#aki corp
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A WCW/nWo Revenge tag team exhibition match of me as Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage vs the CPU's Lex Luger and Raven, on some easy difficulty--but it's been too long since I played last and I can't handle/remember a lot of the controls, like uhh A+d-pad to drag opponent, up+C+d-pad to tag and enter the ring, and gosh what was that pin button anyway (left trigger : P). So as usual it took me ages to finish the match! ; D
#wcw nwo revenge#n64#wcw#nintendo 64#aki corp#video game#video games#game#games#hulk hogan#randy savage#macho man#gaming#gaming videos#gameplay#wrestling#wrestling game#wrestling games#lets play#mupen64plus#emulator#emulation#emulating#pc gaming
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hi..... used gay little sgt frog characters tierlist and sgt frog ops/eds tierlist..... reasonably it wouldve been better to wait until ive rewatched more and recognize more of the side characters and like. figure out my actual opinions on them beyond vague memories from a decade ago ..... BUT I WANTED TO DO IT NAOOOWWWWWW. also i cheated i put most characters i havent seen in action or dont remember in the dedicated tier for that but i put viper momi in like. S. even though ive only read her wiki page <3
#sorry to the entire shurara corps i love you guys but only as a concept i dont remember shit about any of you.#sorry to aki as well#i loved her as a kid but now. hmm#Also can you tell i Like Music#basilposting#frog renaissance
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allow me to introduce to you guys アーキ坊や (Aki boy) - the company mascot of Arquebus Corp that the Japanese Armored Core community came up with
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The facemaker*
az első világháború nem a semmiből jött és keveseket lepett meg. a következményei viszont mindenkit és pár hónap után egész Európa nézett hogy anyám, én nem ilyen lovat akartam.
a fronton a katonák első körben gyalogoltak bele a brutalitásba, aztán hátrahordták őket darabokban és a következő körben az orvosok pillogtak az olyan sérüléseket látva amikre előtte nem volt precedens. és amíg csonkolni kellett végtagokat okés, majd otthon kapsz egy trafikot (nem röhög, a háború után a trafikengedélyek kiosztásánál figyelembe vették a háborús rokkantságot vagy hadiözvegységet), de mi legyen azokkal akiknek az arca tünt el?!?
Harold Gillies egy új-zélandi parlamenti képviselő, Cambridgeben orvosnak tanult fia volt (eredetileg fül-orr-gégész), aki a felsőbb osztálybeliek jóltartott életét élte a Nagy Háború kitöréséig. akkor viszont bevonult orvosnak és hamar feltünt neki hogy emberek százainak torzult el úgy az arca, hogy otthon soha többé nem léphetnek utcára szánakozás vagy undor kiváltása nélkül. a Royal Army Medical Corps tagjaként Wimereuxban dolgozott és egy Valadier nevű orvossal állkapcsokat próbáltak toldozni és foldozni, majd megismerte Hippolyte Morestint, aki konkrétan feltalálta a bőrátültetést. ezzel a technikával felvértezve fogott neki a munkájának, ami új arcot és új lehetőséget adott rengeteg olyan embernek akiket a háború szedett darabokra és a jelét magukon kellett viselniük. az ő ötlete volt a hadsereg arcsérültek részére felállított osztálya is, amelynek hamar kórházzá kellett válnia a tömeges esetszám miatt.
ekkor viszonylag rövid idő alatt rengeteg újítás történt a sebészetben és a kialakuló plasztikai sebészetben. "alapanyag" volt bőven, Gillies csapatánál több mint 5ezer páciens, 11ezret meghaladó műtéti szám, újabb és újabb technikák bukkantak fel és orvosi részről egyre többen vágtak bele (hehe) az új műfajba. ami mára lehetővé tette, hogy a szépségkirálynő választásokon a 25 darab nem rokon lány egymás egypetéjű ikreinek néznek ki, élvezetessé téve a nemes versenyt és felmagasztalva a mind egyéniségek vagyunk örökbecsűt.
Gillies a háború után sem fordult el a plasztikai sebészettől, magánpraxisa lett, amit és aminek a technikáit világszerte népszerűsítette. rengeteg híres páciense is volt természetesen, a javítani magadon először hobbija, majd életcélja lett az emberiségnek. a menetrendszerűen érkező újabb világháborúban Gillies plasztikai sebészeti egységeket szervezett és sebészeket képzett ki arra, hogy plasztikai műtéteket tudjanak végrehajtani harcban sérült embereken. és mielőtt azt hinnéd jöttek a háború után a nyugodt, golfozós, visszavonult évek, tévedsz, mert nem igazán volt megtakarítása (itt rágondolsz a mai plasztikai sebészekre akik 6 hónaponta cserélik a Porschet amit a celeblányok kitérdeltek) folytatta hát a munkáját.
ami nem csak a veteránok életminőségének javítása volt és a hiúk farigcsálása, hanem 1946ban részt vett Michael Dillon nemi átalakító műtétjében, ami tudomásunk szerint az első sikeres nőből férfi műtét volt (felnőtt angolon végezték el, nem magyar ovison), majd 1951ben Roberta Cowell nemi megerősítő műtétjében, ami az első férfiból nő brit esetet jelentette (Rowling hisztérikus twitterbejegyzése vagyok...). semmiféle kérdés vagy kétely nélkül, ez az ember értette milyen ottragadni abban a húsban amiben nem érzed magad komfortosan.
Gillies büszke volt mindenre amit elért, mi pedig büszkék lehetünk Gilliesre. mert a Love Island ostobáit ekézhetjük naphosszat, de igazából a plasztikai műtét rengeteg ember életét mentette már meg azzal, hogy eltörölt vagy kijavított egy hibát amivel születtünk vagy amit szereztünk.
1960. szeptember 10én hunyt el Londonban, 78 évesen.
(*a The facemaker egy könyv címe ami az eseteivel foglalkozik, a Penguin kínálatában találod)
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demon slayer notes
i started watching demon slayer, without having read the manga, at the urging of a family friend who is new to anime and insists it's extremely good. here are my thoughts on the anime and then the entire manga through to its end.
in this post, i appended followup notes to some points upon revisiting them because i had to make sure to go back and tell my past self what happened.
i watched episodes 1 through 20 without writing anything because i wasn't planning to. i watched many of those episodes on my phone, which is unusual for me, but i was traveling at the time. so i probably missed some finer visual details.
my impression of the show before i started, from having skimmed the start of its wikipedia page some months ago, was that it seemed to be relatively high quality but very formulaic Standard Shounen Fare, and it did not catch my interest. after watching 20 episodes, that opinion hasn't really changed. so many of the elements of the show are typical and just barely riff on extremely basic tropes. i'm sure there are many people who argue that demon slayer in fact drastically and ingeniously transforms those generic shounen tropes, but i'm not so sure about that. [followup note: the story does improve in terms of nuance later on, but i'm not retracting this paragraph.]
they did kind of an amazing job on the anime in terms of animation and effects. i should really rewatch those first 20 episodes on my computer screen so i can better appreciate it.
tanjirou is a very, very good boy. almost too good. where are his flaws? his internal monologues are always so apt. almost too apt. his backstory is of course compelling, but he hasn't won me over quite yet… i do like his headbutts, though… [followup note: i guess his flaw is his penchant for excessive self-sacrifice? which is one of those job interview "flaws" that is more likely to be a virtue.]
i'm looking forward to nezuko having more and more agency as the story progresses.
i'm looking forward to zenitsu learning to shut the fuck up more and more as the story progresses. i do have to give his voice actor a lot of credit for going completely all-out every time and never holding back.
i immediately love inosuke because he's a dumb bastard.
will tomioka giyuu fill the hayakawa aki-shaped hole in my heart by not being doomed? [followup note: not really. good for him not being doomed though!]
the art style is so samefacey… golden kamuy spoiled me…
the demon slayer corps seems to think it's hot shit and have many, many levels of hierarchy, but they're disorganized enough to regularly and greatly underestimate the threat of demons such that they keep sending their own fighters to their deaths. they need to work on their intelligence gathering, if nothing else.
all the hashira seem to care an awful lot about the life of the hypothetical person hypothetically killed by nezuko, but their organization is sloppy and heartless in its deploying of weak demon slayers. is this clumsy writing with plot holes, or is it a hint for the astute as to the organization's dirtiness and disorder? [followup note: i want to say it was the former or i guess neither. the master turns out to be really humble and kind to his hashiras. did he not grasp how bad a job they were doing wrt casualties?]
i like how sanemi's eyes continue to look insane even when he's calmly using polite speech
"My arms and legs are really short right now." ~zenitsu while his arms and legs are really short
i do hope boys watch this and come away with the idea that tanjirou's habit of intense and unconditional kindness is cool.
i did like when the girls told zenitsu to his face to be respectful to girls and he was humbled. [followup note: i discovered this was added into the anime and not present in the manga. good addition]
the last few seconds of the OP for the mugen train arc make it seem like rengoku is gonna die. (explicitly prepares my heart for that)
by the way, after the first season ended and we're on to the next arc, inosuke is still the best. i don't do it myself, but i enjoy watching others live life with true wild abandon. i really enjoy his kind of annoyingness more than zenitsu's.
rengoku is committed to never breaking eye contact with the camera
in ep2 of the train arc, tanjirou said "and where are you looking?!" (in japanese) to rengoku, but they translated it as "and when did you get so big?!" because i guess they felt like it would be a better visual joke because they animated rengoku really big? but they should've kept the "where are you looking?" because it's funny that tanjirou addressed what i was already thinking and had in fact written in the previous point. they did it twice in one episode too. is this going to be something we learn about rengoku? that he doesn't look at people? i thought we saw him look at people… [followup note: it's not. also the same joke was in the manga so they especially should have translated it right.]
rengoku said that black sword bearers never know which thing to master. obvious flag for "tanjiro's going to master them all of them and be the biggest baddest hashira in shounen history." too obvious (if i'm right) [i was wrong]
who's gonna tell gotouge-sensei that headbutts don't make your head bleed
prediction: kibutsuji targeted tanjirou's family because of their ancestry and some great prophecy about how that bloodline is fated to someday defeat him. he killed everyone who was home but thought that had to be all the kids because there were so many. he turned nezuko into a demon just to see what would happen and/or because he did actually remember the right number of kids and he wanted her to kill tanjirou. it may also turn out that kibutsuji was responsible for tanjirou's dad's death and/or the scars on both their heads. [followup note: i was wrong about a lot of this, but he did target them for their bloodline]
tanjirou gathered the courage to slit his own throat waaay too easily and quickly.
the netflix translator for the subs for the first few episodes (at least) of the train arc is taking far too many liberties for my liking. i wonder if the subs are different on crunchyroll, which i don't have. i should note that the first 20ish episodes i watched, i watched on a non-netflix non-crunchyroll site and i guess they were fan subs. but i didn't notice anything wrong with those subs.
"I fused my being with this entire train!" ok i've been giving this anime some shit for being predictable, but credit where credit is due, i did not expect that. that's really funny. i hate Lower One's voice btw.
i can tell that some, if not all, of the move names characters shout out are puns like the move names in one piece, but because there are no translation notes, i can't understand them :( [followup note: there aren't any in the official translation either :( and i looked up an unofficial translation and it didn't have any either :( i guess when i'm done with the manga i'll look at a wiki for the move name meanings… of course i dare not look at a wiki when spoilers are still a concern…] [followup followup: didn't care enough before posting this to look at the move name meanings]
anyone who has read my blog, you know what i'm gonna say about nipples, right? it's obvious, right? about inosuke's and others' empty chests. it's obvious. people will be like "you want explicit nipples depicted on the chests of TEEN BOYS?" no i want minimal abstract representations of nipples because everyone has them and it's normal and it's weirder to see a blank aladdin chest. this is about NIPPLE POSITIVITY. i will die on this hill time after time
if two guys are fighting a train together and they synchronize their breathing, is it gay
i liked when inosuke gently set injured tanjirou back down. character development
ok i REALLY dislike the netflix subs for these episodes. don't ADD shit. it's simple. just don't. you have to respect the author. you have to respect the author.
i prepared myself for rengoku's death. thanks for the hint, train arc OP. i see now that he was introduced to serve the purpose of character development for tanjirou.
the appeal of a stone-faced character like tomioka giyuu is twofold: a) they look cool all the time, and b) you develop a desire to see them emote.
tanjirou's gonna get yelled at for losing his sword again…
i like how akaza made it a point to beat up tanjirou's sword. to give us viewers closure as to whether tanjirou was gonna get that sword back.
i feel like i've seen an oversized amount of fanart involving rengoku, given the length of his lifespan in the show. (nothing i looked up, but just by osmosis.) is this like a portgas d. ace situation? i hate shipping ace with anyone because he's dead. or could it be that the character i've seen around was actually senjurou? doubtful
zenitsu's VA is doing a good job, like i said, but i bet zenitsu is a lot more lovable in the manga where you don't actually have to listen to him losing his shit…
i'll officially be mad if anything happens to inosuke.
uzui's three weed-smoking girlfriends…
so the boys are not even just infiltrating the houses of pleasure but they're aiming for the rank of oiran
tanjirou's bad lying face can't compete with luffy's bad lying face… sorry… [followup note: it was better in the manga]
inosuke who can get ahold of himself well enough to actually stfu and act like a girl… excellent
yeah fuck the translator for these netflix subs in the entertainment district arc too. you can't just write whatever you think would sound cool for their lines.
i have to find out the japanese for inosuke's catchphrase "comin' through" (according to this translation). wait i should just turn japanese captions on. ……there are no japanese captions… gimme a break…
they're literally in japan, literally wearing traditional japanese clothing, and they translate "obi" into "belt" instead of leaving it as is. am i overestimating how many people would know what an obi is........?
i do think it's a smart and interesting decision to explicitly section the anime into arcs instead of seasons, or rather, you could say, putting season breaks only at arc breaks. very smart.
uzui's own wife calls him tengen-sama? red flag
you know, i did have one major misconception about this story. i thought that the fact that yaiba is in the name would mean that tanjirou would inherit some particular sacred demon-obliterating blade and it would play a major part in the story (a predictable trope). but tanjirou in fact keeps destroying his swords. maybe that will actually happen later. [followup note: it didn't really. i mean tanjirou gets his one good sword later, but it's not like the sword is what wins the fight for him or anything.]
looked at tanjirou and thought "deku" tally: ||||||||||||||||||||||||
this story sure does have a lot of the protagonist's internal monologue. that's somewhat unusual for shounen, i feel like. is tanjirou just conjuring up text boxes all the time in the manga? i guess i'll have to read it after this… for completionism. [followup note: it seems the manga has an unnamed narrator who sometimes chimes in and they excluded that from the anime completely, instead relying on a combination of show-don't-tell and tanjirou narrating instead. not a bad choice.]
nezuko bit through her gag, which was really good, but she didn't immediately start talking, which is what should have happened. to remind us that she can. other demons can talk. [followup note: i see now that she is apparently left in a childlike state and has to relearn talking. ok]
(watches nezuko shrink back from grownup mode) self-infantilizing imouto…
ok, i figured out that the subs are just the lines from the dubs. that means my ire lies with whoever translated the lines for the netflix dubs. that's right, i'm not just gonna excuse it because i was mistaken about the source.
tanjirou looking at ezui and seeing rengoku's head appear next to him is 100% a death flag. his three weed-smoking wives are gonna mourn him at the end of this arc. it's gonna be the start of a pattern of tanjirou getting scarred by the loss of hashira after hashira right in front of him. [followup: glad for tanjirou that this didn't happen.]
by the way, i bet someone out there has something smart to say about uzui's three wives and what they mean for feminism. i don't care to think about it very hard though. but i know someone does.
zenitsu is conveniently asleep for a very long time in this very long battle
the budget for this anime must have been SO high. or the animators were seriously overworked. because there is so much love and so much hard work put into what seems like EVERY single shot. it's incredible. like some of these shots there's no logical need to go so hard but it's just sooo consistent that every shot has to have a life-changing amount of work put into it. i can't get over it.
(after entertainment arc ep9) i said i would be pissed if anything happened to inosuke, and i meant it. we'll see what happens from here. if inosuke dies, i'm not reading the manga. because i'm stubborn.
gyuutaro called tanjirou a bonkler…
this battle was already frustratingly long and now the defeated gyuutaro's dead defeated corpse had to release one last extremely destructive attack? according to what logic?
i like when nezuko has tanjirou on her back for once. reverse sibling onbu
this smells a lot more like hunter x hunter than hero academia or one piece. in terms of the character designs, to some degree, and everyone's penchant for talking a lot, and vibes. and i'm saying "smells" in my own way and not in a tanjirou way, okay?
they have IVs in the taisho era? with saline? i don't know anything about history.
does everyone in the sword village need the hyottoko mask? at all times?
i can tell by the OP of the sword village arc that demons will attack the sword village.
i really like the artistic choice of letting characters emote through their masks if necessary.
this son of a bitch has poison too? isn't this getting old?
i liked the little episode preview where kanroji is asked how she sheaths her sword and the answer is she simply just does. very good
of course even haganezuka turns out to be a hottie (rolls eyes emoji)
i don't want to call out gyokko here, but he could just put muichirou in the water vase again.
kibutsuji looks a lot less laughable without his stupid fucking hat.
so demons started existing because kibutsuji took weird medicine from his doctor?? [followup note: I Guess So.]
i guess i have to give gotouge-sensei credit for really sticking with the gimmick of the whole sword village wearing those masks.
i like genya.
tokitou's soft spot for tanjirou is really cute
i caught up with the anime without writing very much. i'm still blown away by the production value. speaking of blown away, i'm curious as to what happened to 2 of kagaya's 5 apparent daughters. [followup note: they really died.]
[{{{{{{{{caught up with the anime}}}}}}}}]
[{{{{{{{{comments below concern the manga}}}}}}}}]
inosuke lived, so i started reading the manga. i'm struck by the different feeling that tanjirou gives off. manga tanjirou seems a little more serious and less perky. maybe it has to do with the line delivery in the anime shaping my view of him (though the voice actor has done a great job). i did, at the beginning of the anime, get the strong early impression that tanjirou's voice was very "grown man trying hard to do a teen boy voice," and i cringed just a bit. but that feeling faded as the anime went on. i also assume the art style changes a lot as the manga progresses, such that the style resembles the anime's style more in later chapters. the anime seems to have done an amazing job of faithfully and precisely adapting the manga, at least for early chapters. i'm really jealous of the demon slayer anime on behalf of all the great mangas that got weird or lousy anime adaptations.
the babyface style of the early manga is also very strong. even giyuu looks like a little kid.
and genya's face in his first appearance is really funny. he got a glowup for the anime. whereas zenitsu looks 100% the same. i'm looking forward to inosuke's manga face.
i read a lot more of the manga without saying anything. i've gone on and on about the high quality of the anime, but i kind of feel like the manga is better. that is to say, the art feels very authentic and pure and full of love and care. manga tanjirou is just as much of a Very Good Boy as anime tanjirou, but without a certain feeling of Trying Very Hard. is it the voice?
the manga has a kind of Classic feel to it. not like it resembles any particular manga from the past, but more like, gotouge-sensei was aiming high and trying to make something evergreen. trying to forge a new classic.
and reading the manga was shocking because it's like, the anime is truly the most faithful adaptation i've ever seen. every scene feels like it's shot-for-shot-for-shot precisely what was in the manga, with every line carried over. practically nothing was left out. the spacing and timing of content was perfect; nothing was excessively crammed or stretched out. only a few things were added, like the scene with the bento sellers before the train arc (unless that came from some bonus chapter i never saw). but the additions feel normal and necessary. truly a staggeringly faithful and loving adaptation. why did they give demon slayer this exceptional treatment…? because reading the manga, it's like, this is good… but is it life-changingly good enough for them to have gone THIS all-out with the anime? i haven't decided yet. [followup note: i still haven't decided?? i might make future posts about this.]
right, demon slayer is solidly good, i would say, but on the whole, it's not quite For Me. that's because if i evaluate it by my old standby metric, the COCK test, it is decidedly NOT Completely unhinged, and there is a decided lack of Creatures. to be perfectly fair, i'm sure it Offends the church, and it does Kick ass. and really, if someone is just a bit less weirdly picky than me, this manga could change their life. but it's just not batshit insane enough to push all my buttons. i feel some hunter x hunter influence, but obviously hunter x hunter knew how to be insane enough. not that hunter x hunter does it all for me either.
it does get credit for having somewhat deeper and rounder characters than jujutsu kaisen. like at least they have an extremely strong reason to be doing what they're doing.
the manga is self-serious in a genuine way, and the anime feels self-serious in a very slightly phony way. though i don't mean they're overly self-serious. there is welcome comic relief in both. it's better in the manga but still well-translated into the anime (literal translations of the subtitles aside). and the comic relief is actually funny a lot of the time, which is more than i can say about jujutsu kaisen. this has been my obligatory shitting on jujutsu kaisen for the first time in a while. if you missed it, the story is that i gave jujutsu kaisen all the chances in the world for me to love it, but it disappointed me (and killed my favorite character for no reason).
i've been worried this whole time, not having a good sense of exactly how much chapters have been squashed or stretched, about how many chapters would remain after i caught up with the story as far as the anime went. but now i'm just about at the end of the hashira training arc (mansion just blew up) and there are still about 60 chapters left. that's sooo many. i was worried there wouldn't be much story left, but there is! that's good, because there's a lot left to explain.
i have noticed exactly what has been added to the anime adaptation. pretty much everything added was smart and suitable. although the extremely long approach of kibutsuji to kagaya's bedside was i think not so necessary. but yeah, fleshing out the training in the hashira arc a bit, going into slightly more detail on people's backstories, adding a few more character building moments, none of it feels irritating in any way. but if it turns out they added any zenitsu whining moments, that's unforgivable. there are already enough of those.
i bet huge inosuke fans were a little irritated at the casting of his voice. a true ruffian's voice that clashes to the extreme with his pretty face. i think it's pretty apt though. maybe a little too large-adult-sounding. but teenage boys are like that.
i've been reading an unofficial manga translation, not sure who it's by, and it's interesting to note which phrases were left untranslated in this compared to in the official translation. in this unofficial TL, why is oyakata-sama left as such instead of translating it to "master" when it's just a title that plainly means "master?" and in the netflix subs/dubs, why are hashira and hinokami kagura left untranslated? and yet both translated "obi" as either "belt" or "sash" when i think it could have safely been left as is. and why was "nichirin sword" left untranslated in both when you could just call it a sun blade or sun sword? is it because nichirin sounds too cool and japanese?
oh yeah, i kept thinking but kept forgetting to write: it's well known that demons are always eating humans, but we don't see them in the actual act of eating people very often at all. it seems they often like to just kill people, like weasels kill hens. for fun. but we have seem douma in the act of eating people note once but twice.
the unifying backstory of Everyone's family being killed by demons is getting a little old…
ok i remembered one bad thing the anime did. giving us that whole ridiculous nezuko montage when she was exposed to the sun and we thought she was gonna get obliterated. that was reeeally pushing it. trying that hard to fool us is just embarrassing for you.
so ubuyashiki kagaya became a father at the age of 15. no, younger, because kiriya has two (twin?) elder sisters. at least 14.
the two ubuyashiki girls did die… that's not cool… don't use them just to confuse kibutsuji…
zenitsu leveled up? zenitsu can work while awake now? maybe he'll also shut the fuck up?
i ended up staying up very, very late and read many dozens of chapters in one night and finished demon slayer. not the best circumstances for properly absorbing the story, but i did it anyway.
i was not prepared for genya to die and i think that should not have happened. we needed to see more of him and his future. i'll say it: it should have been sanemi instead. justice for genya.
i don't think that many hashiras needed to die… especially tokitou-kun didn't need to die so horribly... and i certainly didn't expect sanemi to be one of only 2 hashira survivors.
i guess we're just lucky that inosuke and zenitsu got away with all their limbs intact. limbs were dropping like flies for a while there.
i was satisfied with the reveal of the backstory about the tsugikuni brothers and how yoriichi entrusted his earrings and stuff to tanjirou's ancestral family.
i thought the final reveal that yoriichi's 13th move was all the other moves strung together didn't have an amazing payout in the end… did it? did i miss something big?
there was the Explicit mention, in dialogue, that kanroji and iguro and others may reincarnate happily. i wish gotouge-sensei would have allowed that to happen in the audience's imagination instead of having a timeskip chapter that shows everyone's descendants and reincarnations. it wasn't unbearable, but i didn't like it. also inosuke's descendant didn't go hog wild at all.
after reading the whole manga and no longer fearing spoilers, i finally looked up inosuke's catchphrase. i was very pleased to find out that it is chototsumoushin 猪突猛進, which is an existing four-character compound that includes the kanji for boar and means rushing recklessly (as a boar does). i knew there would be some degree of untranslatable nuance in there! the nuance is that that phrase definitely describes an undesirable act, but inosuke yells it with glee while rushing in recklessly, and that is perfect. it's like yelling "BULL IN A CHINA SHOP!" in the anime, one subtitle translation was "COMIN' THROUGH!" which is a little lifeless and completely missing any boar energy. my favorite translation is "BOAR RUSH!" because it carries the boar energy and makes it seem like he's shouting a move name when he's really just barreling around the hallway. i don't remember if i saw that one in the netflix translation or if it was a fansub. one more version i saw, in an unofficial manga translation, was "pig assault." that one's not a winner. it isn't even the kanji for pig; it's the kanji for boar. also if i had been watching the anime with earbuds it's entirely possible i would have been able to discern what inosuke was saying from the beginning, because i went back and he says it quite clearly, but that doesn't matter now.
i feel a little weird about making a whole long post about something i don't have crazy strong feelings about, but i wrote all this out, so... read my important opinions... sorry for saying "i guess" so much and using so many ellipses...
overall, i wish the ending was less bittersweet (i hate character death, as always) and dislike the timeskip chapter, but i still rate demon slayer (the story itself) as GOOD. that means it is worth watching and reading. there are several slots above GOOD on my personal rating scale, but GOOD isn't bad. it's GOOD. and that's what demon slayer is. someday i will probably rewatch and/or reread, and i'll keep up with the next anime season.
#demon slayer spoilers#kimetsu no yaiba spoilers#this is a liveblog#if demon slayer is your hyperfixation you might not like my frank opinions about it so be warned
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The timeline of this AU would be like this.
June 4, 1980: Yugi Muto is Born
April 1996: Yugi finishes the Millenium Puzzle and is bestowed with Shadow Magic
Fall 1996: Yugi Vs Yami Bakura, and Yugi wins defeating Bakura, who loses his body in the process.
Feb 2001: Anzu and Yugi’s honeymoon and the return of Bakura. Yugi dies with Bakura taking over his body but goes into the sarcophagus to lay down.
Nov 2001: The Child of Yugi and Anzu is born
August 31, 2027: Judai Yuki is born
April 2043-March 2046: Judai Yuki’s era
2050: Judai and Asuka Marry
2051: The Daughter of Judai and Asuka is born
2076: The Daughter meets Dr. Fudo and fell in love.
July 7, 2078: Yusei Fudo is born
2079: Zero Reverse happens when Dr Fudo and the Goodwin Twins discover the Sarcophagus of Yami Bakura. Judai loses his wife, Daughter and son in law. Judai and a baby Yusei land in Satellite
2092: Judai meets Mira Tsukomo and have one night stand.
2093: Yuma Tsukomo is born
2094: Yuya Sasaki is born from Yami Bakura and Yoko Sasaki, trough technically he would be Yugi’s son. Bakura will also have other children born aeound these dates
2096: Yusei’s aventure begins.
2102: Yusaku Fudo is born from Yusei Fudo and Aki Izayoi
2106: Yusei meets Yuma
2108: Yuya’s adventure begins
2118: Yusaku adventure begins
So yeah Thats how things will be in the AU. Yusaku is a girl in case anyone is wondering. Yusei could be the Creator of the XYZ system as alternative for Syncho Summoning, It was Anzu who have winged Kuriboh to Judai instead of Yugi. Also yes Joey/Jonouichi becomes filthy rich during the GX Era having his company known as The Wheeler Foundation, a comtemporany/rival of Kaiba Corp.
Also the AU has a name now; Heritage of Darkness (Yami No Heritage)
Well that’s all for today, i hope you guys like it
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Koihana Bakumeiroku Characters
Hajime Saito (Cool-headed x Pure Love)
VA : Shuugo Nakamura
~ you may know his roles as Gin Gagamaru (Blue Lock), Katori (the Ice Guy and his Cool Female Colleague) and many more
Former Shinsengumi 3rd division captain. After being defeated in the Aizu War, he joined the Metropolitan Police Department and served as the captain of the Battotai Corps that protects the city.
He feels a strong sense of loyalty to the Aizu clan and his deceased lord Matsudaira Katamori
He still choose to carry a sword even the samurai era is over
He takes care of MC for mysterious reason ...
Takayoshi Kido (Sociable x Ingenuity)
VA : Ryota Suzuki
~ you may know his roles as Ryuusui Nanami (Dr. Stone), Choujiro Sasakibe (Bleach TYBW) Ishigami Yuu (Kaguya-sama: Love is War) and many more
Full-time advisor to the current Governor's Bureau. Thoughtful, prudent, and flexible enough to accept a wide range of ideas
At the end of the Tokugawa shogunate, he went by the name 'Kogoro Katsura,' and was called 'Kogoro the Escape,' because he never fought needlessly and always escaped from danger.
He is kind and friendly to everyone, regardless of his position, but it is difficult to see his true feelings
Takamori Saigo (Bravery x Tolerance)
VA : Ryohei Kimura
~ you may know his roles as Arthur Conan Doyle (Ikevamp) Tartaglia/Childe (Genshin Impact), Bokuto Koutarou (Haikyuu!), Kise Ryouta (Kuroko no Basket), Charles Grey (Black Butler) and many more
An army general who contributed to the establishment of the Meiji government. He is loved by many of his subordinates because of his affectionate and generous personality.
In particular, he is deeply trusted by Toshiaki, and Toshiaki himself looks up to him like a younger brother.
He thinks MC is cute because she's a hard worker
Toshiaki Kirino (Faithful x Eccentric)
VA : Shogo Sakata
~ you may know his roles as Aki Hayakawa (Chainsaw Man), Karin Sasaki (Enen no Shouboutai) and many more
Army lieutenant. He admires Saigo from the bottom of his heart
Known as "Hanjiro Hitokiri", he doesn't hesitate to get his hands dirty if necessary
But in fact, he has a sense of humor, enjoying perfume and military uniforms.
He always put Saigo first, but when you get close to him, all that changes. He'll be confused by feeling that he don't have
Katsu Kaishu (Ambitious x Independent)
VA : Yohei Azakami
~ you may know his roles as Rinne Amagi (Enstars), Suehiro Tetchou (Bungou Stray Dogs), Raisin Charlotte (One Piece), Ayumu Tanaka (Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru) and many more
After the Meiji Restoration, he served as a former vassal of the shogunate in various Meiji government officials, but now he is the navy's top naval chief.
Due to the nature of his work, although he is good at negotiating, he is also insensitive, which causes him many troubles
At first, he was just making fun of MC for expressing her feelings honestly, but as you spend more time together, he begins to want to know more about you.
Hijikata Toshizo (Charismatic x Sexy)
VA : Makoto Furukawa
You may know his roles as Kyle Ash (Ikerev), Taiju Ooki (Dr.Stone), Ogun Montgomery (Enen no Shouboutai), Rinto Okazaki (Idolish7), Shirogane Miyuki (Kaguya-sama: Love is War) and many more
A samurai who serves the new Tokugawa Shogunate. Before the Meiji Restoration, he wielded a sword as the Shinsengumi's Demon Vice-commander.
Although he has a lone wolf personality, he is very popular and respected by those around him.
After the Boshin War, he disappeared from the front stage, but after the Meiji Restoration, he picked up the sword again for a certain purpose
He didn't mind loneliness, and he was single-mindedly trying to fulfill his destiny as a samurai for his lord, but when he met you, a change appeared in his heart...
Enamoto Takeaki (Fraternity x Seeker)
VA : Kazuyuki Okitsu
You may know his roles as Zantetsu Tsurugi (Blue Lock), Flam Karim (Enen no Shouboutai), Banri Oogami (Idolish7) and many more
A special surveillance prisoner of the Meiji government. Originally participated in the Boshin War as a samurai, but now conducting research on Dutch studies under government supervision
A cheerful personality who never forgets to smile.
By meeting you, he will find new hope and search for his own way of life
Ii Naosuke (Disciplined x Harsh)
VA : Masaya Matsukaze
~You may know his roles as Mikami Teru (Death Note), Ren Akatsuki (Fairy Tail), Illumi Zoldyck (HunterxHunter), Fujima Miroku (Kyoukai no Kanata) and many more
Chief of the new Tokugawa shogunate. Prior to the Meiji Restoration, he held the real power in Japan as a chief retainer of the Edo Shogunate.
He has a strong sense of order that rules are absolute, and he shows no mercy to those who disturb it.
He was said that he died in the war, but after the Meiji Restoration, he reappeared as the new Tokugawa shogunate. Somehow, he seems to know something about your lost memory...
For release information, it is still unknown but confirmed this year
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Sega Mega CD - WWF Mania Tour - WWF Rage in the Cage
Title: WWF Mania Tour - WWF Rage in the Cage / WWFマニア・ツアー
Developer: Sculptured Software / Acclaim Black Team
Publisher: Acclaim
Release date: 24 June 1994
Catalogue No.: T-81024
Genre: Wrestling
I am not a big fan of wrestling games to be honest, but I personally found my favorite wrestling games to be the ones programmed by AKI Corp. for the Nintendo 64, yet I always try to find a good in any game. However, I think that WWF Mania Tour or WWF Rage in the Cage here is a disappointment.
Though the game was released between Royal Rumble and Raw, it ends up falling short compared to either one. The game is almost exactly the same as Royal Rumble, with just the "cage match" interchanged with "Royal Rumble" (I’d take the Royal Rumble mode over the cage match mode any day of the week) and lacks the variety that made Raw worth owning. Why include the Nasty Boyz and the Headshrinkers when you don't have a tag team mode?
Add to this missed CD opportunities and you have a very average game. If you’re a fan of wrestling, go out and buy WWF Raw on whatever platform it was released on. Rage in the Cage just isn’t worth the asking price. Oh well, at least we have Randy Savage and the Undertaker. The low quality FMV is here, but hey, NBA Jam and Mortal Kombat also did it on the Mega CD as well.
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╰ ⋆ 𝐇𝐘𝐏𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘 ଓ.° ╮
𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐌𝐘 𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐍𝐎𝐖 ! ⠀⠀⠀⠀→ meet AOKI EMILIA ‘MAE’, a student in the medical field for dermatology. she was recently given a dance scholarship and became the team’s captain. she is german-japanese, yet grew up in california.
⠀⠀⠀⠀→ OGURI ASAHINAKI aka ‘AKI’ is a japanese-korean music and dance student, currently a very popular trainee at xgalx entertainments. her best friend is fujimura autumn yume, and is the vice-captain of the cheerleading team.
⠀⠀⠀⠀→ FUJIMURA ‘AUTUMN’ YUME is a business major, going for her masters in mba. she is japanese-new zealander, the captain of the cheerleading team. her family owns wisteria corps, as she is the next head and is the rich cousin of bokuto kotaro. her boyfriend is kuroo tetsuro.
⠀⠀⠀⠀→ KUROO TETSURO is marketing and management student that plays for the university's volleyball team. his girlfriend is autumn.
⠀⠀⠀⠀→ BOKUTO KOTARO is the cousin of autumn. he is in his final year as a liberal arts major who plays as a wing spiker in the university’s volleyball team.
⠀⠀⠀⠀→ the journalism major of the group is AKAASHI KEIJI, who also is part of the news club that runs the university's social media account.
⠀⠀⠀⠀→ KENMA KOZUME is popular twitch gamer that streams his plays often. he is in school for digital marketing.
SPONSERS,,, @okkotsuus @hyomagiri @yuyan @ryuverse @renjiishot @aoshei
© daiseukiis 2023. all rights reserved. do not repost, modify, translate without permission. do not claim work or layout as yours.
#hype boy smau !#blue lock#bllk#michael kaiser#kaiser#michael kaiser smau#kaiser smau#blue lock smau#bllk smau#michael kaiser x reader#kaiser x you#michael kaiser x you#kaiser x reader#blue lock x you#bllk x you#blue lock x reader#bllk x reader#blue lock social media au#bllk social media au#blue lock social media#bllk social media#kaiser social media au#kaiser social media#© daiseukiis#༊*·˚ hype boy !#༊*·˚ THE LOVE SONG PLAYLIST
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Zajok a nappaliból – Traxelektor 2024. 06.
Lomha Lukács és a Multiverzum visszhangjai.
Lomha Lukács akinek szuperhős szkillje, hogy mindig később látszik, mint ahogy (ahol) van, többdimenziós lény, mint az egerek. Kevésbé ismeretes, de megjelenik néha 1st Bass, 4 Slots For Bill, Clementine, Deputy Dawg, Earnest Honest, Jan Van Janssen, Krispy Krouton, Lloyd Owes Me A Packet, Offset és Translucent néven is az multiverzumban. Luke Simon Arthur Slater Reading (londoni agglomeráció) szülötte, így az elektronikus bigbang kezdetekor már ott volt az expanzió közepén. Az eltelt 30 év alatt dj/produceri/szerzői tevékenysége, szerethető személyisége tette sikeressé. Négy, köztudottabb kivetüléséről még nem esett szó, The 7th Plain néven old school detroiti őstechnoidként, modern technoarcként a Planetary Assault Systems szervezet fedésében, Luke Slater néven pedig mainstream technomágusként jeleskedik, és valószínűleg, ami legközelebb áll igaz énjéhez, azt L.B. Dub Corp néven tapasztalhatjuk meg. A jelzőim meglehetősen pontatlanok, mint minden rendes többrétegűség esetében, itt is furcsa átfedések vannak, most is.
Az új L.B. Dub Corp albumot a múlt heti Traxelektorban már hallhatott Only The Good Times maxi vezette fel, és az még nagyjából illett a profilba. A most megjelent Saturn to Home album viszont kis híján beillene Luke Slater albumnak, pedig a detroit techno / chicago house / techno dub iránytól nem tért el Lukács. Inkább a vendégművészek hatnak változóként, Miss Kittin dark electro dub irányba, Robert Owens tulajdonképpen nem módosít, sőt hozza az erotikus house-minnesänger default alteregóját (You Got Me), viszont szövegben egy olyan művet fordított ki, ami egy magyar rádiók sújtotta elme számára régi mély seb, ez Roy Orbison – You Got It-ja, amit valamiért a hazai rádióadók hányásig játszottak egy időben. A blogon többször olvashattatok már a dominikai reggae-bariton Paul St. Hillaire-ről, ő egy 2013-as instrumentális LBDC szerzeményt, a No Trouble in Paradise-t ápdételte. A negyedik vendég pedig a Baal & Mortimer néven alkotó düsseldorfi Alexandra Grübler, aki a hangját adta a Dekmantel gondozásában megjelent albumhoz.
Egyik jolly jokerem, az olaszkvótás Tagliablue. Nem ismerek tőle gyenge kiadványt, és ha van olyan lelkület, mint alkotói szándék, hogy intelligent dance music, annak minden ismérvében klubtag, még pedig a fiatalabb generáció képviselőjeként az. Vészjósló címe (Szakadék) ellenére az Abisso EP könnyen befogadható, agyas, mesterien kimunkált tánczene, egyszerre fotel- és klubzene, kívül laza, belül feszes digitális agymasszázs. Négyből három hibátlan.
Actress kortárs elektronikája megint olyan sunyin csavarta fel az agyam, eszmélni sincs idő, már a nyakamon ül a súlya, sárhouse-ban taposok. A Statik néha feladja a leckét és buddhai türelemre késztet, húzza a figyelmet, de nem mindig ad cserébe, csak színtelen ürességet, vagy vapour-ös szőnyegeket. A hatodik Six például nem ilyen, Aphex Twin selected ambientjeivel egyenértékű darab, és akad, amikor a mocsárdubból kiemelkedő minimal techno töredékek sikerrel járnak, azért ne ezzel kezeld a depressziódat!
Két hónapja szembejött ez klip a Nyege Nyege Tapes YouTube csatornáján:
Ez milyen drog lehet? Kitűzőkből van a farka? – két idézet ismerősi kör reakcióiból. Még aznap megvettem a lemezt, elővételben. Annyira nem jó, inkább kb olyan, mint a borító (ez nem volt szép). Így most ez nem egyértelmű lemezajánló. Violaine Morgan Le Fur multidiszciplináris művész és kurátor, és ami fontos, elsősorban nem zenész, csak néhány héttel a lemez rögzítése előtt kezdett el kísérletezni zenei szoftverekkel. Az utóbbi években dokufilmek készítésével foglalkozott a Párizs külvárosában, breton anya és kameruni apa gyermekeként felnőtt Violaine, akit foglalkoztatnak gyökerei, Bamiléké-földről (Kamerun) is készített filmeket. Violaine, művésznevén Violence Gratuite (ford. Felesleges Erőszak) az albumot egyedül jegyzi. A Baleine à Boss album minden felvételének megvan az az értékes vonása, hogy hibátlan alapokon fut, műfajilag sanzon, hip-hop, no wave, kísérleti elektronika rendhagyó keveréke. Sajnos a keverés az album felén katasztrofális, az én hangcuccom szépen bontja a legsűrűbb káoszt is, ezzel nem bírt szegény. Az albumot a Nyege Nyege sublabel-je, a Hakuna Kulala jegyzi szintén Kampalából (Club explorations from the East African and Congolese Electronic Underground).
Sok szétnyafogott, elfűszerezett lemez után (között) – talán a jó témaválasztás okán – egy kiegyensúlyozott, az electroval szelíden és játékosan bánó Versalife-ot hallhatunk. Boris Bunnik most érzékkel mozog el analóg hullámvetőivel a trance, ambient, dark irányokba. A Technofeudalism EP az osztrák TRUST electro-label kiadványa. (3/4)
Lehetne ez szép is, csak akkor nem volna igaz! Anthony Child és Karl O'Connor közös, 2003 és 2005 között aktív technoproject-je a hangzatos, de zeneileg teljesen valíd, British Murder Boys új stúdióalbumot adott ki. A fiúk, Surgeon és Regis a két dekád alatt semmit nem változtak, ez ugyanaz a warehouse technosound, amit anno lefektettek és ez így van jól! Valaki üvöltve: „Ezek állatoook!”
A brit zenei hagyomány útján haladva, ahol a művészi kifejezés eszköztárában a szexuális energia rituális sűrítése, a punk attitűd, a fekete humor, provokáció, a szorongás kifejezése mind része az egésznek, mit része, ettől működik, ettől hat, a legmélyebb zsigerektől a felszínig. Az Active Agents And House Boys album velejéig kompromisszummentes anyag, működhet a klubokban is, de nem (csak) arra született. Azért, jó volna ezt élőben látni, hallani, mert még sokkal izgalmasabb lehet, és különös módon erre két lehetőség nyílik, júliusban Madridban a Code Summer Fest-en illetve novemberben a Mira Festival-on Barcelonában (én se értem, miért?).
Interferenc új maxiján, a TeChNOtitLan, a húzótrack Kaprekarmában valami olyan az a fémes hang, tényleg csak örülni tudok, hogy nincsenek implantjaim, és a fogtöméseimben is cserélték az amalgámot, mert amikor az a hang megjön, bennem is mozgolódni érzek, hallok belül, valami teljesen idegen és értelmezhetetlen forrású bizsergést, és nem vágyom kronenbergi fordulatokra, bármennyire is kedveli őt a szerző. Élettani hatásai ellenére is sokszor meghallgattam, nagyon működik, eleve érdekes ez a táncoljatok, de kaptok a nyakatokba egy kis túlsúlyt filozófia. Minden loophoz ajándék ellenloop, mert kivittem magammal németbe az összes levetett ungarische féket és ellensúlyt, csak nem dobom ki! A b-oldalas postsessor erősen Silent Servant-meghajtású, vagy csak bennem hagyott túlságosan mély nyomokat Juan Mendez váratlan tragédiája. Grüss Got, csirkevéreshurka van?
Meg kellett néznem, hogy ez a Kalumet, az a Kalumet? Dehát nincs másik Kalumet! (Mondjuk miért is lenne?) Őszintén, ezt a(z ozorai) vonalat nem követem, nem vagyok képben, merre jár Vajda Zoltán projektje. A dél-koreai Oslated labelnél jelent meg Kronosphere albuma a psy-trance / world-beat / dub vonalon mozgó úriembernek. Nagyon egyszerű, szinte csupasz eszköztárral felépített zen harmóniákat hallhatunk, a címadó Kronospere esetében is, pedig az kibillen a progresszív trance műfajig. Itt áll mellettem a gulyásmarci, ezért elmondom, hogy Kalumet kapcsán az ősélményem a Galagonya, a 2001-es Chi Glassic Volume 1. - Dub Local válogatásról. Ez se lett rosszabb az évek alatt.
Alex Tucker – aki ifjúkori képein Genesis P-Orridge-nak néz ki – erős hardcore múlttal bír. Aztán a különféle bandáiban (Grumbling Fur, Imbogodom) a pszichedelikus rocktól a drone / experimental ambientig jutott. Amikor a Microcorps néven, techno-vonalon mozgó Tucker muzsikáját próbáljuk megfejteni, ezek is fontosak, de lényeg, hogy elektronikája annyira egyedi, eltalált és kimunkált, hogy masszív zárványként tündököl az underground szférában. A debut album XMIT a 2021-es Top 12, év albumai lista hetedik helyén landolt, azóta csend.
2024. május 10. A The Tapeworm sajtóközleménye a 100 példányban, csak kazettán megjelent kiadványához: „A MICROCORPS, Alexander Tucker mutáns techno alteregója bemutatja a Macrocorpse – 2021-2024 című nyolc számból álló válogatást, mely szerzemények mostantól azon mutáns tér részei, ahol egyazon zónában létezik a techno-alapú kompozíció, mikrofelbontású időskálák hangjai, a drón és a zaj.” Tucker hangja fontos része az experimentumnak, mármint azok az elektronika által fragmentált szemcsés törmelékek, amik idegen nyelvnek, alien papok kántálásának tűnnek. A cselló rétegek, a szintén szemcsés, de olajos dobok terei szűkek és folyamatosan mozgásban vannak, mutálódnak, mint egy sokdimenziós labirintus. A mozgó elemek szemcséken gördülése a MC-sound fontos ismérve. Egy újabb The Tapeworm kazetta, ami ott lesz az év végi Top 12 album versenyben. Érzékeny veszteség viszont, hogy bár 6 felvételt is beválogattam a Traxelektorba, az online verzióból ezek teljesen hiányoznak, mivel a Spotify egyelőre csak a debutalbumot ismeri.
Terence Fixmer a belga határ közelében, a francia Tourcoing-ban nőtt fel, s azon áldozatok egyike, aki nem tudta megállítani Brüsszelt. A kilencvenes évek new wave-je legalább olyan ellenállás nélkül haladt át Nord megyén, mint más történelmi alakzatok. A belga new beat, az electric body music, a Front 242 és Nitzer Ebb, Klinik és DAF hatása Fixmer-re nyilvánvaló, meghatározta és meg fogja határozni mit játszik, s ne feledjük, évtizedes együttműködésben van Douglas McCarthy-val (Fixmer / McCarthy). A két évvel ezelőtti Shifting Signals album egy izmos ipari techno lemez lett, az új The Paradox in Me album inkább egy széles panoráma a németalföldi impulzusokból. Zajhatárig driftelt ebm riff, industrial-noir himnusz, végtelen gerjedelem, old school menetelés bakancsban, setétben fürkészés, dark technö lődörgés.
Azt hiszem, ami hallható a Convictions That Stick hatszámos minialbumon, az Timothy J. Fairplay igazán hazai pályája. Tavasszal, a hazai Dalmata Danielnél kiadott Norwell-lel közös DDS09 nem lett jó, ez most nagyon. Elegáns, nyakkendős szalontechno, nem láttad a napfénybélyegem? A Foggy Beach dark-electro-break indulója a sláger, nagyon sok réteg, még némi acid is elfér benne, végig egyensúlyban a perpetuum mobile. Fairplay kiadót is váltott, a Pinkman-hez igazolt, sajnos ennek eredményeképp a Spotify-on nem található meg a lemez.
Az év dancemaxija címre hajt rá a Remotif, a négyszámos The Elevated Place EP-vel. Annyira old-school, hogy meghajlik tőle a téridő, és prodigyért kiált a pszi mező. A bristoli Joe Reddick már a lemez A oldalán letudja az évet, A1: U15 A2: Glint's Pursuit. Még az is kerek, hogy az Emotional Response sublabel-je, az [Emotional] Especial Specials jegyzi. Viszontlátásra!
Megjelenések (2024.06):
Actress - Statik [2024, Smalltown Supersound][LP] British Murder Boys - Active Agents and House Boys [2024, Downwards][LP] Forest on Stasys - Lotus Island [2024, space lab][EP] interferenc - TeChNOtitLan [2024, Self-Released][S] Kalumet - Kronosphere [2024, Oslated][EP] L.B. Dub Corp - Saturn to Home [2024, Dekmantel][LP] Microcorps - Macrocorpse – 2021-2024 [2024, The Tapeworm][MC-Comp] Orlando Voorn - No Cellphones [2024, Kompakt][EP] Remotif - The Elevated Place [2024, Emotional Especial][EP] Tagliabue - Abisso [2024, Subject To Restrictions Discs][S] Terence Fixmer - The Paradox In Me [2024, Novamute][LP] Timothy J. Fairplay - Convictions That Stick [2024, Pinkman][EP] VA - 030313 [2024, Tresor][EP-Comp] Versalife - Technofeudalism [2024, TRUST][EP] Violence Gratuite - Baleine à Boss [2024, Hakuna Kulala][LP]
Traxelektor 2024 06
Traxelektor 2024 06 Spotify Playlist - link
(58/74, 5:32/6:57, 78%)
OffSpot Data
Microcorps - Macrocorpse – 2021-2024 [2024, The Tapeworm][MC-Comp]
Timothy J. Fairplay - Convictions That Stick [2024, Pinkman][EP]
interferenc - TeChNOtitLan [2024, Self-Released][S]
Traxelektor 2024 06 Playlist
Actress - Mellow Checx [Statik, Smalltown Supersound] Actress - Six [Statik, Smalltown Supersound] Actress - Static [Statik, Smalltown Supersound] Azu Tiwaline & Forest Drive West - Fluids in Motion III [Fluids In Motion, Livity Sound]
British Murder Boys - I Saw the Set Up Man [Active Agents and House Boys, Downwards] British Murder Boys - It's in the Heart [Active Agents and House Boys, Downwards] British Murder Boys - It's what you hide [Active Agents and House Boys, Downwards] British Murder Boys - Keep it Down [Active Agents and House Boys, Downwards] British Murder Boys - This is a Calling [Active Agents and House Boys, Downwards] Ciel - Divide & Conquer (Original)[Sada's Dream, SUZI] dBridge vs Forest Drive West - Spiteful Lips [EXITVS009, Exit] dBridge vs Forest Drive West - Vignette [EXITVS009, Exit] DJ Merlin - Chasing Coral [VA - Slam Jams Vol. 4, Holding Hands] DJ Stingray 313 - Dynamic Instability [VA - 030313, Tresor] Dungeon Acid - Affirmative Body Sequences 3 [Dungeon Acid, Russell Haswell And Evol, IDEAL] Dungeon Acid - Affirmative Body Sequences 7 [Dungeon Acid, Russell Haswell And Evol, IDEAL] FaltyDL - Further [In The Wake Of Wolves, Central Processing Unit] FaltyDL - New Friends [In The Wake Of Wolves, Central Processing Unit] Forest on Stasys - Prism of Nature [Lotus Island, space lab] Forest on Stasys - Torre De Alquimia [Lotus Island, space lab]
interferenc - kaprekarma [TeChNOtitLan, Self-Released] interferenc - postsessor [TeChNOtitLan, Self-Released] JakoJako - Metal Goat [VA - 030313, Tresor] Kalumet - Kronosphere (Moon Patrol Remix)[Kronosphere, Oslated] Kalumet - Kronosphere (Original Mix)[Kronosphere, Oslated] Kalumet - Providance (Original Mix)[Kronosphere, Oslated] Kalumet - Tao (Original Mix)[Kronosphere, Oslated] Kanding Ray - Four Interwined Spirals [Polar EP, Spazio Disponibile] L.B. Dub Corp - Krank [Saturn to Home, Dekmantel] L.B. Dub Corp feat. Baal & Mortimer - Golden Star [Saturn to Home, Dekmantel] L.B. Dub Corp feat. Miss Kittin - Saturn to Home [Saturn to Home, Dekmantel] L.B. Dub Corp feat. Paul St. Hilaire - No Trouble In Paradise [Saturn to Home, Dekmantel] Microcorps - KDAK [Macrocorpse - 2021-2024, The Tapeworm] Microcorps - LIIOI [Macrocorpse - 2021-2024, The Tapeworm] Microcorps - MYR [Macrocorpse - 2021-2024, The Tapeworm] Microcorps - PYN [Macrocorpse - 2021-2024, The Tapeworm] Microcorps - VLOJ [Macrocorpse - 2021-2024, The Tapeworm] Microcorps - WRM [Macrocorpse - 2021-2024, The Tapeworm] Model 500 - I.D.L.E. [VA - 030313, Tresor] Not Even Noticed - Lemon Posset [VA - Slam Jams Vol. 4, Holding Hands] Orlando Voorn - No Cellphones [No Cellphones, Kompakt] Orlando Voorn - Raise The Bar [No Cellphones, Kompakt] Orlando Voorn - Tech IQ [No Cellphones, Kompakt] Peter Van Hoesen - Nirvana Short Circuit / Listening To Cells [Towards The Center Of Time And Surrounded By Spirits, Vlek] Peter Van Hoesen - Schemerzone / Voor JMH Berckmans [Towards The Center Of Time And Surrounded By Spirits, Vlek]
Planetary Assault Systems - Clap Trap [Deep Heet Vol. 5, Mote-Evolver] Planetary Assault Systems - Grid Livers [Deep Heet Vol. 5, Mote-Evolver] Priori - Ruins [This But More, NAFF] Priori - Weight [VA - WITNESS05, One Eye Witness] Priori feat. Jesse Osborne-Lanthier - Basalt Tones [This But More, NAFF] Priori feat. Sabola - Learn To Fly [This But More, NAFF] Reflex Blue - J2px [VA - WITNESS05, One Eye Witness] Remotif - Glint's Pursuit [The Elevated Place, Emotional Especial] Remotif - U-15 [The Elevated Place, Emotional Especial] Significant Other feat. James K - RPG [When It Rains, Pain Management]
Tagliabue - Abisso (Original)[Abisso, Subject To Restrictions Discs] Tagliabue - Insidie (Original)[Abisso, Subject To Restrictions Discs] Tagliabue - Venula (Original)[Abisso, Subject To Restrictions Discs] Terence Fixmer - Another End [The Paradox In Me, Novamute] Terence Fixmer - In Synthesis [The Paradox In Me, Novamute] Terence Fixmer - Shore Break [The Paradox In Me, Novamute] Timothy J. Fairplay - Bronx Warriors [Convictions That Stick, Pinkman] Timothy J. Fairplay - Convictions That Stick [Convictions That Stick, Pinkman] Timothy J. Fairplay - Foggy Beach [Convictions That Stick, Pinkman] Timothy J. Fairplay - Outdoor Survival [Convictions That Stick, Pinkman] Versalife - Axon Terminal [Technofeudalism, TRUST] Versalife - Cataclysm [Technofeudalism, TRUST] Versalife - Syndicate War [Technofeudalism, TRUST]
Viels - Il Quarto Respiro [Il Quarto Respiro, Semantica] Viels - Lontano da Casa [Il Quarto Respiro, Semantica] Violence Gratuite - Bad à Bras le Corps [Baleine à Boss, Hakuna Kulala] Violence Gratuite - Iséo [Baleine à Boss, Hakuna Kulala] Violence Gratuite - Les Prisons de Nantes [Baleine à Boss, Hakuna Kulala]
Youth feat. Allen Ginsberg - Iron Horse (The Orb's End Hate Remix)[Iron Horse, Cadiz Music]
#zene#zeneajánló#underground#electronic#music#traxelektor#zenekritika#intelligent dance music#spotify#dance#Youtube
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7 Best Mackenyu Movies and TV Shows
Since the release of One Piece live action series, Mackenyu's popularity has been soaring. His portrayal of Zoro in One Piece gained a massive following, mostly from women who just couldn't resist his charm.
Mackenyu himself has etched his name in the entertainment industry a long time ago. First appearing in Kamen Rider Drive: Surprise Drive, he was 17 years old when he debuted. Starting from small roles, his talent continued to spike interest from directors and producers.
Born as Mackenyu Maeda, his breakthrough role was the portrayal of Arata Wataya in the Chihayafuru trilogy. In fact, he loved the character so much that he decided to use Mackenyu Arata as his stage name.
As a son of the famous Japanese actor and martial artist, Sonny Chiba, it's no surprise that Mackenyu followed in his father's footsteps. Now, with over 40 credits in acting roles, Mackenyu continues to rise in his stardom.
Besides One Piece, there are a lot of Mackenyu movies and TV shows to get to know him better. Here are the recommendations!
1. Chihayafuru Trilogy
Mackenyu's breakthrough role in the Chihayafuru Trilogy was what catapulted him into stardom. The trilogy is based on the manga series "Chihayafuru" by Yuki Suetsugu and follows the story of Chihaya Ayase, a young girl who becomes deeply involved in the competitive world of competitive karuta, a traditional Japanese card game.
In the trilogy, Mackenyu Arata played the role of Arata Wataya, a childhood friend of Chihaya and a skilled karuta player. His return to the town after some years of absence rekindles Chihaya's passion for karuta, and he becomes a central figure in her journey to become a competitive karuta player.
Arata's presence and influence serve as a driving force in the story, motivating Chihaya and her friends to form a karuta club and pursue their dreams of becoming champions. Arata also represents one of the love interests in the series, creating a love triangle with Chihaya and another main character, Taichi Mashima.
If you want to explore Mackenyu's other role beside One Piece, Chihayafuru Trilogy is a great way to start!
2. Over Drive
Mackenyu portrayed the character Hiyama Naozumi in Over Drive. Naozumi, the wild and unpredictable Supika Racing Factory hotshot, is no stranger to chaos. Despite his troublesome nature, he possesses exceptional driving skills and aspires to advance to the World Rally Championship.
Towards the end of the film, Naozumi undergoes a remarkable transformation and becomes more focused on his goals in rally racing. This journey takes him from lone wolf to a team player, from troublemaker to disciplined driver. Mackenyuy's portrayal brings Naozumi's passionate evolution to life, promising an engaging and impactful character arc that's worth watching.
3. Pacific Rim: Uprising
In the epic "Pacific Rim: Uprising," Mackenyu Arata takes on the role of Ryoichi Hatayama. Although not the central character, Hatayama's role as a Pan Pacific Defense Corps cadet and co-pilot of the formidable Jaeger, Saber Athena, adds depth to the storyline.
Even as a supporting role, Hatayama stands alongside lead characters, like Jake Pentecost (played by John Boyega), and takes on a vital part in the thrilling battles against the Kaiju monsters.
While not in the spotlight, Mackenyu's appearance in this international blockbuster allows him to showcase his acting skills. His performance enriches the action and the overall dynamic of Pacific Rim: Uprising.
4. Our 30 Minute Sessions
Expanding his role, Mackenyu portrayed a musician in Our 30-Minute Sessions (サヨナラまでの30分). His character, Aki Miyata, a musician who passed away one year before the events of the film. Despite his untimely death, his bright and positive personality continues to influence the lives of those who knew him.
On the other hand, a character named Sota discovers a mysterious tape recorder which allows him to listen to Aki's voice from the past for 30 minutes. During this time, Aki takes over Sota's body, leading him to meet his former girlfriend.
As the plot unfolds, Sota not only learns more about Aki's life and struggles but also undergoes personal growth and self-discovery. The story delves into themes of friendship, grief, and the healing power of communication and connection, even beyond death.
5. Peach Girl
In the 2017 Japanese romantic comedy-drama "Peach Girl," inspired by Miwa Ueda's beloved manga series, Mackenyu Arata takes on the role of Kazuya Tojigamori. This story revolves around the intricate romantic and dramatic journey of the central character, Momo Adachi.
Kazuya, one of Momo's dearest friends and a fellow classmate, embodies kindness, care, and unwavering support. He's a character marked by unrequited love for Momo, a sentiment that sparks emotional conflicts and intense drama. As Kazuya grapples with these feelings, the movie explores the complexities of friendship and love.
6. Knights of the Zodiac
Enter the fantastical world of "Knights of the Zodiac," where Mackenyu steps into the role of Seiya. In this cinematic take on the beloved "Saint Seiya" franchise, created by Masami Kurumada, adventure and destiny collide.
Seiya, a street-smart orphan, embarks on a perilous odyssey to rescue his kidnapped sister, Patricia. His journey tests his mettle as he confronts formidable challenges. His fate becomes intertwined with the legendary Knights of the Zodiac, warriors chosen to safeguard the goddess Athena's reincarnation.
Mackenyu's portrayal is more than a mere performance. It's a journey through Seiya's determination, a tour of his emotional evolution from ordinary to hero. He weaves his essence into the action and drama, crafting a Seiya that captivates and immerses us in the "Saint Seiya" universe.
7. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable - Chapter 1
Perhaps Mackenyu's most peculiar acting role, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable - Chapter 1" saw Mackenyu Arata taking on the character of Okuyasu Nijimura. This film is based on the Diamond Is Unbreakable story arc of the popular manga and anime series "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" by Hirohiko Araki.
Okuyasu Nijimura possesses a Stand, a supernatural ability that grants him unique powers. His Stand is known as "The Hand," and it wields the extraordinary power to erase or scrape away anything it touches with his right hand. Initially introduced as a member of a group with antagonistic motives, Okuyasu's character undergoes a transformation as the narrative unfolds.
Looking into his diverse acting role, it seems like Mackenyu doesn't plan on stopping any time soon. His career will continue to evolve, and with his legendary portrayal of Zoro, more directors and producers may see the potential he has.
Finally, some of Mackeyu's movies are available to stream online on Apple TV, such as "Knights of the Zodiac" and "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable - Chapter 1". To watch them, you'll need a paid subscription available through Apple TV.
And here's a tip to make it even more convenient: purchase your subscription using iTunes gift cards from OffGamers.com. With over 200 payment methods, secure transactions, and global accessibility, OffGamers.com makes getting your hands on those iTunes gift cards a breeze.
So, prepare to journey into the mesmerizing world of Seiya and Jojo, right from your screen!
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Compulsively running tag team matches in WWF No Mercy and WCW/nWo Revenge! (N64)
#wwf no mercy#wcw nwo revenge#n64#aki corp#aki corporation#wrestling#wrestling game#wrestling games#game#games#gaming#video game#video games#gaming videos#nintendo 64#lets play#gameplay#mupen#mupen64plus#emulator#emulation#emulating
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Info needs updated
Akihiko Kanda
“Aki” “Old man” (Charlie, teasingly) “Sir Long-Ears” (Charlie, teasingly) “The demon who eats demons” “(The) Demon Cannibal” “Massacre Demon” “Traitor”
Demon (Oni)
Chronological Age: 95
Physical Age: 35
Mental Age: 35
Akihiko found himself in a grief-filled tale of horrific circumstances, forcibly transformed into a demon when Muzan sought a convenient distraction.
When he accidentally regained part of his memories- in which he watched himself kill and eat his wife and only son, along with several family members- the sheer weight of his rage and anguish inspired him to invoke Muzan’s curse and rip the cells from his body. This freed him, but left him permanently scarred. Unbeknownst to Akihiko, his torment was so overwhelmingly powerful that Muzan subconsciously felt it along with the curse's destruction through his shared link with his demon kin, and it even forced his eyes, although momentarily, to mist over.
In their shame and terror of the Incident, those left of the Kanda family condemned Akihiko entirely- not that he’s tried to return. Akihiko has accepted his disgrace with the utmost dignity. However his older brother, the only one to truly believe and to argue that Akihiko was under control of something- and would never have willingly harmed his family- was also shunned.
Akihiko’s estate stands abandoned by the family and is believed to be cursed.
Because Muzan’s cells changed his DNA, he can still regenerate at a (much) slower rate than other demons. Akihiko has vowed on battling Muzan if they ever meet again. In preparation for that, Akihiko gathered the broken blades of Demon Slayers who sought to kill him (though Akihiko never harmed them) and found a smith willing to melt them down. He then submerged the end of his tail and both arm-blades in the molten steel. This formed the Nichirin blades he wields on his body, though the process was so painful it left him delirious for days. It was an unexpected surprise for all involved when these newly formed blades revealed a striking change in color.
Muzan has a bounty for his head or death, and so Akihiko has lived in hiding on one of Japan’s unpopulated islands until he met and rescued Charlotte Ainsley.
Ainsley willingly (insisted) gifted Akihiko a small amount of her own blood through transfusions in return for protection and training, and eventually they both came to think of themselves as family. Because Akihiko has torn Muzan’s cells from his body and feeds off of other Oni and Yokai, he no longer feels the need to consume humans, but has no qualms killing any human that willingly works for Muzan- rare as they are.
When the Demon Slayer Corps eventually tracked Akihiko down, he fled- leaving an unwilling Charlotte Ainsley in their care until their reunion two years later.
Stern, strict, though not without moments of humor. Tends to not speak shorthand- “do not” vs “don’t”. Akihiko carries himself with a swift grace that has been compared to a deity. This has been noted to contrast strongly with his fighting style- which is often rather brutish. He has a very strong sense of duty and honor and tries to make sure those around him uphold their own. He recognizes his faults, and regrets, and seeks to live better moving forward- though there are some wounds that can never heal. He can come off as overbearing and rigid but he means well. Frequently butts heads with Charlie about her behavior but loves her dearly as his own daughter and refers to her as his ‘gift from the sea.’ He and Charlie are well known for their snarky banter. He is creative in solving problems- even teaching Charlie how to wield a glaive without having much prior knowledge. He also came up with the idea of his oni mask, which is capable of filtering Charlie’s wisteria smoke (and therefore preventing his own poisoning) using charcoal, and a cloak he wore to hide from the sun he wishes to one day be able to walk freely in.
Akihiko has a unique relationship with his demonic abilities- while he despises them, he recognizes that it is now a part of who he is. He hates what he has become but will not give up on his sense of self or his journey to find redemption in any way possible.
Despite his hardships, he is a strong believer in the good in the world. He hopes for a day when everyone is free from suffering, and often tries to relieve the pain of others.
Due to his past, Akihiko holds a legendary hatred towards Muzan and his sympathizers.
Akihiko holds no official ranking within the Demon Slayer Corps, but is an ally.
Demon Blood Style: Solar Burst
Fire erupts from cracks in his flesh, encircling his body and connecting back to other fractures in a way very reminiscent of a solar flare. Not only does this fire burn other demons, but it can also be released in powerful blasts. These cracks and the markings in his skin glow orange when activated, as does his eyes.
Aside from his blood art, Akihiko fights using his tail alongside the blade-like protrusions on his arms. He also utilizes his wings, in which the muscles on his back thicken with blood, enabling him to fly. This thickening also forces the scales on the edges of his wings to rise, turning them into serrated weapons that shred flesh with ease. This ability makes him an even more formidable opponent, as it gives him a total of 7 limbs and 5 blades.
He controls every inch of his battlefield, often leaving no time or chance for his opponent to move.
Though he feels it dishonorable, Akihiko attacks his demon prey from behind; using his wing-arms to crush their skulls and render them completely blind and deaf to who attacked them (and therefore preventing the demon from alerting Muzan to his position).
He is deceptively fast, and creative in the ways he uses his body in battle.
Frequently writes poetry, but he burns the paper after he finishes, so nobody has ever read his work.
Avid reader. Can generally be found with a book or pamphlet of some type.
Enjoys creating paper lanterns and hanging them at various times of the year.
Can play several instruments, including the shamisen.
Is often found relaxing in hot springs. The water and minerals do wonders for his joints and scales.
Likes to bake treats from recipes he’s memorized. They’re the only things he can cook that he can guarantee will taste good, since he hasn’t eaten human food in over 60 years.
Plays Mahjong with his friends, and Charlie.
Special Skills
Including all skills that come with demonic transformation, Akihiko has garnered several personal abilities. Akihiko lacks the instinctual fear of fire that most Oni and Yokai are born with. - Fire Absorption Charlie Ainsley and Akihiko frequently tag-team strong opponents. One of their most dangerous moves involves Akihiko absorbing the fire from Charlie’s attacks into his own body and then releasing it in a terrifying blast that incinerates everything in front of him.
- FlightUnlike most of Muzan’s kin, Akihiko’s transformation and eventual evolution granted him the ability to fly using his massive wings. He dislikes this skill, and only flies when necessary.
- Night Vision
Akihiko is able to see perfectly as he prowls the darkness.
- Demonic Cannibal Having altered his body during the process of expelling Muzan’s cells, Akihiko is best known for his ability to devour and gain strength from other demons instead of humans.
- MedicUsed to healing Charlie’s battle-wounds, Akihiko has learned to patch humans fairly well and can even take care of some otherwise fatal injuries.
- IntuitionHis keen intuition allows him to discern most people's emotions or mental states, allowing him to better approach or convince them to accept his help or work with him. As such, he is able to actively avoid people who hate demons indiscriminately, like Shinobu and Sanemi, but is very understanding of those emotions.
- Alpinism
Akihiko’s powerful wing-arms and grip allow him to scale vertical cliffs that would otherwise be untraversable except by flight
His wing’s hands are strong enough to smash stone with ease, and he uses them to create footholds for Corps members to climb.
Other Trivia:
Though a talented poet, Akihiko cannot draw well
Dipping his tail and arm-blades into molten nichirin steel caused him so much pain that he was delirious for nearly a week
His arm-blades- which he lacked in his initial demonic turning and now has the ability to harm demons- may have been created by his body in an act of redemption. They are a means of striking back at the demon lord that drove him to murder his beloved family.
He considers the nichirin steel’s color change as a gift of the gods, though the color itself (Tyrian Purple) leaves a sour taste in his mouth
Shinobu scares the hell out of him, but he also understands her hatred towards demons. He tries his best not to hang around her any more than absolutely necessary.
Although he initially planned to hunt down Muzan as a suicide mission, when he realized how much he and Charlie needed each other, he abandoned the plan and chose to live to protect her as his own child
In his secluded home, he created a shrine in his family’s honor and visits it every day to remind him of the love he felt for his family, and to pray to the gods and those he killed for forgiveness.
Akihiko has been known to read Charlie’s favorite books to her to help her sleep at night, since she cannot read Japanese all that well. He denies it, but she has heard him reading in a soft, sing-song voice many times
Animals seem to be able to sense Akihiko’s kind heart (and Gyomei has even commented on it!) despite his terrifying appearance. He can often be seen with a swarm of bird or butterflies or forest animals
Akihiko gave Charlotte her shinobue flute, only to immediately confiscate it when she proceeded to tweet it as loud as she could
To Charlie: “Charlotte Ainsley, you are a blight upon the peace!” “Thank you.” “It was not a compliment!”
To Charlie: “You’ve failed.” “What? How?! The demon is dead!” “And so will you be, if you continue to underestimate your enemies!”
To Sanemi: “Do not mistake my patience for weakness, boy.”
To Akaza: “Get away from my daughter!”
To Kagaya and Co. : “My humanity has been stripped from my body, but that does not mean it has been stripped from my heart.”
To Kagaya and Co. : “I can never atone for what I’ve done. I cannot bring my family back from the dead, but I can make sure other fathers do not have to know the same loss.”
To Zenitsu: “Do you ever stop screeching? I am not going to hurt you!” “You’re so scary! My heart can’t take this anymore!” “I am just sitting here…?”
To Charlie: “Everyone has their burdens to bear. How you carry them is up to you.”
To Charlie: “It’s okay to be scared, but it is not to bow to that fear. Stand up.”
To Charlie: “You have the subtlety of a raging bull in a tea shop.”
To Inosuke: “Child, if you eat that bug, I will put you in a headlock. What are you? A wild beast?”
To Charlie: “Rengoku seems the type to treat you well, Charlie. Don’t you think so?” “Oh, Gods. We’re just friends!” “Is that so? Pity...” “...” “What about that Tomioka boy? You seem close.” “No! We are not doing this! Goodbye!”
To Tengen: “There is never a dull moment on your watch, is there, my friend?”
To Akaza: “I’ve never eaten an Upper Rank…Come, then! Let us shed blood!”
Theme Songs:
Tigrex (MHWI/MHF2)
The Calling- Marcus Warner
Central Park (King Kong, 2005)
Magnamalo (MH Rise)
The Blood of my Brothers- Dwayne Ford & Joel Jorgensen
Battle Cry- Imagine Dragons
#not obey me#ark draws#ark writes#arkheliosocs#demon slayer#demon slayer oc#demon slayer demon#i wish he was MY dad#kimetsu no yaiba#kimetsu fanart#demon slayer fanart#kny fanart
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Baromi jó forgatókönyveket álmodok
Ma hajnalban sci-fi thriller/heist movie volt: a karakterem egy fiatal szőke nő. A háttér kicsit mátrixos: vannak emberek, akiknek különleges képessége, hogy “látják” az interneten az adatfolyamokat és szinte tévedhetetlen üzleti előjelzéseket adnak. Egy megacég kiemeli az ilyen talenteket, és hatalmas fizetéssel foglalkoztatja őket tanácsadóként. A karakterem elindul egy cégen belüli versenyen, ahol az első 50 legjobb “látó” előléptetést kap. 47. helyen végzek, de az átvilágításom közben kiderül, hogy az anyám egy rivális cég kisrészvényese, ezért előléptetés helyett kirúgnak és még részleges agymosást is kapok.
Ezután bosszúból összeállok egy cégen belüli pasival és meghekkeljük a corp rendszerét - sajnos erre a részre emlékszem legkevésbé :( Egy egy csomó dupla/tripla átverés van, aztán kiderül, hogy direkt csak 47. helyen akartam végezni, mert el akartam titkolni h valójában sokkal erősebbek a képességeim. A végén showdown van, ilyen mentális párbajt vívok azzal a csajjal, aki első lett az erőfelmérőn és kiégetem az agyát. Én leszek a cég elnök-vezérigazgatója és az alkalmazottak Steffi Jobs-nak gúnyolnak, mert olyan bunkó a vezetési stílusom, mint Steve Jobsnak.
Lehet, hogy túl sok SF-et nézek/olvasok és az agyamra ment, de ilyenkor ébredés után még jó fél óráig forgatom a fejemben újra a sztorit és roppentul élvezem :D
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Hey!!! How are you?
Can I request a Matchup?
I'm AroAce (But I'm ok if you write it as romantic, or queerplatonic, I don't mind)
I'm ISTP 4w5 Melancholic-Phlegmatic
I'm disorganized, air-headed, isolated, I don't talk much, I like to talk even though I don't know how to talk well, vindictive, spiteful, I feel anxiety all the time, and I'm sensitive but I don't show my feelings much
I have Panic Disorder, and my trigger is the death of something important to me (like a main character or a member of my family) and/or abandonment
I'm Brazilian (I don't know if it's important, I'm from the most mixed nation in the world)
If you need my appearence, I have brown skin, dark brown short hair with royal blue bangs, and I have dark brown eyes
— 🌌🌊 anon
Matchup for Anon!
Warning: Mentions of d3ath!
Aki Hayakawa:
You joined Public Safety a few years ago when meeting Makima-san who took note of your strong abilities with your devil. You were given a team straight away the four of you were really close, that was until a devil killed them all. Defeating the devil, you were the only one left seeing all of your team dead on the floor.
Trying to leave the company, Makima-san convinced you to stay, letting you on another team that was sure to survive anything considering most of them were pure devils. Meeting the team, you weren't sure about it until you met the blue-haired boy, Aki Hayakawa, the leader of the team. It didn't take long for Aki to notice your strength and power, seeing how well you and your devil work together and within time he began to feel something more than the friendship both of you shared.
After the incident and the loss of Himeno, Aki made a promise to himself that he wasn't going to lose another person he cared about. He promised to you that he was going to protect you with everything he has, no matter the cost.
His favorite thing about you is your compassion and your strength. He can tell how much you care for things and will never get in the way of your dreams or passions. From time to time, he'll watch or help you train just to see how powerful you really are.He loves cooking for you and having you try certain meals he made for you, but everytime the other two somehow find a way to intrude and steal most of the food. He loves hearing you laugh after he chases them down thinking it's one of the cutest things he's ever heard in his life.
You lived in a small village that was known for being peaceful until a demon arrived attacking the fellow villagers and using them for their own personal gain. That was till Rengoku came along slaying the demon and making your village safe once again. In return for his generosity, you took him out for some food and the rest is history between the two of you.
You both have a tendency to talk a lot about random things that catch your interest or things that you both enjoy and you two could keep a conversation for a long time without any distractions: Rengoku is big for being a character people can connect to and in a relationship I think he would be really affectionate and caring towards his partner. That is, if you're fine with him being touchy and affectionate,
Date nights with him aren't that frequent since he's usually busy with the demon corps, but when he does have time he takes you out. You usually go out to eat and have a blast with each other just keeping the other company.
Once Rengoku is fully whipped, he's introducing you to his family and having you get to know all of them, especially his father. Meeting his family wasn't hard and they all were supportive of your guy's relationship, but they all were persistent when the two of you were getting married.
His friends already knew of you from the amount of times the fire hashira brought you to his place, but none of them had ever talked with you. That was until the girls came over and dragged you off to have a night out together. After that moment, all of them fell in love with you and supported your relationship with Rengoku as well.
Kenma Kozume:
You two met in a video game late at night, you weren't able to sleep and relied on the comfort of your games. That was when you met Kenma Kozume, one of the greatest gamers of all. The two of you hit it off immediately and continued playing games together, until it was revealed that the two of you went to the same high school.
From that point forward, the two of you were close friends hanging out all the time playing games and just having a blast. But within time, the two of you grew feelings for the other and soon your relationship blossomed with Kuroo being your main supporter.
After losing a major game, Kenma can be upset and might want a break. That's when his clinginess kicks in and he's trying to figure out where you are so the two of you could snuggle. He understands though if you're not uncomfortable with affection and much would rather prefer doing something together to get the game off of his mind.
For most of his life, Kenma grew up talking very little and that was only to the people he had to talk to. The lack of talking made his listening skills grow making him very observant of certain things, especially if he's playing a game. You mention something that caught your eye at the store, it's instantly being delivered. You want to try a new restaurant, he's planning a date for the two of you already.
The both of you struggle with sleep so your guys' time is spent mostly playing video games with each other or watching some sort of movie that has come out. Your guys favorite game to play together is games that are soft and meant for multiple players, ex. animal crossing or minecraft. From time to time, Kuroo joins along on these little game dates and embarrass Kenma in front of you telling stories from when they were kids or stories about volleyball. He's then banned after that and never allowed on the server until you beg Kenma to let him back on.
Hope you enjoyed! And requests are opened!
#anime x reader#haikyuu x reader#x reader#chainsaw man x reader#demon slayer x reader#match up#request#aki x reader#rengoku x reader#kenma x reader#aki hayawaka#rengoku kyojuro#kenma kozume
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a peculiar young girl who is seldom seen without a fox mask obscuring her face, currently training as the serpent hashira's tsuguko. her carefree disposition and eagerness to help others has earned her many allies within the corps.
- name: akie saitō - other names: n/a - age: 17 - birthday: april 2nd - pronouns: she/they - relatives: natsuki saitō (mother, deceased); ren saitō (father, deceased); fuyuko saitō (sister, deceased). - affiliation: demon slayer corps, kisetsu theatre company (formerly). - occupation: demon slayer, tsuguko. - combat style: water breathing. ⤷ while initially hoping to learn serpent breathing, water breathing came naturally to akie, so she begrudgingly adopted it as her main combat style. - likes: trinkets, autumn leaves, flowers. - dislikes: theatre, her appearance, feeling useless.
“such a helpful child... always offering assistance to her fellow demon slayers. i do hope she reaches out for help herself, when she needs it. the burdens she carries are far too heavy for shoulders so young.” – kagaya ubuyashiki there are many things to be said about akie saitō. the younger members would describe her as the sisterly type, recalling fondly of how she was quick to patch up their wounds or offer encouraging words when they were struggling in training. the elder members would compliment her tenacity and compassion, but wouldn't fail to criticize her reckless nature when it came to fighting. the master would say she is a kind soul. her mentor would say she is a handful. her sister would say she is loving. her father would say she is cursed. there is a lot to say about akie, but none is quite as important as what she says about herself. “i'm just a swordsman. that is all that is important about me.” sunny smiles, and barely hidden self-loathing aren't what makes up akie saitō. in leaving her old town behind and severing her bonds to her past, she began to carve a new path for herself—a path where she is no longer the ire of everyone she met, a path where she is a brave slayer of evil, who is sworn to protect those who are unable to protect themself. it is her identity as a demon slayer that akie clings to, shaking away the accusations of bringing misfortune wherever she goes, and hiding her past behind a fox mask. she holds her head high, striving for a future where no one—herself included—has to live in fear of what lurks in the dark.
akie is a young woman of average height with a lean and slightly muscular build. her hair is black and wavy, cut into a short bob with an uneven fringe. she almost always wears a fox mask over her face, obscuring her blue eyes and round features. underneath her mask, she is heavily scarred over the bottom of her face, with the scars starting at the corner of her lips and dragging upwards in a jagged line to her cheekbone. when she is not wearing her mask, she covers the scars with bandages. she wears the standard demon slayer's uniform, consisting of a black, high-collared jacket and black pants. over the top is a white haori, that fades to a light blue at the bottom, featuring a swirling lotus flower pattern over the hem and sleeves. the fabric matches the kyahen around her legs, over white tabi socks and sandals on her feet.
on the surface, akie is a optimistic and friendly girl, who is eager to help whoever she can. she is self-driven and brave, very persistent and never one to give up on her goals, even if it takes disregarding authority and/or rationality to do so. one instance of this is when she ignored her mentor's assertion that she was not ready to become a demon slayer, going behind his back to complete final selection while he was on a mission. this tendency to be swayed by her emotions leads her to be reckless, oftentimes to the detriment of her own safety. her people-pleasing tendencies are rooted in deep self-worth and abandonment issues, as she hopes that if she becomes useful to others, then she will always be wanted. she hides these insecurities very well, only letting the cheerful mask slip around those she truly trusts.
- lore (wip) - relationships (wip)
- the kisetsu theatre company was named after the japanese word for seasons. the founder of the troupe named it after their first play performed, which was a story with four acts, each set in one of the seasons. - because of this connection to seasons, it has become tradition for female members of the family to be named after the season they were born in. this is why akie's name uses 秋 (aki) meaning autumn, natsuki uses 夏 (natsu) meaning summer, and fuyuko uses 冬 (fuyu) meaning winter.
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