#aka declans uncle
potionboy3 · 6 months
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been thinking of making another rovere family member but i'm not sure of what year he would be born... so here's yet another concept.
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Making a post to keep all my @whumptober stuff together. All of this is subject to change (okay I guess some of it not all lol). I’ll add links as I post each day. Still working on ideas for the blank slots. The rest are at least WIP stages and some are done ✔️
Feel free to share any prompts or ideas of what you’d want to see! Esp on the blank days.
Jamie gets a concussion falling out of a tree trying to save Dauphine the cat.
Jamie is sick and Dani takes care of him.
Ted helps Rebecca through a migraine.
Jamie is injured during the decoy play (Part 1/2)*
Jamie and the team are caught in an earthquake while spending a night out. (Part 1/2)
Jamie finds out the real reason for his father’s sobriety (Fuck Jamie’s Dad)
Jamie is jumped in an alleyway. Sam takes care of him.
Part 2/2 of Jamie is injured during an earthquake.
Jamie is injured during that first rough practice when he returned to the team, hides it and doesn’t handle it well when it’s discovered.
Jamie breaks his phone hiking.
Jamie has a nightmare at an away match and Declan comforts him.
Mom City introspective.
Roy gets an appendicitis.
Jamie, Isaac and a few others take a boat trip that almost takes a turn for the worse.
Jamie hides an injury post first West Ham match so he doesn’t lose more ground to Zava (Part 1/3)
Jamie hides an injury post first West Ham match so he doesn’t lose more ground to Zava (Part 2/3)
Jamie sprains his neck attempting a trick on a playground to impress Phoebe.
Ted steps in when he sees Jamie with his Dad in the season finale but when Jamie goes back to Manchester that night his father isn’t happy at being interrupted.
Jamie hides an injury post first West Ham match so be doesn't lose more ground to Zava (Part 3/3)
Jamie has a minor slip down the stairs and thinks he’ll miss celebrating his birthday. (Happy Birthday Jamie Tartt 🥳)
Jamie doesn't show up for training in 1x06 after James paid him a visit after he was pulled from the match (as requested by @vigilanteavengerqueen and part 1/3)
Jamie & Roy are in a car accident. (Part 1/3)
Jamie is injured during the decoy play. (Part 2/2)
Roy hadn’t meant to hit him, he really hadn’t.*
Jamie doesn’t show up for training in 1x06 after James paid him a visit after he was pulled from the match (Part 3/3)*
The car had come from nowhere and disappeared just as quickly.*
Jamie has his tonsils out.*
A look at Roy Kent and his sister’s relationship from her marriage through her divorce, the first Uncle’s Day and his retirement.
Roy reflects on the end of his career and Richmond’s relegation.*
Keeley faints from overworking and Roy & Jamie are there to take care of her thanks for the request!
in the morning i’m bulletproof chapter 8/epilogue aka Rupert Mannion takes Jamie out before the final game of the season.
* means I used an alternative prompt so could be moved around
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arsenalgbt · 3 days
ben and baby ethan part 4: in which mummy is down with flu :(
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It’s a nasty kind of summertime flu, and Ben has to leave Ethan under Declan and Kai’s care. Kieran and Leo are on a holiday to Belgium with their kids, and Declan boasts that he’s been well-acquainted with Kai’s five-year-old stepbrother, aka The Big Spider. Ethan is a much calmer toddler; they will get along just fine.
Later that night, Declan sends a photo of Ethan sleeping on his side, mouth open, and one chubby hand on top of Kai’s bump.
The next day, Ethan is busy colouring on the floor with Kai’s dogs on either side of him like cute gargoyles. Ben demands a FaceTime right after Declan sends him that exact picture. Kai is in the background, lying on the sofa with his ankles elevated on a bunch of cushions, eating crunchy pretzels with hummus. He’s due in a couple of weeks tops.
“Ethan, look who’s calling,” Declan says, gently brushing Ethan’s hair to get his attention.
Ethan frowns, but once it clicks that it’s his Mummy, he grins toothily, staring at the screen with his big brown eyes, probably wondering why it is Mummy on the other side and not Pops and Nana.
“Do you want to show Mummy what you’ve been working on?” Declan says from where he’s contorted next to the German shepherd.
Ethan nods, pointing at his colouring book. “Lions. Zebras. Giraffes. Rhinos.”
“Good job, baby,” Ben coos. “What did you eat for breakfast? Tell Mummy.”
“Eggs, yummy.” Ethan answers, climbing onto Declan’s lap and rearranging the phone so he can see Ben better. “Uncle Kai eggs.”
Kai waves, grinning.
“Aww, thank you Uncle Kai. And what else did you have, baby?”
“Banana milk.”
“Banana milk?” Ben gasps because how wonderful! He’s not sure he ever tried banana milk. “Did you like it?”
Ethan nods. “Can I have again, Uncle Declan?” he asks, craning his neck. Declan agrees, kissing his cheek. “Thank you. Mummy wants?”
Ben can’t help but coo. His son is just the best. “That sounds yummy, of course.”
“It’s homemade, don’t worry,” Declan chimes in, “it’s not sweet.”
“Thanks, Decs.”
“Nah. But how are you? How’s the flu?”
“I’m still aching everywhere. Nose’s cleared, though.” Ben sighs, pouring hot water from a Thermos into a glass of Evian. “Thanks so much for doing this. Let’s see if I’m better tomorrow.”
“Was thinking of taking Ethan to Legoland tomorrow,” Declan answers, “if that’s alright?”
“Ohhh, baby, did you hear that?” Ben says after drinking the warm water. “We’ve never been. Will Kai be okay? Or is he staying home?”
“I would love to, but Declan won’t let me,” Kai answers, pouting. “He is a child whisperer now, Ben. I’m not biased, I promise.”
Ben and Declan laugh. Ethan smiles.
“Yes, baby?”
“Your nose is red, Mummy.”
“It is, isn’t it?”
Ethan stares and stares, touching the screen with a chubby, curious finger.
“Yes, baby?”
“Are you okay, Mummy? I can sing for you.”
Kai literally bawls, hands over his mouth, and Declan hugs Ethan tighter, swaying him, kissing his cheek again.
Ben doesn’t remember the last time he’s been smiling this long, heart full of love and nothing else.
previous parts here!
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canirove · 2 years
Declan Rice Imagine | two | Christmas Edition 🎄✨
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"C'mon, let's go meet Father Christmas" a woman says.
"No, I don't want to!" her kid replies.
"You won't receive any presents if you don't tell him about them."
"I don't care!" the kid says, not moving from the spot where he was standing.
"Ma'am, you can come later, we don't mind" I say. I've been working as Father's Christmas elf for a week now, and I've lost count of all the kids who don't want to meet him. Some are scared, some are too old for it, and some simply don't give a shit. But their parents insist, and it usually ends with screams, kids crying, and me wanting to murder someone. Mostly the adults.
"But we've been queueing for twenty minutes! We are getting our photo with Father Christmas whether he likes it or not!" the woman says, picking her kid on her arms while he screams.
"Ok then" I sigh. 
Once the 5 minutes they are allowed to stay with Father Christmas are over, we haven't managed to get a proper photo, and the kid's screams can be heard from the other side of the country.
"Ma'am, you need to leave, it's someone else's turn."
"But the photo..."
"Next!" I shout, the security guard guiding them outside.
"C'mon uncle Dec, it's our turn!" a little boy says.
"Hi" I say.
"I'm Ron, and this is my uncle Dec" he says, looking up towards the owner of the hand who is holding hers.
"Nice to meet you Ron and..." but I'm not able to say anything else. My brain has collapsed and forgotten how speaking works, only being able to stare. Stare at one of the most handsome men I have ever seen.
"Can we go in, elf? " Ron asks.
"Elf..." I mutter, still looking at whoever this man is.
"You are the elf" he says.
"Am I?"
"You are, yes" he says with a smile that makes my knees feel like jelly.
"Elf, are they coming in or not?" Father Christmas says behind me.
"Yes, yes, sorry" I say, finally managing to look at something else, my cheeks burning.
"Come here, little one. What's your name?" Father Christmas asks Ron. Ron and his uncle Dec. Dec. What kind of name is that? But it sounds nice. I can see myself marrying a Dec, starting a family...
"Elf, it's time for the photo."
"The photo" Father Christmas says, rolling his eyes.
"Oh, yes, sorry" I say, coming back to reality once again and picking up the Polaroid camera.
"Say Merry Christmas!"
"Merry Christmas!" Ron and his uncle repeat after me.
"There you go" I say, giving him the photo. "You look so handsome, Ron. And you are ok too, I guess."
"Just ok?" his uncle laughs, making me feel all fuzzy inside.
"Yes, just ok" I shrug. Why am I starting to flirt with him now? When they are leaving? I am such an idiot.
"Thank you for everything, elf."
"You're welcome, uncle Dec" I reply with a smirk before they walk away, wishing that he would do like on the movies and look back at me. 
"Can we go in or are you gonna keep longing for that boy?" a woman says behind me.
"Sorry, sorry. Please come in" I say, trying to focus on my job and not on the cute guy I just met. Though before I do that, I search for him one last time... And there he is, looking at me with that smile that makes want to do things I should not be thinking about when there are kids around.
"This has been the longest day ever" I say after getting changed.
"It wasn't that bad" says Peter, aka, Father Christmas.
"Most kids were crying or shouting like their lives depended on it. I think I lost some hearing with that ginger one who kicked you."
"That little devil... I think I already have a bruise. But not everything has been bad, you know?"
"Hasn't it?" I chuckle.
"Look over there" he says, nodding to my right.
"No way" I whisper when I see the person standing next to the huge Christmas tree.
"Go talk to him, don't just stay there like an idiot" Peter says, giving me a little push.
"Uncle Dec?" I call as I approach him.
"Hello, elf" he smiles.
"What are you doing here?"
"I... I wanted to see you again" he shrugs, his cheeks turning a bright shade of pink. He is so cute. "I thought about coming tomorrow, but I only have one nephew available, and if I bring him back, my brother will start asking too many questions. Then I thought about coming alone, but that would be a bit creepy, wouldn't it? I'm too old to meet Father Christmas."
"Oh, you'll be surprised" I laugh.
"Do I want to ask?"
"No, you don't."
"Ok" he laughs. "After that, my next option was to come back today during closing time, and hope your shift hadn't ended already. Looks I was lucky."
"You were, yes."
"So..." he says, scratching the back of his head. "Can I buy you a drink? Dinner? Both?"
"A drink sounds like heaven right now" I say. "And if you are able to cheer me up after such a long day, you can buy me dinner later and tell me what kind of name Dec is."
"Ok" he laughs again. "Should we go then... Elf?"
"After you... Uncle Dec" I say, thinking that, maybe, this stupid job wasn't such a bad idea after all.
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Title: The Love Study
Author: Kris Ripper
Genre: Fiction | Romance | Friendship | Drama | LGBTQ+
Content Warnings: Anxiety
Overall Rating: 9.8/10
Personal Opinion: I appreciate this story exactly as it is, a tale about two people who don’t fit in with society’s expectations of commitment and dating and creates their own rules. Because that’s what it is. The budding relationship between Declan and Sidney is slow burn and enrapturing. You will be screaming for Declan to get his shit together and rooting for Sidney’s overall happiness.
Couple Classification: Declan Swick-Smith X Sidney = Nerd X Nerd
Do I Own This Book? Nope.
Spoilers Below For My Likes & Dislikes:
- I appreciate this story exactly as it is, a tale about two people who don’t fit in with society’s expectations of commitment and dating and creates their own rules. Because that’s what it is. Marriage isn’t for Declan and Sidney. Even dating isn’t for them either. But they do love each other. So even if they can’t call each other dates or partners, that’s okay. They don’t have to define their own relationship the way others would because that puts an unnecessary pressure on their thing and they don’t want that. They just want to do the things they want. Hang out, have sex, watch movies, work in silence together, cook for each other, etc. It’s cute and I like that unique perspective into love and the emphasis on how important it is to find what works for you, not everyone else.
- I also completely agree with Sidney, communication is the most important thing to fixing and sorting out their issues. I am so glad they had that deep talk after Declan’s panic attack because it was sorely needed.
- Not to mention the emphasis on seeking help when you need it. Declan is going back to his old therapist because he knows his panic attacks aren’t going to go away. And I love that Mason and Mia reminded him that he can always count on them. 
- The Marginalized Motherfuckers are such a good friend group with their great variety of different identities and neurodivergences. And they’re so loving to each other. When Ronnie and Mia got all sappy, calling the guys their family, I teared up a little too. Then we also had the scene when the guys were all trying on their rental suits and Oscar felt like he looked like a marshmallow because he’s plus-sized. And the way Declan and Mason just immediately hit on him to prove that he’s sexy was just so sweet and hilarious of them.
- The dialogue felt weird to me at first. I think it’s because I’ve grown accustomed to the way most adults talk in novels that I completely forgot how I talk to my own adult friends. The way conversation flows between the Marginalized Motherfuckers is exactly how it goes in real life. For me anyway. So I think it was actually really well done. Once I remembered how actual people talked anyway.
- I also relate heavily to Sidney’s inability to keep a friend group. I also have a lot of trouble connecting to people and I usually don’t put in the effort to keep them around. But I don’t like being alone either. I don’t know, I like that Sidney just felt like such a real person to me. But I also love that they don’t compromise their own principles just to make people like them. They also give some great advice as the Spinster Uncle. AKA Spunk.
- I also love the progression of Declan’s and Jack’s working relationship. It was sweet the way they cared when the other was going through it.
- I was unsure about Declan at first because he’s introduced to us as the guy who abandoned his last boyfriend at the altar. But seeing how Mason is still good friends with him, I think I can let it pass. Especially because they have such a cute, affectionate friendship that I truly respect.
- I don’t like that Declan couldn’t communicate with Sidney and instead just ran off and shut him out for a whole week. But I get it, mental health is shit and we all have those days. Or weeks. Just glad he resolved to do better. 
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dyeyourhandsblue · 5 years
a miscellaneous and out of order compilation of every arc/plot point introduced in cdth just for my own future reference:
- adam lying about his past to the crying club - adam being seen by the lace - what the heck is the lace - adam not answering his phone in the end - adam’s powers being described as being tuned in to the world instead of people, differentiating him from other psychics.... hmmmmm (visionary adam???) - ronan’s loneliness - ronan feeling less than for not being all that fit for civilized society, and feeling like he’s unable to change - his conflicting feelings for the barns (he loves it but doesnt want to be confined to it) - both adam and ronan are dealing with the change vs being stuck thing, they want to become new better versions of themselves but they dont know how to go abt that or what it even means; at the same time they’re worried abt the other changing too much and leaving them behind - the vision about the end of the world, caused by fire (supposed dreamed up fire) (caused by a supposed dreamer) (but is it really) - “real” aurora and “copy” niall - bryde’s entire deal (i don’t trust him) - liliana’s entire deal (i trust her) - carmen being conflicted abt the moderators? potential heel face turn? potential carmen/liliana????? (PLEASE) - hey jordan and hennessy are bi can hennessy get a gf - matthew finding out he’s a dream - the dreams’ visions/restlessness/wanting to walk away towards an unspecified place (ley line??) - the declan/matthew/jordan and ronan/hennessy/bryde split - ronan and hennessy are on the run now? - oh we still don’t know who was the mysterius woman in the opal short story (real aurora???????) - ronan’s aunt and uncle who we misteriously never heard about before but suddenly get fond mentions and even a quote. SUSPICIOUS. maybe it’s the aunt who’s the mysterious woman @ opal short story?? - the lace wants to come out (kinda like the trk demon?) but is afraid of bryde (???? i mean me too but) - liliana was/is looking for hennessy? - the whole magic vs society thing - visionaries pretty much being a type of time travelers??????? and what liliana appearing in a old body means (aka she lives until that age, aka she prob survives the apocalypse, but what does that mean exactly + what does that mean for carmen) - the women and the masks @ fairy market. they say they already saw ronan, which could be about clone niall, but then they ask what mask is ronan wearing, which i dont think would make sense if they really were talking about clone niall? so what are they talking abt? - ronan’s dream about adult adam. is the adult adam really just a psychological ronan thing, or is it foreshadowing about something else (VISIONARY AD-- ok ill stop) - ronan and hennessy want to save their dreams by finding a way to wake up dreams even if the dreamer is dead/severe that connection between dreamer and dream - ronan gave adam a watch that shows the time where RONAN is, aka at some point they’ll be at different timezones (or.... time in general....?) - declan spotlighting the things he wants vs what he MUST do through the entire book, and hinting at how someday he’ll snap - is the end of cdth him snapping, or is there more to come? if i forgot something yall can add to the list, ill probably be updating this as i think of new things (and reread cdth)
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spacepanda7 · 5 years
The "I Had The Worst YA Father/Father Figure" Award
Contenders include:
Simon Snow: his father, of whom Simon was unaware, thought he was fundamentally broken and spent his whole life trying to "fix" him. to his father, he was less a son and more a solution.
Adam Parrish: his father beat him. made him deaf in his left ear. left unchecked, he might have killed him.
Declan Lynch: his father thrust him into the magical mob world, blatantly favored his other son, and treated him less like a son and more like a reluctant business partner.
Riko Moriyama: his birth father didn't even bother to meet him. his father figure/uncle abused him, manipulated him and let his psychotic tendencies run wild.
Neil Josten (aka Nathaniel Wesninski): his father was a serial killer and a family abuser except with knives, bullets, and hot irons in addition to fists. tried to kill his son on multiple occasions, both before and after selling his son.
Nicky Hemmick: his father was a priest who sent his son to conversion therapy, cut him off when he stopped going, and allowed his cousin to be raped.
Jude Duarte: her father figure murdered her actual parents. loved her and taught her strength and murderous tendencies but also tried to take over the world and tried to kill her when she stood against him. then he turned her sister against her.
Cardan Greenbriar: his father shuffled him off to be cared for by his abusive older brother and didn't bother with him again.
Wylan Van Eck: his father thought his dyslexia was a fundamental flaw and when he couldn't be fixed, tried to kill him to make room for a new heir. also cheated his son's friends out of lots of money and was altogether a bastard, but that was less because of his being a father and more because that's just how he was.
Aelin Ashryver Galathynius: her father figure was a ruthless assassin who turned her into a ruthless assassin through such training methods as making her shut her hand in a door. also betrayed her, led to the death of her first love, and tried to kill her eventually.
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sloaneandrulis · 4 years
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Sloane Andrulis Biography
↬ Full name ↫
Sloane Zaina Alcmene Andrulis
↬ Nickname ↫
No one calls her nicknames really. She wouldn’t be opposed to S, or Slo. As long as they’re calling her slow.
↬ Birthday ↫
August 27th
↬ Birthplace ↫
↬ Zodiac ↫
↬ Height ↫
↬ Orientation ↫
Pansexual and panromantic
↬ Social Class ↫
Upper-middle. I mean she’s part God.
↬ Wealth ↫
Old money wealthy, Demi-god for a dad wealthy.
a p p e a r a n c e
↬ Tattoos ↫
No tattoos but she’s open to them.
↬ Piercing ↫
Lobes pierced, she wants more but is too scared of having a tick during the piercing session.
↬ Outfits ↫
If Sloane isn’t in a dress, there’s a problem. She wears pants when she rides her pegasus only.
↬ Accessories ↫
Ribbons and dainty jewelry.
p e r s o n a l i t y
↬ Normal mood ↫
Sloane looks like a soft, flower crown girl who would always be happy and throwing petals but she isn’t. Her mood is pretty neutral except for when she’s around people she really cares about.
↬ Temper ↫
Her temper isn’t awful but if you test her, she can lose it quickly.
↬ Discipline ↫
Sloane does not follow the rules, she pretends to but she doesn’t care much about them.
↬ Strengths ↫
She’s adequately strong physically and mentally, I’d say.
↬ Weaknesses ↫
People making fun of her Tourette’s or just genuinely being cruel to people she loves.
↬ Drive/dreams ↫
Sloane just wants to be accepted and not scrutinized and torn apart and be who she wants to be.
↬ Fears ↫
Losing control of her own body
↬ Likes ↫
boozy brunches, thunderstorms, alone time
↬ Dislikes ↫
her sorority sisters, being told what to do, having ticks in public
↬ Soft spot ↫
Her friends, she has walls up but for her friends oh baby she’d zap anyone’s ass for them.
↬ Depression ↫
thinking that no one could really love her cause of her Tourette’s.
↬ Inspiration ↫
She just wants to be free and be who she is without worrying about any one else’s opinion.
↬ Role model ↫
Her mom, she knows that Meg is a bad ass and acts like her but she is sensitive like her dad.
↬ Mental disorder ↫
No mental disorder, just Tourette’s.
↬ Habits ↫
accidentally burning holes into furniture that she’s gripping too hard when she’s pissed.
r a t i n g s
(5 Stars means very high strength, 1 star means very low strength aka weak)
↬ Psychological strength ↫
⭑⭑⭑⭑ - I’d say she’s got a strong mind. It’s hard to manipulate her but she can be very sensitive
↬ Physical strength ↫
⭑⭑⭑⭑⭑ - Five stars cause she’s got lightening on her side
↬ Leadership ↫
⭑⭑⭑ - She’s the VP of her sorority and can take leadership when she needs to, she just prefers not to.
↬ Wisdom ↫
⭑⭑⭑⭑ -Sloane likes to be helpful and she can look at things from a logical point of view but she’s not stone hearted.
↬ Intelligence ↫
⭑⭑⭑⭑ - She’s smart, does well in her classes, just doesn’t feel passionate about them
↬ Confidence ↫
⭑⭑⭑ - Her confidence went even more to shit after the stunt that Kennedy pulled and she just feels like she’ll never be good enough. Not in the eyes of Zeus and not in any guy she might like.
↬ Endurance ↫
⭑⭑⭑⭑ - Sloane is a pretty stable person but is adaptable.
r e l a t i o n s h i p s
↬ Father ↫
↬ Mother ↫
↬ Siblings ↫
Declan, Theodore, and Craig
↬ Other relatives ↫
All of the greek gods and goddesses so their kids and so on and so forth. Rose is the most notable though. They’re cousins!
↬ Enemies ↫
Kennedy Mainhard and Grant LeGrand
↬ Rivals ↫
Her siblings but not by choice but because Zeus makes them compete for who is the best
↬ Friends ↫
Nolan, Evie, Rose, Ben, Jacob, Chase, Kai.
↬ Best friend ↫
Evie is her best friend and she doesn’t mind that she’s not Evie’s best friend.
↬ Love interest ↫
Nolan White but they’re “just friends”
↬ Marital status ↫
↬ Children ↫
↬ Pets ↫
Arcalix, her pegasus!
p a s s - t i m e
↬ Hobbies ↫
She goes to the barn and spends time with Arcalix 
↬ Talents ↫
Sloane can light candles and bonfires without matches
↬ Sports ↫
Gods no
↬ Classes ↫
Sloane is a Philosophy major and she may be cheating a little but it’s okay, and a history minor.
↬ Occupation ↫
She’s a full time student but she does a lot of volunteer philanthropic work with the sorority.
h o m e   l i f e
↬ Location ↫
Sloane’s home is at the base of Mount Olympus, but she does have a room at her grandfather’s.
↬ House size ↫
The house is a mansion. With a demi-god father and three brothers, they needed to have a big house but it was nothing compared to what’s on Mount Olympus.
↬ House type ↫
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↬ Level of luxury ↫
It’s pretty luxurious and Sloane is not ignorant of the privilege she has.
↬ Outdoor description ↫
It’s all very Grecian, and it has tons of stone fountains/sculptures and lots of water.
↬ Indoor description ↫
The Grecian style continues inside, it’s very classic.
↬ Bedroom description ↫
Her room is always clean because it’s her safe space. It’s filled with vinyls and lights and pillows cause she wants to be cozy.
L I F E    S T O R Y
↬ Age 0-12 ↫
Sloane is the second oldest in her family, and with all of her siblings within eight years of each other they’re extremely close. It wasn’t until she was five years old that her powers of electrokinesis showed up. The same year, Declan’s powers of incredible strength appeared too. From then on, they were always watched heavily by her grandfather, Zeus, and their powers were tested against one another’s. Both of them encouraged their younger brothers to keep their powers a secret if they ever did develop. To this day, Theodore and Craig claim to be completely mortal.
↬ Age 13-18 ↫
While Sloane was diagnosed with Tourette’s Syndrome at the same time her powers showed up, her ticks didn’t become a real problem until after puberty. Having her Uncle Ares call her Tourette’s a curse to balance out her gift didn’t help matters much. She didn’t tell anyone about the diagnosis, and instead distanced herself heavily from her classmates in hopes they didn’t notice her motor ticks.
↬ Age 19-30 (or 25) ↫
Once getting to college, Sloane found herself lonely. Her mother encouraged her to join the sorority because she was a legacy (literally in both ways). She did join and ended up making a few friends, but it wasn’t until she became close with Evie, Rose, Ben, and Nolan that she felt like she found her people. 
↬ Darkest secret ↫
Sloane once walked in on her brother Theodore practicing his powers and she has told not a single soul, not even him that she knows about them.
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deepdaleducks · 5 years
Your mutuals as preston players 💕
Emma. @dancefaeries - Paul Gallagher. The dad of the team. He’s been around forever and so knows the club inside out. He’s there for wisdom and guidance and knows his way around the pitch. He’s always there to stand up for the youngens and knows when to pull people away if they’re getting too involved. Like Paul, Emma is always there to give advice and encouragement. Similarly, she’s also Ben Pearson (aka Mr Yellow Card), she’s learned from the best (Eric Dier) and will defend her friends whenever they need it. She speaks her mind and is at times, brutally honest. Personally I wouldn’t like to see Emma on a football pitch because it would be Crop City. She’d definitely cut a bitch if necessary.
Chlo. @forza-atleti - Patrick Bauer. The giant. The one you can rely on. He cleans up the mess when everyone else fucks up and he prevents any mess that Declan Rudd could make. He’s the first head on any ball into the box and he’s the last line of defence when it’s on the ground. Chlo is always there to stop things going to shit and will calm anyone down when they think its all gone to crap. You could have known her six minutes and it will feel like a life time. At times I wonder what my life was like before Chlo, similarly to how I wonder how Preston had any form of defence before Pat showed up in the summer. 
Mila. @trentalexanders - Callum Robinson (I know he left in the summer but he fits so well). The sunshine. Callum could light up any room and stadium with his energy. His smile is brighter than the sun and he is full of life. He had so much talent, which was evident as he’s moved up to the big leagues now, but he often struggled to believe in himself and his ability and just needed a bit of a confidence boost. I think Mila reflects that but some day she’ll take off all her stabilisers and cycle off into the sunset because she’ll out grow us all. 
Alice. @shockingtha David Nugent. The fun uncle. He’s like the dad but he’ll get you in trouble too. He’s a dreamer. He’s got history with the club and so he has aspirations for it to be something more. He knows the ins and outs of the club and the people. He’s got the knowledge needed to guide others and advise them. Like David, Alice is wise beyond her years and will support any friend in need of help. She’s level headed and can talk through any issue with you but won’t be afraid to let you drift off to the clouds in dreams for something more. She’s a believer at heart. Oh and Nugent is the reason I learned my 5 times tables and Alice is always there to help you with any learning issue or grammar question.
Laila. @yessdmnxix7 - Tom Barkhuizen. The sneak attack. A lot of the time I forget he’s on the pitch. I’m unobservant as fuck and I can’t really process a lot of visual information at once, but I just never really notice he’s there. Then out of no where. BAM. He’s running with the ball making a forty yard sprint on goal. He comes out of no where and gives the team a chance. Laila is in the shadows at times like Tom. She’s lurking around like a neighbourhood cat who shows up when she wants to but when she shows up BOY does she show up. She’s a pocket sized firecracker and can always be counted on for a bit of excitement. Plus Barky just signed a new deal a few months ago so much like Laila, he’s gonna be around for a while #WIFE
pls appreciate this was difficult to do as most pne players have less personality than a barn door. it’s also late and i’m supposed to be writing the final 800 words of a 3000 word essay but #yolo as the kids used to say. 
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softgrungeprophet · 6 years
Flash Thompson’s Wheelchair:
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a post consolidated from/based on my discord ramblings about what kind of chair he SHOULD be using (like the one above):
To preface: here is a link to my personal photo refs, including the ones i used in this post:
(fixed and updated link, as it was broken)
there are photos of wheelchairs, prosthetic legs, and a few miscellaneous things in there like wheel covers and a cane. these are the refs that i use when i draw flash :) this stuff is for reference/research, i don’t own any of them, and most if not all of them are probably not public domain just fyi. they’re refs i use for drawing that i’ve compiled online but honestly i recommend you try to do your own research.
Most artists draw flash in a fully collapsible hospital-style wheelchair with no padding, a high back with handles, very high armrests, etc.
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(From Rick Remender’s Agent Venom run, aka Venom vol 2, issue.... 7 i think? It’s been a couple months, so I don’t remember the exact issue. Flash may be in a hospital in this scene but he’s visiting someone else, so he shouldn’t be using a chair that looks like that... but hey, the removal of the footrest show some thought and it was clearly referenced from a photo... it’s even pretty compact)
He should have, ideally, a dedicated wheelchair that's made for active adults that won't tip over or hurt his ass or his arms. imagine reaching around those armrests every fucking day, all day, just to move around. he’s under 35, he’s an athlete, he shouldn’t be in a chair that almost requires someone to push him around to avoid literally injuring himself.
High armrests like that are for people who don’t propel themselves, usually (or they can’t afford a more active chair) (shit’s expensive and a lot of insurance plans don’t cover “durable medical equipment” of any kind, though a decent wheelchair tends to cost much, much less than a decent pair of prosthetic legs)
He should have, imo, a rigid or semif-rigid frame with a low (cushioned) back and no handles (though some people have handles installed if they have upper body injuries, like my uncle as he’s gotten older, but i don’t think this applies to flash), and either mudguards instead of arm rests or very low armrests like in the first picture, as well as a THICK seat cushion. i've never seen him with any seat cushion at all, ever. his poor ass. his poor tailbone.
Chances are Flash’s wheelchair would be rigid or partially collapsible--with a foldable back and removable wheels but a rigid body. but there are different kinds of rigid and collapsible and semi-collapsible wheelchairs... so it could be something else.
Here’s a Wolturnus Hawk which is what I personally like to reference when I draw him.
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That seat cushion is very square (presumably the default cushion?) but there are different kinds of cushions out there including molded/contoured cushions.
He should also have some kind of shelf or hammock or rack to stow stuff under the seat instead of just wearing his backpack on his chest (tho that was a good detail and declan shalvey has a good handle on body language imo). His cushion might have pockets in the lining as well--that’s fairly common.
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(source) just one example—there are other kinds, too. My uncle has a stretchy net underneath his seat.
I also think that while Flash doesn’t NEED foot rests (since he has no feet), he’d still have them once he starts using prosthetic legs; because even when he’s proficient using prostheses later on, it doesn’t seem unlikely for him to need to take occasional breaks or want to take his legs off while already in the chair etc... especially as it seems to me that, despite learning to use prosthetic legs early on, he did not actually use them consistently for a very long time so his mobility in the legs might be less than someone who had been using them the whole time. so having a footrest in that case would be very useful.
plus if you look it up it sounds like footrests can be a useful way to carry luggage on a wheelchair so i could see him doing that. but lots of chairs have footrests that you can remove or put back on so he could always take it off and put it back later.
and here is a section from Web of Spiderman 2009 issue 8 (thx tye) which i’ve just added to that folder too, showing a GOOD example....
using this pic again:
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look! the wheels are slightly angled, the frame is curved and slim, and it’s fitted to his body! no tall armrests to obstruct him, either.
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look at the low back, no handles--no one can just grab him and push him around. (as i mentioned, some people do have handles! flash being a young, athletic man with few health problems and considerable upper body strength? unlikely) And again, the frame curves down to those small offset front wheels on the footrest.
(i was not joking about people grabbing him and pushing him around btw, even without handles people do and will attempt to bodily move wheelchair users without their permission. don’t do that. you wouldn’t pick up a random adult and move them out of your way, would you? wheelchair users are people, not furniture.)
compare to the panel on the right which is clearly a stiff, uncomfortable chair, all straight lines and right angles, probably fully collapsible, with a high back and handles--from when he first lost his legs and Peter picked him up from the airport, and he probably didn’t own a chair yet. Not a chair for daily use. I’ve sat in hospital wheelchairs—they are fucking uncomfortable.
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look at it!!
and real quick here’s how his chair looked (not so good) in the Bunn/Shalvey Agent Venom comics:
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High back.... handles...... high armrests... fucking massive (probably heavy too)..... a collapsible, cheap  wheelchair, most likely, and just.... really not what he should have been using and obviously not what he was using in Web of Spider-Man, published only a few years earlier. (However it does resemble the chair he was using in the previous Agent Venom comics, which is probably why Shalvey drew it like that...)
It does feel especially weird, though, because Shalvey seems to have a good eye for detail when it comes to everything else; when it comes to the way Flash moves, the clothes he wears, how he wears his backpack... and he clearly uses a reference to draw it. But he’s just using the wrong kind of chair:
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it IS interesting to note that in that panel the wheels are further back than some other drawings... which... it sounds like leg amputees do tend to have their wheels set further back to counteract the change in balance/weight, so i wonder if that was referenced from a photo of an amputee in a temporary or (comparatively) inexpensive wheelchair (if you look in the reference folder i linked i actually have a picture of a woman w/ an OTK amputation in a very similar looking wheelchair)...
(like i said, some people do have chairs like this for daily use, it’s just that especially for someone with a very active lifestyle they’re not the most practical, but there are a lot of factors—money, time, disability and activity level, core stability, whether you use the chair 24/7 or if it’s mostly for specific occasional things, etc.)
i will give declan shalvey props for including a bed trapeze in the end of remender’s run, though i am not sure if it would be strictly necessary for flash
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anyway that’s my piece.
wait here are my tags cause again i’m trying to not have twelve hundred tags when i can just put them in the post :
#this is not a post made by an expert and you should do your own research too  #but i did some basic research and spend a huge portion of my childhood and parts of the rest of my life around a man in a wheelchair
#so i know enough to at least be like ''hey where the fuck does flash put his stuff'' #and that he shouldn't be in a collapsible chair 
#even just googling ''active wheelchairs'' gets way better photo refs to use than the ones they've obviously been using
my photo refs use a Wolturnus Hawk btw, which is one of the higher quality/potentially pricier ones (also i think maybe german?) aka US$3000+, but there are all sorts out there... but like prosthetic legs they tend to have a similar build and silhouette.
#i ALSO considered that he might have leg support extensions from his seat but i think his amputations are high enough up the leg #that the seat should be enough room without the ends of his legs hanging off or needing extra support, but that’s totally a thing that exists.
 #also my ire is directed not at fans drawing his chair but at official adult men who are paid to draw and use photo refs
#but obviously not the right kinds of photo refs
(you should still try to reference real life mobility devices even as a fanartist though. not because it’s Your Job but because it’s considerate. because time and time again disabled people are dismissed and ignored, and the devices that give them bodily autonomy are not considered important. artists will spend hours drawing precisely accurate vehicles or horses or dragons or whatever else but the second it comes to a wheelchair or, god forbid, a prosthetic leg, it’s suddenly “i don’t need to use a reference for that, realism isn’t important and i can just make up whatever i want without learning anything about any mobility aids whatsoever” ...so i do ask you to stop and maybe spend a few minutes on google images or in the folder i linked before just deciding that you know what a prosthetic leg or a wheelchair looks like and how it works without doing any research... because the message you send when you draw pants tucked into sockets or ugly massive square wheelchairs or needlessly complex exposed robotics is that you don’t actually care enough to do the research. and that might not be the message you want to send.)
(pro-tip, when googling wheelchairs, try “ACTIVE wheelchair” or “rigid wheelchair” (though not all are rigid) instead of just “wheelchair” especially as stock photos (and movies etc) are hugely guilty of putting able-bodied actors into temporary collapsible wheelchairs rather than photograph irl wheelchair users)
(though again, like i said, there ARE people who use collapsible chairs for a variety of reasons; the problem is that artists, movies, stock photos, comics, etc. treat cheap unpadded folding chairs as the default and only style regardless of what the character in question would realistically be using.)
I give TWO passes Flash using a collapsible chair.
Superior Spider-Man: Superior Venom gets a pass (i know, i’m shocked too) because the chair Flash uses in that was literally stolen from a hospital... so it makes actual sense, plot-wise, for ramos to draw that.
The other pass goes to the comics that happen right after he lost his legs, where it makes sense for him not to have a nicer wheelchair yet:
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Hell, that chair might’ve even been supplied by the airport and ofc public wheelchairs like that are the same as hospital wheelchairs...
also as an aside the excuse of flash not having enough money for a nicer chair might have flown if he weren’t friends with Harry Osborn who bought him an entire apartment. I find it hard to believe Harry wouldn’t also buy him an active chair if he needed one or that his friends or other people would not fund-raise for him esp as he is a MEDAL OF HONOR RECIPIENT. (that’s also how i assume he got his blue prosthetic legs in the Stages of Grief mini, which are great btw, one of if not the only prosthetic legs he’s ever been drawn in that don’t look like complete dogshit) (asm800 were okay but literally the wrong amputation type so they don’t count)
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Callout post
Declan only has eath magic he just accedently sets things on fire with his broken wing, cause the magic is coming in but he cant hold in so its coming out the other end aka his broken wing and bata bing bata boom he sets a chair on fire
the whole accidental fire fairy thing?
uncle maddy just made a joke, even dec responded with a har har like thanks dude for making fun of ME ALMOST BURNING A CHAIR IT REALLY HURT
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ao3feed-pynch · 5 years
by Alyss_asleep
Today is not Declan's day; a flat pack furniture fiasco, a runaway niece and an unplanned visit from his more annoying brother.
Aka, Uncle Dec to the rescue.
Words: 6475, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Raven Cycle - Maggie Stiefvater
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Ronan Lynch, Adam Parrish, Declan Lynch, Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: Ronan Lynch/Adam Parrish, Declan Lynch & Ronan Lynch, Declan Lynch & Adam Parrish
Additional Tags: Ronan Lynch Loves Adam Parrish, Adam Parrish Loves Ronan Lynch, Established Relationship, Kid Fic, Family Feels, Fluff and Angst, Brother Feels, Past Abuse, Implied Sexual Content, Father-Daughter Relationship, Uncle-Niece Relationship, Adopted Children
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darkxkeyes-blog · 6 years
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Declan & Madeline Keyes Four children (Róisín, Nora, Saffron, Maddox)
The heads of a large extended immigrant family from the United Kingdom, Declan and Madeline sought out the valley and specifically the Church of Dark. The couple were solid practitioners and seemed to eagerly embrace the tenets of the Church. However, it soon became evident they were anything but conventional. 
Whispers spread of the eccentric British family residing together on a small sprawl of land. The father used the craft to steal in the markets, the mother harnessed her skills of fascination to lead members of the Church astray. Aunts, uncles, and cousins were routinely admonished by leadership for casting an unseemly shadow on the group as a whole. One member of the family left the Church of Dark the only way allowed: via death. The Keyes also owned a carnival outside town in which strange and disturbing stories were often linked to.
Odds and ends:
Currently the Church has established the carnival can only operate during designated days, usually holidays. Most members work there during its operation as performers, running games and rides, or to ensure the occasional strange disturbance doesn’t run off all the visitors.
The Keyes property is small but cluttered with small cottages, barns, and the main house where Maddox’s parents reside. 
Aside from a rarely breathing carnival, the Keyes are scavengers. Vultures, even. Picking from the bones of dead cars in the valley to resale. Hauling flatbeds of scrap metal down winding roads back to their property. A junkyard is on the edge of the Keyes property, specializing in building supplies, scrap metal, and car parts they sell to the public. The warlock refers to the tiny acreage as the Kingdom of Junk. His father, Declan, crowned king long ago.
Some of the Keyes rely on ‘odd jobs’, aka stealing, grifting, and occasionally smuggling goods in/out of the valley. Others never leave darkened farm house rooms. Usually there is a weekend bonfire party on the property not open to outsiders.
The family is large and clan like, extending to aunts, uncles, great aunts and uncles, their spouses or partners, cousins, cousins by marriage, some rando named Kevin who has been sleeping in a tent on the property for 12 years, Madeline’s father, Declan’s parents, and others permanently ensconced in the fabric of the family. In total, there are... well, no one knows exactly how many members of the Keyes family there are...
It’s a family affair:
Declan’s presence is often intimidating, standing at 6′ 4″ inches with piercing blue eyes and hair as dark as a raven’s wing, however he’s charismatic and protective; he likes old blues, Vegas-era Elvis, and is never without his trademark suit.
Despite her diminutive size Madeline is mostly feared in the valley, taking pleasure in destroying the lives of those she sees as too cheerful, too happy, just because she can.
Róisín is the eldest child, every bit as vindictive and conniving as her mother; she also enjoys seducing the significant others of prominent members of the Church and leading them to ruin.
Nora is stubborn-headed and sarcastic; the most similar to Maddox in temperament and so the two naturally despise each other; Nora and Maddox fought in the war together but often aimed their magic on each other instead of their designated enemies. Nora insists she lost some fine motor control and sensation in her right hand due to one of these attacks, and Maddox tells her to grow up. Although they are often at odds, Declan consults with Nora and Maddox equally in terms of family matters. 
Saffron can often be found hovering above the local river singing eerily to herself (or is someone there only she can see?) while plucking petals off daisies; her hobby is appearing out of nowhere and uttering an eardrum-splitting scream into the ears of unsuspecting children; she is the sister Maddox is closest to.
Maddox can be charming like his father but prefers to be blunt like his mother. He can be generous towards those he likes and petty to those he does not. He plays piano, guitar, and drums. 
Maddox’s father taught him the art of the con at the age of 8. A simple pick pocket at first, eventually he became involved in larger scams and schemes his father always seemed to be developing. He was permanently expelled from the Academy at age 20 for seriously disabling another student using a stolen dark grimoire. Coming home from the war he hoped to be appointed as the coven’s bard but has found himself assigned to the Watchmen instead. He also works at the local music store.
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ao3feed-trc · 5 years
Uncle Dec
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2xM1DZu
by Alyss_asleep
Today is not Declan's day; a flat pack furniture fiasco, a runaway niece and an unplanned visit from his more annoying brother.
Aka, Uncle Dec to the rescue.
Words: 6475, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Raven Cycle - Maggie Stiefvater
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Ronan Lynch, Adam Parrish, Declan Lynch, Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: Ronan Lynch/Adam Parrish, Declan Lynch & Ronan Lynch, Declan Lynch & Adam Parrish
Additional Tags: Ronan Lynch Loves Adam Parrish, Adam Parrish Loves Ronan Lynch, Established Relationship, Kid Fic, Family Feels, Fluff and Angst, Brother Feels, Past Abuse, Implied Sexual Content, Father-Daughter Relationship, Uncle-Niece Relationship, Adopted Children
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2xM1DZu
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