#aka the 'Just A Fucking Guy (tm)' AU
shirogane-oushirou · 1 year
of course the night after the AU safeshiptember prompt is when my brain dreams up a ren AU ;;;
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nicoforlifetrue · 2 years
Absolutely DELIGHTED you added 2012!Jonatello to the silly little feral turtle crossover fic, genuinely. It wasn't even necessary to add it, it's a whole side-plot that the story could probably survive without, but you added it anyway. It hasn't even shown up yet aside for tiny little hints, which are easy to miss if you're not looking for it. And yet you threw it into the pot anyway. I didn't even start reading the fic for it, and yet I was delightfully surprised to see it anyways. It's like ordering a happy meal with no expectations for the toy and getting the exact toy you would've wanted anyways. Amazing. Even though I know we're gonna get brutally murdered while reading the fic (discord member here haha) I'm perfectly content with it simply because Rotten Reflections has everything in it that makes it the perfect tmnt fic for me. It has quickly become my new comfort fic and I'm absolutely delighted I get to see it develop in real time. Getting to see the update notifications in my inbox every week has definitely been the highlight of my year so far. I always love it when I get to be a part of a fic completing its journey, and fics like Rotten Reflections is why. Thank you for sharing this wonderful fic with us, I look forward to being apart of this journey with you, your editors and crew working on the fic, and my fellow readers. I'll see you in the comment sections of chapter nine!
Hiejcue JJ dufnfhvhgj
Tbh me and The Crew(tm) added jonatello way back in those early stages when this fic was mostly a joke and something we just liked the idea of, it wasn't even going to be tagged originally cus it was such a background peice, but then I decided no one, absolutely no one, in the au would be bashed.
Aka Aprils misogynistic poor clearly 2012 female character writeing suddenly became an issue.
As a result of her getting the Nico Treatment (tm) her boys got pulled in as a result (cus their a trio! And her original concepts where just so good, god im fucking drooling over what I have planned for the threes growth as individuals and together and how it affected them growing up from young teens to nearly adults-)
Because they got pulled into this development with her, suddenly they had an a background act set up to just get them together, their unique set up, why they acted the way they did when they where younger and now, etc etc.
That much being dedicated to them ment that I had to main tag them instead of just background tagging them like originally planned!
God I hope you guys like what I have planned the poor discord, forever cursed with knowledge ;b
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ochrearia · 3 months
hello im sorryg. im sorry im new here and im scared to talk to fnf creators bc they're all super duper cool butg holy shit yuor fanfiction. whagt teh fuck. what the fuck. i know you from ao3. i love you so much ty for the food. how to say things like a normal functioning person. i love your work. ok bye
Im gonna let you in on a little secret I am scared of everyone else more than you guys would ever be scared of me I promise I do not bite I am a 100% doormat
But hey, welcome to my corner of tumblr aka hell! Kinda wild that Im a "FNF creator" to people like I didnt even register that fact until now. I'd personally think I cant be one of those if I cant do art but Im also an asshole to myself so
I still got a bunch more for Poly Propaganda + the fated Fossil Fighters AU tm I'm just holding myself hostage on a break for at least another day and I have told everyone here to smack me with water if they see me dropping writing spoilers, now you get to do that too LEL
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ladyimaginarium · 1 year
i& was just thinking this &. ngl the corsicans have the potential to be the funniest fucking family. like in terms of memes. we got uranos corsica aka mr sandy claws the guy that nobody fucking likes & needs to go to bed. we got bernardo who's the resident rich boy twink thot w/ shades on. we got svetlana resident military bad bitch w/ afro indigenous magic ( ik her personally ). we got victor who literally looks like everyone's math teacher except he's russian & is 10000% done w/ everyone's shit. we got georgiana the mom friend who is Also 10000% done w/ everyone's shit & gets her kids out of trouble. we got worick the local himbo manwhore king aka the ken of the corsicas who's also the double agent & is out here pissing everybody off. we got the destroyers - striker aka the baddest dude in the family who's also like obsessed & unhinged & has BPD but everybody loves anyway except for worick bc everytime they see each other It's On Sight TM, beretta aka the baddest bitch in ergastulum & local resident NPD bisexual witchy goth sex worker mom, sig aka The HPD Party Girl TM who likes to do all the most unspeakable acts known to man, & colt aka the Local Autistic ASPD Goth Eboy TM who's just. literally vibing this entire time & just wants to pet cats in peace gdi. we got ( in an au ) minimi & maverick aka Local Vincian Gay Arsonist Dude Who Likes Money & Naps & Also Lighting Shit On Fire TM & maverick who's the Local Cryptid Beauty Queen Traumatized Schizophrenic Indigenous Lesbian Who Has A Sword & Endless Female Rage TM. we got ivan, erica & mikhail, aka another guy that nobody fucking likes, the Sad Unhinged Girl TM & the Horror Child TM. we got sidney & evelyn the local baddies & the other bad bitches. like. this is literally steaming w/ meme material. they're kinda iconic ngl.
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macabrecabra · 1 year
Not OCs, but canon chars from Bionicle (because blorbos are already known and it's easier to work with for me), alternative timeline au (i don't know why I keep doing that, i always do that).
Waaaay before main events, but just before Teridax's first "mistake" tm. That is also before Helryx has to start fixing all that. Everyone is a robot, and love is not official. Teridax is the (soon to be) big bad, who wants respect and to be in control. He is also a Makuta which translates to enigmatic badass guardian race of crazy clever scientists in this fandom's world. Aka very feared even when they were still the good guys. Helryx is the first Toa (warrior-guard robot) to be built for this world and is the equalient of a very angry hobbit empowered with tallness and elemental magic/power. She knows a LOT of stuff and leads the secret organization of "fix shit, keep people alive and stop the universe from falling apart". Both T and H are Tired tm.
Teridax and Helryx in the canon do not meet until the very end of the story and at that point there is no bridging the rift between the two. They are at each other's throats. In this story however, when Helryx is supposed to deal with the fallout of an impending worldwide catastrophy everywhere else and Teridax is planning to put a bloody stop to the reason of said catastrophy at the source, they meet by chance. Before the their intended story twist. And they both meet at their lowest.
There are no big emotions, just soreness and suspicion. At the time Helryx gives the impression of a codeless brigant and Teridax sounds no more than a calculating bastard. A very depressed and disillusioned one at that and that stops Helryx for a moment. They later talk, then the massacre that happened in canon does not come to pass. Because he had a second opinion and was strongarmed to talk with the locals. The two strike an agreement, and Helryx decides to stick around when Teridax is appointed to be the official overseer of the region. And they talk more.
As time and a few other calamities pass behind them, they bicker and come to more agreements. Both have too many secrets. Helryx is abrasive, doesn't follow her intended warrior code, still she has a strong moral compass. Teridax is irritable, meticulously scheming, with the patience of mountains. But he lacked a candid connection that neither feared or revered him. And Helryx appreciates the wanton care that Teridax pours even into the simplest task or conversation. They grow around each other's presence and find comfort in the similarities of their hardships.
They rebuild a city, beat up a dragon and survive a panidemic. Then they kiss (15 years. I waited 15 years to write this). And while they are all love-dovey and domestic, I rock their fucking boat with the baggage they neatly stuffed under the rug. Ding-dong weirdos!! Teridax's first draft of world-mination plan is at the door and Helryx's secret life and trust issues are right behind! Who ordered the pepperoni pizza?
Now that is some juicy relationship building and I actually am a bit familiar with the worldsetting! And nothing wrong with blorbo romances too! I enjoy those a lot myself as a fellow fanfic writer! I really like the build-up you have and the hurt/comfort that is found in this! Gives a lot more depth to the relationship, not just throwing it in "and then they were in love"! It delicious build-up! Most superb and it sounds like you are really invested in this story and characters! Keep it up you!
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I should be writing my MA but since procrastination is my middle name and I'd prefer to play AC instead of working, I've got this idea.
Since I'm not a fan of writing it may appear in form of drawings and maybe comics.
I'm mostly typing this shit as a note for myself from the future but if it'll inspire anyone to write - I want to read this shit.
There's been a billion modern AU Assassin's Creed fics but I don't give a fuck.
New York. Modern Times. Or late 90s - early 00s cuz modern times suck.
Deciding on a year is super tricky 😭 cuz I wanted to have this nice, pre-2007-2009 financial crisis era.
U know. The one that fucked up the property market and made housing unaffordable.
But I was lying in my bed one day and I've got an idea for a nice teenage Altair story that would require him to be around 15 in 2002. It would change the AU year to 2011 and the 2010s were already fucked up. I'm torn between my story and my AU vision 😭.
Also putting it in the 2010s would make the conclusion of the story in the 2030s and I'm not sure if humanity survives the next 10 years.
Roommates AU - Altaïr, Ezio, Connor, Arno, and Jacob (maybe Edward too but I'm not sure I have a different idea for him too)
Monica's Apartament vibe.
Funny fact - I've never watched Friends
Like the guys are living together and besides dealing with everyday YA bullshit they are also Assassins. Life is hard without the hidden Templar vs Assassin war.
But someone has to pay rent, buy toilet paper and cook food while maintaining a social life. Five someone to be more precise.
Bois are the most notorious ppl in the building cuz of parties, pranks, arguments, running on the rooftop. Usual shit.
Also, Ezio fucks really loud.
Bayek is the landlord (TM) who is equally done with their shit but also he's sort of like Jerry from Totally Spies - "Assassins I have a mission for you"
He's also in separation with his wife Aya so he's extra pissy.
The Roommates:
Altair Ibn La'ahad aka the responsible one
- He's the oldest boi. I picture him around the mid-late 20s ... 26. Lol.
- He's also the one officially renting the place.
- 8 out of 10 times he's done with the Bois bullshit. Especially Jacob.
- Just like in the games, he is the most traditional Assassin. Serious and diligent but also cocky.
- He's Syrian - American, 2nd generation. His mom died in childbirth, dad was killed during the gang shooting when Altaïr was 10, cuz they lived in a dodgy neighborhood. He grew up in the foster home of Al-Sayf.
- Faheem Al-Sayf and Umar Ibn La'ahad were friends (and brothers in the Creed) so when Altaïr was orphaned he just swoop in and became Altaïr's legal guardian.
-So when Altaïr addresses Malik 'brother' it has a double meaning. They banter like siblings and annoy one another too. Also, Kadar is alive because I said so.
- They are the reason why Altaïr is still dealing with his roommates' shit. He has years of experience in dealing with brotherly shit.
- Abbas was this shitty kid from your primary school that you initially thought was your friend but turned out to be a douchebag.
- He's also in a long and well-established relationship with Maria, who at this point might as well count as one of the roommates.
- I picture their relationship as the most stable one in the group. They've been together for a few years at this point and are well aware of each other's quirks and faults but they accept them and remain in a happy relationship.
- Not in the honeymoon phase but I think it's a very much physical relationship. They love and still desire one another. A lot.
- Both of them are private about their affection. Not to the point of hiding from the roommates but you definitely won't catch them making out on a couch (unless it's a date night in and they were supposed to be alone.) Neither you'll really hear them having sex. They are a bit vocal but not to the point of letting everyone know that they're doing the deed. The sounds are for one another, not the entire block to hear.
- Still, a quick good morning kiss in the kitchen while making breakfast and a cup of coffee or a little cuddle on a couch while watching TV when the others are around is ok. They are all adults, so it’s not like they don’t know what a couple does. Altaïr and Maria are also the ones that have the “we’re running out of milk, can you pick up some later?” conversations.
-Most of the guys don't even notice when Maria stays over. It's not unusual to see her making breakfast in the morning in their kitchen while her hair is dripping with water after the shower. Jacob actually thought for the first four months that she lives with them permanently.
- Altaïr and Maria are the parents (TM) of this household. Even if Maria doesn't really live there.
- Altaïr's occupation was a bit tricky to me but I think he'd be a freelance writer. Codex and stuff indicate that he likes to write. Also, such a job is very flexible and allows a lot of time for training and research.
- Which he does. A lot.
- Eye candy for girls at the local gym.
- Hobbies include playing video games, drawing, snowboarding, and reading fantasy books. Alone. In silence. He also plays a bit on guitar.
- He still enjoys socializing, partying, and drinking from time to time. Just not every two days maybe.
-He’s surprisingly good at beer pong. Like, I'm not kidding, the first time he played, he smashed his opponents and couldn't care less. 
- Deeply inside he cares for the guys and loves them, he simply doesn't show it. Canonical Altaïr had a lot of love in him, for his family and friends. After all, he brought love back to the order and never forgive himself when Maria died. This guy is a huge softie inside.
- His room is his castle. Nobody dares to enter without permission and Altaïr's knowledge. Ezio once made this mistake when he was looking for condoms after bringing one of his dates over. His room is the cleanest one in the apartment but also very personal.
- Middle Eastern carpet on the floor and some decorative pillow on the bed, that reminds of his parents' home country. Hookah he got on 18th birthday, that he smokes with Malik whenever he comes over. A workspace with a desk and a laptop that has a cute photo of him and Maria on wallpaper. Snowboard on the wall above the bed. Bookshelves are full of fantasy novels, Assassins tomes, and history books. Maybe a copy of the Bible and Quran that used to belong to his parents, with their photo nearby. A guitar in the corner, next to Maria's yoga mat because her stuff is in his room too.
- Tiny mirror and Maria's makeup items are always on the windowsill, next to a plant she gave him. The plant is still alive because Altaïr is a responsible plant parent.
- He also has a photo with his foster family. Probably stuck in the large mirror frame that's on his closest. In the majority of the photos, there are just him and Maria being cute. He has photos with his friends and roommates too. The mirror is also decorated with dumb stickers that Maria found and used to mark her territory.
- For someone so important in this household I picture him having a rather small room.
Ezio Auditore aka the heart of the home one
- Ezio is always super loud. No matter what he does. Everyone wants to hate him for this but he's too charming for his own good.
- I see him somewhere in the middle when it comes to age. Like he's older than Arno and Jacob and younger than Altaïr but I'm not sure about Connor. I'm honestly torn between making Ezio the second oldest and the middle child (TM) younger than Connor. So he’s either 24 or 23.
- Ezio is a uni student. He came from Italy to break free from overbearing parents to study economy and banking in New York. He doesn't really enjoy it but is quite good at it.
- Canonical Ezio is an art collector and likes art. So while studying at uni AU Ezio met and befriend an art Student Leonard Da Vinci Leo.
- Leo was a bit bullied by the jocks at the university and Ezio's older brother instinct kicked in.
- Both bonded over being Italian in America. An actual Italians, not the "omg my great great great grandpa was from Italy! I'm basically Italian!" Kind.
- Leo also isn't super happy with his studies because there're too many things he's into to decide on one major. Ezio can relate. At least to the 'I don't know what I want to do in the future' part. He also likes listening to Leo talking about art, more than he'd anticipated.
- He took a minor in art history. This is his life now.
- He also discovered another perk of his minor - ladies. So many girls study art and Ezio is in for it.
- He definitely uses his "I'm Italian and my country is famous for art. Do you want to discuss it later?" charm. It works surprisingly often.
- Leo doesn't approve - "with great knowledge comes great responsibility Amico Mio!"
- Ezio is the one that invites the majority of guests into the apartment.
- Unlike Altaïr, Ezio loves having guests over and sharing his space with people. Even if they're not close friends.
- Nevertheless, he wouldn't invite over anyone he doesn't trust. He's an assassin and it's an assassin household. He's friendly, not stupid.
- He's responsible for hosting the majority of the parties. If it was up to only him a party would be every other day.
- Ezio is also the one most likely to get caught making out on a couch by the others. He just doesn't care who will see.
- He is like the worst roommate to share the bathroom with cuz he spends hours there. Nobody knows what he's doing in there but he takes longer than any guy who lives there and any girl that stayed over for the night.
- He also clogs the shower with his majestic hair.
- Almost half of all beauty and hygiene products in there are his. The other half is Arno's. Around 15% belongs to Maria. Altaïr and Jacob are like - I have a bar of soap and a toothbrush. Connor hogs maybe 10% of all bathroom space.
- He is in charge of all indoor hangouts and bonding activities in the apartment. He's like the warm glue that keeps those guys together.
- Ezio might or might not suffer the most during the camping trips that Connor organizes.
- Ezio's room is a mess. Clothing is everywhere, alongside the university textbooks, notes, and a few copies of Playboy magazines.
- Guys don't enter his room either but for a completely different reason than Altaïr's. You can't find anything in there unless you're Ezio himself.
- I picture him as a guy who has a lot of posters in his room. Not all are posters with girls but also band posters and of course football ⚽ posters.
-He keeps his family photos over his study space. His brothers, parents, Claudia, uncle Mario - you name them. This guy loves his family and misses them a lot.
- Ezio loves football (for you North Americans it's soccer.) He plays it, watches it. You name it.
- He owns the PlayStation 2 of the Household and uses it mostly to play Fifa games.
- Thanks to his knowledge of finances he is responsible for the household budgeting and paying bills and taxes. Altaïr remembers when and what has to be done but it's Ezio that fills out the documents. He's very good at this and thanks to him they guys still have water, electricity, food in the fridge, and a roof over their heads. Because he can count and budget things.
- Ezio is the chef of the household too. This boi can cook VERY well. He usually cooks for everyone, for parties, for other people's parties, to impress ladies. You name it.
- It's also his go-to mechanism to cope with stress. It reminds him of home.
- Cuz this boi is also a mama's boy. He misses his entire family but mamma has a special spot.
- His roommates of course don't know about it. He'd rather die than admit it.
- Ezio's love life is a mess and the guys know it. Very often they are using it for betting.
- His current favorite lay is an exchange student Christina Vespucci. She shows up pretty often in the apartment but she's not the only girl that visits Ezio.
- Both Christina and Ezio know that they're not exclusive but she pushes him to commit.
- Ezio really likes her but isn't sure if that's what he wants.
- He sometimes steals Altaïrs' guitar and pretends to know how to play to pick up girls.
- One day he learns that his mom and sister are coming to New York.
- Claudia got transferred to an all-girls prestigious high school and his mom arrived with her. For safety. Apparently, Giovanni wanted to keep his wife and daughter as far from Florence as possible.
- Mamma doesn't really approve of her son's lifestyle but she lets him make his own mistakes. She took a liking to Leo and thinks that he has a positive influence on her son.
- Claudia initially felt intimidated in the school and wanted to go back to Italy. However, she learned that in a younger class there's another Italian girl.
- They're not really friends but Claudia and her do hang out a bit. Ezio is glad that his younger sister isn't completely alone in her new school.
- This Sofia girl that Claudia hangs out with is nice after all. She moved a lot in her life so it's easier for her to assimilate than for Claudia.
- He doesn't know that Sofia has a major crush on him.
- But she's just a child in his eyes. There's no way he'd be into someone so young.
- Maybe when Sofia is older she'll catch his attention? Who knows? Sofia definitely hopes for this.
- For now, Ezio just lives every day to its fullest and doesn't care for the future.
Connor Kenway aka the quiet one
- He is either the second oldest or the third oldest (after Ezio) in the apartment (still figuring that one out.) - again 24 or 23
- Vet school student. Very diligent but not straight As. He tries very hard though.
- Unlike everyone else in the apartment, Connor doesn't have an experience of living with siblings or roommates. He's 100% only child and is used to having his stuff only for himself.
- He had a hard time adapting to the "I ate it cuz it didn't have your name on it" and taking stuff without asking culture.
- Ezio may or may not overuse it in the early days.
- He is fine now and got used to living with the Bois.
- I picture him as a child of divorced parents that lived a pretty comfortable life but in the end was very lonely and found himself very often in the crossfire.
- He often traveled to England to see his dad and lived there for a few years. Like his upbringing was split between the two continents.
- Haytham and Connor always had a rocky relationship but currently, they're not even on speaking terms. Nevertheless, he likes his aunt Jenifer and she's his favorite family member in England.
- Connor spent the majority of his upbringing with his mom. Kaniehtí:io definitely is his favorite parent.
- He grew up very close to his Mohawk culture and is very keen on helping his community. He helps as one of the free tutors in a teaching program at the local Indigenous Community Center. He knows that education is important and those kids very often don't get equal chances so he wants to help.
- He teaches the language class too, since he's one of the few remaining fluent speakers of Kanyen'kéha.
- Overall he is very involved in participating in his indigenous culture.
- He might or might not have a crush on a girl that volunteers in this center and he might or might not imagine them living happily ever after with three kids.
- Besides being an active (cuz not really outspoken) in his Community Center, Connor is also a member of his university conservation club.
- He goes to the beach clean-ups almost every weekend and is very good at collecting signatures for pro-environmental petitions. He is a guy on the mission and there's nothing that's going to stop a very determinant Connor Kenway.
- He is the outdoorsy one that drags everyone to spend more time in the wild. Whether it'll be a walk in Central Park or a camping trip outside of the city.
- He helps in the animal shelter because of course he does.
- One day he brought home an Irish Wolfhound named Tatch and fought nail and tooth to let the dog stay. Arno joined him in this fight because he had Irish Wolfhound in his childhood in France. In the end, it was Altaïr that had to convince Bayek to let the dog stay.
- The dog stayed and everyone loves Tatch. Ezio and Arno use him to pick up ladies while walking him (because the dog is the best wingman.) Altaïr claims that the dog is an inconvenience since it costs money and is time-consuming but the guys have seen him petting Tatch while reading way too many times at this point. Altaïr is literally the dad and the dog meme. The Best part? Connor knew from the beginning that the guys will love Tatch.
- He has a sixth sense (heh) when it comes to connecting people with their perfect pets. He'd work in the shelter all the time if he could.
- Connor's room is probably the second cleanest in the household. It has a few clothes let astray, dog toys, and dog hair sticking to the blanket but overall it's ok. Like he wouldn't be embarrassed if anyone saw the state of the room.
- His room is the cozy one. It's very warm and inviting. For some reason, I think it has yellow walls. He has a dream catcher above his bed and multiple plants on the windowsill.
- He stores his belongings and trinkets in Black ash baskets. His favorite one was made by Ziio herself. He tried basket weaving but he really doesn't have a knack for this. This boi doesn't have an artistic bone in his body.
- I think he uses his bed for studying and occasionally a kitchen table so I don't think that he has a desk in his room.
- He does, however, have a lot of sports equipment - dumbbells, baseball set, rock climbing equipment, and maybe even a snowboard or a pair of skis.
- Connor enjoys baseball, both playing and watching. I think that he also enjoys cricket (since he played it while in England) but he'd rather die than admit it.
- He and Jacob bond a bit over England as Connor is the only one who lived there too.
- He is a coffee guy. That's it. That's the entire point. I have nothing else to add.
- Overall Connor is very busy and it's not unusual to not see him very often in the apartment. Nevertheless, whenever Ezio organizes bonding night, Connor will always be there for his friends and roommates.
Arno Dorian aka the dreamer one
- Arno used to be the baby of the household before Jacob moved in. This boi is 22 years old.
- He arrived in NYC to fulfill his big dream of becoming a well-renowned showbusiness headhunter.
- He used to study literature in Paris at Sorbonne University but dropped out. He liked it but decided that it was not something he wanted to do.
- His parents were furious and cut him off financially. Suddenly the rich kid had to fend on his own. Initially, it was like hitting the wall, but that's how he found the poor artists' community. 
- Arno lived with a bunch of artists in a small apartment in Montmartre. It was the place where rich kid Arno learned what is it like to live with roommates and struggle to pay rent.
- This is where he found his true passion - bringing talent to the masses. If he found something interesting, he wanted to share it with people. Arno helped a few artists while still in France reach a wider audience. It made him sure that he finally found his calling.
- He especially likes theater. So, what's a better place to look for a future star than near Broadway?
- He works as a barista in Starbucks in the Theatre District. He misspells the names on purpose but overall his customer service is A+.
- He tries harder than Starbucks is worth it.
- This guy dreams of making it big in the art world and has a bit of childish naivety to him. Yet Arno is still witty and can insult Jacob so that the Englishman will treat it as a compliment. 
-He is a ruthless player of UNO too. Nobody wants to play UNO with Arno because he cheats. His roommates can't prove it (because he is so skilled) but deep inside know that it's impossible to be this lucky. 
- Connor started to get suspicious after he had to draw 57 cards in 3 games in a row. Bless his heart.
- He can make a mean Caffè latte. A skill that Ezio overuses in the mornings.
- Speaking of Ezio, Arno is absolutely in awe of him. Ezio is everything Arno wants to be - handsome, confident, witty, and a ladies' man. 
- Arno is all of those things but he can’t help but compare himself to the older Assassin.
- Unlike Ezio, however, Arno is calmer, softer, and a bit more romantic soul. Don't get me wrong, Ezio is a devil. He can sweep any woman off her feet before she notices what happened. While Ezio is very passionate in his courting, Arno is more of a vanilla romantic. 
- Whenever Arno wants to woo a lady, he'd start by getting her name right if she's in Starbucks. He might draw a little smiley face and a compliment on the cup. Like, "Your hair looks awesome today" or "You have a pretty smile" the non-creepy, friendly ones.
- He also does this when he sees that someone is under the weather. Not because he is super kind but simply because he can brighten up someone's day. He's like - why not?
- If the girl he likes also fancies him, he will try to invite her for a walk in central park or for a coffee 'that is not mass-produced. 
- If the girl agrees, he'll bring her flowers, compliment her and listen to her. 
- Arno is a very good listener whenever you are his friend or potential romantic partner. He pays attention and observes reactions to calculate his next move. He always gives the best advice, especially on relationships.
- If any of the guys reaches a rough patch with their partners, Arno is like their go-to advisor and relationship therapist. During one particularly rough period between Maria and Altaïr, he acted as the mediator and helped them patch things up.
- He utilizes his listening skills in picking the perfect 2nd date location and activities that are altered to his sweetheart's preferences. If she's playful, he'll take her to Coney Island. She loves animals? Central Park Zoo or a walk with Tatch. Art? Metropolitan Museum. Theatre? Broadway! 
- Besides the perfect setting, he'd also try to figure out the love language of his date and act accordingly. All of this while being a perfect gentleman.
- So far, it's working well for him, and he has a long list of phone numbers. 
- Recently, however, he's been smitten with Maria's new roommate - Élise de la Serre. 
- He and Élise actually go way back since they went to primary school together. He was a frequent visitor in the de la Serre household. In this AU Arno wasn't adopted by de la Serre. I always found it strange and unsettling that Arno and Élise grew up together as step-siblings and had a romantic relationship.
- For now, he feels very nervous around her. Something he has never felt around a girl before.
- After Yusuf moved out, Arno moved into his old room. Reason? He didn't want to live next to Ezio because of the noises. Yeah, those noises. The room next to Ezio is like an initiation to the Brotherhood apartment. You can move up in ranks only if someone else moves out.
- Since Arno was the newbie until recently, he had to share the same wall with Ezio for a long time. Now it's Jacob's problem. Lol.
- Arno's room is in the middle on a scale of cleanesss. There are some things out of order, and it's not always decent to show to other people, but he's 100% sure that nothing besides him lives there. He has some sexy posters on the walls and naughty magazines of his own, but they are not as visible as in Ezios' room. Maybe somewhere like on the inside of his door or inside the closet doors. 
 - I don't think Arno has a desk in his room, just like Connor. He doesn't need it, so why should he waste his space? Instead, he has a bookcase.
- Arno reads a lot and the majority of his books are in French. Maybe he has some in German since he speaks it a little because of his Austrian mom, but he's not very keen on the German language, and he doesn't really read in English.
- He also has one of those tacky Eiffel tower figurines on his bookcase. He knows how trashy it is, and he bought it as a joke when he was leaving Paris. The whole thing is also covered in post-it notes with phone numbers to various artists he'd like to work with.
- As stereotypical as it sounds, Arno has the largest closet in the household. This guy likes fashion a lot, and he knows how to dress well. 
- He has actual paintings on the wall, like a true man of culture. Since the fallout with his parents, he doesn't really keep photos of his family, but he has a picture of Scratch, his childhood pet.
- He misses France, but Arno isn't going back before he makes it big. 
Jacob Frye aka the comedic relief one
- Now Jacob is the baby of the house, only 21 years of age. He is barely allowed to drink in the USA! The apartment is his 3rd attempt at independence.
- Before moving to NYC, Jacob lived with his twin sister in London. But she moved in with her boyfriend, Henry Green. For a short period, he lived with them, but Evie informed her younger brother that: two's company, three's a crowd. Jacob had to move out.
- For a while, the younger Frye twin struggled to maintain housing of his own. He got evicted so many times that the landlords didn't want to rent to him anymore.
- Poor Jacob slept in London Underground trains. He preferred this over admitting to his family that he is struggling. After all, if Evie can manage in London, so can he!
- Jacob got involved with London gangs and got in trouble with the police. Since he couldn't appear in the police archives, Jacob broke into the station and stole his folder before it made its way to the database. This stun got the attention of the American Brotherhood, which offered Jacob a better use of his skills. 
- Being the impulsive guy he is, Jacob decided, "why not?" and before he could think his decision through, he was on a plane to America.
- British Brotherhood might or might not plan to get rid of Jacob like this for a while. It's like in Bean: The Movie - American Assassins thought that they get a competent expert, but English just wanted to get rid of an inconvenience.
- The fact that Jacob once almost ruined an entire British economy might or might not influence the decision of the English Brotherhood.
- Jacob got a room that used to belong to Arno. The room is medium in size, bigger than Altaïrs' room for sure, but it didn't take long for Jacob to learn why nobody wants to live there. Approximately, he discovered it after 6 hours since he moved in when Ezio returned with his date.
- Initially, poor Jacob felt like the butt of all jokes in the household. Victim of Ezio and Arno pranks, dangling at the bottom of the food chain. He considered going back to England. Neither Brotherhood nor his roommates treated him seriously. 
- The Bois, however, learned to not judge an idiot by his demeanor when during one mission, it was Jacob that saved their asses. Mr. Fry despises being a reckless idiot, and a comedian is a spectacular assassin. 
- While on a job, Jacob is a master assassin material, focused on his target, quick and efficient. He earned his roommates' respect. He also came up with the retreat plan and a cover-up. It was this mission that humbled his older brethren. It also showed them that Jacob is a diamond in the rough.
- Learning to live with Jacob was a challenge, especially for Connor and Altaïr. His attitude toward Creed annoyed Altaïr. Connor found it difficult to deal with Jacobs' tendencies of borrowing stuff without asking or eating food that clearly did not belong to the English assassin.
- On the other hand, both Ezio and Arno get along with Jacob like a house on fire. Those three are constantly pranking one another. They are wingmen in picking up ladies and compadre in partying.
- If Ezio is the heart of the party, then Jacob is its soul. Jacob is a comedian and loves to bring smiles to people's faces. He sucks at beer pong though. That is why he teams up with Altaïr. Jacob makes the show while Altaïr is actually doing the playing part. 
- He also uses his sense of humor and charisma to pick people up. The Englishman is bisexual after all. He likes galls AND gents. Jacob initially struggled with his sexuality, and he is still figuring himself out. Equally in terms of what he wants to do and who he is.
- He neither studies nor works. He just exists and relies heavily on his roommates and Maria. 
- Speaking of Maria, he really likes her. She reminds him of Evie, but unlike his sister, Maria isn't annoying and is hot. Maria didn't like this comment, and neither did Altaïr.
- Both he and Maria are tea lovers, so they meet for tea sometimes. Jacob knows his tea, and he can distinguish different blends. He even has his own section for different kinds of tea in one of the kitchen cupboards. He also has a special mug that nobody is allowed to use.
- Jacob steals Netflix from Evie and Henry by naming his account 'settings'. Hide in plain sight. I love the idea but I doubt that Netflix was a thing in the early 2000s
- If it wasn't for Ezio, Jacob would get the cake for the dirtiest room in the apartment. It's like after an explosion in there. Jacob simply doesn't care and doesn't mind having a mess.
- His room is a strange one. It is already messy but still lacks a distinguished personality. Like every boi has something that makes their room theirs - Jacob's room - not really.
- He has a photo of his grandma and Evie as well as the Union Jack pillow. You know, the one that every single English person has in their room when they're abroad. Besides those two things, there's not much Jacob in Jacob's space.
- It's because he still feels like his stay with his roommates is temporary, and they will kick him out, just like everyone else did. They will not, even though Altaïr was close a few times.
- This boi is still figuring out who he is and what to do with his life. He spent most of his life in his sister's shadow, so now he has to discover who Jacob Fry really is.
- He's still very young and has time for this. No matter what, he can rely on his new friends.
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As was necessary for my brain: The octopath modern AU with no changes to the story, Olberic’s version cus i have been dying to do this (AKA Octopath traveler but it is just a wacky roadtrip through europe and everyone has some sort of criminal history)
- Olberic here is a bodyguard to the king of... lets just say England. With his bff Erhardt
-The two get along rather well, they have the same interests, same skills, and the same urge to  duel grandmas protect people’
-They dated for a lil bit
-Well, that was until the sudden day Erhardt decided to get the glock and just put a bullet through the king’s head while Olberic was getting a snack.
-It was sad
-It was also gay
-Mainly sad do
-The death of the king just wiped England of the entire world like any other sort of government doesn’t exist.
-Our man Olberic here decides that now is the perfect time (at the ripe old age of 27 mind you) TO NOT CALL THE COPS but to have a midlife crisis
-The crisis being 1. moving to some random town in scotland 2. deciding that Berg was a much better name than Olberic and 3. he was so going to unofficialy adopt that child even if it would kill him
-Well all that was quite fine, untill some hoe came along and messed with his unofficially adopted child
-Of course, our man Olberic got the glock because he was going to get that child back even if it would kill him AND NOT CALL THE COPS.
-Well, it almost killed him, but that shit didnt matter cus he had the child and figured out mister kidnapper had been using one very special glock
-Erhardt’s glock
-Cue some sad/sentimental music
-Cue also another midlife crisis
-Cus now we have a mission to go and kill that man
-and also he found some confused german history professor in that cave as if that day could not get weird enough
-The man was named Cyrus and there were two distinct traits about him 1. he was freaking cute 2. he was currently fleeing charges of pedophilia
-Which Cyrus, dumb as he is, told, just before telling all about a library book he had set out to find.
-(Luckily for him, false charges, Olberic had a glock in hand as soon as that fact came out)
-So, as Olberic now has to go to france to beat a few people up now, they decide to travel together.
-The boat was definetly almost set on fire, but they survived.
-On the way there they meet some Dutch girl with an emotional attachment to working at a supermarket, and some Belgian dude who likes free healthcare (and definetly does not have the papers to be a practising doctor).
-They are both adopted into this weird party because that is what happens
-Cue arriving in victors hollow
-Tournament takes place, something is set on fire again, and Olberic gets to meet our buddy Gustav
-Erhardt had apparently gone to spain to escape them charges of murder and several warcrimes.
-Welp, they went to Spain
-In the meantime they found yet another addition to the family, a woman and her snowleopard on the run from charges of assault on grandmas
-Problem: she only spoke French so everyone is kind of unsure if they are kidnapping her or that she is here voluntarily
-Well, everyone here already belonged in jail so what is another charge to the list?
-Cue Spanish things Idk
-They find Erhardt in some small village basically doing the same job Olberic had been doing for the past years.
- Olberic, being the impulsive idiot he is, goes to Erhardt and shoots him in the shoulder
-But alas, murdering your ex was apparently a bit too hard on the guy
-Especially if it was in front of your adopted children and the guy you are now crushing on.
-And a police officer
-And the corpse of some random animal you shot
-Cue that part of It’s quite uptown which goes forgiveness can you imagineeeee
-So, Erhardt spills the TRAGIC BACKSTORY TM 
-That is how mister Werner here got on the list of ‘People that need murdering’
-So, they head to Belgium with yet another adition to the list of people who should be in jail but are not, a dancer who is now escaping murder charges in Norway.
-How she got them do, nobody has any clue.
-But she and H’aanit get along quite nicely, due to the shared murder charges (and Linde not wanting to eat someone for one single moment)
-Cue Belgium
-Werner, now the illigitemate lord of some rando city, is just vibin
-Well, not for long
-After question for 5 minutes why no one has called the cops of this guy yet, it was murdering time
-Well, it was supposed to be, but H’aanit got upset that the man had a horse and if they killed him the horse would be sad.
-All said in the great language of French that no one understood
-So Olberic shot the guy anyway
-Cue victory music!
-...And subsequently getting arrested by the police
-What? You think you can just go run around killing people? Absurd
-Luckily, there was one man among them who had in fact a law degree which he just was too dumb to put to use on his own charges
-Cyrus motherfucking Albright
-...Which was a bit of a problem considering he definetly was not an attorney in Belgium
-Cue trying to find money for a fucking attorney
-They do, and Olberic gets of with a fine for property destruction
-(A fine they never payed)
-Cyrus and Olberic get together, Tressa gets 50 bucks from bets and everyone lives happily ever after evading the criminal justice system
So, is it 3am where I am at? Yes
Have I just eaten 4 rolls of smarties? Yes
Should I have reconsidered the idea of writing this? Yes
For everyone wondering, the idea was from a dream I had were Cyrus had a german accent anyways goodbye
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bard-llama · 3 years
New Lambert Crack Universe
So, for the witcher rare pair bingo, I got the prompt Author AU, which naturally led me to decide that Lambert is a secret romance novelist whose protagoinsts Gerard and Esteban have a lot of sex. Like, a lot. They might be more erotica than romance novels, but whatever. I am genuinely unclear on where bodice ripper fits into that continuum. 
Anyway, Lambert, the genius that he is, chooses the penname Burt Lamb the Third and lists Kaer Morhen as his address. This leads to letters with royalty checks going to Kaer Morhen - or attempting to. More importantly, Burt’s books took off and housewives whisper about them in back corners. Also, a lot more of them start propositioning Eskel and Geralt, because they look just like their favorite characters. Like, just like, and they know that because the books come with illustrations made by the author.
(Does the Witcher have the printing press? No? It does now. Don’t question it.)
Details under the cut
I’m writing the fic now where the other wolves find out about Lambert’s secret second career, but I have more planned. Chronologically, I think the series is:
Lambert pines and is haunted by an idea and decides to write it. Not quite sure how/why he decides to publish, but he doesn’t think much of it. Until he starts to hear people talking about his stories and wtf if so many people are reading them, where’s his fucking money??
Turns out, it was getting sent to Kaer Morhen via a handful of very brave couriers and a whole lot of sensible couriers who hired Geralt to deliver them. (my current fic)
A few years pass and no one thinks much of it. Lambert updates his address ASAP and like, gets a PO box in Novigrad or something. And wow, this writing thing is pretty profitable in fantasy land and he hates being on the Path/being a Witcher, so like... why not rent a nice room in Oxenfurt or maybe a cabin in Skellige (except Lambert’s a canonical baby in the cold) or wherever and just write for like half the year. Then he’ll spend fall doing a few contracts just so he has stories to bring back to the Annual Bitch Session/Drinking Binge (it lasts all winter long). He still pines, but at least now he pines in style.
And he starts getting bold too - he knows Geralt and Eskel don’t read his books, so when he’s searching for inspiration, he recalls some of their stories about people they’ve met on the path. This leads to some interesting rare pairs and some awkward first meetings where everyone around the two think they’ve already boned, but they’ve never seen each other before in their lives. (AKA Lambert/Llama writes random pairs like Eskel/Iorveth for the Scar WorshipTM and then we get to see the reactions of people reading these books.) (like fr i wanna write these, but as Lambert writing them lol)
Like, imagine Lambert going all “huh, Geralt said that elf guy was pretty, and he matches Eskel on the fucked up right side of the face thing, so like, why not?” So he starts writing and then we get a scene break and actually get the porn (with character names or actual names?). THEN we cut to like the Blue Stripes reading the book and Reacting. Ves names her knife after Esteban/Eskel ‘cause ‘I want it to penetrate Iorveth too’. Roche is not amused.
Dandelion, who is an epic shipper of Gerard/Esteban/Burt Lamb the Third, mentions the books when Geralt and Eskel just happen to be at the Chameleon at the same time and the idiot witchers slowly realize that Lambert writes about THEM. Them having sex. A lot of sex. And sure, it’s gotten them a surprising amount of action over the past few years, but that’s still kinda creepy, right? And Dandy is That Fan who some casual viewer has said something hugely contradictory to Their Canon and they have to decide if they wanna fite or not. And Dandy has never seen a fight he didn’t take and lose. So he gets all offended like “no, you’ve got it all wrong! Yeah, the books are filthy porn, but the whole thing is really a love letter to Gerard and Esteban (aka you two, you dumbasses).” So then Geralt and Eskel are uncertain enough to be convinced to go back and read the books - all of them. And by this point, there are rather a lot. Like, Lambert is the Chuck Tingle of fantasy medieval Poland. And while, yeah, Lambert is clearly very horny, he also shows Gerard and Esteban as like... pretty awesome people??? Sweet and nonjudgemental and brave and dumb as a bag of bricks, but that’s just facts.
So now they gotta DO something about their realization that Lambert wants them and maybe kinda loves them? I... have no idea how they actaully get together. Maybe... maybe Geralt and Eskel are divided and uncertain, so they don’t say anything when they all see each other that winter. Except idk something happens/they just get drunk and stupid(er) and they blurt something out? idk, I’ll figure that out. But endgame is Geralt/Lambert/Eskel. And they live happily ever after on the funds from Lambert’s horny writing (which he continues to publish).
So yeah, new universe lol. It’s been fun to write Lambert again. He’s such an asshole.
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My Top Posts in 2021
honestly all of my favorite parings are:
a) half of the time not actual pairings but just friendships and
b) just whoever I think has solid Those Two Guys energy.  this does not necessitate them being guys, I just want, like, whatever Timone and Pumba had going on.  They would 100% be college roommates, and would fake date each other without hesitation but would also sell each other out for a single corn chip.  If I can successfully picture them being a pair of henchmen to some cheesy supervillain who constantly diss their boss then you are doing it right.
241 notes • Posted 2021-03-31 03:38:55 GMT
Scum Villain soulmate au where you have the name of your destined enemy on one wrist & the name of your soulmate on the other.
Shen Yuan gets Luo Binghe and Shang Qinghua, and immediately panics that his soulmate must be SQH (since OG!SQQ had LBH & YQY).
It's only later they figure out that SQH is his destined enemy because his bad writing literally killed SY.
251 notes • Posted 2021-08-17 16:31:58 GMT
7 deadly sins: webnovel edition
Greed: Sung Jin-Woo aka Greediest King(tm)
Envy: Kim Gongja (so envious he literally got a taunt s-class card for it & then made it fucking work)
Sloth: Cale Henituse (he's never gonna get that slacker life but by god does he try)
Lust: Su Lüxia (She's not technically from a web novel, but she's got the right vibes and quite frankly I didn't want to get into smut series with this)
Wrath: Seo Joo-Heon (Vengeance Time Traveler)
Pride: Kim Dokja (he has the Vibe for it idk)
Gluttony: Rimuru Tempest (they're skill lets them eat EVERYTHING)
333 notes • Posted 2021-08-23 18:29:52 GMT
I recently (5 seconds ago) came up with an au that combines the real hazmat au (where Danny wore a full hazmat suit in the portal) with the No One Knows au (ghosts AND humans don't know Danny's secret) and the Ghost King au (speaks for itself).
So essentially this strange ghost just shows up in Amity Park one day and starts fighting off all of the other ghosts appearing. Some people think this is a good thing, others are suspicious of this mysterious ghost's motives.
It doesn't help that it has occasionally done things like steal jewelry or attack the towns people for unknown reasons. It seems to run on a set of rules that no one else knows or can understand, human or fellow ghost.
Then one day the town receives it's worst attack yet, by the king of ghosts himself, Pariah Dark. No one knows what to do, everyone regardless of living status is panicking.
And then the Fenton's mech suit, the one they made specifically to fight Pariah Dark...
It's only after the battle, when the mysterious Phantom is proclaimed victorious, that everyone sees the burnt husk of what is left of the suit.
The observants quickly decide to crown this new ghost King, as per tradition, not even giving the ghost enough time to stammer out a complaint.
After all, such a serious-looking ghost is just what they need on the throne right now! The ghost seems to have come into being a bit recently, but that's all the better for their purposes anyways.
Besides, if something were going to go wrong with this plan, wouldn't they have already seen it?
(Clockwork cackles in the distance while carefully muddying the future reveal juuuust enough that those lazy eye-balls won't want to put in the effort to look at them.)
Their new king, after a few moments of confusion, silently accepts the position with nervous applause coming from all around.
(Danny, who is 14 and just became the ruler of an entire mirror dimension, sweats nervously inside his suit and prays no one ask him why he's checking out every book on politics at the library later)
543 notes • Posted 2021-12-05 01:22:22 GMT
The fentons are so funny when you compare them to real-life ghost hunters though. Imagine having a ghost hunter convention and everyone is discussing how descriminate actual cold spots from places with bad ventilation or what frequency spirit boxes should be on and then these two weirdos in jumpsuits with a FUCKING BAZOOKA walk in and try to explain that not only are ghosts a lot more solid then everyone thinks but they're also all evil and need to be hunted down.
And everyones just like
"Oh its the fentons. I wonder if they brought fudge again this year."
1426 notes • Posted 2021-04-19 16:38:23 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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drangues · 4 years
Yeah I’m Not A Fan of them, 0/10 would not recommend. BUT YEAH, Oda and Ango are Shocked (TM), but they eventually get the rambling at least, because Atsushi is adorable. And while they might tease him about him being a Menace and “how did you get a guy like him, the hell,” I think they’d genuinely be happy for him, a bit like teasing big brothers. Dazai gets them back via gratuitous teasing about how they’re clearly crushing on each other! (Nyanon, 1/5)
And “should I just become a priest so you two can get ~married~ already?” I love these three. And yeah that sounds about right!!! It’s a really cool game, the concept is really cool and the graphics are amazing??? Very cool visuals, too, the monsters are fucking ENORMOUS. Anyways that all seems pretty accurate? Dazai would definitely be able to make the monsters piss each other off (IE- Get the Teacher to attack the Bullies, or visa versa), while Yosano... Is Yosano. (Nyanon, 2/5)
Her badassery knows no bounds. And I could see Kenji befriending a few! Not all of them, though, if only because some would Piss Him Off (like the Janitor or the Twin Chefs). Atsushi... Has awful luck, to be fair, even if he did befriend a monster they’d probably die horribly- But I could see him and Kyouka helping each other! Like Six and Mono in the second game, though not action for action, obviously. (Nyanon, 3/5)
Either way Atsushi and Dazai are both pretty damn resourceful, which is really what a lot of the puzzles boil down to- Though Dazai would definitely complain if they had to swim through swamp water, haha. Onto the next Concept, though: There are no abilities! The ADA is still A Thing, as is the PM (though maybe as the night shift of the ADA? Because I like having them on the same side, haha), and everyone still works there, but abilities don’t exist. (Nyanon, 4/5)
Instead it’s just them all doing Detective Stuff and exposing corrupt organizations like the Guild, and also launching an investigation into Atsushi’s orphanage because fuck it, it’s an AU and I can have my self indulgence if I so please. (Nyanon, 5/5)
ive seen some quick clips from the game so i can tell that its amazing graphic/concept wise!! atsushi and kyouka are the pair that means well, but it still somehow ends in a disaster and i can imagine atsushi yelling at him to stop complaining about having to swim when he tries drowning himself on the daily
I LIKE THAT AU A LOT. ranpo and dazai would be seen as the sherlock holmes of the 21st century, yosano would be an AMAZING doctor who not only focuses on prescribing drugs but also diet, exercise and other types of stuff you can combine with your treatment (she thinks the medical field is corrupted and just focuses on treatment and not prevention/long lasting durability especially with chronic illnesses) shes also super super knowledgeable and has probably consumed so many books/taken so many classes and can tell after a few checkups immediately whats wrong
chuuya maybe was part of a corrupted organisation (maybe a cult?? it could like, be a mirror to how his ability makes him go corrupt) and then snapped out of it and became a detective. akutagawa couldve just been a homeless orphan with an inspiring story of how he managed to “get his life straight” and become succesful (aka get a home and a job) and atsushi is,,well,,,,Atsushi
(for kyouka and kenji to join. maybe kyouka would join because she was an assassin like in the original because her parents were killed for not paying off a debt so now she has to do it by killing, and since she now after being saved knows a lot she is in the ADA for info like “yeah the [corrupted organisation] had a meeting spot around there” “no that doesnt seem like [dumb villain name]’s killing, it couldnt be” and shit like that)
(while for kenji hes just there because hes very good at negotiating?? like, good cop bad cop type of style, maybe hes the type to be really good at making people confess and open up to him even if theyre the ones guilty of the crime. i imagine the way they discovered him was when fukuzawa visited the country side for some investigation and kenji was somehow roped into it and when fukuzawa left him alone with the suspects for a MINUTE kenji just “oh yeah he was the one who did it he just told me (♡°▽°♡)” and fukuzawas like say W H A T)
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hashtagartistlife · 5 years
ykw i think it REALLY says something that ro and i could churn out a thousand and one romantic au’s for ichiruki just by tweaking a few aesthetic details, adding a couple of kisses and following the canon bleach storyline exactly. like, can you imagine trying to plot a romantic ih au while following the canon bleach storyline? ‘my name’s inoue orihime! i’ve been in love with this guy in my class forever. Except we don’t actually.... talk. My first Big Event where I got to accompany him and make friends with him was because we went to save the life of some girl who saved HIS life! He’s very. uh. committed. But that’s only because he feels like he’s repaying a debt! Yes I know he almost died. Yes he swore to his soul to save her. But I do that too, when I have to pay rent to my landlord! Oh, goody, look, a chance to be kidnapped so that I, too, can be Saved by my canon romantic interest! yeah ok the other girl that he saved earlier got a hole punched through her and my romantic interest TM is more interested in fighting the guy who punched her than the guy who kidnapped me, it’s true. But just LOOK at how spectacularly and romantically he saved me-- yes i know he literally died and turned into a monster, aka the EXACT THING he’s been terrified of the whole arc, but details. and just LOOK at the emotionally charged scene we get after all the tribulations we’ve gone through together where my romantic interest and.... the girl he saved first.... look into each other’s eyes while one of them fades away possibly for good....... and THEN he’s depressed about it for 17 months while I was right next to him! and then he stops being depressed as soon as I-- oops, i meant, the girl he saved first, comes back to him. and then I’m shoehorned aside till the last 20 chapters of the manga where I FINALLY get a ‘thanks for watching my back’ speech from my romantic interest...... while literally all his other friends ALSO got a similar spiel. AAAAaaand look we’re canon!!!! What a wonderful love story!’ like hELLO??? ?? ? ? the reason why i can literally come up with a romantic ir au for ANYTHING you throw at me is because it’s EASY like the groundwork is all THERE.... meanwhile i try to think of doing the same thing for ih and im just like. there’s nothing here to work with. i can’t do the canon bleach storyline like i do with ir au’s because it just sounds RIDICULOUS and that, my friends, should be telling as FUCK 
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Hi nonny!
First of all, sorry for the delay in response. Life got in the way, but I also took my time to answer this properly. I must say I was slightly overwhelmed by this ask! First because I don’t even know where to start with my recs, second because I have the memory of a spry 80 years old – i.e. I should right things down, but I don’t, so I forget.
I nonetheless tried to answer your question to the best of my ability! So here goes nothing:
Histoires’ forever incomplete reccing list
Disclaimer: I mostly read fics rated Mature or Explicit, so heed the tags! I also have a tendency to read mostly angst, so the humorous fics are Raretm. The list is in two categories: Captain America and Other, because my obsession over Stucky has taken over my life.
Captain America
Infinite Coffee and Protection Detail (series) by owlet Had to rec this one first because it was the one that sparked my obsession for Stucky. Good humor and excellent OC’s. Bucky is dealing with all the voices in his head in his recovery process. You are guaranteed to be craving a grilled cheese at some point.
4 Minute Window (series) by Speranza A fandom classic. I love me some manual guys. Stucky. I would also recommend the following fics by Speranza: 20th Century Limited All The Angels and The Saints In the Carcass of the World The Way Out Is The Way Down
My Working Week and My Sunday Rest by pineapplecrushface Stucky again! What a surprise! Nice Wakanda scenery, weird dream sharing shenanigans
Not Easily Conquered (series) by dropdeaddream and WhatAreFears I pulled an all-nighter to read this one the first time. I’m still not over it and it’s been over a year since I read it. A Masterpiecetm. Mainly Stucky. Angst – but so well-written it’s a joy to get your heart ripped out of your chest.
bene castigat (series) by Nonymos Pooooorn. Fucking well-written BDSM to be exact. Stucky. WIP. I would also recommend the following fics by Nonymos: War, Children in cayenne and honey, in vinegar and lime Endless War Into That Good Night Echoes In Our Minds
Lemon Meringue Lies by Nejinee Bucky cooks, Steve’s a waiter. It’s cute. Natasha and Maria Hill are BAMF. If you like cooking – or just food in general – this is for you.
Stop interrupting my grinding (series) by rohkeutta Sassy nurse Bucky Barnes is all you need in life! Excellent humor! I would also recommend the following fics by rohkeutta: Korpimaan kutsu M is for Murder Tinder Is the Night
Targeting (series) by queenmab_scherzo I don’t know anything about American football, but I truly enjoyed reading this anyway!
Jingle Boys (series) by mambo To read around Christmas time – or not if Christmas is your thing all year ‘round.
La Belle et la Bête by maichan, sianimations, sirsable Beauty and the Beast AU! ‘nuff said.
BuckRogers vs. the Internet (series) by galwednesday #BuckRogers aka when Steve and Bucky come out as a couple, Bucky takes it upon himself to reply to the trolls on Twitter. It goes well. I would also recommend the following fic by galwednesday: Boeuf Mystère
Saying Your Name by brideofquiet In which Steve goes looking for Bucky in an in-between. Truly well-written!
Turn by Saras_Girl What’s that? A Drarry fic? I remember enjoying this one, but it’s been a solid minute since I read it… so who knows!
The Shoebox Project by Jaida Jones and Rave A multimedia collaborative work between two authors/artists. It's a recounting of an imaginary shoebox under Remus’ bed, containing various memories of the Marauders’ era. NOT a happy ending.
The Fallen (series) by Engazed Sherlock fandom. *long enamored sigh* I can’t put into words the love I have for this work. So. Much. Angst. I was always torn between taking breaks reading, or forging ahead to get to the happier parts. It’s a WIP, so you don’t even get a true happy ending yet, but the story is amazing and the characters are well-written. Each new chapter is definitely worth the wait! This author also has another work in progress – The Grating Roar – and it’s equally good!
Of Two Minds by kishafisha Hannibal ft. androids and murder mystery! What’s not to love?
I might reblog this in the future with additions! Thanks for the ask and good day to you too nonny!
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evenbechnet · 8 years
Feel free to edit and add!! 00:00- all quiet, everyone finally goes the fuck to sleep
1am- salma, bells and Elliot having a party and crying about the summary, horse Even!?? Why? Animals, farm yard animal, farm discourse TM. Quack quack mother fuckers.
2am-killer tire in dessert movie, ohmygid these guys are literally shit posting idk what I’m summarising but I’m laughing, Elliot gets attacked by animals how is he alive?,
3am-9am- wondering about Eva noora discourse, wondering about anteater Wilhelm,
Fic Recs galore: - http://archiveofourown.org/users/rhalei/bookmarks - https://archiveofourown.org/works/8815849 - http://archiveofourown.org/works/8961337 - http://archiveofourown.org/works/8802484/ - https://archiveofourown.org/works/8820784 - http://archiveofourown.org/series/607585 - WIP with 4 chapter no link!???
Talking about terrible FICS again, werewolf isak vs hung horse even, RHAE “instead of biking to the pool ISAK rides on evens back”, furry vs curry discourse, this isn’t VILDUS pls , Taha: someone needs to read it and report back/////
Ao3 FICS are weird, mermaid fic, (someone rec that properly pls I havnt read it -Zaa) , more talking about the trailer dropping and how we gon die, might require spray bottles,
Daf is awake and approves of the FICS, caterpillar on chrispys face in s1 #confirmed, FANART is so sacred , must protect at all costs, so much talent
WHERE IS A SNAKES BUTTHOLE, snakesak has taken over as a horrifying meme, snake tongue compile? Snake videos? Pls provide links, he always licking his lipssss we should have known, WE CANT GO BACK,
10am- if Isak has dry lips Even needs to be licking them for him, JUST COUPLE THINGS EVAK
11am- Shola wages a one man war on the crispy discourse, her soul has been penetrated by p Chris, sprays bottle and despair, Shola tried recalling her fellow demons daf and Rhae for back up, more pchris discourse(more like only pictures), hating on shola )): , everyone being possesed by pchris, FICS discussion, ao3 vs lj vs ffnet, first fandoms?
12am- Harry Potter aus, which houses discourse,slytherin isak and his snake pickup lines, see seperate post.drawings of snakesak with snake.
1pm- ISAK so pale, cafeteria scene creys, that week was too dark, General ep 6 and 7 love, SHOES, halla scene vs hotel room scene, matching boyfriends
2pm- it was defo isaks first time, INFINITE, why was Even hair still perfect, it was the icecream secret, Faiza pray bottle is needed, when even touches isaks Lip in the hotel SCENE, NOSE IN HIS MOUTH, ER DU DANSK, 2pm is Lot okay- AND ISAK BEING SO CLOSE TO HIS MOM LIKE "OK BUT YOU DIDNT PAY ME THIS WEEK AND YOUR SON MADE ME BUY SO MUCH SHIT WITH MYYYYY MONEY???"
Evens mum and isaks mum head canons, Listen someone write a fic where their families have a get together @cz where r u- there is no way to summarise what's happening it's actual chaos.
SHOLA FOLIGH AWAY, more crispy wilhelmmy faces, they never end, will we ever be free? Chris and Eva the new FOLGERS commercial - Dani is leaving to EAT GOOD THINGs - like snakes aka venom!???, HANDS, Evaks hands, who cares about SEX scenes we want hand holding, THERE WAS NO SEX SCENS DISCOURSE GOT TO IRONIC
3pm- PORNHUB talk, dick talk, are dicks ugly or not, what did ISAK do in the shower in ep8, how do ppl not read the texts between clips, Faiza coming for us all with even giving ESKILD sex advice and tips, Rhae throws holy water- OH How THE TURN TABLES, Eskild even Isak hitting gay bars head canons, kitchen sex ftw, they fucked in the kitchen after 5 fine frøkner #confirmed,ILL TATTOO MANNEN I MITT LIV ON MY FOREHEAD, NSFW headcanons: Even probably makes dick jokes while they have sex, probably goes "the millennium falcon isn't the only thing that comes in less than 12 parsecs" when he's close and isak just goes wtf Honestly I can summarise this its just filth about EVAK sex are we any better than the chrispy fan girls!?
just all around terrible EVAK sex headcanons to Justin beibers baby. DONT LOOK AT ME I AM IN THE SHAMECUBE.
Evens SEX playlist;
- My anaconda - nicki - Baby my Justin beiber - Talk dirty to me - Take U down by Chris brown - Lots of years and years
Praise kink Isak, its it's just filth for an hour plus about EVAK sex I'm not gonna lie, ISAK likes scarves because they cover them hickeys
4pm- Faiza telling us a cute EVAK In School making out behind closed class room door, Shola and RHAE span crispy, even tongue is not alone anymore hi isaks tongue, why is this chat so filthy we all need Jesus, multiple holy water GIFS, ocean gif, penetrator ET, HALLA after sex, DAF and Zaa livetexting the awful sleeping beauty fic , let's never speak of it again, more shitting on eyewitness, Talking about good shows, watch merli, the get down,sense8,
5pm- s4 NRK poll, skam saved 2016 y'all, so many feelings, getting pretty sappy, love all y'all, skam as a good and bad coping mechanism the discourse, from dicks to feelings: and EVAK story, even4s4 discourse for the tusen time, crispy Kreme roasting, season 4 trailer contemplation, 8th Jan at 21:21 WHAT LIES, also u; waiting t 21/22 8th Jan refreshing the site,
6pm- we are all hot AF #confirmed, the tollness vs smolness debate, we are all dating now it is decided, crushes and how to flirt, EVAK yoga store, COUPLES yoga, ASK OLD ESKILD typo I love to regret My life, more love life talk, let's take desperate to a whole new level of EVAK could do it so can we
7pm- Evens bipolar diagnosis discourse, fandom before and after ep8 on the subject, bitch we guessed it we was RIGHT, wlw on skam pls, attacking VILDUS smh, vilde Magnus sexuality debate TBH, WILLHELM NOSE CANT FIT INTO CHRISPEE's MOUTH, never gets ask old, look at that washboard ass, crispy again, will we ever be free of crispy, TRIGGERED WILHELMY AND CRISPY
8pm- quotes for edits, poems and writing such talent here u guys
9pm: fic talk, finally the mermaid fic link (http://archiveofourown.org/works/9111700/chapters/20710825), why is there tarjei David friendship discourse why, why are ppl so gross!?,
10pm- hating women who get IinThe way of m/m ships PLS DONT, why must ppl invalidate even and isaks sexualities?, 11pm- all quite on the western front TBH
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wishfxljikan · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥ this meme definitely favors canons more, but i hope oc’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. multimuses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
tagged by stolen from: my best friend, @nuclearshxgun tagging: Absolutely everyone
MY MUSE IS.   canon / oc / au  / canon-divergent / fandomless 
 • is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO.  (IDK?) • is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  WELL… / NO / IDK. • is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. • are they underrated?  YES / NO.  [By literally every AMAZING OC I’ve seen (love ya all!) • were they relevant to the main story?  YES / NO. • were they relevant to the main character?  YES / NO [In my canon, no, but in general, yes.] • are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO • how’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL HOW STRICTLY DO YOU FOLLOW CANON? Well, I mean, not strict at all, actually. Grovyle’s just this massive blank canvas, there’s a tiny bit of character building for him in the main games, but I’m mostly head canon driven and not canon, the PMD games are just a baseline for the character. SELL YOUR MUSE! (aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutual.) 

As stated above, Grovyle’s pretty much a blank canvas, and since I’m that big slut for character and worldbuilding. I can go off and say maybe hundreds of headcanons ranging from small snippets of information to massive things he’s done and learned.  My version of Grovyle is, like all other previous portrayals of Grovyle, unique. We’ve all got our own takes on what our favorite gecko has been up to. So, even if you don’t like my version, there’s still many out there can can fit your needs (shoutout to literally every Grovyle I love y ou guys!) Honestly, I don’t give my portrayal enough credit where it’s due, but, you know what? I love him to death, the sheer fact that I’m legitimately vibrating with hundreds of little ideas all the way up to massive storylines, that a couple of friends have taken apart of, it’s something I want everyone to know. I. Am. A. Slut. For. World-building.
NOW THE OPPOSITE! (list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?)
To be honest, I put myself down, a lot, I kinda have issues with putting my Grovyle out there, I always think that he’s not interesting in the slightest, that he’s boring to write with (no matter the compliments) Also the PMD community has been really dead up until recently, which I’m really proud it’s coming back, I’ve been really lonely in this community, and I don’t think my muse would be good outside of PMD, other than the tiny slice of life things, mostly because I don’t think he belongs anywhere else.

Just the pure love I have for the guy, I felt him on a personal level, and this entire time since the first time I encounter him, I’ve loved Grovyle to utter death.

As stated above, honestly like..just the sheer amount of roleplays I have on discord with @nuclearshxgun and other people for Grovyle. There’s always a fresh idea hitting us, and even if there’s like 15 different unfinished roleplays, just goes to show that I’m stocked up on story-based roleplays, and I’m not running out anytime soon. SOME MORE PERSONAL QUESTIONS FOR THE MUN. • do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO. • do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO. • do you sometimes write drabbles? YES / NO.   • do you think a lot about your muse during the day? YES / NO. • are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO. • are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO. • are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO. [Can I say both?] DO YOU ACCEPT CRITICISM WELL ABOUT YOUR PORTRAYAL? For the most part, yes, there’s somethings that I can’t handle which is deep criticisms about headcanons I’ve spent..years at this point making, but those ones, 99% of the time weren’t..constructive, just..shitting on it.
 Gimme ALL of the questions! It’s upsetting I don’t get any because haha pmd dead community, but, PLEASE, if you have worldbuilding questions or anything really I will literally go on for HOURS about it.
 For the most part, no.
 I wouldn’t care because I’d usually point them towards another literally amazing tm Grovyle roleplayer but sadly most of them have disappeared and I fuckin’ miss em.
 Honestly, I don’t need someone to tell me my character and how I play them is hot garbage because I always tell myself that every fucking day

Do it, Cowards, it helps the both of us in the long run.
If you get past the fact that I will literally gush about my muses to you all day, every day, without stopping, and share with you ideas, thoughts, plotting ideas, and more, without stopping, just like with how much I love my muses and your muses, then yes, I am easy going.
I’m kinda just, fucking vibrating with ideas with really only like at max 10 people to share them with? (In the tumblr side of things, at least) I usually don’t get to be this active in my hobbies because s o m e o n e in my life is the worst person ever.
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