#aka 800 words of bs
marblemoovt · 1 year
Ok I'm attempting to make an AU for Berserk based on the idea of Guts and Casca switching roles in the Eclipse (no need to say what we all know there) and instead of the quest being for revenge as Guts does cannonly at first, Casca makes the quest to look for a cure for Guts' mental state, which is that of a child.
Any suggestions really for any key events and such?
Oooh that sounds like a cool premise. I'm not super familiar with what happens after the eclipse as I only watched the anime and have not read the manga. I did look up some stuff on the wiki so I know small bits and pieces of what happens after, but not enough to confidently write anything remotely canon about it.
But here are some of my thoughts about such an AU.
This is all under the assumption that Guts is assaulted instead of Casca. I'm not sure if that's what you meant but that's what I understood from it. Does this have any effect on the child she's carrying? Guts being assaulted implies that the child remains untainted.
Casca still definitely retains some sort of trauma from that. She was betrayed by the man she used to idolize and love, so there's no way she came out of that completely unscathed. She also essentially was starting to move on from him, and her decision to be with Guts is partially the reason Griffith does what he does at the eclipse. So I feel like she might harbour a guilty conscience as a result. Definitely lots of survivor's guilt because many sacrificed themselves to keep her alive and she wasn't able to protect the one person that mattered the most. I think it would be interesting to show how Casca struggles with the after-effects and what she does to deal with them. Ideally, she'll come to terms with it at the end and find peace.
It's really interesting to think about Guts being the one to regress to a child-like mental state. He's a big guy, so how does Casca get him to move around? When they're in a dangerous situation, she can't exactly pick him up and run away. And while I think she's very capable with a sword, I don't believe she would be able to cut down monsters like Guts could. With both of them branded, she has to keep him safe. In canon, I'm not sure how Guts meets his companions after the eclipse, but maybe that can be the answer to how Casca is able to keep him safe in this AU.
Which reminds me. I think Guts leaves Casca alone with someone he trusts for like a year or two while he goes on his revenge campaign??? I don't remember but something like that happens I think. So one important decision would be this: Does Casca leave Guts with someone or does she take him with her? Because as per the previous paragraph, I don't think it's possible for her to protect them by herself, especially since she's carrying a child. The choice that makes the most sense to me is that she takes him with her, but is accompanied by a few other people. Logically as the months pass, Casca will become more and more pregnant. This is assuming she doesn't give birth prematurely. And I've never been pregnant, but I don't think any pregnant ladies could swing a sword or run around enough to avoid enemies.
Another important fact to consider is what triggers Guts? For Casca, it resurfaces when Guts assaults her and begins to touch her sexually. But what about in this AU? Seeing Casca? Their child? However, given the nature of Guts' childhood, it's possible that this only enhances the trauma from the eclipse, i.e. being touched sexually without consent. You could play with the idea that not only was the eclipse traumatizing, but the fact that he's regressed to a child-like mental state also leaves him vulnerable to the terrible things that happened to him when he was a kid.
I'm not sure if you plan to do anything with Griffith, like if he gets reborn and whatnot. Because a lot of that will change depending on whether the child is tainted or not. Yes, Griffith would most likely be reborn anyway, but without the influence of the child, his behaviour would deviate from the manga.
Honestly, there are just so many events to think about if you intend to go over everything. But if you were planning to only focus on Casca finding a cure and having them live happily ever after, then here are some key event suggestions.
There needs to be some sort of conflict. Something has to get in the way between Casca and the cure. There can be multiple, but there has to be a main one and it should be the most difficult.
How does she overcome this conflict? And how does this change herself and everything around her? There should be some sort of character development that occurs as a result of overcoming this giant hurdle in her life.
At any point do either of their traumas resurface? Why and what for? What purpose does it serve to have them relive these experiences?
How do Guts and Casca meet their travelling companions? I think this one is pretty important because I don't believe Casca will be able to achieve her quest alone. She definitely needs help, maybe she also needs to learn how to ask for/accept it?
I think a really sweet moment would be for Guts to validate everything Casca has done up to that point when his mental state heals. How she did a good job. How she did her best. How she's a good mom, etc.
But that also brings up the question of recovery time. How long does it take Guts to recover once his memories are back? Will he be able to look at Casca without losing himself to flashbacks of the eclipse? Or will this take time?
What about Casca? Will she be afraid of getting too close to him in fear or bringing up bad memories? Will she worry about what he'll think of their child? How they can be parents. Basically the issue of what now? Do you want to tie things off or do you want to bring up a new problem they didn't realize until now?
Ideally, Griffith gets his ass kicked at some point, but you could just ignore him.
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Wowww Jennifer is like sooooo relatable as she puts OVER $800 WORTH OF SKINCARE PRODUCTS ON HER FACE
Yes, she posted a list of skincare products to her IG story a few days ago; one of which cost $490 for 1 fluid ounce.
But I don’t believe that Gen ever truly wanted to appear relatable. Her use of that word and descriptors like “normal” has always been a manipulation. Normal is a relative term. And normal to Gen is generational wealth, a team of nannies, 3-4 overseas trips a year, and a closet at least half full of couture.
She wants to come off as relatable when she is trying to scam her fans into using her product codes or trying to make them feel close enough to her so as to never hold her accountable for all of her double standards.
Listen as she leans on this branding while also telling on herself at that bs “mom summit” a few months ago:
If you laughed out loud when she said she suddenly had a giant social media audience because of her “acting background”…you’re not alone.
(*whispers* it was because nosy Supernatural fans wanted to see Jared Padalecki’s kids, not because they wondered what the horse girl actress was doing with her life)
She seems surprised by the audience, but then also note how she said she wanted to “capitalize and monetize” on that following. AKA she was a bored, former-actor turned stay-at-home-mom who missed the spotlight. She was likely bitter because, as she stepped away, her husband’s star continued to rise. And as you heard her say, she loved being in front of a camera. She loved being seen. So she eventually created a persona and a platform based on being a “normal” gal to feel those eyes on her again.
And then Towwn was a natural progression of more of the same. She is as fake as they come and an actor through and through. A Professional Grifter. Big thanks to Gen for confirming what I already knew.
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ktwritesstuff · 2 years
The Babysitter (a Last of Us fanfic) pt. 4
Title: The Babysitter Fandom: The Last of Us Rating: Explicit Characters & Pairings: Joel Miller x Reader Word Count: ~800 Summary: Just a quickie. Beta-read by @bs-fangirl. Additional content notes below the cut.
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 (below cut) | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
Content Notes: we had to get the daddy kink in here somehow :D Rough sex, unprotected p-in-v. Quickie, aka The One with the Daddy Kink
A whole herd of infected had breached the southern fence, but at this point, people scared you almost as much as the infected.  About a dozen were killed, some in the fighting and some after.  It was all hands on deck making the repairs.  You knew your way around a post-holer, but you were happy to let Joel do most of the heavy lifting while you attached cattle panels to the reinforced t-posts.  By the end of the day, you were certain you had the best-looking section of fence on the line.   
“Looks good, Daddy,” you said, as Joel dropped an arm over your shoulders.  
Sunburnt and sweating, you leaned against him.  Joel leaned down to kiss the top of your head.  
“Finish this,” he said, handing you his canteen.  “And let’s put this stuff away.”
You loaded the tools back into the shed along the edge of camp.  Joel turned the door handle, wedging it closed with a shovel.  You grinned.  Privacy was hard to come by, so you took it where you could.
“You did good today, Sweetpea,” Joel said, wrapping his arms around you.  “I think you deserve something nice.”
“Is that right,” you teased, sinking onto the pile of sandbags on the floor.  
You lifted your feet and Joel pulled your shoes off one at a time.  He climbed over you, unbuttoning your threadbare flannel shirt, dipping his mouth into the little hollow at the base of your throat.  
Joel pulled the cups of your bra down under your breasts, kneading the soft skin.  He slipped a hand into your pants, fingers tracing a path through your hot folds.  You closed your eyes and let your head fall back.
“Is it safe?” he asked, reaching for the button of your jeans.  You did some quick math, not that your cycle was particularly reliable these days.
“Should be; yeah.”
Joel sat up, pulling your jeans off; you laughed as they caught around your ankles and he struggled to pull them free before settling back between your legs.  He circled your clit with his thumb, sliding two fingers into you, curling them up.
You stretched your back and sighed contentedly.  
“You like that?”
“Yes, Daddy.”  The words slipped out without thinking–a force of habit.
Joel’s eyes went dark.  With a growl, he flipped you onto your stomach and you gasped, pushing yourself up.  Joel slapped you hard, the flat of his hand connecting with the soft, sensitive flesh between your legs and you cried out, more from the surprise than the pain.  
Joel grabbed your face, his hand over your mouth, pressing his lips close to your ear.
“Shh, shh, shh, quiet down now,” he warned. 
He rammed four fingers into you, stretching you open, pumping in and out as you whimpered into his hand.  You shuddered as your inner walls contracted around Joel’s fingers, like you were trying to draw him deeper.      
Joel withdrew his hand with a soft sucking sound, smearing the slickness of your arousal up the crease of your ass.
“You gonna be good for me?”  Joel held you by the back of your neck, pointing your face down.  “You gonna be quiet?”
You nodded; you felt dizzy with the anticipation.
Joel slammed into you, hard and fast and frantic, deep enough that you could feel the thick head of his cock bumping into your cervix.  It wasn’t entirely pleasurable, but you were too far gone to notice much difference between pleasure and pain, it was all too intense.  You bit down on your fist to keep from crying out.
Your legs turned to jello; you might have reached another climax, but there was no fall to the sensation as your inner walls clenched, just more and more and more.  
Joel reached under you, pulling you up to your knees, a sticky, sweaty, drooling mess.  His hand snaked up your belly, between your breasts, resting on your throat, squeezing–just enough.   Your head swam.  He pressed his body into you, hot and hard.  You reached behind you, grabbing at the collar of his sweat-soaked shirt, his wiry curls.  
The saw of Joel's hips slowed, once, twice.  He came inside you.  A rush of fresh blood finally reached your brain as he released you back onto your belly.  
You rolled onto your back, still trying to catch your breath.  
“You okay?” Joel brushed your hair out of your face and you nodded, watching as his eyes surveyed the wreckage of your body.  
He straightened your bra and buttoned your shirt–gentle, careful, slow–and slipped your pants back on one leg at a time.  He tied your shoe laces.  
Joel took a seat beside you.  You were still shaking, coming down.  He wouldn’t look you in the eye, but he took your hand and waited until you could reasonably trust your legs to support you.  
“Don’t do that again,” he said.  “I don’t like it.”  
It took a moment for your sex-addled brain to realize what he meant; what button you had pushed that had gone too far.  
“I won’t.  I’m sorry.  It was an accident,” was what you said.  But what you thought was: Are you sure? 
Baby's First Taglist: @stilllivindue2spite, @amethystwonders11, @teacupcollector, @jbaby2, @flyingmushroomss, @boysddontcry
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projectemmatyler · 4 years
The damn diacritics on AO3 (aka What’s Your Effing Problem Jennie)
(disclaimer here: Jennie is a placeholder name that I for some reason don’t like. No offense to any Jennies meant.)
First few things I’d like to clarify here before I really light into this.
I am, as of March 2020, a member of OTW (Organization for Transformative Works), parent organization of Archive of Our Own, better known as Ao3. I am also a volunteer attached to Tag Wrangling committee, which means I get to see all your dumb shit you write in tags, try to make sense of it and link it to the canonical tags and/or make new ones if enough of you guys write the same thing in the tags. That’s my job that I do without any pay, for no real obligatory amount of time per week, with pleasure because I’m a fan, doing this for fans, to make their life on Ao3 happier and easier to navigate.
I also don’t speak for the OTW as organization, or AO3 as project, or any of the committees there - I speak as me, myself and I. And boy do I have shit to say here.
I am, surprise surprise, a fan of MXTX works. I’m also one of more than a dozen wranglers who’re currently panting as they try to keep our wrangling to-dos in all MXTX fandoms (including Módào Zǔshī, Untamed, Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System, and Tiān Guān Cì Fú). Yes, over a dozen wranglers. You heard me right. Not everyone there is willing out themselves (for some it may even be dangerous to out themselves as parts of OTW!), but I am willing, and I’m not going to shy away from calling several people, some of which include former wranglers who I have to admit have never met, on their BS.
So, the whole shebang was brought to me when a Twitter user decided that they can speak for Ao3, OTW and Tag Wrangling volunteers - that are about 400 in total right now - and say that one single person, who must be straight, white cisgender American (because why the eff not, this is something Cool Kids Say With No Repercussions Or Second Thoughts), decided to unilaterally decide that all Chinese fandoms, MDZS and Guardian in particular (we’ll come back to that later!), would be using pinyin tone markers. Instead of framing this as ‘this makes everyone’s life difficult, can we talk about this?’, this person decided it’d rather attack the organization; more specifically, a part of organization in whose purview the decision of making standards for canon fandom tags, and the smallest subsection of that part - us.
Yes, you attacked us. Thanks for that. What a nice thank you we get for dealing with your tags (and also, we have to use pinyin too!)
But moving on from my salty feelings.
The discourse that went on from there assumed three things:
One - there’s one MXTX wrangler.
Two - we’re all white American folk.
Three - we do this to spite Guardian and MDZS fandoms.
First one I already disputed (also, we get over 100 tags daily from MXTX fandoms at minimum, and when there are fan events, the numbers can climb up to 200 - do you really think one person could do it and stay sane?). Third one I can also dispute by the fact that I wrangle Liàn Yǔ Zhì Zuò Rén | Mr. Love: Queen's Choice and follow same rules. The rules for diacritics are also not even unique only to Chinese fandoms: Star Wars’ Padmé Amidala tag also has diacritics to name the most well known one, as do Polish-named and Spanish-named characters!
And yet, somehow, it’s only Guardian and MDZS that are being attacked. Why?
Because of the assumption number 2: we’re all darn racist white folk that come from good ole’ US of A.
As someone who’s decidedly not an American citizen (heck, my native language is not even English!) and find it quite offensive to be called that, I’m incensed. I’m incensed on the behalf of all Chinese-descent, Chinese-immigrant and China-inhabiting members that I work with as a MDZS wrangler, wrangler in general and fellow OTW volunteer. I’m incensed on the assumption that the English-speaking fandom, who is primarily based in US, is arbitrarily attacking Ao3, and this time me specifically as MDZS wrangler, on their goddamn entitlement, and claiming that the most international community I’ve ever had the pleasure to be part of as a fan is not taking their opinion into consideration, so therefore I have to be racist.
In not so polite words, go get that stick out of your ass, you special little snowflake.
I literally don’t give a shit if you’re PoC when you’re behaving like a stereotypical Karen on the block. I don’t care how much you wave your ‘I’m a protected group‘ card; if you’re an entitled piece of shit, you’re an entitled piece of shit and I’ll say it.
OTW, and Ao3 as its biggest and most well known project, is not perfect, as I’ve found out quickly after joining - we are a decentralized group of 800+ volunteers from all walks of life and all across the world, who are divided into groups that had to make rules that’ll accommodate an international fandom, and not just US-centric, English speaking one. Tag Wrangling rules have been subject to change before, and they are still subject to change - if the wrangling staff, volunteers and Board all manage to agree on something that’ll be inclusive to everyone, the change can be made, and we wranglers will gladly comply. However, framing this as your goddamn social justice crusade against Ao3, and only using two biggest Chinese-media fandoms in US specifically, stinks of typical entitlement I’ve been dealing since I was thirteen and naively stumbled into Fanfiction dot net, where I discovered fanfic.
I am sick and tired of fractions of US-based fandom refusing to even try to engage into a constructive conversation about fandoms, insisting that the entire international fandom has to accept their frame of mind, while at the same time not bothering to even try and understand our own frames (yes, I’m talking about all the ‘oh, you’re of X ethnicity, you must be an Y nationality’ shitstick I see all the time). I’m sick and tired of issues only being raised once US fandom learns about it, and preferably not even research the background for those things before starting a crusade while they’re at it.
In short, I’m tired of entitled, special snowflake Jennies who think waving their PoC, non-heterosexual, non-cisgender cards gets them a get out of jail card for their shitty-ass behavior. You’re not being crusaders for justice, you’re just being shitty-ass people, and please stop while you’re still ahead.
Talk with us constructively if you want to change, and piss off if you don’t.
This is me fuming at nearly 12 AM, because I can no longer ignore this shit. I repeat again for contrary idjits who didn’t read my disclaimer: I speak as me, myself and I, wrangler of MDZS, TGCF and SVSSS, and also MCQL, and not as spokeperson for either OTW, Ao3 or Tag Wrangling Committee.
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tas-ss7a · 6 years
Jenny’s opinion on important Asians
Hello there, this is Purple and I was forced to write this blog about top 5 most important Asians, feel like those crappy rating channels! Keep in mind that I’m probably writing this at 2 am so most info may not even make sense. Any BS aside, let’s go, woooooo! And since I’m woke AF, I’ll include woman, probably. :>
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5. Qin Shi Huang
Ah, the founder of the Qin dynasty, when China got its name and shape. Qin Shi Huang is the mad man that started the Great Wall, an international symbol for China, aka what Chinese people brag about, “You can see it in space!” bla bal bla...NO! Stop it, we get it, you’re proud but shouldn’t you be studying other things that’s not related to a lawyer, doctors or desk top? Other things they should proud about is his unification of the country. Or how now you must pay for a can air because the air there is so polluted? Or how Donald Tru- let's just stay away from politics.
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4. Mahatma Gandhi
Well well well, this Indian fella was the leader of the Indian independence movement against British rule. After seeing his people suffering to those white skinned, easily sun-burned Brits, he led the “Dandi Salt March” for this weird thing called a Salt tax. He was imprisoned for many years because you know how white people loves prisons. Gandhi’s hard work paid off and he inspired many people, especially Dr. Luther King Jr for the civil rights movement. His birthday-2nd October-is also now a national holiday for India and an International Non-violence Day.
3. Muhammad  
The founder of Islam, the last prophet, the 5 pillars of Islam, … and yup, Muslim. I found so much standup Muslim comedians and it’s crazy how they can make parking spots sounds funny. Guess what? 21% of peeps are Muslim, I mean people. And they don’t eat beef, wooo, another step from selective empathy. And like they played a pretty big role in history, from the father of modern surgery to Saladin vs Crusades.
2. Genghis Khan
We did a whole darn debate about this (and “for” won for both classes) He’s great at battles and tactics and probably the best conqueror back then, now the internet rules. I mean he literally, by himself, was better than all the Roman emperors at conquering. And he created his own mail system, there would be no “Loserville” without him. Weird fact: A lot of people called him daddy- I'll make my exit soon.
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Honorable mentions:
Trung sisters:
Two badass sisters that in 40 AD, led the first rebellion against the Chinese, started 1000 years of fighting against the Chinese that ended with Ngo Quyen with his fight on the Bach Dang river. These ladies are not weak, the eldest, Trung Trac chose her country over her husband and let him die in the hand of the invaders.  
Ho Chi Minh
I am Vietnamese ok, I want to brag about my country just as much as the Chinese to theirs. Ho Chi Minh City is the new name of Sai Gon, the South capital under the Vietnam war. Do you know how much impact he has on us Vietnamese? He was a great president, like the Obama of Vietnam, just saying~ Ho Chi Minh loved kids by the way, that’s why we had to learn so much about him when we were kids, that’s why we’re so familiar with him and how humble he was.
He led the Muslim to fight in the Third Crusades. Very noble of him because he did not allow Muslim to steal from them, which is cool but wouldn’t work for me, I mean they rich.
Timur the Lame
According to Wikipedia he emerged as the most powerful ruler in the Muslim world. He took inspirations from Genghis Khan, second place, and saw himself as his heir. Sadly, out of the millions of descendants, he wasn’t one.
Empress Wu
Also from wiki, yay,Wu Zetian was the concubine of Emperor Taizong. After he died :<, she married his ninth son, Emperor Gaozong. She expanded China out of its territorial limits Wu's leadership resulted in important effects regarding social class in Chinese society and in relation to state support for religion, education, and literature.  
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1. Jesus
I don’t even think I should explain anything, I mean, it’s Jesus. When you say “Oh My GODDDDDDD” who do you think is the god, Allah- whoops I meant Jesus. You can’t exactly go to a country without a church, but you’re not going to North Korea and Saudi Arabia just to prove me wrong, are you? We associate the cross with God and Holly right, and you wouln’t want to upset 33% of people follow this religion, right?
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Ok, that’s enough now, I wrote more than 800 words and I’ll be surprise that you read all you it. Sorry for putting you through torture, Purple’s out!  
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