#sowoke purple asian af hastags
tas-ss7a · 6 years
Jenny’s opinion on important Asians
Hello there, this is Purple and I was forced to write this blog about top 5 most important Asians, feel like those crappy rating channels! Keep in mind that I’m probably writing this at 2 am so most info may not even make sense. Any BS aside, let’s go, woooooo! And since I’m woke AF, I’ll include woman, probably. :>
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5. Qin Shi Huang
Ah, the founder of the Qin dynasty, when China got its name and shape. Qin Shi Huang is the mad man that started the Great Wall, an international symbol for China, aka what Chinese people brag about, “You can see it in space!” bla bal bla...NO! Stop it, we get it, you’re proud but shouldn’t you be studying other things that’s not related to a lawyer, doctors or desk top? Other things they should proud about is his unification of the country. Or how now you must pay for a can air because the air there is so polluted? Or how Donald Tru- let's just stay away from politics.
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4. Mahatma Gandhi
Well well well, this Indian fella was the leader of the Indian independence movement against British rule. After seeing his people suffering to those white skinned, easily sun-burned Brits, he led the “Dandi Salt March” for this weird thing called a Salt tax. He was imprisoned for many years because you know how white people loves prisons. Gandhi’s hard work paid off and he inspired many people, especially Dr. Luther King Jr for the civil rights movement. His birthday-2nd October-is also now a national holiday for India and an International Non-violence Day.
3. Muhammad  
The founder of Islam, the last prophet, the 5 pillars of Islam, … and yup, Muslim. I found so much standup Muslim comedians and it’s crazy how they can make parking spots sounds funny. Guess what? 21% of peeps are Muslim, I mean people. And they don’t eat beef, wooo, another step from selective empathy. And like they played a pretty big role in history, from the father of modern surgery to Saladin vs Crusades.
2. Genghis Khan
We did a whole darn debate about this (and “for” won for both classes) He’s great at battles and tactics and probably the best conqueror back then, now the internet rules. I mean he literally, by himself, was better than all the Roman emperors at conquering. And he created his own mail system, there would be no “Loserville” without him. Weird fact: A lot of people called him daddy- I'll make my exit soon.
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Honorable mentions:
Trung sisters:
Two badass sisters that in 40 AD, led the first rebellion against the Chinese, started 1000 years of fighting against the Chinese that ended with Ngo Quyen with his fight on the Bach Dang river. These ladies are not weak, the eldest, Trung Trac chose her country over her husband and let him die in the hand of the invaders.  
Ho Chi Minh
I am Vietnamese ok, I want to brag about my country just as much as the Chinese to theirs. Ho Chi Minh City is the new name of Sai Gon, the South capital under the Vietnam war. Do you know how much impact he has on us Vietnamese? He was a great president, like the Obama of Vietnam, just saying~ Ho Chi Minh loved kids by the way, that’s why we had to learn so much about him when we were kids, that’s why we’re so familiar with him and how humble he was.
He led the Muslim to fight in the Third Crusades. Very noble of him because he did not allow Muslim to steal from them, which is cool but wouldn’t work for me, I mean they rich.
Timur the Lame
According to Wikipedia he emerged as the most powerful ruler in the Muslim world. He took inspirations from Genghis Khan, second place, and saw himself as his heir. Sadly, out of the millions of descendants, he wasn’t one.
Empress Wu
Also from wiki, yay,Wu Zetian was the concubine of Emperor Taizong. After he died :<, she married his ninth son, Emperor Gaozong. She expanded China out of its territorial limits Wu's leadership resulted in important effects regarding social class in Chinese society and in relation to state support for religion, education, and literature.  
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1. Jesus
I don’t even think I should explain anything, I mean, it’s Jesus. When you say “Oh My GODDDDDDD” who do you think is the god, Allah- whoops I meant Jesus. You can’t exactly go to a country without a church, but you’re not going to North Korea and Saudi Arabia just to prove me wrong, are you? We associate the cross with God and Holly right, and you wouln’t want to upset 33% of people follow this religion, right?
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Ok, that’s enough now, I wrote more than 800 words and I’ll be surprise that you read all you it. Sorry for putting you through torture, Purple’s out!  
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