#airu precure
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leafonground · 7 days ago
watched mirai days episode 7. GIANT yap-fest inbound. spoilers, obviously.
so airu didnt actually go back in time. he just got his time erased. he's living it up inside the stupid statue. cool. so he's liable to come back at any minute. thats gonna suck (read: be awesome BUT I HATE HIM GRR)
those flashbacks though. from the middle of the episode. i am sobbing and screaming but i have to talk about the closet coding here. the whole "we have to smile, we have to act normal, we have to push through" thing mirai said, thats. damn. DAMN. thats kinda what you HAVE to do as a closeted kid. and with mirais family being seemingly uber oblivious to whats Going On i think mirai had to go thru that. couldnt tell her parents about what was really going on between her and liko cus 1. magic world and keeping identity secret cus duh but also 2. we know mirai wouldnt care about that. family is everything to her. part of my brain is genuinely concerned that the fucking closet is why. jesus christ. is this a headcanon? yes. does deen KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THEYRE FUCKING DOING? ALSO YES. not even mentioning HOW THEY TALK ABOUT HAA. AND HOW MIRAI HAS TO TAKE LIKOS HAND IN THAT MOMENT. OH MY GOD. THIS IS WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT WITH THE FLASHBACK EPISODE THING. im not so sure they can fit it in now but with the increased rate of flashbacks/flashforwards happening now its not outside the realm of possibility. especially if that shit chronosto tried to pull ends up working somehow.
that aside then theres the ACTUAL meaning… and oh my god… they went through this exact same shit TWICE. this is AGAIN. maybe theyre better at handling it the second time around but after seeing how hisui went out that shit would completely destroy me. not like it didnt anyway though.
i was genuinely concerned last week that miraiko is in jeopardy due to the loss of hisui. but uh. honestly my concerns are only SLIGHTLY assuaged. theyre still being gay all the time and haa being back for sure plays a massive role in things not falling apart, but the way theyre doing it is just "im going to keep this pain inside me, and then one day i'll die." that shit does not work. mirai TRIED it before. it did not work. it also does not work in real life. trust me. if you needed me to tell you that-- i'm GLAD i told you that. talk to somebody. but with what happened right at the end it may be a non-issue here… more on that in a minute though.
poor souta. bro got his whole dream shattered by chronosto and was banished to being an office worker with receding hair. at least it seemed like he had kids who were happy. and if the flashforwards we've seen are anything to go off of this bad future of his is gonna come to pass. that sucks. honestly probably the best version of turning regular people into mosnters i've seen yet. sure, desertrians (from heartcatch) and notriggers (from star twinkle) exploit your insecurities, and the jikochuus (from doki doki) prey on your selfish thoughts, and A CERTAIN CHARACTER WHO I'M NOT SPOILING FOR MY ONE FRIEND from kira exploits trauma, and those are great. but this guy straight up just sees your future, shows it to you if it sucks, and traps you in the forever box mind matrix statue prison and eats your "time" (life force) for his own power. then if the precures show up he uses the power to manifest a monster. literally all souta could do was brush it off as a bad dream. he doesn't know, chat. maybe it was a troll though and he becomes that pro bowler he was on about lol
but fuckin chronosto. i guess i was wrong about the dog being just a vessel, he really was just a dog the whole time. but. then who's the urn fella. his powers run out now but i wanna know who he is. for someone who just murdered a child last episode he's pretty fuckin goofy looking. regice lookin ass. has a dog tic. will probably look more threatening next time since he's already turned a ton of people into statues as we've seen, but for now i will poke endless amounts of fun.
chikurun is here. on my first watch thru i was dismayed at the mofurun being straight arc, but after watching the movie and learning that mofurun is transgender it hit me that mofurun is cool and awesome actually for being a tgirl failgirl whos into failmen. you go girl. also i have to imagine in the preview since we see mofu and chikurun talk that they can like. talk about how the timeskip affected them too. cus mofu says she'll come back for chikurun a few episodes before the deusmast fight but obviously she never does… man we're getting ALL angles of the emotional turmoil. though we see chikurun in episode 50 of the original series so maybe it happened offscreen? with dokuromushe there was kind of a crisis and considering the kira tie-in shenanigans its entirely possible the show is gonna consider that portion non-canon which is fine honestly.
but about what he said. and the preview. hisui is. inside of haa?? like as her power obviously but like. we saw her ass get absorbed by chronosto. im unsure how this is going to shake out. we got a scene mirroring the one from earlier on, i'm assuming its gonna be the same except hisui's face is cast in shadow instead of haas… haa never got to meet hisui. the scene on the bench shes clearly detatched from the situation. but i have to imagine the rest of the show is gonna be "how do we bring hisui back to life" instead of the fucking doomerism dealing with grief and pain thing i thought was happening. i mean YES it IS that, and obviously chronosto is of the opinion of "dont do anything and revel in escapism", but the message is clear here that what you need to do is do all you can to push through it. i just hope the show doesnt botch the lesson here with mirai and liko trying to suppress their pain. like on some level they DO need to since they have lives outside of precure and need to do precure stuff too, but like. man these two need to work SO MANY things out, and i hope they get the opportunity before the end…
i guess hisui might come back. or maybe she never left. i dunno. in my mind it feels slightly cheap but we don't know enough to come to that conclusion yet, so i'll keep my mouth shut about it.
haa is rocking mirais fit. it matches her hair so well that i honestly didnt even notice. it makes sense though, considering that the power of linkle emerald is gone now, so no more green. my girl got demoted to a pink cure. or i guess shes not a cure at all anymore.
scary thought: what if they do a cure joker. what if they have felice come back as like a haa hisui fusion thingy. no cure hisui the same way theres no cure regina but you kinda sorta get it so youre not allowed to complain. i dunno, not a substantitive thing, itd just be ever-so-slightly-lame. i dunno.
regardless, i really wasn't sure the direction this show was going in when i started this episode, but now that i have an idea im back to being excited instead of feeling immense dread all this week wondering how this would affect things. episode 8 is titled "hisui and haa", so we're finally gonna get the lore we so desperately need. hope its cool. good episode!
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muthaz-rapapa · 1 month ago
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alright, so with ep 2 more or less establishing that Hisui's got some Mother Rapapa powers within her that will eventually show up later, here are a few of my predictions so far:
very high chance of Hisui becoming Precure (possibly "Cure Jade"??)
she's essentially a part broken off of Cure Felice (Mother Rapapa's successor) AND she got her own butterfly motif
plus, merchandise has already spoiled that she's gonna age-up to a similar look and height as Ha-chan
put that together with how much the plot revolves around her, I'm pretty sure she'll get her own transformation sequence too
would this set a trend for future Precure sequel projects to follow? well, not all of them (I hope) cuz it largely depends on what kind of story they'll be but yea, new Cures appearing in sequels could happen
I'm not against it. In fact, it'd be nice to say "MahoPre got two Green Cures!"
Just don't try to make it like a "twin" thing, I hate that
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And then whatever the hell this guy's up to.
Frankly, I'm not sure if it's really "Airu" or "Isle" but whatever, I'll just go with "Airu" for now until it's confirmed.
So far, he seems human. A human who's somehow gotten his hands on a dangerous chaos pot filled with Desumast (ashes??) but a human nonetheless...with an adorable Labrador pup (aww~)
I'm clueless as to what his motives are but the involvement of some kind of time magic and him mentioning events following an "outline" of a book is giving me the feeling that none of it bodes well for anyone (maybe not even for him or his pupper).
Especially since Hisui (a portion of Mother Rapapa's power) is critical to achieving his goal.
Is he trying to create a new world or something??
Who knows...
But I will say one thing I couldn't stop thinking about. His dog is a Labrador and his chaos pot gives off an iridescent light whenever he uses it, not quite unlike the display of labradorescence from the labradorite mineral.
I don't know if that means anything, I even tried looking up whether labradorite has any special properties people assigned to it only to get the same old generic descriptions I see everywhere else (protection, self-awakening, blahh)...but gems and crystals are one of MahoPre's main motifs so it's something to take note of.
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hexonnaroll · 17 days ago
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Curious because I’ve seen him be called all of these things.
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meryizza · 1 year ago
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Same voice actress. 💙
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nighty-amy · 1 month ago
MLP Discord manipulation tactic? Nice one Airu, I'm impressed. At least you are showing you are an actual threat, compared to the Idiot Trio.
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...and since I'm convinced it was a Discord move, I'm pretty sure the "Future" Mirai saw is heavily manipulated as well. Exactly like it was with the "Future" Applejack saw.
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ssnowssakura01 · 8 days ago
Watching MahoPre Mirai Days Ep 6
We're now midway and it only just got worse cause it's now escalated from 100 to 1000 quickly halp-- The stakes are getting too high
On the other note, the animation is quite solid, I luv it <33
-Spoilers ahead-
Thoughts (a bit short because I got too invested lol):
HI SOLCIERE-- Oh, hey Batty :D
Oh my god, the names.... Family (all they need is Hanami and we're good guys--)
Mirai's vision of the past and it's about her telling Mofurun about her graduation.... What if I fucking kill myself-- Wait, no, Mirai, don't cry! I'll cry too ;-;
You know, the way Mirai caught Riko's hand is like a call back to MahoPre ep 1, nice
Oh, so there is a connection with the monsters he summoned
Oh shit, they're using Sapphire!!
Wait, there's something wrong. How can Mirai have a photo of her, Riko and Ha-chan graduating? That should be impossible since they got separated near the winter break.
This is the first time I've seen Miracle this terrified no joke
You gave them the power--- But I thought you didn't!? Which is it, you damn bastard--
Oh, so anyone can enter Space Field? Or is it because Hi-chan is just special?
Oh no, Hi-chan!
Oohh, it is his mother. Rip mother. Tho what happened to his dad-?
Oh, hi Ha-chan--
Holy shit, it is the dog... Ngl the dog's transformation is really terrifying that I almost ask myself if I'm still watching precure lol
I have to give kudos to Mirai and Riko for trying to prevent the future from happening. However, Airu is more knowledgeable and have more advantage over them. Ever since the first ep, he is always one step ahead of them. Which is why he is uncharacteristically fired up the whole time when he fought with the Cures cuz he knows he will get what he wanted at the end... at least, that's what I like to think it looks like? Cause dude just got blasted by a beam and turn akin to a small statue of his mother's wand. Can you even call that a success? 'v';
Though, did yall noticed how during Airu's dialouge about the future, it was strangely focusing on Mirai? Like, they could have just focus on both of them but no, it was only on Mirai. It's clear that between the two, Mirai is the one who is more affected. Her greatest weakness is separations (and goodbyes). I mean, how many time's she's been forced to be separated from her loved ones? Makes me wonder if Airu knew about this so that's why he interacts with her. Because he knew Mirai is the same as him, both of them have experience grief when they lost their loved ones (well, Mirai's loved ones are still alive but you get what I mean) and both of them longed for a past they could never experience again in the present. Maybe he needs someone who could relate to him and Mirai might be the best one there is, I think. For all we know, he could try and persuade her or smth..... Nah, that would be impossible--
On the other hand, Riko is more composed between the two. Maybe, that's why Airu doesn't focus much on her from the previous episodes? But that doesn't mean she's not affected, as seen with her expression when she heard Gustav's planning to retire and Mirai's grandma saying she's getting older. Though, from what I've been observing her so far, she, more or less, had been able to move forward. But the lingering axiety is somewhat there but she's hiding it very well.
All in all, these guys probably need therapy my god--
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wild-battlebond · 3 years ago
Digimon Xros Wars: Hunters Ep19 liveblog
it's been a while. today tagiru will do silly things underwater. just like cult classic wii game endless ocean blue world 2
ahhh oh no the diver swam into digiquartz. that is interesting imagine going diving and you find something like that
ah the old man
yaaay airu is here again. the writers are gradually getting worse and worse about writing her (right now her only defining trait is trying to get yuu to go out with her, compared to the at-least-slightly-more interesting obsession with cute things she had before) but im still fond of her. especially since she shares a va with shirayuki hime cure princess my favorite precure
this is a fishing episode. another fun type of very basic cartoon plot.
ah it's another one of those adventure 02 armor evolution digimon! xros wars loves those. i guess the old man gave the diving girl a xros loader & she found a partner who also likes diving!
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i know it's for the benefit of the audience bc the character of the day says treasure hunter in english so taiki explains what it means in japanese but just looking at the subtitles out of context is funny
she dives to clean up the ocean and wound up finding treasure along the way
i still love the way how so many different kids with different priorities wind up becoming hunters or otherwise friends with digimon, and how a lot of them don't even hunt, they just do other stuff and have fun with their partners
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i wonder if gumdramon will need an oxygen tank in the end
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oh so you picked the SMARTER solution? you're too GOOD for a diving outfit? is that how it is?
i guess gumdramon really is fine an oxygen tank? do digimon not have to breathe...?
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i like this episode so far. ↑ this is awesome.
so there was a barrier in the ship graveyard and only humans can open it. there's a guy inside the barrier who says "please don't open it" and a guy outside the barrier who says "please open it" and the outside guy used mizuki's treasure hunting ambition to manipulate her/mind control/whatever into opening it
well submarimon has absolutely no hesitation in obeying mizuki's uncharacteristic orders
this is the first time a human who already has a partner has had their ambitions and emotions manipulated by an enemy/rogue digimon
and so the evil mech is overriding the xros. also this is probably the worst-looking xros up of arresterdramon's so far.
and now taiki and the nice digimon is reminding her how her real ambition is to protect the sea
and the solution for the berserk xros up was for tagiru to control him like pinnochimon did back in the day. it's all coming together
and now everything's fine and mizuki put the nice digimon back in the ocean with its egg. that was a fun episode.
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leafonground · 13 days ago
alright, lets talk about it. episode 6. most of the lore implication stuff is at the very end. mirai days spoilers inbound.
my first instinct was to go "alright, no way, this is "adult oriented", yeah, but its still a mofurun merch vehicle. plus in the original, something similar happened to haa with dokurokushe. there is no chance that hisuis death is going to stick." and while that might still be true, as i keep thinking about it the more its hitting me that i really cant be so certain. one of the upcoming episodes is titled "hisui and haa", where i presume we'll have what airu implied be spelled out: hisui is haa's successor. even IF they defeat airu and chronosto, and even IF hisui can be brought back, only one of them can stick around.
thats terrible enough on its own, but. thats not even the main point. hisui is dead. she died alone and afraid, with tears in her eyes. and all mirai and liko could do was watch. they failed.
what does this mean, like, for them? from the preview we're seeing theres probably some sillies next episode, sure, and theyre probably thinking hisui could be saved, too, but. what if she cant? and does it even matter? they had to watch airu kill their child. i think these characters are made for eachother, but NO relationship could survive THIS unscathed. mirai is someone who refuses to let go when it comes to family, and liko is doing all she can to suppress the pain of losing mirai years ago, even now. theres so much trauma between these two... is it too much now? are they even good for eachother anymore? i don't know. it hurts so bad.
and it hurts even worse that like. holy shit they just killed hisui. hisui, the absolute goober, the bisexual-blasting bitch child. DEAD. she deserved the world, but she got like. most precure VILLAINS go out more peacefully than her. i am crying in the club as im typing this. i already was feeling terrible physically this weekend (dont ask) but now im just "oh. thats gore the horrifying and painful death of my comfort character. but its like. canon."
but uh... i guess theres a silver lining: haa is back. hi. i missed you. if anyone can save miraiko from going from wholesome cottagecore gay witch yuri to doomed divorce dead child gay witch yuri its her. from the preview she seems to be her usual silly self, which at first my instinct was "NOW IS NOT THE TIME???" but honestly i think i kinda need it. either way, welcome back. please lock in and stop your moms from getting divorced.
airu got to go back in time. cool i guess. good for him. i still don't get it though: if he's so sure that the future cant be changed, why bother? wont he just experience all the pain he felt as a kid, again? haa saying he's not the enemy is like, i mean yeah chronosto is who we need to stop now, but. man.
also that mini-speech he gave in the fight was so out of pocket. "i can tell youre shaken. this is whats best for everyone. you could see kotoha again." my brother in christ youre about to kill their other child and you said this.
and chronosto. new villain. giant clock in the sky. big dog. we don't know enough about them yet to say much else, but i do think that the dog literally just being a regular dog (before chronosto used it as a vessel anyway) is a pretty funny subversion. no shot is airu done being evil though, we'll be seeing him again. probably to recieve a biblical asskicking from the cures, but it remains to be seen.
last thing: the animation. gorgeous. watching my comfort ship crumble to ashes has never looked so good. keep it up deen.
in summary: i am in a great deal of emotional pain. thanks precure. very cool.
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ssnowssakura01 · 15 days ago
Watching MahoPre Mirai Days Ep 5
Ep 5 and holy shit, it suddenly goes from 0-100 quickly, what the fuck shadbjadkl
But hey, at least my MiraRiko shipping side has been fed very well <3
-Spoilers ahead-
MIRAI SINGING DOKKIN PART 2! I REPEAT, ASAHINA MIRAI IS SINGING DOKKIN PART 2 AND IT'S FUCKING KYUT KYAAA (This is one of the reasons why I took too long to finish this ep, seriously. You had no idea how many times I repeated this) Petition for a Dokkin Mahou Tsukai Mirai ver. pls, along with everyone else :>
Nothing's wrong carrying a plushie outside. I would already carry one outside if it weren't for the fact it won't fit in my bag and I am prone to lose things easily
LITTLE MIRAI IS TOO CUTE MY HEART-- *dies in cuteness*
I love how Riko also joined in looking at Mirai's pics and even calls it cute. Wife looking at her wife's photos so tru <33
"Save this for after dinner" -- Man, you're such a mom, Mirai asbgdjfhasj. Does this mean Riko is the "dad"? :3
Ordering in a convenience store for a meal... that was relatable, I can't
It's one thing to get distracted (I always tend to do that), but it's another to thing buy an almost whole set of a manga! How rich are you Izayoi Riko--!? On the other hand, it's kinda funny how Riko is the one who is now hooked in mangas. In the original series, we only seen her studying. It's nice to see her loosen up.
Oh shit, Mofurun is wearing down-- Please let not this be turn to angst material for Mirai
Riko's turn to have a vision and it's an added scene for ep 44-- Holy shit, Riko! You squashed Mofurun ToT
Mofurun sounds traumatized taking care the three little versions of them halp asdhjsdakfg.
Did... Mirai just threatened Mofurun of getting pricked with a needle--?? Rip, poor Mofurun having trauma with needles lmao (On the other hand, I like the new interaction between them. It's quite refreshing these two have small banter from time to time <3)
I first thought who is Mayuyu until I realized it was the idol who made an appearance in ep 38 lol. Still nice call back
Mirai don't want to be separated from Riko, so tru
Lmao Mirai being smug only to be shot down by Mofurun
Halp, not her using Hi-chan to back her up asjdkfbkjbas
"I don't get paid enough for this" -- Dang, Airu is slowly becoming my fav villain. He is being a dipshit asjdndkjfkdk
Okay... OKAY-- Aren't we're hitting too close to home here!?*
The way my heart slightly sank when Riko mentioned about buying curtains-- (Fun fact I just saw on twt: Apparently, It was Mirai's VA who suggested the open curtains. It really shows how much Takahashi Rie really loves MahoPre and understood Mirai's character <33)
I love how they included utensils for Mofurun, too <33
Another past and it's within the timeskip showing Riko's first class as a teacher, which was ironically the kettle lesson ep 5. You can definitely see how far Riko is achieving her dream, good for her <3
*Circuit breaker tripped in new apartment* -> *cues going back to the parents' house* That was so honestly real and I love how awkward Mirai and Riko look while Hi-chan is happily eating away XD
This is the first time Mirai's vision lead her true, even Airu is surprised to see her though he did managed to get the situation back to his control. But, even then, I would say that was a progress for Mirai.
Okay, the book Airu is reading is probably important-- OKAY, WHY DO YOU HAVE THE SMARTBOOK!? WHAT DID YOU DO TO HA-CHAN-
This probably the first time I've seen an interrupted Precure transformation and no fight scenes to boot. It was a nice change of pace imo.
I just realized this is probably the first time RIko get the vision of the future cuz so far, all of her visions are just memories of the past
You know, this is the first time we've seen how Airu's daily life going so far (ignoring his agenda for now). We saw how it switched from the Mirai to him, multiple times. It shows how it his life contrasts to Mirai's. Mirai has everyone while Airu is alone, except for his dog. It is most likely will be significant later on, but we'll see. Though, seeing his daily life, somehow makes me think that Airu is probably not the real villain of this series.
This episode is deeply emphasizing that everyone is aging and we can see both Mirai and Riko are aware of this and felt anxious about it (Damn, have to say the writers really knows their audience cause I'm being attacked and I don't like this at all--). I think what also adds to the anxiousness is that they have been separated for five years, which ultimately made them aware of the times they have missed. These two still dwell on the past (especially, Mirai) due to not having a proper closure to it.
Now, I'm confused, so you're saying that Airu didn't give the power to see the past and future to Mirai and Riko? Then what was that beam of light in ep 1? I did thought that was the cause for the visions of the past and future. If that's not the case, then where did they get it? Does Rapapa have time magic? I do know is that Muhou is capable of time magic, based from what I've understand in MahoPre novel. But I don't recall of Rapapa's...
Aight, heavy thoughts aside, Mirai and Riko are now living together with their kid, hooray!! We are winning guys <33
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ssnowssakura01 · 1 month ago
Watching MahoPre Mirai Days Ep 1
Firstly, I just wanna say congrats to everyone cuz our wait is finally over raaaa!! Our gals are here and are now back in action! <33
Ngl, I had rewatch this episode multiple times. First, I watched it with no subs then I rewatch it with subs and trying to see if I have missed anything. (And I rewatch it even more to make sure that I ain't dreaming it and so I can see Mirai--)
There are moments that is quite memorable for me. The first episode left me quite a good impression but also questions that would most likely answered as the series continues. I can't help but make a long post about this <33
So, here's my thoughts and observation so far so -spoilers ahead-
So, the first scene of Mirai Days is really my highlight of the episode and here's my compilation of thoughts:
It's funny how Mirai flails around across the moon just like Riko did in ep 1 of MahoPre. It was a nice touch. And then, she was accused of drinking by Mofurun XD
You know, it's a bit strange when Mirai thinks back of Riko, she appears as a 14-year-old girl instead of the Adult Riko. Is there something in there or am I reading it too much?
I love how Mirai complains of Riko not visiting her every once in a while. She's like a sulky girlfriend lmao.
On the other note, does this mean Riko did not visit her on her birthday??? Riko?? *squint eyes*
Anywaayyss, I love how Riko is giving the lecture about the fundamentals of magic and then cutting back to Mirai executing it. It feels like I've got a re-introduction on how MahoPre works <3
For someone who has had her magic taken from her for five years and regained it back for a year, Mirai's control of water is quite spectacular and creative, especially in that large amount of volume. I still recall how she struggled to form a Mofurun using water in ep 6. Really shows how much she has improved as a magician <3
"Some magicians do undercover work in the Non-Magic Work" -> cues to Mirai going back to the building to save a trapped grandma
I just realized, how the fuck does Mirai manage both of studies and social life and her vigilantism? I can't even juggle my 3 of my games properly TT. But on serious note, she is definitely pushing herself and I hope she knows her limits (which is probably a no cuz that's Mirai we're talking about)
"Our law states that the existence of magicians must remain hidden in the Non-Magic World" -- Riko, you failed that one since ep 1 lmao
From "Tonigh is Izayoi... I want to see her" in 49 to "Tonight is Izayoi. I wonder how she's doing" -- Asahina Mirai, you have no idea how you're putting me in shambles.
Aight, that was fun, let's move to another topic which was Airu (Isle? Whatever, I'm going Airu with this--). Originally, I thought of him as Deusmast's follower until he said he tamed one of them. From his outfit, I could say he is probably someone from the Non-Magic World who happens to stumble on Never Ending Chaos. His motives are vague aside from the fact he is seemed to be following some sort of script or at least on the process of making one since he did tell something about an "outline" is ready.
While I do wonder what he did to Ha-chan (after all, he single-handedly defeat/capture her), the only thing I've been curious about him is what is his connection to Mirai. Every villain in MahoPre so far has always addressed them as Precure, because they're a group obviously. But Airu, on the other hand, specifically addressed to Miracle and even called her real identity which was something their enemies don't do. Looking back now, it seems quite oddly specific of Airu to summon a teddy bear monster.
All in all, I love the episode. Their new transformation and attack has become even gayer which is good :D
Also, I love how Miracle gush about their new outfits. She's too kyut <33
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ssnowssakura01 · 3 days ago
Watching MahoPre Mirai Days Ep 7
Aight, things have been somewhat calm, but that doesn't mean everything's okay. Hi-chan's still gone and a new enemy appears and it's worst than their previous enemies. Man, precures can't have a break, can they?
-Spoilers Ahead-
I really like when many people are aware of strange things happening in their place and trying to find out how did the cause. It has a more realistic vibes and shows the severity of the situation imo. Though, do you think they would addressed to the strange things that happened five years ago during the time where the monsters made a public appearance to the public?
Ha-chan's wearing Mirai's outfit looks good on her.
I absolutely love the role-reversal where Riko is the one now encouraging Mirai, as it reflects back to the original where Mirai is the one looking out for Riko. It really shows how much they have influenced each other. I live for this moment. My MiraRiko side has been fed once again. Thank you very much, writers!! <33
Man, I love Riko's growth. From a failing her magic lessons to becoming a teacher who wanted to let everyone know about the excitement of magic. She had come so far.
The sudden funny moment of everyone commenting Chronosto's "wan" caught me off guard, even more so when it reacted defensively lmao
If I had a nickle every time an enemy trying to persuade Miracle about the past, I'd had two nickles-- Tho, seriously, this is getting concerning cause it making it look like Mirai is bound to fall to the enemy's hands sooner or later
Kudos to Ha-chan helping Miracle and Souta to snap out of it
Oh, hi Chikurun
Mirai and Riko's visions are getting more and more frequent which kinda concerns me now. Though, now looking back, I noticed a bit of contrast in their visions of the past. Riko's visions tends to leave in a more positive note than Mirai's. It's a bit ironic as we all know Mirai's name literally means "future" yet she is the one who is more stuck to the past. Well... understandable, but it's not healthy to stay in the past. But I'm sure Mirai (and maybe Airu if they plan to redeem him) will learn that soon (after she get her angsty moment and maybe some MiraRiko heartfelt conversation, ahem ahem).
Am I right to assume that Airu failed his goal of travelling back to the past using Chronosto's power and just got played by it? From what I'm understanding it right, Chronosto just trapped people and give them the illusion that they went back to the past. Though I have to admit, Chronosto is a terrifying villain. Because compared to other villains in precure who used people to make monsters, Chronosto also used them as a food source of sorts, consuming their time energy, just like the Weeping Angels, except that it doesn't really send the victims to the past but rather just trapped it in the form of a stone statue (note: i do not watch Doctor Who but I happened to stumble the angels while I was scrolling down on youtube lol).
Aight, looking forward for the next ep.
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muthaz-rapapa · 1 month ago
(Hi!! Long time no hear, hope you've been doing well.) I came across your post on Hisui being like Ha-chan's Alter-Ego in the Fate worldbuilding sense and this just. reminded me when I watched the first two episodes of Mirai Days earlier and I literally could not stop thinking about how the main villain Airu/Ire sounds like Oberon from Fate/Grand Order (specifically his edgier/more villainous third ascension form, down to the same VA) 😭 coupled with Mirai sharing a VA with Mash (they even both share purple eyes and people-saving tendencies)…my god. I can never escape Fate lol. (tbh if I got into all the Mahou Tsukai Precure characters who share VAs with Fate characters, especially prominent ones, I'd never stop rip)
Hi 👋 Hope you're doing well, too Since the characters share the same voice actors, it's kind of inevitable that people will try to find similarities or overlapping characteristics between their older roles and current roles. And cuz of that, their perception of "likeness" would often extend into the story itself as well.
I mean, it's entirely possible the writers for Mirai Days took inspiration from other popular series like Fate to write the sequel (everybody in the industry does this, it's nothing new). Otherwise, I wouldn't have made that connection between Alter Egos and Hisui possibly being MahoPre's version of it, especially when Saori Hayami (Ha-chan and Hisui's VA) voices one of the most popular Alter Egos there is in Fate: Meltryllis.
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I get it, these references and jokes are fun to play around with.
But that's as far as it should go because if you're always comparing how alike they are, you're not really appreciating what you're watching for itself. You're just looking for your obsession from another place and projecting it into a setting that's meant for something else.
When I watch Mirai, I only see Mirai. Not Mash or Oshi no Ko's Ai or any of Rieri's other famous roles. I'm familiar with Mirai enough that any qualities she happens to share with other characters are just superficial traits.
The same goes for Airu. I'm still waiting for the right moment to make an Oberon joke but Airu cannot be more different than Oberon. For one thing, Oberon was far more complex and his deception ran so deep, it practically defined his character. I don't know what Airu is after but he's much more malicious towards the Cures from the get-go, painting him as a more straightforward antagonist.
It even shows in the seiyuu's voice acting. Rieri is so awesome cuz she is able to portray and maintain Mirai as the genki girl archetype that is common among magical girl leads. In FGO, as Mash, her voice is more innocent in nature, fitting with Mash's polite, sweet and determined kouhai-based personality (the side she defaults to, anyway).
Tosshi's masterful switch between the different sides his characters show is also very distinct from one another. With Oberon, you're always wondering if he's lying. Whether he's being the Fairy King or Vortigern in front of you, you can never trust him. For Airu, he's clearly out to cause some pain but his affection for his dog seems to be genuine and that's what makes you want to know more about what his motivations are.
I prefer looking at things this way. It makes the watching experience a lot more fulfilling and allows me to appreciate the characters and the story in the way they deserve to be.
That's why I hate comparison culture. It distracts from seeing people as their own individual selves. So I try my best not to partake in any of that.
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wild-battlebond · 3 years ago
Digimon Xros Wars: Hunters Ep16 Liveblog
wow i can’t believe i get to watch ghost game early except tagiru and yuu are there (it’s an episode where people think a digimon is a ghost)
wow i cant believe I get to watch ghost game early (the episode seems to be about a digimon in a phone booth that everyone thinks is a ghost
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OMG digimon on the bikes……………
makes sense that there'd be a digimon stuck in a power plant
i like this ghost hunter Kaoru. probably one of the best girls hunters has managed (so far)
DigiQuartz spread from the phone?
no, but it was the Digimon's influence? because it shut the doors and stuff
airu time???
now it's DigiQuartz time
oh but they're not detecting any digimon…
opossumon disappeared :( which is why airu is here
the expressions in this episode are really good
oh she also voices Nokia in cyber sleuth
oh is the Digimon still stuck in the trap she set…
tiny digimon :)
SHE MADE THE PROBLEM WORSE by evolving opossumon while she was possesed…
the one in the cage seems to want to partner with her, temporarily, so it can escape?
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looks like that drained ALL of Kaoru's strength…
it's funny to me that i only recognized Airu's voice once she started being whiny
wh. why did living in the powerplant in peace mean turning into dust
taiki died
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wild-battlebond · 3 years ago
in order of discovery:
tamura nao voices aisaki emiru/cure macherie in hugtto precure & musimon in appmon
han megumi voices shirayuki hime/cure princess in happiness charge precure & airu in xros wars hunters
kumai motoko voices coffret (fairy) in heartcatch precure & dokamon in appmon
in theory it’s not that surprising since they’re both toei productions, but what are the chances of at least three people who have done voice work for digimon also voicing main characters in pretty cure. 2/5 of the voice actors who voiced buddy appmon also worked on precure what am i supposed to do with this information.
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