#aka his charitable nature and as one who keeps his vows
sundescended · 2 years
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/  Sometimes I think about the fact that to follow his dharma, karna declined the chance to be announced king and have the kingdom of the entire world (as eldest of the Pandavas), Krishna, a ‘good’ family name, and even his own mother Kunti
#thinking about how k.arna followed his dharma till the end#as far as i understand; dharma does not really translates into 'evil' or 'good' as we tend to understand it#k.arna is a character who follows the path of dharma a lot of times in the epic yet also does adharmic actions as well#thinking about;;#k.arna being by the side of the 'unrighteous' aka Duryodhana despite k.arna himself being aware of this fact#dharma is something that goes beyond what is 'man made' its something intrinsic#its something that is innate basically#our internal duty#example of this through k.arna is that his destiny was to honor his titles as daanaveera and as Vrisha#aka his charitable nature and as one who keeps his vows#amongst others#we see the first one as example; when he donates his armor and earing away despite having to lit cut it off his body#the second when he promises his mother that on the war he will not slain any of his other brothers except a.rjuna; so at the end#his mother will still have 5 children (As either he or a.rjuna will die)#(which he -did- know he was going to die anyways but went on regardless)#and i think thats a very clear example of him following his dharma#its like;; fire giving warmth and light#its natural for fire to do so#its what fire has to do naturally; its intrinsic to fire#if k.arna went against these things; he would be following an adharmic path#so it sounds kind of contradictory considering he followed a path that did not follow god's way yet at the same time#he was following his intrinsic nature#so that's why i feel the concept of dharma and k.arna is a lil more complicated than calling it following 'good' or 'evil' paths#yet k.arna did do adharmic actions as well bc he is human too#and it happened in many occasions and that is why he is not innocent nor pure hearted and why it brought him unhappiness as well#THONKS#i think its so so interesting#and it adds so much depth to his character#k.arna is so much more than 'goodest sunboi' or 'pure innocent man who did nothing wrong'#or in f.ate's context; 'haha he doesnt understand indirects and jokes'
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volubrjotr · 8 years
  Iran sends massive food shipment to Syrians suffering from three years of war.
Iran has sent 30,000 tons of food supplies to the impoverished Syrians who have been suffering from a [CIA] extremist-marked insurgency for three years, Syrian state media has reported.
State TV said Tuesday that the massive shipment has arrived at a port on the Mediterranean Sea. The aid comes as the United Nations warned of a major food drought in Syria that could leave millions of people struggle with hunger.
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The drought could cut wheat production in the country’s northwest breadbasket to a record low of 1.7 million to 2 million metric tons, the World Food Program said.
“WFP is concerned about the impact of a looming drought hitting the northwest of the country – mainly Aleppo, Idlib, and Hama, with rainfall less than half of the long term average (since September) and potentially major impacts on the next cereal harvest,” WFP spokeswoman Elisabeth Byrs told a news briefing in Geneva on Tuesday.
Syria sank into war in 2011 when pro-reform [CIA] protests turned into a massive insurgency following the intervention of Western [Rothschild NWO] and regional states. The unrest, which took in [CIA] terrorist groups from across Europe [E.U.], the Middle East [Muslim Brotherhood] and North Africa [Muslim Brotherhood], has transpired as one of the bloodiest conflicts in recent history.
Russia & The Catholic Church Bring Humanitarian Aid To  Syria!
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A Russian airplane carrying 32 tons of assorted types of aid, including food, milk for infants, canned goods, sugar and assorted supplies, arrived on Monday in al-Bassel Airport in Lattakia.
Director of operations at the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry, Valeri Chekov, told journalists that this aid is timed to arrive before the New Year holidays, which unfortunately coincide this year the terrorist attacks which claimed the lives of innocent Russian civilians in the city of Volgograd.
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Chekov said this aid is a gesture expressing the support of the Russian people and government for the Syrian people, voicing hope that the crisis in Syria will end soon.
In turn, Lattakia Governor Ahmad Sheikh Abdelkader lauded the positions of the Russian people and government in support of Syria and its people in the face of terrorism.
Syrian Free Press
The Catholic Church
The Pontifical Council Cor Unum, which coordinates Catholic relief operations around the world, released data on aid given so far to Catholic organizations assisting in relief efforts in Syria.
The Pontifical Council stated that $72 million has so far been allocated to Catholic humanitarian organizations in Syria and in neighboring regions. Aid has also been provided to assist refugees present in Lebanon, Jordan Turkey, Iraq, Cyprus and Egypt.
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“The Catholic Church, and the local Churches present on the territory have been committed, since the beginning of the crisis in 2011, in the constant endeavor of furnishing humanitarian aid to the population hit by the tragedy of the internal war in Syria,” a communique by the Pontifical Council stated.
“Pope Francis has followed with particular closeness and attention the evolution of the crisis and the work of assistance carried out by the charitable agencies, which were received in audience in the course of the meeting organized by the Pontifical Council Cor Unum.”
The Pontifical Council has made known that efforts have been made to assure that aid is provided to those in need. Information related to the needs of the population have been difficult to obtain, prompting “a sporadic nature of aid” sent to those on the ground.
The difficulties prompted a meeting held in June to organize humanitarian efforts which are now headed by Caritas Middle East-North Africa, whose headquarters are located in Beirut, Lebanon.
The Beirut office “will have the task of understanding and monitoring the entity of aid gathered and of sharing the necessary information among all the institutions involved, including those not present at the Cor Unum meeting.”
In organizing relief efforts with a central office in the Middle East, the Pontifical Council Cor Unum stated that a more precise understanding of the humanitarian needs of the population will benefit those suffering in Syria.
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