#aka sad selwyn kane quotes
brianakane · 6 months
Selwyn "no one needs as much therapy as I do" Kane
"You called me a monster once." "Maybe you were right. It looks like I can from one."
~ Legendborn, page 363
"An unreadable expression crossed Sel's face. An emotion that could become words if given the chance, but he presses his lips into a line, burying it. "I should go""
~ Bloodmarked, page 57
"Sel's standards for his own behaviour are terribly high, it's true-and they come at a terrible cost. I can't help but think of Sel's self-recrimination. His acceptance of Erebus's charges of negligence."
~ Bloodmarked, page 208
"Only a monster could look at you and want to destroy you, Bree."
~ Bloodmarked, page 368
"I turn back to see him standing there, the fallen angel I know, more demon than ever. Not from how he appears, but by what he's done."
~ Bloodmarked, page 370
""Yes you are!" The muscles work in his jaw. His eyes shine-he blinks it away. "You are. You just have to hold on a little longer, Bree. For me-""
~ Bloodmarked, page 405
"Then, it clicks: Sel didn't caution Nick about trusting him to protect me. He cautioned Nick about trusting him with me. Because Sel doesn't trust himself with me, either."
~ Bloodmarked, page 464
"There. You understand now. You can see how, for any merlin-even a weak one-raised as a human among humans, the greatest punishment would be to cast us out of the order's service. Force us to witness our own regression. To strip a merlin powerful enough to earn the title of kingsmags of that same title would mean taking them away from their charge. Cutting them off from the immense connective power of that Oath. It's a penalty so severe that it's never been done before"
~ Legendborn, page 342
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