vertex-stan · 1 year
Mini Disparation #2
What if the fiddler escaped Akash'Bhuta?
For those who don't remember, the fiddler was a potential Virtuoso of the void before Anthony Drake, a young American woman in the 1800s. However, Akash'Bhuta woke up early and broke her fiddle to prevent her from becoming a Virtuoso.
So the pitch of this mini disparation is the fiddler(who is named Grace Owens here) manifesting her void powers in order to escape from Akash'Bhuta. Grace keeps running, and Akash starts sending her limbs to attack Grace.
Eventually, the limbs catch up to her on a train, and they're about to get her, when a muscular man smashes straight through several of the limbs and saves Grace. He introduces himself as Paul Parsons the fourth, a soldier returning home after participating in the millitary occupation of the South.
Grace explains what has been happening to her to Paul, who offers to take her to an old war buddy of his who knows about weird things, named Michael Diamond.
They end up in Philadelphia, and go to a weird little shop to meet Michael Diamond. Diamond is a mystic, and knows enough to explain the basics of the what a Virtuoso is, and says that she needs to deepen her connection to the Void to be able to contest Akash. He suggests finding a new instrument, and says that the place to check around here would be the centennial exposition.
They go to the Centennial exposition and , with the help of an attendant there, they find a carved wooden flute that calls to grace. She picks it up, and she gets overwhelemed for a little while, just in time for Akash to show up and attack.
Paul and Diamond fight Akash, hoping to hold her off long enough for Grace to figure herself out, when the attendent from earlier reappears clad in knight's armor and wielding a glowing sword, declaring herself to be the White Knight. White Knight helps cut through Akash, and the heroes are also joined by a wandering monk guy who has been following Grace and Paul for a while now, who states that he is Shuen Zhang, and that Akash is causing great suffering.
They fight Akash, but she is winning, when Grace rises up from the exhibition hall clad in a golden costume, glowing with power, and with the flute floating alongside her. She declares that she is the Flaxen Fiddler, and joins the fight against Akash'Bhuta. The heroes manage to defeat Akash, and afterwards they talk about how people with abilities like theirs shouldn't just sit on the sidelines. The world needs heroes if monsters like this are lurking. So the story ends with these five becoming the first superhero team in this timeline.
So yeah, opinions or thoughts are appreciated
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nonbino-chaos-fox · 4 months
True joy is finding the card game that went missing for almost an entire year due to a big and semi rushed move and then playing it twice in one day and at one point managing to take a villain from 56 heath down to 12 in a single round which wasn't even a hero round
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Sentinels Time (if Kuripa is even fine at the moment): The next villain is Akash'Bhuta, a nature spirit who rises every generation to cause general chaos and destruction. She's been an enemy of humanity since ancient times, ever since humanity got connected to the magic that could unmake her, a form of music-based magic. She causes destruction by going to population centers as a mountain-sized humanoid, using vines, earth, lava, and empowered animals to cause as much ruin as possible. pt. 1
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The longer we talk about this Sentinals shit, the more the whole thing sounds like one big acid trip.
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Again, I don’t really know what to think of this. Did her path to redemption...ACTUALLY redeem her?
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I suppose it doesn’t matter. So long as she is capable of seeing the error of her ways, then there’s no reason to dispose of her. I’m sure if there was ever a way for us to meet, I would have seen that.
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feotakahari · 3 years
Still playing Sentinels of the Multiverse
If card text has an effect when the card is destroyed, that’s an interrupt. It activates before the card is actually destroyed. Akash'Bhuta’s armor makes her damage herself when it’s destroyed, but since the armor is still in play, she still gets damage reduction from it.
If card text has an effect when the card is damaged, that’s not an interrupt. Captain Cosmic can put out a construct that heals an ally when it’s damaged. If it takes enough damage to destroy it, it goes straight to the trash, no healing provided.
Either of these rulings would make sense alone, but they seem silly side by side.
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