Friend
I hope you can help me, I want my mom and family to stay well 😔
Your donations make a difference, they give hope to those who have lost everything and bring life back to those whose circumstances have destroyed their world.🙏❤️
Thank you so much my friends🙏🙏
@ kibumkim @klapollo @longseasons @lesbianchemicalplant @zvaigzdelasas @beetledrink @neechees @marxism-transgenderism @charlott2n @valtsv @nabulsi27 @gaza-evacuation-funds @sandersstudies @plomegranate @communistkenobi-archive @queerstudiesnatural @bluebellsinthedells @rizzyluke @kordeliiius @self-hating-zionist @raelyn-dreams @unfortunatelyuncreative @licencetokrill-blog @jezebelgoldstone @ramelcandy @labutaquita-blog @sammyscreencaps @autistwink @torreblanca @sparklinpixiedust @fox-guardian @revcuse @golvio @star-and-space @rainbowywitch @marscollection @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @boyvained-blog @ammonitetheseaserpent @girlinafairytalelovestory @timelightbox @appsdotli @half-empty-orbitals @seasnipper @gaza-strip @akiralife @ree-duh @nephmightbehere
A Heartfelt Plea: Help me get my mother and brothers out as we have no shelter left🚨❤️
We were even searching for water and it was no longer there 💔😔
Our lives have become like a fantasy, everything is dark 💔
The simplest necessities of life no longer exist 💔😔
I really need your assistance urgently.
Both my physical and mental health are declining, and I can't continue to spread the word alone.
I implore you, please share and reblog this to reach as many individuals as possible.
Please Share & Donate 🫶🏻🫶🏻
Even a $1 contribution can have a significant impact ⚠️⚠️⚠️
vetted by @nabulsi link
Shared by @90-ghost link , and @a-shade-of-blue link
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@akiralife @akb48fan @ak-anastasiya-kvitko-49 @ms @msmakeupaddict @manda @ndlocal-blog @nsee-dious @nsummer88 @jwoys @nsjejrjf @ossigenomancato @jsngwoo @nsjwishhwis @nsma-abdelmotaal @nsmmm @nsmrj @nsmrj @nsmama @bsupreme @nsome @nsinty @nsk96 @nsodguy @nsk123 @nskmloveme-blog @nsb6 @nsbl @nsbv27-blog @nsvry @bsbkeepmeinyourmemory-blog-blog @bskarsdaily @jsilent1 @bwbeautyqueens @vshuta @twyfell @gsuttonphotography @vshi0 @vshleymve @vshleyastrology @vshq @bdi @bdbv @bdjapan @ossigenomancato @bsjfbtkajahdugne @bsy @bsvint @vsvpmob2death @bdh @bsjd
Please, my friends, donate or participate to help Mahmoud's family sail to safety. 🙏🙏

Hello my friends, after Mahmoud was subjected to violent shelling, Mahmoud's life has become a hell that he lives with daily. Mahmoud is unable to work and cannot afford the high costs of his treatment. Mahmoud suffers from several very serious injuries all over his body. Mahmoud is that person who was exhausted by the war and his weak body was exhausted. He has a family that he is unable to support. How can he support his family while he needs someone to support him? Let us be a hand of mercy to save Mahmoud and his family. 🙏🙏
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Ask Me Uk - A Gadget & Software Information Site
Askme.uk.com | Ask me uk is a official website for gadgets and software. Read more about new software updates and news. @akiralife @uniqueforeverr
Click here:- https://directory.bbpa.org/listing/ask-me-uk-a-gadget-software-information-site/
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Thank you @rose-like-the-phoenix for the tag. And here are 5 things I enjoy
1. I love being with my dad and brother. We always try to find things to do as much as well can even if it’s something small we still go for it.
2. I love Halloween the best time of the year. Can’t really go a day without thinking of Halloween especially when there is events around my neighborhood and also going to Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios Hollywood 🎃🎃🎃
3. I love hearing Goth music it is my go to every time but I mostly listen to anything but my main thing is Goth music for the most part 🎼 💀✨
4. I love to draw on my iPad and I use Procreate. As of now it has been almost a year using the app and as of now it has been the best things to use for doing my art 🖼️
5. And lastly I love going to the gym 💪🏽 one of the best feelings is going to the gym, pumping some iron on my body, blasting music and overall the feeling of keep on going and not wanting to stop working out 🏋🏽 🏃🏽♀️💪🏽
Tags: @kittycatcait219 @i-love-th-characters1 @akiralife @tomhardymyking
5 things that I enjoy 🖤
Saw my friend @thequeenofthewinter do this and decided to join in the fun 😁
Rain. You ever listen to those thunder storm ambience vids on YouTube? 🤌 the sound is lovely and the smell following a good storm/rain 🥰
Music. That feeling when you find a song that itches your brain just right. I'm autistic and singing is a major stim for me, it gets out energy/emotions that I don't really know how to express otherwise
Journaling. I just kinda empty my brain out on paper whether it makes sense or not and it feels nice lol
Halloween and autumn in general. The scary movie marathons and all the lovely colors 😁 (rain with fall scenery is 🤌)
My dog has recently taken to sleeping in bed with me, love all the pupper cuddles 🐶🥰
I'm tagging: @vvkingofgaybisciutsvv @wandawiccan60 @thedevilshardy @mollybegger-blog @liliac-dreamer @feebs @wolfye @dizzygrizzlies @the-ghost-light
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Sashimi moriawase Assorted slice raw fishes Tuna / Red snapper / Great amberjack / Squid
This price is 980yen at supermarket.
#sashimi#japanese#japanesefood#meal#foodpic#刺身#晩ご飯#homecooking#home-made meal#akiralife#wearewhatweeat
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Sanma Shio-yaki Grill Pacific sauries
#home-made meal#homemade#japanese#japanesefood#japanese food#foodpic#food#meal#wearewhatweeat#akiralife
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Hiyayakko Chinese style chilled tofu
w/ Mienma (bamboo shoots), Green onion, Sesame oil, Soy sauce
#hiyayakko#home cooking#homemade#home-made meal#japanese#japanesefood#foodpic#akiralife#wearewhatweeat
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Lotus roots and Shiitake mushrooms Japanese style peperoncino w/ hot pepper, garlic, olive oil, soy sauce
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