#aizen hessenpy
Octodad: Another Fox Part 1
I know I put the "Alya salt" tag here, but it's super light, and this is most definitely not a bash fic! This more of a "a problem is pointed out, with hints that they will be fixed" type of "salt" fic. Anyway, please enjoy!
"We need the Rena Rouge."
Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Mollusk were currently hiding from the akuma on top of a building, behind an air-conditioning unit. The akuma had the power to.... Punch hard? The team weren't entirely sure how they work, but they understood that they couldn't afford to get close.
Which is probably why Ladybug is insistent on needed Rena Rouge.
And Chat Noir agreed! But Mollusk however...
"She shouldn't be given a Miraculous!"
"And why not? I thought you trusted my choices."
Mollusk sighed. "Ladybug, I do trust your decisions. If I didn't, I wouldn't go though any of your convoluted plans."
"Then what's the problem here? Let go get Rena Rouge-"
"The problem is I don't trust Rena Rouge."
Mollusk crossed his arms and looked in the direction of the akuma. "I know who she is," he then turned his head back to Ladybug, "so I know what her current... Endeavors, are. Not something I exactly want to work with."
Chat winced at that, since it was a valid point with the Ladyblogs current quest to figure out their identities.
"My lady, Mollusk does have a point there..."
"Then what do you suggest we do?" Ladybug asked the two of them. "We need a fox, and I don't have anyone else who can work with illusions that well."
"I actually have someone in mind."
Chat Noir snapped his head to Mollusk while Ladybug's eyes widened.
"What? You do?" Ladybug asked as she crossed her arms.
Mollusk nodded his head with a grin. "Yup. She's a master of misdirection. Very sneaky too. A bit more suited to this type of akuma to."
Ladybug brought her fist to her face with a look of concentration. "... Fine, but this is temporary."
Mollusk nodded. "Of course."
"I also want to know who this person is."
Mollusk shrugged his shoulders. "Honestly, I want you both to know."
Ladybug nodded her head. "Right," Ladybug then turned to address both Chat Noir and Mollusk. "Then I need you two to do some damage control while I get the fox."
"Of course My Lady!"
"You can count on us."
-------------------scene shift-------------------
Sylvia was holding Sophie, her newborn girl, while she and Aizen watched the news coverage on the akuma from their living room.
"Glad this is happening a good distance away from here." Aizen commented while Sophie played with his hand.
Sylvia pursed her lips as Aizen looked at her, prompting him to sigh.
"You wish you could do something, don't you?"
"Can you blame me? You at least have a job that has you active during stuff like this. I used to be active with the last supervillain!"
Aizen raised an eyebrow at her. "You also said you quit doing so because of your kids."
"I mean, yeah. But-!"
"No buts! You said if you don't have powers, don't let out for akumas, remember?"
Before Sylvia could respond, someone spoke up from the balcony.
"Well it's a good thing that I can make that happen."
Sylvia and Aizen got up quickly, with Sylvia shielding Sophie from from the new person with her body, and Aizen push her behind him with his arm. They both relaxed when they saw Mollusk standing in the doorway to the balcony with Chat Noir and Ladybug on the railing behind him.
Mollusk smiled at the two of them. "It's good to see that you two have protective instincts, considering I need Sylvia's help today."
The two adults looked to each other, then back to Mollusk.
"What do you..?"
"Sylvia Hessenpy," Mollusk then held out an octagonal box. "This is the Fox Miraculous of illusions. With this, will you help us today to defeat this akuma?"
Part one complete! And like I said at the beginning, there is slight Alya salt, but it's definitely not supposed to be a bash fic.
@fantasyfandommaiden @elmokingkong @agentofscifi @chatnoirismycinnamonroll @sparklyaxolotlstudent @crazylittlemunchkin (if you want to be tagged for anything, just ask me!) (My asks are always open to questions as well!)
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Octodad: Another Fox Part 2
"You want me to what?"
Sylvia walked up to the heroes, with Aizen behind her, while she gave Mollusk a look.
"I want you to use the fox Miraculous to-"
"I heard you say that." Sylvia interrupted. "But what about Rena Rouge? Shouldn't she be the one helping you guys?"
Mollusk winced at that.
"Actually, right now Rena Rouge is on temporary probation."
Aizen frowned. "What happened?"
Mollusk stood up straighter. "She simply made some mistakes, that given time, I'm sure she will learn from."
"So in other words, Rena Rouge is in time-out?" Sylvia moved Sophie to rest on her hip.
"I wouldn't say she's in time-out..."
"I would."
"We don't have time for this!" Ladybug said as she walked in to stand besides Mollusk. "We need an answer, can you help us, or not?"
"And I won't be accused of stealing this" Sylvia held up the Miraculous box in the hand that wasn't holding Sophie, "from Rena?"
"Wait, when do you-?" Ladybug began.
"God damnit!"
Chat Noir rushed to Mollusk's side to see what he was looking out.
When Ladybug and Chat Noir looked at Mollusk's hands, they noticed he was now holding a toy block.
Aizen puts his hands on his hips as he turns to Sylvia.
"What? They were going to give me the Miraculous anyway!"
Mollusk dropped the block as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'm going to assume that was your kleptomania."
"Probably for the best." Aizen says as he takes Sophie from Sylvia's arms.
Sylvia then opens the box, causing a bright light to appear, before Trixx appears above the box.
"Hello Re-" Trixx then looks at Sylvia, then turns to Ladybug. "This isn't Rena Rouge."
Ladybug nodded. "This is Sylvia Hessenpy. Mollusk recommended her for the akuma today."
Trixx put his arms behind his head. "So she's in time-out, eh?"
Mollusk nodded. "I guess that's how we're putting it."
Trixx then turned back to Sylvia, then grinned. "You may not be my kit, but I get the feeling that you and I will have some fun before Rena earns my Miraculous back."
"For you and me both!" Sylvia exclaims as she clasps the necklace behind her neck. "I don't need you to tell me how the powers work, since I've seen Ladyblogs footage."
Trixx nodded. "So all you need to know is how to transform. All you have to say is 'Trixx, let's pounce'."
"Alright, Trixx, let's pounce!"
In a subtle flash, like one wouldn't notice if they weren't looking directly at her they wouldn't notice, Sylvia transformed.
Her head had the same fox ears that Rena had, only hers were slightly lighter in color to be closer to her blonde hair.
Rather than wearing a domino mask, her eyes instead had orange eyeliner around her purple eyes that were now similar to Chat Noir's. Her lower face was covered by a bandana that had a design of large grin with fangs.
Said hair was also tied back in a low ponytail, that now was longer to the point it reached down to her knees, that had a hairband holding it in at the waist so that the lower half looked like a bushy tail.
Her upper body was in an open orange jacket that was black on the inside. Said jacket is also covered in pockets, both inside and out. Underneath the jacket was a white v neck. From underneath the sleeves of the jacket, Sylvia had black gloves with white palms.
Going further down, she was wearing black tights that connected to black pointed shoes.
After giving herself a once over, Sylvia turned to Aizen and Sophie with her hands on her hips.
"So, how do I look?"
Aizen walked up to her. "About how I would expect you to look. Though the hair is a surprise."
Sylvia's lower hair moved to be in front of her, and was wagging in front of Sophie, who was giggling as she tried to to catch it.
"What can I say? The best hero had more hair than body, remember?"
Sylvia then turned to the heroes. "I'm assuming you guys have a plan, right?"
Ladybug nodded. "That we do, we'll explain it on the way to the akuma, come on."
@chatnoirismycinnamonroll @elmokingkong @fantasyfandommaiden @agentofscifi @crazylittlemunchkin @sparklyaxolotlstudent (if you want to be tagged for anything, just ask me!) (My asks are always open as well!)
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Octodad: the adults
It's time for that once in a blue moon post for Octodad! This one is about Lucifer and his friend group!
Sylvia and Aizen are the oldest in the group by three years.
Sylvia was in the same gang that Asuna was in, which is how they met.
Natalie and Lucifer have been in the same ballet class since they were 15, which is how they met.
Aizen would help with PE while was at school, and after he left, and Asuna Natalie and Lucifer were in that class, which is how he met them.
Sylvia and Lucifer have habits of correcting everyone's grammar since Asuna had them do that to her all the time when she was learning french.
They have a joke about Aizen being the "token white guy" since he's the only one in the group that's both straight (Lucifer being bi and Natalie being ace) and white (Asuna's Japanese and Sylvia being black).
Sylvia was the first to leave the gang between her and Asuna due to having Felix.
Sylvia has kleptomania, which is why she started to pick pocket, to hide when she was doing it just because, or her kleptomania. Though, everyone else in the group has no idea how she manages to steal half the stuff she does. (Think of all those kleptomaniac!Marinette AUs, basically that.)
Everyone in the group knows a fair amount of kenpō from Asuna.
Sylvia and Lucifer actually did a lot of the same college courses, and Sylvia has a teaching degree, with Sylvia being the assistant principal that's currently on maternity leave.
Aizen, Natalie and Sylvia claims Lucifer holds half the brain cells when they're all together, but Lucifer says it's Asuna that's holding 90% of them.
Asuna and Natalie are the only ones that can be comfortable in formal clothing in the group due to their lives (Asuna as an heiress and Natalie's line of work).
It doesn't take long after Lucifer starts being Mollusk for the others to figure out, to which they all pull him aside to basically say "Asuna BETTER know about this, or she's going to kill you".
@chatnoirismycinnamonroll @sparklyaxolotlstudent @crazylittlemunchkin @fantasyfandommaiden (if you want to be tagged for anything, just ask me!) (My asks are always open as well!)
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