#aka Seirá
toast-com · 5 months
Affray of the Otherworldly (4-30-24)
“What’s the matter Seira?” Khaos taunted the other god as he dodged another of his clones, whirling and stabbing another through the heart. “Getting tired?” He continued killing clones, summoning weapons and stabbing them.
Seira scowled, blue eyes steely and glinting as frost magic gathered at the tip of his horn. His face was as cold as the spell he was preparing to attack with.
His wings flared, and he leapt into the air, energy enveloping his feathered form. Seira began to glow as Khaos turned, launching himself in the air.
Khaos picked up speed, flapping wildly as Seira launched the spell. A blinding beam of blue magic pierced the cloudy, gray skies, heading directly for the chaos god.
Khaos tucked his wings in, swooping to avoid it. He was too slow, however, and the magic clipped him, hitting his wing. He shrieked, trying to flap his iced-over wing, and failing, careening and crashing into the ground below.
As he struggled to his feet, Seira alighted, body still faintly aglow with magic. Khaos’ own magic flared, melting the ice encasing his wing, and he whirled to face the feathered god with a snarl. He lunged at Seira, tackling him.
The pair fought on the ground, Khaos ripping feathers out of his skin and tearing the flesh beneath with vicious claws. Below him, Seira’s horn was glowing wildly and his mouth was moving as he uttered a spell under his breath. Khaos hissed, grabbing his horn and crushing it in his clawed hand.
“My horn!” Seira’s wings beat against the ground as he screamed. He reared up, hands reaching for Khaos’ throat. The scaled god leapt back, narrowly avoiding a bolt of ice that embedded itself in the ground. In front of him, Seira stood, magic haloing his head as he chanted, his words clipped and cold.
At his hooves, frost began to spread, racing across the ground, overtaking everything, and heading directly towards his foe.
Khaos growled and took to the air, chanting a spell of his own, smoke trickling from his open mouth. He banked a turn as shards of glinting ice launched at him. With a roar, he summoned an inferno, and it overcame Seira.
He landed a few feet away, watching as the flames raged and burned. A grin stretched quickly across his face, falling away just as fast when the fire was extinguished by a gale of frigid wind, revealing the unburnt form of Seira. A smug look adorned his face as he stood there, sizing the scaled god up.
“Is that the best you can do?” With a wave of his hand, Seira summoned another wave of ice shards. But, Khaos could see that he was faltering, somewhat.
“You seem to be shaking.” Khaos sneered, rushing him down. “Running low on magic? Maybe you should rest.” The feathered god scowled.
“Be quiet!” He snapped, launching the shards, which were immediately vaporized by Khaos’ fire as the scaled god ran at him. The battle devolved into a brawl, a frenzied dance with claws and teeth that both knew all too well.
With a grunt, Seira shoved Khaos away from him. He was panting heavily, covered in various wounds.
“It seems we’ve reached an impasse.” Khaos stared at him, just as bloody as the feathered god was.
“...It seems we have.”
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miqotepotatoe · 5 months
how many ninjago ocs do you have ......
I need to confirm i am indeed still top spot :eyes:
Let's see here...
Age of Elements (my next gen story)
Meg, Milo, Theo, Yves, Ren, Layla, Iris (the main characters of this story)
NEO, Morgana, Aka, Koda, Avex, Milly, Mi, Sticks (various important side characters)
Adham, The Core, Tau, Iota, Queen Kusari, Seirá (some villains)
Dusty, Drippy, Fangdora, Shedra, Amber, Alfonse, Wade (some other elemental masters)
Ninjaship fankids
CJ, Flint, Clive, Dahlia, Sugar (Honeycomb kids [Cole×Lucy])
Elio, Ruby (Kailor kids)
Kairi, Raine (Jaya kids)
Minnie (Pixane kid)
Other OCs
Lucy (my basically main oc)
Jack (oc for an au where zane died for real at the end of rebooted and he ended up getting the element of ice)
Radio (once one of the many nindoids made in rebooted, she survived rebooted and decided to make her own program)
Alfonse (elemental master of matter. has the ability to change one object into a different object by rearanging the atoms)
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